LAke guide - The Lake Hopatcong Foundation


LAke guide - The Lake Hopatcong Foundation
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Paterson, NJ
SPRiNg/SummeR 2015
LAke guide
The Lake Hopatcong Foundation
DeDicateD to improving Lake Hopatcong for aLL, now anD in tHe years to come
Become a memBer!
The mission of the LHF is simple: to improve Lake
Hopatcong for all, now and in the years to come. Join
our efforts by making a donation today, either at or by mailing
a check with this form to 37 Nolan’s Point Park Road,
Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849. Please make check payable
to Lake Hopatcong Foundation. All donations are
tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.
The Lake Hopatcong Foundation
 Family/Business Membership $50
 Hudson Maxim Club Membership
$100 Ambassador
$5,000 Benefactor
$500 Patron
$10,000 President’s Circle
$1,000 Leader
 My company offers a matching donation.
Please inform me when you receive the match from
 Please sign me up to receive emails with volunteering opportunities.
LH” waterproof decal $10
I boat Lake Hopatcong, I support Lake Hopatcong.
 Include this year’s “II
I boat Lake Hopatcong, I support Lake Hopatcong.
 Individual Membership $25
Hi lake friends!
it feels so good to say “happy spring!” it was another frigid
winter on Lake Hopatcong, but at least that allowed for lots
of opportunities for folks to enjoy winter recreation on the
frozen lake, from ice fishing to cross-country skiing to
snowmobiling. Hope you all are having a lovely spring and
are preparing for a fun summer season ahead!
Here we once again bring you our semi-annual “Lake
guide,” which includes lots of information about lakerelated matters, including safety and the prevention of
invasive species. We would also like to take a quick moment
to inform you about what we’ve been up to at the Lake
Hopatcong Foundation:
• in November, we purchased the Lake Hopatcong Train
Station in Landing, which was a very exciting (and a little
scary) step for our three-year-old organization. more
details on the station are included in this newsletter. We
hope you’re as excited about the possibilities as we are!
• Our second-annual Lake Hopatcong Block Party is
coming up on Saturday, may 9 at Hopatcong State Park.
it promises to be another great celebration of all facets
of Lake Hopatcong life, and we hope you can join us!
• Our projects and initiatives continue to move forward,
from helping to craft an agreement to get more police
patrols out on the lake during busy summer weekends
to stopping the spread of the invasive water chestnut
species. Something new we’re doing this year is hosting
a set of class trips this summer for local fourth graders to
learn more about the lake environment and history.
We’re always in the middle of a wide variety of different
initiatives, so check out
to learn more!
And if any of the things we’re involved in resonate with
you, please become a member of the Lake Hopatcong
Foundation and help support all the work we’re doing to
protect and improve the lake environment and experience.
it is only because of the financial backing of the community
that we can accomplish all we’ve done so far, and dream big
as we look ahead.
Thanks, and have a wonderful spring and summer!
Jessica k. murphy
LHF President
Upcoming events
SundayS, aprIL 12 to May 17, 12 to 4 PM
Lake Hopatcong Historical Museum open hours
Saturday, May 9
Lake Hopatcong Block party, 10 AM to 5 PM
Hopatcong State Park
FrIday, May 15
LHF annual Membership Meeting, 7 PM
followed by train Station Rent Party, 8 to 10 PM
Lake Hopatcong Train Station, Landing
Monday, May 18
Lake Hopatcong Commission Meeting, 7 PM
Roxbury Municipal Building
Saturday, June 6, 2015
Landing, NJ: A Transportation Mecca, 6 PM
LHHM Program, Lake Hopatcong Yacht Club
Sunday, June 7
LHF annual Group Hike, 1 PM
Ice Age Trail, parking available at 12 Orben Drive, Landing
Go to for details
Saturday, June 13
New Jersey Free Fishing Day
Saturday, June 13
Knee Deep Club Junior Derby and Handicapped Outing
9 AM to Noon and 1 to 3 PM, Memorial Pond, Mount Arlington
Monday, June 15
Lake Hopatcong Commission Meeting, 7 PM
Hopatcong Senior Center
Saturday, June 20
Lake Hopatcong Antique and Classic Boat Show, 10 AM
Lake Hopatcong Yacht Club
FrIday, JuLy 3
LHYC Annual Fireworks Show (rain date Saturday, July 11th)
tHurSday, JuLy 9
The Morris Canal at Lake Hopatcong LHHM program, 6 PM
Jefferson House
Saturday, JuLy 18
LHF Gala and auction
Lake Hopatcong Yacht Club, Mt. Arlington
Monday, JuLy 20
Lake Hopatcong Commission Meeting, 7 PM
Hopatcong Senior Center
Saturday, auGuSt 8
8th Annual Jersey Wake Off
Lake Forest Yacht Club, Lake Hopatcong
Monday, auGuSt 17
Lake Hopatcong Commission Meeting, 7 PM
Jefferson Municipal Building
Monday, SepteMBer 21
Lake Hopatcong Commission Meeting, 7 PM
Jefferson Municipal Building
Sunday, octoBer 11
LaKe Loop 2015, Hopatcong State Park
Lake Hopatcong foundation
37 Nolan’s Point Park Road, Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849 • 973-663-2500
@ThisIsYourLake Lake Hopatcong Foundation
all aBoarD!
On November 6, 2014, the Lake Hopatcong Foundation
officially purchased the Lake Hopatcong Train Station on
Landing Road in Roxbury, just a short distance from the
southernmost end of the lake in Landing. We were thrilled at
the turnout of more than 100 volunteers to help us “spruce
up” the site for the winter a few weeks after we closed on the
property, and we are currently in the process of developing a
preservation plan before continuing with our construction and
rehabilitation efforts within the building and on the grounds.
We hope to have updates on the progress of our efforts to share
with the public at our annual LHF membership meeting on
Friday, may 15 (taking place at the station itself!).
The long-term goal is to establish a “Lake Hopatcong
Cultural and environmental Center,” which will be open for
community events,
display lake information
and historical displays,
and serve as our home
office. keep visiting our
website,, for
updates on our progress.
There you can also
donate to the capital
campaign to help us
with our efforts. And
join us after the
membership meeting
on may 15 for a Rent
Party with food and
music, to help support the cost of the train station
purchase and rehabilitation. Call 973.663.2500
for details.
Water chestnUt
Water safety
Stop this aquatic hitchhiker from taking over Lake Hopatcong!
The water chestnut (trapa natans) is different from the
one you eat with your Chinese food; this one is an invasive
aquatic species that could take over areas of Lake Hopatcong
if we aren’t vigilant. The rosettes can
quickly multiply, and not only make
it impossible to navigate through
an area, but choke out much of the
aquatic life underneath.
The plant can be identified by its
rosettes of two-inch arrowhead-shaped
leaves with a serrated, sawtooth edge.
Water Chestnut species
The water chestnut seed pod is dark
and spiky.
if you see one, mark the locations
of all plants by tying brightly-colored
tape to each plant and/or using a
mobile phone to record accurate gPS
coordinates. if possible, take photos
of the plant and any identifying
features on the shoreline. Note how
many rosettes you see, and report the Water Chestnut marked
sighting immediately to the Lake Hopatcong
Foundation by calling 973-663-2500 or emailing
[email protected].
Pick up our new water chestnut brochure at the
LHF office to learn about how to stop the spread
of this invasive species.
You can join the Lake Hopatcong Water Scouts,
who paddle the lake to find any instances of
this aggressive invasive plant, by emailing
[email protected]. The
Water Scouts have identified and removed three
outbreaks of the plant since they were established
in 2010, including removing more than 150 plants from
Woodport in 2014.
Thanks to the efforts of the Lake Hopatcong community,
the LHF has won a BoatuS grassroots grant to create a Lake
Hopatcong guide map, which will include useful information
about navigating the lake, as well as high-risk invasive species
and the location of pump-out stations, to help keep the lake
clean and healthy. Thanks to everyone who voted for our
project, and keep an eye out for the map this summer!
Be safe on the lake this sUmmer!
for yoU
• Look before you leap! The lake bottom is full of unexpected
debris, from tree stumps to rocks and boulders. make sure
you are familiar with the depth and bottom of the lake
before you jump or dive into an area. (And never dive into
shallow areas.)
• Reach or throw, don’t go. if you see someone who needs help,
rather than jumping in to help them (in which case, they
could pull you under), toss the
person something that floats or
reach them from solid ground with
your arm, a pool noodle, or rope
to pull them to safety.
• Remember, when someone is
struggling or drowning, they are
usually NOT making any noise.
Be aware of your surroundings and
do regular safety checks to make sure everyone is accounted
for and swimming comfortably.
• Always stay within arm’s reach of young children and
avoid distractions.
• Never leave a young child unattended near water and do not
trust a child’s life to another child; teach children to always
ask permission to go near water.
• Become CPR certified, so you can be ready and familiar with
the latest rescue techniques in a worst-case scenario.
stop aQUatic hitchikers
Water chestnuts are a major threat, but not the only invasive
species that could do harm to Lake Hopatcong. To help keep
all aquatic invasive species out of the lake, follow these
guidelines when you travel between water bodies with your
boat or other watercraft:
Clean: Remove all visible plants, animals, fish, and mud from
your boat, trailer, or other equipment and dispose of
them in a suitable trash container or on dry land.
Drain: drain water from bilge, live wells, ballast tanks, and
any other locations with water before leaving a launch.
Dry: dry your boat, trailer, and all equipment completely.
drying times vary depending on the weather and the
type of material. At least five days of drying time is
generally recommended during the summer.
stay tUneD for oUr
WatersheD report carD!
How would you grade Lake Hopatcong? using scientific data,
we will soon have a simplified report card that evaluates
the health of local lakes and rivers. With the help of a grant
from the Watershed institute, the LHF and the musconetcong
Watershed Association together are developing a Watershed
Report Card that will be used as a tool to engage and educate
residents about water quality on the lake. The report card will
use easy-to-understand language to convey the complex topic
of water quality indicators, such as nutrient levels, dissolved
oxygen, and other measures of lake health. The card will
also include ways that the public can help improve watershed
health, such as using lake-friendly fertilizer to reduce
phosphorus levels, planting a rain garden, and using septicfriendly detergents and cleaners.
2015 Block party proUD
leading SponSor
for yoUr kiDs
• Always swim where an adult can see you,
and with a buddy.
• if you’re swimming in a public place
(community beach, etc.) make sure to follow
any rules posted about running, horseplay,
restricted areas, etc.
• Always wear your life jacket whenever you
are out boating.
• if you’re struggling while swimming, try to stay calm and
look for the closest exit out of the water or a safe place to
hang onto – panicking can make the situation worse.
• Talk with your parents about what you should do in an
emergency. know how to get help and call 9-1-1.
for yoUr Dog
• Remember, not all dogs are good swimmers. don’t assume
your dog will be able to stay afloat; try him out in shallow
water before going into a deep area. And if your dog doesn’t
like the water, don’t make him go in.
• if you’re out on a boat or raft, have your dog in a life
preserver; it will keep her afloat and make her easier to find,
plus it will give you something to
grab on to if you need to pull her in.
• even dogs that swim well can tire
very quickly, especially because
they don’t rest or tread water, they
just swim forward until they can’t.
When swimming with your dog,
don’t allow him to get too far away
from you, because he could get into
trouble quickly.
Save the Date for the
Second Annual
State Park
May 9, 2015
Landing, NJ
Lake Demonstrations ~ Local
Bands ~ Local Businesses
and Organizations ~
Food Vendors ~ Children’s
Area ~ Antiques and Crafts
~ Local Artist Painting Live
~ On-The-Water Demonstratio
ns ~ 50/50 Raffle ~ and More!
This is YOUR lake... Let’s Celebrat
OR VISIT www.lakehopatcongfoundat
VieW ouR otheR sPonsoRs at