hog snorts - York HOG Chapter
hog snorts - York HOG Chapter
Chapter Officers Director: Bob Farrell - 309-3881 e-mail: [email protected] Asst. Director: John Harris - 382-4182 e-mail: [email protected] Secretary: Donna Quickel - 818-4958 e-mail: [email protected] Treasurer: Nora Farrell - 600-5624 e-mail: [email protected] LOH Director: Diane Leib - 487-4622 e-mail: [email protected] Activities Director: Paul Quickel - 818-4328 e-mail: [email protected] Membership Director: Dave Wherley - 779-7693 e-mail: [email protected] Historian/Photographer: Dave Rider - 993-3784 e-mail: [email protected] Editor: Ann Combs - 968-1878 e-mail: [email protected] Safety Director: Keith Frey - 764-3427 e-mail: [email protected] Chaplain: Steve Koller - 324-6460 e-mail: [email protected] Greeter: Dwayne Hostetter - 569-8010 e-mail: [email protected] Web Master: Ken Beard - 993-2215 e-mail: [email protected] Head Road Captain: Charlie Weaver - 917-3314 Road Captains: Rick Himelwright - 225-1288 Steve Koller - 324-6460 Don Gill - 852-9781 Mike Gentzler - 792-9866 John Harris - 382-4182 Bob Farrell - 309-3881 Activities Committee: Paul Quickel Donna Quickel Jerry Combs Cory Daugherty Sharon Daugherty Bob Farrell John Harris Monthly Meeting Tuesday April 5th 7:00pm North York Fire Hall 190 E 9th Ave. Parking and Entrance on 8th Ave. Officers Meeting Wednesday April 27th 6:30pm Laugerman’s All members welcome H. O. G. SNORTS YORK, PA. CHAPTER #4687 Sponsored by Laugerman’s Harley-Davidson www.laugerman.com/hog user name: yorkhog - password: member April, 2011 News from your Director... Bobby Farrell It’s spring!! The sun will soon be shining, birds chirping, and throttles will be cracking!! We have a full menu for all riders. We are going to get our bikes blessed, go to Doc Holiday’s for good food and a Comedy Club Show, and help the children of MDA, Ride for Life. We are going to have our “Old Farts” invade Virginia Beach!! Come out and join the festivities. If you have an event that you would like to see the Chapter go on, see Paul, our Activities Director. Create memories that will last a lifetime. News from your Asst. Director... John Harris Well here we are, snow last night night and rain again today, this winter just doesn’t want to let go, but they say warm weather is just around the corner. We’ll see!!!! Anyway a couple of things I wanted to pass along to you from the officers meeting last night. Bob got some more information about the Smoke Hole West Virginia Resort which we are planning a trip to September 16th-18th. It seems the resort is quite spread out and the cabins can be up to 3 miles apart. Going as a group we would like to be in the same area and the only way to ensure that is to make a group reservation, so give this trip some serious thought. We will have the sign up sheet at the next chapter meeting and would like to make the reservation soon after. If you can’t make the meeting and want to go e-mail me and I will put you on the list. Also some of us have discussed turning it into a 4 day trip, Thursday to Sunday, let us know what you think. The cabins that we would reserve can sleep up to 6 people, 2 bedrooms and a pullout couch, we were thinking 4 to a cabin. Sunday, June 5th we are going to the Rainbow Dinner Theatre, in Lancaster, to see Dare to Bare, sounds like a great comedy show. Group Tickets are $44.00/ person includes, dinner, show, tax, gratuity, tea, coffee and water.Cash bar is available. A $5.00 deposit is required by the April chapter meeting. Please call or e-mail Diane Leib if you are interested in going. We will carpool or ride from Laugerman’s, Dinner 2:30pm, Show Time 4pm til about 6pm. Round Robin ride is confirmed for Sunday, May 22nd, leaving Laugerman’s at 11am. We will be heading to Dave & Denise Laugerman’s in West York for appetizers, Bill & Janet Kriner’s in New Freedom for salad, Bob & Nora Farrell’s in Stewartstown for main course, and Tom Strickler/Arlene Schreiber’s in Hellam for dessert. The cost is $5.00 per News from your Activities Director... Paul Quickel April is here now, hope you have your bikes ready for the riding season. It is shaping up to be a busy month starting with an activities meeting on April 4th at Laugerman’s at 6pm. Everyone is invited to attend and help complete the activities schedule for the rest of the year. April 9th is Doc Holiday's and Comedy Club, in New Cumberland, starting with dinner at 5:30pm. Also the Old Farts will be riding to Virginia Beach later this month so check the ride schedule for all the details. Anyone planning to go on the trip to Smoke Hole, West Virginia, needs to let us know if they are interested in reserving group accommodations by the April meeting. It appears that the cabins are spread over a large area so we might not be staying close to each other if we don’t reserve as a group. You can still decide later to go and make your own arrangements but we are trying to get an idea how many are going, and how many cabins to reserve. You can go on line and check the place out if that will help you decide. That’s all for now, hope there’s no more snow for the season!! News from your Safety Director... Keith Frey On Tuesday, April 19th at 6pm in the conference room at Laugerman’s I will be showing HOG’s Riders Edge/msf guide to group riding video. Learn special techniques to help plan and participate in group adventures that improve your safety and enjoyment while riding in a group. P.S. it only takes one hour of your time and it is FREE! LOH Corner... Diane Leib Hello Ladies, Denise - a big THANK YOU for hosting us on Friday night for our Pot Luck dinner. As always lots of good food and comradery. Our chapter will continue with the dinners prior to monthly meetings, Menu April: Meatloaf, sides and of course dessert May: Tacos, salad stuff and dessert June: Burgers, Dogs, Potato and mac salad, and of course dessert Sign up sheets will be at the monthly chapter meetings. At our kick off meeting in January, we talked about getting re-acquainted with Olivia’s House, doing the women’s self-defense class and the Gettysburg Ghost tours. Does anybody have any of this information or dates for the calendar?? April: Wednesday 6th, LOH meeting at Laugerman’s at 6:30pm Friday 8th, Crickettini’s at the Off Center grill, Yorktowne 4:30pm to benefit Crickett’s Answer for Cancer, it would have been Crickett’s 44th birthday. Come out and be festive. Saturday 9th, Chapter dinner at Doc Holiday's Comedy Club. Monday 18th, LOH Dinner at The Emperor’s 6:30pm. Monday nite 1/2 price hibachis. Saturday 23rd, Ride for Life Packet Return Party at Laugerman’s May: Wednesday 4th, LOH meeting at Laugerman’s 6:30pm. Friday 6th, First Night York in downtown York, theme: Mommapalooza for Mother’s Day, let me know if anybody is interested in going. Monday 16th, LOH Dinner at what was formerly the Crazy Horse - details to follow. Tuesday 17th, First Full Moon Ride of the summer, weather permitting. If nice clear evening our first ride of the season will be leaving from Laugerman’s time TBD. Sunday 22nd, Round Robin YUMMMMM, leaving Laugerman’s 11am. Will have sign up sheet at April and May meetings. Sunday 29th, Chip Laugerman Memorial Ride to the Wall, leaving Lyndon Diner 7am. Ride to Thurmount for breakfast at Mountain Gate, remainder of group will continue on to the Wall. Full Moon Rides for 2011, Weather permitting, Leaving from Laugerman’s, Times TBD May 17th Tuesday June 15th Wednesday July 15th Friday August 13th Saturday will be going to Gary & Dell’s Westminster MD for AYCE crabs, leaving Laugerman’s 4pm September 12th Monday October 12th Wednesday Password Change It appears that we have some non-members that know the password and have been getting into the members only section of the web site. So for that reason we will be changing the pasword starting May 1st. New password will be rebmem. Please DO NOT give this password out to non-members. Secretary’s Report Donna Quickel YORK PA HOG CHAPTER MEETING March 8, 2011 55 members attended 8 guests Director Farrell called the meeting to order and opened with Pledge of Allegiance New Members: None Old Business: Bob thanked winter party committee for a job well done. Diane made a motion that Frank and Cherie have to come back each year to plan the winter party. MDA - Joe thanked the group for all we do for MDA, Dance, Ride for Life and Golf tournament. Joe attended a leadership conference and the most important thing he learned is (that nothing inspires us more than our families). Tracy Conrad spoke about her son Travis being recently diagnosed, she became to emotional to continue. A friend, Steve Rowles continued by saying that it is very difficult to watch this disease progress, last Christmas Travis was walking and now he is in a wheel chair. Thank you very much for your support. Anastasia raised $1300.00 for her Muscle Walk; she gets to go to summer camp where she enjoys paint ball and fishing. Denise said everyone is invited to go along to camp and visit the kids, she will let us know when they plan to go. Treasurer’s Report: Nora Farrell Beginning balance $2,282.08, after monthly transactions ending balance $2,861.67. Approved by membership Secretary’s Report: Donna Quickel, was read and accepted by membership Dealer Report: Denise Laugerman MDA Dance is March 26th 6-10pm $20.per person/$35. a couple. BYOB, DJ and food will be provided. March 20th Women’s garage party 1:30-4:30pm RSVP to Heather if planning to attend. Denise handed out highest mileage plaque to Bryan Henry with 18,150 miles. Lowest mileage for the men went to Jeff Bowers with 2,118 miles. Anyone interested in purchasing a challenge coin please sign the sheet and Denise will order them. Warren Smith explained that challenge coins started in the Civil War era. Visit the Sturgisroadshow.com web site for information about an upcoming event at the Farm Show complex, there will be a motorcycle given away and a drawing to win a car. Ladies of Harley: Diane Leib LOH meeting is Wednesday April 6th. April 8th would have been Crickett’s 44th birthday, she died of stage 4-breast cancer. There will be a benefit for Crickett’s answer for cancer, they help patients with hair, wigs and clothing needs having to do with breast cancer related surgery’s. April 8th-Crickett’s Birthday Bash, Yorktowne Hotel Off Center Grill with DJ Matt Cleveland participating again. 4-9pm. Please join us for catching up with good friends, great food and drink, wonderful music and to celebrate what would have been Crickett’s 44th birthday. Round Robin is planned for May 22nd remember to sign up for a fun day of riding to members homes to enjoy a course of the meal. Rainbow Dinner Theater on June 5th, dinner at 2:30 show at 4:00, cost is $44.00 per person includes meal and show. Diane will need to know how many want to attend by the next meeting on April 12th and there is a $5.00 deposit required. Plans are to car pool from Laugerman’s. Activities Director: Paul Quickel March 19th at 1pm, group riding training and March 20th 1:30-4:30pm, Women’s garage party and March 26th 6-10pm MDA Dance, all events are held at Laugerman’s. April 4th at 6pm will be an Activities Meeting held at Laugerman’s conference room. Everyone is welcome to attend and help plan the activities for the remaining year. Can’t attend contact Paul with your ideas. April 9th Doc Holiday’s for dinner and show, meet at restaurant at 5:30pm.April 23rd MDA packet return party. April 25th-May 1st Old Farts Ride to Virginia Beach. 1st group leaves from Centerville Bob Evan’s at 8am on April 25th 2nd group leaves Fawn Grove Rutter’s at 8am on April 27th. April 29th-May 1st MDA Ride for Life. Remember to sign up for the West Virginia trip to Smoke Hole September 16th-18th. Sign up for the December 3rd bus trip to New York City or contact Donna Quickel. Membership Director: Dave Wherley Safety Director: Keith Frey Basic Rider II we are trying to see if there is enough interest within the chapter to have the state hold a class just for the chapter. We need 10 members to sign up for the class, which could be held on either of the following dates May 28th or June 18th from 8am to 2pm. You will be using your own bike when taking this class. Please sign the sheet if interested. Next Group Riding training is March 19th at 1pm at Laugerman’s. Keith also handed at Riders Edge Group Riding pins to the people who participated in the Group Riding training. Mike Gentzler, Frank Sicola, Bob Farrell , Steve Hartman, Bonnie Shilke and Jim Hugging. Assistant Director: John Harris Rally season is coming, download the forms to register. Please volunteer for the PA State Rally make it a 3-chapter rally, York, Gettysburg and Chambersburg. Virginia State Rally is June 23rd-26th, registration opens May 5th. New York State Rally is July 7th-9th, registration opens May 20th. Maryland/Delaware Rally is July 28th-30th. Fawn Grove VFW is holding a poker run on May 7th, registration 11am-1pm. There will be 4 stops for a total of 80 miles, cost is $15. per person which includes a meal at 4pm, consisting of pit beef and ham, salad and dessert. New Business: Thanks for all who bring food for the meals at meetings. PA State Rally-Glennice and Shellie Neiderer- we still need volunteers to lead rides from the York Chapter because you know the roads best. April 3rd is Gettysburg Bike Blessing 9:30-11:00am. Leroy Badders is looking for sponsors for the ride for Leukemia on April 10th. Warren Smith is going to continue selling strip tickets at meeting the chapter earns $38.00 each time. Next officers meeting: March 30th at 6:30 held at Laugerman’s in the conference room. Next meeting: April 12th held at Liberty Fire Hall 160 9th Ave. in North York. $5.00 dinner at 6:00, meeting starts at 7:00. Dinner is Meat Loaf, salad and dessert at $5.00 per person. Drawings: Colors: Joe Laughman Membership: Donna Zahner 50/50 Drawings: $41.00 Charlie Weaver, $30.00 Phil Matte and $11.00 Ben Randle Door Prizes: Anastasia, Frank Sicola and Mike Klein Best wishes to the following members who are celebrating Birthday’s and Anniversaries this month Members Birthday’s April 1st Lyle Stambaugh 2nd Linda Hoover 9th Lori Burkland 18th Mike Walton 29th Mike Gentzler Members Anniversaries April 2nd Randy & Val Kreidler 3rd Dave & Denise Laugerman - 40 years 15th Bill & Janet Kriner - 40 years Winter Party Pictures by Dave Rider Chapter members are recognized for their service in 2010 Donna Quickel received Ladies mileage award for most miles ridden Diane Leib received Ladies mileage award for least miles ridden What a Conga Line!!! Everyone had a great time dancing the night away ��������������������������������������������������������������������������� ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� �����������������������������������������������������