Eastern Area Merger Information Session District M.M. Hodza`s
Eastern Area Merger Information Session District M.M. Hodza`s
(USPS 500-660) MAY 9, 2013 PUBLICATION FOSTERING FRATERNAL, CULTURAL & PHYSICAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES SINCE JULY 14, 1905 Entered as Second-Class Matter, February 7, 1980 at East Orange, New Jersey under the act of August 24, 1912, provided in Sec. 1103, Act of October 3, 1918 authorized July 3, 1918 District M.M. Hodza’s Annual Competition Eastern Area Merger Information Session Lodge 32 Boonton, N.J., will host an information session regarding the potential merger of Sokol USA with GBU Financial Life. All Sokol members, Lodge and District officers are welcome and encouraged to attend. Sunday, May 19, 2013 1:00 PM Boonton Sokol Hall 301 Pine Street, Boonton, NJ Please come with an open mind and all your questions. Kindly RSVP to: John Walek Eric Skovronek 839 Tabor Road [email protected] Morris Plains, NJ 07950 973-727-3531 973-538-2817 It has become a tradition to build pyramids with all the participants. More photos and results on Pages 4 & 5. On March 23, 2013, District M.M. Hodza displayed an impressive start to its competition season. Gymnasts from Central Jersey Lodge 12 and Boonton Lodge 32 filled the Boonton Sokol Hall with their Sokol spirit and pride. This year, instead of holding a traditional competition for the males, the District decided to use the day for exhibition purposes. Sokol adopts the routines developed by USAG, and the boys’ routines just changed during the 2012-2013 year. The male gymnasts performed their routines to the delight of the audience, and the coaches provided feedback after each routine. The participants from Boonton were Brian Cabana, Ben Monrad, Joe Mongiovi, James Eyler, Paul Lozaw, Preston Haney and Davis Zung. The participants from Central Jersey were John Koch, Robert Koch, Wyatt Kovac, Lance Kovac, William Rehwinkel and Philip Rehwinkel. It has become a tradition to build pyramids with all the participants, and this year’s pyramids were real show stoppers! Just take a look at the accompanying photographs. The girls’ competition followed in the afternoon. There were participants entered in divisions from Novice to Level 4, and from the beginners to the more advanced, it was evident that the gymnasts had been working hard on their routines since September. Every athlete did a wonderful job – and the audience was thrilled! The day ran smoothly thanks to our many volunteers. The judges, coaches, runners, spotters and tabulators were Lance, Eric, Brandi, Judy, Norah, Pat, Nicole, Shelby and Julia. A big thanks to Carol, who kept the participants well-fed. All of the competitors were treated to make-your-own ice cream sundaes after the competition. Yummy! But of course, special thanks goes to… THE COMPETITORS! We would not have the meet without you. The annual District competition is a small, friendly meet. For some gymnasts, it is their only competition of the year while, for others, it helps prepare them for upcoming competitions. Page 2 05-09-13 MAY 9, 2013 SOKOL TIMES official organ of the SLOVAK GYMNASTIC UNION SOKOL OF THE USA Published monthly on the 2 nd Thursday of the month. SOKOL OFFICE: Telephone: (973) 676-0280 Toll Free: (888) 253-0362 FAX (973) 676-3348 E-mail: [email protected] All communication for publication should be sent to Editor at P.O. Box 189, East Orange, NJ 07019 by the 22nd of the previous month. Second Class postage paid in East Orange, NJ Annual Subscription for non-members is $10.00 From the President’s View PENNSYLVANIA FRATERNAL ALLIANCE 2013 SCHOLARSHIP The Scholarship Committee of the Pennsylvania Fraternal Alliance is announcing that the 2013 applications are now available for the annual Scholarship Program. Applications can be obtained through eligible members of a Fraternal Benefit Society belonging to the Pennsylvania Fraternal Alliance or by visiting the website of the Pennsylvania Fraternal Alliance at www.pafraternal.org. Applicants must: • Be a resident of Pennsylvania and a member of a Fraternal Benefit Society that is a member of the Pennsylvania Fraternal Alliance. • Be a 2013 high school graduate attending an accredited college, university, trade school, etc. in the summer/fall of 2013 as a full-time student (12 semester credits). • Obtain a recommendation letter from their Fraternal Benefit Society. • Submit a 500-word essay on: “The impact of a Fraternal Organization on your daily life, family and community.” Return the completed application, essay and letter of recommendation, postmarked no later than September 1, 2013. At least one $500 scholarship will be awarded. Additional scholarships may be awarded depending upon available funds. If you or your society has not received the information on the Pennsylvania Fraternal Alliance Scholarship, please contact Charlotte L. Androckitis, FIC, Pennsylvania Fraternal Alliance Scholarship Chairperson, at the Polish Union of the US of NA, P.O. Box 660, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18703-0660. You can also call 570-823-1611 or e-mail [email protected] The month of April brought news of two sad and disturbing events. There was the terrorist incident at the Boston Marathon and the explosion of the Texas fertilizer factory which led to the destruction of the American Sokol’s Sokol West complex. The photos of the destruction of the Sokol West and the Lone Star Sokol Hall were sad indeed! The buildings were virtually destroyed by the massive fires that swept through the City of West, Texas, following the fertilizer factory explosion. Many people in the city were rendered homeless, hundreds of buildings were burned to the ground and the blast from the explosion rendered many properties unusable. The Sokol hall was severely damaged. It is at times like these that fraternalism becomes important. Nationwide, people are stepping forward and volunteering to help Sokol West rebuild. The Czech government recently donated $200,000 to help rebuild the ruined Sokol West building. The destruction to the city was so extensive and overwhelming that fraternal assistance is critical to help Sokol West rebuild. The radio and television reports shared many stories of heartwarming It is at times like these that fraternalism becomes important. Joseph Bielecki firefighters risking their lives to save people, individual acts of heroism, and even the charming story of a Czech bakery, The Czech Stop, located three miles from Sokol West that opened the bakery and did everything possible to help the injured and wounded and firefighters who made their way out of the destruction zone. The Czech Stop gave water and their delicious kolache to help the people of the destroyed town. I encourage our membership to consider helping Sokol West rebuild. The American Sokol organization is accepting donations to assist with the reconstruction of the Sokol West facility. Our Sokol society is built upon the foundation of fraternalism. It will be a great gesture to help our brother and sister Sokols in West, Texas, in this dire hour of their need and to help them rise like the phoenix and rebuild their ruined Sokol Hall. To donate, make checks payable to “American Sokol” and mail them to American Sokol Office, Attn: Sokol West Restoration Fund, 9126 Ogden Avenue, Brookfield, IL 60513. I also encourage our membership and our lodges to participate in the Sokol USA Convention in Bethlehem, Pa., at the end of July. The important issue of merger will be addressed at the convention. The Supreme Lodge and its (Continued on Page 8) MAY 9, 2013 SOKOL TIMES MINUTES OF M.M. HODZA DISTRICT MEETING OCTOBER 20, 2012 BOONTON, NJ President Judy Bindas called the meeting to order at 10:30AM. The following people were in attendance: Name Lodge Judith Bindas Teddy Fernandez Brandi Kovac Norah Valentin Ellen Kovac Pat Ritz Karen Sikes 32 – President 1 – Vice-President 12 – Co-Director / Secretary 12 - Treasurer 12 32 – Co-Director 32 Sis. Bindas led the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence for deceased members followed. Minutes from the 2011 meeting were read. A motion was made to accept the minutes as read. Motion seconded. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report Sis. Valentin provided both a detailed annual report of the District’s finances, as well as a comprehensive ten-year summary. This year our income was higher than our expenses, which was due to several factors. First, the fraternal contributions listed for 2012 are actually two years’ worth of contributions (from the years 2010 and 2011). Second, while there weren’t any donations from the Tarrytown, Yonkers or New York Lodges, there was a $500 donation from a member who wishes to remain anonymous. The donation was in response to the announcement the District submitted to the Sokol Times for help running the District competition. (To see how the donation was used, see the “New Business” Report.) Third, none of our members went to the Prague Slet, and the other sports reimbursements were lower than previous years. Sis. Valentin hasn’t confirmed whether the District assessment from the 2nd quarter of 2010 was received. It could have amounted to around $300. The values of the assessments vary from year to year; this year the District received $344.00. Sis. Valentin paid the United Sokols of the East $30.00 dues from 2011 at today’s meeting, but we haven’t received the bill for 2012 membership yet. Motion was made to accept the Treasurer’s report. Motion seconded. Motion carried. The District commended Sis. Valentin for the superb care she takes and another job well done. Sokol Woodlands Sis. Ellen Kovac reported that the camp remains on the market. The plumbing in the Main House was turned on this past summer, and the Camp Board continued to maintain the grounds. Sis. Ellen Kovac stated that the Camp is still accepting donations to help offset the cost of maintenance and we are looking for volunteers to help maintain the grounds. If anyone is interested in visiting the grounds, they can contact Sis. Ellen Kovac. Members are encouraged to go and help. Sis. Sikes asked if there’s been any interest or offers. Sis. Ellen Kovac reported that the property has been shown to numerous parties by a broker that specializes in camp grounds. Gymnastics Sis. Brandi Kovac was unable to attend the United Sokols of the East meeting held at Sokol NY on 10/10/12, but received the following information: The US of E will run a joint Children's and Jr/Sr Competition on Saturday, April 20, 2013 at ASO NY. The meet will be run in a warm-up / compete format, like last year. Females Novice through Level 3 will have one vault only, females Level 4 and up will have two vaults. The US of E is hoping to hire 3-4 judges for the female competition like last year; volunteers will still be needed. Last year, the meet ran smoothly thanks to the staggered start times of the different levels. So, for the February US of E meeting, each organization will bring a tally of how many gymnasts are in each level, and we will decide the start times at the February meeting. The next US of E meeting is on 2/13/13. The US of E also discussed holding possible training sessions because all of the Page 3 calisthenics are new for this year’s Slet, however, no dates were set. All female routines remain the same from last year. The boys routines that are novice through Level 3 might have changed. We will be in touch with other organizations and our Sokol USA Directors to make sure our District is teaching the correct boys routines. With those dates set, the District decided to hold its competition on 3/23/13 in Boonton. The boys will register and group stretch at 10:00AM and warm-up / compete at 10:30AM. The girls will register and group stretch 12:30PM and warmup / compete at 1:00PM. Just as a reminder, the uniform policy is as follows: female competitors must wear a leotard that is red, white, and blue or any combination thereof, and male competitors must wear blue shorts, with a red, white, or blue shirt. The 2013 ASO Slet will be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin from June 25-30, 2013. The theme is “Wheelin’ in Milwaukee – 2013 Sports Festival” and more detailed information will be disseminated at the ASO Director’s Conference held this weekend. National Gymnastics Department Conference Call Sis. Valentin, Sis. Brandi Kovac & Sis. Pat Ritz called in to participate on the National Gymnastics Department conference call on September 13, 2012 . The call lasted about 2 hours. The main topics of the call were the Code of Conduct, the ASO Directors’ Conference weekend, and the possibility of Sokol USA merging with another organization. Bro. Banjak reported that the Prague Slet was wonderful. Sis. Chris Yatchyshyn reported that she wasn’t certain whether or not the Gymnastics Directors should begin planning the next Sokol USA Slet because of the merger discussion. The discussion regarding the Code of Conduct stemmed from our recommendation last year. Rather than amending the Sokol USA Code of Conduct, the National Department voted to adopt the USAG Code of Conduct, which has several parts and has been recently updated, and is reviewed at least annually. Throughout October, representatives read the Code of Ethics, the Club requirements and the Participant Welfare Policy on the USA Gymnastics website and voted unanimously via email to adopt the USAG Policies. The 2012 American Sokol Director’s Development Conference is being held this weekend in Chicago, IL. Sokol USA has funding available to assist in the cost of attending the conference and Sis. Chris Yatchyshyn really encouraged as many Sokol USA members to attend as possible. The conference offers a wide variety of workshops, and is great opportunity to learn the calisthenics for the upcoming Slet. Our District had, unfortunately, already scheduled our District meeting for this weekend – but we wish all of the participants well! The Supreme Lodge has been hearing proposals regarding a possible merger with another fraternal organization, although no one is at liberty to say much more. Sis. Chris Yatchyshyn suggested that we reach out to Supreme Lodge officers and share our ideas. She specifically mentioned how diplomatic and considerate Bro. Emil Trgala has been. We are proud to say that Bro. Trgala is a Lodge 12 & District MM Hodza member in good standing – thank you Bro. Trgala! Lodge Reports: #1 New York – Bro. Fernandez is not sure if the remaining Lodge #1 officers are meeting regularly. Bro. Fernandez and Bro. George Dano are still active with some activities at Sokol New York. #12 Central Jersey – Moved unexpectedly half-way through the year when AGA (American Gymnastics Academy) suddenly - & without warning – closed. Lodge 12 is now renting JK Gymnastics on Friday nights. The facility is not ideal, but the Lodge 12 group is making do. There are possibly 2-3 new instructors available, and 7 new participants. All “new” instructors are old Lodge 12 members who are now back in the NJ area. The youngest participant is 4 yrs old, the oldest is 12 yrs old. In addition, several members are dedicated to maintaining the camp grounds at Sokol Woodlands. There are other groups renting the gym at the same time as us… not ideal. Both co-directors of Lodge 12 are USAG Safety Certified through 2016. #32 Boonton – Boonton holds classes on Monday (boys) and Tuesday (girls) evenings. Enrollment in Sokolettes classes is about the same from last year, but the Juniors class is down to 1 participant. So Boonton has their Level 4 Sokolettes workout with the junior girl. There are about 20 Sokolettes, and 4 Sokolads & 4 Junior boys. There will be no tots class this fall. Sis. Nicole Zaremba is available & interested in teaching tots, so they hope to have a class in the spring. The Cheerleading program has been dissolved. Due to financial complexities of the cheerleaders being Sokol members, and shared equipment, there have been lots of negotiations involving closing of the program. Two teams of Boonton bowlers participated in the annual Bowling tournament in Bethlehem, PA. The tournament was small, and the only women’s teams were from Boonton. Boonton will host the (Continued on Page 6) Page 4 MAY 9, 2013 SOKOL TIMES XXXIV CONVENTION OF THE S.G.U. SOKOL USA JULY 27 - 31, 2013 SANDS HOTEL BETHLEHEM, PA Lodges, Districts or individual members having motions or suggestions for the good of the Sokol U.S.A., or petitions shall forward same on the forms furnished by the Supreme Secretary, not later than sixty (60) days prior to the Convention, who shall deliver the same to the appropriate convention committee. All correspondence shall be directed to the Supreme Secretary, SOKOL USA, PO Box 189, East Orange, NJ 07019-0189 Milan S. Kovac, Supreme Secretary Sokol USA Farrell, PA Invites all members, families and friends to our ANNUAL MEETING AND GYMNAST RECOGNITION DAY Sunday, June 2, 2013 Slovak Home, Farrell, PA 800 Spearman Avenue Farrell, Pa. 2:00 pm … Annual Business Meeting 3:00 pm ………… Gymnastic Program Lunch to follow program Our gymnasts have been working hard preparing for the American Sokol Slet in Wisconsin from June 25-30, 2013. Everyone is encouraged to come to the Sokol gymnasium and meet all who are maintaining the Sokol traditions of… “A Sound Mind in a Sound Body.” DISTRICT MM HODZA COMPETITION Name Sokolettes Novice Madison McBride Gabriella Sokol Sky Lee Mariana Garcia Katie Kovac Level 1 Ava Kern Madeline Rehwinkel Elizabeth Rehwinkel Jolene Giampietro Gabriella Eades Emeline Kovac Stephanie Eaton Rachel Glazner Samantha Glazner Jacklyn Helbourg Level 2 Bethany Glaser Olivia Kern Kotton Lee Level 3 Hannah Glaser Marisa Wagner Charlotte Wagner Level 4 Nicole Febbi Leah Durkin Samantha Brancato Savanah Sutter Junior Division Level 1 Chelsea Walsh Level 4 Madeline Lake Unit Vault Bars Beam FX Total Place Boonton Boonton Boonton Boonton Central Jersey 9.00 8.00 9.00 8.30 7.85 9.45 9.25 8.35 8.15 6.90 9.00 9.10 9.20 7.40 8.00 8.90 9.00 7.65 7.60 6.50 36.35 35.35 34.20 31.45 29.25 1 2 3 4 5 Boonton Central Jersey Central Jersey Boonton Boonton Central Jersey Boonton Central Jersey Central Jersey Boonton 9.45 9.20 9.00 9.15 8.90 9.45 7.00 8.75 7.80 7.90 9.00 8.00 7.70 8.55 8.30 8.15 7.95 6.55 6.80 6.55 9.20 9.10 9.30 8.25 8.20 8.20 8.10 7.40 7.50 7.35 9.50 9.00 9.15 8.85 9.00 8.30 8.40 7.80 7.85 7.60 37.15 35.30 35.15 34.80 34.40 34.10 31.45 30.50 29.95 29.40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Boonton Boonton Boonton 9.55 9.30 8.45 9.40 7.25 7.75 8.40 7.75 8.00 8.05 9.35 7.30 35.40 33.65 31.50 1 2 3 Boonton Boonton Boonton 8.85 8.35 7.75 8.50 6.30 5.45 9.55 7.85 8.30 9.10 6.85 6.90 36.00 29.35 28.40 1 2 3 Boonton Boonton Boonton Boonton 8.80 7.75 7.85 4.25 8.10 6.80 7.15 6.10 9.05 8.25 8.05 7.15 9.50 8.75 8.15 6.90 35.45 31.55 31.20 24.40 1 2 3 4 Central Jersey 9.30 7.25 8.55 9.45 34.55 1 Boonton 8.40 7.35 7.80 8.50 32.05 1 MAY 9, 2013 SOKOL TIMES FOURTH ANNUAL SOKOL USA FARRELL FOUR-PERSON OPEN GOLF SCRAMBLE NCSML RECEIVES NATIONAL MEDAL FOR SERVICE The National Medal for Museum and Library Service presented by the Institute of Museum & Library Services is the nation's highest honor conferred on museums and libraries for service to the community. The National Medal was presented to the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library at a celebration in Washington, th D.C. on May 8 . "The National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library played an essential role in rebuilding a Cedar Rapids neighborhood following the horrific 2008 flood, and we are very proud to name this museum one of this year's National Medal for Museum and Library Service winners," said Susan Hildreth, Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services. "We are immensely proud of being recognized for helping our city recover from its major disaster," said Gail Naughton, President/CEO of the NCSML. "Not only did we rebuild and expand our museum and library, but we also helped inspire local citizens and businesses to have faith in the future of the city." Page 5 SHENANGO LAKE GOLF CLUB 99 Birchwood Drive Transfer, PA 16154 June 8, 2013; 9 AM ENTRY FORMS: All Sokol members and non-members are invited to participate in the FOURTH ANNUAL SOKOL USA FARRELL OPEN FOUR-PERSON GOLF SCRAMBLE at Shenango Lake Golf Club on June 8, 2013. SHOTGUN START is at 9:00 a.m. Registration Fee includes: Green fee, cart, skins game, T-shirt, door prizes, line prizes, beverages, steak dinner, and food at the turn. FEATURING: • Keys to a 2013 Chevrolet Camaro for the FIRST Hole-in-One on a designated par 3 WHO NEEDS MONEY FOR COLLEGE? • $5,000 Cash Prize for ANY Hole-in-One on a designated par 3 Team Prizes (based on minimum of 25 teams) 1st Prize: $800 per team 2nd Prize: $400 per team 3rd Prize: $200 per team High School Seniors planning to attend college or current college students, Sokol USA’s Milan Getting Scholarship is available to Sokol USA members! Education is never something that should take a back seat. Improve your financial ability to attend college by applying for the Milan Getting Scholarship. Each year, Sokol USA is proud to award the Milan Getting Scholarship to Sokol USA members who are furthering their education. Contact Sokol USA Headquarters by phone or e-mail (1-888-253-0362 or [email protected]) and obtain an application and get ready to enjoy one of the benefits of being a Sokol USA member. Information Applications for the 2013-2014 academic year must be received at Sokol USA by April 1, 2013. New scholarship recipients will be announced by June 1, 2013. 16146; Phone: 724-866-8553. Reminder: All current Milan Getting Scholarship recipients must submit a scholarship renewal application each year by June 29th. Please contact Sokol USA headquarters with any questions. Entries Accepted on “First Come” basis. Limit of 30 teams. and entry forms can be downloaded by visiting http://sokolfarrell.org and clicking “News and Events” and “Golf Scramble” or by contacting Brother Tim Brandt, chairman; 1448 Hall Ave.; Sharon, PA 29 TEAMS WERE ENTERED LAST YEAR. ENTER NOW AND BEAT THE CUT OFF! Page 6 MINUTES OF M.M. HODZA DISTRICT MEETING (Continued from Page 3) tournament next year on the 3rd weekend in May of 2013. Boonton continues to consistently fundraise. They had a successful Slovak Dinner, and a Fish & Chips Dinner. They have three annual pancake breakfasts: one on Superbowl Sunday, one on Father’s Day and one on the Sunday following Thanksgiving. The Boonton Lodge gives back to its community as well. The Giving Tree was so popular for over two years, so they are doing it again. Also, the Lodge occasionally rents out the hall out again to generate income. In hopes of generating a lot of income and enthusiasm, Boonton will hold a Tricky Tray on Sunday, April 14th, 2013 at the Westin Marriott in Morristown. Sis. Sikes that there will be more details to follow, but she has been filling out permits and securing the location. Tickets will be around $45.00 and include an early dinner buffet. She will be advertising on websites and in the papers. She will soon be accepting donations. The Tricky Tray will support activities and safety equipment. Sis. Bindas congratulated the Lodges on their great activities. seconded to accept Lodge Reports. Motion made & The meeting will adjourn for a “working lunch” while we read through the USAG Code of Conduct. Boonton is excited to have installed Wireless Internet connection in their hall; the next step is for the Officers to find out the Wi-Fi password. The meeting called back to order at 1:45pm. Recommendations of the Technical Board for 2012-2013 1. The District help finance District students sent to Sokol Instructors’ Schools by reimbursing 50% of the most reasonable means of transportation. 2. The District host at least one Eastern Area training session, if needed, during the 2012-2013 season, with reimbursement provided by the National Gymnastics Department. 3. The District reimburse Director(s) travel, lodging and food expenses arising from District participation in authorized activities. 4. The District retain its membership with the United Sokols of the East. (The $100 annual membership fee will be paid as follows: $30 by the District, $35 by Lodge 12 and $35 by Lodge 32.) 5. 6. 7. MAY 9, 2013 SOKOL TIMES The District sponsor an annual competition for Children, Juniors and Seniors to be held March 23, 2013 in Boonton; and the District financially support this event by paying for awards and participants' meals. The District have representation at the 2013 Sokol USA National Technical Board meeting; paying for expenses not covered by the National Gymnastic Department. The District subsidize expenses for District participants in any 2013 Sokol USA National sports tournament (golf, bowling, volleyball, etc.), excluding Sokolfest activities, by paying $10.00 per participant, per tournament. 8. The District reimburse member instructors one-half their tuition for completion of the USAG Safety Certification Course. 9. The District pays for the Professional Membership in the USAG for each of the District Officers, if the Membership is not paid by the Supreme Lodge. 10. The District subsidize expenses for District participants in the 2013 Slet to the ASO Slet to be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin by paying $75.00 per participant in a Slet-sanctioned event. Motion was made and seconded that the recommendations be accepted. Motion carried. Old Business During the lunch break, we re-read the USA Gymnastics Code of Ethics, the Club requirements and the Participant Welfare Policy. According to the USAG website, the policies will be reviewed (at the least) annually, and updated if necessary. USAG was very careful to emphasize that there are limits to what USAG can do since it does not own or operate clubs at a local level. We are pleased to see that the Gymnastics Department wants to adopt the USAG Code. Now that it is a recommendation coming from the National Gymnastics Board, Sis. Chris Yatchyshyn and Bro. Todd Yatchyshyn will bring the recommendation to the next Supreme Lodge meeting (being held next weekend). We are, however, concerned that the rest of our District’s recommendations might not have been included in this recommendation. Last year, our recommendations were to: 1. amend the current Code of Conduct to include certain passages from the Safety Certification Handbook. 2. include the new Code in the Sokol USA By-Laws. 3. each year, have all Sokol USA instructors (and other adults that are involved with the supervision of minors) sign a copy of the Code of Conduct and submit it to Headquarters. The signature attests that the person has read, understood and promises to follow the Code of Conduct. If it is found that an instructor has not followed the Code of Conduct, then disciplinary action may follow. Sis. Ellen Kovac emailed the National Gymnastics Department that Lodge 12 instructors had already signed a copy of the Code of Conduct. No one responded to say whether or not their Lodges were also having instructors sign the Code. Motion made to draft and email a letter to the National Directors asking them to address all of the parts of our recommendation within the next 3 days. Other Old Business involves the US of E dues from past years. The Boonton Lodge has received the bills but as yet has not been able to confirm with their Lodge Treasurer if the bills were paid. The US of E has informed us that if dues are not paid-up in full, then Lodges will not be able to register their participants for the April 2013 US of E competition. New Business Fundraising continues to be done on an “as needed” basis. This year, we are not sure how many District members will participate in the Milwaukee Slet. Just in case, we will continue to sell green Sokol back-packs, along with Sokol cookbooks. At last year’s District competition, the back-pack fundraiser was a success; the cookbook fundraiser was slightly less successful, but you never know! The District is encouraging its members to attend and participate in the ASO Slet in Milwaukee – we will have to check the public school calendars in our area to see if the public schools are still in session. (The Slet is June 25-30, 2013.) We cannot thank our ANONYMOUS DONOR enough! Responding to an advertisement in the Sokol Times, the Anonymous Donor generously donated $500.000 to be used towards our annual District competition. We wanted to make the day really special for our competitors. So we decided on an ice cream social after the competition. The participants (and their younger siblings) were thrilled with the special treat. Thank you again Anonymous Donor. Sis. Brandi Kovac will draft an announcement for the Sokol Times inviting an individual member, Lodge or another District to sponsor our District competition. Motion was made and seconded. Discussion regarding recently inactive lodges in our District, and whether there are remaining Officers for those lodges. If so, we would like to reach out to them. We will contact Sokol USA Headquarters regarding those lodges and their contact information. We inquired about the upcoming 2013 Sokol USA Convention. No one was sure of the dates or location. As in the past, any urgent business and business that arises before the next annual meeting can be discussed and voted on via email. Salaries: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Directors $75.00 $30.00 $55.00 $75.00 $75.00 each The salaries have remained the same for more than 11 years. Motion was made and seconded that salaries remain the same for another year. Motion carried. Nomination of Officers: Nominations of officers were opened. Judy Bindas nominated for President. She accepted the nomination. Teddy Fernandez nominated for Vice President. He accepted the nomination. Brandi Kovac nominated for Secretary. She accepted the nomination. Norah Valentin nominated for Treasurer. She accepted the nomination. Brandi Kovac nominated for Co-Director. She accepted the nomination. Pat Ritz nominated for Co-Director. She accepted the nomination. There were no more nominations, nominations were closed. Motion made and seconded that the secretary cast one vote for the slate. Motion carried. (Continued on Page 7) MAY 9, 2013 SOKOL TIMES Page 7 SILENT AUCTION AT CONVENTION IN MEMORY Of our deceased Brother and Sister Sokols with a sincere expression of sympathy to their families from the Supreme Officers of Sokol U.S.A. DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGED To the Milan Getting Scholarship ELIZABETH GELDON – (1917-2013) A member of Lodge 66W, Bethlehem, Pa. She survived by her two daughters. ELIZABETH KABAT – (1921-2013) A member of Lodge 15W, Binghamton, N.Y. She is survived by her sibling. THOMAS REHAK KABAT – (1918-1995) A member of Lodge 36, Binghamton, N.Y. He is survived by his children. LOLA RUZICKA – (1916-2013) A member of Lodge 214, Palmerton, Pa. She is survived by her son. MILAN S. GIRET – (1930-2013) A member of Lodge 306, Chicago, Ill. He is survived by his nephew. GARTH T. WEIGLE – (1931-2002) A member of Lodge 500, East Orange, N.J. He is survived by his son. ELIZABETH C. WOJTON – (1930-2013) A member of Lodge 20, Ford City, Pa. She is survived by her children. STEPHEN PLACKO – (1921-2013) A member of Lodge 32, Boonton, N.J. He is survived by his wife. CATHERINE RUTTNER – (1919-2013) A member of Lodge 62, Ambridge, Pa. She is survived by her daughter. ROSE M. MRISS – (1913-2012) A member of Lodge 30W, Allentown, Pa. She is survived by her son. HELEN PALKO – (1928-2011) A member of Lodge 103, Farrell, Pa. She is survived by her husband. There will be a silent auction at the Sokol USA convention in Bethlehem in July. Lodges and members are encouraged to bring prize baskets to the opening of the convention. The baskets will be available during the convention for people to make bids. Bidding will close prior to the end of the convention so that the winning bidders will be able to pay and take home their baskets. The proceeds from the silent auction will benefit the Milan Getting Scholarship Fund. Please contribute prize baskets so that the auction will be a success and, if you have questions, call Joe Bielecki at 412-390-0900 or Jennifer Moulton at 636-5493332. From Darren J. Molony, Danbury, Conn. In memory of deceased Sokol members $50.00 From an Anonymous Donor In memory of deceased Sokol members $2,000.00 To the Sokol USA Gymnastic Fund From an Anonymous Donor In memory of deceased Sokol members $2,000.00 MINUTES OF M.M. HODZA DISTRICT MEETING (Continued from Page 6) President – Judy Bindas Vice President - Teddy Fernandez Secretary – Brandi Kovac Treasurer - Norah Valentin Co-Directors – Brandi Kovac and Pat Ritz Our next meeting will be on 10/19/13. We will tentatively schedule it to be held in Tarrytown, NY (Boonton is the back-up location); the meeting will be at 10:00AM with a light breakfast and lunch served. IS YOUR FAMILY COVERED? Insurance coverage for all family members is an essential part of personal financial planning. Don’t put off taking care of this responsibility. The meeting adjourned at 2:35PM. See your lodge Financial Secretary or call Sokol Headquarters toll free at 1-888-253-0362 for additional information or membership applications. Respectfully submitted, Brandi Kovac, Secretary SHARE YOUR FAMILY EVENTS WITH YOUR “SOKOL FAMILY” The Sokol Times Social Page is a great way to keep up with your old and new friends! Share your families’ events with your Sokol family. We want to hear from you. Only news regarding members of our lodges will be printed. Complete one of the attached forms and mail the information and a photograph of clear quality to Sokol USA, 276 Prospect Street, P.O. Box 189, East Orange, NJ 07019-0189. Information and photographs also may be e-mailed to: [email protected] ENGAGEMENTS, WEDDINGS & ANNIVERSARIES BIRTHDAYS PROMOTIONS, HONOR ROLLS & OTHER EVENTS NAMES: _____________________ NAME: _____________________ NAME: _____________________ _____________________ BIRTH DATE: _________________ PHONE #: ___________________ PHONE #: ___________________ AGE: _______________________ HOMETOWN: _________________ HOMETOWN: _________________ PHONE #: ___________________ SOKOL LODGE: ________________ SOKOL LODGE: ________________ HOMETOWN: _________________ EVENT: _____________________ YEARS MARRIED (IF APPLICABLE): ___ SOKOL LODGE: ________________ _____________________ Photographs are not required, but they do add to the presentation. Please include a self addressed, stamped envelope if you would like your photograph returned. MAY 9, 2013 SOKOL TIMES Page 8 PROFIT AND LOSS BALANCE SHEET January through March 2013 Ordinary Income/Expenses Income SCHOLARSHIP-MILAN GETTING AMORTIZATION-IMR ASSESSMENTS-GYMNASTICS ASSESSMENTS-INDIGENT ASSESSMENTS-LIFE DIVIDEND ON STOCK GYMNASTIC INCOME GYM FUND DONATIONS Total GYMNASTIC INCOME INTEREST INCOME Total BONDS INDUSTRIAL COLLATERAL LOANS MORTGAGE LOANS PNC CHECKING Total INTEREST INCOME Total RENTAL REAL ESTATE Total Income Expense PAYMENTS TO MEMBERS ANNUITY PAID CASH SURRENDER DEATH CLAIMS Total PAYMENTS TO MEMBERS ACTUARIAL & ACCOUNTING FEE BANK CHARGES BOOKS/PERIODICALS Total CONVENTIONS DECREASE-LIFE RESERVE DIVIDENDS DONATIONS/ADVERTISING EXPENSE OF SUP. LDG. MTG. FRATERNAL EXPENSE GYMNASTIC EXPENSES USAG PROF. MEMBERSHIP SLET EXPENSES Total GYMNASTICS EXPENSES HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCE (EX. REAL ESTATE) INVESTMENT EXPENSES LEGAL EXPENSES OFFICE EXPENSES OFFICERS’ TRAVEL EXPENSES OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS PAYROLL TAX EXPENSES POSTAGE, EXPRESS, TEL&TEL RENT EXPENSE (rent) Total RENTAL REAL EST. EXP. SALARIES OFFICE OFFICER Total SALARIES STATE LICENSE FEES TELEPHONE EXP. Total Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income As of March 31, 2013 590.00 22,678.00 279.14 53.61 7,576.71 14,191.40 625.00 625.00 143,021.60 574.68 2,387.36 2.55 145,986.19 10,500.00 202,480.05 947.25 4,455.33 43,155.80 48,558.38 5,175.00 202.24 455.00 1,428.90 4,275.00 780.78 100.00 14,294.72 1,507.25 160.00 500.00 660.00 12,143.28 9,721.00 3,047.27 1,000.00 4,343.34 1,384.92 5,360.00 3,662.51 300.00 10,500.00 6,413.94 16,117.26 23,480.17 39,597.43 1,450.00 911.22 177,272.18 25,207.87 25,207.87 2013 Junior Olympic National Compulsory Workshop Sponsored by USA Gymnastics June 7 to 9, 2013, Grand Sierra Resort, Reno, Nev. The workshop will provide participants with a clear understanding of the 2013-2021 USA Gymnastics Women’s Junior Olympic Program: concepts, compulsory exercises, the interpretation of the text, and technical execution of the skills. Coaches at the workshop will earn W311 University credit and judges will ear Continuing Education Clinic credits. The Women’s Junior Olympic Program Committee members will be presenting the new compulsory exercises. Professional, junior professional and instructor members may register online at www.usagym.org. Standard registration fee is $375. Standard registration fee for nonmembers is $425. Fees include a Compulsory Program Book, DVD and floor exercise music CDs. For addition information, visit www.usagym.org. ASSETS Current Assets Checking/Savings CASH-PNC CHECKING CASH-CANADIAN BK OF COM CASH-M/M GYMNASTIC CASH-PNC CAPITAL RESERVE PETTY CASH Total Checking/Savings Other Current Assets Total BONDS STOCK PREFERRED STOCK COMMON STOCK Total STOCK Total MORTGAGES RECEIVABLE Total COLLATERAL LOANS CERTIFICATE LOANS BENEFICIARY TRUST FUND RESERVE FOR TRUST FUND TRUST FUND FOR BENEFICIARY Total BENEFICIARY TRUST FUND BOND INTEREST DUE EXCHANGE MORTGAGE INTEREST DUE PREMIUMS DUE Total Other Current Assets Total Current Assets Fixed Assets AUTOMOBILE ACCUM DEPREC-AUTO AUTOMOBILE-other Total AUTOMOBILE REAL ESTATE-BUILDING ACCUM DEPREC-BUILDING REAL ESTATE-BLDG-other Total REAL ESTATE –BUILDING Total Fixed Assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES NON-ADMITTED COLLATERAL LOAN A&H RESERVE ADVANCE PREMIUMS AVR CLAIMS-LIFE DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS DIVIDEND ACCUMULATION EXPENSES PAYABLE IMR LIVE RESERVE Total MORTGAGE LOAN ESCROW NON-ADMITTED MORTGAGE RESERVE FOR UNPRES. CHECKS TAXES DUE Total Other Current Liabilities Long Term Liabilities ANNUITIES-LEFT WITH SOCIETY MATURED ENDOWMENTS-LEFT W/SOC Total Long Term Liabilities Total Liabilities Equity UNASSIGNED FUNDS INDIGENT FUND ACCIDENT AND HEALTH FUND Total UNASSIGNED FUNDS CONSOLIDATED FUND (Retained Earnings) Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY 306,761.53 3,705.96 29,261.71 0.40 500.00 340,229.60 9,434,506.83 607,560.00 223,994.00 831,554.00 1,104,799.60 480,067.16 3,253.88 -17,249.01 17,249.01 0.00 154,210.00 2,669.74 379.00 2,629.00 12,014,069.21 12,354,298.81 -30,095.95 30,095.95 0.00 -60,691.12 67,898.25 7,207.13 7,207.13 12,361,505.94 93,011.83 1,290.00 820.00 120,074.00 80,403.00 522.50 121,052.76 123,267.00 443,808.25 4,820,584.00 -2,691.82 506,601.00 1,411.32 40,000.00 6,350,153.84 137,995.31 125,727.08 263,722.39 6,613,876.23 8,974.41 53,610.29 62,584.70 5,659,837.14 25,207.87 5,747,629.71 12,361,505.94 FROM THE PRESIDENT’S VIEW (Continued from Page 2) committees have spent a great deal of time researching prospects for the future of the organization and engaging in discussions with various prospective merger partners. It is important that our membership reads the merger proposal and gives great consideration to it. It is also important that as many lodges as possible send delegates to this convention so that each lodge has a voice and input into this important matter. NAZDAR! Joe Bielecki Sokol USA President
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