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LUPIN LODGE75 Years of Body Acceptance
and Natural Freedom
Reprinted from the Winter 2010 issue of N magazine of The Naturist Society
Lupin Lodge 1936 - 2011
LUPIN LODGE75 Years of Body Acceptance
and Natural Freedom
by Glyn Stout
Lupin Lodge 1936 - 2011
George Marcellus Spray (right) surrounded by Serena,
Mary and Albert Arthur Allen.
Sunshine Special train enroute to
Santa Cruz with stop on request
near Lupin gate.
French naturist George Bouffil with
four-legged friend by a Village cabin.
75 Years of Body Acceptance and Natural Freedom
Volleyball tournament during the 1949 convention.
Lupin Lodge 1936 - 2011
Walt Weber with unknown Beauty
Queen at the 1955 convention.
75 Years of Body Acceptance and Natural Freedom
Water sports at the Upper Pool during the 1949 convention.
Lower pool circa 1950.
Lupin Lodge 1936 - 2011
Manager Ethel Plant (left) relaxing with friends
75 Years of Body Acceptance and Natural Freedom
Glyn Stout on Nature Trail
Lupin Lodge 1936 - 2011
A 1985 wildfire burned our hiking trails, but firefighters
helped save our Club facilities.
The 1989 Loma Prieta Quake toppled the restaurant and
the lodge, damaged cabins and cracked the pool.
75 Years of Body Acceptance and Natural Freedom
Lupin Lodge 1936 - 2011
The hiking trail
Yurts became popular overnight accomodations at Lupin
75 Years of Body Acceptance and Natural Freedom
The Broken Wishbone, one of Lori Kay’s many art pieces on display at Lupin
Lupin Lodge 1936 - 2011
Lori Kay on the Nature Trail.
75 Years of Body Acceptance and Natural Freedom
The Lupin logo has evolved over 75 years. The sun and moon of the
current logo on the right symbolize a 24-hour resort, and the 12 sunrays
represent year-round sunshine.
Reprinted with permission from the Winter 2010
issue of N Magazine.
For subscription contact The Naturist Society
627 Bay Shore Drive, Suite 200 • Oskhosh, WI 54901
Phone: 800-886-7230 • Email: [email protected]
To become Lupin Lodge Member, visit our office at
20600 Aldercroft Heights Road • Los gatos, CA 95033
phone: 408 -353-9200 • Fax: 408 -353-9204
email: offi[email protected] •

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