INRE: United States Bankruptcy Court District of Maine SUMMARY
INRE: United States Bankruptcy Court District of Maine SUMMARY
B6 Summary (Form 6 - Summary) (12/07) United States Bankruptcy Court District of Maine Case No . .1)-1016_4_ _ _ _ _ __ INRE: Chapter .LL_ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ E?rraiolo Gonstruction,,,ln,!c,,,,._____-,::~_;-;------ ____ Debtor(s) SUMMARY OF SCHEDULES Indicate as to each schedule whether that schedule is attached and state the number of pages in each. Report the totals from Schedules A, B, D, E, F, I, and J in the boxes provided. Add the amounts from Schedules A and B to determine the total amount of the debtor's assets. Add the amounts of all claims from Schedules D, E, and F to detennme the total amount of the dcblor's liabilities. Individual debtors also must complete the "Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data" if they file a case llildcr chapter 7, 11, or 13. NAME OF SCHEDULE ATTACHED (YES/NO) NUMBER OF SHEETS ASSETS OTHER LIABILITIES A - Real Property Yes 2 $ 6,661,000.00 B - Personal Property Yes 3 $ 8,958,160.41 C - Property Claimed as Exempt Yes 1 D - Creditors Holding Secured Claims Yes 3 $ 10,046,421.58 $ 239,111.17 $ 1,098,608.29 . E - Creditors Holding Unsecured Priority Claims (Total of Claims on Schedule E) F- Creditors Holding Unsecured Yes 8 . Yes 21 G - Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases Yes 1 H - Codebtors Yes Nonpriority Claims . . ' . . 4 . I - Current Income of Individual Debtor(s) $ No . J- Current Expenditures of Individual Debtor(s) $ No TOTAL 43 $ 15,619,160.41 $ 11,384,141.04 B6A (Official Form 6A) (12/07) IN RE Ferraiolo Csmstruction, I",,,c,,-.---;c:-c-c~-- Case No. 13-10164-'--=_-:-______ (If known) Debtor(s) SCHEDULE A - REAL PROPERTY Except as directed bela""" list all real property in which the debtor has any legal, equitable, or future interest, including all property mvned as a cotenant, corrummity property, or in which the debtor has a life estate. Include any property in which the debtor holds rights and powers exercisable for the debtor's own benefit. If the debtor is married, state whether the husband, wife, both, or the marital community own the property by placing an "H," "W," "J," or "C" in the column labeled "Husband, Wik Joint or Community." If the debtor holds no interest in real property, write ''None'' under "Description and Location of Property." Do not include interests in executory contracts aud unexpired leases on this schedule. List them in Schedule G - Executory Contracts and IJnexpired Leases. If an entity claims to have a lien or hold a secured interest in any property, state the amOlmt of the secured claim. See Schedule D. Ifno entity claims to hold a secured interest in the property, write "None" in the colunm labeled "'Amount of Secured Claim." If the debtor is an individual or if a joint petition is filed, state the amount of any exemption claimed in the property only in Schedule C - Property Claimed as Exempt. c' z §i: DESCRlJ>TlON AND LOCA'DON OF PROPERTY NATURE OF DEBTOR'S INTEREST IN PROPERTY u;;'z cO "j PO zr..; <" ~o CURRENT VALUE OF DEBTOR'S INTEREST II\' PROPERTY WITHOUT DEDUCTING ANY SECURED CUJM OR EXEMPTION AMOUNT OF SECURED CLAIM ~ o c t ~ N w @ Damariscotta Batch Plant 73 Biscay Road Damariscotta, ME Fee Simple 165,000.00 165,000.00 Farmingdale Batch & Asphalt Plant 361 Maine Avenue Farmingdale, ME (includes 6 Williams Street & Third Street parcels; taxed separately) Fee Simple 250,000.00 250,000.00 Former Williams Asset Windsor Road W/S Route 32 China, ME Fee Simple 16,000.00 16,000.00 Former Williams Construction Facility, Gardiner 10 Commonwealth Avenue Gardiner, ME Fee Simple 360,000.00 360,000.00 Gutted Former Dairy Building 10 Burrow Street Rockland, ME Fee Simple 90,000.00 90,000.00 Land Thomas Street Camden, ME Fee Simple 350,000.00 350,000.00 Liberty #1 Gravel Pit Plains Road Liberty, ME Fee Simple 1,310,000.00 1,310,000.00 Liberty #2 Pit (Quarry) Howe's Cove Road Liberty, ME Fee Simple 1,080,000.00 1,080,000.00 Monmouth Batch Plant 1004 U.S. Route 202 Monmouth, ME (includes U.S. Route 202, Winthrop - taxed separately) Fee Simple 215,000.00 215,000.00 Rockland Warehouse Buildings 28-30 Gordon Drive Rockland, ME Fee Simple 1,300,000.00 1,300,000.00 Schlosser/Dysart/Casco northern & Hanson Lots; Dysart Pit Fee Simple 337,000.00 337,000.00 Fee Simple 170,000.00 170,000.00 W/S Vigue Road Whitefield, ME Topsham Batch Plant TOTAL 6,661,000.00 (Report also on Summary of Schedules) B6A (Official Form 6A) (12/07) - Coot. IN RE FerraioLq ConstructiQ.r~"c.~_ _ Case No. 13-10164 Dcbtor(s) (If known) SCHEDULEA-REALPROPERTY (Continnation Sheet) ~ ~~ ~rz DESCRIPTlO!'l AND LOCATION OF PROPERTY NATURE OF DEBTOR'S IN"TEREST IN PROPERTY .~ "J §O u <" ~o CURRENT VALUE OF DEBTOR'S INTEREST IN PROPERTYWIrnOFf DEDUCTING ANY AMOUNT OF SECURED CLAIM SECURED CLAW OR EXEMPTION §! 26 Meadow Street Extension Topsham, ME @ Waldo Pit Route 131 Waldo, ME (includes House (Dan Fox) - taxed separately) Fee Simple 885,000.00 885,000.00 Woolwich Land Dana Mills Road Woolwich, ME Fee Simple 133,000.00 135,000.00 B6B (Official Form 6B) (12/07) IN RE Ferraiolo Constructe:ioocn""-,I"n,,c~.----,c-. Case No ..~~1Q16L. Debtor(s) (If known) SCHEDULEB-PERSONALPROPERTY Except as directed below, list all personal property of the debtor of whatever kind. Ifthe debtor has no property in one or more of the categories, place atl "x" in the appropriate position in the column labeled "None," If additional space is needed in any category, attach a separate sheet properly identified with the case name, case number, and the llluuber of the category. If the debtor is marriecL state whether the husband, wife, both, or the marital community own the property by placing an "H," .oW," "J," or "C" in the column labeled "HusbancL Wik Joint, or Community." If the debtor is an individual or ajoint petition is filed, state the amount of any exemptions claimed only in Schedule C - Property Claimed as Exempt. Do not list interests in executory contracts and unexpired leases on this scbedule. List them in Schednle G ~ Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases. If the property is being held for the debtor by someone else, state that person's name and address under "Description and Location of Property." If the property is being held for a minor child, simply state the child's initials and the name and address of the child's parent or guardian, such as "AB., a minor child, by John Doe, guardian." Do not disclose the child's name. See, 11 U.S.C § 112 and Fed. R. Bankr. P_ 1007(m). z §t: ,,:.fZ N TYPE OF PROPERTY ",0 0 DESCRIPTION MTI LOCATION OF PROPERTY N :>-2 "'-02 @8 E <. e?o CURRENT VALUE OF DEBTOR'S INTEREST IN PROPERTY WITHOUT DEDUCTING Mry SECURED CLAIM OR EXEMPTION i' 1. Cash on hand petty cash 2. Checking, savings or other fmancial accounts, certificates of deposit or shares in banks, savings and loan, thri~ building and loan, and homestead associations, or credit unions, brokerage honses, or cooperatives Camden National Bank checking account 3. Security deposits with public utilities, telephone companies, landlords, and others. X 4. Household goods and furnishings, include audio, video, and computer equipment. X 5. Books, pictures and other art objects, atltiques, stamp, coin, record, tape, compact disc, and other collections or collectibles_ X 6 Wearing apparel X X X 7. Furs and jewelry. @ 8. Firearms and sports, photographic, and other hobby equipment. 9. Interest in insurance policies. Name 359.00 762.52 Northway Bank checking account (FCC) 37,253.00 Northway Bank checking account (FCI) 49,332.00 Camden National Bank Stock 50,955.00 X insurance company of each policy and itemize surrender or refund value of each. 10. Annuities. ltemize and name each issue. X 11. Interests in an education IRA as defined in 26 US.c. § 530(b)(J) or under a qualified State tuition plan as defined in 26 US.c. § 529(b)(1), Give particulars. (File separately the reeord(s) of any such inlcrest(s). I J US.C § 521(c).) X Interests in IRA, ERISA, Keogh, or other pension or profit sharing plans. Give pm1iculars. X 12 13. Stock and interests in incorporated and unincorporated businesses. Itemize. in partnerships or joint ventures. Itemize. 14. Interests X B6B (Official Form 6B) (12/07) IN RE ~ Coot. E.~rraiolo Construc!i.o",n.",-,I".nc,".~_ _ Case No. 1,."3'-.-1,,.,0,-,1-".64,,"-=_-,.-__ Debtor(s) (If known) SCHEDULE B - PERSONAL PROPERTY (Continuation Sheet) c' ~,. 2~ TYPE OF PROPERTY .JZ K 0 N E g:~ DESCRlPTlON M'D LOCATION OF PROPERTY ,,~ :::"6 cU <" ~o CURRENT VALLIE OF DEBTOR'S IN1EREST IN PROPERTY WITHOUT DEDUCTING ANY SECURED CLAIM OR EXEMPTION ~ 15. Government and cOrporate bonds and other negotiable and non-negotiable instruments. X See Attached Exhibit B.16 (FCC; FCI) *Book Value 16. Accounts receivable. 17. Alimony, maintenance, support, and property settlements in which the debtor is or may be entitled. Give particulars. 1,199,422.80 X Fuel Tax Refunds 18. Other liquidated debts owed to debtor 6,590,00 including tax. refunds. Give particulars. 19. Equitable or future interest, life estates, and rights or powers exercisable for the benefit ofthe debtor other than those listed in Schedule A - Real Property. X 20. Contingent and noncontingent interests in estate of a decedent. death X benefit plan, life insurance policy, or trust. 21 Other contingent and unliquidated claims of every nature, including tax refunds, counterclaims of the debtor, and rights to setoff claims. Give estimated value of each. 22. Patents, copyrights, and otller X X inte!lectual property. Give particulars. @ 23. Licenses, franchises, and other general intangibles. Give particulars. X 24. Customer lists or other compilations X containing personally· identifiable information (as defined in 11 U.S.C § 101(41A)) provided io the debtor by individuals in connection with obtaining a product or service from the debtor primarily for personal family, or hou..sehold purposes. See Attached Exhibit 8.25 *Appraised Value 25. Automobiles, trucks, trailers, and other vehicles and Clccessories. 26. Boats, mOiors, and accessories. 27. Aircraft and accessorics. 168,350.00 X X 28. Office equipment, furnishings, and supplies. Miscellaneous 'Net Book Value 29. Machinery, fixtures. equipment, and See Attached Exhibit B.29 'Appraised Value 3,259,650.00 See Attached Exhibit B,30 'Book Value as of January 31 and February 28,2013 1,873,500.17 supplies used in business. 30. Inventory. 31. Animals. 32 Crops ~ growing or harvested. Give particulars. X X 19,657.86 B6B (Official Form 6B) (12/07) - Cont. IN RE E.~rraiolo Construction, inc. Case No. 13-10164 Debtor(s) (If known) SCHEDULEB-PERSONALPROPERTY (Continnation Sheet) c' 2 2~ , TYPE OF PROPERTY ~og 0 N E DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OFPROPER1Y ~2: 6~ Zu <" ~o CURRENT VALUE OF DEBTOR·S INTEREST Th" PROPERTY WITHOUT DEDUCTING ANY SEClJRED CLATh1 OR EXEMPTION 5 33. Fanning equipment and implements. 34. Farm supplies, chemicals, and feed. 35. Other personal property of any kind not already listed, Itemize. X X Credit Balance Battery World 392 Warren Avenue Portland, ME 04103 12.00 Credit Balance Harvey's Hardware 34 Maine Avenue Gardiner, ME 04345 164.25 Credit Balance NE Transmission P.O. Box 2306 Riverton, NJ 08077 3,412.50 Credit Balance Viking, Inc. P.O. Box B Belfast, ME 04915 8.61 Credit Balance White & Bradstreet 1020 Weeks Mills Road Augusta, ME 04330 o c 112.61 Frank Ferraiolo (Shareholder Loan) 263,100.86 Goodwill (FCC) *Book Value 350,000.00 Goodwill (FCI) *Book Value 300,000.00 John Ferraiolo (Shareholder Loani 183,439.75 Non Compete (FCC) *Book Value 25,000.00 Non Compete (FCI) *Book Value 200,000.00 Unapplied Overpayments Internal Revenue Service P.o. Box 6229 Chicago, IL 60680-6229 13,422.15 Unapplied Overpayments Treasurer, State of Maine Maine Revenue Services 24 State House Station Augusta, ME 04332-1061 2,302.00 Vincent Ferraiolo (Shareholder Loan) 951,353.33 TOTAL _ _ _.lIO continuation sheets attached 8,958,160.41 (Include amounts from any continuation sheets attached. Report total also on Summary of Schedules.) FERRAIOLO CONSTRUCTION CO INC Apr2,2013 Accounts Receivable Aging Report - Summary Report 1:06 pm Exhibit B.16 As of: 03/13/13, Aged by Invoice date Customer InvName Current 31 to 60 61 to 90 Over 90 ===== ===== ======== ---- ==== ==== ====== ======= 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 3399.55 100.0% 3399.55 AAMISCCONCRE 1 to 30 -------AA MISC CONCRETE Customer Total -1073.19 Less Open Credits Net Balance Due AAMlSCCONSTR 2326.36 AAMISC CONSTRUCTION Customer Total 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 6497.45 100.0% 6497.45 -51.50 Less Open Credits 6445.95 Net Balance Due BAMFORD Balance BAMFORD FOUNDATION (207) 666-5920 Customer Total BONARRIGO 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 3071.25 100.0% 3071.25 591.94 14.7% 4035.42 0.00 0.0% 9816.25 4160.20 100.0% 4160.20 BONARRIGO CONST. (207) 342-2185 Customer Total CAMDEN 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 3443.48 85.3% TOWN OF CAMDEN (207) 236-3353 Customer Total CARDILLICONS Customer Total CORBETT 0.00 0.0% 9816.25 100.0% 0.00 0.0% CARDILLI CONSTRUCTION 5!J 7112 SPURLING 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% (207) 273-3846 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% CORBETT CONCRETE (207) 975-2475 Customer Total DAVIS Customer Tota! DOUCETTEBOB 0.00 0.0% 4686.94 735.53 5.1% 6416.03 44.2% 2682.06 18.5% 14520.56 32.3% 25.00 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 25.00 3279.99 3279.99 ADRIAN DAVIS 0.00 0.0% ROBERT DOUCETTE (207) 542-3888 Customer Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% FABCON FABCON, EAST LLC MIKE 952-882-7244 Customer Total FARNHAM 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 100.0% (570) 773-2480 2287.44 100.0% 0.00 0.0% MICHAEL W. FARNHAM 10/24111 SPURLING Customer T alaI FEENER 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 2287.44 14175.95 100.0% 14175.95 0.00 0.0% 1894.20 5179.13 100.0% 5179.13 0.00 0.0% 2126.27 4200.00 75.3% 5575.50 0.00 0.00 -9.36 (207) 863-4534 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% CHRlSFEENER (207) 785-5195 0.00 0.0% Customer Total GLAMOUR 1397.55 73.8% 496.65 26.2% 0.00 0.0% GLAMOUR POOLS, INC (207) 784-6538 0.00 0.0% Customer Total GLEN 0.00 0.0% 1857.71 87.4% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% (207) 375-9855 268.54 12.6% GLIDDEN CONSTRUCTION FCICUST Customer Total GREGALEX 0.00 0.0% GLEN DUBE EXCA VATIONS FCICUST Customer Total GLIDDEN 0.00 0.0% 0.02 0.0% (207) 993-2781 0.00 0.0% 1375.50 24.7% GREGORY ALEX EXCAVATJNG (207) 354-8818 0.00 Customer Total 0.00 0.00 0.00 Less Open Credits Net Balance Due HABITATFOR -9.36 HABITAT FOR HUMANITY DAN FOX GAVE THEM A BILL Customer Total Less Open Credits 0.00 0.00 (207) 338-2344 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net Balance Due ICF -102.06 I C F SPECIALISTS BOBEGAR Customer Total Less Open Credits 0.00 (207)737-2111 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net Balance Due JBI 0.00 -102.06 0.00 0.00 -10.00 -10.00 JAKE BARBOUR, INC. CELL 975-1515 (207) 594-5552 Customer Total JKKALLOCH 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% KALLOCH PLOWING JIM'S PAGER 471-6254 1051.05 100.0% 1051.05 0.00 0.0% 66.97 0.00 0.0% 289.28 (CEL) 542-9447 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% Customer Total JOHNSTON 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 66.97 100.0% GREG JOHNSTON (207) 549-7419 Customer Total 0.00 0.0% 289.28 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% J V CORNER STONE INC N CELL 930-3550 Customer Total KlNNEY 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 410.35 100.0% 410.35 50.00 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 50.00 30358.31 100.0% 30358.31 0.00 0.00 -161.40 ROBERT LlTTLEHALE CONTRA WI VINCENT Customer Total 0.00 0.0% MAINECONTRAC 0.00 0.0% ARNOLD KINNEY Customer Total LlTTLEHALE (207) 323-8407 (207) 785-2958 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% MAINE CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS ALLIANCE AlP TINA (207) 230-0261 Customer Total Less Open Credits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -161.40 Net Balance Due MAINELY Customer Total MCCLINTICK Customer Total MSL Customer Total MTNARROW Customer Total MAINE-L Y CONCRETE CORP DENISEIDEBBlE 0.00 0.0% 4692.45 38.4% McCLINTICK FOUNDATIONS, INC $4 OFF 0.00 0.0% 7863.98 18.7% (207) 273-6100 3644.69 29.8% 3882.38 31.8% 12219.52 206] 8.87 49.]% 4]983.49 (207) 832-0556 5401.99 12.9% MAINE STONE & LANDSCAPE SUSAN TOSSWILL 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 8098.65 W.3-% (207) 236-9708 8113.80 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 8113.80 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 44292.40 100.0% 44292.40 MOUNTAIN ARROW 0.00 0.0% MTNARROWVIL MOUNTAIN ARROW VILLAGE GREEN Customer Total 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 350115.39 100.0% Less Open Credits -251666.68 98448.71 Net Balance Due OVERLOCKP PETER OVERLOCK CELL 542-2446 Customer Total PARLIN 350115.39 (207) 594-4157 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 2151.30 100.0% 2151.30 1500.00 100.0% 1500.00 0.00 0.00 -10.00 RICK PARLIN ) 832-4930 Customer Total PERFORMANCE 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% PERFORMANCE PA VING (207) 594-5901 Customer Total Less Open Credits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -10.00 Net Balance Due THE PIKE CO .. INC. PIKE (212) 292-5135 0.00 0.0% Customer Total 18823.09 24.4% 58468.20 75.6% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 77291.29 77789.70 70.4% 110456.08 P. M. CONSTRUCTION PM (207) 282-7697 0.00 0.0% Customer Total 312.38 0.3% 0.00 0.0% 32354.00 29.3% -48755.70 Less Open Credits Net Balance Due PORTLAND 61700.38 PORTLAND PUMP (800) 640-7867 0.00 0.0% Customer Total PROCONCR 0.00 0.0% 396.00 100.0% PRO-CONCRETE RODNEY BROOKS 0.00 0.0% Customer Total 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 396.00 0.00 0.0% 992.25 (207) 596-0171 992.25 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% -123.90 Less Open Credits 868.35 Net Balance Due PUREMASO PURE MASONRY (207) 542-2038 Customer Total 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 1192.28 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 1192.28 QUARRY QUARRY HILL Customer Total RHINO 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 1250.00 100.0% RHINO SERVICES MIKE Customer Total 450.45 100.0% 0.00 0.0% ROCKLAND 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% CITY OF ROCKLAND Joy At Publ WKS 594-0320 0.00 0.0% 450.45 0.00 0.0% 798.35 100.0% 798.35 0.00 0.0% 316.00 (207) 594-0307 316.00 100.0% 0.00 0.0% Customer Total 1250.00 (207) 529-2332 0.00 0.0% Customer Total 0.00 0.0% (207) 594-0237 HERB W. RICE 12/26/12 SPURLING RICE 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% -450.00 Less Open Credits -134.00 Net Balance Due ROCKPORTBUIL ROCKPORT BUILDERS (207) 230-4227 Customer Total RONSAWYER 100.00 25.0% 0.00 0.0% 100.00 25.0% 100.00 25.0% 100.00 25.0% 400.00 288.1 1 100.0% 288.11 0.00 0.0% 1097.25 RON SAWYER CONCRETE (207) 354-0819 SAWYER 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% Customer Total 0.00 0.0% SA WYER BROTHERS. INC. ROSS 0.00 0.0% Customer Total 1097.25 100.0% 0.00 0.0% (207) 273-6435 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% Less Open Credits -49.31 Net Balance Due SCARBOROUGH 1047.94 JERRY SCARBOROUGH (207) 633-6681 Customer Total SHEPARD Customer Total SIMPSON Customer Total 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% SHEPARD STORAGE 354-6932 0.00 0.0% 500.83 100.0% 500.83 0.00 0.0% 250.00 35.20 100.0% 35.20 (207) 594-8424 250.00 100.0% 0.00 0.0% SIMPSON CONCRETE CELL 691-1506 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% (207) 691 -1506 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% YACHTING YACHTING SOLUTIONS bill Morong Customer Tctal Report Total Less Open Credits Net Balance Due (207) 236-8100 0.00 0.0% 1312.50 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 1312.50 ==== ---- -----64734.32 8.4% ===== ==== ===== ====== 70761.60 9.2% 56929.31 7.4% 577247.38 769672.61 0.00 0.0% 75.0% -302463.10 467209.51 FERRAIOlO CORP Apr2,2013 Accounts Receivable Aging Report - Summary Report 112 pm As of: 03113/13, Aged by Invoice date Customer InvName Current I to 30 ICOD COD CONCRETE FARMINGDALE Customer Total 0.00 0.00 Less Open Credits 31 to 60 0.00 61 to 90 0.00 Over 90 0.00 Net Balance Due 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net Balance Due 0.00 -1345.42 -1345.42 4COD Customer Total COD GARDINER 0.00 0.0% Less Open Credits 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 2964.34 100.0% 2964.34 -217.50 2746.84 Net Balance Due Customer Total 0.00 -600.28 -600.28 3COD COD CONCRETE MONMOUTH Customer Total 0.00 0.00 Less Open Credits ALDRIDGE Balance ALDRIDGE ELECTRIC INC 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 23320.51 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 23320.51 100.0% APCONCRETE Customer Total A. P. CONCRETE FLOORS. INC 0.00 1029.00 0.0% 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 1029.00 BAILEY Customer Total BAILEY SIGN INC. 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 319.00 BAMFORD Customer Total BAMFORD FOUNDATIONS. INC 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 937.13 2.0% 46584.44 98.0% 47521.57 BELLA VANCE Customer Total RON BELLA VANCE 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 1488.38 0.00 0.0% 3020.25 67.0% 4508.63 33.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 3579.58 100.0% 3579.58 BROCHUJOE Customer Total 319.00 100.0% JOE BROCHU 0.00 0.0% Less Open Credits -1500.00 Net Balance Due BS 2079.58 B&SPAVING 0.00 0.0% Less Open Credits Customer Total 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 75957.81 100.0% -0.30 Net Balance Due CAPCENTER Customer Total CIANBRO/IRBY 75957.81 75957.51 CAP CENTER ASSOC 0.00 18335.00 0.0% 50.0% CIANBROIIRBY N 18333.00 50.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 36668.00 Customer Total CONCRETESPEC Customer Total 1680.00 14.1% 10254.30 85.9% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 11934.30 CONCRETE SPECIALISTS INC 0.00 3506.75 0.0% 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 3506.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -22.04 CORMIERRlCH RICHARD CORMIER Customer Total 0.00 Less Open Credits 0.00 Net Balance Due -22.04 COUNTRYSIDE Customer Total COUNTRY SIDE CONCRETE 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% Less Open Credits 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 114359.94 100.0% 114359.94 -4500.00 Net Balance Due 109859.94 CROWLEY Customer Total CROWLEY CONCRETE & FOUNDATIONS 0.00 0.00 2063.25 0.0% 0.0% 26.1% CURTIS Customer Total CURTIS FLATWORK CONCRETE 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% DEMARIA Customer Total 4758.08 60.3% 1070.48 13.6% 7891.81 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 840.00 100.0% 840.00 DeMARIA BUILDING COMPANY 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 15767.00 100.0% 15767.00 DNK Customer Total D N K SELECT CARS 0.00 0.0% 84.00 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 84.00 ELLISCONST Customer Total ELLIS CONSTROCTION. INC. 0.00 44.10 0.0% 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 44.10 GAFTEK Customer Total GAFTEK, LLC 0.00 0.0% 330.75 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 330.75 GARDINER Customer Total CITY OF GARDINER 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 10893.28 100.0% 10893.28 GARTLEY Customer Total GARTLEY & DORSKEY 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 4015.50 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 4015.50 GENDRON Customer Total GENDRON & SON CONSTRUCTI 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 185.33 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 185.33 GLENDlJBE Customer Total GLEN DUBE EXCAVATIONS 2082.94 14460.08 11.2% 77.5% 0.00 0.0% 2107.35 11.3% 0.00 0.0% 18650.37 GLIDDEN Customer Total GLIDDEN CONSTRUCTION 0.00 8448.57 0.0% 45.5% 1637.74 8.8% 8383.21 45.1% 100.00 0.5% 18569.52 GRAFlAM ROGER GRAHAM 0.00 0.0% Customer Total JARR Customer T alaI JARR MANAGEMENT 0.00 0.0% JEWETT BUILDERS 0.00 Less Open Credits 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 1843.80 100.0% 1843.80 0.0% 0.00 847.88 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 847.88 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -113.81 JEWETT Customer Total Net Balance Due -113.81 JOHNSON BRIAN JOHNSON Customer Total 0.00 Less Open Credits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net Balance Due JOHNSTON Customer Total 0.00 -3556.39 -3556.39 GREG JOHNSTON 0.00 0.0% JONES STEVE JONES Customer Total 0.00 Less Open Credits 949.73 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 949.73 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -45.15 Net Balance Due -45.15 JSOIL Customer Total J.&S.OlL KING Customer Total KING & SONS PAVING 0.00 0.0% 22.05 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 22.05 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 8156.54 100.0% 8156.54 KREEPER Customer Total KREEPER CONSTRUCTION 0.00 3510.15 0.0% 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 3510.15 LAJOIE Customer T alaI LAJOIE BROS., [NC. 0.00 0.0% 5623.80 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 5623.80 MAINELY MAINE-L Y CONCRETE 0.00 780.94 [00.0% 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 780.94 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 15000.00 100.0% 15000.00 Customer Total MAINEX Customer Total 0.00 0.0% MAIN EX 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% MCCLINTICK Customer Total McCLINTICK FOUNDATIONS, INC 0.00 3222.98 0.0% 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 3222.98 MCGEE Customer T alaI STEVE MCGEE 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 188866.16 100.0% 188866.16 MCNAUGHTON Customer Total MCNAUGHTON BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION 0.00 243.08 519.23 31.9% 68.1% 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 762.31 0.00 0.0% MEVETERANS Customer Total MAINE VETERANS HOME 0.00 290.00 0.0% 100.0% MAINE STATE FOUNDA nONS LLC 0.00 5304.61 0.0% 100.0% Less Open Credits MIDMAINE Customer Total 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 290.00 5304.61 -68.50 Net Balance Due 5236.11 MOOREBOB Customer Total BOB MOORE 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 1998.15 100.0% 1998.15 MOULTON Customer Total JAY MOULTON 0.00 0.0% 2394.00 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 2394.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -1600.73 NEWMAN CONCRETE NEWMAN 0.00 Customer Total Less Open Credits Net Balance Due -1600.73 NORMAND Customer Total NORMAND COMEAU FOUND. 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 17365.79 100.0% 17365.79 NUTTING PAUL NUTTING 0.00 0.0% 1336.13 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 1336.13 PRO CONCRETE 0.00 0.0% 903.00 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 903.00 QUALITY LANDSCAPING 0.00 0.00 Less Open Credits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -13.57 Customer Total PRO Customer Total QUALITY Customer Total Net Balance Due QUIRKFORD Customer Total -13.57 QUIRK FORD OF AUGUSTA 0.00 168.00 0.0% 100.0% SAWYER SA WYER BROTHERS Customer Total 0.00 Less Open Credits 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 168.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -110AO Net Balance Due -110AO SIMARD Customer Total SIMARD & SONS, INC 0.00 0.0% 307.65 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 307.65 SRGENERAL Customer Total SR GENERAL CONTRACTORS 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 6451.70 100.0% 6451.70 SRWEINER Customer Total SR WEINER 53550.00 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 53550.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% STANLEY Customer Total STANLEY TRUCKINGIEXCA V A TION 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 4331.45 100.0% 4331.45 STEVENSELEC STEVENS ELECTRlC 0.00 0.0% 238.88 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 238.88 SUMMIT REAL ESTATE, LLC 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 3498.50 100.0% 3498.50 THOR WIDTNEY CONCRETE 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 2814.90 100.0% 2814.90 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -3.48 Customer Total SUMMIT Customer Total THOR Customer Total TL T & L CONSTRUCTION Customer Total 0.00 Less Open Credits 0.00 Net Balance Due TRIPLEA -3.48 TRlPLE A CONCRETE 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 2275.35 100.0% 2275.35 0.0% LEDGE HILL CREATIONS INC. 0.00 246.75 0.0% 100.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 246.75 VEILLEUX CONCRETE 0.00 3183.60 0.0% 61.0% 2039.63 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 5223.23 39.0% WINTHROP UTILITIES DlST 0.00 0.00 Less Open Credits 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -50.16 Customer Total UCCI Customer Total VEILLEUX Customer Total WINTHROPUTIL Customer Total Net Balance Due WRlGHT Customer Total -50.16 WRlGHT-RYAN 4735.50 100.0% Report T atal Less Open Credits Net Balance Due 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 0.00 0.0% 4735.50 -------~~-- ==== ==== === ====== ==== 8741.52 1.2% 86660.93 11.6% 102617.84 13.8% 20201.27 527739.46 70.7% 745961.02 2.7% -13747.73 732213.29 Co. Yeh. YIN Desc.!Hours/Miles Pick Up Truck IGCHK34R7WE146057 Sander, Plow ------- $5000 3500 Rack Body Truck I GCJC39G61E290486 Year Seen Make Model Yes Chevrolet 3500 Chevrolet Type Market (FMV) # 1. 16 1998 2. 9155 2001 3. 7 1998 Yes Chevrolet C14 Pick Up Truck lGCECI4M5WZI81102 226,354 $1750 4. 109 2007 Yes Chevrolet C14 Pick Up Truck 3GCECI4X87G256984 106,060 $11000 5. 5 1999 Yes Chevrolet SIO Pick Up Truck 1GCCSI44XXK139562 6. ISS 1998 Yes Chevrolet CI9 Pick Up Truck IGCEC19M7WEI57500 252,800 $1000 7. 122 2006 Yes Chevrolet Silver Pick Up Truck 3GCECI4X165201484 146,741 $8000 8. 2 2006 Chevrolet Silver Pick Up Truck IGCHK29U46EI41373 9. 13 1995 Yes Ford F-350 Crew Cab I FT.JW3 5G8SEA48734 10. 156 2002 Yes Freightliner FL70 Rack Body I FV AVSAK22HJ81928 11. 6 1997 Yes GMC 1500 Utility Body IGTEC19M7VE511594 252,140 $4000 12. 9153 2005 Yes GMC C14 Pick Up 1GTEC 14X05Z283058 91,310 $7500 13. 57 1997 GMC 2500 I GTGK24R90E521256 14. lOA 2000 GMC Jimmy IFDKT13WXY2321840 $2750 IS. 19 1999 GMC Sl4 1GCCS144XXK139562 $1400 Yes $6500 $1000 $9000 133,269 18' DUAL REARS 4x4 w/Sander-Plow $8500 $13000 $6000 ,." -. -. )( :::r C7 Pick Up ... '" N 0'1 1 Co, Veh, Type VIN Desc.!Homs/Miles Year Seen Make Model Yes GMC Sierra 1500, Ext Cab 1GIEK 1970XE549357 GMC Sierra 2500 1GTGC29R9VE513616 Fair Condition GMC 2500HD Sierra PU 1GTHK29U66E236839 94,909 Hummer H2 SUV 5GRGN23U03H142833 Intemational 4700 Rack Body lHTSCABM32H554131 Market (FMV) # 16, 9 1999 17, 11 1997 18, 4 2006 19, 9139 2003 20, 154 2002 21. 9158 2010 Nissan Frontier PU IN6ADOCW5AC424411 22. 9154 2005 Nissan Titan PU IN6AA06B35N550001 23, 9156 2005 Toyota Tacoma PU JTENX22N35Z042787 24, 3 2003 Toyota Tundra Yes Yes Yes TOTAL VEHICLES: Pick Up PUSTBJN32173S408728 $168350 2 $2200 $1750 $15000 $9000 221,152 $11500 $18500 V8 $12000 $8000 169,620 $4000 Co. Year Seen Equip # Make Model Assorted 201 Serial #/Description (30x60,36x60,30x50) (5)Radial Stacking Conveyors $30000 $15000 Yes BlawKnox PF1G1 Paver 16126-HOI8-13' Screed Hours Market (FMV) Description N/A 205 1996 Yes BlawKnox PF-3180 Paver 318004-05 10-18' Screed $22500 200 1982 Yes BlawKnox RWIOO Road Widener Machine 0921-001 $25000 Bobcat 763 Skid Steer Loader 5422-17267 Not in Service $750 Yes Bobcat 463 Skid Steer Loader 5037-50490 610 Yes Bobcat 2000 Skid Steer Loader 5027M13204 Not in Service $1500 Yes Bomag BW120AD Compactor 101170020918IVibratory N/A 121 1991 120 $7000 $5500 212 1987 9951 1986 Bomag BW142D Compactor 101510110147 $11000 211 1985 Bomag BW20-R Compactor 53048204 $14000 9507 1987 Borco Tractor Dump (Wheeler) SW11660PA $3500 9658 1997 Yes Case 1845C Skid Steer Loader Yes Case 580 Super L Loader BacldlOe lTG0197147 4x4 N/A $7000 2,278 $24000 ,.., '" <7 >< 9699 1994 Yes Caterpillar 311 Hydraulic Excavator 91.1005271 H100FT Hammer Attchmnt ~. ~. 10,465 $35000 '"' '" N 9656 1999 Caterpillar 416 Loader Backhoe 1 lWR8606 N/A $28000 '" Hours Market (FMV) Co. Year Seen Equip # Make Model Description Serial #/Description 118 Caterpillar 936 Rubber Tired Loader 33Z088] $23000 Caterpillar 3512 Generator Set 9Y6675 1250 KVA, 1,000 KW $90000 $19000 1984 Yes ]06 9710 1983 Caterpil13T 930 Wheel Loader 41KI1712 9603 1989 Caterpillar D-6 Crawler Tractor 3ZF00885 6,594 $45000 9663 2004 Yes Caterpillar 311CU Hydraulic Excavator CKEO I 054 Push Blade 4,772 $45000 9662 2003 Yes Caterpillar 330CL Hydraulic Excavator DKY00994 8,033 $90,000 9657 1999 Yes Caterpillar 416CIT Loader Backhoe I WR094 I 1 6,707 $27500 9707 1989 Caterpillar 936E Rubber Tired Loader 33Z03731 Fair $15000 116 1986 Caterpill3T 950B Rubber Tired Loader 22Z01866 $38000 104 1985 Caterpillar 966D Rubber Tired Loader 99Y05108 $45000 113 1984 Caterpillar 966D Rubber Tired Loader 99Y02966 Not In Service $5000 114 1986 Yes Caterpillar 966D Rubber Tired Loader 99Y03766 N/A $39000 liS 1996 Yes Caterpillar 966F Rubber Tired Loader ISLOl943 28,504 $65000 112 1996 Yes Caterpillar 966F Rubber Tired Loader ISLOI737 N/A $65000 9721 2000 Yes Caterpillar 966G Rubber Tired Loader 3SW00672 21,175 $80000 2 Co. Year Seen Equip Make Model Description Serial #/Description Hours Market (FMV) 12,533 $110000 # 9722 2003 Yes Caterpillar 980G-II Rubber Tired Loader AWAOI028 1986 Yes Caterpillar 100KW GENSET 00624/washer plant farm $5000 Caterpillar 926 Rubber Tired Loader 01325 $9000 Caterpillar D7G Crawler Tractor 92V6073Ripper Catel11illar 75KVA Generator Set Caterpillar D5CLGP Series II Crawler Tractor 6CS00511 3,474 $39000 Caterpillar DSIl-LGP Crawler Tractor 8RC004G2 7,954 $12000 111 127 1978 9605 1999 128 1986 Yes N/A $35000 $6000 46474 6'xI6' 3 Deck $18000 Eljay Screen, Conveyors $160000 Deister 2000688/8' x 20' Screen $90000 1995 Deister 8X24 Wet Deck $37500 1997 Dynapac CA251D Compactor 58313769 $28000 Eric Stayer lOYD Concrete Batch Plant Stationary $40000 2008 9953 Yes Yes Cedar Rapids FSG5168-26 Screen, Vibratory Yes Cedar Rapids CSC45115163LG Yes Yes Crusher, Cone 42D0595 3 Co, Year Seen Equip # 1989 Yes Yes Make Model DesCI"iptioll Serial #iDescriptioll Market (FMV) Eric Strayer 12YD Belgrade Silo Concrete Batch Plant AS-6201 Stationary, Aggregate Bin, Batcher, Conveyor, Cardinal Digital Scales, Sysdync Computer $40000 $40000 HOlII's Extec 5000 Portable Screen Portable Conveyor 1019 Ferguson 3-5 Ton Compactor 3070 4,288 $5000 Fergnson 3-5A Compactor 3306 $4000 224 1985 229 1987 225 1987 Yes Ferguson 8-12 Ton Compactor 812B726 N/A 226 1987 Yes Ferguson 8-12 Ton Compactor 772 6,643 $5000 Finlay Hi-Way Screen, Plant 19466 Finlay Supertrack 683 Screen FTR53T120 12x5, Track Mounted, Tlnee-Split Finn Mulch Sprayer Finn T-90 190 2003 Yes 9516 9660 1998 141 1979 227 1993 $6000 $5500 6,530 $70000 $7000 Hydrosecder BR-1482 $7500 Yes Hewitt Robbins Wash Plant Conveyors $12500 Yes Hitachi EX270LC Hydraulic Excavator 15JP010697 $35000 Huber M-850 Motor Grader M21735831 $12500 Hyster Hypac C350D Compactor 62461' Yes 4 4,690 $5000 Co. Year Seen Equip # Make Model Description Serial #/Descriptiol1 110 Hyster S50C Forklift C2D13994S LPG 230 2001 133 1985 126 1983 3723 2002 9724 9718 1991 9562 122 119 2004 HoUl's Market (FMV) $2500 Yes Ingersol Rand IRDDI 10I-IF Roller 166670 4,856 $25000 Yes Ingersol Rand IR DD 22 Roller 144800 N/A $7000 Yes lngersol Rand PI85JD Air Compressor 354324UCPBIO Portable N/A $5000 Yes John Deere 410 Loader Backhoe 717922 N/A $11000 Joh11 Deere 550 Crawler Tractor 550C379936T Yes John Deere 624H Rubber Tired Loader DW624HX585338 8,549 $55000 Yes John Deere 644 Rubber Tired Loader DW644HX579859 12,239 $55000 Yes John Deere 644E Rubber Tired Loader DW644EE535558 N/A Yes John Deere 550 Motor Grader 328363Y $17500 Kato Light D500FRX4 Generator Set WA53721l, 500KW, 625KVA $27500 Yes Kolberg Pioneer 1814P Screen & Wash Plant 402107 Yes Komatsu PC75UU2 Hydraulic Excavator 10077 4,329 $18000 Yes Komatsu SKI020 Skid Steer Loader 1,171 $16000 Yes Komatsu WA350-IL Rubber Tired Loader 1 J460 Fair Condition 5 $5000 $30000 $50000 37CTF00212 6,049 $20000 Serial #/J)escription Co. Year Equip # Seen Make Model Description 9719 Yes Komatsu WA450-3 Rubber Tired Loader 53307 Minyu S3624 Crusher. Jaw Plant 3711 OOEP $45000 Yes MQ R2000H Compactor 230712 $3500 Yes Nordberg Crusher, Cone Type 2055-2619 KPI-JCI 2009 KPT-JCl Screen sin 5092365 Prtbl, Cnvyrs $95000 Yes NPK 12X Hammer 16861 $5000 Yes Pioneer Crusher, Jaw Type 470335/Portable, Electric 200HP, Conveyors $245000 1999 1986 216 173 1998 275 2006 217 CS3352 1981 Raygo RASCAL 4000 Compaction Machine 1986 Ross BT-82 9661 1999 N/A $47500 $1400 Compactor 2000 Market (FMV) PBR89B619 Puckett 130 Hours 6604A $4500 Concrete Batch Plant Converted from Portable Plant, Aggregate Bin 47.6YD, Batcher, Conveyor, Load Cells, Silo, Water Heater, Boiler, Mettler $50000 Ross IMVR607 Concrete Batch Plant 8YD, Silo $60000 Ross 4YD Portahle Batch Plant 442-1-406 $22500 Yes Samslmg SE170W-3 Hydraulic Excavator EJY0216 Yes Samsung Stan-Steel SE280LC-3 RM-80A Hydraulic Excavator HDY0079 Asphalt Plant, Conveyors, Tanks, Screens 6 11,458 $27000 Asphalt $30000 $70000 Co. Year Seen Equip # 1984 9518 1995 Make Model Serial #/J)escription Description Stephen Batch Buster Stephens, Inc. lOYD Concrete Batch Plant Hours Market (FMV) $2000 Strick Strick Field Trailer Symons 512 Crusher, Cone Type SY-3076 Converted from Portable Plant, Load Cells, Bins, 2 Silos, Water Heater, Boiler, Automated Control Tech Batching System $35000 $1000 5 )I; Capacity, Portable, Conveyors $110000 1988 Yes Telsmith 25x40 Crusher, 6x16 Screen $17500 1988 Yes Telsmith Specmaker Dry Deck 6x16 $30000 Yes Telsmith 8x20TD Screen Plant 183 Yes Telsmith Spacemaker Double Deck Incline Screen ScreenlTx20' $32000 189 Yes Telsmith Specmaker 616, Conv., Screen Wash Plant/3051 $20000 2005 Yes Trident TD125T Screen Plant 2S91F37V04Z113049/Track Type $40000 1994 Yes Volvo L50 Rubber Tired Loader L50V9083 215 Western 1 Ton Roller S4972 $1000 214 Western 1 Ton Roller S5571 $1000 117 Yes 343M424/(3) Conveyors 6'XIS' Trench Box 7 $45000 7,188 $24000 $6000 Yea I' Seen Co. Equip # Yes Make Model Serial #/Description Description Hours Mad{et (JlMV) 8'Xl0' Trench Box $4000 Yes 8'X20' Trench Box $6000 Yes 8'X24' Trench Box $6500 184 Airlock compressor 780-815 $1000 131 Dis! 40 Dyr Curio Ail 6292641 $1000 Pumps Sub 6" 30fthem $6000 Tac Wagon 175 GL Spec 200A $2500 181 1970 $2000 Trench 20' $1500 Yes Office Trailer Yes Crane, Welder, Miller, Grinders, Lathe, Hoists, Generators, Ladders, Torch Sets, Saws, Hoses, Etc. In Garage $7000 Yes (2) Stainless Steel Sanders $5000 Yes Fuel Tank 8000 Gallon $3000 Yes Truck Scale 70xl 0 120,000#, Read Out $8000 Yes Concrete Forms Several items $17500 Yes (5) Snow Pushers $7500 8 Exhibit S.30 FERRA/OLO CORP Account Detail Report Account 1195.000, Currentfiscalyear Account # / Reference / Description 1195.000 Date Debit Credit 1,020,179.68 INVENTOI'tY GEN 492 GEN 492 01131 01131 Adjust Inventory @ 01/311l 3 Adjust Inventory @ 01/31113 Totals for January 2013 GEN 493 GEN 493 4/5/2013 [2;[3;35 PM Balance 8,999.36 9,047.93 0.00 02/28 02/28 Adjust Inventory @ 02/28/13 Adjust Inventory @ 02/28/13 18,047.29 1,002,132.39 5,809.50 5,400.53 Totals for February 2013 0.00 11,210.03 990,922.36 Ending Balance 0.00 29,257.32 990,922.36 Account Detail Report FERRAlOLO CORP Page 1 FERRAIOLO CONSTRUCTION CO INC Account Detail Report Account 1190.000, Current fiscal year Account # / Reference / Description 1190.000 Date Debit Credit 932,793.14 INVENTORY GEN GEN1981 Adj Inventory @ 1131/13 01131 Totals for January 2013 GEN GENl982 41512013 12:15:17 PM Balance Adjust Inventory @ 2/28/13 23,657.65 0.00 02/28 23,657.65 909,135.49 26,557.68 Totals for February 2013 0.00 26,557.68 882,577.81 Ending Balance 0.00 50,215.33 882,577.81 Account Detail Report FERRAIOLO CONSTRUCTION CO INC Page 1 B6C (Official Forro 6C) (04/10) IN RE Ferr;!i.210 Constrllction, Inc,_. __-cc_c-_ _ _ _ ._ _ __ Case No. 13-10164 Debtor(s) (Jflmown) SCHEDULE C - PROPERTY CLAIMED AS EXEMPT Debtor elects the exemptions to which debtor is entitled under: o Check if debtor claims a homestead exemptiOIl that exceeds $146,450. * (Check One box) 011 U.S.C § 522(b)(2) 011 U.S.C § 522(b)(3) DESCRIPTION OF PROPERlY SPECIFY LAW PROVIDThlG EACH EXEMPTION VALUE OF CLAIMED EXEMPTION CURRENT VALUE OF PROPERTY wrTBOliT DEDUCTING EXEMPTIONS Not Applicable t " N W * Amount subject to adjustment on 4/1/13 and evel)! three years thereafter with respect to cases commenced on or after the date afadjustment. B6D (Official Form 6D) (12/07) IN RE .t5'. r:raiolo COIl~truction, Inc~.- - - C C . Debtor(s) Case No. 13-1..0"'1"'6"'4_c-_ __ (lfknown) SCHEDULE D - CREDITORS HOLDING SECURED CLAIMS State the name, mailing address, including zip code, and last four digits of any account number of all entities holding claims secured by property of the debtor as of the date of filing of the petition. The complete account number of any account the debtor has with the creditor is useful to the tTUstee and the creditor and may be provided if the debtor chooses to do so. List creditors holding aU types of secured interests such as judgment liellS, garnishments, statutory liens, mortgages, deeds of trust, and other security interests_ List creditors in alphabetical order to the extent practicable. If a minor child is the creditor, state the child's initials and the name and address of the child's parent or guardian, such as "A.B., a minor child, by John Doc, guardian." Do not disclose the child's name. See, 11 U.S.C. § J 12 and Fed. R. Banla. P. I007(m). Ifall secured creditors will not fit on this page, uSe the continuation sheet provided. If any entity other than a spouse in a joint case may be jointly liable on a claim, place an "X" intbe column labeled "Codebtor," include the entity on the appropriate schedule of creditors, and complete Schedule H -- Codebtors, Ifa joint petition is fUed, state whether the hlL';band, wife, both ofthem, or the marital community may be liable on each claim by' placing an "H," "W," "J," or "C" in the column labeled "Husband> Wife, Joint, or Community." If the claim is contingent, place an "X' in the colurrmlabe1ed "Contingent." lfthe claim is unliquidated, place an "X" in the column labeled "Unliquidated." If the claim is disputed, place an "X" in the column labeled "Disputed." (You may need to place all "X" in more than one of these three colmnns.) Total the columns labeled "Amount of Claim Without Deducting Value of Collateral" and "Unsecured Portion, if Any" in the boxes labeled "Total(s)" on the last sheet of the completed schedule. Report the total from the column labeled "Amount of Claim Without Deducting Value of Collateral" also on the Summary of Schedules and, if the debtor is an individual with primarily consumer debts, report the total from the column labeled "'Unsecured Portion, if Any" on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data. o Check this box if debtor has no creditors holding secured claims to report on this Schedule D. CREDlTOR'S NAME AND MAllJNG ADDRESS mCLUDmG ZIP CODE AND ACCOUNT NUMBER. (Su InsrrucliOils Above.) 5 ">- Qo ~'§ 'w" §:j u Zv C 0 00 DATE CLAIM WAS INCllRRED, NATURE OF LIEN, AND DESCRIPTION AND VALUE OF PROPERTY SUBJECT TO Lll.""N ~" ~o 0 c £w "" ~ 0 C ~ E 0 9 Z 0 u ~ ~ ~ ~ 15 AlVlOU1'tI Of CLAW WiTHOUT DEDUCTING VALUE OF COLLATERAL UNSECURED PORTION, IF ANY " ACCOUNT NO 6823 Bangor Savings Bank P.O. Box 930 Bangor, ME 04401 March 28, 2008 2007 Volvo Bibeau Dump Body f--. VALUE $ 57,500.00 ACCOUNT NO. DOCS © Daimier Truck Financial 13650 Heritage Parkway Forth Worth, TX 76177 1,632,46 ~ February 15, 2008 2008 Sterling Tractor 2,449.52 ... VALUE $ 35,000.00 ACCOUNT NO. 7477 TD Bank North P.O. Box 8400 Lewiston, ME 04243 3,303.03 May 21, 2010 2010 Nissan Frontier *Appraised Value _ .. VALUE $ 18,500.00 ACCOUNT NO. TD Bank North P.O. Box 8400 Lewiston, ME 04243 3,322,47 May 21, 2010 2005 Toyota Tacoma *Appraised Value VALUE $ 8,000.00 _._~_~~ continuation sheets attached Subtotal (Total of this page) $ 10,707,48 $ Total (Use only on last page) $ $ (Report alsQ 1m Summan of Schedules. \ (If applicable, report also on Statistical Summru), of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.'1 B6D (Official Form 6D) (12/07) - Coot. IN RE Fereaiolo COD~truction, Inc,._. _ _ _c-__- Case No. "'13"'."'1"-01,e,6"'4'---c--,,-_ _ •. ____ Debtor(s) (Ifknuwn) SCHEDULE D - CREDITORS HOLDING SECURED CLAIMS (Continuation Sheet) "' Z § CREDITOR'S NAl\1E AND MAILING ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE AND ACCOUNT NUMBER (See insn1lctions Above) "" 0 0 w 0 0 U w' !i" § AMOUNfOF DATE CLAIM WA5 INCURRED, NATURE OF LIEN, AND DESCRll'TION AND VALUE Of PROPERTY SUBJECT TO LIEN CLAIM WITHOUT DEDUCTING VALUE OF UNSECURED PORTION, IF ANY COLLATERAL ~ ~ ~ ~ ACCOUNT NO. 1638 X The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 334,041.80 unklKWl X June 14, 2011 Line of Credit _ ...•_ - - - - - ----------- VALUE $ 500,000.00 ACCOUNT NO. 1642 ~~~~~~------------~ X The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 June 14, 2011 AA Loan X 2,621,565.08 t.rII<noIIIn - - - - - - - - - - - - -.. -.--------1 VALUE $ 2,621,565.08 ACCOUNT NO. 1647 ~~~~~----------~ X The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 June 14, 2011 A2 Loan X 5,273,108.90 unklKWl - - - - - - - - -.. _----1 VALUE $ 5,910,578.40 ACCOUNT NO. 1648 X ~~~~~----------~ The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 June 14, 2011 B Loan X 821,086.89 UnklKWl 1 - - - - .------------..-....- VALUE $ 921,717.05 ACCOUNT NO. 3219 F=~~~~----------~ X The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 June 14, 2011 USDA Loan ..... _ - - - - - - _. . . 985,911.43 unklKWl X _-------_...•.- VALUE $ 1,586,229.56 ACCOUNT NO. UCC filed X VFS Leasing Co. P.O. Box 26131 Greensboro, NC 27402 ~-. VALUE $ Sheet no, _____ ~ of __ ,. ___ ~ continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors Holding Secured Claims Subtotal (Total ofthis page) Total (Use only on last page) $ 10,035,714.10 $ $ -_ _ _ _ _ _L $ -_ _ _ _ L (Report also 011 Summary of Schedule,,) ~ Of apph~>lble, report also OD Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data,) B6D (Official Form 6D) (12/07) - Cont. IN RE !:erraiolo CO'l'e!ruction, Inc.,_ _--c ...~. _ _~_.. _ _ __ Case No. 13·10164 (Ifkllown) Debtor(s) SCHEDULE D - CREDITORS HOLDING SECURED CLAIMS (Continnation Sheet) r' CREDITOR'S NAME AND MAILING ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE AND ACCOUNT NUMBER (See ins/ructions Above) " eo " 0 w 0 0 u " ~ ~- AMOUNT OF CLAIM WnHOm DEDUCTING VALUE OF COLLATERAL DATE CLAIM WAS lNCURRED, NATURE OF LIEN, _"'-'-'W DESCRIPTION AND VALUE OF PROPERTY SUBJECT TO LIEN §; ~. < UNSECURED PORTION, IF ANY ~ ~ ~ ACCOUNT NO. x UCC(s) filed Windward Petroleum P.O. Box 416798 Boston, MA 02241 ACCOUNT NO -" ... 8 VALUE $ ID ~ ~ w ACCOUNT NO. 8" ~ '"• N .. ~ ro 00 0 ~ =. .- VALUE $ ro ACCOUNT NO. 0 c ~ w:: N w .•- :; ~ ro m ~ VALUE $ ACCOUNT NO. © - . . - - - .•.. ----~ - - _... VALUE $ ACCOUNT NO. - .... --~. VALUE $ Sheet no. 2 of 2 continuation sheets attached to Schedule of creditors Hold~g Secured Claims Subtotal (Total of this page) ~$,-_ _ _ _ Total (Use only on last page) $ +=$_____~ 10,046,421.58 $ (Report also on Summary of Schedules) (If appllcable, report al!,o on Statistical Summary of Certain LiabilitIes and Related Data.) 86£ (Official Form 6E) (04110) IN RE FeXTaiolo Con~!~uction, In~: Case No. 13:tO",1",6",4_-,,-_ (If known) Debtor(s) SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS A complete list of claims entitled to priority, listed separately by type of priority, is to be set forth on the sheets provided, Only holders of unsecured claims entitled to priority should be listed in this schedule. In the boxes provided on the attached sheets, state the name, mailing address. including zip code, and last four digits of the account number, if any, of all entities holding priority claims against the debtor or tbe property of the debtor, as of the date of the filing ofthe petition. Use a separate continuation sheet for each type of priority and label each with the type of priority The complete account number of any account the debtor has with the creditor is useful to the trustee and the creditor and may be provided if the debtor chooses to do so If a minor child is a creditor, state the child's initials and the name and address ofthe child's parent or guardian, such as "AB., a minor child, by John Doe, guardian." Do not disclose the child's name, See, 11 U,S.C. §112 and Fed. R. Bankr. p, l007(m). If any entity other than a spouse in a joint case may be jointly liable on a claim, place an "X" in the colunm labeled "Codebtor," include the entity on the appropriate schedule of creditors, and complete Schedule H-Codebtors. If ajoint petition is flJed, state whether the husband, wife, both of them, or the marital community may be liable on each claim by placing an "R," "W," "J," or "C" in the column labeled "Husbffild, Wife, Joint or Community." If the claim is contingent, place ffil "X" in the colunm labeled "Contingent." If the claim is unliquidated, place an "X" in the column labeled "Unliquidated." If the claim is disputed, place an "X" in the column labeled 'lDisputed." (You may need to place an "X" in more than one of these three columns.) Report the total of claims listed on each sheet in the box labeled "Subtotals" Oil eaeh sheet. RepOli the total of all claims listed on this Schedule E in the box labeled "Total" on the last sheet of the completed schedule. Report this total also on the Summary of Schedules. Report the total of amounts entitled to priority listed on each sheet in the box labeled "Subtotals" on each sheet. Report the total of all amounts entitled to priority listed on this Schedule E in the box labeled "Totals" on the last sheet of the completed schedule Individual debtors \vith primarily consumer debts report this total also on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data. -t o e ~ o w Report the total of amounts not entitled to priority listed on each sheet in the box labeled "Subtotals" on each sheet. Report the total of all amounts not entitled to priority listed on this Schedule E in the box labeled "Totals" on the last sheet of the completed schedule. Individual debtors with primarily consrnller debts report this total also on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data 0 Check this box if debtor has no creditors holding unsecured priority claims to report on this Schedule E. ~ TYPES OF PRIORITY CLAIMS (Check the appropriate box(cs) below if claims in that category arc listed on the attached sheets) ~ Domestic: Support Obligations Claims for domestic support that are owed to or recoverable by a spouse, fonner spouse, or child ofthe debtor, or the parent. legal guardian, or responsible relative of such a child, or a governmental unit to whom such a domestic support claim has been assigned to the extent provided in 11 U.S.c. § 507(a)(1). Extensions of credit in an involuntary case Claims arising in the ordinary course ofthe debtor's business or financial affairs after the commencement of the case but before the earlier of the appointment of a trustee or the order for relief. 11 O.S.c. § 507(a)(3). -~ ~ I.LI ;; !i1' Wages ~ l salaries, and commissions Wages, salaries. and commissions, including vacation, severance, and sick leave pay owing to employees and commissions owing to quali:(ying independent sales representatives up to $11, 725* per person earned within] 80 days immediately preceding the filing of the original petition, or the cessation of business, whichever occurred first to the extent provided in 11 US.c. § 507(a)(4). ~ @ o Contributions to employee benefit plans Money owed to employee benefit plans for services rendered within 180 days immediately preceding the filing of the original petition, or the cessation of business, whichever occurred first, to the extent provided in 11 U.S.c. § 507(a)(5). o Certain farmers and fishermen Claims of certain farmers and fishermen, up to $5.775* per farmer or fisherman, against the debtor, as provided in 11 .S.c. § 507(a)(6). o Deposits by individuals Claims of individual s up to $2,600* for deposits for the purchase, lease, or rental of property or services for personal. family, or household lise, that U were not delivered or provided. 1 J U.S.c. § 507(a)(7). ri1' Taxes and Certain Other Debts Owed to Governmental Units Taxes, customs duties, and penalties owing to federal, state, and local governmental units as set forth in 11 USc. § 507(a)(8). o o Commitments to Maintain tbe Capital of an Insured Depository Institution Claims based on commitments to the FDIC, RTC, Director ofthe Office ofTIrrift Supervision, Comptroller ofthe Currency, or Board ofGovemors of the Federal Reserve System, or their predecessors Or successors, to maintain the capital of an insured depository institution. 11 US.c. § 507 (a)(9). Claims for Death or Personal Injury While Debtor Was Intoxicated Claims for death or personal injury resulting from the operation of a motor vehicle or vessel while the debtor was intoxicated from using alcohol, a drug, or another substance. J J U.S.C. § 507(a)(10). * Amounts are subjel,110 adjustment on 4/01/13, and every three years thereafter with respect to cases commenced on or after the date of adjustment ~~_7 continuation sheets attached B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/] 0) - Coot. IN RE ,Ferraioio COIl§!ruction,Jr!~",.___-: Case No. n-10164 Debtor(s) (If known) SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS (Continnation Sheet) Wages, salaries, and commissions Oype ofhiority [or Clai!ll5 Listed on This Sheet) ~ Q CREDITOR'S NAME, MAJLING ADDRESS TNCLUOil'lG ZlP CODE AND ACC01JNT NlJMBb'R (See Insfnlctions above.) 11 c @ c @< 0 @ DATE CLAIM WAE INCURRED AND CONSIDEAATlO:K FOR CLAIM ~ 0" Al\.10UNT OF E Z ,iY Z 0 < 0 0 0 CLAW z 0 AMOlJ:'\!T ENTITLED TO AMOUNT NOT ENTITLED TO PRIORITY PRlORIT'{, JJ ANY ~ ACCOUNT NO Employee Wages (paid in full) All Employees Except John, Vincent & Frank Ferraiolo "B ACCOU~rr NO. ~ Frank Ferraiolo 0 711 St. George Road J m ~ South Thomaston, ME 04858 Employee Wages paid Payroll dates March 14 (covering March 2-8) and March 21 (covering March 9-12) 46,386.57 46,386.57 2,145.00 2,145.00 2,145.00 2,145.00 3,952.14 3,952.14 Wages earned Payroll dates March 14 (covering March 2-8) and March 21 (covering March 9-12) 0 ~ '< N ~ N ACCOUNT NO. q John Ferraiolo 14 North Shore Drive Owls Head, ME 04854 en 0 0 0 ~ "" ~ Wages earned Payroll dates March 14 (covering March 2-8) and March 21 (covering March 9-12) ci .C ~ w " N M 0 ~ @ ACCOUNT NO. Vincent Ferraiolo 145 Cobb Road Camden, ME 04843 Wages earned Payroll dates March 14 (covering March 2-8) and March 21 (covering March 9-12) ACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT NO. Sheet no. ___ J of 7 continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors Holding Unsecured Priority Claims Subtotal (Total~ of this page) $ 54,628.71 $ 54,628.71 $ Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule E. Report also on the Summary of Schedules.) ~$------l------+--------j Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule E. If applicable, report also on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) $ $ B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/10) - Cont. IN RE Ferraiolo CO!lstruction, !::.n,,-c.~_ Debtor(s) SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sbeet) Taxes and Otber Certain Debts Owed to Governmental Units (Type of Priority for Claims Listed on Thii> Sheet) A.M.oUNT CREDlTOR 'S NAlvlE, lv[AILI>JG ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE A.."ND ACCOUNT N"1.1MRER (See InsrructlOllS above.) City Of Augusta 16 Cony Street Augusta, ME 04230 ACCOUNT NO. City Of Gardiner 6 Church Street Gardiner, ME 04345 -~ "N w @ El'-'TI1LED TO TO PRTORITY PRJORTTY, IF ANY 484.38 484.38 889.53 889.53 3,654.64 3,654.64 14,784.45 14,784.45 2,582.86 2,582.86 28,640.62 28,640.62 51,036.48 $ 51,036.48 $ 10 Commonwealth Avenue Real Estate Taxes 7/1112 - 6/30/13 ACCOUNT NO. e137 o o NOT ENTITLED Brunswick Avenue Personal Property Tax 2012/2013 City Of Gardiner 6 Church Street Gardiner, ME 04345 cc DATE (;LAIMWAS INCURRED AND CONSIDERATION FOR CLAIM AMOUNT Tondreau Pit Personal Property Taxes 7/1/12 - 6/30/13 ACCOUNT NO. 1213 8 AMOUNT Of CLAIM ACCOUNT NO. 3853 City Of Rockland 270 Pleasant Street Rockland, ME 04841-5305 ACCOUNT NO. 3853 City Of Rockland 270 Pleasant Street Rockland, ME 04841-5305 ACCOUNT NO. 6469 City Of Rockland 270 Pleasant Street Rockland, ME 04841-5305 28 Gordon Drive Real Estata Taxes 7/1/12 - 6/30/13 10 Burrows Street Property Taxes 7/1112 - 6/30/13 28 Gordon Drive Personal Property Taxes 7/1/12 - 6/30/13 Sheet no. ~~~_~ of _~_I continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors Holding Unsecured Priority Claims Subtotal (Totalsofthispage) Total (Use only on last page ofthe completed Schedule E. Report also on the Summary of Schedules.) Total (Use only on last page ofthe completed Schedule E. If applicable, report also on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) $ -----j-------+---"-----I 1'$_. $ $ B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/10) - Coot. IN RE ,Ferraioio CO£1structj~I}L'"In"c,,-,_ _ (lfknO\\'u) Debtor(s) SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS (Continnation Sheet) Taxes and Other Certain Debts Owed to Governmental Units (Type of Priority for C]>rims Listed on Thn; Sheet) Al\10UNT CREDITOR'S NAl\1E, MillING lillDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE.AND ACCOUNT NUMBER (See Jnstructions above.) Alv10UNT ENTITLED TO AMOUNT DATE CLAlM WAS INCURRED OF AND CONSIDERATlONFOR CLAW CLAIM NOT ENTITLED TO PRIORITY, PRIORITY IF A"NY Payroll Taxes ACCOUNT NO. internal Revenue Service P.O. Box 7346 Philadelphia, PA 19101-7346 6'" ACCOUNT NO. e " ~ 00 § ~ ~ m ~ 0a ~ c. 0 E Town Of China 571 Lakeview Drive China, ME 04358 N ;; ~ M m m @ 7,231.90 7,231.90 454.49 454.49 529.00 529.00 1,476.32 1,476.32 2,005.31 2,005.31 39,394.94 $ 39,394.94 $ Windsor Road Real Estate Taxes 7/1/12 - 6/30/13 ACCOUNT NO. 59RE I w 27,697.92 Maine State Treasurer Sales & Use Tax Division P.O. Box 9101 Augusta, ME 04332 ~ 7 27,697.92 Sales Tax ACCOUNT NO. 07PP Town Of Damariscotta 21 School Street Damariscotta, ME 04543 ACCOUNT NO. 19RE Town Of Damariscotta 21 School Street Damariscotta, ME 04543 Biscay Road Personal Property Taxes 7/1/12 - 6/30/12 Biscay Road Real Estate Taxes 7/1/12 - 6/30/13 Taxes ACCOUNT NO. Town Of Damariscotta 21 School Street Damariscotta, ME 04543 Sheet no. 3 of 7 continuation shcets attached to Schedule of Creditors YIolding Unsecured Priority Claims Subtotal (Totals of this page) Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule E. Report also on the Summary of Schedules.) Total (Use only on last page ofllie completed Schedule E. If applicable, report also on the Statistical Summary ofCertam Liabilities and Related Data.) $ .0$-----+------+--------1 $ $ B6E (Official Form 6E) (04110) - Cont. Case No. 13-19~lli-~_~~__ _ IN RE Eerraiolo Construction, Inc. (If known) Debtor(s) SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sheet) Taxes and Other Certain Debts Owed to Governmental Units (Type ofPriority for Claims Listed on This Sheet) ~. ~1: CREDJTOR'S NAlvlE, M_AIUNG ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE A_"ND ACCOLi1'<j mJJ\.ffiER (See instructIOns above) DATE CLAW WAS INCURRED AND CONSIDERA nON FOR CLAlM: .< ~8 " 8 ACCOUNT NO. 66RE Town Of Farmingdale 289 Maine Avenue Farmingdale, ME 04344 ~ ~ 8! c c ACCOUNT NO. 45PP Town Of Farmingdale 289 Maine Avenue Farmingdale, ME 04344 ACCOUNT NO. R324 Town Of Uberty P.O. Box 116 Uberty, ME 04949 ACCOUNT NO. R838 T own Of Uberty P.O. Box 116 Uberty, ME 04949 ACCOUNT NO. P37 Town Of Uberty P.O. Box 116 Uberty, ME 04949 .-1 0 " u 0 ACCOUNT NO. 65RE "z 3 AMOUNT ENTITJ.ED AMOUN1 0 0 ~5 Town Of Farmingdale 289 Maine Avenue Farmingdale, ME 04344 c z w 0 ~ ~ 0 \3 B 2 c tf~ ~~ OF CLAIM S AM01}NT NOT ENTITLED TO TO PRlORlTY PRlORITY, IF ANY 0 6 Williams Street Rea I Estate Taxes 7/1/12 - 6/30/13 4,631.42 4,631.42 74.52 74.52 4,116.54 4,116.54 5,568.97 5,568.97 9,751.84 9,751.84 2,154.40 2,154.40 26,297.69 1 26,297.69 1 Thi rd Street Real Estate Taxes 7/1/2012 - 6/30/13 361 Maine Avenue Personal Property Taxes 7/1/12 - 6/30/13 Plains Road Real Estate Taxes 2012 Howes Cove Road Real Estate Taxes 2012 Personal Property Taxes 2012 Sheet no. _ _ of _" _ _ 7 continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors Hold:ing Unsecured Priority Claims Suhtotal (Totals o[this poge) 1 Total (Usc only on last page of the completed Schedule E. Report also on the Summary of Schedules.) 1'1'-_ _ _ _ +-_____+-____-'1 Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule E. If applicable, report also on the Statistical Summary ofCertarn Liabilities and Related Data_) L _ _ _ _--""$'-_ _ _ _...c.::$_ _ _ _ _J B6E (Official Form 6E) (04110) - Coot. IN RE Fer~aiolo Construc!.~!1~"ln"c",._ _ _-=-"C. Debtor(s) Case No. 13-10164 (If known) SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sheet) Taxes and Other Certain Debts Owed to Governmental Uuits (Type of Priority for Claims Listed on This Sheet) AMOUNT CREDITOR'S NAME, MARING ADDRESS frlCLUDfrlG ZU' CODE A.."ND ACCOUNT!\'1.J?vffiER (See Instruction\' abow.) ACCOUNT NO. e131 Town Of Monmouth P.O. Box 270 Monmouth. ME 04259 8" ACCOUNT NO. 020P ~ Town Of Monmouth P.O. Box 270 Monmouth, ME 04259 , 0 m ~ E 0 AJ'in CONSIDERATION FOR CLAW NOT AMOUNT ThPfITLED AMOUNT OF DATE CUuM WAS INCURRED CLAIM ENTITLED TO TO PRIORITY PRIORITY. IF ANY 1004 U.S. Route 202 Real Estate Tax 7/1/12 - 6/30/13 542.64 542.64 376.06 376.06 10,337.04 10,337.04 2,606.74 2,606.74 204.25 204.25 3,289.12 3,289.12 17,355.85 $ 17,355.85 $ 1004 U.S. Route 202 Personal Property Tax 7/1112 - 6/30/13 ~ , 'tr ~ ~ ACCOUNT NO. 030P ~ Town Of Thomaston P.O. Box 299 Thomaston, ME 04861 0 0 0 •cc 0 c Machinery 137 Old County Road Personal Property Taxes 7/1/12 - 6/30/13 ci £ ~ N w a " M 0 0 @ ACCOUNT NO. 1241 Town Of Topsham 100 Main Street Topsham, ME 04080 ACCOUNT NO. 0100 Town Of Topsham 100 Main Street Topsham, ME 04080 26 Meadow Road Extension Real Estate Taxes 7/1/12 - 6/30/13 26 Meadow Road Extension Personal Property Taxes 7/1112 - 6/30/13 Pi! Combined Tax Bill 2012 ACCOUNT NO. Town Of Waldo 54 Gurney Hill Road Waldo, ME 04015 1 Sheet no. _ _ _ 5 of ~"~" .. continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors Holding Unsecured Priority Claims Subtotal (Totals o[this page) $ r---~--r-~~--+-----~ Tota) (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule E. Report also on the Summary of Schedules.) ~$_ _ _ _ _ + _____+ ____---'l .. Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule E. If applicabk report also on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) $ $ B6E (Official Form 6E) (04110) - Coot. IN RE Ferr!!!E~o Construct~9n, Inc. Case No. H.-101."S4:c.....=_ Debtor(s) (lfknown) SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sheet) Taxes and Other Certain Debts Owed to Governmeutal Units (Type of Priority for Claims Listed on This Sllcet) c' ~ CREDITOR·S NAill, MAll..ING ADDRESS INCLUDThlG ZIP CODE AND ACCOUN1 NUMBER (See InsmlctJons above) ~ ci aw e "2. ~ DATE CLAIM WAS INCURRED AND CONSJDERATION FOR CLAIM ri e < AMOUNT < "e 0 " ~ 2. 0 OF ,§ CLAIM u Z 0 ~ NOT AMOUNT Et\"lTfLED AMOUN"'T El\'TITLED TO TO PRlORlTY PRlORJTY, IT ANY :2 ACCOUNT NO. Town Of Waldo 54 Gurney Hill Road Waldo, ME 04015 ACCOUNT NO. 48PP T own Of Whitefield P.O. Box 58 Whitefield, ME 04353 ACCOUNT NO. 72RE Town Of Whitefield P.O. Box 58 Whitefield, ME 04353 House/Dan Fox Real Estate Taxes 2012 2,718.13 2,718.13 438.81 438.81 138.28 138.28 1,705.84 1,705.84 3,291.10 3,291.10 500.34 500.34 Vigue Road Personal Property Taxes 7/1/12 - 6/30/13 Vigue Road (Map 016; Lot 028) Real Estate Taxes 7/1/12 - 6/30/13 N W ACCOUNT NO. 43RE Town Of Whitefield P.O. Box 58 Whitefield, ME 04353 ACCOUNT NO. 33RE Town Of Whitefield P.O. Box 58 Whitefield, ME 04353 ACCOUNT NO. 2057 Town Of Winthrop 17 Highland Avenue Winthrop, ME 04364 40 Vigue Road Real Estate Taxes 7/1/12 - 6/30/13 176 Vigue Road Real Estate Taxes 7/1/12 - 6/30/13 U.S. Route 202 Real Estate Taxes 7/1/12 - 6/30/13 Sheet no. 6 of 7 continuation sheets attached to Schedule ~fCreditors HoldiI;-g: Unsecured Priority Claims Subtotal (Totals of this page) $ 8,792.50 $ (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule E. Report also on the Summary of Schedules.) Total (Use only on last page o[the completed Schedule E. If applicable, report also on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) 8,792.50 $ . Total $ $ $ B6E (Official Form 6E) (04/10) - Cont. IN RE Ferraiolo C!'flstruction,".l'!S'L_ _ _ _--c Debtor(s) (If known) SCHEDULE E - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED PRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sheet) Taxes and Other Certain Debts Owed to Governmental Units (Type o[Pl'iority for Claim5 Listed on This Sheet) ~ 0> CREDITOR'S NAlvlE> MAJLrNG ADDRESS JNCLUDING ZIP CODE A:NU ACCOUl'-.'T NUMBER (See lnsfruc/ions above.) "c 0 0 ~ 0 -t 0§ ~~ .< DATE CLAlM WAS INCURRED AND CONSIDERATlOl\ FOR CLAIIVf 6 00 zu u t "<c ~ 0 AMOUNT AMOUNT Eh"TITLED AMOUl'-.j OF " ,5 c CLAlM z 0 0 <" g;o NOT l:.'NTl11£D TO TO PRJORTTY PRIORITY, IF ANY u ~ Land Dana Mills Road Real Estate Taxes 2013 ACCOUNT NO R487 Town Of Woolwich 13 Nequasset Road Woolwich, ME 04579 1,376.00 1,376.00 4,955.00 4,955.00 15,274.00 15,274.00 20,000.00 20,000.00 41,605.00 $ 41,605.00 $ Payroll Taxes ACCOUNT NO" Treasurer, State Of Maine Maine Revenue Services 24 State House Station Augusta, ME 04332-1061 civil penalty ACCOUNT NO. o c U.S. Department of Treasury Mine Safety & Health Administration P.O. Box 790390 SI. Louis, MO 63101 proposed civil penalty ACCOUNT NO. X U.S. Department of Treasury Mine Safety & Health Administration P.O. Box 790390 SI. Louis, MO 63101 ACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT NO" Sheet no. 7 of 7 continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors }r~lding Unsecured Priority Claims Subtotal (Totals of this page) Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule E. Report also on the Summary of Schedules.) Total (Use only on last pagc of the completed Schedule E. If applicable, report also on the Statistical S umrnary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) $ . . $ 239,111.17 $ 239,111.17 $ B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) IN RE Ferr~Jolo Constru~tion, Inc. Case No. 13-10164 Debtor(s) ([fknown) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS State the name, mailing address, including zip code_ and last four digits of any account number, of all cntities holding unsecured claims without priority against the debtor or the property of the debtor, as of the date of filing of the petition, TIle complete account number of any account the debtor bas with the creditor is useful to the trustee and the creditor and may be provided if the debtor chooses to do so, If a minor child is a creditor, state thc child's initials and the name and address of the child'~ parent or guardian, sucb as "AB., a minor child, by Jolm Doc, guardian_" Do not disclose the child's name. See, II U.S.c. §112 and Fed. R. Bankr. p, 1007(m). Do not include claims listed in Schedules D and E. 1f all creditors will not fit on this page, use the continuation sheet provided. If any entity other than a spouse in a joint case may be jointly liable on a c1ailll, place an "'X" in the column labeled "Codebtor," include the entity on the appropriate schedule of crcditors, and complete Schedule H - Codebtors. Ifajoint petition is filed, state whether the husband, wife, both oftbem, or the marital community may be liable on each claim by placing an "H," "W;' "J," or "C" in the column labeled "Husband, Wifc, Joint, or Community.-If the claim is contingent, place an "X' in tbe column labeled "Contingent." If the claim is unliquidated, place an "X" in the columnlabcled "Unliquidated." If the claim is disputed, place an "X" in the column labeled "Disputed,'- (You may need to place an "'X" in more than one of these three columns.) Report the total of all claims listed on this schedule in the box labeled "Tatar on the last sheet of tbe completed schedule. Report this total also on the Summary of Schedules and, if the debtor is an individual with primarily consumer debts_ report this total also on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data. o Check this box if debtor has no creditors holding unsecured nonpriority claims to report on this Schedule F. e" CREDITOR'S NAl\1E, MAILING ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE. !\NIl ACCOUNT NUIvIDER (See ]lIsv'ucliollS Above.) "c §~ 0 ~ ew ''"'-~ ~::; ';:: :s:::i 5 clb zu U <" 0 DATE CLAIIVfW AS INCURRED AND CONSIDERATION FOR CLAIM:, IF CLAlJ'v[ IS SUBJECT TO SETOFF, SO STATE ~ w ~ " e Z 0 U ~o ~ Q w AMOUNT 0 3 S g ~ S OF ~ CLAJM ~ 0 " ACCOUNT NO" Trade Debt AH. Harris & Sons, Cin. P "0. Box 418827 Boston, MA 02241-8827 1,162.81 ACCOUNT NO" Trade Debt Affordable Roofing C/O Dwight Willett 102 River Road Augusta, ME 04330 1,845.00 ACCOUNT NO" Trade Debt X Affordable Well Drilling 28 Bowdoinham Road Sabattus, ME 04280 6,215.85 ACCOUNT NO Trade Debt Alltex 324 Taylor Street Manchester, NH 03103 507.27 .__ .~ continuation sheets attached Subtotal (Total Oftllis page) $ Total (Usc onJy on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summa!); of Sclledules and, if applicable, on the Statistical Slllllmary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) $ 9,730.93 B6F (Otlicial Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont. IN RE Ferraiolo Constructio~,,-,I,,,n,,,c~._ _ Case No. 13-10164 Debtor(s) (If known) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sbeet) ~ 2. DATE CLAW WAS INCURRED AND CONSIDERATION FOR CLAIM. IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TO SETOFF, SO STATE CREDITOR'S NAlVlE, MAILING ADDRESS mCLUDING ZIP CODE. AND ACCOUNT NUMBER (See Instructions Above) ~ 0 !.:..) Al\.10UNT 0 z cz U5 0 u ACCOUNT NO. C < OF CLAIM ~ Trade Debt American Express P.O. Box 1270 Newark, NJ 07101 51,630.66 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt American Home Systems P.O. Box 281 Manchester, ME 04351 207.80 Trade Debt Ameritas Group P.O. Box 81889 Lincoln, NE 68501-1889 1,502.40 ACCOUNT NO. o c Trade Debt Anthem Blue Cross & Blue Shield P.O. Box 591 Lewiston, ME 04243-0591 1,367.50 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Anthem Life Insurance Department L-8111 P.O. Box 182361 Columbus, OH 43268-8111 339.38 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt AT&T P.O. Box 105068 Atlanta, GA 30348-5068 44.67 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Audette's Hardware, Inc. 22 Peck Farm Road Winthrop, ME 04364 644.47 1 Sheet no. _ _ of ~ continuation sheets attached to Schednle of Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Total of this page) Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules, and if applicable, on the Statistical S umnlary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) $ 55,736.88 $ '-------' B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont. IN RE Ferraiolo -=- CODstructior:t~" __ Case No. 13-10161_.--=_ __ Debtor(s) (lfknownl SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS (Continnation Sheet) e 0 "C < 0 Z DATE CLAIMW AS INCURRED AND CONSIDERATIOJ\ FOR CLAIM, IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TO SETOFF, SO STATE CREDITOR'S NAME, MAILING ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE, A.,"ID ACCOUNT NUMBER (See lnsfnKlionl' Above.) ~ ~ "5 c z c 0 u Z AMOUNT OF CLA.h\1 ~ ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Augusta Fuel P.O. Box 226 Augusta, ME 04330 77.00 ACCOUNT NO Trade Debt Augusta Tool Rental 103 Leighton Road Augusta, ME 04330 ~ 2: 40.00 ~ ~ .§ w ~ "" N ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Bangor Truck & Trailer 2245 Odlin Road Bangor, ME 04401 ~ ~ ro 553.28 m 00 0 ~ ACCOUNT NO. 0 Bangor Volvo 2245 Odlin Road Bangor, ME 04401 s c g w:: N Trade Debt " 178.49 '5 ~ ~ w ~ @ ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Barnes Group, Inc. Dept. CH 14079 Palatine, IL 60055-4079 1,668.72 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Barry Crowell Plumbing & Heating P.O. Box 454 Winthrop, ME 04364-0545 210.00 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Bonarrigo Construction 54 Camp Road Morrill, ME 04952 450.00 Sheet no ~. _ _2 of.~ continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Total of this page) 1"$_-,3.'-,1:.:7.:.7.:..4.:.9'1 Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules, and if applicable, on the Statistical Smnmary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) L$'-_ _ _ _~ B6F (Otliciai Form 6F) (12/07) - Couto IN RE Ferr.iolo Construction, In~,~ _ _ _c-c_ ~~~---~--- Case No. 13-1 OC!1",64,,--=~-::-~ (If known) Debtor(s) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sheet) CREDITOR'S NAME, MAILWG ADDRESS INCLUDrNG Z11' CODE. AND ACCOUNT NUMBER. DATE CLAIM WAS INCURRED AND CONSIDERATIOl\ FOR CLAIM IF CLAIM.1S SUBJECT TO SETOFF. SO STATE (See lnsrructions A hove.) ACCOUNT NO AMOUNT OF CLAIM Trade Debt Brown's Welding & Steel 561 Skowhegan Road Norridgewock, ME 04957 1,643.72 ACCOUNT NO Trade Debt Burt's Security Center 49 Water Street Hallowell, ME 04347 ~ ~ w " ~ 8! ~ o c r 50.30 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt C.W. Repair, Inc. 5 Amity Lane Pittston, ME 04345 240.00 ACCOUNT NO, Trade Debt Cardmember Service P.O. Box 790408 St. Louis, MO 63197-0408 o ~ g; 0.00 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Carquest Auto Parts 424 Western Avenue Augusta, ME 04330 107.65 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt CB Kenworth, Inc. 42 Wallace Avenue South Portland, ME 04106 1,673.40 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Central Maine Power P.O. Box 1084 Augusta, ME 04332-1084 2,885.02 Sheet no. _ _~ of ~ continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Total of this page) f'$,-----=6""6::.;0::.;0::.,,,09=1 Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules, and if applicable, on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data) $ '--~_----.J B6F (Official Form 6(1) (12/07) - Cout. IN RE f_~!!~lOlo Construction, Inc. Case No. 9-10c:1.,,S:04___cc--_ Debtor(s) (If known) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRlORlTY CLAIMS (Continuation Sheet) 5>"-0 CREDITOR'S NA.\:IE, MAILING ADDRESS mCLUDING ZIP CODE, .-\NO ACCOUl\7 NUMBER (See illsrr1lcriom; Above) ~ z ~"5 ~~ .< DATE CLAM WAS INCURRED _-\NO CONSIDERATION FOR CLAIM IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TO SETOFF, SO STATE <. @8 ~o 0 " 0 "8 r Z 0 ~ ;;: AMOUNT Of CLAIM 0 5 2 ~ " ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Chadwick Baross 160 Warren Avenue Westbrook, ME 04092 10,455.60 ACCOID,'T NO. Trade Debt Choate Electric 927 Northern Avenue Farmingdale, ME 04344 380.24 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Clark Auto Parts P.O. Box 693 Damariscotta, ME 04543 48.72 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Clearview Auto Glass 446 Brunswick Avenue Gardiner, ME 04345 474.50 ACCOID,'T NO Trade Debt Coastal Cement Corporation 34 Atlantic Place South Portland, ME 0410S 12,565.74 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Coastal Fuel 140 Park Street Rockland, ME 04841 2,048.63 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Complete Hydraulics 591 Ridge Road Plymouth, ME 04969 198.35 __4: of _~ continuation shects attached to Sheet no Schedule of Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (1otal of this page) $ Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules, and if applicable, on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabiiities and Related Data.) $ 26,171.78 B6F (OtIicial Form 6F) (12/07) ~ Coot. IN RE Ferraiolo Const~~ction, Inc. Case No. 13-10164 Debtor(s) (Ifknowu) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sbeet) CREDITOR'S NAME :MATLING ADDRESS JNCLUDTNG ZIP CODL AND ACCOUl\'T NUMBBIl (See In.wntcriom Above.) ACCOUNT NO. DATE CLAIM WAS INCURRED A."ND CONSIDERATJONFOR CLAIM. IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TO SETOFF, SO STATE AMOUNT Of CLAlM Trade Debt Computer Casualties 347 Pleasant Street Rockland, ME 04841 64.72 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Construction Equipment P.O. Box 540306 Dallas, TX 75354 . 2,035.56 ro ~ ACCOUNTNO Trade Debt ~ '":l og Corson's Auto Supply 212 Park Street Rockland, ME 04841 ~ 88.16 "? ACCOUNT NO. o c Crandall, Hanscom & Collins, PA 10 School Street P.O. Box 664 Rockland, ME 04841-0664 Trade Debt 374.00 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Crystal Spring Water Company P.O. Box 1450 Auburn, ME 04211-1450 117.08 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Dennis Burke P.O. Box 3639 Boston, MA 02241 8,146.20 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Dennison Lubricants 102 Charles A. Eldrige Drive Lakeville, MA 02347 3,652.32 Sheet no _ _ ~ of 20 continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors -Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Tot,,] o[this page) Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules, and if applicable, on the Statistical Summary ofCenain Liabilities and Related Data.) $ $ 14,478.04 "------" B6F (Official Form 6F) (12107) - Coot. IN RE feI'aioio COi1J'truction, iI1so_·__._.. ~_..,.._ _ __ Case No. 13-1.g,,!.1;,::64,--=_ _ Dcbtor(s) (IfknO\vn) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS (Continnation Sheet) CREDITOR'S NAME, M'VLlNG ADDRESS INCLUDmG ZIP CODE, AND ACCOlJ'NT N1JI\.1BER (See instnJctlOns Above.) ACCOUNT NO. DATE CLAJM WAS mCURRED AND CONSIDERATION FOR CLAIM IF CLAW IS SUBJECT TO SETOFF. SO STATE Trade Debt Department Of Human Services IVD Cashier P.O. Box 1098 Augusta, ME 04330 416.48 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Dept Of Environmental Protection 155 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 800.00 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt § Dirigo Health .i' " ~ P.O. Box 11020 Lewiston, ME 04243 ~ ~ ~ ~ 6,118.45 ACCOUNT NO. Dirigo Waste Oil t 92 College Avenue ii: Waterville, ME 04901 ~ Trade Debt g 716.20 M g; @ ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Dragon Products 34 Atlantic Place South Portland, ME 04106 243,495.35 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Drummond Woodsum 84 Marginal Way, Suite 600 Portland, ME 04101 1,125.73 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt E.J. Prescott, Inc. P. O. Box 350002 Boston, MA 02241-0502 1,537.20 Sheet no. _ _ _ 6 of ~ continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors I-Jolding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Total of this page) $ 254,209.41 Total (Use only on last page ofthe completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules_ and if applicable, on the Statistical Summluy of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) ,,1_ _ _ _----' B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont. IN RE I"e..rraiolo Construction, Inc, Case No. 13-10164 ---cc-c-" (If known) Debtor(s) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sbeet) CREDITOR'S NA1iE. JviAILING ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE, AND ACCOUNT NUMBER (See insrTllctlOns Above) ACCO\JN, NO. DATE CLAIM WAS INCURRED AND CONSIDERATION FOR CLAIM IF CLAINf IS SUBJECT TO SETOFF, SO STATE AMOUNT OF CLAW Trade Debt E.L. Spear, Inc. 10 Payne Avenue Rockland, ME 04841 4,945.95 ACCOUNT NO Trade Debt Eastern Fire Services, Inc, € 170 Kittyhawk Avenue P.O. Box 1582 Auburn, ME 04211-1582 o 3,829.77 e ~ g ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt E F.W. Webb Co. ~ "~ 160 Middlesex Turnpike Bedford, MA 01730 ~ 862.63 q 8 ~ ACCOUNT NO. ~ Fabian Oil p,O, Box 99 Oakland, ME 04963 0) § ~ Trade Debt N W 16,163.19 ~ M ~ @ ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Fairpoint Communications P.O. Box 11021 Lewiston, ME 04243-9472 119.03 ACCOlTh'T NO Trade Debt Fastenal Company Co., Inc. 2001 Theurer Blvd. P.O. Box 978 Winona, MN 55987 350.79 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Fleetmatics USA P.O. Box 347472 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-4472 1,302.00 Sheet no. 7 of 20 continuation sheets attached to Schedule ofCredilors H-;ldi~ Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Total of this page) $ 27,573.36 Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summar}, of Schedules, and if applicable, on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Datd.) c$'--_ _ _ _~ B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Coot. IN RE .Ferrl!iolo Constru.~tion, Inc._,,~-::c-:-_________.__ ,__________ ., Case No. 13,.10164_ _ , _ _._ _,__ Dcbtor(s) ({fknown) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRWRITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sheet) ~ Z DATE CLAIM WAS mCURRED AND CONSIDERATION FOR CLAIM IF CLAIM 1:'> SUBJECT TO SETOFF. SO STATE CREDrrOR'S NAME, MAILING ADDRESS INCLlJDmG ZIP CODE, AND ACCOUNT NUMBER (See instructions Above.) ~ C Q w ~ < 0 AMOUNT 0 CLAW e~ 5 0 OF c u Z 0 ACCo.UNTNo.. Trade Debt Free Press 8 North Main Street, Suite 101 Rockland, ME 04841 28.00 ACCo.UNTNo.. Trade Debt Fuller's Olds, Cadillac & GMC 179 Camden Street P.O. Box 567 Rockland, ME 04841 193.00 ACCo.UNT NO.. ~ Trade Debt Gardiner Feed 19 Maine Avenue Gardiner, ME 04345 ~ ro 24.15 e: ~ =. ~ ci ~ " N W " Z ~ @ ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Gartley & Dorsky P.O. Box 1031 Camden, ME 04843 2,690.00 ACCOUNTNO Trade Debt George C. Hall & Sons, Inc. P.O. Box 506 Rockland, ME 04841 120.00 ACCo.UNTNO Trade Debt GH Berlin Windward 42 Rumsey Road East Hartford, CT 06108 14,453.49 ACCo.UNTNO. Trade Debt Glacial Energy P.O. Box 1057 Sandwich, MA 02563 7,336.51 Sheet no 8 of 20 continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Totaloftlllspag') $ 24,845.15 Total (Use only aD last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the SummaIY of Schedules, and if appiicable, 011 the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabiiities and Related Data.) L:$_ _ _ _ _~ B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont. IN RE Fer~~iolo Const~Hction, Inc._"____--,__ Dehtor(s) Case No ..1."3-",1:<0",16,,,4'--,=_-,-_ ({fknown) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRlORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sheet) r' CREDITOR'S NAME, MAILING ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE, AND ACCOUNT NUM:BER (See In.WrllCllOllf Above) z ~[: EO ~ 0 w DATE CLAIM WAS INCURRED A.,,\'D CONSIDERATION FOR CLAW. IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TO SETOFF, SO STATE §:~ .< ~8 <" ~ a " ~O 0 (§ 5 A.MOlTt,<) OF ~ CLAIM is 0 z ACCOUNT NO. ",e Trade Debt Glenrock Spring Ltd. 295 Route 202 Greene, ME 04236 75.60 ACCOUNT NO Trade Debt Gosline's Hardware, Inc. 563 Maine Avenue Farmingdale, ME 04344 1,722.03 ACCOlJNTNO Trade Debt GOUld Equipment 163 Hildreth Street North Bangor, ME 04401 123.93 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Harcros Chemical 50 Larrabee Road Westbrook, ME 04902 11,693.31 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Hareros Chemicals, Inc. BR 0030 P.O. Box 74583 Chicago, IL 60696 14,051.27 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Hichar & Luca, Inc. 222 South Main Street Providence, RI 02903 22,000.00 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Hillyard - Manchester P.O. Box 876088 Kansas City, MO 64187-6088 329.61 Sheet no_ 9 of 20 continuation sbeets attached to Schedule of Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Total of this page) $ Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules, and if applicable, on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liahilities and Related Data.) $ 49,995.75 B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Coot. Debtor(s) (Ifkno"'n) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sheet) CREDITOR'S NAME ..MA.UJNG ADDRESS mCLUDrNG ZIP CODE, AND ACCOUN"T NUlvlBER (See ]m'lrue/lOns Above.) ACCOUNT NO. DATE CLlillvlWAS INCURRED AND CONSIDERATION FOR CLAIlvI, IF CLAIlvIIS SUBJECT TO SETOFF, SO STATE AMOUNT OF CLAJM Trade Debt Irving Oil Marketing Credit Card P.O, Box 11012 Lewiston, ME 04243 1,413.46 ACCOUNT NO Trade Debt Jones Assoc 1230 6th Avenue, 7th Floor New York, NY 10020 945,01 ID i ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt ~ ;;; Jordan Equipment Co" Inc, 18 Blackstrap Road Falmouth, ME 04105 ~ ill6 ~ 1,427,08 ACCOUNTNO Trade Debt K,l, Jack & Co" Inc, 145 Warren Avenue Portland, ME 04103 1,171,29 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Kalloch Fuel P,O, Box 216 Rockland, ME 04841 46,191,99 ACCOll},'T NO Trade Debt Kaman Technologies P ,0, Box 74566 Chicago, IL 60696 553,34 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Knox Brothers Auto Parts 50 Park Street Rockland, ME 04841 1,873.45 Sheet no 10 of 20 continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors H;rding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Total of this page) Total CO se only on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules, and ifapplicabJe, on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) $ 53,575.62 $ '-------' B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont. IN RE Fer,,,,)glo COn!3Jruction, In£_ __ Case No, 13-10~E.4 _ _ _ __ (If known) Debtor(s) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS (Continnation Sheet) DATE CLAIM WAS INCURRED .I(N[J CONSIDERATION FOR CLAL\1. IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TO SETOFF, SO STATE CREDITOR'S NAME. MAILING ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE. AND ACCOUNT NUMBER (See illslrocrionsAbove.j ~ E· D B ~ ~ "" ~ 0 Z 0 u ACCOUNT NO. 0 I.!) AMOUNT Of "0~ CLAIM " Trade Debt LaPointe Lumber Co., Inc. 2385 North Belfast Avenue Augusta, ME 04330 1,544.58 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Lawson Products P.O. Box 809401 Chicago, IL 60680-9401 67.32 ACCOlJNT NO. E ~ ~ Trade Debt Lucas Striping 233 Plains Road Readfield, ME 04355 ,~I ~.Y ACCOlJNTNO Trade Debt Maine Chamber Group T C/O Bangor Savings Bank P,O, Box 930 Bangor, ME 04402-9977 ~ ~ 40,901.00 ACCOUNTNO Trade Debt Maine Chamber WC C/O Willis Of Northern New England 60 Pineland Drive, Bldg. 2 New Gloucester, ME 04260 8,609.00 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Maine Commercial Tire P.O. Box 941 Bangor, ME 04401 16,377.20 Accomrr NO. Trade Debt Maine Concrete Technicians Certification Board 555 Eastern Avenue Augusta, ME 04330 245.00 Sheet no. 11 of 20 continuation sheets attached to Schedule ;l Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Totalofthis pag'l Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules. and if applicable, on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) $ 68,186.76 ~$,-_ _ _ _.J B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont. Case No . .1 3-1 0164 IN RE ferraioi~~~nstruc!L~.!}L'"In"c,",~_ Debtor(::;) (1fl...'1lo\vn) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRlORlTY CLAIMS (Continnation Sbeet) CREDITOR'S NAME, MAlLlNG ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE, A."ND ACCOUh. NUMBER (See Insmtcrums Above.j ACCOUNT NO. DATE CLAIM WAS INCURRED AND CONSIDERATION FOR CLAJM. IF CLATh1lS SUBJECT TO SETOFF, SO STATE AMOUNT OF CLAlM Trade Debt Maine Oxy, Inc. 22 Allbiston Way Auburn, ME 04210 3,097.19 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Maine Water Company P.O. Box 310 West Rockport, ME 04865-0310 6" " ~ w 1,069.69 ACcOUNTNO Trade Debt Maritime Energy P.O. Box 485 Rockland, ME 04841 3,015.30 6 ~ ACCOUNT NO. o c Matheson Tri Gas, Inc. Trade Debt P.O. Box 347297 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-4297 ~ ~ 38.81 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt McGraw-Hill Companies 7625 Collection Center Chicago, IL 60693-0076 958.65 ACCOUNT NO Trade Debt McNeilus Truck & Manufacturing Co. 14201 Collections Center Drive Chicago, IL 60693 1,339.80 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Medical Publishing P.O. Box 289 Riesel, TX 76682 990.00 Sheet no 12 of 20 continuation sheets attached to Schedule ofCrcditors Hold~ Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Total of this page) $ 10,509.44 Total (Use only on last page of the compleled Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules, and if applicable, on the Statistical S urmnary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) c:$_ _ _ _ _~ B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont. IN RE Case No ..1;l~10164 Ferr~iolo Constr~uction, Inc,",_ _ __ Debtor(s) (If known) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sheet) e' z Q CREDITOR'S NAME, MAILING ADDRESS INCLL'DlN"G ZIP CODE, AND ACC(JUNT NUMBER (See fnwrucrions Above) "J DATE CLAIM WAS INCURRED AND CONSIDERATION FOR CLAIM IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TO SETOFF, SO STATE ~ § < 0 0 ~ w r 0 ~ 0 9 0~ r 0ry ~ 0 J 3 w "" u :3 AMOUNT OF CLAW Z 0 " ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Morrison & Sylvester 1175 Minot Avenue Auburn, ME 04210 350.75 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Motion Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 415749 Boston, MA 02241·5749 41.48 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Motor Supply Auto Parts 171 State Street Augusta, ME 04330 214.26 ACCOUNT NO. u c Trade Debt Napa Auto Parts, Inc. 75 Routh 133 Winthrop, ME 04364 1,163.76 ACCOUNT NO Trade Debt NAPA Farmingdale 551 Main Avenue Farmingdale, ME 04344 9,717.89 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt New England Battery Distributors, Inc. 1019 Riverside Drive Vassalboro, ME 04989 2,669.10 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt North Country Products P.O. Box 1327 Bangor, ME 04402 79.00 13 of _~~ 20 continuation sheets attached to Sheet no Schedule of Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Total ofmis page) $ Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules, and if applicable, on the Statistical Summary ofCertam Liabilities and Related Data.) $ 14,236.24 B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont. IN RE Ferraiolo gonstrl'~ctionc~~ _ _ _ ~ ___ ~ ______.____ ~ _____ Case No. H~10164 _ _ _ _ _ _ _.__ (If known) Debtor(s) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sbeet) DATE CLAIM WAS INCURRED AND CREDITOR'S NAME, MAILING ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE, Al\ID ACCOUNT NUMBER (See Ins/ructions Above.) ACCOUNT NO. AMOUNT OF CLAW CONSIDERATTON FOR CLAJlvL IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TO SETOFf, SO STATE Trade Debt O'Connor 187 Riverside Drive Augusta, ME 04333 20,625.41 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Palmer Spring Co., Inc. 355 Forest Avenue P.O. Box 8009 Portland, ME 04101 92.91 ACCOUNT NO Eo ~ ;(" Trade Debt Pine Tree Waste P.O. Box 1372 Williston, VT 05495~1372 ~ ~ o ~ ::. 901.51 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt PowerPlan 21310 Network Place Chicago, IL 60673 3,690.28 ACCOUNT NO. Pro~Rental Trade Debt Of Rockport 440 West Street Rockport, ME 04856 610.31 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Quill P.O. Box 37600 Philadelphia, PA 19101-0600 257.47 ACCOUNT NO Trade Debt Redlon & Johnson 65 Tillson Avenue Rockland, ME 04841 52.49 Sheet no. _~ of.~ continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Total of this page) Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules, and if applicable, on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) $ 26,230.38 c:$c.'_ _ _ _--l B6F (Otlicial Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont. IN RE f_~rraiolo Constr~ctiq~J!!c.~ _______ Debtor(s) Case No ..1.~::.1Q~i>.L....._ ........._ .._. (Ifknovm) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sheet) c' " ~ CREDITOR'S NAME, .MAll..ING ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE, lL"ND ACCOUJ\."T NUMBER (See fils/me/ions AboFe.) 0 ~ "' "~ DATECLAlMWAS INCURRED AND CONSIDERATION FOR CLAIM IF CLAlM IS SUBJECT TO SETOFF. SO STATE @" < ~ ~ ACCOUNT NO. "a AMOUNT OF CLAIM 5- "5 Trade Debt Rober! Tondreau 113 Mt. Vernon Road Augusta, ME 04330 3,051.50 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Rockeoast Plumbing & Heating P.O. Box 178 Thomaston, ME 04861-0178 1,490.78 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt S.M. Jones Electric 200 Fintown Road Warren, ME 04864 450.00 ACCOUNT NO. o c "N Trade Debt S.M. Radiator P.O. Box 1213 Gardiner, ME 04345 w 225.00 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt S.W. Cole Engineering, Inc. 37 Liberty Drive Bangor, ME 04401 897.59 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Safety-Kleen Corp. P.O. Box 650509 Dallas, TX 75265 269.22 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt X SEM Materials, LP CIO Richards, Layton & Finger, P.A. P.O. Box 551 Wilmington, DE 19899 260,945.00 Sheet no. 15 of 20 continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors Hold;g Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Total of this page) $ Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules, and if applicable, On the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) $ 267,329.09 B6F (Ot1icial Form 6F) (12/07) - Cout. IN RE Ferraiolo C~'l~t!uction,:I"nc,,-,~_ _-=-._"____ ~ __________"____ ~_~_ Case No" :1"'3-"'1""0""16"'4'---.-_ _ _ __ Debtor(s) (If known) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS (Continnation Sheet) ~ Z CREDITOR'S NAME, MAILING ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE. AND ACCOUNT NUMBER (See insn7lctions Above) ACCOUNT NO" DATECLAJNfWAS INCURRED AND CONSIDERATlON FOR CLAIM IF CLAIM IS SUBJECT TO SETOFF, SO STATE § w ~ 0 Al\.:10UNT 0 OF "is " c 5 g CO 2 0 CLAIIVI Trade Debt Soules Auto Supply, Inc, 49 River Road Augusta, ME 04330 28,55 ACCOUNT NO Trade Debt Southworth-Milton, Inc, 16 Pleasant Hill Road Scarborough, ME 04074 "" "i 16,995,45 e ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt 00 ~ Southworth-Milton, Inc, p,o, Box 3851 Boston, MA 02241-3851 ~ q ~ E: g ~ 17,005,19 ACCOUNT NO, Trade Debt Spurling Law Office Two Church Street Gardiner, ME 04345 N W 1,862,39 ACCOUNT NO Trade Debt Standard Distributors p,o, Box 245 Gardiner, ME 04345 756.43 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Steven A. McGee Construction 537 High Street West Gardiner, ME 04345 74,545,59 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Stiman Steel 760 West River Road Augusta, ME 04330 3,278,18 Sheet no. 16 of 20 continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors ··HoJding UnsecUIed Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Total of this page) $ 114,471,78 Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules, and if applicable, on the Statistical Summary' of Certain Liabilities and Related Data) ,,$'-_ _ _ _-" B6F (Official f<OJ'm 6F) (12/07) - Coot, IN RE ,Ferraioio Construction, Inc, Case No. -'.1"'3-:.!.1"'01",6"'4'-_ _ _ __ Debtor(s) ({fknown) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRlORlTY CLAIMS (Continnation Sbeet) ~ 0>CREDITOR'S W\lVlE, M'liLING ADDRESS mCLUDTNG ZIP CODE, AND ACCOUNT NUMBER (See Jnstnlcrion'i Above.) 0 W ~~ DATE CLAIM: WAS INCURRED AND CONSIDERA.TION FOR CLAIM:. IF CUuM IS SUBJECT TO SETOFF, SO STATE ~8 zu <" ~ AMOUNT § OF a 3 CLAW 7- ~o 0 0 " ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Technical Sales & Service 170 Daggett Hill Road Green, ME 04236 874.00 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Thayer Corporation 1400 Hotel Road Auburn, ME 04210 1.030.26 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Thompson P.O. Box 1911 Lewiston, ME 04241 209.34 ACCOUNT NO. o E Trade Debt Thomson Reuters 36337 Treasury Center Chicago, IL 60694-6300 21.00 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Tidewater Telecom, Inc. 133 Back Meadow Road Nobleboro, ME 04555-9254 182.69 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Time Warner Cable P.O. Box 70872 Charlotte, NC 28272 300.27 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Town Fair Tire 33 Stephen King Drive Augusta. ME 04330 492.34 ---.:!.z Sheet no. of _ _~ continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Total of this page) $ Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules, and if applicable, all the Statistical S mmnary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) $ 3,109.90 B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont. Case No. 13-10164 (If known) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sheet) CREDITOR'S NA.c\.1E. M01.ING ADDRESS INCLUDING ZIP CODE, AND ACCOUNT NUMBER (See insrmctions Above.) ACCOUNT NO. DATE CLAIM WAS INCURRED A.."ND CONSIDERATION FOR CLAW. IF CLATh1IS AMOUl\TT OF SUBJECT TO SETOn, SO STATE CLAIM Trade Debt Traction Genuine Parts Co. P.O. Box 2047 Norcross, GA 30091 6,265.03 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt I ransco Business Technologies 10 Capitol Street Nashua, NH 03063 284.15 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Travelers insurance CL Remittance Center P.O. Box 660317 Dallas, TX 75266 32,098.10 ACCOUNT NO. g g> " N w Trade Debt Treasurer, State Of Maine Maine Revenue Services 24 State House Station Augusta, ME 04332-1061 ~ 7,231.90 ACCOUNT NO Trade Debt Tukey Brothers 460 Smithfield Road Belgrade, ME 04917 52.42 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt U.S. Cellular P.O. Box 371345 Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7345 795.65 ACCOllNT NO. Trade Debt U.S. Life P.O. Box 62104 Baltimore, MD 21264 113.20 Sheet no. __ JJ~ of ~ continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Total of this page) Total (Use only on las1 page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules, and if applicable, on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data_) $ 46,840,45 ~$,--_ _ _ _~ B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) ~ Coot. Case No.11:J_o.1§~ ______. IN RE Ferraiolo Con?t~':I_~Jl~I1.. ln.,c~.~~~~c--:-~~_ (Iflmuwn) Debtor(s) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRIORITY CLAIMS (Continuation Sheet) CREDITOR'S NAME ..MAll.JNG ADDRESS mCLUDlNG ZIT CODE, AND ACCOUNT NUMBER (See Insn'ucnons Above.) ACCOUNT NO. DATE CLATh1WAS INCURRED M'D CONSIDERATION FOR CLAIM. If CLAIM IS SUBJECT TO SETOFF. SO STATE AMOUNT OF CLAIM Trade Debt Uline Accounts Receivable 2200 S. Lakeside Drive Waukegan. IL 60085 69.36 ACCOUNT NO Trade Debt UPS P.O. Box 7247-0244 Philadelphia, PA 19170-0001 25'" " ~ 132.00 ACCOUNT NO, Trade Debt 00 ~ Valley National Gases P.O. Box 347297 Pittsburgh, PA 15251-4297 ~ 886.53 ~ g or ~ ~ ~ ~ ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Verizon Wireless P.O. Box 15062 Albany, NY 12212-5062 69.00 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt W.H. Green 35 Hicks Road Augusta, ME 04330 1,500.00 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt W.R. Grace & Co. P.O. Box 96160 Chicago, IL 60693 16,502.21 ACCOUNT NO Trade Debt Webber Energy Fuels P.O. Box 216 Rockland, ME 04841 1,043.00 Sheet no. ~_~_j1 of.--1.Q continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors Holding lJnsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Total of this page) $ 20,202.10 Total (Usc only on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules, and if applicable, on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) ~$,---~~_~.J B6F (Official Form 6F) (12/07) - Cont. IN RE .E~rraiolo Case No. ~13,,---'.1",01"'6"'4,--:c:::--_-:-_ Construc:JlqnL'"In"c"._ _ _-:c--cDebtor(s) (lfknown) SCHEDULE F - CREDITORS HOLDING UNSECURED NONPRJORJTY CLAIMS (Continnation Sheet) CREDITOR'S J\Alv1E, MARJNG ADDRESS mCLUDING ZIP CODE. AND ACCOUl\TT NUlvlBE~ (See /nslrllclions Above.) """.2 "e • "u " g 0 DATE CLAIM WAS mCURRED AND CONSIDERATION FOR CLAIM. IF CLAJJvl IS SUBJECT TO SETOFF. SO STATE 0 0 0 < ~ 0 e E z < C " AMOUNT 0 "8 ~z OF CLATh1 c Z 0 2 ACCOUNT NO. Trade Debt Yankee C.T., Inc. 56 Albion Road Benton, ME 04901 1,397.65 ACCOUNT NO ACCOUNT NO ACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT NO. Sheet no. _~of _~l.Q continuation sheets attached to Schedule of Creditors Holding Unsecured Nonpriority Claims Subtotal (Total of this page) Total (Use only on last page of the completed Schedule F. Report also on the Summary of Schedules, and if applicable, on the Statistical Summary of Certain Liabilities and Related Data.) $ 1,397.65 $ 1,098,608.29 B6G (OlIicia! Form 6G) (12/07) IN RE f~!raiolo Construction, Inc. Case No. -'.1"'3-:-'.1"'0-"16"'4'-...=_ _ _ __ (If known) SCHEDULE G - EXECUTORY CONTRACTS AND UNEXPIRED LEASES Describe all executory contracts of any nature and all unexpired leases of real or personal property_ lndude any timeshare interests. State nature of debtor's interest in contract, i.e .. "'Purchaser," "Agent," etc. State whether debtor is the lessor or lessee of a lease. Provide the names and complete mailing addresses of all other parties to each lease or contract described. If a minor child is a party to one of the leases or contracts, state the child's initials and the name and address of the child's parent or guardian, such as "A.B., a minor child, by John Doe, guardian." Do not disclose the child's name, See, 11 V.S.C §112 and Fed. R. Bankr. P. l007(m) D Check this box if debtor has no executory contracts or unexpired leases. NAME A,'-fD M4ILING ADDRESS, INCLUDING ZIP CODE OF OTIIER PARTIES TO LEASE OR CONJRil.CT ~ c o • ! DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT OR LEASE AND NATURE OF DEBTOR'S INTEREST STATE V,'BEHlER LEASE IS FOR NONRESIDENTl-\L REAL PROPERTY STATE CONTRACT NUMBER OF ANY GOVERhlvfENT CONfRACT H.P. Cummings Construction Company Biomass Plant at Penobscot Bay Medical Center U.S. Cellular P.O. Box 371345 Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7345 Cell Phones 3 Accounts: # 45328 5137 - Ferraiolo Construction Corp. # 45327 4305 - Ferrariolo Construction Corp. # 453274418 - Ferrariolo Construction, Inc. A-Copi P.O. Box 2240 Augusta, ME 04330 Copiers PM Construction 19 Industrial Park Road P.O. Box 728 Saco, ME 04072 Demolition and disposal of Chinese restaurant at Hannaford Camden location land phones/internet 5 Time Warner Cable Business Class P.O. Box 77169 Charlotte, NC 28271-7169 Lease of Real Property o c Vincent & Fiiomena Ferraiolo 145 Cobb Road Camden, ME 04843 Apex Construction 8 Amarosa Drive Rochester, NH 03868 New Ammonia Building for the Anson & Madison Water District Transco Business Technologies 34 Leighton Road Augusta, ME 04330 Printers H.P. Cummings Construction Co. Shore stabilization - 51 Waldo Avenue o ill E " 0' ;; i: ~ #202-719130601-001 #202-718557601-001 #202-708874901-001 #202-708616701-001 #202-719034601-001 - Ferraiolo - Ferraiolo - Ferraiolo - Ferraiolo - Ferraiolo Construction, Inc. Construction Corp. Construction Corp. Construction, Inc. Construction, Inc. 19 Greenwood Park P.O. Box 297 Winthrop, ME 04364 WP Realty, Inc. 940 Haverford Road, Suite 200 Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 Snow Plowing Contract for 111 Western Avenue, Augusta Fairpoint Communications P.O. Box 11021 Lewiston, ME 04243-9472 Telephone - Topsham #144-889-8000-4 B6H (Official Form 61:[) (12/07) IN RE fe~T~.L0lo Construction, inc. Case No . .,.13"--..!1"-01"'6"'4'--::=-_ _ _ __ (If known) Debtor(s) SCHEDULE H - CODEBTORS Provide the infonnation requested concerning any person or entity, other than a spOlL'>e in ajoint case, that is also liable on any debts listed by the debtor in the schedules of creditors. Include all guarantors and co-signers_ 1£ the debtor resides or resided in a community property state, commonwealtlL or territor)' (including Alask~ Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, Texas, Washington, or Wisconsin) within the eight-year period immediately preceding the commencement ofille case, identify the name of the debtor's spouse and of any fonner spouse who resides or resided with the debtor in the community property state, commonwealth, or territory_ lnclude all names used by the nondebtor spouse during thc eight years immediately preceding the commencement of this case. If a minor child is a codebtor or a creditor, state the child's initials and the name and address oftbe child's parent or guardian, such as "AB., a minor child, by John Doe, guardian," Do n01 disclose the child's name. See, 11 U_S.C §112 and Fed. R. Bankr. p, 1007(m). o Check this box if debtor has no codebtors. KAME A."ID ADDRESS OF CODEBTOR Filomena Ferraiolo 145 Cobb Road Camden, ME 04843 NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDfTOR The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 © Frank Ferraiolo 711 St. George Road South Thomaston, ME 04858 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 John Ferraiolo 14 North Shore Drive The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. B6B (Official Form 6H) (12/07) - Cont. IN RE ~E?!£'~J.oi2."~<?_I}~~EI;I2tion, I!,c. Case No. 13-10164 (lfknown) Debtor(s) SCHEDULE H - CODEBTORS (Continnation Sheet) NAME J~TI Owls Head, ME 04854 ADDRESS OF CODEllTOR NAME AND ADDRESS 01' CREDITOR One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 I I I The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 Tammra Ferraiolo 14 North Shore Drive Owls Head, ME 04854 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 o c The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 VFFT -02-FF Trust Tom Hichar, Trustee 28 Gordon Drive Rockland, ME 04841-2139 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. B6H (Official liorm 6H) (12/07) - Coot. Case No. -,1=.3---,1-,,0~16,,-4,---=_-c-_ __ (ltknown) Debtor(s) SCHEDULE H - CODEBTORS (Continuation Sheet) NAME AND ADDRES~ OF CODEBTOR NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 VFFT -02-JF Trust Tom Hichar~ Trustee 28 Gordon Drive Rockland, ME 04841-2139 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 Vincent Ferraiolo 145 Cobb Road Camden, ME 04843 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. B6H (Official Form 6H) (12/07) - Cout. IN RE Ferraioio Construction, Inc. Case No.11:J.Q164 (If known) Debtor(s) SCHEDULE H - CODEBTORS (Continuation Sheet) NA.ME AND ADDRESS OF CODEBTOR NAlVlE AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 I o c B6 Declaration (Official Form 6 - Deciaration) (12/07) .~~.,...-,-:----- Debtor(s) -.-.-.--.. ~---- Case No. j 3-1 O",1'..'6~4,---:=_--:-_ __ (lfkomvn) DECLARATION CONCERNING DEBTOR'S SCHEDULES DECLARA nON UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY BY INDIVIDUAL DEBTOR I declare under penalty of perjury thai I have read the foregoing swnmary and schedules, consisting of ____ sheets, and that they are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infonnation, and belief. Signature: ~ ____________.______._____.._______._.._. ____._ Dehtor Signature:_ .. ___ .__._____________________ . _. __. ____._.. --.--.----'I~;~clN;iG,~ Date: [If joint case, both spouses must sign.] DECLARATION AND SIGNATURE OF NON-ATTORNEY BANKRUPTCY PETITION PREP ARER (Sec 11 U.S.C § 110) I declare under penalty of perjury that: (1) I am a bankruptcy pctition preparer as defined in 11 U.S.c. § 110; (2) I prepared this document for compensation and have provided the debtor with a copy of this document and the notices and information required under 11 U .S.c. §§ 11 O(b), 11 O(h), and 342 (b); and, (3) if rules or guidelines have been promulgated pursuant to 11 U.S.c. § 110(h) setting a maximum fee for services chargeabJe by bankruptcy petition preparers, r have given the debtor notice of the maximum amount before preparing any document for filing for a debtor or accepting any fee from the debtor, as required by that section. __ j ...,_._-_._. . , - - - - - - - - Printed or Typed Name and Title. if an)" of Bankruptcy Petition Preparer fh If the ~ ~ " ~ .-.--,,-~.-"-".--"~ ~ Address , 8!o Social Security No. (Required by 11 U.S.C § 110.) bankruptcy petition preparer is not an individual, state the name, title ((f anyj, address, and social security number of the officer. principal, responsible person. or partner who signs the document. c c -c--=-c~,.------~-".- g' Signature of Bankruptcy Petition Preparer .. "---.. Date ~ ~ ,... A Names and Social Security numbers of all oiher individuals who prepared or assisted in preparing this document, unless the bankruptcy petition preparer is not an individual: ~ @ {( more than one person prepared this document, attach additional signed sheets conforming to the appropriate Official Form for each person. A banlo"uptcy petition preparer's failure to comply with the provision of title 11 and the Federal Rules of Ban kruptc.V Procedure may result in fines or imprisonment or both 11 USC § 110; 18 [T.SC § 156. DECLARATION UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY ON BEHALF OF CORPORATION ORPARTNERSIDP I, the I!:<~;,t!!~__ ~..~~".~_~".~"~."".~_.~_.________ (the president or other officer or an authorized agent oftbe corporation or a member or an authorized agent of the partnership) of the f.l?lr.~tQL(U;ol!?J:!1Ictipn! Inc. (corporation or partnership) named as debtor in this case, declare under penalty of perjury that I have read the foregoing summary and schedules, consisting of 44 sheets (total shown on summa}T page plus 1), and that they are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, infonnation, and belief. Date: ~l!Ii!1Q,,62,,01,L,3L._ _ _ _ __ Signature: {§L~qfl!J'"'F'-e""...'-'a'!.io"'_'lo'_ __________________________ ,!phn Ferraiolp____ ~~ __ ~ ___ ~ __ ~ ______ ~_~_~ ____ ~_~.~ _____ _ (Print or type name of individual signing on hehalf of debtor) [An individual signing on behalf of a partnership or corporation must indicate position or relationship to debtor.] Penaltyfor making afaise stmement or cuncealing property: Fine of up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years or both. IS U.S.c. §§ 152 and 3571. B7 (Official Form 7) (12/12) United States Bankruptcy Court District of Maine Case No. 13-10164 IN RE: Ferraiolo Construction, Inc. Chapter 11 Debtor(s) STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL AFFAIRS This statement is to be completed by every debtor. Spouses filing a joint petition may file a single statement on which the information for both spouses is combined. If the case is filed under chapter 12 or chapter 13, a married debtor must furnish information for both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed. An individual debtor engaged in business as a sole proprietor, partner, family farmer, or self-employed professional, should provide the information requested on this statement concerning all such activities as well as the individual's personal affairs. To indicate payments, transfers and the like to minor children, state the child's initials and the name and address of the child's parent or guardian, such as "A.B., a minor child, by John Doe, guardian." Do not disclose the child's name. See, 11 U.S.C. §112 and Fed. R. Bankr. P. 1007(m). Questions 1 - 18 are to be completed by all debtors. Debtors that are or have been in business, as defined below, also must complete Questions 19 25. If the answer to an applicable question is "None," mark the box labeled "None." If additional space is needed for the answer to any question, use and attach a separate sheet properly identified with the case name, case number (if known), and the number of the question. © 1993-2011 EZ-Filing, Inc. [1-800-998-2424] - Forms Software Only DEFINITIONS "In business." A debtor is "in business" for the purpose of this form if the debtor is a corporation or partnership. An individual debtor is "in business" for the purpose of this form if the debtor is or has been, within six years immediately preceding the filing of this bankruptcy case, any of the following: an officer, director, managing executive, or owner of 5 percent or more of the voting or equity securities of a corporation; a partner, other than a limited partner, of a partnership; a sole proprietor or self-employed full-time or part-time. An individual debtor also may be “in business” for the purpose of this form if the debtor engages in a trade, business, or other activity, other than as an employee, to supplement income from the debtor’s primary employment. "Insider." The term "insider" includes but is not limited to: relatives of the debtor; general partners of the debtor and their relatives; corporations of which the debtor is an officer, director, or person in control; officers, directors, and any persons in control of a corporate debtor and their relatives; affiliates of the debtor and insiders of such affiliates; any managing agent of the debtor. 11 U.S.C. § 101(2),(31). 1. Income from employment or operation of business None State the gross amount of income the debtor has received from employment, trade, or profession, or from operation of the debtor's business, including part-time activities either as an employee or in independent trade or business, from the beginning of this calendar year to the date this case was commenced. State also the gross amounts received during the two years immediately preceding this calendar year. (A debtor that maintains, or has maintained, financial records on the basis of a fiscal rather than a calendar year may report fiscal year income. Identify the beginning and ending dates of the debtor's fiscal year.) If a joint petition is filed, state income for each spouse separately. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must state income of both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) AMOUNT SOURCE 12,193,153.21 YE 12/31/11 11,792,813.43 YE 12/31/10 370,759.77 YTD 1/1/13 2. Income other than from employment or operation of business None State the amount of income received by the debtor other than from employment, trade, profession, operation of the debtor’s business during the two years immediately preceding the commencement of this case. Give particulars. If a joint petition is filed, state income for each spouse separately. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must state income for each spouse whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) 3. Payments to creditors Complete a. or b., as appropriate, and c. None a. Individual or joint debtor(s) with primarily consumer debts: List all payments on loans, installment purchases of goods or services, and other debts to any creditor made within 90 days immediately preceding the commencement of this case unless the aggregate value of all property that constitutes or is affected by such transfer is less than $600. Indicate with an asterisk (*) any payments that were made to a creditor on account of a domestic support obligation or as part of an alternative repayment schedule under a plan by an approved nonprofit budgeting and credit counseling agency. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include payments by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) None b. Debtor whose debts are not primarily consumer debts: List each payment or other transfer to any creditor made within 90 days immediately preceding the commencement of the case unless the aggregate value of all property that constitutes or is affected by such transfer is less than $5,850.* If the debtor is an individual, indicate with an asterisk (*) any payments that were made to a creditor on account of a domestic support obligation or as part of an alternative repayment schedule under a plan by an approved nonprofit budgeting and credit counseling agency. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include payments and other transfers by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) * Amount subject to adjustment on 4/01/13, and every three years thereafter with respect to cases commenced on or after the date of adjustment. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR See Attached Check Registers DATE OF PAYMENTS/TRANSFERS AMOUNT PAID OR VALUE OF TRANSFERS 1,712,006.10 AMOUNT STILL OWING 0.00 Note: payroll reflects as $0 because it is an eft None c. All debtors: List all payments made within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case to or for the benefit of creditors who are or were insiders. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include payments by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) NAME AND ADDRESS OF CREDITOR AND RELATIONSHIP TO DEBTOR Property Tax Payments DATE OF PAYMENT AMOUNT PAID 0.00 AMOUNT STILL OWING 0.00 © 1993-2011 EZ-Filing, Inc. [1-800-998-2424] - Forms Software Only for land owned by either Vincent or Filomena Ferraiolo or both that the Debtor or its predecessors use John Ferraiolo 14 North Shore Drive Owls Head, ME 04854 2/22/2013 20,000.00 0.00 4. Suits and administrative proceedings, executions, garnishments and attachments None a. List all suits and administrative proceedings to which the debtor is or was a party within one year immediately preceding the filing of this bankruptcy case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information concerning either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) CAPTION OF SUIT AND CASE NUMBER SEM Materials, LP v. Ferraiolo Corp. Adv. Pro. #11-53394 NATURE OF PROCEEDING Breach of Contract COURT OR AGENCY STATUS OR AND LOCATION DISPOSITION United States Bankruptcy Court Pending for the District of Delaware Quach v. Ferriaolo Construction Whistle Blower #E12-0178 Maine Human Rights Commission Pending Secretary of Labor, MSHA, on behalf of David Quach v. Ferraiolo Construction, Inc. Docket No. YORK 2012-161-DM-NE-MD-12-01 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission 601 New Jersey Avenue, Suite 9500 Washington, DC 20001-2021 Pending Discrimination Proceeding Various Collection Matters -- See Attached List None b. Describe all property that has been attached, garnished or seized under any legal or equitable process within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information concerning property of either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) 5. Repossessions, foreclosures and returns None List all property that has been repossessed by a creditor, sold at a foreclosure sale, transferred through a deed in lieu of foreclosure or returned to the seller, within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information concerning property of either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) 6. Assignments and receiverships None a. Describe any assignment of property for the benefit of creditors made within 120 days immediately preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include any assignment by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and joint petition is not filed.) None b. List all property which has been in the hands of a custodian, receiver, or court-appointed official within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information concerning property of either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) 7. Gifts None List all gifts or charitable contributions made within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case except ordinary and usual gifts to family members aggregating less than $200 in value per individual family member and charitable contributions aggregating less than $100 per recipient. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include gifts or contributions by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) NAME AND ADDRESS OF PERSON OR ORGANIZATION Capital Area Youth Softball RELATIONSHIP TO DEBTOR, IF ANY DATE OF GIFT 5/21/12 DESCRIPTION AND VALUE OF GIFT 500.00 Robert Carter For State Rep P.O. Box 254 Warren, ME 04864 3/23/12 $250.00 American Cancer Society 1 Bowdoin Mill Island, Suite 300 Topsham, ME 04086 5/24/12 $100.00 8. Losses None © 1993-2011 EZ-Filing, Inc. [1-800-998-2424] - Forms Software Only List all losses from fire, theft, other casualty or gambling within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case or since the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include losses by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) 9. Payments related to debt counseling or bankruptcy None List all payments made or property transferred by or on behalf of the debtor to any persons, including attorneys, for consultation concerning debt consolidation, relief under the bankruptcy law or preparation of a petition in bankruptcy within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. NAME AND ADDRESS OF PAYEE Marcus, Clegg & Mistretta, P.A. One Canal Plaza, Suite 600 Portland, ME 04101 DATE OF PAYMENT, NAME OF PAYOR IF OTHER THAN DEBTOR 12/6/12 AMOUNT OF MONEY OR DESCRIPTION AND VALUE OF PROPERTY 5,000.00 Marcus, Clegg & Mistretta, P.A. One Canal Plaza, Suite 600 Portland, ME 04101 1/22/13 5,000.00 Marcus, Clegg & Mistretta, P.A. One Canal Plaza, Suite 600 Portland, ME 04101 3/12/13 41,499.69 Windsor Associates P.O. Box 249 Portland, ME 04112-0249 3/7/13 15,369.23 Windsor Associates P.O. Box 249 Portland, ME 04112-0249 2/6/13 15,000.00 Windsor Associates P.O. Box 249 Portland, ME 04112-0249 3/12/13 14,875.00 10. Other transfers None None a. List all other property, other than property transferred in the ordinary course of the business or financial affairs of the debtor, transferred either absolutely or as security within two years immediately preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include transfers by either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) b. List all property transferred by the debtor within ten years immediately preceding the commencement of this case to a self-settled trust or similar device of which the debtor is a beneficiary. 11. Closed financial accounts None List all financial accounts and instruments held in the name of the debtor or for the benefit of the debtor which were closed, sold, or otherwise transferred within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. Include checking, savings, or other financial accounts, certificates of deposit, or other instruments; shares and share accounts held in banks, credit unions, pension funds, cooperatives, associations, brokerage houses and other financial institutions. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information concerning accounts or instruments held by or for either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) 12. Safe deposit boxes None List each safe deposit or other box or depository in which the debtor has or had securities, cash, or other valuables within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include boxes or depositories of either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) 13. Setoffs None List all setoffs made by any creditor, including a bank, against a debt or deposit of the debtor within 90 days preceding the commencement of this case. (Married debtors filing under chapter 12 or chapter 13 must include information concerning either or both spouses whether or not a joint petition is filed, unless the spouses are separated and a joint petition is not filed.) 14. Property held for another person © 1993-2011 EZ-Filing, Inc. [1-800-998-2424] - Forms Software Only None List all property owned by another person that the debtor holds or controls. NAME AND ADDRESS OF OWNER Ferraiolo Construction Company Profit Sharing Plan DESCRIPTION AND VALUE OF PROPERTY Profit Sharing Plan $655,554.35 LOCATION OF PROPERTY 15. Prior address of debtor None If debtor has moved within three years immediately preceding the commencement of this case, list all premises which the debtor occupied during that period and vacated prior to the commencement of this case. If a joint petition is filed, report also any separate address of either spouse. 16. Spouses and Former Spouses None If the debtor resides or resided in a community property state, commonwealth, or territory (including Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Louisiana, Nevada, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, Texas, Washington, or Wisconsin) within eight years immediately preceding the commencement of the case, identify the name of the debtor’s spouse and of any former spouse who resides or resided with the debtor in the community property state. 17. Environmental Information For the purpose of this question, the following definitions apply: “Environmental Law” means any federal, state, or local statute or regulation regulating pollution, contamination, releases of hazardous or toxic substances, wastes or material into the air, land, soil, surface water, groundwater, or other medium, including, but not limited to, statutes or regulations regulating the cleanup of these substances, wastes or material. “Site” means any location, facility, or property as defined under any Environmental Law, whether or not presently or formerly owned or operated by the debtor, including, but not limited to, disposal sites. “Hazardous Material” means anything defined as a hazardous waste, hazardous substance, toxic substance, hazardous material, pollutant, or contaminant or similar term under an Environmental Law. None None None a. List the name and address of every site for which the debtor has received notice in writing by a governmental unit that it may be liable or potentially liable under or in violation of an Environmental Law. Indicate the governmental unit, the date of the notice, and, if known, the Environmental Law. b. List the name and address of every site for which the debtor provided notice to a governmental unit of a release of Hazardous Material. Indicate the governmental unit to which the notice was sent and the date of the notice. c. List all judicial or administrative proceedings, including settlements or orders, under any Environmental Law with respect to which the debtor is or was a party. Indicate the name and address of the governmental unit that is or was a party to the proceeding, and the docket number. 18. Nature, location and name of business None a. If the debtor is an individual, list the names, addresses, taxpayer-identification numbers, nature of the businesses, and beginning and ending dates of all businesses in which the debtor was an officer, director, partner, or managing executive of a corporation, partner in a partnership, sole proprietor, or was self-employed in a trade, profession, or other activity either full- or part-time within six years immediately preceding the commencement of this case, or in which the debtor owned 5 percent or more of the voting or equity securities within six years immediately preceding the commencement of this case. If the debtor is a partnership, list the names, addresses, taxpayer identification numbers, nature of the businesses, and beginning and ending dates of all businesses in which the debtor was a partner or owned 5 percent or more of the voting or equity securities, within six years immediately preceding the commencement of this case. If the debtor is a corporation, list the names, addresses, taxpayer identification numbers, nature of the businesses, and beginning and ending dates of all businesses in which the debtor was a partner or owned 5 percent or more of the voting or equity securities within six years immediately preceding the commencement of this case. LAST FOUR DIGITS OF SOCIALSECURITY OR OTHER INDIVIDUAL TAXPAYER-I.D. NO. NATURE OF BEGINNING AND NAME (ITIN)/COMPLETE EIN ADDRESS BUSINESS ENDING DATES Ferraiolo Corp. 28 Gordon Drive 12-21-01 - 3/12/13 Rockland, ME 04841 None © 1993-2011 EZ-Filing, Inc. [1-800-998-2424] - Forms Software Only b. Identify any business listed in response to subdivision a., above, that is “single asset real estate” as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101. The following questions are to be completed by every debtor that is a corporation or partnership and by any individual debtor who is or has been, within six years immediately preceding the commencement of this case, any of the following: an officer, director, managing executive, or owner of more than 5 percent of the voting or equity securities of a corporation; a partner, other than a limited partner, of a partnership, a sole proprietor, or self-employed in a trade, profession, or other activity, either full- or part-time. (An individual or joint debtor should complete this portion of the statement only if the debtor is or has been in business, as defined above, within the six years immediately preceding the commencement of this case. A debtor who has not been in business within those six years should go directly to the signature page.) 19. Books, records and financial statements None a. List all bookkeepers and accountants who within the two years immediately preceding the filing of this bankruptcy case kept or supervised the keeping of books of account and records of the debtor. NAME AND ADDRESS Norene R. Bishop Controller DATES SERVICES RENDERED 4/14/11 - 3/13/13 John Thibodeau Controller 3/14/11 - 4/25/11 None b. List all firms or individuals who within the two years immediately preceding the filing of this bankruptcy case have audited the books of account and records, or prepared a financial statement of the debtor. NAME AND ADDRESS Tom Hichar Hichar & Luca, Inc. 222 South Main Street Providence, RI 02903 None DATES SERVICES RENDERED multiple dates during last 2 years c. List all firms or individuals who at the time of the commencement of this case were in possession of the books of account and records of the debtor. If any of the books of account and records are not available, explain. NAME AND ADDRESS Tom Hichar Hichar & Luca, Inc. 222 South Main Street Providence, RI 02903 None d. List all financial institutions, creditors, and other parties, including mercantile and trade agencies, to whom a financial statement was issued by the debtor within the two years immediately preceding the commencement of this case. NAME AND ADDRESS The Bank Of Maine C/O Jay S. Geller, Esq. One Monument Way; Suite 200 Portland, ME 04101 DATE ISSUED periodically as requested Gulf Oil [email protected] Hichar & Luca, Inc. 222 South Main Street Providence, RI 02903 Corporate Finance Associates 75 Market Street, Suite 305 Portland, ME 04101 Department Of Labor [email protected] MacDonald Page [email protected] © 1993-2011 EZ-Filing, Inc. [1-800-998-2424] - Forms Software Only Dave Erickson Bonding [email protected] Matthew McNamara [email protected] R. Corey [email protected] 20. Inventories None a. List the dates of the last two inventories taken of your property, the name of the person who supervised the taking of each inventory, and the dollar amount and basis of each inventory. DATE OF INVENTORY 1/31/13 INVENTORY SUPERVISOR Crystal Cogswell DOLLAR AMOUNT OF INVENTORY (Specify cost, market, or other basis) $1,911,267.88 (cost basis) 2/28/13 Crystal Cogswell $1,873,500.17 (cost basis) None b. List the name and address of the person having possession of the records of each of the two inventories reported in a., above. DATE OF INVENTORY NAME AND ADDRESS OF CUSTODIAN OF INVENTORY RECORDS Crystal Cogswell Ferraiolo Construction 21. Current Partners, Officers, Directors and Shareholders None None a. If the debtor is a partnership, list the nature and percentage of partnership interest of each member of the partnership. b. If the debtor is a corporation, list all officers and directors of the corporation, and each stockholder who directly or indirectly owns, controls, or holds 5 percent or more of the voting or equity securities of the corporation. NAME AND ADDRESS Vincent Ferraiolo 145 Cobb Road Camden, ME 04843 TITLE President Filomena Ferraiolo 145 Cobb Road Camden, ME 04843 NATURE AND PERCENTAGE OF STOCK OWNERSHIP Common Stock Common Stock John Ferraiolo 14 North Shore Drive Owls Head, ME 04854 Treasurer Common Stock Frank Ferraiolo Vice President Common Stock 711 St. George Road South Thomaston, ME 04858 Anna Ferraiolo Common Stock Candida Ferraiolo Common Stock VFFT-02-AF Trust Tom Hichar, Trustee 28 Gordon Drive Rockland, ME 04841-2139 Common Stock VFFT-02-CF Trust Tom Hichar, Trustee 28 Gordon Drive Rockland, ME 04841-2139 Common Stock VFFT-02-FF Trust Tom Hichar, Trustee 28 Gordon Drive Rockland, ME 04841-2139 Common Stock VFFT-02-JF Trust Tom Hichar, Trustee 28 Gordon Drive Rockland, ME 04841-2139 Common Stock 22. Former partners, officers, directors and shareholders © 1993-2011 EZ-Filing, Inc. [1-800-998-2424] - Forms Software Only None None a. If the debtor is a partnership, list each member who withdrew from the partnership within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. b. If the debtor is a corporation, list all officers, or directors whose relationship with the corporation terminated within one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. 23. Withdrawals from a partnership or distributions by a corporation None If the debtor is a partnership or corporation, list all withdrawals or distributions credited or given to an insider, including compensation in any form, bonuses, loans, stock redemptions, options exercised and any other perquisite during one year immediately preceding the commencement of this case. 24. Tax Consolidation Group None If the debtor is a corporation, list the name and federal taxpayer identification number of the parent corporation of any consolidated group for tax purposes of which the debtor has been a member at any time within six years immediately preceding the commencement of the case. NAME OF PARENT CORPORATION Ferraiolo Construction TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 01-0407483 Ferraiolo Corp. (subsidiary of Ferraiolo Construction) 01-0566123 25. Pension Funds. None If the debtor is not an individual, list the name and federal taxpayer identification number of any pension fund to which the debtor, as an employer, has been responsible for contributing at any time within six years immediately preceding the commencement of the case. [If completed on behalf of a partnership or corporation] I declare under penalty of perjury that I have read the answers contained in the foregoing statement of financial affairs and any attachments thereto and that they are true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. Date: April 10, 2013 Signature: /s/ John Ferraiolo John Ferraiolo, Treasurer Print Name and Title [An individual signing on behalf of a partnership or corporation must indicate position or relationship to debtor.] 0 continuation pages attached © 1993-2011 EZ-Filing, Inc. [1-800-998-2424] - Forms Software Only Penalty for making a false statement: Fine of up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 5 years or both. 18 U.S.C. § 152 and 3571. FERRAIOlO CONSTRUCTION CO INC Apr9,2013 3(b) Check Register (Checks and EFTs of Ail Types) 11:44am (Report period: December 14,2012 to March 13,2013) Check Number ==== EFT #1 Date Vendor ------ =========== 13937 13940 13938 13939 EFT 12120/12 01104/13 01104/13 01/04/13 01/07/13 EFT 01/07113 EFT 01/09113 EFT 01/09/13 EFT 02/05/13 EFT 02/05113 EFT 02/08113 EFT 02/0811 3 13963 13965 13964 13966 13942 13941 13956 13957 13955 13954 13953 13958 13942 13952 13951 13950 13949 13959 13948 13961 13960 13947 13946 13945 13944 13943 13942 13967 EFT 02122113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22/13 02/27113 02/27113 02/28113 14110 13968 13971 13973 14103 14105 03/07/13 03/07/13 03/07113 03/07113 03/07/13 03/07/13 02/28113 02/28113 02/28/13 02/28/13 02/28/13 02/28/13 02/28113 02/28113 02/28/13 02128113 02/28/13 02/28113 02/28/13 02/28/13 02/28/13 02/28113 02/28113 02/28/13 02128113 02/28113 03/04/13 03/0511 3 Discounts Net Amount --------- ======= Name ======================== ----- Cash Account #1 [CHECKING - CAMDEN NATION] TREASURER Treasurer State of Maine MIDCOAST MID COAST CUSTOM CLEANrNG DBS DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES MEDOL ~"fNE DEPT OF LABOR VF010713 AARP AARP MEDICARE RX SAVER FF010713 AARP AARP MEDICARE RX SAVER FF010913 ANTHEM ANTHEM BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD VF 01 0913 ANTHEM ANTHEM BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD FF 020513 AARP AARP MEDICARE RX SAVER VF 020513 AARP AARP MEDICARE RX SAVER VF 020813 ANTHEM ANTHEM BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD FF 020813 ANTHEM ANTHEM BLUE CROSS & BLUE SHIELD MEDOL MArNE DEPT OF LABOR FCI FERRA10LO CORP DHS DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES FCI FERRATOLO CORP DRAGON DRAGON PRODUCTS DRAGON * PAYROLL BOBBI M RAIRIGH PAYROLL ALAN J WALSH PAYROLL BRIAN POOLER PAYROLL GLEN A MITCHELL PAYROLL TREVOR A LEWIS PAYROLL MARK WIEBE PAYROLL PAYROLL MARVrN A LEWIS PAYROLL JAMES LEIGH SR PAYROLL MARSHALL JERNIGAN PAYROLL VrNCENT FERRAIOLO PAYROLL DONALD WILLETT PAYROLL JOHN R FERRAIOLO FCI FERRAIOLO CORP FC1 FERRAIOLO CORP PAYROLL FRANK FERRAIOLO PAYROLL ADRIAN F DAVIS SR PAYROLL CRYSTAL COGSWELL PAYROLL CURTIS A BRAYTON PAYROLL NORENE R BISHOP PAYROLL PHILLIP E BARRETT III ~rNESTATEPO Maine State Police VF 03.05.13 AARP AARP MEDICARE RX SAVER MAlNECHAMBE ~fNE CHAMBER GROUP TRUST FC1 FERRAIOLO CORP FC1 FERRAIOLO CORP FCI FERRAJOLO CORP FCI FERRAJOLO CORP FCI FERRA10LO CORP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 340.00 100.00 35.00 45.52 0.00 42.90 0.00 43.20 0.00 189.62 0.00 189.62 0.00 43.20 0.00 42.90 0.00 189.62 0.00 189.62 0.00 50.93 208.24 0.00 0.00 35.00 0.00 72.49 43018.42 0.00 Voided: Continued Stub 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Voided: Reprinted 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 380.48 0.00 0.00 2466.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 43.20 3530.00 416.48 638.00 159.26 1847.70 94.55 J4J06 J4J07 J4109 14111 14101 13972 13974 14108 14102 14003 14004 14005 14006 14007 14008 14009 14010 14011 14012 13968 14013 14014 14015 14016 14017 14018 14019 14020 14113 J4112 J4115 14114 1411S 14119 14120 03/07/13 03/07/13 03/07113 03/07/13 03/07/13 03/07/13 03/07/13 03/07/13 03/07113 03/07/13 03/07113 03/07113 03/07/13 03/07/13 03/07/13 03/07113 03/07113 03/07113 03/07/13 03/07/13 03/07/13 03/07/13 03/07/13 03/07113 03/07113 03/07/13 03/07/] 3 03/07113 03/0S/13 03/0S/13 03/0SI13 03/0S/13 03/] 1113 03/J 2113 03113/J3 65185 EFT 12IJ 4/12 12/J 4/12 65183 65186 651S4 65187 652J6 65215 65217 65218 EFT 12/J4112 12114/12 12/14/12 12/17/12 12/1 8/12 12/18/12 J2119/12 12/19/12 12/19/12 EFT 12/19/12 65250 65254 65251 65232 65262 65233 65219 65247 EFT 12/20/12 12/20112 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20112 12/20/12 12/20/12 65214 12/20/12 FCI FERRAIOLO CORP FCI FERRAIOLO CORP FERRAIOLO CORP FCI FERRAIOLO CORP FCI TIME WARNER CABLE TIME DOWNEASTPENS DOWN EAST PENSION SERVICES, CENTRAL MAINE Po\VER CMF AMERlTAS GROUP AMERITAS VERIZONWIRE VERIZON WIRELESS PHILLIP E BARRETT III PAYROLL NORENE R BISHOP PAYROLL CURTIS A BRAYTON PAYROLL CRYSTAL COGSWELL PAYROLL ADRIAN F DAVIS SR PAYROLL FRANK FERRAJOLO PAYROLL JOHN R FERRAI0LO PAYROLL VINCENT FERRAlOLO PAYROLL MARSHALL JERNIGAN PAYROLL JAMES LEIGH SR PAYROLL WINDSOR ASSOCIATES LLC WINDSOR MARVIN A LEWIS PAYROLL PAYROLL TREVOR A LEVITIS GLEN A MITCHELL PAYROLL PAYROLL BRIAN POOLER PAYROLL BOBBI M RAIRIGH PAYROLL ALAN J WALSH MARK VlT[EBE PAYROLL PAYROLL DONALD WILLETT FCJ FERRAJOLO CORP CRANDALL CRANDALL, HANSCOM & COLLINS, PA FCI FERRAIOLO CORP CRANDALL CRANDALL, HANSCOM & COLLINS, PA MIDCOAST MID COAST CUSTOM CLEANING SECRETARY SECRETARY OF STATE FCI FERRAlOLO CORP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 INC 0.00 0.00 0.00 463.38 870.16 5079.00 11845.36 299.32 0.00 464.00 1195.95 781.60 64.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15369.23 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 235.00 235.00 109.05 235.00 200.00 200.00 350.00 Cash account Total Cash Account #2 [CHECKING - BANK OF MAINE] MEDOL MAINE DEPT OF LABOR 2499342 PITNEYPP PURCHASE POWER DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES DBS MID COAST CUSTOM CLEANING MIDCOAST MAINE REVENUE SERVICES MAINEREV MAINE SODA-SAND BLASTING MAINESODA Mark Wiebe WIEBE THOMPSON THOMPSON TD TDBANK TDBANK TD 555687954 Treasurer State of Maine TREASURER 24428711 INTERNAL REVENUE SERY IRS PRC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY IN PRC S.W. COLE ENGINEERING, SWCOLE CITY OF ROCKLAND ROCKLAND FREEDOM PRINTERS, LLC FREEDOM W. B MASON CO., INC. WE FWWEBBCO. FWWEBB G&K ALLTEX NORTRAX POWERPLAN 9400069 GLACIAL ENERGY OF NEW ENGLAND GLACIAL PAYROLL EUGENE F WINCHENBACH JR. 0.00 92428.64 0.00 63.25 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 35.00 100.00 7248.02 770.00 300.00 240.89 248.22 244.81 0.00 1126.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5194.33 549.09 631.14 1165.54 122.42 37.26 58.65 18U 1 410.33 0.00 975.34 0.00 65226 65234 65249 65227 65245 65248 65120 65252 65222 65258 65212 65265 65211 65210 65235 65246 65209 65264 65204 65203 65243 65208 65206 65202 65236 65201 65200 65242 65259 65188 65199 65241 65189 65198 65190 65237 65238 65197 65240 65196 65253 65263 65195 65191 65239 65194 65193 65244 65225 65257 65255 65256 65205 65231 EFT 65207 65260 65230 65223 65229 65228 65221 65261 65224 12/20112 12!20!l2 ]2/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20112 12120/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12120/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20112 12120/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12120/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20!l2 12/20!l2 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/] 2 12/20/12 12/20112 12/20112 12/20112 12/20112 12/20112 12/20112 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20112 12/20112 12/20112 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 CRYSTAL HARRYJ PRATT DAIMLER MILTON OCONNOR AMERITAS SAFETYKLEEN ATTDAM TRANSCO PAYROLL DHS PAYROLL PAYROLL KALLOCH MINUTEMAN PAYROLL YANKEE PAYROLL PAYROLL MEDOL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL KNOXBROSAUT PAYROLL PAYROLL MATHESON UPS PAYROLL PAYROLL MARITIME PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL LAPOINTE LIBERTY PAYROLL MAINE WATER PAYROLL STEELSERVICE WOOLWICH PAYROLL PAYROLL MAINECHAMDE PAYROLL PAYROLL MIDCOAST CMP TRACTION THOMASTON THOMPSONS PAYROLL FASTENAL 1420523 FABIAN PAYROLL VERIZONWIRE ELSPEAR BARNES EJP DRUMMOND ARTHUR WASHINGTON BRE\VER CRYSTAL SPRING WATER CO HARRY J SMITH CO. BRENT PRATT DAIMLER CHRYSLER TRUCK FINAN CIA SOUTHWORTH-MILTON, INC. O'CONNOR GMC BUICK AMERITAS GROUP SAFETY -KLEEN CORP. AT&T TRANSCO BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES MARK WIEBE DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES DAVID C WHITING ALAN J WALSH WEBBER ENERGY Minuteman Sign Centers Inc. WAYNEMROSS YANKEE C.T.INC. PRISCILLA MCNALLY TREVOR A LEWIS MAINE DEPT OF LABOR BOBEl M RAIRIGH RICHARD E PENNEY MARVIN A LEWIS KNOX BROS AUTO PARTS JAMES LEIGH SR STILLMAN E JOYCE VALLEY NATIONAL GASES WV, LLC UNITED PARCEL SERVICE PHILLIP E BARRETT III MARSHALL JERNIGAN MARITIME ENERGY NORENE R BISHOP STEVEN F HARDING CURTIS A BRAYTON LAPOINTE LUMBER CO., INC. TOWN OF LIBERTY DANNYMFOX MAINE WATER CO VINCENT FERRAIOLO STEEL SERVICE CENTER INC TOWN OF WOOLWICH JOHN R FERRAJOLO CRYSTAL COGSWELL MAINE CHAMBER GROUP TRUST FRANK FERRAI0LO ADRIAN FDAVIS SR MID COAST CUSTOM CLEANING CENTRAL MAINE POWER TRACTION-Genuine Parts Co. TOWN OF THOMASTON THOMPSON'S OIL & PROPANE GLEN A MITCHELL FASTENAL COM., INC. FABIAN OIL COMPANY BRIAN POOLER VERIZON WIRELESS E.L. SPEAR, INC. BARNES GROUP INC E J PRESCOTT INC DRUMMOND WOODSUM ARTHUR D. HENRY INC TOWN OF WASHINGTON WAYNE BREWER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 51.80 40346 1575.00 2162.14 5000.00 299.50 781.60 267.38 50.95 30.00 000 35.00 000 0.00 972.60 25.20 0.00 624.10 0.00 0.00 55.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 124.63 0.00 0.00 133.49 25.05 0.00 0.00 308.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.39 45.85 0.00 477.01 0.00 183.92 10.56 0.00 0.00 5740.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 932.03 242.85 263.74 404.06 0.00 7.86 19340.00 0.00 64.11 254.14 785.37 561.63 442.50 3137.50 58.86 41.99 65192 65213 EFT 12120/12 12/20/12 12/26/12 EFT 12/26112 65293 65294 65273 65286 65285 65266 65284 65274 65267 65283 65287 65282 65268 65288 65289 65269 65275 65270 65290 65276 65278 65272 65279 65280 65277 65281 EFT 12126!l2 12126/12 12/27/12 12/27112 12/27112 12/27112 12/27/] 2 12127112 12/27112 12/27112 12127/12 12/27/12 12/27/12 12/27/12 12/27112 12/27112 12127112 12/27/12 12/27112 12/27/12 12/27112 12/27112 12/27/12 12/27112 12/27112 12127112 12/27112 65292 65291 65271 65298 65300 65296 65299 16076.13 65306 65297 65305 EFT 12/27/12 12/27112 12/27/12 12/28112 12/28112 12128112 12/28112 65302 65301 65303 65304 EFT 12/28112 12/28112 12/28/12 12/28/12 12/28/12 65309 65295 65307 65308 65310 EFT 12/28112 12/28112 12/28112 12/28/12 12/31/12 01/02/13 EFT 01/02/13 65325 65315 65326 01/03/13 01/03/13 01103113 12/28/12 12/28/12 12/28/12 12/28112 PAYROLL NORMAN J CORMIER PAYROLL DONALD WILLETT 555693788 TREASURER Treasurer State of Maine 71905244 IRS INTERNAL REVENUE SERV HEALTHREACH HEALTH REACH HOSPICE & VOLUNTEE DJRIGO DlRlGO HEALTH AGENCY PAYROLL JOHN R FERRAIOLO PAYROLL BOBBI M RAIRIGH PAYROLL BRIAN POOLER PAYROLL PIDLLIP E BARRETT III PAYROLL RICHARD E PENNEY PAYROLL VINCENT FERRAIOLO PAYROLL NORENE R BISHOP PAYROLL GLEN A MITCHELL PAYROLL WAYNEMROSS PAYROLL PRISCILLA MCNALLY PAYROLL CURTIS A BRAYTON PAYROLL ALAN JWALSH PAYROLL DAVID C ViHlTING PAYROLL CRYSTAL COGSWELL PAYROLL DANNY M FOX PAYROLL NORMAN J CORMIER PAYROLL MARK WIEBE PAYROLL STEVEN F HARDING PAYROLL STILLMAN E JOYCE PAYROLL FRANK FERRAlOLO PAYROLL JAMES LEIGH SR PAYROLL MARVIN A LEWIS PAYROLL MARSHALL JERNIGAN PAYROLL TREVOR A LEWIS 00000031 IRVINGCC IRVING OIL MARKETING, INC PAYROLL EUGENE F WINCHENBACH JR PAYROLL DONALD V,TILLETT PAYROLL ADRIAN F DAVIS SR MIDCOAST MID COAST CUSTOM CLEANING CROCKETT RICHARD CROCKETT DRS DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES AMERICANCONC AMERICAN CONCRETE DRAGON * MEDOL MAINE DEPT OF LABOR CCC COASTAL CEMENT CORPORATION 170316823 122812 BSB BANGORSAVlNGSBANK LAJOIE LAJOIE BROS. INC EIP E ] PRESCOTT INC LAPOINTE LAPOINTE LUMBER CO., INC. WISWELL WISWELL ELECTRIC, INC 170316824122812 BSB BANGOR SAVINGS BANK DRAGON DRAGON PRODUCTS MAINETIRE MAINE COMMERCIAL TIRE IN DRAGON * DRAGON * RAIR1GH BOBBI RAIRIGH 74428157 IRS INTERNAL REVENUE SERV 555699064 TREASURER Treasurer State of Marne PAYROLL TREVOR A LEWIS PAYROLL NORMAN J CORMIER PAYROLL GLEN A MITCHELL 0.00 0.00 0.00 1081.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5105.32 50.00 13218.28 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 343.63 0.00 0.00 0.00 IND. 0.00 0.00 0.00 75.00 425.00 35.00 0.00 Voided: Continued Stub 40.13 0.00 0.00 8053.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1651.78 58000.00 201.60 252.30 5500.00 1446.33 0.00 48224.79 0.00 0.00 2530.41 Voided: Continued Stub Voided: Continued Stub 0.00 8.93 0.00 4725.20 0.00 990.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 65323 653J6 65334 65319 EFT 01/03/13 01/03113 01/03113 01/03/13 01/03113 01103113 01103113 01/03113 01/03113 01/03113 01/03113 0]/03113 01/03/13 0]/03113 0]/03113 01/03/13 01103113 01/03113 01/03113 01/03/13 01/03113 01/04/13 EFT 01/06/13 EFT 01107113 EFT 01/09113 EFT 01/09/13 65342 65352 65351 65337 65336 65335 EFT 01/10/13 01/10113 01110113 01110113 01110113 01110/13 01110/13 01/10/13 01l101l3 01110113 0111 0/13 01110113 011l01l3 01110113 01/10113 01110113 01110113 011l 01J3 01110113 OJ 11 OIJ3 OIIlOIl3 OJI101l3 oIII 01!3 01/11113 65365 65644 65366 65645 65367 65358 65369 65370 65371 01114113 011l41l3 OJIl4113 01114113 011l41l3 0]114113 0]114/13 0]1l4113 01/14/13 65318 65314 65313 65312 65330 65324 65327 65328 65321 65311 65317 65320 65333 65329 65332 65331 65322 65343 65340 65341 65357 65356 65344 65345 65346 65355 65347 65354 65353 65348 65339 65349 65350 65338 PAYROLL lAMES LEIGH SR PAYROLL JOHN R FERR'l.IOLO PAYROLL CRYSTAL COGSWELL PAYROLL CURTIS A BRAYTON PAYROLL NORENE R BISHOP PAYROLL WAYNEMROSS PAYROLL MARVIN A LEW]S PAYROLL RICHARD E PENNEY PAYROLL BRIAN POOLER PAYROLL STEVEN F HARDING PAYROLL PHILLIP E BARRETT III PAYROLL FRANK FERRAIOLO PAYROLL DANNYMFOX PAYROLL DONALD WILLETT PAYROLL BOBBI M RAIRIGH PAYROLL MARK WIEBE PAYROLL ALAN I WALSH PAYROLL MARSHALL JERNIGAN PAYROLL ADRIAN F DAVIS SR PAYROLL EUGENE F WINCHENBACH JR. PAYROLL VINCENT FERRA]OLO 26421]3 PITNEY GLOBAL PITNEY BOWES GLOBAL FINANCIAL SE 5557090]6 TREASURER Treasurer State of ,Maine 37JO]071ANI3 V]SA CARDMEMBER SERVICE 555701982 TREASURER Treasurer State of Maine 325]8007 IRS INTERNAL REVENUE SERV PAYROLL JOHN R FERRAIOLO PAYROLL VINCENT FERRAIOLO PAYROLL ADRIAN F DAVIS SR PAYROLL FRANK FERRAIOLO PAYROLL EUGENE F WINCHENBACH JR. PAYROLL DONALD WILLETT PAYROLL STEVEN F HARDING PAYROLL MARSHALL JERNIGAN PAYROLL JAMES LEIGH SR PAYROLL MARK WIEBE PAYROLL MARVIN A LEWIS PAYROLL ALAN I WALSH PAYROLL WAYNEMROSS PAYROLL TREVOR A LEWIS PAYROLL NORMAN J CORMIER GLEN A MITCHELL PAYROLL PAYROLL RICHARD E PENNEY PAYROLL CRYSTAL COGSWELL PAYROLL BOBBI M RAIRIGH PAYROLL BRIAN POOLER PAYROLL CURTIS A BRAYTON PAYROLL NORENE R BISHOP PAYROLL PHILLIP E BARRETT III 2683430 PITNEYFP PURCHASE POWER BARNES BARNES GROUP INC BRAXTON BRAXTON-BRAGG BRAXTON BRAXTON-BRAGG BSR BSR SYSTEMS INC BSR BSR SYSTEMS INC MIDCOAST MlD COAST CUSTOM CLEANTNG CENTRALMESEPCENTRAL MAINE SEPTIC CEPI CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT PARTS, IN CMF CENTRAL MAINE POWER 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 402.00 0.00 764.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 825.00 0.00 4687.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 948.13 Voided Voided J89.00 Voided ] 00.00 Voided 577.06 ]0.96 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 65372 65373 65396 65374 65417 65375 65407 65397 65376 65413 65412 65377 65364 65398 65378 65399 65380 65411 65410 65414 65400 65381 65401 65361 65382 65363 65383 65402 65362 EFT 01114/13 01114/13 01114/13 01114/13 01114113 01114/13 01114/13 01114113 01114/13 01114/13 01114113 01114113 01114/13 01114/13 01114/13 01114113 01114/13 01114/13 01114113 01114/13 01/14113 01114113 01114113 01114113 0111 4113 01114113 01114/13 01114113 01114113 01114113 65360 65384 65385 65386 65388 65403 65368 65404 65389 65409 65359 65390 65405 65391 65392 65393 65394 65406 65415 65408 65395 65416 65387 65379 65418 65442 EFT 01114113 01114113 01114113 01114113 01114113 01114/13 01114113 01114113 01114113 01114/13 01114113 01114/13 01114/13 01114/13 01114/13 01114/13 01114/13 01114113 01114113 01114113 01114113 01114113 01/14113 01/14113 01115/13 01115/13 01116/13 65426 65427 65428 65429 65430 65431 01117/13 01117113 01117113 01/17113 01/17113 01/17113 COASTALFUEL COASTAL FUEL 0.00 1608.58 CORSONS CORSON'S AUTO SUPPLY 0.00 145.44 MIDCOASTMARIMIDCOAST MARINE SUPPLY 0.00 66.06 CRANDALL CRANDALL, HANSCOM & COLLINS, PA 0.00 1449.00 WRGRACE W R GRACE & CO., CONN 6881.95 0.00 CRYSTAL CRYSTAL SPRING WATER CO 0,00 50.40 QUILL QUILL 0.00 126.53 MILTON SOUTHWORTH-MILTON, INC. 0,00 5000.00 DENNISON DENNISON LUBRlCANTS, INC 0.00 1204.11 TIME TIME WARNER CABLE 0.00 148.45 TIME TIME WARNER CABLE 0.00 114.18 DHS DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES 0.00 35.00 ATTDAM AT&T 0.00 47.01 MINUTEMAN Minuteman Sign Centers Inc. 0.00 136.58 DRUMMOND DRUMMOND WOODSUM 0.00 118.60 MOTION MOTION INDUSTRlES INC 0.00 26.10 FASTENAL FASTENAL COM., INC. 0.00 59.09 TIDEWATER TIDEWATER TELECOM INC 0.00 183.05 THOMPSONS THOMPSON'S OIL & PROPANE 0.00 1044.40 TRACTION TRACTION-Genuine Parts Co. 0.00 383.85 NAPAFARM NAPA AUTO PARTS 0.00 25.86 FREEPRESS FREE PRESS 0.00 35.00 NEWENGLANDB NEW ENGLAND BATTERY 78.21 0.00 G&K ALLTEX 0.00 181.11 GH G. H. BERLIN ViINDWARD 0.00 2358.72 ANDERSON ANDERSON EQUIPMENT COMPANY 0.00 24.44 HANDY HANDY PORTABLE TOILETS 0.00 105.00 OCONNOR O'CONNOR GMC BUICK 0.00 127.29 AMERlCANCONC AMERlCAN CONCRETE IND. 0.00 3256.69 00000032 IRVINGCC IRVING OIL MARKETING, INC 0.00 1624.95 AHHARRIS A. H. HARRlS & SONS, INC 0.00 28.19 KALLOCH WEBBER ENERGY 6367,04 0.00 KLJACK KLJACK&CO 0.00 16.76 KNOXBROS KNOX BROS INC. 0.00 46.02 KNOXBROSAUT KNOX BROS AUTO PARTS 830,02 0.00 PENBAYGLASS PEN-BAY GLASS INC 0.00 184.07 CBKENWORTH c.B. KEl\CWORTH, INC. 0.00 1120.12 PENOBSCOT PENOBSCOT PENSION SERVIC 0.00 710.00 MAINEMOTOR MAINE MOTOR TRANSPORT 0.00 50.00 STAPLES STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 0.00 128.05 MAINESTATEPO Maine State Police 0.00 70.00 MAINETIRE MAINE COMMERCIAL TIRE IN 0.00 1108.42 PENOBSCOTELE PENOBSCOT ELECTRIC INC 0.00 30.00 MAINEWATER MAINE WATER CO 0.00 434.06 MARINE Marine Hydraulic Eng Co., Inc. 0.00 33.24 MARiTIME MARlTIME ENERGY 0.00 1587.19 MATHESON VALLEY NA TIONAL GASES WV, LLC 0.00 758.50 PINETREE PINE TREE WASTE 0.00 42.63 USCELL US CELLULAR 0.00 759.92 SPURLING SPURLING LA W OFFICE 0.00 480.00 MEDOL MAINE DEPT OF LABOR 0.00 4.18 VERlZONWlRE VERIZON WIRELESS 0.00 69.11 KNOXBROSAUT * Voided: Continued Stub ELSPEAR E.L. SPEAR, INC, 0.00 250,11 MAINEREV MAINE REVENUE SERVICES 0.00 428231 LEWIST TREVOR LEWIS 0.00 150.00 60678614 IRS INTERNAL REVENUE SERV 0.00 4413.82 PAYROLL JOHN R FERRAIOLO 0.00 PAYROLL VINCENT FERRAIOLO 0.00 PAYROLL STEVEN F HARDING 0.00 PAYROLL MARSHALL JERNIGAN 0.00 PAYROLL JAMES LEIGH SR 0.00 PAYROLL MARVIN A LEWIS 0.00 01117113 01117113 01/17113 01117/13 01117/13 01117/13 01/17113 01/171l3 011l7l13 01117113 01117113 01117113 011l7l13 01117113 011l7/13 01117113 01117113 65432 65433 65434 65435 65436 65437 65438 65439 65440 65441 65445 65422 65421 65420 65419 65425 65424 65423 65449 65444 65448 65446 65443 65447 65444 EFT 01118113 01 Il 8113 01118113 01/18/13 01118113 01/18113 01/18/13 01119113 EFT 01/19/13 65475 EFT 01/22/13 01123113 EFT 01123113 65476 65450 65451 65452 65453 65454 65455 65456 65457 65458 65459 65460 65461 65474 65473 65472 65471 65470 65469 65468 65467 65466 65465 65464 65463 65462 65478 65480 65481 65479 65477 01/23/13 01/24/13 01124113 01124113 01124113 o1I241l 3 01/24113 01/24/13 01/24/13 01124113 01/24/13 01/24113 o1I241l3 o1/24113 01/24113 01/24113 01124113 01/24113 O!l24113 01/24113 01/24113 01/24/13 01/24/13 01/24113 01/24113 01/24113 01/25/13 01/25/13 01/25/13 01/25113 01/25/13 01/17/13 PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL LAJOIE PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL MAINETIRE TD MIDCOAST DHS TD MEDOL TD 1427069 FABIAN 9400070 GLACIAL MARCUS 555723410 TREASURER 24884891 IRS OCEANSIDEHS PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL MEDOL MIDCOAST DIRIGO MAINETlRE DHS TREVOR A LEWIS GLEN A MITCHELL RlCHARD E PENNEY BRiAN POOLER BOBEl M RAIRIGH WAYNEMROSS ALANJWALSH MARK WIEBE DONALD WJLLETT EUGENE F WTNCHENBACH JR. LAJOIE BROS. INC CRYSTAL COGSWELL CURTIS A BRAYTON NORENE R BISHOP PHILLIP E BARRETT III FRANK FERRAJOLO ADRIAN F DA VIS SR NORMAN J CORMIER MAINE COMMERCIAL TIRE IN TDBANK MID COAST CUSTOM CLEANING DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES TDBANK MAINE DEPT OF LABOR TDBANK 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 31157.47 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2917.32 Voided 100.00 35.00 244.81 47.61 248.22 FABIAN OIL COMPANY 0.00 19905.50 GLACIAL ENERGY OF NEW ENGLAND MARCUS, CLEGG & MISTRETTA, PA 0.00 0.00 1149.58 5000.00 Treasurer State of Maine 0.00 905.00 INTERNAL REVENUE SERV OCEANSIDE HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK 0.00 0.00 PHJLLIP E BARRETT III NORENE R BISHOP CURTIS A BRAYTON CRYSTAL COGSWELL NORMAN J CORMIER ADRIAN F DAVIS SR FRANK FERRAJOLO JOHN R FERRAJOLO VINCENT FERRAIOLO STEVEN F HARDING EUGENE F WINCHENBACH JR. DONALD WILLETT MARK WIEBE ALAN J WALSH WAYNEMROSS BOBEl M RAIRIGH BRIAN POOLER RICHARD E PENNEY GLEN A MITCHELL TREVOR A LEWIS MARVIN A LEWIS JAMES LEIGH SR MARSHALL JERNIGAN MAINE DEPT OF LABOR MID COAST CUSTOM CLEANING DIRIGO HEALTH AGENCY MAINE COMMERCIAL TIRE IN DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5078.33 350.00 Voided: Skipped Voided: Skipped 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.15 100.00 13218.28 2259.54 35.00 0.00 0.00 EFT 01128113 EFT 01/28/13 EFT 01128/13 65505 65506 65505 EFT 01/29113 01/29113 01/29113 EFT 01130113 65498 65497 65496 65495 65494 65493 65492 6549J 65504 65489 65488 65487 65486 65485 65484 65483 65482 EFT 01/31113 01/31/13 01130113 01131113 01/31/13 01/31113 01/31113 01/31113 01/31113 01/31113 01131113 01131113 01131113 01/31!l3 01/31113 01/31113 01131113 01131113 o1I31!J3 EFT 01/31113 65511 65510 65508 65509 65507 65490 65499 65500 65501 65502 65503 65514 65561 65515 65516 655J7 65560 65518 65519 65520 65521 65522 65523 65524 65512 65525 65526 65527 65559 65528 65529 01131113 01131113 01131113 o1/31!J3 01/31113 01/31/13 01131/13 01131113 01l3J!J3 01/31113 01/31113 02/01/13 02/0 1113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01/13 02/0 1113 02/01/13 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01/13 02/01113 02/01113 02/01/13 02/01113 02/01/13 02/01/13 00000033 IRVINGCC IRVING OIL MARKETING, INC 281.70 0.00 01703J6824 012813 BSB BANGOR SAVINGS BANK 0.00 J446.33 OJ 70316823 012813 BSB BANGOR SAVINGS BANK 0.00 1651.78 BANKME THE BANK OF MAINE 2069.42 0.00 WITHAM MICHAEL E WITHAM TRUCKING 2252.00 0.00 BANKME V oided: Reprinted * 555731012J TREASURER Treasurer State of Maine 824.00 0.00 2020J650 IRS INTERNAL REVENUE SERV 4664.33 0.00 PAYROLL BRIAN POOLER 0.00 PAYROLL RICHARD E PENNEY 0.00 PAYROLL GLEN A MlTCHELL 0.00 PAYROLL TREVOR A LEWIS 0.00 MARVIN A LEWIS 0.00 PAYROLL PAYROLL JAMES LEIGH SR 0.00 PAYROLL MARSHALL JERNIGAN 0.00 PAYROLL STEVEN F HARDING 0.00 PAYROLL EUGENE F WINCHENBACH JR. 0.00 PAYROLL JOHN R FERRAIOLO 0.00 PAYROLL FRANK FERRAIOLO 0.00 PAYROLL ADRIAN F DAVIS SR 0.00 PAYROLL NORMAN J CORMIER 0.00 PAYROLL CRYSTAL COGSWELL 0.00 PAYROLL CURTIS A BRAYTON 0.00 PAYROLL NORENE R BISHOP 0.00 PAYROLL PHILLIP E BARRETT III 0.00 999361104 Treasurer State of Maine TREASURER 1573.00 0.00 23225601 IRS INTERNAL REVENUE SERV 0.00 17.47 RAIRIGH BOBBIRAIRIGH 0.00 14.25 DRAGON DRAGON PRODUCTS 0.00 47505.62 DRAGON Voided: Continued Stub * DRAGON Voided: Continued Stub * CCC COASTAL CEMENT CORPORATION 0.00 7938.61 PAYROLL VINCENT FERRAIOLO 0.00 PAYROLL BOBBI M RAIRIGH 0.00 PAYROLL WAYNEMROSS 0.00 PAYROLL ALAN J WALSH 0.00 PAYROLL MARK WIEBE 0.00 PAYROLL DONALD WILLETT 0.00 AMERITAS AMERITAS GROUP 0.00 781.60 TRACTION-Genuine Parts Co .. TRACTION 0.00 255.96 ATTDAM AT&T 0.00 44.91 BARD BARD INDUSTRIES 0.00 312.26 BELFASTAUTO BELFAST AUTO SUPPLY, INC. 0.00 256.85 TIME TIME WARNER CABLE 0.00 J53.06 CMF CENTRAL MAINE POWER 0.00 932.26 COASTALFUEL COASTAL FUEL 0.00 1235.08 COMFUTERCASU COMPUTER CASUAL TIES 0.00 50.00 CORSONS CORSON'S AUTO SUPPLY 0.00 513.64 CRANDALL CRANDALL, HANSCOM & COLLINS, PA 0.00 550.00 CRYSTAL CRYSTAL SPRING WATER CO 102.20 0.00 DAIMLER DAIMLER CHRYSLER TRUCK FINANCIA 0.00 2059.18 DA VIS ADRIAN ADRIAN DAVIS 0.00 300.00 DENNISON DENNISON LUBRICANTS, INC 0.00 628.79 DHS DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES 35.00 0.00 DOWNEASTPENS DOWN EAST PENSION SERVICES, INC Voided TIDEWATER TELECOM INC TIDEWATER J 82.84 0.00 EBS BUILDING SUPPLIES IN EBS 19.69 0.00 ELSPEAR E.L. SPEAR, INC. 6J9.25 0.00 65530 6553] 65532 65533 65513 65534 65535 65536 65537 65538 65539 65540 65541 65542 65543 65544 65545 65563 65558 65564 65546 65557 65547 65565 65548 65566 65549 65550 65567 65551 65552 65553 65554 65562 65555 65556 EFT 02/01113 02/01/13 02/0 ]1l3 02/01/13 02/01113 0210 1113 02/0]/13 02/0]113 02/0]113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/0]113 02/0]113 0210 lI]3 02/01/13 02/01/13 02/01113 02101/13 02/01113 02/01113 02101/13 02/01113 02101113 02/01/13 02101113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01/13 02/01/13 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01/13 02/01/13 02/01/13 02/06/13 65589 EFT 02/06113 02/06/13 65569 65570 65583 65582 65581 65580 65579 65578 65568 65577 65576 65575 65588 65587 65573 65574 65586 65584 65572 6557] 65585 65590 65591 65592 02/07/13 02/07113 02/07113 02/07113 02/07113 02/07113 02/07/] 3 02/07113 02/07113 02/07113 02/07113 02/07113 02/07113 02/07113 02/07113 02/07113 02/07113 02/07113 02/07113 02/07113 02/07/13 02/08/13 02/12/13 02112113 FERRAI0LOJ JOHN FERRAIOLO FREEDOM FREEDOM PRINTERS, LLC 0,00 FULLER FULLER OLDS CAD & GMC 0,00 FWWEBB FWWEBBCO 0,00 G&K 0,00 ALLTEX HANDY HANDY PORTABLE TOILETS 0.00 HARCROS HARCROS CHEM]CALS INC 0,00 HICHAR HICHAR & LUCA, INC, 0,00 HITECH HI TECH COMPUTER TELEPHONE INC 0,00 KALLOCH WEBBER ENERGY 0.00 KNOXBROSAUT KNOX BROS AUTO PARTS 0,00 LIBERTY TOWN OF LIBERTY 0.00 MAINECHAMBE MAINE CHAMBER GROUP TRUST 0,00 MAINETIRE MAINE COMMERCIAL TIRE IN 0,00 MAINEWATER MAINE WATER CO 0,00 MARITIME MARITIME ENERGY 0,00 MATHESON VALLEY NATIONAL GASES WV, LLC 0,00 UPS UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 0,00 SPURLING 0,00 SPURLING LAW OFFICE USCELL 0,00 US CELLULAR MEDOL MAINE DEPT OF LABOR 0,00 SPILLERS SPILLER'S 0.00 MIDCOAST MID COAST CUSTOM CLEANING 0,00 VISA CARDMEMBER SERVICE 0,00 MIDCOASTSHRM MIDCOAST SHRM CHAPTER #6] 0 VISA TW CARDMEMBER SERVICE 0,00 MILTON SOUTHWORTH-MILTON, INC. 0,00 MOTION MOTION INDUSTRlES INC 1.48 WE 0,00 W. B. MASON CO" INC. OCONNOR O'CONNOR GMC BUICK 0,00 PENBA YGLASS PEN-BAY GLASS INC 0,00 PROTECH PRO TECH SECURlTY INC 0,00 QUILL QUILL 0,00 TRANSCO TRANSCO BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES 0,00 SHEPP ARDNISS SHEPARD NISSAN INC. 0,00 SHREDDING SHREDDING ON SITE, INC. 0,00 555734247 TREASURER Treasurer State of Maine 0,00 WINDSOR WINDSOR ASSOCIA TES LLC 0,00 50428340 IRS INTERNAL REVENUE SERV 0,00 PAYROLL NORENE R BISHOP PAYROLL CURTIS A BRAYTON PAYROLL BOBBI M RAIRIGH PAYROLL BRIAN POOLER PAYROLL GLEN A MITCHELL PAYROLL TREVOR A LEWIS PAYROLL MARVIN A LEWIS PAYROLL JAMES LEIGH SR PAYROLL PHILLIP E BARRETT III PAYROLL MARSHALL JERNIGAN PAYROLL STEVEN F HARDING PAYROLL VINCENT FERRAIOLO PAYROLL EUGENE F WINCHENBACH JR, PAYROLL DONALD WILLETT PAYROLL FRANK FERRAIOLO PAYROLL JOHN R FERRAIOLO PAYROLL MARKWlEBE PAYROLL WAYNEM ROSS PAYROLL ADRIAN F DAVIS SR PAYROLL CRYSTAL COGSWELL PAYROLL ALANJ WALSH MIDCOAST MID COAST CUSTOM CLEANING 0,00 DHS DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES 0,00 MEDOL MAINE DEPT OF LABOR 0,00 Voided 132,80 46.96 89.87 ]55,94 ]05,00 23]6,29 2200,00 241.60 4228.26 242.31 51.49 538250 570,50 363.52 843.23 490,92 66.99 40,00 767.30 24.40 140,97 100,00 28.29 0,00 45,00 886.05 5020.33 264.37 92.38 2956,94 256, ]8 75.00 28,80 30,00 106,31 25,00 807.00 15000,00 4519.35 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 ]00.00 35,00 52,5] 65614 EFT 02/13/13 65615 EFT 02/13113 EFT 02113113 65616 65600 65607 65601 65602 65603 65599 65613 65612 65611 65604 65610 65609 65598 65597 65605 65608 65606 65596 65593 EFT 02/13113 02/14113 02/14!J3 65595 65594 65618 65620 65617 65619 65643 65642 EFT 02/14113 0211 411 3 0211 5113 0211 5113 0211 5/13 02!J 5113 02!J 911 3 02!J 911 3 02/20/13 EFT 02/20113 EFT 02/20113 65621 65622 65623 65624 65625 65626 65627 65629 65630 6563J 65632 65633 65634 65635 65636 65637 65638 65639 65640 65641 65628 02/21113 02/21/13 02/21113 02/21113 02/21113 02/21113 02/21/13 02/21113 02/21113 02/21/13 02121113 02/21113 02/21113 02/21/13 02/21/13 02/21/13 02/21113 02/21113 02/13113 02113113 02114113 02114/13 02114/13 02114/13 02/1411 3 02/14113 02/14!J3 02/14/13 02/14113 02/14/13 0211 4113 02114!J3 02/14113 02!l4!J 3 02/14113 02114113 02114/13 02!J 411 3 02/21/13 02/21113 02/21/13 ANTHEMLIFE ANTHEM LIFE 555738345 TREASURER Treasurer State of Maine BANKME THE BANK OF MAINE 20947277 IRS INTERNAL REVENUE SERV 00000034 IRVINGCC IRVING OIL MARKETING, INC TRAVELERS TRAVELERS CL REMITTANCE CENTER PAYROLL VINCENT FERRAIOLO PAYROLL BRIAN POOLER PAYROLL STEVEN F HARDING PAYROLL MARSHALL JERNIGAN PAYROLL JAMES LEIGH SR PAYROLL JOHN R FERRAIOLO PAYROLL EUGENE F WINCHENBACH JR. PAYROLL DONALD WILLETT PAYROLL MARK WIEBE PAYROLL MARVIN A LEWIS PAYROLL ALAN J WALSH PAYROLL WAYNEMROSS PAYROLL FRANK FERRAI0LO PAYROLL ADRIAN F DA VIS SR PAYROLL TREVOR A LEWIS PAYROLL BOBBI M RAIRIGH PAYROLL GLEN A MITCHELL PAYROLL CRYSTAL COGSWELL PAYROLL PHILLIP E BARRETT III 3011905 PITNEYPP PURCHASE POWER PAYROLL CURTIS A BRAYTON PAYROLL NORENE R BISHOP MIDCOAST MID COAST CUSTOM CLEANING MEDOL MAINE DEPT OF LABOR MAlNEREV MAINE REVENUE SERVICES DHS DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES TD TDBANK TD TDBANK 13929174 IRS INTERNAL REVENUE SERV 555743339 TREASURER Treasurer State of Maine 170316824 022813 BSB BANGOR SAVINGS BANK PAYROLL PHILLIP E BARRETT III PAYROLL NORENE R BISHOP PAYROLL CURTIS A BRAYTON PAYROLL CRYSTAL COGSWELL PAYROLL ADRIAN F DAVIS SR PAYROLL FRANK FERRAI0LO PAYROLL JOHN R FERRAJOLO PAYROLL STEVEN F HARDING PAYROLL MARSHALL JERNIGAN PAYROLL JAMES LEIGH SR PAYROLL MARVIN A LEWIS PAYROLL TREVOR A LEWIS PAYROLL GLEN A MITCHELL PAYROLL BRIAN POOLER PAYROLL BOBBI M RAJRIGH PAYROLL WAYNE M ROSS PAYROLL ALAN JWALSH PAYROLL MARK WIEBE PAYROLL DONALD WILLETT PAYROLL EUGENE F WINCHENBACH JR. PAYROLL VINCENT FERRAJOLO 0.00 801.98 0.00 0.00 816.00 1886.83 0.00 4523.98 0.00 0.00 718.61 21325.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 400.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 35.58 3953.87 35.00 248.22 244.81 0.00 4612.80 0.00 834.00 0.00 1429.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 65678 65677 65690 65676 65675 65674 65689 65673 65688 65672 65671 65687 65670 65679 65669 65668 65666 65665 65663 65667 65664 Cash EFT 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 0212211 3 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 65646 65662 65661 65692 65660 65684 65680 65659 65658 65657 65656 65655 65654 65653 65652 65651 65685 65650 65681 65649 65648 65686 65647 65682 65683 65691 65693 65694 EFT 02/22113 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02125113 02/25113 02/27113 EFT 02/27/13 EFT 02/27113 EFT 02/27113 EFT 02/28/13 02/22/13 02/22/13 NORTRAX POWERPLAN Voided NEWENGLANDB NEW ENGLAND BATTERY Voided WB W. B. MASON CO., INC. Voided MOTION MOTION INDUSTRIES INC Voided MILTON SOUTHWORTH-MILTON, INC. Voided MIDCOAST MID COAST CUSTOM CLEANING 0.00 100.00 VERIZONWIRE VERIZON WIRELESS Voided MEDOL MAINE DEPT OF LABOR Voided USCELL US CELLULAR Voided MEDICALPUBL MEDICAL PUBLISHING Voided MATIIESON VALLEY NATIONAL GASES WV, LLC Voided UPS UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Voided MARITIME MARITIME ENERGY Voided OCONNOR O'CONNOR GMC BUICK Voided MAINEWATER MAINE WA TER CO Voided MAINETIRE MAINE COMMERCIAL TIRE IN 0.00 2017.31 MAINECHAMBE MAINE CHAMBER GROUP TRUST Voided KNOXBROSAUT KNOX BROS AUTO PARTS Voided KALLOCH WEBBER ENERGY Voided MAINETIRE Voided: Continued Stub * KNOXBROSAUT * Voided: Continued Stub PINETREE PINE TREE WASTE 0.00 0.00 940007J GLACIAL GLACIAL ENERGY OF NEW ENGLAND 0.00 2139.94 G&K ALLTEX Voided FWWEBB FWWEBBCO. Voided FULLER FULLER OLDS CAD & GMC Voided FERKAIOLOV VINCENT FERRAIOLO Voided ELSPEAR E.L. SPEAR, INC. Voided TIME TIME WARNER CABLE Voided PINE TREE PINE TREE WASTE Voided DHS DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES Voided DENNISON DENNISON LUBRICANTS, INC Voided DAIMLER DAIMLER CHRYSLER TRUCK FINANCIAL Voided CRYSTAL CRYSTAL SPRING WATER CO Voided CORSON'S AUTO SUPPLY CORSONS Voided COMPUTERCASU COMPUTER CASUALTIES Voided COASTALFUEL COASTAL FUEL Voided CMP CENTRAL MAINE POWER Voided CEPI CONSTRUCTIONEQUlPMENT PARTS, INC. Voided TRACTION-Genuine Parts Co. TRACTION Voided CBKENWORTH C.B. KENWORTH, INC. Voided QUILL QUILL Voided BARNES BARNES GROUP INC Voided BANGORVOLVO BANGOR TRUCK & TRAILER SALES Voided TRANSCO TRANSCO BUSINESS TECHNOLOGIES Voided AMERITAS AMERITAS GROUP Voided Rockcoast Plumbing & Heating Voided ROCKCOAST CITY OF ROCKLAND ROCKLAND Voided FERRAIOLOJ JOHN FERRA10LO 0.00 20000.00 DlRIGO DIRIGO HEALTH AGENCY 0.00 13218.28 CNB CAMDEN NATIONAL BANK 0.00 20000.00 00000035 IRVING OIL MARKETING, INC 0.00 1401.78 IRVINGCC 92028155 IRS INTERNAL REVENUE SERV Voided 555750476 Treasurer State of Maine TREASURER 0.00 9JO.00 555750476 TREASURER Treasurer State. of Maine Voided 170316823022813 ESB BANGOR SAVINGS BANK 0.00 1632.46 Cash account Total 148 608102.73 03112113 EFT 03112113 EFT 03112113 EFT 03/05113 Cash Account #3 [CHECKING - NORTHWAY BANK] WINDSOR ASSOCIATES LLC WINDSOR WT 03.12.13 MARCUS, CLEGG & MISTRETTA, PA MARCUS WT 03.12.13 WINDSOR ASSOCIATES LLC WINDSOR 0.00 14875.00 0.00 41499.69 Voided Cash account Total Cash Account #4 [CHECKING - TD BANK OPER] FF 03.05.l3 AARP MEDICARE RX SAVER AARP 0.00 56374.69 0.00 42.90 Cash account Total 0.00 42.90 Report Total 1.48 756948.96 ======= (*) One or more checks have payee names that do not match the name contained within the database record. FERRAIOLO CORP Apr 9, 2013 Check Register (Checks and EFTs of All Types) 11:47am (Report period: December 14,2012 to March 13, 2013) Check Number ====== Date EFT#/ Vendor ====== ====== 100324 100323 100344 ] 00345 100325 EFT 12/14/12 12/14/12 12/14/12 12/14/12 12/14/12 ]2/14/12 100322 ] 00326 ] 00346 ]00312 100327 100350 100328 100311 100310 ] 00321 ]00329 100330 100331 100332 100320 100333 100319 100334 100348 100318 100335 100317 100336 100316 100347 100315 100314 100313 100351 100341 100337 100338 100339 100340 100349 100309 100343 100342 EFT 12/14/12 12/14/12 12/14/12 12/14/12 12/14/12 12/14112 12/14/12 12114/12 12114/12 12114112 12114112 12/14112 12114112 12114112 12114112 12114112 12/14/12 12/14/12 12/14/12 12/14/12 12/14/12 12114/12 12/14/12 12114112 12114112 12114112 12114112 12/14112 12/14112 12/14il2 12/14/12 ]2/14il2 12/14112 ] 2/1 4112 12114112 ]2/14112 12114/12 12114/12 ]2117112 EFT 12/19112 EFT 12119112 100417 100416 100418 ]00419 100415 12/20112 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 Name ======================== Cash Account #1 [CHECKING - BANK OF MAINE] PAYROLL MICHAEL T HALL PAYROLL JEREMIAH THALL PAYROLL ANTHONY TURNER PAYROLL CARL G WIGHT PAYROLL JONATHAN D HAMMOND 103031 DENNIS DENNIS K. BURKE PAYROLL DAVID J GIGUERE PAYROLL JOSHUA D HAMMOND PAYROLL TIMOTHY E WILLETT PAYROLL DEAN A BRANN PAYROLL TOBY HAWK MAINEREV MAINE REVENUE SERVICES PAYROLL DAVID L HENDSBEE PAYROLL RYANLBRAGG PAYROLL BRIAN A AUBUT PAYROLL ROBERT FIELD PAYROLL PAUL S LAMOREAU SR PAYROLL JAMES S LITTLEFIELD PAYROLL NATHAN A LUND PAYROLL WOODBURY R MCLEAN PAYROLL JONA THAN P FAIRFIELD PAYROLL EDWARD C MILLS JR PAYROLL NORMAN W DEAN JR. PAYROLL NORMAN R MILLER SR DHS DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES PAYROLL DALE 0 DAWSON PAYROLL MICHAEL E NEPTUNE PAYROLL RICHARD A COSTON SR PAYROLL LARRY PELLETIER PAYROLL JAMES G COSTON BRAGG RYAN BRAGG PAYROLL ERIC COOPER PAYROLL ANTHONY G CASORIA V PAYROLL TIMOTHY BRANN MAINETIRE MAINE COMMERCIAL TIRE, INC PAYROLL JACKM SMITH PAYROLL PAUL G RIOUX PAYROLL ALBERT RIVERA JR PAYROLL VIRGIL L SIMMONS JR PAYROLL BRIAN C SMITH JEWETT JEWETT & NOONAN TRANS PAYROLL PAYROLL STEVEN A TRUMAN PAYROLL DANIEL L THOMPSON 9400] 12 GLACIAL GLACIAL ENERGY OF NEW ENGLAND 555688683 TREASURER TREASURER STATE OF MAINE 05494564 IRS INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE NEWENGLAND NEW ENGLAND BATTERY NATURES NATURE'S WAY PORTABLE TOILETS OCONNOR O'CONNOR GMC BUICK, INC. PIKE PIKE INDUSTRIES, INC. NAPAFARM NAP A AUTO PARTS DiscOW1tS Net Amount ======= ====== 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12069.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22255.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4] 8.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 23.81 0.00 0.00 565.81 2505.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 320.32 Voided: Skipped 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.74 0.00 1388.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6563.10 858.56 88.00 5000.00 7898.80 1057.27 100412 100413 100414 100420 100411 J00424 100421 100423 100410 100422 100399 100405 100400 EFT 12/20/12 12120/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20112 12/20/12 12/2011 2 12/20112 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/2011 2 12/20/12 12/20/12 EFT 12/20112 100409 100408 100390 EFT 12/20112 12/20112 [2/20112 [2/20112 J00391 100401 100407 100402 100392 100406 100404 EFT 12/20112 12/20/[2 12/20112 12/20112 12/20/12 12120/12 12/20/12 12/20/12 100425 100393 100394 100395 100403 100396 100397 100398 100376 100352 100359 100374 100370 100366 100364 100362 100381 100361 100363 100387 100377 100365 100353 100379 100358 100354 100355 100356 EFT 12/20/12 12/20/12 12/20112 12/20112 12/20112 12/20112 12/20112 12/20112 12/21112 12/21112 12/21/12 12/21/12 12/21/12 12/21/12 12/21112 12/21112 12/21112 12/21112 12/21/12 12/21112 12/21112 12/21112 12/21112 12/21112 12/21112 12/21112 12/21112 12/21/12 12/21112 100357 100385 J 00388 100383 12/21112 12111111 12/21112 12/21112 NAPAFARM NAPAFARM NAPAFARM STANDARD MONMOUTHTX WHITEFIELD TOPSHAM UPS MAINETIRE TRACTION CMP GOSLINES CWREPAIR 0105087 DENNIS 0105088 DENNIS MAINECHAMBE LARRY AHHARRIS 9400113 GLAC[AL ALLTEX DHS JONESASSOC D1RIGOWASTE AMERITAS JEWETT GHBERLIN 12.17.12 lRVINGASH WRGRACE AUDETTES BARNES CENTRALEQUIP FARMINGDALE CENTRALME CHOATE CLEARVIEW PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL 94000114 GLACIAL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL * * * STANDARD DISTRIBUTORS TAX COLLECTOR TOWN OF WHITEFIELD TOWN OF TOPSHAM UNITED PARCEL SERVICE MAINE COMMERCIAL TIRE, INC TRACTION-GENUINE PARTS CO CENTRAL MAINE POWER GOSLINE'S HARDWARE, INC CW REPAIR INC. Voided: Continued Stub Voided: Continued Stub V oided: Continued Stub 549.07 0.00 0.00 4.83 0.00 10.69 28.71 0.00 0.00 20.00 0.00 2666.12 0.00 488.70 0.00 J64.40 0.00 95.59 0.00 180.00 DENNIS K. BURKE 0.00 19950.59 DENNIS K. BURKE MA[NE CHAMBER GROUP TRUST LARRY'S AUTO SALES & SER A.H. HARRIS & SONS INC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10148.44 7306.00 200.00 [ l3.2[ GLACIAL ENERGY OF NEW ENGLAND ALLTEX DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES JONES & ASSOCIATES DIRIGO WASTE OIL AMERITAS GROUP JEWETT & NOONAN TRANS G. H. BERLIN WINDWARD 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4872.51 26.24 418.24 786.44 573.49 870.16 1745.97 589.68 IRVING OIL MARKETING INC W. R. GRACE & CO" INC. AUDETTE'S HARDWARE INC BARNES GROUP INC CENTRAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY TOWN OF FARMINGDALE CENTRAL MAINE SEPTIC & PORTABLE CHOATE ELECTRIC CLEARVIEW AUTO GLASS NORMAN R MILLER SR BRIAN A AUBUT RICHARD A COSTON SR WOODBURY R MCLEAN DAVID L HENDSBEE MICHAEL THALL DAVID J GIGUERE JONATHAN P FAIRFIELD VIRGIL L SIMMONS JR NORMAN W DEAN JR. ROBERT FIELD CARLGWJGHT MICHAEL E NEPTUNE JEREMIAH THALL RYAN L BRAGG PAUL G RIOUX JAMES G COSTON DEAN A BRANN TIMOTHY BRANN ANTHONY G CASORIA V 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 73815.78 2066.12 53.43 241.37 2835.00 188.54 102.00 87.40 738.93 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 397.36 0.00 GLACIAL ENERGY OF NEW ENGLAND ERIC COOPER STEVEN A TRUMAN T1MOTHY E WILLETT JACKM SMITH 0.00 435.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100384 100360 100371 J00368 100367 J00369 J 00372 100373 100389 J00375 100378 100386 100382 100380 EFT 12/21112 12/21112 12/21/12 12/21112 12/2J112 12/21112 12/21112 12/21112 12/21112 12/21112 12/21112 12/21/J 2 12/21112 12/21112 12/24/12 J 00463 EFT 12/26/J2 12/26/J2 EFT 12/26112 EFT J2/26/12 J00434 J00450 10045J 100452 100433 100453 100465 J00445 100468 100466 100467 100454 100455 100456 100457 100458 100459 100464 100460 100461 100462 100447 100449 100438 100427 100448 100441 J00446 100443 100442 100437 100432 100440 100444 100436 100439 100426 100428 J00435 100429 100431 J00430 12/28112 J 2/28/12 12/28/12 12/28/12 12/28112 12/28112 12/28112 12/28112 12/28112 12/28/12 12/28112 12/28112 12/28112 12/28112 12/28112 12/28/12 12/28/12 12/28/12 12/28/12 12/28/12 12/28/12 12/28/12 12/28/12 12/28/12 12/28112 12/28/12 J 2/28/J 2 12/28112 12/28112 12/28112 12/28/12 12/28/12 12/28112 12/28/12 J2/281J2 12/28/12 12/28/12 12/28/12 12/28/J2 12/28/12 J 2/28112 12/28/12 PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL 2J648122412 BANKME DIRIGO 22950640 IRS 555695845 TREASURER 555695884 TREASURER PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL CCC PAYROLL DRAGON DRAGON DRAGON PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL DHS PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL DANIEL L THOMPSON SCOTT W DAWSON PAUL S LAMOREAU SR JOSHUA D HAMMOND lONATHAN D HAMMOND TOBY HAWK lAMES S LITTLEFIELD NATHAN A LUND DALE 0 DAWSON EDWARD C MILLS lR LARRY PELLETIER ANTHONY TURNER BRIAN C SMITH ALBERT RIVERA lR 0.00 Voided 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 THE BANK OF MAINE DIRIGO HEALTH AGENCY 0.00 0.00 8230.50 5317.06 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 0.00 5775.73 TREASURER STATE OF MAINE TREASURER STATE OF MAINE DALE 0 DAWSON NORMAN R MILLER SR MICHAEL E NEPTUNE LARRY PELLETIER RICHARD A COSTON SR PAUL G RIOUX COASTAL CEMENT CORP PAUL S LAMOREAU SR DRAGON PRODUCTS * * ALBERT RIVERA lR VIRGIL L SIMMONS lR BRIAN C SMITH lACKMSMITH DANIEL L THOMPSON STEVEN A TRUMAN DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES ANTHONY TURNER CARL G WIGHT TIMOTHY E WILLETT NATHAN A LUND EDWARD C MILLS lR DAVID J GIGUERE RYAN L BRAGG WOODBURY R MCLEAN JONATHAN D HAMMOND JAMES S LITTLEFIELD TOBY HAWK JOSHUA D HAMMOND ROBERT FIELD JAMES G COSTON MICHAEL THALL DAVlD L HENDSBEE JONA THAN P FAIRFIELD JEREMIAH THALL BRIAN A AUBUT DEANA BRANN NORMAN W DEAN JR. TIMOTHY BRANN ANTHONY G CASORIA V DAVID L BUZZELL JR Voided 0.00 1195.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6958.95 0.00 0.00 145528.22 Voided: Continued Stub Voided: Continued Stub 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 418.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 472.12 0.00 0.00 EFT 12/30112 22717 EFT 12/31112 12/31112 22716 EFT 01/01113 01/02113 EFT 01/02113 22719 EFT 01/04113 01/04113 100499 100498 100497 100496 100495 100494 100493 100492 100491 100490 100489 100488 100487 100486 100469 100470 100471 100472 100473 100474 100475 100476 100477 100478 100479 100480 100481 100482 100483 100484 100485 EFT 01/04113 01/04113 01/04113 01/04113 01/04113 01/04113 01/04113 01/04113 01/04/13 01/04/13 01/04/13 01104/13 01/04/13 01104113 01104113 01/04/13 01/04113 01/04113 01/04113 01104113 01104113 01/04113 01/04/13 01/04/13 01104/13 01/04113 01104/13 01/04113 01104/13 01/04113 01/04113 01/07113 EFT 01107113 EFT 01108113 EFT 01/08113 22720 EFT 01108113 01109113 EFT 01/09113 22722 22721 100513 100514 100522 100515 100516 100517 01110113 0111 0113 01111/13 01/11113 0111 1113 01/11/13 01/11/13 01/11113 9400111 GLAClAL LAJOIE 12.31.12 AMEX GARDINER 93408320 IRS 555699460 TREASURER DHS 0110391 DENNIS PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL 3710107JAN13 VISA 3778407JANJ3 VISATW 0110531 DENNIS 0110532 DENNIS AFFORDWELL 555703042 TREASURER 70115588 IRS SECRETARY FARMINGDALE PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL GLACIAL ENERGY OF NEW ENGLAND LAJOIE BROS., INC. Voided 739.20 AMERICAN EXPRESS CITY OF GARDINER 0.00 0.00 50717.17 718.07 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 0.00 5714.99 TREASURER STATE OF MAINE DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES 0.00 0.00 1180.00 418.24 DENNIS K. BURKE TIMOTHY E WILLETT CARLGWIGHT ANTHONY TURNER STEVEN A TRUMAN DANIEL L THOMPSON JACKMSMITH BRIAN C SMITH VIRGIL L SIMMONS JR ALBERT RIVERA JR LARRY PELLETIER MICHAEL E NEPTUNE NORMAN R MILLER SR EDWARD C MILLS.lR WOODBURY R MCLEAN BRIAN A AUBUT RYANLBRAGG DEAN A BRANN TIMOTHY BRANN ANTHONY G CASORIA V JAMES G COSTON RICHARD A COSTON SR JONATHAN P FAIRFIELD ROBERT FIELD DAVID J GIGUERE JEREMIAH THALL MICHAEL THALL JONATHAN D HAMMOND JOSHUA D HAMMOND TOBYHAWI( PAUL S LAMOREAU SR NATHAN A LUND 0.00 8190.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 374.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CARDMEMBER SERVICE 0.00 1372.96 CARDMEMBER SERVICE 0.00 86.46 DENNIS K. BURKE 0.00 3394.86 DENNIS K. BURKE AFFORDABLE WELL DRILLING 0.00 0.00 20015.65 540.00 TREASURER STATE OF MAINE 0.00 886.00 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE SECRETARY OF STATE TOWN OF FARMINGDALE JOSHUA D HAMMOND TOBY HAWK ALBERT RIVERA JR PAUL S LAMOREAU SR NATHAN A LUND WOODBURY R MCLEAN 0.00 0.00 0.00 5147.49 145.00 93.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 000 0.00 0.00 100527 100528 EFT 01111113 01111113 01111113 100529 100500 100525 100518 100501 100502 100503 100519 100504 100505 100506 100520 100521 100512 100511 100510 100526 100509 100508 100524 100523 100507 22718 100569 100534 100568 100567 100566 100533 100553 100565 100562 100563 100564 100561 100554 100532 100560 100531 100559 100558 100557 100556 100530 100555 100570 100571 100535 100536 100572 100573 100552 100537 100592 100538 100551 100574 100539 100575 100550 100576 01111113 01111113 01111113 01111113 01/11113 01111113 01111113 01111113 01111113 01/11113 01111113 01111113 01111113 01111113 01111/13 01111113 01111113 01111113 01111113 01111113 01111113 01111113 01113113 01114113 01114113 01114113 01114113 01114113 01114113 01114113 01114/13 01114/13 01114113 01114113 01/14/13 01114113 01114113 01114113 01114/13 01114113 01114113 01114113 01114113 01114113 01/14/13 01114113 01114113 01114113 01/14113 01114113 01/14/13 01114113 01114/13 01114113 01114113 01114/13 01114/13 0111 4113 01114/13 01114/13 01114113 PAYROLL ANTHONY TURNER 0.00 PAYROLL CARL GWTGHT 0.00 13219011113 BANKME THE BANK OF MAINE 0.00 16942.91 PAYROLL TIMOTHY E WILLETT 0.00 PAYROLL BRJAN A AUBUT 0.00 PAYROLL DANIEL L THOMPSON 0.00 PAYROLL EDWARD C MILLS JR 0.00 PAYROLL RYANLBRAGG 0.00 PAYROLL DEAN A BRANN 0.00 PAYROLL TIMOTHY BRANN 388.10 PAYROLL NORMAN R MILLER SR 0.00 PAYROLL ANTHONY G CASORJA V 0.00 PAYROLL JAMES G COSTON 0.00 PAYROLL RJCHARD A COSTON SR 0.00 PAYROLL M1CHAEL E NEPTUNE 0.00 PAYROLL LARRY PELLETIER 0.00 PAYROLL JONATHAN D HAMMOND 0.00 PAYROLL MICHAEL T HALL 0.00 PAYROLL JEREMIAH THALL 0.00 PAYROLL STEVEN A TRUMAN 0.00 PAYROLL DAVID J GIGUERE 0.00 PAYROLL ROBERT FIELD 0.00 PAYROLL JACKM SMITH 0.00 PAYROLL BR1AN C SMITH 0.00 PAYROLL JONATHAN P FAIRFIELD 0.00 TRAVELERS TRAVELERS 0.00 31387.00 OCONNOR O'CONNOR GMC BUICK, lNC. 0.00 4582.66 BANGORTRUCK BANGOR TRUCK & TRAILER SALES INC. 0.00 84.07 OCCUPATIONAL Occupational Health Ctrs of SW P .A. 0.00 118.00 NNECPA Northern New England Concrete 0.00 90.00 NAPAWINTHROP NAPA AUTO PARTS, INC. 0.00 195.30 ANDERSON ANDERSON EQUIPMENT COMPANY 0.00 1242.98 JEWETT JEWETT & NOONAN TRANS 0.00 866.23 NAPAFARM NAP A AUTO PARTS 0.00 1391.75 NAPAFARM Voided: Continued Stub * NAPAFARM Voided: Continued Stub * NAPAFARM V oided: Continued Stub * MOTION MOTION INDUSTRJES .lNC 0.00 54.45 KALLOCH KALLOCH FUEL SERV1CE 0.00 5200.83 ALPHA ALPHA AMERJCAN COMPANY 0.00 82.82 MORRJSON MORRJSON & SYLVESTER INC 0.00 592.83 ALLTEX ALLTEX 0.00 52.48 MCNEILUS MCNEILUS TRUCK & MFG 1848.58 0.00 MAlNETIRE MAINE COMMERCIAL TIRE, INC 0.00 3905.15 MAINEOXY MAINE OXY, lNC 0.00 1636.97 MAINEMOTOR MAINE MOTOR TRANSPORT ASSOC., IN 0.00 50.00 AABLE AABLEAUTOPARTS 0.00 632.50 MAINECHAMBE MAINE CHAMBER GROUP TRUST 0.00 1000.00 P1KE PIKE lNDUSTRJES, INC 0.00 1958.25 PINETREE PINE TREE WASTE 0.00 472.59 BARRIER BARRIER ONE INCORPORATED 0.00 5600.00 BRAGG RYAN BRAGG 46.15 0.00 QUILL QUILL CORPORATION 0.00 12.58 RED LON REDLON & JOHNSON 0.00 47.55 HUDSON HUDSON 18690.14 0.00 CEPI CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT PARTS, IN 816.34 0.00 CHADWICK CHADWTCK-BAROSS, INC 109.20 0.00 CHADWICK CHADWTCK-BAROSS, INC. 7661.44 0.00 HARCROS HARCROS CHEMICALS INC. 4992.62 0.00 SHUMAKER SHUMAKER INDUSTRJES 0.00 1960.00 CMP CENTRAL MAINE POWER 0.00 6048.01 SOULES SOULES AUTO SUPPLY INC 0.00 160.63 GOSLINES GOSLINE'S HARDWARE. INC 0.00 819.37 SPURLING SPURLING LAW OFFICES 961.10 0.00 100577 100578 100579 100540 100590 100581 100580 100541 100549 100585 100589 100582 100586 100583 100587 100542 100584 100591 100548 100588 100543 100547 100544 100546 100545 100593 EFT 01114/13 01/14/13 01/14113 01114/13 01114/13 0111 4113 01114113 01114/13 01114/13 01114113 01114113 01114113 01114113 01114/13 01114/13 01/14113 01114/13 01/14/13 01114/13 01114IJ3 01114113 0lIJ41l3 01114IJ3 01/14113 01/14113 01/15113 01116/13 EFT 01116113 100622 100612 100598 100599 100600 100601 100602 100603 100621 100604 100620 100605 100606 100607 100608 100609 100610 1006l! 100613 100614 100615 100616 100617 100623 100623 100618 EFT 01117/]3 01118113 01118/13 01118/13 Olll 8113 011l 8/]3 01118113 01118/]3 01118/13 DIll 8/13 0lIJ81l3 01118/13 011l81l3 01118/13 01118/13 01118/13 01118/13 01118/13 01118/13 01118/13 01118/13 01118113 01118113 01118/13 01118/13 01/18113 01118113 100619 100597 100596 100595 100594 EFT 01118113 01118/13 01118/13 01/18/13 01118/13 01119/13 STANDARD STANDARD DISTRIBUTORS STAPLES STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE STIMAN STIMAN STEEL DENNISONLUB DENNISON LUBRICANTS, INC WILLIAMSOIL WILLIAMS FUEL COMPANY TIME TIME WARNER CABLE TIME TIME WARNER CABLE DHS DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES GLENROCK GLENROCK SPRING LTD TRUMANHENRYHENRY TRUEMAN JR WESTERN WESTERN OIL INC TONDREAU ROBERT TONDREAU UPS UNITED PARCEL SERVICE TOWNFA1R TOWN FAIR TIRE USCELL US CELLULAR DM D&M AUTO SALES TRACTION TRACTION-GENUINE PARTS CO WRGRACE W. R. GRACE & CO., INC. GHBERLIN G. H. BERLIN WINDWARD THE UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE C USLIFE FAIRPOINTME FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC FWWEBB F W WEBB COMPANY FASTENAL F ASTENAL COMPANY CO., IN FREEDOM FREEDOM PRINTERS, LLC FLEETMATICS FLEETMATICS USA MAINEREV MAINE REVENUE SERVICES 21143852 IRS INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 555709489 TREASURER TREASURER STATE OF MAINE DM D&M AUTO SALES PAYROLL MICHAEL E NEPTUNE ANTHONY G CASORIA V PAYROLL PAYROLL JAMES G COSTON PAYROLL RICHARD A COSTON SR PAYROLL JONATHAN P FAIRFIELD PAYROLL ROBERT FIELD PAYROLL JEREMIAH THALL PAYROLL TIMOTHY E WILLETT PAYROLL MICHAEL T HALL CARL G WIGHT PAYROLL PAYROLL JOSHUA D HAMMOND TOBY HAWK PAYROLL PAYROLL PAUL S LAMOREAU SR PAYROLL NATHAN A LUND PAYROLL WOODBURY R MCLEAN PAYROLL EDWARD C MILLS JR PAYROLL NORMAN R MILLER SR PAYROLL LARRY PELLETIER PAYROLL ALBERT RIVERA JR PAYROLL BRIAN C SMITH PAYROLL JACKMSMITH PAYROLL DANIEL L THOMPSON DHS DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES DHS DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES PAYROLL STEVEN A TRUMAN 9400]]5 GLACIAL GLACIAL ENERGY OF NEW ENGLAND PAYROLL ANTHONY TURNER TIMOTHY BRANN PAYROLL PAYROLL DEAN A BRANN PAYROLL RYANLBRAGG BRIAN A AUBUT PAYROLL 9400]]6 GLACIAL GLACIAL ENERGY OF NEW ENGLAND 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 67.03 151.59 379.51 331.80 126.00 88.56 393.98 418.24 56.70 50.00 16590.00 9154.25 60.00 64.00 454.23 25.00 255.98 4897.59 4861.58 113.20 119.41 154.91 29.08 131.48 651.00 ]]488.49 0.00 5155.94 0.00 0.00 896.00 465.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 418.24 Voided 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.32 0.00 520.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1687.91 100653 100653 EFT 01/22/13 01/22/13 EFT 01/23113 EFT 01/23113 22723 EFT 01/24113 01/24113 100654 100656 100634 100651 100650 100649 100648 100655 100626 100647 100652 100646 100644 100643 100642 100641 100640 100639 100638 100635 100633 100628 100625 100636 100645 100632 100627 100631 100624 100637 100630 100629 EFT 01/25113 01125113 01/25/13 01/25/13 01/25113 01/25113 01/25113 01/25113 01/25/13 01/25/13 01/25/13 01/25/13 01/25113 01/25113 01/25113 01/25113 01/25/13 01/25113 01/25/13 EFT 01/27113 100657 100686 EFT 01129/1 3 EFT 01130113 100689 100687 100688 100690 EFT 01/31113 01/31113 01/31113 01/31113 01/31113 22724 EFT 01/31113 01/31113 EFT 01/31/13 100695 02/01113 01123113 01125113 01/25113 01125113 01125113 01/25/1 3 01/25/13 01125/13 01125113 01/25113 01/25/13 01125113 01/25113 01/25/13 01126/13 01/29113 01/30113 MAPA MAPA 555724731 TREASURER 02793712 IRS 01.23.12 AMEX KINSEYS 9400117 GLACIAL DHS DIRIGO PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL MAINETIRE PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL 0116884 DENNIS 9400118 GLACIAL HARCROS AFFORDWELL 80953077 IRS 555731155 TREASURER DRAGON CCC DRAGON DRAGON 999361181 TREASURER MCGEE 85223374 IRS 0118661 DENNIS BARNES MAINE ASPHALT PAVEMENT ASSOC * 0.00 1500.00 Voided: Reprinted TREASURER STATE OF MAINE 0.00 862.00 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 0.00 5010.42 AMERICAN EXPRESS KINSEY'S LAND SERVICE 0.00 50310.87 82.17 GLACIAL ENERGY OF NEW ENGLAND DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES DIRIGO HEALTH AGENCY MICHAEL THALL CARL G WIGHT ANTHONY TURNER STEVEN A TRUMAN DANIEL L THOMPSON MAINE COMMERCIAL TIRE, INC DEAN A BRANN JACKMSMITH TIMOTHY E WILLETT BRIAN C SMITH PAULGRIOUX LARRY PELLETIER MICHAEL E NEPTUNE NORMAN R MILLER SR EDWARD C MILLS JR WOODBURY R MCLEAN NATHAN A LUND JOSHUA D HAMMOND JEREMIAH THALL ANTHONY G CASORIA V RYAN LBRAGG TOBY HAWK ALBERT RIVERA JR ROBERT FIELD TIMOTHY BRANN JONATHAN P FAIRFIELD BRIAN A AUBUT PAUL S LAMOREAU SR RICHARD A COSTON SR JAMES G COSTON 0.00 0.00 0.00 529.11 418.24 6118.45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 574.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 490.78 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DENNIS K. BURKE 0.00 7996.44 GLACIAL ENERGY OF NEW ENGLAND HARCROS CHEMICALS INC. AFFORDABLE WELL DRILLING 0.00 0.00 0.00 628.92 5155.96 1020.00 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 0.00 4980.24 TREASURER STA TE OF MAINE * COASTAL CEMENT CORP * DRAGON PRODUCTS 0.00 0.00 860.00 Vaided: Continued Stub 0.00 6788.20 Voided: Continued Stub 81282.44 0.00 TREASURER STATE OF MAINE STEVE MCGEE 0.00 2542.81 1005.50 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 0.00 36.39 DENNIS K. BURKE BARNES GROUP INC 0.00 0.00 12087.39 420.05 100721 100720 100723 100722 100724 100719 100725 100717 100748 100749 100680 100718 100726 100727 100701 100716 100694 100678 100715 100702 100745 100744 100703 Cash 100714 100704 100743 100705 100706 100668 100742 100660 100659 100661 100707 100664 100666 100667 100669 100674 100675 100683 100685 100738 100663 100739 100671 100670 100658 100682 100708 100665 100740 100741 100737 100736 100735 100734 100733 100713 100712 100729 100728 100750 100730 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02101113 02101113 02101113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01/13 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/0111 3 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02101113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01/13 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01/13 02/01/13 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01/13 02/01/13 02/01/13 02/01/13 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01/13 02/01/13 02/01/13 02/01113 MINUTEMAN MINUTEMAN SIGNS Voided MILTON MILTON 0.00 328.49 NAPAFARM Voided: Continued Stub * NAPAFARM Voided: Continned Stub * NAPAFARM NAPA AUTO PARTS Voided MAINETIRE MAINE COMMERCIAL TIRE, INC 0.00 2262.38 NAP AWINTHROP NAPA AUTO PARTS, INC. Voided MAINECHAMBE MAINE CHAMBER GROUP TRUST 0.00 7744.50 VISA CARDMEMBER SERVICE 0.00 1036.38 CARDMEMBER SERVICE VISATW 0.00 267.32 PAYROLL JACKMSMITH 0.00 MAINEOXY MAINE OXY, INC. 0.00 378.75 NEWENGLAND NEW ENGLAND BATTERY 0.00 476.36 NORTRAX POWERPLAN 0.00 144.30 DENNISONLUB DENNISON LUBRICANTS, INC 0.00 183.49 KLJACK 0.00 K L JACK & CO. INC 616.06 AMERITAS AMERITAS GROUP 0.00 870.16 PAYROLL ALBERT RIVERA JR 0.00 KEYSTONE KEYSTONE 0.00 19.04 DHS DEPT OF HLMAN SERVICES 0.00 418.24 TRACTION TRACTION-GENUINE PARTS CO 0.00 831.03 TRACTION Voided: Continned Stub * ECBARRY E.C. BARRY & SON 0.00 108.00 EJP E J PRESCOTT INC. 0.00 0.00 KAMAN KAMAN IND TECHNOLOGIES Voided FAIRPOINTME FAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS, INC 0.00 119.17 TONDREAU ROBERT TONDREAU 0.00 4226.25 FLEETMATICS FLEETMATICS USA 0.00 651.00 FWWEBB F W WEBB COMPANY Voided PAYROLL MICHAEL THALL 0.00 TNE TECHNICAL SALES & SERVICE OF NE Voided PAYROLL DEAN A BRANN 0.00 PAYROLL RYAN L BRAGG 0.00 PAYROLL TIMOTHY BRANN 466.68 GARDINERWATE GARDINER WATER DISTRICT 0.00 93.46 PAYROLL RICHARD A COSTON SR 0.00 PAYROLL ROBERT FIELD 0.00 PAYROLL JEREMIAH T HALL 0.00 PAYROLL JOSHUA D HAMMOND 0.00 PAYROLL EDWARD C MILLS JR 0.00 PAYROLL NORMAN R MILLER SR 0.00 PAYROLL ANTHONY TURNER 0.00 PAYROLL TIMOTHY E WILLETT 0.00 TIME TIME WARNER CABLE 0.00 200.24 PAYROLL 0.00 JAMES G COSTON TIME TIME WARNER CABLE 0.00 382.74 PAYROLL PAUL S LAMOREAU SR 0.00 PAYROLL TOBY HAWK 0.00 PAYROLL BRIAN A AUBUT 0.00 PAYROLL STEVEN A TRUMAN 0.00 GHBERLIN G. H. BERLIN WINDW ARD Voided PAYROLL JONATHAN P FAIRFIELD 0.00 TIME TIME WARNER CABLE 0.00 399.12 TIME TIME WARNER CABLE 0.00 93.45 THAYER THAYER CORPORATION 0.00 91.00 STAPLES STAPLES BUSINESS ADVANTAGE 0.00 56.66 SPURLING SPURLING LAW OFFICES Voided REDLON RED LON & JOHNSON 0.00 392.15 QUIRKFORD Quirk Ford of Augusta 0.00 16.24 KALLOCH KALLOCH FUEL SERVICE Voided JORDAN JORDAN EQUIPMENT CO, INC 0.00 346.74 OCONNOR Voided: Continued Stub * OCONNOR Voided: Continued Stub * WEBBER WEBBER ENERGY FUELS Voided OCONNOR O'CONNOR GMC BUICK, INC. Voided 100711 100710 100731 100709 100693 100679 100692 100751 100691 100732 100747 100696 100697 100681 100746 100672 100673 100676 100698 100677 100699 100700 100684 100662 EFT 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02101113 02101113 02101113 02101113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02101113 02101113 02101113 02/01113 02101113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01113 02/01/13 02/05/13 EFT 02/06113 EFT 02/06113 100754 100753 100752 100758 100759 100760 100761 100762 100763 100764 100765 100766 100767 100768 100769 100770 100771 100772 100773 100774 100775 100776 100777 100778 100755 100756 100757 EFT 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08113 02/08/13 02/08113 02111113 100779 EFT 02/12113 02113113 100808 EFT 02/13/13 02/13/13 HILLYARD Hillyard - Manchester HARCROS HARCROS CHEMICALS INC. PINETREE PINE TREE WASTE GOSLINES GOSLINE'S HARDWARE, INC AMERICANHOM AMERICAN HOME SYSTEMS PAYROLL BRIAN C SMITH ALLTEX ALLTEX WRGRACE W. R. GRACE & CO., INC. AHHARRIS A.H. HARRIS & SONS INC PRC PRC INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY IN USLIFE THE UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE C BEN BEN PHILBROOK STEEL SUPPLIES BRAGG RYAN BRAGG PAYROLL DANIEL L THOMPSON UPS UNITED PARCEL SERVICE PAYROLL NATHAN A LUND PAYROLL WOODBURY R MCLEAN PAYROLL MICHAEL E NEPTUNE CLEARVIEW CLEARVIEW AUTO GLASS PAYROLL LARRY PELLETIER CMP CENTRAL NUUNE POWER CWREPAIR CW REPAIR INC. PAYROLL CARL G WlGHT PAYROLL ANTHONY G CASORIA V 1420914 FABIAN FABIAN OIL INC 52327103 IRS INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 555734980 TREASURER TREASURER STATE OF MAINE PAYROLL DEAN A BRANN PAYROLL RYANL BRAGG PAYROLL BRIAN A AUBUT PAYROLL RICHARD A COSTON SR PAYROLL JONATHAN P FAIRFIELD PAYROLL ROBERT FIELD PAYROLL JEREMIAH THALL PAYROLL MICHAEL THALL PAYROLL JOSHUA D HAMMOND PAYROLL TOBY HAWK PAYROLL PAUL S LAMOREAU SR PAYROLL NATHAN A LUND PAYROLL EDWARD C MILLS JR PAYROLL NORMAN RMILLER SR PAYROLL MICHAEL E NEPTUNE PAYROLL LARRY PELLETIER PAYROLL ALBERT RIVERA JR PAYROLL BRIAN C SMITH PAYROLL JACKMSMITH PAYROLL DANIEL L THOMPSON PAYROLL STEVEN A TRUMAN PAYROLL ANTHONY TURNER PAYROLL CARL GWlGHT PAYROLL TIMOTHY E WILLETT PAYROLL TIMOTHY BRANN PAYROLL ANTHONY G CASORIA V PAYROLL JAMES G COSTON 132190021113 BANKME THE BANK OF MAINE DHS DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES 32601726 IRS INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE TRAVELERS TRAVELERS 555738867 TREASURER TREASURER STATE OF MAINE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 211.07 2407.86 471.51 143.36 Voided 0.00 39.36 Voided 105.00 258.72 113.20 100.00 45.12 0.00 88.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 0.00 1911.38 Voided 0.00 0.00 0.00 13121.93 0.00 4888.37 0.00 825.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 466.68 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16942.91 208.24 0.00 0.00 4802.65 11483.22 0.00 827.00 100800 100799 100798 100797 100796 100795 100794 100793 100792 100791 100801 100803 100804 100805 100806 100807 22725 100787 100786 100809 100788 100790 100789 100780 100781 100782 100783 100784 100785 [008JO [00802 EFT 02115/13 02115113 02115113 02115113 02115113 02115113 02115113 02115113 02/15113 02115113 021J 5113 02115113 02115113 02115113 02115113 02115113 02115113 02115113 02115113 02115113 02115113 021J 5113 021J 5113 021J 5/13 02115113 02/15113 02/15/13 02/15113 02II 5113 02II 5/13 02115II3 021181J 3 EFT 02/20/[3 EFT 02/20113 100880 J00881 J00875 100874 J00873 J 008J J 100812 100813 100814 100815 100816 100817 100818 100819 100820 100821 100822 100823 100824 100825 100826 100827 100828 100829 100830 100831 100832 100833 02/22II3 02/22113 02/22II3 02/22II3 02/22II3 02/22II3 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22II3 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22113 PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL CORBETT PAYROLL PAYROLL MAINEREV PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL DHS PAYROLL 94001J9 GLACIAL 555744164 TREASURER 40522334 IRS NAPAFARM NAPAFARM MYERS MSHA MORRISON PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL PAYROLL ALBERT RIVERA JR PAULGRIOUX LARRY PELLETIER MICHAEL E NEPTIJNE NORMAN R MILLER SR EDWARD C MILLS JR NATHAN A LUND PAUL S LAMOREAU SR TOBY HAWK JOSHUA D HAMMOND BRIAN C SMITH STEVEN A TRUMAN ANTHONY TURNER CARL G WIGHT TIMOTHY E WILLETT ANTHONY G CASORIA V CORBETT CONCRETE JONATHAN P FAIRFIELD RICHARD A COSTON SR MAINE REVENUE SERVICES ROBERT FIELD MJCHAEL THALL JEREMIAH THALL BRIAN A AUBUT RYANL BRAGG DEAN A BRANN TIMOTHY BRANN ANTHONY CASORIA V[ JAMES G COSTON DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES JACK M SMITH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 146.25 0.00 0.00 5920.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 439.91 Voided 0.00 208.24 0.00 GLACIAL ENERGY OF NEW ENGLAND 0.00 2705.36 TREASURER STATE OF MAINE 0.00 790.00 INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE * * MYERS ASSOCIATES US DEPT. OF TREASURY MORRISON & SYLVESTER INC BRIAN A AUBUT RYANLBRAGG DEAN A BRANN TIMOTHY BRANN ANTHONY G CASORIA V JAMES G COSTON RICHARD A COSTON SR JONATHAN P FAIRFIELD ROBERT FIELD JEREMIAH THALL MICHAEL THALL JOSHUA D HAMMOND TOBY HAWK PAUL S LAMOREAU SR NATHAN A LUND EDWARD C MILLS JR NORMAN R MILLER SR MICHAEL E NEPTUNE LARRY PELLETIER PAUL G RIOUX ALBERT RIVERA JR BRIAN C SMITH JACKMSMITH 0.00 4582.23 Voided: Continued Stub Voided: Continued Stub Voided Voided Voided 0.00 0.00 0.00 490.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100834 100835 100836 100837 100876 100882 100901 100902 100872 100883 100871 100838 100839 100840 100899 100841 100842 100843 100844 100845 100898 100846 100847 100897 100848 100849 100850 100851 100852 100853 100854 100855 100856 100896 100895 100857 100894 100858 100859 100860 100893 100892 100891 100890 100889 EFT 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/2211 3 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/2211 3 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/22/13 100861 100863 100862 100864 100865 100888 100900 100866 100867 100887 100885 100886 100884 100870 100869 100868 100879 100878 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/22113 02/2211 3 02/22113 02/22/13 02/22113 02/22/] 3 02/22113 02/22113 02/22/] 3 02/22/13 02/22/13 02/2211 3 02122/13 02/22/13 02/22/13 PAYROLL STEVEN A TRUMAN 0.00 PAYROLL ANTHONY TURNER 0.00 PAYROLL CARL GWIGHT 0.00 PAYROLL TIMOTHY E WILLETT 0.00 NAPAFARM Voided: Continued Stub * NAPAFARM NAPA AUTO PARTS Voided MCTCB MAINE CONCRETE TECHNICIANS Voided MCTCB MAINE CONCRETE TECHNICIANS Voided MCNEILUS MCNEILUS TRUCK & MFG Voided NAP A WINTHROP NAPA AUTO PARTS, INC. Voided MAINETIRE MAINE COMMERCIAL TIRE, INC Voided AFFORDABLE DWIGHT WILLETT Voided ALLTEX ALLTEX Voided AMERlCANHOM AMERlCAN HOME SYSTEMS 0.00 233.98 WIGHT CARL WIGHT Voided AMERlTAS AMERlTAS GROUP Voided AUDETTES AUDETTE'S HARDWARE INC 0.00 160.81 AUGUSTATOOL AUGUSTA TOOL RENTAL Voided BANGORTRUCK BANGOR TRUCK & TRAILER SALES INC. Voided BARRYCROWELL BARRY CROWELL PLUMBING & HEATING Voided USCELL U SCELLULAR Voided BROWNSWELD BROWN'S WELDING & STEEL, INC. Voided CARQUEST CARQUESTAUTOPARTS Voided UPS UNITED PARCEL SERVICE Voided CHADWICK CHADWICK-BAROSS, INC. Voided CLEARVIEW CLEARVIEW AUTO GLASS Voided CMP CENTRAL MAINE POWER Voided COMPLETE COMPLETE HYDRAULICS Voided CWREPAIR CW REP AIR INC. Voided DENNISONLUB DENNISON LUBRICANTS, INC Voided DEP DEP-Natural Resources Ser Ctr Voided DHS DEPT OF HUMAN SERVICES Voided DlRIGOWASTE DIRIGO WASTE OIL Voided TRACTION TRACTION-GENUINE PARTS CO Voided TOWNFAIR TOWN FAIR TIRE Voided FLEETMATICS FLEETMATICS USA Voided TONDREAU ROBERT TONDREAU Voided GARDINER CITY OF GARDINER Voided GARDINERFEED GARDINER FEED & GARDEN C Voided GHBERLIN G. H. BERLIN WINDWARD Voided TIME TIME WARNER CABLE Voided TANKTOP TANK TOP MAINTENANCE Voided STlMAN STlMAN STEEL Voided STANDARD STANDARD DlSTRlBUTORS Voided REDLON RED LON & JOHNSON Voided 9400120 GLACIAL GLENROCK GOSLINES GOSLINES GOSLINES HARCROS PALMER YANKEE JONESASSOC JORDAN OCONNOR OCONNOR OCONNOR NEWENGLAND MAINEOXY MAlNECHAMBE KLJACK NAPAFARM NAPAFARM GLACIAL ENERGY OF NEW ENGLAND GLENROCK SPRlNG LTD * * GOSLINE'S HARDWARE, INC HARCROS CHEMICALS INC. PALMER SPRlNG CO., INC. YANKEE C.T. INC. JONES & ASSOCIATES JORDAN EQUIPMENT CO, INC O'CONNOR GMC BUICK, INC. 0.00 816.07 Voided Voided: Continued Stub Voided: Continued Stub Voided 0.00 * * Voided: Voided: * * Voided: Voided: NEW ENGLAND BATTERY MAINE OXY, INC. MAINE CHAMBER GROUP TRUST K L JACK & CO. 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General/Associate Services No disposable income Pending Motion for Contempt v. Joe Brochu Extension of time v. Pagurko Builders, Inc. Submitted opposing statement v. Broskie: (New Dimensions) Writ of Execution v. Thor Whitney (Concrete) Pending Disclosure Hearing Order v. James King Jr. Pending Disclosure Subpoena v. Michael Farnham Pre-Trial Order v. SR General, Ronald Roy v. McGee Construction Promissory Note Foreclosure v. Bruso - Cousins Concrete Writ of Execution v. Skip Stanley v. J. Cardilli v. John Jalbert v. Herb Rice v. Wayne Ely (Wayne's Landscaping) CREDIT SERVICE AGENCY OF MAINE, INC. v. Block Slayers v. Summit Real Estate LLC