2015 MWRA Water Quality Report
2015 MWRA Water Quality Report
* JI C I T Y O F E V E RE T T PublicWat erSupply # 3o93ooo C ITY S E R V IC E S FA C ILITY W A TE R /S E W E R D E P A R TM E N T r.9 Norman Street Everett, Massachusettsoze49 Dear W at erCus t ome r, TheCityof Everett,in partnership with the Massachusetts WaterResources Authority(MWRA),wouldliketo presentto you the zor4 An nualW at erO ual i tyR e p o rt. Water Consumption TheCit ypur c has eosu r w a te rfro m th e MW R A.T h ea verage dai l yfl ow of w aterw as3.64mi l l i ongal l onsperday.Thesi nglehighestdaily flow for 2014wason 7lrlt4 in the amountof 4.64milliongallons. The maximumflow weekoccurredf rom717lt4until7l4l:,4in the amount of z 9. z om illiongal l o n s . Maintenancer The Cityof Everetthascompletedthe installation of the newautomaticreadwatermeters.We alsoconductedhydrantflushingin April 2 014t o r em ov es ed i m e n tsi n th e w a te rma i n sa n dto checkthe physi cal condi ti onof the hydrants.TheC i tyi s currently per f or m ing wat er mainim pr ov em en ts o n B a rtl e ttS t.,Ori e n tA v e .,H a d l eyC t.andD aneS t. WaterQuality: TheCit yc ollec t swa te rs a mp l e w s e e k l yfro m d e s i g nated si testhroughoutthe ci ty.Thesew atersampl es aresentto the M WRAlabf or te s t ing.T hes am ple sa rete s te dfo r c h l o ri n ere s i d u al a ndcol i formbacteri a. A l l test resul ts w erenormali n zo:.4.W eal socollectsam ples for leadandc oppero n c ea y e a r.L e a dre s u l tsw e re1 .o4ppbw hi chi s bel owthe A cti onLevelof r5 ppb.C opperresul ts wer er 79 ppbwhich is belowthe ActionLevelof r3oo ppb. CrossConnectionProgram: The Cityalsohasa crossconnectionprogramthat is conductedtwicea yearto preventcontamination to the city'spublicdrinkingwater. In D ec em ber z or 4,t h e C i tyw a si s s u e da n o ti c eo f n o n-compl i ance from D E Pregardi ngpri marycerti fi edoperatorstaf f ing.TheCit ywill be in c om plianc in e z o r5 TheCityServiceCommission meetseverysecondWednesday of the monthat the CityServices Facilityat 6:oopm.lf you haveany questions,pleasecallErnieLariviereat6q394-2387or 6q394-2327. ErnestLariviere Wat erS uoer int en d e n t DearCustomer, Clean,freshwater that tastesgreat-that's what you expectwhen you fill your glass,and that'swhat MWRAdeliversrightto your faucet.In fact, MWRAwater was chosenasthe besttasting in the countryin zor4 at an MWRABOARDOF DIRECTORS annualconference of watersoecialists. And it's not just the taste of the water that's good. MWRA takes MatthewA. Beaton, Chair m an hundredsofthousandsoftestseachyear,andyourwatermet everystate andfederaldrinkingwaterstandard.System-wide, we remainbelowthe JohnJ. Carroll, Vice-Chair LeadActionLevel.Pleasereadthe letteron page4 for more information on yourcommunity'slocalwatersystem. JosephC. Foti, Secretary There are severalreasonsour water tastes so good, beginningwith high-qualitysourcewater. Next is the state-of-the-art treatment we provide- startingwith ozonein zoo5and then addingUV light in zor4. AustinF.Blackmon KevinL. Cotter After treatment,the water doesnot seethe light of day until it reaches yourtap.MWRAisnowfinishingup construction of the lastof itscovered PaulE. Flanagan water storageprojectswith the Spot PondTankin Stonehamslatedfor Andrew M. Pappastergion completionlaterthisyear. We hope you take a few moments to read this report.We want you to HenryF.Vitale havethe same confidencewe have in the water we deliverto over z J ohnJ .W als h million customers.Pleasecontact us if you have any questionsor commentsaboutyourwaterqualityor any of MWRAs programs. JenniferL. Wolowicz Sincerely, t^ /14 t // ll ^ h t /6 ^. ,t_ln-. UW -.1 / "-"', FrederickA. Laskey Executive Director O uabbin Reservoir I a| /Ul--f\ uil (/ WareRiver Watershed Gi::'fn' 4, Hydro Wachusett Reservoir MetroWest Tunnel I Brutsch Water Treatment Facility CarrollWater TreatmentPlant andStorage Hultman Aqueduct Minerals from soilandrockdo smallamountsof materialintothe reservoir. nottypicallycauseproblemsin the water.But,watercanalsotransportconfrom humanandani malacti vi tv. Thesecanincludebact er ia and tami nants viruses- someof whichcancauseillness. Thetest datainthisreportshow watersheds. that thesecontaminants arenot a problemin yourreservoirs' (DEP)hasprepared TheDepartment of Environmental Protection a WaterAssessment Programreportfor the OuabbinandWachusett Source DCRandMWRAon the existing Reservoirs. TheDEPreportcommends sourceprotectionplans,andstatesthat our "watershedprotectionprograms MWRA areverysuccessful andgreatlyreducethe actualriskof contamination." watershed to maintain the pristine areas. followsthe repoftrecommendations TESTINGYOURWATER- EVERYSTEPOFTHEWAY water.The arefoundin the reservoir Testresultsshowfew contaminants few that arefoundarein verysmallamounts,well belowEPAsstandards. of the water)isone measure of overallwater Turbidity(orcloudiness quality.Allwatermustbe below5 NTU(NephelometricTurbidity Units), andwatercanonlybe abover NTUif it doesnot interferewith effective ln zot4,turbiditywasalwaysbelowboththe 5.oandr.o NTL disinfection. withthe highestlevelat o.6zNTU.Typicallevelsat theWachusett standards, Reservoir areo.3NTU. waterfor pathogens suchasfecalcoliform, MWRAalsotestsreservoir andGiardia.Theycan bacteria,viruses,andthe parasitesCryptosporidum s ewell enterthe w aterfrom ani malor humanw aste.A l ltestr esult wer w i thi nstateandfederal testi nq andtreatmentstand ar ds. S EA T. H i GH WH Y Y O URW A T E R T A ST EGR OU A LI T YS O URC E WA T ER Yourwatercomesfrom the Ouabbin Reservoir, about65 mileswestof Boston,and about35 mileswest the WachusettReservoir, supply of Boston.Thesepristinereservoirs in wat er t ol o c aw l a te rd e p a rtme n ts w holes ale Thetwo reservoirs combined 5r communities. supplied aboutz oom i l l i o ng a l l o n sa d a yo f h i g h q ualit ywat ert o c on s u me rs i n z o t4 . w a te rs h e dasre TheO uabbinandW a c h u s e tt naturallyprotectedwith over85%of the waterensure shedscoveredin forestandwetlands.To safety,the streamsandreservoirsar+tested dailybythe Departmentof oftenandpatrolled (DCR). andRecreation Conservation Rainands nowf a l l i n go n th e w a te rs h e d-s protectedlandaroundthe reservoirs - turn into Thiswater streamsthat flow to the reservoirs. comesin contactwith soil,rock,plants,and othermaterialasit followsitsnaturalpathto the reservoirs. Whilethis process helpsto cleanthe water,it can andcarryvery alsodissolve Com p o u n d B ar i u m M on o c h l o ra mi n e F luo ri d e Nitrate^ { _t f f t 1i "FG ,5cxde{,{rm$amds. ,.. Ld F Sodiumin watercontributesonlya smallfractionof a person's monthly testsforsodium i overallsodiumintake(lessthantoo/o).MWRA *.' 'W' ' andthe highest (about per glass). was mg/L mg 8 oz. level found 9 34.8 r"--' ',VeryLow Sodiumbythe FoodandDrugAdministration. Thiswould be considered {MCL} Fliqhest L"eveN Allowed -.'--'-- ---.' ppmi 2 | , tr r r ^ ^p- m | 4 -M R D L p 4 ppm ppm ppm Nitrite^ TotalTrihalomethanesppD ppD Acids-5 Haloacetic TotalColiform Comb i n e R d adium . A FTE R TR E A TME N T TE S Ti hIG R €S U LTS EPAandstateregulations requiremanywaterqualitytestsafter eds s treatmentto checkthe w ateryouaredri nki ng.MW RAconducthundr (a completelist of testsperyearon over12ocontaminants of thousands D etai l saboutzor4te str esult ar s eint he i savai l ablon e w w w .mw ra.com). table below,The bettornline isthe waterqualityis exeellent. o/o I ecir- iWefo*nd) Eeteeted Rangeof Level{MCLG} Average net€rtisns ldealGoal Violation How it gets in tire water o.oo8 1.9 7,.O2 10 o.o6 L o.oo6 8o 13.3 6o to.2 5o/o 5 r.o% (Aug) 1.76 2 o.o07-o.oo9 o-3.9 4-MR D LG No No Commonmineralin nature Waterdisinfectant Additivefor dentalhealth 4 No o.or-o.o6 ND-o.oo6 10 No 3.7-17.3 o-15.9 ND-r.o% n5 No n5 No o No Atmospheric deposition Byproduct of waterdisinfection Byproduct of waterdisinfection Byproduct of waterdisinfection presentin environment Naturally o No Erosionof naturalmineraldeposits n Qz- e !.76 r No ContaminantLevel.The highestlevelof a contaminantallowedin water MCLsare set as closeto the MCLGsas feasibleusingthe best KEY:MCL=Maximum ContaminantLevelGoal.The levelof contaminantin drinkingwater belowwhichthere is no knownor expectedriskto availabletechnology.MCLG=Maximum health.MCLGsallowfor a marginof safety.MRDL=MaximumResidualDisinfectantLevel.The highestlevelof a disinfectantallowedin drinkingwater.Thereis MRDLG=Maximum ResidualDisinfectantLevelGoal.The for controlof microbialcontaminants. convincingevidencethat additionof a disinfectantis necessary to do not reflectthe benefitsof the use of disinfectants levelof a drinkingwater disinfectantbelowwhichthere is no knownor expectedhealthrisk.N4RDLGS per , max i mum e l i ter ^As requi redby D E P the l n ta m in a tio np.p m = p a ftsper mi l l i onppb=paftsper bi l l i onns=nostandardpC i /L=pi coC uri c o n tr o lm icr o b iaco resultis repoftedfor nitrateand nitrite,not the average. *1.1:i*+ * ,/ */ - , t F"- - - - \ t * \+ f fAtulE€Rtee'51i RF'(T I-\o*jlrif +\ Kdk b. # "rli' ! ,/4 4l*" WHYYOURWATERTASTESGREATWATERTREATMENT that the Bostonareawater Oneofthe reasons tastessogoodisthat MWRAhasstate-of-the-art treatmentat the JohnJ.CarrollWaterTreatment Sincezoo5,yourwaterhas Plantin Marlborough. beentreatedwith ozone- producedby pureoxygen. applyingan electricalcurrentto against Ozonehasensuredstrongprotection improvedwaterclarity, andviruses, microbes andmakesthe watertastebetter.Startingin (UV)disinfec2oa4,we alsoaddedultraviolet tion,furtherimprovingthe qualityof the water. a morepotentform of UV lightisessentially from sunlight,and the naturaldisinfection potentiallyin our that anypathogens ensures reservoirs arerenderedharmless. the waterchemistryisadjusted Inaddition, of leadandcopperfrom to reducecorrosion F lu o ri d iesa d d e dto p ro m o te h om eplum bing. dentalhealth,andinAprilzor5the dosewas lowered to o.7ppmbasedon CDCandEPA Last,we add monchlorarecommendations. mi n e,a m ildandlon gl a s ti n gd i s i n fe c ta ntot protectthe wateras it travelsto yourhome. R E S E A R CFOR H N E WR E GU LA TION S to definenew MWRAhasbeenworkingwith EPAandotherresearchers contaminants. waterstandards by testingfor unregulated national drinking andto seea listingof whatwasfound To readmoreabouttheseregulations, . in MWRAwater,pleasevisitvvww.mwra.com/UCMR/zor4.html. I M M UNESYSTEM S W ITHW E A K E N ED D R IN K IN G W A TE RA N D P E OP LE in drinkingwater to contaminants Somepeoplemaybe morevulnerable persons suchaspersons lmmuno-compromised thanthe generalpopulation. persons who haveundergone organ chemotherapy, with cancerundergoing some peoplewith HIViAIDS or otherimmunesystemdisorders, transplants, people from infections. These particularly at risk be and infants can elderly, shouldseekadviceaboutdrinkingwaterfromtheirhealthcareproviders. by the riskof infection meansto lessen guidelines on appropriate EPA/CDC fromthe areavailable contaminants andothermicrobial Cryptosporidium EPAsSafeDrinkingWaterHotline(:-8oo-426-479t). IN BOTTLED WATER CONTAMINANTS be expected to bottledwater,may reasonably Drinkingwater,including presence of containat leastsmallamountsof somecontaminants.The indicatethat waterposesa healthrisk. doesnot necessarily contaminants andpotentialhealtheffectscanbe Moreinformationaboutcontaminants obtainedby ca||ing the EPAs SafeDrinkingWaterHotline (r-8oo-426 479t)or MWRA.In orderto ensurethat tap waterissafeto drink,the Massachusetts whichlimitthe amountof certain regulations DEPand EPAprescribe TheFoodand in waterprovidedby publicwatersystems. contaminants (FDA)andthe Massachusetts of Public Department DrugAdministration in bottledwaterwhich limitsfor contaminants establish Healthregulations mustprovidethe sameprotectionfor publichealth. s. . . TES T SI N CO M M U N IT YP IPE S test MWRAandlocalwaterdepartments 3ooto 5oowatersampleseachweekfortotal cancome coliformbacteria coliformbacteria.Total or animals, of warm-blooded intestines fromthe Most canbefoundin soil,plants,or otherplaces. their of thetime,theyarenot harmful.However, from presence couldsignalthatharmfulbacteria fecalwastemaybethereaswell.TheEPA in that no morethan 5%of the samples requires lf a watersampledoes a monthmaybe positive" test positive,we runmorespecifictestsfor E co1i, foundin humanandanimal whichisa bacteria No E.coliwas fecalwasteandmav causeillness. foundin anyMWRAcommunityin zor4.lf your communityfoundanytotal coliform,it will be listedwithinthe communityletteron page4. A B OU TC R OS SC ON N E C TION S IN FOR MA TION of backflow the installation DEPrecommends The Massachusetts prevention to helpprotect for insideandoutsidehoseconnections devices in yourtown. your water system well as the drinking in home, as water the pleasecall6q-z4z-53z3or Formoreinformationon crossconnections, visitwww,mwra.com/crosscon.html. anegrffflsdff *.,"=.,. ffip ce,#fsd"-&fue Althoughtap waterandbottledwaterhaveto meetthe same standards, tap waterisdeliveredstraightto yourhomewithout truckingor plasticwaste.BottledwaterproducesoverLo,ooo gasses totap water. compared * *timestheamountof greenhouse .F+ Tapwatercostslessthana pennypergallon,whilebottled watercancostbetween$1and$8 pergallon.Tapwater isthe smartchoice! g,s{d:firi{:: *i* S'rse"s.is" *S*ci$. 't'B,,!fuga' $.c:.*.u$,:r,\ i.g4:t*t*x{us"' ..' " whenit leaves the MWRAwateris lead-free reservoirs, andMWRAandlocalpipesdo lead not addleadto the water.However, canget intowaterthroughhousehold pl umbi ngi ncl udi ng so m eser vicelines (thepipefromthe streetto yourhouse). if Checkwith yourlocalwaterdepartment you havea leadservice line.lf youdo,you i t. shoul drepl ace -."rf"'";; brr'i,il. -, rl ..-I :p;;tr ik ' '";":'B*' ffi"."i INV E S T M E NTISN YOU RWA T ERSY ST E M FreperingDamsf*r f lirnateCl"lar:g* All Sincezoo6,MWRAhasspentover$21millionon damsafetyprojects. routinelyby areinspected andappurtenances MWRAdams,dikes,spillways andarein goodcondition. Iicensed dam safetyengineers W h i l e F r* v i d i n gOp e nS p a c e Fr ot ec t ingRes erv o i rs Thebestwayto deliverclean,safewateristo startwith highqualitysource water.Since1985,sr34.5millionhasbeeninvestedin landpreservation watersheds. aroundthe Oua bin,WareandWachusett i n R e a l T i r* e Monit or ingW at erQt" re l i ty systemin realtime - z4 hours Yourwateris monitoredby a state-of-the-art This a day,sevendaysa week- to makesureit isfreeof contaminants. allowsMWRAto respondto changesin waterqualityalmostimmediately. TakingAdvantageof Gravity generators that capturethe energyof MWRA operatesthreehydroelectric energyannually' sr.5millionin renewable thewaterasit flowseastproviding I e overedStoraEeKeepsWaterSafeavlddlean a networkof covered MWRAhasconstructed storagetanksacrossthe serviceareathat keep yourwaterprotectedfromthe treatmentplant to yourtap.TheSpotPondTankin Stoneham w i l lo p e nl a te rth i sy e a r. ffi ffi *-' {€.:#$"$[i5 Wsd*s' fsff*sr"sre?g,f#dc z o om i l l i o ng a l l o n os f w atereachday-over M WR Ad e l i v e rs O n av er age, r z o m illiongallo n lse s sth a ni t d i d i nth e r9 8 o s . 350 o E U L 6 z o J (, z J J 325 300 275 250 225 200 475 150 r98o 1998 2o!4 UnderEPArules,eachyearyourlocalwater musttestwaterin homesthat department arelikelytohavehighleadlevels.The isthat 9o%of the sampled requirement homesmusthaveleadlevelsbelowthe Lead ActionLevelof r5 ppb.Sincecorrosion beganin 1996,leadlevels controltreatment in testedhomeshavedroppedovergo0/0, r oundshavebeen sampl ing andr9 strai ght belowthe EPAActionLevel. Fortipson howto reduceyourpossible to leadgoto www.mwra.com/lead. exposure RESULI S S E P TE MB Ezor4 R LE A D& CO PPER (Target (l d e a i # llome go% Acti0n Gca l ) Ab,ove A|i# Tested R a n g e V a l u e Level ,VCLG Homes Lead io-6615.a1 (ppb) 15 i o I tl+so Copper o-o.5 (ppm) 1 . 3 i 1 .3 I o /4 5 o o.1 I which,if of a contaminant concentration KEY:AL=ActionLevel-The whicha water triggerstreatmentor otherrequirements exceeded, on paqe2. systemmustfollow.Definitionof MCLGavailable xs$**"sreex,&t*ct"ssh fsmp*n#cemf :: fuxeef ex**ru$ #-e.'t'f ' .. lf present, elevatedlevelsof leadcancause for especially healthproblems, serious Lead pregnant w omenandyoungchildr en. frommaterials in drinkingwaterisprimarily withservice lines associated andcomponents MWRAis r esponsible andhomepl umbi ng. water,but highqualitydrinking for providing used cannotcontrolthe varietyof materials lf yourwaterhas in plumbing components. beensittingfor severalhours,youcan by minimizethe potentialforleadexposure yourtapfor 3oseconds to z minutes flushing beforeusingwaterfor drinkingor cooking. aboutleadinyourwater, lf youareconcerned youmaywishto haveyourwatertested. on leadin drinkingwater, Information testingmethods,andstepsyou cantakqto isavailable fromtheSafe exposure minimize DrinkingWater Hotline at rSoo- 426-479:gov/safewater/lead, or MWRA or www.epa. at 6q -z4z-5323or www.mwra.com/lead. AlrJor.llnv salrnosau ralel sllosnq)essehl ?roz slinssulsal raleIA6ur)uuc utrv A 9NrN NlA GUVAAV uno^ very Thisrepo(conlains importanl nformation about yourdrinking water.Please lfanslate il, or speakwith whounderstands il someone wichtlge hfomation lmBeilchl steht Wasse6 lhrcr iiberdie Qualitatdes DerEeicht sollube6e[t Gemeinschaff. werden, odefsprechen Siemil Freund, derihngulaveBlehl elnem 4!\ MassachusettsWater Resources = i$:"Jit'andtheEverettwater una ;li18; + 8, ! + + dr €. : . Sl usteddeseaobtener copiaije eslereporte en ,r,i i+14F,(trl] rttr,kji jl llamenos a telefono ,F. ii1frllirrllT- r, :i?j espaiol, 617-788-1190. iE'6:a 1+Er',niiiEFtrF,lAt'; 1f;fi4+i -. Larelazione @nllene importanti :oH++l:6. blst:aqtt*l informazioni sullaqualiid i:, | \ro ttlt16ffi ,JE=r)tr1 del'acqua della Comunita. ( r \*t, 6 6 &j< 4 ffit6 Tra"durlo o pariarne @nun l,(ii{, /:b (:, EA*al:f;ll;R amico chelocomprenda. /:'dt\" Z)'#BnZFltt< 0 rclatdrio conldminlomaQoes da importantes sobrca qualidade Traaguada comufidade. peQa que a aqlem 0 0uza-00u ajudea entendo-omelhor fltur'f e zawlelawaire Sprawozdan informaclena temat jako6ci wody w Twojej m ejscowsc. Popfo6kogoSo przelurnaczenre go ub porozmawiajz osobq kl6raje dobrzeroz!mie. sriar tr,tnrrrrniis:msnu'ur srifjii nulinrn r rgruniltt lfr ilnr;lrr mrnii ruriintnini rLrS s! rldr r-J.LL ! L S fr+q+ + f fi F ild a? F frffi a l mufr Iflr is:- 1 6r+ ^ .!+!J.i:eelr dr . l+ r L, ul H KoJo0s'ulu(|op0 n0po!00irl orc!8qL€q nilpooopsrsi I0 ro mqlo \'tpo o0:q.llpo0ru !0 10 [€1oqp0o€T€n vq T0 olol€Lmre g€Molov [o! ro Ksrqi0poivl 0n0r',110i. ECRWSS T h is r e p o r t is r e qui redunderthe FederalSafeD ri nki ngWaterA ct. MWR A PWS l D # 6oooooo =;F ; " - Whento gotorlwtlrff Wnnlion* iLU * t3 i,<* ;- - . r : r r - , Residential Customer 6t7-z4z-5323 6t7-z9z-55oo 6t7-626-rz5o 6t7-624-6ooo 8oo-z3z-4636 6t7-z4z-5323 6t7-z4z-5323 617-z4z-SAVE Pu b licM e e tin g s r Ur b s !r l d!l !dr + q! ,! -Jjl jj- lri .{Li F !.i r ;Li i+J; r LdJ L* t- VJ ""I:T". fs.s;3$ffiff; Authority(MWRA) www.mwra.com WaterResources Massachusetts Protectionwww.mass.9ov/dep Dept.of Environmental Massachusetts pply.htm www.mass.gov/dcr/watersu andRecreation Deoartmentof Conservation www.mass.gov/dph Dept"of PublicHealth(DPH) Massachusetts (CDC) www.cdc.gov for Disease Control& Prevention USCenters l/testinglabs.htmI Listof StateCeftifredWaterOualityTesting Labs www.mwra-com/o4water/htm htm andProtectionReports www.mwra.com/sourcewater. SourceWaterAssessment www"mwra.com/conservation.html InformationonWaterConservation F LU ^ - ,d! 'l +eul fl EI#E MWRABoardof Directors Board MWRAAdvisory AdvisoryCommittee WaterSupplyCitizens 6t7-788-rrt7 www.mwra.com/ozorg/html/boardofdirectors.htm rd.com 617-788-zo5o www"mwraadvisoryboa htm www.mwra.com/ozorg/html/wscac. 4a3-2a3-o454 ffi*p-x4R-S3RX. flef;E HffiF*r m Smrg*pn6m€wffir$Xffiffis