to a PDF of our 2015 Annual Report!


to a PDF of our 2015 Annual Report!
6 Turning Over a New Leaf
8 Rebuilding the Bond of a Family
10 Getting to the Heart of the Matter
12 Financial Statements
14 The Scofield Gibbs Society
15 Donors and Supporters
19 Board of Directors and Executive Leadership
What animates One Hope United today is what
has driven us throughout our 120-year history.
From humble origins as a children’s orphanage to
the diverse range of programs and services we offer
in four states today, One Hope United has never
wavered from a core belief: investing in the lives
of our children and families not only gives them
hope but helps enable them to attain their greatest
potential in life.
In 2015 I was proud to assume the role of
President & CEO after having served on the Board
of Directors for 10 years. In partnership with the
Board, we set forth an ambitious agenda for the
agency. We have experienced a great deal of
accomplishment in spite of some difficult challenges
including the continued evolution of our business
model. The bulk of the re-alignment from the
regional business model to the line-of-service model
was completed during 2015 which, among other
things, cost the organization a great deal of time
and, ultimately, money. To an extent, we traded a
degree of financial discipline for a sharper focus on
quality and outcomes.
Fortunately, OHU’s strong legacy is built upon a
disciplined balance of client impact and
sustainability. We’ve adjusted our course and our
strategy to provide more meaningful and efficient
services to the communities we serve. As we look
towards the future and the next 120 years, we
seek to better balance high-quality service delivery
against long-term financial imperatives.
A highlight of the year was our new signature
annual event, Hope In Action. Held at Chicago
Children’s Museum at Navy Pier on April 18th, the
evening brought together over 200 attendees who
came out in support of our bold vision for OHU, all
while experiencing the fun and interactive exhibits
of the museum. We also had the opportunity to
honor OHU alum Ermit Finch with the very first
Ermit Finch Impact Award. After showing a video
about his life created just for this event, there wasn’t
a dry eye in the house.
Seventy years after Ermit entered into our care
and had his life changed forever, we continue to
advocate for the children and families we serve
and, ultimately, enhance our efforts to address the
causal elements of society that make necessary the
services we provide to children and families in need
and at risk. We will continue to take leadership
positions where we can leverage our scale and
program excellence to better serve our communities.
Unfortunately, the economic recovery has yet to
reach many of the communities we serve. In many
instances, demand for our services is greater now
than at any time in recent memory. All these years
later, our work is more urgent than ever.
We are humbled every day by the talented staff
across the organization and give thanks for our
strong and growing network of supporters, volunteers
and funders. We couldn’t do it without you.
Scott Humphrey
Greg Sprehe
President & CEO
Board Chair
2015 One Hope United Annual Report • 120 Years of Investing in Families 3
2015 One Hope United Annual Report • 120 Years of Investing in Families
children returned home
from foster care1 through
our placement services.
children adopted2 through
our through our services
results in an annual savings of
children diverted from
foster care through our
Intact Family Services1
results in a savings of
Each child not in the foster care system saves $14,640
annually. This equals an overall savings of $6,924,720.
Each child adopted through our subsidized adoption
program, which saves $9,120 per child, per year.
This equals an overall savings of $1,149,120.
The average foster child will stay in the system for
2.6 years which leads to a savings of $31,406 for
every child not entering into the foster care system.
In 2015, we served more
than 2,652 clients in our
Placement line of service,
4,152 clients in our
Community-Based Family
Services at our eight
subsidized child care
centers translate into
Support Services and 2,473
children and families in our
Early Learning and Child
Development programs.
in societal benefits1
and cost savings to
the welfare, education,
criminal justice system
and healthcare systems.
Research included in “The Economics of Early
Childhood Investments,” published by The White
House, December 2014, suggests that expanding
early learning initiatives benefits society by
approximately $8.60 for every $1 spent.
2015 One Hope United Annual Report • 120 Years of Investing in Families
93% of children graduating from OHU early childhood centers
passed standardized kindergarten readiness assessments,
far surpassing the results in Chicago-area schools.
The Bridgeport Child Development Center is
acquired to provide child care services to families
in this community on Chicago’s South Side.
In the Head Start program at One Hope United’s
Bridgeport II Child Development Center, there was a
4-year-old child who was very bright but was exhibiting
negative self-talk. Jacob* would frequently call himself
“stupid,” say that he wanted to hurt himself, and he
also experienced challenges while interacting with peers.
His “big” feelings and isolated social behavior led him
to have complete meltdowns in the classroom.
Jacob could often be heard crying and screaming
throughout the building, and this behavior was usually
coupled with him hitting himself or saying that he didn’t
want to live anymore. It was clear that something needed
to be done immediately.
Through teacher observation, screening and parent
consultation, his social, emotional and behavioral needs
were identified. The Bridgeport II team continued the
in-house referral process and, in the meantime, worked
collaboratively to develop a behavior support plan that
would equip staff with the strategies to best support him.
His parents also expressed a need for support and the
entire family was referred to OHU’s ECHO program for
counseling services.
An ECHO therapist began visits with Jacob at the center,
providing one-on-one support and assessing his progress
at school. The same therapist also provided support for
the family at home, meeting with both the parents and
child. These visits played a major role in the enhancement
of parenting skills and parent self-concept. The parents
were also able to develop a deeper understanding of their
child’s needs and the steps that they needed to take to
better support him. Jacob in turn developed better coping
skills, anger management and an improved self-concept.
He also learned how to positively interact with peers,
while calmly stating his desires in times of frustration.
The family successfully completed the counseling program
and is looking forward to continuing to grow and learn.
As for Jacob, he’s now a happy, healthy kindergartener
who’s thriving in the classroom and beyond.
*Name has been changed.
2015 One Hope United Annual Report • 120 Years of Investing in Families
The foster care unit is opened to meet the needs of
children returning to the community after living in
what was then an orphanage at our Lake Villa campus.
99% of children and youth in our Florida Foster Care
services had no reports of maltreatment in the six months
following services.
Fifteen-year-old Zachary* had experienced more turmoil
by his teen years than most people do in a lifetime. His
parents had a long history of manufacturing and using
methamphetamines and, when they were eventually
arrested, Zachary was placed in the care of
a non-relative.
The family, however, was determined to reunite one day.
While incarcerated, Zachary’s mother completed a
substance abuse treatment and parenting program
through One Hope United’s Tampa office. She showed
great progress and remained in consistent contact with
her case manager. When she was released in December
of 2014, Zachary’s mother vowed to stay away from
drugs and immediately began the process of getting
her child back home. She continued to work with her
case manager and successfully obtained housing for her
and her family. She also remained in substance abuse
treatment and continued to test negative for drug use.
Most importantly, Zachary’s mother continued to visit
him regularly and the two maintained their bond.
In May of 2015, Zachary’s father was also released
from prison. Upon his release, he began working on
his own case plan right away and strived to maintain
a sober lifestyle. He also re-established a bond with
Zachary through regular visitations.
Together the family worked to improve their
relationships, as well as adjust to living a life that did
not include drugs. On October 23, 2015, Zachary was
reunited with both of his parents. He was very excited to
move into the new family home and is thrilled to have a
new bedroom of his own, knowing his parents are just
down the hall. Zachary and his family are finally home.
*Name has been changed.
2015 One Hope United Annual Report • 120 Years of Investing in Families
100% of youth served in our Southern Illinois CCBYS
program remained in school, alternative education,
vocational training, or were employed.
Central Baptist begins providing CCBYS in Illinois.
The agency expands this program and for a time
is the largest provider of CCBYS in the state.
In July 2015, Mackenzie* was referred to One Hope
United by a local Sherriff’s Office, meaning the on-call
staff had just 90 minutes to respond. The teen was in
crisis: her grandfather was threatening to lock her out
of the home owing to her aggressive and non-compliant
behavior and had contacted the Sheriff as a last resort.
After meeting with OHU’s Comprehensive Community
Based Youth Services (CCBYS) Case Manager for
emergency intervention and completion of a Crisis
Screen, it was determined that Mackenzie had acute
mental health needs. Accordingly, she was placed in an
adolescent psychiatric hospital for five days.
During this time, the Case Manager maintained daily
contact with the grandfather, Mackenzie’s legal guardian.
He was encouraged to participate in hospital staffings for
her and, with the encouragement of their Case Manager,
eventually agreed to allow Mackenzie to return home
with a stabilization plan in place.
Following discharge from the hospital, Mackenzie and
her grandfather engaged in additional CCBYS services
to begin addressing the root issues that initially brought
them to law enforcement. Their Case Manager continued
weekly in-home interventions designed to reduce family
conflict, improve communication skills and decrease risky
behaviors by the teen. The grandfather’s response to her
in times of crisis was also addressed and improved.
The family has made tremendous progress in just a short
period of time and their Case Manager was able to close
their case. Today Mackenzie and her grandfather are
stable in their home, the amount of conflict has greatly
decreased and they’ve demonstrated an improvement in
their ability to communicate with each other when faced
with challenging issues. The individualized attention they
received from OHU’s CCBYS services truly helped heal
this family.
*Name has been changed.
One Hope United’s overall financial condition showed a decline in FY15. On the operating
front, our costs to provide services and manage the organization exceeded the fees for
service resulting in a significant operating loss of $1,397,797 compared to a much smaller
loss in FY14. Part of this stems from our decision to build administrative infrastructure while
at the same time embarking on the transition from “regional” to a line of service delivery
system. These changes, combined with a continued tightening of our governmental funding
and continued cost pressures in areas such as employee health benefits and wages,
contributed to the level of this operating loss.
Early Learning and Child Development Services . . . . . . . . . . . $(426,124)
Placement Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (831,095)
Community Based Family Support Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (573,803)
Investment Income and Other Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257,767 Fund Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193,458 $122,942
TOTAL OPERATING RESULTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bequests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,000 Capital grants and contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82,925 Investment gains/losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (674,449)
Other non operating income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67,947 Restricted contribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000 87,249
CHANGE IN NET ASSETS . . . . . . . . . $(1,825,374) $3,656,401
2015 One Hope United Annual Report • 120 Years of Investing in Families
On the non-operating front, a decline in the stock market and farmland prices resulted
in the investment losses shown above.
Despite the losses above, OHU remains financially stable and ready to carry out our
mission and vision. Even with the above operating loss, OHU has grown its net asset
base by approximately $9 million from FY11 through FY15 via a combination of
strategic acquisitions and organic growth initiatives—much of which was funded by
grants; operating profits; bequests; and investment / farmland value appreciation.
We continue to expect governmental support to be constrained at best, and look
to new, innovative programs, partnerships and collaborations to create both impact
and sustainability in our future.
Christopher Hoffman
(Years ended July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015)
Support and Revenue
Operational Revenue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50,179,778 Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,198,002 Investment and Other Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428,615 $49,975,476
TOTAL SUPPORT AND REVENUE . . . . . . . . . . . .
51,806,395 55,695,229
Early Learning and Child Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,841,648 Placement Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21,177,019 Community Based Family Support Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,871,845 Other Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299,415 Total Program Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47,189,927 Management and General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,657,781 Fundraising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784,261 Total Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53,631,969 16,431,578
CHANGE IN NET ASSETS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,240,303 Cash Restricted – NMTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471,512 Other Current Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,233,067 Total Current Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,944,882 Fixed Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,137,746 Other Assets – Long Term NMTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,312,996 Other Assets – Long Term . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,000 Investments – Long-term Portion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18,942,868 Total Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $52,360,492 2014
— 9,789,880
— —
Liabilities and Net Worth
Current Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6,539,518 Long-term Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647,424 Long-term NMTC Debt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,000,000 Long-term Debt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,184,809 Total Liabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19,371,751 Net Assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,988,741 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS . . . . . . .
$52,360,492 $45,729,424
2015 One Hope United Annual Report • 120 Years of Investing in Families
One Hope United has a wonderfully rich past, combining two acts of compassion toward
children over 100 years ago. In 1895, assisted by his wife, retired Baptist missionary
Rev. Ezra Scofield took the lead in establishing a shelter, which began in a small house in
Downers Grove, Illinois after seeing 5 homeless children on their street. In 1903 in central
Illinois, Alice Gibbs was determined to devote her time and means to caring for homeless
children. Throughout the decades the mission of protecting children and strengthening
families congealed as One Hope United today serving thousands of children and families.
One Hope United honors Rev. and Mrs. Ezra Scofield and Mrs. Alice Gibbs’s dedication,
vision and acts of kindness through the Scofield Gibbs Society. One Hope United greatly
appreciates the following donors who have made their significant commitment:
Harold and Margo Bach
William Beck
Raj and Rose Bhatt
Evelyn A. Borbe Trust
Estate of Carol P. Crabb
Ettoile Davis Trust
Paul Earle and Ellen Rudnick
Ermit L. Finch and Jonni Miklos-Finch
Donald G. Geary Family Charitable Trust
Patricia Griffith
Estate of Loren J. Gross
Terry and Mary Jo Hackney Trust
Ethel O. Hanson Revocable Trust
Elizabeth Hardcastle TTEE, Lenora C.
Emerson Trust
Ralph and Peggy Hudson
Estate of Lorene Jennings
Monita Klier Charitable Trust
Cindy Lusignan and Nancy Miller
Estate of Frances Mapes
Cleland J. Maxson Trust
Barbara McKean
Donald and Jura Mertic
Patrick Murphy
Gertrude M. Norby
William and Mary Jeanne Onderdonk Jr.
Virginia Palmer
Estate of Wilba J. Priest
Clarke Robinson
Adrian and Sharon Rogier
Anna Lee Rogier
Barbara Rosga
Edgar Santiago
Howard and Christine Schnitzer
Estate of Vivian Shaffer
Martin R. Sinnott and Janet Emison
Samuel M. Smith
Lucille D. Sloan Trust
Florence Sparks
Corleta Steurer
Marjorie Thulin
Ruth Tippner Lahl
Viretta Wisse Estate
Lola White
Lillian G. Wallace Trust
One Hope United is deeply grateful to our supporters.
July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
American Baptist Churches of
Great Rivers Region
The Andrew and Alice Fischer
Charitable Trust
Anonymous (1)
BMO Capital Markets
Chicago Community Trust
Chicago White Sox
CNA Foundation
Paul Earle and Ellen Rudnick
Evelyn A. Borbe Trust
ExxonMobil Joliet Refinery
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
First Presbyterian Church of
Lake Forest
Forrest D. and June L. Sprehe
Charitable Foundation
Marco Foster
Gallagher-Ring Family Fund
Grand Victoria Foundation
(Elgin Grant Works)
Healthcare Foundation of
Northern Lake County
Hewlett Packard of New York
Chris and Elaine Hoffman
Scott and Nichole Humphrey
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
Illinois Tool Works, Inc.
Kia Motors America
Network for Good
Northern Trust Company
Charitable Trust
Ralph G. and Helen C. Johnson Fund
Mary Reusche
Clarke Robinson
Greg and Victoria Sprehe
Union Pacific Foundation
United Way of Central Illinois, Inc.
United Way of Effingham County, Inc.
United Way of Jefferson County
United Way of Lake County
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago
United Way Success By 6 Initiative
Alan & Amy Meltzer Family
Anonymous (3)
Cardinal Health of Dublin
Consumers Credit Union
Dupage Children’s Museum
EFS Foundation
Extreme Networks of Elburn Illinois
Fifth Third Bank
Hyslop Shannon Foundation
Linda Zager & Partners LLC.
Marion Moore Foundation
Kimberly and Hans Montgomery
Christopher Moore
Tom Morton
National Philanthropic Trust
William A. Onderdonk
Pinnell Foundation
Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP Tampa
The Rinehart Family Fund of the Ayco
Charitable Foundation
Toni Sandor Smith
United Way of Elgin
Winston & Strawn Foundation
RJ Young
Linda Zager
A & E Kaplan Foundation
Alden Management
Allstate Giving Campaign
William Beck
BMO Harris Bank
Cisco Systems
Critical Connections Consulting, LLC
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
Donor Club of Elgin
LeRoy and Barbara Finch
First Midwest Bank
Forsythe Solutions Group
of Lincolnshire
Global Risk Services Ltd.
Gruhle Fessler & Van De Water
Rich and Joyce Heneberry
Dan and Jen Horsley
Robert James Jr. Young Revoc Trust
The Joseph and Catherine Johnson
Nancy Kindelan
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
David and Janice Larson
Lone Oak Baptist Church
Ministers and Missionaries
Benefit Board
Mintel Group LTD.
Sandy Osteen
Packaging Corporation of America
Michaela Rowland
Anthony and Joyce Sciacca
Staub Anderson Green LLC.
The Smile Group LLC
Ruth Tippner Lahl
Ultimate Software
United Way of Coles County, Inc.
Willkie Farr & Gallagher
Abbott Laboratories Employee
Giving Campaign
Kristin Allison
Alston Construction
American Baptist Foundation
AT&T of St. Louis
Auburn Baptist Church
Harold and Margo Bach
Brian Bai
Justin and Priscilla Bakes
Baxter International Foundation
Vicki Bernstein
Bluffview Baptist Church
BMC Software
Beth Boehrer
James and Susan Bryant
BT Global Services
W Busch
John and Tracie Cain
John and Christine Callahan
Capitol LS Partners
CenturyLink Business
Chicago Office Technology Group
Theresa Dear
Dell, Inc. of Round Rock Texas
Donald G. Geary Family
Charitable Trust
The Exchange Club of Gurnee
Activity Fund
Exxon Mobil
F5 Networks
Lorraine J. Ferri - Family Trustee
Scott Filer
Ermit L. Finch and Jonni Miklos-Finch
Michael and Cathy Fiore
First Baptist Church of Atwood
First Baptist Church of Belvidere
First Baptist Church of Carrollton
First Baptist Church of Chatsworth
First Baptist Church of Highland
First Baptist Church of Mt. Sterling
(WMS Fund)
Franciscan Communities, Inc.
Jason and Brandis Friedman
Bill and Sharon Gillis
Griffin & Kampman Air and
Electrical Services
Christopher and Carmela Griffin
Hitachi Data Systems
Hourglass Angel
Hub International
Ralph and Peggy Hudson
Steven Jambois
Kohl’s of Menomonee Falls
LaSalle Solutions
Lightning Communications, Inc.
William and Erika Long
Cindy Lusignan and Nancy Miller
McAfee Inc.
David and Sarah McConnell
Donald and Jura Mertic
Microsoft of Chicago
Mid American Baptist Churches
Scott and Rebecca Moeller
Motorola Symbol Tech
Mt. Moriah General Baptist Church
Edward Murphy
Patrick and Helen Murphy
New Hope Church of Effingham
Noah’s Arc Foundation
NorStates Bank
North Shore Baptist Church
Palo Alto Networks
Ahmad Popalyar
Richard Porter
Pure Storage
Deborah Reed
Regions Trust
Riverbed Technology Inc.
Rotary Club of Antioch
Roberta Schaffner
Howard and Christine Schnitzer
Emily Selbe and Michael Lavelle
Silver Peak Systems
Michael and Mary Smith
SSM Health Care
Christopher Stoll
Storage IT Solutions
Suburban Journals Old Newsboys
Technology Solutions Group, Inc.
Tek Systems
Terra Properties, Inc.
Jan and Scott Turner
Unisys Corporation
VW Credit Inc.
Jennifer Wagner
William and Sharon Wallin
James and Melissa Webster
Willis of Illinois
All In Poker Series Inc.
American Baptist Churches
Mission Fund
Anonymous (1)
Arthur J. Gallagher & Company
David and Nandi Ballard
Bennett Baugher
William and Lois Beihl
Raj and Rose Bhatt
Blue Coat Systems, Inc.
Bourbon Baptist Church
Breen Color Concentrates, Inc.
Tom and Nancy Brigham
Butler Community Endowment
David and Rebecca Carlins
CBC of Central Florida
Central Baptist Church of Springfield
Champion For Children Foundation
Jon Chen
The Chive
Inoh Choe
City Hope Church
Community Foundation for the
Land of Lincoln
Michael Cory
Cottage Home Baptist Church
John Culbertson
Russell and Mary Carol Custer
Cynthia Czech
David and Diane Boston
Family Foundation
Dayspring Baptist Church
Liz DeAngelo and Terrell Thomas
Dell Inc. of Park Ridge Illinois
Ronald and Paula Desyllas
Jane Devron
DLA Architects LTD.
Gabby Etrog Cohen
Faith Baptist Church at Mill Creek
Kevin Fennell
First Baptist Church of Arcola
First Baptist Church of Benton
First Baptist Church of Cambria
First Baptist Church of Cordova
First Baptist Church of Jacksonville
First Baptist Church of Mattoon
First Baptist Church of Moweaqua
First Baptist Church of Pontiac
First Christian Church,
Christian Women’s Fellowship
First Giving
John George
Joseph R. Geyer
Cynthia Geyer-Fligel
Stephanie Giggetts
David Golub and Lisa Piazza
Patricia Griffith
Natalie Gutierrez
Mabel Guzman
Daniel and Jayne Hamment
Yvonne Hinojosa
InterCall of Whitefish Bay
Dhiren Jhaveri
Joan Bennett Sewall Trust
Robert and Barbara Johnson
Kathleen Kayse
Louis and Bonnie Korom Jr.
Debbie Krebs
Pamela Kubiatowski
Melinda Kwedar
Lady of the Elks
Beth Lakier
Laner Muchin Foundation
Frank and Carole Loffredo
Logogram Inc.
Loyal Order of the Moose
Marsh & McLennan Companies
Marsh USA, Inc.
Susan McCaslin
Andy Middlemiss
Mighty Rivers Regional
Worship Center
Jack and Marilyn Milner
Morgan Stanley Global Impact
Funding Trust Inc.
Barbara Moss
Nexum, Inc.
NTT Communications
Olenick & Associates
Don and Haydee Olinger
Olive General Baptist Church
Mary Olsen
Own Ad Sales
Mehmet Oz
Sarah Patrick
Paul & Patricia Curran Foundation
Quality Catering for Kids Inc.
Thomas Reusche
Domenic Rinaldi
Barbara Rosga
Sid Richardson Carbon, Ltd.
Michael Siemann
Simmons & Sons Construction
Timothy Snowden
Shannon and Dan Stokes
Robert and Kay Styrkowicz
William and Sherry Teeters
Terry Welsh Grain
Christopher Tollefsen
Triangle Salvage Co., Inc.
T. Wayne and Catherine Turner
Adrienne Tyson
Vattikuti Ventures LLC.
Carol Welch
William L. Wilson Trust
WM Beck Auction & Realty
John Wood and Glen Johnson
Lulu Zhang
Jonathan Ziebarth
Rebecca Abel
Kathryn Allen
Anonymous (3)
ArcelorMittal Matching Gifts Program
2015 One Hope United Annual Report • 120 Years of Investing in Families
David Armbruster
Diane Aschman
Michael Averyt
Patrick Barry and Rose Namajunas
Nora Berghorst
Bethel Baptist Church of Colchester
Lee Bilharz
Scott Blackwood
Linda Bloomfield
Michael Bockstruck
Boskydell Baptist Church
Michael and Melanie Brisben
John and Patricia Broecker
Christina Brown
Larry and Carol Brown
Howard and Diane Caccia
Cardinal Health Foundation
Carl E. Mellen & Co. Insurance
Carnahan/Daniels Foundation
Patricia Cashmore
Central Baptist Church of Willisville
Centralia Sub Debs
Cheryl Chapman
Erin Clark
Conneaut Industries Inc.
Culvers of Collinsville
Robert Dawson III
Eric Deister
Denmark Baptist Church
Leo and Peggy Dhont
Dave Dillon
Robert and Ellen Doppelt
Robert Elliott
Jan Erickson
John Fairbairn
Family Video
Denise Feece
First Baptist Church of Arthur
First Baptist Church of Ava
First Baptist Church of Charleston
First Baptist Church of East Peoria
First Baptist Church of Nokomis
First Baptist Church of Pella
First Baptist Church of Plainfield
First Baptist Church of Roodhouse
First Baptist Church of Virden
First Baptist Church of White Hall
First General Baptist
First United Baptist Church of Staunton
Tim and Rosie Fischer
Ben Floyd
Friedens United Church of Christ
Jerry Fuller
Gap Inc.
Claire Geyer
Givendeavors Inc.
GNL Lakeside Inc.
Jayme and George Godoyo
Golden “K” Kiwanis Club of Elgin
Billie Jo Graham
Greater St Louis Community
Rosa Greenwood
John and Jeannie Halbleib
Harsha Behavioral Center
Harwick Standard Distribution
Patrick Heneberry
Kristin Howard
Pasquale Iaconetti
Daniel and Laurie Jeffers
Luke Jensen
John Boos & Company
Thomas Jones
James and Donna
Kane Baptist Church of Kane
Peter and Victoria Karras
Heather Kelly
Kings Chapel Church
Patrick Kitchen
John Krol
Errol and Susan Kroner
Lettuce Entertain You Enterprises
Lincorp Marketing INC.
Eric Lo
To our United Way partners for their
program contributions.
AT&T United Way Employee Giving Campaign
Heart of Florida United Way
United Way of Central Illinois, Inc.
United Way of Coles County, Inc.
United Way of Delaware
United Way of Effingham County, Inc.
United Way of Elgin
United Way of Greater Philadelphia
and Southern New Jersey
United Way of Jefferson County
United Way of Lake County
United Way of Metropolitan Chicago
United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania
United Way Success By 6 Initiative
July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Andrew and Courtney Long
Brooke Lopez
Greg and Jean MacDonald
Manlius Baptist Church
Jenaeth and Gjeme Markaj
Lino and Patricia Martinez
Rosemary Matzl
William and Tracy McGrath
Mark and Leesa McHugh
Charles McKenna
Mark and Kim Melancon
Mesirow Financial
Milburn C.C. School District 24
Mt. Olivet Baptist Church of
Barbara Mucha
Muskies Inc Fox River Valley Chapter
James and Nancy Nelson
New Hope General Baptist Church
of Fairfield
Rebecca Newcomer
Mashawn Nix
Northern Baptist Church of
West Frankfort
Old Stonington Baptist Church
David and Lori Oriatti
Betty Ott
Park Place Baptist Church
Jeff Parrish
Andre Pellebon
Gregory Phoenix
Semra Prescott
Melissa Quadrini
Shannon Quandt
R. R. Donnelley
Sheila Regas
Marie Rinehart
Rotary Club of Mahomet
Round Prairie General Baptist Church
RT Midwest Holdings, LLC.
Ruby Tuesday Community
GiveBack Program
Brett Rudis
Ryker’s Ridge Baptist Church
Schwab Charitable Fund
Sebring Sunrise Foundation
Dirk Simpson
Cindy Smith
Chris Smulski
SONOCO Products
Peter Sparrow
STIL Salon and Spa
William Storey
Sun N Lake of Sebring Improvement
Third Baptist Church of Saint Louis
Cherian and Jolly Thomas
T. Bradley Tucker
Kevin and Sarah Tunning
United Way of Greater Philadelphia
and Southern New Jersey
Ramona Ustian
Van Voorst Lumber Company
Village at Victory Lakes
Jessica Wagner
Walnut Grove Baptist Church
John and Claudia Walter
Tori Ward
Sean Whiteside
Simon Yohanan
Judy Young
Amanda Zink
Rotary Club of Antioch
Schwab Charitable Fund
Sebring Sunrise Foundation
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Suburban Journals Old Newsboys
Union Pacific Foundation
Winston & Strawn Foundation
Memorial Gifts
Evelyn A. Borbe Trust
Ruth Tippner Lahl
A & E Kaplan Foundation
Alan & Amy Meltzer Family
American Baptist Foundation
The Andrew and Alice Fischer
Charitable Trust
Anonymous (1)
Baxter International Foundation
Butler Community Endowment
Cardinal Health Foundation
Cardinal Health of Dublin
Carnahan/Daniels Foundation
Champion For Children Foundation
Chicago Community Trust
Chicago White Sox
CNA Foundation
Community Foundation for the
Land of Lincoln
David and Diane Boston Family
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
Dupage Children’s Museum
EFS Foundation
The Exchange Club of Gurnee
First Midwest Bank
First Presbyterian Church of
Lake Forest
Fifth Third Bank
Forrest D. and June L. Sprehe
Charitable Foundation
Grand Victoria Foundation
(Elgin Grant Works)
Greater St Louis Community
Healthcare Foundation of
Northern Lake County
Hyslop Shannon Foundation
Illinois Tool Works Foundation
The Joseph and Catherine
Johnson Family
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation
Laner Muchin Foundation
Marion Moore Foundation
Morgan Stanley Global Impact
Funding Trust Inc.
Noah’s Arc Foundation
Paul & Patricia Curran Foundation
Pinnell Foundation
Price Waterhouse Coopers LLP - Tampa
The Rinehart Family Fund of the Ayco
Charitable Foundation
Tribute for Helen Barlow
Janice Tiemann
Tribute for Dalton and
Katheryn Chapman
Cheryl Chapman
Tribute(s) for John Dean
John and Sherian Brittle
Verna Dean
Ned and Tammy Hancock
Herman and Janet Hensley
Charles and Rebecca Johnson Jr.
Judy Jordon
John and Diane Kauffman
Virginia Neel
Charles and Holly Taylor Jr.
Donald and Diane Wirick
Kaye Wise
Tribute(s) for Marjorie M. Foster
Paula Gibson-Jones
Jenaeth and Gjeme Markaj
Patrick Meyn
Tribute for Bob Harris
Phillip and Louise Gillispie
Tribute for Ralph and Mabel Hord
William and Peggy Hord
Tribute for Bonita Jarkovich
Jeremy and Laura Ellingsen
Tribute for Wade L. Jones
Laura Jones
Tribute(s) for Robert Palm
Lake County Ambassador Board
Tribute for Betty Pancake
Lois Thomson
Tribute for Paul Plier
Linda Plier
Tribute(s) for Mary Reusche
Scott and Nichole Humphrey
Toni Sandor Smith
Tribute for Marilyn Ritter
Cindy Lusignan and Nancy Miller
Tribute(s) for Marilynn Salata
Albert and Kathy Aikus
Tracy Ayers
William and Lois Beihl
Denise Biarnesen
Maurice Black and Carla Bird
Robyn Brecker
John and Patricia Broecker
Joseph and Mary Burke
Angela Bush
Carl E. Mellen & Co. Insurance
Laheta Christine
Ann Clark
Erin Clark
Mary Cunin
Janica Davis
Joan Delisi
John and Phyllis Elsbury
Gabby Etrog Cohen
Shirley Evoy
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Judith Filipowicz
Adrienne Fosberg
Virginia Fuentes
Carla Gardini
Jackie Gilbert
Nancy and Marshall Golden
Kathleen Gradoville
Rich and Joyce Heneberry
Kelly Jansen
Joan Bennett Sewall Trust
Carole and Robert Johnson
Gregory and Leslie Johnson
Mark Kawamura and Maria
Kathleen Kayse
Geraldine Kriser
Ron & Kim and Kim Lorenz
Sally Lou and Mitchell Loveman
Gilbert Mackey, D.D.S.
David Moeller
Kimberly Morris
Maureen Morrissey
Rita Mullin
Nicole Nichols
Mashawn Nix
Benjamin Mark Nordman
Robert and Mary Kay O’Meara
Mehmet Oz
Donnie and Lisa Patterson
Eric Peltier
Betty Perri
Prasanna Ranganathan
Nanette Ridgway
Linda Salata
Sheri Salata
Stanley Salata
Susan Salata
Kathy Schafer
Frank Schuler
Harriet Seitler
Gayle Simmons
Soho House
Peter Sparrow
James and Mary Stanczak
Veronica Votypka
Amy Ward
Lisa Weiss
Eric Will
Parker Williams
Tribute for Al Schnitzer
Gerard Oshea
Tribute(s) for Louis B. Snider
Michael and Melanie Brisben
Kathy Clarke
Scott and Nichole Humphrey
Kenneth Michal Jr.
Frances Miklos
George and Jocelyn Vinluan
July 1, 2014 – June 30, 2015
Honorarium Gifts
Tribute for Raj and Rose Bhatt
50th Wedding Anniversary
Kathy Schardt
Tribute for Susan Bryant
Anna Schlumbohm
Tribute for Betty Conway
Berry Conway
Tribute(s) for Paul Earle’s Birthday
Diane Aschman
Carnahan/Daniels Foundation
Ben Earle
Lynda Gordon
Rich and Joyce Heneberry
Toni Sandor Smith
John and Claudia Walter
Jill Wine-Banks and Michael Banks
Tribute(s) for Ermit L. Finch
Robert and Annette Michalak
George and Jocelyn Vinluan
Tribute (s) for Ermit Finch and Jonni
Miklos 25th Wedding Anniversary
Trucia Drummond, D.D.S.
Dennis and Barbara Saviano
Tribute for Scott Humphrey’s Birthday
Elinor Humphrey
Tribute for Vince and Ann H. Johnson
Raj and Rose Bhatt
Tribute for Glen Johnson’s Birthday
Ronald Johnson
Tribute for Grandchildren of Lino
and Patricia Martinez - Madison,
Allie, Alex and Zack Lino and Patricia Martinez
Tribute(s) for Donald E. Mertic
John Davis
Tribute(s) for Christopher Moore
Lauren Buttle
Tribute for Walter Moyer
Timothy Jorgenson and
Jean Oelschlager
Tribute for Joseph R. Munn
John and Tracie Cain
Tribute for Patrick E. Murphy
Gary and Cindy Denzer
Tribute Todd Nettekoven
Cindy Lusignan and Nancy Miller
Tribute for Arya Popalyar
Ahmad Popalyar
Tribute for Anna Lee and
Clinton H. Rogier
Cheryl Chapman
Tribute for Elizabeth A. Schumacher
Cindy Lusignan and Nancy Miller
Tribute for Ranee Seaman
Cindy Lusignan and Nancy Miller
Tribute(s) for Emily Selbe &
Michael Lavelle Wedding
Alison Anderson
Blackburn Trust NO. 93
Rich and Joyce Heneberry
Patricia Kleeman
Robert Reusche
Thomas Reusche
Peter Sparrow
Jennifer Sparrow Snorf
Vincent Sparrow
Brenda Wilhelmson
Tribute for Jennifer Wagner
Steve Ostrowski
Tribute for John P. Wood
Ronald Johnson
Gifts in Kind (1,000+)
Community Church of Barrington
Liz DeAngelo
Diana Desboyaux
District #80 Primary Center
Domino Amjet, Inc.
Dr. Andy Hall Early Childhood Center
Paul Earle and Ellen Rudnick
EIU Graduate Student Advisory Council
Enos School
Fairview School
Faith Baptist Church at Mill Creek
First Baptist Church of Belvidere
First Presbyterian Church
Graham Elliot Bistro
Grayslake North High School
Christopher and Carmela Griffin
Hazel Dell Elementary School
Heartland for Children
Rich and Joyce Heneberry
Jack and Lydia’s Restaurant
Jim Mayhood Construction
Joliet Junior College
Joy! Lutheran
Kansas City Royals
Daniel and Erica Knox
The Lagunitas Brewing Co.
Lake Forest Resort
Michael LaMattina
Land of Lincoln Credit Union
Leadership Crawford County
Lincoln Park Merchants Association
Matthew London
Cindy Lusignan and Nancy Miller
Marion Eye Center of Centralia
Medline Industries
Mintel Group LTD.
Tom Morton
New Hope Church of Effingham
One Hope United Auxiliary Board
Patterson Companies, Inc.
Pitter-Patter Child Care Inc.
Play It Forward
Prince of Peace Catholic Church
Propeller Anime
Howard and Christine Schnitzer
Anthony and Joyce Sciacca
Kate Shaffer
Springfield Urban League Headstart
St Marks Ame
St. Laurence Parish
Starbucks Coffee Company
The Pajama Program
The South Church
Trophy Room
United States Military Entrance
Processing Command
Vernon Area Public Library
Walgreens Distribution Center
Waterford Dance Academy
Wildwood Presbyterian Church
Yargus Manufacturing, Inc.
Zeller Realty Group
Employee Giving
Tamara Ambre
Anonymous (5)
Nicole Apolo
Ashley N. Bigard
Stephanie Bowdler
Christina L. Brown
Rachel Burgess Stransky
Kristy Cechini
Rebecca M. Chavez
Howard Coon
Christina Czech
Rosanne DeGregorio
Carol R. Dunahee
Kayla C. Dunahee
Cheryl L. Farnham
Jason Friedman
Bill A. Gillis
Jayme N. Godoyo
Brenda Gossett
Patricia A. Griffith
Rachel Gubbins
Lyle Haerle
Daniel Hamment
Penny Hanks
Lisa A. Hayse
Joyce Heneberry
Scott Humphrey
Lolita N. Isaiah
Fabiola Jacques
Gail E. James
Guy Janic
Jenny Keigley
Heather Kelly
Mary N. Killion
Gabriel King
Beth Lakier
Marilee LaMattina
Brooke Lopez
Chanta L. Love
Jessica Lowry
Shawn Lux
Anna Maria Madele Richard
Jenaeth Markaj
David W. McConnell
Sharon McDaniel
Vickie L. McDaniel
Mark D. McHugh
Ava J. Meim
Annette L. Meyer
Mindy Miller
Marilyn Milner
Wendy Rae Moore
Barbara D. Moss
Megan Murphy
Tammy M. Nappier
Brandon Newcomer
Rebecca K. Newcomer
Jeani F. Nobbe
Carleen M. Otto
Emily F. Owen
Jessica M. Perry
Gregory Phoenix
Kristin Ploskonka
Samantha N. Pontious
Shannon N. Quandt
Liza Roper
Robin Sherwood
Sharica D. Smalls
Cindy Smith
Michael Snow
Timothy Snowden
Shannon Stokes
Tonya J. Stutts
Sandra N. Sylvester
Rebecca Take
Jenna Tedrick
Shirlene Tomes
Stephanie M. Updegraff
Kim Vest
Cal Walton
James A. Webster
Melissa Webster
Linda Weiss
Tammy Wick
Betty Winters
Jennifer Witzel
Lori Yeck
Kristina M. Zettler
Visit and make a gift today!
Please visit our website for a compete list of One Hope United’s donors.
We have made every effort to make this list accurate and inclusive. If you discover an error or omission,
we apologize and would appreciate your advising us so that we may correct our records. Thank you.
2015 One Hope United Annual Report • 120 Years of Investing in Families
Gregory Sprehe – Chair
Christopher Hoffman – Treasurer
Theresa Dear – Vice Chair
William Beck
Mary Chelotti-Smith
Ermit Finch
Dan Horsley
Cindy Lusignan
Scott Moeller
Kim Montgomery
Sandra Osteen
Linda M. Reliquez
Howard Schnitzer
Emily R. Selbe
Toni Sandor Smith
Catherine Yargus
RJ Young
Scott Humphrey
Scott Humphrey
President & CEO
Board of Directors and Executive Leadership
as of December 2015
Ruann Barack
Executive Vice President, Quality
Jason Friedman
Chief External Relations Officer
Em Hall
Senior Vice President, Marketing and Technology
Eva Horner
Executive Director, Florida
Beth Lakier
Executive Vice President,
Early Learning and Child Development
David W. McConnell
Chief Financial Officer
Ann Pearcy
Executive Director, Illinois
Tim Snowden
Executive Director,
Community-Based Family Support Services
Cristina Villazan
Chief Human Resources Officer
A special thanks for their service to: Justin Bakes, Paul Earle, Larry Greenfield, Patricia Griffith,
Barbara D. Moss, Patrick Murphy, James Nelson, Bradley Pierce, Thomas Quarles, Deborah Reed,
Jane Turner and Wayne Turner.