Fall 2014 - Deep Springs College
Fall 2014 - Deep Springs College
Deep Springs College &/'(#51-&..,5R5&&5hfgj .Ŀ5*,./,-5(5,,#0&by Nick Jones DS13 W 5 ,5 -5 .)5 (()/(5 .".5 '(35&)05-.Ŀ5'',-5 "05-#5!))365-5."35)(.#(/5 ."#,5,,-5&-1",85#."5."(#&5 2*,.#-5 (5 (."/-#-'5 ),5 *!)!365 "5 )(5 ) 5 ."'5 2'*&#ŀ5 1"35 ."5 -.Ŀ5 #-5 -/"5 (5 #'*),.(.5 *,.5 ) 5 5 *5 *,#(!-5 /.#)(8 5 (5 ",5 .1)5 3,-5 -5 5 (!,65 Donna Blagdan5 -& &--&35 0).5 ",-& 5 .)5 1),%#(!5 1#."5-./(.-85"5./!".5-./(.-5 ")15 0(5 #-"71-"#(!5 (5 5 (5 )**),./(#.35.)5*,.#5�#(!55&# 5 ) 5-,0#85/.-#5."5%#."(65",5 1%&35 '#..#)(5 !,)/*5 "&*5 -./(.-5 .)5 ,)(5 ."#,5 )1(5 -(-5 ) 5 )'*--#)(5 (5 )(-#(.#)/-(--85 "5 ,(.&35 ŀ(#-"5 ",5-./#-5.)5)'55"*&#(5) 5 (5 /"#-'5 (5 "-5 ')05 .)5 &),#651",5-"5#-5()15."5-*#,#./&5)/(-&),5.55")-*#85 5 Ļ#-5 &&65 Adam Nyborg DS975 (5 Jill Brewer5 "05 &-)5 & .5 ."#,5 *)-#.#)(-5 -5 ,'5 (!,5 (5 0&)*'(.5 --#-.(.65 ,-*.#0&385 ./(.-5 "05 &)(!5 (5#'*,--535'5(5 #&&]-5 -/*,&.#05 1),%5 ."#65 *.#(65 (5*,(.#(!5-%#&&-85(5#.#)(5.)5 ."#,5.1)5/!".,-65()("65!5 j65(5)(.(65!5h65."35,52*.#(!55."#,5"#&5#(5."5-*,#(!855 )5."51")&5 '#&365151)/&5&#%5 .)5 )Ŀ,5 )(!,./&.#)(-5 (5 1&&7 1#-"-5 ),5 ."#,5 /./,85 Ļ35 ,5 ,./,(#(!5.)515'*-"#,5.)55 &)-,5.)5."#,52.(-#05(.1),%5) 5 ,#(-5(5 '#&385 5 ().",50).5(5*.5 -.Ŀ5 '',65 Jill Lawrence "-5 ')05 %5 .)5 )/&,65 )&),)5 .,5-,0#(!5-5#,.),5) 5*,.#)(-5 ),5 .1)5 3,-85 ,5 #(.#'.5 /(,-.(#(!5 ) 5 ."5 !,.5 )/.)),-5 #(-*#,5 -./(.-5 .)5 )&&)15 ",5 )(5 "#%#(!65 %*%#(!65 (5 ,)%5 &#'#(!5 .,#*-85 #."#(5 ."5 #(5#,&65-"51-5&13-50#&&5.)5*,)0#5-/**),.5),5.)5.5-5 #*&)'.5 /,#(!5 ').#)(&&35 # ŀ/&.5.#'-85,5)(-#,&5!# .-5 #(5 ."#-5 ,!,5 &-)5 &&)15 ",5 .)5 5 (5 '*.".#5 3.5 &0&7"5 *,-(5)(5)'85 Padraic Macleish DS99 is -.**#(!5)/.5) 5."5-")*5.)55."5 (15#,.),5) 5*,.#)(-8 15 5 (!,95 ,5), Marc Mora5 )'-5 #(.)5 ."5 *)-#.#)(5 #(.(-&35 *--#)(.5 (5 %()1&!&5)/.5 ))85#&#(!5 ,)'5 )-5 (!&-65 "#-5 *-.5 2*,#(5"-5#(&/51),%#(!5 -5(52/.#05" 5 ),5."5.*&-5 (.,5 (65 '),5 ,(.&365 )0,-#(!5 -0,&5 ) 5 ."5 ')-.5 *)*/&,5 ,-./,(.-5 .5 '')."5)/(.#(85,5"-5'5 #.5"#-5!)&5 ),5."5%#."(5.)5/-5 -5'/"5*5*,#(!-5*,)/65 '.65(5#,35-5*)--#&8 *5 *,#(!-5 .)5 -5 ().",5 -#5 ) 5 /((#(5 /.#)(85 #-5 &--65 #',5 #('65 &0-5 #(.)5 ."5 by Nick Barton and Nick Jones, DS13 ,#"5 -.".#-5 (5 "#-.),35 ) 5 ŀ&'5 #(5#(.,1,5,'(385(5-,(#(!5 atie Peterson5 "-5 ,./,(5 ŀ&'-5 -/"5 -5 Nosferatu5 (5 Me."#-5 &&5-55#-.#(!/#-"5*,)- tropolis65,#(5*,)0)%-5-./(.-5.)5 --),5) 5."5"/'(#.#-855*,(- ,#.#&&35 0&/.5 ŀ&'-5 -5 ,.5 (5 (#&5ŀ!/,5.5*5*,#(!-65.#5 -5,.# .-5) 55&,!,5/&./,85 "-5*,0#)/-&35"&5."5*)-#.#)(5) 5 ennifer Smith65#(.,#'5"#,5) 5 ),.5#,5"#,5) 5."5/'(#."5 )#&5 #(-65 "-5 "5 (5 .#-650#-#.5-551,#.,5#(5,-#(65 (5 ./!".5 &-.5 3,]-5 /'',5 #'*,--#05 ŀ,-.5 -'-.,5 .5 *5 '#(,5&)(!-#5David Neidorf85 *,#(!-85,5%!,)/(5#-5#(5)./(.-5 ,!,5 ",5 1#."5 "#!"5 -- &#.#&5#(51"#"5-"5*,0#)/-&35 .'65 ),5 ",5 *).,365 ",5 ,#!),)/-5 ./!".5 .5 ."5 (#0,-#.35 ) 5 #-**,)"5.)5&#.,./,65(5",5) - )(-#(7#&1/%85 ./(.-5 "05 .(5 *)#(.5 -(-5 ) 5 "/'),85 .#5 **,#.5",5#&#.35.)5-.#'/&.5 #-5 ."#(!5 .1)5 )/,--95 )(5 )(5 -*#,#.5 #-/--#)(5 1"#&5 ,.#(#(!5 (5 /-.(65 )/-#(!5 )(5 ."'-5 5^"(-7)Ŀ_5**,)"5.)5 #&#.) 5 (,,.#065 *"#&)-)*"365 /.365 .#)(85 In (.,)/.#)(5.)5)&#.#&5 (5 ')(3:5 ."5 ).",5 )(5 ."5 *#5 *)'-5 ) 5 Homer65 )7./!".5 355 #(65 ((# ,5 #-5 !/##(!5 -./0#651#."55*,.#/&,535.)1,5 (.-5 .",)/!"5 5 -/,035 ) 5 *)&#.#&5 *"#&)-)*"365 ',#(5 *)&#.#-65 "/'(5*-3")&)!385 5 &/'5 (5 ),',5 &&/- )'*,.#05 *)&#.#-65 (5 #(.,,#5*,-#(.5Tom Miller DS03 is (.#)(&5 ,&.#)(-85 ".5 (.5 &#(!5 5 -'#(,5 )(5 Ļ5 */- ,)(!>65 ((# ,]-5 ).",5 &--65 #-5  ) 5 &.)85 5 #-5 /,,(.&35 )'- '),5 ##)-3(,.#5 (5 ',85 *&.#(!5"#-5#--,..#)(5)(5&.)5.5 Ļ5-3&&/-5",.-5#.-5135.",)/!"5 ,#(.)(85#."5"#-5"&*65-./(.-5 *&(5 ,-"-65 (/&,5 '&.)1(-65 "05 (5 &,(#(!5 ")15 .)5 &)-&35 1,-65 *#'#-65 (5 '(35 '),5 ,5."5.2.5(52*&),5."5-/- -7-./#-5 ) 5 #( ')/-5 #--.,-85 .&5-"-5) 5'(#(!51#."#(5"5 )5..,5/(,-.(5."-50(.-65 *,!,*"85 )'5 #-5 &-)5 &#(!55 -./(.-5 **&35 0,#)/-5 ."),#-5 /*%#(!5."#-5-'-.,65(5 )/.5,#-%5(5"/'(5,,),85 0#-#(!5 (5 #(*((.5 -./35 ) 5 ichele Lanan5 "-5 )'5 ,%5 (5 ().",5 ) 5 #!!,85 ."5 (15 ,,.5 #"5 .#&&65 )'5 ŀ(-5 .#'5 .)5 %5 "#'-& 5 #(5 ,/((#(!5 -"),.-5 (5 "#,5 ) 5 ."5 ./,&5 #(-85 0#(!5)(5)."5",5).),&5(5 -1.7(-5.)51),%5)/.5#&38 55 "#&5."#(!5.5),(&&65 *)-.7).),&5 ,-,"5 .5 ."5 (#Brían Hanrahan5  ),5 5 .#'5 0,-#.35 ) 5 ,#4)(65 #"&5 #-5 ()5 .5 &&/,#5 )/-5 (5 #-5 ()15 .5 -.,(!,5 .)5 ."5 -,.5 )/."1-.85 '#5*. 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Pranav Bhatnagar5 $)#(-5 /-5 ,)'5 ,-&6515),%85Ļ(%-5.)5"#-5 0,#5 2*,#(-5 (5 .")/!". /&5 (./,65 0,3)35 (5 ŀ(5 -)'5 135.)5,&.5.)5"#'855#-55 (5) 5 #34%#5ŀ&'-65(50#5'/-#5&)0,65 (5 ')-.5 ,(.&365 5 ,7-.3&5 ,**,85 #.",5 -()15 (),5 ,#(5 (),5 ".5(),5!&))'5) 5(#!".5,5&5.)5 %*5"#'5 ,)'5."5-')%#(!5*),"65 1",53)/5(5ŀ(5"#'5#-/--#(!5 ,)'(65 -"#)(65 (5 ."5 #Ŀ,(-5.1(5^!,#._5(5^.1_85 .)5."5,"3."'5) 5"#-5'/-#8 William Ehlers )'-5 ),#!#(&&35 ,)'5 ,'(35 (5 '),5 ,(.&35 ,)'5 ."5 -.,#"5 ,("5 ) 5 ."5 (#.5),&5)&&!5-3-.'85#-5 !))5 ..#./5 (0,5 &.,-65 0(5 1"(5#(!5,#5 ),5"#-5/(#+/&35 /,)*(5 '((,#-'-5 ),5 "#-5 &)(!5 *")(5 )(0,-.#)(-85 (+/#-#.#065 "5#-5%()1(5.)5,/'#(.5)/.5")15 ."5-,.5&#'.5Ŀ.-5."5ł0),5 ) 5*5*,#(!-50!.&-65),51"35 ."5**&5) 5^('5,(_5)&&!-5 Harry Choee ) .(5 '/&.-5 5 (55'#-&#(!8 1#-5-!65-.,#(!5)/.5#(.)5."5&&35#(5-,"5) 5(&#!".('(.85- #."5 (5 0,7(,!.#5 *,-)(&),5 )'#(!5 .)5 *5 *,#(!-65 "5 #.365 Sebastian Hart5 #-5 2#.5 ),5 1),%51#."5#.35,5#(5,))%&3(5 (35 "&&(!85 #-5 -(5 -"./.),#(!5 /(,*,#0#&!5 '#&5 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Webb DS53 &&7"))&5/(#)( by Nick Jones DS13 N ).5&#'#.5.)55-*#ŀ5,65."#-5 .),]-5 ,/(#)(5 ./,5 &/'(#5 (5 ,#(-5 ) 5 ."5 )&&!5 ,)'5,)--5."5&-.5lf53,-85),5 ."(5jf5!/-.-51,5#(5..((5 .)5 ."5 /*5 1#."5 )&5 ,#(-65 ",5 )/.5."5/,,(.5-..5) 5."5)&&!65(65) 5)/,-65-*(5.#'5#(5 ."5 -,.5 0&&35 .".5 "-5 (5 -)5 #(ł/(.#&5 )(5 &&5 ) 5 )/,5 �-85 Ļ5 &&5 1.",5 1-5 "#&&365 /.5 ().5 -)5 )&5 .".5 '(35 !/-.-5 #5 ().5 ($)35 '*#(!5 )/.5 ,)/(5 ."5 #(5 #,&85')(!55(/',5) 50(.-65 #(&/#(!5 &/'(#5 / *%#(!5 (55*5*,#(!-5',.")(65-*#&&351&&5,#051,5"#-.),#&5 *,-(..#)(-5 !#0(5 35 Denis Clark DS69, Bob Gatje DS44, (5Jack Newell DS568 5 /-.-5 #-*&35 5 !,.5 ')/(.5 ) 5 !,.#./5 ),5 ")15 1&&5 ."5 0(.5 "5 (5 ),!(#45 35 #,.),5 ) 5 0&)*'(.5 David Welle DS8085 35 ."5 &)-5 ) 5 ."5 1%(65 0,3)(5 & .5 2#.5 ),5 ."5 /*)'#(!5 (.((#&5 &,tion in 201785Ļ50(.5-")15.".5 ."5 )((.#)(-5 ),'5 .",)/!"5 *5 *,#(!-5 )5 ().5 #-**,5 /*)(5 &0#(!85 -5 )(5 &/'(/-5 -#65^/(#)(-5,55)(.#(/.#)(5 ) 5."5*5*,#(!-52*,#(65# 5 $/-.5 ),55 153-65(55,'#(,5 (5,(1&5) 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Top right: Jonathan Pease DS85(left) and Jacob Dickinson DS76(right) return from a hike to the Druid. Bottom: At the Gilbert Pass, cowboy John Stuart DS12 takes questions about currrent grazing operations. &/'(#50(.- 1980s Alumni Reunion5@'),#&5351%(653 23-25, 2015 1970s Alumni Reunion5@),5351%(65*.',55-7, 2015 Alumni News, cont. Phil Hanawalt DS495 1-5 ")(),5 35 .( ),5 (#0,-#.35 1"(5 "5 1-5 1,5 ."5 20145 &0#(5 85 )25 '&5 ),5 /&.35 2&&(5 )-.,#(!5 (,!,/.5 -,"85"#&5"-5./!".5.5.(),5-#(51961855/,,(.&35")&-5 Ļ5 ,85 ),,#-5 ,4-.#(5 ,) --),-"#*5 #(5 #)&)!35 (5 #,.-5 ."5 (1&.5 85 5 ,*),.-5 -*(#(!5 *.',5 ) 5 ."#-5 3,5 #(5 ,!(.#(65 ..(#(!5 5 *").)#)&)!35 )(!,--65(5."#(!55)/,-5.5 (#0,-#5#)(&5&5#.),&5#(5 (.585#-5&# &)(!5'#.#)(5.)5 5 (5 #(-.,/.),5 #(5 #)*"3-#-5 !(51"#&5"51-5.5*5*,#(!-85 "#&5-3-5"5)1-5'/"5.)5."5)&&!5 ),5 0&)*#(!5 "#-5 )(ŀ(5 (5)''#.'(.5.)55,,5#(5'#85 Eric Abrahamsen DS965 ,(.&35 )'*&.5 ."5 (!&#-"5 .,(-&.#)(5 ) 5 Running Through Beijing 35 "#(-5 ()0&#-.5 /5 "(85 Ļ5()0&]-5-.),35)(,(-553)/(!5 '(5,(.&35)/.5) 5$#&5'#-.5."5 -.,/!!&-5) 5."5)()'#5/*"0&-5#(5'),(5"#(85Ļ5.,(-&.#)(5 1-5 */&#-"5 35 1)5 #(-5 ,--85,#5�-5(51),%-5#(5#$#(!85)/5(5ŀ(5."5))%5)(&#(5 .5.1)&#(-*,--8)'85 (5 ) 5 )(&35 )/,5 &/'(#5 ,-##(!5 #(5 ."5 )/.",(5 '#-*",655 Arjen Maarleveld DS775 "-5 *.5 5 (15 *)-#.#)(5 -5 5 ) 5 !65 5 -'&&5 ',#(5 (0#!.#)(5 ."()&)!35 ŀ,'5 #(5 &&#(!.)(65 15 &(85 ,$(5 (5 "#-5 1# 5 ,)&#(5 ,5 -))(5 ,&).#(!5 ,)'5 ",#-."/,"65)(5."5)/."5-&(5 .)5 &&#(!.)(65 )(5 ."5 ),."5 -- &(8 A 20145 ")-5 ")&,65 Tim McGinnis DS095 ',%5 ),5 (!&(5."#-5 &&651",5"51#&&5!#(5 -./#-5 #(5 )()'#5 ;5 )#&5 #-.),35.52 ),5(#0,-#.3850,5 ."5 -/'',65 #'5 $)#(5 Brad Edmondson DS765 (5 "#-5 1# 5 (#5 ),55, .#(!5.,#*5.",)/!"5."5 ,(5(3)(5&)(!51#."5."#,.(5 ).",5.,0&,-85#'5*#&).5)(5) 5 ."5-#25).-8 Nathan Deuel DS975 "-5 $)#(5 ."5 /&&7.#'5 /&.35) 5."5,#.#(!5 ,)!,'-5.5(#0,-#.35) 5&# ),(#65)-5(!&-8551#&&5&-)5."5 .552.(-#)(5(5."5-.,5) 5#(5,.-5,)!,'5.5)/(.5 .85 ,3]-5 )&&!85 5 �-5 1#."5 "#-5 '#&35#(5(#65&# ),(#8 (5'),#' A young John Sinning at Deep Springs D r. John Sinning DS485*--5 135 )(5 /!/-.5 22, 20145 .5 "#-5 ")'5 #(5 0(*),.65 )185 5 1-5),(5#(519325#(5,&#(65(--65."5-)(5) 5,85 )"(5(5&(5 #((#(!855!,15/*5#(5,-"&&.)1(65 )15 (5 '5 .)5 *5 *,#(!-5#(5."5-/'',5) 51948. 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"#5 .5 **5 ,)'5 ,&#(5 )&&!5 1#."5 5 !,5#(5'/-#855-,05#(5."5885 In Memoriam, cont. 035 ,)' 1944-1946,5")&#(!5."5 ,(%5 ) 5 #/.((.85 5 )'*&.5 !,/.5 -./#-5 #(5 /--#(5 &(!/!-5.5#&/,35)&&!5(5 /&.#'.&35,#05"#-5"5#(5"#-.),35@5-*##(!5#(5/--#5@5 ,)'5 ,0,5#(51958. 5!(5."#(!5 #(5 ,%&365 #--)/,#5 #(5 ."5 ,&35 ȀȈȄǿ-65 (5 ./!".5 )."5 "#-.),35 (5 /--#(5 .5 (.#)"5 )&&!85 5 1-5 5 ) )/(,5 ) 5 ."5 .#(!5 "))&65 5 -)(,35 &0&5 /%,5),#(!5-"))&5#(5#(!65 651",5"5./!".5 ,)' 1957 to 197385 )&5 1(.5 )(5 .)5 5 5 *,) --),5) 5'/-#5.5(#0,-#.35) 5#(5 .5 ,'#(!.)(5 ,)'5 ȀȈȇȀ5 /(.#&5 "#-5 ,.#,'(.5-5,) --),5',#./-5#(5 ȀȈȈȂ85 5 #-5 "# 5 0).#)(5 .",)/!")/.5 "#-5 &# 5 1-5 '/-#&5 )'*)-#.#)(85 5 1-5 &13-5 1,#.#(!5 ),5-*#ŀ5!,)/*-5),5)-#)(-85 #-5 )'*)-#.#)(-5 #(&/5 (..-5 ),5"),/-5(5),"-.,5B1"#"5"5 #,.C65 "',5 '/-#65 1),%-5 ),5 *#()5 (5 ),!(5 B ),5 "#-5 1# 5 .,##C65 (5 -)(!-5 (5 ,)/(-5 .)5 5 /-5 .5 -"))&-5 (5 ,.,.-5 1",5"5&5."5-#(!#(!85),5'(35 3,-5"5!05*,#0.5#(-.,/.#)(5#(5 '/-#5 ."),365 *#()5 (5 /--#(5 &(!/!8551-5."5 )/(#(!5#,.),5 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He ,*),.5 ),5 ."5 --)#.5 ,--5 ),5."5(2.5ŀ053,-651),%#(!5#(5 ,-()65(5."(5-55&!#-&.#05),,-*)((.5#(5,'(.)855(5ȀȈȄȂ5 "5 (.,5 .( ),5 15 "))&5 1",5 "5 1-5 *,-#(.5 ) 5 ."5 &15 ,0#185 5 ,/.#(!5 #(5 195665 "5 -,05/,#(!5." 1956-57 Supreme )/,.5.,'5-5."5"# 5&15&,%5.)5 "# 5 /-.#5,&5,,(8 In 19575 "5 $)#(5 ."5 -"#(!.)(5&15ŀ,'5) 5)0#(!.)(5(5 /,&#(!651",5"5",.551#7 ,(!#(!5*,.#5#(5**&&.5&#.#!.#)(5(5'#(#-.,.#05&15)0,55 ,,5 -*((#(!5 455 3,-85 5 5 &5 ."5 /##&50#15)''#..5)(5 ."5 '#(#-.,.#05 )( ,(5 ) 5 ."5 (#.5 ..-65 5 */*,#0.5 ),5.".5#-5."5"# 5*)ų,#.#(!5,'5) 5."5'#(#-.,.#05*,.5 ) 5."5 ,&5)/,.5-3-.'855&-)5 -,05 #(5 ."5 ,&3 1980-5 -5 ."5 "#,'(5 ) 5 ."5 '#(#-.,.#05 15 .#)(5 ) 5 ."5 ',#(5 ,5 --)#.#)(85 5 5 &5 5 (/',5 ) 5 ."5ŀ,']-5!,)/(,%#(!5*,)5)()5 '..,-65 #(&/#(!5 ."5 ŀ,-.5 )*(5 ")/-#(!5.5.)55(.5-)/."5) 5 ."5 -)(7#2)(5 #(:5 #.5 1-5 ),5 '(353,-5."5')&5 ),5(35-/"5 .5#(5."5)/."855(5."51980-5"#-5 *,)5 )()5 1),%5 (.,5 )(5 ."5 *(&.35--65#(&/#(!5-0,&5**&-5.)5."5/*,'5)/,.:5"5,!/5 )/,5 --5 ),5 ."5 )/,.855 5 &-)5 ./!".5 '#(#-.,.#05 &15 .5 .( ),5 15 "))&65 ),(&&5 15 "))&65 (5 )1,5 15 "))&8 55555)&&)1#(!5"#-5."655-*)%-'(5 ),5"#-5ŀ,'771#."5, ,(5.)5 "#-5 *,)5 )()5 .#0#.#-5 @5 ,#.5 #&&5 1#."5 5 *5 )''#.'(.5 .)5 */ -,0#5 (65 #(5 ."5 )*#(#)(5 ) 5"#-5)&&!/-651#."5^&!(,3_5 +/&#.#-5) 5,.#0#.35(5(38 55555#&&51-5(50#5.,%5(5ŀ&5 (65')(-.,.535"#-5..(#(!5 -#25/'',5&3'*#-8555(5"#-5 &.51# 65."5 ),',5 )(5-.,5 ''..65 1,5 .#05 #(5 ,&#(!.)(5 )/(.35 '),.#5 *)&#.#-5 ),5 '(353,-8555&0-5.",5-)(-65 1#(65&65(5(.65(5#!".5 !,("#&,(85 #&&5 1-5 ,'',5 35 '(35 ) 5 "#-5 ,#(-5 (5 )&&!/-:515-",5$/-.55 15&)19 Bill was a good friend for 71 years. He was a remarkably straight and upright man in a world where those values are scarce. He was usually silent, but he was possessed of a broad and tolerant mind, and he was eloquent when he had something to say. He was loyal to his family, his In Memoriam, cont. life, we see a prime realization of the Nunnian legacy85 - Pete MacDonald DS43 … friends, his legal associates (who honored him recently for his legal writing) and to Deep Springs. I will remember him with affection and be sad at his r. Robert Sproull DS35, absence, as will his many friends. CB38, TA385 #5 )(5 .)- Lindsey Grant DS43 ,5 9, 20145 .5 "#-5 ")'5 #(5 )"-.,65 15 ),%85 ),(5 #(5 1918 in Bill was a voice of absolute modera- &&#()#-65"5-*(.5.",53,-5#(5."5 tion and commonsense on the board. *5 *,#(!-5 ./(.5 )385 (5 He was totally committed to the stu- &.,5 3,-5 "5 1)/&5 ) .(5 )(&35 dent role at Deep Springs. ,&&5."5 /&ŀ&&#(!5'(/&5)'- Chris Breiseth, TA58, DS Pres- *&#-"'(.-5 ) 5 ."5 &),5 *,)!,'65 ident 80-83 0(5#(&/#(!5."5/-5) 5"),--5.)5 )5 '/"5 ) 5 ."5 ŀ&1),%5 ,)/(5 Bill was a wonderful friend. I first ."5 ,'85 &,35 (5 )'met him as a student at DS and we *&#-"5-./(.65"5./!".5&/&/-5 kept up our connection through the .)5 "#-5 &&)15 -./(.-5 #(5 ."5 ./years. He had the liveliest, most prob- (.5 )385 5 1(.5 )(5 .)5 ,#05 ing mind I have come across and it 5"&),]-5!,5#(5(!&#-"5(5 was always a treat to catch up with /&.#'.&35 5 "5 #(5 "3-#-5 ,)'5 him. I miss him deeply. ),(&&5(#0,-#.35#(5194385 - Mihir Kshirsagar DS95 5 )5 !(5 "#-5 ,,5 -5 5 *"3-##-.5/,#(!5."5)(5),&5 Back in 1943 we new students were ,85 #-5 2*,#'(.&5 ."-#-5 introduced to Deep Springs by a group '5 &--#ŀ5 /5 .)5 #.-5 **&#of exceptionally strong seniors. Among .#)(-51#."5'#,)105'!(.,)(-85 them “Rope” Allen stood out as a 5 ./!".5 *"3-#-5 .)5 035 (5 thoughtful guy with an individualis- ,#(5 -./(.-65 (5 '#,)105 tic bent. We elected him our labor com- ."),35 .)5 035 (5 #(/-.,#&5 (missioner. Allen, Al Votaw, and some !#(,-85 5 ,#05 (5 --#-.(.5 other seniors seemed miles ahead of *,) --),-"#*5#(5*"3-#-5.5),(&&5 at least some of us in intellectual and in 19465(50(5+/#%&385 scholarly maturity @5they recited verses 5 5 1-5 ."5 ŀ,-.5 #,.),5 from obscure poets, and Allen’s debat- ) 5 ."5 ),.),35 ) 5 .)'#5 (5 ing skills already demonstrated the ) ..5 "3-#-5 -5 1&&5 -5 ."5 strength of mind and reasoning power (.,5 ),5 .,#&-5 -,"855 that would challenge future legal ad- ,)'5 1963-196565 "5 1-5 #,.),5 versaries (and some of his friends). ) 5 ."5 0(5 -,"5 ,)$It has been one of the happy parts of .-5 !(35 B65 &.,5 %()1(5 my life to have kept active a student -5C51"#"51-5-.&#-"5 friendship throughout our lives in 35 ,-#(.5 #-(")1,5 #(5 1958 Washington: following his profession- '#-.5 ."5 *."-5 ) 5 ."5 )&5 al career from the sidelines, enjoying ,5 .)5 0&)*5 (15 ."()&)!#-5 numerous joint family occasions (our 1#."5*).(.#&5'#&#.,35**&#.#)(85 sons @5contemporaries @5were friends) )5 *,)').5 !,.,5 ))*,.#)(5 and admiring him as he toughed out a ')(!5 '#65 !)0,('(.5 (5 cruel illness. Reading the record of his #(/-.,35.)1,5.".5(65(5'(35 D ."()&)!#-5 /&.#'.&35 )/(5 -#!(#ŀ(.5,)&-5#(5."5#0#&#(51),&65 -51&&85 5 )5 '5 0#7*,-#(.5 ),5 '#5 Ŀ#,-5 .5 ),(&&5 #(5 196585 (5 196865 "5 ')05 .)5 ."5 (#0,-#.35) 5)"-.,5.)5)'5 *,)0)-.65(5-/-+/(.&35-,05-5 *,-#(.5 ,)' 1970 to 198465 /,#(!5 ."5 *,.#/&,&35 ./'/&./)/-5 *,#)52.(#(!5 ,)'5."5'*/-5 /(,-.5 ) 5 ."5 &.5 1960’-5 .",)/!"5 ."5 -.*5 #(ł.#)(,35 *,#)5 ) 5 ." 1970’-85 5 1-5 (5 +/&5 0).5 ),5 ."5 "/'(#.#-5 (5 ."5 -#(-65 ))-.#(!5 ."5 /(#0,-#.3]-5 ()1'(.5 (5 &#(!5 -.&#-"'(.5 ) 5 ."5 ),.),35 ),5 -,5 (,!.#-65 1"#"5 '5 5 &#(!5,-,"5&8555&-)5-,05-5 "#,'(5 ) 5 ."5 (-5 #(5 ),5 ,)'5 1968-197085 5 ,.#,5 -5"# 52/.#05 ,)'5(#0,-#.35 ) 5)"-.,5(5,-/'5."#(!5 -55,) --),5) 5"3-#-5#( 198585 5 )5 1-5 5 '',5 ) 5 ."5 .#)(&5 '35 ) 5 #(-85 5 -,05 )(5 5 0,#.35 ) 5 ),*),.5 ),-65 #(&/#(!5 ,)25 (5 /-"5;5)'65(5#(5&.,53,-5 1),%5 -5 (5 0#-),5 ),5 ."5 *,.'(.-5) 5(,!35(5 (-85 5&-)5-,05-55.,/-.5) 5),(&&5 (#0,-#.35 (5 #&%-7,,5 )&&!85 5 )5 -,05 .1)5 -*,.5 .,'-5 )(5 ."5 *5 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Kim DS14, Thomas Thongmee DS14,5(5Shelby MacleishB-.Ŀ50#-,C85),5 ."#-5#--/65*").)!,*"351-5*,)0#535Bryce Snyder DS14. 5 53)/5"05 %5),5-/!!-.#)(-5 ),5 /./,5(1-&..,-65*&-5)(..5/-8 E-mail: 5 )')'H*-*,#(!-8/ Address: 5 )'''/(#.#)(-5)''#.. Deep Springs College HC 7265)2545001 5 3,65 89010-9802 Front and back cover photos: Students remove cockleburr, an invasive weed, from pasture surrounding Deep Springs Lake
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