CJ1 CJ3 Operating Costs - Aircraft Operating Costs Calculator
CJ1 CJ3 Operating Costs - Aircraft Operating Costs Calculator
CJ1+ vs CJ3 - 300 Owner Hours Chris Doerr Phone:262-649-2919 Aircraft Cost Calculator, LLC 1341 W. Mequon Road, Suite 205, Mequon, WI 53092 Powered by ACC: www.aircraftcostcalculator.com Annual & Hourly Cost Detail Cessna Citation CJ1+ GENERAL PARAMETERS Min Crew / Max Passengers 2/5 Annual Owner Hours 300 Seats Full Range (NM / SM) 865.57 / 995.41 Annual Charter Hours 0.00 Normal Cruise Speed (KTS / MPH) 384.81 / 442.53 Fuel Cost Per Gallon $5.80 Charter Rate $0.00 Average Pre-Owned Price $3,133,000.00 PAYMENT SCHEDULE OWNER HOURLY COST ANALYSIS Interest Rate 0.00% Payment Period Monthly Term of Loan Fuel Usage (Gallons / Hour ) Fuel Cost Per Hour 126.00 $730.80 120.00 Fuel Cost Per Gallon Loan $0.00 Airframe Maintenance $178.42 Monthly Lease $0.00 Engine / APU Maintenance $232.05 Payment Per Period $0.00 Total Maintenance $410.47 Crew Misc. / Part 91 $154.00 Period Number 0.00 Principal Amount $0.00 Total Variable Cost Per Hour Interest Amount $0.00 Total Fixed Cost W/O Charter Total Fixed Cost With Charter ANNUAL FIXED COSTS $736.42 $736.42 $2,031.69 Total Hourly Cost with Charter $2,031.69 $144,200.00 Crew Training $22,824.80 Hangar $21,500.00 ANNUAL BUDGET Insurance $22,400.00 Annual Owner Hours Aircraft Misc. $10,000.00 Annual Budget Management / Marketing Fee $0.00 Payment / Capital Cost $0.00 Original Aircraft Cost $0.00 Monthly Hours 0.00 Monthly Budget Term of Ownership $1,295.27 Total Hourly Cost W/O Charter Crew Expense Annual Value Depreciation(%) $5.80 300 $609,505.80 MONTHLY BUDGET 25 $50,792.15 0.00 Average Depreciation / Year $0.00 Total Fixed Cost W/O Charter $220,924.80 Net Charter Contribution $0.00 Total Fixed Cost With Charter $220,924.80 BUDGET BY PERCENTAGES Fuel Cost (%) 35.97 Airframe Maintenance ANNUAL VARIABLE COSTS Fuel Gallons / Part 91 Fuel Cost / Part 91 Maintenance $53,526.00 Engine/APU Maintenance/Part 91 $69,615.00 Crew Misc. / Part 91 $46,200.00 Total Variable Cost $388,581.00 8.78 Engine / APU Maintenance (%) 11.42 Crew Misc. / Part 91 (%) 7.58 Crew Expense (%) 23.66 Crew Training (%) 3.74 Hangar (%) 3.53 Insurance (%) 3.68 Aircraft Misc. (%) 1.64 Management / Marketing Fee (%) 0.00 Payment / Capital Cost (%) 0.00 Average Depreciation / Year (%) 0.00 Total Percentages CHARTER REVENUE AND PROFIT CONTRIBUTION Charter Revenue $0.00 Variable Cost of Charter $0.00 Net Profit Contribution $0.00 NOTES 100.00 Chris Doerr 37,800.00 $219,240.00 Phone:262-649-2919 Aircraft Cost Calculator, LLC 1341 W. Mequon Road, Suite 205, Mequon, WI 53092 Powered by ACC: www.aircraftcostcalculator.com Annual Operational Summary Cessna Citation CJ1+ TRIP COST CALCULATOR ANNUAL OPERATIONAL COST SUMMARY Trip Distance (SM) 0.00 Block Speed (MPH) 414.12 Trip Time (Hours) 0 Fixed Cost $220,924.80 Variable Cost $388,581.00 Net Charter Profit Variable Cost / Hour $0.00 Net Annual Cost Total Trip Cost $0.00 Owner Hours Flown Total Hours Saved 0.00 $0.00 $609,505.80 300.00 Owner Cost / Hour W/O Charter Commercial Air & Overnight Costs $0.00 Charter Hours Value / Hour / Executive $0.00 Owner Cost / Hour With Charter Number of Executives $2,031.69 0.00 $2,031.69 0.00 MONTHLY BUDGET All- In Savings $0.00 Private Aircraft Expense $0.00 Revenue / Hour Total Costs Savings $0.00 Variable Cost / Hour Cost Savings Per Hour $0.00 Gross Profit / Charter Hour $0.00 $1,295.27 $0.00 DEPRECIATION CALCULATOR Full Price of Aircraft $0.00 Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14.29 24.49 17.49 12.49 8.93 8.92 8.93 4.46 Depreciation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Depreciation Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cumulative Depreciation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Adjusted Cost / Hour 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rate (%) The schedule above reflects commonly used aircraft tax depreciation rates. These may or may not be applicable to your individual situation. The adjusted cost per hour is based on a 40% tax rate. However, we would advise you to consult with a tax professional familiar with aircraft depreciation guidelines and how they relate to your own business circumstances. Chris Doerr Phone:262-649-2919 Aircraft Cost Calculator, LLC 1341 W. Mequon Road, Suite 205, Mequon, WI 53092 Powered by ACC: www.aircraftcostcalculator.com Cessna Citation CJ1+ Light Jets BASIC VARIABLE COST DATA Variable Cost Per Hour Components Airframe Maintenance Per Hour 178.42 Engine / APU Maintenance Per Hour 232.05 Fuel Cost @ $5.80 Per Gallon based on 126.00 (Gallons Per Hour) Total Variable Cost Per Hour $730.80 1,295.27 ADDITIONAL AIRCRAFT INFORMATION Minimum Crew / Maximum Passengers 2/5 Baggage Capacity External / Internal (Cubic Feet) 45 / 0 Cabin Height (Feet) 4'9" Cabin Width (Feet) 4'10" Cabin Length (Feet) 11'0" Cabin Volume (Cubic Feet) 253.00 Years in Production 2004 - 2011 Active Fleet (approximate) 102.00 Average Pre-Owned Asking Price $3,133,000.00 BASIC AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE DATA Seats Full Range (NM / SM) 866 / 995 Ferry Range (No Payload) (NM / SM) 1242 / 1428 Balance Field Length* (Take-off Distance in Feet) Landing Distance (Feet) 4029.90 4,444 Average Block Speed (KTS / MPH) 360 / 414 Normal Cruise Speed (KTS / MPH) 385 / 443 Long Range Cruise Speed (KTS / MPH) 310 / 356 Fuel Usage (Gallons Per Hour) 126.00 Service Ceiling (Feet) 41000.00 Useful Payload With Full Fuel 550 *Consideration must also be given to, but not limited to: passenger weights, baggage weight, winds, runway length, temperature and airport elevation. Data and dimensions shown may vary slightly and are subject to change. Chris Doerr Phone:262-649-2919 Aircraft Cost Calculator, LLC 1341 W. Mequon Road, Suite 205, Mequon, WI 53092 Powered by ACC: www.aircraftcostcalculator.com Interior/Exterior Floorplan/Cross Section Cessna Citation CJ1+ Chris Doerr Phone:262-649-2919 Aircraft Cost Calculator, LLC 1341 W. Mequon Road, Suite 205, Mequon, WI 53092 Powered by ACC: www.aircraftcostcalculator.com Cessna Citation CJ1+ Light Jets 3.7% 3.5% 3.7% Fuel Cost 36% Airframe Maintenance Engine / APU Maintenance Crew Misc. / Part 91 Crew Expense 23.7% Crew Training Hangar Insurance Aircraft Misc. Management Fee 7.6% 8.8% Payment / Capital Cost Average Depreciation / Year 11.4% Chris Doerr Phone:262-649-2919 Aircraft Cost Calculator, LLC 1341 W. Mequon Road, Suite 205, Mequon, WI 53092 Powered by ACC: www.aircraftcostcalculator.com Annual & Hourly Cost Detail Cessna Citation CJ3 GENERAL PARAMETERS Min Crew / Max Passengers 2/6 Annual Owner Hours 300 Seats Full Range (NM / SM) 1502.88 / 1728.31 Annual Charter Hours 0.00 421.17 / 484.35 Fuel Cost Per Gallon $5.80 Charter Rate $0.00 Normal Cruise Speed (KTS / MPH) Average Pre-Owned Price $4,916,000.00 PAYMENT SCHEDULE OWNER HOURLY COST ANALYSIS Interest Rate 0.00% Payment Period Monthly Term of Loan Fuel Usage (Gallons / Hour ) Fuel Cost Per Hour 154.00 $893.20 120.00 Fuel Cost Per Gallon Loan $0.00 Airframe Maintenance $193.04 Monthly Lease $0.00 Engine / APU Maintenance $262.27 Payment Per Period $0.00 Total Maintenance $455.31 Crew Misc. / Part 91 $154.00 Period Number 0.00 Principal Amount $0.00 Total Variable Cost Per Hour Interest Amount $0.00 Total Fixed Cost W/O Charter Total Fixed Cost With Charter ANNUAL FIXED COSTS $736.42 $736.42 $2,238.93 Total Hourly Cost with Charter $2,238.93 $144,200.00 Crew Training $22,824.80 Hangar $21,500.00 ANNUAL BUDGET Insurance $22,400.00 Annual Owner Hours Aircraft Misc. $10,000.00 Annual Budget Management / Marketing Fee $0.00 Payment / Capital Cost $0.00 Original Aircraft Cost $0.00 Monthly Hours 0.00 Monthly Budget Term of Ownership $1,502.51 Total Hourly Cost W/O Charter Crew Expense Annual Value Depreciation(%) $5.80 300 $671,677.80 MONTHLY BUDGET 25 $55,973.15 0.00 Average Depreciation / Year $0.00 Total Fixed Cost W/O Charter $220,924.80 Net Charter Contribution $0.00 Total Fixed Cost With Charter $220,924.80 BUDGET BY PERCENTAGES Fuel Cost (%) 39.89 Airframe Maintenance ANNUAL VARIABLE COSTS Fuel Gallons / Part 91 Fuel Cost / Part 91 Maintenance $57,912.00 Engine/APU Maintenance/Part 91 $78,681.00 Crew Misc. / Part 91 $46,200.00 Total Variable Cost $450,753.00 8.62 Engine / APU Maintenance (%) 11.71 Crew Misc. / Part 91 (%) 6.88 Crew Expense (%) 21.47 Crew Training (%) 3.40 Hangar (%) 3.20 Insurance (%) 3.33 Aircraft Misc. (%) 1.49 Management / Marketing Fee (%) 0.00 Payment / Capital Cost (%) 0.00 Average Depreciation / Year (%) 0.00 Total Percentages CHARTER REVENUE AND PROFIT CONTRIBUTION Charter Revenue $0.00 Variable Cost of Charter $0.00 Net Profit Contribution $0.00 NOTES 100.00 Chris Doerr 46,200.00 $267,960.00 Phone:262-649-2919 Aircraft Cost Calculator, LLC 1341 W. Mequon Road, Suite 205, Mequon, WI 53092 Powered by ACC: www.aircraftcostcalculator.com Annual Operational Summary Cessna Citation CJ3 TRIP COST CALCULATOR ANNUAL OPERATIONAL COST SUMMARY Trip Distance (SM) 0.00 Block Speed (MPH) 448.80 Trip Time (Hours) 0 Fixed Cost $220,924.80 Variable Cost $450,753.00 Net Charter Profit Variable Cost / Hour $0.00 Net Annual Cost Total Trip Cost $0.00 Owner Hours Flown Total Hours Saved 0.00 $0.00 $671,677.80 300.00 Owner Cost / Hour W/O Charter Commercial Air & Overnight Costs $0.00 Charter Hours Value / Hour / Executive $0.00 Owner Cost / Hour With Charter Number of Executives $2,238.93 0.00 $2,238.93 0.00 MONTHLY BUDGET All- In Savings $0.00 Private Aircraft Expense $0.00 Revenue / Hour Total Costs Savings $0.00 Variable Cost / Hour Cost Savings Per Hour $0.00 Gross Profit / Charter Hour $0.00 $1,502.51 $0.00 DEPRECIATION CALCULATOR Full Price of Aircraft $0.00 Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 14.29 24.49 17.49 12.49 8.93 8.92 8.93 4.46 Depreciation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Depreciation Value 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cumulative Depreciation 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Adjusted Cost / Hour 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Rate (%) The schedule above reflects commonly used aircraft tax depreciation rates. These may or may not be applicable to your individual situation. The adjusted cost per hour is based on a 40% tax rate. However, we would advise you to consult with a tax professional familiar with aircraft depreciation guidelines and how they relate to your own business circumstances. Chris Doerr Phone:262-649-2919 Aircraft Cost Calculator, LLC 1341 W. Mequon Road, Suite 205, Mequon, WI 53092 Powered by ACC: www.aircraftcostcalculator.com Cessna Citation CJ3 Light Jets BASIC VARIABLE COST DATA Variable Cost Per Hour Components Airframe Maintenance Per Hour 193.04 Engine / APU Maintenance Per Hour 262.27 Fuel Cost @ $5.80 Per Gallon based on 154.00 (Gallons Per Hour) Total Variable Cost Per Hour $893.20 1,502.51 ADDITIONAL AIRCRAFT INFORMATION Minimum Crew / Maximum Passengers 2/6 Baggage Capacity External / Internal (Cubic Feet) 65 / 0 Cabin Height (Feet) 4'9" Cabin Width (Feet) 4'10" Cabin Length (Feet) 15'8" Cabin Volume (Cubic Feet) 360.00 Years in Production 2003 - to present Active Fleet (approximate) 396.00 Average Pre-Owned Asking Price $4,916,000.00 BASIC AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE DATA Seats Full Range (NM / SM) 1503 / 1728 Ferry Range (No Payload) (NM / SM) 1927 / 2216 Balance Field Length* (Take-off Distance in Feet) Landing Distance (Feet) 3474.40 4,242 Average Block Speed (KTS / MPH) 390 / 448 Normal Cruise Speed (KTS / MPH) 421 / 484 Long Range Cruise Speed (KTS / MPH) 351 / 404 Fuel Usage (Gallons Per Hour) 154.00 Service Ceiling (Feet) 45000.00 Useful Payload With Full Fuel 783 *Consideration must also be given to, but not limited to: passenger weights, baggage weight, winds, runway length, temperature and airport elevation. Data and dimensions shown may vary slightly and are subject to change. Chris Doerr Phone:262-649-2919 Aircraft Cost Calculator, LLC 1341 W. Mequon Road, Suite 205, Mequon, WI 53092 Powered by ACC: www.aircraftcostcalculator.com Interior/Exterior Floorplan/Cross Section Cessna Citation CJ3 Chris Doerr Phone:262-649-2919 Aircraft Cost Calculator, LLC 1341 W. Mequon Road, Suite 205, Mequon, WI 53092 Powered by ACC: www.aircraftcostcalculator.com Cessna Citation CJ3 3.2% Light Jets 3.3% 3.4% Fuel Cost Airframe Maintenance 39.9% Engine / APU Maintenance Crew Misc. / Part 91 21.5% Crew Expense Crew Training Hangar Insurance Aircraft Misc. Management Fee 6.9% Payment / Capital Cost 8.6% 11.7% Chris Doerr Phone:262-649-2919 Average Depreciation / Year Aircraft Cost Calculator, LLC 1341 W. Mequon Road, Suite 205, Mequon, WI 53092 Powered by ACC: www.aircraftcostcalculator.com Annual Operating Cost Summary Comparison TYPE Owner Hours Per Year Charter Hours Per Year Total Hours Per Year Fuel Cost Per Gallon Total Fuel Gallons (Part 91) Cessna Citation CJ1+ Cessna Citation CJ3 300 300 0 0 300 300 $5.80 $5.80 37,800.00 46,200.00 ANNUAL VARIABLE COSTS Fuel Cost (Part 91) $219,240.00 $267,960.00 Airframe Maintenance(Part 91) $53,526.00 $57,912.00 Engine & APU Maintenance(Part 91) $69,615.00 $78,681.00 Crew Misc. (Part 91) $46,200.00 $46,200.00 $388,581.00 $450,753.00 Crew Expense $144,200.00 $144,200.00 Crew Training $22,824.80 $22,824.80 Hangar $21,500.00 $21,500.00 Insurance $22,400.00 $22,400.00 Aircraft Misc. Total Variable Cost ANNUAL FIXED COSTS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 Management /Marketing Fee $0.00 $0.00 Payment / Capital Cost $0.00 $0.00 Average Market Depreciaton / Year $0.00 $0.00 $220,924.80 $220,924.80 Charter Revenue $0.00 $0.00 Variable Cost of Charter $0.00 $0.00 Net Profit Contribution $0.00 $0.00 $220,924.80 $220,924.80 300 300 Annual Budget W/O Charter $609,505.80 $671,677.80 Annual Budget With Charter $609,505.80 $671,677.80 Monthly Budget W/O Charter $50,792.15 $55,973.15 Monthly Budget With Charter $50,792.15 $55,973.15 Owner Hourly Rate W/O Charter $2,031.69 $2,238.93 Owner Hourly Rate With Charter $2,031.69 $2,238.93 Total Cost W/O Charter CHARTER CONTRIBUTION Total Fixed Cost With Charter ANNUAL BUDGET Annual Hours / Part 91 MONTHLY BUDGET HOURLY COSTS Chris Doerr Phone:262-649-2919 Aircraft Cost Calculator, LLC 1341 W. Mequon Road, Suite 205, Mequon, WI 53092 Powered by ACC: www.aircraftcostcalculator.com Aircraft Specifications Comparison Report TYPE Cessna Citation CJ1+ Cessna Citation CJ3 Airframe Maintenance Per Hour $178.42 $193.04 Engine / APU Maintenance Per Hour $232.05 $262.27 Fuel Cost @ $5.80 Per Gallon based on Gallons Per Hour $730.80 $893.20 $1,295.27 $1,502.51 BASIC VARIABLE COST DATA Variable Cost Per Hour Components Total Variable Cost Per Hour ADDITIONAL AIRCRAFT INFORMATION Minimum Crew / Maximum Passengers Baggage Capacity External / Internal (Cubic Feet) 2/5 2/6 45 / 0 65 / 0 Cabin Height (Feet) 4'9" 4'9" Cabin Width (Feet) 4'10" 4'10" Cabin Length (Feet) Cabin Volume (Cubic Feet) Years in Production Active Fleet (approximate) Average Pre-Owned Asking Price 11'0" 15'8" 253.00 360.00 2004 - 2011 2003 - to present 102.00 396.00 $3,133,000.00 $4,916,000.00 866 / 995 1503 / 1728 1242 / 1428 1927 / 2216 4029.90 3474.40 BASIC AIRCRAFT PERFORMANCE DATA Seats Full Range (NM / SM) Ferry Range (No Payload) (NM / SM) Balance Field Length* (Take-off Distance in Feet) Landing Distance (Feet) 4,444 4,242 Average Block Speed (KTS / MPH) 360 / 414 390 / 448 Normal Cruise Speed (KTS / MPH) 385 / 443 421 / 484 Long Range Cruise Speed (KTS / MPH) 310 / 356 351 / 404 Fuel Usage (GPH) Service Ceiling (Feet) Useful Payload With Full Fuel 126.00 154.00 41000.00 45000.00 550 783 *Consideration must also be given to, but not limited to: passenger weights, baggage weight, winds, runway length, temperature and airport elevation. Data and dimensions shown may vary slightly and are subject to change. Chris Doerr Phone:262-649-2919 Aircraft Cost Calculator, LLC 1341 W. Mequon Road, Suite 205, Mequon, WI 53092 Powered by ACC: www.aircraftcostcalculator.com Range Map Report Model Category Radius Cessna Citation CJ1+ Light Jets 865.57 NM Cessna Citation CJ3 Light Jets 1502.88 NM Map data ©2013 Google, INEGI Terms of Use Note: For Jets & Turboprops "Seats Full Range" represents the maximum IFR range of the aircraft at Long Range Cruise with all passenger seats occupied. ACC assumes NBAA IFR alternate fuel reserve calculation for a 200 nautical mile alternate. Does not include winds aloft or any other weather related obstacles. Chris Doerr Phone:262-649-2919 Aircraft Cost Calculator, LLC 1341 W. Mequon Road, Suite 205, Mequon, WI 53092 Powered by ACC: www.aircraftcostcalculator.com