april 2008 issue


april 2008 issue
April 2008
The Oxford Historian
The Oxford Museum
100 S. Morris Street, PO Box 131
Oxford, MD 21654 410-226-0191
www.oxfordmuseum.org, [email protected]
AHOY! Launching a New Generation of
Model Boat Builders
What do a 12-year old, a 10-year old, a couple 7-year olds,
and a 71-year old have in common? They boast a passion and
talent for building model boats.
As soon as Jennifer Stanley, founder and director of Oxford’s
After-School Program, realized that some of her students
were interested in building model boats, she knew what had
to be done and she did it. She contacted Ed Thieler, preeminent Eastern Shore model boat builder. In no time,
Thieler and the kids, Kurt, Von, Emma and Claire were busy
at work. With great pride, they will display a number of their
boat models at the Oxford Museum, beginning Oxford Day,
(Back) Ed Thieler and Jennifer Stanley.
April 26.
(Front) Von Kirchoff , 10; Kurt Knost,
“They’d run -- and I mean run! -- into the Community Center 12; Emma Knost, 7. Missing from
after school each day and immediately get to work,” brags
photograph, Claire Kearns, 7
Thieler about his enthusiastic young protégés. They learned
and sometimes had to relearn to take accurate measurements, to use tools and wood more
efficiently, and to consider alternative ways of approaching a goal. And there was always lots of
chit-chat about boats.
As to their favorite boats, Von and Kurt are both exhibiting their models of the WW II Japanese
battleship Yamato. “It had the largest naval rifles -- 18 inch guns! -- and 142 anti-aircraft turrets
that sent up a storm of bullets,” Kurt emphasizes. Von nods in agreement, adding the final note
about the Yamato, “It was the largest battleship in the world and it lost about 1200 souls when
the Americans sank it.” (Con’t on page 5)
New Display Cases Installed
Thanks to Ned (at left) and Mary Crabb of Crabb & Company, the
Museum now has three beautiful new display cases for exhibits. Ned
used his cabinet makers skills to duplicate the existing cases to create
a uniform look. In addition to this lovely and generous gift from them,
the painting work was generously donated by Bateman’s Painting.
We can’t thank them enough.
Please stop by the Museum for an up close and personal look at Ned’s
work. Crabb & Company are custom builders and offer design as well
as new construction and remodeling services. They are located here in
town at 104 Oxford Road. If you would like further information and
would like to see examples of the quality residential design, cabinetry
and millwork they provide, please call the office, 410-226-0372.
Pat Jessup,
Kathleen Kurtz
Vice President
Dorette Murray,
Bob Valliant
Don Duvall
Jeanne Foster
Rebecca Gaffney
Gordon Graves
Bob Hopler
Bill MacFarland
Larry Myers
Tot O’Mara
Carol Patterson
John Proctor
Doreatha Rasin
Beth Schucker
Richard Toombs
Ellen Anderson
Executive Director
Leo Nollmeyer
The Oxford Historian
Editors: Rebecca Gaffney,
Beth Schucker
Contributors: Ellen
Anderson, David Foster, Pat
Jessup, Kathleen Kurtz
Photography: Robert
Hopler, Pat Jessup, Leo
Museum’s Collection Database Project Gets Underway
Leo Nollmeyer, volunteer curator, has been hard at
work updating the Museum’s database. Soon he will
be assisted by Emily Miller, a summer intern from
Washington College. They face a Herculean effort –
photographing and classifying by category over 2,000
artifacts. Actually it’s more like 4,000 pieces if you
include documents, postcards, receipts, news
articles, and photographs. Along with physical
location and condition, they will also record an
artifact’s provenance, i.e., its known and documented
history such as when it was made, who owned it, how,
when and where it was used and who donated it.
That’s a lot of data entry! When completed, the
database will be a valuable resource for searching any Curator Leo Nollmeyer
artifact in the collection. Eventually it will be
integrated with a user- friendly computer in the
Museum, allowing members and visitors to do
archival research on artifacts, historic houses and
family genealogies.
It’s not surprising that Leo is eager for Emily to add
her expertise, and she’s raring to go. She sees her
summer in Oxford as a great opportunity for hands-on
practical experience, and besides, the thought of
learning about Oxford through its artifacts intrigues
her. Thank you, Leo and Emily!
Emily Miller, summer intern, a junior at Washington College
On Sunday, June 22, at 2:00 pm to a “Wedding in the Park”
fundraiser in Town Park, recreating the 1909 nuptials of Oxfordians
Finette Longfield and Casper Voorhis. Following the ceremony,
guests are invited to share light refreshments.
The wedding dress worn by Ms. Longfield is shown on the cover of the
Museum’s brochure. It is a blue-gray silk garment, hand-stitched,
and reputed to have been made in France. Her hat of the same color
is adorned with a dyed-to-match ostrich feather. Part of the proceeds
from this fundraiser will be used to complete the restoration of this
garment and fund the cost of displaying it on an archival cotton form
especially designed to fit the dress. In lieu of wedding gifts, guests’
contributions to the Museum’s “money tree” would be most
Wedding gown worn by Finette Longfield
APRIL 2008
UPDATE: Events and Exhibits
Valliant Window Display:
Organizing the Valliant window
display is going to take
significantly more time than we
anticipated. Of course we should
have figured any family here
since the 1600s would have a lot
of history to sort through! Although not
undaunted by the task, Larry Myers’ full-time job
(yes, he does all this in addition to!) involves
travel commitments in May so he will be working
through June on this display.
Oxford Day: Despite best plans and all
that……native American Daniel Firehawk
recently informed us that he is unable to join us
as planned on Oxford Day with his program about
the area’s first citizens. We are sorely
disappointed and apologize that this anticipated
program will not be held.
Got a Favorite Fig Recipe? As many in town
know, the Museum has several prolific fig trees
out back. Joanne Bougher gave us a great idea
that involves figs. Details will be revealed in our
summer issue. Until then if you have a favorite
fig recipe (jam, jelly, tart, sauce, appetizer???) to
share, please send it to Ellen (mail P.O. Box 131
or email to: [email protected].) No,
it’s not another cookbook.
Plantation Talk: As mentioned in the last
newsletter, Tot O’Mara and Cindy Reed will
share their knowledge and memories about
Plimhimmon and Otwell plantations
respectively. The talk is scheduled for May 8 at
Holy Trinity Parish House from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Cindy promises everyone attending a piece of
cake from a famed Goldsborough family recipe.
Oxford Relives Civil War, April 25
On the eve of Oxford Day 2008, historians, reenactors and Civil War buffs will gather at the
historic Waters United Methodist Church on
Market Street at 7 p.m. for an hour of lively and
entertaining discussion of "Oxford and the Civil
War." Chairing the session is oft-published Civil
War writer Tom Wheeler, followed by five
panelists, each briefly delineating some aspect of
our Nation's deepest conflict. The evening has
been planned and organized by the Oxford
Museum and is free and open to the public.
Oxford's Larry Denton will set the stage, dealing
with the Secession Crisis. David Foster, amateur
historian and storyteller, will talk about the
Tilghman family's adventures, followed by a
retelling of the Third Day at Gettysburg when
Talbot County troops met in bloody combat.
Reverend Jay Bunting, pastor of the Oxford
United Methodist Church and sometime reenactor, will tell the story of "The Zarvona," and
the recruitment of former slaves into the Union
Army. David Webster, local raconteur, will share
love letters written by William Hall, then living in
Oxford, to his wife in Baltimore. Re-enactor Rob
Griesbach will describe "What Johnny Reb and
Billy Yank Marched On: Civil War Rations." The
one-hour program will close with Rev. Bunting
returning to restage the dramatic announcement
of the South's surrender, as it was made to the
gathered congregation in the church.
Following the presentations, the audience and
participants are invited to join a group of
Confederate re-enactors at their encampment at
Hels Half Acre for refreshments around the
campfire. For further information, call the
Museum at 410-226-0191.
Be sure to check out the Civil War exhibit in the
Museum’s window. Another outstanding
achievement by
Larry Myers.
APRIL 2008
Abracadabra! A sudden solution
to a vexing problem. How can
the Museum adequately display
its collection when two-thirds of
it is crammed into a climatecontrolled storage building on
Route 50? Through “virtual
exhibits” was the brilliant
suggestion from a Board
member. Thus the idea for a new
column was born. And what
better way to inaugurate the
column than by introducing a
musical note in Oxford’s history - a Style W portable reed organ
made by the Bilhorn Brothers
Organ Company.
This small organ, donated to the
Museum by Mrs. H. Spencer
Matthews, accompanied hymns
in the Oxford Methodist Church
a long time ago, when it was still
a wooden structure, long before
it was replaced in 1945 by the
brick building we’re familiar
with today. What we do know
about the Bilhorn Brothers
Organ Company is that it was
founded in Chicago in 1885 and
continued operations through
1941. In 1902, it made organs for
Sears Roebuck, with an
estimated sale price of about $5.
Reverend Jay Bunting, minister
at Oxford United Methodist,
explains that early itinerant
ministers used Bilhorn organs as
they moved from place to place,
and more recently the organs
have been used at missions and
by army chaplains conducting
field services. Bunting, himself a
history and music lover,
emphasizes the instrument’s
portability. He also notes that
legs can be attached to
accommodate a musician sitting
in a chair in front of it, and the
pedals drop from the case, as do
swell leavers which the player
operates by moving his or her
knees to open and shut. The
best thing about the organ is
that, depending on who’s
playing, it has a grand range of
sound. As Bunting sums it up,
“You’d swear you were listening
to a much larger organ.”
2007 Annual Giving Exceeds Expectations
The 2007 annual giving campaign has been a huge
success! Contributors names were printed in our
January Newsletter, but since then we also received
support from the followings friends:
Florence and Richard Bank
Cheri J. Fisher
Barbara and Elden Hartshorn
Mignonne LaChapelle and William Brashares
Sandra and John Seifarth
Debbie and Cy Smith
Jennifer and Ted Stanley
APRIL 2008
In the summer issue:
An article about Museum support received
from many friends over the last year.
We hope it will inspire and encourage
others. Maybe you?
access to all the necessary mechanics behind.
Thanks to Lawrie Jessup for the construction
effort, to Arlene Bickel, Joyce Buttner and
Mignonne LaChapelle for their artistic work, and
Steve Clyburn for map design.
Museum Gift Shop Offers
Peter Hanks Print
New “Map” Display Unveiled on
Oxford Day
We hope you visit Pope's Tavern soon and admire
the Peter Hanks' Oxford original, on the back wall
In the last issue we reported a visit from Museum in the bar area - a cozy corner perspective, a
exhibit expert Laura Greenberg. Her suggestions favorite view for many of us of the porch and
picket fence at the Oxford Inn & Pope's Tavern.
combined with a need to “hide but keep
Richard Marks gave the original watercolor along
accessible” the outlets and light switches on the
back wall have led to a new display which will be with 25 high-quality prints to his friends, Lisa
unveiled on Oxford Day. A wall size map (12’ long MacDougal and Dan Zimbelman, the Inn's owners
and proprietors. They in turn gave the prints to
and 5’ high) of Oxford will feature historic
the Museum, to be used as a fundraiser. After all,
buildings and monuments throughout the town
they opined, not many non-profits in town are
and show where they are located. The map will
struggling with a mortgage to pay. Wow! And if
also give viewers a perspective of Oxford as a
that wasn't enough, Peter Hanks is helping us
peninsula surrounded by water, including the
display the prints, which will be available framed
Tred Avon River view seen from the Museum.
and unframed at the Museum gift shop.
The map was constructed of two separate panels
which slide like “closet doors,” thus allowing
AHOY! Launching a New Generation of Model Boat Builders
(Con’t from page 1)
tombs of ancient Egyptians at the
As to her small sailboat, Emma, her brow
Franklin Institute.” Casting his vote
furrowed and lips pursed, remembers its sail, “It for the Chesapeake Bay Maritime
was so hard tying those little knots.” Claire
Museum, Von says, “There are lots
named her cruiser Friendship. Asked why, she
of boats there and we ate lunch in
replied, “It started when I first learned about a
the light house.” And finally Kurt
real Friendship when I was with my grandfather describes his hands-on-learning
and father in Maine. I saw boats like mine called experience in a water exhibit at
Friendship. My grandfather makes them.” Both
the Indianapolis Children’s
boys will also display the skipjack-in-a-bottle
Museum, “You get to build
models they made while participating in a recent your own paper boat and let
program at the Chesapeake Bay Maritime
it go down stream in the
currents, even through
The kids say they’ve never been featured in a
museum, but they each have a favorite. Emma
Please stop by on Oxford Day.
liked her school trip to the Baltimore Science
Admire our newest collection of model boats. We
Museum. She grins, “I got the furthest in my class extend thanks to Jennifer Stanley and Ed Thieler
when I sat in a chair and had to pull on a rope to “for nurturing” and to our young boat builders “for
see how far I could raise myself.” Claire’s
continuing the model boat building tradition in
preference is a little more exotic, “I liked the
our maritime community.”
APRIL 2008
Did You Know?
Do you know if your building
is one of the contributing
structures in the Oxford
Historic District? The Oxford
Historic District was listed on
the National Register of
Historic Places in December,
2005, thanks to the efforts of
the Oxford Historic District
Commission. The Commission
successfully obtained a grant
that enabled the hiring of
architectural historian, Paul
Touart, to assist in
preparation of the
architectural study and
nomination submission. The nomination was
first submitted to a state panel which in turn
recommended the district to the National Park
Service for placement on the National Register.
The Register is the nation’s official list of
properties and sites with significance in
American history and culture.
The boundaries of the Oxford Historic District
are the Tred Avon River, Town Creek, and the
south side of Caroline Street. In addition to
having been one of Maryland’s earliest towns, the
district is significant, quoting Paul Touart, “as an
exceptionally cohesive and well-preserved
collection of domestic, commercial, and
ecclesiastical properties primarily dating from
the town’s principal period of growth, i.e., the
last quarter of the 19th century through the
World War I era.” Over 90% of the buildings that
define the historic district were erected between
1870 and 1910. A copy of the
full submission, including
the list of contributing
properties, is available in the
Town Office for review.
There are honorific and
possible financial benefits to
being part of a listed historic
district. Owners of
contributing properties are
entitled to receive a
complimentary certificate
from the Maryland
Historical Trust and may
order a plaque for exterior
display from private vendors, several of which can
be found on the internet. Under the Heritage
Preservation Tax Credit Program administered by
the Maryland Historical Trust, Maryland income
tax credits are available for substantial
rehabilitation of both owner-occupied residential
properties and income-producing properties.
Other individual National Register listings in the
Oxford area are Jena located on the Oxford Road,
the Barnaby House in town, Otwell (ref: Museum
exhibit), and two log canoes: Billie P. Hall and
S.C. Dobson.
Visit www.marylandhistoricaltrust.net for more
information on the Tax Credit Program, to read
more of the Oxford District nomination, and to
learn about the other districts and buildings in
Talbot County. Visit www.nps.gov/history for
more information about the National Register.
Museum Submits Grant Applications
Christmas in July just may come true for the Museum. The Museum has
submitted two grant applications and anticipates a decision by the awarding
authorities in late July.
The first grant was submitted to the “Stories of the Chesapeake” Heritage Area
for the Museum’s oral history project, “The Way We Were” by Pat Jessup. The
second grant, written by Board member Don Duvall, went to the Maryland
Historical Trust for the collection database project mentioned on page 2.
Cross your fingers. We’ve certainly crossed ours!
APRIL 2008
Annual Membership Meeting
In the Next (Summer) Issue
The Annual Membership Meeting and Election of
new Board members and officers will be held on
Thursday, May 15, at 5:30 p.m. at Holy Trinity
Parish House. The third annual Douglas Hanks
Jr. Preservation Award will also be presented,
along with the promised report on last year’s
community survey.
Feature on the Old Counting House at
Regular columns: “Did You Know?” and
“In Our Collection”
Report on Annual Membership Meeting
The Douglas Hanks Jr. Award Recipients
Thanks to our members who have renewed memberships for 2008-2009. Current memberships
expire April 30. If you need another renewal form or an application for new membership, please
call the office at 226-0191 and leave your name and address.
If you know who the people are in this photograph, please call the Oxford Museum
at 410-226-0191 and let us know. Photograph from the Norman Harrington
collection. Date unknown.
APRIL 2008
Permit No. 6
Oxford, MD
100 South Morris Street
PO Box 131
Oxford, MD 21654
Phone: 410-226-0191
[email protected]
The Oxford
Museum is
reopening on
April 26,
Friday and
Saturday 10 to 4;
Sunday, 1 to 4
Joyce Buttner and Arlene Bickel have been painstakingly painting (for days) the details of historic houses
and buildings in Oxford on the new wall mural map.