The Value of the Form


The Value of the Form
The Valueof the Form
Biography,Historicsl Knowledgeand Human Understanding
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Conclusion: "lawst' for an artistic craftsmanship.
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Jos6Miguel Sardicais Professorof ContemporaryHistory,History of Journalismand
Public Opinion andComparativeEuropeanHistory at the Faculty of Human Sciences
of the PortugueseCatholicUniversity, where he has developedhis academiccareer
since 1993.He holds a Ph.D in ContemporaryHistory from the sameUniversitysince
2003,with a biographicalthesison the Duke of Avila, one of the leadingstatesmen
Portuguese19u century.Currentiy,he is Vice-Deanof the Facultyof HumanSciences,
Scientifi.cCoordinatorof the Departrnentof CultureStudiesand seniormemberof the
and Cultwe of the Portuguese
ResearchCentreof Commrurication
With severalarticlesand paperspublishedin specializedhistoryjournals,he authored
six books on Portuguesepolitical, institutional and cultural contemporaryhistory,
amongwhich TwentiethCenturyPortugal.A Historical Overview(Lisbon,2008).