here - Chicago`s 43rd Ward
here - Chicago`s 43rd Ward
MIXED USE REDEVELOPMENT 1800 NORTH HALSTED CHICAGO, ILLINOIS COMMUNITY REVIEW September 30, 2013 HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED OWNED PROPERTIES PD 149 BOUNDARY/EXISTING CONTEXT HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 001 1800, 1802-14, 1816 NORTH HALSTED 1732 NORTH HALSTED 1818 NORTH HALSTED HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 002 818, 820 WEST WILLOW, 1801 NORTH DAYTON HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 003 ALLEY-ACCESS PARKING AT 1802-14 NORTH HALSTED HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 004 EXISTING: B. WILLOW/HALSTED UNITS: 25 PARKING SPACES: 25 TOTAL FAR AREA: 35,793 SF TOTAL RETAIL: 8,700 SF (+/-) B A A. WILLOW/DAYTON UNITS: 18 PARKING SPACES: 18 TOTAL FAR AREA: 13,119 SF TOTAL RETAIL: 0 VINCI (NO WORK) TOTAL UNITS: 43 PARKING SPACES: 43 TOTAL RETAIL: 8,700 SF EXISTING HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 005 PROPOSED: B. WILLOW/HALSTED UNITS: 55 PARKING SPACES: 56 TOTAL FAR AREA: 65,322 SF TOTAL RETAIL: 8,720 SF MIXED USE A. WILLOW/DAYTON TOWNHOMES UNITS: 5 PARKING SPACES: 10 TOTAL FAR AREA: 15,410 SF TOTAL UNITS: 60 PARKING SPACES: 79 TOTAL FAR AREA: 8,720 SF VINCI RESTAURANT (NO WORK) PROPOSED SITE PLAN HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 006 VIEW LOOKING NORTHWEST AT HALSTED AND WILLOW HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 007 DAYTON RETAIL TOWNHOMES GROUND FLOOR PLAN HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 008 HALSTED STREET HALSTED STREET 7’ 3.5’ 1800 N HALSTED PROPOSED RETAIL CORNER 1800 N HALSTED EXISTING RESTAURANT 10’ +/- 6’ WILLOW STREET WILLOW STREET SITE PLAN - EXISTING ENLARGED PLAN SITE PLAN - PROPOSED ENLARGED PLAN HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 009 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 12 11 SECOND,THIRD, FOURTH, FIFTH FLOOR PLAN HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 010 1 2 3 5 6 7 4 8 SIXTH FLOOR PLAN HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 011 BRICK GLASS HANDRAIL METAL PANEL CLEAR GLASS SPANDREL GLASS BRICK COVERED BALCONY 10’ 65’ 55’ 1732 N HALSTED EAST ELEVATION 25’ 10’ 8’ 174’ ROOF TOP ACCESS LIMESTONE CAP BRICK 3 METAL PANEL/BAY WINDOW 4’ ACCESS TO UPPER LEVEL OF PARKING 16’ STOREFRONT GLASS ALUMINUM STOREFRONT SIGNAGE DARK METAL SPANDREL PANEL METAL PANEL “FRAME” RESIDENTIAL ENTRY ALUMINUM STOREFRONT WINDOWS PROPOSED MIXED USE PROPOSED TOWNHOMES TERRACE/GREEN ROOF AT PARKING GARAGE ROOF 30’ METAL PANEL GLASS HANDRAIL METAL PANEL CLEAR GLASS SPANDREL GLASS BRICK 36’ SOUTH ELEVATION 85’ METAL PANEL GLASS HANDRAIL METAL PANEL CLEAR GLASS METAL PANEL METAL “FRAME” BRICK LANDSCAPED ROOF WEST ELEVATION/SECTION ACCESS TO LOWER LEVEL PARKING TWO LEVEL PARKING STRUCTURE WITH ROOF HALSTED & WILLOW ACCESS TO LOWER LEVEL PARKING AND LOADING/TRASH REMOVAL METAL PANEL SCREEN WALL 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 012 VIEW LOOKING NORTHEAST AT TOWNHOMES ON WILLOW HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 013 Parcel Parcel 1 1 Parcel 6,8,10 Parcel 6,8,10 Parcel Parcel 4,5 4,5 Parcel 3 3 Parcel EXISTING P.D. Area "B" EXISTING TOTAL UNITS Allowable TOTAL FAR: UNITS 1.73 Units P.D. Area "B" Parcel 1 Parking Parking Parcel 6,8,10 Parcel Allowable Parcel 1 1 FAR: Parcel Parcel 6,8,10 Units 4,5 Parcel 6,8,10 Parcel 3 Parcel 4,5 1 Parcel 4,5 TOTAL6,8,10 UNITS Parcel Parcel 3 3 Parcel 4,5 TOTAL TOTAL CARS CARS Parking Parcel 3 Parcel 1 TOTAL FAR FAR UNITS Parcel Parcel 1 16,8,10 Parcel Parcel 4,5 Parcel Parking Parcel 6,8,10 6,8,10 Parcel 3 Parcel 1 Parcel 4,5 4,5 TOTAL6,8,10 CARS Parcel Parcel 3 3 Parcel 4,5 TOTAL TOTAL FAR FAR AREA AREA FAR 3 Parcel Parcel 1 TOTAL Site Site CARS Parcel 6,8,10 SITE AREA SITE AREA SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL Parcel FAR 4,5 Parcel 3 Parcel 1 TOTAL6,8,10 FAR AREA Parcel FAR FAR :: Parcel 4,5 (ACTUAL) (ACTUAL) Site 3 Parcel 35 35 25 25 8 8 26 26 PROPOSED PROPOSED 94 94 35 25 39 39 8 25 25 26 18 35 18 94 21 25 21 103 1038 26 39 94 25 33,237 33,237 18 35,793 35,793 21 13,119 39 13,119 103 25,122 25 25,122 18 107,271 107,271 21 33,237 103 35,793 63,838 63,838 13,119 25,122 33,237 sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf sf 1.68 13,119 sf 25,122 sf Total Allowable FAR Total Allowable FAR Area: Area: 107,271 SITE AREA 63,838 sf TOTAL FARSUBTOTAL AREA sf Total Total Existing Existing FAR FAR Area: Area: Balance of Balance of available available FAR FAR buildable buildable area area Site Allowable buildable buildable area area in in parcels parcels 6,8,10 6,8,10 Allowable FAR : 1.68 SITE AREA SUBTOTAL 63,838 sf Units Units Allowed Allowed per per exstg exstg PD PD 149 149 (ACTUAL) Total Allowable FAR Area: FAR Existing : 1.68 Total FAR Area: (ACTUAL)of available FAR buildable area Balance Allowable buildable Total Allowable FAR area Area:in parcels 6,8,10 Units Allowed per exstg Total Existing FAR Area: PD 149 (PROPOSED) (PROPOSED) Balance of available FAR buildable area Allowable buildable area in parcels 6,8,10 Units Allowed per exstg PD 149 26 26 Parcel Parcel 7 7 Parcel 11 Parcel 11 18 18 0 0 P.D. Area "A" 1.30 Units P.D. Area "A" Parcel 2 Parking TOTAL UNITS 19 19 5 0 10 26 10 31 13 13 42 425 0 19 31 Parcel Parcel 2 2 Parcel 7 Parking Parcel 11 Parcel 7 2 Parcel 7 TOTAL CARS Parcel Parcel 11 11 Parcel 7TOTAL TOTAL FAR FAR AREA AREA FAR 11 Parcel Parcel TOTAL CARS Site 2 25,122 25,122 5 13 16,683 19 16,683 370 0 41,805 41,8055 13 25,122 37 TOTAL UNITS TOTAL TOTAL CARS CARS 1.30 41,805 sf FAR FAR :: Parcel 7 (ACTUAL) (ACTUAL) Site 11 Parcel 16,683 sf 0 sf sf 25,122 1.30 1.30 16,683 sf 0 sf 110,440 110,440 63,838 sf 136,800 sf 107,271 107,271 3,169 3,169 38,962 38,962 2.14 63,838 sf 26 26 Total FAR Area: Total Allowable FARAREA Area: 148,530 SITEAllowable AREA SUBTOTAL TOTAL FAR 41,805 sf sf Total Total Existing Existing FAR FAR Area: Area: Balance of Balance of available available FAR FAR buildable buildable area area Site Allowable buildable buildable area area in in parcel parcel 7,11 7,11 Allowable FAR : 1.30 SITE AREA SUBTOTAL 148,530 sf Units Units Allowed Allowed per per exstg exstg PD PD 149 149 (ACTUAL) 110,440 2.14 107,271 3,169 38,962 110,440 26 107,271 Total Allowable FAR Area: FARExisting : 1.30 Total FAR Area: (ACTUAL)of available FAR buildable area Balance Allowable buildable Total Allowable FAR area Area:in parcel 7,11 Units Allowed per exstg Total Existing FAR Area: PD 149 3,169 38,962 26 Balance of available FAR buildable area Allowable buildable area in parcel 7,11 Units Allowed per exstg PD 149 ADDITIONAL ADDITIONAL UNITS UNITS 1.43 Blended Exstg Proposed 138 Exstg Exstg 155 Proposed Proposed Exstg Proposed ADDITIONAL UNITS 36 36 ADDITIONAL ADDITIONAL PARKING PARKING SPACES SPACES 155 = 17 ADDITIONAL UNITS = 36 ADDITIONAL PARKING SPACES == 28,496 28,496 ADDITIONAL ADDITIONAL SQUARE SQUARE FEET FEET 140 176 = 148,530 sf SITE AREA TOTAL 148,530 sf SITE AREA TOTAL 15,650 TOTAL TOTAL PROPOSED PROPOSED FAR FAR AREA AREA 36 212,368 212,368 333,215 333,215 ADDITIONAL PARKING SPACES SF SF SF SF 40,772 sf 28,496 ADDITIONAL SQUARE FEET 212,368 28,496 333,215 SF ADDITIONAL SQUARE FEET SF 25,122 1.29 1.29 15,650 - (PROPOSED) (PROPOSED) 140 140 138 sf sf Exstg Proposed 140 Exstg Exstg 176 Proposed Proposed Exstg Proposed 149,076 149,076 177,572 177,572 Exstg Proposed 149,076 177,572 Exstg Proposed PROPOSED PROPOSED SITE SITE FAR FAR = 193,089 193,089 sf 148,530 AREA TOTAL 40,772 sf SITE 149,076 177,572 = 193,089 193,089 TOTAL PROPOSED FAR AREA (PROPOSED) 17 17 sf sf TOTAL FAR AREA Parcel 2 11 Parcel P.D. 149 Allowable FAR: 1.43 17 Blended == 25,122 25,122 10 13 15,650 19 15,650 -- 42 10 40,772 40,772 13 25,122 42 sf == = sf sf sf sf 148,530 148,530 sf sf Allowable 138 FAR: 176 176 sf sf Site SITE SITE AREA AREA SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL Parcel FAR 7 P.D.Exstg 149 Proposed Exstg Proposed SUMMARY 155 138 155 31 31 26 FAR sf sf PROPOSED 44 44 SUMMARY 5 5 0 0 19 19 18 0 5 26 5 44 13 13 18 37 37 0 19 44 Parcel Units 7 Parcel 11 Parcel Parcel 27 7 Parcel Parcel 11 11 Parcel 7 Parking Parcel 11 Parcel FAR 2 sf sf 26 26 PROPOSED 26 Parking Parcel Allowable Parcel 2 2 FAR: 2.14 2.14 13,119 25,122 EXISTING Allowable FAR: TOTAL 136,800 65,322 sf (PROPOSED) (PROPOSED) Parcel Parcel 2 2 EXISTING TOTAL UNITS UNITS 124 124 35 55 39 39 8 56 56 26 18 35 18 124 21 55 21 134 1348 26 39 124 56 33,237 33,237 18 65,322 65,322 21 13,119 39 13,119 134 25,122 56 25,122 18 136,800 136,800 21 33,237 134 65,322 63,838 63,838 13,119 25,122 33,237 1.73 107,271 sf 35,793 1.68 sf 35 35 55 55 8 8 26 26 0 0 19,595 19,595 1.2918 sf SITE PROPOSED SITE FAR 148,530 AREA TOTAL 18 (PROPOSED) TOTAL PROPOSED FAR AREA 193,089 1.29 193,089 0 19,595 193,089 18 193,089 1.57 1.57 1.57 SF 212,368 333,215 SF PROPOSED SITE FAR 1.57 0 19,595 18 EXISTING PROPOSED PD-149 SUB AREA “A” HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 014 Units Parcel 1 Parcel 1 Parcel 6,8,10 Parcel 6,8,10 Parcel 4,5 Parcel 4,5 Parcel 3 Parcel 3 FAR: Allowable EXISTING P.D. Area "B" EXISTING TOTAL UNITS TOTAL Units UNITS P.D. Area "B" Parcel 1 Parking Parking Parcel 6,8,10 1 Parcel 4,5 Units Parcel 6,8,10 Parcel 36,8,10 Parcel 14,5 Parcel TOTAL4,5 UNITS Parcel 36,8,10 Parcel 3 Parcel 4,5CARS TOTAL TOTAL Parking Parcel 3 CARS Parcel 1 TOTAL FAR UNITS FAR 6,8,10 Parcel Parcel 1 Parcel 4,5 1 Parking Parcel 6,8,10 Parcel 36,8,10 Parcel 14,5 Parcel TOTAL4,5 CARS Parcel 36,8,10 Parcel 3 Parcel 4,5FAR AREA TOTAL TOTAL FAR 3 FAR AREA Parcel Parcel 1 TOTAL Site CARS Site 6,8,10 Parcel SITE AREA SUBTOTAL Parcel 4,5 SUBTOTAL SITE AREA FAR Parcel 3 Parcel 1 TOTAL6,8,10 FAR AREA Parcel FAR : FAR : Parcel 4,5 (ACTUAL) Site 3 (ACTUAL) Parcel Allowable Parcel 1 FAR: 1.73 35 35 25 25 8 8 26 26 94 94 35 25 39 39 8 25 25 26 35 18 18 94 25 21 21 1038 103 26 39 94 25 33,237 sf 33,237 18 sf 35,793 sf 35,793 21 sf 39 sf 13,119 13,119 sf 103 25 sf 25,122 25,122 sf 18 sf 107,271 107,271 21 sf 33,237 103 sf 35,793 sf 63,838 sf 13,119 sf 63,838 sf 25,122 sf 33,237 sf 107,271 sf 35,793 sf 1.68 1.68 sf 13,119 25,122 sf PROPOSED PROPOSED 1.73 TotalAREA Allowable FAR Area: 63,838 sf SITE TOTAL FARSUBTOTAL AREA Total Allowable FAR Area: 107,271 sf Total Existing FAR Area: Total Existing FAR Area: Balance of available FAR buildable area Site Balance of available FAR buildable area Allowable buildable area in parcels 6,8,10 FAR AREA : buildable 1.686,8,10 SITE SUBTOTAL 63,838 sf Allowable area in parcels Units Allowed per exstg PD 149 (ACTUAL) Units Allowed per exstg PD 149 Total Allowable FAR Area: Total FAR Area: FAR Existing : 1.68 (ACTUAL)of available FAR buildable area Balance Allowable buildable Total Allowable FAR area Area:in parcels 6,8,10 Units Existing AllowedFAR per Area: exstg PD 149 Total (PROPOSED) (PROPOSED) (PROPOSED) (PROPOSED) Balance of available FAR buildable area Allowable buildable area in parcels 6,8,10 Units Allowed per exstg PD 149 Units 35 35 55 55 8 8 26 26 26 26 Parcel 7 Parcel 7 Parcel 11 Parcel 11FAR: Allowable 18 18 0 0 EXISTING TOTAL UNITS Units TOTAL UNITS P.D. Area "A" 1.30 5 5 0 0 Allow TOTAL UNITS 19 19 5 0 26 10 10 31 13 13 425 420 19 31 Parcel 2 Parcel 27 Parking Parcel 11 Parcel Parcel 27 Parcel 7 TOTAL CARS Parcel 11 Parcel 11 Parcel 7TOTAL FAR AREA TOTAL FAR AREA FAR 11 Parcel Parcel 2 TOTAL CARS 25,122 25,122 5 13 19 16,683 16,683 37 0 0 41,8055 41,805 13 25,122 37 1.30 TOTAL UNITS TOTAL CARS TOTAL CARS sf sf sf sf sf Site Site SITE AREA SUBTOTAL Parcel SITE7AREA SUBTOTAL FAR 148,530 sf 16,683 sf 148,530 sf TOTAL FAR AREA 41,805 sf Parcel 11 Parcel 2 FAR : FAR 7: Parcel (ACTUAL) Site 11 (ACTUAL) Parcel 25,122 25,122 10 13 19 15,650 15,650 42 10 40,772 40,772 13 25,122 42 sf sf sf sf 1.30 Total FAR Area: 148,530 sf SITEAllowable AREA SUBTOTAL TOTAL FAR 41,805 sf Total Allowable FARAREA Area: Total Existing FAR Area: Total Existing FAR Area: Balance of available FAR buildable area Site Balance of available FAR buildable area Allowable buildable area in parcel 7,11 FAR 1.30 SITE:AREA SUBTOTAL 148,530 Allowable buildable area in parcel 7,11 sf Units Allowed per exstg PD 149 (ACTUAL) Units Allowed per exstg PD 149 Total Allowable FAR Area: Total FAR Area: FARExisting : 1.30 (ACTUAL)of available FAR buildable area Balance Allowable buildable Total Allowable FAR area Area:in parcel 7,11 Units Existing AllowedFAR per Area: exstg PD 149 Total Balance of available FAR buildable area Allowable buildable area in parcel 7,11 Units Allowed per exstg PD 149 EXISTING (PROPOSED) (PROPOSED) (PROPOSED) (PROPOSED) 1.29 1.29 15,650 - © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 0 19,595 18 09/30/2013 5006.095 1 1 PR PR 0 0 19,595 1.29 sf SITE PR 148,530 19,595 18 TOT 18 193,089 193,089 1.29 PR 0 19,595 193,089 18 193,089 PD-149 SUB AREA “B” GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED sf sf 193,089 sf SITE 148,530 40,772 1 193,089 sf 193,089 TOT 193,089 PROPOSED HALSTED & WILLOW P. Allow 148,530 sf SITE 15,650 sf SITE 148,530 TOT TOT 25,122 40,772 sf 1 0 sf 25,122 sf 1.30 sf 16,683 0 sf P. SU 31 31 26 FAR FAR sf SU 19 19 18 0 265 445 13 13 18 37 370 19 44 Parcel 27 Units Parcel 11 Parcel Parcel 27 Parcel 7 Parcel 11 Parcel 11 Parcel 7 Parking Parcel 11 Parcel 2 sf sf PROPOSED 26 26 26 Parking Parking sf sf PROPOSED 44 44 Parcel 2 Allowable Parcel 2 FAR: 110,440 63,838 sf 136,800 sf 110,440 107,271 107,271 3,169 3,169 38,962 2.14 sf 63,838 38,962 26 26 110,440 107,271 2.14 3,169 38,962 110,440 26 107,271 3,169 38,962 26 EXISTING P.D. Area "A" 124 124 35 55 39 39 8 56 56 26 35 18 18 124 55 21 21 1348 134 26 39 124 56 33,237 33,237 18 65,322 65,322 21 39 13,119 13,119 134 56 25,122 25,122 18 136,800 136,800 21 33,237 134 65,322 63,838 13,119 63,838 25,122 33,237 136,800 65,322 2.14 2.14 13,119 25,122 Parcel 2 Parcel 2 SK- 015 EXISTING P.D. Area "A" Allowable FAR: PROPOSED SUMMARY P.D. 149 1.30 Allowable FAR: 1.43 Blended Units 35 55 8 26 Parcel 2 26 26 Parcel 7 Parcel 11 18 0 5 0 Exstg 44 31 138 Parcel 2 19 19 Parcel 7 Parcel 11 5 13 10 13 Exstg 37 42 140 124 TOTAL UNITS Proposed 155 = 17 ADDITIONAL UNITS = 36 ADDITIONAL PARKING SPACES = 28,496 ADDITIONAL SQUARE FEET 212,368 333,215 SF SF Parking 39 56 18 21 134 TOTAL CARS Proposed 176 FAR 33,237 65,322 13,119 25,122 Parcel 2 25,122 sf 25,122 Parcel 7 Parcel 11 16,683 sf 0 sf 15,650 - 136,800 sf TOTAL FAR AREA 41,805 sf 63,838 sf Site SITE AREA SUBTOTAL 148,530 sf 2.14 110,440 107,271 3,169 38,962 26 FAR : 1.30 (ACTUAL) 40,772 sf Exstg Proposed 149,076 177,572 148,530 sf SITE AREA TOTAL TOTAL PROPOSED FAR AREA (PROPOSED) Total Allowable FAR Area: Total Existing FAR Area: Balance of available FAR buildable area Allowable buildable area in parcel 7,11 Units Allowed per exstg PD 149 1.29 PROPOSED SITE FAR 1.57 193,089 193,089 0 19,595 18 EXISTING PROPOSED PD-149 HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 016 VIEW LOOKING SOUTH AT EXISTING RETAIL/SIDEWALK/BUS STOP ON HALSTED HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 017 VIEW LOOKING SOUTH AT PROPOSED RETAIL/SIDEWALK/BUS STOP ON HALSTED HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 018 51’ 57’ 61’ 72’ 51’ 61’ 47’ 72’ 40’ 42’ 47’ 66’ 42’ 50’ 59’ 40’ 63’ 66’ 59’ 40’ COMPARATIVE BUILDING HEIGHTS 63’ HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 019 VIEW LOOKING NORTHWEST AT HALSTED & WILLOW: ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 020 VIEW LOOKING NORTHWEST AT HALSTED & WILLOW: ALTERNATIVE PROPOSAL HALSTED & WILLOW 09/30/2013 GOLUB/DIVERSIFIED © 2013 Solomon Cordwell Buenz 1800 NORTH HALSTED STREET 5006.095 SK- 021
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