GUS GUZ Gurrumina, sf. (Coll.) Cxoriousness, an unbe- Gustación, sf. (Obs.) Gustatíon. coming submission to one's wife. Gustadura, sf. Gustatíon, the act of tasting. Gurrumino, sm. (Coll.) A husband who is un- Gustar, ra. 1. T o taste, to gust, to discern and becomingly obedient and submissive to his perceive the relish andflavourof things. 2. T o palate, to perceive by the taste. 3. To wife. Gurullada, sf. 1. A crowd of people. 2. Crowd like, to love. 4. T o enjoy a thing with pleaof constables or poUce officers. sure. 5. T o experience,toexamine. 6. Te Gurúllo, sm. L u m p or knot. V. Burujo. take a pleasure or delight ín a thing. Guruméte, sm. Ship's boy. V. Grumete. Gustativo, a. Lingual: applied to a branch of Gurupa, sf. Croup of a horse. V. Grupa. the inferior maxillary nerve. Gurupéra, sf. Crupper. V. Grupera. Gustazo, sm. augm. A great pleasure. Gurupetíu, sm. dim. A small crupper. GustíUo, sm. 1. Relish. 2. (Dim.) Agreeable. Gurvio, a, a. Curved, arched, incurvated. delicate tosté. Gusanear, rn. T o itch. V. Hormiguear. Gusto, sm. 1. Taste, the sense by which any Gusanera, sf. 1. Place or spot where ~ maggots thing on the palate is perceived, gust, sense or vermin are bred. 2. (Met.) W o r m of conof tasting. 2. The sensation which all things taken into the mouth give, partícularly to the science, sting which pricks one's conscience. Gusaníco, íto, sm, dim. A smaU worm or maggot. tongue. 3. Pleasure, delight, gratification, Gusaniento, ta, a. Troubled with maggots or complacence, contentment. 4. Liking, mind, gust. 5. One's own will and determtoation. vermin, maggoty, full of maggots or worms; worm-eaten. 6. Election, choice. 7. Taste, intellectual reGusanillo, sm. 1. (Dim.) A small worm or mag- lish or discernment. 8. Caprice, fancy, divergot. 2. A kind of embroidery. 3. Bit of a sión. Gustos, Sensual pleasures; evil babits; gimlet or auger. vices. D a r gusto, T o gratify. Gusano, sm. 1. Maggot, worm. 2. A n humble Gustosamente, ad. Tastefully, fain, gladly, very meek person. 3. Distemper among sheep. desirously, acceptably. Gusano de seda, Silk-worm. Gusano marino, Gustoso, sa, a. 1. Gustable, dainty, lickerish, Sea-worm. Gusano de San Antón, Gray flavorous, pleasing to th'e taste. 2. Tasty. grub. Gusano de la conciencia, W o r m of 3. Cheerful, merry, content, joyful. 4. Pleasconscience. ing, pleasant, entertaining. Gusarápa, sf. (Prov.) V. Gusarapo. Gutogámba, Gutiámbar, sm. Gamboge. Gusarapiento,to,a. W o r m y , full of wwrms; cor- Gutural, a. 1. Guttural, pronounced to the throat. rupted. 2. Guttural, belonging to the throat. Gusarapíllo, íto, sm. dim. A small water-worm. Guturalménte, ad. Gutturally. Gusarapo, sm. Water-worm, an aquatic inserí. Guzmánes, sm. pl. Noblemen who formerly Gusépe, sm. Kind of polypus. served as midshipmen in the navy, or cadets Gustáble, a. 1. Tastable, gustable, capable of in the aimy. being tasted or reUshed. 2. (Obs ) V. Gus- Guzpatárra, sf, Ancient play of boys. toso. H HAB His not properly considered as a letter, not aspirated in all words which originallj j but as a mere aspiration. The syllables began with h, or between two vowels, as ho cha, che, chi, are pronounced as in English. ñor, almohaza. Formerly ch had sometimes the sound of k, H a ! interj. 1. H a ! 2. A h ! alas ! 3. (Ñau.) as in chimico, chimera, chamelote, but theHaul away! Spanish Academy has very properly fixed Haba, sf. 1. (Bot.) Bean, a kind of pulse. Haba the pronunciatíon of all words in which they común, Garden bean vetch. Vicia faba, L. had the hard sound, by writing them as in Haba común caballar, Horse-bean. Vicia químico, quimera, camelote. The moderas usefaba, L. varietas equina. Haba loca or haba h to soften the pronunciatíon of many words, narbonensé, Broad-leaved vetch. Vicia naras facer,fljo,are now written hacer, hijo. bonensis, L. Haba de perro, (Bot.) Dog's For the same purpose it is placed before u, bañe. Apocynum, L. 2. A kind of mange followed by e, in many words derived from in horses and oxen. Habas, Little white and the Latin, as huevo,fromovum, an egg, hueso black balls used in giving votes. Esas son from os. The h is never sounded in the Spahabas contadas, A thing clear and manifest nish language, except by the common people Habano, na, a. Applied to tobáceo of Havannah, in Andalusia and Extremadura, and those Habar, sm. Bean-field, afieldsown with beans, words in which it was preceded by a p, and Haber, ra. 1. T o possess, to have in one's took the sound of / are now written as propower or custody. 2. T o have ; an auxiliary nounced, thas, fenómeno, phenomenon After verb. 3. T o take, to recover. 4. To happen, r and / the h is entirely omitted, as in reuma, to fall out, to befall. 5. T ofcxist—r.impers. rhcum, teatro, theatre ; but it is retained but V. Acaecer. Mas vale saber que haber, It is 4(¡4 HAB HAC which one thing bears to another. 2. (Obs.1 better to be wise, than to be rich, or knowledge is preferable to wealth. Haberlas or Habitude, custom. habérselas con alguno, T o dispute, to contend Habla, sf. 1. Speech, idiom, language. 2. Dis course, argument. 3. Talk, conversation. Es with any o n e — r r . T o behave, to act, to con tar en kabla, T o talk about a matter. Estar duct one's self. Haber, sm. Property, incóale, fortune. sin habla or perder el habla, T o be speechless. Habichuela, sf. (Bot.) French-bean or kidneyNegar or quitar el habla, T o refuse speaking to a person. bean. Phaseolus, L. Habichuela común, C o m m o n kidney bean. Phaseolus vulgaris, L. Hablador, ra, s. A n impudent prattier; a triflingtelker,a gabbler, a prattler, a chattering Habichuela común negra, Black c o m m o n kidfellow. ney-bean. Phaseolus vulgaris semine nígro, L. Habichuela multiflora, Scarlet bean. Pha-Habladorcíllo, Ua, s. oVm. A babblíng dandi- ' prat. seolus multiflorus, W. Habichuela enana, C o m m o n dwarf kidney bean. Phaseolus na- Habladuría, sf. A n impertinent speech. Hablantín, Hablanchín, na, s. (Coll.) A talkanus, W. Hábil, a. 1. Clever, skilful, dexterous, masterful, tive person. expert, knowing; cunning. 2. Capable, in- Hablar, ra. 1. T o speak, to utter articúlate telligent, learned, able to understand. 3. sounds; to express thoughts by words. 2. T o Agile, active, ready. 4. Apt,fit,handy, able, talk, to speak in conversation, to commune, qualified for. . to reason, to converse. 3. T o harangue, to Habilidad, sf. 1. Ability, ableness, dexterity in make a speech. 4. T o advise, to admonish. performing. 2. Cleverness, expertness, masHablar Dios á alguno, T o be inspíred. Hatery, knowledge ; cunning. 3. Nimbleness, blar á bulto or á tiento, T o talk at random. quickness, speed. 4. Instinct. Hablar disparates or necedades, To talk nonHabilitación, sf. Habiütation, qualification. sense. Hablar at aire, T o talk to the air, to Habiütádo, da, a. and pp. oí Habilitar, Habilí- speak vaguely. Hablar al alma, T o speak one's mind. Hablar al caso, T o speak to the tate, qualified. Habiütádo, sm. A n officer w h o is charged in purpose. Hablar alto, T o talk loud. Haevery Spanish regiment with the agency of blar de burlas or dé chanza, T o jeer, to mock. his regiment; a paymasfer. Hablar de la mar, T o talk on an endless subHabilitadór, ra, s. Qualifier, one w h o makes fit ject. Hablar de memoria, T o talk without or able. reflection. A ó dejar que hablar, T o convince HabiUtár, ra. 1. T o qualify, to enable. 2. T o any one, to impose silence. Hablar de veras, provide, to supply, to able. T o speak seriously. Hablar paso, quedo or Habillamiénto, sm. (Obs.) Habiliment, dress. bajo, T o talk low. Hablar con los ojos, T o Hábilmente, aa". Dexterously, ably, knowingly, indicate one's sentiments by looks. Hablar cleverly. de hilván, T o speak too rapidly and conHabitable, a. Habitable, lodgeable. fusedly. Hablar de vicio, T o be loquacious. Habitación, sf. 1. Habitation, abode, lodging, No hablarse, Not to speak to each other from the place or house in which a person resides. enmity or aversión. Hablar de or en bóveda, 2. Set of rooms, that part of a house which T o speak pompously or arrogantly. is destined to be inhabited. Hablatista, sm. (Joc.) A trifling prattler, an idle Habitáculo, sm. (Coll.) Habitacle, a dwelling. talker. Habitador, ra, s. Inhabitant, resident, dweller, Hablilla, sf. Rumour, report, little tale. abider. Habón, sm. augm. Large kind of bean. Habitante, pa. Inhabiting.—s. Inhabitant or ha- Haca, sf. Pony, pad, a smaU horse. Que bitant, dweller. haca 9 or que haca morena 9 For what good ? Habitar, ra. T o inhabit, to live, to reside, to to what purpose ? lodge or to lie in a place. Hacanéa, sf. N a g , a small horse somewhat bigHabüíco, íllo, íto, sm. dim. A s m a U dress oí ger than a pony. habit. Hace, sm. (Obs.) V . Haz. Hábito, sm. 1. Dress, habit, habiliment, garment.Hace.cíco, íllo, ito, sm. dim. A smaU sheaf. Hábitos, Dress of ecclesiastics. 2. Habit, a Hacedero, ra, a. Feasible, practicable ; easily power in m a n of doing any thing acquired effécted. by frequent doing, habitude, long custom, Hacedor, ra, s. 1. Maker, author; factor. 2. customableness, customariness. 3. T h e robes Steward, one w h o manages the estáte of anof the military orders. Caballero del hábito other. 3. A good workman, an ablt perde Santiago, A knight of the military order former. of Saint James. Hacendado, sm. A m a n of property, a great Habituación, sf. (Obs.) Habitude, custom. landholder. Habitual, a. Habitual, accustomed, invetérate, Hacendado, da, a. and pp. oí Hacendar, Acred, customary, customable, c o m m o n , frequent. landed, having a fortune in land, having a Habitualidád, sf. (Littl. us.) Custom, use. real property. Habitualménte, ad. Habitually, customarily, by Hacendar, ra. T o transfer or m a k e over the prohabit, accustomably. perty of an estáte.—rr. T o m a k e a purchase Habituar, ra. T o accustom, to habitúate, to of land in order to settle in a place. ínure.—rr. T o beeome accustomed, to accus- Hacendéja, sf. dim. A small farm. tom one's self.' Hacendera, sf. Public work, at which al) tlm Habitud, sf 1 Habitude, the respect or relation ueighbourhood assists. V O L . I. 4 fió 2 H HAC HAC when one is afraíd, to pluck up a heart. Ha. Hacendero, la, a. Industrious, laborious, sedu lous. . cer de necesidad virtud, T o make a virtue of Uaci-ndíllu, Hacenduéla, sf. dim. 1. A smaU necessity. Hacer de figura or hacer figura, farm. 2. A trifling work. To make afigureor to cut afigure.Hacer Hacendoso, sa, a. Agsiduous, diligent. estrados, T o give a hearing : applied to Hacer, ra. and n. 1. T o make, to form of maÍ'udgesand magistrates. Hacerfermentar, To te dais, to produce. 2. T o do, to practise, to leat. Hacer frente á, T o make head against, act any thing good or bad, to make, to perto face, to resist. Hacerfiesta,T o make a form. 3. To put in execution, to carry into holiday. Hacerfiestas,T o fondle, to ondear, effect -, to effect. 4. T o make, to cause to toflatter,to cajole. Hacer gasto, T o spend. have any quaUty, to bring into any new state Hacer gente, T o raise soldiers. Hacer homor condition, to prepare, to dispose, to combre á alguno, T o make one's fortune. Hapose. 5. T o make up a number, to complete. cer humo, 1. T o smoke. 2. (Met.) T o con6. To make, to raise as profit from any thing, tiuue long in a place. Hacer honras, T o hoto gain. 7. T o make, to turn to some use. nour, to pay honours ; to hold in esteem. 8. T o habitúate, to accustom. 9. T o make, Hacer intención, T o intend,tomean,tomind. to mould, to form. 10. To give, to grant. Hacer juego, T o be well matched. Hacer la 11. T o include, to contato. 12. To cause, to comida, T o dress the dinner. Hacer limosna, occasion. 13. T o resolve, to determine, to To give alms. Hacer la barba, To shave, to judge, to consider. 14. T o assemble, to conget shaved. Hacer la cuenta sin la huéspeda, voke ; to correspond. 15. T o make, to comTo reckon without the hostess. Hacer las pel,toforcé,toconstrain, to oblige : in this amistades, T o make if up. Hacer las cosas sense it is followed by an infinitive verb. por arte de birlibirloque, T o do things by Hacer venir, To oblige to come. 16. To dress: virtue of hocus-pocus. Hacer la mamona, appUed to hawks or cocks for fighting. 17. To pulí one's nose, to scoff or ridicule. HaT o grow, to increase or receive any thing. cer mal de ojo, (Coll.) T o fascínate. Hacer 18. T o matter, to import. 19. T o be, to exist merced or mercedes, T o confer honours oí Hace frió, lt is cold. 20. T o accord, to agree, employments. Hacer milagros, T o do wontofit,to answer, to suit. 21. Joined with the ders. Hacer morisquetas, T o play pranks. particle a, it signifies to be ready or disposed. » Hacer niebla, T o haze. Hacer papel, T o act Hacer á todo, T o be ready or disposed to do a part; to make or to cut a figure; to acany thing. 22. Joined with the particle ae, quit one's self well. Hacer penitencia con aland the ñames of offices or professions, it sig- guno, To take pot-luck or a family dinner, to nifiestoperform their duties, as Hacer- de es- diñe with one on whatever he chances to have. cribano, To act as a scrivener or notary. Ha- Hacer plato, To carve. Hacer por, T o try, cer de portero, T o act as a porter. 23. Joined to do one's best. Hacer prenda, T o take a with a*e, se, el, la, lo, it signifies to represent, pledge or security for a debt. Hacer progreto counterfeit or to show what is not in sos, T o gain ground, to improve. Hacer pereality. Hacer de bobo, To counterfeit an dazos, To pulí to pieces. Hacer pucheros. idiot. 24. With por or para joined to an To make wry faces, as children are used to infinitive verb, it signifies taking patos and do before they begin to cry. Hacer pie, T o care in executing the import of such verb, as find the bottom of water without swimming; Hacer por llegar, T o endeavour to arrive; to be firm and secure in any thing ; to stop, Hacer para or por salvarse, T o strive to save to reside in a place. Hacer que hacemos, To one's self. 25. FoUowed by substantives it act officially, to affect doing some business. gives them a verbal signification, as Hacer Hacer saber, T o acquaint, to make known. estimación, To esteem. Hacer almanaques, Hacer sombra, (Met) T o protect, to support; T o be very pensive and silent. Hacer ánimo, to impede, to obscure. Hacer su agosto, To To mean, to mind, to intend. Hacer aguas, make hay while the sun shines : literaUy, to make one's harvest. Hacer ventaja, T o ex(Coll.) T o make water. V. OAnar. Hacer antesala, To attend in a hall in order to speak ceed, to surpass. Hacer agua, (Ñau.) T o leak oí to spring a leak, to water or to make to any person of consequence in passing. Hacer- alarde, To muster; to boast of. Ha- water : speaking of a ship which is leaky. cer aire, To blow : speaking of the wind, Hacer el bastardo, (Ñau.) To veer or tack, Hacer aire á alguno, To vex, to plague or to so as to bring the ship before the wind. Hacer fanal, (Ñau.) T o carry the poop-lantein torment any one. Hacer alguna cosa á la moda, T o fashion. Hacer á uno perder' los lighted: applied to the headmost ship which estribos, T o make any one lose his temper : leads the van. No hay que hacer or eso na literally, to make a m a n lose his stirrups. tiene que hacer, It is only to act, it is easily Hacer bancarrota, T o fail, to break, to make done. Hacer vela, (Ñau.) To set sail. Habankrupt. Hacer carne, T o wound, to malcer fuerza de vela, (Nau.) T o crowd saü. treat; t« kilL Hacer caso de, To pay atten- to carry a press of sail. Hacer poca vela, tion to. Hacer correrías, T o make incursious. (Nau.) T o carry an easy sail. Hacer der Hacer cara, T o make head against,toface, rota, (Nau.) T o stand on the course. Hacer to reeist. Hacer chacota, Toridicule,to turn buen bordo, (Nau.) T o make a good tack. into ridicule. Hacer costilla or costillas, To Hacer camino para avante, (Nau.) To have bear with patience, to suffer. Hacer del headway. Hacer camino para popa, (Nau.) cuerpo, T o go to stool. Hacer de tripas co- T o make stern-vay. Hacer cabeza. (Nau.; razón, To bully and to show much boldness To head. 4S6 HAC HAL Hacerse, rr. 1. T o recede, to sepárate. 2. To corn. 2. To hoard, to make hoards. 3. To beeome, to enter into some new state or concumúlate; to coacérvate. dition. 3. To aecustom one's self. Hacerse Hacino, na, a. V. Avaro and Triste. de miel, To treat one gently, not to be very Hada, Hadada, sf. pl. (Obs.) Witch ; enchanted severe. Hacerse con algo or de algo, T o ac- n y m p h ; fortune-taller; any of the fates. quire, to attain ; to pinchase any thing which Hadado, da, a. and pp. oí Hadar, Fortunata, is wanting. Hacerse lugar, T o gain a ñame lucky. or reputation. Hacerse memorable, T o be- Hadadór, ra, s. (Obs.) Sorcerer, fortune-taller. come memorable, to beeome famous, noto- Hadar, ra. (Obs.) T o divine, to foretell future rious, etc. Hacerse tortilla, To fall down as evento. flat as a cake. Hacerse á la vela, (Nau.) To Hado, sm. Fate, destiny, inevitable doom. set sail. Hadrólla, s/(Prov.) Fraud, deceit or imposition Hacerír, va. (Obs.) V. Zaherir. in selling and buying. Hacezuélo, srn. dim. oí Haz. Hala, interj. Holla ! a word used in calling to Hacha, sf. 1. A large taper with four wicks. any one at a distance. Hala el bote d bordo, Hacha de viento, Flambeau, torch, link. Page(Nau.) Haul the boat aboard. de hacha, Ltok-boy. 2. A u axe or hatchet. Halacabúllas, Halacuérdas, sm. Fresh-watei Hacha de armas, Battle-axe. 3. Ancient sailors. Spanish dance. Halagador, ra, s. Cajoler, flatterer. Hachazo, sm. Blow or stroke with an axe. Halagar, ra. To cajole, toflatter;to caress, ta Hachear, ra. To cut with an axe; to hew.—rn. dandle, to coax, to coy, to make much of, to T o strike with an axe. wheedle, to hug, to í'ondle, to treat with tenHachero, sm. 1. Torch-stand, a large candlederness. stickfortapers or torches. 2. (Mil.) V. Gas-Halago, sm. Cajolery,flattery,caress, adulatador. 3. (Obs.) Person tion; cooing. signáis in a watch-tower or light-house. 4. Halagüeñamente, ad. Endearingly, flatteringly. Wood-cleaver or wood-cutter; a labourer em- Halagüeño, ña, a. Endearing, attractive, f'awnployed to fell wood and cut timber. 5. (Prov.) ing,flattering,meek, gentle. Halar, ra. (Nau.) To haul, to pulí by a rope. Carpenter. Hachéta, sf. dim. 1. A small hatchet. 2. A Halar ul viento, (Nau.) To haul the wind. small torch or link. Halcón, sm. (Orn.) Falcon, a hawk trained foi Hacho, sm. Fagot or bundle of straw or feathersport. Falco, L. grass covered with pitch or resin. Halconado, da, a. Falcon or hawk-líke. Hachón, sm. 1. A large torch made of bass and Halconcíco, íllo, íto, sm. dim. Jashawk, a young pitch. 2. Kind of alt*, on which bonfires falcon or hawk. are lighted for illuminations. Halconear, ra. (Coll.) 1. To look and inveigle: Hachuéla, sf. dim. A small hatchet or axe. Va- applied to women of the town. 2. (Met.) T o . chuela de abordar, (Nau.) Boarding-axe. look about as haughty as a falcon ; to view Hacia, ad. Towards, in a directíon to, near to, with contempt. about. Hacia adelante, Forward. Hacía acá Halconera, sf. Place where faleons are kept. or hacia esta parte, Hitherward, hitherwards. Halconería, sf. The sport offowlingwith hawks. Hacia donde, Whither, towards which, to Halconero, sm. Falcouer, one who rears or tratas what place, to where. Hacia casa, hacia su hawks for sport. pais,flomeward,homewards. Halda, sf. 1. Bag or sack made of sack-cloth. Hacienda, sf. 1. Landed property, lands, tene- 2. Skirt of a garment. V. Falda. Haldas en ments, having. 2. Estáte, fortune, wealíh. cinta, (Coll.) Disposed and ready for any 3. Domestic work done by the servatos of thing. De haldas ó de mangas, (Coll.) Justly the house. Hacer hacienda, To mind one's or unjustly, with good or ill will, in any way business,todo what is to be done. Hacien- Haldada, sf. Skirt fuU of any thing. das apalabradas, Goods already bespoken.Huldeár, rn. T o run along with the skirts flying Real hacienda, Exchequer. Ministro de ha-loóse. cienda, The Chancellor of the Exchequer. Haldíca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A small skirt. Haciente, pa. Agent, doer. Fe haciente, (Law) Haldúdo, da, a. Havingflyingskirts. Applied to such testimonies and instruments Haleche, sm. Horsemackerel, a kind of macke as constitute evidence in a court of justice, reí. V. Escombro. Hacimiénto, sm. Acting, doing, the act or ac- Halieto, sm. Sea eagle. tion. Hacimiento de gracias, Thanksgiving. Hálito, sm. 1. Breath, the air drawn in and Hacimiénto de rentas, The act of disposing of ejected out of the body. 2. Vapour. 3. (Poet.) a farm, léase, etc. by public auction. Soft air. Hacina, sf. 1. Stock or rick of corn piled up in Hallado, da, a. Found. Bien hallado, Very fasheaves. 2. A n y collectiou of things placed miliar, welcome, easy, contented. Mal haregularly one over another. llado, Uneasy, not at ease, constrained.—pp. Hacinador, ra, s. Stack-maker, one who piles up of Hallar. the sheaves of corn. Hacinador de riquezas, Hallador, ra, s. 1. Finder, discoverer, 2. (Obs.) Hoarder of riches. Inventor. Hacinamiento, sm. 1. Accumulation, act of heap-Hallar, ra. 1. Tofind,to obtain by seardrng ing or hoarding up. 2. Acervation, coaceror seeking. 2. Tofind,to hit on or to hit vation, heaping together. upon by chance, to perceive by accident. 3 Hacinar, ra. 1. To stack or pile up sheaves of Tofind,to meet with, to fall upon. 4. To 4G7 2 H2 HAR HAT find out, to discover. 5. To find, to gain by leunger, lubbard, micher, an idle, lazy person any mental endeavour, to invent, to excogí2. Idle, slothful, ínactive, indolent. tete. 6. To find, to remark, to observe, to Haraganaménte, aa*. Idlely, lazüy, slothfully, note; to compare, to verify. 7. T ofind,to indolently. discover something hidden. 8. T ofind,to Haraganázo, za, a. augm. Very idle. letect, to catch ; to understand, to compre- Haraganear, vn. T o lead an idle Ufe, to be lazy, hend. 9. Tz manifest, to show any thing to act the truant, to lounge, to idle,toloiter. unexpectod.—vr. 1. T o meet oecasionally in Haraganería, sf. Idleness, laziness, sluggishany place, ti light, to happen tofind,to fall ness, inactivity, slothfulness ; luskishness. upon by chance. 2. T o be content or pleased Haráldo, Haraúte, sm. (Obs.) Herald, king at in any place. 3. T o be somewhere. 4. To arms. find himself, to be, to fare with regard to Harapo, sm. R a g hanging down from torn ease or pain. clothes; fringe. Hallazgo, sm. 1. The act offihdingor recover- Harbár, ra. (Obs.) To huddle, to perform in i ing any thing lost. 2. Reward given for find- hurry. ing any thing lost. 3. Thing found. Harem, sm. Harem, Turkish seraglio. Hallulla, sf, 1. A kind of paste made and used Harija, sf. Mill-dust, the flour whichfliesabout in a corn-mill. to feed fowls. 2. V. Hallullo. Hallullo, sm. Cake baked on or under cinders. Harina, sf. 1. Flour, the edible part of corn and Halo, Halón, sm. (Astr.) Halo, a red circle meal. 2. (Met.) Powder, dust round the sun or moon. Harinádo, sm. Flour dissolved in water. Halotécnia, sf. (Littl. us.) The science whichHarinero, sm. 1. Mealman, One who deals in treats of salte. flour. 2. Place whereroealorflouris kept. Halóza, sf. Wooden shoe. V. Galocha. Harinero, ra, a. Made o'fflour,belonging to Hamaca, sf. Hammock, a kind of bed suspended flour. between two trees or posts Harinoso, sa, a. Mealy, that which contains Hamaquero, sm. Person who carries a hammeal. mock. Hárma, sf. (Bot.) V. Gamarza. Hamáno, sm. A kind of pink cotton stuff which Harmága, sf. (Bot.) V. Gamarza. comes from the Levant. Harmonía, sf. Harmony. V. Armonía and ito Hambre, sf. 1. Hunger, the natural desire of adjunets. food; appetite; the pain felt from fasting. Harmonísta, sm. Musirían. Tener hambre, T o be hungry, to have an ap- Harneríco, íllo, íto, sm. dim. A small sieve. petite. 2. Scarcity and dearth of provisions, Harnero, sm. Sieve. V. Criba. Estar hecho un famine. 3. Greediness, eagerness of appeflamero, T o be covered with wounds. tite or desire. 4. Hunger, a violent desire Harón, na, a. (Obs.) Slow, inactive, sluggish. of any thing. Acosado de hambre, Pinched Harpagón, sm. Harrow. with hunger. Muerto de hambre, Starved Harpéo, sm. (Nau.) Grapnel, grapling, grapwith hunger. pling-iron or grapple. Hambrear, rn. T o hunger, to be hungry, to Harpón, sm. V. Arpón. crave victuals.—ra. 1. T o hunger, to cause Hartar, ra. 1. To stuff with eating and drinking; hunger. 2. To starve, to famish, to kill with to glut. 2. T o cloy, to satiate, tofillto loathhunger, to subdue by famine. ing. 3. To satiate, to gratify desire. 4. To Hambrientamente, ad. Hungrily. satiate, to satisfy, tofillto uneasiness, to fill Hambriento, ta, a. 1. Hungry, starved, hungerly, beyond natural desire. 5. Joined with de and hungred, greedy, ravenoiis. 2. Greedy, eager, any nouus, it signifies to give or to cause an vehemently desirous. abundance or excess of the things expressed by the nouns. Hambrón, na, s. (Coll.) A hungry fellow, one who is often hungry. Hartazgo, sm. Satiety, the act of glutting or filling beyond natural desire. Hamédis, sf. A sort of musito. Haméz, sf. A distemper in hawks or faleons Harto, ao\ Enough. which makes them lose their feathers. Harto, ta, a. and pp. irr. of Hartar, 1. Satiate, Hampa, sf. Bully, bragger, boasfer ; life of a satiated, glutted, full of satiety. 2. Sufficient, full, complete. company of rogues and vagabonds formerly in Andalusia, who used a jargon, like gyp- Hartura, sf. 1. Satiety, futaess beyond desire oí sies, called Gerigonza or Germanía. pleasure, glut, cloyment. 2. Plenty, abundance. Hampesco, ca, a. Vagabond, villainous, vainglorious. Hasíz, sm. Guard or keeper of silk. Hampo, Hampón, a. Bold, valiant, licen- Hasta, ad. Until, as far as; also, even. Hasta tious. no mas, To the highest pitch. Hasta ahora, Hanega, sf. A dry measure. V. Fanega. hasta aquí, Hitherto. Hanegáda, sf. Quantity of land sown with a. faHastial, sm. (Obs.) V. Fachada or Frontispicio. nega oí corn. Hastiar, ra. T o loathe, to créate disgust. Hanquílla, sf. A kind of boat. Hastío, sm. Loathing, want of appetite; disgust, Hánzo, sm. (Obs.) Hilarity, facundity. abhorring. Háo, interj. (Obs.) Holla, a vulgar word used Hataca, sf. (Ob3.) 1. A large kind "of wooden iu calling to any one at a distance. ladle. 2. Rolltog-pto, with which paste >i Maquilla, íta, sf. dim. Very little pony. moulded. Haragán, na, s. and a. 1. Idler, loiterer, lingerer, Hatajar, ra. To divide cattle intoflocksoí herd» 468 HAZ HEC Hatajo, sm. 1. A small herd of cattle. 2. Assem- Hazteálla, sf. Roughness or austerity in be-blage, collection ; abundance. haviour or disposition. Hatear, vn. T o collect one's clothes necessary He, ad. Behold, look here. It is used with pro« for travelling, when on a journey. nouns, as te, lo, los, etc. and aquí or allí. Hatería, sf. AUowance of provisto js, and clothes H e , interj. 1. H o ! hoa! a sudden exclamation for shepherds when travelUng with their to give notice of any thing. 2. Hark! list • flocks. hear I listen ! 3. W h a t ? what do you Hatero, sm. Shepherd or other person who carsay? ries provisions to those who attend a flock qf Hebdómada, sf. 1. Hebdomad, a week, a spaat sheep. of seven days. 2. Seven years. Hatero, ra, a. Applied to the animáis that carry Hebdomadario, ria, s. Hebdomadary, a membej the shepherd's baggage. of a ehapter or convent, whose week it is te Hatíjo, sm. Covering of straw or feathergrass officiate in the choir. over bee-hives. Hebén, a. 1. Applied to white grapes, like musHatillo, sm. -dim. A few clothes. Echar el hati-cadels. 2. (Obs.) Empty, futile : appUed to llo al mar, T o irrítate, to vex one's self. Co- persons. go ger or tomar su hatillo or el hatillo, ToHebetár, rn. (Littl. us.) T o hebetate, to stupefy. away, to leave a place. Hebilla, sf. B uckle, a link of metal with a tongue Hato, sm. 1. Clothes, wearing apparel. 2. A large or catch, toade to fasten one thing to ano herd of cattle. Un hato de carneros, A flock ther ; a clasp, a fermillet. or fold of sheep. 3. Provisions for shepherds, Hebilláge, sm. Collection of buckles, or mountfor some days' consumption. 4. Heap, duster, ing of horses, accoutrements. number driven together. 5. Herd, in con- Hebilléta, íca, íta, uéla, sf. dim. SmaU buekle. tempt a company of m e n ; a crowd, multi- Hebillár, va. T o buekle, to fasten with a buckle. tude or meeting of suspicious people. 6. As- Hebillón, sm. augm. A large buckle. semblage, collection, abundance. 7. (Coll.) Hebillóna, ota, sf.augm. V. Hebillón. V. Corrillo. 8. Fold, place chosen by shepHebra, sf. L A needleful of thread of linen, herds to eat and sleep near their flocks. yarn, worsted or silk, or as much thread as is Haubítz, sm. (Gunn.) Howitzer a kind of ordgenerally put at one time in the needle. 2. nance. Capillament of the fiower or blossom of Haya, sf. (Bot.) 1. Beech-tree. Fagus, L. Haya saffron and other plants. 3. Vein of minerals común or silvática, C o m m o n beech. Tagus or metáis. 4. Fibre,filament.5. (Poet.) Hair. silvática, L. 2. Presente formerly given to Cortar la hebra, To cut the thread of life. dancing-masters by their pupils. «Ser or estar de buena hebra, T o be strong Hayal, Hayedo, sm. Plantation of beech-treer. and robust. 6. Toughness,flexibility,pliaHayéno, na, a. (Obs.) Beechen. bility. Hebras, FUaments, smallfibresof the Hayo, sm. Indian shrub. roots of trees ; hairs. Hayucál, sm. (Prov.) Grove of beech-trees. Hebraico, ca, a. Belonging to the Hebrews. Hayuco, sm. Beech mast, fruit of the beech. Hebraísmo, sm. Hebraism. Haz, sm. Fagot, fascine, a bundle of brush Hebraizánte, sm. Hebrician, hebraist. wood or sticks ; a bundle of hay or grass ; a Hebrea, sf. Jewess. sheaf of corn.—sf. 1. Outside or right side Hebreo, sm. 1. A Hebrew; ñame giventoAbraof cloth. 2. Surface of the ground, face of ham the son of Heber, and his descendants. the country. 3. (Obs.) Face or front of a 2. (Coll.) A merchant, a tradesman. wall; facade of a building. Sobre ¡a haz de Hebreo, éa, a. Hebraic, Judaical. A' la hebrea, la tierra, Upon the face of the earth. A so- In the Hebrew manner. Hebreo, Hebrew lan bre haz, Apparently, exteriorly, atfirstview. guage. En haz y en paz, With common consent and Hebréro, sm. (Obs.) Febraary. V. Febrero. approbatíon. Ser de dos haces, To be double-Hebrica, ülai íta, sf. dim. A small needleful of faced, to say one thing and think another. thread. 4. (Obs.) Rank andfileof soldiers. Hebroso, sa, a. Fibrous,filaceous;consisting of Haza, sf. 1. Piece of cultivated land. 2. (Obs.) manyfibresand threads. Bundle of thongs. Hecatómba, Hecatombe, sm. Hecatomb, a saHazábra, sf. A small kind of coasting vessels. crifice of an hundred cattle. Hazáda, sf. V. Azada. Hecha, sf. (Obs.) 1. V. Hecho. 2. (Prov.) LandHazadón, sm. V. Azadón. tax. De esta hecha, From this time. Hazalája, sf. A towel. Hechiceresco, ca, a. Relating to witchcraft. Hazaña, sf. 1. Exploit, achievement, a heroic Hechicería, sf. 1. Witchcraft, the practices of feat. 2. Ignoble action. witches. 2. Witchery, enchantment. 3, Hazañería, sf. Show or affectation of scrupu- Charmingness, the power of pleasing. losity. Hechicero, ra, s. and a. 1. Witch; hag. 2. Hazañero, ra, a. Frudish, affectedly grave and Charmer, enchanter, bewitcher. 3. Charming, scrupulous. bewítching, charmful, pleasing or attractive Hazañero, ra, s. Affected, prudish peison. in the highest degree. Hazañosamente, aa*. Valorously. Hechizar, ra. l.To bewitch,towitch,toenchant, Hazañoso, sa, a. Valiant, courageous, heroic. to injure by witchcraft. 2. To charm, tiHazcóna, sf. Dart. V. Dardo. please irresistibly, to fascínate. Hazmereír, sm. Ridiculous person, laughing- Hechizo, sm, 1. Bewitchment, fascination, 2 stock, gazing-stock or jesting-sfock Enchantmsrit, irresistible power of pleasing 169 HEI HKM enchanter, charmer. 3. Entertatement, amusewithout action ; to be stupefied ; to be dispi ,meht. rited. Hechizo, za, a. Made or done on purpose ; arti-Hele, Hétele aquí, aa*. Behold if, look here, ficial, factitious, imitated. well-adapted. V. He. Hecho, cha, a. and pp. irr. of Hacer, \. Made, Heleár, ra. (Prov.) T o point with the finger. done. 2. Accustomed, inured, used. Hecho Helécho, sm. (Bot.) Fern-filix. Helécho maal trabajo, Inured to labour and hardship. cho, Male fern. Tectariafilixmas, Car. HeHecho un león, Like a líon. Hombre hecho, lecho hembra, Female fern-tectaríafilixfaeA m a n of experience. Tiempo hecho, (Nau.) . mina, Cav. Settled weather. Viento hecho, (Nau.) SteadyHelena, sf. (Nau.) Castor and Pollux, a meteor, wind. which in violent tempesto sometimes appears Hecho, sm. 1. Action, well oí ill performed. 2. on the masts of ships, called also nightfire oí Act, feat. 3. Event, íncident. 4. Subject jack with a lantern. or matter discussed. 5. (Law) Point litigated. Helenismo, sm. Hellenism, Greek idiom. De hecho, In fact, actually, effectually. EnHelenista, sm. Hellenist, a ñame given to the hecho de verdad, In truth. Hombre de hecho, Jews of Alexandria, who spoke Greek, or te A m a n of his word. Hecho y derecho, Ver- the Greeks who embraced Judaism. feet, absolute, complete; right. A hecho, Heléra, sf. Pip, disease in fowls. Ineessantly, indiscriminately. Helgado, da, a. Jag-toothed. Hechor, ra, s. (Obs.) Factor. Helgadura, sf. Irregularity of the teeth. Hechura, sf. 1. Act of performing or domg any Heliáco, ca, a. Heliacal,risingor setting of a star. thing. 2. The work done or made, and the prieé of making it. 3. Form, cut, shape, Hélice, sf. 1. (Astr.) Northern constellation of fashion, make, making,figureor form given ursa major. 2. Helix or helical line. to a thing. 4. (Obs.) Effigy, statue. 5. Heliocéntrico, ca, a. (Ast.) Heliocentric, appearWorkmanship. 6. Creature, client, a person ing from the centre of the sun. who owes his rise or fortune to another. Helidmetro, sm. Heliometer. Heciénto, ta, a. Full of lees. Helioscópía, sm. 1. (Bot) Wart-wort, sunHectóreo, ea, a. Belonging to Hector. spurge. Euphorbia helioscopia, L. 2. HeHedentina, sf. Stench, sttak. lioscope,telescopepeculiarlyfittedfor viewing the sun. Heder, rn. 1. T o stink, to emit an offénsive smell, to fust, to smell ill. 2. (Met.) To vex, Heliotrópio, Heliotrópo, sm. I, (Bot.) Turnsol, to fatigue, to be intolerable. heliotrope. HeUotropium, L. 2. Heliotrope, a precious stone. Hediondamente, ad. Sttokingly. Hediondez, sf. A strong stench or stink ; thingHelmíntico, ca, a. Helminthic : applied to mestinking, fustiness, fétidness. dicines against worms. Hediondo, da, a. 1. Fetid, emitting an offénsiveHematites, sm. Haematites, ore of iron. smell, mephitical, stinking. 2. Irascible, pet- Hembra, sf. 1. Female, one of the sex which tish, unpleasant. Este es un hediondo, H e is brings forth young. 2. Head of hair of woa stinkard. men. 3. Nut of a screw. 4. Eye of a hook. 5. Hembras del timón, (Nau.) Googings of Hediondo, sm. (Bot.) V. Gamarza. the rudder. 6. V. Muger. Hedor, sm. Stench, stink, fetor. Hedrár, ra. (Prov.) To dig a second time about Hembreár, rn. 1. T o be incUned totamales: applied to males. 2. To genérate or produce the vines. Hegíra, sf. Hegira, epocha of theflightof M o - tamales only. hammed from Mecca, from which the Ara- Hembríca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A little female. Hembrilla, sf. 1. A sort of wheat of very fine bians begin to compute time. grato. 2. Spool of a loom. 3. (Prov.) Leather Heláble, a. Congealable. trace of horses for ploughing. Helada, sf. Frost; nip. Hembrúno, na, a. (Prov.) Feminine, female, beHeladura, sf. (Prov.) Jelly. longing to the female sex. Heladizo, za, a. Easily congealed. Hemenciár, ra. (Obs.) T o work or execute with Helado, da, a. and pp. oí Helar, 1. Gelid, frigid. the greatest care and patas. 2. Frozen, congealed with cold, frostbitten, glacial, icy. 3. Frozen, chill in afleetion, in-Hemiciclo, sm. V. Semicírculo. Hemicránea, sf. Hemícrany, a disease. differeut. 4. Astonished, astounded. Heroína, sf. 1. A measure containing the third Helado, sm. Ice-cream; concreted sugar. Helamiento, sm. Congelation, frostiness, glacia- part of a fanega. 2. Hemina, á Greek liquid measure. tion. Helar, va. and n. 1. T o congeal, to turn by frostHemionife, sf. 1. (Bot.) Hemionitis, L. 2. Hemionity, hart's tongue. Asplenium hemioni. . from afluidto a solid state, to ice or to tura tis, L. to ice. 2. Tofreeze,to congeal or to be congealed with cold. 3. T o freeze, to chill by Hemiplégia, sf. (Med.) Hemiplegy, a disease. the loss of power or motion. 4. To astound, Hemisférico, ca, a. Hemispheric, hemispherical, to astonish, to amaze. 5. T o dispirit, to dis- half round. courage.—vr. 1. To freeze, to be congealed Hemisferio, sm. Hemisphere, half-spheie, the half of a globe, where it is supposed to be with cold, to be frozen. 2. T o glaciate, to cut through its centre. turn into ice. 3. T o congeal, to concrete, to gather into a mass by cold ; to be coa- Hemistiquio, sm. Hernistich or hemistic, half a verse. gulated. 4. To grow motionless, to remain 470 HER HER Herbáceo, cea, a. 1 Herby, having the nature Hemorragia, sf. Hemorrhage, hemorrhagy, flux of herbs. 2. Herbaceous, belonging to herbs, of blood. Hemorroida, sf. 1. V. Hemorroide. 2. V. He-Herbáge, sm. 1. Herbage, grass, pasture, feeding. 2. Payment for pastuiage. 3. (Prov ) morroo. Tribute to a new king for cattle. 4. Kind of Hemorroide, sm. (Med.) Pile, hemorrhoid, a disease. ancient coarse cloth made of herbs. Herbagéro, sm. One who rento meadows or pasHemorroidal, a. Hemorrhoidal. tures ; one who lets pasturage. Hemorróo, sm. Kind of serpent. Herbajar, rn. To pasture, to graze cattle.—va. Henar, sm. Meadow of hay. Henchidór, ra, s. Fíller, satiator, one who T o inclose afieldfor pasture. filis. Herbar, ra. To dress skins with herbs. Herbario, sm. 1. V. Botánico. 2. Hertarium, Henchidura, sf. Repletion, act of filling. Henchimiento, sm. Abundance, repletion. Hena hortus-siccus, collection of dried plants. chimientos, (Nau.) Filling timbers, used toHerbario, ria, a. Herbaceous, of or belonging fill up the vacant part of the ship's frame. to herbs. Herbátu or Herbitum, sm. (Bot.) Sulphur-wort, Henchir, ra. 1. To fill up. 2. T o stuff or to fill hog's fennel. Peucedanum, L. with mingled ingredients, to farce. 3. To sow discord, to produce mischief.—rr. T ofillone's Herbazal, sm. A place herbaged or covered with self. Henchirse de lepra, T o be covered with herbs or grass ; a pasture ground for cattle. the leprosy. Herbecer, rn. To begiu to grow: applied to Hendedór, ra, s. Divider, one who divides or herbs or grass. Herbífero, ra, a. Herbiferous, bearing or prosplits any thing. Hendedura, sf. Fissure, crack, rent, chink, cleft,ducing herbs. cranny, crevice, cut, an opening or aperture Herbívoro, ra, a. Herbivorous, herbaceous, feeding on herbs. longwíse. Hender, ra. 1. To chink, to break into aperturesHerbolado, da, a. Applied to things poisoned or chtoks, to crack, toflaw,to break, to fis- with the juice of plants, as daggers, darts. sure, to cleave, to split. 2. To go through ; Herbolaria, sf. (Littl. us.) Herbwoman, a woman that sells herbs. to open a passage. 3. T o break into pieces. —vr. To gape, to open infissuresor holes. Herbolario, sm. 1. Herbalist, herbarist, herbist, Hendible, a. Fissile, capable of being split. a person skilled in herbs, 2. Herbman, he Hendido, da, a. and pp. oí Hender, Cranuied, who sells herbs. 3. Aridiculousextravagant full of chtoks. man. 4. (Obs.) V. Botánico. Hendidura, sf. V. Hendedura. Herborización, sf. Herborization, botanizing. Hendiente, sm. (Obs.) Down-stroke of a sword Herborizadór, Herborizante, sm. Herbalist, heror edged tool. barist, one who herborizes. Hendríja, sf. (Prov.) A smallfissureor crack. Herborizar, rn. To herborize, to go in search of Henil, sm. Hay-loft, a place where hay is pre- different herbs and plants. served. Herboso, sa, a. Herbous, herby, grassy, aboundHeno, sm. Hay, grass dried to fodder cattle in ing in herbs. winter. Hercúleo, ea, a. 1. Herculean. 2. Epileptic. Henogíl, sm. V. Cenogil. Hércules, sm. 1. (Obs.) Epilepsy, a convulsive Heñir, ra. To knead dough or the paste of bread. motion of the whole body, or of its parts. 2. Hay mucho que heñir, (Coll.) There is much (Astr.) A northern constellation. to do. Tiene mucho que heñir, (CoU.) It is Heredad, sf. 1. Piece of ground which is cultivery difficult. vated and bears fruit. 2. (Obs.) HereditaHepática, sf. (Bot.) Liverwort Anemone hepá- ment. tica, L. Heredadéja, sf. dim. oí Heredad. Hepático, ca, a. Hepatíc, hepatical, belonging Heredado, da, a. V. Hacendado. Estar hereto the liver. dado, T o be in possession of one's family Heptacórdo, sm. Heptachord, a musical instruproperty.—pp. oí Heredar. ment. Heredamiento, sm. Landed property, lands, teHeptagonal, a. (Math.) Heptagonal. V. Heptá- nements. gono, which is more used. Heredar, ra. 1. T o inherit,toheir. 2. T o make Heptágono, na, a. Heptagonal, having seven over any kind of property to another, to be angles or sides. possessed by himself and his heirs or sucHeptágono, sm. Heptegon, afigureconsisting cessors. 3. T o possess the disposition or of seven sides and angles. temperament of their fathers: applied to chil Heptárquia, sf. Heptórchy, a sevenfold govern- dren. ment. Heredera, sf. Heiress, a woman that inhents. heráldica, sf. Heraldry, the art and office of a V. Heredero. herald. Heredero, sm. 1. Heir, one that is inheritor to Heráldico, ca, a. Heraldic, that which relates or any thing left by a deceased person. 2. Heir, belongs to a herald. one possessíng the same propensities as his Heraldo, sm. Herald, an officer whose business predecessors. 3. (Prov.) Vintager, one who ít is to register genealogies and adjust argathers the vintage. Heredero forzoso, Heii morial ensigns. apparent. Hernpríca, sf. (Pharm.) Hierapicra, a bitter, Hereditáble, a. (Obs.) Hereditable. purgative medicine. Hereditariamente, ad. Hereditarily. 471 HER HER Hereditario, ria, a. Hereditary, belonging to or ther.—rn. T o fratemize, to join, to unite.— claímed by right of inheritance ; lineal or derr. To love one another as brothers. rived from ancestors; gentílitious or entailed Hermanastro, sm. (Prov.) Half-brother. on a family. Hermanazgo, sm. Fraternity, brotherhood. Herége, s. com.. Heretic, one who propagatesHermandad, sf. 1. Fraternity, the state or quaopinions in opposition to the catholie church. lity of a brother. 2. Oonformity, resemblance, 3. Amity, friendship. 4. Brotherhood, confraCara de herege, Hideous or deformed aspect of any one. ternity, an association of men under certain Heregía, sf. 1. Heresy, an opinión of prívate m e n rules for some determínate purpose; fraterdifferent from that of the orthodox church. nity. La santa hermandad, A kind of court 2. Literary error, contrary to the principies of justice, which had the right of trying and of a science. 3. Injurious expression against punishing without appeal such persons as any one. had committed any offences or mísdemea> Heréja, sf. (Obs.) Female heretic. nours infieldsand roads. Herejázo, sm. augm. A perttoacious heretic, an Hermanear, ra. T o treat as a brother. heresiarch. Hermaníca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A little sister. Herejóte, ta, s. augm. A perttoacious heretic. Hermauíco, íllo, íto, sm. dim. A little brother. Herén, sm. (Bot.) Vetch. V. Yero. Hermano, na, a. Matched, suitable, having reHerencia, sf. Inheritance, hereditament, heri- semblance. tage, héirskip, heirdom. Hermano, na, s. 1. Brother, one born of the Heresiárca, sm. Heresiarch, a leader to heresy. same parents with another. 2. Brother-in- : Heresiólogo, sm. (Littl. us.) Writer on heresies. law. 5. Similarity; as among the members of : Heretical, a. Heretical, containing heresy. a religious community. Hermano carnal, Heréticamente, aa*. (Littl. us.) Heretically. Brother by the same father and mother. HerHereticár, ra. (Obs.) To believe and defend permano de leche, Foster-brother. Hermano de ,5 tinaciously any heresy. trabajo, (Prov.) V. Ganapán. Hermano ,-* Herético, ca, a. Heretical, concerning heresy or político, Brother-in-law. Medio hermano, '••' belonging to it Half-brother.—pl. 1. Members of the same x Héria, sf. Strolling vagrant V. Hampa. religious confraternity. 2. Lay-brothers of a Herida, sf. 1. Wound. 2. Affliction, any thing reUgious order. which afflicte the mind. 3. Injury, outrage, Hermanuco, sm. Ñ a m e given in contempt to mischief. 4. Place where the game perches lay-brothers of some religious orders. when pursued by the hawk. Herméticamente, ad. Hermetically. Heridéro, sm. Place where a wound is inflicted. Hermético, ca, a. Hermetical, chemical. Herido, da, a. and pp. oí Herir, 1. Wounded. Hermodáctilo, sm. Hermodadil or hermodactiMalherido, Dangerously wounded. 2. (Obs.) lus ; snake's head. Iris tuberosa, L. Bloody, cruel. A grito herido, With loudHermosamente, aa*. Beautifully, bandsomely cries. A pendón herido, Ardently, conten- lovely; perfectly, properly. tiously. Bienes heridos, Estafes b'urdened Hermoseadór, ra, s. Beautifier. with some incumbrance by their former pos- Hermosear, ra. T o beautify, to embellish, to sessors. accomplish, to handsome, to adorn, to add beauty. Heridór, ra, s. Wounder, striker. Herimiénto, sm. 1. Act of wounding. 2. Con- Hermosílla, sf. 1. (Bot.) Blue throat-wort. junction of vowels in a syllable ; elisión. Trachelium coeruleum, L. 2. Kind of silk Herir, ra. 1. To wound, to break the continuity stuff. of the animal body. 2. To wound, to hurt Hermoso, sa, a. 1. Beautiful, handsome, graceby violence, to cause either bodily or mental ful, lovely, comely, ueat, goodly,fine,beaupain, to harm, to mischief. 3. T o shine upon, teous, fair. 2. (Obs.) Rare, uncommon. to cast his beams upon, to irradíate : applied Hermosura, sf. 1. Beauty, that assemblage of to the sun. 4. T o knock, to dash together, graces which pleases the eye. 2. Handsometo strike, to collide. 5. To strike, or to make ness,formosity,goodliness,fineness,faimess, an impression upon the mind or upon the freshness. 3. Symmetry, agreement of one senses, to affect, to touch, to move. 6. T o part to another. 4. Beauty, a beautiful person. play on a stringed instrument 7. To offénd, to pique, to irritóte: applied generally to Hernia, sf. Hernia, rupture. words and writings.—rr. V. Agraviarse. Hernísta, sm. Surgeon who applies himself in Herir las letras, To pronounce the letters. particular to the cure of ruptures. Herir el casco de un navio, (Nau.) To hullHerodiáno, a na, a. Herodian, belongingtoHerod. ship, to wound her hull. Herodianos, Herodians, a Jewish sect. Hermafrodíta, Hermafrodíto, sm. Hermaphro- Héroe, sm. 1, Hero, a m a n eminent for bravery dite, androgyne, an animal or plant uniting and valour. 2. Hero, the principal person to two sexes. any poem. Hermana, sf. 1. Sister. 2. Siater-in-Iaw. V. Heroicamente, aa*. Heroically. Hermano. Heroicidad, sf. Quality or character which con Hermanáble, a. Fraternal, brotherly. stitutes an heroic action. V. Heroísmo. Uermanableménte, aa*. Fraternally. Heroico, ca, a. 1. Heroic, eminent for bravery. Hermanál, a. Brotherly, belonging to a brother. 2. Heroica", befitting an hero. 3. Recitíng the Hermanar, ra. 1. To match, to suit, to propor- acto of héroes. A la heroica, At the fashion tion, to feUow, to pair. 2. To own for a bro- of heroic times. 472 HER HIB Herrumbroso, sa, a. 1. Rusty, drossy, scaly. 2 Heroína, sf. Heroine, a female hero. Participating of the qualities of iron. Heroísmo, sm. Heroism, the qualities oí characHerventar, ra. T o boil any thing. ter of an hero. Herpe, sm. Herpes, tetter, a cutaneous disease : Hervidero, sm. 1. Ebullition, the noise and agitation of afluidwhich boils in bubbies. 2. commonly used in plural. Kind of water-clock or small spring, whence Herpético, ca, a. Herpetic. water bubbies out. 3. Rattüng in the throat, Herrada, sf. Pail, a wooden vessel in which 4. Multitude, great quantity or number. liquids are carried. Herrada, a. Applied to water in which red-hot Hervir, rn. l.To boil, to be agitated by heat. 2. (Met.) T o swarm with vermin ; to be iron has been cooled. crowded with people. 3. T o be fervent to be Herradero, sm. 1. Place destined for marking vehement. Hervir el garbanzuelo T o be too cattle with a hot hon. 2. T h e act of marking soUcitous and clamorous. cattle with a hot iron. Hervor, sm. 1. Ebullition, the agitation of boilHerrador, sm. Farrier, a shoer of horses. Herradura, sf. 1. Shoe: speaking of animáis. ing fluids; exestuation. 2. Fervoui, heat, Herradura de caballo, Horse-shoe. 2. Collar vigour; fret. 3. ( M e t ) Noise and movement of waters. Alzar or levantar el hervor, or necklace in the form of a horse-shoe, T o begin to boil. which ladies wear about their neck. Herráge, sm. 1. Ironwork, pieces of iron used Hervorcíco, íllo, íto, sm. dim. oí Hervor. for ornament and strength. Herrage de un Hervoroso, sa, a. (Obs.) V . Fogoso. navio, (Nau.) Ironwork of a ship. 2. Horse- Hesitación, sf. (Littl. us.) Hesitation, doubt, shoe, an iron píate nailed to the feet of horses. perplexity, want of resolution ; hesitancy. Hesitar, r». (Littl. us.) T o hesitate, to doubt. 3. V . Uerrax. Herramental, sm. and a. B a g or pouch with in- Hespéride, Hespérido, da, a. L Relating to the Pleiades. 2. (Poet.) Western. struments for shoeing horses, and what beHespérides, sf. pl. V . Pléyades. longs to it. Herramienta, sf. 1. Set of tools or instruments Héspero, sm. The planet Venus. for workmen. 2. Ironwork. 3. Horns of a Heteroclítico, ca, a. (Gramm.) Heteroclite. Heterodoxia, sf. Heterodoxy, misbelief. beast. 4. (Coll.) Teeth, grinders. Herrar, ra. 1. T o garnish any thing with iron. Heterodoxo, xa, a. Heterodox, deviating from the established opinión; not orthodox. 2.To shoe horses, to nail a piece of iron-plate to their feet. 3. T o mark cattle with a hot Heterogeneidad, sf. Heterogeneousness, heterogeneity. iron. 4. T o mark a slave in the face. Herráx, sm. Stones of olives after having ex- Heterogéneo, nea, a. Heterogeneous, not kindred, opposite or dissimilar in nature, heterotracted the oil. V. Errax. gene, heterogeneal. Herrén, sm. 1. Meslin, mixed corn for feeding Hoteróscios, sm. pl. (Geog.) Heteroscians. horses. 2. V. Herrenal. Herrenal or Herrenal, sm. Piece of ground in Hética, Hetiquéz, sf. Phthisis, consumption, hectic. which meslin is sown. Herrería, sf. 1. Ironworks, where iron is manu-Hético, ca, a. Hectic, hectical, affected with a slow hectic fever; languid: it is also used as faríured and moulded into pigs or bars. 2. a substantive applied to a peíson affected with Forge, the place where iron is beaten into a hectic fever, and to a person or animal who form. 3. Clamour, a loud, confused noise. is very thin. Herreríco, íllo, íto, sm- dim. A little smith. Herrerillo, sm. Small bird with blue back and Hexacórdo, sm. (Mus.) Hexachord. Hexaedro, sm. Hexaedron, a cube. red breast. Herrero, sm. Smith, one w h o forges with the Hexágono, sm. Hexagon, a plainfigureconsisting of six sides. h a m m e r or beats iron into form. Hexágono, na, a. Hexagonal, having six sides Herrerón, sm. A bad smith. or corners. Herreruelo, sm. 1. (Orn.) Stone-chatter. Motacilla provincialis, L. 2. V . Ferreruelo. 3. Hexámetro, sm. Hexameter, a verse of six feet. Hexapéda, sf. V. Toesa. (Dim.) V . Herrerico. Herrete, sm. Tag, the point of tin or other metal Hexástilo, sm. (Arch.) Hexastyle, a building put at the end of a lace, cord or string. with six columns in front. Herretear, ra. T o tag a lace, to put a point of Hez, sf. 1. Lee, the dregs of liquors. 2. Dross metal to a cord, string or ribbon. of metáis. 3. Gratas of malt. La hez del Herretéro, ra, s. Tag-make.r, a person who pttts . pueblo, T h e scum of the people. Heces, tags to cords or strings. Fasces, excrements. Herrezuélo, sm. Light piece of iron. Hi, Hi, Ai, interj. Expression of merriment oí Herriál, a. Applied to a kind of large black laughter. grapes, and to the vines which bear them. Hi, aa*. (Obs.) V . Allí. Herrín, sm. Rust of iron. Hi, sm. Used for hijo, son. Hi de puta, ( L o w ) Herrón, sm. Staple with a ring, in the middle of A by-word expressive of astonishment oí which is a hole, at which boys pitch quoits ; wonder. a quoit. Hiádas, Hiádes, sf. pl. V. Pléyades. Herronáda, sf L A violent blow or stroke. 2. Hiáute, a. Applied to a verse with a hiatus. (Met.) Blow with a bird's beak. Hiato, sm. Hiatus, pause or cacophony by tha Herrugiénto, ta, a. Rusty. suceession of an initial to a final vowel. Herrumbre, sf. Rust of iron ; irony taste, Hibernal, Hibernízo, za, a. Hibernal, wintryi 473 Hll) HIG Hibernar, rn. (Prov.) T o winter, to live D someHidrómetro, sm. Hydrometer, instrument fot place during the winter. measuring the weight of fluids. Hibierno, sm. Winter. V. Invierna. Hidropesía, sf. 1. Dropsy. 2. (Met) Insatiable Hil n's co, sm. (Bot.) Syrian mal low, althaea fru- desire of riches or honours. Hidrópico, ca, a. Hydropic, hydropical, diseased tex. Hibiscus syriacus, L. with the dropsy. Hibléo, bléa, a. (Poet.) Abundant; pleasant; belonging to mount Hybla. Hidróscopo, sm. Hydroscope, water-clw k. Híbrida, sf. Hybridous animal, as a mulé; hy- Hidrostática, */. Hydrostatics, the science of weighingfluids,or weighíng bodies in fluids. brídous words,—a. Hybridous, hybrid. Hicocérvo, sm. Fabulous animal; chimera a Hidrostáticaménte, ad. Hydrostatically. Hidrostático, ca, a. HydrostoticaL vain and wild fancy. Hidalgamente, ad. Ñobly, in a gentlemanüke Hidrotecnia, sf. The art of making engines for manner. moving and raising water. Hidalgárse, rr. (Coll.) To assume the noble- Hiedra arbórea, sf. (Bot.) Ivy. Hederá heman, to affect the gentleman. Ux, L. Hidalgo, ga, a. Noble, illustrious, exceüent, ex- Hiedra terrestre, sf. (Bot.) Ground-ivy or comm o n ground-ivy. Glechoma hederacea, L. altad. Hidalgo, ga, s. Hidalgo, a noble m a n or woman,Hiél, sf. 1. Gall, bile, an animal juice of a yeliow colour and bitter taste. 2. (Met.) Bittera person of noble descent, one who is ennobled. Hidalgo de bragueta, O n e who enjoys ness, asperity. Echar la hiél, T o labour excessively. No tener hiél, To be meek, simple the privileges of nobility on account of his and gentle. Estar hecho de hiéles, To be as being father of seven sons without any intervening female child. Hidalgo de gotera, bitter as gall. Hieles, Calamities, misfortunes, toils. Dar á beber hieles, T o make H e who enjoys the rights of nobility in one one Uve a most wretched life. place or town only. Hidalgón, na; Hidalgóte, ta, s. augm. A n oídHiél de la tierra, sm. 1. (Bot.) C o m m o n fumitory or earth smoke. Fumaria officinalis, /.. noble m a n or woman, proud of the rights and 2. C o m m o n erythraea. Erythrsea ceutouprivileges of their class. Hidalguéjo, ja, Hidalguéte,to,Hidalguíllo, Ua, rium, P. *, aVm. A petty country squire, a poor gentle- Hielo, sm. 1. Frost, ice, crystalUzed water. 2. Congelation. 3. (Met.) Coolness, indifference. m a n or lady. Hidalguía, sf. 1. Nobility, therightsand privi- 4. Astonishment, stupefadion. Hielos, Iceleges of noblemen. 2. Nobleness of mind, creams. liberaüty of sentiments. Hiéltro, sm. A kind of measure. Hidra, sf. 1. Hydra, a fabulous monsfer with Hiemal, a. Hyemal, hibernal. many heads, related to have been killed by Hiena, sf. 1. Hyen or hyena, afierceanimal, belonging to the family of dogs. Canis hyena, Hercules. 2. A poisonous serpent. 3. (Met.) L. 2. Fish in the Indian sea. Seditions, plots. Hidragógo, sm. and a. (Med.) Hydragogue. Hienda, sf. (Obs.) Dung. V. Estiércol. Hidráulica, sf. Hydraulics, the science whichHierádo, sm. (Bot.) Hawk-weed. treats of the motion offluids,and the art of Hierárca, sf. Hierarch, among the Greeks, the chief of a sacred order. conveying water. Hidráulico, ca, a. HydrauUcal, hydraulic, rela-Hieroglífico, ca, a. Hieroglyphic, hieroglyphiting to the conveyance of water through cal, emblematícal.—sm. (Obs.) V. Gerogiífico. pipes. HidraúUco, sm. Professor of hydraulics. Hierológia, sf. (Littl. us.) Hierology, discourse on sacred things. Hídria, sf. Jar or pitcher for water. Hidrocéfalo, sm. (Med.) Hydrocephalus, dropsyHierománcia, sf. (Littl. us.) Hieromancy, divination by sacrifices. in the head. Hidrodinámica, sf. Hydrodtaamies, science Hieroscópia, sf. V. Aruspicina. which relates to the motion of non-elastic Hierrecíco,fllo,íto, sm. dim. SmaU piece of wrought iron. fluids. Hierro, sm. 1. Iron, a malleable metal. 2. A n y Hidrofilácio, sm. Great cavern full of water. iron tool. 3.Brand, a mark madeby burning Hidrofobia, sf. Hydrophobia, hydrophoby, a disease. ddth a hot iron. 4. A n iron instrument to Hidrófobo, sm. Person suffering hydrophobia. wound with. Hierro de la grímpola, (Nau.) Hidrógeno, sm. (Chem.) Hydrogen. Spindle of the vane. Hierro albo, Red-hot Hidrogógía, sf. The art or science of taking the iron. Hierro colado, Cast-iron. Hierro forlevel of the water. jado, Forged iron. Es de hierro, H e is inde> Hidrografía, sf. Hydrography, the descriptíon of fatigable or as hardy as steel. Machacar oí the watery part of the terraqueous globe. majar en hierro frió, T o labour in vain. Hidrográfico, ca, a. Hydrographical. Tienda de hierro, A n ironmonger's shop. Hidrógrafo, sm. Hydrographer Hierros, Irons, fetters; jail. Le echaron Hidrológia, sf. Hydrology, descriptíon of the hierros, They put him in irons. nature and properties of water m general. Higa, sf. 1. Amulet, charm, an appendant reHidrománeia, sf. Hydromancy, superstitious medy ; a thing hung about the neck for predivination by water. venhng or curing disease. 2. Method of Hidrómetra, sm. Professor of hydrometry. shutting the hand. 3. Ridicule, derision. Hidrometría, sf. Hydrometry. Higadillo, sm. dim. A small liver. 474 HIL HIN trench for dividing the water which is destined Hígado, sm. 1. Liver, one of the entrails. 2. for the irrigation of differeiit pieces of ground, (Met. Coll.) Courage, valour, bravery. Tener A la hila, (Prov.) In a row oí Une. one aftei malos hígados, 1. T o be white livered, to be another. ill-disposed. 2. (Met.) T o hate. Echar los hígados, T o be very tired or fatigued. Echar Hilacha, sf. Filament or threads raveUed out of cloth. los hígados por alguna cosa, (Coll.) T o desire anxiously. Malos hígados, (Coll.) 111- Hilachoso, sa, a. Filamentous. will. Hasta los higados, (Coll.) T o the Hilada, sf. 1. R o w or line of bricks or stones in a building. 2. V . Hilera. heart. Hígáte, sm. Potage, formerly m a d e of figs, Hiladíllo, sm. 1. Ferret silk. 2. Narrow riband or tape. pork and fowl, boiled together, and seasoned with sugar, ginger, cinnamon, pimento and Hilado, sm. Spunflax,h e m p , wool, silk or cotton.—Hilado, da, pp. oí Hilar. other spices. Hilador, ra, s. Spinner, spinster. Higiene, sf. (Med.) Hygiene. Higo, sm. 1. Fig, the fruit of the fig-tree. Higo Hilandera, sf. Spinster, w o m a n w h o spins. chumbo ox de pala, Fruit of the nopal or In- Hilandería, sf. Place where h e m p is spun. dian fig-tree. l'an de higos, Cake m a d e of Hilandero, sm. Spinner ; spinning-room, a ropewalk. figs. 2. A kind of piles. Higo maduro, (Orn.) HilanderíHa, sf. dim. A little spinster. Green wood-pecker. Hilanza, sf. (Prov.) Thread, Une, m o d e of spinHigrometría, sm. Hygrometry. ning. Higrómetro, sm. Hygrometer, an instrument to Hilar, ra. 1. T o spin, to draw silk, cotton, wool measure the degrees of moisture. etc. into thread. 2. T o argüe, to discuss. Higuera, sf. (Bot.) Fig-tree. Ficus carica, L. Hilar delgado, T o handle a subject in too Higuera infernal, Castor-oil plant. Ricinus subtle and nice a manner. 3. T o form the communis, L. Higuera de Iridias or ae las pod: applied to silk-worms. Indias, Indianfig-tree.Castus opuntia, L. Hilaracha, sf. Filament. V . Hilacha. Higueral, sm. Plantation oí fig-trees. Higueríca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A small fig-tree. Hilaza, sf. 1. A n y thing spun or drawn out into thread. V. Hilado. 2. Yarn. Hilazas, FilaHiguerón, sm. Large tree in America. mento or slender threads of plants. Higuíco, íllo, íto, sm. dim. A small fig. Hija, sf. 1. Daughter. 2. Daughter-in-Iaw. V . Hilera, sf. 1. R o w or line of several things following one after another; file. 2. (Prov.) Hijo, ja. The hollow part of a spindle. 3. A n iron Hijar, sm. V. Ijar. píate with holes, for drawing gold or silver Hijastro, tra, s. Step-child. into wire. 4. B e a m which forms the top of Hijézna, sm. T h e young of any bird. the roof. Hijíco, íca; íllo, illa; íto, íta, s. dim. Little Hilero, sm. 1. Sign of currents in the sea. 2. child, little dear. Tlireaib-seller. Hijo, sm. 1. Son. 2. Son-in-law. Hijo, ja, s. 1. Child. 2. Y o u n g of all living Hiléte, sm. dim. V . Hilico. animáis. 3. Son or native of a place. 4. Hilíco, íllo, íto, sm. dim. Small thread, filament. Child, son, daughter, any thing which is the Hilo, sm. 1. Thread, a small line or twist, formed of wool, cotton, silk, etc. 2. Wire, metal drawn product or effect of another. 5. B u d or rooi into slender threads. 3. A slender thread, of the horns of animáis. Hijo del agua, A formed by liquids falling down in drops. 4. good saiior, a good swimmer. Hijo de ta (Met.) Thread or connection of a discourse. 5. piedra, Foundling. Hijo de leche, FosterFine thread of spiders or silk-worms. 6. V. child. Hijo bastardo, hijo de ganancia or Filo. Hila á hilo, Drop by drop. Hilo de hijo de su madre, (CoU.) Bastard. palomar, or hilo bramante, Packthread. Pilo Hijodalgo, Hijadálgo, s. V. Hidalgo. Hijuela, sf. 1. Piece of cloth or linen joined to de perlas, String of pearls. Hilo de una corriente, (Nau.) Directíon of a current. A hilo, another which is too short or narrow. 2. A Successively, one after another. Ir al hilo dei small mattress, put between others, to m a k e mundo, T o follow the opinión of the rest of the bed even. 3. Pall, a square bit of linen the world. De hilo, Directly, instantly. or pasteboard put over the chalice. 4. A small drain for drawing off water from an estáte. Hilván, sm. Basting, long stitches set in clothes to keep them in order for sewing. 5. Schedule or inventory delivered in Spain to parties entitled in distríbution to the Hilvanar, ra. 1. T o baste, to sew slightly. 2. T o act or perform in a hurry. estáte of a deceased, containing an exact account of their distributive share. 6. A n Hímen, sm. H y m e n , the virginal membrane. inventory, a catalogue of the articles which Himeneo, sm. 1. (Poet.) Marriage, matrimony. 2. Epíthalamium, hymeneal, hymenean. 3, belong to the estáte of a deceased person. 7. H y m e n , the god of marriage. Cross-road. 8. Postman w h o delívers the lettersfrom the office. 9.Palm-seed. 10. (Prov.) Himnísta, sm. (Coll.) Composer of hymns. Fascine of wood. 11. (Prov.) Cord m a d e of Himno, sm. H y m n , an encomiastic song, oí the gut of silkworms. song of •adoration to the Supreme Being. Hijuelo, la, s. dim. 1. A young child. 2. (Bot.)Himplar, rn. T o roar or bellow : applied to the panther and ounce. Sueker. Hila, sf. 1. R o w , line. V . Hilera. 2. Thin gut.Hín, sm. Sound emitted by mules or horses. 3. Act of spinning. 4. Lint scrapéd into a soft Hincadura, sf. Act offixingany thing. woolly substance, to lay on sotes. 5. Small Hincapié, sm. A n effbrt m a d e with the foot b) 475 HIP HIP fixing itfirmlyon the ground. Hacer hinca-Hipnál, sm. Kind of serpent said to occasíoi pie, To make a strenuous attempt. sleep. Hincar, ra. 1. T o thrust in, to drive into,to nail Hipnótico, ca, s. and a. (Med.) Hypnotíc. one thing to another. Hincar la rodilla, ToHipo, sm. 1. Hiccough, a convulsive motion of kneel down. 2. (Prov.) T o plant Hincar the stomach. 2. Wish, desire, anxiety. 3. el diente, T o appropriate property to one's Anger, displeasure, fury. Hipocampo, sm. Hippopotamus. self; to censure, to calumníate. Hincha, sf. (CoU.) Hatred, displeasure, en- Hipocentáuro, sm. Híppocentaur, a fabulous monster. mity. Hinchadamente, «a*. Haughtily, loftily. Hipodstide, Hipodsto, s. (Bot) Hypocistis. Cytínus hypocistis, L. Hinchadíco, íca, íllo, illa, íto, íta, s. dim. Snghtly Hipocondría, sf. Hypochondria, melancholy, swollen. Hinchado, da, a. and pp. of Hinchar, 1. Swolhypochondriasis, hypochondriac affection oí passion. len, tumefied, swelled, hoven, hulched. 2. Vain, arrogant, presumptuous. 3. Inflated, Hipocondríaco, ca, a. Hypochondriasis, hypoehondriacal, melancholy, melancholian, dísturgid, tumid, puffy: applied to a pompous ordered in the Ímagination, fanciful. style. Hinchar, ra. 1. T o Ínflate,toswell with wind. Hipocondríaco, ca, s. Hypochondriac, melancholist 2. T ofilla musical instrument with air. 3. To swell, to raise to arrogance.—rr. 1. To Hipocóndrico, ca, a. Hypochondriac, hypochondriacal, of or belonging to the hypochonswell, to grow turgid, to be tumefied. 2. To dres. be elated with arrogance or anger. Hinchazón, sm. 1. Swelling, tumefadion, a Hipocondrio, sm. (Anat.) Hypochondrium, that part of the body which'lies under the cartí tumid inflammation. 2. Ostentatíon, vanity, lages of the false ribs: it is more generally pride; inflation. used in its plural, hypocóndres. Hinchazoncíca, illa, íta, s. dim. A trifling or superficial swelling. Hipocrás, sm. Hippocras, a kind of Uquor, Hinchír, ra. (Obs.) V. Henchir. composed of wine, sugar, cinnamon, clove and other ingredients. Hincón, sm. Post to which cables are fastened on the banks of rivers. Hipocrenídes, sf. pl. (Poet.) Epithet applied to Hiniesta, sf. (Bot.) Spanish broom. Spartium the muses of Parnassus. junceum, L. Hipocresía, sf. Hypocrisy, dissimulation with Hiniéstra, sf (Prov.) Window. V. Ventana. regard to the moral or religious charader. Hinníble, a. Capable of neighing : appiíed to a Hipócrita, a. Hypocritical, hypocritie, falsefaced, horse. dissembling, insincere. Hínóios Fitos, ad. (Obs.) O n bended knees. Hipócrita, s. Hypocrite, a dissembler in moraHinojál, sm. Bed or place full of fennel. lity or religión. Hinojár, rn. and r. (Obs.) V. Arrodillar and Hipócritamente, ad. Hypocritically. Arrodillarse. Hipocritílla, sf. dim. A sly hypocrite. Hinojo, sm. 1. Knee. V. Rodilla. 2. (Bot) Hipócrito, ta, a. Feigned, dissembled, hypoFennel. Anethum fceniculum, L. 3. Hinojo critical. marino, (Bot)' Samphire. Crithmum mariti- Hípocritón, na, a. augm. Extremely hypocritical or dissembling. mum, L. Hintéro, sm. Table on which bakers knead their Hipódromo, sm. Híppodrome, circus. dough. Hipogástrico, ca, a. Hypogastric. Hiñír, ra. (Prov.) V. Heñir. Hípogástro, sm. Hypogastrium, the lower part Hipar, rn. 1. T o hiccough,tosob with frequent of the belly. convulsions of the stomach. 2. T o be harassed Hipoglósa, so, s. (Bot.) Horse-tongue. Ruscus with anxiety and grief. 3. T o pant, to desire hypoglossum, L. eagerly, to be anxious. 4. To follow the chase Hípógnfo, sm. Híppogfiff, a winged horse. by the smell: spoken of pointers. Hipolibónoto, sm, South-east wind. Hipear, rn. T o hiccough. V. Hipar. Hipómanes, sm. Kind of poison with the anHipecóo, sm. (Bot.) Horned cumin or hypecoum. cients. Hypecoum, L. Hípomarátro, sm. (Bot.) Wild fennel. Jesseli Hipérbola, sf. (Geom.) Hyperbola, a sectíon of hypomarathrum, L. a cone made by a plano, so that the axis of Hipomódio, Hipomóclion, sm. Fulcrum of a the sectíon indines to the opposite leg of the lever, part on which the beam of a balance cone. revolves. Hipérbole, sf. Hyperbole, afigurein rhetoric,Hipopótamo, sm. Hippopotamus, a river-horse. by which any thing is increased or decreased Hipóstosis, sf. (Div.) Hypostasis. beyond the exact truth. Hipostático, ca, a. Hypostatical. Hiperbólicamente, aa*. Hyperbolically, Hipoteca, sf Mortgage, pledge; security given Hiperbólico, ca, a. Hyperbolical. for the performance of an engagement. Hiperbolizar, rn. To use hyperbolss. Buena hipoteca, A phrase commonly used to Hiperbóreo, rea, a. Hyperborean. express that a person or thing is •¡vorthless Hiperdulía, sf. Hyperdulia, worship of the virgin and not to be relied upon. Mary. Hipotecáble, a. Capable of being pledged. Hipérico, Hipéricon, sm. (Bot.) St. John's-wortHipotecar, va. T o hypothecate, to pledge, fo Hypericum, L. mortgage. 476 HIS HOC chronider, a writer of history or of facts and Hipotecario, ria, a. Belonging to a mortgage. Hipotenusa, sf. Hypothenuse, the line that subevents. tends the right angle of aright-angledtri- Historial, a. Historical, historie. Historialménte, aa*. Historically. angle; the subtense. Hipótesis, sf. Hypothesis, a supposition ; a Historiar, ra. 1. T o historify, to record in history. 2. T o represent historical events in system formed upon some principies not painting or tapestry. proved. Hipotético, ca, a. Hypothetic, bypothetical, con-Históricamente, ad. Historically. Histórico, ca, «. Historical, historie, belonging ditional. to history.—sm. (Obs.) Historian. Hirásco, sm. A castrated he-goat. Historieta, sf. dim. A short story or tale, a short Hirmár, ra. (Prov.) V . Afirmar. novel, love tale or an anécdota mixed with Hírme, a. (Prov.) V . Firme. fact and fable. Hirsuto,to,a. (Poet.) Hirsuto, rough, rugged. Historiógrafo, sm. Historiographer, historian, a Hirundinária, sf. (Bot.) V . Celidonia and Golonwriter of history. drinera. Historión, sm. A tedious, long-winded story. Hirviénte, pa. Boiling. Hísca, sf. Birdlime, a glutinous substance spread Histrión, sm. 1. Actor, player; a person engaged in performing plays: used only in upon twigs, by which the birds that light upon contempt. 2. Buffoon, juggler, puppetman. them are entangled. Histriónico, ca, a. Histrionic, histrionical, befitHiscál, sm. A rope of three strands. ting the stage ; suitable to players. Hisopada, sf. Water sprinkled about with a Histrionísa, sf. Actress, a w o m a n that plays on water-sprinkler. the stage. Hisopear, ra. T o sprinkle or scatter water about Histrionísmo, sm. In contempt, histrionism, the with a water-sprinkler. art and profession of an actor or player. Hisopíllo, sm. 1. A small water-sprinkler. 2. Bit of soft linen put at the end of a stick, and Hita, sf. 1. A sort of nail without a head. 2. Landmark. V . Hito. used to wash and refresh the mouth of a sick person. 3. (Bot.) Winter-savory. Satureja Hito, ta, a. 1. (Obs.) Black. 2. Fixed, firm ; importúnate. montana, L. Hisopo, sm. 1.v B o t ) Hyssop. Hyssopus, L. 2. Hito, sm. 1. Landmark, any thing set up to mark boundaries. 2. Guide-post, a post Water-sprinkler, with which holy water is where two or more roads meet, directing the scattered or sprinkled, m a d e of a lock of traveller which to follow. 3. Pin or m a r k at horse-hair fastened to the end of a stick. which quoits are cast by w a y of amusement; Hisopo húmedo, (Pharm.) Grease collected mark to shoot at. A hito, Fixedly, firmly. in washingfleecesof wool. Mirar de hito en hito, T o view with cióse Hispánico, ca, a. Spanish. attention, to fix the eyes on any object. Dar Hispanismo, sm. Spanish idiom, a mode of en el hito or a*ar en el hito de la dificultad, speech peculiar to the Spanish language. T o hit the nail on the head, to come to the Hispanizado, da, a. and pp. oí Hispanizar. V. point. Españolizado. Hiúlco, ca, a. Harsh, unharmonious: applied to Hispanizar, ra. V . Españolizar. poetry. Hispano, na, a. Spanish.—s. (Poet.) A SpaHobachón, na, a. Slothful, sluggish, lazy. niard. Híspido, da, a. Bristly, having bristles like Hobéchos, sm. pl. Soldiers armed with pikes ; hogs. pikemen. Hispir, vn. (Prov.) T o beat as eggs, to m a k e Hoblonéra, sf. Hop-ground, hop-yard, hopspongy, to rarefy. garden, any place where hops are cultivated. Hobús, sm. (Gunn.) Howitzer, a sort of mortar, Histérico, sm. Hysterics, a disease. or sbort cannon with a wide mouth, for throwHistérico, ca, a. Hysteric, hysterical, relating or belonging to hysterics or hysteric fits; ing shells. belonging or relating to the w o m b . Hocicada, sf. 1. A blow given with the snout of Histerismo, sm. V . Histérico. a beast, and sometimes also with the mouth. Histerotomía, sm. A n anatomical dissection of 2. Fall upon the face, or headlong on the the w o m b . ground. 3. (CoU.) A smart reprimand. Histiodromía, sf. Histiodromia, art of naviga- Hocicar, ra. T o break up the ground with the ting by means of sails. snout.—rn. 1. T o faU headlong with the Historia, sf. 1. History, a narration of events face to the ground. 2. T o stumble or slide and facts delivered with dignity. 2. (Coll.) into errors. Tale, story; fable. 3.fiistory-piece,an Hocico, sm. 1. Snout, the nose of a beast. 2, historical painting, representiñg some reMouth of a m a n w h o has very prominent lips. mar kable event. Meterse en historias, T o 3. A n y thing disproportionably big or promimeddle in things without possessing suffinent. 4. Gestures of thrusting out the lips, cient knowledge thereof, or being concerned pouting. 5. (Met.) T h e face. Meter el hoin them. cico en todo, T o meddle in every thing. De Historiado, da, a. Applied to a painting consisthocicos, B y the nose, upon the face. ing of various parts harmoniously united. Hocicudo, da, a. 1. L o n g snouted. 2. BlubberLibro historiado, Book illustrated with plates. lipped, flap-moutedh, 3. Looking sullen by — p p . oí Historiar. thrusting out the lips. Historiador, ra, s. Historian, historiographer, Hocino, sm. 1, Bill, a sort of hatchet with a 477 HOL HOM to any one at a distance. 2. H o ! ho i a hooked point. 2. Skirt of an eminence oí mountain stretching towards a river. 3. sudden exclamation of wonder or astonish(Prov.) Garden or orchard situated on the ment. 3. (Nau.) H o y ! skirt of a mountain. 4. Arch made of brick Holáu, sm. (Prov.) Cambric. and mortar which supports theflightoof a Holanda, */. Holland,fineDutch Unen. staircase. 5. The narrow bed of a river which Holandilla, Holandeta, sf. A lead-coloured glazed linen, used for lining. flows between mountains. Holgadamente, aa*. 1. Widely, amply, fully, Hociquíllo, íto, sm. dim. A little snout. loosely. 2. Quietly, carelessly. Hogañázo, aa*. (CoU.) V. Hogaño. Holgado, da, a. and pp. oí Holgar, 1. Loóse, Hogaño, ad. (Coll.) This present year. Hogar, sm. 1. Hearth,fire-place,the place on not tight, lax, disproportionaUy wide or broad. 2. Loóse, disengaged, at leísure. 3. Well whichfireis made; the pavement of a room off, in easy circumstances, free from want. wherefireis kindled. 2. (Met.) House, resiAndar or estar holgado, T o be well to pass. dence, home. Hogaza, sf. 1. A large loaf of household bread.Holganza, sf. 1. Repose, ease, tranquillity of muid, quiet or quíetness, repose. 2. Diver2. A n y large loaf. sión, recreation, amusement, entertaininent. Hoguera, sf. 1. Bonfire, afiremade for some public rejoieing. 2. A n y transitory blaze, Holgar, vn. 1. T o rest to cease from labour, to lie at rest. 2. T o spend one's time free produced by burning things heaped together. Hoja, sf. 1. Leaf, the green deciduous part of from business. 3. T o live or to be at ease, to be at quiet 4.To take delight, pleasure or trees, planto andflowers.2. Leaf, any thing satisfaction in. 5. T o be glad of, to be pleased foliated or thinly beaten; scales of metal. with. 6. T o be well entertained at a feast or 3. Leaf, one side of a double door, shutter, walk. 7. T o be laid up as useless: applied etc. 4. Blade of a sword. 5. Ground which to inanimate things.—rr. To sport, to daily, is cultivated one year, and lying at rest to play, to trifle, to idle, to toy, to play the for another. 6. Half of each of the prinfool. cipal parts of a coat, etc. 7. Each part of which armour was composed. Hoja de lata, Holgazán, na, s. Idler, loiterer, vagabond, Tin. Hoja de lata negra, Iron plato. Hoja lounger, loiterer, and indolent, lazy person.—. de papel, Leaf of paper. Hoja de un libro, a. Idle, lazy, slofhful, inadive, indolent. Leaf of a book, containing two pages. Hoja Holgazanear, rn. T o idle or to be idle, to lead de tocino, Flitch of bacon. Hoja de estaño, an idle life, to be lazy, to loiter, to lounge. Sheet of bismuto, tin and quicksilver laid on Holgazanería, sf. Idleness, laztoess, sluggishness, slothfulness, inactivity, indolence, averthe back of a looking-glass. Doblemos la hoja, N o more of that. Volver la hoja, 1. T o sión from work. change the conversation. 2. T o change leaf, Hólgin, na, a. V. Hechicero. to turn a new leaf, to altor one's sentiments Hulgón, sm. (Prov. CoU.) A n egregious loiterer who wastes his whole Ufe in idleness and and proceedings.—pl. 1. Leaves, greens. 2. amuseinents. Lamina, thin plates, one coat laid over ansm. (Coll.) Mirth, jollity, noisy merriother. Vino de dos, tres or mas hojas, W i nHolgorio, e ment. two, three or more years oíd. Hojas de las puertas, (Nau.) Port-lids. Holgueta, sf. (CoU.) A feast, a merry-making, Hojalatero, sm. Tin-man, a manufacturer of tin, a merry-meeting. or iron tinned over, a metal-man. Holgura, sf. 1. Country-feast, an entertainHojaldrado, a. Laminated, foliated, resembling ment in the country. 2. Width, breadth. 3. Ease, repose. thin cakes.—Hojaldrado, da, pp. oí Hojaldrar. Holladura, sf. 1. Act of trampling. 2. Duty Hojaldrar, ra. To make any thing of puff paste. paid for the run of cattle. Hojaldre, sf. A sort of paneake or paste. Quitar Hollar, ra. 1. To tread upon, to trample undei la hojaldre al pastel, (Coll.) T o detect any foot. 2. T o trample on or to tread in confraud, to discover a plot. tempt, to puU down, to humble, to depress. Holléca, sf. (Orn.) V. Herrerillo. Hojaldrista, sm. Maker of buttered cakes. Hojaránzo, sm. (Bot.) C o m m o n hornbeam. Car- Hollejíco, íllo, íto, uélo, sm. dim. A small pelticle pinus betulus, L. or peel of grapes and some other fruits. Hojarasca, sf. 1. Withered leaves ; reduudancyHollejo, sm. Pellide, peel, the thin skin which of leaves; foliage. 2. Useless trifles. covers grapes and other fruit. Hojear, ra. T o tura the leaves of a book.—rn. Hotií, sm, Balsam or resinous licuor which is To form metal into sheets; to foliate. imported from N e w Spain. Hojecér, rn. (Obs.) T o leaf, to shoot forth Hollín, sm. Soot, the condensed gross and oily leaves. parts of smoke. Hojíca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A small leaf. Holliniénto, ta, a. Fuliginous, sooty. Hojoso, sa, Hojudo, da, a. Leafy, full of Holocausto, sm. 1. Holocaust, a burnt sacrifice. leaves; covered with leaves; leafed, leaved. 2. V. Sacrificio. Hojuela, sf. 1. (Dim.) A small leaf. 2. PuffHomarráche, sm. Buffoon, jack-pudding, a paste, composed of thinflakeslying on one merry-andrew. another. 3. Gold or silver leaf which sur- Hombracho, sm. A squat and square thick man. rounds the thread whereof lace is made. 4, Hombrachón, sm. augm. A very tail, square, Skins of oUves after pressing. thick man. Hola, interj. 1, Holla ! a word used in calling Hombrada, sf. L A manly action. 2. It i, 478 HOM HON used also in an iron ¡cal sense foi a ridiculous Hombruno, na, a. L M a n U k e , virile; belonging to man. 2. Relating to the shoulders. action. H ó m b u , s. (Bot.) Tree philotaca. Phytolacca Hombrázo, sm. augm. A large man. dioica, L. . Hombre, sm. 1. Man, a rational animal. 2. M a n , a human being of the male sex. 3. H ó m e , sm. ( O h s Q V . Hombre. Man, not a boy. 4. Man, one of uncommon Homecíllo, sm. (Bot.) Hops. Humulus lupulus, L. qualifications, and a human being qualified to a particular manner. 5. M a n , not a beast. Homecíllo, Homedo, sm. (Obs.) V. Homicidio. 6. Subject, vassal. 7. M a n , a word of fami Homenáge, sm. Homage, service paid and fealty tiarity bordering on contempt 8. Husband, professed to a superior lord; obeisance. Rendir homenáge, T o pay homage, to profess when mentioned by the wife. 9. Horse, a fearty. Torre de homenáge Tower in a casframe on which clothes are brushed and tle where the governoi took the oath of cleaued. 10. Ombre, game at cards. Hombre bueno, A n y one of the community who is fidelity. not an ecclesiastic or nobleman. Hombre de Homicida, s. com. Murderer, homicide, one who bien, A n honest man. Hombre de bigote, A commits homicide. grave and spirited man. Hombre de buena Homicida, a. Homicidal, murderous. capa, A well-dressed man. Hombre de Homicidio, sm. 1. Murder, homicide. 2. Ancient burlas, A n empty jester. No es hombre de tribute. burlas, H e is not a jesting person. HombreHomicíllo, sm. (Obs.) 1. Fine for wounding oí de calzas atacadas, A rigid observer of oíd killiug any one. 2. V. Homicidio. customs; a very rigid and upright man. Homildád, Homildánza, sf. (Obs.) V. Humildad. Hombre de capa y espada, The gentleman who Uves upon his property, without follow- Homilía, sf. Homily, a discourse read in a congregation. ing any particular profession. Hombre de capricho, A fanciful man, a whimsical fel- Homiliadór, sm. (Littl. us.) HomiUst, preacher. low. Hombre de corazón or ae gran cora-Homilário, sm. Collection of homilies. zón, A courageous man. Hombre de chapa, Homilista, sm. Author or writer of homilies. A m a n of judgment, abilities and merit. Hominicaco, sm.(Coll.) A paltry, cowardly tallow. Hombre de dias, A n oíd man. Hombre de Homogeneidad, sf. Homogeneity or homogenepro or de provecho, A worthy, useful man. ousness ; participation of the same principies of nature, simititude of kind. Hombre de puños, A very strong man. Hombre hecho, A grown man. Hombre honrado, Homogéneo, nea, a. Homogeneous, having the same nature or principies. A n honest, worthy man. Hombre de negosf. (Littl. us.) Homologation, cios, M a n of business. Hombre seco,- 1.Homologación, A publication or conflimation of a judicial act thin and spare man. 2. A n austere man, one of no conversation. No tener hombre, to render it more valid. To be without protection. Hombre sin dolo,Homólogo, ga, a. Homologous, having the same manner or proportions; synonymous. A plain- dealing man. Hombre de su palabra, A m a n of his word. Ser muy hombre, Homonímia, sf. Homonymy. Homónimo, ma, a. Homonymous, equivocal. To be a m a n of spirit and courage. Hombrear, rn. To assume the m a n before the Honda, sf. 1. Sling, a stringed instrument for time,—vn. and r. To vie with another; to put casting stones with great violence. 2. (Nau.) Parbuckle, a rope used on board of ships, añil himself upon a level with another in point of rank, merit or abilities. on quays, wharfs, etc. to ship and unship Hombrecíco, sm. dim. V. Hombrecito. casks, pieces of ordnance, and other heavy Hombrecillo, Hombrezuélo, sm. dim. Mannikin, articles. manling, a pitiful, little fellow. Hombrecillos, Hondamente, ad. 1. Deeply, profoundly, to a (Bot.) Hops. Humulus lupulus, L. great depth. 2. Deeply, profoundly, with Hombrecito, sm. Youth, a young man. deep concern; with deep insight, in a. deep Hombredád, sf. (Obs.) Masculineness. and sagacious manner. Hombrera, sf. Piece of ancient armourforthe Hondárras, sf. pl. (Prov.) Dregs or lees of any shoulders. liquor remaining in the vessel which conHombría de bien, sf. Probity, honest deal- tained it. ing. Ricu-hombría de España, A ñame Hondazo, sm. Cast or throw with a sling, formerly given to the ancient nobüity of Hondear, ra To unload a vessel. Spain. Hondero, sm. Slinger, a soldier anciently armed Hombrillo, sm. Gusset, a piece sewed to cloth in with a sling. order to strengthen it. Hondfca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A small sling to cast Hombro, sm. Shoulder, the joint which connects stones. the arm to the body. Hombro con hombro, Hondíjo, sm. V. Honda. Cheek by jóle. Encogerse de hombros, To Hondíllo, sm. A n y of the pieces of cloth or linen shrug up the shoulders. A' hombro or sobre which form the seats of breeches or drawers. los hombros, O n the shoulders. Llevar en Hondo, da, a. 1. Profound, deep, descending far hombros, To support, to protect. below the surface. 2. Profound, low with Hombrón, sm. 1. (Augm.) A big, lusty or huge respect to the neighbouring places. 3. (Met.) man. 2. A m a n distinguished for talents, V. Profundo. knowledge and valour. Hondo, sm. (Prov.) V. Fondo for bottom. Hombronázo sm.augm. A huge, vulgar man. Hondón, sm. 1. Bottom of a vessel or jar where 479 HON HOR the dregs oí liquor settle. 2. A n y deep or Honramiento, sm. Act of honouring. broken ground. 3. A deep hole. 4. Eye of Honrar, ra. 1. T o honour, to reverence, to rea needle. spect. 2. T o cajole, to caress, to fondle. 3. Hondonada, sf. 1. Dale, bottom of a steep place. T o dignify, to íllustrafe, to exalt, to glorify. 2. Comb, a valley surrounded by bilis. 4. T o praise, to applaud. 5. T o honest, to Hondura, sf. Depth, piofundity. credit, to grace, to adorn. Honestad", sf. (Obs.) Honesty. V. Honestidad. Honrilla, sf. dim. Nice point of honour: ít is Honestamente, aa". Honestly; modesfiy. almost always used with the adjective negra, Honestar, ra. 1. To honour, to dignify. 2. To black. Por la negra honrilla he omitido haexcuse, to palliate. cerlo, I have left it undone from some liiüe Honestidad, sf. 1. Honesty, composure, mopoint of honour or bashfulness. desty, moderation. 2. Honesty, purity of Honrosamente, aa*. Honourably, honestly, cresentiments and principies, honourableuess; ditably. urbanity. Honroso, sa, a. 1. Honourable, decent, decorous, Honesto, ta, a, 1. Honest, decent, honourable, creditable. 2. Just, equitable, honest 3. Jeacreditable, handsome, grave. 2. Honest, lous of one's houour. comely, puré, chaste, virtuous. 3. Honest, Honrúdo, da, a. Firm in maintaining one's horeasonable, just. Muger de estado honesto, A nour, and acting conformably to it, spinster. Hontána, sf. Fountain, spring. Hongo, sm. 1. (Bot.) Mushroom. Fungus, L. Hontanál, sm. V. Hontanar. Hontanales, Feasts 2. Fungus, an excrescence which grows upon which the ancients held at fountains. the bark of trees, and servesfortinder. 3. A Hontanar, sm. Place ín which waterrises,source fleshy excrescence growing on the lips of of springs and rivera. wounds. Hopa, sf. A long cassock with sleeves. Hongóso, sa, a. Fungous, spongy. Hopalanda, sf. Tati or trato of a gown worn by Honor, sm. 1. Honour, a public mark of respect students. to virtue or merit 2. Honour, reputation, Hopear, rn. T o wag the tail: applied to animal». fame, celebrity. 3. Honour, chastity in wo- Hopeo, sm. (Coll.) Volatile coxcomb. men. 4. Honour, dignity, ránk, employment: Hopo, sm. Tail with a tuft of hair, similar to that more commonly used in plural. Palabra de of a fox or squirrel. Seguir el hopo, T o dog; honor, W o r d of honour. Señoras de honor, to pursue closely. Volver el hopo, To escape, Maids of honour. Honores, 1. Honours, pri- to run away. vileges of rank ox birth. 2. Honours or pri- Hoque, sm. Treat given at the conclusión of a vileges conferred without gain. 3 PubUc bargain or contract, to celébrate ito completion. marks of respect or civitities paid to a person of rank. Hoquedád, sf. V. Hueco. Honorable, a. Honourable, illustrious, noble. Hora, sf. 1. Hour,- a measure of time, which Honorablemente, ad. Honourably, cieditably.' makes the twenty-fourth part of a natural Honorár, ra. (Obs.) V. Honrar. day. 2. Hour, a particular time for doing Honorario, ria, a. 1. Honorary, giving or confer- any thing. 3. Hour, the time as marked by ring honour. 2. Honorary, bestowing honour the dock. - 4. (Prov.) W a y made to an hour, without gain. Consejero honorario, Honorary a league. 5. Time between twelve and one counsellor, one who has the rank and title of O'cloek on the day of the ascensión, during a counsellor without receiving any pay. which that mystery is celebrated in Catholie churches. Hora horada, Hour passed over. Honorario, sm. Salary or stipend given to any Hora menguada, Fatal moment. A la hora one for his labour. de esta or á la hora de ahora, (CoU.) At this Honorcíllo, sm. dim. V. Honrilla. moment. Caáa hora, Every hour, continually. Honoríficamente, ad. Honourably. Honorificéncia, sf. The act of honouring or do- A buena hora, At a seasonable time. A la hora, At the nick of time ; then. En hora ing honour. buena, It is well. Vete en hora mala, (Coll.) Honorífico, ca, a. Creditable, honourable, liBegone, get out of m y sight. Por hora, Each beral, that which gives honour. Honra, sf. 1. Honour, reverence, résped. 2. Ho- hour. Por horas, B y instante.—pl. 1. Houis or canonical hours, the statedtimesof devonour, reputation, celebrity, fame, glory. 3. tion of the Catholie church. 2. Book of deHonour, chastity in women. 4. Honour, mark votion, which contains the office of the blessed of respect, favour conferred or received. honVirgin, and other devo'tions. ras, Funeral honours. Honradamente, ad. Honourably, reputobly, ho- Hora, ad. N o w , at this time, at present nestly, with integrity and exemption from re- Horacár, ra. (Obs.) V. Horadar. Horadáble, a. Capable of being pierced. proach. Honradez, sf. Honesty, probity, integrity, ho- Horadación, sf. Act of boring or piercing. nour, honourableness, fairness, faithfulness, Horadado, sm. Silkworm's pod bored through, exactness in the performance of engage—Horadado, da, pp. of Horadar. Horadar, ra. To bore or pierce from side to side, mente. Honrado, da, a. 1. Honest, honourable, reputa-Horado, sm. 1. Hole bored from side to side. ble, just, fair. 2. Honest, exact in the per- 2. Cavern, a hollow place in the ground; i formance of engagements. 3. In an ironical grotto; niche or cavity in a wall. sense, refined in point of roguery and fraud. Horámbre, sm. Hole in the cheeks of milis. Honradór, ra, s. Honourer, one that honours. Horáño,fía,a, V. Huraño. 480 II OR HOR Horario, ria, a. Horary, horal, relating to an Hormigueamiénto, sm. Formication, act of itching or moving like ants. hour, continuing for an hour. Hormiguear, rn. J . To itch, to feel that uneasi Horario, sm. Hourhand of a dock or watch. ness in the skin which is in some measure Horca, sf. 1. Gallows; a beam laid over two removed by rubbing. 2. To run about like posts, on which malefactors are hanged. Señor de horca y cuchillo, Lord of the manor, ants. who is invested both with the civil and cri- Hormigüéla, sf. dim. A small ant. minal jurisdiction within the circuit of his Hormigueo, sm. Formication, a sensation like that of the creeping or stinging of ants. estáte. 2. Sort of yoke put on the neck of dogs or hogs, t'o prevent them from doing Hormiguero, sm. 1. Ant-hill or hiílock. 2. Place where there are a crowd of people moving. mischief; also used formerly as a punishment. 3. Fork with two wooden prongs, used Hormiguero, ra, a. Relating to the cutaneous eruption called hormiga. by husbandmen for lifting up straw, corn, hay, etc. 4, Rope or string of onions or Hormiguíca, illa, íta, sm. dim. A small ant. Hormiguilla, sf. A distemper which affeets the garlie. Horcado, da, a. Forked into different branches ; hoofs of horses. Hormiguillár, ra. To mix gratos of silver with forky. Horcadura, sf. Fork of a tree, part where it di- salt. Hormiguillo, sm. 1. Distemper which affeets the vides into two main branches. hoof of horses. 2. People ranged in a line, Horcajadas (A'), or á horcajadillas, ad. Astride who pass from hand to hand the materíals on horseback. Horcajadúra, sf. Fork formed by the two thighs. for a work to be raised. 3. In México, a beverage made of pounded biscuit, sugar and Horcajo, sm. Yoke or collar put on the neck of spice, boiled together. 4. Mixture of salts mules, when employed in drawing. with silver. 5. (Prov.) V. Hormigueo. Horcate, sm. 1. A yoke or collar of a horse. 2. H a m e , that part to which the draft is at- Hormilla, sf. 1. (Dim.) A small last. 2. Bit of wood, bone or ivory, of which buttons are tached. Horchata, sf. A n emulsión commonly made of formed, by covering it with gold or silver twist, silk, etc. melón or pumpkin seeds or of almonds. Hornab'éque, sm. (Fort.) Hornwork, an outwork, Horchílla, sf. True dyer's orchill, rocella, arehil. composed of a front and two demi-bastions, Roecella tinctoria, A. Linchen roccellff, L. joined by a curtain. Horco, sm. Rope or string of onions or garlie. Horcón, sm. A forked pole, set upright, to sup-Hornacéro, sm. Person who watches crucibles with silver and gold in the furnace. port the branches of fruit trees. Hornacho, sm. 1. Shaft of a mine, an excavation Horda, sf. Horde, clan, tribe. or hollow formed in a hill. 2. Furnace ÍK Hordiate, sm. 1. Beverage of barley-water. 2. (Bot.) Barley without awns or beard. 3. (Bot.) which metal is melted for casting statues. Spring naked barley. Hordeum vulgare, B. Hornachuéla, sf. Hole made in a wall. Caeleste, L. Hornada, sf. Bateh, the quantity of bread baked at one time. Horfandád, sf. Orphanage, state of an orphan. Horizontal, a. Horizontal, parallel to the hori-Hornadíca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A small batch. zon ; on a level. Hornáge, sm. (Prov.) Money paid to a baket for the baking of bread. Horizontalménte, ad. Horizontally, flatly. Horizonte, sm. 1. Horizon, the line which ter- Hornaguear, ra. To open the ground in search of pit coals. mínates the view. 2. (Geog.) Horizon, the largest circle of the sphere, which divides it Hornaguera, sf. Pit-coal. Hornaguero, ra, a. 1. Wide, spaciotts. 2. Coally: into two equal parts. Horma, sf. Mould, model in which any thing applied to ground containing coals. is cast, formed or modelled. Horma de za- Hornaza, sf. L A small furnace, used by gold patero, Shoemaker's last. Hallar la horma and silversmiths, and other founders, to melt de su zapato, 1. (Coll.) To meet one's wishes, and cast metal. 2. A yeliow glass, made of to accommodate or satisfy any one. 2. (Iron.) red calcined antimony and tin, used by piotTo meet with his match, to meet with any one ters to varnish their earthenware. who understands his artífices and can oppose Hornazo, sm. 1. Cake made up with a batter of his designs. Horma or pared horma, A dry eggs and butter. 2. Present given on Eastei wall, built without lime or mortar. Sunday by the inhabitants of a village to the Hormazo, sm. 1. (Prov.) House and garden. friar or clergyman who has preached the 2. (Obs.) V. Pared horma, Lent-sermons. Horméro, sm. Last-maker. Hornear, ra. To carry on the trade of a Hormíca, íta, sf. dim. A small last. baker. Hormiga, sf. 1. Ant, pismire or emmet. 2. A Hornería, sf. Trade of a baker. cutaneous eruption, formed by black warts Hornero, ra, s. Baker, one whose business is to and producing an itching which resembles bake bread. the biting of an ant. Hornija, sf. Brushwood bumt in an oven to heat Hormigón, sm. A fine sort of plaster. itforbaking bread. Hormigos, sm. pl.\. A sort of ragout, made ofHornijéro, sm. Person who supplies the oven poundedfilberts,grated bread, and honey. with fuel. 2. Coarse parts offlour,or ill-ground wheat, Hornilla, sf. 1, Stew-hole, a small stove in a Hormigoso, sa, a. Relating to ants. kitchen-bearth on which any thing is put to Vci.. 1. 481 2 I HOR HOS boil or stew. 2. Pigeon-hole, a hole made for Horrorosamente, ad. Horribly. pigoons to make their nests and breed in. Horroroso, sa, a. 1. (Coll.) Horrid, hideout, Hornillo, sm. 1. (Dim.) A small stove. 2. (Mil.) frightful, haggish, very ugly. 2. Horrid. Chamber of a mine. 3. (Mil.) Fougade, a dreadful. shocktog, offénsive. small mine dug under some work or fortifi- Horrura, sf. 1. Scoria, dross, recremeut. 2. cation, in order to blow it up, if the enemy Dreariness of a thicket or cióse wood. 5, should make himself master of the work. Filth, dirt, obscenity. 4. (Obs.) Terror, horHorno, sm. 1. Oven, an arched cavity for baking ror. bread, pastry and meat, a kün, a furnace. Hortál, sm. (Obs.) V. Huerto. Horno de ladrillo, Brick-kiln. 2. Lime-kiln. Hortaliza, sf. Garden stuff', pot-herbs, aU sorts 3. Cavity, in which bees lodge. Calentarse of esculent plants produced in a garden. el horno, (Met.) T o grow warm in conversa- Hortatório,ria,a. V. Exhortatorio. tion or argument. Hortelaneár, vn. (Prov.) To cultívate an otchard. Horometría, sf. Horometiy, art of measuring Hortelana, sf. A gardener's wife. hours. Hortelano, sm. Gardener, horticulturist, one Horón, sm. (Prov.) Large, round hamper or frail.who cultivates a garden-ground. Hortelano, Horóscopo, sm. Horoscope, the configuration of (Orn.) Ortolan. Emberiza hortelana, L. the planets at the hour of birth. Hortense, a. Hortensia!, hortulan. Horqueta, sf. 1 (Dim. of Horcón) A Uttle fork. Hortera, sf. A wooden bowl.—sm. Nickname 2. (Nau.) V. Horquillas. of shop-boys in Madrid. Horquilla, sf. 1. Forked stick, for hanging upHosco, ca, a. 1. Dark brown, bút little different and taking down things from an elevated from black, liver coloured. 2. SuUen, gloomy. place. 2. Disease which causes the hair of 3. Boastful, ostentatious, vain-glorious, arthe head to spUt. Horquillas, (Nau.) Crotches rogant. or crutches, the crooked timbera which are Hoscoso, sa, a. Crisp, rough. placed upon the keel in the fore and hind Hospedáble, a. (Obs.) Hospitable. part of a ship. Horquillas del fondo, ForeHospedado, da, a. Applied to a house receiving crotches. Horquillas de sobre-pluro, Crotchesguests.—pp. oí hospedar. of the riders. Horquillas de dar fuego,Hospedadór, ra, s One who kindly receives and Breaming forks. entertains guests and strangers. Horquilladúra, sf (Prov.) Forkedness. Hospedáge, sm. 1. Kind reception of guests and Horra, a. A m o u g graziers, applied to tamales strangers. 2. (Obs.) Inn, a house of enternot with young; also to the head of cattle tainment for travellers. given to herds to keep at the expense of their Hospedamiento, sm. Reception of guests. owners. Hospedar, ra. T o receive,tolodge and entertain Horrendamente, ad. Dreadfully. strangers and travellers, to hospitate, to harHorrendo, da, a. 1. Vast, enormous; dreadbour.—rr. To host, to take up eutertainment; ful, hideous, monstrous, fearful, gashful, to lodge or take a temporary residence.—rn. T o lodge collegians who havefinishedtheir horrible, grim. 2. Extraordinary, uncommon. studies, though they Uve in the college, but at their own expenses. Hórreo, sm. A kind of granary built upon pilasters, to prevent rato and mice from in- Hospedería, sf. 1. A house cióse to amonastery, a convent or a college, for the reception and juring the grain. accommodation of travellers and strangers. Horréro, sm. One who has the care of & gra2. Hospitium, a house kept in some places, nary; store-keeper. at the expense of communities, to iodge theii Horribilídád, sf. Horribleness, dreadfulness. members. 3. V. Hospedáge. Horrible, a. Horrid, dreadful, hideous, grimly, Hospedero, sm. 1. One who kindly receives guests horrible, heinous, gashly. and strangers. 2. Hospitaller, he whose trade Horriblemente, aa". Horribly, heinously, horis to receive and accommodate travellers and ridly, formidably, damnably. Hórrido, da, a. Horrid, vast, enormous, hideous. strangers. Horrífico, ca, a. (Poet) Horrific, causing honorHospiciano, na, s. Poor person who Uves in a house of charity. or dread. Horripilación, sf. (Med.) Horripilation, a symp-Hospicio, sm. 1. Hospitium, charitable institution, house of charity. 2. Woik-house. 3. tom of the approach of fever. Horripilatí vo, va, a. (Med.) Causing horripilation (Prov.) House of correction. 4. Kind reception to guests and strangers. 5. In monasor belonging to it Horrísono, na, a. (Poet.) Horrisonous, sounding teries, the same as hospedería. Hospital, a. Hospitable, hospital, affable, hardreadfully. Horro, ra, a. 1. Enfranchised, set at liberty from borous. slavery. 2. Free, disengaged. Ovejas horras,Hospital, sm. Hospital, infirmary, a place buüt for the reception of the sick or support of fh« Barren ewes. Horror, sm. 1. Horror, consternation, fright. 2. poor. Horror, terror mixed with detestation, hate, Hospitalario, sm. Hospitaller, one of a religious community whose office was to relieve the abhorrence. 3. Horridness, enormity; hidepoor, etc. ousness, grimness, frightfulness, the cause Hospitalario, ria, a. Applied to the relígious of fright or astonishment. Horrorizar, ra To cause horror, to terrify.—rr. communities which keep hospitals. Hospitalero, ra, s. 1. Person intrusted with the T o be terrified. 482 HOZ HUE corn is cut down. 2. Defile, ravine; a narrow care and directíon of an hospital. 2. A n y pass. hospitable person. Hospitalidad, sf. 1. Hospitality, hospitege, theHoz, aa*. De hoz y de coz, Headlong. practice of kindly entertaining travellers and Hozadéro, sm. Place where hogs turn up the ground. strangers. 2. Hospitableness, kindness to strangers. 3. The days which a person re- Hozadúra, sf. Grubbing, the act of turning up the ground as hogs do with their snouts. mains in a hospital. Hozar, ra. To grub, to tura up the ground as Hospitalillo, íto, sm. dim. A small hospital. hogs do with their snouts. Hospitalménte, ad. Hospitably. Hosquíllo, Ua, a. dim. Darkish, somewhat H u , ad. (Obs.) V. Donde. Hucár, sm. (Nau.) Hooker, a kind of Dutchgloomy. built vessel. Hostal, sm. V. Hostería. Húcia, sf. (Obs.) V. Confianza. Hostelero, sm. (Littl. us.) Inn or tavern-keeper, host, one who keeps an inn or tavernforthe Hucha, sf. 1. A large chest in which labourtog people are accustomed to keep their clothes, reception and accommodation of travellers money, and other valuable articles. 2. Moneyand strangers. box. 3. Money kept and saved. Hóste, sm. (Obs.) 1. Enemy. 2. Host, army. Hoste puto, (Coll.) Expression of repugnanceHuchear, ra. (Littl. us.) T o hoot, to shout at in derision. or aversión from any thing disagreeable. Hosteláge, sm. (Obs.) 1. V. Mesón. 2. Pay at Huchóho, sm. W o r d used to caU birds. Huebra, sf. 1. Extent of ground which a yoke an inn. of oxen can plough every day. 2. Pair of Hostería, sf. Inn, tavern, hostry. Hostia, sf. 1. Host, victim, sacrifice offered and mules with a ploughman hired or let out for a day's work. 3. (Prov.) V. Barbecho. put to death on the altar. 2. Host, the body of Christ offered in the bloody sacrifice of Huebréro, sm. Ploughman, who attends a paii of mules labouring by the day. the cross for our sins. 3. Host, in the mass, is the sacred body of our Lord Jesús Christ Hueca, sf. Notch at the small end of a spindle. contained under the spedes of bread and Hueco, ca, a. 1. Hollow, empty, concave at the inside. 2. Empty, vain, ostentatíous. 3. Tumid, wine. 4. Host, the wafer prepared for the resonant, inflated. Voz hueca, Sonorous and sacrifice of the mass. hollow voice. 4. Soft, spongy : applied to Hostiário, sm. Wafer-box, in which the bread ground, or to short woolfitonly for carding. is preserved that is to be consecrated. Hueco, sm. 1. Notch or nick of a wheel, into Hostiéro, sm. Person who prepares the host. which the leaves of a pinion or the teeth of a Hostigamiento, sm. Chastisement, vexation, wheel hitch, and set it in motion. 2. Interval, molestation. Hostigar, ra. To vex, to trouble, to molest, to space of time between the ceasing and recommencement of any thing. 3. Hollowness, gall, to tire. state of being hollow. 4. Hollow, gap, hole. Hostigo, sm. 1. That part of a wall which the 5. A n y vacaut space or aperture in a house rato and wind beats on. 2. The beating or or other building. 6. V. Muesca. ( 7. (Met.) dashing of rain and winds against a wall. Office or post vacant. 8. Fill, the place beHostil, a. Hostile, adverse. tween the shafts of a carriage. Huecos de las HostiUdád, sf. Hostility, opposition in war. olas, (Nau.) Trough of the sea, the hollow Hostilizar, rn. To commit hostiUties ; to hostispace between two waves or billows, which lize. follow each other in rapid suceession. Hostilmente, ad. Hostilely. Hoto, sm. (Obs.) V. Confianza. Huégo, sm. (Prov.) V. Fuego. Hoy, ad. 1. To-day, this present day. 2. TheHuélfago, sm. Difficulty of breattaug in beasts and hawks or other birds. present time, the time we live in. Hoy dia, Huelga, sf. 1. Rest, repose; relaxation from hoy en el día or hoy en dia, Now-a-days. Hoy por hoy, This very day. De hoy en adelante work. 2. Recreation, merry-making. 3. Fallow, ground lying at rest. Huelga de la bala, or de hoy mas, Henceforward, in future. Antes hoy que mañana, Rather to-day than to- (Gunn.) Windage of piece of ordnance, being morrow, the sooner the better. the différence between the diameter of the Hoya, sf. 1. Hole, cavity, pit. 2. V. Sepultura. bore and that of the baU. 3. Excavation made for the purpose of pre- Huelgo, sm. 1. Breath, respiration. Tomar huelparing charcoal. 4. (Nau.) Á kind of scrubgo, To breathe, to respire. 2. V. Holgura. bing broom for cleaning a ship's bottom. 5. Huella, sf. 1. Track, footstep ; the print of the Socket of the eye, dimple in the cheek. foot of a m a n or beast. 2. The horizontal Hoyada, sf. The lowest part of a field. width of the stops of a staircase. 3. Act auc' Hoyánco, sm. Great cavity or hollow. •effect of treading or trampling. 4. ImpresHoyíco, íto. sm. dim. A smaU hole, cavity, pit sion of a plato or other thing on pape1-. or excavation. Huello, sm. 1. Ground, theflooror level of a Hoyo, sm. 1. Hole, pit, excavation. 2. V. Sepul- place. 2. Step, pace. 3. Lower part of au tura. 3. Inequality of a superficies, uneven- animal's hoof. ness of a surface. Huequecíco, íca; íllo, illa, íto, ita, a. dim. of Hoyoso, sa, a. Pitted, full of holes. Hueco. Hoyuelo, sm. 1. (Dim.) A little hole, a dimple Huequecíto, sm. dim. A smaU cavity or space. •n the chin or cheek. 2. A boy's play. Huerco, sm. (Obs.) Bier. V. Muerte. z, sf. 1. Sickle, a reaping-hook, with which Huérfago, sm. (Veter.) V. Huélfago. <¡83 2 1 <i HUÍ HUM Haerfauíco, íca,filo,illa, íto, íta, s. dim. A little escape. Huir el cuerpo, T o avoid or deorphan. cline. Huérfano, na, s. Orphan, a child who has lost a Hule, sm. 1. Oil-cloth, oil-skin. 2. Elastie father or mother, or both. Huérfano de pagum. dre, Fatherless.—a. Orphan, bereft of parents.Hulla, sf. (Prov.; Pt-coal. Huérgano, sm. (Obs.) V. Crgano. Humada, sf. V. Ahumada. Huero, ra, a. 1. Empty, addle. 2. (Met.) Addle, Humanado, da, a. and pp. oí Humanar, Humáempty, void.. nate, invested with humaníty: appliedtothe Huerta, sf. 1. A large orchard, fruit garden or Son of God. kitehen-garden, where esculent plants are pro- Humanamente, ad. Humanely, kindly, merciduced or fruit-trees are cultivated. 2. (Prov.) fully. It is also used to denote the ímpossíLand which can be irrigated. bility of doing any thing, as, Eso humana. Huertecíca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A small kitchen mente no se puede hacer, That cannot possibly garden. be done. Huertecíco, íUo, íto, sm. dim. A small orchard Humanar, ra. 1. To humanize, to soften. to or garden. make susceptive of tenderness or benevoHuerto, sm. Hortyard, a small orchard or lence. 2. (Poet.) To toansform or convert kitchen garden generally situated near the into man.—vr. 1. T o ''"come man : applied houses. to the Son of God. 2. T o beeome humane Huesa, sf. Grave, sepultare. or meek, to grow familiar;tobe humbled, to Huesarrón, sm. augm. A large bone. be lowered. Huesecíco, íllo, íto, sm. dim. A little bone. Humanidad, sf. l.Humanity, the nature of man. Hueso, sm. 1. Bone. 2. Stone, core, the case 2. Humanity, human kind, the collective body which contains the seeds and kernels of some of mankind. 3. Humanity, benevolente, fruit. 3. The part of a lime-stone which retenderness, kindness, benignity. 4. (Coll.) mains unburnt in the kiln. 4. A n y thing Corpulence, bulkiness of body,fleshiness.-5. which produces more pains than profit. 5. Propensity for carnal pleasures. 6. Human A n y useless or unprofitable thing. 6. Piece weakness.—/)/. Philology, grammatical stuof ground- of little valué and bad quality. dies. Huesoso, sa, a. Bony, osseous. Humanista, sm. Humanist, plúlologer, grammaHuésped, da, s. ]. Guest, lodger, one entertained rían. in the house of another. 2. (Obs.) Host, Humanizarse, rr. V. Humanarse. hostess, he who entertains others iu his house. Humano, na, a. 1. H u m a n , belonging or pecu3. Inn-keeper, tavern-keeper. 4. Stranger. liar to man,or having the qualities of a man. Hueste, sf. Host, army in campaign. Huestes, 2. Humane, kind, merciful, benevolent, graHosts, armies. cious. Huesudo, da, a. Bony, having large bones. Humarazo, sm. V. Humazo. Hueva, sf. E g g or spawn of fishes. Humareda, sfl.l.A great deal of smoke. 2. ConHuevar, rn. T o lay eggs. fusión, perplexity. Huevecíco, íllo, íto, zuélo, sf. dim. A small egg. Humazga, sf. Hearth-money, fumage, tax paid Huevera, sf. 1. Ovarium of birds. 2. Egg-stand. on fire-places. Huevero, ra, s. Dealer in eggs. Humazo, sm. Smoke ; fume proceeding from Huevo, sm. 1. E g g laid by feathered animáis, burning paper which is doubled and twisted. from which their young is produced. 2. Spawn, Humazo de narices, (Met.) Displeasure, dissperm. 3. Hollow piece of wood used by shoedato, vexation. makers for shaping shoes. 4. Small waxen Humeante, pa. Fuming, fumant. vesselfilledwith scented drops. Huevo de Humear, vn. l.To smoke, to emit smoke. 2. To juanelo, Applied to any thing which appears vapour, to emit ortoexhale fumes or vapours. most difficult to do, but when tried and known 3. (Met.) To inflame, tofire: applied to the seems easy. A huevo, For a trine, at a low passions. 4. (Met.) T o kindle or stir up a tumult, quarrel or lawsuit. price. Hugonote, ta, s. and a. Hugonot, a French pro-Humectación, sf. (Obs.) Humectation. Humectante, pa. (Med.) Moistening. testant Huida, sf. 1. Flight, escape, outleap. V. Fuga. Humectar, ra. (Med.) T o moisten, to huméctete, to wet, to humerí. 2. Hole made to put in or draw out any thing with facility.—pl. Evasions, subter- Humectativo, va, a. Humeríive, causing moisfuges. ture. Huidéro, sm. 1. Place of retreat, whither game Humedad, sf. Humidity, moisture, damp oí retires. 2. Labourer, in quicksüver mines, dampness, moistness. who opens the holes in which the beams or Humedal, sm. Humid soil, a marsh. supporters ol the mine are introduced and Humedecer, ra. To moisten, to wet, to soak, to fixed. steep, to humect or to huméctate, to damp. Huidizo, za, a. Fugitive, flying. Húmedo, da, a. Humid, wet, moist, watery, Huir, rn. 1. Tofly,toescape ; to pack, to go, damp or dampy, moistful. toflinchor to get away,.to get off: 2. To Humeral, a. (Anat.) Humeral, belonging to the give the slip or to slip away, to pass. 3. T o humeri os. shun,to avoid doing a bad thing.—rr. To run Húmero, sm. Humeri os, a long cylindrical or to make away, to escape, to take to one's bone, situated between the scapula and foreheel», to pack off one's tools, te make one's arm. 484 HUN HUK Humero, sm. Tumiel, funnel, the shaft of a fall, to pulí or beai down, to destroy,taruin chimnej ; the passage for the smoke. — r r . 1. To sink, to faU down, to faU to a level. Humildad, sf. 1. Humility, freedom from pride, 2. T o sink, to go to the bottom. 3. (Coll.) humbleness, modesty, meekness. 2. LowTo hide, to lie hid : applied to things which liness, meanness, lowness of mind or birth ; cannot be found. 4. To have dissensions submission. Humildad de garabato, Feigned and quarrels. humility. H upa, A word used by children either to ask Humilde, a. 1. Humble, modest, submissive, of any one to lift them up, or to complain of i meek. 2. Humble, low, not high, not great, some harm. not tail. 3. Base, ignoble, of little worth or Hura, sf. 1. Furuncle, an angry pustule on the account. head. 2. A wild boar's head. Humildemente, aa*. Humbly, submissively; Huracán, sm. Hurricane, a violent storm. modestly, meekly. Huraco, sm. (Low) Hole. V. Agujero. Humild'íto, ítiy a. dim. Very humble or modest.Hurañamente, aa". I. Wildly, to a savage and Humillación, sf. 1. Humiliation, submission, intractable manner. 2. Diffidently, disdatoabatement of pride. 2. Humiliation, act of fully. humility, abjectness, humbling ; obsequious- Hurañería, sf. (Prov.) 1. Shiness, diffidence, mistrust. 2. Disdain, contempt. ness. 3. Humiliation, mortification, selfcontempt. Hurañía, sf. Stubbornness, aversión to deal with . Humilladero, sm. A small chapel in the roads the world. and near the villages. Huraño,fía,a, 1. Shy, diffident; intiactable. 2. Humillador, ra, s. Humiliator. Disdainful. 3. Cold-hearted, loveless. Humillar, ra. 1. To humble, to lower; to bend, Hurción, sf, V. Infurcion. to bow. 2. To humble, to crush, to subdue, Hurgamandera, sf. In cant language, a prostitute. to bring down from loftiness and pride.—rr. To humble one's self, to beeome humble or Hurgar, ra. 1. To stir, to move with a stick or iron. 2. To stir up disturbances, to excite submissive. Humillo, sm. l.(Dim) Smoke or vapour which quarrels. is not dense. 2. Vanity, petty pride, or prideHurgón, sm. 1. Poker, an iron bar for stirring exerted upon slight grouuds : it is commonly thefire;a fire-fork. 2. Thrust in fencing. used in plural. 3. Disease of sucking pigs. Hurgonada, sf. V. Estocada. H u m o , sm. 1. Smoke, the visible effluvium or Hurgonazo, sm. A violent thrust. sooty exhalation from any thtog burning. 2. Hurgonear, ra. 1. To stir the fire with a poker. Vapour, steam, fume. 3. Thin, clear, black 2. To make a thrust in fencing. silk stuff.—pl. 1. Families or housestoa town Hurgonero, sm. Poker. V. Hurgón. or village. 2. (Met.) Vanity, petty pride, Hurí, sf. Houri, a Mahometan nymph of parahaughtiness, presumption. dise. Humor, sm. 1. Humor or humour, a general Hurón, na, s. 1. Ferret. Mustela furo, L. 2. ñame for any fluid of the body. 2. Humour, Ferreter, one who pries into others' seoets.— the present disposition of a person to do any a. Cold-hearted, loveless, shy, intractable, thing or to act ••, any way. 3. Humour, disdainful. general turn or temper of mind, mood. jB«en Huronear, ra. 1. To ferret,tohunt with a ferret, humor, Good nature, pleasant disposition. 2. T o hunt another in bis privacies. Mal humor, IU-temper. Hombre de buen Huronera, sf. 1. Ferrethole. 2. Lurking-place humor, A good-humoured man. Estar de where a person conceals himself. buen humor, To be in humour, to be gay. Huronéro, sm. Ferret-keeper. Humorada, sf. 1. Graceful sprightUness. 2. AHurraca, sf. (Orn.) Magpie. Corvus pica, L. witty saying. Hurtágua, sf. (Prov.) V. Regadera. Humorado, da, a. 1. Full of humours. 2. WellHurtáble, a. Capable of being stolen. or ill-disposed. Hurtó cordel (A'), ad. 1. Spinning a top onf.he Humoral, a. Humoral, proceeding from the palm of the hand. 2. (Met) Suddenly, insihumours. diously, unexpectedly. Humorázo, sm. augm. oí Humor. Hurtadas (A'), aa*. (Obs.) V. A' hurtadillas. Humorcíco, íllo, íto, sm. dim. of Humor. They Hurtadillas (A'), aa*. B y stealth, privately, in a are generally used to express that a person hidden manner. h¡>z a bad temper. Hurtadineros, sm. (Prov.) V. Alcancía. Humorosidád, sf. Copiousness of humours. Hurtador, ra, s. Robber, thief. Humoróso, sa, a. Humorous. Hurtar, ra. 1. To steal, to rob, to make away Humoso, sa, a. Smoky, fumid, fumous, fumy or with. 2. To cheat in weight or measure. 3. fumish. To wrest a piece of ground from the sea or Hundible, a. Fusible, capable of submersion or a river. 4. To sepárate, to part. Hurtar e. destruction. cuerpo, To fice, to avoid any difficulty. 5. Hundimiento, sm 1. Submersion, immersion, To commit plagiary.—rr. T o remove or wilhthe act of sinking. 2. Downfal, destruction draw; to abscond. of fabrics. Hurtarópa, sf. Boy's play. Hundir, rn, 1. To submerge, to immerge, to Hurto, sm. 1. Theft, robbery, the act of stealsink or to put under water. 2. To sink, to ing. 2. Theft, the thing stolen. 3. In mines, crush, to overwhelm, to beat down. 3. To re- passage between the principal apartments, fute, to coniound. 4. To sink, to ifTake to A hurto B y stealth. 485 HUS HUT Husada, sf. A spindleful of thread or worsted. Husá»o, sm. A large spindle. Húsar, sm. Hussar, originally an Hungarian horse soldier. Husilléro, sm. O n e w h o attends the spindle in oil-mills. Husillo, sm. 1. (Dim.) A small spindle. 2. A hollow cylinder running round in a spiíal nut; a screwpin.—pl. Drains, smaU channels for dratoing fens. Husíta, sm. A follower of John Huss. H u s m a . Andar á la husma, (Coll.) T o peep narrowly in order to know secreto or uuknown things. Husmeadér, ra, s. Scenter, smeller. Husmeadordllo, Ua, s. dim. Little smeller. Husmear, ra. 1. T o sceut, to find out by smell. ing. 2. T o pry, to peep, or insped cu riously, offidously or impertinently.—rn To stink: applied to flesh. H u s m o , sm. Smell of meat which is somewhat tainted. Estar al husmo, T o be upon the seent; to watch a favourable opportanity foi obfaining one's end. Huso, sm. Spindle, the pin by which the thread is formed, and on which it is wound. Huta, sf. Hut, kind of shed in which huntsm e n hide, in order to start their dogs at the chase. Husón, sm. (Ichth.) Sturgeon. Acipenseí huso, L. Hutía, sm. Indian rat. IDA ID1 [ T h e third of the Spanish vowels, called to return. Idas, Frequent visito. Darse dos idas y venidas, (Coll.) T o talk a matter oveí 5 the Latin i, to distinguish it from the y very briefly, to transact business expedicalled Greek. / in Spanish is sounded like tiously. En dos idas y venidas, Briefly, the English long e in even. promptly. rbice, sm. Ibex, kind of goat. Capra íbex, L. rbis, sf. (Orn.) Ibis, a kind of bird. Tanta- I'de, sm. (Ichth.) Kind of carp, a fresh-watei fish. Cyprinus idus, L. lus, L. Icáco, sm. (Bot.) W e s t Indian eocoa-plumb. Idea, sf. 1. Idea, a mental image. 2. Notion, conception. 3. Contrivance, design, intenChrysobalanus icaco, L. tion, plan, project, scherne. 4. Thread of a Icneumón, sm. Ichnenmon, a small animal. Icnografía, sf. 1. Ichnography, ground-plan, a discourse. 5. Model, example. 6. Genius, talent. 7. Fancy, conceit, extravagant nodelineation of the length, breadth, angles and tion : in this sense it is used commonly in Unes of a fortification or building. _ 2. plural. 8. (Bot.) V. Frambuesa. Ground-plot, the ichnography of a buüding. Ideal, a. Ideal, mental, intellectual, imaginary, Icnográfico, ca, %. Iehnographical. Iconografía, sf. I.-onography, the art of descri- notional; not physical. Idealmente, ad. Ideally, intellectually. bing by pictures. Iconográfico, ca, a. Relating or belonging to Idear, ra. 1. T o form or conceive an idea. 2. T o think, to contrive, to imagine, to plan, to iconography. scherne, to meditate, to idéate. 3. T o discuss Iconólatra, sm. Iconolater, a worshipper of a subject on vain, futile grounds; to indulge images. in vain or airy conceptions. Iconología, sf. Iconology, representation by I'dem, pron. (Lat.) ítem, the same. figures. Iconoclasta, Iconómaco, sm. Iconoclast, ímage- Idénticamente, ad. Identically. breaker, heretic who denies the worship due Idéntico, ca, a. Identic, identical, congener, congenerons, the same,tarplytagthe same to the holy images. thing. Iconoclástico, ca, a. (Littl. us.) Iconoclastic. I'cor, Icoroíde, sm. Gleet, ichor, a thin, wateryIdentidad, sf. Identity, sameness, identicalnesS, opposite to diversity. humour from a sore. Identificar, ra. T o identify; to ascertein the Icoróso, sa, a. Ichorous; serous. Ictericia, sf. Jaundice, a disease of the Uver, sameness of two objeets.—vr. T o beeome the same. which makes the patient look yeliow. Ictericiado, da; Ictérico, ca, a. Ictérica!, jaun- I'deo, ea, a. (Poet.) Belonging to mount Ida Idilio, sm. (Poet.) Idyl. diced, belonging to the jaundice. Idiocrásia, Idiocrásis, sf. Idiocrasy, pecuUarity Irtiofágia, sf. Ichthyophagy, diet of fish. Ictiófago, ga, a. Fish-eating, relating to the ich- of constitution. Idiocrático, ca, a. Idiocratical, peculiar in conthyophagists.—s. Ichthyophagist. Ictiología, sf. Ichthyology, the science of the stitution. Idioma, sm. 1. Idiom, the language peculiar to nature of fishes. I'da, sf. 1. Departure, a d of going from one a nation or country. 2. Idiom, mode of speaking peculiar to a dialed or language. 3. place to another. 2. (Met) Impetuosity; rash, Sounds with which brutes express their wanta inconsiderate or violent proceeding; sally. 3. or sensations. Act of driving a bail out of the truck-table. 4. thoM ground. a480 r k or impression Ida del humo, of the Departure foot of g a mnever e on Idiopatía, some particular sf. Idiopathy, part of the a disease body. pecuüar to IGN IGU Idiopático, ca, a. Idiopathic, primary, independ- Ignominiosamente, ad. Ignomiiiicusly, oppro. ent: applied to diseases. briously. Idiosincrasia, sf. Idiosyncrasy, a peculiar tem- Ignominioso, sa, a. Ignominions, opprobrioiis, reproachful, dísgraceful. per or disposition not c o m m o n to another. Idiota, sm. Idiot, a fool, a natural, an ignorant Ignorado, da, a. and pp. oí Ignorar, U n k n o w D , person. occult, ignored. Idiotez, sf. Idiotism, silliness, ignorance, idiocy. Ignorancia, sf. Ignorance, unlearnedness, want Idiotismo, sm. 1. Idiotism, peculiarity of expresof knowledge, illiterateness; idiotism; folly; sion. 2. Idiotism, idiocy, folly, natural imdarkness, dark. becility of mind. Ignorante, pa. and a- 1. Ignorant, stupid, unI'do, da, pp. irr. oí Ir, Gone. learned, uninstructed. 2. Ignorant, without Idólatra, a. Idolatrous; heathen, paganish. knowledge of some particular.—sm. Ignorant Idólatra, sm, 1. Idolater, a worshipper of idols. Ignorantemente, ad. Ignorantly. 2. O n e w h o ido'lizes a w o m a n , or loves her Ignorantón, na, a. augm. Grossly ignorant with excessive fondness. Ignorar, ra. T o be ignorant of, not to know. Idolatradamente, ad. Idolatrously. Ignoto, ta, a. (Obs.) U n k n o w n . Idolatrar, ra. 1. T o idolatrize, to worship idols. Igual, a. 1. Equal, similar, coequal, like another 2. T o idolize, to love with excessive fondin bulk, quantity or any quality that admite ness. comparíson. 2. Level, even, flat. 3. Like, Idolatría, sf. 1. Idolatry, the worship of images resembling, eonsimilar; uniform, equable. or idols, paganism. 2. Inordinate love, excess- 4. Constant, firm, determined, equanimous, ive fondness. consistent. En igual de, Instead of, in lieu Idolátrico, ca, a. (Obs.) Idolatrous, idolátrica", of. Al igual, Equally. No tiene igual, H e idolish. has not his like. Por igual or por un igual, Idolíco, íllo, íto, sm. ( D i m ) 1. A Uttle idol. 2. Equally, with equality. Sin igual, N o t to be equalled. Darling, favourite, the object of fondness. Idolísmo, sm. Idolatry. V. Idolatría. Iguala, sf. 1. Agreement, convention, stipulaI'dolo, sm. 1. Idol, an image worshipped as tion, contract. 2. Equalizing, equalling, the God. 2. Idol, one loved or honoured to adoact of equalling. 3. Level, an instrument ration. whereby masons adjust their work. 4. GratiIdoneidad, sf. Aptitude,fitness,capacity, apt- fication given by farmers to their day-labourness. ers over and above their usual wages. A la Idóneo, nea, a. Idoneous,fit,convenient, proiguala, Equally. per, meet. Igualación, sf. 1. Equalling, equalizing, equaliI'dus, sm. Ides, one of the three parts into zation, levelling, the act and effect of making which the R o m a n s divided the month. equal or making even. 2. Agreement, stipufglésia, sf. 1. Church, the collective body of lation, contract 3. (Alg.) Equation, an exChristians. 2. Church, body of Christians pression of the same quantity in two dissimiadhering to some particular form of worship. lar terms, but of equal valué. 4. Counter3. Church, place which Christians consécrate gage, a trimming of one piece of wood into to the worship of God. 4. Temple, place another. either of Christian or heathen worship. 5, Igualado, da, pp. oí Igualar, Equalled. Dejar Ecclesiastical state ; chapter ; diocese. Homá uno igualado, (Coll.) T o give one a severe bre de iglesia, A n ecclesíastic. 6. Right of drubbing. impunity enjoyed to churches. Iglesia fría, Igualador, ra, s. 1. Equalizer, leveller. 2.HarChurch where a malefactor does not enjoy rower, one w h o makes ploughed ground even protection against the laws of his country. and level with a harrow. Iglesia me llamo, I a m called the church: ex- Igualamiento, sm. Equalizing, equalization, act pression of delinquents when they do not of equalling. wishtotelltheir ñame, but seek the i m m u - Igualar, va. 1. T o equalize, to equal, to m a k e a nity of the church. person or thing equal to another, to match, Ignaro, ra, a. (Obs.) Ignorant, unlearned, unto mate. 2. T o judge without any partiality. instructed. to hold in equal estimation. 3. T o flatten, Ignavia, sf. (Obs.) Idleness, laziness, careless- to m a k e even or level without prominence or ness. elevation, to level the ground. Igualar las ígneo, ea, a, Igneous, fiery. mercaderías, T o put a fair price upon merIgnición, sf. Ignition, the act of kindling or set chandize.—rr. 1. T o level, to efface distincting on fire. tion or superiority, to place one's self upon a Ignícola, s. Fíre-worshipper. level with others. 2. T o agree, to adjust Ignífero, ra, a. Igniferous, ignifluous, containdifférences. 3. T o settle by mutual agreeing or emitting fire. ment the amount of wages or any other kind Ignipoténte, a. (Poet.) Ignipotent, powerful of pay. Igualar la sangre, (Coll.) 1. T o over fire. bleed a second time. 2. (Met.) T o give a ígnito, ta, a. (Obs.) Ignited, inflamed, red-hot second blow to one. Ignívomo, m a , a. Ignivomous, vomiting fire. Igualdad, sf. 1. Equality, similitude, coequality. Ignóble, a. V . Innoble. 2. Conformity, consimilitude, likeness. 3. Ignografía, sf. V . Icnografía. Levelness, evenness, equality of surface. 4, Ignominia, sf. Ignominy infamy, public disEquality, uniformity. Igualdad de ánimo, gTace, opprobrium. Evenness of m i n d ; coustancy, equability. 487 ILD 1MB Igualmente, ad. Equally, uniformly, equably, Iluminativo, va, a. llluminative. Ilusión, sf. 1. Illusion, false shaw, counterfeit evenly ; likewise ; constantly. appearance ; fallaciousness. 2. A sort of Iguana, sf. G u a n a , a kind of lizard, a native of smart and lively ironyAmerica. Lacerta iguana, L. Iguarias; sf. pl. Vianda dressed and served up. Ilusivo, va, a. Delusíve, ütosive, false, deceitful, Ijada, sf. 1. Flank, that part of the side of a Iluso, sa, a. Deluded, deceived, ridiculed. quadruped near the hinder thigh. 2. Flank, Ilusoriamente, aa*. lllusively. in m e n , the lateral part of the lower belly. 3. Ilusorio, ria, a. 1. Delusíve, iUusory, deceitful, having a counterfeit appearance. 2. (Law) T h e fleshy part of the side of a pig, without Nuil, void of effect; of no valué. bones. 4. Pain in the side, cholic. Tener Ilustración, sf. 1. Illustration, explanation, elusu ijada, (Met.) T o have a w e a k side. cidation, exposition, expUcation. 2. (Obs.) Ijadeár, vn. T o pant, to palpítate. Illustration, brightness, splendour, light. 3 Ijár, sm. Flank. V . Ijada. Caballo de pocos Revelation, divine inspiration. yares, A light-flanked horse. Ilación, sf. Inf'erence, illation, conclusión drawn Ilustrador, ra, s. IUustrator, explicator. from previous arguments. Ilustrar, ra. 1. T o ¡Ilústrate, to clear up,toexIlativo, va, a. Illative, that which denotes illaplain, to elucídate. 2. T o inspire, to infuse tion or conctasion. supernatural light. 3. T o aggrandize, to enIlécebra, sf. (Obs.) AUurement, enticement, noble, to ¡Ilústrate, to heighten. temptation. Ilustre, a. Illustrious, noble, celebrated, conspiIlegal, a. Illegal, unlawful, contrary to law. cuous, glorious, high, honourable, magniflcent, magnifie, magnifical. Ilegalidad, sf. Illegality, contrariety to law, unIlustremente, aa*. IUustriously, greatly. lawfulness. Ilegalménte, aa". Illegally, lawlessly, unlawfully. Ilustrísimo, m a , a. Appellation of honour given to prelates, etc. in Spain, w h e n they are adIlegible, a. IUegible, what cannot be read. dressed either in writing or couversation. Ilegítimamente, aa". Illegitimately, foully. Ilegitimar, ra. T o illegitimate, to render 'Ilegití- Imadas, sf. pl. (Nau.) Sliding planks used in the launching of ships. mate, or to prove a person illegitimate. Imagen, sf. 1. Image, figure, any eorporeal Ilegitimidad, sf. Illegitímacy. representotion, ímagery, statue, effigy. 2. Ilegítimo, m a , a. 1. Illegal, contrary to law. 2. Image, show, appearance, fancy, concep Illegitimate, misbegot or misbegotten, unlawtion. 3. (Rhet.) Picture or lively descripfully begotten. tion. íleon, I'lion, sm. Ileum, the third división of Imagendca, illa, íto, sf. dim. A little image. the s m a U intestines. Ileso, sa, a. Unhurt, free from damage, harm- Imaginable, at Imaginable, contrivable, conceivable. Imaginación, sf. 1. ímagination, fancy; the Itiberál, a. (Obs.) IUiberal. power of forming ideal pictores. 2. ímagiIlícitamente, ad. IUicitly, forbiddenly. nation, conception, image of the mind. 3. Ilícito, ta, a. Illicit, unlawful. Conceit, fantasy; any unsolid or fauciful Ilimitáble, a. (Littl. us.) llUmitable. opinión or idea. Ilimitado, da, a. Unlimited, ilUmited, boundless, finiteless, Umitless, without bounds; incon- Imaginar, rn. 1. T o imagine, to fancy, to image, to paint in the mind. 2. T o imagine, to ditional, inconditionate. scherne, to contrive, to excogítate, to conIlíquido, da, a. Unliquidated: applied to acceive; to find out. 3. T o form erroneous counts or debts. suppositions.—ra. (Obs.) T o adorn with Iliterato, a. Illiterate, unleamed. images.—rr. V. Figurarse. Iludir, ra. (Obs.) V . Burlar. Iluminación, sf. 1. Illumination, the act of sup- Imaginaria, sf. (Mil.) Reserve guard, corps ready to assist the actual guards. plyíng with light. 2. Illumination, festive lights, h u n g out as a token of joy. 3. Illu- Imaginariamente, ad. In a visionary manner. mination, infusión of intellectual light, know- Imaginario, sm. Painter or Sculptor of images. Imaginario, ria, a. Imaginary, fancied, visionary, ledge or grace. existing only in the Ímagination. Iluminado, da, a. and pp. oí Iluminar, Illuminate, enUghtened: c o m m o n l y appUed in a Imaginativa, sf. ímagination, fancy. Imaginativo, va, a. Imaginative, fantastic, full bad sense. of Ímagination, fanciful, formfol. Iluminado, sm. Illuminate, in plural, illuminati: ñ a m e given to certain heretics of the six- Imaginería, sf. ímagery, an embroidery representingflowers,birds or fishes. teenth century, and to some philosophers in Imán, sm. 1. Loadstone, the magnet, a hard our o w n times. and solid stone which attracts iron. 2, Huminadór, sm. Illuminator, one w h o iUumines; C h a r m , attractiou. one w h o adoras with eolours. Iluminar, ra. 1. T o illumine or illuminate, to Imantár, ra. T o touch the mariner's compass needle with a loadstone, to give it a direction Ught, to fill with light or to supply with north and south. light. 2. T o illuminate, to adorn with festal lamps or bonfires. 3. T o illuminate, to Imbeáto,te,a. (Obs.) Unfortunate, unhappy. lighten, to enlighten inteUectualIy, to infuse Imbécil, a. W e a k , feeble, imbeeile. knowledge or grace. 4. T o give light and Imbecilidad, sf. Imbeciliry, weakness, debilito want of strength. m a d e to a piece of painting; to colour, to Imbele, a. (Obs.) Feeble, weak Ulumine books. 5. T o render transparent. 488 1MP IMF ing. 2. Impassible, exempt from external Imbibición, sf. Imbibition. impression, insensible of pain. Imbiérno, sm.V. Invierno. Imbornal, sm. (Nau.) Scupper-hole. Imbornal Impávidamente, ad. Intrepidly, undauntedly. de bomba, P u m p scupper-hole. Imbornales de Impavidez, sf. Intrepídíty, courage, boldness. varengas, Llmber-holes. Imbornales de la Impávido, da, a. Dauntless, intrepid. Impecabilidad, sf. Impeccability, impeccaney. caja de agua, Scuppers of the manger. Imbricado, da, a. Imbricated, indented with con- Impecable, a. Impeccable, exempt from possibitity of sin. cavities : especially appUed to shells that are Impedido, da, a. Impeded ; incapable of waved. making use of one's limbs ; having lost the Imbuir, va. T o imbue, to admit into the mind, use of the limbs.—pp. oí Impedir. to infuse into the mind, to instruct. Imbursación, sf. (Prov.) Act of putting into a Impedidór, ra, s. Obstructor, what ímpedes. Impedíante, pa. Hindering. that which impedes. sack. Imhursar, va. (Prov.) T o put into a sack or bag. Impedimento, sm. Impediment, obstacle, hiuderance, obstruction, let, clog, cumbrance, Imitable, a. Imitable. cumbersomeness, impeachment. Imitación, sf. 1. Imitation, the act of copying. 2. Imitation, that which is offered as a copy. Impedir, ra. 1. T o impede, to impedite, to hinder, to obstruct, to prevent, to let, to keep or A imitación, After the example, in imitato keep back, from or off, to forbid. 2. T o tion of. constrain, to restrain, to cohibit; to counterImitado, da, a. and pp oí Imitar, Copied, imiact. 3. T o suspend. tated. imitative. Impeditivo, va, a. Impeding, hindering, impeImitador, ra, s. Imitator, follower. ditive. Imitar, va. T o imítate, to copy, to endeavour to Impeler, ra. l.To impe!, to give an impulse. 2. resemble, to follow; to counterfeit. T o incite, to stimulate, to move. 3. T o imImitativo, va, a. Imitative, formed after some pel, to press on, to urge forward. original, or aiming at resemblance. Impenetrabilidad, sf. Impenetrability, impeneImitatorio,ria,a. (Obs.) Imitative. trableness. Impaciencia, sf. 1, Impatience, inability to suffer pain; rage under suffering. 2. Impa- Impenetrable, a. 1. Impenetrable, impervious, what cannot be pierced or penetrated. 2. tience, inability to suffer delay, eagerness, Impenetrable, incomprehensible, not to be hastiness. 3. Impatience, vehemence of temconceived by the mind ; fathomless. per, heat of passion. Impacientar, va. T o vex, to irrítate, to m a k e one Impenetrablemente, ad, (Littl. us.) Impenetrably, imperviously. lose all patience.—rr. T o beeome impatient, Impeniténcia, sf. Impenitence, impeniteney, to lose all patience. want of penitenee. Impaciente, a. Impatient,fidgetty,restless, not Impenitente, a. Impenitent, obdurate, beartable to endure delay. Impacientemente, ad. Impatiently, longingly, hardened. Impensadamente, ao*. Unexpectedly. eagerly, ardently, with great desire. Impacto, ta, a. Impacted, thrust into, packed Impensado, da, a. Unexpected, unforeseen, not thought of, fortuitous. tight. Impalpable, a. Impalpable, not to be perceived Imperante, pa. C o m m a n d i n g . — a . (Astrol.) Ruling: applied to a star. Formerly it was by the touch. used as.a substantive. I'mpar, a. 1. Unequal, dissimilar, odd. 2. U n Imperar, rn.To c o m m a n d , to reign.—va. (Obs.) even, not divisible into equal numbers. T o c o m m a n d a person, to direct his actions. Imparciál, a. 1. Impartía", equitable, free from regard of party. 2. Impartial, indifferent, Imperativamente, ad. Imperatively, authoritadisinterested, equal in dístribution of justice, tively. Imperativo, va, a. Imperativo, commanding, just. 3. .Unprejudiced, inprejudicate. expressive of c o m m a n d ; a m o o d in grammar. Imparcialidad, sf. Impartiality, equitableness, Imperatoria, sf. (Bot.) Masterwort. Imperatoria justice; indifference. ostruthium, L. Imparcialménte, ad. Impartially, equitably, Imperatorio,ria,a. 1. Imperial, royal, belongjustly, honestly. ing to an emperor or monarch. 2. Eminent, Impartibilidad, sf. (Littl. us.) Imparity, indivipossessed of superior qualities. sibility. Impartible, a. 1. Indivisible, what cannot be Imperceptible, a. Imperceptible. divided or separated. 2. (Law) Impartible, Imperceptiblemente, ad. Imperceptibly. communicable, what can be bestowed or con- Imperdible, a. (Coll.) Imperdible, not to be lost or destroyed. ferred. Impartir, ra. 1. T o demand or require assist- Imperdonable, a. (Coll.) Impardonable, irremisance: chiefly applied to courts of judicature, sible. which demand one another's assistance for Imperfección, sf. Imperfection, fault, slight the effectual administration of justice. 2. T o failure or defect. grant, to impart. Imperfectamente, ad. Imperfectly, faultily, Impasibilidad, sf. Impassibility, exemption from lamely, inadequately. the ageney of external causes, impassible- Imperfecto, ta, a. Imperfect, net complete; deuess, exemption from suffering or from senfective, faulty. sibility of pain. Imperforación, sf. (Med.) Imperforation, tto Impasible, a. I. Impassible, incapuble of sufferstate of being closed. 489 IMP iMP ímperforádo,da, a. ^Med.) Imperforate, closed up.Impetrador, ra, s. O n e w h o impetrates. Imperial, sm. 1. Roof of a coach or carriage. 2. Impetrante, pa. Impetrattog—sm. (Law) Grantee; impetrator. (Nau.) Poop-royal, a platform which serves Impetrar, ra. T o impétrate, to obtain by enas a covering of the poop-gallery of a ship. treaty. Imperial, a. 1. Imperial, belonging to an emperor or monarch. 2. Applied to a kind of I'mpetu, sm. 1. ímpetus, a violent tendency fe any point; a violent effbrt. 2. Impetuosíty, small black plumb. violence or vehemence of passion. Imperiales, sm. pl. Imperialiste, a ñ a m e given Impetuosamente, ao". Impefuously, vehemently, to the troops of the emperor of Austria. Impericia, sf. Unskilfulness, want of knowledge violently. Impetuosidad, sf. Impetuosíty, vehemence. or experience. Imperio, sm. 1. Empire, dominión, command. Impetuoso, sa. a. 1. Impetuous, violent, fordble, fierce. 2. Impetuous, vehement, passionate, 2. Dignity of an emperor. 3. Empire, the heady. dominions or possessions of an emperor. 4. Kind of Unen made in Germany. Alto oí Impía or Flor impía, sf. Scarlet-flowered pen. tapetes. Pentapetes phaenicea, L. bajo imperio, Upper or lower empire. Imperiosamente, ad. Imperiously, lordly, mas- Impíamente, ad. Impiously. Impiedad, sf. 1. Impiety, irreverence to the Suterly. preme Being ; irreligión, contempt of the Imperioso, sa, a. 1. Imperious, commanding, duties of religión. 2. Impiety, any ad of arrogant, haughty. 2. Powerful, overbearing, wickedness, impiousness; cruelty. magisterial. Impígero, ra, a. (Obs.) Adive, prompt, lively. Imperitamente, ad. UnskilfuUy, ignoranfly. Imperito, ta, o. Unleamed, unskilled; deficient Impiísimo, m a , a. sup Very impíous, extremely wieked. in the practícal knowledge of arte and Impío, pía, a. Impious, írreligious, wieked, prosciences. fane, míscreant, godless. Impermeabilidad, sf. Impermeability. Impermeable, a. Impermeable, that which is no* Impíreo, rea, a. V. Empíreo. I'mpla, sf. (Obs.) W o m a n ' s veil. permeable, or caunot be passed through. Implacable, a. Implacable, ímpacable, not to be Impermutable, a. Immutable. pacified; inexorable; constato in enmity. Imperscrutable, a (Obs.) V. Inescrutable. Impersonal, a. 1. Impersonal, not varied accord- Implacablemente, ad. Implacably. ing to the persons: applied to verbs. 2. M o d e Implaticable, a. Intractable, unmanageable. of speaking impersonally. En or por imper- -Implicación, sf, Impücation ; contradiction ; implicitness. sonal, Impersonally. Impersonalménte, ad. Impersonally, according ImpUcádo, da, a. and pp. oí Implicar, ImpUcit, entangled, impUcated. to the manner of an impersonal verb. Impersuasible, a. Impersuasible, not to be moved Implicar, vn. T o oppose, to contradid one another : applied to terms and propositions.—ra. by persuasión. T o implícate, to involve; to entangle, ta emImpertérr'ito,ta,a. Intrepid,unterrified,dauntless. Impertinencia, sf. 1. Impertinence or imperti- barrass. nency, folly, nonsense, rambling thought, ImpUcatório,ria,a. Implicative. foolish action. 2. Peevishness,fretfuldis- Implícitamente, ad. Implicitly. position, humorousness. 3. Impertinence, Implícito,to,a. Implidt, inferred; tacitly com .prised, not expressed. íroublesomeness, intrusión. 4. Minute accuImploración, sf. Entreaty, imploration, the act racy in the performance of a thing. of imploring. Impertinente, a. 1. Impertinent, intrusíve, importúnate, meddling. 2. Impertinent, non- Implorar, ra. 1. T o implore, to cali upon in supsensical, trilling, of no relation to the matter pücation, to solidt. 2 T o implore, to ask with eagerness, to crave, to entreat, to in hand, of no weight. 3. Peevish, fretful, beg. cross, forward, ill-humoured. Implúme, a. Unfeathered, naked of feathers. Impertinentemente, ad. Impertinently. Imperturbabilidad, sf. (Littl. us.) Impetturba Impolítica,*/ 1. Incivility, want of courtesy, clownishness, rudeness, coarseness. 2. Imbility. policy. Imperturbable, a. Imperturbable, free from perImpolíticamente, ad. (Coll.) Impolitically, imturbation, not to be disturbed. politicly. Imperturbablemente, aa", (Littl. us.) ImperturImpolítico, ca, a. 1. ImpoUtic or impolitieai, inbably. Impervio, via, a. Irnpervíous, impassable, impe- discreet, irnprudent 2. Impolite, rude, coarse, misbehaved, unpolished. netrable. Impetra, sf. 1. Diploma, licence, permission. 2.Impoluto, ta, a. (Obs.) Unpolluted, puré, free from stain, clean. Bull by which dubious benefices are granted, with a proviso of the incumbent removing or Imponderable, a. Inexpressible, unutterable. Imponedór, sm. H e who imposes or charges. clearing up the doubts at his own expense. Impetráble, a. (Law) Impetrable, possible f o be Imponer, va. 1. T o lay, put or set in or upon. 2. T o ímpose or to lay a tax, a duty, etc. obtained. 3. impose, lay fallaciously, on asor ato burthen or peImpetración, sf. the act of obtain- 5. Impetrado, ing impetrated. by 490 prayer da, a.orImpetration, a.nd entreaty. pp. ofImpetrar, Impétrate, (Obs.") nalty. TT oo advise, 4. T oT oobtrude charge totogive upon notice, impute acquaint to falsely. imposo i6. IMP IMP 4. Injunction of any thing as a law or duty upon. 7 (Print) T o impose, to arrange 5. A m o n g piinters, imposition, the arrangepages of types for the press. ment of pages for the press. Importable, a. 1. (Obs.) Importable. V . Insoportable. 2. W h a t can be importad from Imposta, sf. (Arch.) Imposte, that part of a pülar in vaults and arches on which the weight abroad : applied to goods. Importación, sf. Importotion, the act or practice of the whole building lies. Impostor, ra; s. Impostor, one w h o cheats by a of bringing into a country from abroad. Importado, da, a. and pp. oí Importar, Importad; fictitious character, ajuggler. brought into a country from abroad: speak- Impostura, sf. 1. A false imputation or charge 2. Imposture, fiction, deceit, cheat, fraud, ing of goods. supposititiousness, gullery, juggle. Importancia, sf. 1. Importance, import, consequence, moment, momentousness, concern. Impotencia, sf. 1. Impotence or impotency, want of power, inabüity, weakness. 2. Im2. Importance, considerableness, a claim to potence, frigidity, incapacity of propagation. notice; a respectable worthiness of regard, Impotente, a. 1. Impotent, disabled from perclaim to respect. forming a thing, weak, feeble, wanting forcé, Importante, a. Importónt, momentous, of great wanting power. 2. Impotent, frigid, without consequence, mighty, weighty, material, conpower of propagation. siderable. Importantemente, ad. Importantly, usefully, m a . Impracticable, a. 1. Impracticable, impossible, unfeasible. 2. Impassable : appUed to roads. terially, essentially. Importar, r. imp. T o import, to be of moment, Imprecación, sf. Imprecation, curse; prayer by which any evil is wished. to be important or convenient, to concern, to matter. No importa, N o matter, it is no Imprecar, ra. T o imprécate, to curse. matter, it matters not. Qué importa or qué Imprecatorio, ria, a. Imprecatory, containing wishes of evil. importa eso 9 W h a t matters it? what of that ? what does it signify ? Importa mucho, It Impregnación, sf. Impregnation. matters much.—ra. 1. T o import, to carry Impregnado, da, a. and pp. oí Impregnar, I m prégnate, impregnated. into any country from abroad. 2. T o amount or to amount to. 3. (Obs.) T o occasion, to Impregnar, ra. T o impregn or to imprégnate, tofillor satúrate with any matter or quality. cause. — r r . T o be impregnated. Importe, sm. A m o u n t or gross amount, valué. Importunación, sf. Importunity, incessant soU- Impremir, ra. (Obs.) V. Imprimir. Imprente, sf. 1. Printing, the art or process of citation. impressing letters or words, imprimery. 2. Importunadamente, aa*. Importunately. Importunado, da, a. and pp. of Importunar, Im- Printing-office, where books are printed. 3. Print, the form, size, arrangement and othei portuned; teazed. qualities of the types used in printing books. Importunadór, ra, s. Importunator, importune!. Importunamente, ad. 1. Importunely, with im- Imprescindible, a. That which cannot be prescinded or put aside. portunity. 2. Importunely, unseasonably, out Imprescriptible, a. Imprescriptible, without the of time. compass of prescription Importunar, ra. 1. T o importune, to disturb by reiteration of the same request; to crave. 2. Impresión, sf. 1. Impression, the act of pressing one body upon another. 2. Impression, imT o vex, to molest, to harass with slight vexpress, mark m a d e by pressure, stamp. 3. ation perpetoally recurring, to teaze, to disturb by reiteration of the same request. Print, the form, size and other quaUties of the types used in printing books. 4. ImImportunidad, sf. Importunity, importunacy, pression, edition, number printed at once, importunateness. Importuno, na, a. 1. Importune, importúnate, one course of printing. 5. Impression, efficacious agency, influence or operation of one unseasonable, coming, asking or happening at a wrong time. 2. Importune, troublesome, body upon another. 6. Impression, impresa, vexatious, heavy. image fixed in the mind. 7. (Astrol.) InImposibiUdád, sf. ímpossibility, impracticabiUty, fluence of the stars; impression or efFect. impracticableness, the state of not being fea- Impresionar, ra. T o imprint or to fix on the sible. mind or memory. Imposibilitar, va. T o disable, to render impos- Impreso, sm. Pamphlet, a smaU book, a shoit treatise. síble. Imposible, a. 1. Impossible, impracticable, un- Impreso, sa, pp. irr. oí Imprimir, Printed. feasible. 2. Extremely lifficult Los impo- Impresor, sm. Printer, one that prints books. sibles, A kind of Spanish dance. Imposible Impresora, sf. Wife of a printei, a female prode toda imposibilidad, (CoU.) Altogether im- prietor of a printing-office. possible. Imprestable, a. That cannot be lent. Imposible, sm. ímpossibility, impossible, that Imprevisto, ta, a. Unforeseen, unexpected, imwhich cannot be done. provided, unprovided against. Imposiblemente, ad. Impossibly. Imprimación, sf. Priming, the act of laying on Imposición, sf. 1. Imposition, the act of laying thefiísteolours on canvass or boards to be any thing on another. 2. Imposition, the act painted; stuff for priming. of laying, putting or setting in or upon. 3. Irnprimadéra, sf. T h e instrument used in pnImposition, the act of imposing taxes or duming or laying thefirsteolours on in paint» ties, and the tax, charge or duty imposed, ing. 49) IMP 1NA Imprimador, sm. O n e w h o luya thefirsteolours Impúdico, ca, a. 1. Unehaste, lewd, lustful,'ol. on a piece of Unen or board to be painted. scene, luxurious. 2. Impudent, shameless. Imprimar, va. T e prime, to lay thefirsteolours Impuesto, sm. Tax, impost, duty. on in painting. Impuesto, ta, a. and pp. irr. of Imponer, ImImprimir, va. 1. T o print, to impress words or posed. m a k e books by the press, to stamp. 2. T o Impugnable, a. That which m a y be impugned. imprint, to fix an idea on the mind or m e - Impuguadón, sf. Opposition, contradirtion, remory. 3. T o put a work to press, to get it futation, impugnatíon. printed. Impugnador, ra, s. O n e w h o refutes, attacks oí Improbabilidad, sf. Improbability, unlíkelíhood, contradiría; impugner, objector. difficulty to be believed. Impugnar, ra. T o impugn, to contradict,toopImprobable, a. Ii»i»Tobable, unlikely, difficult to pose, to confute. be proved. Impugnativo, va, a. Impugning. Improbablemente, aa". Improbably. Impulsar, ra. T o impel, to give an impulse, to Improbar, va. T o disapprove, to dislike, to cenurge on. sure. Impulsión, sf. 1. Impulsión, impulse, communil'mprobo,ba, a. 1. Corrupt, wieked. 2. Labocated forcé, the effect of one body acting upon rious, painful. another. 2. Impulsión, impulse, influence Improperar, ra. T o upbraid, to charge contempacting upon the mind, motive. tuously with any thing disgraceful, to gibe, Impulsivo, va, a. Impulsive. to taunt. Impulso, sm. Impulsión; impulse. V. ImpulImproperio, sm. Contemptuous reproach, an in-' sión. jurious censure. Impulsor, ra, s. Impeller. Impropiamente, aa*. Improperly. Impune, a. E x e m p t from punishment, unpuImpropiar, vr. (Obs.) T o twist or dístort the nished. trae sense of a law,fojunction or word. Impunemente, ad. W i t h impunity, impunibly. Impropiedad, sf. Impropriety, unfitness, watt Impunidad, sf. Impunity, freedom from punishof justness. ment. Impropio, pia, a. 1. Improper, unfit; not con- Impuramente, aa". Obscenely, impurely. ducive to the right end; unqualified. 2, Im- Impureza, sf. 1. Impurity, want of purity, the proper, misbecoming. state of those things which are foul with exImproporción, sf. Disproportion, want of protraneous mixtures. 2. Impurity, dishonesty, portion. any act of unchastity. 3. Obscenity, obseeneImproporcionado, da, a. Disproportionate, unness; foulness. symmetrical, impropoitionate, unsuitable in Impuridád, sf. (Obs.) V . Impureza. point of quality or quantity. Impuro, ra, a. Impure, foul. Impropriamente, ad. V . Impropiamente. Imputable, a. Imputable, chargeable. Impropriedád, sf. Impropriety. ItoputóbíUdád, sf. Imputableness. Improprio,ria,a. V. Impropio. Imputación, sf. Imputation, attribution of any Improrogáble, a. That which cannot be prothing: generaUy of ill. rogued. Imputadór, ra, s. Imputer. Impróspero, ra, (Obs.) a. Unfortunate, unpros- Imputar, ra. T o impute, to charge upon, to atperous, unhappy. tribute, to father, to lay, to fasten in: generally ill. Impróvidamente, ad. Improvidently. Improvidencia, sf. (Obs.) Improvidence. Imputativo, va, a. (Littl. us.) Imputative. Impróvido, da, a. Improvident, wanting fore- In, prep. lat. Used only in composition, where it has generally a negative signification, as MIcast, wanting care to provide. capaz, incapable. Improvisación, sf. (Littl. us.) Extemporíness. Improvisamente, ad. Unexpectedly, improvi- Inacabable, a. Interminable, inconsumptible, that cannot be brought to an end. dently. Improvisar, ra. T o extemporize, to speak extem- Inaccesibilidad, sf. Inaccessibitity, the state or quality of being inaccessible. pore or without premeditation. Improviso, sa, Improvisto, ta, a. Unexpected, Inaccesible, a. Inaccessible, not to be reached, not to be approached. unforeseen, not provided against. De improviso or a la improvista, Unexpectedly, on a Inaccesiblemente, ad. Inaccessíbly. sudden. Inacceso, sa, a. Inaccessible. Imprudencia, sf. Imprudence, want of prudence, Inacción, sf. Inaction, cessation from laboui, indiscretion, heedlessness; impolicy; improforbearance of labout. viJence. Inadaptáble, a. Not capable of adoption. Imprudente, a. Imprudent, indiscreet, improvi- Inadecuado, da, a. Inadequate. dent Inadmisible, a. Inadmissible. Imprudentemente, ad. Imprudently. Inadvertencia, sf. Inadvertence, carelessness, inattention, h edlessness. Impudencia, sf. Impudence or impudeney, shamelessness, immodesty, malapertness. Inadvertidamente, aa*. Inadvertently. Impudente, a. Impudent, shameless, wanting Inadvertido, da, a. 1. Inadvertent, inconsiderate, careless. 2. Unseen, unuoticed. modesty. Inafectado, da; a. Natural, free from affectation, Impúdicamente, ad. Lewdly, impudently. Impudicicia, sf. Unchastity, lewdtiess, inconti- Inagenáble, a. Inalienable, that cannot be alien atad ' nence, lustfutaess, iuipudiclty. 492 ING INfi Inagotable, a. 1. Inexhaustible, exhaustless, not Incantación, sf. (Obs.) V . Encanto. possible to be emptied 2, Unexhausted : ap- Incapacidad, sf. 1. Incapacity, inability, want plied to the powers of the mind. 3. Neverof natural power, want of power or strength failing. of body. 2. Incapability, incapableness, naInaguantable, a. Insupportable, that cannot be tural inability, want of comprehensiveness of borne. mind. 3. Incapability, legal disqualification Inalienable, a. Inaüenable. or want of legal qualifications. InalterabiUdád, sf. Immutebility, stability, inal- Incapaz, a. 1. Incapable, unable, not equal to terability. any thing. 2. Incapable, wanting power to Inalterable, a. Inalterable, that cannot be aJdo any thing. 3. Incapable, wanting undertered. standing, unable to comprehend, learn or unInalterablemente, ad. Unalterably. derstand ; wanting talent. Incapaz de sacraInalterado, da, a. Unchanged, stable. mentos, (Coll.) Applied to a very weak, silly Inamisible, a. Inamissible, not to be lost. person. Inamovible, a. That which cannot b'e removed. Incardinación, sf. ( L a w Obs.) Administration Inamovibilidád, sf. T h e quality of that which without property. cannot be removed. Incasable, a. Ünfít for marriage. Inane, a. (Littl. us.) E m p t y , void, inane. Incasto, ta, a. (Littl. us.) Unchaste, dishonest, Inanición, sf. (Med.) Iuanition, extreme weakimpure. ness produced by want of nourishment Incatólico, ca, a. (Obs.) Uncatholic. Inanimado, da, a. Inanimate, lifeless, void of Incautamente, aa*. Unwafily, incautiously. life; without animation. Incauto, ta, a. Incautious, unwary, heedless. Inapagable, a. Inextinguishable, unquenchable. Incendiar, ra. T o kindle, to set on fire, to inInapeable, a. 1. That cannot be lowered or leflame. velled. 2. Incomprehensible, inconceivable. Incendiario,ria,s. 1. Incendiary, one w h o sets houses or towns onfirein malice or for rob3. Obstínate, stubborn, fixed in opinión or resolution. bery,firer.2. Incendiary, firebrand, one w h o Inapelable, a. Without appeal, not admitting inflames factions or promotes quarrels. appeal. Incendio, sm. I. Fire, conflagration, burning. Inapetencia, sf. Inappetence or inappetency, 2. Inflammation, the act of setting on flame; want of appetite or desire of food. the state of being in flame; combustión; Inapetente, a. 1. Having no appetite or desire broil. of food. 2. Disgusted. Incensación, sf. T h e act of perfuming with inInaphcáble, a. Inapplicable. censé. .Inaplicación, sf. Indolence, inapplication, want Incensar, ra. 1. T o perfume, to incensé, to offer of application. incensé on the altar. 2. T o bestow fulsome Inaplicado, da, a. Indolent, careless, inactive. praise or adulation. 3. (Prov.) T o run up Inapreciable, a. Inestimable, invalúable, inapand down, to go here and there. preciable, too valuable to be rated, transeend- Incensario, sm. lncensory, the vessel in which íng all price. incensé is burnt and offered. Inaptitud, sf. (Prov.) V . Ineptitud. Incensor, ra, a. (Obs.) V. Incendiario. Inarticulado, da, a. Inarticulate, not uttered Incensurable a. Unblamable, not culpable. with distinctness, like that of the syllahles of Incentivo, sm. Incentive, incitement, spur ; enh u m a n speech. couragement, inciting cause or motive for Inasequible, a. That which cannot be followed. doing any thing. Inatacable, a. (Coll.) W h i c h cannot be attacked. Inceptor, sm. (Obs.) Beginner, he that comInaudible, a. (Littl. us.) Inaudible. menees any thing. Inaudito, ta, a. Unheard of, strange, most ex- Incertídúmbre, sf. Incertitude, uncertainty, traordinary. doubtfulness, hesitaney, fluctuation. Inauguración, sf. 1. Inauguration, investiture Incertitud, sf. (Obs.) V . Incertidumbre. by solemnities. 2. Exaltation or elevation to Incesable, a. Incessable, unceasing, that which royal dignity. 3. Auguration, the practice of never ceases or cannot cease. augury. Incesablemente, ad. Incessantly, without any Inaugurado, da, a. and pp. oí Inaugurar, Inauintermission. gúrate ; ínaugurated. Incesante, a. Incessant, incessable, unceasing, Inaugural, a. Inaugural. continual, uninterrupted. Inaugurar, ra. 1. T o divine by the flight of Incesantemente, ad. Incessantly, continually, birds. 2. T o inaugúrate, to invest with a new without intermission. office-by solemnities. Incestar, va. (Obs.) T o commit incest. Inaveriguable, a. That cannot be ascertained, Incesto, sm. Incest, an unnatural and criminal that cannot be easily proved. connexion of persons of a different sex within Inbáb, sf. A sort of stuff which comes from degrees prohibited. . Cairo. Incestuosamente, ao\ Incestuously. Incalár ra. (Obs.) V . Pertenecer. Incestuoso, sa, a. Incestuous, that which belongs Incalculable, a. Incalculable, beyond calculatíon. to incest. Incansable, a. Indefatígable, unwearied, not ex- Incidencia, sf. 1. Incidence or incideney, an haustible by labour. accident. hap, casualty. 2. Incidence, the Incansablemente, aa". Indefatigably. directíon with which one body stiikes upon Incantable, a. That cannot be sune. another. 493 INC INC Inclination, the operation by which a deai Incidente, a. Incident, casual, incidental, hapliquor is poured out by gently sloping the pening by chance. Incidente, sm. Incident, hap, accident, casualty, vessel. occurrence, accidental event, something hap- Inclinado, da, a. and pp. oí Inclinar, 1. Inclined to any part. 2. (Met.) Inclined, disposed, pening besides the main design. affected, minded, propense. Incidentemente, aa*. Incidentally. IncUnadór, ra, Í. O n e w h o inchnes. Incidir, rn. T o fall in or upon, to meet with. Incienso, sm. 1. Incensé, an aromatic g u m used Inclinante, pa. Inclining, bending, drawing nigh to. in religious functions to perfume the altar. 2. Peculiar reverence and veneration paid to Inclinar, ra. 1. T o incline, to bend; to give a tendeney or directíon to any place or state, a person. 3. Court paid to a person out of flattery or interested views. Incienso hembra, 2. T o indine, to influence, to turn the desire towards any thtog.—rn. T o resemble, to be Impure frankincense, that which is obtained alike.—rr. 1. T o incüne, to lean, to bend to, by incisión. Incienso macho, Puré frankinto tend toward any part. 2. T o incline, to cense, that which flows from the trees sponlean, to be favourably disposed to. 3. To taneously. bend the body, to bow. 4. T o have a partiInciénte, a. (Obs.) Ignorant. cular reason to follow some opinión or do Inciertamente, ad. Uncertainly. Incierto, ta, a. 1. Untrue, false, contrary to rea- something. 5. (Nau.) T o heel. lity. 2.Uncertain, incertain, doubtful. 3. U n Indinatívo, va, a. Incünatory. I'ncüto, ta, a. Famous, renowned, conspicuous, stable, inconstant; unknown. illustrious. Incindénte, a. (Littl. us.) Cutting, that which Incluir, ra. 1. T o include,tocomprise; to comcuts. Incineración, sf. Incineration, the act of burn- prehend, to contato. 2. T o aUow one a share in a business. ing any thing to ashes. Inclusa, sf. Foundling-hospito!. Incinerar, ra. T o burn to ashes. Incipiente, a. Beginning, incipient, inceptive, Induséro, ra, s. and a Foundling. Inclusión, sf. 1. Inclusión, the act of inclosing, ínchoative, that which com menees. or containing a thing. 2. Easy access, famiIncircunciso, sa, a. Uncircumdsed, not circumliar intercourse. cised. Inclusivamente, Inclusive, ad. Inclusively. Incircunscripto, ta, a. Undrcumscribed. Incisión, sf. 1. Incisión, a cut; a wound made Inclusivo, va, a. Inclusive. Incluso, sa,a. and pp. irr. oí Incluir, Inclosed. with a sharp instrument. 2. V. Cesura. Incisivo, va, a. Incisive. Dientes incisivos, In-Induyénte, pa. Including. cisors, cuitara, teeth in the forepart of the Incoado, da, a. and pp. oí Incoar, Inchoate, begun, commenced. mouth. Incoagulable, a. (Littl. us.) Incoagulable. Inciso, sm. C o m m a . V. Coma. Incoar, ra. T o commence, to begin, to inchoate. Inciso, sa, a. Incised. V . Cortado. Incoativo, va, a. ínchoative, inceptive; nottog Incisorio, ria, a. Incisory, that which cuts. inchoation or beginning. Incitación, sf. Incitation, incitement Incitador, ra, s. Instigator, inciter, exciter, in- Incobrable, a. Irrecoverable, irretrievable. Incógnito, ta, a. Unknown. De incógnito, Incog censor, kindler, one w h o incites. or incógnito. Incitamento, Incitamiento, sm. Incitement, impulse, inciting power, excitation or excite- Incognoscible, a. Imperceptible, which cannot be perceived or known. ment, incentive. Incitar, va. T o incite, to excite, to spur, to sti- Incoherente, a. Incoherent, inconsistent. Incoherénda, sf. Incoherence, want of connecmulate. Indtótíva, sf. ( L a w ) Writ from a superior tri- tion. bunal to the c o m m o n judges that justice m a y I'ncola, sm. (Obs.) Inhabitant. Incolumidad, sf. Incolumity, safety. be administered. Incitativo, va, a. 1. Incentive, inciting, incen- IncombustibiUdád, sf. Incombustibility. Incombustible, a. Incombustible, not to be consive. 2. ( L a w ) V . Aguijatorio. sumed by fire. Incitativo, sm. Incitement Incombústo, ta, a. Unburnt, not consumed bj Incivil, a. Uncivil, unpolíshed, incivil. Incivüidád, sf. Incivility, rudeness, coarseness, fire. Incomerciable, a. 1. Contraband, unlawful, progrossness. hibited : applied to objeets or articles of trade. Incivnméute, ad. Uncivilly, rudely, ineivilly. Inclemencia, sf. 1. Inclemency, severity, harsh- 2. Intractable, rude, harsh. 3. (Met.) Lnpassable : applied to roads. ness, rigour, unmercifulness. 2. Inclemency of the weather. A la inclemencia, Openly, Incómodamente, ad. Incommodiously. Incomodar, ra. T o incommode, to give trouble, without shelter. to cumber. Inclemente, a. Inclement, cruel. Indinación, sf. 1. Inclination, the act of incli- Incomodidad, sf. 1. Incommodity, inconvenience, trouble, nuisance, constraint, patas. 2. ing and the state of being inclined. 2. In(Nau.) Distress. clination, propensión of mind, favourable disa.Incomparable, Incommodious, inconvenient love, Uking, fancy. 3. the Aposition, Inclination, bow, body 494anor act incüning tendeney ofaffedion, reverence the towards head. m a dany e 5. by point. (Pharm.) bending 4. Incómodo, Incomparable, matchable. chased. da, 2.a, 1. Not to be acquired matchless, or impm ÍNC INC Incomparablemente, ad. Incomparably. metry or proportion; unsuitableness, want i»i Incomparádo, da, a. V . Incomparable. adaptation. Incompartible, a. Indivisible, not to be divided Incongruente, a. Incongruous, incongruent. into equal parts. Incongruentemente, ad. Incongruously, incomIncompasible, a. V. Incompasivo. patibly. Incompasivo, va, a. Incompassionate, void of Incongruidád, sf. (Obs.) Incongruity. pity. Incongruo, grúa, a. 1. Ineongruous, dísproporIncompatibilidad, sf. Incompatibüity, inconsist- tionate, unsuitable. 2. AppUed to ecclesiasency, contrariety. tical livings which do not yield a competent Incompatible, a. Incompatible. tocóme, and to the priests w h o perform the Incompetencia, sf. Incompeteney, inability, want duties of those livings. of adequate ability or quaUfication. Inconmensurabilidad, sf. Incommensurability. Incompetente, a. 1. Incompetent, not propor- Inconmensurable, a. Incommensurable, not to tionate, not adequate. 2. ( L a w ) Unqualified be reduced to any measure. 3. Unsuitable. Inconmutabilidad, sf. V . Inmutabilidad. Incompetentemente, ad. Incompetently, unduly, Inconmutable, a. 1. Incommuteble, that cannot unsuitably. be exchanged, commuted or bartered. 2. V . Incompletamente, ad. Incompletely. Inmutable. Incompleto, ta, a. Incomplete, inconsummate. Inconquistable, a. 1. Unconquerable, impregnaIncomplexo, xa, a. Incomplex, simple. ble, inexpugnable ; invincible. 2. IncorruptiIncomponible, a. Incompoundable, not to be ble : applied to persons. compounded together. Inconsecuencia, sf. Inconsequence, inconclusiveIncomportable, a. Intolerable, unbearable. ness, want of just inference; unsteadiness, Incomposibilidád, sf. Incompossibility. changeableness. "^ Incomposible, a. Incompossible. Inconsecuente, a. Inconsequent; changeable. Incomposición, sf. 1. W a n t of pioportion, oí Inconsideración, sf. Inconsideration, inconsiderdefective composition. 2. (Obs.) V . Descomacy, want of thought, inattention, inadverpostura. tency, abruptness. Incomprensibilidad, sf. Incomprehensibility, in-Inconsideradamente, ad. Inconsiderately, comprebensibleness, incomprehensiveness. thoughtlessly, hand over head. Incomprensible, a. 1. Incomprehensible, that Inconsiderado, da, a. Inconsiderate, thoughtless, cannot be comprehended or conceived, inconinattentive, inadvertent, headless, wanting due ceivable. 2. Incomprehensible, expressing regard. thoughts in an obscure or confused manner, Inconsiguiente, a. Inconsequent, without just not to be fully understood. conclusión, without regular inference, contra. Incomprensiblemente, aa". Inconceivably, incom- dictory. prehensibly. Inconsistencia, sf. 1. Inconsistency or inconsistIncomprimíble, a. Incompressible. ence, self-contradictíon, incongruity, contraIncompuestamente, ad. (Obs.) Disorderly. riety. 2. Inconsistence, unsteadiness, changeIncompuesto, ta, a. (Littl. us.) Simple, uncomableness. posed ; unadorned. Inconsistente, a. Inconsistent, incongruous, abIncomunicabilidad, sf. Incommunicability. surd. Incomunicable, a. Incommunicable, that can- Inconsolable, a. Inconsolable, not to be comnot be communicated. forted. Incomunicado, da, a. Incommunicated; incom- Inconsolablemente, ad. Inconsolably. municating, having no intercourse. Inconstancia, sf. Inconstancy, fickleness, want Inconceptíble, a. Inconceptible. of constancy and firmness, unsteadiness, leInconcerniénte, a. Improper, unfit, unsuitable. vity, lightness, frailty. Inconciliable, a. (Prov.) V . Irreconciliable. Inconstante, a. Inconstant, changeable, mutaInconcino, na, a. Dísordered, uuhandsome. ble, variable,fickle,light or lightminded. Inconcusamente, ad. Certainly, indubitably. Inconstantemente, ad. Inconstantly,fickly,gidInconcuso, sa, a. Incontrovertible, incontestable, dily. not to be disputed, not admitting debate. Inconstruíble, a. 1. (Coll.) Whimsical, fantasInconducente, a. Incongruous. tical, fanciful, variable, fickle. 2. (Gramm.) Inconexión, sf. 1. Incoherency, incongruity, Obscure, uninteUigible, difficult to be conwant of dependence of one part upon another. strued. 2. Inconnexion, want of connection, contra- Inconsulto, ta, a. (Obs.) Unadvised, indeUbedictiousness, contrariety to itself, foreignness. rate. Inconexo, xa, a. 1. Unconneríed, incoherent, Inconsútil, a. Seamless, having no seam. relative, inconsequential, Tiaving no depen- Incontable, a. Innumerable. dance of one part upon another. 2. Inde- Incontaminado, da, a. Undefiled, unpolluted, penden!, not supported by any other. not contaminated. Inconfeso, sa, a. Unconfessed: applied to a cri- Incontestable, a. Incontestable, indisputable, unminal w h o does i;ot confess his guilt. controvertible. Inconfidencia, sf. 1. Distrust, mistrust, want ofIncontestablemente, ad. Incontestablv. confidence. 2. Disloyalty, want offidelityto Incontinencia, sf. Incontinence or incontinency, the sovereign. inability to restrain the appetites; undiastity, Incongí nainénte, aa*. Incongruously. lust, lustfulness, lewdness. Incontinencia de Incongruencia, sf Incongruence, want of symorina, (Med.) Incontinence of uriñe, a disease, 495 INC ÍNC Incontinente, a. 1. Incontinent: applied to one Incorrupto, ta, a. 1. Incorrupt or incorruptod, incorruptíve, free from foulness oí depravaw h o has no c o m m a n d or government of his tion. 2. Uncorrupt or uucorrupted, puré of lust or passions. 2. Incontinent, uuchaste, manners, honest, good, incorruptible. Incurindulging unlawful pleasuie, lubric. rupta, Applied to a virgin. Incontinente, aa*. Instantly, immediately, inconIncrasár, ra.To ínspissate, to fhicken, to merastinent or incontinently, without delay. sate : applied to humours. Incontinentemente, aa*. 1. Incontinently, unIncreado, da, a. Uncreated, not created, inchastely. 2. (Obs.) V . Incontinente. created, increate: an attribute peculiar to God. Incontinenti, ad. Incontinently, instantly, imIncredibilidad, sf. Iucredibility, incredibleness_ mediately, without delay. Incontrastable, a. 1. Insurmountable, irresistible, the quality of exceeding or surpassing belief, incontrollable, insuperable. 2. Inexpugnable, Incredulidad, sf. Incredulity or incredulousness, hardness of belief, want of faith, niísbelief, inconquerable. 3. Inconvincible. miscreance. Incontratable, a. V. Intratable. Incontrovertíble,a.Incontrovertible, indisputable. Incrédulo, la, a. Incredulous, hard of belief, refusing credit.—s. A miscreant. Inconvencible, a. 1. Inconvincible, not capable Increíble, a. Incredíble, surpassing beUef, not of conviction. 2. V . Invencible. Inconvenible, a. (Obs.) Inconvenient. to be credited. Inconveniencia, */. 1. Inconvenience or incon- Increíblemente, aa*. Incredíbly. veniency, tocommodity, unfitness. 2. Incon- Incremento, sm. Incremento increase; act of gruence, unsuitableuess. growing greater, cause of growing more. Inconveniente, a. Inconvenient, incommodious, Increpación, sf. Increpation, reprehensión, chitroublesome. ding. Inconveniente, sm. Difficulty, obstacle, obstruc- Increpadór, ra, s. Ctoder, rebuker, scolder. tion, impediment. Increpar, ra. T o incrépate, to chide, to repreInconversable, a. Unsociable, inconversable, inhend, to scold, communicative. Ineruénto,ta, a. Incruental, unstained with blood. Inconvertible, a. Inconvertible, that cannot be Incrustación, sf. Incrustation. Incrustar, ra. T o incrust or incrustóte, to cover converted or changed. with an additional coat. IncórdiOj sm. Bubo, a tumour in the groin. Incorporáble, a. That cannot be íncorporated. I'ncubo, sm. 1. Incubus, the night-mare, amortad oppression in the night, resembling the Incorporación, sf. Incorporation, the act of unipressure of a weight upon the breast. 2. Inting or being united in one mass. cubus, a pretended fairy or demon. Incorporado, da, a. and pp. oí Incorporar, InInculcación, sf. (Print.) Act of binding or wedgcorpórate, associated; mixed together. tagtoa form. Incorporal, a. Incorporeal. Incorporamiento, ad. Incorporeally, incorporally. Inculcar, ra. 1. T o incúlcate, to impress by frequent admonitions. 2. T o m a k e one thing Incorporar, ra. l.To incorpórate, to unite in tight against another. 3. (Print.) T o lock up one mass, to imbody. 2. T o incorpórate, to types.—rr. T o be obstínate, to conform one's form into a corporation or body politic. 3. T o self in an opinión or sentiment. raise or to m a k e a patient sit up in his bed. — r r . 1. T o incorpórate or to imite with some- Inculpabilidad, sf. Inculpableness, unblamableness. thing else, to mingle. 2. T o beeome incor porated or united in one mass or body. In- Inculpable, a. Inculpable, imblamable. corporarse en la cama, T o sit up in bed. Inculpablemente, ad. Iuculpably. 3. (Nau.) T o sail iu company, to join the Inculpadamente, ad. Faultlessly. Inculpado, da, a. Faultless.—pp. oí Inculpar. convoy. Incorporeidad, sf. Incorporeity, incorporality, Inculpar, ra. T o acense, to blame. Incultamente, ad. Rudely, without culture. ímmateriality. Incorpóreo, rea, a. Incorporeal or incorporal, im- Incultivable, a. Incapable of cultivation, inarable. materíal,«)ateítatized': --— Inculto, ta, a. 1. Incult, uncultivated, untilled. Incorporo, sm. V . Incorporación. Incorrección, sf. Incorrectaess, incorrection, in- 2. Uncivilized, unpolished, uureftoed, clownish, clumsy. aecuracy, want of correetness. Incultura, sf. Inculture, want or neglect of culIncorrectamente, aa*. Inaccurately. Incorrecto, ta, a. Incorrect, inaecurate, not exact. ture. Incorregibilidád, sf. Incorrigibleness, hopeless Incumbencia, sf. 1. Incumbeucy. 2. Duty imposed upon a person ; ministry. depravity; badness beyond al! means of Incumbir, vn. T o be tacumbent upon any one, amendment. to have any thing imposed as a duty. Incorregible, a. Incorrigible, froward. Incurable, a. Incurable, immedicable, not admit Incorregiblemente, ad. (Coll.) Iitcorrigibly. ting remedy; irremediable, hopeless. Incorrupción, sf. 1. Incomiption, íncapacity of corruption. 2. Incorruptness, purity of man- Incuria, sf. Negligence, indolence, inaecuracy. Incurioso, sa, a. Negligeut, indolent, incurious. ners, integrity, honesty. inattentive. íncorraptamé'nte, aa". Incorruptly. Incorruptibilidád, sf. Incorruptibility, insuscep- Incurrimiénto, sm. Act of tacurríng. Incurrir, rn. T o incur. to beeome liable to pu+ibility of corruption, incapacity of decay. nishment or reprehensión ; to deserte. Incorruptible, a. Incorruptible, not to be peIncursión, sf. 1. T h e act of incurring. 2. Inverted, corruptless. 4Q6 IND INÜ loss ; to maintain unhurt, to m a k e amends. cursion without conquest, the act of overrunto compénsate, to m a k e it good to one. «ing an enemy's country. Independencia, sf. Independence or iudepen. Incúrso, sm. (Obs.) Attack, incursión. dency, freedom from reliance or controul, abIncúrso, sa, pp. irr. of Incurrir. soluteness. Incusár, ra. (Obs.) T o accuse. V . Acusar. Indagación, sf. Indagation, search, inquiry, ex- Independénte, Independiente, a. Independen!, not supported by any other, not relying on amination, inquest. another, uncontrolled; free : it is sometimes Indagador, ra, s. Investigater, inquirer, indaused as a substantive. Independiente de eso, gator, an examiner. Independent of that, besides that. Indagar, ra. T o search, to indágate, to inquire, Indepeudenteménte, Independientemente, ad. to examine into; to investígate. Independently. Indebidamente, ad. Unjustly, illegally. Indebido, da, a. Undue, illegal, unlawful, void Indescifrable, a. That which cannot be deciphered. of equity and moderation. Indecencia, sf. lndeceney, todecorum, any thtog Indescribible, «. Indescribable. unbecoming, any thing coutrary to good man- Indesignable, a. That which cannot be designed, Indestructibilidad, sf. Indestructibility, Ímpossiners, misbecomiugness. bility of being annihilated. Indecente, a. Índecent, dishonest, unbecoming Indestructible, a. Indestructible, that cannot be or misbecoming. destroyed» ímperishable. Indecentemente, aa*. Indecently, fulsomely. Indeterminable, a. 1. Indeterminable, that canIndecible, a. Inexpressible, uuutterable. not be determined or fixed. 2. Irresoluto, Indeciblemente, ad. Inexpressibly. undecided. Indecisamente, aa*. Irresolutely. Indecisión, sf. Irresolution, indecisión, want of Indeterminación, sf. Indetermination or iudeterminateness, irresolution ¡ want of determtoafirmness of mind. tion or resolution. Indeciso, sa, a. 1. Irresoluto, indecisive, not constato in purpose, njt determined. 2. Un- Indeterminadamente, ad. Indeterminatey. Indeterminado, da, a. 1. Indeterminate, unfixed, decided, not settled. not defined. 2. Indetermined, irresolute, Indeclinable, a. 1. Incapable of a decline or dedoubtful. 3. Pusillanimous, chicken-hearted. cay,firin,unshaken. 2. ( G r a m m . ) Indecli4. Indefinito, general; loóse. nable, not varied by terminations. Indecoro, sm. Indecorum, indecorousness, in- Indevoción, sf. Indevotion, want of devotion. Indevoto, ta, a. Indevoto, irreligious, indevoto. decency. Indecorosamente, aa*. Indecorously, indeceutly. I'ndia, sf ( M e t Coll.) Great wealth, abundance of m o n e v and other precious things. Indecoroso, sa, a. Indecorous, Índecent, unbeIndiana, sf. Chintz, printed cotton. coming or misbecoming. Indefectibilidád, sf. Indefectibility, quality of Indiano, sm. 1. O n e w h o has resided in India. 2. Nabob, one w h o has acquired great wealth suffering no decay or defect. in India. Indefectible, a. Indefectible, unfailing, that Indicación, sf. 1. Indication, any mark, token, which cannot fail. sign or note. 2. (Med.) Indication, the Indefectiblemente, ad. Indefectibly. symptom or the collection of signs or sympIndefensable, a. Indefensibie. toms which indicate what is to be done. Indefenso, sa, a. Defenceless, indefensive, desIndicador, sm. (Littl. us.) Indicator. titute of defence. Indeficiente, a. Indefectible, unfailing, that Indicante, sm. pa. Indicating.—sm. (Med.) Iu dícant, any thing from which an indication which cannot fail. is drawn to a disease. Indefinible, a. Indefinable, that cannot be deIndicar, ra. 1. T o indicate, to show, to point out, traed. 2 (Med.) T o indícate, to point out a reIndefinidamente, ad. Indefinitely. medy. Indefinido, da, a. 1. Indefinita, that which is not defined. 2. Indefinito, not determined, not Indicativo, va, a. Indicative, poiuling. settled. 3. Indefinito, large beyond the com- Indicativo, sm. ( G r a m m ) Indicative, one of the moditications of verbs. prehension of man. 4. Indefinita, not liIndicción,*/ Indiction, the convening of a synod, mitad. council, or in general of a public assembly, Indefinito, ta, a. Indefinita, without limits. Indicción Romana, R o m á n indiction: a manIndeleble, a. Indelible, not to be blotted out. ner of computing time, introduced by ConIndeleblemente, ad. Indelibly. stantine the Great, which extonds to a cycle Indeliberación, sf. 1. Indetermination, irresoluof 15 years, and when finished they begin tion. 2. Inadvertency, want of attention. again. Indeliberadamente, ad. Inadvertently. Indeliberado, da, a. Indeliberate or indelibe- I'ndice, s. 1. Mark, sign, index. 2. H a n d of a watch or dock. 3. Pin that casts the shade rated, unpremeditated; done without sufficient on a sun-dial. 4. Index, table of contento to consideration. a book. 5. Index, forefiuger. I'ndice ex Indemne, a. U n d a m a g e d , unhuit. purgatorio, Catalogue of books prohibited ui Indemnidad, sf. Indemnity, exemption from daordered to be correríed by the Inquisition inuge or hurt. Congregación del índice, A commission ap. Indemnización, sf. Indemnifícation, reimbursepointed at R o m e , under the papal e n t of loss or penalty. m e n t to examine into the contento o. book» Indemnizar, w». l o indemnifv, to secure against V c i I. 497 ?K IND IND Indiciado, da, a. and pp. oí Indiciar, Suspi- Indiligencia, sf. IndiUgence, want of diligence, cious, liable to suspicion; giving reason to carelessness. imagine ill. I'ndio, ia, a. 1. Indian. 2. of a blue colour Indiciadór, ra, s. 1. O n e w h o entertains suspiazure. Somos indios 9 (Coll.) A retort te «ons. 2. Informer, one w h o discovers ofany one w h o wishe» to deceive or delude. fenders to the magistrates. Indirecta, sf. Inuendo, an oblique hint, a cue Indiciar, ra. ( L a w ) 1. T o give reasons to susIndirecta del Padre Cobos, A broad hint. pect or surmise. 2. T o discover offenders to Indiréctaméute, Indirecto, ad. 1. Indirectly, ab. the magistrates. 3. V . Indicar. liquely. 2. Indirectly, not in express terms. Indicio, sm. Indication, mark, sign, token, foot- Indirecto, ta, a. Indirect, not tending otherwise step, opening : any thing from which inferthan collaterally or consequentíally to a pur ences are drawn. pose, oblique. I'ndico, sm. índigo. V . Añil. Indiscernible, a. (Littl. us.) Indiscernible, incon I'ndico, ca, a. Indian. spicuous. Indiestro, tra, a. (Obs.) A w k w a r d , unhandy, Indisciptina, sf. W a n t of discipUne or subordiclumsy; unskilful. nation, insubordination. Indiferencia, sf. 1. Indifference, iucuriosity, a Indisciplinable, a. Indisciplinable, incapable of state of the mind in which no moral or phyinstrudion, subordinatíon or discipline. sical reason preponderates. 2. Neglect, un- Indisciplinado, da, a. Uutought, undisciplined. concern, want of affection, coolness or cold- Indiscreción, sf. Indiscretion, imprudence, rashness, lukewarmness, listlessness. 3. N e u ness, inconsideration, folly, injudicíousness. trality, suspensión ; equipoise or freedom Indiscretamente, ad. Indíscreetly. from motives on either side. Indiscreto, ta, a. Indiscreet, ¡mprudent, incauIndiferente, a. 1. Indifferent, neutral; not detious, fooUsh; injudidous, inconsiderate. termined to either side. 2. Unconcerned, in- Indisculpable, a. Inexcusable, not to be exattentive, regardless. 3. L u k e w a r m , cool, cused. frigid, listless. Indisolubilidad, sf. Indissolubility, indissolubleIndiferentemente, ad. Indifferently, impartially, ness coolly. Indisoluble, a. Indissoluble, not separable as to Indígena, a. Indigenous, native.—s. Indigene, its parts, indiscerpible, indissolvahle. a native. Indisolublemente, ad. Indissolubly. Indigencia, sf. Indigence, want, penury, poverty,Indispensable, a. Indispensable, that cannot be need. dispensed with, needful. Indigente, a. Indigent, necessitous, poor, needy, Indispensablemente, aa*. Indispensably, necesin want. sarily. Indigestible, a. Indigestible, not soluble in the Indisponer, ra. 1. T o disable, to indispose, to stomach. render unfit. 2. T o indispose, to disincline, Indigestión, sf. 1. Indigestión, inconcoction, to m a k e averse or to m a k e unfavourable. 3 crudity or want of due concoction of food in T o indispose or to disorder slightly with rethe stomach. 2. Rudeness of temper, iUgard to health: commonly used in its recinatuie. procal sense.—vr. 1. T o be indisposed, to Indigesto, ta, a. 1. Indigest or indigested, not grow ill, to be out of order. 2. T o beeome peevish or fretful. concocted in the stomach. 2. Indigest, confused, not separated into distinct parts, not Indisponible, a. ( L a w ) That which cannot be bequeathed. methodized, not well considered. 3. (CoU.) Indisposición, sf. 1. Indisposition, indisposedRude, ill-natured. ness, distoclination, dislike. 2. Indisposition, Indigéte, sm. (Obs.) Indigite, native demi-god slight disorder. or hero of antiquity. Indignación, sf. Indignation, anger mingled Indisposicioncílla, sf. dim. Slight indisposition. with contempt or disgust. Con indignación, Indispuesto, ta, a. and pp. irr. oí Indisponer, 1. Indisposed, disordered with regard to health. Indignantly. 2. Indisposed, at variance. Indignado, da, a. and pp. oí Indignar, Provoked, Indisputable, a. Indisputable, incontrovertible; teazed; indignant, angry. clear, that admite no doubt. Indignamente, aa*. Unworthily, indignly. Indisputablemente, ad. Indisputably. Indignante, pa. Indignant; irritating. Indignar, ra. T o irritóte, to provoke, to teaze.— Indistinción, sf. Indistinction, omission of discriminatíon, indiscriminatíon. rr. 1. T o be inflamed with anger and disdain, to beeome angry or indignant. 2. (Obs.) T o Indistinguible, a. Undistinguishable, indistinguishable, indístinctible. be inflamed: applied to a wound. Indignidad, sf. 1. Indignity, want of merit, want Indistintamente, ad. Indistincfly, indiscriminately. of the necessary qualities for obtaining some end. 2. A n unbecoming or unworthy action, Indistinto, ta, a. Indistinct, indiscriminate, that cannot be discerned from other things. meanness. 3. Indignation, passion. Indigno, na, a. 1. Unworthy, indign, undeser- Individuación, sf. Individuatíon, indrvidiiity, that which m a k e s an individual. ving. 2. Unbecoming, incongruous, unsuitable. 3. Unworthy, indign, bringing indig- Individual, a. Individual, sepárate from others of the same species, numerically one. nity, disgraceful, vilé, mean, despicable. Individualidad, sf. Indivíduiüity, individuity l'ndigo, sm. (Bot.) V . Añil. sepárate or distinct existence. Indigófera, sf. (Bot.) índigo. Indigofera, L. 49*J IND INK Individualizar, ra. T o specify individually, to Inducimiento, sm. Inducement, motive to any individúate. Ib ing, that which altores or persuades to any Individualmente, ad. 1. Individually, numerithing. cnlly, numerally, distinctly. 2, Individually, Inducir, ra. 1. T o induce, to persuade, to innot separably. fluence, to attraet, to entice, to lure, to lead, Individuar, ra. T o individúate, to distinguish to abet. 2. (Obs.) T o cause, to occasion. from others of the same species ; to particu- Inductivo, va, a. Inductive. larise, to detail, to specify individually. Indudable, a. (Prov.) V. Indubitable. Individuidád, sf. (Obs.) Individuality. Indulgencia, sf. 1. Indulgence. forbearance, tenIndividuo, sm. Individual, a single particular derness, clemency, forgiveness; opposite to person or thing; a m e m b e r of a body or comrigour. 2. Fond kindness. 3. Indulgence, munity. a reléase of the penalty due to sin. Individuo, dua, a. Individual, single particular; Indulgente, a. Indulgent, kind, mild, gentle, indivisible, inseparable. element. Indivisamente, ad. Indivisibly. Indulgentemente, aa*. Indulgently. Indivisibilidad, sf. Indivisibility, a state in Indultar, ra. l.To pardon, to forgive. 2. T o which no more división can be made. free, to exempt. Indivisible, a. Indivisible, that cannot be broken Indultário, sm. H e w h o in virtue of a pontifical or separated into parts, indiscerptible. privilege can dispense ecclesiastical benefices. Indivisiblemente, aa*. Inseparably, indivisibly. Indulto, sm. 1. Pardon, forgiveness; amnesty ; Indiviso, sa, a. Undivided, individúate, not condonation. 2. Indult, privilege, exemption. broken or separated into parts. Pro indiviso, 3. Impost, tax or duty imposed on merchan( L a w ) Applied to an inheritance w h e n the dise imported into Spain. partitions are not made. Indumento, sm. Wearing apparel. Indiyudicáble, a. (Obs.) N o t to be judged. Induración, sf. (Med.) Induration, a morbid I'ndo, sm. (Bot.) A kind of myrobalan. hardness of any part. Indócil, a. 1. Indocile, unteachable, indocible, Industria, sf. 1. Industry, diligence, assiduity 2.Inflexible, not to beprevailed upon; head2. Ingenuity, subtilty, acuteness. De indusstrong, froward tria, Designedly, purposely, intentionally. Indocilidad, sf. 1. Indocility, refusal of instruc- Industrial, a. Belonging to industry, or being tion. 2. Inflexibiliíy, stubbornness of mind. the produce of industry. Indócilmente, aa*. Inflexibly. Industriar, ra. T o teach, to instruct. Indocto, ta, a. Ignorant, uninstructed, un- Industriosamente, ad. 1. Industriously. 2. learned. (Obs.) Designedly. Indoctrinado, da, a. (Obs.) Uninstructed, igno- Industrioso, sa, a. 1. Industrious, skilful, dexrant. terous ; painstaking, laborious, assiduous. I'ndole, sf. Disposition, temper, inclination, 2. M a d e with ingenuity, skilfully or finely peculiar genius, idiosyncrasy, humour, nadone. ture. Inebriar, ra. 1. (Obs ) T o inebriate, to m a k e Indolencia, sf. Indolence, indifference, laziness; drunk. 2. (Met.) T o intoxícate ; applied to a state of insensibílity of grief or pain. violent commotions of the mind. Indolente, a. Indolent, indifférent. Inebríatívo, va, a. Inebriating. Indolentemente, ad. Indolently, inertly. Inedia, sf. Fast, abstinence from food. Indomable, Indomeñáble, a. 1. Untameable, in- Inédito, ta, a. N o t published, unedíted, indomable, indomitable, unmanageable: apedited. plied to wild animáis. 2. Inflexible, uncon- Inefabilidad, sf. Ineffability, unspeakableness; querable : applied to the passions. Ímpossibility of being explained. Indomado, da, a. Untamed. Inefable, a. Ineffable, unspeakable. Indomesticable, a. Untameable, not to be tamed, Inefablemente, aa". Ineffably. not to be subdued or domesticated. Ineficacia, sf. Inefficacy, want of power, want Indoméstico, ca, a. Untamed,fierce,intractable. of effect, ineffedualness, inefficaciousness, Indómito, ta, a. Untamed, ungoverned, maste.rinefficieney. less, froward, haggard, wild. Ineficaz, a. Inefficacious, ineffectual, ineffective, Indotación, sf. ( L a w ) W a n t of awife's portion. inefficient, unable to produce effects; weak. Indotado, da, a. 1. U n e n d o w e d , wanting endow- Ineficazmente, ad. Inefficaciously. ments or talents. 2. Portionless, without por- Ineguál, a. (Obs.) V. Desigual. tion : applied to w o m e n . Inelegante, a. Inelegant. Indubitable, a. Indubitable, unquestioned, cer- Inenarrable, a. Inexplicable, inenarrable, inextain, irrefutable, out of doubt. undoubted, pressible, incapable of being explained. unquestionable. Inepcia, sf. (Littlv us.) Ineptitude, unfitness, Indubitablemente, ad. Undoubtodly, indubitaimbecility. bly, unquestionably. Ineptamente, ad. Unfitly, ineptly. Indubitado, da, a. (Obs.) Undoubted, indubi- Ineptitud, sf. Ineptitude, inability, unfitness. tate. Inepto, ta, a. Inept, unfit, useless; foolish. Inducción, sf. I. Induction, inducement, persua- Inercia, sf. 1. Inertia, that passive principie iu sión. 2. Induction, the act of ínferring a matter which causes it to continué in the general proposítion from several particular same state, whether of motion or rest; inertones. Por inducción, Inductively. ness or want of motion. 2. Inactivity, inerInducidor, ra, s. Inducer, persuader. tia, dulness, indolence. 499 2K2 INF INF Inerme, a. Disarmed, without arms. Infamador, ra, s. Defamer, libeller, one that Inerrable, a. Inerrable, exempt from error. injures the reputation of another. Inerrancia, sf. (Obs.) V. Infalibilidad. Infamante, pa. and a. D e f a m i n g ; ojproInerránte, a. (Astr.) Fixed: applied to the brious. stars. Infamar, va. T o defame, to m a k e infamous, to Inerte, a. 1. Iuert, dull, sluggish. 2. Unskilful, infame, to deprive of honour, to dishonotu wanting art, wanting knowledge. by reports. Inescrutable, a. Inscrutahle, unsearchable, not Infamativo, va, a. That which defames. to be traced out by inquiry or study. Infamatorio, lia, a. Defamatory, libellous, foul Inescrutablemente, aa*. (Littl. us.) 1 iscrutably. spoken. Inescrudiñáble, a. Inscrutoble. Infame, a. Infamous, vile, despícable, damiilnescusáble, a. 1. Inexcusable, not to be palable. liated by apology. 2. Inevitable, indispen- Infamemente, aa*. Infamously, vilely. sable, not to be dispensed with. 3. Excuse- Infamia, sf. Infamy, dishonour, pubUc reproach less. or opprobrium, notoriety of bad character; Inescusableménte, ad. Inexcusably. meanness, baseness. Inesperadamente, aa*. Unexpectedly, suddenly. Infancia, sf. 1. Infancy, thefirstpart o: life. 2, Inesperado, da, a. Unexpected, inexpected, unInfancy, the first age of any thing, beginforeseen. ning, original, c o m m e n c e m e n t Inesperiéncia, sf. Inexperience. want of experi- Infancino, sm. Oil m a d e of green olives. mental knowledge. Infándo, da, a. Infandous, so abominable as Inespérto, ta, a. Inexpert, unskilful, inexpenot to be expressed, too bad to be mentioned, rienced. Infant, sm. (Obs.) V. Infante. Inespiáble, a. Inexpiable, not to be atoned; Infanta, sf. 1. Infanta, a princess of the royal not to be mollified by atonement. blood of Spain. 2. Infant, a female child Inesplicáble, a. Inexplicable, ínexplainable, not under seven years oíd. to be explained. Infantado, sm. Territory assigned to a prince of Inespugnáble, a. 1. Inexpugnable, impregnable; the royal blood of Spain. not to be subdued. 2. Firm, constant; ob- Infante, sm. 1. Infant, a male child under seven stínate, stubborn. years of age. 2. Infante, a title given to all Inesténso, sa, a. (Littl. us.) Unextended. the sons and some nephews of the king of Inestimabilidád, sf. Inestimableness. Spain, except the heir apparent to the crown. Inestimable, a. Inestimable, too valuable to be 3. A foot-soldier. — pl. Choristers. boys rated, exceeding all price. brought up to sing iu some cathedral Inestimado, da, a. ( L a w ) That which has not churches. been rated or valued. Infantería, sf. Infantry, foot, a body of foot Inestinguíble, a. Inextinguishable, unquenchsoldiers. able ; perpetual. Infantidda, sm. Infanticide, a murderer of an Inestricáble, a. Inextricable, not to be diseninfant tangled, not to be cleared. Infanticidio, sm. Infanticide, the murder of J, Inevitable, a. Inevitable, unavoidable, ineluctachild or infant. ble ; fatal. Infantico, íca; íllo, íUa; íto, íta, s. dim. oí inInevitablemente, ad. Inevitably. fante, ta. Inexactitud, sf. Inaccuracy, want of exactness. Infantil, a. Infantile, infantine. Inexacto,to,a. Inaccurate, not exact. Infanzón, sm. Nobleman. Inexhausto, ta, 1. Unexhausted, unemptied, un- Infanzonádo, da, a. Pertaining to a noble. spent, inexhausted, inexhaustible or inexbaus- Infanzonazgo, sm. Territory of a nobleman. tive. 2. Full, abundant, plentiful. Infanzonía, sf. Nobility. Inexistencia, sf. (Obs.) 1. Existence of one Infatigable, a. Indefatígable, unwearied, untired unexhausted by labour. thing in another. 2. Inexistence. Inexistente, a. Iuexistent, existing in something Infatigablemente, ad. Indefatigably. Infatuación, sf. (Littl. us.) Infatuation. else. Inexorable, a. Inexorable, not to be moved by Infatuado, da, a. and pp. oí Infatuar, Infatúate, infatuated, stupified; infatuating. entreaty,flinty,hardhearted. Infaceto, ta. a. (Littl. us.) Dull, unpleasant, Infatuar, ra. T o infatúate, to strike with folly, to fool, to deprive of understanding.—rr. To graceless. Infactíble, a. (Coll.) Infeasible, impracticable, beeome stupified. that cannot be done. Infaustamente, ad. Unluckily. Infacundo, da, a. Ineloquent, not persuasive, Infausto, ta, a. Unlucky, unhappy, imfortunate, not oratorical. aecursed. InfalibiUdád, sf. Infallibiiity, unerrableness, in- Infección, sf. 1. Infection, the act of catching a errableness. disease through the médium of an atmoInfalible, a. Infallible, privileged from error, in- sphere charged with poisonous miasma oí capable of mistake, never-erring, inerrable, effluvia, and the same miasma oí effluvia. 2. Infection, that which propagates mischief. unerrable. Infaliblemente, aa*. InfalUbly, inerrabLy. Infecir, ra. (Obs.) V . Infectar. Infamación, sf. Slander, calumny, defamation, Infectado, da, a. and pp. oí Infectar, Infect, inthe defaming or injuring the reputation of fected. Infectar, va. 1. T o infect, to hurt by infection another. 500 INF INF 2. To corrupt, to vitiate, to pervert.—vr. To under ground where the machinery and movecatch, to take or receive by infection. m e n t of a horse-mill are seen and felt. Infectivo, va, a. Infective, infectious. Infigurable, a. That which cannot be repreInfecto, ta, a. and pp. irr. of Infecir, Infected, sented by any figure. infect, tainted. Iri£ttraci5n, sf. [Mea.) Infiltration. Infecundárse, rr. (Obs.) T o beeome sterile. Infiltrarse, rr. T o infíltrate, to insinúate into by Infecundidad, sf. Infecunuity, sterility, inferfiltration. tility. I'nfimo, m a , a. 1. Lowest, lowermost, most inInfecundo, da, a. Barren, unfruitful, infeeund, ferior ; the least. 2. Abject, vile, low bred. Infingidór, ra, s. (Obs.) Dissembler. infertile. Infelíce, a. (Poet.) V . Infeliz. Infinidad, sf. 1. Infinity, infiniteness, i m m e n Infelicidad, sf. Misfortune, calamity, disgrace, sity, boundlessness. 2. Infinity, endless misery, unhappiness, infelicity. number. Infeliz, a. 1. Unhappy, infortunate or unfortu- Infinitamente, ad. Infinitely, immensely. nate, luckless, fortuneless, miserable, misad- Infinitesimal, a. (Mat.) Infinitesimal: applied to fluxions. ventured. 2. (CoU.) Applied to a m a n of Infinitísimo, m a , a. sup. (Coll.) Most infinite. excessive softness and good-nature. Infelizmente, ad. Unhappily, unluckily, unfor- Infinitivo, sm. ( G r a m m . ) Infinitive, one of the moods in the conjugation of verbs, which tunately or infortunately. Inferencia, sf. Inference, illation. does not denote any determínate time. Inferior, a. 1. Inferior, lower in place. 2. In- Infinito, ta, a. 1. Infinite, unbounded,unlimited, ferior, lower to valué or excellency. 3. Infe¡mínense,finiteless.2. Infinite, very numerior, lower in station or rank. 4. Inferior, rous, excessive. Infinito, ad. Infinitely, immensely. subordínate, subject. Inferioridad, sf. Inferiority, subjection. Infintoso, sa, a. (Obs.) Feigned, simulated. Inferir, ra. T o infer, to deduce by ratiocination, Infirmar, ra. 1. T o infirm, to weaken, to shake. to draw conclusions from previous argumento, 2. ( L a w ) T o invalídate, to render nuil. to collect, to gather.—vr. T o follow, to be Inflación, sf. 1. Inflation, the state of being consequential as inference to premíses. swelled with wind; flatulence. 2. Inflation, Infernáculo, sm. A kind of boyish play. conceit, vanity, haughtiness, vain-gloriousInfernal, a. 1. Infernal, hellish, tartarean. 2. ness. Extremely hurtful or prejudicial. Inflamable, a. Inflammable, easy to be set on Infemalménte, aa". (Coll.) Hellishly, inferflame. nally. Inflamación, sf. 1. Inflammation, the act of setInfernar, ra. 1. T o d a m n , to d o o m to eternal ting on fíame ; the state of being in flame. 2. torments. 2. T o teaze, to vex, to provoke. (Med.) Inflammation, a morbid state characInferno, na, I'nfero, ra, a. (Poet.) Infernal. terised by heat, pain, redness, attended with Infestación, sf. Act of harassing, infestation, more or less tumefaction and fever. 3. Inannoyance. flammation, excitement of passions or of ferInfestar, ra. 1. T o infest, to oveirun, to harass vour of mind. or to annoy an e n e m y by ineursions. 2. V . Inflamamiento, sm. (Littl. us.) InflammableInficionar. 3. V . Apestar. ness. Infesto, ta, a. (Obs.) Prejudicial, dangerous. Inflamar, ra. 1. T o inflame, to kindle, tofireor Infeudár, ra. V. Enfeudar. to set onfire,to flame. 2. T o inflame, to Infición, sf. Infection. V . Infección. kindle desire.—rr. T o beeome red, to beeome Inficionar, ra. 1. T o infect, to hurt by infedion. inflamed or heated. 2. T o corrupt, to defile, to pervert by bad Inflamatorio, ria, a. Inflammatory. m a x i m s or bad example. 3. T o defile the Inflar, ra. 1. T o ínflate, to swell with wind. 2. honours of a noble descent, to taint the ( M e t ) T o elate, to Ínflate, to puff'up with purity of noble blood ; to vitiate. pride—rr. T o Jet, to strut. Infidelidad, sf. 1. Infidelity, treachery, deceit, Inflativo, va, a. That which inflates. faithlessness. 2. Miscreance or miscreaney, Inflexibilídád, sf. I. Inflexibility, stiffness, the unbelief, false faith, want of faith, disbelief quality of resisting flexure. 2. Inflexibility, of Christíanity. 3. T h e whole body of ininflexibleness, obstinacy, quality of the temfidels. per not to be bent, inexorability. Infidencia, sf. Unfaithfulness, faithlessness; Inflexible, a. 1. Inflexible, not ,to be bent 2. treason. Inflexible, not ta be prevaiíed upon, i m m o Infidente, a. Unfaithful. vable; contumacious. Infidel, Infido, da, a. (Obs ) V . Infiel. Inflexiblemente, aa". Inflexibly, inexorably; inInfiel, a. Unfaithful, infdel; faithless, disvariably. loyal; godless; pagan it is sometimes used Inflexión, sf. 1. Inflection, the act of bending as a substantive. or tuming. 2. ( G r a m m . ) Inflection, variaInfielmente, aa". Unfaithfully. tíon of a noun or verb. 3. Inflection, m o d u Infierno, sm. 1. Hell, the place of the devil and lation of the voice. wieked souls ; torment of the wieked; limbo. Inflictivo, va, a. ( L a w ) Inflictive, used as 2. A n y thing which causes confusión, pain or punishment. trouble; discofd, dispute. 3. Refectory or Infligir, ra. (Obs.) T o inflict, to condemn. eating-room to some convento. 4. A large Influencia, sf. 1. Influence, ihe power of the retort or othei chemical vessel. 5. Place celestial bodies upon terrestrial bodies and 501 INF IISG affairs. 2. <Met.) Influence, influx, influ- Infraoctáva, sf. Six days comprehended in any church festival of eight days, not countihg ths eucing, credit, consequence, holding ascendant power, power of direrítog or satisfying. first and the last. 3. (Met.) Inspiration of divine grace. Infraoctávo, va, a. Applied to any of the six Influente, pa. and a. Influencing, inftaential. days within the eight-day festival. Influir, ra. 1. T o influence, to act upon with di- Infringir, ra. T o infringe,toviólate or to break; rective or impulsive power; to modify to any to ínfract. purpose; to \ revail upon, to guide. 2. T o Infracción, sf. V . Infuraon. interfere; to inspire with grace. Infructífero, ra, Infrugífero, ra, a. Unfruitful, Influjo, sm. Influx, influence, power, credit. not bearing or producíng fruit; useless. Inforciádo, sm. Second part of the digest or pan- Infructuosaméute, aa". Unfruitfully, fruitlessly. dects of Justinian. Infructuoso, sa, a. Fruitless, unproductive, unInformación, sf. 1. Information, account, intelprofitable, gainless, abortive. ligence given ; instruction; hint. 2. Infor- Infruníto,to,a. (Obs.) Torvous, sour of asped; mation, charge or accusation exhibited. 3. stern, severe of countenance. Judicial inquiry and process. 4. Brief, the I nfulas, sf. pl, 1. Ornamente or marks of sacerwriting given to the pleaders, containing the dotal or pontifical dignity. 2. Expectation. case. 3. Presumption, ostentation. Informador, ra, s. (Obs.) Informer, one w h o Infundadamente, aa*. Groundlessly, without gives intelligence. reason oí cause. Informal, a. 1. Informal, irregular, contrary to Infundado, da, a. Groundléss, void of reason. established forms. 2. Applied to persons w h o do not keep their word, or w h o have no Infundible, a. Infusible, incapable of fusión. regard for the established forms of society. Infundir, va. 1. T o infuse, to pour liquor into a Informalidad, sf. Informality, want of attention vessel. 2. T o infuse, to m a k e an infusión to established forms. with any ingredient. 3. T o infuse, to inspire Informante, pa. Informing, instructing.—sm. 1. with. 4. T o infuse, to pour into the mind, tu Informant, informer, one w h o gives informainstíl. tion. 2. Informant, one w h o is peculíarly Infurción, Infulción, sf. Tribute paid in Spain charged to collect information respecting the to the lord of the inanor for the ground of descent and quality of a person. houses. Informar, ra. 1. T o inform, to instruct, to sup- Inf urdoniégo, ga, a. Subject to pay the groundply with iatelligence or knowledge, to acreut of a house. quaint. 2. T o inform, to animate, to actúate Infuscar, ra. (Obs.) T o obscure. by vital powers. 3. T o state a case to a Infusión, sf. 1. Infusión, the act and effed of infusiug. 2. (Med.) Infusión, the act of counsellor or judge.—rr. T o take cognizauce, pouring water of any requíred degree uf temto m a k e an inquiíy, to ask for information. Informativo, va, a 1. Instructive, that which peratura on substances of a loóse texture, and suffering it to stand a certain time; and informs. 2. Informative, having power to the liquor obtained by the above process, animate. 3. T h e act of sprinkling water on the person Informe, sm. 1. Information, the act of c o m m u baptized. 4. Infusión, influxion, inspiration; nicating intelligence or imparting knowledge, the act of pouring into the mind. Estar en account. 2. Briel. V . 3. Información. Informe, a. 1. Informous, shapeless, formless, of infusión para alguna cosa, (CoU.) Said of persons w h o are going to obtain what they no regular figure. 2. N o t performed in a proper and regular manner. wish. Informidad, sf. (Littl. us.) Informity, shapeless-Infuso, sa, a. andp/j. of Infundir, Infused, inness. troduced : applied solely to the. grace of G o d in the soul. Infortificáble, a. That which cannot be fortified. Infortuna, sf. (Astrol.) Sinistrous influence of Ingeneráble, a. Ingenerable, notto be produced or brought into being. the stars. Infortunado, da, a. (Obs.) Unfortunate, unlucky, Ingeniar, ra. T o con;BÍve, to contrive, to strike out.—rr. T o work in the mind, to endeavoiu unhappy, infortunate. to find out, to try by aU means to obtain or to Infortunio, sm. Misfortune, ill luck, calamity, do any thing. misluck, misadventure, mischance ; misery ; Ingeniatura, sf. (Coll.) Ingenuity, subtilty, fatality. Infosúra, sf. Surfeit in cattle and other animáis. acuteness. Infracción, sf. 1. Infraction, the act of break- Ingeniería, sf. Enginery, art of anengineer ing. 2. Infraction, breach, confravention, Ingeniero, sm. 1. (Obs ) Contriver, inventor. í. Eugineer, he that plans and.directo all works infringemehr, violation of a compact; misdeof military architecture. meanour, trespass. Ingenio, sm. 1. Genius, mental power or faculInfracto, ta, a. Steaily, not easily moved. ties. 2. Genius, a m a n endowed with supeInfractor, ra, s. Infractor, a breaker, a violator, rior faculties. 3. Engine, any mechanical one w h o violates a compact or law. complícation in which various movements Infraescríto, ta, a. Undeiwrítten, undersigned: and parts concur to one effect 4. Means, applied to ñames. expedient, address, industry, devíce, contriIn Fragranté, ad. V. En fragante. vanee. 5. Plough, a tool used by bookInfrangibie, a. Infrangibie, not to be broken ; binik'r". Ingenio de azúcar, Sugar-work, inviolable. 502 IX H INI Inhabilidad, sf. Inability or tahability, unskil. fulness, incapacity, unfitness. Inhabilitación, sf. 1. Act of disablíng or disquaIngeniosamente, ad. Ingeniously. Ingeniosidad, sf. Ingenuity, ingeniousness, in- lifying. 2. Disqualíficatíon; disability. Inhabilitar, ra. 1. T o disqualify, to m a k e unfit, vention. to disable by some natural or legal impediIngenioso, sa, a. 1. Ingenious, inventive, posment. 2. T o disqualify, to deprive of a right sessed of genius. 2. M a d e with ingenuity. or claim.—vr. T o lose a right or claim. Ingénito, ta, a. 1. Unbegotten, not generated. 2. Innate, inborn, ingenerate, ingenite. Inhabitable, a. Uninhabitable ; incapable of Ingente, a. (Obs.) Very large, huge, prodigious. being ínhabited. Ingenuamente, ad. Ingenuously, fairly. Inhabitado, da, a. Uninhabited. Ingenuidad, sf. Ingenuousness, candour, frank- Inhalación, sf. (Med.) Inhalation. Inhallable, a. (Littl. us.) N o t ta be found. ness, openness, openheartedness, naivete. Ingenuo, nua, a. 1. Ingenuous, open, candid, Inherencia, sf. Inherence or inherency, existence in something else so as to be insepafair, openhearted. 2. ( L a w ) Ingenuous, rable. free-bom, not of servile extraction. Ingeridúra, sf. 1. Grafting. 2. T h e place where Inherente, a. Inherent, existing in something a tree is grafted. else. Inherentemente, ad. (Littl. us.) Inherently. Ingerimiénto, sm. Grafting. Ingerir, ra. 1. T o insert, to place in or a m o n g Inhestar, ra. V . Enhestar. other things. 2. T o introduce, to inclose Inhibición, sf. Inhibition, prohibition. (/rden de inhibición, Writ to forbid a judge from within another. 3. T o graft.—rr. T o interfere farther proceeding in the cause depending officiously, to intermeddle. before him. Ingertár, va. T o ingraft a tree, to graft, to inoInhibir, ra. (Littl. us.) 1. T o inhibit, to prohibit; cúlate. to prevent from doing any thing. 2. ( L a w ) Ingerto, sm. Graft or graffj Üie tree ingrafted. Ingerto, ta, a. and pp. irr. oí Ingerir, Grafted, T o prohibit an inferior court to proceed any farther in a cause depending before. them. ingrafted. Inhibitorio, ria, a. Prohibitory. Ingina, sf. V. Quijada. Inhiesto, ta, a. Entangled, perplexed. V . EnI'ngle, sf. Groin, the part next the thigh. hiesto. Inglés, sa, a. English, native of England. A la Inhonestamente, ad. Dishonestly. Inglesa, In the English fashion. Iuhonestidád, sf. Dishonesty. Inglés, sm. English language. Ingléte, sm. Oblique Une which divides a square Inhonesto, ta, a. 1. Dishonest, void of honesty or probity. 2. índecent, immodest. into two triangles. Inglosable, a. That admito no gloss or com- Inhonorár, ra. V . Deshonrar. Inhospedable, Inhospitable, a. Inhospitable, ment. affording no kindness or entertainment to Ingobernable, a. Ungovernable, that cannot be strangers. govemed. Ingraduáble, a. (Coll.) That cannot be gra- Inhospital, a. (Obs.) Uninhabitable. Inhospitalidad, sf. Inhospitality, inhospitableduated. ness, want of hospitelity; want of courtesy Ingratamente, ad. Ungratefully, ingratefully. to strangers. Ingratitud, sf. Ingratitude, ungratefulness, ingratefulness, unthankfutaess, retribution of Inhumanamente, ad. Inhumanly. Inhumanidad, sf. Inhumanity, cruelty, want o( evil for good. Ingrato, ta, a. 1. Ungrateful, unthankful. 2. humanity. Ungrateful, harsh, disagreeable, unpleasing. Inhumano, na, a. I n h u m a n , savage, cruel, in3. Ingrato, ingrateful. compassionate. Ingrediente, sm. Ingredient, a component part Iniciación, sf. (Littl. us.) Initiation, introduction. of a body consisting of different materials : commonly applied to medicines. Iniciado, da, a. and pp. oí Iniciar, Initiate, initiated. Ingreso, sm. 1. Ingress, entrance, the passage by which a place is entered. 2. C o m m e n c e - Inicial, a. Initial, placed at the beginning. Lement or beginning of a work. 3. Entry, any tras inicia/es or las iniciales, Initials. s u m of money which is received, and is to be Iniciar, ra. T o initiate, to instruct in the rudicharged in accounts. 4. Surplice-fees. Deremento of an art, to put into a new society.— chos de ingreso, V . Derechos de entrada. rr. T o be initiated, to receive the first Inguinal, a. (Med.) V. Inguinario. orders. Inguinario, ria, a. Inguinal, belonging to the Iniciatívo, va, a. Initíating or producíng initiation, initiatory. groin. Ingurgitación, sf. Ingurgitation. Iníco, ca, a. (Obs.) V . Inicuo. Ingurgitar, ra. (Obs.) T o ingurgitote, to Inicuamente, ad. Iniquitously. swallow. Inicuo, cua, a. Iniquitous, wieked, unjust, neIngustable, a. (Obs.) 1. Ingustable, not percepi'andous, naughty, criminous, íníquous. tible by the taste. 2. Tasteless, having no Iniésta, sf. (Prov.) V . Retama. taste. Iniguál, a. (Obs.) V. Desigual. Inhábil, a. 1. Unable, inhabile, incapable, un- Inimaginable, a. Inimaginable, inconceivable qualified; disqualified, unfit. 2. Unskilful, that cannot be imagined. clumsy, awkward. Inimícícia, sf. (Obs.) V. Enemistad. 503 sugar-mill. Ingenio de pólvora, Powder- toül. INM INM Inimitable, a. Inimitable, above imitation; not Inmensurable, a. Iinmensurable, measureless, to be copied. not to be measured ; not to be counted. Inimitable.! éute, aa*. (Littl. us.) Inimitably. Inméritamente, ad. Unmeritedly. IiiinteUgíble, a. Unintelligible, that cannot be Inmérito, ta, a. (Obs) Undeserved, undeunderstood. serving. Iniquidad, sf. Iníquity, injustice, unrighteous- Inmérito, ad. (Obs) Undeservedly, without ness. wickedness, naughtiness. reason or desert. Injeridúra, sf. V . Ingeridura. Inmeritorio, ria, a. Immeritorious, undeservíng, Injerir, ra. V. Ingerir. without merit. Injertar, tía. V. Ingertar. Inmersión, sf. Immersion, the ad of putting Injerto, sm. V. Ingerto. any person or thing into a fluid below the Injuria, sf. 1. Injury, offence, wrong, insult, surface. outrage, any hurt without justice. 2. Injury, Inminente, a. Imminent, impending, at hand. annoyance, hardship, contumely, mischief. Inmiscible, a. Immiscible; incapable of being 3. Injury, contumelious language, reproachmixed. ful appellation. Inmoble, a. 1. Unmoveable, immoveable, moInjuriado, da, a. and pp. ot Injuriar, Injured, tionless, fast, not to be forced from its place. wronged. 2. Unmoveable, immoveable, unshaken, unInjuriador, ra, s. Aggressor, injurer, wrongdoer. afféded, constato. lujuriante, pa. Injuring, injurer. Inmoblemente, ad. (Littl. us.) Immoveably, Injuriar, va. To injure,towrong, to annoy, to Inmoderación, sf. Immoderatíon, immoderate. harm or to hurt unjustly, to offénd. ness, want of moderation ; excess. Injuriosamente, ad. Injuriously, offensively, Inmoderadamente, ad. Immoderately. hurtfully. Inmoderado, da, a. Immoderate, excessive, exInjurioso, sa, a. Injurious, contumelious, receeding the due mean. proachful, hurtful, opprobrious, obliquous, Inmodestamente, ad. Immodestly. offénsive. Inmodestia, sf. Immodesty, indecency, want of Injustamente, aa*. Unjustly, wrongly or wrong. modesty, indelicacy, want of purity or deliInjusticia, sf. Injustice, iníquity, grievance, cacy. wrong. Inmodesto, ta, a. Immodest, wanting shame, Injusto, ta, a. Unjust, hard, extorsive, contrary wanting deücacy or chastity. to justice, wrongful. Inmódico, ca, a. (Littl. us.) Superfluous, excesInlegíble, a. Elegible, that cannot be read. sive. Inllevable, a. Insupportable. Inmolación, sf. Immolatfon, the ad of sacrifiInmaculadamente, ad. Immaculately. cing; a sacrifice offered. Inmaculado, da, a. Immaculate, holy, puré, Inmolador, ra, s. Immolator. spotless. Inmolar, ra. T o immolate, to sacrifice. Inmaduro, ra, a. Immature, unripened, unmel- Inmortal, a. 1. Immortal, exempt from death. lowed. 2. Immortal, never ending or endless. Inmanejable, a. Unmanageable, incapable of Inmortalidad, sf. 1. Immortality, exemption being managed ; intractable. from death. 2. Immortality, exemption from Inmanente, a. ímmanent, inherent. oblivíon. Inmarcesible, a. Immarcessible, unfading, never-Inmortalizar, ra. 1. T o immortetize, to makt fading. immortal. 2. To immortalíze, to exempt Inmaterial, a. Immaterial, incorporeal; distinct from oblivion,toperpetúate. from matter, void of matter. Inmortalménte, ad. Immortally. Inmaterialidad, sf. Immateriality. Inmortificación, sf. Immortification, want o. Inmaturo, ra, a. Immature. subjectíon of the passions, licentiousness. Inmediación, sf. Contiguity, actual contad, Inmortificádo, da, o. Unmortified,freefrom morconfinity. tification. Inmediatamente, aa*. Contíguously; imme- Inmoto, ta, a. Unmoved. Inmovible, Inmóvil, a. Immoveable. V . Inmoble. diately, forthwith. Inmovilidad, sf. 1. Immobility, uumoveahleInmediata, aa*. Immediately; contíguously. Inmediato, ta, a. Contiguous, meeting so as to ness, want of motion or resistance to motion. touch, cióse; hard by, next. Llegar á las in- 2. ImmoveabiUty, incapacity of being remediatas, To arrive at the critical moment of moved. 3. Immoveableness, the state oí a dispute or contest. quality of being immoveable ; firmness, Inmedicable, a. Incurable. constancy. Inmemorable, a. Immemorable. Inmudable, a. inmutable. V. Inmutable. Inmueble, a. Immoveables or immoveable Inmemorablemente, ad. Immemorably, Inmemorial, a. Immemorial, past time, out of estáte: applied to landed, opposed to chattel memory ; so ancient that the beginning canproperty. not be traced. Inmundicia, sf. 1. UncleanUness, nastiness, dirInmensamente, aa". Immensely, infinitely, tiness,filth,filthíness.2. Uncleanness, iinmundicity, impurity. without measure, hugely. Inmensidad, sf. Immensíty, unbounded great- Inmundo, da, a. 1. Unclean,filthy,dirty. 2. ness ; infinity. Obscene, unchaste. Inmenso, sa, a. Immense, unlimited, unbounded,Inmune, a. 1. Free, oxempt 2. Enjoy ing immunity. infinite. 504 INO INQ Inmunidad, sf. Immunity, privilege, exemption, Inocente, a. 1. Innocent, puré, free from guilt or harm, void of mischief, innoxious, candid, franchise. freedom, discharge from any obliunhurtful, harmless, hurtless, lambí ike, just, gation ; liberty. Inmutabilidad, sf. ímmutebility, immutableness. crimeless. 2. Innocent,freefrom any partiInmutable, a. immutable, not liable to a change; cular guilt. 3. Innocent, simple, easily iminvariable, unalterable, irremoveable. posed upon. 4. Innocent: applied to chilInmutación, sf. Change, alteration. dren. Inmutar,ra.To.change,to altar.—rr. T o change Inocentemente, ad. Innocently, guiltlessly, harmlessly, hurtlessly, innocuously, innoxone's appearance. Inmutatívo, va, a, That which changes or causes iously. alterations. Inocentíc , íca, íllo, illa, íto, íta. a. dim. oí Inocente. Innacíble, a. (Obs.) Unborn, unbegotten. Innaeiénte, a. That which is not born of an- Inoculación, sf. Inoculation, thetoseriionof a poison into any part of the body : commonly other. Innato, ta, a. Innata, innated, ingenite, inborn, applied to that of the small-pox. Inoculadór, sm. Inoculator. ingenerate, natural. Innavegable, a. 1. Inuavigable, not to be passed Inocular, ra. T o inocúlate, to propágate by means of íncisions or insertions. by sailing. 2. Incapable of saíling: applied Inofenso, sa, a. (Obs.) V . Ileso. to ships. Innecesario, ria, a. Unnecessary. Inoficioso, sa, a. ( L a w ) Done at an improper Innegable, a. Incontestable, incontrovertible. time, and not in the manner prescribed by Innoble, a. Ignoble, not nobly born; m e a n of law ; irregular; inoffidous. birth; not of noble descent. Inojéte, sf. T o p of a boot; that part which coInnocuo, ua, a. Inuocuous, harmless in effect, vers the knee. Inope, a. (Littl. us.) Poor, indigent. doing no harm. Innominado, da, a. Nameless, having no ñame. Inopia, sf. (Obs.) índigence, poverty, penury, Hueso innominado, Innominatum os. want of the necessaries of Ufe. Innóto, ta, a. (Obs.) U n k n o w n . Inopinable, a. 1. Unthought of, not to be foreInnovación, sf. Innovation, change by the inseen or expected. 2. Indisputable, incontrovertible ; not admitting any diversity of opitroduction of novelty. nión. Innovador, ra, s. 1. Innovator, one w h o makes changes by introducing novelties. 2. Inno- Inopinadamente, aa". Unexpectedly. vator, an introducer of novelties; innova- Inopinado, da, a. Inopinate, unexpected, unforeting. seen. Innovar, va. 1. T o innóvate, to bring in some- Inoportuno, na, a. (Littl. us.) Inopportune. thing not k n o w n before. 2. T o innóvate, to Inoportunamente, ad. (Littl. us.) Inopportunely. change by introducing novelties. 3. T o pur- Inordenadamente, ad. Inordinately. sue a cause while an appeal or decree of inhi- Inordenado, da, Inordinado, da, a. Inordinate, bition ís yet pending. irregular; disorderly. Innumerabilidad, sf. Innumerabílíty, innúmera- Inorgánico, ca, a. (Med.) Inorganícal, void of bleness. organs. Innumerable, a. Innumerable, not to be counted Inórme, a. (Obs.) Enormous. V . Enorme. for multitude ; innumerous, numberless, In Próntu, ao*. Promptly; readily ; extempore. countless. Inquietación, sf. (Obs.) Inquietotion, disturbInnumerablemente, ad. Innumerably. ance, annoyance. ínnúpta, a. (Obs.) Unmarried, single.: applied Inquietador, ra, s. Disturber. to w o m e n . Inquietamente, ad. Disquietly, uneasily, without rest. Inobedescér, ra. (Obs.) V . Desobedecer. Inobediencia, sf. Disobedience, inobedience, Inquietar, ra. 1. T o disquiet,toinquiet,totrouble, to disturb, to peiturb the rest or quiet. 2. T o want of obedience; violation of lawful comm a n d s or prohibition. molest, to vex, to pain, to concern. 3. T o stii Inobediente, a. 1. Disobedient, inobedient, not up or excite disturbances.—vr. T o becoma uneasy or restless. observant of lawful authority. 2. Inflexible: applied to ínanimate things. Inquieto, ta, a. 1. Restless, turbulent. 2. Inobserváble, a. Unobservable, inobservable. Noisy, troublesome, clamorons. 3. Anxious, Inobservancia, sf. Inadvertency, neglect, inobsoUcitous, uneasy,fidgetty,disquiet, unquiet. servance. Inquietud, sf. Inquietude, restlessness, uiisasiInobservante, a. Deficient in observing. ness, disquiet, vexation, anxiety. Inocencia, sf 1. Innocence or innocency, the Inquilinato, sm. ( L a w ) Right acquired by the state and quality of the person w h o has not tenant of a house. committed injurious actions ; untainted inte- Inquilíno, na, s. 1. Tenant, the inhabitant of a grity. 2. Innocence, harmlessness, ínnoxhouse that is hired from another. 2. O n e that iousness, guiltlessness, guilelessness, ínnoon certain conditions has temporary possescuousness. 3. Innocence, freedom from sion and use of the property of another; av'i guilt imputed. 4. Innocence, sincerity, simtomate, a lodger. plicity in words and actions, with some degree Inquina, sf. (Coll.) Aversión, hatred. of weakness. Inquinar, ra. (Obs.) T o inquínate. Inocentada, sf. (Coll.) A simple or sUIy speech Inquiridór, ra, s. Inquirer, inquisitor. or action. Inquirir, ra. 1. T o inquire, to look for carefullv 505 INS INS or anxiously, to look after. 2. T o ascertain Insensiblemente, ad. Insensibly. by research and ínquiry, to explórate. Inseparabíüdád, sf. Inseparableness, insepara. Inquisición, sf. 1. Inquisition, examination, judi- bílity cial inquiry. 2. Inquisition, a court formerly Inseparable, a. 1. Inseparable, not to be di* established in Spain and other countries, for jomted. 2. Applied to things or persons not the detectíon of heresy. 3. Building, where easily separated or disjointed. the tribunal of Inquisition held its sittings. Inseparablemente, ad. Inseparably. Hacer inquisición, T o examine papers or Insepulto, ta, a. Unburied, not interred, graveless. books in order to burn the useless ones. Inquisidor, ra, s. 1. Inquirer, examiner. 2. In- Inserción, sf. Insertion, the a d of placing any quisitor, a m e m b e r of the tribunal of Inquithing in or a m o n g other matter. sition. Inserir, ra. (Obs.) T o insert, to plant. Inquisitivo, va, a. Inquisitive, curious ; busy in Insertar, va. T o insert, to introduce, to place in search; active to pry into any thing. or a m o n g other things. Inquisitorial, a. Inquisitorial, inquisitorious. Inserto,to,a. and pp. irr. of Insertar, Inserted. Inrámo, sm. A kind of spun cotton, which comes V . Ingerto. from the Levant. Inservible, a. Unserviceable, useless. Inrazonáble, a. (Prov.) V . Irracional. Insidia, sf. A m b u s h , snare, contrivance. Insabible, a. (Obs.) Inscrutable, inexpUcable. Insidiador, ra, s. Plotter or way-layer, insidiator. Insaciabilidád,s/ Insatiableness, greediness not Insidiar, va. T o plot, to way-lay. to be appeased. Insidiosamente, ad. Insidiously, guilefully. Insaciable, a. Insatiable, greedy beyond mea- Insidioso, sa, a. Insidious, sly, circumventive, sure, craving. guileful. Insaciablemente, ad. Insatiably. Insigne, a. Notable, remarkable, flagrant, Insaculación, sf. ( L a w ) Act of casting loto or noted. baUoting for ñames. Insignemente, ad. Notably, signaUy, conspiInsaculadór, sm. ( L a w ) Balloter. cuously. Insacular, va. T o ballot, to put the ñ a m e of any Insignia, sf. A distinctive m a r k of honour, a person destined for an office into a bag or badge. Insignias, Insignia, distinguishing box. marks of office or honour. Insalubre, a. Insalubrious, unhealthy. Insignificancia, sf. (Littl. us.) Insignificance oí Insalubridad, sf. Insalubrity, unhealthfulness. insignificancy. Insignificación, sf. Insignificance. Insignificante, a. Insignificant, unimportant, Insanable, a. Incurable, irremediable. wanting weight. Insania, sf. Insanity. V . Locura. Insignificatívo, va, a. Insignificant; insignificative. Insano, na, a. Insane, mad. Inscribir, va. 1. T o inscribe, to m a r k any thing Insimular, ra. (Obs.) T o aecuse, to charge with a crime. with writing. 2. (Geom.) T o inscribe, to Insinuación, */. 1. Insinuation, overture, hint draw a figure within another. or gentle introduction of a proposal, notice, Inscripción, sf. Inscription, something written etc.; innuendo. 2. Insinuation, power of or engraved. pleasing or stealing upon the afferíions. 3. Inscripto, ta, pp. irr. oí Inscribir. ( L a w ) Exhibition of a public instrument beInscrutable, a. V. Inescrutable. fore a judge. 4. (Rhet) Kind of exordtom. Insculpír, ra. T o insculp, to engrave, to cut, Insecable, a. (Prov.) N o t to be dried, that can- Insinuante, pa. and a. Insinuant, insinuating, having the power to gain favour. not be dried. Insección, sf. (Littl. us.) Incisión, cut ; a Insinuar, ra. 1. T o insinúate, to hint, to impart indirectly. 2. T o touch slightly on a subw o n n d m a d e with an edged instrument. ject.—rr. 1. T o insinúate, to ingratiate, to Insectil, a. Insectile. wheedle, to gain on the afferíions by gentle Insectívoro, a. ( N a t hist.) Insectivorous. degrees; to gain another's favour and beneInsecto, sm. Inserí, insectile. volence by artful means. 2. T o insinúate, to Inseculación, sf. BaUoting. V . Insaculación. get in, to creep in or into, or to steal into imInseculár, ra. T o ballot V. Insacular. perceptibly : speaking of the insinuation of a Insenescéncia, sf. Quatity of not becoming oíd. virtue or víee into the mind. Insensatamente, ad. Madly. Insensatez, sf. Insensateness, stupidity, folly, Insípidamente, ad. Insipidly, without taste; dully, without spirit stupidness. Insensato,to,a. Insensato, stupid, m a d or mad- Insipidez, sf. Insípidity, insipidness. brained, mindless, fatuous, out of his wits. Insípido, da, a: Insipid, tasteless, unpleasant; Insensíbuidád, sf. 1, Insensibility, insensiblespiritless,flat,actless. ness, inability to perceive, dulness of mind. Insipiencia, sf. Insipience, ignorance, want of 2. Insensibüity, want of feeling, hard-heartknowledge or testé. edness. Insipiente, a. Ignorant, tasteless, uninformed, Insensible, a. 1. Insensible, void of feeling either wanting knowledge or instruction. mental or corpórea!;tasentient,callous, stu- Insistencia, sf. Persistence, steadiness, conpid. 2. Imperceptible, not discoverable by stancy, obstinacy. the senses. 3. Hard, stupid, unfeeling, ob- Insistir, rn. 1. T o insist, to persist in, nottoredurate, gelid, cold or cold-hearted, loveless. cede from terms or assertions. 2. T o insist, Insensible ni konor or á la gloria. Ingloríous. to dwell -ipon in discourse 506 INS INS Instabilidad, sf. Iustability, instableness, iuconI'nsito, ta, a. Ingrafted, natural. Insociabilidad, sf. Iusociability, unsociableness. staney, fickleness, mutabihty, fugitiveness, fugacity, fragílity, giddiness. Insociable, a. Insociable, averse from conversaInstable, a. Instable, inconstant, chauging, m u tion and society. table,fickle,fugacious. Insolación, sf. Insolation, the influence of a Instalación, sf. Installation, instalment, the act scorching sun on the brain. Insolar, ra. T o insólate, to dry in the s u n ; to of giving possession of a rank or office ; inexpose to the action of the sun.—rr. T o disduction. ease one's self by the heat of the sun. Instalar, ra. ( L a w ) 1. T o install, to give posInsolaáble, a. 1. That cannot be soldered, or will session of a rank or employment. 2. T o indurí, to put into actual possession of a benot admit of any metallic cement. 2. Irrepanefice. rable, irretrievable; that cannot be remedied or replaced. Instancia, sf. 1. Instance or instaney, imporInsolencia, sf. 1. Insolence, impudence, effron- tunity, persisteney, urgeney. 2. Instance, tory, malapertness, haughtiness, frowardness. prosecution or process of a suit. 3. Instance, 2. Eff'rontery, barefacedness. 3. Insulting. pressing argument. De primera instancia, Insolentar, ra. T o m a k e bold.—vr. T o beeome Instantly, on thefirstimpulse;first,in the first place. insolent. Insolente, a. 1. Insolent, impudent, froward, Instantáneamente, ad. Instantly, instantoneously, haughty. 2. Performing u n c o m m o n things. 3. Unusual, u n c o m m o n ; unaecustomed. It Instantaneidad, sf. (Littl. us.) Instantaneify, unpremeditated production or instantoneous is also used as a substantive for a barefaced existence. or shameless m a n . Insolentemente, aa*. Insolently, haughtily, in- Instantáneo, nea, a. Instantaneous, done in an instant. sultíngly. Insólidum, aa". ( L a w ) Jointly, so as to be an- Instante, sm. Instant, so short a part of duration that w e perceive no suceession, a minute, swerable for the whole. a moment. Al instante, Immediately. Cada Insólito, ta, a. Unusual, unaecustomed, insolite. Insolubilidad, sf. Indissolubility : applied to instante, Every m o m e n t , frequently. En un things which cannot be dissolved. instante, In a m o m e n t ; immediately. Por Insoluole, a. 1. Indissoluble, insoluble, not to instantes, Incessantly, continually. be dissolved. 2. Insolvable, that cannot be Instante, pa. and a. Instant, pressing, urgent. paid. Instantemente, aa*. Instantly, with urgent importunity. Insolutundación, sf. (Obs.) Assigument of goods or effects in payment of a debt Instar, ra. 1. T o press or urge a request or peInsolvencia, sf. Insolvency, inability to pay tition. 2. In schools, to i m p u g n the solution debts. of a question.—rn. T o urge the prompt execution of any thing. Insolvente, a. Insolvent, unable to pay debts. Insomne, a. Sleepless, wanting sleep, insom- Instauración, sf. Instauration, restoration. nious. Instaurar, ra. T o renew, to le establish, to reInsomnio, sm. Insomnolency, watchfulness, build. Insondable, a. 1. Unfathomable not to be Instaurativo, va, a. Restorative. sounded by a line, fathomless 2. Inscru- Instigación, sf. ínstigation, incitement, impulse, table, unsearchable ; not to be traced out by excitement, excitation. inquiry or study. 3. Abysmal. Instigador, ra, s. Instigator, abetter. Insoportable, a. Insupportable, intolerable. Instigar, va. T o instígate, to incite, to provoke, Insoportablemente, ua". (Littl. us.) Insupportto urge to ill. ably. Instilación, sf. Instillation, the act of pouring in Insostenible, a. (Coll.) Indefensibie. by drops. Inspección, sf. Inspeetion, survey; superinteud- Instilar, ra. 1. T o instill, to infuse by toops ence; controlment, control. 2. T o instill, to insinúate any thing imperInspeccionar, ra. T o inspect, to examine, to ceptibly into the mind. oversee. Instinto, sm. 1. Instinct, natural desire or averInspector, ra, s. Inspector, a careful examiner; sión; natural tendeney. 2. Instinct, the powei overlooker, superintendent, comptroller. determining the will of brutos. 3. Divine Inspiráble, a. (.Med.) Inspirable. inspiration. 4. Encouragement, incitement, Inspiración, sf. 1. Inspiration, the act of drawimpulse. Por instinto, lnstinctively. ing the air into the lungs. 2. (Met.) Inspi- Institor, sm. ( L a w ) Factor, agent. ration, infusión of ideas into the miiid by a Institución, sf. 1. Institution, establishment, superior power. settlement 2. Institution, education, inInspirador, ra, s.Tnspírer, one w h o inspires. struction. 3. Collation or bestowing of a Inspirante, pa. Inspíring. benefice. Instituciones, Institutes of any Inspirar, ra. 1. T o inspire,todraw the air into science. the lungs, to inhale. 2. T o inspire with for- Instituénte, pa. Instituting; founder. titude, courage, etc. 3. T o inspire, to infuse Instituidor, ra, s. Institutor, founder. into the mind. 4. T o inspire, to animate by Instituir, ra. 1. T o institute, to establish, to supernatural infusión.—rn. (Poet.) T o blow. found. 2. T o institute, to teach, to instruct. Inspirativo, va, a. That which has the powei of 3. T o nominate, to appoint; to determine oí inspiring. resolve. 507 INS INT Instituto, sf. Instituto, a part or sectíon of the Insulso, sa, a. 1. Insipid, tasteless, insulse. 2. R o m á n law, which contains its principies. (Met.) Dull, heavy ; flat; cold. Institúio, sm. Instituto, established law; settled Insultador, ra, s. Insulter. order ; design, object, end. Insultante, pa. Insulting, insulter. Institutor, ra, s. V . Instituidor. Insultar, va. T o insult, to treat with insolence Instituyante, pa. Institutor; founding. or contempt, to fly in the face.—rr. (Coll.) Instridente, a. (Obs.) Pressing, compressing. T o meet with an accident, to be suddenly atInstrucción, sf. 1. Instruction, the art of teachtacked with disease. ing ; lesson. 2. Precepto conveying know- Insulto, sm. 1. Insult, act of insolence oí ledge, lore, knowledge. Instrucciones, Incontempt, insultotion, insulting. 2. A sudstructions, authoritative information. den and violent attack. 3. D a m a g e done Dy Instructivamente, ad. Instructively. an attack or contemptuous treatment. 4. Instructivo, va, a. Instructíve, conveying knowAbusiveness, contumeliousness, contomely. ledge. 5. A sudden fit of illness. -nstructór, sm. Instructor, teaeher, ledurer, mo- Insuperable, a. Insuperable, insurmountable; nitor. overbearing, not to be overeóme. Instructora, sf. Instructress. Insupuráble, a. That which cannot suppurate or Instruir, ra. 1. T o instruct, to teach, to form by form pus. precept, to lecture, to lesson; to acquaínt. Insurgente, sm. Insurgent, one w h o rises in 2. T o civilize. 3. T o inform authoritatively. open rebellion against the established go4. ( L a w ) T o instruct, to model or to form a vernment of his country: it is also used as cause according to the established rules. an adjective. Instrumental, a. 1. Instrumental, consisting of Insurgir, rn. (Obs.) V. Alzarse. instrumento, produced by instruments, not Insurrección, sf. Insurrection, a seditious rising, vocal. 2. ( L a w ) Belonging to legal instrua rebeUious commotion. ments. Causa instrumental, Instrumental Insurreccional, a. (Littl. us.) Insurrectionary, cause, that which is acting to some end or suitable to an insurrection. coutributing to some purpose. Insustancial, a. Unsubstantial, futile, insubstanInstrumentalménte, ad. Instrumentally. tial. Instrumentista, sm. Player on an instrument of Intacto, ta, a. 1. Untouched, not touched. 2. music. Untouched, not meddled with, not spoken of. Instrumento, sm. 1. Instrument, a tool used for 3. Puré, unmingled ; entire; intacf. any purpose; an engine or machine. 2. In- Intangible, a. Intangible, not to be touched. strument, the agent or means of any thing. Integárrimo. m a , a. super. Very sincere. 3. ( L a w ) Instrument, a writing containing a Integración, sf. Integration. contract, or serving as a proof or evidence Integral, a. Integral, whole : applied to a thing as comprising all its constituent parts. of any thing. 4. (Mus.) Instrument, any machine or frame m a d e to yield harmonious Integralmente, ad. Jiitegially. sounds. 5. (CoU.) Instrument, one w h o acto I'ntegraméute, ad. V . Enteramente. only to serve the purposes of another. Instru- Integrante, a. Integral, integrant. mento de viento, A wind instrument. Instru- Integrar, ra. 1. T o intégrate, to form one whole, to give integrity, to compose a whole of its mento de cuerda, A stringed instrument. integral parts. 2. (Obs.) V. Reintegrar. Insuave, a. Unpleasant, disagreeable. Insubordinación, sf. Insubordinatíon, a state of Integridad, sf. 1. Integrality, wboleness, com pleteness, integrity, intireness. 2. Int, grity, disorder, want of due obedience. Insubordinado, da, a. and pp. oí Insubordinarse, honesty, purity of manners, uneomiptness. 3. Virginity, maideuhead. 4. Coiitideuce, Rebellious, opponent to lawful authority. honour. Insubordinarse, rr. T o rebel against lawful authority : commonly applied to military men. I'ntegro, gra, a. 1. Integral, entire, complete, not broken intofracturas.2. Candid, corruptInsubsisténcia, sf. InstabiUty, iuconstancy. less, upright, honest, disinterested, just. Insubsistente, a. 1. Unable to subsist, incapable of duration. 2. Instable, incoiistant, chang- Integumento, sm (Obs.) 1. Integument, envelope, covering. 2. Fable, fiction. ing. Intelección, sf. Intellection, the act of under Insubstancial, a. V . Insustancial. standing. Insudar, vn. T o toil, to work hard. Insuficiencia, sf. Insufficiency, ínadequateness Intelectiva, sf. Intellect, the power of understanding. to any end or purpose. Insuficiente, a. Insufficient, inadequate to any Intelectivo, va, a. Intellective, having power to understand. need, use or purpose; wanting abilities. Insuficientemente, ad. (Littl. us.) Insufficiently. Intelecto, sm. (Obs.) Intellect, understanding. Insuflar, ra. (Obs.) T o blow. V . Soplar. Intelecto, sm. (Obs.) V . Inteligencia. Insufrible, a. intolerable, insuff'erable, overbear-Intelectual, a. Intellectual, intelligential, relating ing, insupportable. to the uiiderstandiug; mental, ideal, belongInsufriblemente, aa*. Insufferably. ing to the mind. ínsula, sf. 1. (Obs.) Isle. V. Isla. 2. (Joc.) A Intelectualménte, aa". InteUectually, mentally, ideally. petty state or government. Insular, Insulano, na, a. Insular. V . Isleño. Inteligencia, sf. 1. Intelligence, commerce of Insulsamente, ad. Insipidly. information ; mutual communication, ci- iv Insulsez, sf. ínsipidity,flatness,insulsity. prehensión, knowledge, knowing. -. Intel508 INT INT act between two parties, to entreat for anoligence ortotelligency,understanding, skill, ther. 2. T o intercede, to interpose, to place ability, experience. 3. Intelligence, commerce between. of acquaintance, friendly intercourse. 4. Sense, signiñcation of a passage. 5. Intel- Intercepción, sf. (Littl. us.) Interception, interligence, spirit, unbodied mind. jEn inteligen- clusion. Interceptar, ra. T o intercept, to stop and seize cia, In the understanding, suppositively. in the way, to cut off, to obstruct. Inteligenciádo,da,a. (Coll.) Instructed, informed. InteUgénte, a. Intelligent, skilful, clever, learn- Intercesión, sf. Intercessiou, mediation, interposition, interceding, entreaty for another. ed, knowing. Inteligible, a. Intelligible, conceivable, perspi- Intercesor, ra, s. Intercessor, interceder, mediator, excuser, soücitor, one w h o pleads for ancuous, to be conceived by the understanding; other. to be perceived by the senses. Intercesoriaménte, aa*. (Obs.) Entreatingly. Inteligiblemente, ad. Intelligibly. Intemperancia, sf. Intemperance, want of m o - Intercesório, ria, a. (Prov.) Intercessory, ínter vening between two parties ; entreating foi deration ; excess in eating, drinking or any another. other gratification. Intemperante, a. Intemperate. V . Destemplado. Intercíso, sa, a. Applied to a day the morning of which is a festival and the afternoon for Intemperie, sf. Intemperateness, unseasonablelabour. ness of weather ; intemperature. Intempesta, a. (Poet.) Excessively dark and Interclusión, sf. Interclusion. Intercolúnio, sm. Intercolumniation, the space dreary: applied to the dead of the night. between pillara or cobraras. Intempestivamente, aa". Unseasonably, aborIntercostal, a. Intercostal, placed between the tively, totempestively. ribs. Intempestivo, va, a. Unseasonable, not suitable to the time of the year or occasion; abortive. Intercurrénte, a. (Prov.) Intercurrent, intervening. Intención, sf. 1. Intention, design, meaning, mind. 2. Instinct of brutes. Hombre de in- Intercutáneo, nea, a. Intercutaneous, placed between the skin and flesh. tención, A dissembler. Interdecir, ra. (Obs ) T o interdict, to prohibit. Intencionadamente, aa". Designedly. Interdicción, sf Interdiction, prohibition; inIntencionado, da, a. Inclined, disposed. terdict. Intencional, a. Intentional, designed; done by Interés, sm. 1. Interest, concern, advantage, design. concerument. 2. Interest, share or participaIntencionalménte, ad. Intentionally. tion in any profit. 3. Interest, any surplus Intendencia, sf. 1. Administration, manageof advantage. 4. Interest, m o n e y paid for ment. 2. Place, employment or district of the use of money. 5. Interest, part taken for an intendant. or against any person. 6. (Poet.) Pathos or Intendenta, sf. L a d y of an intendant. interest of dramatic incidents. ínteres de inIntendente, sm. Intendant, an officer of high terés, C o m p o u n d interest. Dar á interés, T o rank w h o oversees any particular allotment put out on interest. Llevar cinco por ciento of the public business. Intendente de matrículas, Intendant or commissary genera! of de interés, T o bear five per cent interest. Interesable, a. (Obs.) Lucrative, profitable ; the impress service. bringing money. Intensamente, ad. Intensely. Interesadamente, ad. (L'.ttl. us.) Selfishly. Intensidad, sf. (Med.) Intensity. Intensión, sf Intensión ; intenseness, vehe- Interesado, da, a. and pp. oí Interesar, 1. Interested. concerned, having a connexion with mence, ardency; earnestness, great attention. that which m a y affect the interest, welfare or Intensivo, va, Intenso, sa, a. Intense, intensive, happiness. 2. Interested, paying too m u c h vehement, ardent, lively. regard to prívate profit; m o v e d merely by Intentar, va. 1. T o try, to attempt, to endeapecuniary views ; selfish. 3. Merceuary, too vour. 2. T o intend, to m e a n , to design. 3. studious of profit. T o enter an action, to c o m m e n c e a law-suit. Intento, sm. Intent, purpose, design. De in- Interesado, da, s. A person concerned in any undertaking or business, a partner. Los intetento, Purposely, designedly, knowingly. Intentona, sf. (CoU.) A n extravagant design, resados, T h e concern, persons connected in business or their affairs in general. a chimerical attempt. I'nter, ad. (Obs.) 1. Inthe m e a n while. V . ín- Interesante, a. Interesting, useful, convenient. terin. 2. A prepositive particle used in com- Interesar, rn. and r. T o be concerned or inteposition. rested in,to have a share in or to take a part lutercadéncia, sf. 1. Interruption, interposition. in any concern.—ra. 1. T o interest, to con2. Inconstancy. 3. (Med.) Intermission oí cern, to give a share in. 2. T o interest, to inequality of the pulse. concern, to engage by feeling or sentiment. Intercadente, a. Changeable, variable. 3. (Poet.) T o interest, to affect or to touch Intercadentemente, aa*. Changeably. with passion : speaking of a poem. Intercalación, sf. Intercalation, the act of insert-Interesencia, sf. 1. Personal assistance at any ing or placing in or amongst other things. thing. 2. Residence of the prebendarles, atv.1 Intercalar, ra. T o intercálate, to insert or place their presence at the choir. in or a m o n g other things. Interesente, a. Preseiit, concurring. Inteicalár, a. Intercalary, intercalar. Intoresillo, sm. dim. A slight iutoresiInterceder, rn. 1. T o intercede, to mediato, to I'nterin, sm. V . Interinidad, 50Q INT INT I nterin or E n el ínterin, ad. In this interím, to space between two knots or joints of the stalk the m e a n time. V. Interinamente. of a plant. Interinamente, ad. In the intervening time, in Internuncio, sm. Internuncio, an agent of the the iuterim, in the m e a n while or in the court of R o m e ; interlocutor. m e a n time; provisionally. Interpelación, sf. 1. ( L a w ) Interpellafion, sumInterinar, ra. ( L a w Obs.) T o ratify, to confirm. m o n s . 2. Interpellation, an earnest adInterinidad, sf. Quality of holdtag a temporary dress. charge or office. Interpelar, ra. 1. T o appeal to, to implóle the Interino, na, a. Provisional; appointed proviaid of. 2. ( L a w ) T o s u m m o n , to cite. sionally, having the temporary charge of an Interpolación, sf. 1. Interpolation, something employ or office. added or put into the original matter. 2. Act Interior, a. Interior, infernal, inward, inner. of adding or putting something into the oriInterior, sm. 1. T h e interior, inside, that which ginal matter. . is within, the inner part. 2. Mind. Interio- Interpoladaménte, ad. In an interpolating manres, Entrails, intestines. ner. Interioridad, sf. 1. Inside, interior part; the partInterpolar, ra. 1. T o interpólate, to foist in 2, within. 2. T h e act oí" concealing any thing, T o interpose, to intermix; to intermit 3. T o and the thing hidden. interpel, to interrupt. Interiormente, ad. In the interior, infernally, Interponer, va. 1. T o interpose, to place between, inwardly, interiorly. to totercome. 2. (Obs.) T o refer. 3. T o thrust Interjección, sf. Interjection, a part of speech in as an toterruption or obstruction.—vr. To that discovers the mind to be seized or afgo between, to interpose. fected with some passion. Interposición, sf. 1. Interposition, the state of Interlineacíón, sf. Interitoeatíon. being placed between other things or persons. Interlineal, a. Interlineal. 2. Interposition, intervenient agency, interInterlinear, ra. V . Entrerenglonar. ference, mediation, meddling. 3. Interval, Interlocución, sf. 1. Interlocution, dialogue ; in- time passing between. terchange of speech. 2. (Littl. us.) Interven- Interpósita persona, sm. (Lat. L a w ) Person who tion, mediation. acts for another in law proceedings. Interlocutor, ra, s. 1. Interlocutor, one w h o Interprender, ra. (Obs.) T o carry a place by speaks in the ñ a m e of another. 2. Collocuassault; to seize by main forcé. tor, coüoquist, one of the speakers in a día- Interprésa, sf. Enterprise, an undertaking of logue. hazard; an arduous attempt. Interlocutoriaménte, ad. In an interlocutory Interpretable, a. (CoU.) Interpretable. manner. Interpretación, sf. 1. Interpretatioii, the act of fnterlocutório,ria,a. Interlocutory, preparatory ¡nterpretíng. 2. Interpretation, elucidation, exto a definitive decisión. planation, exposition, construction, c o m m e n Interlúnio, sm. T i m e w h e n the m o o n , about to tary ; the sense given by au interpreter. change, is invisible. Interpretador, ra, s. Interpreter; translator. Intermediar, va. T o toterpose, to be in the Interpretante, pa, and s. Interprettog, translator. middle. Interpretar, ra. 1. T o interpret, to explain, te Intermedio, dia, a. Intermedíate, intervening, expound, to clear by exposition. 2. T o transinterposed, intermedial. íate, to interpret to another language, to Intermedio, sm. 1. Interval, intermedíum, time construe. 3. T o interpret, to take or to unpássíng between ; interim. . 2. Interlude, an derstand the meaning in a particular sense or manner. 4. T o attribute. entertainment between the acts of a play; farce ; interval; middle. Interpretativamente, aa". Interpretatively. Interminable, a. Interminable, endless, intermi- Interpretativo, va, a. Interpretative. nate. Intérprete, s. com. Interpreter, expounder, transIntérmino, na, a. (Obs.) Interminable, taímense. lator ; indication, sign. Intermisión, sf. Intermission,toterruption,for- Interpuesto, ta, a. and pp. irr. of Interponer, bearance. Interposed, intervenient, placed between, m e díate. Intermitencia, sf. Disconttauance of an tatermittent fever the interval between the dif- Interregno, sm Interreign, interregnum, the ferent fits. time in which a throne is vacant; vacancy Intermitente, a. Intermittent, intermissive, of the throne. coming by fits. Interrogación, sf. Interrogation, a question put; Intermitir, ra. T o intermit, to discontinué. an inquiry; the m a r k (?). Internación, sfl. Importatíon. Derechos de in- Interrogante, a. Interrogative : applied to marks ternación, Importation duties. of interrogation.—pa. Interrogatíng.—s. InInternamente, aa". Internally. V. Interiormente. terrogaron Internar, va. T o pierce, to penétrate beyond the Interrogar, ra. V . Preguntar. surface ; to penétrate into the interior of a Interrogativamente, ad. Interrogatively, country.—rr. T o insinúate, to gain upon the Interrogativo, va a. Interrogative. afferíions by gentle degrees; to wheedle. Interrogatorio, sm. Interrogatory, a serie* of Interneción, sf. (Littl. us.) Internedon, massa- questions put to a person in a law-suit. cre, slaughter. Interrumpidamente, ad. Interruptedly. Interno, na, a. Interior, interna!, inward, intern. Interrumpido, da, a. and pp. of Interrumpir Internódio. sm <"Bot.) Internode or internodiurn, Interrupt,toterrupted,broken. 510 INT INT able to endure ; not favourable to toleraInterrumpir, va. 1. T o interrupt, to hinder or tion. obstruct the continuance of a thing. 2. T o interrupt, to hinder from proceeding, to cut Intolerantismo, sm. (Littl. us.) Intoleration, opinión of those w h o will not admit any reoff, to cut short. ligión but that which they profess. Interrupción, sf. Interruption, interpellation, Intonso, sa, a. (Poet.) 1. Unshorn, having the diseontinuance. hair uncut. 2. Ignorant, unpoUshed. Intersecár, ra. (Obs.) T o crosscut.—rr. (Geom.) Intramuros, ad. Within the walls. T o intersect each other. Intersección, sf. Intersection, the point where Intransitable, a. Impassable, impenetrable. Intransitivo, va, a. (Gram.) Intransitive. Unes cross each other. Iutrasmutáble, a. Intransmutable. Interserir, ra. (Obs.) T o interserí;. Intrasmutabilidád, sf. Immutability. Intersticio, sm. Interstice; interval. Interusúrio, sm. Interest for a certain time. In- Intratable, a. 1. Intractable, ungovernable, stub. terusurio dotal, Interest allowed to a w o m a n born, obstínate, unmanageable. 2. Intractable, unsociable, rude, mumpish, hard to deal for the delay in repaying or returning her with. 3. Impassable, not admitting passage, marriage portion. Intervalo, sm. 1. Interval, space between places. Intrépidamente, aa*. Intrepidly, fearlessly. • 2. Interval, time passing between two assign- Intrepidez,*/ 1. Intrepidity, courage, boldness, feailessness, daringness. dauntlessness, hardable points, interlapse. Lúcido intervalo, Reiness. 2. Temeriiy. mission of delirium or madness. Intervención, sf. Intervention, assistance, m e - Intrépido, da, a. Intiepid, daring, temerarious, fearless, courageous, dauntless, gallant, hardy, diation, interposition. Intervenir, rn. 1. T o intervene, to come between Intricár, ra. (Obs.) T o involve, to perplex. tnings or persons; • to mediato; to intorcur, Intriga, sf. Intrigue, a prívate transaction in which m a n y parties are engaged : a modern to intermedíate. 2. T o assist, to attend.—r. word. impers. V. Acontecer. Interventor, ra, s. O n e w h o intervenes; a comp- Intrigante, sm. Intriguer, cunning meddler : a modern word. troller. Interyacente, a. Interjacent, intervening, lying Intrigar, rn. T o intrigue, to form plots: a m o dern word. between. Intestado, da, a. Inféstate, dying without a wiU. Intrincáble, a. Intricate, perplexed, easily entangled. Intestinal, a. Intestinal, belonging to the intesIntrincación, sf. Intricacy, intrication, intricatetines. ness. Intestino, na, a. Intestine, internal; civU, doIntrincadaménte, aa". Intricately. mestic. Intrincado, da, a. and/)/), oí Intrincar, Intricate, Intestino, sm. Intestine, the gut; the bowels. entangled, perplexed, knotty, obscure, gorI'ntima, sf. V . Intimación. dian. Intimación, sf. Intimation, hint. Intrincamiento, sm. Intricateness, intrication. I'ntimaménte, ad. Intimately. Intimar, ra. T o intímate, to hint,tom a k e known. Intrincar, ra. T o perplex, to intricate, to entan. gle, to knot, to involve ; to confound, to ob — r r . 1. T o pierce, to penétrate or to m a k e scure. way into any thing. 2. T o gato on the afIntrínsecamente, ad. Intrinsically, essentially. feríions, to insinúate. Intimatorio,ria,a. ( L a w ) Applied to writs, let Intrínseco, ca, a. 1. Intrinsic, íntrinsical, infernal, hidden. 2. Cióse, habitually silent. ters or dispatches, in which a decree or order is intimated. V . Tntimo. 3. ( L a w ) V. Judicial. Intimidación, sf. (Littl. us.) Intimidation. Introducción, sf. 1. Introduction, the act of conducting or ushering to any place or perIntimidad, sf. Intimacy, cióse familiarity or conson, intromission. 2. Access, intercourse. 3. nexion, friendship, consociation, inwardness. Introduction, the act of bringing any n e w Intimidar, va. T o intimídate, to m a k e fearful; thing into notice or practice. 4. Introduction, to m a k e cowardly, to daunt,todastard or dasthe preface or part of a book containing pretardize, to craven; to fright. vious matter. 1'utimo, m a , a. 1. Infernal, innermost. 2. Intímate, familiar, confamiüar, conversant, near,Introducir, va. 1. T o introduce, to intromit, to closely acquainted. conduct or usher into a place, to let in, to Intitular, va. 1. T o entitle, to prefix a title to a lead in or to lead into. 2. T o introduce, to book or writing. 2. T o entitle, grace or digbring into notice or practice. 3. T o induce, nify with a title or honourable appellation. to facilitate, to concUiate.—vr. T o insinúate, — r r . T o use a title or honourable appellato gain on the afferíions; to inferiere; to tion. find one's way. Intitúlate, sf. ( O b s ) Title prefixed to a book or Introductor, ra, 1. Introducer, any one w h o writing. brings a thing into notice. 2. Introductor, Intolerabilidad, sf. Intolerableness. introducer, one w h o introduces another to a Intolerable, a. Intolerable, insufferable, bad beperson or place. yond suffeíance. Introductorio, ria, a. (Obs.) Introductory. Intoleiáncia, sf. Intolerance, want of toleration; Introito, sm. 1. Entrance, entry. 2. Introit, the want of patience and candour to bear the opibeginning of the m a s s ; the c o m m e n c e m e n t nions of others. of public devotions. Intolerante, a. Intolerant, not enduring, or not Intrusamente, ad. Intrusively. 511 LNV INV Intrusión, sf. Intrusión, obtrusion, the act of Invariación, sf. Immutobility, invariableness, intruding or obtruding one's self ¡tito any constancy. place, state or office without right or welcome. Invariadaménte. aa". Unvariedly. Intruso, sm. Intruder, obtruder, one w h o torces Invariádo, da, a. Unvaried, constant, invaried. himself into any place, office, company, etc. Invasión, sf. Invasión, hostile entrance, attack without right or welcome. Inva&ór, ra, s. Invader. Intruso, sa, a. Intruded, iutrusive, obtrusive. Invectiva, sf. Invective, a severe censure ia speech or writing. Intuición, sf. Intuition, knowledge not obtained by deduction of reason. Invehir, va. (Obs.) T o inveigh, to censure. Intuitivamente, aa" Intuitívely. Invencible, a. Invindble, insuperable, unconIntuitivo, va, a. Iutuitive, evident ; perceived querable. by the mind immediately and without ratioci- Invenciblemente, ad. Invincibly. nation. Invención, sf. 1. Invention, excogitation, the Intuito (Por), ad. O n account of, in consideract or power of inventmg. 2. Invention, disation. covery, the thing invented. 3. Invention, Intuítu, sm. View. V . Vista and Ojeada. Por coutrivance,fiction,artífice. Hacer inveniniuitu, In consideration of. ciones, T o m a k e wry faces. Vivir de invenIntumescencia, sf. V. Hinchazón. ciones, T o live by tricks and cunning. Intususcepción, sf. (Med.) Introsusception, Invencionero, ra, s. 1. Inventor. 2. Boaster, intussusception or intersusception. decider. 3. (CoU.) Gestículator, mimick. Inulto, ta, a. (Poet.) Unrevengedj unpunished. Invendible, a. Unmerchanfable; not marketaInumeridád, sf. V . Inumerabilidad. ble, not saleable. Inundación,s/. 1. Inundation, overflow or over- Invéntale, a. (Obs.) That m a y be found. flowing of waters; flood, deluge. 2. Con- Invenir, va. (Obs.) V . Hallar. fluence <rf any kind. Inventar, va. 1. T o tovent, to discover, to find Inundante, pa. Inundating; inundant, what inout, to excogitóte. 2. T o tovent, to forge, to undates. frame, to contrive falsely. Inundar, ra. 1. T o inúndate, to overflow, to de- Inventariar, ra. 1. T o m a k e an inventory, to inluge, to flood, to float. 2. T o overrun by ventory, to register, to place in a catalogue. great numbers. 2. (Coll.) T o commemorate the doings of a Inurbanamente, aa". Incivilly, uncivilly. person. Inurbanidád, sf. Incivitity, want of education, Inventario, sm. Inventory, account or catalogue inurbanity. of chattels and estafes. Inurbano, na, a. Incivil, rude, unpolished, inur- Inventiva, sf. T h e faculty of invention. bane. Inventivo, va, a Inventive, quick at contrivance, Inusitadamente, aa*. Unusually. ready at expediento; inventful. Inusitado, da, a. Unusual, not in use, not accus- Invento, sm. Invention, discovery. tomed. Inventor, sm. 1. Inventor or inventer, a finder Inútil, a. Useless, unprofitable. inutile, fruitless, out of something not k n o w n before. 2. Inneedless, frivolous, idle. ventor, a contriver, a framer. Inutilidad, sf. Inutility, uselessness, unprofita- Inventora, sf. Inventress, a female that invents. bleness, needlessness, unfitness to any end. Inverecundo, da, o. Shameless, impudent. Inutilizar, va. T o render useless. Inverisímil, a. Unlike, improbable. Inútilmente, ad. Unelessly, idly. Inverisimilitud, sf. Improbability, unlikeliInvadeable, a. N o t fordable, impassable without hood. swimming. Invernáculo, sm. Green-house for preservfog Invadir, ra. T o invade, to attack a country; to plants in winter, hot-house, conservatory. m a k e an hostile entrance, to fall upon. Invernada, sf. Winter-season. Invalidación, sf. Invalidation, invaUdity, the act Invernadero, sHi.Winter-quarters: applied gene of invaUdating or rendering void and inrally to wintering places for sheep. vatid. Invernal, a. (Obs.) Hyemal, hibernal. Invalidad, sf. (Obs.) V . Nulidad. Invernar, rn. T o winter, to pass the winter; to be the winter season, to hyemate. Inválidamente, ad. lnvalidly. Invalidar, ra, T o invalídate, to deprive of forcé Invernizo, za, a. 1. Winterly, suitable to the winter ; of a wintry kind, hyemal, hibernal. or efficacy; to irrítate, to render nuil and void, to nullify. 2. Winter-beaten, harassed byfrostand severe Inválido, da, a. Invalid, without forcj; of no weather. weight or cogency; feeble, weak, nuil. Inverosímil, a. V. Inverisímil. Inválido, sm. (Mil.) 1. Invalid oí invalide, a sol- Inversamente, ad. (Littl. us.) Inversely. dier w h o has retired from the service in con^ Inversión, sf. 1. Inversión; change of order, time or place. 2. T h e act of employing or sequence of being oíd or disabled by sickness or hurte. D a r or conceder inválidos, T o give spending a s u m of money. pensions f o veteran soldiers, to invalide sol- Inverso, sa, a. and pp. irr. oí Invertir, Invetse, diers. 2. (Coll.) Invalid, any person weakened inveited, reciprocal, by sickness. Invertir, ra. 1. T o invert, to t u m upside down ; Invariabilidád, sf. Invariability. to change the order of time oí place. 2. To Invariable, a. invariable, that cannot be altored employ or to speud money. Investidura, sf. Iuvestiture, the act of giving or changed, constant possession of a manor, office or renefice. Invariablemente, ad. Invaiiably. 5i2 INY [sivestigáble, a. Uninvestigaose, not to be searched out. investigación, sf. Investigatíon, research; inqnest. Investigador, ta, s. Investigator. Investigar, ra. T o investígate, to search out; to find out byrational disquisition, to look after, to explórale. Investir, ra. T o invest, to gird. V . Envestir. Inveterado, da, a and pp. oí Inveterarse, Invetérate, grown oíd, obstínate by long continuauce. Inveteradamente, ad. Inveterately. Inveterarse, rr. T o beeome antiquated, to grow oíd: it has been used, though seldom, as an active verb. Inviár, ra. V. Enviar. Invictamente, ad. Unconquerably, valiantly. Invicto, ta, a. Unconquerable, not subdued. Invídia, sf. Envy. V. Envidia. Invidiár, ra. V. Envidiar. Invidióso, sa, a. V. Envidioso. Invierno, sm. Winter, the cold season of the year. Invigilar, rn. T o watch, to be cautiously observad, to be attentive. Invincíble, a. (Obs.) V . Invencible. Inviolabilidad, sf. Inviolability, inviolableness. Inviolable, a. Inviolable, not to be violated. Inviolablemente, ad. Inviolably; holUy; infal- IK Ipecacuana, sf. Ipecacuanha, a medicinal rooi obtained from the callicocca ipecacuanha. Ipso Facto, ( L a w ) an adverbial phrasc, I m m e diately, out of hand, without delay. Ipso Jure, ( L a w ) A n adverbial phrase used in courts of law to denoto that a thing does not require thé declaration of the judge, as it constantes the law itself. I psola, sf. A kind of wool which comes from Constentinople. Ir, vn. 1. T o go, to move, not to stand still. 2. T o go, to walk, to m o v e step by step. 3. T o be, to exist. 4. T o bet, to lay a wager. Van cien doblones que es cierto, I lay a hundred pistóles that it is trae. 5. T o consist, to de pend on. 6. T o import, to concern. Ñaua se me va en ello, 1 have no concern on it, I do not care for it. 7. T o différ, to be different, to be distant. 8. T o lead: applied to a road. 9. T o devoto one's self to a calling, to follow a profession: in this last sense it is used with por. 10. T o proceed, to act. 11. T o decline a noun or conjúgate a verb for another. Ir joined to present participles implies the existence or actual execution of the action designated; joined with past participles it signifies to suffer their action; with the preposition á and infinitive mood, it implies disposition towards, as ir á oír misa, to go to hear m a s s ; followed by con, it gives the noun an adverbial import, as ir con tiento, to go on softly; and accompanied by the prepolibly. sition contra or fuera de, it signifies to perseInviolado, da, a. Inviolate, unhurt, uninjured. vere or to act contrary to.—rr. 1. T o go, to Invirtúd, sf. (Obs.) Vice, want of virtue. go off or to go away, to depart or to remove Iiivirtuosaménte, ad. (Obs.) N o t virtuously. Invirtuóso, sa. a. (Obs.) Contrary to virtue, not from a place. 2. T o be dying. 3. T o go off', to go out of life, to be gone. 4. T o leak, to virtuous. ooze. 5. T o exhale, to evapórate. 6. T o disIuvisibilidád, sf. Invisibility. Invisible, a: Invisible, not perceptible to the charge wind. 7. T o break; to grow oíd. sight, not to be seen. En un invisible, Ir á caballo, T o ride. Ir á la mano á alguno, T o restrain or modérate any one. Ir al (CoU.) In an instant. amor del agua, To temporize. Ir á medias, Invisiblemente, ad. Invisibly. to go halves. Ir or irse á pique, (Nau.) T o Invitar, ra. (Obs.) T o invite. founder, to go to the bottom. Ir adelante, Invitatório, sm. Invitatory, psalm or anthem T o go on. Ir á pie, T o walk. Ir de una sung at the beginning of the matins or morning worship. parte á otra, T o go up and down. Ir en conInvocación, sf. 1. Invocation, the act of calling tra de, T o go against. Ir en decadencia or ir empobreciendo, T o go d o w n the wind. Ir upon in prayer. 2. (Poet.) Invocation, the en demanda de, (Nau.) T o be on the look-out form of calling for the assistance or presence for. Ir en busca de or ir por algo, T o go of any being. for. Ir otra vez, T o go back or to go again. Invocadór, ra, s. O n e w h o invokes. Ir separadamente, T o go asunder. Ir sobre Invocar, ra. T o invoke, to invócate, to cali upon in prayer, to implore, to cry unto. seguro, T o go upon sure grounds. Ir tras le. corriente, T o go d o w n the stream. Ir á los Invocatorio, ria, a. That which invocates. Involucríllo, sm. dim. (Bot.) Involucre, involualcances, T o pursue very closely. Ir bien or crum. mal, Speaking of the state of a business, it Involucro, sm. (Bot.) Involucel. Involucro parmeans that it is going on prosperously or raícial, V. Involucríllo. prosperously. Ir con alguno, 1. T o be of the same opinión as another. 2. T o be of the Involuntariamente, ad. Involuntarily. Involuntariedád, sf. Involuiitariness; the quasame party as another. 3. T o accompany. lity of being involuntary Irse á la mano, T o beeome modérate or reInvoluntario, ria, a. Involuntary. strain one's self. irse á leva y monte, T o esInvulnerabilidád, sf. Invulnerability. cape, to retire. Irse con Dios or irse con su Invulnerable,a. Invulnerable, not to be wounded. madre de Dios, T o absent one's self; to disInyección, sf. Injection, tbe introduction of patch with disgust or disapprobation. írsele liquids by m e a n s of a syringe or other instru á alguno la cabeza, T o perturb the mind, to ment into the vessels. contase the reason. Quien va 9 or quien va Inyectar, ra. T o inject. allá f W h o is there, or w h o goes there ? Inyungir, ra. (Obs.) V. Prevenir. Fai/a Fd. or vele con Dios, Farewell; G o d Voi. I 513 2 L IRR IRR be with you. Faya Fd. al cielo, or al rollo, Irregularménte, aa". Irregularly, loosely. or á pasear, etc., G o to, expression» of con- Irreligión, sf. Irreligión, contempt of religión ¡ impiety, misbeliei, miscreance or miscretempt for what another says. aney. ['ra, sf. 1. Iré, anger, passion, indignation, wrath, fury, choler, rage, mood, heat of Irreligiosamente, ad. Irreligiously. miíld. 2. Iré, desire of vengeance, chastise- Irreligiosidad, sf. Irrelígiousness, impiety. ment threatened or executed. 3. (Met.) Vio- Irreligioso, sa, a. Irreligious, impious. Irremediable, a. Irremediable, incurable; adlence of the elemente or weather. mitting no cure, irreUevable; helpless. Iracundia, sf. Irascibility, propensity to anger; iré, irascibleness, passíonateness, irritableness. Irremediablemente, ad. Irremediably, helplessly, irrecoveiably. Iracundo, da, a. 1. Passionate, easily m o v e d to anger ; ireful. 2. (Poet.) Enraged, furious : Irremisible, a. Irremissible, unpardonabJe. Irremisiblemente, ad. Unpardonably, irremisapplied to the winds. sibly. Iráscénda, sf. (Obs.) V . Iracunaia. Irascible, a. Irascible, partaking of the nature Irremunerado, da, a. Unremunerated Irreparable, a. Irreparable, irreUevable, irretrievof anger; impetuous, determined. able, not to be repaired. Irenárca, sm. Irenarch, an officer of the Greek empire, employed to preserve public tranquil- Irreparablemente, aa*. Irreparably, irretrievably, irrecoverably. lity. Irreprensible, a. Irreprehensible, exempt from I'ride salvage, sf. (Bot.) V . Efémera. blame, irreproachable, irreprovable. Iridio, sm. (Min.) Irídium. I'ris, sf. 1. Iris, the rainbow; a semicircle of Irreprensiblemente, aa*. Irreprehensibly, iireproachably. various eolours, which appears in showery weather. 2. Iris, the circle round the pupil Irreprochable, a. (Obs.) Irreproachable, irreprovable, free from reproach. of the eye. 3. Mediator, peace-maker. 4. (Bot.) V . Lirio pajizo or espad'añal. 5. Irresistibüidád, sf. Irresistibility Irresistible, a. Irresistible. Prism. Irlanda, sf. 1. Cloth m a d e of cotton and woollen Irresistiblemente, aa*. Irresistibly. Irresoluble, a. 1. Indeterminable, not tobe deyarn. 2. Fine Irish linen. fined ; not to be resolved, irresoluble. 2. Irlandés, sm. lns'h, the. Irish language. Ironía, sf. Irony, a m o d e of speech in which the Irresoluta, not constant in purpose. Irresolución, sf. Irresolution, want of firmness meaning is contrary to the words. of mind, irresoluteness, hesitation oí hesiIrónicamente, ad. Ironically. taney, misdoubt, fluctuation. Irónico, ca, a. Ironical. Irracional, a. Irrational, void of reason, absurd: Irresolutamente, ad. (Littl. us.) Irresolutely, irresolvedly. it is sometimes used as a substantive for an Irresoluto, ta, Irresuelto, ta, a. Irresoluto, miirrational animal. st eady. Irracionalidad, sf. Irrationality, absurdness. Irreverencia, sf. Irreverence, want of reverence, Irracionalmente, aa*. Irrationally, absurdly. Irradiación, sf. 1. Irradiation, the act of emitting respect or veneration. beams of light; irradiance or irr&diancy. 2. Irreverente, a. Irreverent, not paying due hom a g e orrevereuce. Illumination, intellectual light. Irradiar, va. T o irradíate, to emit beams of Irreverentemente, aa". Irreverenfly. Irrevocabilidád, sf. Irrevocability, the state of light being irrevocable. Irrazonable, a. Unreasonable. Irreconciliable, a. Irreconcileable, not to be re- Irrevocable, a. N o t to be recaUed, not to be brought back, irrevocable, irreversible. conriled, not to be appeased, unreconcileable. Irrevocablemente, ad. Irrevocably. Irreconciliablemente, ad. Irreconcileably. Irrecuperable, a. Irrecoverable, not to be re- Irrisible, a. Risible, laughable. Irrisión, sf. Irrisión, the act of laughing at angained, irretrievable. other, mockery. Irrecusable, a. 1. N o t to be refused or dedined. Irrisoriamente, ad. Latighingly, derisively. 2. Inevitable. Irredimible, a That which cannot be redeemed; Irrisorio, ria, a. Derisive, risible. Irritabilidad, sf. Irritabiíity. irrepleviable. Irreducible, a. 1 Irreducible, not to be reduced. Irritable, a. 1. That can be rendered void or annulled. 2. Irritable, easily provoked. 3, 2. Stubborn, obstinate. Irritable, easily irrit.tod. Irreflexión, sf. Rashness, indiscretion, inconsiIrritación, sf. 1. Irritation, commotion, agitaderation. Irreformable, a. N o t to be reformed or reclaimed. tion. 2. Invalidation, abrogatíon. 3. (Med.) Irritation, morbid or increased action of the Irrefragable, a. Irrefragable, irrefutable, not to organs. be confuted; superior to argumental opposiIrritadór, ra, s. Irrítotor, stimulator. tion. I'rritóménte, ad. Invalidly, vainly. Irrefragablemente, ad. Irrefragably. Irregular, a. 1. Irregular, orderless, disorderly, Irritamiento, sm.. Irritation ; abrogatíon. abnprmous, out of rule. 2. Irregular, in- Irritante, a. and pa. 1. Aiinulling or making Ii rule, methodical, or regularidad, order; 514 misorder, extraregular. not sf. ímsgovcrnance, contraed Irregularity, to any deviation abnormity. certain from rule Irritante, Irritar, irrítate, void ;ra. irritant. s»i.(Med.) to 1.exaspérate, T o annul, 2. Stimulant. Irritatory, to to render agítate stimulating. void. vioíently, 2. Tiuo ISO 1ZQ nettle, to offend, to m a k e angiy. 3. T o alter, I'spida, sf. (Orn.) Kingfisher. Alcedo ispida, L Ispír, rn. (Prov.) T o puffup, to rendei spijngy to produce a material change. Israelita, sm. Israelite, Jew. I'rrito, ta, a. Nuil, void. Irrupción, sf. Irruption, the act of forcing an Israelítico, ca, a. Israelití'sh, Jewish. entrance; inroad, burst of invaders into a I'stmo, sm. Isthmus, a narrow neck of land be tween two arms of the sea, joining the peni» country or place. sula to the continent. Isagoge, sf. Introduction. Isagógico, ca, a. Isagógica", introductive, íntro- Istriár, ra. T oflute.V. Estriar. Istrúto, ta, a. (Obs.) V. Instruido. ductory. Italianizar, ra. T o italianate, to do after the Iságono, sm. (Geom.) Isagou. Italian manner. Iscúria, sf. (Med.) Ischury, a disease. Italiano, sm. T h e Italian language. Iserína, sf. (Min.) Iserine. I'tem, s. ítem, another or new article.—ad. Also isidoriáno, na, a. Belonging to St. Isidore. Iteráble, a. (Obs.) Repeated or reiterated, capaIsípula, Irisípula, sf. (Obs.) V. Erisipela. ble of repetition. I'sla, sf. 1. Isle, island, a tract of land surrounded by water. 2. A remote or retired Iteración, sf. (Obs.) Iteration, repetition. spot. En isla, Insulated. 3. Square, an área Iterar, va. T o itérate, to repeat. V. Repetir. of four sides, with houses on each side. Islas Iterativo, va, a. Iterative, repeating, redoubling. de barlovento, W t o d w a r d íslands. Islas deItinerario, sm. Itinerary, book of roads; march, route. solaventó, Leeward íslands. Itinerario, ria, a, Itinerary, Islán, sm. A kind of veil worn by women. Isleño, Sa, s. Islander, an inhabitant of a coun- I'tria, sf. (Min.) Ittria. I'va, sf. (Bot.) M u s k y bugle. Tenerium iva, L. try surrounded by water. I'za, sf. ( L o w ) W o m a n of the town. Isleo, sm. Island formed by rocks. Izaga, sf. Place abounding in rushes and reeds. lsléta, sf. dim. A small isle, islet Izar, ra. (Nau.) T o hoist, to raise up on high. Islíca, üla, ito, sf. dim. V. Isleta. Islilla, sf. Flank, that part of the animal body Izquierdár, rn. T o degenerate, to fall from its kind; to grow wild. whieh goes from the hip to the armpit Izquierdo, da, a. 1. Lefthanded; left; sinister. Islote, sm. A small barren island. A la izquierda, T o the left. 2. Crooked, not Ismaelita, a. Mahomedan, Ishmaelite. right or straight 3. Applied to horses which Isóceles, a. (Geom.) Isósceles, a triangle. turn out then; toes in travelling. Isócrono, a. Isochronal, having equal times. Isógono, na, a. Having two equal angles: Izquierdo, da, s. A left-handed person. Isoperimétrico, ca, o. Isoperimetrical. JAB JAB THE/serves in the Spanish language always Jabequéro, ra, a, Belonging to a sweep-net foi as a consonant, and its pronunciatíon is fishing. guttural, or like the sound of h strongly aspi- Jabeque, sm. (Nau.) Xebec, a small three-masted rated. vessel, navigated in the Mediterranean, and Tabaícón, sm. Bracket, purUn. on the coasts of Spain and Portugal. Jabalconar, ra. T o support by brackets the rcof Jabí, sf. 1. S m a U w U d apple or crab. 2. Small of a house. kind of grapes. Jabalí, sm. Wild boar. Sus, L. Jabino, sm. (Prov.) V . Chaparro. Jabalina, sf. 1. Sow of a wild boar. 2. Javelin,Jáble, sm. Circular groove to the staves of casks a kind of spear, chiefly used for hunting of which receives the bottoms and heads. wild boars, handstaff Jabón, sm. 1. Soap, a substance used in washing, Jabalón, sm. V. Jabalcón. m a d e of .alkaline salt and unctuous matters. Jabalonar, ra. V . Jabalconar 2. (Met.) A n y saponaceous mass or matter. Jabaluno, na, a. (Obs.) Resembling or belongJabón de patencia, (Coll.) Batlet used by ing to a wild boar. washer-women to wash linen. Jabón de pieJabardear, va. T o swarm, to rise as bees in a dra, 1. Castile soap. 2. (CoU.) Smart stroke body. with a batlet. Dar un jabón, T o reprimand Jabardillo, sm.\. Jabardo for a crowd. severely. Bola de jabón, Wash-ball. Jabardo, sm. 1. A small swarm of bees. 2. A n y Jabonado, da, a, and pp. of Jabonar, Soaped, crowd or assembly of low people, mob, rabble. cleaned with soap. Jabato, sm. A young wild boar. Jabonado, sm. 1. W a s h , the act of washing Jábeca, sf 1. Sweep-net, a large net for fishing. with soap. 2, Parcel of linen washed with 2. V . Jábega. soap. Jábega, sf. A Moorish wind instrument, some- Jabonadura, sf. T h e act of washing. Jabonaduwhat like a flute. ras, 1. Suds or soapsuds, a lixivium m a d e of Jabeguero, sm. Físhcrman, who fishes with a soap and water. 2. Lather, a foam or frotSi sweep-ne* made by beating soap with water. 515 2L2 JAC JAM Jabonar, ra. 1. T o soap, to clean with soap. 2. Jaculatorio, ria, a. Jaculatory, Jada, */. (Prov.) V. Azada. (Coll.) T o reprimand severely. Jaboncillo, Jabonete or Jabonete de olor, sm. Jáde, sm. Jade, a mineral. Jadear, vn. T o pant, to palpítate, to have the Wash-ball. Jabonera, sf. 1. Box or case for a wash-baU. 2. breast heaving as for want of breath; to jade. (Bot.) Soapwort. Saponaria, L. Jabonera Jadeo, sm. Pant, palpifation. oficinal, C o m m o n saponaria. Saponaria offi-Jadiar, ra. (Prov.) T o dig up with a spade. cinalis, L. Jabonera de la Mancha, Fleshy Jaecero, ra, s. Harness-maker. Ieaved gypsophila. Gypsophila strutium, L. Jaén, sm. A kind of large gr3pe, with thick rind. Jabonería, sf. Soap-manufadory, soap-house. Jabonero, sm. Soap-boíler, one who manufac- Jaez, sm. 1. Harness, the traces of draught horses. 2. Manner or quality in which several tures soap for sale. Jabonoso, sa, a. (Littl. us.) Soapy. things resemble each other. Jaeces, Orna Jaca, sf. Nag, pony. V. Haca. ments or harness of horses in processions. Jága, sf. Wound. V. Llaga. Jácara, sf. I. A sort of romance, generally celebrating some feat or commemorating an ex- Jágua, sf. Fruit of a tree in Cuba. traordinary event. 2. A kind of rustic tune Jaguadéro, sm. (Obs.) V. Desaguadero. for singing or dancing, a kind of dance. 3. Jagüey, sm. In Pera, a large pool or lake. Company of young men who walk about at Jaharrar, ra. T o plaster, to overlay or make even with plaster. níght-time singing jácaras. 4. Molestation, vexation. 5. Idle talk or prattle, story, tale;Jaharro, sm. Plaster, the ad of plastering. fable, lie, vain-glorious fiction. Jalapa, sf. (Bot) 1. Jalapa. Convolvulus jalapa, Jacarandina, Jacarandana, sf. 1. Low,foullan- L. 2. Jalap, the root of the jalap, plant freguage ; the language of ruffians and prostiquently used in medicine. tutes' bullies. 2. Singing of jácaras or boast- Jalbegado, da, a. and pp. oí Jalbegar, Whitewashed, painted. ings. 3. (Low) Assembly of ruffians and thieves. Jalbegar, va. 1. To whiten, to white wash. 2. To Jacarear, rn. 1. T o sing jácaras. 2. T o go about paint excessively, to lay too much white on the face. the streets singing and noising. 3. T o be troublesome and vexatious. Jalbegue, sm. 1. Whitewash, a kind of Uquid Jacarero, sm. 1. Ballad-singer. 2. W a g or merry plaster with which walls are whitened. 2. droll, a facetious person. Whitewashing, the act of whítening a wall jacarílla, sf. dim. oí Jácara. with lime. 3. Whitewash, a paint or wash to Jácaro, sm. Boaster, bully. A' lo jácaro, In a make the skin seem fair. boastful or hragging manner. Jaldado, da, Jaldo, da, a. Oí a bright yeliow Jácaro, ra, a. Belonging to boastere or noisy colour. singers. Jalde, a. Bright yeliow, crocus-coloured. Jacéna, sf. Girder, a beam on which the joists Jáldre, sm. A bright yeliow colour, peculiar to rest. birds. Jacerina, sf. MaU, a coat of steel net-work forJalea, sf. Jelly, the inspissated juice of fruit, defence. boiled with silgar. Hacerse una jalea, (Met) Jaceríno, na, a. (Obs.) Hard, steely. T o love with excessive fondness. Jalea del Jachalí, sm. (Bot.) Netted custard apple. Anagro, Conserve of citrón. nona retícula, L. Jalear, ra. To encourage hounds to foUow the Jacinto, sm. 1. (Bot.) Hyacinth; hairbell. Hya- chase. cinthus, L. 2. Hyacinth, a precious stone. Jaleo, sm. (CoU.) Genteelness, jantiness. Jaco, sm. ). Nag, pony. 2. A short jacket, Jales, sm. (Obs.) Coarse linen, pack-doth. formerly used by soldiers. 3. V. Jaque. Jaletina, sf. Compound jelly, made of animal Jacobínico, ca, a. Jacobin, jacobinic oí jacobi- substances, with a mixture of fruit and sugar. nical, belonging to jacobins. Jaljacóte, sm. (Bot.) Guava, a kind of South Jacobinismo, s.n. Jacobinism, the principies of American pear-tiee, the leaves of which are ajacobine. used for curing the. itch and cutaneous disJacobino, sm. Jacobin or jacobine, one of a eases. Psidium pyriferum, L. faction in the French revolution, and the Jallúlo, sm. (Prov.) Bread toasted in the ashes,. person who approves or maíntatos the prin- Jalma, sf. A kind of pack-saddle. cipies of that faction. Jalméro, sm. One whose trade is to make packJacobíta, sf. Jaeobite, one attached to the cause saddles and harness for mules. oí family of James the second after his ab- Jaloque, sm. South-east-wind. V. Siroco. dication. Jamacúco, sm. V. Zamacuco. Jactancia, sf. Jactoncy, boasting, act of boasting, Jamar, va. (Coll.) V. Llamar. arrogance, ostentation or ostentotiousness. Jamás, ad. 1. Never, at no time. 2. (Obs.) Jactanciosamente, ad. Boastingly. Once. Para siempre jamas, For ever. Jamas, Jactancioso, sa, a. Boastful, vain-glorious ; ar- por jamas or nunca jamas, Never, nevermore. rogant, glorious, ostentatíous, ostentotíve. Jamavás, sf. A kind offloweredsilk. Jactarse, rr. To vaunt, to boast, to display withJamba, sf. (Arch.) Door-jamb, wtodow-posf, ostentation, to glory, toflourish,to crow. to which supports the lintel or head-piece. crack,tobrag, to gasconade. Jambáge, sm. (Arch.) Collection of jambs. Jaculatoria, sf. Ejaculation, a short prayer Jambo, sm. . Yambo. darted out occasioiieüy. Jambo, ér, sm. (Prov.) V Camarero. 51fí JAR JAR labdanum shrub- 2. A very intricate or puzJambiár, va. V. Enjambrar. zling point. Jamerdana, */. Sewer which runs from a slaughter-house, and into which thefilthis Jaramágo, s?n. (Bot.) All the species of the ciuciferous plants bearing yeliow flowers. thrown. Jamerdar, ra. T o «lean the guts of animáis; to Jaraméño, Sa, a. Applied to bulls reared on the banks of the Jwama, ariverin Spain. wash hastily. Jamete, sm. A sort of stuff, formerly worn in Jaramugo, sm. Small fish used as bait for others. Spain. Jarana, sf. (Coll.) Merry clatter, outcry. Jametería, sf. (Prov.) V. Zalamería. Jaiapóte, sm. (Prov.) V. Jaropeo. Jámila, sf. V. Alpechín. Jamís, sm. A kind of cotton stuff which comes Jarapoteado, da, a. Stuffed with medicinal drugs. Jarapotear, va. (Prov.) To stuff orfillwith mefrom the Levant. dicinal drugs. Jamón, sm. H a m , the thigh of a hog salted. Jaraquí, Jarácuo, sm. (Littl. us.) Place for a Jamona, a. Applied to oíd maids. recreating walk. Jamoncíco, íllo, íto, sm. dim. Little ham. Jamúga or Jamugas, sf. A kind of side-saddle Jarázo, sm. Blow or wound with a dart. Jarcia, sf. 1. Parcel or bundle of a variety of for women. things laid by for use. 2. (Nau.) Tackle, Jamuguílla, sf. dim. Small side-saddle. rigging and cordage belonging to a ship. 3. Jamuscár, ra. (Obs.) V. Chamuscar. Jándalo, la, a. Having the gait and dialect of A completefishingtackle. Jarcia de primera suerte, (Nau.) Cordage of thefirstquahty. an Andalusiau; particularly in giving the A Almacén ¿. jarcias, (Nau.) Rigging-house, a strong guttural sound. store-house for rigging. Jarcias de respeto, Jangada, sf. Raft, a frame orfloatmade by (Nau.) Spare riggmg. Tablas de jarcia, laying pieces of timber across each other. Jangada de perchas para arboladura, (Nau.) (Nau.) Suit or set of rigging. Jardín, sm. 1. Garden, a piece of ground inRaft of spars for masting. langúa, sf. A small armed vessel, like a raft. closed and cultivated, planted with herbs, floweis or fruits. 2. Privy, necessary on board Jannequín, sm. A sort of cotton which comes of ships. 3. Spot which disfigures an emerald. from the Levant. Jardines de popa, (Nau.) Quarter-galleries. Jansenismo, sm. Jansenism, the dodrine and Jardiníco, íllo, íto, sm. dim. A small garden. opinions of Jansen, bishop of Ipres. Jansenista, sm. Jansenist, a foUower of Jansen. Jardinería, sf. Gardening, the art of cultivating or laying out of gardens. Jantío, sm. (Bot.) Lesser burdock. Xantium Jardinero, ra, s. Gardener,. one that attends oí strumarium, L. Jantolína, sf. 1. Persian worm-seed. 2. Laven- cultivates gardens. der cotton, female wormwood. Santolina, L. Jardinico, íllo, íto, sm. dim. Little garden. Jaque, sm. 1. Braggart, boaster. 2. Move at Jareta, sf. 1. Seam made by doubling the edge of cloth, and through which a string or lace the game of chess. Jaque y mate. Checkmay be drawn. 2. (Nau.) Netting, harpings. mate. 3. Saddle bag. 4. Sort of smooth Jaretas del pie de las arraigadas, (Nau.) Cat combing of the hair. Jaque de aquí, Away harpings. from here, avaunt! Jaretera, sf. V. Jarretera. Jaquear, ra. To give or make check-mate. Jaqueca, sf. Megrim, hemicrany, a pain gene- Jarifo, sm. V. Jerifle. Jarifo, fa, a. Showy, full dressed, adorned. rally affécting one side of the head. Jiro, ra, a. Resembling a wild boar : applied to Jaquel, sm. Chess-board. Jaquelado, da, a. Checkered: applied to cut dia - hogs. Jaropar, Jaropear or Jarapotear, va. T o stuff or monds or precious stones. fill with medicinal drugs; to give any liquor Jaquero, sm. Finetoothedcomb. as a medical draught, to medicine. Jaqués, sa, a. AppUed to an ancient Spanish Jarope, sm. 1. Medical draught or potion. 2. coin, struck at Jaca. A n y kind of bitter drink or beverage. Jaquéta, sf. Jacket, a short, loóse coat. Jarra, sf. 1. Jug, jar, pitcher, an earthen vessel Jaquetílla, sf. dim. A small jacket. with a swelling and a narrow neck. 2. (Prov.) Jaquetón, sm. augm. 1. A large wide coat. 2. Ancient equestrian order. En jarra or de Great swaggerer, boaster. jarras, With the hands fixed in the girdle. Jaquína, sf. Headstall of a halter. Andar enjarras, To set one's arms a-kimbo. Jaquimazo, sm. 1. Stroke with the headstall of a halter. 2. Displeasure; an unfair trick, Jarragin, sm. (Obs.) Place having gardens and pleasure grounds. ill turn. Jarrear, rn. (CoU.) To fetch or take out often Jara, sf. 1. (Bot.) Cistus or rock rose, labdanumwater or wine with a jug ; to drink often. tree. Cistus ladamiferus, L. 2. A kind of dart or arrow. ./ara cerval, (Bot.) Round Jarrero, sm. Vender or maker of jugs or jais. Jarreta, illa, íta, sf. dim. A small jar. leaved cistus. Cistus globularifolious, L. Jarretar, va. 1. (Obs.) To hough, to hamstring. Jarabe, sf. Syrup or syrop, the juice offruitor 2. To enérvate, to deprive of stiength oí herbs boiled with sugar; any sweet beverage. courage. Jarabear, ra. T o prescribe syrups very often.—• vr. T o take syrups or sweet beverages fre- Janéte, sm. H a m , the upper part of the leg. Tener bravos jarretes, T o have strong ham». quently. Jarretera, sf. 1. Garter. 2. Garter, the higliesl Jaraíz, sm. Pit for pressing grapes. order of English knight hood. Jaral, sm. 1. Place planted with the cistus oí 517 JER JOC 2. Jargon, gibberish, unintelligible talk, V farretéro, sm. (Obs.) Hamstring, a muscle of Gerigonza. 3. Large sack. Estar or ponn the ham. una cosa en jerga, (Met.) T o block out.toLa íarrico, íllo, ito, sm. dim. A small jug or pot with one handle. began, but not finished. Jarro, sm. \. Jug or pot with one handle only. Jergón, sm. 1. Large, coarse mattress or sack 2. (Prov.) A chatterer, an idle falker. filled with straw or paper cuttings. 2. Suit of elothes iU made. 3. A n íll-shaped person. Jarrón, sm. augm. A large jug, an urn. 4. (Coll.) Paunch, belly. Llenar el jergón, Jasar, ra. (Obs.) V. Sajar. T o eat heartily. Jaspe, sm. Jasper, a hard stone of a beautiful green colour, sometimes clouded with white. Jerquílla, sf. A sort of serge made of silk oí Jaspeado, da, a. and pp. of Jaspear, Spotted, worsted. like jasper; marbled. Jerífe, sm. Title or appellation of honour among Jaspeadúra, sf. Marbling, the act of marbling the Moors. or variegafing like marble. Jerosolimitáno, na, a. Native of Jerusalem, Jaspeár, va. T o marble, to paint, to vein or to Jesucristo, sm. Jesús Christ. speckle with variegated eolours in imitation Jesuíta, sm. Jesuit. of the jasper. Jesuítico, ca, a. Jesuitical, relating to the Jesuits. Jastial, sm. Fa<¡ade of an edifice. Jesuíticamente, ad. Jesuitically. Jástre, sm. (Obs.) V. Sastre. Jesuitismo, sm. Jesuitism. Jateo, tea, a. Chasing the fox: applied to fox-dogs. Jesús, sm. Jesús, the ñame of the second person íáto,to,s. V. Becerro. of the Holy Trinity. Decir los Jesuses, To íaúla, sf. 1. Cage, an inclosure of twigs oí assist dying persons. En un decir Jesús, In wire, in which birds are kept. 2. Cell for an instant. Jesús mil veces ! Good God ' mad or insane persons. Jesusear, vn. T o repeat often the ñame of Jesús. íaulíca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A small cage for birds. Jeta, sf. Bristle. V. Seta and Geta. Jaulón, sm. augm. A large cage for birds. Jetar, ra. (Prov.) T o dissolve in a liquid. Jaurádo, da, a. (Obs.) Desoíate, afflicted, dis- Jeto, sm. (Prov.) An - empty bee-hive rubbed consolate. with honey to attract the bees. lauria, sf. Pack of bounds. Jía, sf. (Obs.) A sort of black mande or cowl. Jauto,to,a. (Prov.) V. Soso. V. Chia. Javalína, sf. V. Jabalina. Jibia, sf. (Ichth.) Cuttle-fish. Sepia, L. Javéque, sm. V. Jabeque. Jibión, sm. Cuttle-fish bone used by gold and Jayán, na, s. A tail, strong and robust person. süversmiths. Jayanázo, sm. augm. A huge, big fellow. Jicara, sf. Chocolate-cup. Jazílla, sf. Vestíge, mark, trace. Jifa, sf. Refuse of slaughtered beasts. Jazmín, sm. (Bot!) Jessamine, a fragrant fiower. Jiferada, sf. Stroke with a butdier's knife. Jasminum, L. Jazmín real, Catalonian jes- Jifería, sf. Slaughtering, the act of killing beada samine. Jasminum giandiflorum, L. Jazfor the shambles. mín amarillo, Italian jessamine. JasminumJifero, ra, a. Belongingtathe slaughtor-house. humile, L. Jazmín de Virginia, Ash-leaved Jifero, sm. 1. Butcher's knife. 2. Butcher. trumpet fiower. Bignonia radicans, L. Jaz- Jifia, sf. (Ichth.) Xiphias, the sword-fish. Ximín oficinal or común, C o m m o n white jessa- phias gladius, L. mine. Jasminum officinale, L. Jazmín horro,Jijallár, sm. A place full of broom or cytisus. V. Jazminorro. Jijállo, sm. (Bot.) Prickly broom, hairy cytisus. íazminórro, sm. (Bot.) C o m m o n yeliow jessaCytisus hirsutos, L. mine. Jasminumfrueficans,L. Jijona, sf. A variety offlintywheat. Triticum Jéa, sf. Import-duty formerly paid for all goods gaertnerianum jijona, Lag. imported from the Moorish dominions. Jilguero, sm. (Orn.) Linnet. Jebe, sm. (Prov.) Roche-alum. Jilobálsamo, sm. (Bot.) Tree which yields the Jeera, sf. Piece of drained marshy ground. balm of Gilead. Jefe, sm. Chief, head, superior, leader. Jefe de Jilostéo, sm. (Bot.) Pyrenees honeysuckle, uplas caballerizas, Master of the horse. Jefe right honeysuckle. Lonicera pyrenaira el de escuadra, (Nau.) Rear-admiral. Xylosteum, L. Jelfe, sm. A negro slave. Jimenzar, ra. (Prov.) T o rippleflaxor hernp. Jemal, a. V- Gemal. Jinglar, rn. (Low) T o cry. Jeme, sm. V. Geme. Jiquiléte, sm. (Bot) V. Añilera and Indígófersi Jenabe, Jenable, sm. Mustard. V. Mostaza. Jiríde, sf. (Bot.) V. Lirio hediondo. Jéno, na, a. (Obs.) V. Lleno. Jisca, sf. (Bot.) Cylical sugar-cane. Saccharam Jépe, sm. V. Alumbre. cylindricum, Lam. Alopeincurus cyliudriJeque, sm. 1. A n oíd m a n ; a governor or chief cus, L. among the Moors. 2. Portmanteau. 3. V. Jitádo, da, a. and pp. oí Jilar, Ejeded, cast out. Jaque. Jitár, ra. (Prov.) T o emit, to turn out. Jera, sf. 1. Extent of ground which can be Jo, interj. Used to stop horses. ploughed in a day with a pair of oxen. 2, Jocosamente, ad. Jocosely, jocularly, waggíshly, V. Gira. 3. Piece of drained marshy ground. humorously, ludicronsly, good-tiumouredly. Jerapellina, sf. A n oíd ragged suit of clothes. Jocoserio,ria,a. Jocoserious, partaking of mirth Jerezano, na, a. and s. Native of or belonging and sei:ousness. to Jerez de la Frontera. Jocosidad; sf. Jocularity, jocoseness, jocosity Jé:?a, sf. 1. Coarse frieze, m y coarse cloth, waggcry faceteness. 518 JOV JUB Jovial, a. 1. Jovial, under the influence of JupiJocoso, sa, a. Jocose, jocular, waggish, facetious, ter. 2. Jovial, gay, airy, meiry, cheerful, mirth. ludicrous, good-humoured. ful, good-humoured. Jocundo, da, a. (Obs.) Jocund, merry; gay. Jovialidad, sf. Joviality, jollity, mirth, merriJofaina, sf. A china jug. \ . Aljofaina. ment, gaiety, good-humour, festivity. Joliéz, sf. Jollity, juvenile merriment. Jolito, sm. (Obs.) Rest, leisure, calm. Haber jo- Jovialmente, ad. (Littl. us.) Mirthfully. litó, (Nau.) T o be becalmed: applied to a Joya, sf. 1. Jewel, a precious stone set in gold or silver. 2. A n y thing well polished and ship. finished. 3. Present, gift. 4. Astragal, an orJónico, ca, Jónio, nia, a. i,Arch.) Ionic: apnament on pieces of ordnance. Joyas, Jewels, plied to an order of architecture.—sm. A foot trinkets ; all the wearing apparel and orna in poetry. ments of w o m e n , especially of brides. Jonjolí, sm. (Obs.) V . Ajonjolí. Joyante, a. Extremely glossy: applied to silks, Jorcar, va. (Prov.) V. Ahechar. Pólvora joyante, Refined gunpowder. Jorco, sm. (Prov.) A feast, and licentious dance Joyel, sm. Jewel of little valué. a m o n g the vulgar. Jordán, sm. (Prov.) A n y thing which revives or Joyera, sf. W o m a n w h o keeps a jeweller's shop. Joyería, sf. Jeweller's shop, where jewels and gives a fresh bloom. trinkets are sold. Jorfe, sm. (Obs.) A wall m a d e of dry stones Joyero, sm. Jeweller, one w h o trafiles in jewels, only. trinkets and toys. Jorgina, Jorguina, sf. Witch, sorceress whose Joyíta, sf. dim. V . Joyuela. chamas consist in soporiferous draughts. Joyo, sm. (Bot) Bearded darnel, darnel-grass. Jorguín, sm. (Prov.) Soot, condensed smoke. Jornada, sf. 1. March or journey performed in Lolium temulentum, L. one day. 2. Journey, travel by land. 3. A Joyón, sm. augm. A large jewel. military expedition. 4. Opportunity, occasion, Joyuela, sf. dim. Jewel of small valué. circumstance. 5. Passage through life. 6. Act, Juaguárzo, sm. (Bot.) Montpelier rock-rose. Cistus monspeliensis, L. one of the parts into which Spanish plays are divided. 7. N u m b e r of sheets printed off in Juan, sm. John. Buen Juan or Juan de buena alma, A poor, silly fellow. Hacer San Juan, one day, which in Spain is regularly 1500. T o leave a place before the expiration of the A grandes or á largas jornadas, With celetime agreed upon : applied to servatos. Juan rity and promptness, by forced marches. Al lanas, (Low) A simpleton. fin de la jornada, (Met) A t the end, at last. Jornal, sm. I. Day-work, day-labour or journey- Juanete, sm. l.The knuckle-bone ofthe great toes, especially when it sticks out more than work, the work done by a workman hired by usual. 2. T h e malar process of the superior the day. 2. Day-wages or wages paid to daymaxillary bones when it is very prominent. labourers for one day's work. Muger que tra3. (Nau.) Top-gallant sail, carried above the baja á jornal, Char-woman. A jornal, B y main andfore-topsails. Juanete de sobremethe day. 3. (Com.) Journal, diary, a book sana, Mizen-top-gallant sail. used by merchants: it is a modern word. Juanetudo, da, a. Applied to persons w h o have Jornalar, ra. (Obs.) T o work by the day. the knuckle-bone of the great toes very proJornalero, sm. Day-labourer, one that works by tuberant the day, formerly a journeyman. Joroba, sf. 1. H u m p , a prominence on the back.Juárda, sf. Stain in cloth, occasioned by the wool having imbibed too m u c h oil before it 2. (CoU.) Importunity, incessant, troublesome solicitation. was carded and spun. Jorobado, da, a. Crooked, gibbous, hump-backed Juardóso, sa, a. Stained, spotted: applied to or crook-backed.—pp. oí Jorobar. woollen cloth. Jorobar, ra. (Coll.) T o importune, to teaze or Jubertár, ra. (Nau.) T o hoist the boat on board. harass by the frequent repetition of the same Jubetería, sf. (Obs.) Shop where jacketo and doublets are sold; a slop-shop. request. Jorro (A'), ad. (Nau.) V . Remolque. Jubetéro, sm. O n e w h o makes and sells jacketo and doublets. Joselasár, sm. A sort of spun cotton which comes Jubilación, sf. T h e act and effect of pensioniug from Smyrna. Jostrado, da, a. Round-headed: applied to a off or of superannuating a placeman; an exfoil, shaft or dart. emption from the duties of a professorship, Joto, sf. 1. Ñ a m e of the letter /. 2. Jot, tittle. charge, etc. without losing the salary belong3. V. Ojota. 4. Spanish dance. 5. Kind of ing tp it. pottage or broth m a d e with parsley and other Jubilar, ra. 1. T o pensión off; to superannuate; herbs, spices and bacon. No saber una jota, to exempt any one from the duties of a charge. T o be very ignorant of any thing. 2. T o exempt from toil and labour. 3. T o Joven, a. Young, youthful, juvenile.—s. Youth, lay aside as useless.—rn. T o beeome a pena stripUng, a young m a n ; a young w o m a n ; sioner in consequence of having been exa person in the state of adolescence. empted from the labour or burthen of a Jovenado, sm. T h e time or place in which young charge, office or ministry. persons, after taking the vows, are under the Jubileo, sm. Jubilee, a public festivity; concesdirectíon of a master in convents. sion of plenary indulgence ; an ecclesiastical Jovencíllo, illa, íto, íta, s. aVm. Youngster. solemnity, celebrated by the Jews every fifty Jovenete, sm. Youth, a young man. years. Por jubileo, Rarely, happening selJoventúd. sf. (Obs.) V . Juventud. dom. 519 JUE JUG Júbilo, sm. Glee, joy, merriment, rcjoiciiig, fes- veniently be separated from the rest. 7. Di» tivity, hilarity, mirth. position, ability or artfulness to obtain or to Jubón, sm. Doublet, jacket, a juppon. Jubón de prevent any end or object. 8. Method, convenient order. Juego de palabras, A pun, a azotes, (Coll.) A public whipping. Jubonázo, sm. augm. A large juppon. quibble. Juego de bola, A bowling-green. Juego de manos, Juggling feat. Juego de Juboncíco, filo, íto, sm. dim. A small juppon or jacket, a doublet of little valué. pelota, Tennis court. Juego de velas, A set J u bonéro, sm. Maker of jacketo, doublets or jupor a complete suit of sails. Juego de niños, Play-game. Tener juego, (Nau.) To have pons. Júcla, sf. One of the seven vowel-marks used by fetched way ; not to be firm or steady. El the Arabs. palo mayor tiene juego en su fogonadura, Judaico, ca, a. Judaical, jewish, relating to the The main-mast has fetched way in its partners. Juegos, Public feasts, exhibitions or reJews. Judaismo, sm. Judaism. religión of the Jews. joicings. Juego trasero, Hind part of a fourJudaizante, pa. and s. Judaizing, judaizer, one wheeled camage. Por juego or por modo de who judaizes. juego, In jest, in joke, by way of diversión. Judaizar, va. T o judaize, to follow or observe Entrar en juego, T o come in play. Hacer the rites of the Jews. juego, T o match, to suit, to fit. (hnocer- et Judas, sm. 1. One that treacherously deceives juego, (Met.) To discover any one's desigus. hisfriend,an impostor, traitor. 2. Silkworm Jueguetíco. íllo, íto, sm. A little game, a bit of that does not spin. 3. Effigy of Judas hurto play. in the streets in the Spanish towns during Juera, sf. (Prov.) Kind of sieve made of bassweed. Lent. Judería, sf. Jewry; a quarter or part of the town Jueves, sm. ThuTsday. Cosa del otro jueves, Something that is seldom seen. Jueves de where the Jews live; tax on Jews. Judía, sf. 1. (Bot.) French bean, kidney bean. comadres, The penultímate Thursday befoie Phaseolus vulgaris, L Judía de careta, Kind carnival. Jueves de compadres, The anteof small spotted French beans. 2. Jewess, penultímate Thursday before Lent. an Hebrew woman. Juez, sm. 1. Judge, one invested with power and Judicación, sf. (Obs.) Judgment, the power and authority to dedde and determine causes and act of passing judgment. lawsuits. 2. Judge, one who has suffirieut Judicánte, sm. (Prov.) Judge appointed to inskill to form a corred opinión or judgment of the merit of any thing Juez arbitro, Arquire into the conduct and proceedings of bitrator, umpire. Juez de enquesta, In Arofficers of justice. Judicár, va. (Obs.) V. Juzgar. ragon, a judge whose duty was to investígate Judicatura, sf. 1. Judicature, the power and act the conduct and decisions of judges, minisof adminístefing justice. 2. Dignity of a ters of justice, notaries, soUcitors, etc. and to punish them if gtolty by virtue of his office, judge. and not at the instance of others. Judicial, a. Judicial, juridical, practised in the distribution of justice or used in courts of Jugada, sf. 1. Play, the ad of playing. 2. The act of playing a card. 3. 111 tura, wieked justice. trick. • Judicialmente, ad. Judicially. Judiciária, sf. Judiciary astrology. Jugadera sf. Shuttle used to make net-work. V. Lanzadera. Judiciário, ría, a. Judiciary, professing the art of foretelling future events by means of the Jugador, ra, s. 1. Player, one who plays. 2. Gamester, gambler. Jugador de manos, Jugstars. Judicióso, sa, a. (Obs.) Judicious. V. Juicioso. gler, one who practises sleight of hand, oí Judiega, sf. Kind of olives good for making oil, plays trícks by legerdemain. Jugar, ra. and n. 1. T o play, to sport, to frolic, but not eating. to trifle, to toy. 2. To play, to game, to conJudiego, ga, a. (Obs.) Jewish. tend at some game. 3. T o gamble, to game. Judihuelo, sm. 1. A young Jew. 2. French bean. Judío, día, a. Judaical, jewish. to play extravagantly for money, to lose at Judío, sm. 1. Jew. 2. Appellation given by boys play. 4. To put iu action or motion : speakto the trumpeters who attended the procesing of a part of the body. 5. T o match, to sions in the holy week. 3. W o r d of contempt suit, to fit. 6. T o move on joints or hinges. used by angry persons. Judío de señal, Con- 7. T o intervene; to take an active part in au verted Jew, who living among Christians affair; to exercise. 8. T o mock, to wanton. wears a mark on his shoulder. Jugarreta, sf. (CoU ) Bad play, unskilful manJudíos, sm. pl. A large sort of French beans ; ner of playing. Dutch kidney beans. Phaseolus multiflo- Júge, sm. (Obs.) V. Juez. rus, L. Juglar, sm. Buffoon, mimic, juggler. mounteJuego, sm. 1. Play, amusement, diversión, sport. bank. 2. Jest, jesting, sneer, ludícrous scorn, spor-Juglarésa, sf. A female buffoon oí mimic. tive insult. 3. G a m e , gaming, gambling, Juglería, sf. (Obs.) Buffbonery, mimiery. Juego de suerte y ventura, G a m e of hazardJugo, sm. 1. Sap, juice of planto. 2. Juice, or chance. 4. A single match at play. 5. moisture. 3. (Met.) Marrow, pith, substaiice Manner of acting of an engine. 6. Set, a of any thing. number of things suited to each other ; or a Jugosidad, sf. Sappiness, suceulence, juirineas. number of things of which one cannot con. Jugoso, sa, a. Sappy, juicy, suceulent. 520 JUN ¿13 P Jugue, sm. Filthiness. Junglada, sf. (Obs.) Stewed haré. V. Lebrada Juguete, sm. 1. Toy, play-thing, gewgaw, trinket.Júuio, sm. June, the sixtk month of the year. 2. Jest, joke. Por juguete, Jestingly. 3. Júnior, sm. ln convento, one still subject to inCarol, a song of joy and exultation. struction. Juguetear, rn. 1. T o trifle, to fool, to toy, to Junípero, sm V . Enebro. frolic, to sport, to daily, to faddle, to act theJunquera, sf. (Bot.) Rush. buffoon, to play childish tricks. 2. T o play Junqueral, sm. V. juncal. loosely, to wave, to float: applied to flags, Junquillo, sm. 1. (Bot.) Jonquille. Narcissus pendants or streamers. junquilla, L. 2. A small round moulding. Juguetón, ná, a. Playish, acting the buffoon, Junta, sf. 1. Junta or junto, a congress, an aswanton, playful, playsome. sembly, a council, a convention. a tribunal. Juicio, sm. 1. Judgment, the power of judging 2. A n y meeting of persons to speak about or forming judgments; the act of judging. business. 3. Conjunction, unión, junction, 2. Sense, soundness of faculties, strength of consertion, consession ; fraternity. 4. Each natural reason. 3. Judgment, notion, opiof the lateral superficies of a square stone nión. 4. Prudence, wisdom : applied to pracwhich has to be joined to others. Junta de tice. 5. Judgment, the act of joining ideas médicos, A consultation. together by affirmation or negation. 6. Judg- Juntadór, ra, s. Joiner, one who joins. ment, the act of exercising judicature. 7. Juntamente, aa". Jointly; at the same time, conCourt of judicature, tribunal. Pedir en juicio, junctively. T o sue at law. Ser un juicio, (Coll.) T o be Juntamiento, sm. (Obs.) Congiegation, act of a confused multitude of persons or things. assembling. Juiciosamente, ad. Judiciously, considerately. Juntar, ra. 1. T o join, to conjoin, to combine, to Juicioso, sa, a. Judicious, prudent, mature, clear- get together, to connect, to connex, to sighted. coalesce, to unite. 2. T o join, to convoke, Julepe, sm. Julap, a medical potion. to couple or accouple, to assoeiate, to consoJulgár, ra. (Ohs.) V. Juzgar. ciate,tocongrégate. 3. T o amass, to collect, Julio, sm. July, the seventh month of the year. to heap, to gather, to lay or to lay up.—rr. Julo, sm. 1. Bell-mule, that takes the lead of a l.To join, to meet, to assemble, to convent, sumpter's or carrier's mules. 2. Male which -to concur. 2. T o be closely united. 3. T o guides the flocks of goats, sheep or black copúlate : appliedtobeings of different sexes. cattle. Juntar meriendas, (Coll.) T o unite toterests. Jumelár, ra. (Nau.) T o strengthen masts with Juntera, sf. Carpenter's plañe, jóinter. partners. Junterílla, sf. dim. S m a U plañe. Jumélas, sf. pl. Cheeks; a general ñ a m e a m o n gJunto,to,a. and pp. irr. of Juntar, United, conmechanics for almost all those pieces of majoined. chines which are double. Junto, ad. Near, cióse to, at hand, near at hand ; Jumélos, sm. pl. (Nau.) Partners, strong pieces at the same time. Por junto or de por junto, of timber, bolted to the beams which surround In the bulk, by the lump, wholesale. the masts on the deck, to keep them steady Juntório, sm. Kind of tribute.. in their stops. Juntura, sf. \. Juncture, the part at which two Jumento, sf. Female ass. things are joined together, joining. 2. Joint, Jumentil, a. Belonging ti the ass. articulation of limbs; juncture of movable Jumentíllo, illa, íto, íta, s. dim. A little ass oí bones in animal bodies. 3. (Nau.) Scarf. beast of burthen. 4. (Obs.) V . Mezcla. Juntura de las plantas, Jumento, sm. 1. Beast of burthen. 2. Ass, juKnuckle. ment. 3. A stupid person. V. Asno. Júpiter, sm. 1. Júpiter, a planet. 2. A m o n g Juncada, sf. 1. Kind of fritters. 2. A horse me- chemists, tin. 3. Sky, heaven. dicine against the glanders. Jur, sm. (Obs.) V . Derecho. Juncal, Juncar, sm. Maishy ground full of Jura, sf. 1. Oath, an affirmation, negation oí rushes. promise, corioborated by the attestation of Juncia, sf. (Bot) Cyperus. Cyperus, L. Juncia the Divine Being. 2. Oath of allegiance. olorosa, Sweet cyperus, English galanga! Jurado, sm. 1. Jury, a certain number of perCyperus longus, L. Juncia avellanada or resons sworn to declare the truth upon such donda, Round-rooted cyperus, the round cyevidence as shall be given before them. 2. perus. Cyperus rotundus, L. Juncia comesJuror, juryman, one serving in a jury. 3. tible. V. Chufas. Jurat, a magistrate in some corporations. Junciana, sf. Brag, boast. Jurador, ra, s. Swearer, one w h o is in the habit Junciera, sf. A n earthen vessel with a perforated of obtesting the gieat ñ a m e wantonly and lid, in which aromatics are kept profanely. Jundno, na, a. Rushy, consisting of rushes. Juraduría, sf. Office of a jurat. Juncír, va. (Obs.) V. Uncir. Juramentar, ra. T o swear, to put to an oath.— Junco, sm. 1. (Bot) Rush. Juncus, L. Junco rr. T o bind one's self by an oath, to obtest by dr. esteras, Soft rush, Juncus eff'usus, L. an oath. Junco de flor orflorido,Umbelled flowering Juramento, sm. 1. Oath, an affirmation, negarush. Butomus umbellatus, L. 2. Junk, tion or promise, corroborated by the attestation small Chínese ship. of the Divine Being. 2. Oath, curse, impreJuncoso, sa,a. Full of rushes, lesemblingiushes; cation: commonly used in plural in this last juncous. sense. Juramento asertorio, Declaratoiy oath, 52 J JUS •JUZ Justiciar, ra. (Obs.)Toexecufe a malefactor. JUJÁI va. To obtest some superior power; to atteet the great ñ a m e ; to promise upon oath; Justiciazgo, sm. (Obs.) T h e place and office o) to swear, to m a k e oath. a justice. Juratória, sf. (Prov.) Píate of silver eontaining Justiciero, ra, s. Justícer, one w h o rigorously the holy evangelists, on which magistrates observes justice; one w h o chastises all crimen with rigid justice. lay their hands in taking an oath. Juratória, a. Caución or fianza juratória, Jura- Justificación, sf. 1. Justification, defence, maintory security, an oath taken by a poor person tenance, support. 2. Production of the docuto return to prison, when called on, having ments or instruments tending to estabüsha claim or right. 3. Equity, couformity witk no bail. Juratório, sm. Instrument setting forth the oaths justice. 4. Sanctification by grace. 5. (Print) Adjustment of Unes ta a page of types. taken by Arragonese magistrates. Jurdía, sf. Kind offishinginstrument. Justificadamente, ad. Justly, eorrectly, justifiably. Jurel, sm. A sea fish. Jorgina, sf. Witch, sorceress. Justificado, da, a. Equal, justífied; conformable Jurídicamente, ad. Lawfully, legally, juridito justice.—pp. oí Justificar. cally. Justificador, sm. Justifier, justificator. V. Santt Jurídico, ca, a. Lawful, legal, jurídica!; done ficador. according to law. Justificante, pa. Justifying; justifier. Jurisconsulto, sm. 1. Jurisconsult, one w h o gives Justificar, ra. 1. T o justify, to free from past his opinión to law. 2. Civílian, civilíst. 3. sin by pardon, to render just by the infusión Jurist, a m a n w h o professes the science of the of grace. 2. T o justify, to clear from imlaw, a lawyer. putad guilt; to absolve from an accusation; Jurisdicción, sf. 1. Jurisdiction, legal authority, to excúlpate. 3. T o prove or establish a extent of judicial power; power, authority. claim in a court of judicature. 4. T o prdve 2. Jurisdiction, district to which any judicial or show by argument or testimony. 5. T o authority extends. justify, to reríify, to adjust, to arrange, to Jurisdiccional, a.Jurisdictioiial, relatingtojuris- regúlate exactly. 6. (Print.) T o justify oí diction. equalize a line of types.—rr. T o vindícate Jurispericia, sf. Jurisprudence. one's character, to clear one's self from imJurisperito, sm. A professor of jurisprudence or putad guilt. the science of law. V . Jurisconsulto. Justificativo, va, a. Justificative, justifying, jusJurisprudencia, sf. Jurisprudence, law or the tificatory. science of law. Justillo, sm. A n under garment, or jacket withJurisprudente, sm. V . Jurisconsulto. out sleeves. Jurista, sm. 1. Jurist, lawyer, a m a n w h o pro- Justipreciar, ra. T o estímate any thing. fesses the science of the law. 2. Pensioner, Justipreciador, sm. Appraiser, a person appointed one w h o has an annuity assigned to him to set a price upon things. upon the revenue of the crown. Justo, ta, a. 1. Just, conformable to justice, rightJuro, sm. 1. Right of perpetual property. 2. ful, lawful; fair. 2. Just, upright 3. Just, Annuity assigned upon the revenue of the honest, honourable, good, faithful. 4. Just, crown. De juro, Certainly. exact, strict, punctual. 5. Just, fit, tight, Jusbárba, sf. (Bot.) Field myrtle. Ruscus acudose, exactly proportíoned. 6. Just, good, Jeatus, L. pious. Jusello, sm. Pottage m a d e of broth, parsley, Justo, sm. A just and pious m a n . En justos y en grated cheese, eggs and spice. verenjustos, (Coll.) Right or wrong, with reaJusgár, ra. (Obs.) T o condemn any one by jusson or without. tice. Justo, ad. Tíghtly, straitly. Al justo, Fitly Justa, sf. 1. Joust, tilt, tournament, m o c k fight duly; completely, punctoally. on horseback. 2. Literary contest in poetry Juta, sf. (Orn.) A kind of American duck. or prose, Juvénco, ca, s. (Obs.) V . Novillo. Justacór, sm. (Obs ) Waistcoat, doublet. Juvenil, a. Juvenile, young, youthful; girlish. Justador, sm. Tilter, one w h o plays at jousts. Juventud, sf. Youthfulness, youth, juveniJustamente, ad. Justly,just, exactly; precisely; iity. fairly. Juzgado, sm. Tribunal, court of justice ; judiJustar, rn. T o joust, to tilt. cature. Justicia, sf. 1. Justice, the virtue by which weJuzgador, ra, s. Judge, one who judges. give to every m a n what is his due. 2. Retri- Juzgamundos, s. com. O n e w h o censures the bution, punishment. 3. Reason, honesty; actions of every one but himself, equity; right. 4. Justice, magisfrafe or tri- Juzgante, pa. Judging ; judge. bunal. 5. Public punishment. Justicia de Juzgar, ra. and n. 1. T o judge, to pass sentence Arragon, (Obs.) T h e chief magistrateof Arraor to pass sentence upon, to give judgment gon. Justicia mayor, (Obs.) T h e lord chief 2. T o judge, to apprehend, to form or give an justice of Spain. De justicia, Aecordíng to opinión, to opine, to hold, to find. nistíce, duly, merítedly. 522 K T H E letter h is not now used in the Spanish language; and even in the few words in which it was, its place has been supplied by c before a, o and u, and qu, before e and i. Its pronunciatíon is similar to that of the c LAB before a, o and « ; but itsfigureis retained in Spanish only for the intelligence of othel languages, and in the spelling of propeí ñames. LAB THE / is in the Spanish language a setr.i- Laborante, sm. 1. (Obs.) Labourer, workman, 2. Laborant, chemist. vowel, and sometimes becomes a liquid when a mute letter precedes it; e. g. in the Laboratorio, sm. Laboratory, a chemist's workwords claustro, gloria,flueco. T h e / always room. keeps the same sound as in English. T h e 11 Laborcica, illa, íta, sf. dim. A n insignificant work or task. or double / is considered by the Spanish Acad e m y as a single character; they therefore Laborear, ra. 1. T o culture, to till the ground, 2. (Nau.) T o work a ship, to direct her place it after all the other words beginning movements. V. Maniobrar. with an /, but in this work it is retained according to the English custom. It ís pro- Laboreo, sm. (Prov.) Culture, labour. nounced by placing the tip of the tongue to Laborera, a. Cl'ever, skilful: applied to a good workwoman. the palate, and dropping it whilst emitting the breath. N o sound in English resembles Labório, sm. (Littl. us.) V. Labor. Laboriosamente, ad. Laboriously, painfully. it exactly. La, is an article denoting the feminine gender Laboriosidad, sf. Laboriousness. in the singular number. It is also the accu- Laborioso, sa, a. 1. Laborious, assiduous. 2. Laborious, requiring m u c h toil and labour, sative case of the personal pronoun feminine tiresome, painful, not easy. La, sm. (Mas.) La, the sixth sound of the hexaLabrada, sf. Land ploughed and fallowed to be chord. sown the ensuing season. Lábaro, sm. Standard of Constantine with the cipher of Christ ou it. Labradero, ra, a. Labourable, capable of labour, Labe, sf. (Obs.) Stain, spot. V . Mancha. Labradío, día, a. V . Labrantío. Laberinto, sm. 1. Labyriuth, maze, a place Labrído, da, a. W o r k e d : applied to figured formed with inextricable windings. 2. A n cloth in opposition to that which is plain.— pp. oí Labrar. intricate and obscure matter, hard to be understood, maze, uncertainty, perplexity. 3. Labrado, sm. Land cultivated: commonly used in plural. (Anat) Labyrínth of the ear. Labia, sf. (Coll.) Sweet, winning eloquence. Labrador, ra, s. 1. Labourer w h o works at the Labiado, da, a. (Bot.) Labiate. plough or spade. 2. Cultivator, farmer, a Labial, a. Labial, uttered by the lips: applied landworker, a husbandman or w o m a n . 3. to letters. Rustic, peasant Labiérnago, sm. (Bot.) V. Filirea. Labrador, ra, a. 1. Born or residing in a small Labihendido, da, a. Hare-lipped. village. 2. (Obs ) Laborious. Labio, sm. 1. Lip, the outer part of the mouth ; Labradorcíco, íca, íllo, illa, it", íta, s. dim. of the muscles which cover the teeth. 2. Lip, Labrador and Labradora. the edge of any thing. Labio hendido, Haré- Labradoresco, ca, a. Belonging or relating to a lip. labourer; rustic, clownish. Labiodentá!, a. Labiodentel. Labrandera, sf. (Obs.) Seamstress, she w h o Labor, sf. 1. Labour, task, the act of doing supports herself by needle-work. what requires an exertion of strength. 2. Labrante, sm. Stone-cutter, Sculptor. Labour, work to be done, work done. 3. Labrantín, sm. A petty farmer, who cultivates a Symmetry, adaptation of parís to each other; Small farm. design. 4. A seamstress's work, any kind of Labrantío, tía, a. Producing grain : applied to needle-work, embroidery. Labor blanca, arable landfitfor the culture of grain. White work. Ir á la labor, T o go to school: Labranza, sf. 1. Tillage, the cultivation of the speaking of girls. Sacar la niña de la ground, ploughing. 2. Husbandry, the emlabor, T o take a child from her needle. 5. ployment of a cultivator or farmer. 3. Farm, A thousand tiles or bricks. 6. Cultivation, land let to a tenant; tilled land ; an estáte husbandry, tillage. V. Labranza. 7. (Prov.) appUed to the purposes and pursuits of agriE g g of a silk-worm. Labores, Figures raised culture. 4. (Obs.) Labour, work upon a ground ; variegated needkvwoik ; Labrar, va. 1. T o work, to labour. 2 T o till, to diaper. cultívate the ground. V . Arar. 3. T o build, Laborable, a. Labourable. to construct buildings. 4. T o do needie-work, Laboradór, sm. V. Trabajador and Labrato embroider. 5. T o inform, to instruct. 6, dor. T ofinish,to polish to the degree of excel523 LAC LAD lence intended or required. 7. T o harass, to Ladidnio, sm. Milk-pottage, and, in general, mortify. 8. Labrar un madero, (Nau.) T o all sorts of food prepared with milk. fashion a piece of timber.—rn. T o m a k e a Lacticinoso, sa, a. V. Lácteo. strong impression on the mind. Lactífagos, sm. pl. (Littl. us ) Galacfiphagy, Labrero, ra, a. Applied to a kind of fishing- Lactífero, ra, a. Lactiferous, lacteal, nulky. net Lactumen, sm. Scab breaking out on the head Labriego, sm. Peasant. of sucking children. Lábrio, Labro, sm. i^Ohs.) V. Labio. Lacustre, a. (Obs.) Marshy, belonging to lakes, Labrusca, sf. A wild vine. Láda, sf. V. Jara. Laburno, sm. (Bot.) Laburnum. Cytissus la- Ládano, sm. Labdamun, g u m or resinous juice burnum, L. obtained by boiling from the Cistus ladanifeLaca, sf. 1. Lac, a red, brittle, resinous substance,rus, L., a kind of rock-rose, very common in brought from India, and used.for dying and Portugal and Spain. making sealing-wax. 2. Red colour. 3. Ladeado, da, a. and pp. oí Ladear, Turned to Lacker, a kind of varnish. one side, inclined, lopsided. Lacárgama, sf. (Bot.) Alkatiet, ted-rooted bu- Ladeamiento, sm. V. Ladeo. gloss. Anchusa tinctoria, L. Ladear, va. T o move or tara to one side; to go Lacayo, sm. 1. Lackey, footman, servant, foot- side by side; to go along rails.—vn. 1. boy. 2. Knot of ribbons worn by women. (Nau.) T o incline : applied to the needle of Lacayuélo, sm. dim. Foot-boy. a mariner's compass. 2. T o go by the side, Lacayuno, na, a. Belonging to a lackey or foot- to incline to one side.—vr. T o indine to an boy. opinión or party. Lacear, ra. 1. T o adorn with ribbons tied in Ladeo, sm. Inclination or motion to one side. bows; to lace. 2. T o pin up the g a m e or Ladera, sf. Declivity, gradual descent.—pl. 1. drive it into an appointed place. RaUs or staves of a c o m m o n cart. 2. Cheeks Laceración, sf. Laceration, lancination, teartog. of a gun-carriage. Lacerado, da, a. 1. Unfortunate, unhappy. 2. Laderíca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A smaU declivity oí Leprous.—pp. oí Lacerar. the ground, Lacerar, va. 1. T o mangle, to tear in pieces, to Ladiérna, sf. (Bot.) Buckthorn. R h a m n u s alalacérate, to laniate or to lancínate. 2. (Obs.) ternus, L. T o suffer, to labour under patas or fatigues. Ladiérnago, sm. (Bot.) V. Filirea. 3. (Obs.) To lead the life of a miser. Ladilla, sf. I. Crablouse. Pediculus pubis, L. Laceria, sf. 1. Misery, poverty, wretchedness. 2. (Coll.) Hang-by, hanger-on. 3. (Bot.) 2. Labour, fatigue. 3. (Obs.) Leprosy, sero- C o m m o n barley. Hordeum distichum, L. nda. 4. A set of nets laid out together for Ladillo, sm. Shifting panel placed in the sides some particular purpose. of coaches, which in Spain is generally taken Lacerioso, sa, a, Miserable ; scrofulous. out in spring. Lacha, sf. Shad. V. Alacha. Ladinamente, ad. Sideways, artfully, sagaLacio, cia, a. Faded, withered, dried up ; flac- ciously. cid, languid. Ladino, na, a. 1. (Obs.) Versed iu an idiom, Lacivióso, sa, a. V. Lascivo. speaking different languages fluently. 2. Lacónicamente, ad. Laconically, concisely, Sagacious, cunning, crafty. dose. Lado, sm. 1. Side, that. part of the h u m a n body Lacónico, ca, a. Laconic, brief, concise. which extends from the armpit to the hipLaconismo, sm. Laconism, conciseness, brevity, bone. 2. Side or half of an animal. 3. Side, concise expression or style. therightor left. 4. Side, any part of any Lacra, sf. 1. Mark left by some wound or dis- body opposed to any other part. 5. Side, order. 2. Fault, vice, wickedness. any part placed in contradistinction or oppoLacrar, va. 1. T o injure or impair the state of sition to another. 6. Side, the margin, edge health. 2. T o hurt or injure in point of proor verge of any thing. 7. (Met.) Side, party, perty or money. faction, interest. 8. (Met.) Companion, comLacre, sm. Sealing-wax. rade. 9. Mat used to cover carts, etc. 10, Lacrear, ra. (Littl. us.) T o seal with sealing(Met.) Patrón, protector. 11. Course, m a n wax ner; mode of proceeding. 12. Side: it is Lacrima, sf. (Obs.) V. Lágrima. used to note consanguinity. Al lado, Just Laminación, sf. (Obs.) Effusion of tears. by, at hand or near at hand. De lado, InciLacrimal, a. Lachrymal. dentolly. A un lado, Clear the way. Lacrimatorio, ria, a. and s. Lachrymatory. Ladón, sm, V. Jara. Lacrimoso, sa, a. Weeping, shedding tears. Ladra, sf. 1. Barking. 2. Cry of hounds after Lácris, sm. Fruit of rosemary. the game. Lactancia, sf. Lactation, the time of giving Ladrador, ra, s. 1 Barker, one who barks or clasuck, or durtog which a child sucks. mours. 2. (CoU.) Talker, one who talks Lactante, sm. Sueker, one who sucks milk. m u c h and to no purpose Lactario, ria, a. Ladary, lacteous, lactescent, Ladrante, pa. Barking, latrant; barker. Lactáto, sm. (Chem.) Lactate. Ladrar, vn. 1. T o bark, howl or cry like a dog, Lácteo,tea,a. Lacteous, tnilky, lacteal, ladean, to latrate. 2. T o use empty threats. 3. T o lactescent, milken, consisting of milk, conclamour, to vociférate,tomake outeries. Laveying Via láctea, milk (Astr.) or chyle, Galaxy, and resembling the milky-way, milk. Ladrido, drar elsm. estomago, 1. Barking T o beorhungry. howlíng of a dot^ LAG LAM quantity. 3. (Bot.) Gray-mill, gromwell. 2. Vociferation, outcry ; calumny ; inciteLithospermum, L. Lágrima de Moisés or ment de Job, (Bot.) Job'stoara.Coix lacryma Jobí, Laihilládo, sm. Floor made with bricks. ¿. 4. Wine extractad from the grape by Ladrillador, sm. V. Enladrillador. Ladrillal, Ladrillar, sm. Bríck-field, brick-kiln, a very slight pressure, in order to have the purest juice. Lágrimas de S. Pedro, Pebbles, place where bricks are made and baked. stones thrown to any person. Lágrimas de Ladrillazo, sm. Blow with a brick-bat Ladrilléjo, sm. 1. (Dim.) Little brick. 2. Boy's Batavia or de Holanda Prince Rupert's amusement of knocking at doors with a piece drops, glass globules. Lagrimable, a. Lachrymable, lamentable; worof brick. Ladrillera, sf. Brick-kiln. thy of toare. Lagrimal, sm. Comer of the eye near the nose. Ladrillero, sm. Brick-maker. Ladrillo, sm. Brick, a mass of clay burnt for Lagrimar, Lagrimear, rn. lo weep, to shed building. Ladrillo de chocolate, Cake oftears. Lagrimilla, ita, sf. dim. A little tear. chocolate. Lagrimón, sm. augm. A large fear. Ladrilloso, sa, a. Made of brick. Lagrimoso, sa, a. 1. Weeping, shedding tears. Ladrón, na, s. 1. Thief, robber, a highwayman, 2. Watery: applied to humours running from a cut-purse. 2. Lock, sluice-gate. 3. Snuff the eye; laehrymary. of a candle that makes it melt. Ladronamente, ad. Thievishly, dissembtihgly. Laguna, sf. 1. Lake, a large diffusion of stagLadroncillo, illa, sm. dim. Filcher, cut-purse, a nant water, marsh. 2. A n uneven country full of marshes. 3. Blanks in a book or petty thief. Ladronera, sf. 1. Nest of rogues, den of rob- wiítíug. bers. 2. Filching, stealing; defrauding, ex- Lagunajo, sm. Small pool of water in a field aftei rain. tortion. 3. Sluice-gate in a mili. 4. Box. V. Hucha. Lagunar, sm. Timber-roof. Ladronería, sf. V. Ladronicio. Lagunero, ra, a. Belonging to marshes or lakes. Lagunoso, sa, a. Marshy, fenny, abounding ia Ladronesco, ca, a. (Coll.) Belongingtothieves, lakes; laky. thievish. Ladronicio, sm. Larceny, theft, robbery, expila-Laical, a. Laical, belonging to the laity or peotion. ple, as distinct from the clergy. Lagaña, sf. A slimy humour running from the Laico, ca, a. V. Lego. Laido, da, a. (Obs.) V. Ignominioso and Feo. eyes, lippitude, blearedness. Lagañoso, sa, a. Blear-eyed, being troubled withLaja, sf. A thinflatstone. a slimy matter running from the eyes. Lairén, a. AppUed to a kind of grapes, and to Lagar, sm. 1. Place where grapes are squeezed the vines where it is produced. out of their juice. 2. Wine-press, an engina Lama, sf. 1. Mud, sume, ooze. 2. Cloth of gold or silver. 3. (Prov.) A flat even country. for squeezing the juice out of grapes. Lagaréjo, sf. A smaU wine-press. 4. (Prov.) Fine sand used for mortar. o. Foam on the surface of water. 6. Dust of Lagarero, sm. 1. Wine-presser, one employed ores in mines. in squeezing the juice out of grapes. 2. One Lamár, ra. (Obs.) V. Llamar. • employed in expressíng the.juice of olives. Lagareta, sf. Small wine-press. Lamliér, ra. (Obs.) V. Lamer. Lagarta, sf. Female lizard. Lamhrequínes, sm. pl. (Blaz.) Ornaments which Lagartado, da, a. V. Alagartado. hang from helmeto. Lagartera, sf. Lizard-hole, a hollow place underLambrija, sf. 1. W o r m bred in the human body. ground where lizards breed. V. Lombriz. 2. (Coll.) Meagre, slender Lagartero, ra, a. Catching lizards: applied to person. such animáis as are fond of devouring lizards. Lamedal, sm. A musty miry place. Lagartija, sf. Eft, newt, a small lizard. Lamedor, ra, s. 1. Ltaker, one that laps and Lagartijero, ra, a. Catching efts: applied to Iicks. 2. (Pharm.) Loch, a soft medicine animáis. between a syrup and an electuary. 3. (Met.) Lagartillo, sm. dim. A small lizard. Enticement, alluiement, wheedling. Dar Lagarto, sm. 1. Lizard. Lacerta agilis, L. 2. lamedor, T o feign losing at play in order to (Obs.) Insignia of the order of Santiago. 3. insure greater success. Gusset, a piece of lace put into the side of a Lamedura, sf. A d of licking. surplice. 4 A large muscle of the arm. 5. Lamelar, va. To roll copper into shee„s. A sly artful person. Lamentable, a Lamentable, deplorable, grieva. Lago, sm. Lake, a large diffusion of inland wa- ble, mournful, funest, lachrymable. ter ; a large quantity of any liquid. Lago de Lamentablemente, ad. Lamentably. leones, A den of Iíons. Lamentación, sf. Lamentation, expression of Lagostín, sm. V. Langostín. sorrow, lamenting, groaning. Lagotear, rn. (Coll.) Toflatter,to wheedle to Lamentador, ra, s. Lamentar, weeper, mourner, cajole. complainer. Lagotería, sf. (Coll.) Flattery, adulation. Lamentar, va. To kment, to mourn, to bewail, Lagotero, ra, a. (CoU.) Flattering, soothing. ta sorrow for, to moan.—rn. and r. To laLágrima, sf. 1. Tear, the water which any emo- ment, to express sorrow, to grieve, to wail, to tíon foices from the eyes, eyedrop. 2. A n y complain, to cry. moisture tríckling in drops; a drop or small Lamento, sm, Lamentation, lamen!, moan, 525 LAM LAN groaning, mourning, cry, grief uttered inLampión, sm. A large 1 ante ni. Lampo, sm. (Poet) Light, splendour, blaze complaiuts or cries, expression of sorrow. Lamentoso, sa, a. Lamentable, mourning, to be Lampóte, sm. Cotton cloth made iu the Philip. pine isles. lamented. Lameplatos, sm. Lick-plate, nickname given to Lamprea, sf. (Ichth.) Lamprey. Petromyzon, L. the servatos who attend at table. Lamer, ra. 1. T o lick, to pass over with the Lamprear, ra. T o dress a lamprey. tongue. 2. To lick, to lap, to take in by the Lamprehuela, Lampreílla, sf. Kind of small tongue. 3. T o touch slightly. lamprey. Lamerón, na, s. (Coll.) A persou very fond of Lámpsana, sf. C o m m o n nipplewort. Lámpsana communis, L. daintíes or delicacies. Lameronázo, za, s. augm. (CoU.) A person ex- Lampúga, sf. (Ichth.) Lampuga, a kind of crab. tremely fond of daintíes. Lana, sf. 1. Wool, thefleeceof sheep. 2. Short Lametáda, sf. Thing licked or polished. Lamia, sf. 1. Lamia, a fabulous monster. 2. curled hair of some animáis. 3. Woollen maKind of shark. 3. (Met.) Hariot, a woman nufacture in general. 4. (Coll.) Cash, rnoney. of the town. A' costa de lanas, At another man's expense. Lamido, da, a. Deformed, worn out with use.— Lana burda, Coarse wool. pp. oí Lamer. Lanada, sf. Spunge for cleaning cannons. Lanado, da; a. V. Lanuginoso. Lamiente, pa. Licking, licker. Lamín, sm. (Prov.) V. Golosina. Lanar, a. Woolly, clothed with wool; applied Lámina, sf. 1. Píate, sheet of metal, any thin to sheep. píate, lamina or flake. 2. Copper-plate, a Lañaría, sf. (Bot.) Cud-weed. píate on which a picture is engraved, and the Lance, sm. 1. Cast, throw. 2. Casting of a net print or impression from a figure eng-aved into the water to catch fish. 3. A favourable on copper. opportunity, critical moment. 4. Chance, caLaminado, da, a. Covered with plates or laminas, sualty, accident, hap-hazard, fortuitous event. lamellated or laminated. 5. Sudden quarrel or dispute. 6. Skül and Laminar, va. (Prov.) 1. T otick,to guzzle dain- industry of a player. De lance, Cheap, at setíes. 2. T o roll or beat metal into sheets. cond hand.—pl. 1. Míssile weapons. 2. Plot Laminera, sf. (Prov.) Bee advanced before ito or intrigues of a play, A pocos lances, In a companions. short time and with little labour. Laminero, ra, s. Manufacturer of metal plates; Lancear, ra. T o wound with a lance. one who makes shrinesforrelies. Lanceóla, sf. (Bot.) Rib-grass plantain. PlanLaminero, ra, a. (Prov.) V. Goloso. tago lanceolata, /.. Laminíca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A small plato. Lancera, sf. Hooks, in an armoury, on which Lamiscar, ra. T o lick with haste and great arms are placed. eagerness. Lancero, sm. 1. Pikeman, lancer, one armed Lamiznéro, ra, a. (Prov.) Lickerish, lickerous. with a pike or lance. 2. Maker of pikes. Lamoso, sa, a. (Nau.) Oozy, slimy: applied to Lanceta, sf. 1. Lancet, a small pointed chírurgithe anchoring ground. cal instrument. 2. Potter's knife. Lampacear, ra. (Nau.) T o swab, to clean the Lancetada, Lancetazo, s. Act of opening oí wounding with a lancet. decks with a swab. Lanpadáfori», sm. The victor in ancient races Lancha, sf. L A thin and flat piece of stone. with torches at religious festivals. 2. (Nau.) Barge, lighter; long boat of a ship Lámpara, sf. 1. Light, a luminous body. 2. A of war; lanch or launch. Lancha de socorro, lamp, a cresset, or, more properly, a glassLife-boat. Lancha cañonera, Gun-boat 3. lamp. 3. Spot or stain of oil or grease. 4. Snare for partridges. Branch of a tree placed at the door on fes- Laucháda, sf. A lighter full of goods ; as much tivals or rejoidngs. Lámpara de bitácora, as a lighter carries at once. (Nau.) Binaele-lamp Lanchazo, sm. Blow with aflatstone. Lamparero, ra, s. Lamp-lighter. Lanchón, sm. (Nau.) Lighter. Ijanchon de lasLamparilla, sf. 1. (Dim.) A small lamp. 2. A trar, Ballast-lighter. small bit of paper, twisted at the end, which Lanchonéro, sm. Lighterman. when put to oil and lighted servesfora lamp. Lancílla, íta, sf. dim. A small lance. 3. A sort of coarse camlet. Laución, sm. (Nau.) A kind of guardship ia Lamparín, sm. Case into which a glass lamp is India. put. Lancurdía, sf. Small trout. Lamparista, s. com. Lamp-lighter, Lánda, sf. A n extensive tract of heath-land. Lamparón, sm. King's evil, a scirrhous tumour Lánde, sf, (Ast.) Acora, thefruitof the oakin the neck. tree. Lampatán, sm. A Chínese plant. Landgráve, sm. Landgrave, a Germán title. Lampazo, sm. 1. (Bot.) Burdock. V. Bardana, Landgravíádo, sm. Landgraviate. 2. (Nau.) Swab, a mop made of oíd ropes or Lando, sm. Landau, a kind of carriage. rope-yarn, and used to clean the decks and Landre, sf. 1. A morbid swetiing of the glands. cabin of a ship. Paños de lampazo, Tapestry 2. A purse concealed in the dothes. 3. Acora. on which landscapes are represented. LamV. Bellota. pazos, Pimples breaking out on the face. Landrecilla, sf. Round lump among the glands, Lampiño, ña, a. Beardless; having little hair. Landrero, ra, a. Applied to ona who hoard» 526 LAN LAR money in a bag or purse concealed in his Lanzar, ra. 1. To elance, to throw, to dart, to lanch, to jacúlate, to fling. 2. To cast up, to clothes. vomit. 3. (Law) To eject, to dispossess. 4. LandriUa, sf. Small grain which growj uader To let loóse.—rr. To rush or dart upon; to the tongues of hogs. Lanería, s/.,Shop where washed wool is sold. launch. Lanéio, sm. 1. Dealer iu wool. 2. Warehouse Lanzón, sm. augm. A short and thick lance. Laña, sf. 1. Cramp or cramp-iron. 2. Green for wool. Langaruto, ta, a. (Coll.) Tail, lank, ill-shaped. cocoa nut. Langór, sm. (Obs.) Languor, faintness ; a de- Lañar, ra. 1. To cramp, to fasten two things together with a cramp-iron. 2. (Prov.) To open cay of spirits. and gut fish. 3. To lament. Langosta, sf. 1. Locust, a devouring insect. Gryllus, L. 2. Lobster, a crustaceous sea- Lapa, sf. 1. Scum or pellicle raised on the surface of some liquors. 2. (Ichth.) A kind of fish. Cáncer homarus, /.. 3. One who exshell-fish. Lepas, L. 3. (Bot.) Goose-grass, torts money. deavers. Galium aparine, L. Langostín, sm. A small locust. Langostino, sm. Grasshopper. Gryllus gros- Lapachar, sm. Hole full of mud and mire. Lápade, sf. (Ichth.) A corn shell-fish. Lepas, L. sus, L. Lapáza, sf (Prov.) Rough panic-grass. PaniLangostón, sm. The large green locust. cum verticillatum, L. Langráve, sm. V. Landgrave. Lapicero, sm. A metal peneil-case. Langüénte, a. Infirm, weak. Lánguidamente, aa*. Languidly, languishingly. Lápida, sf. A flat stone, on which inscriptions Languidez, Languideza, sf. 1. Languishment, are engraved. languidness, languish, languishing, heavi- Lapidación, sf. (Obs.) Lapidation. ness, languor, weariness, faintness. 2. Decay Lapidaria, sf. The art or profession of a lapidary, who deals in stones and gems. of spirits, melancholy. Lánguido, da, a. 1. Languid, faint, weak, lan-Lapidario, sm. Lapidary, lapidist, one who deals in stones and gems. guishing, lingering, feeble. 2. Dull, heart Lapidario, ria, a. Lapidary. less. Lapídeo, dea, a. Lapideous, stony; of the naLanguor, sm. Languor. V. Languidez. ture of stolte. Lanífero, ra, a. (Poet.) Laniferous. Lanificación, Lanificio, s. Woollen manufacture,Lapidificación, sf. Pefrification, lapidification. Lapidificar, va. (Obs.) T o convert into stone, te the art of manufacturing wool, lanifice. Lanilla, sf. 1. Nap of cloth, down, villous sub- petrify. stance. 2. Swanskin, a kind of veryfineflan-Lapidifico, ca, a. Lapidescent, lapidific, growing or turning to stone. nel. 3. (Nau.) Buntine, a thin woollen stuff, Lapidoso, sa, a. Lapideous, stony. of whichflagsand eolours are made. Lapílla, sf. (Bot.) Hound's tongue. Lanío, a, a. Woolly. V. Lanar. Lanosidad, sf. Down of the leaves of plants. Lapislázuli, sf. Lapis-lazuli, an azure stone of which the ultramarine colour is prepared by Lanoso, sa, a. V. Lanudo. Lanteja, sf. Lentil. V. Lenteja. calcination. Lápiz, sm. Black chalk used in drawing; black Lantejuela, sf. 1. Spangle, a small píate of shilead. Lápiz encarnado, Red ochre. ning metal. 2. Scurf left on the skin after Lapizar, sm. Black lead mine. any sore. Lantérna, sf. (Prov.) Lantern, lanthorn. V. Lapizar, ra. To draw or delinéate with black chalk or black lead. Linterna. Lantía de bitácora, sf. (Nau.) Binnacle-lamp. Lapo, sm. (Coll.) Blow with the flat side of a sword. Lanudo, da, a. Woolly, consisting of wool, Lapsána, sf. (Bot.) V. Lámpsana. clothed with wool, lanigerous, fleecy. Lanuginóso, sa, a. Lanuginous, lanigerous, Lapso, sm. (Law) Lapse or course of time. Laque, sm. Running footman. downy : covered with soft hair. Lanza, sf. 1. Lance, spear, javelin. 2. Pole ofLar, a sm. 1. V. Hogar. 2. A n amphtbious bird. coach or waggon. 3. Pikeman, soldier armed Larário, sm Place where the pagans worshipped with a pike or lance. Lanza en ristre, Ready their house-gods. for action. A punta de lanza, Strenuously, Lardar, Lardear, ra. 1. To baste, to drip oil oí with all might. Lanzas, Duty paid to the butter upon meat on the spit. 2. To beat with Spanish government by the grandees and a stick. nobility of the realm, in lieu of military Ser- Lardero, a. Applied to the Thursday before Lent. vices. Lardo, sm. Lard, the fat or grease of swine and Lanzada, sf. Blow or stroke with a lance. of some other animáis. Lanzadera, sf. Shuttle, the instrument with Lardón, sm. A marginal note, observation oí which the weaver shoots the cross threads. addition in a book or in a proof. Lanzador, ra, s. Thrower, ejecter. Lardosíco, ica, íllo, illa, íto, íta, a. dim. Greasy, Lanzamiento, sm. 1. The act of launching, cast- dirty with grease. ing or throwing. 2. Jaculation, the act of Lardoso, sa, a. Greasy, fatty. throwing missive weapons. 3. Dispossessing, Lares, sm. pl. 1. House-gods of the ancient ejeetment. 4. (Nau.) Flaring of the bows Romans. 2. H o m e . 3. Pot-hooks, hooks on and knuckle-iimbers; rake of the stem and which poto are hung over the fire. sternpost. í/mzamientos, Length of a ship Larga, sf. Delay, procrastination, crastination : from stem to stempost. it is comrronly used in plural. V. Largo. 527 LAS LAf bric, libidinous,flirt,goatish. 2. Luxoriauf, Largamente, ao". Largely, copiously; completely ; liberally, frankly; for a long time. exuberant. Largar, ra. ". To loosen, to slacken. 2. T o let Láser, sm. (Bot.) Benzoin. go, to set at liberty. 3. (Nau.) T o loosen a Laserpício, sm. (Bot.) Laserwort. Laserpisail, to ease a rope. Larga las brazas de la tium, L. gavia, (Nau.) Let go the mato top-saíl braces.Lasitud, sf. Lassítude, weariness, faintness. Larga el lof, (Nau.) U p tack sheets. TodaLiso, sa, a. 1. Weary, tired with labour, subvela larga, (Nau.) A U sails out. Largar el dued by fatigue. 2. Lax, flaccid. cable por el chicote or por ojo, To pay out Lastár, va. T o pay, answer or suffer for another the cable end for end. Largar las velas,Lástima, sf. 1. Grief, compassion, pity, conde(Nau.) T o set sato—rr. 1. (Coll.) T o go off, lence. 2. Object of compassion or pity. Lástima es, It is a pity. to pack away, to pack off one's tools. 2. (Nau.) T o set sail. Lastimar, ra. 1. T o hurt, to wound, to oflénd. Largo, ga, a. 1. Long, of a certain measuie in 2. T o move to compassion, to excite pity, to length. 2. Long, not short: applied to space pity.—rr. T o be moved to compassion, te grieve, to be sorry, to complain. and to time. 3. Long, protracted, not soon ceasing or at an end. 4. Large, generous, Lastimeramente, ad. Sadly, sorrowfidly. free, liberal. 5. Copious. 6. Prompt, expe- Lastimero, ra, a. Sad, doleful, mournful, miserditíous. Largo de lengua, Toofreeand unable, complainable, moving, compassionable, commiserable, lamentable, grievous. guarded in the use of expressions. Largo de uñas, Light-fingered. De largo á largo or áLastimosamente, ad. Miserably, pitifuuy,grievlo largo, Lengthwise. Navegar á lo largo de ously, lamentably, in a doleful manner. la costa, (Nau.) T o navigate along the coastLastimoso, sa, a. Doleful, sad. V. Lastimero. Pasar de largo, T o pass by without stopping. Lásto, sm. Receipt given or belonging to him A la larga, At length, extensively; gently.— who has paid for another. aa*. Largely, profusely. Lastra, sf. (Nau.) Boat, lighter. V. Lancha. . Largo, sm. 1. V. Longitud. 2. (Mus.) Largo. Lastrar, ra. I. (Nau.) T o ballast a ship; to Largomira, sf. (Low) Telescope. put stones, iron or other weighty articles at Largón, na, a. augm. Very long. the bottom of a ship. 2. To keep any thing steady by means of a weight. Vela de lasLargor, sm. Length, the extent of any thing trar, (Nau.) Port-sail. Lancha de lastrar, material from end to end. (Nau.) Ballast-lighter. Largueado, da, a. Striped. V. Listono. Larguero, sm. Jamb-post of a door or window. Lastre, sm. 1. Rough stones which are merely used f o ballast ships or build walls. 2. BalV. Cabezal. . Largueza, sf. 1. Length, extent, largeness, width.last, a weight put at the bottom of ships, to 2. Liberality, generosity, munificence, frank- keep them steady, lastage. Lastre grueso, Heavy ballast Lastre lavado, Washed balness. last. Ir en lastre, T o go in baUast El lasLarguíco, íca, íllo, illa, íto, íta, a. Not very tre se corre, The ballast sbifts. 3. Weight long. motive, judgment Largura, sf. Length, longitude. Lárice, sm. (Bot) Larch-tree. Pinus larix, L. Lata or Hoja de lata, sf. Tin-plate or tinned iron píate. Latos, Laths, ledges. Ponerla Laricino, na, a. Belonging to the larch-tiee. Laríge, a. Applied to a kind of verv red grapes. tas en los techumbres, T o lath. Larínga, sf. Turpentine extracted from the larch-Latamente, aa*. Largely, amply. Latastro, sm. (Arch.) V. Plinto. tree ; Venice turpentine. Laringe, sm. (Anat.) Larynx. the upper part of Latebroso, sa, a. (Obs.) Hiding, concealing from view. the trachea, through which the voice passes. Lateral, a. Lateral, belouging to the side. Laringotomía, sf. (Surg.) Laringotomy. Lateralmente, ad. Laterally. Láro, sm. (Orn.) Gull, sea-gull. Larus, L. Larva, sf. 1. Mask. V. Afoscara and Fantasma.Lateranénse, a. Belonging to the church of St. 2. (Ent.) Larva, grub-state of an insect. Lar- John of Lateran. Latido, sm. 1. Pant, palpitation; motion of the vas, Hobgoblins; lémures. heart. 2. Howltag or barking of a dog aftei Larval, a. 1. Frightful, ghastly. 2. Larvated, game.—pp. oí I/xtir. like a mask. Lasamente, sm. Lassitade, weariness. V. La- Latiente, pa. Palpitating, fluttering. Latigadéra, sf. (Prov.) Shock received by any situd. thing in a cart from the motion. Lasaña, sf. A sort of paste fried in a pan. Latigazo, sm. 1. Lash, crack ofa whip, a jerk. Lasarse, vr. (Obs.) T o fatigue one's self. 2. Unexpected offence. Darlaligazos,To lash Lascar, sm. Lascar, a native seaman or gunner Látigo, sm. 1. Thong or point of a whip. 2. in India. Rope with which any thing to be weighed is Lascar, va. (Nau.) T o ease off, to slacken. Lascar el virador de combes, (Nau.) T o surge fastened to the steelyard. 3. Plume with which a hat is adorned. the capstern. Lascivamente, ad. Lascivíously, lustfully, libi- Latiguear, vn. T o smack or crack with the lash of a whip, to lash or ply the whip. dinously. Lascivia, sf. 1. Luxuriance, luxury ; excess inLatiguera, sf. Coid for fastening to a weight oí balance. delicious fare. 2. Laseiviousness, lewdness, Latiguero, sm. Maker or seller of whip thongs lubricity, lust. oí lashes. Lascivo, va, a. 1. Lascivious, lewd, lustful, lu528 LAU LAV Laura, sf. Solitary situation where the aiiciem Latiguillo, sm. dim. A small whip. Latín, sm. Latin, the Latin tongue. Saber mu- monks had their detached cells. Laurea, sf. A laurel leaf or crown. cho latin, To be full of wit and cunning. Laureado, da, a. and/)/), of laurear, Lauréate, Latinajo, sm. (Coll.) Latin jargon. laurelled. Latinamente, ad. In puré Latin, latinly. Latinar, Latinear, ra. (Obs.) To speak or write Laureando, sm. H e who is to receive a degree in a university. Latin. Laurear, ra. l.To crown with laurel. 2. To Latinidad, sf. Latinity, the Latin tongue. Latinismo, sm. Latinism, a mode of speech pe- gradúate, to dignify with a degree in the univereities. culiar to the Latin idiom. Latinizar, ra. To latinize, to give ñames a La- Lauredal, sm. Plantation of laurel trees. tin termination or to make them Latin.—rn. Laurel, sm. 1. (Bot.) Laurel. Laurus, L. 2. A crown of bays as a reward. To use words borrowed from the Latin. Laurénte, sm. W o r k m a n who takes the mould Latino, na, a. 1. Latin, written or spoken in the from tbe vot m a n in paper-mills. language of the oíd Romans. 2. Belonging to the Latin language, or to the country of Laureóla, sf. A crown of laurel. Laureola hembra, Mezereon daphne. Daphne mezereum, Latium. 3. Applied to the Western church, opposed to the Greek. A la latina, In a L. Laureola macho, Spurge laurel. Daphne lateen or triangular fashion. Veta latina, laureola, L. Lateen sail, of a triangular shape, and used Laurino, na, a. Belonging to laurel. Lauro, sm. 1. Glory, honour, fame, triumph. chiefly in the Mediterranean. Latino, na, s. 1. Latinist, one who knows the 2. (Bot.) V. Lauroceraso. Lauroceraso, Lauro real, sm. (Bot.) C o m m o n Latin language. 2. A native of Latium. Latir, rn. l.To palpítate, to beat at the heart ; laurel or common laurel plum tree. Prunus toflutter.2. To yelp, to bark as a hound in lauruscerasus, L. Lauto, ta, a. Rich, wealthy. pursuit of game. Lava, sf. 1. Washing of metáis in mines. 2 Latitár, vn. (Obs.) To lie concealed, to hide one's Lava, a voleanic production. self. Lavacaras, sm. (Coll.) 1. Water which washed Latitud, sf. 1. Breadth, width, latitude, extent. 2. (Geog.) Latitude, the distance of any point the face. 2. Flatteries or caresses. or object from the equator. Latitud corre-Lavadas, sf. pl. (Prov.) Foul water whicn runs gida, (Nau.) Corrected latitude. Latitud por from a washing place. encima, (Nau.) Latitude by dead reckon- Lavación, sf. Lotion, wash. Lavacro, sm. 1. Washing place, a lavatory 2. ing. Latitud arribada, (Nau.) Latitude come Place where the baptism is administered; to. baptistery. Latitudinal, a. Relating to the latitude. Lavadero, sm. 1. Washing place, where wool Lato, ta, a. Large, díffuse, extensive. and other things are washed. 2. Vat or pit in Latón, sm. Brass, latten, orichalch. which tanners or skinners clean their skins. Latonero, sm. 1. Brazier, a manufacturer who workstobrass. 2. (Bot.) V. Almez. 3. (Prov.) 3. Laundry, the room in which clothes are washed. Little drain. Latones, sm. pl. (Nau.) Laths or ledges of dif-Lavador, ra, s. 1. Washer, one who washes <FOG!. 2. Burnisher, an instrument which ferent thickness, used on board of ships. Latría, sf. Latría, worship, adoration due to serves to clean and brighten fire-arms. Lavadura, sf. 1. Wash, washing, lavation, the God only. act of washing aiiy thing. 2. Composition Latrína, sf. Privy-house. V. Letrina. of water, oil and eggs beat together, in which Latrocinio, sm. V. Ladronicio. glove-leather is prepared. 3. V. Lavazas. Laúd, sf. 1. Luto, a stringed musical instruLavajo, sm. Pool, a small lake of standing water ment. 2. Merchant vessel. where cattle go to drink and clean themLauda, sf. (Obs.) Tombstone. V. Laude, selves ; morass. Laudable, a. Laudable, praiseworthy. Lavamanos, sm. A washing stand in a sacristy. Laudablemente, ad. Laudably. Láudano, sm. Laudanum,- a soporific tincture Lavanco, sm. A kind of wild duck. Lavandera, sf. Laundress, a woman whose emextracted from opium. ployment is to wash clothes. Laudar, ra. (Obs.) To praise. Lavandéro, sm. 1. Washer, he who washes, Laudatorio, ria, a. Laudatory, acclamatory. Laude, sf. 1. A tombstone with an epitaph en- launderer. 2. One who carries and brings graved on it. 2. Prayers read in the Arabic the foul linen to the washing place, to be washed. language at Toledo, and in other places in Spain. Laudes, Lauds, that part of the di- Lavándula, sf. (Obs.) Lavender. V. Espliegc. vine service which is said after matins, and Lavar, ra. 1. To wash, to cleanse by ablution, consisto in praise of the Almighty. A laudes, to lave, to launder. 2. To clear from au im At all hours,frequently.Tocar á laudes, To putation or charge of guilt. 3. To white-wash praise one's self. a wall with lime or chalk. Lavar de lana a Laudémio, sm. (Law) Dues paid to the lord of alguno, (Obs.) T o dive into the truth of any the manor on all transiere of landed property, thing. within the precinct of the manor. Lavativa, sf. 1. Clyster, a medicinal injecticn. Launa, sf. 1. Lamina, a thin piafe of metal. 2 2. A clyster-pipe or any other instrumeut by Schistous day usedforcovering houses. which any clyster is injected VOL. I 529 2 M LEB LEC Lavatorio, sm. 1. Lavátion, the act of washing. Lebréla, sf. Greyhound bitch. 2. Medicinal lotion with which diseased parts Lebrero, ra, a. Applied to dogs for hunting hares. are washed. 3. Ceremony of washing the feet Lebrillo, sm. A g'azed earthen-ware tub or pan. on Holy Thursday. 4. V. Lavamanos. Lavazas, sf. pl. Foul water running from a Lebrón, sm. 1. A large haré. 2. A coward, a poltrón. washing place. Lebroncillo, sm. V. Lebrato. Lave, sm. Washing of metáis in mines. Laxación, sf. Loosening, laxation, the act of Lebruno, na, a. Leporine, of the haré kind. loosening or slackening and the state of being Lección, sf. 1. Art of reading, reading. 2. Lesson, any thing read or repeated to a teacher. loosened or slackened. Laxamiento, s. Laxation, laxity, laxness, loosen- 3. Lecture, a discourse upon any subjed. 4. Lectíon. ing. Laxante, pa. Loosening, softening.—s. and a. Leccionário, sm. Lesson-book of the matins. Lecciontíca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A short lecture or (Med.) Laxative. lesson. Laxar, va. T o loosen, to soften. Lechada, sf. Lime slaked or dissolved in watei. Laxativo, va, a. Laxative, lenient. Lechal, a. 1. Sucking: applied to all animáis Laxidad, sf. V. Laxitud. Laxitud, sf. 1. Lassitude, weariness. 2. Lax- which live upon sucked milk. 2. Lactiferous, milky. ity, laxness. Laxo, xa, a. 1. Lax, slack, not tense ; feeble. Lechar, a. 1. V. Lechal. 2. Applied to the wom a n who has milk in her breast. 2. (Met.) Lax, vague: applied to loóse opiLeche, sf. 1. Milk, the Uquor with which aninions or moráis. Laya, sf. 1. Quality, nature. 2. (Prov.) A two- máis feed their young from the breast. 2, Milk or whitefluidin planto. Cochinillo de pronged instrument, with which the ground leche, Sucking pig Vaca de leche, Milk cow. is turned up. Leche de canela, Oil of cinnamon. Leche de Layador, sm. H e who labours the soil with a gallina or leche de ave, C o m m o n star of two-pronged instrument Layar, ra. T o turn up the ground with a laya, Bethlehem. Omithogalum umbellatum, L or two-pronged instrument. 3. First principie of a science or art. 4. Lazada, sf. 1. Knot formed with aribbon,cord, Blanching of coined silver in México. Herthread, etc. 2. A n y ornament made in the mano de leche, Foster-brother. Leche de los form of a knot. viejos, (Coll.) Oíd wine. Estar alguna cosa Lazareto, sm. Lazaretto, lazaret, a public build- en leche, Not to have attained a state of maing destined for the reception of persons turity. Estar la mar en leche, The sea being coming from places which are suspected of calm and smooth. Mamarlo en la leche, To being infected with the plague, to perform imbibe in one's infancy. Leche de tierra, quarantine. Magnesia. Como una leche, (CoU.) Applied Lazarillo, sm. Boy who guides a blind m a n ; a to any thing very soft and tender. blind person's guide. Lechecillas, sf. pl. 1. Sweetbread of calves, Lazarino, na, a. (Prov.) Leprous, lazarlike, la- lambs and kids. 2. Livers and lights. Lechera, sf. 1. Milkwoman, milkmaíd, daíryzarly. Lázaro, sm. Lazar, a person deformed itnd nau- maid. 2. (Prov.) Milk-pan. 3. (Obs.) V. Litera. 4. <Obs.) Bier. 5. (Mil.) Esplanade. seous withfilthyand pestilential diseases. Lazo, sm. 1. Bow, a slip knot 2. A n y knot oí Lechera, a. Applied to animáis and sometimes to women who are suckling. complication of thread, ribbon, string, etc. 3. Ornament in the shape of a knot. 4. Lechería, sf. Cow-house, dairy, laríary. Snare, trick, scherne. 5. Tye, bond, chain. Lechero, ra, a. (CoU.) Milky, containing milk or having the property of it. 6. The act of decoying, or driving the game to a certain spot.—pl. 1. Figures in dancing. Lechero, sm. I. Milkman, one who sells milk. 2. Flourishes made with the pen. 2. Tan-pit, where the ooze of bark is prepared, Le, pronom. H i m or her, dat. and accus. stag.Lecherón, sm. (Prov.) 1. Mük-pail, milk-vessel. of the personal pronoun el, he or it; and da2. Flannel in which new-b'jrn mfants are rolled. tive of the feminine, ella, she. Leal, a. 1. Loyal, true to government. 2. Faith-Lechetrézna, sf. (Bot.) Spurge. Euphorbia, L. ful, gentle, tame : applied to animáis. Lechigada, sf. 1. Litter, a number of pigs farLeal, sm. Loyalíst. rowed at once. 2. Crowd of people; band of Lealménte, ad. Loyally, faithfully. ruffians. Lealtad, sf. 1. Loyalty,fidelity,faithful attachLechín, sm. 1. Tent, pledget. 2. (Prov.) Olives ment to the laws and government, fealty. rich in oil. 2. Geñtleness towards a master: applied to Lechino, sm. 1. Tent, a roU of lint put into a beasts. sore. 2. Small tumour in horses. Lebeche, sm. South-west wind. Lecho, sm. 1. Bed, a place of repose, a couch. Lebrada, sf. Fricassee made of haré. 2 Litter, straw laid under animáis. Lecho Lebrastón, sm. 1. (Obs.) A n oíd haré. 2. (CoU.) de lobo, Haunt of a wolf. Lecho de respeto, A cunning, crafty fellow. Bed of state. 3. Bedofaiíver; horizontal Lebratíco,filo,íto, sm. dim. A young haré, a surface of a seat. 4. Layer, lay, a stiatum leveret. oí row, a bed, a couch,-one body spread oveí Lebrato, sm. Young haré. another. Lebrel, sm. Greyhound. Canis variegatus, L. Lechon, sm. .. A sucking pig; pig of any size, 530 LEG LEG 2. A dirty fellow in point of dress or manneiLegadór, sm. (Prov.) Day-labourer, whc ties the feet of sheep. of living. Lechona, sf. 1. Sucking female pig. 2. (Coll.) Legadura, sf. Ligature, cord or strap fot tyaig or binding the feet of sheep. A dirty w o m a n in point of dress. Lechoncíco,íllo, íto, sm. dim. A very young pig. Legajíco, íllo, íto, sm. dim. A small bundle oí loóse papera tied together. Lechoso, sa, a. Milky: applied to planto or Legajo, sm. Bundle of loóse papers tied togefruits full of juice. Lechuga, sf. 1. (Bot.) Lettuce. Lactuca, L. 2. ther. Legal, a. 1. Legal, lawful, constitutional. 2. V. lechuguilla for a frill. Loyal, true, faithful iu the performance of Lechugado, da, a. Having leaves like lettuce. duty, punctual. Lechuguero, ra, s. Retailer of lettuce. Legalidad, sf. Legality,fidelity,punctuaüty ; Lechuguíca, íta, sf. dim. A small lettuce. Lechuguilla, sf. 1. (Dim.) Small lettuce. 2. Frill lawfulness, legitimateness, Hcitness. Legalización, sf. Attestation of a signature or formerly worn around the neck. subscription by which an instrument or wriLechuguiuo, sm. Plot of small lettuces. ting is legalized. Lechuza, sf. (Orn.) O w ) . Strix passerina, L. Lechuzo, za, a. 1. Suckling: applied to colts Legalizar, ra.To legalize,to authorize, to m a k e lawful. andfillies.2. Colleeting debts in trust ior Legalménte, ad. Legally, lawfully: faithfully. another. Lechuzo, sm. 1. Nickname of an agent, col- Legamente, ad. Ignorantly, iu an ílhterato manner. lector, or commissioner w h o collects money or debts. 2. Nickname of a person or any Légamo, sm. Slime, m u d or clay left by water. kind of persons w h o are like owls to any of Legamoso., sa, a. Slimy, greasy Légaña, sf. Lippitude, blearedness of eyes. their qualities. 3. Filly one year oíd. Legar, va. 1. T o depute, to send on an embassy. Lecíto, sm. Ancient vase like a bottle. 2. T o bequeath, to leave any particular thing Lecticário, sm. W i t h the R o m a n s , a maker of by a last will or testament. 3. (Obs.) V. sedan-chairs, or a sedan-chairman. Ligar and Llegar. Lectistérnio. sm. Banquet of the heathen gods. Lectivo, va, a. Applied to the time of lecture in Legatario, sm. Legatee, a ^crson to w h o m a legacy is left, legatary. univereities. Lector, ra, s. 1. Reader, one that peruses any Legatína, sf. A kind of stuff m a d e of silk and ivool. thing written. 2. In monastic orders, a lecturer,teacheror professor. 3. In the R o m á n Legenda, sf. (Obs.) Legend, traditionary history of saints, etc. Catholie Church, the second of the four minor Legendario, sm. 1. Legend, a chronicle or reorders. gister of the Uves of saints. 2. Legendary, Lectorádo, sm. Institution of lecturer. author of a legend. Lectora!, 1. sf. A prebendary dignity in cathedral churches of Spain. 2. sm. T h e person Legible, a. Legible, such as m a y be read. Legiblemente, ad. (Littl. us.) Legibly. who enjoys the prebend called lectoral. Lectorál, a. AppUed to the prebend or canonry Legicón, sm. (Littl. us.) Dictionary called lectoral in Spain, and to the preben- Legión, sf. 1. Legión, a R o m á n corps. 2. Legión, an indefinita number. dary who enjoys it. Lectoría, sf. Lectureship, in monastic orders, Legionario, ria, a. Legionary, belonging to a legión. the place and office of a lecturer. Lectura, sf. 1. Reading, lecture, the act of read-Legislación, /. Legislation, collection of the laws of a country. ing. 2. T h e act of teaching by way of lectures. 3. In the Spanish univereities, the Legislador, sm. 1. Legislator, law-giver, lawmaker, one w h o makes laws for a commusubject of any professor's lectures. 4. A disnity. 2. Censor, censurer, he that blames or course delivered in public examination. 5. V. censures. Lectoría. 6. A m o n g printers, small pica, Legisladora, sf. Legísla'ress, a female lawLedamente, ad. Merrily, cheerfully. giver. Ledo, da, a. G a y , merry, cheerful, glad, full of Legislar, ra. 1. T o legislate, to enact laws. 2. T o ceowire, to criticise. Leer, ra. 1. To read or peruse any thing written. 2. To lecture, to instruct formally or pttblicly. Legislativo, va, a. Legislative, lawgivíng; constitutive. 3. T o penétrate into one's inmost thoughts. Lega, sf. A lay-sister w h o serves the c o m m u - Legislatura, sf. Legislature, the power that makes laws. nity. Legacía, Legación, sf. 1. Embassy, legatíon, Legisperito, sm. V . Jurisperito. deputation. 2. Legatoship, office of a légate. Legista, sm. Legist, one skilled in law; a pro3. Message sent by an ambassador or deputy. fessor of laws: a student of jurisprudence. 4. Province of the ecclesiastical sfates go- Legítima, sf. Portion or share of the paternal verned by a legato. 5. Duration of a legate's or maternal estáte, which belongs to the chilembassy or of a legate's government. dren, according to law. Legado, sm. 1. Deputy, ambassador, légate. 2. Legitimación, sf. Legitimation, the act of inLegacy, a particular thing given by last will vesting with the privileges of lawful biith, and testament. legado á látere, A cardinal Legítimamente, ad. Legitiraately, lawfully. plenipotentiary of his bdiness tbe pope to a Legitimar, ra. 1. T o prove, to establish to evisovereign prince. dence. 2. T o legitímate, to procure to any . 531 2 M2 LEN LEN the rights of legitímate birth. 3. T o make Lencera, sf. A w o m a n dealer in Unen; the wifi legitímate or adequate; to legalize. of a linen-draper. Legitimidad, sf. Legitímacy, legitimateness; Lencería, sf. 1. Sortment of linen of different legality, lawfuluess. sorts; plenty of linen. 2. Linen-draper's shop; Legítimo, m a , a. Y. Legitímate, born in mar- Unen-hall, where linen is sold. 3. Línea riage, lawfuUy begotten. 2. True, certain. trade. 3. Legal. Lencero, ra, s. Linen-draper or linen-man, dealeí Lego, sm. 1. Layman, laic, one of the people in linen. distinct from the clergy. 2. Lay-brother or Lendél, sm. Circle described by a horse turning a wheel to raise water out of a well. lay-friar, a person admitted for the service of a religious body. Carta de legos, Decree Lendrera, sf. A cióse comb for taking out nits. which exeludes an ecclesiastic judgefromthe Lendrero, sm. Place full of nits. cognizance of civil causes.—a. 1. Laical, lay, Lendróso, sa, a. Nitty, full of nits on hair. laic. 2. Ignorant, illiterate. Lene, a. (Obs.) Mild, soft, bland. Legón, sm. Spadei Lengua, sf. 1. Tongue, the organ of speech in Legoncíllo, sm. dim. A small spade. human beings; the parí by which animáis Legra, sf. Trepan, surgeon's instrument. lick. 2. Language, tongue of a nation as Legración, Legradúra, sf. Act of trepanning. distinct from others, idiom. 3. Interpreter. Legrar, va. T o trepan, to perfórate the skull 4. Information, advice. 5. Speech, discutirse. with a trepan. 6. Tongue or needle of a balance. 7. ClapLegua, sf. League, a linear measure; 17| Spa- per of a bell. Lenguas, In the order of nish leagues make a geographical degree: Malia, the provinces into which the posses8000 Spanish yards make a Spanish league sions of the order are divided. Lengua del or nearly four English miles. A legua, á la agua, At the edge of the water. Lengua de legua, á leguas, de cien leguas, de muchas tierra, Neck of land running out into the sea. leguas or desde media legua, Very far, at a Con la lengua de un palmo, or con un palmo great distance. de lengua, With great anxiety or eagerness. Leguílla, sf. V. Liguilla. 7e»er algo en el pico de la lengua, To have Legumbre, sm. 1. Pulse, leguminous plants; any thing at the tongue's end. Lengua sabia, Learned language. Lengua canina ot pot-herbs, garden-stuff, iegume or legumen, a*e perro, (Bot.) Hound's-tongue. Cynoglosa pod or thefruitof leguminous plants. 2. sum, L. Lengua de buey, (Bot.) C o m m o n (Joc.) The people distinct from the clergy.— bugloss. Anchusa officinalis, L. Lengua pl. (Prov.) Greens. Leguminoso, sa, a. (Bot.) Leguminous: applied cerval, Hart's-tongue or common hait'stongue. Asplenium scolopendrium, L. to the plants or vegetables which bear leLenguado, sm. (Ichth.) So^e. Pleuronectos solea gumes or pods. et Unguatula, L. Leíble, a. Legible, readable. Leído, da, a. Having read much, book-learned. Lenguage, sm. 1. Language, idiom, speech. 2. Language, style, manner of expression or pp. oí Leer. manner of speaking or writing. Lenguage Leijár, Lejár, ra. (Obs.) V. Dejar. bajo or obsceno, Ribaldry. Leíla, sf. A Moorish dance. Lenguarada, sf. V. Lengüetada. Leímma, sm. Interval of music. Lenguaraz, a. 1. Languaged, having various Lejanía, sf. Distance, remoteness in place. languages. 2. Fluent, voluble: applied to Lejano, na, a. Distant, remote, far. Lejía, sf. 1. Lie or lye, water boiled with ashes, one who expresses himself with ease and propriety. 3. Forward, petulant. 4. Talkative, and thus impregnated with an alkaline salt freetongued. It is sometimes used as a sub2. (Met.) Severe reprehensión. stantive for a linguist. Lejío, sm. A m o n g dyers, üe. Lenguaz, a. Loquadous, garrulous. Lejiviál, a. Lixivia!. Lejos, ad. At a great distance, far off. Buen Lengüeár, ra. (Obs.) To spy, to watch and observe. lejos, Looking best at a distance. Lejos, sm. l.Perspective, distant prospect. 2. Lengiiedca, fila, íta, sf. dim. A small tongue. (Met.) Similarity, appearance, resemblance. Lengüeta, sf. 1. (Dim.) A small tongue. 2, Languet, any thing cut in the form of a A lo lejos, de lejos, de muy lejos or desde lejos, tongue. 3. (Anat.) Epiglottis. 4. Needle of At a great distance. a balance. 5. Bookbinüer's cutting-knifé. í>. Lejos, jas, a. Distant, very remote: generally The iron point of an arrow, of afish-hookof used in the feminine. an anchor, etc. 7. (Arch.) Buttress; movldLejuélos, ad. dim. At a little distance. ing. 8. Borer used by saddlers and chairLelilí, sm. War-hoop of the Moors. makers. Lengüetas, Movable plates M valves Lelo, la, a. Stupid, ignorant, crazy. in musical wind instruments. Lema, sm. 1. Argument of a poem explained in the title; motto. 2. L e m m a , a propositíon Lengüetada, sf. The act of ticking. Lengüetería, sf. Collection of tubes with valvea previously assumed. in an organ. Léme, sf. (Nau.) Tiller. Lengüezuela, sf. dim. A small tongue. Leméra, sf. (Nau.) V. Limera. Lemosln, na, a. Relating to the Lemosiu lan- Lengüetero, ra, a. (Littl. us.) Languaged. Lenidad, sf. Lenity, mildness, favour. guage or that of the Troubadours. Leniénte, sm. (Med.) Lenient, an emollient Ltímosín, sm. The Lemosin language. Lenificar, ra. T o lenify, to soften. V. Suavizar, Lén, a. Applied to soft untwísted silk. 53¿ LEP LET Lepidoctéra, sf. (Ent.) Lepidoctcra. Lenificativo, va, a. Mollifying, softening. Lepra, sf. Leprosy, a loathsome distompeí Lenír, ra. (Obs.) To mollify, to assuage. Lenitivo, va, a. Lenitive, assuasive, lenient, mi- which covers the body with a kind of white scale. tigant. Leprosidád, sf. (Med.) Leprousness. Lenitivo, sm. EmoUient, mitigator, lenient. Lenizar, ra. (Littl. us.) T o soften, to mollify. Leproso, sa, a. Leprous, leperous.—s. Leper. Lenocinio, sm. Pimping, pandering. V. Alca- Lerda, sf. (Veter.) V. Lerdón. Lerdamente, aa". Slowly, heavi'.y, lumpishly huetería. obtusely. Lenón, sm. (Obs.) V. Alcahuete. Lerdez, sf. Slowness, tardiness, heaviness. Lentamente, ad. Slowly, heavily, lazily, lingerLerdo, da, a. Slow, heavy ; dull of compreheningly. " Lente, sf. Lens, a glass spherically convex on siou, lumpish, obtuse, fat-witted or fatbrained. both sides. Lenteja, sf. (Bot.) Lentil. Cicer lens, L. Len-Lerdón, sm. (Veter.) Tumour in a horse's pastera. teja de agua, Gibbous duck-weed. Lemna Lesión, sf. Hurt, damage, wound ; injury, gibba, L. Lentejuela, sf. Spangle, a small píate of gold or wrong. Lesivo, va, a. Prejudicial, injurious. silver used in embroideries. Lesna, sf. Awl, a pointed instrument to bore Lenteza, sf. (Obs.) Slowness. holes. Lenticular, a. Lenticular, in the form of a Lesnordéste, sm. (Nau.) Eastnorth-east wind. lentil. Lentisco, sm. (Bot.) Mastich-tree. Pistacia len-Leso, sa, «. Wounded, hurt, damaged; perverted. Lesa magestad, Leze majesty. tiscus, L. Lest, sm. (Obs.) 1. Last, a certain weight oí Lentitud, sf. Slowness, sluggishness, leutitude, measure. 2. East, Levant. sluggish coldness, lentor. Lento, ta, a. 1. Slow, sluggish, tardy, heavy, Leste, sm. East wind; east. long, lingering. 2. (Med.) Glutinous. 3. Lesuéste, sm. (Nau.) East-south-east wind. Letal, a. Mortal, deadly, destructive, lethal. (Mus.) Largo. Letame, sm. (Obs.) Mud, mire to manure the Lentór, sm. Lentor, a viscous humour. soil. Lenzuelo, sm. Handkerchief. Letanía, sf. 1. Litany, a form of supplicatory Leña, sf. Wood, timber. Leñador, ra, s. Woodman, wood-cutter, dealer in prayer. Letanías, Supplicatory processions. 2. (Coll.) List or enumeration of many wood. things. Leñar, ra. To cut wood. Letárgico, ca, a. Lethargic, lethargical. Leñera, sf. Place for fire-wood. Letargo, sm. Lethargy, a morbid drowsiness. Leñázgo, sm. Pile of wood or timber. Leñero, sm. 1. Timber-merchant. 2. Timber- Letéo, a, a. (Poet.) Lethean, letheed. Leticia, sf. (Obs.) Joy, mirth. yard, where timber is sold. 3. A logman. Leño, sm. 1. Block, a heavy piece of timber; a Letífero, ra, a. Lethrferous, deadly, that which is the cause or sign of death. log; the trunk of a tree cut down. 2. (Poet) Ship, vessel. 3. (Met.) Person of little talent Letificante, pa. Exhilarating. or abiUty. Leño hediondo, (Bot.) V. He- Letificar, ra. (Littl. us.) T o rejoice, to make merry. diondo. Letíjo, sm. (Obs.) V. Litigio. Leñoso, sa, a. Woody, ligneous, frithy. León, sm. 1. Lion. Felis leo, L. León pardo, Letra, sf. 1. Letter, one of the elements of syllables. 2. Hand, chaiacter or peculiar manV. Leopardo. 2. .(Astr.) Leo, thefifthsign ner of writing. 3. Letter, type, a printing of the zodiac. 3. (Met.) A n irritable and letter. 4. Motto, inscription. 5. A kind of cruel person. Spanish poetical composition. 6. Words of a Leona, sf. Lioness, the female of the lion. Leonado, da, a. Lion-coloured, reddish yeliow ; song. 7. Letter, the verbal expression, the literal meaning, the grammatical sense of a fallow. phrase. 8. A n arithmetical character, a Leoncíco, íllo, íto, sm. Whelp of a lion. Leonera, sf. Cage or place where lions are shut cipher. 9. (Coll.) Sagacity, acuteness. Letra up; a menagery where there are many lions. or letra de cambio, Bill of exchange. A la letra, Literally. punctually, entirely. 7ener Leonero, sm. 1. Keeper of lions. 2. Master of mucha letra, To be very artful and cunning. a gambling house. Leónica, sf. Vein or gland under the tongue: Letras, 1.Letters, learning; the learned piochiefly used of horses. fessions. 2. Rescript, dispatch. 3. (Prov.) Leonino, na, a. 1. Leonine, belonging to lions. Certification, testimony. Letras humanas, 2. Leonine verses are those of which the end V. Humanidades. Tener las letras gordas, rhymes to the middle. To be dull or ignorant in point of sciences Leonina, sf. Elephantiasis, kind of leprosy. and learning. Leontepetalón, sm. (Bot.) A plant, the root of Letrada, sf. (CoU.) Lawyer's wife. which is an antidote for the poison of a snake. Letradería, Letraduría, sf. 1. (Low) Body or Leonuro, sm. (But.) Lion's-tail. Phlomis leonusociety of lawyers, inn. 2. A foolish speech rus, L. uttered with an air of dignity and imporLeopardo, sm. Leopard, a spotted beast of prey, tance. Felis pardus, L. Letrado, da, a. 1. Learned, erudito, letteied. '¿ Lepidio, sm. (Bot.) Pepper-wort. Lepidium, L. (Coll.) Vain, presumptuous. 533 LEV UB Letiádo, sm. Lawyer, professor of law ; advóderne. Levantar la cerviz, (Mtt.) T o exaít; cate, counsellor. A lo letrado, A s a lawyer, to extol one's self. Levantar polvareda, To like a counsellor. raise a dust, (o excite disturbances. Levantar Letradúra, sf. (Obs.) V . Literatura. el caballo, T o drive a horse at the gallop. Letrero, sm. A n inscription, a title, any thing Levantar la mesa, T o clear the table. Levanwritten or engraved to commemorate, give tarse con algo, T o take possession of any notice, etc.; a legend on medals or cotas. thing. Letrilla, sf. 1. (Dim.) A small letter. 2. A Levante, sm. 1. Levant, particularly the coasts short poem, generally written to be sung to of the Mediterranean east of Italy. 2. Rise, music. the act of gettíng up. 3. East; east-wind. Letrina, sf. Privy, necessary-house, little-house. Estar de levante, T o be ready to set sail. Letrón, sm. avgm. A large letter. Comercio de Levante, T h e Levant trade. Letrónes, sm. pl. Capital letters or large charac- Levantino, na, Levantisco, ca, a. Levadme, ters written at the door of churches. relating or belonging to the Levant. Letúra, sf. A m o n g printers, small pica. Levar, va. 1. (Obs.) T o carry, to transport. 2, Leudar, va. T o ferment the mass of dough with (Nau.) T o weigh anchor. leven. Leve, a. Light, of little weight; frifiing. Leudo, da, a. Fermented, levened: appUed to Levedad, sf. Lightíiess, levity; inconstaucy. bread. Levemente, ad. Lightly, gently; veniaUy. Leva, sf. 1. (Nau.) Act of weighing anchor. Leviatán, sm. Leviathan, a water animal. Pieza de leva, Shot fired as a signal for Levigár, va. (Littl. us ) T o levigate. weighing anchor. 2. Levy, the act of raising Levita, sm. 1. Levite, one of the tribe of Levi. m e n for military service ; press. 3. (Nau.) 2. V . Diácono. SweU of the sea. Hay mar de leva, There Levita, sf. Great-coat, frock-coat is a swell in the offing.—pl. 1. Tricks, artful Levítico, sm. 1. B o o k of Leviticus. 2. (Coll.) devices. 2. In powder-mills, the lifters, which Ceremonial used in any festival. raise the pounding pestles. Levítico, ca, a. (Coll.) Levitical, príesfly. Levada, sf. 1. Silkworm which moves from one Lexicografía, sf. Lexicography, the art of wriplace to another. 2. Salute orflourishm a d e ting dictionaries. with thefoilby fencers before they set to. V. Lexicógrafo, sm. Lexicographer, author or writet Llevada. of a dictionary. Levadéro, ra, a. That which is to be demanded. Ley, sf. 1. L a w , a decree, edict, ordinance, Levadizo, za, a. That can be lifted or raised. constitution or statute publicly established. Levadura, sf. 1. Ferment, leven, yeast, Ieaven. 2. L a w , a ride of action. 3. Loyalty, faith2. Board cut off from a piece of timber, to ful attachment to a superior or master. 4. . give it the proper dimensión. Religión. 5. Alloy, base metal mixed in coinLevantada, sf. (CoU.) Rise, the act of rising. age with gold or silver, to render it harder. Levantadamente, aa*. In an elevated oí exalted Ley del encaje, (Coll.) Dictamen of a judge manner. without regard to the laws. Ley de la trampa, Levantador, ra, s. 1. O n e w h o raises or lifts up. Fraud, deceit. A la ley, W i t h propriety and 2. Disturber, he that excites disturbances. 3. neatness A toda ley, Perfectly, according to (Surg.) Levator. rule.—pl. 1. B o d y or collection of laws. 2. Study and profession of the law. Levantamiento, sm. 1. Elevation, the act of raising; sublimity. 2. Insurrection, revolt, Leyenda, sf. Reading, lecture, legend, what is read. rebellion, commotion. 3. (Prov.) Balance of Lézda, sf. Ancient tax on merchandise. accounts. Levantar, ra. I. T o raise, to lift or to lift up, f o Lía, sf.l.A thin bass-rope. 2. H u s k of pressed grapes. Estar hecho una lia, (Coll.) T o be heave, to get up, to hold up, to hang up, to tipsy. mount, to set upright. 2. T o build up, to raise, to erect a building. 3. T o raise, to ex- Liar, ra. T o tie,tobind, to fagot.—rr. T o contract an alliance. Liarlas, (Met. Coll.) To cite to tumult or war, to stir up. 4. T o imelope, to die. pute or attribute falsely. 5. T o rouse, to raise, to excite to action. 6. T o elévate, to Liara, sf. (Prov.) V . Aliara and Cuerna. aggrandize, to promote. 7. T o rouse or Liaza, sf. Collection of hoops used by coopers. start game. 8. T o cut the cards. 9. T o Libación, sf. Libatiou, pouring out wine for a sacrifice. levy, to raise m e n for military service. 10. T o increase, to enlarge. 11. T o raise the Líbamíénto, sm. T h e offering in ancient sacrifices. voice, to utter loudly. 12. T o raise, to occasion ; to begin. — r r . 1. T orise,to change a Libar, ra. 1. To suck, to sip,toextract the juice; to taste. 2. T o perform a libatiou. jacent or recumbent to an erect posture, to get up from a fall. 2. T o rise, to get up Libelar, ra. T o petition, to sue at law. from bed. 3. T o stand up. 4. T orise,to Libelático, ca, a. AppUed to the Christians who renounced the Christian religión in a writteii have more elevation than some other thing. declaration, for which the R o m á n emperors 5. T o rise, to break in commotions or insurexempted them from persecution. rections. 6. T o start or to rise suddenly: applied to game. Levantar falso testimonio,Libelista, sm. (Littl. us.) Libeller, authoi of libéis. T o accuse falsely. Levantar la casa, T o break up house, to move to another place. Libelo, sm. 1. Petition, libel; a declaration of charge in writing against a peison to Levantar velas (Met.) T o abandon one's resi534 LIB L1B rourt. 2. A defamatory writing, lampoon, 2. In cora-milis, a shoe with a hole and libe!. feeder, through which fhe corn falls tato the Liberal, a. 1. Liberal, generous, free, open, eye of the millstone. 3. Store-keeper of the large, munificent, openhearted; handsome, king's mews. 4. Copper shovel, used by gro fair. 2. Quick in the performance of a thtog; cers and confectioners to take out dry sweetbrisk, active. 3. Liberal: applied to the arts meats, brown sugar, etc. as opposed to mechanics Libramiento, sm. 1. (Littl. us.) Delivery, the act Liberalidad, sf. Liberality, generosity, largeness, of delivering. 2. (Obs.) Deliverance, the act of freeing from captívity. 3. Warrant, ordei munificence,frankness,openheartedness; gallantry. of payment. Liberalizar, ra. T o Uberalize: it is a modern Librancista, sm. 1. O n e w h o holds a warrant oí word. order of payment. 2. Clerk w h o draws up Liberalménte, ad. Liberally, expeditíously, warrants. largely, munificently, generously, frankly, Librante, sm. Solicitor, procurator. freely. Libranza, sf. V. Libramiento for a wanant. Liberamént, Liberaménte, ad. (Obs.) V . Libre- Librar, ra. 1. T o free, to deliver, to rid from mente. danger, to extricate, to exempt, to rid out of; to preserve or clear from any thing ill. 2. Libérrimo, m a , a. sup. Most free. Libertad, sf. 1. Liberty, freedom, the power of T o give a warrant or order for paying a doing without inconvenience what is not concertain sum. 3. T o dispatch, to expedite. 4. (Obs.) T o give leave to converse to the trary to the laws or established customs. 2. parlour: applied to nuns. 5. T o commit, to Liberty, freedom, as opposed to slavery. 3. intrust 6. T o decide, to sentence. 7. T o draw Liberty, freedom, the state of one w h o is not a bilí or money. Librar bien or mal, T o get a prisoner: 4. Liberty, freedom, license, assumed familiarity, relaxation of restraint over a thing well or ill. A bien or o buen librar, T h e best that could possibly happen. 5. Liberty, freedom, exemption, privilege, immunity. 6. Freedom, agility, address, Libratorio, sm. V. Locutorio. alacrity; independenee; freeness. Librázo, sm. 1. ( A u g m . ) A large book. 2. Blow with a book. Libertadamente, aa*. Freely. Libertado, da, a. I. Líbertine, impudent. 2. Libre, a. I. Free, uncumbered, unrestrained; Free, ungoverned. 3. Idle, disengaged;—pp. independent; unembarrassed. 2. Free, at liberty, not enslaved, not a prisoner. 3. Free, oí Libertar. exempt, privileged. 4. Free, innocent, guilt Libertador, ra, s. Deliverer, liberator. Libertar, va. 1. T o free, to set at liberty, to less. 5. Single, unmarried. 6. Free, Ubermake free, to loóse or to set loóse, to set free, tine, loóse, unrestrained, frank, Ucentíous, impudent. 7. Rash, bold, forward, thoughtless. to libérate. 2. T o exempt, to free,toexcuse, to clear from an obligation ordebt, to acquit. 8. Latitudinarian. 9. Free, dear from distress. 3. T o free, to rid from, to clear from any It has been lately used as a substantive. Librea, sf. Livery, clothes given to servante. thing ill. 4. T o preserve. Liberttoáge, sm. Libertiiiism, licentiousness of Librear, ra. T o weigh, to sell or distribute by opinión or practice ; libertinage, license, irre- pouuds. ligión. Libréjo, sm. dim. A little book, a pamphlet Libertino, na, s. Child of a freed m a n . — a . Libremente, ad. Freely ; boldly ; a»rdaciously, Libertine, irreligious, dissoluto, impudent, impudently. licentious, lewd. Librería, sf. 1. Bookseller's shop, stationer's Liberto, sm. A freed m a n , an emancipated shop. 2.Profession and trade of a bookseller. slave. 3. Library, a large collection of books. 4, Líbi, sm. A t Buenos Ayres, an instrument with Library, the apartment which contains a colwhich the Indiaus catch ostriches. lection of books properly arranged. Libicoáfrico, sm. Westerly wind. Librero, sm. Bookst Her, one w h o deals in books. Libiconóto, sm. South-west wind. Libreta, sf. 1. Small pound of twelve ounces; Libidinosamente, ad. Libidinously. the troy-weight pound. 2. Loaf of bread Libidinoso, sa, a. Libidinous, lewd, lustful, luxwhich weighs sixteen ounces. 3. S m a U urious. memorandum-book. Líbítum (Ad), ad. (Lat.) A t will. Líbrete, sm. 1. (Dim.) A small book. 2. Small Libra, sf. 1. Pound, a certain weight, consistvessel with coals used by w o m e n for warming ing in general of sixteen ounces in Spain. their feet. Libra medicinal, Pound of twelve ounces, Librílla, sf. dim. A small pound. used to weigh medicines. Xi'ira carnicera, Libríco, íto, sm. dim. A small book. Flesh-pound of fhirty-six ounces. 2. Libra Librillo, sm. 1. (Dim.) V. Librico. 2. (Obs.) V . esterlina, A pound storling. Libra tornesa, Lebrillo. A French livre. 3. In oil-mills, weight with Libro, sm. 1. Book, a volume in which we read which the husks of olives are pressed. 4. or write. 2. Book, a división or part of a (Astr.) Libra, sign of the zodiac. v/ork. 3. (Met.) Contribution, impost, fax. Libradlo, sm. (Coll.) A n oíd worm-eaten book Libro de Libro becerro, Doomsday-book. orpamphlet; abad book. caja, A merchant's book, a cash-book. Libro Libración, sf. Libration, the state of being bade asiento or libro de cuentas, Accountbook, lanced. Libro de facturas, lnvoice-book. Libro del Librador, sm. 1. Deliverer, one who sets at liberty, diario, (Ñau.) Journal. Libro en blanco, 535 LIE LIG A paper-book. Libro mayor, Ledger. Libro Liencecíco, íllo, íto, sm. dim. Little linen cloth. de memoria, Memorandum-book. Libro de Liendre, sf. Knit or nit, the egg of a louse. las cuarenta hojas, Pack of cards. Libro verde, Lientéra, Lientéria, sf. Lientery, diarthoea which Book for topographical and genealogical recarries off' the food undigested. marks ; also the compiler of such writings. Lientérico, ca, a. Lienteric. Libróte, sm. augm. Large book: applied in Liento, ta, a. D a m p , moist general to a bad book. Lienzo, sf. 1. Linen, cloth made offlaxo Libúrnica, sf. A kind of light vessel. hemp. Lienzo encerado, Glazed Unen, Licantropía, sf. Lycanthropy, violent insanity. Lienzo curado, Bleached Unen, 2. HandkerLicencia, sf. 1. Permission, leave, license, chief. 3. Painting on Unen. 4. (Fort.) Curliberty. 2. Liceniiousness, contempt of just tain, the part of a rampart which runs between restraint, looseness, excessive freedom oí two bastions, or jotos theflanksthereof. 5. liberty. 3. Degree of licentiate. Face or front of a building Licendaclíllo, sm. Nickname given to a little Lievár, ra. (Obs.) V. Llevar ridiculous person dressed in clerical habito. Lifára, sf. (Prov.) V. Alifara. Licenciado, sm. 1. Licentiate, a degree in Spa- Liga, sf. 1. Garter, a string orribandby which nish universitíes, and the person who has the stocking is held upon the leg. 2. (Bot.) taken that degree. 2. (CoU.) A n y scholar in Mistletoe. Viscum albura, L. 3. Bird-Ume oí the Spanish univereities. 3. Appellation of lime. 4. League, coalition, coufederacy, comjurisconsulto, although doctors. bination, faction, covenant, consociatíon, aUoy. Licenciado, da, a. and pp. oí Licenciar, Licensed; 5. V. Ley, for aUoy. vainglorious. Ligación, sf. 1. Ligation, act of tying. 2. Licénciamiento, sm. The act of taking the degree Union, mixture. of licentiate. Ligadas, sf. pl. (Print.) Ligatures. Licenciar, ra. 1. T o permit, to allow; to Ucense; Ligado, da, a. and pp. oí Ligar, Tied, bound, to licentiate. 2. T o license, to dísmiss, to leagued, confedérate. send away. 3. To make a licentiate.—vr. To Ligado, sm. (Mus.) Star. beeome dissolute. Ligadura, sf. 1. Ligature, any thing tied round Licenciosamente, aa". Licentiously. another. 2. Ligation, ligature, the act of Licencioso, sa, a. Licentious, dissolute, free, binding. 3. (Surg.) Ligature. 4. Subjecloóse. tion. 5. V. Maleficio. 6. (Nau.) Seizing, Liceo, sm. Lyceum, a public school. the fastening of two ropes with a thin Une; Licéra, sf. (Prov.) V. Lisera. lashing. Dar una ligadura, (Nau.) To seize. Lichera, sf. (Prov.) Woollen cover of a bed. Ligagámba, sf. (Obs.) Garter. V. Liga. Licio, sm. (Bot.) Box-thorn. Lycium, L. Ligálio, sm, (Prov.) V. Mesta. Lición, sf. (Obs.) V. Lección. Ligamáza,s/.Viscous or glutinous matter around Lícitamente, ad. LawfuUy, justly, licitly. some fruits. Lícito, ta, a. Licit, lawful; just. Ligamento, sm. 1. (Anat.) Lígament, ñame of Licopodio, sm. Lycopodium. some elastic and strong cords conneettog the Licor, sm. 1. Liquor, any thing liquid. 2. extremities of the movable bones. 2. LigaLiquor, strong drink, spirits. ment, bond, chain, entanglement. Licoroso, sa, a. Applied to generous wine, which Ligamentoso, sa, a. Ligamentous, ligamento! is spiritous aiid aromatic. Ligamiento, sm. 1. Union, act of tying or unitLictór, sm. Lictor, aminister of justice in ancient ing. 2. Union, concord. 3. (Übs.) LígaRome. ment. Licuable, a. Liquable, that may be melted. Ligar, ra. 1. To tie, to bind, to fasten, to knit; Licuación, sf. Liquation, liquefaction, the act to confix, to constrict. 2. T o allay or of melting. mix base metáis with gold or silver, to render Licuar, ra. T o üquefy,todissolve, to melt. themfitterforcoinage. 3. To league, to coaLicuescencia, sf. Liquescency, aptness to melt. lesee, to confedérate. 4. To render impotent Licuescente, a. Liquescent, melting. by charms or spells. 5. T o exorcise, to puLid, sm. Conflict, contest,fight;dispute, argu- rify from the influence of malignaut spirits. •—rr. 1. To league,toconspire, to conjoin, to ment. be leagued, to be aUied. 2. To bind one's Lidiador, sm. Combatant; one who pubUcly self to the performance of a contract disputes or argües. Lidiar, vn. Tofight,to oppose, to contend.—ra. Ligazón, sf. 1. Union, contextura, confixure, connexion, ligament, bond. 2. (Nau.) FuttockT o run orfightbulls. timbers, the compass-timbers which form the Lidio, a. (Mus.) Lydian, a spedes of ancient music. breadth of a ship. Navio que carece de ligaLiebrastón, sm. Leveret, a small or young haré. zones, A ship slightly built. Liebrático, sm. Young haré. Ligeramente, ad. Swiftly, lightly, easily; gidLiebre, sf. 1. Haré. Lepus, L. 2. Coward dily, without reflection. poltrón. Coger una liebre, T o fall into m u dLigereza, sf. 1. Lightness, celerity,fleetness,agior mire.—pl. 1. (Nau.) Racks or ribs. 2. lity, nimbleness. 2. Levity, unsteadiness, (Nau.) Dead-eyes. incoustauey, fickleness, facility, flippaney, Liebrecíca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A young or a smaUflirfation. 3. Lightness, want of weight. ligereza de manos, Legerdemain, juggle. haré. Ligero, ra, a. 1. Light, of little weight 2. Light. Liebrecílla, sf. (Bot.) V. Azulejo. thin : applied to stuff or cloth. 3. Swiftilight, Liebrezuéla sf. dim. V. Liebrecíca. 536 L1M LIM active, nimble, fleet. 4. Light, gay, airy, uu- Limitar, ra. I. T o limit, to confine within certain bounds, to narrow. 2. T o form bounsteady, giddy. 5. Light, trifling. 6. Easily daries, to establish limito. 3. T o restrain, to digestible: applied to food. 7. Cnsound, not circumscribe ; to coarct, to reduce expense. calm: applied to sleep. Ligero de dedos, Light fingered. A la ligera, Lightly, expe- Límite, sm. Limit, boundary, bound, bordei ditíously. De ligero, Rashly; easily. confine. Limitrófe, a. Limiting, conterminous, limitaneLigeruéla, a. Applied to early grapes. Ligio, a, a. Liege, bound by some feudal tenure. ous, limitary : applied to frontier provinces. Ligaumcrúcis, sm. Relique of the cross of Christ. Limo, sm. (Prov.) Slime, mud. Limón, sm. 1. L e m o n , the fruit of the lemonLigóna, sf. (Prov.) V. Azada. tree. 2. (Bot.) Lemon-tree. Citrus medica, Ligoméla, a. V. Lsgeruela. L. 3. V . Limonera. Liguilla, sf. Kind of narrow riband. Limonada, sf. Lemonade, a liquor m a d e of waLigúsfico, sm. (Bot.) Lovage. Ligusticum, L. ter, sugar and the juice of lemons. LimoLigustro, sm. (Bot.) Privet. V . Alheña. nada de vino, A cool tankard. Lija, sf. 1. (Ichth.) Dog-fish. 2. Skin of the Limonado, da, a. Lemon-coloured. dog-fish. Limonáge, sm. (Nau.) T h e act of boats and Lijar, ra. T o smooth, to polish. Lila, sf. 1. (Bot.) Lilac-tree. Syringa vulgaris, pilot-barges going out of a harbour, to work or pilot a vessel into port. L. 2. Lilacfiower.3. A kind of light woollen Limonar, sm. Plantation of lime-trees. stuff of various eolours. LimoncíÜo. sm. dim. A small lemon. Lilac, sm. (Bot.) Lilac, V . Lila. Lilaila, sf. 1. Thin woollen stuff. 2. Ridiculous Limonera, sf. Shaft of a cart. Limonero, sm. (Bot.) Lemon-tree. Citrus meimpertinence. 3. Prank, trick. Lilao, sm. (Littl. us.) Ostentation, ambitious dica, L. Limonero, ra, s. Dealer in lemons.—a. Applied display, outward show. to the shaft horses in carriages etc. Lililí, sm. War-hoop of the Moors. Limosidad, sf. 3. Sliminess. 2. Foulness or Lima, sf. 1. (Bot.) Lime-tree, Citrus limerta, Ris. matter between teeth. 2. Lime, the fruit of the lime-tree. 3. File, an instrument to cut or smooth metáis. 4. (Met.) Limosna, sf. Alms, charity. Correction,finish,polish. 5. Channel in the Limosnero, sm. Almoner, the officer employed in the dístribution of charity.—a. Charitable. roof of a house for the water to pass to the eaves. Lima sorda, (Met.) That which im- Limoso, sa, a. Slimy, muddy, limous. Limpia, sf. Cleansing, the act of cleaning, cleanperceptibly consumes any thing. sing or freeing from dirt. Limador, sm. (Prov.) Fíler. Limadura, sf. 1. Act of filing. 2. Filíng, lima-Limpia chimeneas, sm. (Prov.) Chímney sweeper. ture, metallic fragment rubbed off by the file.Limpiadera, sf. 1. A kind of Crush to clean Limalla, sf. Filings. clothes. 2. Comb-brush. Limar, va. 1. T ofile,to cut with a file. 2. T o Limpiadientes, sm. Toothpick. gnaw, to eorrode. 3. T ofile,to polish; to Limpiador, ra, s. Cleanser, scourer. give the finishing stroke to literary produc- Limpiadura, sf. Cleansing or act of cleansing. tions. — p l . Dirt thrown away in cleaning any thing. Limatón, sm. Coarse round file. Limpiamente, ad. Cleanly, neatly; purely; sirr Limaza, sf. Snail. Limax, L. cerely, faithfully. Limazo, sm. Viscosity, sliminess. Limpiamiento, sm. Act of cleaning or cleansing. Limazón, sm. Slug, a snail or slimy animal Limpiar, va. 1. T o clean, to scour, to cleanse, without a shell. to dear, to m a k e clean, to absterse, to rainiLimbo, sm. 1. Limbo, a región assigned to the dify. 2. T o purify, to clear from guilt. 3. departed souls of children. 2. (Ast ) Limb, T o pursue, to persecute. 4. (Coll.) T o steal. edge or border of the sun and of the moon. Limpiar las faldriqueras á uno, T o pick one's Limen, sm. (Poet.) V. Umbral. pockets.—rr. T o clear one's self from imLimera, sf. 1. Shop-woman w h o sellsfilesor putad guilt. limes. 2. (Nau.) Helmport, where the tiller Limpieza, sf. 1. Cleanness, cleanliness, neatis fastened to the rudder of the ship. ness, curiosity, límpidness. 2. Chastity, puLimero, sm. 1. Shopkeeper w h o sellsfilesor rity of moráis. 3. Integrity, rectitude ; dislimes. 2. (Bot.) Lime-tree. Citrus timetta, ínterestedness. 4. Purity of blood. Limpieza Ris. de bolsa, of the purse. Limeta, sf. Phial, a small bottle. Limpio, pia, a. 1. Clean, free from stain ; cleanLimíste, sm. Cloth m a d e of Segovia wool; cloth ly, limpid. 2. Neat, elegant, nitid, net. 3. of thefirstquality. Puré: applied to families unconnected with Limitáble, a. (Littl. us.) Confinable. Moors or Jews. 4. Puré, unmingled : comLimitación, sf. 1. Limitation, restriction, modi- monly applied to corn. 5. Puré, free, clear. fication, cireumscription, corrective ; condiLimpio de polvo y paja, Clear or free from tionality. 2. Limit, district all charges. Jugar limpio, T o deal fair, to Limitadamente, ad. Limitedly, finitely. act in an upright manner. Poner en limpio, Limitado, da, a. Limited, possessed of iittle taT o m a k e a fair copy. Tierra limpia, Even lent.—pp. oí Limitar. flat country. Costa limpia, (Nau.) Clear Limitáneo, nea, a. 1. Limitary, placed on the coast, that which has no shoals,. sand-bank», boundaries. 2. Limitaneous, belonging to or shallows. En limpio, In substance ; neaí limits. price; clearly. 537 L1N LIS Limpión, sm, 1 T h e act of cleaning. 2. One Linón, sm. Lawa, the finest kind of light linen. w h o sweeps the streets. Lintel, sm. Lintel of a door. V. Dinte Lináge, sm. l.Lineage, race, progeny, offspring, Linterna, sf. 1. Lantern or lanthorn, a transfamily, house, kin, extraction, generation. 2. parent case for a candle. 2. (Obs.) A n iron Class, condition. 3. (Prov.) Nobless, nobility. cage in which the heads of decapitated criLinagísta, sm. Genealogist, a writer of pedigrees. mináis were exposed to public view. 3. Small wheel in milis. Linterna mágica, Magie lanLinajudo, sm. 1. One w h o boasts of his origin tern. Linter-na secreta, Dark lantern. 4. or family. 2. Genealogist. Lináloe, sm. Aloes. V. Aloe. (Arch.) Lantern of church-towers over the -jinárnen, sm. (Obs.) V. Ramage. cupola. Linar, sm. Flax-field, land on whichflaxis grown. Linternéro, sm. Lanfern-maker. Linaria, sf. (Bot.) Wild flax, yeliow toad flax.Linternílla, sf. dim. A small lantern, Antirrhinum linaria, L. Linuéso, sm. V. Linaza. Linaza, sf. Linseed, the seed of flax. Aceite deLiño, sm. 1. R o w of vines in a víneyard. 2. Row linaza, Linseed oil. of trees and that of some othei plants. 3. Lince, sm. 1. Lynx, luscern, ounce. Felis lynx, Ridge between two furrows in plotighed L. 2. Person of great acuteness and perspiland. caciousness. Lío, sm. Bundle, a parcel tied together, a pack. Lince, a. 1 Having a very sharp sight, quick- Lipiria, sf. (Med.) Lipyria, a kind of fever. sighted. 2. Acute, penetratíng. Lipotimia, sf. (Med.) Lipothymia, fainting, a Lindamente, ad. Neatly, elegantly, featly. disease. Lindáño, sm. Landmark, limit. Liquidable, a. Liquefiable. Lindar, vn. T o be contiguous. Liquidación, sf. Liquidatíon, the act of liquiLindazo, sm. V. Linde. dating. Linde, sm. a n d / Landmark, boundary, limit. Liquidambar, sm. Liquidambar, a yeliow resiLinde, a. (Prov.) Contiguous, bordering upon. nous substance, obtained by incisión from Lindero, ra, a. Contiguous, bordering upon. the Liquidambar styraciflua, L. Lindero, sm. V. Linde. Líquidamente, aa". In a liquid manner. Lindeza, sf. Neatness, elegance, prettiness. Liquidar, va. T o liquefy, to melt, to dissolve. Lindo, da, a. 1. Neat, handsome, pretty, fine, Liquidar cuentas, T o clear accounts, to liquídate or dear away debts.—vr. 1. T o liquefy, genteel. 2. Complete, perfect. Lindo, sm. Beau, coxcomb, minion. to liquate, to grow liquid. 2. T o beeome liLindón, sm. Ridge, ground thrown up between ,quid : used of letters. asparagus-beds. Liquidez, sf. Liquidness, quality of being liquid. Lindura, sf. V. Lindeza. Líquido, da, a. 1. Liquid,fluid,fluent.2. EviLínea, sf. 1. Line, longitudinal extensión. 2. V. dent, dear. Raya. 3. V, Renglón. 4. Line, lineage, pro- Lira, sf. Lyre, a harp; a lyric poem. geny, family ascending or descending. 5. Liria, sf. V. Liga. Line, equator, equinoctial circle. 6. Line, Lírico, ca, a. Lyric, lyrical. boundary, limit. 7. Class, order. 8. (Mil.) Lirio, sm. (Bot.) Iris. Iris, L. Lirio francisTrendi or entrenchment 9. (Mil.) Rank of cano, Chalcedonian iris. Iris susiana, L. Lisoldiers. 10. Line, one of the parto in which rio cárdeno, Germán iris. Iris germánica, //. an inch is divided. Línea de agua de mayor Lirio blanco orflorentino,Florentina iris. carga or del fuerte, (Nau.) Load-water line. Irisflorentina,L. Lirio hediondo, Gladwyn Linea or arrufo de la astil/a muerta, (Nau.) iiis. Iris fcetidissima, /.. Lirio sambucino, The cutting-down line. Línea de los reveses Elder-scented iris. Iris sambucina, L. del costado., (Nau.) The top timber Unes. Lirón, sm. Dormouse. Myoxus glis, L. Lineal, a. Lineal, composed of Unes. Lirondo, da, a. Puré, clean, neat. Monde y liLineamiéuto, sm. Lineament, feature ; discrimi- rondo, (CoU.) Puré, unmixed, withcut any nating mark in the form. mixture. Linear, ra. T o draw Unes, to form any thing Lis, sf. (Bot.) Flower-de-luce. with Unes. Lisamente, ad. Smoothly, plainly. Linéro, ra, s. Dealer inflaxor linen. Lisera, sf. Large cañe used in silk-worm sheds. Linfa, sf. 1. L y m p h , a thin, somewhat viscid,Lisiado, da, a. (Prov.) Anxiously desirous.—pp. crystalline and tasteless liquid of the body. oí Lisiar. 2. (Poet.) Water. Lisiar, ra. T o lame; to hurt a limb. Linfático, ca, a. Lymphatic: appUed to some Lisimáquia, sf. (Bot.) Loóse strife. Lysimaabsorbent vessels of the body which carry chia, L. lymph, and to some glands. Liso, sa, a. 1. Plato, even,flat,glib, smooth. 2. Lingote, sm. (Min.) Ingot, a mass ef unwrought Clear, evident. Hombre liso, A plain-dealing gold or silver, linget. man. Lingual, a. (Anat) Lingualis. Lisongeraménte, ad. V. Lisonjeramente. Linguete, sm. (Nau.) Paul or parol, a short bar Lisongéro, ra, a. V. Lisonjero. of wooíl or iron put into the capstem to pre- Lisonja, sf. 1. Adulaiion, fulsomeflattery,fawn, vent its rolliag back. coaxation or coaxing. 2. (Blaz.) Lozenge oí Linimento, Linimiento, sm. (Med.) Ltaiment, losenge. 3. (Geom.) R h o m b or rhombus. Linio, sm. Liño, da, a.s. Lozenged; rhombic Lino, 3. Sailcloth, sm. 5381,V.(Bot.) canvass. Flax. 4 (Poet) Linum, Sails L. 2. ofLinen. a stop. Lisonjádo, Lisonjeador, Lisonjear, ra. ra, 1. T(Blaz.) oFlatterer. flafter, to praise in a de LIT LLA ceitfu! manner, to coax, to wheedle, to cog, to Litografía, sf. Lithography, the art or practice of engraving upon stones. fawn, to coy. 2. T o delight, to please. Litográfieo, ca, a. Lithographic, belonging to liLisonjeramente, ad. Flatteringly, fawningly. Lisonjero, ra, s. A m e a nflatterer,a deceitful thography. praiser, a fawner, a parasite.—a. l.Parasitical Litografiar, ra. T o üthograph, to draw and eteh on stone. or parasitic, wheedling, fawning. 2. FlatterLitógrafo, sm. Lithologist. ing, pleasing, agreeable. Lista, sf. 1. SUp of paper, shred of linen, a list Litología, sf. Lithology, natural history of stones. or strip of cloth. 2. List, catalogue. 3. Sel- Litólogo, sm. Lithologist. vage, the edge of cloth. Lista del equipáge, Litoral, a. Littoral, belonging to the shore. (Nau.) Musterbook of the ship's company. Litontrípico, s. and a. Lithoatriptie, a medicine Pasar lista, T o cali over; to muster, to re- against the calculi. view troops. Lista de gastos, Bill of expense Litotomía, sf. Lithotomy, the operation of cutting into the bladder to extract a stone. and charges. Lista de manjares dispuestos para comer or lista de platos, Bill of fare. Litotomista, sm. (Surg.) Lithotomist, one w h o cuto for the stone. Listado, da, a. Striped, Usted.—pp. oí Listar. Lítuo, sm. 1. Ancient military instrument of Listar, ra. V. Alistar. music. 2. Lituus, augur's staff! Listeado, da, a. V . Listar.o. Liturgia, sf. Liturgy, form of prayers; mannei Listel, Listélo, sm. (Arch.) V . Filete. of celebrating the mass. Listo, ta, a. Ready, diligent, prompt, active, Litúrgico, ca, a. Liturgical, liturgic, belonging clever. to the liturgy. Listón, sm. 1. A large shred. 2. Ferret, a narrow silk riband. 3. Lath, a thin narrow board. Liúdo, da, a. V . Leudo. Livianamente, aa*. Licentiously; with levity; Listones, (Nau.) Battens Listones de las eslightly. cotillas, (Nau.) Battens of the hatchways. Listonería, sf. Parcel of ribands, tapes and Liviandad, sf. 1. Lightness, want of weight. 2. Levity, imprudence. 3. Incontinence, libiinkles. dinousness. Listonen), ra, s. Riband-maker. Lisura, sf. 1. Smoothness, evenness on the sur-Liviano, na, a. 1. Light, of little weight. 2. Imprúdent, light, unsteady. 3. Incontinent, unface, glibness, flatness. 2. Sincerity, ingechaste, líbidinous. nuousness, candour. Livianos, sm. pl, Lungs. V . Bofes. Litación, sf. Sacrifiemg. Lívido, da, a. Livid. V . Amoratado. Litar, ra. T o sacrifice to the divinity. Litárge, Litorgírio, sm. Litharge. V . Almártaga. Liza, sf. 1. Skate, a sea-fish. 2. List for tilts and jousts. Lite, sf. Lawsuit, process. V . Pleito. Lízo, sm. Skein of silk. Litera, sf. Litter, a kind of vehicular bed. Literal, a. Litoral, following the letter, meta- Lizón, sm. (Bot.) Water plantain. A U s m a plantago, L. phrastic. Literalísta, sm. (Littl. us.) H e w h o professes to Llaga, sf. 1. Ulcer, a purulent solution of continuity of the soft parts of the body. 2. understand words and expressions in their liW o u n d , sore. 3. Prick, a thorn in the mind, teral sense. a teasing and tormenting thought. 4. Crack Literalmente, ad. Literally. or opening between the bricks of a wall. Literario, ria, a. Literary. Literatillo, sm. dim. oí Literato: commonly used Llagadór, ra, s. (Obs.) W o u n d e r , one that wounds. in contempt. Literato, ta, a. Learned, lettered, literate, versedLlagar, ra. T o wound, to hurt, to injure. Llaguica, illa, íta, sf. dim. Slight ulcer or wound. in sciences and letters. Literato, sm. A learned m a n , a literary m a n . Llama, sf. 1. Flame, üght emittod from fire. 2. Flarne, forcé and violence of passion. — p l . Literati, the learned. Literatura, sf. Literature learning; skill in Llamada, */ 1. Cal), the act of calling. 2. Marginal note. 3. A n y motion or sign to cali sciences and letters. the attention. 4. (MU.) Beat of the drum to Literéro, sm. O n e w h o drives a litter. s u m m o n troops. 5. (Mil.) Chamade. Literílla, sf. dim. A small litter. Litigante, pa. and s. Litigating ; titigant Llamador, ra, s. I. Caller, he w h o calis. 2. Litigar, ra. 1. T o litígate, to m a n a g e a suit, f o Beadle, messenger. 3 Knocker or rapper of a door. 4. Servant of a salesman w h o calis carry on a cause. 2. T o contend, to dispute. Litigio, sm. I. Litigatíon, suit at law or law-suit. people into his shop j vulgarly called barker 2. Dispute, contest. or clicker. Litigioso, sa, a. Litigious, inclined to lawsuits, Llamamiento, sm. 1. Calling, cali, the act of contentious. calling. 2. Convocation, the act of conveLitis, sf. V. Pleito. ning the m e m b e r s of an assembly or corpora1 Litiscontestación, sf. (Law" Answer to a juridi- tion. 3. Calling, cali, inspiration, divine vocal demand. cation. 4. Attraction of humours to one part Litisconsórte, s. com. Assoeiate in a lawsuit, of the body. Litispendéncia, sf. T h e state of a lawsuit which Llamar, ra. 1. T o cali to one. 2. T o cali, to is under judgment or pending. s u m m o n , to cite. 3. T o cali or to cali upon, Lítócola, sf. Lithocolla, lapidary's cement. to invoke, to appeal to. 4. T o cali, to invoke Litdfíto, sm. Lithophyte, zoophyte having a with ardour of piety. 5. T o cali, to ñame, to hard caleareous stem. denomínate fi. T o incline. 7. T o cali, ta 539 LLE LLO 2. T o reach, to arrive at,tofetch. 3. To last, atttact. 8. To excite thirst. ¡Jamar á la puerta, T o knock or rap at the door. El to continué. 4. T o attain a purpose. 5. To viento llama á popa, (Nau.) The wind veers suffice, to be enough. 6. T o ascend ; to aft. El viento llama á proa, (Nau.) The wind amount to.—va. 1. T o approach, to bring near to. 2. T o join.—vr. 1. T o approach, to hauls forward.—rr. To bear such a ñame. Llamarse andana or antana, (Coll.) T o deny draw near. 2. To proceed to some neighbouring place. 3. T o unite. Llegar á las obstinately that which one has said or offered. Llamarada, sf. 1. A sudden blaze offire,a flash.manos, T o come to blows, tofight.Llegar 2. Fla-h, a sudden burst of wit or merriment á oir, To hear. 3. Sudden blush of the face. Lleira, sf. (Prov.) Place full of pebbles or coarse Llamativo, va, a. Exciting thirst. gravel. Llana, sf. 1. Trowel, a tool for taking up andLlena, sf. Alluvion, overflow of rivera. spreading mortar. 2. Page of a book or wri- Llenamente, ad. Fully, copiously. ting. 3. Plain. Llenar, ra. 1. T ofill,to put into any place till Llanada, sf. A wide tract of level ground; a no more can be admitted ; to stuff,tofarce. 2. T o oceupy a public place. 3. Tofill,to plain. Llanamente, ad. Ingemiously, simply, stacerely; satisfy,tocontent. 4. T o make up a number. 5,To beget young.—rr. 1. T o feed gluthomely ; plainly, clearly, flatly. Llaneza, sf. 1. (Obs.) Evenness, equality. 2. tonously. 2. T o be írritated after having sufPlainness, sincerity, simplicity. 3. W a n t of fered long. Llenar la luna, T o be fuU moon. attention and respect, familiarity. 4. UnculLlenar completamente, Tofillup. tivated style. Llenero, ra, a. (Law) Full, completo, absolute. Llaníco, íca, íllo, illa, íto, íta, a. of Llano, na. Lleno, sm. 1. Glut, plenty, abundance, full. 2. Llano, na, a. 1. Plain, even, level, smooth, flat. Perfection, completeness. 3. Full-moon. 2. Meek, homely, aff'able. 3. Unmannerly, Lleno, na, a. Full, replete; complete. Lleno de uncivil. 4. Plain, open, honestly rough. 5. bote en boté, Brimful, or full to the brim. Plato, simple, void of ornament. 6. Plain, Hombre lleno, A learned man. De lleno or dear, evident, discernible. 7. Plain, simple, de lleno en lleno, Entirely, totally. not varied by much art: applied to style. 8. Llenura, sf. Fulness, plenty, copiousness, abunV. Pechero. Carnero llano, A castrated ram. dance. A la llana, Simply, sincerely, candidly. Lleta, sf. Stalk of plants bearing fruit Llano, sm. A levelfield,an even ground. Lleudar, va. To ferment bread, to make it rise Llanta, sf. 1. (Bot.) V'. Berza llanta. 2. Iron by means of leven. hobp which covers the felloes of -.oach and Lleva, sf. V. Llevada. cart wheels. Llevada, sf. Carriage, transport, act of carrying. Llantén, sm. (Bot.) Plantain. Plantago, L. Llevadero, ra, a. Tolerable, light. Llantén de agua, V. Lizon. Llevador, ra, s. Carrier, conductor. Llanto, sm. Flood of tears, cry. Llevar, ra. l.To carry, to convey, to transport. Llanura, sf. 1. Evenness, equality ;flatness,le- 2. T o carry, to bear, to wear, to have about vel. 2. A vast tract of level ground. one. 3. T o carry, to take, to have with one. Llapár, ra. To add an additional portion of 4. To exact, to demand, to ask such a price quicksilver in extracting metáis. for a thing, 5. To bear, to produce, b T o Llares, sm. pl. Pot-hanger, an iron chain, on excel, to exceed. 7. T o bear, to suffer, to enwhich poto are hung over thefireby means dure. 8. T o lead, to guide. 9. T o rnanage of a hook. a horse. 10. To eut off. 11. T o induce, to Llave, sf. 1. Key, instrument for locking and bring to any opinión. 12. T o introduce. 13. unlocking doors, chests, etc. 2. Winch of a To gain, to; obtain. 14. T o obtain possession. stocking-frame. 3. Lock, the part'of a gun 15. T o fetch away or to fetch off. 16. To by whichfireis struck. 4. Key, explanation carry in accounts. 17. With the preposition of any thing difficult; introduction to knowpor, it signifies to exercise whatever may be ledge. 5. (Nau.) Knee. V. Curvas. 6. Cock the import of the foUowing noun. Llevar por for fountains, barréis, etc. Llave maestra, cortesanía, T o be polite, courteous oí comMaster-key, which opens many doors. Deplaisant.—vn. To be reprimanded, to sufféi bajo de llave, Under lock and key. Llave de chastisement. Llevar la proa al nordoeste, la mano, Breadth of the palm of a man's (Nau.) T o stand to the north-west. Llevar hand. Llave capona, (CoU.) K e y worn on the las velas á buen viento, (Nau.) Tofillthe sails. flap of the coat pocket by honorary royal Llevar las velas llenas, (Nau.) To keep the chamberlains in Spain. sails full. Llevar los juanetes viudos, (Ñau.) Llavecíca, íUa, íta, sf, dim. A small key. To have the top-gallant sails set. Llevar a Llavero, ra, s. 1. Keeper of the keys of a place. cuestas, 1. To carry on one's shoulders or back. 2. Ring in which keys are kept. 2, (Coll.) To burthen one's self with other's Lie, pron. obs. V. Le. affairs.—vr. 1. T o suffer one's self to be. led Lleco, ca, a. Uncultivated : applied to land not away by passion. 2. Llevarse el dia, T o carry broken up. the day. Llevarse bien or mal, T o be on good Llega, sf. (Prov.) Juncture, act of joining or or bad terms, uniting. Lloíca, sf. (Orn.) V. Pechicolorado Llegada, sf. Arrival, coming, the act of comingLloradera, sf. (Obs.) Mourner, a woman hired to a place. to weep and mourn at funerals. Llegar, rn. 1. T o arríve, to come to any place. Llorador, ra, s, Weeper, one who sheds tears. 540 LOB LOG Lloraduelos, sm, (Col!,) Weeper, mourner over Loboso, sa, a, Full of wolves: applied to coun misfortunes. tries or foreste. Llorar, ra. 1. T o weep, to cry, to shed tears. 2.Lóbrego, ga, a. Murky, obscure, sad, mirk. Tb mourn, to lament, to bewail. 3. To affect Lobreguecer, rn. T o grow dark, to be dark.—• poverty and distress. 4. (Met.) T o fall drop va. T o make dark. by drop. Llorar la aurora, (Poet.) T o fallLobreguez, sf. Obscurity, darkness, obscureness. Lóbulo, sm. Lobe ortabule,a división or disdew at sunsetting. tinct parí of the lungs, liver, etc. Lloro, sm. Act of weeping, cry or crying. Llorón, sm. Weeper, one who is apt to cry or Lobuno, na, a. Wolfish, resembling a wolf in shed tears, mourner. qualities and form. Llorón, na, a. Applied to those who are apt to Locación y Conducción, sf. (Law) Contract of cry with little cause. letting on léase. Local, a. Local, relating to a particular place. Lloronas, sf. pl. Weepers, mourners. Localidad, sf. Locality, existence in place ; reLlorosamente, aa*. Weepingly. Lloroso, sa, a. Mournful, sorrowful, full of tears, lation of place, location. Llosa, sf. (Obs.) Enclosed estáte. Localménte, aa*. Locally. Locamente, ad. Madly; immoderately, extraLlovediza (agua), a. Rain-water. Llover, rn. 1. To rain,tofall in drops from the vagantly ; fondly. clouds. 2. T o pour down as rain. 3. To Locarias, sm. (Coll.) A madcap, a wild, hot shower, to abound,tocome in abundance, as braiued fellow. troubles.—rr.To oenetrate the roof with rain. Locázo, za, a. augm. Very mad. Locha, Loche, sf. (Ichth.) Loach, groundUng, Llover á cántaros, T o rain hard. a small fish. Llovido, sm. M a n who secretly steals on board a ship for the Indies, and does not discover Loción, sf. 1. Lotion, a form of medicine used to wash any part with. 2. Wash, washing, himself till on the high seas.—Llovido da, Iavatíon, the act of washing. pp. oí Llover. Loco, ca, a. 1. Mad, crack-brained, mad-brain. Llovioso, sa, a. V. Lluvioso. Llovizna, sf. Mist, a small rain not perceived in 2. Fool. 3. Abundant, fertile. A tontas y á locas, Inconsiderately, without reflection. drops. Lloviznar, vn. To drizzle, to faU in short, slow Estar loco de contento, (CoU.) T o be m a d with joy. drops, to mistle, to mizzle. Loco, sm. A madman. Lluéco, ca, a. V. Clueco. Locomoción, sf. (Phys.) Locomotion, power of Lluvia, sf. l.Rain, shower, water dropping from moving. the clouds. 2. Shower, abundance, copiousness. 3. Shower, storm of any thing falling Locuacidad, sf. Loquacity, loquaciousness, talkthick. Lluvia de oro, (Bot.) V. Falso ébano.ativeness, garrulity, futility, gap, flippancy. Locuaz, a. Loquacious, talkative, garrulous, fuLluvioso, sa, a. Rainy, wet, showery. Lo, pron. neutr. It: placed before or after verbs. tile, flippant. Lo, art. neutr. Used only with adjectives usedLocuazmente, ad. (Littl. us.) With loquacity, flippantly. as substantives, as lo bueno, The good. Loa, sf. 1. (Obs ) Praise. 2. (Nau.) Lee. V.Locucióc, sf. Locútion, manner of speech. Lúa. 3. Prologue of a play. Locuela, sf. Each one's particular mode of speaking. Loable, a. Laudable, praiseworthy, commendLocura, sf. 1. Madness, frenzy, lunacy, craziable. ness. 2. Fury ;folly,absurdity. Hacer loLoablemente, ad. Laudably, commendably. Loadór, ra, s. Praiser, lauder, one who bestows curas, To act in an absurd, foolish manner. Locutorio, sm. Parlour, place in monasteries for praise. Loám, sm. (Min.) Loam, a fat, unctuous earth. receiving visits. Loánda, sf Kind of scurvy. Lodazal, Lodachar, Lodazar, sm. A muddy place, Loar, ra. T o praise; to approve. V. Alabar. a place full of m u d and mire. Loba, sf. 1. She-wolf. 2. Long gown worn by Lodo, sm. Mud, mire, gore. clergymen and students. 3. Ridge between Lodoñéro, sm. (Bot.) V. Guadacaña. two furrows. Lodóño, sm. (Bot.) European nettle tree. Celtis Lobado, sm. Morbid swelling incident to horses. australis, L. Lobagante, sm. Sea-locust. Cáncer casrules- Lodoso, sa, a. Muddy, miry, lutulenf; lutaríous, cens, L. Lof or Lo, sm. (Nau.) The weather-side of a Lobanillo, sm. W e n , a callous excrescence. ship, loof. Amura del lof, (Nau.) Weather Lobato, sm. Young wolf. tacíc. No mas de lof, (Nau.) Not nearer, e. g. Lobera, sf. (Obs.) Strait door or passage. to the wind. Lobero, ra, a. Relating to wolves. Logar, sm. (Obs.) V. Lugar, Sitio and Motivo. Lobero, sm. V. Espantanublados. — r a . V. Alquilar. Lobezno, sm. A young wolf. Logarítmico, ca, a. Logarithmic, logarithmical. Lobo, sm. 1. Wolf. Canis lupus, L. 2. Lobe,Logaritmo, sm. Logarithm. a división or distinct part of the lungs, liver, Lógica, sf. Logic, dialectic, the act of reasoning, etc. 3. (Joc.) Intoxication, inebriation. Fu- Logical, a. (Littl. us.) Logical. lano cogió un lobo, H e was tipsy. 4. Iron Lógicamente, aa". Logically. instrumentfordefending or scaling walls. Lógico, ca, a. Logical, relating to logic. Lobo marino, sm. (Ichth.) Sea-wolf. Anarhichas Lógico, sm. Logician, dialectician, a professoí lupus, L. of logic, a m a n versed in logic. 541 LÜN LOX Logística, sf. Logistics, algebra. Longár, a. Applied to a long piece of honeyLogogrífo, sm. Logogriphe, enigma in which comb in the hive. the different parts of a word are taken in di- Longázo, za, a. augm. Very long. vers meanings. Longevidad, sf. (Obs.) Longevity. Logomaquia, sf. Logomachy, dispute about Longevo, a. (Obs.) Longevous. words. Longimetría, sf. (Geom.) Longimetry, the art Lograr, va. 1. T o gain, to obtain, to attain, to or pradice of measuring distantes. procure, to compass. 2. To possess, to enjoy. Longincuo,, cua, a. Distant, remote. 3. T o avail one's self of. 4. T o hit upon.— Longitud, sf. 1. Length, longness. 2. Longjvr. T o reap the benefit of one's labour an! tude, the distance of any place from the first meridian to the east or west. exertions. Longitudinal, a. Longitudinal. Logrear, rn. To borrow or lend on interest Logrería, sf. Dealing in interest, usury. Longitudinalmente, ad. Longitudinally, lengthLogrero, ra, s. Lender at interest, usurer. wise, longways, longwise. Logro, sm. 1. Gain, benefit. 2. Attainment of Longuera, sf. Long and narrow strip of land. some purpose. 3. Interest ; usury. Dar á Lonja, sf. 1. Exchange, a public place where logro, To put out money at usurious interest. merclíants meet to treat on matters of fraile. Lója, sf. (Ichth.) V. Locha. 2. Store-room for washed wool. 3. Grocer's Loma, sf. Raising ground in the midst of a shop; warehouse, saleroom. Lonja cerrada plain, a little hill or hillock. or abierta, Shut or open shop or exchange. Lombarda, sf. 1. Lombardy gun. 2. (Bot.) Red 4. Slice of ham. 5. Pórtico, raised space cabbage. Brassica capitata rubra, L. round the entrance of an edifice. 6. (Falc.) Lombardáda, sf. Shot from a Lombardy gun. Leather strap. Lombardeár, ra. T o discharge Lombardy guns. Lonjéro, sm. Grocer, one who keeps a grocer's Lombardería, sf. Park of Lombardy guns. shop. Lombardéro, sm. Soldier appointed to L o m - Lonjeta, sf. V. Cenador. bardy guns. Lonjista, s. com. Shopkeeper who deals in coLombriguera, sf. 1. Hole made by worms. 2. coa-nuts, spices, and other arricies of grocery, (Bot.) Southernwood wormwood. Artemisia Loor, sf. (Poet.) Praise. abrotanum, L. Lopícia, sf Disease which makes the hair fail Lombriz, sf. W o r m bred in the human body, oí off V. Alopecia. in the earth. Loquear, rn. 1. T o act the fool, to talk nonLombrizál, a. (Anat) Vermiforra. sense. 2. To rejoice, to exalt, to revel, to Lomear, rn. To yerk or move the loins of frolic. horses in a circular manner. Loquero, ra, s. 1. Keeper of a mad-house. 2. Loménto, sm. (Bot.) Loment, a kind of legume Physician to a mad-house. falling in pieces when ripe. Loquesca, sf. The frantic demeanour of mad Lomera, sf. 1. Strap of harness which crosses people. the loins. 2. (Prov.) Ridge of a house. Loquíllo, illa, íto, íta, a. dim. Wild, almost mad. Lomiáncho, a, a. Strong or broad-backed. Lóquios. sm. pl. Lochia, loches, the evacuations Lomíca,fila,íto, sf. dim. A very little hill or attendtog childbirth. hillock. Lorenzána, sf. A sort of linen. Lomillo, sm. 1. (Dim.) A small loin. 2. A kind Loriga, sf. 1. Coat of mail, cuirass. 2. Naveof needle-work. band, the hoop which surrounds the nave of Lominhiesto, ta, a. 1. High-cropped. 2. Pre- a coach-wheel. sumptuous, arrogant. Lorigádo, da, a. Armed with a coat of mail. Lomo, sm. 1. Loin. 2. Chine, a piece of the Loríguíllo, sm. Shrub used by dyers. back of an animal. 3. Back of a book or cut- Loro, ra, a. Tawny, wan, palé, black and blue. ting tool; double of any cloth, crease. 4. Loro, sm. 1. Parrot. Psittacus, L. 2. (Bot.) Ridge between two furrows. Llevar or traer Portugal laurel. Pruuis lusitanica, L. á lomo, To carry on the back. Jugar de lomo,Losa, sf. 1. Flag, a square stone used for paveTo be idle and lascivious.—pl. Ribs ; loins. ments. 2. Painter's block of marble on which Lomóso, sa, a. (Obs.) Belonging to the loins. eolours are ground. 3. Trap made for catchLona, sf. Canvass. Lona para hacer velas, Duck-ing birds or rats. canvass, sail-cloth. Lona para encerados, Losado, sm. V. Enlosado.—Losado, da, pp. of Tarpawltog canvass or glazíng. Losar. Loncha, sf. 1. Thinflatstone. 2. Lunch, longLosánje, sm. (Blaz.) Lozenge; rhomb. slice of meat. Losar, ra. V. Enlosar. Lóndiga, sf. V. Alóndiga. Losíca, íta, sf. dim. A smallflagor stone. Londrína, sf. A sort of woollen cloth. Loseta, Losilla, sf. 1. A small trap or snare. 2. Londríno, na, a. Belonging to or in the fashion V. Losica. Coger en la losilla, T o deceive of London manufactures. one cunningly. Lóndro, sm. L o w vessel like a galley. Lóta, sf. (Ichth.) Lote, eelpout, a kind of riveí Lónga, sf. Long musical note. lamprey. Longanimidad, sf. Longanimity, forbearance; Lote, sm. Lot, fortune, chance. patience of offences. Lotería, sf. Lottery. Longánimo, ma, %. Forbearing, generous, mag- Loto, sm. (Bot) V. Lodoñc. nanimous. Loxodromía, sf. (Nau.) Loxodromy, rhombt Longaniza, sf. A kind of long sausage. which a ship describes. 54-J LUC LUJ Loza, sf. Delft, a fine sort of earthen-ware or Luctuosa, sf. Ancient tax paid to lords and crockery. Ande la loza, (Coll.) Noisy mirth bishopsforthe dead. Luctuosamente, ad. Mournfully, sorrowfully. and jollity of many persons together. Luctuoso, sa, a. Sad, mournful. Lozanamente, ad. Luxuriantly. Lozanear, rn. T o affect pomp and ostentation Lucubración, sf. Lucubration, study by candlelight; nocturnal study. in words and actions, to luxuriate. Lozanía, sf. 1. Luxuriance or luxuriancy of ver-Lucubrar, ra. T o lucúbrate, to study by night dure, exuberant growth of planto. 2. Ele- Ludía, sf. (Prov.) Ferment, yeast. Ludíár, ra. and r. (Prov.) To ferment. gance ; lustiness. Ludibrio, sm. Mockery, derision, scorn, todifv Lozano, na, a. 1. Luxuriant. 2. Sprightly. Lúa, sf. 1. (Obs.) Glove. 2. (Prov.) A sort of catión. ciane for raising weights. 3. (Nau.) Lee. Ludimiento, sm. (Prov.) V. Colisión. 4 (Prov.) Saffron bag. Tomar por la lúa, Ludio, a, a. (Prov.) V. Fermentado. Ludir, rn. T o rub, to waste by friction, to col (Nau.) T o bring to the lee. lide. Lubricar, Lubrificar, ra. (Obs.) T o lubricitate, Ludria, sf. V. Nutria. to make smooth or slippery. Lubricidad, Lubricación, sf. 1. Lubricity, slip-Luego, aa*. 1. Presently, immediately, outright, out of hand. Desde luego, I'rom the present periness. 2. Lewdness. Lubrico, ca, a. Slippery; lubric, lubricous; lewd. moment; in hand. 2. Soon afterwards.— conj. Then, therefore. Lucéncia, sf. (Obs.) V. Claridad. Luéllo, sm. (Prov.) Bad seed which grows among Lucerna, sf. 1. Glow-worm. 2. Lamp. grain or corn. Lucérnula, sf. (Bot.) Lúceme, saintfoin. Lucero, sm. 1. Morning-star, Venus, day-ster, Luengo, ga, a. (Obs.) V. Largo. Lucifer. 2. Splendour. 3. Part of a window Luént, LuéSe, ad. (Obs.) V. Lejos. Lugano, sm. SmaU singing.bird. where light entera. Lugar, sm. 1. Place, spot, situation, position. Lucha, sf. I. Struggle, strife, contest, wrestle. 2. City,town,village; properly speaking it 2. Dispute, argument. is applied to a village or to a very small town. Luchador, ra, s. Wrestler, one who wrestles. Luchar, ra. 1. T o wrestle, to contend, to strug- 3. Employment, office, dignity. 4. Time, opportunity, occasion. 5. Leisure, convenience gle, to conflict 2. To discuss, to debate. oftime. 6, Cause, motive, reason. 7. Text, Lucharniégo, ga, a. AppUed to dogs used for authority or sentiment of an author. Lugar catching liares at night. común, Privy-house, water-closet, the little Luchíllo, sm. (Nau.) Goríng, goring cloth. house. Lugares de un combate, (Nau.) QuarLucidamente, ad. Lucidly, brightly. ters in a sea-fight. En lugar de, Instead of, Lucidár, va. To copy a picture on transparent in lieu of. paper, which was laid upon it. Lucido, da, a. 1. Lucid, shining, lucific. 2. Gay, Lugarázo, sm. augm. of Lugar. It is commonly magnificent, graceful, splendid.—pp. oí Lucir. applied to country towns. Lucidura, sf. (CoU.) Whiteness of white-washedLugarcíco, íllo, íto, sm. V. Lugarillo. Lugaríllo, Lugaréjo, sm. dim. Hamlet, a small walls. Luciente, pa. Shining, lucid, lucific. luminous, village. bright, lucent Lugareño, ña, s. and a. 1. Belonging to a village. 2. Inhabitant of a village. Luciérnaga, go, s. Glow-worm, noctiluca. LamLugaréte, sm. dim. V. Lugarillo. pyris, L. Lucifer, sm. 1. Lucifer, Satán. 2. A very proud Lugarón, sm. augm. V. Lugarázo. and wieked man. 3. V. Lucero for the morn- Lugaróte, sm. augm. V. Lugarázo. Lugartenéncia, sf, (Littl. us.) Lieutenancy. ingstar. Luciferíno, na, a. Luciferian, belonging to Lu-Lugarteniente, sm. Deputy, substitute, lieutecifer, devilish. nant. Lucífero, ra, a. (Poet.) Resplendent, shining, luLugo, sm. Kind of linen. ciferous, lucific.—sm. (Obs.) V. Lucero. Lúgubre, a. Sad, mournful, gloomy, melanLucífugo, ga, a. That which status the light. choly or melancholic, funest, ghastful, luguLucillo, sm. T o m b ; sarcophagus. bríous, dismal. Lucimiento, sm. 1. Lucidity, brightness. 2. Luición, sf. (Prov.) V. Redención de censos. Splendour, lustre, applause. Luir, vn. (Nau.) To gall or to be galled or fret. Lucína, sf. (Obs.) V. Ruiseñor. ted, to wear away byfriction.—ra.(Prov. V Lucio, cía, a. Lucid, bright Redimir censos, Lucio, sm. (Ichth.) C o m m o n pike, luce. Esox Luísmo, sm. (Prov.) V. Laudemio. toctos, L. Lujadón, sf. (Surg.) Luxation. Lucir, va. 1. To emit Ught, to glitter, f o gleam,Lujarse, rr. (Surg.) T o luxate, to put out of to glow. 2. T o illuminate, to enlighten. 3. joint. To outshine, to exceed.—vn. and r. 1. To Lujo, sm. Piofuseness, extravaganey or excess shine, to be brilliant. Le luce el trabajo, H e in pomp, dresses, fare, etc. superftoity,luxury. enjoys thefruitsof his labour. 2. To dress Lujoso, sa, a, Applied to a person foud of showy to advantage. dresses; proí'use, lavish. Lucrativo, va, a. Lucrative, productive of gain.Lujuria, sf. I. Luxury, lubricity, lust, carnal Lucro, sm, Gain, profit, lucre, gctttog. pleasure. 2. Excess. profuseness. lavishness. Lucroso, sa, «. Lucrific, gainful, lucriferous, Lujuriante, pa. Lusting.—a. Luxuriant, exubeprofiti.ble. rant, auperftoously pleníeous. S43 LUN LUZ Lujuriar, vn. 1. T o be luxurious or hbidinous, a half-moon. 2. A n y of the boxes placed on to lust. 2. T o couple together: speaking oí the pit of a play-house, immediately behind animáis. the orchestra. 3. Opera-glass ; eye-glass. Lujuriosamente, ad. Luxuriously, lustfully, vo- 4. Crescent worn iu the hair or shoes of luptuously. tamales. Lujurioso, sa, a. Luxurious, lustful, voluptuous,Luníca, illa, ifa, sf. dim. of Luna. lubric, lewd, libídinous, feastful. Lunisolár,a. (Astr.) Luuisolar, compounded of Lumbago, sm. (Med.) Lumbago, a painful disthe íevolution of the sun and moon. ease. Lunísta, sm. Lunatic, a toad person, whose imaLumbar, a. Lumbar, lumbary. gination is influenced by the moon. Lumbrada, Lumbrarada, sf. A greatfire; a Lúnula, sf. 1. A geometricalfigurein form of fierce conflagration. a half-moon. 2. (Opt.) Meniseus, a lens or Lumbre, sf. 1. Fire, any thing burning. 2. Spark, glass convex on one side and cuneave on the a small particle offirestruck out of a fltot. other. 3. Splendour, brightness, lucidity, clearness. Lupanar, sm. Brothel, a bawdy-house. 4. (Obs.) V. Vista. A lumbre de pajas, Lupanário, ia, a. Belonging to a brothel. (Coll.) Very swiftly.—pl. 1. Tinder-box, in Lupia, sf. Encysted tumour. which aflint,steel and tinder, are kept for Lupícia, sf. V. Alopecia. strikingfire.2. H a m m e r , that part of a gun Lupino, na, a. (Littl. us.) Wolfish. or pistol lock which strikesfireout of the Lupino, sm. (Bot.) V. Altramuz. flint. 3. Fore-part of horse-shoes. Lúpulo, sm. (Bot.) Hops. Humulus lupulus, L. Lumbrera, sf. 1. Luminary, any body which Luquete, sm. 1. Zest, a slice of an orange with gives or emito light. 2. Sky-light, louver. the peel thrown into wine. 2. Match, a card, 3. Luminary, he who from his transcendent rope or small chip of wood dipped in melted abiUtiei; isfitto instruct mankind. sulphur. Luminar, sm. 1. Luminary, any body which Luquetéra, sf. Match-girl. emito light. 2. A m o n g patotera, light, as op- Lustración, sf. (Obs.) Lustration, purification posed to shade. 3. Luminary, a m a n emiby water. nent in science. Lustrador, sm. 1. Hot-press, a machine which Luminaria, sf. 1. Illumination, festival lights gives a gloss to clothes. 2. Hot-presser, one hung out as a token of joy. 2. L a m p which whose trade is to give a gloss to clothes. is kept burning in R o m á n catholie churches Lustrál, a. Lustral: applied to water used in before the sacrament.—pl. Money paid for purifications. the expenses of illuminations. Lustrar, ra. 1. T o expíate, to purify. 2. T o illusLuminosamente, aa". (Littl. us.) Luminously, trate, to make brilliant. 3. T o mangle; to luciferously. fine. 4. T o wander. Luminoso, sa, a. Lumiuous, lucid, luciferous, Lustre, sm. 1. Gloss, lustre, niteney, fineness, lightsome, emitting light. 2. Clearness, nobleness, splendour, glory. Lúmpo jibádo, sm. (Ichth.) Lumpfish. Lústrico, ca, a. (Poet.) Belonging to a lustro. Luna, sf. 1. Moon, the changing luminary ofLustrina, sf. Lustring, a kind of glossy silk the night. 2. Glass píate for mírrors, gl-ass stuff. for optical instrumento, 3. Effect of the moon Lustro, sm. Lustre, lustrum, the space of five upon lunatic people. 4. Media luna, (Fort.) years. Half-moon, a ravelin built before the angle Lustrosamente, aa". Brilliantly, splendidly, glitor curtain of a bastión. 5. (Prov.) Open, unteringly. covered court or hall. Luna llena or men- Lustroso, sa, a. Bright, brilliant, lustrous, guante, FuU or waning moon. shining, glossy, golden. Lunación, sf. Lunation, the revolution of the Lutación, sf. (Chem.) Lutatíon, the method of moon. cementing chemical vessels cióse together. Lunada, sf. H a m , a g a m m o n of salt pork. Lúten, sm. (Chem.) Lufe, a kind of paste to Lunado, da, a. Lunated, formed like a halfmake vessels air-tight. moon, moony. Luteranísmo, sm. Lutheranism, relating to the Lunánco, ca, a. Applied to animáis with one optoions of Luther. quarter higher than another. Luterano, na, a. and s. Lutheran. Lunar, sm. 1. Mole, a natural spot or discolora- Luto, sm. 1. Mourning, the dress of sorrow. 2. tion of the body. Lunar postizo, Patch, a Mourning, sorrow, condolement spot of black silk which ladies wear on their Lutria, sf. V. Nutria. faces as an ornament. 2. Note or stain of Luz, sf. 1. Light, clearness, clarity. Luces, tofamy.—a. Lunar, lunary, relating to the Windows, lanthorns. 2. A n y -thing that moon. gives light; a candle, taper, etc. 3. Day. Lunaria, sf. (Bot.) Moonwort, honesty. 4. Notice, information, hint; inspiration. 5. Lunario, sm. V. Calendario. Luminary, a m a n of transcendent abititíes. Lunático, ca, a. Lunatic, moonstruck, mad, 6. Lustre, splendour. 7. Light-house. 8. having the ímagination influenced by the (Pict.) Light and shade. A buena luz, moou. Carefully, after a due examination. A dos Lunecilla, sm. Crescent worn by f emales. luces, Ambiguously. Sacar á luz or dar á luz, Lunes, sm. Monday, the second day of the To publish a literary production, Luz de luz, week. Reflectad or borrowed light. Luneta, sf. 1. Opening left in an arch in form ti 544 MAC MAC T H E letter m has iu the Spanish language and hewing timber.—Macnaa: ia, pp. of the same sound as in English M is never Machar. doubled in Spanish. Machar, ra. T o pound. V. Machacar. A macha Maca, sf. 1. Bruise infruitoccasioned by a faU martillo, Firmly, strongly ; in a solid manner. from the tree, or from any bruise or hurt. 2. Creer en Dios á macha martillo, T o believe Spot, stain. 3. Deceit, fraud, trick. in Godfirmlyand sincerely. Macaco, ca, s. Parrot. Psittacus nucao, L. Macheár, rn. To beget more males than Macana, sf. A wooden weapon in the form of a témales. Machetazo, sm. Blow or stroke with a hatchet. cimeter, in use among the Indians. Macareno, na, a. (Coll.) Applied to a bragging,Machete, sm. Chopping-knife, cutlass. Machetero, sm. One who clears away bushes boasting person. Macarrones, sm. pl. 1. Macaroni, a kind of paste with a bill-hook. formed into small cylindrical tubes : in this Machiega, a. V. Abeja machiega. sense it is sometimes used in the singular. 2. Machihembrar, ra. (Caip.) To join or dovetaU pieces of wood in a box with grooves. (Nau.) Awning-stanchions. V. Candeleros. Macarronea, sf. A kind of burlesque poetry,Machinete, sm. (Prov.) Chopping-knife. made up of words of different languages, Macho, sm. 1. Male animal. 2. He-mule, got by a stone-horse and a she-ass, or by a jackmixed confusedly together. ass and a mare. 3. Flesh of a he-goat, eaten Macarrónico, ca, a. Macáronle. in Valencia and other parts of Spain instead Macarronísmo, sm. The macáronte style of of mutton. 4. Mould in which bells are cast. poetry. 5. A n uncouth, ignorant fellow. 6. Pillar of Macarse, rr. To rot, to be spoiled in consequence of a bruise or hurt: appUed to fruit. masonry to support a building. 7. Hook to catch hold in an eye. 8. Screw-pto. 9. Sledge Maceadór, sm. Beater, hammerer. Macear, ra. To beat or drive with a mallet, to or large hammer, used to forge iron. IU. Block on which a smith's anvil isfixed.11. knock, to hammer down.—rn. To repeat Machos del timón, (Nau.) Rudder-pintles, frequently the same demand, to insist upon it. Maceración, sf. 1. Maceration, an infusión with hooks by which the rudder is fastened to the or without heat, wherein the ingredients are sternpost. intended to be nearly dissolved. 2. Mortifi- Macho, a. MascuUne, vigorous, robust; male. cation, maceration, corporal severity or hard- Machón, sm. (Arch.) Buttress, an arched pillar to support a wall or building. ship. Macerar, ra. 1. To macérate, to soften any hard Machorra, sf.l.A barren ewe. 2. A n y woman who cannot get or bear a child. substance by steeping it nearly to solütion, either with or without heat. 2. T o mortify, Machota, Machúte, s. A kind of beetle or mallet. to macérate, to harass with corporal hardships. 3, (Chem.) To bruise plants, to ex- Machucadura, sf. The act of pounding oí bruising. tract their juice Macerina, sf. A kind of saucer with a round Machucamiento, sm. V. Machucadura. cavity in the middle to hold the chocolate- Machucar, ra. To pound, to bruise. V. Machacar. cup, when served. Macero, sm. Mace-bearer, one who carries the Machucho, cha, a. Mature, ripe of age and understanding ; judicious. mace before sovereigns, corporatíons, etc. Machuelo, sm. 1. (Dim.) A smaU he-mule. 2. Maceta, sf. 1. Flower-pot, in whichflowersare Heart of an onion. reared. 2. Handle of a stick used at Spanish truek-tobles. 3. Handle of many kinds of Mácias, sf, V. Macis. tools. 4. Haunch of mutton. 5. Two- Macicez, sf. (Prov. Low) Solidity, comparíness. clawed hammer. 6. (Nau.) Maul, mallet. Macilento, ta, a. Lean, extenuated; withered, decayed, macilent, marcid. Maceta de aforra, A serving-mallet. Maceta de calafate, A calking-mallet. Maceta Macis, sf. Mace, a kind of spice; the second of de ajustar, A drivuig-mallet Afaceías,Mallets the three coverings of the nutmeg. or beetles, with which rope-ends are beaten Macizamente, aa*. In afirmand solid manner. Macizar, ra. 1. To cióse or stop any opening or to make oakum. Macetón, sm. augm. oí Maceta. passage, to form into a compact body. 2. To Machaca, s com. A n ignorant, tiresome person. support a propositiou by solid arguments and convincing reasons. Machacadera, sf. Instrument for pounding or breaking. Macizo, za, a. 1. Compact, dose, solid, massive, Machacador, ra, s. Pounder, beetler, bruiser. massy. 2. Firm, certain. Machacar, ra. To pound or break any thing into Macizo, sm. Massiness or massiveness, bulk. small pieces, to crash, to contuse.—vn. To Macla,' sf. 1. (Bot.) Water-caltrops. Trapa importune, to harass, to molest. Machacar natans, L. 2. Wooden instrument to scotch en hierro frió, To hammer cold iron: phrase flax or hemp. indicating inutility. Mácle, sm. (Blaz.) Másele, a lozenge as it weie Machacón, na, a. Heavy, monotonous, importú- perforated. nate, tediously diffuse. Macoca, sf. A large sort of early figs. Machada, sf. 1. Flock of he-goats. 2. (CoU.) V.Macolla, sf. Bunch offlowers,etc. growing on A'éeeáaa'. one stalk. Machado, sm. Hatchet, a swall axeforcutting; Macona, sf. fProv.) Basket without handles. v 0 L . I. 545 ' 2 N MAD MAD lees or scum concreted. 11. Mother, a famiMacrocosmo, sm. Macrocosm, the whole world Uar term oí address to an oíd woman. Madre or visible system, in opposition to the microde leche, A wet-nurse. Mal de madre, 1. cosm or world of man. Macuca, sf. (Bot.) Kind of wild pear or pear- Mother or hysterical passion. 2. The state of children spoiled by their mother. Madre tree. Pyrus communis, L. sylvestris. Mácula, sf. Stain, spot, blemish, macule or m a ael timón, (Nau.) Maín-piece of the rudder. Madre de la rueda del timón, (Nau.) Barrel cula. Macular, ra. 1. (Obs.) To macúlate, to stain, to of the steering-wheel. Madres, (Nau.) Gallows-beams. spot 2. T o make a double impression in printing with types or copper-plates. 3. (Obs.) T o Madreár, vn. (Coll.) 1. T o cali mother repeatedly. 2. T o copy the manners of a mother. mark with infamy. Maculatura, sf. (Print.) Sheet which has re- Madrecíca, íta, sm. dim. of Madre, Used as an endearing expression instead of mother. ceived a double impression in printing. Maculóso, sa, a. FuU of spots, stains and ble- Madrecilla, sf. 1. Ovarium of birds. 2. (Dim.) V. Madrecica. mishes. Macuquino, na, a. Applied to coin with the Madreclávo, sm. Clove, a spice which has remained on the tree two years. milled edges cut away. Madreña, sf. V. Almadreña. Madama, sf. Madam. V. Señora. Madamisela, sf. A n appellation given in Spain Madreperla» sf. Mother of pearl; pearl-oyster. Mytilus margaritiferus, L. to young women who are over nice to point Madrepóra, sf. Madrepore, white coral. of dress, and affect the lady. Madeja, sf. 1. H a n k or skein of thread, worsted, Madrero, ra, a. (Prov. Coll.) FondUng, caressing a mother. sük or cotton. 2. Lock of hair. 3. A weak, lazy person. Madeja sin cuenda, Confused,Madreselva, sf. (Bot ) Honey-suckle. Lonicera caprifolíum, L. disordered, irregular person or thing. Hacer madeja, To be ropy: appUed to liquors. Madrigada, a. Applied formerly to a woman Madejéta, íca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A small skein. twice married. Madejuéla, sf. A smaU skein. Madrigado, da, a. 1. Cunning, crafty. 2. ApMadera, sf 1. Timber, wood. Madera de cons- plied to a bull that has been with cows. trucción, Timber for ship-building. MaderaMadrigal, sm. Madrigal, a light, airy, short de vuelta, Compass-timber. Madera derecha, song. Straight timber. Madera del aire, Horn ofMadrigaléja, Madrigaléte, sm. dim. A short madrigal. animáis. A media madera, Said of scarfed timbera. 2. Hoof of a horse or other beast. 3. Madriguera, sf. 1. Burrow, the holes made in Said of green or unripe fruit. Descubrir la the ground by rabbits or conies. 2. Den, lurking place. madera, (Coll.) T o manifest any unknown vice or defect. Ser de mala madera or tener Madrílla, sf (Prov.) A small river fish. Madrilléra, sf. (Prov.) Instrumentforcatching mala madera, To be lazy. Maderada, sf. Raft, a frame oífloat,made by small fish. Madrina, sf. 1. Godmother, a woman who has laying pieces of timber across each other. Maderáge, Maderamen, sm. The whole of the beeome a sponsor in baptism. 2. Bridemaid, 3. Protoctress. 4. Prop, stanchion. 5. Straps timber necessaryfora building; a house in or cords which yoke two horses. frame. Maderár, va. (Obs.) To plank. V. Enmaderar. Madríz, sf. 1. (Obs.) V. Matriz. 2. Place where quails nestle. 3. (Orn.) Daker lien. Maderería, sf. Timber-yard. Maderero, sm. Timber-merchant, woodmonger; Rallos crex, L. Madrona, sf. 1. Mother over-fond of her children, carpenter. who spoils them by excessivetenderness.2. Maderíco, íllo, íto, sm. dim. A small piece of (Bot.) Clandestine toothwort. Lathrasa clantimber. destina, L. Maderista, sm. (Prov.) Conductor of a raft or Madroncillo, sm. Strawberry. float of timber. Madero, sm. Beam, any large and long piece of Madroñal, sm. Plantation of strawberry-trees. timber: it is sometimes appUed to any piece Madroñera, sm. (Bot.) Strawberry-tiee. Arbutus unedo, L. of timber, Madroñíto, uélo, sm. dim. A small strawberryMaderuélo, sm. dim. V. Maderico. tree. Mádios, (Obs.) V. Par dios. Madraza, sf.augm. A very fond mother. Madroño, sm. 1. Strawberry-tree. Arbutus Madrastra, sf. 1. Step-mother, a w o m a n marunedo, L. 2. Fruit of the strawberry-tree. ried to a m a n who has children by a former 3. Silk tassel. wife. 2. (Met.) A n y thing disagreeable. Madrugada, sf. 1. Dawn, the time between the Madre, sf. 1. Mother, a woman who has borne first appearance of light and the sun's rise. a díild : correlative to son or daughter. 2. 2. The act of rising early in the morning. De Mother, that which has produced any thing. madrugada, At break of day. 3. Hen, a bird hatching young from eggs. 4. Madrugador, ra, s. Early riser. Mother, a title given to religious women. 5. Madrugar, rn. 1. T o rise early in the morning. Matron in an hospital. 6. Basis, foundation, 2. T o contrive, to premeditóte. 3. To antidorigin. 7. Matrix, womb, matrice. 8. Bed pate, to be beforehand. of a river. 9. Sewer, sink. 10. Mother, a Madrugón, sm. 1. Act ofrisingvery early in the thick substance concreted in liquors, oí the morning. 2. Early riser. 546 MAE MAG Maduradón, sf. Ripeness, maturity, matu- Maestrescolia, sf. Dignity of a maestrescuela in ration. the Spanish cathedral churches. Maduradéro, sm. Place for ripening fruits. Maestrescuela, sm. I. A dignitary in the SpaMadurador, ra, s. O n e w h o matures or ripens. nish cathedral churches, whose duty formerly Maduramente, ad. Maturely, prudently, consiwas to teach divinity. 2. Chancellor in some derately. universities. Madurante, pa. Maturing, ripening; matura- Maestría, sf. 1. Mastership, complete knowledge, tive. mastery, masteriness, eminent skill. 2. In Madurar, ra. T o ripen or to ripe, to maturate, regular orders, the dignity or degree of a to mature, to mellow, to m a k e ripe.—rn. 1. T o master. 3. (Obs.) Mastership of a vessel. ripen, to grow ripe. 2. T o attaiu the age of 4. (Obs.) Address ; stratagem. maturity.—rr. T o ripen, to grow ripe, to be- Maestril, sm. Cells to which the king or queen come matured. bees are bred. Madurativo, va, a. Maturative. Maestríllo, sm. dim. A little master. Madurativo, sm. 1. A n y thing that matures. 2. Maestro, sm. 1. Master,teacher,professor, one Means employed to soften any person to w h o teaches any art or science. 2. Master, yield to a request. a m a n eminently skilfultopractice or science. Madurez, sf. 1. Maturity, meflowness, ripeness. 3. A compellation of respect in monastic or2. Prudence, wisdom. ders. 4. Master, a title of dignity in some Maduro, ra, a. 1. Ripe, mature, perfect, mellow, universities. full, full grown. 2. Prudent, judicious. Maestro, tra, a. Masterly, principal,first,main. Maesa, sf. V . Abeja maestra. Magacén, sm. (Obs.) V. Almacén. Maése, sm. (Obs.) Master. V. Maestro. Maese Maganto, ta, a. Spiritless, dull, faint, languid. Magaña, sf. Honey-comb, a flaw in the bore oí coral, A kind of g a m e played with balls. Maesíl, sm. V. Maestril. a gun. Maestra, sf. 1. Mistress, school-mistress. 2. Magarza, sf. (Bot.) D o w n y chamomile. Anfhemis tomentosa, L. Mastér's wife to all trades and professions. 3. Queen-bee. 4. Whatever instructs. La his- Magarzuéla, sf. Stinking chamomile. Anthetoria es maestra de ta vida, History is the mis lotula, L. Magdaleón, sm. Sticks of plaster, m a d e up ta instructress of life. Maestrádgo, sm. 1. (Obs ) Territory of the master small cylindrícal rolls for use. Magénca, sf. (Prov.) Digging of vines. of a miUtary order. 2. Office of master. Maestral, a. 1. Suitíhg or relating to a grand- Magencár, ra. (Prov.) T o dig the earth up master of a military order, or to his dignity about vines, and to clear them of weeds. or jurisdiction. 2. (Obs.) V. Magistral. 3. Magestád, sf. 1. Majesty, dignity; grandeur of appearance, loftiness ; gravity. 2. Majesty, North-west: applied to the wind. Mesa maestral, T h e sheep-walk board.—sm. Cell the title of emperors, kíngs, empresses and of the queen or principal bee. queens. 3. Power, kingship, sovereignty, eleMaestraUzár, rn. (Nau.) T o have variation or vation. declination to west or north-west: applied to Magestóso, sa, a. V . Magestuoso. Magestuosaménte, ad. Majestically, kingly. the compass-needle. Maestramente, aa*. (Obs.) Masterly, dexterously,Magestuosidád, sf. Majesty, dignity. skilfully. Magestuoso, sa, a. 1. Majestic, majestical, au. Maestránte, sm. A ny of the members of one of gust, grand. 2. Stately, pompous, lofty. 3. the societies called maestranzas. Grave, solemn. Maestranza, sf. 1. Society of nobleroen in Spain Magia, sf. 1. Magic, the art of producíng sur» with the object of putting into practice equesprisíng effects by the secret -agency of natural powers : in this sense it is also caUed trian exercises. 2. All the several trades that magia blanca or magia natural. 2. Magic, belong to the building of ships. 3. Dockyard; naval storehouse. the pretended science of putting in action the Maestrazgo, sm. Dignity of a grand-master of power of spirits: in this sense it is generally a military order, or his jurisdiction. called magia negra. Maestrázo, sm. augm. A great master. Mágicamente, ad. Magically. Maestre, sm. 1. Grand master of a military or- Mágico, ca, a. Magic, magical, incantating; neder : it is also called gran maestre. 2. (Nau.) cromantic. Master of a merchant-ship, ship-master: in Mágico, ca, s. Magician, one w h o professes the Mediterranean he is called patrón. 3. magic. (Nau.) Master on board of a ship of war. Magín, sm. (Prov. Coll.) V . Imaginación. 4. Maestre de plata, (Nau.) Supercargo on Magisterial, a. Magisterial, magistral, cunde. board the royal Spanish galíeons. 5. üíaes- Magisterio, sm. 1. Mastery, magisterialness, rule tre de raciones, (Nau.) Purser. 6. (Obs.) of a master. 2. Mastership, thetitleand rank Master, doctor. of a master in the universities. 3. Gravity, Maestrear, vn. (Coll.) T o domineer, to act the seriousness ; affected solemnity. 4. Magismaster.—ra. 1. T o lop vines. 2. (Prov.) T o tery, a chemical preparation of mixed bodies. adultérate, to falsify. 3. T o level the surface Magistrado, sm. 1. Magistrate, a chief officer ol of a wall. justice. 2. Magistracy, the office or dignity Maestreescuela, sm. V . Maestrescuela. of a magistrate. 3. Court, tribunal. Maestresala, sm. T h e chief waiter at a noble- Magistral, a. 1. Magisterial, such as suits a man's table in Spain. master, magistral, masterly, oracular. 2. A p 547 2 N 2 MAG MAJ plied to a prebend in Catholie cathedrals, Magújb, sm. (Nau.) Rave-book: an instrument called magistral, and to the person who en- with a crooked point, which serves to pick joys it. 3. (Med.) Magistral or magístralía: oíd oakum out of the seams of the ship's applied to such medicines, as are extemporasides and decks. neous or in common use.—sf. Title of a pre- Magulla, sf. (Obs.) V. Magulladura. Dendary, in the R o m á n catholie church, whose Magullado, da, a. and pp. oí Magullar, Bruised, funríions consist in teaching and preaching. worn out. — s m . The person who enjoys the prebend or Magulladura, sf. Bruise, contusión; a hurt with canonry caUed magistral in Spanish cathesomething blunt and heavy. drals. Magullamiento, sm. Act of bruising; contuMagistralménte, ad. Magisterially, magistrally, sión. masterly. Magullar, ra. T o bruise, to mangle,tofrush,to Magistratura, sf. Magistracy, judicature, judge- contuse. «hip. Maharón, na, a. (Obs.) Unhappy, unfortunate. Magnánimamente, aa*. Magnanimously, with Maherír, ra. (Obs.) T o convene, to antiápate. greatness of mind, bravely; generously. Mahometano, s. and a. Mohammedau, mahoMagnanimidad, sf. Magnanimity, elevation of medan, mahometon. mind ; elevation of soul, fortitude, generous- Mahometismo, sm. Mohammedanism, mahomeness, greatness. tism, a system of religión introduced by MoMagnánimo, ma, a. Magnanimotis, heroic or hammed, and adherecí to by his sect. heroical, generous; honourable. Mahometísta, sm. (Obs.) FoUower of MohamMagnate, sm. Magnate, a person of rank, opumed. lence, fashion or influence. Mahometizar, rn.To profess Mohammedanism; Magnesia, sf. Magnesia, a medicinal powder, a to mahometanize. radical earth. Mahón, sm. Nankin or nankeen, a kind of Ught Magnético, ca, a. Magnetic, magnetical, relating cotton. to the magnet; attractive, Mahóna, sf. Turkish transport vessel. Magnetismo, sm. Magnetism, power of the load-Maído, sm. M e w . V. Maullido. stone ; power of attraction. Maimona, sf. B e a m of a horse mili in which the spindle runs. Magnetizar, ra. T otottchwith the loadstone or magnet, to render magnetic. Maimonétes, sm. pl. (Nau.) Pegs or pins, placed Magníficamente, aa". Magnificently, loftily, on deck near the main and foremast to which rope-ends are fastened. nobly. Magnificar, ra. T o magnify, to extol, to exalt, Maís, ad. (Prov.).V. Mas and Sino. to raise in estimation. Maitinánte, sm. One who attends matins. Magníficat, s. com. The song of the blessed Vir-Maitín'ário, sm. Book containing the matins. gin. Criticar or corregir el magníficat,Maitines, To sm. pl. Matins, one of the canonical hours in the Catholie church. criticise without reason or judgment. Magnificencia, sf. Magnificence, grandeur of Maíz, sm. (Bot.) Maize, Indian corn. Zea mays, L. appearance, grandity, grandeur, splendour ; Maizal, sm. Field sown with Indian corn. gorgeousness. Majada, sf. 1. Sheep-cot, sheep-fold. 2. (Obs.) Magnífico, ca, a. 1. Magnificent, splendid, magInn. nific or magnifica!, grand, great, costly; Majadal, sm. Land used for a sheep-fold. gaudy. 2. A title of honour. Magnitud, sf. 1. Magnitude, comparative bulk Majadear, rn. To take shelter in the night: apor extent. 2. Magnitude, greatness, grandeur. plied to aflockof sheep. Magno, na, a. Great: used as an epithet in the Majaderázo, sm. augm. V. Majaderon. Majadería, sf. Absurd speech, nonsense; lumpSpanish language: e. g. Alejandro el magno, ishness. Alexander the Great. Magnolia, sf. (Bot.) Magnolia. Magnolia, L.Majaderillo, sm. Bobbin for lace. Magnolia grandiflora, Laurel-leaved magno-Majadero, ra, a. Dull, footish, doltish, silly, blockish, sottish. lia. Magnolia grandiflora, L. Mago, ga, s. 1. A title formerly given ín the Majadero, sm. 1. Gawk, afoolish,troublesome east to philosophers, kings or wise men, called fellow. 2. (Obs.) Pestle, an instrument with which any thing is broken in a mortar. 3. magi. 2. Magician, one skilled in magic; a (Obs.) Pounder, one that pounds or breaks necromancer. Magra, sf. Rasher, slice of pork, bacon or ham. any thing in a mortar. 4. Place where hemp or bass is beaten. Majaderos, Bobbins foi Magríca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A small rasher. making bone-lace. Magro, gra, a. Meagre, lean, marcíd, wanting Majaderon, sm. augm. A great gawk, a great flesh. fool. M igrújo, ja, a. (Obs.) Meagre. V. Magro. Majadór, ra, s. Pounder, bruiser. Magrura, sf. Leanness, thinness, marcour. Maguer, Maguera, conj. (Obs.) Although. V. Majadura, sf. The act of pounding or bruising. Majagranzas, sm. (Coll.) A stupid brute : nickAunque. name for an ignorant, troublesome fellow. Magüeto, ta, s. (Prov.) V . Aovillo. Maguey, sm. (Bot) American agave. Agave Majamiento, sm. (Obs.) "Whipping, chastisement. Americana, L. Maguillo, sm. Wild common pear-tree. Pyrus Majano, sm. A small heap of stones serving as a lardmark. communis sylvestris, L. 548 MAL MAL Majar, ra. 1. To pound, to break in a mortar. dians, etc.—vr. To contract an impropci oí 2. To importune, to vex, to molest. unfortunate marriage. Majarrána, sf. (Prov.) Fresh pork. Malcaso, sm. Treason, turpitude, crime. Majéncta, sf. (Prov. Coll.) The quality of being Malcocinado, sm. 1. Tripes, liver and lights of very spruce orfinein one's dress. a quadruped or four-footed animal. 2. Place Majo, ja, s. Boaster, bragger. where tripes are sold. Majo, ja, a. Gallant, nitid, gay, spruce, fine.Malcomido, da, a. Hungry, destitote of wholeMajolar, ra. T o put straps to the shoes, to tie some food. them tight. Malcontento, sm. 1. Malecontent; one w h o m nothing pleases; a peevish person dissatisfied Majorca, sf. V. Mazorca. Majuela, sf. 1. Fruit of the white hawthom. with every thing. 2. Kind of game at cards. Malcontento, ta, a. Discontented, malecontent, 2. Strap with which shoes are tied. Majuelo, sm. 1. Vine newly planted. 2. V. Es- malecoutented, mumpish. Malcórte, sm. Transgression of the mountain pino majuelo. Mal, sm. 1. Evil, harm, hurt, injury, mischief. laws in cutting wood or making charcoal. 2. Illness. disease, complaint. 3. Imperfec- Malcriado, da, a. IU-bred, unmannerly, spoüed: tion. 4. Fault, trespass.—a. V. Malo : it is commonly applied to children. used only before masculine substantives.— Maldad, sf. 1. Wickedness, iniquity, conuption, ad. Badly, injuriously, ill. Anda mal, H e is abominatíon. 2. Guiltiness, criminousness, a bad walker. Mal caduco, Epilepsy. Mal harmfulness, mischievousness. Maldadoso, sa, a. (Obs.) Wieked, ill-disposed. hecho, 1. Badly done, illfinished.2. Unjust, contrary to equity and justice. Mal de mi Maldecidor, ra, s. Detractor; swearer. grado, mal de tu grado or mal de su grado,Maldecimiénto, sm. (Obs.) Backbiting, privy In spite of me, of you or of him or her, mau- calumny; censure of the absent. gre ; notwithstanding. Mal que bien, WithMaldecir, ra. l.To curse, to aecurse, to exécrate. 2. To uetract. good or ill will. Mal por mal, For want of something better. Del mal el menos, The Maldícho, cha, pp. irr. obs. oí Maldecir, Acoursed; calumniated. least of two evils. De mal en peor, Worse and worse. Mal francés, Venereal disease. Maldiciente, pa. and s. Cursiug; curser; mordaMal de ojo, Evil eye. Mal de ojos, Eyesore. cious. Maldición, sf. 1. Malediction, curse, cursing, Mal de ánimo, Heartsore. Mala, sf. 1. Mail: a ñame applied in Spain to execration; imprecation. 2. Divine chastisethe bag or packet of letters from France. 2. ment. Maldita, sf. (CoU.) The tongue. Soltar la malDeuce of spades. dita, (CoU.) T e give a loóse to one's tongue, Malácho, a. (Prov.) V. Malucho. Malacostumbrado, da, a. Having bad habito or toteUone's mind very freely. Maldito, ta, a. 1. Perverse, wieked. 2. Chastised customs. Malacuenda, sf. Coarse cloth made of tow. V. by divine justice. 3. Damned, cursed, confounded. 4. (Coll.) None, not one.—pp. irr. Rázago. Malagana, sf. (Prov.) Pole set up with dry furze oí Maldecir, Accursed. Maleabüidád, sf. Malleability, malleableness, to catch bees swarming. quality of being extended by the hammer. Malamente, ad. Badly, wickedly. Malandanza, sf. Misfortune, calamity. Maleable, a. Malleable, hammerable. Maleador, ra, s. Rogue, villain, corruptor Malandár, sm. (Prov.) Wild hog. Malandrín, sm. Highwayman, one who robs on Maleante, sm. Corruptor, injurer.—pa. Corrupting. the highway.—a.- Malign, perverse. Malaquítes, sf. (Min.) Malachite, a kind of stone. Malear, ra. To pervert, to corrupt, to injure, to Malatía, sf. (Obs.) Malady, disease, distemper. damnify. Maláto, ta, s. (Obs.) A person indisposed withMalecón, sm. Dike, a mouud to prevent inundatious. some disease. Maledicencia, sf. Slander, calumny, maledicen Maláto, sm. (Chem.) Malate. Malavenido, da, a. and s. Quarrelsome person, cy, obloquy. one who applies himself to sow discord; curst,Maleficencia, sf. Mischievousness, the habit o mischievous. custom of doing mischief. Malaventura, sf. Calamity, misfortune. Maleficiar, ra. 1. To adultérate, to corrupt, to Malaventurado, da, a. Unfortunate, ill-fated, vitiate. 2. To maleficiate, to bewitch, to inluckless, fortuneless. jure by witchcraft. Malavés, Malavéz, aa*. (Obs.) V. Apenas. Maleficio, sm. 1. (Obs.) Hurt, damage, injury. Malbaratador, ra, s. Spendthrift, mispender, la- 2. Witchcraft, charm, enchantment visher, one who wastes his fortune and other Maléfico, ca, a. Mischievous, malefic, maleficent, people's money in extravagance and useless injurious to others, especially by witchcraft. things. Maleta, sf. 1. Portmanteau, a bag in which Malbaratar, ra. 1. To mispend, to lavish. 2. To clothes are carried. Hacer la maleta, To make disorder, to put into disorder. the necessary preparations for a journey. 2. Malcarado, da, a. Grimfaced, foulfaced. (Low) Prostitute kept by any one for inMalcasado, da, a. and pp. of Malcasar, Not well terest. married. Maletero, sm. Harness-maker, saddler; portMalcasar, va. T o make any one marry against manteau maker. his or her wil/ : applied to parents, guar- Maletía, sf. Malice ; injury to the health. 549 MAL MAL Maletíca, fila, íta, sf. A small portmanteau, a Mallétes, s. pl. (Nau.) Partners, strong piecej of timber bolted to the beams, encirclrag the malet. masts, to keep them steady in their stops, and Maletón, sm. augm. A large leather bag, in which prevent them from rolling or pitching by the bags are carried on a journey. Malevolencia, sf. Malevolence, ill-nature, ill-will, board. Mallo, sm. 1. Pallmall, g a m e of bowls, skittles malignancy. or nine-pins. 2. Malí, bowling-green, skittleMalévolo, la, a. Malevolent, malignant, malevoground. 3. Mallet. lous, mischievous, hateful. Maleza, s/.-l. Wickedness, matice. 2. Piece of Malmandado, da, a. (Coll.) Disobedient, obstíground, rendered unfruitful by brambles and nate. Malmeter, vn. (CoU.) T o incUne, to induce to briers with which it is covered. evil; to m a k e one différ with another, to Malfechór, sm. (Obs.) V . Malhechor. breed quarrels. Malgáma, sm. (Chem.) V . Amalgama. Malgastar, ra. T o mispend, to waste, to lavish, Malmirado, da, a. Unpolite, iudiscreet to lose. Malo, la, a. 1. Bad, ill, not good. 2. Bad, viMalhablado, da, a. Bold, impudent in speaking, cious, wieked, perverse, naught, naughty. 3. foul-mouthed. Imperfect, defective. 4. Artful, cunning, Malhadado, da, a. Wretched, unfortunate. crafty. 5. Sickly, disordered, ül. Estar malo, Malhecho, sm. Flagitious actiou. T o be ill, to be sick. Ser mulo, T o be wieked. Malhecho, cha, a. 111-shaped : applied to persons 6. Difficult, inquiet. De mala, Deceitfully, w h o are humpbacked, or have some other rein an insidious manner. Andar á malas, To markable defect in their bodies. go in enmity. Malhechor, ra, s. Malefactor, offender, mísdoer. Malo, interj. B a d ; so m u c h the worse. Malherido, da, a. and pp. oí Malherir, Badly Malogramiento, sm. Disappointment. Malograr, ra. 1. T o disappoint, to disconcert. wounded. 2. (Com.) T o waste or spoü goods.—rr. To Malherir, va. T o wound badly. be disappointed, to fail oí success. Malhojo, sm. (Obs.) Refuse, that which is thrown away or disregarded w h e n the rest is taken. Malogro, sm. Disappointment, miscarriage. Malhumorado, da, a. IU-humoured, peevish ; Malordenádo, da, a. Badly contrived, Ul arranged. having gross humours. Maliciaos/ 1. Malice, perversity, wickedness, Malparado, da, a. and pp. oí Malparar, IU con ditioned, impaired, hurt, without us». malignity, malignancy. 2. Malice, maliciousness, mischievousness, badness of design, in- Malparar, va. T o ill-treat, to impair, to damage, to hurt, to blemish. tention of mischief to another. 3. Suspicion, apprehension. 4. Cunning, artífice. 5. Dis- Malparida, sf. W o m a n w h o has miscarried. simulation, hypocrisy. 6. Gall, rancour, ani- Malparir, rn. T o miscarry, to have an abortion. mosity, evil disposition; injurious quaUty; Malparto, sm. Abortion. Malquerencia, sf. Ill-will, hatred. cursedness. Maliciar, ra. T p corrupt, to adultérate.—vn. T o Malquerer, ra. T o abhor, to hate, to bear ill-will. put a maUcious construction on a thing, to Malquistar, ra. T o exdte disputes and quarrels a m o n g friends and other persons.—rr. T o indiscourse in a maUcious manner; to suspect cur hatred and displeasure. maliciously. Malquisto, ta, a. Hated, detested, abhorred. Maliciosamente, ad. Maliciously. Malrotar, ra. T o mispend. to lavish, to run Maliciosíco, íca, íllo, illa, íto, íta, a. dim. A little through one's fortune. maUcious. Malicioso, sa, a. MaUcious, suspicious, wieked, Malsano, na, a. 1. Unhealthy, sickly, infirm. 2. Unwholesome, insalubrious, mischievous knavish, mischievous, malign or malignant. to health. Malíco, íca,filo,illa, íto, íto, a. dim. of Malo. Malignamente, aa". MaUgnantly, mischievously, Malsín, sm. Tale-bearer, one w h o endeavours to sow discord and breed disturbances. hatefully, malevolently, malignly. , Malignar, va. T o vitiate, to corrupt, to deprave. Malsinár, ra. (Obs.) T o inform against one from malice and spite. — v r . T o beeome sore. Malignidad, sf. Malignity, malice, perverseness;Malsindad, Malsinería, sf. (Obs.) Malignant innoxiousness, mischievousness, hiirtfulness, cur-• formation. Malsonante, a. Applied to doctrines offénsive to rishness; hatred. pious ears. Maligno, na, a. Malignant, perverse, malign, maUcious, iU-dísposed, maleficent, hateful, Maltraer, ra. (Obs.) T o treat ill. V. Maltratar. Maltratamiento, sm. IU treatment, bad usage; galsome, felonious. affiiction. Malilla, sf. 1. Manille, the deuce of spades or clubs, or the seven of hearts or diamonds, in Maltratar, va. 1. T o treat ill, to abuse, ta maltreat, to use with roughness and unkindness, the g a m e of ombre. 2. A g a m e at cards like to misuse. 2. T o spoil, to destroy. whist. 3. (Coll.) Person full of wickedness Maltrato, sm. IU treatment. and malice. Malla, sf. 1. M e s h or mash, the space between Malucho, cha, a. (Coll.) A sickly person. the threads of a net. 2. (Nau.) Network of Malva, sf. (Bot) Mallows. Malva, L. Malvadamente, ad. Wickedly, naughtily, misa ship. 3. Coat of mail. chievously ; helUshly; lewdly. Mallár, va. 1. T o m a k e network. 2. (Obs.) T o Malvado, da, a. MaUcious, wieked, insolent. vi mail, to arm with a coat of mail. cious, nefarious, very perverse, graceless Malléro, sm. Armourer, maker of coats of mail. 550 MAM MAN in a ship to keep powder, stores, provisions naughty, crimínous, lewd, hellish, felonious, etc. sepárate. Mamparos de quita y pon, cursed, foolish. (Nau.) Ship and unship bulkheads. Malvar, sm. Place covered with mallows.—va. Mampirlán, sm. (Prov.) A wooden ladder or step (Obs.) T o vitiate, to corrupt. Malvasía, sf. Malmsey grape; malmsey wine. Mamporro, sm. (Prov.) Thump. Malvavisco, sm. (Bot.) Marsh-mallows. Althaea Mampostear, ra. T o raise masón work, to cement with mortar. officiiialis, L. Malversación, sf. Misapplication or maleadmi-Mamposteria, sf. 1. W o r k made of stone and mortar without regularity and order. 2. A nistration of money : malversation. Malversador, ra, s, Person who misapplies pro- covered battery. 3. The employment of colleeting alms for the hospitals of St Lazaras perty. Malversar, ra. To misapply, to apply money to and St. Anthony. Mampostero, sm. 1. Masón, who builds with wrong purposes. stone and mortar. 2. Collector of alms for Malvís, Malviz, sm, Bird resembling a thrush. Mamá, sf. 1. M a m , m a m m a : a fond word for the hospitals of St. Lazaras and St. Anthony. Mampresar, ra. (Prov.) T o begin to break mother. 2. (Anat.) Teat, nipple. Mamacallos, sm. (Coll.) Dolt, simpleton. horses. Mamada, sf. (Coll.) Time which a child takesMampuesta, sf. R o w or line of bricks. Mampuesto, sm. Materials for raising work of in sucking. masonry. De mampuesto, Provisionally. Mamadera, sf. Sucktog-glass used to draw milk Mamujar, va. To play with the breast, not to out of a woman's breast have an inclination to suck : appUed to chilMamador, ra, s. Sueker, one who sucks. dren. Mamalúco, sm. (Coll.) Dolt, simpleton, fool. Mamáncia, sf. (Low) Childishness, silliness. Mamullar, ra. To eat or chew as if sucking; to Mamante, a. Sucking. Piante ni mamante, Not mutter; to mumble. one, none : it is accompanied with the verb Man, sf. (Obs.) Hand. A man salva, Without risk or danger; very easily. quedar and a negative. Mamantón, na, a. Sucking: applied to animáis Maná sm. 1. Manna,foodof the Israelites. 2. Mamar, ra. 1. T o suck, to draw milk out of the Mauna, a g u m obtained from ash-trees. 3. Tart made of blanched almonds, sugar, spice breast of a female. 2. (CoU.) To cram and and other ingredients. 4. Kind of small sudevour victuals. Mamario, ria, a. M a m m a r y : relating to the veins gar-plums. Manada, sf. 1. Flock, herd; drove of cattle. 2. and arteries which pass through the breast. Mamarrachada, sf. 1. A collection of rude or ri-Handful of corn, etc. or any other things diculousfigures.2. A foolish action or speech. which can be held in the hand; help, cluster. 3. Crowd,fry,multitude. A manadas, In Mamarrachista, sm. (Littl. us.) Dauber, bad troops or crowds. painter. Mamarracho, sm. A n ill-drawnfigureof a man; Manadera, sf. Strainer, an instrument for nltration. a grotesque ornament. Mamey, sm. (Bot.) 1. M a m m e e sapota. Achras Manadero, sm. 1. Source, spring. 2. Shepherd, one who has the care of a herd or flock. mammosa, L. 2. American mammee-tree. Manadero, ra, a. Springing, that which issues. M a m m e a Americana, L. Mamelládo, da, a. Mammellated : applied to Manadilla, sf. dim. A small flock. animáis having loóse projecting skins on their Manante, pa. Proceeding, issuing. necks. Manantial, sm., 1. Source, spring. 2. Source, origin, principie, head. Mameluco, sm. 1. Mameluke, Egyptían soldier. 2. Epithet of contempt to a rude, uncivilized Manantial, a. Flowing, running: applied to water, Manar, rn. 1. T o spring from ; to distil from, and ignorant person. Mamíferos, sm. pl. Mammalia. as a liquoi. 2. To exstil, to drop or distil from. 3. To proceed, to issue, to arise. 4 Mamila, sf The chief part of a woman's bieast To abound, to be in great plenty. round the mpple. Mamilar, a. Mammülary. Manatí, Manato, sm. (Ichth.) Sea-cow, sea-morse. Mamilas, Papillas in the roof of the mouth. Manáza, sf, augm. A large hand, a muitanfist Manca sf. V. Manco. Mamóla, sf. Chuck under the chin Mamón, na, s. 1. A sucking animal. 2. A childMancamiento, sm. Want, defect, privatiou, deficieucy, maímedness. who sucks too much or who is sucking for a long time. 3. Milksop, a soft, effeminate Mancar, ra. 1. To maim, to disable an arm oí fellow who acts like a child—pl. 1. Tender hand from being used. 2. (Obs.) To fail, not quills, which begin to be formed on birds. to produce the desired effect. 3. To disable 2. Soup-meagre made with oil. 3. Suckers, a m a n from doing any business. youug twigs shooting from the stock. Manceba, sf. Mistress, concubino, w o m a n in Mamona, sf. (Obs.) Chuck. V. Mamola. keeping. Mamoso, sa, a. 1. Suoking. 2. Applied to panicMancebéte, sm. dim. V. Mancebico. grass. Mancebía, sf. 1. (Obs.) Youth. V. Juventud. Mamotreto, sm. Memorandum-book. 2. Brothel, bawdy-house, hot-house. Mampara, sf. Screen before a door or any other Mancebico, íllo, íto, sm dim. A little young man. fi.ace. Mancebo, ba, s. 1. Young person, not yet forty Mamparár, ra. (Obs.) To shelter, to protect. years of age. Mancebo de mercader, Shop. Mamparos, sm. pl. (Nau.) Bulkheads partitions man, shop-boy. 2. Journeyman, one who 551 MAN MAN de Dios, Commandments, the ten precepto of works undei a master for weekly oí- daily the decalogue. Mandamientos de la Iglesia wages. Mancél, sm. (Obs.) Place of rendezvous for tra- or a*e la Santa Madre Iglesia, Commandvellers and caravans. ments of the church. Mandante, pa. Commanding. Mancellár, Mancillar, ra. (Obs.) V. Amancillar. Mancellóso, sa, a. (Obs.) V. Malicioso. Mandar, va. 1. T o command, to give orders, to Mancér, sm. Son of a prostituta. order, to ordain. 2. T o lead, to head. 3. To leave oí bequeath in a last wül ot testament. Mancara, sf. Plough-taíl, handle of a plough. 4. (Prov.) To send. to transmit. 5. To offer, Mancerina, sf. (Prov.) Saucer. V. Macerina. Mancha, sf. 1. Stain, spot, discoloration ; blot, to promise.—vr. 1. In buildings, to commumar, dark, macula or macule. 2. Stigma, nicate with 2. T o have the free use of one's mark of infamy, a disgraceful taita; of guilt. limbs, to manage one's self without the aid 3. Piece of ground covered with copse and of others : applied to the infirm. Mandar á weeds. 4. (Met.) Dishonour either from mean alguno á puntapiés, á puntillazos or á zatapabirth or an ignominious act No es mancha zos, T o have complete ascendeney over any de judío, (Coll.) It is but a trifling thing. one. Mandar á coces, To command harshly. Manchado, da, a. Spotted, speckled.—pp. of Mandarín, sm. Mandarín, a Chínese nobleman Manchar. or magistrate. Manchar, va. 1. T o stain, to make any thing Mandarria, sf. (Nau.) Iron maul, a large iron lose ito natural colour; to corrupt, to soil, to hammer or sledge. contamínate; to daub; to darken, to cloud. Mandatario, sm. 1. Attorney, agent. 2. Mandatory; mandatary. 2. To defile one's character, to tarnish one's ñame and reputation. Manchar papel, To Mandato, sm. 1. Mándate, precept, tojuiiction, scribble, to write much and nothing to the order, ordinance. 2. Charge, trust commission. 3. Ecclesiastical ceremony of washing purpose. 3. (Pict.) T o lay in spots of üght colour before defining the figure. twelve persons' feet on Maundy Thursday. Manchéga, sf. Garter of different eolours, madeMande, interj. (Nau.) H o U a ! a word of command on board of ships, enjoining sUence of worsted, especially in Mancha. Manchíca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A sinall stain, spot and attention. Mandíbula, sf. Jaw-bone, mandible. or macula. Manchón, sm. 1. Spot where grain grows rank Mandibular, a. (Med.) Mandibular, belonging to the jaw. or thick. 2. (Augm.) A large stain or spot. Mancilla, sf. (Obs.) 1. Wound, sore. 2. Spot,Mandil, sm. 1. Coarse apron used by men or women. 2. (Low) Servant to a pimp or pros blemish. 3. Commiseíation. titute. Mancipar, va. T o subject, to enslave, to manMandilar, va. To wipe a horse with a coarse cípate. Manco, ca, a. 1. Handless, one-handed, without apron or cloth. one or both hands or without the use of them. Mandiléjo, sm. 1. (Dim.) A smaU apron, a ragged apron. 2. (Low) Servant of a rogue or 2. Maimed, defective, faulty, imperfect. Manco, ca, s. A handless or a one-handed person. prostitute; pimp, pander. Mancomún, sm. Concurrenee of two or more Mandiléte, sm. (Gunn ) Door of the porthole of a battery. persons in the execution of a thing : it is now used only in the adverbial phrase, de Mandilón, sm. (CoU.) Coward, a mean dastardly fellow. mancomún, Jointly, by common consent. Mancomunadaménte, ad. Conjointly, by com- Mando, sm. Command, authority, power, dominión,rale,masterdom. m o n consent Mancomunar, va. 1. To assoeiate, to unite. 2. Mandoble, sm. 1. A two-handed blow. 2. A severe reprimand. (Law) T o make two or more persons to pay jointly the costo of a law-suit.—rr. To act Mandón, na, a. Imperious, domineering.—s. A n imperious, haughty person. together, to join in the execution of a thing. Mancomunidad, sf. Union, conjunction or fel- Mándra, sf. (Obs.) A shepherd's cot. Mandrachero, sm. Proprietor of a gaming-table. . lowship. Mancuerda, sf. One of the implemento of tor- Mandracho, sm. (Prov.) Gambling-house. Mandragora, sf. (Bot.) Mandrake. Atropa man ture. Manda, sf. 1. Offer, proposal. 2. Legacy or do- dragora, L. Mandria, sm. Coward, poltrón. nation, left by virtue of a last wiU. Mandriéz, sf. (Obs.) Debility, weakness. Mandadera, sf. V. Demandadera. Mandadero, ra, s. 1. Porter, messenger; one Mandrón, sm. (Obs.) First stroke of a bail i r stone thrown from the hand. who is engaged to go on errands. 2. V. DeManducación, sf. Manducation, act of chewing mandadero. or eating. Mandado, sm. I. Mándate, precept, command. 2. Errand, message; advertisement, notice. Manducar, ra. (Coll.) To mandúcate, to eat, to chew. —Mandado, da, pp. oí Mandar. Mandamiento, sm. 1. Mándate, precept, order, Manducatoria, sf. Dining-room, refedory. command. 2. Commandment, one of the ten Manea, sf. Shackles, fetters. V. Maniota. precepto of the decalogue. 3. Peremptory Manear, va. T o chain, to tie with fetters oí shackles : applied to horses, asses, etc. order issued by a judge, resperíing the execution of his sentence—pl. (CoU.) The five Manecica, íta, sf. dim. A small hand. fingere of the hand. Mandamientos de la leyManecilla, sf. 1. (Dim.) A small hand. 2. A 552 MAN MAN mark í^J" oí índex, ín grammar. 3. Handle Mango, sm. 1. Handle, haft, heft; that part oí of a plough. 4. Book-clasp. ó. Hand of a an instrument or tool which is held in the dock or watch. 6. Teudril of vines. hand; helve, the handle of an axe. 2. (Bot.) Manejable, a. Manageable, tractable, governaIndian mango-tree. Mangiferatodica,L. ble, guídable, handleable. Mangón, sm. V. Recatón. Manejado, a. (Pict.) Handled.—pp. oí Manejar. Mangonada, sf. Push with the arm. Manejar, ra. 1. To manage, to wield, to move Mangonear, rn. (Coll.) 1. To wander about; to rove or ramble idly. 2. T o inteimeddle ; with the hand. 2. T o manage, to trato a to pry. horse to graceful action. 3. To manage, to conduct, to govern, to contrive. 4. To handle, Mangorrero, ra, a. 1. Wandering, roving, ram to hand,topalm. 5. T o manage, to carry on. bling. 2. Haftod : applied tó a knife. —rr. 1. To know how to conduct one's self. Mangóte, sm. (Coll.) A large and wide sleeve. 2. To be able to move after having been de- Manguál, sm. Weapon consisting of a pole with iron chains terminated by balis attached to it prive' of motíou. Manejo, sm. 1. Employment of the hands to Manguera, sf. (Nau.) Piece of canvass tarred any purpose, handling. 2. Management, man- for various uses. age, managery, conduct, administration. 3. Mangueta, sf. 1. Bladder and pipe for administering clysters. 2. Jamb of a glass-door. V. Horsemanship, manage, government of a horse. 4. Handling, cunning, trick; intrigue, Palanca. Manguilla, sf. dim. A small sleeve. device. Manejos de cortes, Court intrigues. Manguita, sf. 1. V. Funda. 2. (Dim.) V. ManManejo doméstico, Household. guilla. Maneóte, sf. Shackles, fetters. V. Maniota. Manguitero, sm. 1. Muff maker, one whose Manera, sf. 1, Manner,form,figure;method, trade is to make and sell mufrs. 2. Leathermode, kind, guise; manner of style. 2. Mandresser, one who dresses fine skins or white ner of style in painting, or carving in stone. leather. 3. Ceremonious behaviour, deportment 4. (Obs.) Pocket, a small bag inserted into Manguito, sm. 1. Muff, a cover for the hands to keep them warm. 2. Sleeve which is tight clothes, pockethole. 5. A n opening on both from the elbow to the waist. sides of women's cloaks. 6. Forepart or fall of breeches. 7. (Obs.) Quality, condition; Manía, sf. 1. Manía, phrenzy, madness; perturbation of the faculties or mental powers. 2. kind, species.—pl. (Obs.) V. Modales. De Extravagance, whimsical obstinacy. 3. Inormanera or por manera, So as, in such a dinate desires. manner. Mañero, ra, a. T a m e : appUed to hawks in fal-Maniaco, ca, a. Maniac, maniacal, mad, frantic, brain-sick, raging with madness.—s. Maniac, conry. a mad person. Manes, sm. Manes, ghost of the dead. Maniálbo, a, White-footed: applied to a horse. Manezuéla, sf. 1. (Dim.) A small hand. 2. A Maniatar, ra. To manacle, to diain the hands; clasp, a buekle. Manfla, sf. (Coll.) 1. Concubine, a woman kept to handeuff. Maniático, ca, a. V. Maniaco. in fornication. 2. Oíd sow. Manga, sf. 1 Sleeve, the part of a garment Manicórdio, sm. Manichord, a musical instrument. which covers the arms. 2. A r m of an axletree, on which turns the nave of a coach or Manicorto, ta, a. IUiberal, parsimonious. other carriage. 3. Kind of cloak-bag or port- Manida, sf. Mansión, abode, nest, any place manteau, which can be fastened with a run- . where persons or animáis take shelter. Maning string; stripe of cloth hanging from the nida de picaros, Nest of thieves. shoulder of clerical cloaks. 4. Body of troops Manido, da, a. Hidden, concealed.—pp. oí Manir, formedtoa line. 5.Fishing-net. 6. Bag made Manifacero, ra, a. (Prov.) Intriguing, meddlesome, intrusive. of woollen, linen or paper, in the form of a sleeve, but narrow below and wide at the top, Manifactura, sf. 1. V. Manufactura. 2. Form which is used to strain and elarify liquors ; in which a thing is made. Hippocrates' sleeve. 7. Hurricane, whirlwind, Manifestáble, a. (Littl. us.) Manifestible, maniwater-spout Manga del navio, (Nau.) Ex- festable, ostensible, easy to be discovered. treme breadth of a ship. Mangas, Conveníeu- Manifestación, sf. 1. Manífestatíon, declaration, cies. Ir de manga, To join in the execution explication. 2. In Arragon, a kindofwrit, of some wieked or maUcious design. Manga somewhat similar to the English habeas-corde ángel, Women's wide sleeves. Manga de pus. cruz, A case of silk that hangs on a cross. Manifestador, ra, s. Discoverer, publisher. Manga de pica, The spear of a pike. Manifestar, ra. To discover, to manifest, to lay Mangajarro, sm. (Coll.) A long, ill-shaped sleeve. or to lav before, to exhibit, to expose, to deManganésa, sf. Manganese, a semi-metal. clare. Manganilla, sf. 1. Sleight of hand, a jugglingManiféstaménte, ad. Manifestly, overtly. trick. 2. (Prov.) Poleforgathering acorns. Manifiesto, ta, a. Manifest, plain, open, obvious, Mángla, sf. G u m which exudes from the rock- clear, overt.—pp. irr. oí Manifestar. rose or dwarf sun-flower. Cistus ladanife- Manifiesto, sm. 1. Act of exposing the Holy Sarus, L. crament to the public adoration. 2. Manifest Manglar, sm. Plantation of mangrove trees. or manifestó, public protestation or declaraMangle, sm. (Bot.) Mangle or mangrove tree. tion. Poner de manifiesto, To manifest, tu Rhizophora mangle, L. make public, to expose, to lay open. ->53 MAIN MAN Maniguetas, sf. pl. (Nau.) Kevels on the quar-Manjeüh, sm. Weight useo. tor diamonds. ter-deck, to which the rope-ends are fastened.Manjolár, va. T o carry a hawk in the hand in a Maniguetónes, sm. pl. (Nau.) Snatch-cleats, basket or in a cage. pieces of wood of different shapes and size, Manjorrada, tf. Excessive eating, too much victo which ropes are fastened. tuals. Manija, sf. 1. Handle of an instrument or work-Manlevár, va. T o contract. ing tool. 2. Shackles, handcuffs. 3. Ring, Manliéva, sf. 1. (Obs.) Tax levied in haste, and brace. collected by going from house to house. 2 Manijero, sm. (Prov.) Manager, foreman of a V. Gasío and Expensas. number of workmen, who has the direction Manliéve, sm. (Obs.) A fraudulent deposit of a chest or trunk, said to contain valuable things, of the rest. Manilargo, ga, a. Large-handed. but which in fact contains nothing but earth Manilla, sf. 1. (Dim.) Small hand. 2. Bracelet, or stone. an ornament worn by women around their Mano, sf. 1. Hand, the palm with the fingere. arm or wrist; manilio. 3. Book-clasp. 4. 2. Forefoot of a quadruped, 3. Among Manicle, handcuff, manacle. butehers, any of the feet of cattle after being Maniobra, sf. 1. W o r k performed and finished cut off. 4. Proboscis, the snout or trunk of with the hand, handiwork or handy work. 2. an eiephant. 5. Pestle. 6. Hand oía dock Handling, trick or artífice used for obtaining or watch. 7. A long cylindrical stone, with a thing. 3. (MU.) Manoeuvre, movement of which cocoa is ground, to make chocolate. troops. 4. (Nau.) Working of a ship/ Ata8. First hand at play. 9. Command, power. vío que maniobra bien, Ship that works freely. 10. Reprimand, censure. 11. Last hand or Maniobras altas, Upper running rigging. finishing stroke. 12. Quire of paper. 13. In Maniobras bajas, Lower running rigging. silk-mills, hand of silk, composed of six or Maniobras de carena, Careening jeers. Ma- eight skeins. 14. Troop of reapers or harniobras de combate, Preventer rigging. vest-men. 15. Workmanship, power or act Maniobrar, ra. 1. T o work with the hands. 2. of mamrfactoring or making. 16. Hand, side, (Nau.) T o work a ship. 3. (Met) To seek right or left. 17. Cover or varnish, eolours, etc. laid over a thing. 18. Hand, possession. the means of efléding any thiug. 4. (MU.) 19. Hand, scherne of action. 20. Hand, manTo manoeuvre troops. Maniobrísta, sm. (Nau.) A skilful naval tacti- ner of acting or performing. 21. Hand, influence, management. 22. The person who cian. acts or manages. 23. V. Patrocinio. 24. V Manióte, sf. Manades, shackles, handcuffs. Socorro. 25. (Nau.) Snatch-cleat. 26. (Mus.) Manipodio, sm. (CoU.) Bawdry, poUution. V. Escala—pl. 1. Handicraft, handiwork, Manipulación, sf. Manipulation : commonly workmanship. 2. Works of the hand cousiused when speaking of minerals. dered by themselves. A la mano, At hand Manipulante, sm. (Coll.) Administrator, negoor near at hand. A mano, At hand; with ciator. Manipular, ra. (Coll.) To handle, to manage bu- the hand; studiously. Mano de galo, Ladies' paint; correction of any writing made by a siness to a peculiar manner, to meddle with superior hand. .baños de carnero, Sheep's every thing. Manípulo, sm. 1. Maniple, a fanón worn by the tiotters. Manos de vaca, Cow-heels. Manos á la obra, (Nau.) Bear a ham 1! Manos libres, priests of the Román catholie church when Emolumento annexed to an office or place. they officiate. 2. Maniple, a división of the Manos muertas, Mortinato, such a state of R o m á n army. possession as prevents alltaturealienation. Maniqueísmo, sm. Manicheism. Maniquéo, a, a. Manichean, belonging to Mani- A dos manos, Willingly, readily ; with the aid of both hands. A' manos llenas, Liberally, cheism. abundantly, copiously. Ser sus pies y sus Maniquí, sm. Manequin, an artificial movable figure, which can be put in different postures, manos, T o be one's chief support and consolation in distress. Fenir con sus manos laaccording to the will of the mover. Manir, ra. To keep meat until it grows tender; vadas, To wish to enjoy thefruitof another's labour without having contributed to it. Unto mellow.—tir.To beeometenderor mellow: tar las manos, To bribe. Mano á mano, In applied to meat. company, familiarly; alone. Maniróto, ta, a. Extravagant, wasteful, vainly Manobra, sf. (Prov.) R a w material. expensive, too liberal. sm. (Prov.) Hodman, a labourer that Manirotúra, sf. (Obs.) Extravagance, vain iManobre, • carries mortar. superfluous generosity. Manivacío, cía, a. (CoU.) Empty-handed ; idle,Manobrero, sm. H e who cleans and preserves fountains or aqueduets. lazy. Manjar, sm. 1. Food, victuals; provisión for the Manojíco, íllo, ito, sm. dim. A smaU bundle, a smaU fagot. mouth. 2. (Met.) Refectíon or entertainment whiéh recruits the spirits. 3. A n y of the four Manojo, sm. 1. A bundle of herbs or othei things suits of a pack of cards. Manjar blanco, Dish which m a y be held in the hand. 2. A fagot or bundle of twigs or branches of a vine, made of the breast of fowl boiled and mixed bound together for the fire. Manojo de llawith sugar, milk andriceflour.Manjar de ángeles, Dish composed of italk and sugar. ves, Bunch of keys. A manojos Abun Manjar imperial, Dish made of milk, yolks dantly. Manóla, sf. A common girl, a low wencb of eggs andriceflowei 5f.-4 MAN MAN Manómetro, sm. (Phys.) Manometer, an instru. Mantecada, sf. Toast, a piece of bread dried ment for ascertaining the rarity or density of before thefireand buttered. the air. Mantecado, sm. Butter-cake. Manopla, sf. 1. Gauntlet, a strong glove usedMantecón, sm. Milksop ; sweettooth, a person for defence. 2. Coachman's whip. Tela de dainty and fond of nice fare. manoplas, A sort of silk with large flowers.Mantecoso, sa, a. Buttery, consisting of butter, Manosear, va. 1. To handle, to touch, to feel, to mellow. palm, tofinger,to paddle. 2. To rumple Manteista, sm. Student in universities. Mantel, sm. 1. Tablecloth, linen spread on a clothes. table : commonly used in plural. Juego de Manoseo, sm. Handling or touching with the manteles adamascados, Damask service; a hand. table-cloth with a dozen of napkins. 2. AltarManotada, Manotazo, s. Blow with the hand, a cloth. Levantar los manteles, T o clear the cuff. Manoteado, sm. V. Manoteo.—Manoteado, da, table. Mantelería, sf. Table-linen. pp. of Manotear. Manotear, ra. To strike with the hand.—vn. To Manteleta, sf. Mantelet, a small mantle, cloak or scarf worn by ladies. move the hands indicating strong emotion. Manoteo, sm. 1. Blow with the hand. 2. Manual Mantelete, sm. 1. Mantelet, a short mantle worn by bishops. 2. Mantelet, a movable parapet, gesticulation. made of thick planks, to cover troops. 3. Manquear, rn. T o affect the cripple, to pretend (Her.) Mantling, the representatiou of a to be maimed. Manquedad, sf. Lameness, a hurt which pre- mantle or any drapery that is drawn about a coat of arms. vents the use of the hands; defect. Manquera, sf. Lameness, fault, defect; imper-Mantellina, sf. A short cloak worn by women. Mantenedor, sm. (Obs.) Maintainer. fection, maim. Mantenéncia, sf. (Obs.) Maintenance, aliment, Manquíllo, illa, íto, íta, a. dim. oí Manco. support. Mansamente, ad. Meekly, slowly, quietly. Mansedumbre, sf. Meekness, gentleness of be- Mantener, ra. 1. T o maintain, to support, to keep up with the hand; to prevent from fallhaviour and deportment; peacefulness, maning, to hold up. 2. To maintain, to support suetude, mildness, gentleness; manageablewith the couveniences of life, to nourish, to ness. keep, to feed, to supply with food. 3. To Mansejón, na, a. T a m e : applied to animáis. Mansér, sm. Son of a prostitute. maintain, to continué, to keep up. 4. To be Mansión, sf. 1. Stay, sojourn, residence. 2. Ha-thefirstchallenger at a tournament. 5. T o persevere, to persist in the execution of a debitation, mansión, abode, home. sign. 6. T o support a weight. 7. T o pursue, Mansionário, a, Applied to ecclesiastics who to continué. 8. T o maintain, to hold or to live in a cloister. Mansíco, íca, íto, íta, a. dim. Very tame, meek hold out, to defend or sustain an opinión. 9. or mild. To support any one in the possession of a Mansito, ad. V. Quedito. thing. Mantener correspondencia, To keep Manso, sa, a. 1. T a m e : applied to horses and up a correspondence.—vr. 1. T o continué reother animáis. 2. Meek, gentle, tractable; siding in a place. 2. To continué in the same soft, quiet, mild, gentle, mansueto, lambUke. condition without alteration. 3. To nourish A lumbre mansa, B y a mild light. orto gain nourishment, to maintain's self. Manso, sm. 1. Male which guides theflocksof Mantenersefirme,To stand or to keep one's goats, sheep or black cattle. 2. Manor, disground. Mantenerse en lo dicho, T o abide trict ínherited, manor house. by. Mantenerse á la mar, T o keep the sea. Manto, sf. 1. Blanket, a woollen cover, soft and Manteniente, sm. A violent blow given with both loosely woven. 2. Tapestry, paper-hanging. hands. A manteniente, With aU one's might; 3. Mantelet, a kind of movable parapet made firmly. ;' of thick planks,forcovering troops. 4.Thrash- Mantenimiento, sm. 1. Maintenance, sustenance, ing, drubbing. 5. Tossing to a blanket. 6. subsistence; a supply of the necessaries of A n y of the quill-feathers in birds of prey. A1 Ufe ; manutency, livelihood, living. 2. Ration, manta or á manta de Dios, (Coll.) Copiously, allowance. plentifully; in great abundance. Tomar la Manteo, sm. 1. A long cloak or mantle worn by manta, T o undergo a course of salivation. priests and students. 2. Sort of woollen petDar una manta, V. Mantear. ticoat worn by women. Mantaterilla, sf. Coarse hempen cloth used for Mantequera, sf. 1. Churn, kern, a vessel in which blankets. butter is made. 2. Butterwoman, dairy-maid. Mantoadór, ra, s. Tosser, one who tosses in a Mantequero, sm. Butterman, one who sells blanket. butter. Manteamiento, sm. Tossing in a blanket. Mantequilla, sf. A kind of buttercake. Mantear, va. T o toss in a blanket.—rn. (Prov.) Mantera, sf. Mantua-maker, one who makes oí To gad frequently abroad in a mantle: spoken sells mantles. of women. Mantéro, ra, s. One who manufactures blankets Manteca, sf. 1. Lard, the grease of swine, fat; or who sells them. pomatum. 2. Butter, the unctuous part of Mantilla, sf. 1. Head-cover for women, made milk. 3. Pulpy and oily part of fruits. 4. of baize or other stuff! 2. Mixture of dung, (Joc.) Money. short and weU rotten. 3. Housing, horsecloth 555 MAN MAQ Mantillas, Swaddling-clothes, clothes wrapped da, V. Magarzuela. 2. Small baU or knob round new-bom children. Estar en mantillas, put by way of ornament at the top of coaches, To be in state of infancy. bedsteads, etc. 3. Kind of small olive. 4. Mantillo, sm. Short dung, rotten and well mixed. Lower part of the chin. 5. Claws of animáis. Mantillón, na, a. (Prov.) Dirty, slovenly. 6. (Dim.) A smaU apple. Manto, sm. 1. Silken veil for ladies, a mantle, a Manzanillo, sm. (Bot.) C o m m o n manchinule. manto, a kirtle. 2. Cloak, robe; a mantle Hippomane mancinella, L. of state. 3. Mantel-piece of a chimney. 4. Manzanillo, fto, sm. (Bot.) Little apple-tree. ln mines, a vein. 5. Veil, cover. Olivo manzanillo or de manzanilla, A kind Mantón, sm. 1. (Augm.) A large cloak or man- of olive-tree. tle. 2. A kind of shawl. 3. A n y of the quill- Manzaníta de D a m a , sf. V. Acerola. feathers in birds of prey. 4. Trimming on Manzano, sm. (Bot.) Apple-tree. Pyrus mawomen's jadíete.—a. V. Mantudo. tos, L. Mantudo, da, a. AppUed to fowls with their Maña, sf. 1. Handiness, dexterity, cleverness, wings falling down. expertness, ability, faculty. 2. Cunning, craftiManuable, a. Tractable, manageable. ness, artífice, craft. 3. A n evil habit or cusManual, a. 1. Manual, handy, manuary, pertom. 4. Bundle of hemp orflaxwhen reaped. formed by the hand. 2. Easily handled or Mañana, sf. 1. Morning, morrow, morn, the part performed with the hand. 3. Tractable, pliant; of the dayfromthefirstappearance of light to light, prompt. twelve o'clock at noon. 2. The part of the day Manual, sm. 1. Manual, a portable book, such from twelve o'clock at night to twelve o'docic as m a y be carried in the hand. 2. Book in at noon. De mañana, In the morning.—ad. which the heaids of matters are set down. 3. 1. To-morrow, on the day after this current Journal, a book of trade, in which the buday. 2. Soon, erelong, immediately. 3. Exsiness of every day is entered from the wastepression of negation. 4. In time to come. book, under proper heads and in due order. Tomar la mañana, T o rise or to get up very early. Manuales, Presente to choristers given in the choir. Mañanar, rn. (Prov. Coll.) To arrive to-morrow. Manualmente, aa*. Manually, with the hand. Mañanear, rn. (Obs.) V. Madrugar. Manubrio, sm. Hand or handle of an instru- Mañanica, íta, sf. Break of day. ment or tool, manubrium. Mañear, ra. To act with craft and address ir. Manucodiáta, sf. Bird of paradise. order to attain one's end. Manuélla, sf. Handspike. Mañería, sf. (Obs.) 1. Sterility. 2. Cunning. Manufactura, sf. Manufacture, any mechanical 3. Right of succeeding to the possessions of work or piece of workmanship performed by those who die without legitímate suceession. the rules of art. Mañero, ra, a. 1. Dexterous, skilful, artful. 2. Manufacturar, va. To manufacture, to form by Meek, tractable. 3. (Obs.) Charged to pay for another. - workmanship : it is a modern word. Manumisión, sf Manumission, the act of setting Mañosamente, ad. Dexterously, neatly, handily, cleverly; subtlely; maliciously, craftily, cuna slave at liberty. Manumiso, sa, pp. irr. oí Manumitir, Emanci- ningly. Mañoso, sa, a. Dexterous, skilful, handy, clever; pated. cunning. Manumisór, sm. (Law) Líberator. Manumitir, ra. (Law) To manumit or to manu- Mañuela, sf. L o w cunning, mean trick. Ma ñuelas, A n artful, cunning person. mise,toemancípate, to reléase from slavery. Mánus Cristi, sm. (Pharm.) A sort of electuary;Mapa, sm. Map, a geographical picture, on which lands and seas are delineated accorda kind of plaster. ing to the lúngitude and latitude. MapaManuscrito, ta, a. Written, not printed. Manuscrito, sm. Manuscript, a book written and mundi, A map of the world.—sf. A n y thtog excellent and prominent in its Une. not printed. Mapália, sf. Sheep-cot, sheep-fold. Manutención, sf. 1. Maintaining or act of maintaining. 2. Maintenance, supply of the ne- Maquí, sm. Kind of ginger. cessaries of Ufe, manutency, pabulation. 3. Maquiavélico, ca, a. Machiavelian, resembling Maintenance, support, protection. 4. Conser- the principies of Machiavelli. Maquiavehsmo, sm. Machiavelism. vation. Manutener, va. (Law) T o maintain, to support. Maquiavelísta, sm. Machiavelian. Maquila, sf. 1. Toll-corn, that part of the corn Mani'tísa, sf. (Bot.) V. Minutisa. •• Manzana, sf. 1. Apple, the fruit of the apple- which the miller takes for grinding. 2. Tol! or tollage in general. 3. Corn-measure, the tree. 2. Pommel, the round hall or knob at the end of the guard of a sword. 3. The as24th part of a fanega. semblage of houses bounded on every side Maquilandéro, sm. (Prov.) Measure or instrument with which corn is tolled. by a street. 4. Cypress nut. Manzanal, sm. 1. V. Manzanar. 2. V. Man- MaquUár, va. 1. T o measure and teke the miller's dues for grinding corn. 2. To clip, to zano. Manzanar, sm. Orchard, a garden of apple-trees. retrench, to cut off. Maquiléro, Maquilón, sm. One who measures Manzanil, a. Like an apr-ie. Manzanilla, sf. 1. (Bot.s C o m m o n chamomile, or takes the millei's dues for grinding com. Anthemis nobilis, L Manzanillafina, GoldenMáquina, sf. 1. Machine, any complicated work rotula. Cotula áurea, L. Manzanilla hedton- in which one part contributes to the motion 556 MAR MAR of another. 2. Machine, engíne. 3. Great prodigy. Por- maravilla, Very seldom. Ma number, abundance, crowd. Hubo una gran ravilla megicana, maravilla de noche oí ma. máquina de gente, There was a great conravilla de Indias, C o m m o n marvel of Perú. couise of people. 4. A vast, sumptuous strucMirabiUs jalapa, L. ture. 5. Intrigue, machination. contrivance. Maravillar, ra.To admire,toregard with wonder. Máquina de arbolar, (Nau.) Sheers, sheer- —rr. T o wonder, to marvel, to be astonished, to be struck with admiration. hulk. Maquinación, sf. Machination, artífice, contri-Maravillosamente, ad. Wonderfully, marvellously, miraculously. vanee, complot. Maquinadór, ra, s. Contriver, schemer, ma- Maravilloso, sa, a. Wonderful, marvellous, monstrous, astonishing, mirable, admirable, michinator; an artful person. raculous; strange. Maquinal, a. Machtaal. Marbete, sm. 1. Stamp, the manufacturera mark Maquinalménte, ad. Mechanically. on cloth. 2. Label. Maquinante, pa. and s. Planning, contriving, Marca, sf. 1. A frontier province. 2. The due macbinating; rnaehinator. Maquinar, ra. To machínate, to plan, to contrive, measure or weight of any thing. 3. Mark in paper. 4. Landmark, líght-house. 5. Brand, to hatch, to conspire, to compass. Maquinaria, sf. 1. Machinery, the art of con- a mark made by burning with a hot iron ; act of marking. 6. (Low) Prostitute. De triving and building machines. 2. Mechanics. marca, Excellent of its kind. Maquínete, sm. (Prov.) Chopping-knife. Maquiníca, sf. (Obs.) Mechanics. V. Maqui- Marcador, sm. Marker, assay-master. Marcar, ra. 1. To mark, to brand. Marcar e. naria. campo, To mark or trace the ground for a Maquinista, sm. Machinist, mecbanician, mecamp. 2. To mark, to observe, to note ; to chanist, an inventor oí a constructor of endesígnate. gines. Mar, s. com. 1. Sea, a large collection of salt-Marcear, ra. T o shear,tocut off the wool, haii or fur of animáis, with a pair of shears. water; the water opposed to the land. 2. Sea, some large lakes. 3. Sea, proverbially for Marcha, sf. 1. March or marching. a solemn any large quantity. 4. Swell of the sea. Alta movement of troops ; a journey of soldiers. Mar chas forzadas, Forced marches. 2. March, mar or mar ancha, The main sea. D e mar signal to move, given with a drum or trumá mar, Copiously, excessively; to the extreme of fashion. Bajamar, (Nau.) Low-water, pet. 3. Tune beat on a drum or soun'ded with ebb tide. Mar llena or plena, (Nau.) High- the trumpet. 4. (Prov.) Bonfire, made as a water. Correr con la mar en popa, (Nau.) signal of rejoicings. 5. (Nau.) Headway, the To seud before the sea. Mantener dos seña- forward motion of a ship. Sobr e la mar cha, les de mar enfilados, (JNau.) To keep two seaOff hand, on the spot. Tocar la mar cha, T o marks in one. Hay mar gruesa afuera, There strike up a march. is a great sea in the offing. Ir con la proa Marchamar, ra. T o put a mark on goods at the á la mar, (Nau.) To head the sea. Mar de custom-house. través, (Nau.) A sea on the beam. La marMarchamero, sm. Custom-house officer who arde, The sea sparkles. Estrecho de mar, marks the goods which are reportad at the Narrow sea. Mar de leva, High swelling sea. custom-house. Salir á la mar, To put to sea. La mar está Marchamo, sm. Mark put on goods at the muy crecida, (Nau.) The sea runs very high. custom-house. Maragáto, sm. Ornament on women's tockers.Marchante, sm. Shopkeeper, dealer.—a. 1. V. Maragúto, sm. (Nau.) Jib. V. Foque. Mercantil. 2. Merchantable. Maranáta, sf. Maranatha, a form of anathema-Marchar, rn. and r. 1. T o go, to go away, to go tizing. off, to depart from a place. 2. T o march, to Maraña, sf. 1. Place covered with bramóles or walk in a grave, delibérate manner. 3. (Mil.) briers, which render it impassable. 2, EnTo march, to move in military form. 4. tanglement of a skein of silk, thread, cotton, (Nau.) T o have much head-way, to sail yarn or worsted. 3. Refuse of silk. 4. Perfast. plexity, puzzle. 5. Plot or knot of a play. Marcházo, sm. Braggadocio, boaster, bragger. 6. (Low) Prostitute. Marchitable, a. Perishable. Marañado, da, a. Entangled, perplexed. Marchitar, ra. 1. To wither, to make to fade. Marañero, ra, Marañoso, sa, a. Entangling, en- 2. To fade, to wear away, to reduce to lansnaring, perplexing. guor, to deprive of vigour.—vr. 1. To wither, Marasmo, sm. (Med.) Tabes, consumption, ma- to fade, to fall away; to dry up. 2. To pine rasmus. away,togrow lean. Marátro, sm. V. Hinojo. Marchitéz, sf. Withering, fading, marcor or Maravedí, sm. Maravedí, the smallest Spanish marcour, witheredness, marcidity. coin. Marchito, ta, a. Marcid, faded, withered, deMaravilla, sf. 1. Wonder, an uncommon event; cayed. admiration. 2. (Bot.) Turnsol, heliotrope. Marchitúra, sf. V. Marchitéz. Heliotropium indicum, L. 3. Fiower of the Marcial, sm. Aromatic powder. garden smiiax. 4. (Bot.) C o m m o n marygold. Marcial, a 1. Martial, warlike. 2. (Pharm.) Caléndula officinalis, L. A las maravillas,Martial, having iron. Uncommonly well; exquisitely. A maravilla, Marcialidad, sf. Freedom, assumed familiarity Marvellously. Es una maravilla, H e is a or liberty : a modera word. 557 MAR MAR Marco, sm. 1. Door case, window-case. 2. Pic- Marginal, a. Marginal, belonging to the margin ture-frame. 3. Mark, a weight of eight Marginar, ra. T o make annotations on the mar. ounces. 4 Branding non. 5. The necessary gin, to margin, to margent size of timber for being felled. 6. Model, Margoso, sa, a. Marly, loamy, partaking of mail. archetype. 7. Measure of ground which Margráve, sm. Margrave, a title of sovereignty should have a fanega oí grain. in Germany. Marcóla, sf. Pruning-hook. Marguéra, sf. Marl-pit, a place where marl is Marea, sf. 1. Tide, the periodical motion of the dug. waters of the sea. 2. Sea-shore. 3. Soft wind. Marhójo, sm. V. Marojo. 4. Collection of street dirt. Marea creciente,María, sf. 1. (Coll.) A white wax-taper, placed Flood-tide. Marea menguante, Ebb-tide. Diin the middle of eight shorter yeliow waxrección de las mareas, Setting of the tide. candles in R o m á n catholie churches. 2. A n Establecimiento de marea, Time of high-water.oíd silver coin worth twelve reals veUon. 3. Ir contra marea, T o sail against the tide. Mary, a proper ñame. Árbol de muría, BalNavegar con la marea, T o tide it up or sam of tolu-tree. Toluifera balsamum, L. down. Marea parada, Slack-tide, Mareas Mariál, a. Applied to books containing praises vivas, Spring-tides. L a marea mengua, The of the Holy Virgin. tide ebbs. La marea crece, The tide fiows. Marica, sf. 1. Magpíe. V. Urraca. 2. Milksop, Canal de marea, Tide-way. an effeminate, mean-spirited person. 3. Thin, Mareaje, sm. Art of navigating a ship. tasteless asparagus. Mareamiénto, sm. Sea-sickness. Maricón, im. Coward, poltrón, cotquean. Mareante, a. Skilled in navigating a ship. Maridable, a. Conjugal, matrimonial, connubial, Marear, va. 1. T o work a ship. 2. T o molest marital. and harass by impertinent questions. 3. T o Maridablemente, ad. ConjugaUy. sell goods by public auction. 4. Marear las Maridáge, sm. 1. Marriage, conjugal unión. 2. velas, (Nau.) To trim the sails.—vr. 1. To Intímate connexion or unión. be sea-sick. 2. To be damaged at sea; to Maridánza, sf. (Prov.) Treatment given to a be averaged; appUed to goods or merchanwife. dise. Maridar, vn. T o marry.—va. To unite, to join. Marejada, sf. Swell of the sea, head sea. Tuvi-Maridazo, sm. V. Gurrumino. mos una marejada del N. O. W e had a great Maridillo, sm. 1. A sorry, pitífol husband. 2. A sea from N . W . small brasier, covered with a lid, which woMáre mágnum, sm. (Lat.) Expressing the abun- m e n make use of to warm their feet. dance or magnitude of any thing. Marido, sm. Husband, the correlative to wife; Mareo, sm. 1. Sea-sickness. 2. (Coll.) Molesta- a man married to a woman. tion, vexation. Marimacho, sm. Virago, a robust, masculine Marero, a. Sea-breeze, wind coming from the woman. sea. Marimanta, sf. Bugbear, phantom with which Mareta, sf. (Nau.) A slight commotion of the sea. childien are frightened. Maretazo, sm. Surge of the sea. Marimorena, sf. (CoU.) Dispute, différence, Márfaga, sf. (Prov.) Rug, a coverlet of a bed. quarrel. Márfega, sf. (Prov.) Sack of straw, coarse mat-Marina, sf. 1. Navy: appUed to the body of officers, sailors and marines, who are emtress. ployed in the management of naval affairs, Marfil, sm. Ivory, the tusk of the elephant. and to the collection of ships belonging to a Marfileño, ña, a. (Poet) Belonging to ivory. Marga, Maréga, sf. 1. Mari, loam, cláy-marl, a government. 2. Seamanship, nautical art, marine, sea affairs. 3. (Pict.) Sea-piece. 4. kind of clay. 2. A kind of coarse cloth, forShore, sea-coast. Soldados de marina, Mamerly used foi mourning and now to make rines. sacks. Marináge, sm. 1. Seamanship, the art of workMargajita, sf. V. Marquesita. ing a ship. 2. Sailors, considered as a body. MargaUón, sm. V. Palmito. Marinar, ra. 1. To marínate, to saltfish.2. To Marganésa sf. Manganese. V. Manganeso. m a n a ship token of the enemy. Margar, ra. T o marle, to manure with marl. Marinear, rn. To be a mariner. Margarita, sf. 1. Pearí. 2. (Bot.) C o m m o n daisy. Bellis perennis, L. 3. (Nau.) Messenger, a Marinerádo, da, a. V. Tripulado. rope sometimes used in weighing anchor. Marinería, sf. 1. Seamanship. the art of working a ship. 2. Profession of sea-faring men, Margaritas, Periwinkles. with every thing relating to it. 3. The body Margen, sm. 1. Margin, marge, margent, the of seamen or saüors. Me ha salido mal esta border, edge or verge; fringe. 2. Margin, marinería, (Coll.) That speculation has turned the edge left blank in a book or writing. 3. out very unfortunate. Marginal note. Dar margen, T o occasion, to cause ; to give an opportunity. Andarse Marinero, sm. Mariner, seafaring man, a seapor las márgenes, To go about the bush, not man, a saüor. A lo marinero, In a seamanto come to the point int ende d. A la margen, like manner. Marinero, ra, a. Ready to sail: applied to a Marginally. Margenar, va. 1. V. Marginar. 2. To make or ship. Marinesco, ca, a. Nautical. A la marinesca, ID leave a margin in paper. Marginado, da,o. and pp. of Marginar, Margin- a seamamike manner. Marino, na, a. Marine, beloDjring to the sea. ated, having a margin. 558 MAR MAR Marino, sm. Mariner, seaman, seafaring man, Marquisa, sf. 1. Marchioness, the lady of a mai Marión, Marón, sm. (Ichth.) V. Sollo. quis. 2. V. Marquesina. Marióna, sf. Spanish dance. Marquesado, sm. Marquisate. Maripérez,s/Hand at cards in which the gain Marquesíca, illa, íta, sf. dim. A little marchioor loss is double. ness, a young marchioness. Mariposa, sf. 1. Butterfly. Papilio, L. 2. RushMarquesíco, íllo, íto, sm. dim. A little marquess or young marquess. light. Marquesina, sf. Marquee, tilt over an officer's Mariposíca, íUa, íta, sf. dim. A small butterfly. Mariquétas, sf. pl. Armbands, with which wo- tent, serving moie effectually to keep out the rain men tie up their mittens. Mariquita, sf l. Lady-bird, lady-cow or lady-Marquesita, sf Marcasita, mundic, a metellic fty, an insect found among grapes. 2. Cour- fossil. Marquesóte, sm. augm. A large marquess: comtesan, woman of easy virtue. Mariscal, sm. 1. Marshai, a general officer of monly used in contempt. high rank in some armies. 2. Farrier, black- Marqueta, sf. Crude cake of wax. smith. Mariscal de campo,' Camp-marshal,Marquetería, sf. 1. Cabinet-manufactory. 2. Marquetry, chequered or inlaid work. major-general, a rank inferior to lieutenantMarquida, Marquisa, sf. (Low) Prostitute. general. Mariscalato, sm. Marshalship, the dignity or Marra, sf. 1. Want, deficieucy, defect. 2. A kind . of pick-axe. 3. Opening in a row of vines, office of a marshai. some of them being missing. Mariscalía, sf. V. Mariscalato. Mariscar, va. T o gather shell-fish on the strand. Márraga, sf. (Obs.) Coarse grogram worn by shepherds. Marisco, sm. Cockles and other small shell-fish Marrajo, sin, (Ichth.) White shark. Squalns carsticking to the rocks in the sea. Marisma, sf. Lake formed by the overflow of carias, L. Marrajo, ja, a. Sly, cunning, craffy, artful, wily. the tide. Marrana, sf. Sow, a female pig. Marismo, sm. V. Salgada. Marital, a. Marital, pertaining to a husband. Marranalla, sf. V. Canalla. Marrancho, Marranchón, na, s. (Prov.) V. MarMaritimár, vn. To lead a maritime life. Marítimo, ma, a. Maritime, maritimal, marine. rano. Maritornes, sf. (CoU.) A n íll-shaped, awkwardMarranéta, sf. (Prov.) A young sow. Marrano, sm. 1. Pig, hog. 2. Rafter or woodwoman. Marjal, sm. Fen, marsh, moor, moorland, marshy work which supports aflooror cistern. Marrano, na, a. 1. Dirty. 2. (Obs.) Cursed, exground. In Murcia it is called armajal. communicated. Marjoléta, sf (Prov.) V. Majuela. Marjoléto, sm, V. Majuelo or Espino majuelo.Marrar, rn. 1. T o deviate from truth or justice. 2. V. Errar. Marieta, sf. A kind of Moorish dress, Marmélla, sf. Flock of wool hanging from the Marras, ad. (Coll.) Long ago, long since. Marréga, sf. V. Márraga. necks of sheep. Marmelládo, da, a. Having matted locks of woolMarregón, sm. (Prov.) Straw-sack. V. Jergón. under the throat. Marrído, da, a. Melancholy. V. Amarrido. Marmita, sf. Kettleflesh-pot,porridge-pot, a Marrillo, sm. (Prov.) Thick, short stick. small copper. Marro, sm. 1. Kind of game, quoits. 2. Slip Marmitón, sm. Scullion, one who ís engaged to given by a deer or haré in the course of the wash the dishes and plates in the kitchen. chase. 3. Disappointment, failure. 4. Crooked Mármol, sm. 1. Marble. Marmol, L. Mármol bat for striking a bail. pintado, Spotted marble. Mármol rayado, Marrojár, ra. To lop off the useless branches of Streaked marble. 2. Pillar, column. trees. Marmoléjo, sm. A small pillar or column of Marrón, sm. Quoit, pitcher. marble. Marroquí, sf. V. Tafilete. Marmoleño, ña, a. Made of marble, resemblingMarrotár, ra. To waste, to mispend. V. Malmarble. rolar. Marmolería, sf. Any work made of marble. Marrúbio, sm. (Bot.) C o m m o n white horehound. Marmolista, sm. Worker ín marble, Sculptor. Marrubium vulgare, L. Marmoración,- sf. V. Estuco. Marrullería, sf. Cunning, craft; artful tricks. Marmóreo, éa, Marmoroso, sa, a. Maibled, marMarrullero, ra, a. Crafty, cunning. ble, marmorean, made of marble. Marsellés, sm. A kind of short jacket. Marmota, sf. Marmot, marmotto. Arctomys Marsopla, sf. Bluntheaded cachalot, spermaceti. marmota, L. whale. Physeter macrocephalus, L. Marmotear, rn. (Prov.) Tojabber. Marta, sf. Pine marten. Mustela martes, L. Maro, sm. (Bot.) Germandei, common marum, Martas, Martens, dressed marten skins. cat thyme germander. Teucrium marum, L. Martagón, na, s. 1. (Coll.) Cunning, artful perMarojo, sm. (Bot.) Velonia oak. Quercus aegy- son. 2. (Bot) Wild lily, turk's cap lily lops, L. Lilium martagón, L. Maroma, sf. Rope, a thick cord made of bass Marte, sm. Mars; iron. or hemp. Andar en la maroma, 1. To dance Martelo, sm. Jealousy ; an immoderate passion, on a rope. 2. (Met.) To engage in a peiilous Martes, sm. Tuesday, the third day of the week, undertaking. Martes de carnestolendas, Shrove-Tuesday Marqués, sm. Marquis, marquess. Martillada, */. Stroke with the hammer. 559 MAS MAS Martillador, ra, s. Hammerer, hammerman. Mascadura, sf. Act of chewing, mastication. Martillar, ra. T o hammer, to malleate, to beat manducation. with a hammer. Martillar al caballo, T o spur Mascar, va. 1. T o chew, to grind with the teeth ¡ a horse. to mastícate, to mandúcate. 2. To pronounca Martílléjo, sm. 1. Smith's hammer. 2. (Dim.) or talk with difficulty. A little hammer. Máscara, sf. and com. 1. Masker, mummer, masMartillíco, ito, sm. dim. A small hammer, querader, one who reveis in a mask; a perMartillo, sm. 1. H a m m e r , an instrument comson whose face is covered with a mask. 2. posed of a handle and iron head, with which Mask, a cover to disguise the face. 3. Masany thtog is driven. 2. Person who perseveres querade, mask, a festive entertoinment in in any thing. 3. Tuning hammer. A martiwhich the company is masked. 4. Exercise llo, With strokes of a hammer. De martillo, of horsemanship in which the gentlemeu are Wrought metal. dressed alike, and wear masks. 5. Mask, any Martín delrío,sm. (Ora.) V. Martinete. pretence or subterfuge. 6. (Surg.) A banMartín pescador, sm. (Orn.) Kingfisher. Aldage applied to burns on the face. cedo ispida, L. Mascarada, sf. Masquerade, mummery. Martinete, sm. 1. (Orn.) Bird of the family of Mascaréro, sm. Dealer in masks. herons. 2. Jack in a harpsichord. 3. H a m - Mascarilla, sf. 1. (Dim.) A small mask. Quimer in copper-works. 4. Copper-mill. tarse la mascarilla, To take off the mask, to Martingala, sf. 1. Martingala leather strap fas- declare one's sentiments boldly. 2. Mould tened to the girth and noseband of a horse. taken from the face of a dead person. 2. Ancient kind of breeches. Mascarón, sm. (Augm.) 1. A large hideous mask Martiniéga, sf. Tax payable on St Martin's day. 2. Hideous or grotesque forms : e. g. satyrs' Mártir, sm. Martyr, one who by his death bears faces, used to adornfountainsand buildings. witness to the truth ; one who suffers great 3. Person ridiculously grave and solemn. hardships and calamities. Mascujar, rn. (Coll.) 1. T o mastícate difficultly. Martirio, sm. Martyrdom, the death of a mar2. T o pronounce with difficulty. tyi ; great sufferings and hardships. Masculinidád, sf. Masculíníty, masculineness, Martirizadór, ra, s. One who commits martyr- manhood. dom. Masculino, na, a. 1. Masculine, male, virile. Martirizar, ra. 1. T o martyr, to make one suffei mannish. 2. Masculine : applied to the genthe death of a martyr. 2. To martyr, to inder appropriated to the male kind in any flict great sufferings and hardships, to mar- word. tyrize. Mascullar, ra. To falter in speaking. Martirologio, sm. Martyrology, martirologe, a Masecorál, Masegicomár, sm. A kind of game. catalogue or register of martyrs. Masera, sf. A kind of trough used to knead oí Marzádga, sf. Tax payable in March. to work dough. Marzal, a. Belonging to the month of March. Masería, Masía, sf. Farmhouse. Marzeár, ra. To cut the hair of cattle in spring. Masetéro, sm. Masseter, a museta of the lower Marzéo, sm. (Prov.) Cutting of dry honey-combs jaw. in a hive in spring. Masilla, íta, sf. 1. (Mil.) Pittance kept to purMarzo, sm. March, the third month of the year. chase shoes for soldiers. 2. (Dim.) A little Mas, aa*. 1. More, to a greater degree. 2. But, mass. yet. V. Pero. 3. Besides, moreover. V. Sino. Máslo, sm. Trunk or root of the taU of quadA mas correr, With the utmost speed. A rupeds. mas tardar, At latest. A mas y mejor, Masón, sm. 1. Mess of dough given to fowls. Greatly, highly, at best; excellently. De mas 2. (Augm.) A large mass. á mas, Still more and more. Mus sí, Per- Masónico, ca, a. Masonic. haps, if. Mas que, Although, even. A mas Masóra, sf. Massorah or tradition, criticism on de esto, Besides this. Sin mas acá ni mas the Hebrew Bible. allá, Without ifs or ands, without rhyme orMasorítico, a. Massoretic, belonging to the M a s reason. Sin mas ni mas, Without more ado, soriles or J ewish doctore. heedlessly. Mas vale doblarse que quebrarse, Máste, sm. (Nau.) V. Mastelero. Better to bow than to break.—sm. (Prov.) Mastelero, sm. (Nau.) Top-mast. Masteleros de Farm-house and stock. respeto, Spare top-masts. Masteleros de juaMasa, sf. 1. Dough, paste made of water and nete, Top-gallant masts. Mastelero mayor flour. 2. Mortar. 3. Mass of gold, silver or or de gavia, Main-top-mast. Mastelero de other metal. 4. The whole mass of a thing; juanete mayor, Fore-top-mast. Mastelero de the lump, the body. 5. Mass, congeries, in- proa, Fore-top-gallantmast. Mastelero de distinct assemblage, the unión or eoncurrence sobremesana, Mizen-top-gallantmast. of many things. 6. (Obs.) League, coalition. Masticación, sf. Mastication. 7. (Prov.) Farm-house, with all the necessary Masticar, va. T o mastícate,tochew. V. Mascar tools and utensíls. 8. (Mil.) Arrears of pay. and Rumiar. 9. Nature, condition, disposition. Masticatorio, ria, a. Masticatory, Masada, sf. (Prov.) Country-house, farm-house.Mastígadór, sm. Instrument put into horses' Masadero, sm. (Prov.) Neighbour. mouths to prevent their chewing. Masar, ra. V. Amasar. Mástil, sm. 1. V. Mastelero. 2. Upright post of Mascabádo, da, a. Applied to inferior sugar. a bed or loom. Mástil de barrena, Shank of Mascadór, ra, s. Chewer, masticator. an auger. 3. Trunk or stem of a tree. 4 560 MAT MAT sell at public auction by inch of candle.—»r. Wide breeches worn by Indians. 5. The 1. T o lay hands upon one's self, to kul one's handle of some musical instruments. Mastín, sm. 1. Mastiff, a dog of the largest size ; self. 2. T o make the utmost exertions to obtain a thing. 3. T o be extremely conbull-dog. 2. A clumsy fellow ; clown. cerned at a faltare or disappointment. MaMastína, */. Mastiff bitch. tarse con otro, T o be at daggers drawn. MaMastinázo, sm. augm. A large mastiff. tarse un caballo, T o be saddle galled. Mastiníllo, sm dim. A little mastiff. Másto, sm. (Prov.) Trunk or stock in which a Matarífe,sm.(Prov.) Slaughterman. V'.Matachín. sprig is planted or ingrafted. Matarráta, sf. G a m e at cards. Mastranto, Mastranzo, sm. (Bot.) Round-leaved Matasanos, sm. Quack, charlatán ; empiric. Matasiete, sm. Bully, braggadocio,huffér, hector. mint. Mentha rotundifolia, L. Mastuerzo, sm. (Bot.) C o m m o n cress. Lapidium Mate, sm. 1. Mate or check-mate, the last move in the gaine of chess. D a r mate, T o scoff sativuni, L. Mata, sf. 1. Small bush, shrub, undershrub. or laugh at any one. 2. Size, glue-water boiled with lime, much used by patotera and Suffiutex, L. 2. V. Charneca. 3. Sprig, gilders; gold or silver sizing.—a. Unpolished, blade. 4. Copse or coppiee. 5. Lock of matrough; faded. ted hair. 6. Young evergreen oak. 7. G a m e Matearse, rr. (Prov.) T o grow up into large at cards. Matacán, sm. 1. Oíd haré. 2. (Bot.) Dog-bane. stalks : applied to wheat and barley. Apocynum, L. 3. (Bot.) V. Nuez vómica. Matemática, sf. Mathematics, the science which contemplates whatever is capable of being 4. Stone with which a dog is killed. 5. A n y numbered or measured. troublesome or painful work. Matemáticamente, aa". Mathematically. Matacandelas, sf. Extinguisher. Matemático, ca, a. Mathematical. Mátacandíl, sm. (Prov.) Lobster. Matachín, sm. 1. Merry-andrew, jack pudding. Matemático, sm. Mathematician. 2. Dance performed by grotesque figures. Materia, sf. 1. Matter, substance extended. 2 Materials of which any thiug is composed. 3. Slaughterman, butcher who is employed in Prima or primera materia, R a w material. killing cattle in a slaughter-house. Dejar á alguno hecho un matachín, T o make any one 3. Matter, subject, thing treated ; cause, occasion. 4. Matter, question considered, point an object of ridicule or a laughing stock. discussed. 5. Matter, purulent running. 6. Matacía, sf. (Prov.) Slaughter, havoc. Copy at a writing-school. Matadero, sm. Slaughter-house, a place where Material, a. 1. Material, corporal, consisting of cattle are slaughtered; severe labour. Matador, sm. 1. Murderer, one who takes away matter, not spiritual. 2. Rude, uncouth, ungenteel.—sm. Ingredient, materials of which another's life, killer, mankiller; massacrer. any thing is made. 2. One of the three chief cards in the game of ombre.—«. Mortal ; murderous, homi- Materialidad, sf. 1. Materiality, materialness, corporeity; not spiíituality. 2. Rudeness, cida! coarseness of manners, ¡ncivility. Matadora, sf. Murderess, a woman that comMaterialismo, sm. Materialism. mits murder. Matadura, sf. 1. W o u n d on a horse's back madeMaterialista, s. com. Materialist by the harness. 2. A foolish, troublesome Materialmente, aa". Materially, corporeally. Maternal, a. Maternal. V. Materno. person. Matafuego, sm. Fire-engine. Matafuegos, Fire-Maternalméiite, ad. Maternally. Maternidad, sf. Maternity, the character or reman. lation of a mother, motherhood, motherliness. Matajudío, sm. (Ichth.) V. Cabezudo. Matalahúga, Matalaúva, sf. (Bot.) V. Anis. Materno, na, a. Maternal, motherly ; btfitting Matalobos, sm. (Bot.) Wolf's bañe. Aconitum or pertaining to a mother. Matigiiélo, Matihuélo, sm. Figure of a shabbj lycoctonum, L. boy, made of straw, and used as a play-fhing Matalón, Matalote, sm. A n oíd horse worn out at bull-feasts. with age and fatigue. Matatatáge, sm. 1. (Nau.) Stores or provisions Matiz, sm. Shade of eolours ; mixture of a vaon board of ships. 2. (Coll.) Heap of divers riety of eolours. things jumbled together. Matizado, da, a. and pp. of Matizar, Variegated. Matanza, sf. 1. The action of slaughtering. 2,Matizar, ra. 1. To mix different eolours in a Cattle to be slaughtered. 3. Massacre, butbeautiful manner and proportion. 2. T o erochery, indiscriminate destruction ; slaughtei bellish, to adorn, to beautífy or havoc in thefieldof battle. 4. Obstinacy, Mato, sm. V. Matorral. eagerness of pursuit. Matón, sm. Bully, a noisy, quarrelling fellow. Matar, va. I. T o kill, to put to death, to makeMatorral, sm. Field full of brambles and briers, away or to make away with; to execute. 2. a bushy place. To murder. 3. To put out a light, to quench, Matoso, sa, a. Bushy, covered over with copso to extinguish the fire. 4. To slack lime. 5. or bushes. To worry, to vex, to molest. G. T o make a Matraca, sf. 1. A wooden rattle. 2. Jest, conhorse's back sore by the rubbing of the hartemptuous joke; contumelious ridicule. 3. ness. Matar de un golpe, T o knock on the Coxcomb, a silly, importúnate fellow. Dar head. Matar de hambre, To famish, to starve, matraca, To banter or to play uron one. lo kill with hunger. A' mata caballo, In theMatraquear, ra. T o jest, to scoff, to mock/ to riutmost hurry. Vender á mata candelas, To dicule. V O L . I. 5C1 20 MAU MAY Matraquista, sm. W a g , jester, punster, one who Mausoleo, sm. Mausoleum, a pompous funeral delights in ridiculing others. monument. Matraz, sf. Matrass, vessel used by apothecaries.Maxilar, a. Maxillary, maxillar. Matrero, ra, a. Cunning, sagacious, knowing.— Máxima, sf. 1. A maxim, an axiom, a general sm. Artful knave ; cunning, knavish soldier. principie, leading truth or rule. 2. Sentence, Matricária, sf. (Bot.) C o m m o n feverfew. M a - apophthegm, a maxim, generally moral. 3. tricaria parthenium, L. Idea, thought. 4. Musical point. Matricida, s. com. Matricide, murderer of one's Máximamente, ad. Chiefly, principally. mother. Máxime, aa*. Principally. Matricídio, sm. Matricide. slaughter of a mo- Máximo, m a , a. sup. Chief, principal; very ther. great. Matrícula, sf. 1. Register, list. 2. Matriculation. Maya, sf. 1. (Bot) C o m m o n daisy. Bellis perMatriculación, sf. (Littl, us.) Matriculation. ennis, L. 2. May-queen, a little girl dressed Matriculado, da, a. and pp. oí Matricular, M a - and adorned withflowers,and placed in the street to collect money. tricúlate, matriculated. Mayadór, ra, s. Mewer. Matriculadór, sm. H e who matriculates. Matricular, va. T o matricúlate, to register, to Mayál, sm. 1. Flail, an instrument with which enrol, to en,ter in a list. corn is thrashed. 2. Lever in oil-mills. Matrimonial, a. Matrimonial, connubial, nuptial.Mayar, va. T o m e w . V . Maullar. Matrimonialménte, aa*. Matrimonially. Mayéto, sm. Mallet for beating paper in milis. Matrimoniar, rn. In jocular style, to marry. Mayo, sm. 1. M a y , thefifthmonth of the year, Matrimonio, sm. 1. Marriage, matrimony, match. 2. May-pole, a long, straight pole erected on the first of M a y in some public place. 2. (Coll.) Husband or wife, couple. Matrimonio ralo, Legal marriage not consum- Mayor, a. Greater, larger, more, extensive. Hommated. bre mayor, A n elderly man, also a m a n of Matriz, sf. 1. Mother church, metropolitan great age.—sm. 1. Superior, mayor or chief of church. 2. Matrix, womb, matrice, the place a community. 2. Major, a field officer of horse or foot, next in rank to the Ueutenantof the foetos in the mother. 3. Mould, form, matrice, that which gives form to something colonel. V. Sargento mayor. 3. (Nau.) Matninclosed. 4. The original draft of any wrisail. 4. (Arch.) V. Sillar.—sf. (Log.) Major, ting. 5. T h e channelled and concave or fefirst proposition in a syllogism.—pl. 1. A n male part of a screw. Lengua matriz, N a cestors, forefathers. 2. Superiors. 3. (Nau.) tive language.—a. First, principal, chief. Three principal sails of a ship. 4. In gramMatrona, sf. 1. Matron, a virtuous and accom- mar schools, the higher class. Mayor or maplished woman, who is mother of a family. yor de edad, Person who is of age. Ganado 2. Midwife, a w o m a n who assists w o m e n ia mayor, Black cattle ; larger sort of beasts of burthen, such as mules and horses. Por machildbirth. Matronal, a. Matronal. yo- , B y wholesale, by the bulk or lump, sumMaturángo, ga, s. Appellation given to a Euromarily. pean in Buenos Ayres. Mayóra, sf. Mayoress. Matronáza, sf. augm. Corpulent, respectable Mayoral, sm. 1. (Obs.) Chief or principal person matron. of a corps or society. 2 Head shepherd ; Matute, sm. 1. Smuggling, contraband, act of leader. running goods into a country without paying Mayorana, sf. V. Mejorana. duty. 2. Smuggled goods, a prohibited com- Mayorázga, sf. 1. The wife of a person w h o is moclity. in possession of an entailed estáte. 2. She Matutear, ra. T o smuggle, to import goods with- who possesses an entailed estete by herself. out paying the duty laid on them. Mayorazgo, sm. 1. Right of suceession in faMatutero, sm. Smuggler, contrabandist mily estafes, vested in thefirst-bornson. 2. Matutinal, a. Belonging to the morning mass. Firstborn son possessing the right of primoMatutino, na, a. Matutinal, matutine, belonging geniture. 3. Family estáte which devolves to to the morning. thefirst-bornson by right of inheritance, an Maula, sf. 1. A n y thing found in the street, or entailed estáte. which m a y be purchased for little money. Mayorazgiiélo, guillo, güito, sm. dim. A small 2. Cunning, craft; deceitful tricks, imposientailed estáte. tion. 3. Drink-money given to servante.—s. Mayorazguísto, sm. (Law) Author who treats com. (CoU.) Cheat, bad payer. on entaíls or entailed property. Maulería, sf. 1. Frippery, place where oíd Mayorcíco, íca, íllo, illa, íto, íta, a. dim. of Mayor. clothes are sold; a piece-broker's shop. 2. Mayordóma, sf. Steward's wife. Craft, cunning, art or skill applied to deceive.Mayordomear, va. (Littl. us-.) T o administer oí Maulero, sm. 1. Piece-broker, seller of oíd manage an estáte. clothes. 2. Impostor, cheat, swindler. Mayordomía, sf. Administration, stewardship, Maulladór, ra, a. AppUed to a cat which m e w s controllership. or cries much. Mayordomo, sm. Steward, the principa! servant Maullar, vn. T o m e w , to cry as a cat. of a nobieman or gentleman, to w h o m the Mauseolo, Maullido, Maulón, or cheat. 56?, sm. Maullo, sm.augm. 2.V.A Mausoleo. sm. great (CoU.) M escoffer. w ,1.cry A of great a cat. cheatei Mayoría, intendent. steward. others are sf. subordínate, 1.Mayordomo Advantage, major deexcellence, propios, domo, supeisupeCity MEA MEC riority. 2. Major's commission. Mayoría de cutions. 3. The small embryo in the white plaza, A town-major's place. 3. Majority, of an egg. caUed the tread. full age ; end of minority Meataéla, sf. Small piece attached to the bits Mayoridad, sf. Superiority. of a bridle. Mayorista, sm. Student of the highest classes in MeapéiTos, sm. (Bot.) Stinking goose-foot. Chegrammar-schoóls. nopodium vulvaria, L. Mayormente, ad. Principally, chiefly. Mear, rn. T o uriñe, to make water. V. OriMayúscula, a. Capital: applied to large letters. nar. Meato, sm. (Med.) Passage, conduit, or pore of It is sometimes used as a substantive. Maza, sf. 1. Club, a stick shod with iron. 2. the body. «Mace, an ensign of authority borne before Méauea, sf. (Orn.) A sea fowl so cah>a from its cry. kings and magistrates. 3. Engine or pileengine. 4. Clog, a piece of wood fastened to Meca, sf. Casa de meca, House of noise and the waist of a monkey, to prevent him from confusión. running away. 5. Rag pinned to men or wo- Mecánica, sf. 1. Mechanics. V.- Maquinaria. 2. (Coll.) A mean, despicable action or thing. men's clothes, to make a laughing stock of 3. (Mil.) Management of soldiers' affairs. them. 6. Beetle forflaxor hemp. 7. A n im portunate, troublesome fellow.—pl. Pestles in Mecánicamente, aa". Meanly, sordidly, mechapowder-mills, with which the ingredients of nically. gunpowder are pounded. Maza de fraga, Mecánico, ca, a. 1. Mechanical or mechanic, done by hand. 2. Mean, servile; of mean ocHammer. Maza sorda, V. Espadaña. La maza y la mona, (Coll.) Applied to two per- cupation. Potencias mecánicas, Mechanical sons who constantly walk together. powers. Mazacote, sm. 1. Kali, barilla. 2. Mortar, ce-Mecánico, sm. 1. Mechanician, a m a n professing ment. 3. Dry, tough mass. 4. Injurious nick- or studying the construction of machines. 2. Mechanic, manufacturer, handicraftsman, name for a peevish person. Mazada, sf. Blow with a mallet; offénsive ex- handcraftsman, a low workman, a petty tradesman. 3. Handicraft, a m a n who Uves by pression. manual labour. Mazagatos, sm. Noise, dispute, contention. Mazamorra, sf. 1. Bread-dust; biscuit or any Mecaniquéz, sf. (Low) Meanness lowness of occupation or employment. other thing spoiled and broken in pieces. ¿. Any thing broken and reduced to small bite. Mecanismo, sm. Mechanism, action performed according to mechanical laws. 3. Sort of pap made of the flour of Indian corn, honey and sugar, much used in Perú. Mecedero, sm. 1. Stirrer, aflatended pole with Mazanéto, sf. Apple-shaped ornament in jewels. which wine is stirred in an hogshead, wort Mazapán, sm. Marchpane, a kind of sweet paste, in a vat and soap in a boiler. 2. V. Caño. made up of almonds, sugar and other ingre- Mecedor, sm. V. Mecedero. dients. Mecedor, ra, s. Rocker, one who stirs or rocks Mazar, ra. (Prov.) To churu milk. any thing to and fro. Mazarí, sf. (Obs.) V. Ladrillo. Mecedura, sf, Act of rocking or moving any Mazmorra, sf. Moorish dungeon. thing backwards and forwards. Maznar, ra. (Obs.) T o squeeze and handle any Mecer, ra. 1. T o stir, to agitote, to jumble, to thing gently to soften or disjoin it. mix. 2. T o rock, to shake, to move forwards Mazo, sm. 1. Mallet, a large hammer made of and backwards. 3. T o dandle or to shake a wood. 2. Bundle, a quantity of ribands or child to quiet and please him. other things tied together. Mazo de llaves,Mecereón, sm. (Bot.) Mezereon. Daphne meBunch of keys. 3. A n importúnate, tiresome zereum, L. person. Mecha, sf. 1. Wick, twist of cotton, round Mazonería, sf. 1. Masonry, brick-work. 2. Re- which wax or tallow is applied, to make canlief or relievo-work. illes, tapers and torches. 2. Roll of lint put Mazorca, sf. 1. Spindle fuU of thread, spun from into a sore or wound. 3. Match, a rope the distaff into the shape of a cone. 2. Ear slightly twisted and used tofirepieces of ordof corn. 3. The female spike of Indian corn. nance. 4. Bacon, with which fowls and meat Mazorral, a. Rude, uncouth, clownish. are larded. 5. A lock of hair ; a bundle of Mazorralmente, ad. Rudely. threads orfibres.Alargar la mecha, To augMazóte, sm. 1. A kind of cement or mortar. 2. ment a salary; to protract a business; ta Blockhead, a dull, heavy fellow. allow a needy debtor sufficient time to disMe, pro. Me, the oblique case of the pronoun I, charge his debt. which serves as a dative or accusative, and Mechar, ra. To lard fowls, game or meat, with is placed either before or after a verb. bacon, to forcé or to sturf. Mea, sf. Term used by chüdren to express theirMechera, sf. Larding-pin. want of making water. Mechero, sm. Nosle of a lamp, in which the Meada, sf. That quantity of uriñe made at one wick is put; socket of candlesticks. time. Mechinal, sm. Square stones left projecting in Meadero, sm. Place to which people generally a wall to be continued. repair to make water. Mechíta, sf. dim. A small wick, a small match. Meados, sm. pl. V. Orines. Mechoacán, sm. (Bot.) Mechoacan bind-weed. Meaja, sf. 1. A. small coin, formerly current in Convolvulus mechoacan, L. Castile. 2. Duty rcquired by juilges on exe- Mechón, sm. augm. 1. Large lock of hair; large ¿02 MED MED Medicar, va. To medicine, to administer medímatch. 2. A large bundle of threads or fibres separated from the rest. dnes ; to apply médicamente. Mechoso, sa, a. Full of matches or wicks. Medicastro, sm. Quack, medicaster, an empiric Mecónio, sm. 1. Meconium of children. 2. M e - practitioner in physic. conium, poppy juice. Medícea, a. Applied to anv of the four satellites Méda, sf. (Prov.) V. Hacina. of Júpiter. Medalla, sf. 1. Medal, a piece of metal stamped Medicina, sf. 1. Physic, the art of healing. 2. Medicine, any remedy administered by a in honour of some remarkable event or performance. Medalla anepígrafa, Medal with- physician out a title. 2. (Sculpt.) A round or oval tar- Medicinal, a. Medicinal, medicinable, healing, belonging to physic, having the power of get on which a figure is drawn. 3. (Coll.) healing. Gold coin weighing an ounce. Medallón, sm. augm. Medal lion. Medicinar, ra. T o medicine, to administer medicines, to apply medicamento. Médano, Medaño, sm. Sand-bank on the seashore. Medición, sf. Measurement, mensuration, measuring. Medár, ra. (Prov.) V. Hacinar: Medéro, sm. (Prov.) Collection of vine-shoots. Médico, sm. Physician, one who professes the Media, sf. 1. Stocking, a covering for the leg. art of healing. 2. Measure of capacity, which makes about Médico, ca, a. Medical, medidnal. half a hundred weight. 3. (Low) Liquid Medida, sf. 1. Measure, any instrument for findmeasure making two pinto.—pl. Hose. V. ¡ng out the length, breadth, or quantity of a Medio. thing. 2. Mensuration, measuring, measureMediación, sf. 1. The nearest distance of one ment, ad of measuring. 3. Height, length, thing from another, a third being placed in breadth or quantity measured. 4. Proportion, the middle. 2. Mediation, intervention, inrelation, correspondence. 5. Measure, syllaterposition, intercession, intreatyforanother.bles metrically numbered. 6. Measure, mean 3. (Mus.) Double bar. to an end. 7. Measure, moderation, prudence. Mediador, sm. Mediator, intercessor, go-between. 8. Girdle on the stotues of saints bearing their Mediana, sf. 1. Flesh of the shoulder near the ñames. A medida del deseo, According to neck of animáis. 2. Household bread. 3. one's wishes. A medida or á sabor de su pa(Prov.) Top of afishing-rod.4. V. Barzón. ladar, T o his heart's content. Medianamente, ad. Middlingly, moderately, Medidamente, ad. Moderately. meanly. Medidor, sm. Measurer. Mediadora, Medianera, sf. Mediatress, media- Mediéra, sf. A female knitter of stockings or trix, a female mediator. a w o m a n who knits stockings to sell them. Medianería, sf. 1. Bounds or limito of contiguous Mediéro, sm.i. Hosier, one who deals in stockthings. 2. Moíety of land or rent equally ings. 2. A knitter of stockings. 3. (Prov.) divided and enjoyed by halves. 3. PartíCopartner, one who goes halves with anotion-wall. ther in the cultivation of lands or rearing of Medianero, ra, a. 1. Mediating, interceding, me- cattle. diatory. 2. Intermedíate; having the moiety. Medio, dia, a. Half, in part. Medio dia, Noon, Pared medianera, Partition-wall. the middle hour of the day. Media noche, Medianero, sm. Mediator; go-between. Mídnight, twelve at night. Medio hermano, Medianía, Medianidad, sf. 1. Moderation or Half-brother or half-blood. Medio borracho, temperanee to the execution of a thing. 2. Half-seas over. Media naranja, V. Cúpula. Mediocrity, mediety, mean, middle state; mo- A medio-nao, (Nau.) Midships. A medias, dérate means. B y halves. Ir á medias, To go halves with one. Medianil, sm. (Agr.) Middle-piece of ground. Medio, sm. 1. Middle, the part equally distant Medianísta, sm. Student of the fourth class in from the extremities. 2. Measure, expedient or step taken iu an affair. 3. W a y , mean, grammar. method, instrument, that which is used in Mediano, na, a. Modérate, middling; neither order to any end. 4. Médium, any thtog used great ñor small, mean, mediocre. Meiüános, In grammar-schools, the fourth in ratiocination in order to a conclusión. 5. class. A médium between extremes in a physical or Medíante, aa*. B y means of, by virtue of.—pa. moral sense, moderation. 6. W o r k half done Mediating, intervening. and hotfinished.7. Twin, one of two chilMediar, rn. 1. To come to the middle of a dren born at a birth.—pl. Rento, income, rething, to be at the middle. 2. T o intercede venue, fortune. En medio, In the middle, for another, to meddle, to medíate, to go bemidway; nevertheless, notwithstanding, how tween. 3. T o intervene. ever; in the midst. Mediatamente, ad. Mediately. Mediocre, a. Middling, mean, modérate, meMediato, ta, a. Mediata. diocre. Mediator, sm. Ombre, game at cards. Mediocremente, aa*. (Littl. us.) Meanly. Medicable, a. Curable, medicable, that m a y be Mediocridad, sf. Mediocrity, smaU degree, cured by means of medicines. middle rate, middle state. Médicamente, aa*. (Littl. us.) Medically. Mediodía, sf. 1. Noon, mid-day, noonday Medicamento, sm. Medicament, medicine, phynoontide, meridian. 2. South. sic, any remedy administered to cure a dis- Mediopaño, sm. Thin woollen cloth. ease. Mediopartír, ra. T o divide into two halves. $64 MEL MEL Medir, ra. 1. T o measure, to ascertata the length,Melancólico, ca, a. Melancholy, sad, gloomy, melancholic, fancifuL cloudy, mirthless, mourn magnitude or quantity of a thing, to mensúful, damp, lugubrious, hypochondriacal. rate. 2. T o measure or to examine the number of syllables of a verse. 3. T o compare, Melancolizar, va. T o affect with melancholy, ta render gloomy and dejected, to melancholize, to measure, to estímate the relative badness to dispirit. or goodness of things. 4. (CoU.) T o measure the ground with one's body, to fallflaton Melania, sf. A kind of sük stuff. the ground.—vr. T o be modérate, to act with Melanogógo, sm. (Med.) Melanogogue. Melantería, sf. Kind of black mineral containprudence. ing vitriol. Meditación, sf. Meditation, cogitation, deep Melápia, sf. Kind of apple. thought, cióse attention, contemplation. Meditar, va. T o meditóte, to revolve in the Melar, rn. 1. In sugar-works, to boil down the mind, to contémplate, to consider, to cogitóte, juice of the sugar-cane a second time, until it obtains the consistency of honey. 2. To to mind, to muse, to chew. deposit honey as bees. Meditativo, va, a. (Littl. us.) Meditative. Mediterráneo, nea, a. Mediterranean, encircled Melaza, sf. l.(Prov.) Dregs of honey. 2. (Littl. us.) V. Melóle. with land, midland. Medra, sf. Proficiency, progress, melioration, Melcocha, sf. Cake made of honey, flour and spice; ginger-bread. improvement. Melcochéro, sm. Ginger-bread baker. Medrar, rn. T o thrive, to prosper, to grow rich; Melecína, sf. (Obs.) V. Clister. to improve. Melena, sf. 1. Dishevelled hair hanging loóse Medro, sm. (Prov.) V. Medra. Medrosamente, aa*. Timorously, fearfully, faintly. over the eyes. 2. Fore-top hair or mane that Medroso, sa, a. 1. Fearful, timorous, faintheart- falls on a horse's face. 3. A soft,fleecyskin ed, harehearted, cowardly, faintling. 2. Ter- put on the forehead of working oxen to prevent their being hurt by the yoke. Traer á rible, inspiring fear. Medula or Médula, sf. 1. Marrow, an oleaginouS la melena, To compel one to execute a thing against his will. substance contained in bones. 2. The prindpal substance or more essential part of any Melenudo, da, a. Hairy, having bushy hair. Melera, sf. I. State of melons spoiled by rain. immaterial thing. 2. (Bot.) V. Buglosa. Medular, a. Medullar, medullary. Meduloso, sa, a. Full of marrow, marrowish. Melero, sm. 1. Dealer in honey. 2. Place destined to preserve honey. Mefítico, a. Mephitíc, mephitical: applied to Melésa, sf. Candle-wood. V. Tea. noxious air. Megído, da, a. Beaten up with sugar and water: Melgácho, sm. (Ichth.) Dog-fish. Squalus catufos, L. applied to the yolk of eggs. Melífero, ra, a. Melliferous, productive of honey. Mego, ga, a. Gentle, mild, meek, peaceful. Mejicana, sf. (Bot.) V. Maravilla mejicana. Melificado, da, a. Melliftoous, mellificent.—pp. oí Melificar. Mejicano, sm. The Mexican language. Mejilla, sf. Cheek, the side of the face belowMelificar, ra. and n. T o make honey as bees, Melifluamente, ad. Mellifluently. the eye. Melifluidád, sf. Mellifluence, suavity, delicacy. Mejillón, Mijillón, sm. A kind of cockle. Melifluo,flua,a. Melliftoous, mellifiuent, honeyMejor, a. Better.—ad. Better; more exactly. Mejora, s/1. Improvement, melioration, growth. mouthed;flowingwith honey. 2. Appeal to a superior court. 3. Tbe act of Meliloto, sm. 1. (Bot.) Bird's foot trefoil; melilot. Trifolium officinale, L. 2. Silly, stupid eaving by will a larger shaie than the leperson. gatee by law had a right to. Mejoramiento, sm. Improvement, melioration. Melindre, sf.X.A sort of fritters made of honey Mejorana, sf. (Bot.) Sweet marjoram. Origa- and flour. 2. Prudery, overmuch nicety in conduct. n u m majorana, L. Mejorar, ra. To improve, to meliorato, to heightMelindrear, rn. To act the prude. en, to cultívate, to mend.—rn. To recover, to Melindrero, ra, a. Prudish, affectedly grave. grow well from a disease or calamity.—rr. Melindrillo, sm. (Prov.) Ferret, narrow tope. Melindrizar, rn. (CoU.) V. Melindrear. To improve, to grow better. Melindroso, sa, a. Prudish, precise,finical,too Mejoría, sf. 1. Improvement, melioration, mendnice, too formal. ing. 2. Repairs. 3. The state of growing better in point of health. 4. Advantage; Mella, sf. 1. Notch in edged tools. 2, Gap, empty space. Hacer mella, To make an imsuperiority. Melada, sf. 1. A slice of toasted bread steeped pression upon the mind by reproach or advice. in honey. 2. (Prov.) A slice of dry marmaMellado, da, a and pp. of Mellar, 1 Notched. Iade. 2. Toothless, wanting one or more teeth. Melado, da, a. Of the colour of honey : geneMellar, ra. 1. T o notch, to cut in small hollows. rally applied to horses.—pp. of Melar. Meladúcha, sf. A coarse, mealy apple. 2. To deprive of lustre and splendour. MeMelancolía, sf. Melancholy, a kind of gloomy llar la honra, T o wound one's character and madness, in which the mind is constantly honour. fixed on one sad and painful object, gloom, Mellica, sf. (Prov.) V. Melliza. Mellíza, sf. Kind of sausage made of lean pork, gloominess. Melancólicamente, aa". (Littl. us.) Melancholily almonds, pine-apple kernels and honey. 565 MEM MEN sary or pious work which any one founds to Mellizo, za, a. V. Gemelo. preserve his memory. 5. Memoir, an accounl Mellón, sm. A handful of straw. Melocotón, sm. 1. (Bot.) C o m m o n peach. A m y g - of transactions famíliarly written: commonly dalus pérsica, L. 2. Peach,fruitof that tree. used in plural. 6. Bul, account 7. M e m o Melodía, sf. 1. Melody, harmony of sound, me- randum, a note to help the memory. 8. Colodiousness, musicalness. 2. Melody, sweet- dicil. Hacer memoria, T o remember, to put in mind. De memoria, B y heart. Hablar de ness or suavity of sound. Melodiosamente, aa". Melodiously, harmoniously. memoria, To talk at random.—pl. 1. CompUments, expressions of kindness and civility. Melodioso, sa, a. Melodious, musical, harmo2. Memorandum-book. 3. T w o or more rings nious. put on thefingeras a memorándum. Melodrama, sf. Melodrame, a kind of dramáMemorial, sm. 1. Memorandum-book. 2. Metica! composition. Melója, sf. Metheglin, honey boiled with water morial, brief. Memorialista, sm. A n amanuensis; a person and fermented. who writes petitions for others. Melón, sm. (Bot.) Melón. Cucumis meló, L. Memorión, sm. augm. A strong memory. Catar el melón, To sound or pump one. Memorioso, sa, a. Mindful, retentive: applied Melonar, sm. Field or bed of melons. to the memory. Meloncéte, sm. dim. A small melón. Melonéro, ra, s. One who reare melons or dealsMena, sf. 1. (Nau.) Girt or size of cordage. 2. (Ichth.) Small sea-fish, kind of anchovy. in them. Melosidad, sf. 1. Sweetness arising from honey,Menadór, ra, s. (Prov.) Winder, one who turns a wheel to wind silk. lusdousness. 2. Meekness, gentleness of beMenáge, sm. Furniture, movables, house-stuff¡ haviour. Meloso, sa, a. 1. Having the teste or qualities goods put iu a house for use or ornament. of honey; mellow. 2. Gentle, mild, pleasing. Menár, va. (Prov.) To wind, to conglomérate.' Melóte, sm. 1. Molosses, molasses, treade, the Mención, sf. Mention, oral or written recital of spume or scum of the juice of the sugar-cane. any thing. 2. (Prov.) Conserve made up with honey. Mencionar, va. To mention, to write or express in words or writing, to ñame. Mélsa, sf. 1. (Prov.) V. Bazo. 2. Phlegm, lentor, slowness. Mendicación, sf. The act of begging or asking Membrádo, da, a. (Her.) Membered: applied to charity. the beak and legs of a bird, when of a dif- Mendicante, a. Mendicant, begging. ferent tinctuie from the body. Mendicante, sm. Mendicant, one of some begMembrana, sf. 1. Membrane, a thin skin; a ging fraternity. caul. 2. (Anat.) Membrane. Mendicidad, sf. Mendicity, mendicancy, beggary. Membranoso, sa, a. Membranous, membranaceous, membranous; filmy. Mendigante,to,s. Mendicant, beggar. Membrete, sm. 1. Short annotation or note writ-Mendigar, va. T o ask charity,tolive upon almsj tentoremember a thing 2. In letter or notes to beg, to mendicate, to ask alms ; to crave, to entreat. a line in which the person's ñame is inserted to w h o m it is written. 3. A note or srrfa.ll bitMendigo, sm. Beggar, maunder, a person who of paper given as a memorándum to a person asks charity in the streets and Uves upon alms. in office, to put him in mind of any one's Mendiguez, s/.Beggary, indigence, mendicancy, pretensions. 4. A card of invitatíon. mendicity. Membrílla, sf. (Prov.) The tender bud of a Mendosamente, ad. Falsely, erroneously, equivocally. quince-tree. Mendoso, sa, a. False,fictitious,erroneous, menMembrillar, sm. Plantation of quince-trees. Membrillero, Membrillo, sm. 1. (Bot.) Quince- dacious. tree. Pyrus cydonia, L. 2. Thefruitof the Mendrugo, sm. Broken bread given to beggars. Mendruguíllo, sm. dim. A small bit or crumb of quince-tree. bread. Membrudamente, ad. Robustly, sfrongly. Membrudo, da, a. Strong, robust, corpulent; Meneadór, ra, s. Mover, manager, director. Menear, va. 1. T o move from place to place. membered. 2. To manage, to direct.—rr. 1. T o be brisk Mementos, sm. pl. The two parts of the mass, and active, to stir about. 2. T o wriggle, to to which the sacrifice is offered for the quick and the dead. waddle; to move from side to side. Menear M e m o , ma, a. Silly, foolish. las manos, T o fight; to work expertly. Memorable, Memorando, da, a. Memorable, Meneo, sm. 1. A wriggling or waddling motion commemorable, notable, famous, worthy of of the body. 2. (Obs.) Trade, business. memoiy. Menester, sm.l. Necessity, need, want. Ser meMemorablemente, ad. Memorably. nester, T o be necessary, to be wanting. 2. Memorar, ra. T o remember, to record, to menEmployment, business, occupation, office.— tion. pl. (Coll.) 1. Natural or corporal necessities. Memoratísimo, ma, a. sup. Worthy of eternal 2. Implemento, instruments ortoolsnecessary memory. to a workman. Memoria, sf. 1. Memory, the power of retoiningMenesteroso, sa, a. Needy, necessitous; wanting or recolleding things past; reminiscence, resomething, colleríion. 2. Fame, glory. 3. Memory, me- Menestra, sf. Pottage made of different pulsí morial, monumental record. 4. A n anniverand roots. 566 MEN MEN Menestral, sm. Mechanic, tradesman, handicrafts- Menoscabar, ra. 1. T o impair, to lessen, to make man. handcraftoman, handicraft. worse. 2. T o reduce, to deteriórate. Mengajo, sm. (Obs.) Rag, tatter. Menoscabo, sm. Diminution, deterioration, loss. Mengua, sf. 1. Decay, decline. 2. Poverty, in-Menospreciable, a. Despicable, contemptible. digence. 3. Disgrace arising from a cowardly Menospreciadaménte, ad. Contemptuously. conduct. Menospreciadór, ra, s. Contemner, despiser. Menguadaménte, aa". Ignominiously. Menospreciar, ra. T o underrate, to undervalúej Menguado, sm, 1. Coward; a silly, mean-spito despise, to contemn, to neglect, to overpass, rited feUow. 2. A n avaricíous, miserable to overlook, to make light of, to nihilífy ; to wretch. 3. Decrease, narrowing of stockoutbrave. ings, etc. Menosprecio, sm. Contempt, scorn; the act of Menguado, da, a. 1. Diminished, impaired. 2. undervaluing or underrating a thing, misesCoward, pusillanimotts; fooUsh. Hora menteem, neglect, contumely, contumeliousness, guada, Fatal moment.—pp. of Menguar* Menotísa, sf. V. Minutisa. Menguante, sm. l.Ebb-tide, low-water, neap, Menságe, Mensagería, *. Message, errand. low-tide. 2, Decline, decay. 3. Decrease of Mensagéro, ra, s. 1. Messenger, one w h o carries the moon. or brings a message, eonveyer, express. 2. Menguar, rn. 1. T o decay, to decline, to fall off (Nau.) Bull's eye traveller, a wooden thimhle. 1. T o fail, to be deficient. 3. T o diminish the Menstruación, sf. Menstruation, the aet of mensize of stockings by taking in two stitches struating. instead of one with the knittíng needles. Menstrual, a. Menstrual. Meniántes, sm. Marsh-trefoil, buck-bean. M e - Menstrualménte, ad. Monthly, menstruaUy. nyantes trifoliata, L. Menstruánte, a. Menstruating. Menina, sf. A young lady w h o from her child- Menstruár, rn. T o menstruate. hood entered into the service of the royal fa- Menstruo, sm. 1. Menses, catomenia. 2. (Chem.) mily of Spain, by waiting upon the queen. Menstruum, any liquor used as a dissolvent, Meninge, sf. Mentas, or more commonly me- or to extract the virtues of ingredients by inninges ; membranes enveloping the brain. fusión or decoction. Menino, sm. 1. Page of the queen and infantas Menstruo, a, a. Menstruous, monthly, menstrual. oí Spain. 2. (Prov.) A n affected, spruce, littleMenstruósa, a. (Med.) Applied to a female menfellow. struating. Menipéa, sf. Kind of satire containing prose Mensual, a. Monthly, menstrual. and verse. Mensualménte, ao". Monthly. Menique, a. Applied to the Uttle finger of the Ménsula, sf. (Arch.) M e m b e r which projects haud: it is also used as a substantive. over any thing and serves to support others. Menisco, sm. Meniscus,. glass concave on one Mensura, sf. Measure. side and convex on the other. Mensurabilidad, sf. Mensurability, mensurableMenjuí, sm. (Bot.) V . Benjuí. A'rbol de menjuí, ness. Benjamín tree laurel. Laurus benzoin, L. Mensurable, a. Mensurable, that m a y be meaMenjúnge, Menjúrge, sm. (Coll.) Beverage com- sured. posed of different ingredients, and of an un- Mensurador, ra, s. Measurer, meter. pleasant tosté. Mensural, a. Applied to any thing used te meaMenológio, sm. Menology, the martyrology of sure. the Greeks divided into the months of the Mensurar, ra. V. Medir and Juzgar. year. Menta, sf. (Bot.) Mint. Mentha officinalis, L. Menónia, sf. A black kind of birds. Mentado, da, a. Famous, celebrated, renowned. Menor, sm. and/. 1. Minor, one under age. 2. — p p . oí Mentar. Mínor, the second or particular proposítion Mental, a. Mental, intellectual, ideal. in the syUogism. 3. Minor, minorite, a Fran- Mentalmente, ad. Mentally, intellectually, ciscan friar or nun. 4. Minor, a term in ideally. ' music.—pl. 1. The third class of a grammar- Mentar, ra. T o mention, to record. school. 2. Minor orders. Mentastro, sm. (Bot) V. Mastranzo. Menor, a. comp. Less, smaller, minor. Menor Mente, sf. 1. Mind, understanding; intellectual edad, Minority, under age. Por menor, B y power. 2. Sense, meaning ; will, disposition. retail, in small parts ; minutely. Mentecatería, sf. Folly, absurdity, nonsense. Menorete, a. dim. coll. Al menorete ox por el Mentecata)!, sf. (Littl. us.) Foolishness, siltimenorete, A t least. ness. Menoría, sf. Inferíority, subordination. Mentecato, ta, a. Silly, foolish, stopid, crack Menorista, sm. Student of grammar in the third brained.—s. Fool. class. Mentecatón, na, a. augm. Very silly. Menos, aa*. I. Less, in a smaller or lower de- Mentidéro, sm. Talking comer, where idlers gree. Menos valer. Less worthy. 2. Except, meet to converse on trifling and fútil» subwith exception of. A lo menos or por lo me- jeets. nos, At least, however. Mucho menos, M u c h Mentir, va. 1. T o lie, to utter falsehoods. 2. T o less. Poco mas 6 menos, A little more or disappoint, tofrustrate,to deceive, to feign. less. Venir á menos, T o decay, to grow worse. 3. T o gainsay. to retract; to equivócate, to A í mas, ni menos, Neither more ñor less, falsify, to fib, to fable. Menoscabado!, just equal. 567 ra, s. Detractor, lessener. Mentira, mendacity. sf. 1.2.Lie, Error, fálsehood, mistake falsity, in writing. fictiuu, MER MER Mentirfca, illa, íta, sf. dim. Fálsehood tald .byMercanda, sf. I. Trade, traffic. 2. Merchandise, way of a jest. De mentirillas, In jest. saleable goods. Mentirán, sm. augm. Great lie. Mercante, sm. and a. Dealer, trader; mercan. Mentirosamente, aa*. Falsely, deceitfully, lytagly. tile, commercial. Mentirosíto, ta, a. dim. A little false, deceitful. Mercantil, a. Commercial, mercantile, merchantMentiroso, sa, a. 1. Lying,tellingfalsehoods; like. deceptious, mendacious,fibber.2. Erroneous, Mercantilmente, ad. Merchantly, in a commerequivocal, incorrect. cial or mercantile manner. Mentís, You lie, or thou liest Mercar, va. V. Comprar. Menuceles, sm. pl. (Prov.) V. Minucias. Merced, sf. 1. Wages, pay given for service Menudamente, ad. Minute'ly, partícularly. especially to day-laDourers. 2. Gift, favour Menudear, va. T o repeat, to detail minutely.— grace, mercy. 3. Will, pleasure. 4. Appel' vn. T o relate or describe little things. lation of civility'and respect, with which perMenudencia, sf. Trifle, littleness ; minuteness, sons are addressed who cannot claim any exility, minute accuracy. Menudencias, Small other title. Vuestra or vues i merced, Youi matters ; offal of young pigs. honour, your worship, sir. 5. A religious mi. Menudeo, sm. Act of repeating minutely. litory order, whose chief obiect is to redeem Menudéro, ra, s. Dealer in tripes, giblets, sau- captives. Estar á merced, To" live at another's sages, etc. expense. Muchas mercedes, M a n y thanks Menudíllo, sm. Extremities of animáis. Menufor the favours received. dillos, Giblets of fowls. Mercenario, sm. 1. Day-labourer, one who works Menudícoj íca, íto, íta, a. Somewhat small. for daily wages. 2. Mercenary, hireling, one Menudo, da, a. 1. Small, slender of body ; miretained and servingforpay. nute. 2. O f no moment or valué, worthless. Mercenario,ria,a. 1. Mercenary, hired, hireling. 3. C o m m o n , vulgar. 4. Examining minutely 2. AppUed to a friar or nun of the religious into things. 5. Small money, change. Homorder of la merced: in this sense it is also bre menudo, A mean, miserable fellow, A used as a substantive, menudo, Repeatedly, frequently, continually, Mercería, sf. Trade of a haberdasher, who deals oft, often, oftimes, oftentimes. Por menudo, in small wares, mercery. Minutely; by retail. Mercero, sm. Haberdashei. Menudo, sm. 1. Intestines, viscera. 2. Tithe of Merchante, sm. Merchant, who buys and sells fruits. Menudos, Copper coin. goods without keeping an open shop.—a. Meñique, a. 1. Applied to the littlefingerof the Merchant: applied to a rrading-vessel. hand: in this sense it is used as a substan- Merculíno, na, a. Belonging to Wednesday. tive. 2. (CoU.) Very small. Mercurial, sm. and a. 1. (Bot.) A U good, merMeolláda, sf. (Prov.) Fry of brain. cury. Mercurialis, L. Mercurial añal or meMeollár, sm. (Nau.) Thin line of sptm-yarn dicinal, Annual mercury. Mercurialis annua, made of oakum or untwísted ropes. L. 2. Mercurial. Meollo, sm. 1. Marrow, an oleaginous substance Mercuríuo, na, a. Relating to Wednesday. contained in bones. 2. Judgment, under- Mercurio, sm. 1. Mercury, quicksilver. 2. Plastanding. 3. Soft part of bread, crumb. 4. net Mercury. 3. A periodical publication so The prindpal substance or more essential called. part of any immaterial thing. Merdellón, na, «. (CoU.) Slovenly, unclean, Meón, na, a. Continually making water. dirty. Meóna, sf. Newborn female infant in distinctionMerdoso, sa, a. Nasty, filthy. from the male. Mere, ad. (Obs.) Merely. V. Meramente. Mequetrefe, sm. Insignificant, noisy fellow, jack-Merecedor, ra, s. One who deserves reward oí anapes, coxcomb. punishment. Meramente, ad. Merely, solely, nakedly. Merecer, rn. 1. T o deserve, to merit, to meed. Merár, va. T o mix one liquor with another ,- it 2. V. Lograr. 3. T o owe, to be indebted for. is generaUy applied to the mixture of wine He merecido á mi hermano aquella honra, I and water. a m indebted to m y brother for that honour. Merca, sf. (Coll.) V. Compra. — v a . To do any thing deserving reward or Mercachifle, sm. Pedler, hawker. censure. Mercadánte, sm. V. Mercader. Merecidamente, ad. Worthily, meritoriously, Mercadear, vn. T o trade, to traffic ; to buy and condignly. sell. Merecido, da, a. Meritorious, condign.—pp. oí Mercader, sm. Dealer, trader, shopkeeper. Merecer. Mercadéra, sf. Shopkeeper's wife, tradeswoman.Merecido, sm. Condign punishment. Mercadería, sf. 1. Comtnodity, merchandise, Merecimiento, sm. Condignity, merit, desert, merchandry. 2. Trade, the business of a right to reward, merítenousness. trader or dealer.—pl. Goods. Merendar, rn. 1. T o take a collation between Mercado, sm. 1. Market, the concourse of peodinner and supper. 2. (Prov.) To eat the ple to sell and buy. 2. Market, a public and principal meal at noon.—ra. 1. To pry into stated time for buying and selling. 3. Market another's writings or adions. 2. To anticíor market-place, the appointed place where pate, to take something soouer than another goods are sold ; a rnart. so as to prevent him. Mercaduría, sf. Merchandise, trade, merchandry. Merendero, ra, a. Picking up the seeds in cornMercal, sm. Ancient Spanish coin. fields : applied to crows. 568 MER MES Merendona, sf. augm. A plentiful or splendid Mes, sm. 1. Month, one of the twelve calenda» collattan. divisions of the year. 2. Catemenia, menses, Merengue, sm. Swectmeat made of sugar and courses. 3. Monthly wages. Meses mayores, white of eggs. 1. Last months of pregnancy. 2. Months im Meretrício, cia, a. Meretricious, harlot mediately preceding the harvest. Al mes, In Meretrício, sm. Carnal sin. a month'3time,by the month, at the expiraMeretriz, sf. V. Ramera. tion of a month. Meréy, sf. (Bot.) Cashew-tree. Anacardium oc-Mesa, sf. 1. Table, a horizontal surface raised cidentale, L. above the ground for meáis and other purMergánsar, sm. (Orn.) Goosander. Mergus mer- poses. 2. Table, the fare, entertainment or ganser, L. viands put on the table. El general tiene Mergo, sm. (Orn.) Diver. Mergus, L. buena mesa, The general keeps a good table. Meridiana, sf. Meridional line. A la meridiana, 3. Table, aflator level surface on the top of hílls or mountains. 4. Landing-place, the At mid-day, noon. upper part of a stair-case. 5. In printing Meridiano, sm. Meridian, a large circle of the offices, a case or oblong frame placed aslope celestial sphere, passing through the poles, and divided into several compartments or zenith and nadir, and crossing the equator at right angles. Meridianos, Gladiatore who little square cellsforthe types. 6. The table of accounts of the rente of cathedral churches, fought naked.—a. Meridional. Meridional, a. Southern, southerly, meridional. Prelates or dignitaries in Spain. 7. Set or Merienda, sf. 1. Nunchion, collation or piece of rubber, any one of the games played at a truck-table. 8. Spanish truck-table, or the victuals eaten between dinner and supper. hire of it. 9. Theflator plain part of a sword, 2. (Prov.) Principal meal eaten at noon. 3. (Coll.) Hump-back. Hacer merienda de ne- of a shoemaker's awl, etc. 10. Communion table of the altar. Mesa de cambios, Bank, gros, To make a hodge-podge of any thing Levantar la mesa, T o take away the cloth. to the prejudice of the right owner's just Mesa franca Open table. Sentarse á mesa claim. Merindád, sf. District of the jurisdiction of a puesta, T o live at other people's expense. merino, or judge of the sheep-walks. Mesas de guarnición, (Nau.) Channels or Merino, sm. 1. Royal judge aud superintondent chain-wales ; strong timbers projecting horior inspector of sheep-walks. 2. Shepherd of zontally from the ship's side, to which the merino sheep. shrouds are fastened. Mesas de guarnición Merino, na, a. 1. Moving from pasture to pas- del palo mayor, Main chain-wales. Mesas de ture : applied to sheep. 2. Applied to thick guarnición del trinquete, Fore chain-wales. curled hair. Mesa de milanos, Scanty table. Méritaménte, ad. V. Merecidamente. Mesada, sf. Monthly pay or wages. Meritár, ra. (Obs.) To merit, to deserve. Mesána, sf. (Nau.) Mizen-mast or sail. Mérito, sm. Merit, desert, condignity, excel- Mesar, ra. T o pluck off the hair with the hands. lence, virtue,rightto reward, meritorious- Mese, sf. (Obs.) V. Mies. ness. Meseguería, sf. 1. Guard or watch offruits.2. Meritoriamente, ad. Meritoiiously. Collection among labourers to pay for the Meritorio,ria,a. Meritorious, worthy of reward, guard of grain or fruits. meritory. Meseguero, sm. 1. Keeper of the fruits of the Mérla, sf. (Orn.) Black-bird, merle. Turdus harvest. 2. (Prov.) The guard of the vinemeiula, L. yard. Merlí, sm. Crape, a sort of stuff resembling Meseguero, ra, a. Relating to the harvest fruits. gauze. Mesentérico, ca, a. Mesenteric, meseraic. Merlín, sm. 1. (Nau.) Marline, a small looselyMesentério, sm. Mesentery. twisted hempen line. 2. Magieian. V. Má- Meseraíca, a. Mesenteric. gico. Mesero, sm, Journeymau who works for monthly Méilo, sm. (Ichth.) A sea fish very frequent wages. in the Mediterranean. Labras merula, L. Meseta, sf. Landing-place of a stair-case. Me Merlón, sm. (Fort.) Merlon, the part of the pa- seta de guarnición, (Nau.) Back-stay stool. rapet of a battery which lies between two Mesías, sm. Messiah, Jesús Christ. embrasures. Mesiázgo, sm. Dignity of Messiah. Merluza, (Ichth.) Cod, hake. Gadus merluc- Mesilla, sm. l.(Dim.) SmaU table; side-board cius, /.. 2. Screw. 3. Board-wages. 4. Censure by Merma, sf. Waste, leakage, soakage. way of a jest. Mermar, rn. T o waste, to diminish, to dwindle, Mesíllo, sm. First menses after parturition. to lessen. Mesíta, sf. dim. A small table. Mermelada, sf. Marmelade, a conserve made of Mésmo, ma, pron. pers. (Obs.) V. Mismo. Ese quinces or oranges and sugar. Brava meríesmo. V. También. melada, A fine hodge podge, in contempt. Mesnadéro, sm. (Obs ) Commander of a body Mero, sm. (Ichth.) Pollack. Gadus pollachius L. of armed men. Mero, ra, a. Mere, puré, simple, naked. Mesón, sm. Inn, a house of entertainment fot Meróde, sm. V. Pillage. travellers, hostry. Merodeador, sm. Marauder, pillager. Mesonáge, sm. Street or place which contains Merodear, vn. T o pillage, to go marauding. numerous inns and public-houses. Merodista, sm. (Mil) Pillager, marauder. Mesoncíllo, sm. dim. A little inn. 569 MET MET Mesonero, sm. Inn-keeper, publican, landlord Metalúrgico, ca, a. Belonging or relating to m e of an inn, host. tallurgy. Mesonero, ra, a. Waiting, serving in an inn. Metalúrgico, sm. Metallurgist. Mesonísta, s. com. VVaiter in an inn or public- Metálla, sf. Small pieces of gold leaf used to house. cover parts imperfedly gilt. Mésta, sf. 1. The proprietors of black cattle and Metamorfóseos, Metamorfosi, Metamorfosis, sf. sheep considered as a body. 2. Annual meetMetamorphosis, transformation. ing of shepherds" and owners offlocksto con- Metástasis, sf. (Med.) Metástasis, translatíon sider of the best and most economical m a or removal of a disease from one place to annagement of sheep. which bears the title El other. honrado concejo de la Mesta, T h e honourable Metátesis, sf. (Rhet.) Metathesis, a transposiboard of Afesía. tíon. Mestál, sm. (Obs.) A piece of barren, unculti- Metatárao, sm. (Anat.) Metatarsus, a part of vated ground. the foot. Mestéüo, ña, a. 1. Belonging to the mesta oí Metedor, ra, s. 1. Smuggler, one who runs goods graziers. 2. V. Mostrenco. into a country without paying any duty. 2. Mestér, sm. (Obs.) V . Menester. H e w h o puto one thing into another. 3. Clout, Mestizo, za, a. O f a mongrel breed, hybrid, hy- a Unen cloth put under the swaddling clothes bridous. of new-born chUdren. Mésto, sm. (Bot.) Large prickly oak. Quercos Meteduría, sf. Smuggling, the a d of importing aegylops, L. goods without paying the duty or customs. Mestura, sf. (Prov.) Meslin, mixed corn, as Metemuertos, sm. 1. Attendant in a play-house. wheat and rye. 2. Busy-body, a vain, meddling person. Mesturár, ra. (Obs.) T o mix. V . Mixturar. Metempsícosis, sf. Metempsychosis. Mesura, sf. 1. A grave deportment, a serious Meteórico, ca, a. Meteoric, meteorous. countenance. 2. Civility, poUteness. 3. M o - Meteorista, sm. Meteorologist. Meteoro, sm. Meteor, a luminous body of a deration; measure. Mesuradamente, ad. Gently, prudently, meatransitory nature, which appears in the skies surably. Meteorología, sf. Meteorology. Mesurado, da, a. Modérate, circumspect, m o - Meteorológico, ca, a. Meteorological. dest ; regular, températe, regulated.^pp. of Meteorologista, sf. Meteorologist, a m a n skilled Mesurar. in meteors or studious of them. Mesurar, ra. T o assume a serious countenance, Meter, ra. 1. T o place or to put in, to include to act with solemn reserve.—rr. T o behave one thing within another, to get on. 2. T o with modesty and prudence. run goods into the country without paying Meta, sf. Boundary, limit V. Limite. the customs. 3. T o make, to occasion, to Metacarpo, sm. (Anat.) Metacarpus, palm of the urge, to move, to be the cause of doing a hand. thtog. 4. T o engage, to prevail upon, to inMetacronísmo, sm. Metachronism, anachronism. duce. 5. T o stake, to put to hazard. 6. T o Metafísica, sf. 1. Metaphysic, metaphysics, on- cram down victuals. 7. T o put things dose tology, the science of beings or ideas in getogether,tocram or to heap them together. neral. 2. The art of subtilizing in any matter. 8. T o impose upon, to deceive. 9. T o comMetaf ísicaménte, ad. Metaphysically. press, to straiten, to reduce. 10. (CoU.) T o eat. Metaf ísico, ca, a. Metaphysical, metaphysic, re- V. Comer. Meter bulla, T o make a noise. Melating to metaphysics ; abstract, obscure. ter á voce's, T o reduce the affair to a bustle. Metaf ísico, sm. Metaphysician, one versed in Meter en calor, T o excite, to incite. Meter metaphysics, ontologist. zizaña, T o sow discord, to breed disturbances. Metáfora, sf. Metaphor, a rhetoricalfigure,not Meter el cuezo, T o introduce one's self to improperly defined to be " a símile comprised any thing with little ceremony. Meter paz, in a word." T o accommodate matters between contending Metafóricamente, ad. Metophorically, figurative- parties. Meter priesa, T o urge, to hasten.— ly, not literally. vr .1. T o meddle or busy one's self where he is Metafórico, ca, a. Metaphorical, metaphoric, not not called; to intermeddle, to interfere. 2. T o literal. be on terms of famiüarity with a person. 3. Metaforizár, va. T o use metephors. T o choose. a profession or trade. 4. T o be Metal, sm. 1. Metal 2. Brass, latten. 3. C o m - led astray, to plunge into vice. 5. T o empty pass or strength of the voice. 4. Quality, into the sea: applied to rivera. 6. T o attack nature or condition of a thing. or assail with sword in hand. Meterse con Metalario, Metálico, Metalista, sm. W o r k m a n alguno, T o pick a quarrel. Meterse donde no le llaman, T o trust himself where he ís or dealer in metal, metallist, metallurgist. Metálica, sf. V . Metalurgia. not called. Meterse en vidas ágenos, T o dive Metálico, ca, a. 1. Metellic, metallical, belonginto other people's affaSrs. Meterse en todo, ing to metal, partaking of metal or consistT o be jack of all trades. Meterse en si mismo, ing of metal. 2. Medallic, pertaining to meT o revolve in the mind; to foUow one's own dals. opinión. Meterse soldado, T o beeome a solMetalífero, (Poet) Metallíferous. dier. Meterse á sabio, learning and Metalografía, Metalurgia, of metáis. 570 ra, */sf. .a.MetaUurgy. Metallography, a descripticn Metido Meticuloso, knowledge. sm. Strong sa, a. Vlie . Medroso. usedT obyaffect washer-women. MEZ MÍE Metido, da, a. and pp. oí Meter, Placed or put Mezcolanza, sf. Bad mixture of eolours, mish in or into; engaged; deceived. Estar muy mash. metido en algún negocio, T o be deeply en-Mezquinamente, ad. Miserably, avariciously. Mezquindad, sf. 1. Penury, poverty, indigence. gaged in any affair. Metimiento, sm. (Coll.) Introduction, insertion. 2. Avarice, covetousness, paltriness, currishness, nearness, meanness. Metódicamente, ad. Methodically, orderly. Metódico, ca, a. Methodical, methodic, arrangedMezquino, na, a. 1. Poor, indigent, penurious ; diminutive. 2. Avaricious, covetous, niggardor proceeding in due and just order; ordiish, sordidly parsimonious; mean, paltry, nate; formal. Metódico, sm. Methodist, ñame of the followers fasthanded, closefisted; miserable, lean. 3. Petty, minute. of a sect of physicians. Metodista, sf. 1. Methodist, a religious sectary.Mezquita, sf. Mosque, a Mohammedan temple or place of worship. 2. V. Metódico. Método, sm. Method, manner, mode, custom, Mí, pro. The oblique case of the pronoun yo, which serves for the genitive, dative, aecusacoordination, order, form. Metonimia, sf. Metonymy, a rhetorical figure tive and ablative, as follows—de mí, oí m e ; by which one word is used for another, or the from m e ; para mí, for m e ; contra mí, against m e ; por mí, by me. cause for the effect. Metonímico, ca, a. Metonimical, relating to me-Mi, pro. pos. M y ; placed before substantives, as mío is placed after them; thus Mi amor oí tonimy. Metópa, sf. (Arch.) Metope, an ornament of the amor mió, M y love. V. Mió. Miagar, vn. (Prov.) V. Maullar. Doric order. Metoposcópia, sf. Metoposcopy, art of discover-Miaja, sf. 1. Crumb. 2. Mouthful. 3. SmaU copper coin. ing men's character by the features of the Miar, rn. T o mew, as a cat. face. Miasma, sf. (Med.) Miasm or miasma.—pl. Mias. Metralla, sf. Grape-shot, case-shot mata. Metréta, sf. A Greek and R o m á n measure. Miau, sm. M e w or voice of a cat Métrica, sf. Metrical art, poesy. Metricadór, sm. (Obs.) Versifier, a maker of Mica, sf. Mica, in natural history, a genus of tales. verses. Michíto, sm. dim. Kitten, a young eat. Métricamente, ad. Metrically. Metricár, va. (Obs.) To versify, to make verses.Micho, cha, s. Puss, fondling ñame of a cat. Métrico, ca, a. Metrical, composed in verse. Micér, sm. Aneient title of respect. Mico, sm. 1. Monkey, an ape with a long tail Metrísta, s. com. (Obs.) Versifier. V. Versifi2. (Coll.) Libidinist. cador. Metro, sm. Metre, verse, a certain number andMicrocosmos, sm. Microcosm, the little world: m a n is so called. harmonic disposition of syllables. Metromanía, sf. Metromania, rhyming-madness.Micrófono, sm. Instrument to augment sound. Metrópoli, sf 1. Metrópolis, the chief or prin- Micrograf ía, sf. Micrography, descriptíon of microscopio objeets. cipal city of a country. 2. Archiepiscopal Micrómetro, sm. Micrometer. church. Metropolitano, sm. Metropolitan, metropolite, Microscópico, ca, a. Microscopic, microscopical. Microscopio, sm. Microscope, magnifying glass, archbishop. an optic instrument, contrived to give to the Metropolitano, na, a. Metropolitan. eye a larger appearance of objeets which cou'.d Meya, sf. Kind of large crab. not otherwise be seen. Meyór, a. (Obs.) V. Mejor. Mezcla, sf. 1. Mixture, mixtión, commixtion, Mida, sf. Mida, beanfly, worm that breeds in vecommixion, eommixture, compound, compost, getables. composition, medley; mash. 2. Mortar. 3. Miedo, sm. Fear, dread, apprehension. Morirse de miedo, To die for fear. No haya miedo, Mixed cloth. There is nothing to be apprehended. Mezcláble, a. (Littl. us.) Miscible. Mezeladaménte, ad. In a mixed or promiscuous Miedoso, sa, a. (Piov.) Fearful, timorous, easily made afraid. manner, mixtly. Mezcladíllos, sm. pl. A kind of paste made by Miel, sm.Honey, a viscous substance of a whitish or yellowish colour, and sweet to the taste. confectioners. Mezclado, da, a. and pp. oí Mezclar, Mixt, min-Miel de cañas, Sweet liquor distilled from the sugar-cane. gled; medley. Mezclador, ra, s. 1. One who mixes or mingles,Mielga, sf. 1. (Bot.) Lucern when it grows wild. mixer, mingler, compounder. 2. (Obs.) Tat- Medicago sativa, L. var. sylvestris. 2. tler, one who spreads false reporto. (Ichth.) A kind of dog-fish. Squalus cenMezcladura, Mezclamiénto. V. Mezcla. trina, L. 3. Rake, an instrument with teeth Mezclar, va. 1. To mix, to mingle, to unite, to for dividing the mould or raking hay and commix. 2. To spread false reports, to sow straw together. 4. Stripe of ground. discord, to excite disturbances.—rr. 1. To mix,Mielgo, sm. A four-pronged pitchfork. to be united into one mass by mutual intro- Miembro, sm. 1. Member, a limb appendant to mission of parts. 2. To marry a person of the body. 2. Member, one of a community inferior rank. 3. T» introduce one's self into or corporation. 3. Member, any branch oí any thing. part of an integral. 4. Member, a head, a Mezc'ílla, sf. Mixed cloth clause, a part of a discourse or period. 571 MIL MIL above human power. 2. Offering of wax oí Mienta, sf. (Bot.) Mint. Mentha, L. Miente, sf. (Obs.) Mind, inclination, will. Mien- any other substance, hung up in churches in tes, Thoughts, ideas. Parar mientes, To re- commemoration of a miracle. Vida y milagros, (Coll.) Life, character and behaviour. flect, to consider. Mientra, Miéntre, ad. (Obs.) V. Mientras. Milagrón, sm. (CoU.) Dread, astonishment; extreme. Mientras, ad. In the mean time, in the mean whüe; when. Mientras que, Whilst, duringMilagrosamente, aa*. Miraculously, marvellously. the time that, as long as, so long as. Miera, sf. 1. Juniper oil. 2. Resin. Milagroso, sa, a. Míraculous, done by miracle; marveUous, admirable. Miércoles, sm. Wednesday, the fourth day of Milano, sm. 1. (Orn.) Glead, kite. Falco müthe week. Miércoles corvíllo, (CoU.) Ashvus, L. Mesa de milanos, Keen hunger and Wednesday. Mierda, sf. (Coll.) 1. Excrement, faeces, ordure,httle to eat. 2. Bur or down of the thistle. Milenario, ria, a. MEleuary, consisting of a merd. 2. Dirt, grease. Mierdacrúz, sf. (Bot. Prov.) Ciliate sparrow- thousand. Milenario, sm. 1. Millenary, the space of a thouwort. Passertoa ciliata, L. sand years. 2. MiUennium. 3. Millenary, Miéria, sf. (Orn.) Blackbird. V. Merla. one who expeets the millennium. Miés,s/. 1. Wheat and other grain which grows in ears, and of which bread is made, corn. Milengrána, sf. (Bot.) Rupture-wort. Hemiaria 2. Harvest, the time of reaping and housing glabra, L. the grain. 3. (Met.) Multitude converted or Miléno, na, a. Applied to cloth, the warp of which contains a thousand threads. ready for conversión. Miga, sf. 1. Crumb or crum, the soft part of Milenrama, sf. (Bot) C o m m o n mUfoil or yarrow. Achülea millefoUum, L. V. Mil en bread, not the crust. 2. A small particle oí rama. fragment of any thing. 3. Marrow, substance or principal part. Migas, Crumbs of bread Milenta, sf. (Low) V. Mil. fried in a pan, with oil, salt and pepper. Ha- Milépora, sf. Millepore. cer buenas or malas migas, (Coll.) To agreeMilésimo, ma, a. 1. Thousandth, millesimal, the ordinal of a thousand. 2. The thousandth or disagree readily with one. Migaja, sf. 1. A small particle, scrap or bit of part of any thing. bread. 2. Scrap, crumb, small particles of Milésio, ia, a. Applied to ridiculous tales for bread, meat, etc. left at the table. 3. A small pastime. bit of any thing, ace. 4. (Coll.) Nothing, Milhójas, sf. (Bot.) V. Milenrama. little or nothing. No tiene migaja de juicio, Miliar, a. Miliary: applied to a cutaneous disH e has not a grain of sense.—pl. Óffals, ease. Milicia, sf. 1. Art and science of war, warfare. leavings; broken victuals. 2. Military m e n to general, the militia or solMigajada, sf. A small particle. Migajíca, illa, íta, uéla, sf. dim. A very small diery. 3. Militia, the trained bands of the inhabitants of a country: in this last sense particle of bread or any other thing. it is almost always used in plural. Migajón, sm. Crumb or crum, without crust; Miliciano, sm. Militia-man. marrow, core. Migar, ra. T o crumble,tobreak into small bits.Miliciano, na, a. Military, mUitar. Milionário, sm. V. Millonario. Migratorio,ria,a. Migrating, migratory, Milionésimo, ma, a. Millionth. Migueléte, sm. V. Miquelete. Miguéro, ra, a. Crumby, relating to crumbs Militante, a. Militant; military. fried in a pan. Lucero miguero, The morn- Militar, sm. Soldier, a nulitary man.—pl. Military, the soldiery.—a. Militar, military, soling star, so called by pastora, because on seeing it they prepare their dish of fried crumbs. dierly, warlike, martial. Mijediéga, sf. (Bot.) Shrubby trefoil or shrubbyMilitar, vn. 1. T o serve in the army,tofollow the profession of arms. 2. T o hold, to milidorycnium. Lotus dorycnium, L. Dorycnium tóte, to stand good,togo against: applied to monspeliense, Will. argument and reasons. Mijéro, sm. 1. Milestone, stoue set to mark the Militarmente, aa". Militarily, in a military style. mutas. 2. (Obs.) Mile. Mijo, sm. 1. (Bot.) Millet or millet panic-grass.Militarón, sm. A military m a n who is deeply Panicum miliaceum, L. Mijo italiano, Ita- versed in the science of war. lian panic-grass. Panicum itelicum, L. Mijo Milite, sm. (Obs.) Soldier, military man. alemán, Germán panic-grass. Panicum ger- Milla, sf. 1. Mile, a linear measure; eight stamanicum, L. 2. (Bot.) Turkey-miUet. Hol- dia or one thousand geometric stops. 2. cus sorghum, L. (Obs.) Quarter of a league. 3. (Nau.) Knot. Mil, sm. One thousand or ten hundred. Sala Millar, sm. 1. N.umber of thousand. 2. Thoude mil y quinientas, The supreme court of sand, proverbially a great number: in this appeals in Spain. Perdió muchos miles de last sense it is almost always used in plural, pesos, H e lost several thousand dollars. Mil 3. A certain quantity of cocoa, which in some y quinientas, (Coll.) Lentíls. Mil en rama, parts is three pounds and a half, and in MUfoil, yarrow. Achillea microphylla, L. others more. 4. Character used to denote a Milagrero, ra, s. Person fond of considering na- thousand, thus Q. tural evento as mirados, and publishing them Millarada, sf. Several thousands. Echar milla as such, a miracle-monger. radas, To brag of wealth and riches. A' mi Milagro, sm. 1. Miracle, wonder, something llaradas, Innumerable times. 572 MIN MIN Millo, sm. (Prov.) V. Mijo. Miner, one who digs for metáis; one who Millón, sm. 1. Million, the number of ten hun- makes military mines. 3. Source, origin. dred thousand. 2. Million, a proverbial ñame Mingón, sm. (Prov.> In jocular style, a great for any very great number. Millones, Excise coward. or duty levied in Spain on wine, vinegar, oil, Mingos, sm. pl. (Prov.) Small stockings. meat, soap and tallow candles, to defray the Miniar, ra. To shade a painting, to miniate. expenses of the army. Sala de millones, Miniatura, sf. Miniatura, a painting on veUum, ivory or paper, with points or dots, and fine Board of excise, which regulates and manages the duty or tax called Millones. water-colours. Miniaturista, s. com. Miniature painter. Mülonário, sm. A person very rich in money. Mínima, sf. (Mus.) Minim, a note equal to two Millonésimo, ma, a. V. Millonésimo. crochets. Milocha, sf. (Prov.) V. Cometa. Minimísta, sm. Student of the second class in Milór, sm. M y lord. grammar. Mimadór, sm. (Littl. us.) Coaxer. Mimar, ra. T o coax, to wheedle, toflatter,to Mínimo, ma, a. Least, smallest.—s. Minim, refond or fondle, to caress, to cocker, to foster. ligious of the order of St." Francis de Paula. Mínimos, (Coll.) Second class in gramnwMimbral, sm. Plantation of osiers. schools. Mimbre, sm. (Bot.) Twig of an osier. Minio, sm. Mmiutn, red-lead, an oxide of lead Mimbreár, rn. V. Cimbrar. of a bright reddish colour. Mimbréño, Sa, a. Of the nature of osiers. Mimbrera, sf. (Bot.) Osier. Salix viminalis, L. Ministerial, a. Ministerial. Ministerialménte, ad. Ministerially. Mimbreál, sm. Plantation of osiers. Ministerio, sm. 1. Ministry, office, public place, Mimbróso, sa, a. Made of osiers. employment. 2. Manual labour. 3. Ministry, Mímico, ca, a. Mimic. administration, the members or principal Mimo, sm. 1. Buffoon, merry-andrew, mime, mimic, mimer. 2. Endearingness, fond kind- officers of the government. 4. Ministiy, the charge or office of a minister or secretary of ness, fondness, indulgence, cockering, overfondness. 3. Prudery, delicacy. 4. Ancient state, and the time which he is in office. Ministra, sf. 1. Ministress, she who serves. 2. mimes or farcical representations. Mimología, sf. Mimology, art of imitating the Wife of a rninister. Ministrador, ra, s. One wha ministers. voice and actions of others. Ministrante, pa. Serving, rntaistrating. Mimosa, sf. (Bot.) Mimosa. Mimosa, L. Ministrar, ra. and n. 1. T orninister,to serve an Mimoso, sa, a. DeUcate, endearingly soft, fond, office or employment, to perform the functions fooUsíily nice or tender. of a public place. 2. T orninister,to supply, Mina, sf. 1. Conduit, mine, a subterraneous to furnish. canal or cavity in the ground. 2. Mine, a place which contains metáis or minerals. 3. Ministril, sm. 1. Apparitor, tipstaff; a petty officer of justice. 2. Minstrel, one who plays Spring, source of water. 4. Business which thefluteand other musical wind-instruments. produces or yields g'eat profit, and demands but little exertion. 5. (^Coll.) A large quantity Ministriles, Musical wind-instruments. of money. 6. (Fort.) Mine under a for- Ministro, sm. 1. Ministeij agent. 2. Ministei employed in the administration of justice. 3. tress. Minador, ra, s.Miner, one who works in hiines; Minister of state. 4. Minister oí agent of a foreign power. 5. A petty officer of justice, one who makes military mines; engineer. 6. One of the heads of some religious comMinál, a. Belonging to a mine. mimities. Minar,ra. l.To mine, to dig mines and burrows. 2. To mine, to sap, to ruin by mines. Minoración, sf. Minoration. 3. T o make uncommon exertions to attain Minorar, va. T o lessen, to reduce to a smaller compass, to make less, to minoiate, to minish some end or coUect information. Minarete, sm. Minaret, a kind of spire in Sara- or diminish, to dip.—rr. T o lower, to fall. Minorativo, va, a. Lessening, that decreases oí cen architecture. lessens. -. Minera, sf. Mine which contains metáis. Minoría, sf. Minority, the smaller number: a Mineráge, sm. Labour of mining. Mineral, a. Mineral, consisting of fossil bodies. modern word. Mineral, sm. 1. Mineral, a fossil body ; matter Minoridad, sf. Minority, nonage, the state of being under age. dug out of the earth, ore. 2. A spring or rising up of water, the mineral source or ori- Miiiotaúro, sm. Minofaur, fabulous monster. gin of fountains. 3. A source or origin Minucia, sf. 1. Minuteness, smallness; mite, atom, any thing of very little valué. 2. S m a U which produces a plenty of any thing. 4. tithes paid of wool, lambs, etc.—pl. Minutiai. Mine which contains metáis or minerals. Mineralización, sf. (Phys.) Mineralization, theMinucioso, sa, a. Superfluously exact, nice, scrupulously and minutely cautious. state of a metal in combination with another Minuete, sf. (Nau.) Shipwright's boat or punt. body. Mineralogía, sf. Mineralogy, that part of na- Minué, Minuete, sm. Minuet, a kind of grave and stately dance. tural history which treats of minerals. Mineralógico, ca, a. Belonging to mineralogy. Minúscula, a. Small: applied to small letters in opposition to capitals or mayúscula. Mineralogista, sm.. Mineralogist. Minero, sm. 1. Mine, place or cavern in the Minuta, sf. 1. Minute,firstdraught of an agreement in writing; an enumeration of the uria« earth which contains metáis or minerals. 2. 573 MIR MIS cipal beads of a contract, 2. Paper containMiramamolín, sm. Appellation given to the so. ing brief notes or memorándums. Libro de vereign of the Moors. minutas, Minute-book, memorandum-book, a Miramiento, sm. 1. T h e act of taking any thing commonplace-book. into consideration ; refledion ; expectation. Minutar, ra. T o take down the priucipal heads 2. Circumspedion, prudence, consideration. of an agreement; to make thefirstdraught Mirar, ra. 1. T o behold, to look or to look at, to look upon or towards, to give a look. 2. of a contract, to minute. Minutero, sm. Minute-hand of a watch or dock. To respect, to have regard for, to esteem, to Minutía, sf. (Bot.) Carnation, a kind of pink. appreciate, to look on. 3. T o have some prívate end, to aim at, to have in view. 4. Dianthus pungens, L. Minutísa, sf. (Bot.) Sweet Wüliam pink. Dian- To look, to be directed with regard to any object. 5. T o observe, to watch, to spy. 6. thus barbatus, L. Minuto, sm. 1. Minute, the sixtieth part of an To take notice, to notice. 7. T o look,toconsider, to reflect, to medítate. 8. T o inquire, hour, one of the sixty parts into which the to collect information. 9. T o look, to take degrees of a circle is divided. 2. Minute, mocate, to attend, to proted. Mirar de hito en ment, any small space of time. hito, T o look steadfastly at an object Mirar Miñón, sm. Ñ a m e given to some troops of light á uno con malos ojos, T o look at one with an infantry in Spain evil eye. Mirar al rededor, T o look about Miñosa, sf. (Prov.) W o r m . V. Lombriz. Mío, Mía, pron. poss. M y , mine. Es muy mío, Mirar por uno, T o take care of, to look after. Mirar de través, To squint. Mirarse en ello, H e is much m y friend. «Soy mió, I a m m y T o reflect seriously. Mirarse á los pies, To own master. Mío, sm. Puss, the c o m m o n appellation of a cat. examine into one's own failings and ímperMiográfia, sf. Miography, a descriptíon of the fectíons. Mirar por encima, T o examine slightly. Mirar sobre el hombro, To cast a muscles. Miología, sf. Myology, part of anatomy which contemptuous look or frown. Mirarse las treats of the muscles; a treatise on muscles, uñas, (Met) T o be idle; to play at cards. Miope, s. Miope or myops, one near-sighted. Mirasol, sm. (Bot.) Turnsol. V. Girasol. Miopía, sf. Myopy, short-sightedness. Mirífico, ca, a. Marvellous, admirable. Miqueléte, sm. Miquelet, mountain soldier be- Mniñaque, sm. Bauble, gewgaw. longing to the militia of Catalonia and the Mirla, sf. (Orn.) Black-bird. V. Mirlo. Mirlamiento, sm. Air of importance, affected Pyrenees. Mira, sf. 1. The aim of a gun. 2. A point of gravity. mathematical instiuments to direct the sight. Mirlarse, vr. T o assume an air of importanceí, to affect gravity. 3. Care; vigilance ; expectation. Estar á la mira, T o be on the look out, to be on the Mirlo, -sm. 1. (Ora.) Blackbird, merle, ousel. Turdus merula, L. 2. Air of importance, afwatch. Miras de proa, (Nau.) Bow-chases, fected gravity. guns mounted on the ship's head, on each side of the bowsprit. 4. (Astr.) Fixed star in Mirón, na, s. 1. Spectator, looker-on, by-stander. 2. Prier, one who iuquires with too much cuthe swan's neck. Mira, interj. Look! behold! take care ! see ! lo!riosity and officiousness, gazer. Mirabel, sm. 1. (Bot.) Summer cypress goose- Mirra, sf. Myrrh, a resinous gum. foot. Chenopodium scoparia, L. 2. (Bot.) Mirrádo, da, a. Composed of myrrh, perfumed with myrrh; myrrhine. Kind of white plum. Miraboláno, sm. (Bot.) Myrobalan, a kind of Minaúste, sm. Pigeon-sauce, made of bread, almonds and other ingredients. driedfruitoffivedifferent kinds. Mirabona, a. (Obs.) Belonging to myrrh. láno belérico, Belliric myrobalan, the fruit Mirríno, of sm. Sprout which springs at the foot Mithe myrobalanüs be/lirina oí Gairtner. Mirtídano, raboláno chébulo, Chebule myrobalan, fruit of a myrtle. Mirtifórme, a. Myrtiform, having the shape of of the myrobolanus chebula, G&rtner. Mirobolano citrino, Yeliow myrobalan, fruit of themyrtle. Mirtino, na, a. Resembling myrtle. myrobalanüs citrina, Gmrtner. Miraboláno Mirto, sm. (Bot.) Myrtle. Myrtus, L. émblico, Emblic myrobalan, fruit of the phylsf. Mass, the service of the Román lanthus emblica, L. Miraboláno índico, Misa, Inchurch. Misa del gallo, Midnight mass. dian or black myrobalan, thefruitof the myrobolanus chebula, gafhered before maturity. Misa mayor, High mass. Misacántano, sm. Priest who says the mass. Mirada, sf. 1. Glance, a transient view. 2. Gaze, conspection, look. 3. The act of looking Misal, sm. Missal, the mass-book. Misantropía, sf. Misanthropy. steadfastly at an object. Miradero, sm. Place exposed to view on all Misantrópico, ca, a. Misanthropic, misanthropical, hating mankind. sides; watch-tower or any elevated spot which commands an extensive prospect. Misántropo, sm. Mísanthropist. Mirado, da, a. Considérate, circumsped, pru- Misario, sm. Acolite, one who attends on the priest while he is celebrating the mass. dent, modérate.—pp. oí Mirar. Mirador, ra, s. 1. Spectator, looker-on. 2. Mi-Miscelánea, sf. Miscellany, mixture, medley, a rador, gallery which commands an extensive mass composed of various ingrediente. view. 3. A kind of balcony. Miserable, a. 1. Miserable, wretched, hapiess, unhappy, lamentable. 2. Exhausted, dejected, Miradura, sf. Act of looking. V. Mirada. 3. Covetous, avarieious, niggard; hard. Mirájrio, sm. (Obs.) Mirade. V. Milagro, 574 MIS MOC Miserable mente, ad. Misérably, unhappily, co- person who affeets a mystical or holy life ia vetously, sordidly. a high degree. Miseración, sf. V. Misericordia. Mistión, Misto, Mistura, Misturar, V. Mixtión, Míseramente, ad. Meanly. V. Miserablemente. Mixto, Mixtura and Mixturar. Miserear, vn. T o act penuriously. Mistílineo, nea, a. (Geom.) Mixtilinear. Miserere, sm. 1. The Psalm miserere. 2. (Med.) Mita, sf. División made for drawing lots among Miserere, the üiac passion, vulgarly the twist- the Indiansforany pubUc service. ing in the guts. Mitad, sf. Moiety, half. Por mitades, B y Miseria, sf. 1. Misery, miserableness, calamitj', halves. Mitad y mitad, B y equal parts. wretchedness, forlornness, need; oppression. Mitán, sm. A kind of glazed linen for lining. 2.Covetousness, avaiiciousness, niggardness, Mitayo, sm. Indian drawnforany public labour. niggardliness, narrowness, hardness, stingi- Mitéla, */. (Bot.) Mitella. MiteUa, L. ness, meanness. 3. Trifle, a very small Mitigación, sf. Mitigatíon, moderation, extenuation. matter. Misericordia, sf, Mercy, mercifulness,demencv.Mitigador, sm. Mitígator, mollifier. Mitigante, pa. and a. Mitigating; mitigant. míloving-kindness; demency. tescent. Misericordiosamente, ad. Piously, clemently, mercifully. Mitigar, ra. l.To mitígate, to soften, to molUfy, Misericordioso, sa, a. Pious, humane, eompas- to lull. 2, To quench, to assuage. sionate, merciful, dement Mitigativo, va, Mitigatorio, ria, a, Lenitive, Misero, ra, a. 1. Mass-loving. 2. AppUed to a mitigant, mitescent, mitigative. priest who says mass very often. Mitología, sf. Mythology, the history of the Mísero, ra, a. V. Miserable. fabulous gods oí antiquity. Misérrimo, ma, a. sup. Very miserable. Mitológicamente, ao". (Littl. us.) Mythologically. Misión, sf. 1. Mission, the act of sending. 2. Mitológico, ca, a. Mithological. Mission, travel undertaken by priests and Mitológico, Mitologista, Mitólogo, sm. Mythologist. other religious persons to propágate religión. 3. Country or province where missionaries Mitones, sm. pl. Mittens, a sort of ladies' gloves preach the gospel among infidels. 4. Miswithoutfingere:it is also used in singular. sionary discourse or sermón. 5. Charges, Mitote, sm. A n Indian dance. costs, expense. 6. Money and victuals al- Mitra, sf. Mitre, an ornament for the head, lowed to reapers during the harvest. woin by bishops ; the dignity of a bishop. Misionero, Misionario, sm. Missionary, missioner,Mitiádo, a, Mitred: appUed to persons bearing one who is sent to propágate religión, a cona mitre at festivals.—pp. oí Mitrar. verter. Mitrar, r». (Coll.) T o be mitred or wear a mitre. Misívo, va, a. Missive: applied to a letter oí Mitridáto, sm. Mithridate, antidote. small note sent to any person. Mítulo, sm. Mytulus or sea muscle. Mismísimo, ma, a. sup. Very same. Mixtamente, aa*. Belonging to both ecclesiastiMismo, ma, a. Same, similar, equal, self-same, cal and civil courts. like. Yo mismo lo hago, I myself do it, Mixtifóri, a. (Lat L a w ) AppUed to a crime that Misquio, sm. A sort of marble intermixed with may be tried either in ecclesiastical or secu a variety of stones. lar courts. Mistamente, aa*. V. Mixtamente. Mixtión, sf. Mixtión, mixture, commixture. Mistar, ra. To speak or make a noise with the Mixto, ta, a. Mixed, mingled, mixt; of a cross mouth ; used generally with a negative. breed. Mistela, sf. Drink made of wine, water, sugar Mixto, sm. V. Mixtura. Mixtura, sf. 1. Mixture, a mass formed by minand cinnamon. Misterio, sm. 1. Mystery, something above hugled ingredients, commixture, mixtión, mash. m a n intelligence. 2. Mystery, any thing art2. Meslin, mixed corn, as rye and wheat. fully made difficult; abstruseness, abstrusity. Mixturar, ra. T o mix, to mingle. No ser sin misterio, Not to be without aMiz, sm. Puss, the common appeUation of cato. meaning. Mizo, za, s. V. Micho, cha. Misteriosamente, aa". Mysteribusly, secretly. Moblar, ra. (Prov.) To furnish, to decórate with furniture. Misterioso, sa, a. Mysterious, dark. obscure, mysterial, mystic, mystical. Moble, a. V. Móvil. Mística, sf. Mysticalness, mystical diviníty. Mocadero, Mocador, sm. Pocket handkerchief. Místicamente, ad. Mystically ; spiritaally ; em-Mocarro, sm. 1. Snot, the mucus of the nose. blematícally. 2. Money or treat given by a journeyman to Misticismo, sm. Mystieism, the doctrine of a his compauions thefirstday he works at a sect of philosophere : a modern word. shop. Místico, ca, a. 1. Mystic, mystical, sacredly ob-Mocear, ra. To act as a boy; to revel, to rake. s' ure. 2. Mystical, emblematical. 3. Mys- Mocedad, sf. 1. Juvenility, youthfulness. 2. tical, spiritual, belonging to mystical diviníty, Light and careless kind of living. or to the contemplation of divine perfections Mocero, a. Lascivious, mulietose. and spiritual things. Mocetón, na, s. A young, robust person. Místico, sm. A mystic man, a person devoted to Mochada, sf. Butt, a stroke by the head of a the contemplation of divine perfections; a horned animal. writer in mystical dívinity. Mochar, va. T o cut, to lop off. V. DrsnsoMisticón, sm. augm. A great mystic r°an; a har. 575