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i-..ghJJ ", ,' HAFFA HOUSE 6th Aprit, 2015 Mr. lmad Satim Atqrtoubi Quality Department I,IINISTRY OF ENDOWIAENTS AND RELIGIOUS AFFAIRS Muscat Suttanate of Oman Dear lmad, It was pteasure tatking to you over the phone and further to our discussion, we are pteased to offer the. fouowing speciat rates for Haffa House and samharam Tourist vrrlage varrd from 6'" Aprit, 2015 untit 31" December, 2015 and this supersedes any previous quotations. Haffa House: ryPE SINGLE ROOr,l DOUBLE o RACK RATE A{rN OF AWQAF RATE -MR 45JOO- -_OMR oMR25.0oo- 60.000 oMR 10.000 KHAREEF RATE oMR 40.000 oMR 55.000 The Khareef rates are appticabte from 15th June - 31'r August, 2015 Samharam Tourist Villare wPE RACK RATE HRLL BED ROOl,l VILLA ROOIi I rwosBu?lootri SINGLT CHALET DOUBLE CHALEI - lN oF AWQAF RATE XHAREEF RATE oMR 175.000 oMR 75.000 oMR 170.000 oMR rroroo oMR 55.000 oMR 115.000 OUII oMR 25.000 oMR 30.000 oMR- ZO.OOO -OMRZo.OOO "* lzo.ooo ia^i' oMR o r oMR 55.000 55m-- oMR 65.000 oMR 115.000 The Khareef rates are appticabte from 1sth June - 31rt August, 2Ol5 Extra r{attress RO. 10.000- ner per night g.!F - rrttrAV": {J.-fLi - l!,tl..io di-., ij-LL - r!r i-U.4 .r rv : ii.u. P.O. Box : 427, Salalah 2l l, Suluuate of Omaa _ f a. , ZlZgSqeq t i,3ift35l5 - Fax : 23294873 - C.R. No. :2i07227/0 l/.v!lv/. : HAFFA :;ff. LiLJI ,,, HOLISE a""r,ntr Also, we have speciat rares for monthty and yearty teasing of our FACILITIES: Restaurant. Room_ Service, Conference room,Heatth Ctub, Outdoor Dco.. wifi lat Samharam onty at Receptio"t Cofi"u in"p" ), , ayurvedic Spa & beach buggy renhl at Samharam Tourist Vittage. "rea TMNSFER} we witr provide compl.imenrary transfer !:o:+?tti:Nl1Rl ro ,pt9 6-8 guests at a time and free ,r,rttt.-,"'*iiuls :::ry!! to pnor request and avaitabitity. rhe shopping matl on r . The above room rates are inctusive of buffet breakfast at the restaurant except during the khareef and Juty and august ,\a;nth. Rates offered three bed room a ,ro LJ r*-.* iuite, are on room onty "itt" basis whote the year. . Your bookings are confirmed on receipt of officiat LpO if you have estabtished credit facitity with our company. - - . Atl reservations are subject to the avaitabitity. forward your reservations to,-r,-,;,, .,,,',,...,.r,..,r, ,.r,,,.. -^-..-. Hope -Iinqty the above meets vour rFquirement. shoutd you need any fr.tne, information ptease do not hesitate to contact ,s. H;X"J" offer tetter is onty b€ appticabte if we receive an accepted copy o, this Thank & reglds, -h#, ,",,",Afl."n,Opera(pns l,tanager Accepted By Generat l,lanager ; Name Designation Seal Company ; : Cc: Shk.Abdullah Ahmed Bakheet At Shanfari Managing Director- Corporate r/.vlrv/' : i.!, - rtrrtAyr:.,rs_i P.O. Bor :427, Salalah 2ll, Sultanate lffain. Responsible for Satatah Op€rations / yrtt.lrt: !i.tJ - !L.j L-LL. - rlt i&. of O',,^r, _ ael.:23t95444.65515 - Fax:23D4871 - !rttcric - .I Yv 3 r6,.1a C.R No. : 2!07227 fi
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