Vintage Westwood Newsletter April


Vintage Westwood Newsletter April
Spring is here, and it’s the
perfect time to have a friend
or family member come visit.
Invite them for our Downton
Abbey parties, a Passover
Seder, or lunch for two. As
the students around us enjoy
their spring break, you can
enjoy the musical entertainment we have scheduled, an outing during the week, and don’t forget, we have our lovely weekend driver, Kysia,
to take you around and enjoy the beautiful
weather. Please don’t be shy with any suggestions for outings. Los Angeles is a big place with
many gems to uncover, or visit for a second
April 2016
As a reminder, if your friends enjoy their visit,
and you refer them to move in, you will receive
$500 off your rent once they move in.
For those of you who are baseball fans, it’s that
time of year. Do you remember the first baseball game you went to? I’d love to hear your
stories. As an LA native I’m a Dodger fan, but
love hearing about
other ballparks, and your experiences.
Happy Spring!
Allison Marty
Executive Director
You know me as a professional baseball
I played in the MLB for 22 seasons.
I was born in the mid- 1890s.
I was a seven year World Series Champion and an AllStar for two years.
Ed Van
Vita Adams
Edward Forgy
Robert & Cynthia Mercer
Dorin Mathis
April’s Resident of the Month is Dorin Mathis! Dorin was born in
Skarzysko-Kamienna, Poland in April of 1925. When Dorin was only 17, she and
her family were faced with the terrifying reality of World War II as Jews in Europe.
In the midst of devastating loss, Dorin discovered the love of her life and future
husband, Sam Mathis.
When Sam and Dorin later immigrated to Centralia, Illinois, their story was featured in the Sentinel
newspaper. “Mathis and his wife met in a concentration camp. He shared his rations with her. After Mathis
was free he began trying to find the girl that he hoped to start a new life with. Neither knew if the other had
survived and he searched for five months before he found her. They were married a month later.” This
romance marked the beginning of a new chapter for Dorin, one of family and freedom in the United States.
After 10 years in Illinois, they moved their family to California in pursuit of sunshine and greater
opportunity. Sam and Dorin opened a flourishing tailoring business in Bel-Air while creating a warm home
for their family in Brentwood. Their clients were impressive Angelenos, including Hollywood actors and
actresses. Dorin lent her superior seamstress skills and raised five beautiful daughters. Today, Dorin is a
grandmother to three girls, Amanda, Raquel, and Rachel.
Dorin’s children and grandchildren remember her creplas (delicious dumplings), gafilta fish (made completely from scratch), and hand-braided challahs with love. Dorin is known for her appreciation of the outdoors—a lover of long walks and bright, beautiful flowers. Her nurturing spirit as a devoted matriarch
inspires them to be strong, independent, compassionate women.
At Vintage Westwood, Dorin loves two things above all others: Bingo and Bagels. She is a two-hundredtime Bingo winner in the last three weeks alone. This month Dorin is turning 91 years young! She is grateful
to be celebrating with her friends and Bingo competitors at Vintage Westwood, who put a smile on her face
every day.
With Love, Written by Amanda and Tina Rothstein
A big Thank You to the following
residents who Volunteered as Hospitality
Vintage Residents are
invited and encouraged to attend
our Resident Council Meetings
Claire Frank
Bob Lezin
Ruth Frank
Gil Silverman
Ilene & Reuben Swartz
Jane Mombach
Ruth Stamler
Joe Byers
This is a good time to get to know
your new neighbors and
discuss what you think works well
and what you would like to see improved.
Every voice and comment is valued!
Please join us at our next meeting:
Monday, May 9,
at 2:00 PM
What Happens When You
Stop Exercising
According to Michael O’Shea in Parade
Magazine, when you stop exercising, the
initial changes can be as subtle as tiring
easily during everyday activities like climbing
stairs. Over the course of ten weeks, however, you will end up losing much of the gains
made from your regular routine. This includes a drop in muscle strength, energy
level, flexibility and heart health. As your
weight ticks upward, so will your blood pressure, cholesterol and resting heart rate.
Your mental well being is likely to suffer too.
Mood swings, poor self-image and even
mild depression are among the psychological side effects of quitting your regular exercise routine.
If you’ve been sick and unable to exercise don’t be discouraged.
Try to avoid being totally inactive; do
what you can. Don’t allow yourself to
become completely sedentary try to
walk as far as you can and then take
a break. Take all the breaks you need
but keep walking! If you can’t walk
then use your arms to stretch and do
some range of motion. If you keep
moving, it takes less effort to get back
to your previous fitness level when you
come back to your regular routine.
When I first became a personal trainer one of my clients asked
me the following question. “When I
become strong is that when I get to
stop exercising?” I told her: “You can
never stop exercising.” You begin to
lose muscle mass as soon as two
weeks after you quit. If you’re a person who never exercises by the time
you’re 70 years old you will have lost
40 percent of your muscle mass. The
good news is that you can reverse the
muscle mass loss by exercising! The
research says you can benefit from
exercise at any age even with chronic
illnesses. There’s no excuse. I’ll be
looking for you in exercise class!
Rebecca Wackler is an ACSM certified
Health Fitness Instructor. She teaches classes
at Vintage Westwood Horizon and her company Wackler Workout provides private fitness training. Wackler Wellness a 501 (c) 3
non-profit organization provides free exercise to low-income seniors throughout Los
I’m very excited to
announce Olga Cortes
as the April Employee of
the Month.
Olga has worked as a
housekeeper at Vintage
Westwood for over ten
years. On several
occasions Olga has
gone above and beyond what is asked of her,
and has been instrumental in the health and
safety of our residents. Olga gives 110%
everyday, and is respected by her coworkers,
and appreciated by residents.
Olga is married and has two daughters. She
is a hard worker with a great sense of humor
and bright smile!
Congratulations Olga!
Tanya Abrams
Sarah Ames
Seymour Birnbaum
Fred Kallet
Mary Kesden
Dorin Mathis
Steve Mills
Ilene Swartz
Allison Marty Executive Director
[email protected]
Theresa Bridgeforth Business Director
[email protected]
Amber Brooksher Sales Director
[email protected]
David Perez Maintenance Director
[email protected]
Sasha Malbrough Activity Director
[email protected]
James Howland Food Service Director
[email protected]
March “Guess Who I Am” Answer: Debbie Reynolds