eicea programas 2f
eicea programas 2f
Administration & Organizations Head of Academic Area: Jaime Martínez email: [email protected] Quality and Service Head of Academic Area: Luisa Natalia Zapata email: [email protected] SEMESTER I II III Introduction to Administration Organizational Theory Strategic Planning I 81106 81131 81110 Theory on Quality and Service Quality Management 81121 IV VII VIII Financial Accounting Managerial Accounting Financial Mathematics 81132 81124 81118 Marketing Foundations International Marketing 81123 81128 International Logistics Models for Decision Making Operations Management 81127 1464502 81125 Creativity, Innovation and Product & Service Design International Business Project I International Business Project II 81114 1464701 1464702 Financial Evaluation of Projects 81129 Financial Management Macroeconomics II International Economics 81119 1464101 Microeconomics I 81115 81117 81137 Innovation and Entrepreneurship Head of Academic Area: María del Pilar Sepúlveda email: [email protected] Introduction to International Business Introduction to Political Science Theory of International Relations Introduction to International Business Law International Trade International Negotiation 1464103 1464202 1464301 1464401 1464504 1464601 Minor in Minor in Negotiation, Trade Negotiation, Trade and /or Finance and /or Finance Negotiation or Trade Negotiation or Trade 1464703 1464704 Minor in Minor in Negotiation, Trade Negotiation, Trade and /or Finance and /or Finance Negotiation or Trade Negotiation or Trade 1464704 1464705 Minor in Minor in Negotiation, Trade Negotiation, Trade and /or Finance and /or Finance Negotiation or Trade Negotiation or Trade 1464705 Precalculus Differential Calculus Integral Calculus Probability and Statistics I Probability and Statistics II 21107 21101 21201 21303 21402 Languages 1464706 Basic Digital Competencies TICS Humanities X 1464801 Excel for Business Economics Head of Academic Area: Ana María Olaya email: [email protected] Matematics and Statistics IX Internship Seminar Operations Management Head of Academic Area: Jairo Alberto Jarrín email: [email protected] Negotiation and International Trade Head of Academic Area: Catherine Pereira email: [email protected] VI 1464201 Marketing Head of Academic Area: Gonzalo Oñate email: [email protected] Finance Head of Academic Area: Pablo Moreno email: [email protected] V International Business Internship II 14641001 ACADEMIC AREA * Courses highlighted in yellow are taught in english International Business Internship I 1464901 BACHELOR OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS (BIB) STUDY PLAN 120015 Expression & Communication Contemporary World Philosophical Anthropology Life, Reasoning and Faith Family and Society Ethics Foundations 70019 70009 70007 70004 70008 70014 English V English VI English VII Third Language I Third Language II 62135 62136 62137 62141 62142 Elective Courses: students should take 4 credits on elective courses from the following list: EICEA's Elective courses Third Language III 62143 Human studies Elective I Human studies Elective II 70011 70012 Third Language IV 62144 Third Language V 62145