Lake County News - Catholic Charities


Lake County News - Catholic Charities
Lake County News
of catholic char ities of the archdiocese of chicago
It is a Brand New Year!
2012 Accomplishments are all around us
To our board members, partners and supporters:
A special Thank You for all you have done. Together, last year in
Lake County, we empowered 46,774 persons of all religious, racial,
ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds.
Parishes as Partners
Our partnerships with parishes bring
energy, commitment and passion to
our mission of service. We give thanks
for all they do to serve the needs of
God’s poor in their broader parish
community, and for their continued
partnership with Catholic Charities
Lake County Services.
•• Church of St. Mary – Lake Forest
•• Holy Cross– Deerfield
•• Immaculate Conception
Together, we provided:
•• Food, shelter and financial assistance to 16,812 individuals
•• Counseling and grief support to 912 individuals
•• Maternity and adoption services to 130 individuals
•• Self-sufficiency programs to 767 individuals
•• Services to 15,520 vulnerable older adults
•• Senior nutrition programs to 2,620 older adults
•• School supplies to 507 children
•• Evening suppers to 222 individuals
•• Diapers to 417 children
•• Christmas gifts to 14,400 individuals
And most importantly, we gave them hope…
hope for a better future for themselves and their families.
On behalf of Catholic Charities and those we serve, we wish
you a blessed and healthy new year!
Teresa J. Denny
Senior Director, Lake County & Regional Services
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago
– Highland Park
•• Most Blessed Trinity – Waukegan
•• Our Lady of Humility – Beach Park
•• Prince of Peace – Lake Villa
•• Santa Maria Del Popolo – Mundelein
•• St. Anastasia – Waukegan
•• St. Bede – Ingleside
•• St. Dismas – Waukegan
•• St. Francis De Sales – Lake Zurich
•• St. Gilbert – Grayslake
•• St. James – Highwood
•• St. Joseph – Round Lake
•• St. Joseph – Libertyville
•• St. Mary of the Annunciation
– Mundelein
•• St. Mary of Vernon – Indian Creek
•• St. Patrick – Lake Forest
•• St. Patrick – Wadsworth
•• St. Paul the Apostle – Gurnee
•• St. Peter – Antioch
•• St. Peter – Volo
•• St. Raphael the Archangel
– Old Mill Creek
•• Transfiguration – Wauconda
Thank you for all your support!
Catholic Charities Lake County Services Meals on Wheels Program
Written by: Marla Harris
director of senior services
Catholic Charities serves older adults
needing assistance to stay independent
in their communities. Last year, our
nutrition program served home delivered meals to 750 homebound seniors
of Lake County.
We are looking for volunteers all over
the county to help deliver meals around
the noon hour, Monday through Friday.
You will not only provide a hot, nutritious meal to homebound seniors, but a
much welcomed social visit, as well. You
can deliver as often as you are able: once
a month, once a week or whenever your
schedule permits. For more information,
call (847) 782-4126.
A Special Thank You
to all of our Volunteer Drivers
Over 500 volunteers deliver meals to
homebound elderly in Lake County.
Heartwarming stories abound among
the volunteers: “The seniors’ faces just
light up when they see us – but especially
when they see the children!” “It made
my nine-year-old granddaughter aware
of others.” This granddaughter said,
“Grandpa, that little man doesn’t have
anyone to visit him, and that’s sad.” These
young lives are as touched and changed
as their elders.
On behalf of the 750 homebound
persons YOU served last year…
Upcoming are two exciting events! On
March 2, 2013, we will hold our Meals on
Wheels Dinner Dance, which focuses on
recognizing our Lake County volunteers
that help to make the Meals on Wheels
(MOW) program possible. The event is
open to the public and will include a wonderful dinner, dancing, silent auction and
raffle, benefiting our MOW program.
On March 27, 2013, we will be holding
our annual Mayors for Meals event. This
event invites all legislators and government officials serving Lake County to participate in delivering meals to their constituents and experience, first hand, the
impact the Meals on Wheels Program has
on homebound seniors in Lake County.
You Can Make a Difference
Become a Meals-on-Wheels volunteer
or financial supporter. The program is
in need of a new temperature-controlled
delivery truck, we call it a “Hot Shot.”
These trucks allow us to deliver appropriate-temperature meals to our seniors
on a daily basis. We would appreciate
any consideration of a donation. If you
would be interested in learning more
about our events and how you can
help, please contact Mary Ellen Mason,
Associate Director of Development at
(847) 782-4115.
Thank You All for Helping Catholic Charities Lake County Services
Build a Bridge Between Poverty and Self-sufficiency
Written by: Kelsey Weeks
regional project manager
In October, Catholic Charities of the
Archdiocese of Chicago Lake County
Services held its sixth annual Building
Bridges Recognition Event to thank individuals and groups who help the agency
“build bridges” between poverty and selfsufficiency. Over 150 people attended
the event at Independence Grove in
Libertyville. Monsignor Michael Boland,
Administrator, President and CEO of
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of
Chicago presented the awards along with
Rayelle Weber, Chair of the Lake County
Board of Advisors.
•• Monsignor Holbrook Award
– William R. Johnson:
This award honors board members,
community leaders or volunteers whose
dedication has made a significant difference in the lives of Catholic Charities’
clients in Lake County. Bill Johnson has
been active with the Lake County Board
of Advisors. In one word, Bill is a “giver.”
Wherever there is a concern for someone
who is in need, Bill is in the forefront of
finding a solution to the problem.
2 winter 2013
•• Agnes Kelliher Corporate
Spirit Award –
Medline Industries:
The award honors corporate neighbors who consider the poor and share their
resources. Medline has
provided years of support
of our Catholic Charities
events and initiatives –
including corporate sponsorships of our events and
Hunger Action food drives. Honorees, Deacon Gary Kupsak and Deacon Dennis Brown,
with Catholic Charities Lake County Board of Advisors Chair
They have partnered with
Rayelle Weber and Catholic Charities President Monsignor
Catholic Charities Disaster Michael Boland
Preparedness initiatives by
providing generous in-kind
their continuous efforts to promote
donations of supplies for all Catholic
social justice awareness throughout Lake
Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago
County. In partnership with Catholic
programs and sites! And, we are so grate- Charities, they form the Just Neighbors
ful for Medline’s support of board leader- Steering Team – promoting the national
ship through Ray Swaback, past chair of
Just Neighbors curriculum increasing
the Lake County Board of Advisors.
social justice awareness throughout Lake
County – one parish at a time and engag•• 2012 Building Bridges Award
ing deacons in this ministry.
– Deacon Dennis Brown, St. Patrick,
Wadsworth and Deacon Gary Kupsak, St.
Thank you so much to our 2012 honorMary of the Annunciation, Mundelein:
ees, donors, volunteers and community
We are grateful to Dennis and Gary for
Lake County Christmas
Gift Program Does It Again
Happy First Birthday
to the Diaper Depot!
Written by: Jim Wogan
christmas gift program coordinator
Written by: Kelsey Weeks
regional project manager
Never underestimate what can be done
when a community comes together
to unite behind a common cause. On
November 25th, the Catholic Charities
Christmas Gift Program had matched
over 13,000 people with donors
in the 2012 Adopt-a-Family effort.
Unfortunately, the need was so great
that there were still more than 1,000
children not yet sponsored. It was time
for Lake County to unite behind Catholic
Charities! The local media responded
with print articles in the Tribune, Daily
Herald and the Lake County News Sun.
Two radio shows: Lou Manfredini on
WGN and Catholic Charities President,
Monsignor Boland’s weekly broadcast on
Relevant Radio got the number “1,000
kids” out in the public view. From there,
generous hearts took over. Donors who
were unable to shop in time, made
financial donations and many others put
their lives on hold to race to the store in
response to our appeal. And in the end,
every child received a gift!
When it comes to community support, the media help was just the tip
of the iceberg. Nearly 400 people volunteered to work in the distribution
center. Thousands of donors from local
businesses, churches, schools, organizations as well as individuals and families
dug deep to make Christmas joyous for
14,800 boys and girls. Community supporters included the Waukegan Police
Department, and Inland Continental
Property Management who donated the
warehouse space. The U.S. Navy was
well represented in the volunteer force
and numerous vendors donated food
and drink to feed the volunteers.
Of those 400 volunteers, at the heart
of the program stand a group of 30 who
devote their time to this effort from the
planning meeting in August through
the review in January. They are deeply
inspired by the emotion that this program provides. They will tell you that
they receive much more than they give,
like this note from one of our gift recipients:
“…when the children opened the gifts on
Christmas morning, they looked at us in
disbelief since we had prepared them for a
sparse Christmas. My husband has been
During the month of January, the
Diaper Depot celebrated its first birthday! The Diaper Depot team cannot
believe it has already been a whole year
since this exceptional program was
established. So much has been accomplished throughout this year that has
led to its success. Through dedicated
volunteers, team meetings and generous
donors, the Diaper Depot has been able
to distribute diapers every month to over
15 partnering agencies.
Christmas Gift Program warehouse.
out of work for 8 months and the unemployment check doesn’t seem to make it till the
end of the month. In my wildest dreams,
I never expected such kindness. 2012 has
been a year that has caused us to swallow
our pride at every turn. We had been part of
your program twice in the last 5 years, but
always as a donor; we hope to be again. But
for now, take my word that you made four
children laugh and play who have done precious little of it lately.”
For more information on how you,
too, can support the program – not
only during the Christmas season, but
throughout the year – call Jim Wogan at
(847) 782-4210.
Supper is On Us!
Written by: Kelsey Weeks
regional project manager
Such a great program like our Evening
Supper Program can go a long way for
many. Catholic Charities Lake County
Services continues to provide dinner
for those in need twice a month at 2
locations: St. Mary of Vernon Parish
in Indian Creek and at our Catholic
Charities office at St. Joseph Parish in
Round Lake. With the help of our committed volunteers, we are able to provide
delicious suppers for many that look
to Catholic Charities for assistance.
Within the last three months, the Lake
County Evening Supper Program has
had five different volunteer groups
providing scrumptious meals and smiling faces to serve nearly 100 clients.
Please contact Kelsey Weeks, Regional
Project Manager, at (847) 782-4117 or
[email protected] for more
information on how you can help the
Lake County Evening Supper Program.
The Diaper Depot team is proud to
report the following numbers reflecting on this, the first of many successful
years to come. From January through
December 2012, the Diaper Depot distributed nearly 40,000 diapers benefiting
3,614 infants and toddlers in need. We
look forward to another successful year!
Please contact Kelsey Weeks, Regional
Project Manager, at (847) 782-4117 or
[email protected] for more
information on how you can help the
Diaper Depot. We are always in need of
size 6 diapers!
Holbrook Counseling Center
Written by: Pam Davis
director of counseling services
The Holbrook Counseling Center
offers professional counseling, mental
health education and spiritual support.
Counselors hold advanced degrees and
are licensed in Illinois.
Fees are reasonable and offered on
sliding scale based on income. Holbrook
offers individual, family and couples
counseling to adults, adolescents, college students, families and clergy. Our
office is located in Mundelein at 998
East Maple Street at University of St.
Mary of the Lake. Please call our Intake
specialist at (312) 655-7255 for more
winter 2013 3 A Word from Volunteer
Written by: Laurel Wimpffen
volunteer coordinator
Our volunteers provide needed human
resources for Catholic Charities and allow
us to offer more compassionate services to
people in need. In return, we provide volunteers with an enriching experience that
matches their interests and enhances the
quality of their lives.
Program by helping to supervise children’s activities at monthly meetings.
Most recently, she joined the Christmas
Gift Program volunteer group. She also
supports the staff and clients of the
Emergency Services Department by
answering phone calls and providing
resource information. Louise says,
“I enjoy volunteering for Catholic Charities
because it gives me the chance to help
members of our community who haven’t had
the opportunities that I have been blessed
with. In addition, volunteering at Catholic
Charities has given me the chance to work
alongside many warm and friendly folks and
provided me a variety of ways to help.”
Volunteer Need!
Louise Pryzwara, from Libertyville and
a 35-year retired Abbott employee, has
volunteered for Catholic Charities for
several years. She supports the parents
enrolled in our Family Self-Sufficiency
Our two shelters need volunteers to
help with children’s activities from
6-7 p.m. on Monday – Thursday
evenings. Also, volunteers are needed
to assist with special events. Please
contact Laurel Wimpffen, Volunteer
Coordinator, at (847) 782-4126
or lwimpffen@catholiccharities.
net for more information on these
opportunities or to find out about
other available volunteer positions.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Vice Chair
Joseph Zaccari
Jim Lentino
Dennis Brown
Houda Chedid
Eleanor Clarke
John Cortesi
Lori DeCicco
Nellie Dorsey
Todd Douthat
Arturo Fisher
Eileen Frederick
Joseph Glunz
Jerry Hitpas
Mike Hoch
Bill Johnson
Bob Kuhel
Irene LaCesa
Debby Lambert
Dez LaPlace
Eileen Lerum
Terrence McCarthy
Bob Morris
Jesse Ortega
Virginia Primack
Vera Purcell
Jack Reilly
Diane Schermitzler
John Scholz
John Schreiber
Sandra Shinsky
Bob Sieja
Ryan Stoll
Carole Stroh
Bruce Such
Jim Sullivan
Ray Swaback
Jim Thompson
Tom Zimmer
Sustaining Members
Peg Ciccarelli
Julius Marks
Larry Morse
Cille Ramsey
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Meals on Wheels Dinner Dance, Maravella’s, Ingleside,
benefiting Meals on Wheels. For more information,
contact Mary Ellen Mason at (847) 782-4115 or
[email protected].
Emeritus Members
Larry O’Donnell
Nancy Pasquesi
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Mayors for Meals, Bernardin Center, Waukegan.
For more information, contact Barbara Gaskill
at (847) 782-4268 or [email protected].
A Publication of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago
Msgr. Michael M. Boland, Administrator, President and CEO
Editors: Teresa J. Denny, Sheila Haennicke, Kelsey Weeks
Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago
Lake County Services
Teresa J. Denny, Senior Director, Lake County & Regional Services
671 S. Lewis • Waukegan, IL 60085
Phone: (847)782-4000 • Fax: (847) 782-1040
Many groups of volunteers offer their
support to Catholic Charities programs
throughout the year and Christmastime
is no exception. This past December, five
students from Carmel High School visited
the children and families at the Mary Pat
Maddex House. They sang Christmas
carols and performed a holiday skit which
engaged all the children in a spirited and
delightful way. One of the students dressed
as Santa and distributed gifts to each child.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to Lillian
Noonan, Carl Senger, Brody Long, Hannah
James and Adriana Castaños!
Lake County Board of Advisors
Rayelle Weber
Dedicated volunteers donating their time to
Catholic Charities.
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Spring Housewalk, Wynstone Golf Club, North
Barrington, benefiting Lake County Services.
For more information, contact Mary Ellen Mason at
(847) 782-4115 or [email protected].
Friday, April 26, 2013
Veterans In Need Dinner, The Union League Club of
Chicago, benefiting Catholic Charities Veterans Services
Programs. For more information, contact Dave Gardner
at (312) 655-7907 or [email protected].
Saturday, May 18, 2013
The Art of Caring, Exmoor Country Club, Highland
Park, benefiting Lake County Services. For more
information, contact Mary Ellen Mason at
(847) 782-4115 or [email protected].