FNF_Easter Egg Nests - Free-N


FNF_Easter Egg Nests - Free-N
Easter Egg Nests
Chow Mein Noodles
White Chocolate Almond Bark
Candy Eggs
1. Melt the white chocolate almond bark according to the directions on the package.
2. Pour the melted almond bark over the chow mein noodles to coat.
3. Spoon the coated chow mein noodles into a greased mini muffin pan.
4. Place the candy eggs onto the chow mein nests. Add a drop of melted almond bark to
adhere. Refrigerate until hard.
5. Use a butter knife or fork to pop out each nest when the chocolate has set.
© 2012 OTC
Easter Egg Nests
Chow Mein Noodles
White Chocolate Almond Bark
Candy Eggs
1. Melt the white chocolate almond bark according to the directions on the package.
2. Pour the melted almond bark over the chow mein noodles to coat.
3. Spoon the coated chow mein noodles into a greased mini muffin pan.
4. Place the candy eggs onto the chow mein nests. Add a drop of melted almond bark to adhere.
Refrigerate until hard.
5. Use a butter knife or fork to pop out each nest when the chocolate has set.
© 2012 OTC