Alamo City Wings - GWRRA Texas Chapter H


Alamo City Wings - GWRRA Texas Chapter H
August 2008
Alamo City Wings
Volume 31
Friends for Fun, Safety, and Knowledge!
Issue 11
* From the Chapter Director *
Chapter H Officers
Chapter Director
Bruce MacMaster 520-3061
[email protected]
Assistant Chapter Director
Chapter Educator
Charles Fleming 682-1446
[email protected]
Membership Coordinator
Phyllis Ellis
[email protected]
Chapter H Staff
Web Master
Dean Davis
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
Kathy Vallejo 827-4446
The lunch ride in October was a success for getting
some more co-riders. There were seven bikes on the ride and
five of them were two up. The weather was not fall like so it
must have been the late start. We have another lunch ride
scheduled for November 10th. The ERC that was also
scheduled for that day has been changed to the 11th so we
should have a good turnout. As I am writing the cold front
has come through and this weekend’s ride will be cool, high in
the sixties and nice for the next week so maybe fall is
actually here for good.
The mid-winter roundup will be on January 5th in
Wichita Falls. This is for team members or anyone that
wants to learn more about the inner workings of GWRRA.
The schedule is not published yet but if you are interested in
going please let me know and I will keep you informed of the
details and plans for travel to the site of the 2013 Texas
District convention.
As mentioned the ERC scheduled for November 10th
was moved to November 11th and is full. The one on
[email protected]
Technical Advisor
Len Ellis - 695-4320
[email protected]
Texas District Officer’s & Staff
District Directors ..............................................David & Christina Vidrine ...........281-709-3904
Asst. District Directors. .....................................Mike & Robin Thacker..................281-686-8892
District Educators..............................................Ricky & Karen Frazier .................281-615-4386
Chapter Photographer
Dean Davis
[email protected]
Assistant District Educator ................................Richard & Kathy Hipp ..................832-492-2534
District Treasurer...............................................Diane Shults .................................713-562-3994
Membership Enhancement Division..................Carolyn Barton ..............................254-578-3353
Activity / Ride Coordinator
Charles Fleming 682-1446
[email protected]
Asst. Membership Enhancement Coord. ...........Jim & Alvalin Woodul...................254-458-2079
Entertainment Coordinator. ...............................Kenny Shults .................................281-642-4619
District Couple of the Year…………………….Mike & Robin Thacker…………...281-686-8892
COY Coordinators……………………………..Jean & Dave Simmons……………325-382-4469
District Trainer .................................................Open ..............................................
Vendor Coordinators..........................................Open ..............................................
Webmaster.........................................................Tom Sprague ...............................858-755-6071
Newsletter Editor………………………………Christina Vidrine………………….832-217-5432
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November 17th is still on as of October
26th has two openings. If you have not
signed up yet please do so as soon as
possible and let me know when you do. I
will release the two slots to another
organization if they are not taken by
November 7th.
Our November gathering will be
on the first Wednesday, the 7th at
Logan’s Roadhouse. The meeting will
start at 7:30PM but come early for
dinner. The meeting in December will be
shorter than usual and a half hour
earlier so we can have our gift exchange.
Rules for this can be found elsewhere in
the newsletter.
Ride Safe and Often
Bruce A. MacMaster,
Chapter Director
Rider Education
Cold Weather Starting
Because you have a wet clutch you need
to know this
Issue 11
Next and this one can save you pain and
damage to the bike: ALWAYS hold your
front brake (HARD) before dropping the bike
into gear – even when your clutch is being
held all the way in.
Because you have a wet clutch, cold
weather causes your oil to thicken and your
clutch/flywheel tend to stick together after
sitting for several hours with the engine off.
Because of this, merely holding your clutch
lever fully engaged is no assurance that
when you drop into gear the bike will not
jump forward unless you are firmly braked.
Isn’t it amazing how fast time goes
by? We are getting ready for
Thanksgiving and Christmas already and it
seems we were just celebrating the 4th of
July. Carmen and I are counting the days
because our daughter and son-in-law are
coming home for Christmas.
Sounds like a good turnout for the
ERC courses this month. Education is
always a good thing.
We really enjoyed the lunch ride in
October and looking forward to the one in
November. Come Join Us!
By: James R. Davis
Be Safe and Have Fun!
For those that have been riding more than a
year it probably is not news, so consider it
just a reminder.
Kathy Vallejo
Regardless of whether or not you have an
indicator that says your bike is in neutral,
ALWAYS hold your clutch all the way in
when starting you bike.
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NOT mandatory to participate.
If you wish to participate, bring a
WRAPPED GIFT; can be “white
elephant” from home or garage,
or can be purchased not to
exceed $20.
A table will be set up to place
gifts on; obtain card for each gift
(i.e., if a couple each submit a
gift, each will receive a card). A
staff member will be present to
take the gift and provide a card.
When a card is called, he or
she will select any gift from
the table, unwrap it, and show
it to those playing; all
subsequent players will be
called in the same manner.
Each time a player selects
from the table, the next player
is called.
All subsequent players, when
called, may select a gift from
the table, or “steal” any
opened gift from anyone that
has a gift at that time.
If your gift is “stolen” you may
either steal any gift EXCEPT
the one just stolen from you,
or select a new gift from the
Only 2 successive steals are
allowed within any given turn;
then the person last stolen
from must get a gift from the
Issue 11
This continues until all those
who are playing (i.e., have
contributed a gift) have had
their turn.
Guidance to the rules will be provided
during the game, as required.
Old Sayings…Different Twist
See if you can translate the following into
the familiar sayings we’ve all heard. See
answers elsewhere in newsletter.
1. Scintillate, Scintillate, asteroid
2. Members of an avian species of
identical plumage congregate.
3. Surveillance should precede
4. Pulchritude poses possesses solely
cutaneous profundity.
5. It is fruitless to become lachrymose
over precipitately departed lacteal
6. Freedom from incrustations of grime
is contiguous to rectitude.
7. The stylus is more potent than the
8. It is fruitless to attempt to indoctrinate
a superannuated canine with
innovative maneuvers.
Volume 31
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9. Eschew the implement of correction
of vitiate the scion.
10. The temperature of the aqueous
content of an unremittingly ogled
saucepan does not reach 212 F’.
11. All articles that coruscate with
resplendence are not truly auriferous.
12. Where there are visible vapors in
ignited carbonaceous material, there
is fire.
Our Latest Motorcycle Adventure
Some of our riding friends have a
tradition of spending a fall weekend at
the coast, always staying at the same
lodging facility, in Rockport. We’d been
invited along last year, and we went. We
all had fun, so we were looking forward to
our 2nd annual Fall Coast Ride, on the
weekend of 5-7 October. A big part of
the fun for our friends is a weekend
feasting on seafood, and Rod feels the
same way. We go for the ride, scenery,
and especially, the company.
When we set about making
reservations, we were disappointed to
find the place we wanted to stay had no
vacancies. In fact, we found very limited
options in the preferred area. The only
places available, with room for all of us,
were at the upper end of the price
bracket. Then, we discovered that there
was a Sea Festival going on that weekend.
Not only was lodging at a premium, traffic
was predicted to be horrendous. Add to
all that, all the local weather guessers
were forecasting highs in the 50’s and
gusting winds for our return on Sunday.
So Plan B…
Issue 11
That plan turned out to be a oneday, meandering, ride in the Hill Country,
ending at Po-Po’s Restaurant, to celebrate
the birthday of one of the ladies in the
group. Saturday morning, we met for a
leisurely breakfast, before heading out.
The weather was gorgeous; cool but not
cold, blue skies, with big white, fluffy
clouds. We couldn’t ask for a better
riding day! We took Hwy. 16 through
Bandera and Medina, and turned onto
Ranch Road 337. Helotes, Bandera and
Medina all had small-town festivities going
on…craft shows, fall festivals, etc. We
didn’t stop for any of them, as we had a
full riding day planned.
The country side was not yet
showing much in the way of color,
although there were some shrubs with
bright berries.
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I was pleasantly surprised at the
abundance of fall wildflowers. We took a
rest break at a picnic area, to stretch,
walk, drink and converse. Part of the
conversation centered around our next
stop, which we decided would be The
Store, in Hunt, mostly because I’d voiced
the need for a restroom.
At Vanderpool, we turned onto
Ranch Road 187, and rode past Lost
Maples. As we were turning onto Ranch
Road 39, heading to Hunt, something
didn’t feel right to me. We were not
accelerating as we normally would,
entering a new road, and I heard Rod
mutter an expletive. I asked what was
Issue 11
wrong and I did not like the answer I
got…the alternator had gone out, AGAIN.
The last time, in June, we were stranded
at 410 access road/San Pedro and were
rescued by our son. A new $400.00
alternator and 1100 miles later, here we
go again! The difference, this time, we’re
in the middle of God’s Country, and we
couple of minutes of “what to do’s”, one
couple of the group rode ahead to Hunt,
to call for a tow truck. The other couple
stayed behind to commiserate with us.
By this time, cool has become warm,
or maybe hot, there are still white, fluffy
clouds, but there’s also lots of blue sky
for the sun to shine through. We’re on
the side of the road, with knee-high
grass, that’s hiding whole armies of bugs.
We spent time walking from the bikes
(that are in full sun, but the bugs were
not so bad), to the only tree, several
yards away (where it was shady, but the
bugs were abundant).
Further back, but well within
walking distance, was a wooded area,
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where one could have answered nature’s
call, rustically, but hidden. However, our
one lone tree and the wooded area were
behind an 8 foot fence, with barbed wire
on top. As nature just kept on calling, I
kept my eyes on the road, hoping and
praying for a tow truck. As the minutes
turned into hours, we decided that the
buzzards lazily circling in the distance
were hoping for us to be their next meal.
Two hours later, our rescue vehicle,
from Kerrville, appeared on the horizon.
With a battery pack that the driver had
available, Rod was able to start the bike
and ride it onto the truck. After
strapping the bike down, we climbed into
the tow truck, and I was finally able to
make my pit stop in Hunt! Let me just
say, I particularly like riding Route 39,
into Hunt. With the Guadalupe River
running beside the highway, it is a
beautiful ride, on a motorcycle. It is
definitely not the same, in a bumpy truck.
Issue 11
numerous times that they were able to go
for help, and that it was a Goldwing riding
on the flatbed truck! Rod and I agreed
that, for that day only, we’d be the
“Harley for the day”.
Having lost two hours of riding
time, the others rode on to Po-Po’s, as
planned (Happy Birthday Ms. J) while Rod
and I rode home in a tow truck. Again,
the battery pack enables Rod to ride the
bike into the garage. As of now, the old
Comp-U-Fire has been repaired and is in
the process of being put back in the bike.
The newer one is on its way back to the
company, for a replacement.
Rod was overheard saying that he
didn’t know if he trusted this bike,
anymore, that he might have to look for a
new one. A couple of times, lately, when
I’ve logged onto our computer, it shows
Craig’s List as the last site visited. And,
when the new Wing World magazine
arrived, with a picture of the new 2013
model on the cover, he commented how
much he liked it. We shall see…..We shall
By Betty Loper aka Rebel Child
Toward the end of our senior year in high
school, we were required to take a CPR
The couple, who made the rescue
call, ride a Harley and we never miss a
chance to rag on them about Harleys not
being reliable, staying in the shop, etc.
Needless to say, they pointed out
The classes used the well-known
mannequin victim, Resusci-Annie, to
practice. Typical of most models, this
Resusci-Annie was only a torso, to allow
for storage in a carrying case.
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The class went in groups to practice.
As instructed, one of my classmates
gently shook the doll and asked, “Are you
all right?” He then put his ear over the
mannequin’s mouth to listen for breathing.
Suddenly he turned to the instructor and
exclaimed, “She said she can’t feel her
Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
Birds of a feather flock together.
Think before you speak.
Beauty is in the eye of the
5. Don’t cry over spilled milk.
6. Cleanliness is next to godliness.
7. The pen is mightier than the sword.
8. You can’t teach an old dog new
9. Spare the rod and spoil the child.
10. A watched pot doesn’t boil.
11. All that glitters is not gold.
12. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
A friend told the blond man:
“Christmas is on a Friday this year.”
The blond man then said, “Let’s hope
it’s not the 13th”.
Issue 11
Two blond men find three grenades,
and they decide to take them to the
police station.
One asked: “What if one explodes
before we get there?”
The other says:” We’ll lie and say we
only found two.”
A woman phoned her blonde neighbor
man and said: “Close your curtains
the next time you and your wife are
having sex. The whole street was
watching and laughing at you
To which the blonde man replied:
“Well the joke’s on all of you because
I wasn’t even at home yesterday.”
A blond man is in the bathroom and
his wife shouts: “Did you find the
He answers, “Yes, but I’m not sure
what to do…it’s for dry hair, and I’ve
just wet mine.”
A blond man goes to the vet with his
“I think it’s got epilepsy,” he tells the
The vet takes a look and says, “It
seems calm enough to me.”
The blonde man says, “Wait, I haven’t
taken it out of the bowl yet.”
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Issue 11
Alamo Cycle Plex
11900 I.H. 10 West
Complete Bike Financing
Sales and Service
WDC Trike Conversions, Inc.
* MTC Voyager Trike Conversions
* Champion Sidecar-Trikes, Sidecars, Colorado
Trailers & Patriot hard bags.
California Sidecar-Trikes, Escapade Trailers &
* Cyclone Alarm Systems
* Klicktronic-Electric Shifter
* LED Lighting
* Rivco Accessories
Wayne: [email protected]
Daniel: [email protected]
Colby: [email protected]
Daniel Fuquay……………Nov 6
The most used letters in the English
language are E, T, A, O, I, and N.
Fred Reed……………… Nov 16
Rod Loper……….………Nov 25
Felipe Martinez………… Nov 26
Patrick West...…………. .Nov 26
Elephants are the only mammal that can’t
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Issue 11
Ride & Activity Schedule
12/16/12 8:30
12/22/12 8:30
12/30/12 8:30
Event Description
Breakfast Ride - pick a place and go.
Chapter Meeting/Gathering at Logan’s Road House on IH 10, Meet around 6:30PM for
dinner, meeting starts at 7:30PM.
10:00AM and go for a ride in the hill country and make our way for lunch around 1PM to
Meet at Bandera Café (Bandera Road) for breakfast. Meet at 8:30AM for breakfast, or
show up at 9:30AM just to ride.
Breakfast Ride - pick a place and go.
Breakfast Ride - pick a place and go.
Chapter Meeting/Gathering at Logan’s Road House on IH10, CHRISTMAS PARTY AND
GIFT EXCHANGE…Meet around 6:00PM for dinner, SHORT meeting starts at
Breakfast Ride - pick a place and go.
Meet at IHOP (Bandera Rd. and Stoneleigh-1st traffic light inside 1604) for breakfast.
Meet at 8:30AM for breakfast or show up at 9:30AM just to ride.
Breakfast Ride - pick a place and go.
Breakfast Ride - pick a place and go.
HAPPY NEW YEAR…POLAR BEAR RIDE-Meet at 10:00AM and take a ride for lunch in the
hill country.
Chapter Meeting/Gathering at Logan’s Road House on IH 10, Meet around 6:30 p.m. for
dinner, meeting starts at 7:30 p.m.
Breakfast Ride - pick a place and go.
Breakfast Ride - pick a place and go.
Breakfast Ride - pick a place and go
Ride to Utopia for breakfast at Lost Maples Café-Utopia, TX and then ride in the area..
Note: Unless otherwise indicated all Chapter "H" rides start at the parking lot behind the
Exxon and Whataburger located at Bandera Rd. & 1604 (Northwest San Antonio.) Rides
are subject to change. Changes will be communicated via the website, Newsletter,
and/or e-mail.
Chapter Director
6419 Red Jacket Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78238