Taiwan IPv6 Day
Taiwan IPv6 Day
Taiwan IPv6 Day To support World IPv6 Day Trial on June 8 raised by Internet Society to conduct global IPv6 network testing simultaneously with international Internet service providers, such as Google and Facebook, TWNIC invited Taiwan's major Internet access service and Internet content service providers to jointly hold the Taiwan IPv6 Day campaign. In the 24 hours of June 8, there were a total of 407 IPv6-enabled websites registered to be tested. The page views of the Taiwan IPv6 Day website (ipv6day.tw) reached to 30,000. Over 70% of the participants agreed that the IPv6 connection was very smooth and easy to use, and looked forward to seeing more IPv6 applications. Taiwan IPv6 Day Launch Ceremony The Taiwan IPv6 Day campaign was supported by government departments including the Ministry of Transportation and Commu nicat ions, t he Ministr y o f Educ at ion, Na tio n al Communications Commission and the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission, Executive Yuan. Moreover, 16 major Internet service providers including Academia Sinica, National Center for High-Performance Computing, TANet, Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan Mobile, So-net Entertainment Taiwan, APOL, Far EasTone, Google Taiwan, Yahoo! Taiwan, PChome, Yam, FunTown, Net-Chinese and i-Part attended the launch ceremony with TWNIC on June 7. The campaign has shown Taiwan's ability and determination on advancing IPv6 development and deployment. TWNIC Chairman of Board Prof. Shian-Shyong Tseng To promote IPv6 adoption, TWNIC also initiated the IPv6 Seeds 100 Program and recruited 120 trainees during the campaign. They will attend intensive lecturing and hands-on training courses for the consecutive 4 days, take exams and earn the program certificate. In the future, they will have opportunity to be the teaching assistants in TWNIC IPv6 training courses and candidates for the technical service team. APNIC Chief Scientist Geoff Huston 29,831 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 7,026 5,000 453 0 5/21 1,219 5/22 2,183 2,200 5/23 5/24 1,509 1,361 1,028 685 707 5/25 5/28 5/29 5/26 5/27 1,322 1,578 5/30 5/31 2,236 2,026 2,299 6/1 6/2 6/3 1,088 1,077 6/4 Figure 1. Daily Visits to the Taiwan IPv6 Day Webpage 2 6/5 4,193 1,320 6/6 6/7 6/8 6/9 Taiwan IPv6 Day Trial Report Summary According to Taiwan IPv6 Day Trail Report, 36% traffic of Taiwan IPv6 Day website was over IPv6 on June 8. Visitors from Academia Sinica are all over IPv6 (100%), followed by National Center for High-Performance Computing (99%), Asia Pacific Telecom (79%), Chunghwa Telecom (35%) and international visitors (27%) (Figure 2). Public sectors like Academia Sinica, National Center for High-Performance Computing and TANet have already been IPv6 ready, thus the traffic rate over IPv6 is obviously higher than ISPs. ISPs haven't been comprehensively IPv6 ready; users may visit IPv6 Day website mainly through the free program IPv6 Tunnel Broker. Currently, there are nearly 4% Internet users in Taiwan using IPv6. The rate is similar to other countries in which have been developing IPv6. Regarding the failure rate over IPv6, about 2.5% users cannot access the IPv6 websites in Taiwan successfully. It is much higher than the rate over IPv4. The main reasons for failed connections over IPv6 including unstable IPv6 network quality, client firewalls blocking IPv6 traffic, DNS setting errors, webpage server setting errors and others. To reduce the failure rate over IPv6, ISPs and ICPs may consider applying the same level of IPv4 business service on IPv6 network monitoring and management measures. Other issues have also been addressed in the trial, for example, insufficient bandwidth for massive traffic over IPv6 or less optimized networks over IPv6 between ISPs may cause connection problems as well. These findings will be helpful for the subsequent IPv6 development. 12,000 35% via IPv6 via IPv4 10,000 8,000 6,000 33% 4,000 2,000 27% 14% 15% 100% 99% 0 Chunghwa Telecom TANet Others Taiwan Mobile Far Eastone Academia Sinica National Center for High-Performance Computing 79% 22% APOL So-net Figure 2. Analysis of Visits to the Taiwan IPv6 Day Website 33 The IPv6 in Everyday Life Advised by the Ministry of Transportation and Communications and the Ministry of Education, the National Science and Technology Museum of Kaohsiung and TWNIC have jointly held an exhibition of IPv6 in everyday life to promote IPv6 applications. In the exhibition, Abby, a smart and adventurous high school girl and IPv6 Rabbit lead visitors through the fantasy IPv6 journey. Visitors can experience the future IPv6 applications Opening Ceremony and the convenience brought by IPv6.. Venue: National Science and Technology Museum (Address: 720, Chiuju 1st Road, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan) Date: July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012 Continue to Promote TWCERT/CC and Strengthen Network Security In April 2009, the National Information & Communication Security Taskforce requested TWNIC to establish a task force for planning TWCERT/CC's organization reform and future operation. Since then, "Taiwan Information Security Alliance" and APNOW web site, a interface to accept reports on Internet phishing, have been formally initiated. Several consultation and working group meetings have also been held to actively discuss increasingly complicated network security issues in Taiwan. Up until now, there have been two network security committee meetings of the Alliance, two TWCERT/CC consultation committee meetings, three phishing working group meetings and one honeynet working group meeting held. For the future works, TWCERT/CC will focus on further enhancing the APNOW's report process, expanding report sources, and improving processing time. TWCERT/CCwill also work with the Honeynet project operators, anti-virus software vendors and ISPs to effectively deal with the serious Botnet problem in Taiwan. TWCERT/CC will continue to promote technical exchanges and experience sharing among local and global network security organizations, and publish TWCERT/CC newsletters to strengthen the concept of network security. 4 ISO 27001/ISO 9001 Annual Audit Since 2004, TWNIC has established a system for information security management and has been implementing the ISO 27001 Information Security Management System (ISMS) and ISO 9001 Quality Management System (QMS) to protect the security of the its information assets. Up till now, TWNIC has gone through several annual reviews and has once again passed this year's annual audit to maintain the validity of the certificates acquired for these two systems. Conforming to international standards of domain name registration services and information security risk management, TWNIC expects to provide the safest and friendliest user-friendly environment and quality services. Create e-Dreams and Head for New Future TWNIC held the "Create e-Dreams and Head for New Future" campus talk in Asia University, Taichung on May 12, which drew participation from over 150 students who are interested in Internet business and operation. Two renowned website founders, Jerry Kuo, the CEO of Atlaspost and Yeh Hui-ching, the Product Manager of iPeen, were invited to share their business ideas with the students using their practical experience. They both emphasized that from time to time a business TWNIC booth to promote . 台灣 Chinese domain name at Asia University can only be successful by continuing to have and carry out its core values. These two well-known websites are not only very creative in their sharing concepts and services in the beginning of their businesses, but also have unique management patterns. TWNIC's Domain Name Service Department Director Gene Ku also presented at the talk and emphasized the importance of choosing a good domain name. A good domain name, which is easy to remember and matches the company/brand names or products, will allow Internet users to easily and directly visit the website. 55 The 10th Netking Website Design Contest This is the 10th year since TWNIC last held the Netking Website Design Contest back in 2002. Over the 10 years, all the contest entries covered various aspects of Taiwan with themes including culture, arts, ecology, tourism, history, environmental protection, local delicacies and specialties. Each represents Taiwan's beauty and tells many touching stories through their reaches and views. The theme of the 10th Netking Website Design Contest is to celebrate Taiwan's centenary. Through participants' views, TWNIC hopes to represent endeavors and contributions from past knowledgeable people and martyrs, share present happiness and glory, look into future dreams and perspectives, and depict the image of Taiwan. Focus Group Discussion on Broadband Internet Policy and Development Each year, TWNIC conducts the Taiwan Broadband Internet Use Survey and holds the focus group discussion on broadband Internet policy and development. In this focus group discussion, all experts are invited to share the views about Taiwan's current broadband Internet use. The survey project and the focus group discussion are to concretely represent Taiwan's broadband Internet development status at the current stage and to be used as an important reference for future development plan of TWNIC, the government and relevant industries. According to TWNIC's latest survey results for Taiwan's broadband Internet use, current Internet application services such as social networking services, online gaming and online shopping are extensively used by Internet users and are rapidly increasing every year. The theme of the focus group discussion on July 21 was the Development and Trends of Internet Application Technologies in the Taiwan from Broadband Internet Infrastructures, Internet Devices and Application Services, focusing on how Taiwan's new wave of integration of mobile Internet with cloud computing influences future Internet application services, as well as issues including trends of application services such as online shopping, social networking and online gaming in the Taiwan. 6 Taiwan Internet Connectivity Bandwidth Survey 2011 Q2 According TWNIC's latest Taiwan Internet Connectivity Bandwidth Survey, the total bandwidth of Taiwan's international connectivity bandwidth has reached 526,644 Mbps (as showed in Figure 3) up to the end of June this year, which has increased 756 Mbps compared to the last quarter with a 0.14% growth rate. The United States is the main country of Internet connection with Taiwan (262,585 Mbps), followed by Japan (84,819 Mbps) and Hong Kong (84,757 Mbps) (as showed in Figure 4). International Internet connectivity bandwidth for HiNet, NCIC and TWGATE is 276,077 Mbps, 69,218 Mbps and 68,836 Mbps respectively, making them the top 3 in Taiwan. For local interconnection bandwidth of domestic ISPs, HiNet, TWIX, NCIC, TFN, CNS-KBT, TANet, EBIX, TWAREN, So-net and KE-ing are the top 10 ISPs. 600,000 Growth Rate(%) Int'l Connectivity Bandwidth (Mbps) 16% 15.62% 13.36% 13.18% 525,888 526,644 12% 493,312 10.59% 9.60% 400,000 363,077 331,283 4.93% 6.60% 292,710 235,096 223,701 252,237 8% 411,590 7.29% 5.09% 426,654 0.14% 0.55% 200,000 4% 3.66% 264,669 0% 2008.09 2008.12 2009.03 2009.06 2009.09 2009.12 2010.03 2010.06 2010.09 2010.12 2011.04 2011.06 Figure 3. Quarterly Growth in Taiwan's International Connectivity Bandwidth 0.00% 10.00% 20.00% 30.00% 40.00% United States 47.96% Japan 16.11% Hong Kong 16.09% China Singapore South Korea Malaysia 50.00% 12.16% 2.35% 1.75% 0.81% United Kingdom 0.42% The Netherland 0.14% Thailand 0.11% Figure 4. Top 10 Countries of Internet Connection with Taiwan 77 510,000 42 505,0 501,6 78 500,000 09 503,1 490,000 5 47 498,3 497,47 2 2,719 00,98 50 72 499,4 499,831 5 480,000 470,000 460,000 458,159 450,000 440,000 454,884 451,403 7 8 9 0 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 2010.0 2010.0 2010.0 2010.1 2010.1 2010.1 2011.0 2011.0 2011.0 2011.0 2011.0 2011.0 ,7 .9 7% ID N. 3% 台 4.2 ,1 ,4 0, 06 0 gov.tw; 2,121 ; 0.42% 灣 15 1,5 IDN.tw, 40 ,7 .tw CII AS ,060 , 7. 97% Figure 5. Monthly Growth in .tw/. 台灣 Domain Names 4, ,78 23 tw, idv. % .73 4 .68% 62 , 2 , 13,4 org.tw 22 , 1.42% 7,1 , .tw 織 組 net.tw; 1,774 ; 0.35% 商業.tw, 117,484 , 23.37% 網路.tw; 1,454 ; 0.29% com.tw, 182,541 , 36.31% club.tw; 451 ; 0.09% edu.tw; 468 ; 0.09% game.tw; 294 ; 0.06% ebiz.tw; 129 ; 0.03% Figure 6. Types of .tw/. 台灣 Domain Names Registered as of 30th June 2011 2,320 140,000 130,205 130,000 131,297 130,209 126,329 125,145 120,000 2,316 2,316 2,316 2,315 2,315 2,315 2,313 2,312 2,310 100,000 2,315 2,314 121,049 116,697 110,000 2,315 111,209 2,311 2,310 109,888 110,680 110,681 110,681 1 2 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 5 6 0 2010.0 2010.0 2010.0 2010.1 2010.1 2010.1 2011.0 2011.0 2011.0 2011.0 2011.0 2011.0 Figure 7. Monthly Growth in IPv4 Address Allocations 150,000 2,305 .07 010.08 010.09 010.10 010.11 010.12 011.01 011.02 011.03 011.04 011.05 011.06 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2010 Figure 8. Monthly Growth in IPv6 Address Allocations (/32) 20,000,000 19,803,327 19,675,405 19,000,000 144,415 18,546,595 140,000 18,000,000 137,446 135,848 136,578 137,423 139,097 17,762,525 137,135 16,946,164 17,000,000 130,000 130,450 129,109 129,713 128,333 18,532,295 17,744,674 16,374,122 16,119,529 129,226 16,000,000 15,780,722 15,557,053 15,530,766 120,000 4 6 3 5 9 2 1 8 2 7 1 .10 2010.0 2010.0 2010.0 2010 2010.1 2010.1 2011.0 2011.0 2011.0 2011.0 2011.0 2011.0 Figure 9. Monthly Growth in WWW Servers 15,000,000 7 1 8 2 6 1 9 4 2 5 3 0 2010.0 2010.0 2010.0 2010.1 2010.1 2010.1 2011.0 2011.0 2011.0 2011.0 2011.0 2011.0 Figure 10. Monthly Growth in Internet Hosts TAIWAN NETWORK INFORMATION CENTER 4F-2, No. 9, Roosevelt Road, Section 2, Taipei 100, Taiwan Tel +886-2-23411313 Fax +886-2-23968832
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