ZoMaxx: Abbott`s Drug Eluting Stent Programme
ZoMaxx: Abbott`s Drug Eluting Stent Programme
ZoMaxx: Abbott's Drug Eluting Stent Programme John Ormiston Green Lane and Mercy Hospitals Auckland, New Zealand ZoMaxx Drug-Eluting Stent TriMaxx Stent Platform ZoMaxx™ DrugEluting Stent ABT-578 PharmaCoat PharmaCoat Polymer Polymer Coating Coating ZoMaxx Drug-Eluting Stent TriMaxx Stent Platform ZoMaxx™ DrugEluting Stent ABT-578 PharmaCoat PharmaCoat Polymer Polymer Coating Coating TriMaxx Stent Platform 8-10 cells/ perimeter Off-set crown connector 2 connectors/ circumference Stent Scaffolding (Mean interstrut diameter) Scaffolding Diameter (mm) 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Driver TriMaxx Express 2 Vision Driver Driver is is a a trademark trademark of of Medtronic; Medtronic; Express Express22 is is a a trademark trademark of of Boston Boston Scientific; Scientific; Vision Vision is is a a trademark trademark of of Guidant; Guidant; Bx Bx Sonic Sonic is is a a trademark trademark of of Johnson Johnson & & Johnson Johnson Data on file at Abbott Vascular Devices BX Sonic Triplex stent material 3 layered composite Tantalum Strut thickness 0.0029” Tantalum layer 0.0029” Stainless steel Stainless steel Tantalum provides strength and increased radioopacity It allows struts to be thinner without sacrificing strength or radioopacity Triplex is a trademark of Uniform Tubing, Inc. Currently in development at Abbott Vascular Devices, not to be distributed or reproduced without permission of Abbott Vascular Devices Stent Material and Strut Thickness Labeled Thickness (inches) 0.0060 0.0050 0.0040 Stainless Stainless Steel Steel 0.0030 Cobalt Cobalt Chrome Chrome 0.0020 Triplex Triplex™™ 0.0010 0.0000 TriMaxx Vision Driver Liberte Express 2 BX Sonic Driver Driver is is a a trademark trademark of of Medtronic; Medtronic; Express Express22 & & Liberté Liberté are are trademarks trademarks of of Boston Boston Scientific; Scientific; Vision Vision is is a a trademark trademark of of Guidant; Guidant; Bx Bx Sonic Sonic is is a a trademark trademark of of Johnson Johnson & & Johnson; Johnson; Triplex Triplex is is a a trademark trademark of of Uniform Uniform Tubing, Tubing, Inc. Inc. Data on file at Abbott Vascular Devices Radiopacity Strut thickness is less without sacrifice of radio-opacity 300 Radiopacity 250 200 Tantalum Tantalum Cobalt Cobalt Chrome Chrome Cobalt Cobalt Alloy Alloy Stainless Stainless Steel Steel Triplex Triplex™™ Wiktor 150 Bx Sonic TriMaxx 100 Driver Liberté Penta Zeta 50 0 Vision Express2 MultiLink 0.001” 0.002” 0.003” 0.004” Strut Thickness (inches) Driver Driver is is a a trademark trademark of of Medtronic; Medtronic; Express Express22 is is a a trademark trademark of of Boston Boston Scientific; Scientific; Vision Vision is is a a trademark trademark of of Guidant; Guidant; Bx Bx Sonic Sonic is is a a trademark trademark of of Johnson Johnson & & Johnson; Johnson; Triplex Triplex is is a a trademark trademark of of Uniform Uniform Tubing, Tubing, Inc. Inc. Data on file at Abbott Vascular Devices 0.005” Independent Measurement of Stent/Delivery System Profile (Diameter) Calibrated travelling microscope 3 points along 3 examples of each stent/delivery system Ormiston CCVI 2000 Ormiston Diameter (mm) Stent Delivery System Crossing Profile 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1 0.9 Multilink Ave GFX Wiktor I Wallstent Crossflex LC Bard XT Nir 7 Cell S7 Express BeStent2 S670d BiodivYsio Duet Tristar Penta Nir Royal Tetra Express 2 Vision Jo Stent flex Bx Velocity Zeta Sonic Duraflex DISA S-Flex Antares Driver Trimaxx Liberte Tsunami Ormiston Stiffness was measured using a 3 point bend test F r (Instron) r Ormiston Cathet Cardiov Interv 2000 stiff Force The slope of the Force/Displacement curve is Stiffness Less stiff Displacement Stiffness is the reciprocal of Flexibility 1 Flexibility = stiffness Ormiston 0 Nir Royal Nir 7 Cell Antares Bx Velocity BeStent2 DISA S-Flex Jo Stent BiodivYsio Duraflex S670d Tetra Wallstent Penta Zeta Tristar S7 Express II Expanded Express Duet Liberte Vision Multilink AVE GFX Tsunami Driver CrossFlex Bard XT Trimaxx Wiktor gms force/mm Stiffness (reciprocal of flexibility) 160 140 Mounted 120 100 80 60 40 20 Ormiston Stent Flexibility In Vitro Bench Testing 10g 10g Bx OC 10g Express2 10g Vision 10g 10g TriMaxx Driver Driver Driver is is aa trademark trademark of of Medtronic; Medtronic; Express Express22 is is aa trademark trademark of of Boston Boston Scientific; Scientific; Vision Vision is is aa trademark trademark of of Guidant; Guidant; Bx Bx Sonic Sonic is is aa trademark trademark of of Johnson Johnson & & Johnson Johnson Data on file at Abbott Vascular Devices Stent radial strength is needed especially in calcified, fibrotic, or ostial lesions to: Resist compressive forces Maintain size Maintain circular shape Ormiston PRESSURE PRESSURECHAMBER CHAMBER IVUS tecoflex p Stent Water Ormiston % CROSS-SECTIONAL AREA % AREA and EXTERNAL PRESSURE (IVUS on benchtop) 110 Stent D 100 10% Stent X 90 80 25% 70 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 PRESSURE (Atmos) Ormiston 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 P re s s u r e (b a r ) Radial Strength: External Pressure and Stent Cross-sectional Area Reduction Ormiston D u ra fle x Te tra Duet E xp re ss S7 L ib e rte D rive r V is io n Tsu n a m i P e n ta C ro s sfle x Trim a xx B x V e lo city B e S te n t 2 V -Fle x C ro w n N IR 9 M u ltilin k Jo S te n t B io d ivy sio B e S te n t 0.0 Collapse Mean 25% Mean 10% 3.0 Is the Zomaxx Stent Platform suitable for Bifurcation stenting in the DES era? • Stents were deployed in a phantom using contemporary bifurcation techniques • Stents were photographed externally and internally Ormiston “Crush” Technique with Zomaxx Main br Side br “Crush” Technique with Zomaxx Deploy side-br stent “Crush” Technique with Zomaxx Deploy main br stent crushing side-br stent in main br “Crush” Technique with Zomaxx 2 layers 3 layers “Crush” Technique with Zomaxx 2 layers 3 layers “Kissing” balloon post-dilatation Kissing balloon postdilatation releases the side-branch from “jail” after “Crush” Bifurcation Stenting Before “kiss” Side-br jail After “kiss” No Side br jail Ormiston “Kissing” balloon post-dilatation after “crush” fully expands the Zomaxx stent at the side-br ostium and corrects any main br distortion Well expanded at side-br ostium No obstruction to main br No Side br jail Ormiston The “Culotte” Technique- Provisional side-br stenting in the DES era Ormiston 04 Trimaxx Stent after “Culotte” Bifurcation followed by “kissing” balloon post-dilatation Main br Side br Ormiston Trimaxx Stent after “Culotte” Bifurcation followed by “kissing” balloon post-dilatation Main br Side br Ormiston Trimaxx Trial (BMS) • 100 patients to receive Trimaxx (BMS) • Single-vessel, de novo coronary lesions (Type AB), length > 10 mm and < 15 mm; RVD 3.0-3.75 mm • Brazil, Germany • PI: Alex Abizaid • Primary Endpoint: MACE at 30 days • Secondary Endpoints: MACE, TLR, TVR, ABR, Late Loss at 6 months ZoMaxx Drug-Eluting Stent TriMaxx Stent Platform ZoMaxx™ DrugEluting Stent ABT-578 PharmaCoat PharmaCoat Polymer Polymer Coating Coating Polymer- PC Technology™ • PC Technology™ mimics body’s own chemistry – Hema-PC: Mimics outer membrane of red blood cell for biocompatibility – Lauryl: Hydrophobic for stability and adhesion to the stent surface – Hydroxypropyl Methacrylate (HPM) & Trimethoxysilyl Methacrylate (SMT): Crosslinking for durability • Following drug elution, PC coating remains bio-inert and noninflammatory PC Technology is a trademark of Biocompatibles, Inc. Presented by N. Chronos, TCT 2004, Washington, DC ( )2 3 ( O O O O Hema-PC )5 O O O O Si O CH 3 H 3CO O CH 3 O N ( OH O P )2 5 O O - ( )4 7 + Lauryl HPM & SMT Effect of PC coating on Inflammation in Porcine Coronary arteries InflammationSco Sco Inflammation 2.00 2.00 Bare BareTriplex Triplex(n=8) (n=8) 1.50 1.50 P PC C-coated -coatedTriplex Triplex(n=8) (n=8) 1.00 1.00 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00 00 30 30 60 60 90 90 120 120 150 150 D Days ays after after implantation implantation PC Technology is a trademark of Biocompatibles, Inc. Data on file at Abbott Vascular Devices 180 180 Area Stenosis Stenosis (%) (%) Area Effect of PC coating on Neointimal Hyperplasia in Porcine Coronary Arteries 50% 50% Bare Bare Triplex Triplex (n=8) (n=8) 40% 40% PC-coated PC-coated Triplex Triplex (n=8) (n=8) 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0% 00 30 30 60 60 90 90 120 120 Days Days after after im implantation plantation PC Technology is a trademark of Biocompatibles, Inc. Data on file at Abbott Vascular Devices 150 150 180 180 The ZoMaxx Stent - PharmaCoat PC topcoat ABT-578 PC basecoat Not approved for sale in or outside the United States. Presented by L. Schwartz, TCT 2004, Washington, DC Comparison of in vivo Elution Rates 120 120 120 120 100 100 100 100 80 80 % Drug Drug eluted eluted % % Drug Drug eluted eluted % Rabbit iliac models Endeavor™ No top coat 60 60 40 40 ~75% elution in 2 days 100% elution in 10 days 20 20 ZoMaxx™ Cypher™ 80 80 60 60 40 40 ~75% elution in 10 days 100% elution in 30 days 20 20 00 00 00 10 10 20 20 Time Time (days) (days) 30 30 00 10 10 20 20 Time Time (days) (days) Presented by A. Carter, ACC 2003, presented by B. Chevalier, PCR 2004, data on file at Abbott Vascular Devices 30 30 ZoMaxx Drug-Eluting Stent TriMaxx Stent Platform ZoMaxx™ DrugEluting Stent ABT-578 PharmaCoat PharmaCoat Polymer Polymer Coating Coating ABT 578 is different from rapamycin due to Tetrazole group on C42 HO 42 O O O O O N R apam ycin Rapamycin Tetrazole ring at C42 O HO N HO O O O O N N N 42 O O O O ABT-578 ABT 578 N O HO O HO O O O O FK BP Binding D om ain m TO R Effector D om ain The cell cycle and action of ABT 578 cell responds to growth factor stimulation G0 mitosis M G1 cytostatic agents allow cells in G0 to re-enter the cell cycle Checkpoint G2 prepares for mitosis S ABT-578 is cytostatic: blocks entry into S phase as does sirolimus DNA synthesis Delivered locally, ABT-578 inhibits inflammation and the proliferation of SMCs ABT-578 is cytostatic by halting the cell cycle in the late G1 phase Effect of TriMaxx, ZoMaxx, Cypher, and Taxus Stents on Swine Coronary Morphometry at 28 days (mean + SEM) Neointimal Area (mm2) 3 * ** mm2 2 ** 9 18 18 18 TriMaxx Taxus Cypher ZoMaxx 1 0 *p<0.05 vs. TriMaxx **p<0.01 vs. TriMaxx Lipophilicity of Some Clinical DES Agents 45000 40000 P<0.0001 ABT-578 is 2.2 times more lipophilic than rapamycin P (C octanol/C Water) 35000 Lipophilicity increases tissue retention of the drug 30000 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 n=16 0 n=16 n=9 n=10 n=10 1 ABT-578 Rapamycin Estadiol Determination of Partition Coefficients for ABT-578, Rapamycin, Paclitaxel, Dexamethasone, and Estradiol at 22 deg C, Abbott Laboratories Report on File, 2004 Presented by L. Schwartz, TCT 2004, Washington, DC Paclitaxel Dexamethasone Rabbit Study – Preliminary results Comparison of Drug Levels in Arterial Tissue for ZoMaxx Stent versus Cypher Stent 160 Drug in Tissue ( ug / g ) 140 ZoMaxx™ Cypher™ 120 bc3 100 80 60 40 20 Mean ± SEM n=4 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (days) Cypher Cypher is is aa trademark trademark of of Johnson Johnson & & Johnson Johnson Presented by L. Schwartz, TCT 2004, Washington, DC Data on file at Abbott Vascular Devices 30 슬라이드 42 bc3 the ratio between abt and sirolimus uptake in the first 4 days is around 10:1, are we sure that is safe? Bernard, 2004-05-12 Zomaxx I Trial • 400 patients to be randomized to receive either a Zomaxx stent or a Taxus stent • Non-inferiority trial • Primary end-point is late loss 9 month angio • Single de novo lesions • > 10 mm and < 30 mm, RVD 2.5-3.5 mm • 35 sites New Zealand, Australia, Europe • PI Bernard Chevalier 161 of 400 pts enrolled as of 15.4.05 Zomaxx II Trial • 1670 patients will be randomized to receive either a Zomaxx stent or a Taxus stent • Non-inferiority trial • Primary end-point is TVR • Single de novo lesions • 75 sites USA and Canada ZOMAXX I and II Core labs Data Center – Harvard Clinical Research Institute, Boston QCA – Brigham and Women’s, Boston IVUS – Stanford Interventional Cardiology, Palo Alto ECG – Harvard Clinical Research Institute, Boston Presented by A. Yeung, TCT 2004, Washington, DC Summary • Zomaxx Stent – Trimaxx stent has excellent mechanical and physical properties – PharmaCoat polymer safe – ABT 578 – Drug release rate similar to Cypher • Trials -Zomaxx I underway, Zomaxx II planned ZOMAXX I Trial Randomized, Non-inferiority Trial vs Taxus N=400 34 sites Europe Australia New Zealand Single, de novo coronary lesions (Type A-B) with length > 10 mm and < 30 mm, and RVD 2.5-3.5 mm. Pre-dilatation required Stent Diameters ZoMaxx™ Stent N=200 Stent Lengths 2.5 mm 8, 18, 23, 28 mm 3.0 mm 8, 18, 23, 33 mm 3.5 mm 8, 18, 23, 33 mm TAXUS™ Stent N=200 Clinical follow-up 30d 6mo Radiographic follow-up Primary endpoint: Secondary endpoints: Medications: Stratification: 9mo 12mo 2yr 3yr 4yr 5yr QCA/IVUS 9-mos. in-segment late loss with equivalency limit of 0.25 mm, σ=0.4 mm; > 99% power; 1-sided α=0.05 MACE, TVF, TLR, TVR, binary restenosis, in-stent late loss, neointimal volume, neointimal volume obstruction Clopidogrel 75 mg QD for at least 6 months, ASA 100 mg QD ≥ 12 months Site Presented by A. Yeung, TCT 2004, Washington, DC ZOMAXX II Trial Randomized, Non-inferiority Trial, Clinical Endpoint 1670 subjects ~ 75 sites USA and Canada Single, de novo coronary lesions (Type A-B) with length > 10mm and < 28mm and RVD 2.5-3.75mm Pre-dilatation required Stent Diameters ZoMaxx™ Stent N=835 Stent Lengths 2.5 mm 8, 13, 18, 23, 28 mm 3.0 mm 8, 13, 18, 23, 33 mm 3.5 mm 8, 13, 18, 23, 33 mm TAXUS™ Stent N=835 Clinical follow-up 30d 6mo Radiographic follow-up Primary endpoint: Secondary endpoint: Additional Analyses: Medications: 9mo 12mo 2yr 3yr 4yr 5yr QCA/IVUS Non-inferiority to TAXUS using 9-mo ischemia driven target vessel revascularization (TVR) In-segment late loss at 9 mo. (QCA) Binary restenosis, MACE, TLR, TVR, in-stent late loss, neointimal volume, clinical outcomes by vessel diameter and lesion lengths Clopidogrel 75 mg QD for 6 months, ASA 325 mg QD for at least 12 months Presented by A. Yeung, TCT 2004, Washington, DC TriMaxx Stent Pattern 8 or 10 cells around perimeter 2 connectors between rings Offset O.C.C.™ (Offset Crown Connector): connecting foot pulls the rings closer together and offsets the apexes of the crowns for improved scaffolding Distal
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