Natan Gollop Elango mathavan The Volcani Center, ARO Israel
Natan Gollop Elango mathavan The Volcani Center, ARO Israel
Natan Gollop Elango mathavan The Volcani Center, ARO Israel Contents (Microbiological quantification methods) 1. Conventional microbiological test methods 2. Biochemical characterization methods 3. Immunoassays 4. Molecular methods 5. Development of rapid methods in food microbiology Why to develop new detec1on methods • Foodborne pathogens are causing food poisoning; • Foodborne pathogens are necessary to be examined in farms, food industries and markets; • Rapid and dependable methods are needed for the detection and identification of the foodborne pathogens • Food spoilage bacteria cause economical lost Conven1onal microbiological test methods Advantages: reliable, official, cheap facilities Disadvantages: time‐consuming, labor consuming etc Examples: Plate count methods and the most‐probable‐ number (MPN) methods Rapid detec1on methods in Microbiology Types: • Biochemical characterization methods; • Immunoassays; • Molecular methods Advantages: real‐time detection, labor‐saving, easy operation Disadvantages: non‐official (mostly), highly skilled labor, expansive Biochemical characteriza1on methods Detection systems based on automatic analysis of carbon utilization and other bio‐reactions Detection systems based on whole cellular fatty acid analysis Systems based on carbon u1liza1on and other bio‐reac1ons Kits based on bio‐reactions Examples: API System;EnterotubeⅡ;Micro‐IDR;MinitekTM; CrystalTM Identification System: RapID One System: RapIDTM ANA Ⅱ System Characterization systems based on carbon utilization or sensitivities of pathogens to antibiotics Examples: BiologTMATBR Identification: API: Vitek Example I for bio‐reac1on systems API 20ER System Organisms: G‐ bacteria Types of bio‐reactions: 23 Time for tests: 18‐24hror 38‐48hr Advantages: reliable, portable Limitations: professional workers are needed Biolog Example for bio‐reac1on systems Type of carbon sources: 95 Biolog database for 2000 species of microorganisms, including: ‐ Aerobic G : 526 Aerobic G+: 339 Anaerobes: 361 Yeasts: 26 Filamentus fungi: 618 Accuracy: >95% Systems based on whole cellular faCy acid analysis Example:Sherlock®Microbial Identification System Disadvantage: Highly expensive instrument, highly skilled operators The Aerobe library contains over 695 Environmental species and 430 Clinical species. The Anaerobe library contains 725 species. This library contains 190 Yeast species. Immunoassays TECRA system: based on Enzyme‐linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA) VIDAS system: based on Enzyme‐linked Fluorescent immuno‐Assay (ELFA) Transia Biocontrol 1‐2 Test Molecular methods DNA banding pattern‐based methods Multiplex PCR Real‐time PCR Restriction fragment length polymorphis(RFLP) Randomly‐amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) Pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) Ribotyping (RT) DNA sequence‐based methods rRNA sequence typing Multilocus sequence typing (MLST)! DNA‐DNAmicroarray Ribotyping (RT) system Pulsed‐field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) Pulsed‐field Gel Electrophoresis (PFGE) Mul1locus sequence typing (MLST) Mul1locus sequence typing (MLST) DNA sequence‐based methods Multiplex PCR Real time PCR DNA detection chips Foodborne pathogens focused: — Salmonella — Vibrio parahaemolyticus — Staphylococcus aureus — Listeria monocytogenes — Enterobactercea — E.coli — Spoilage bacteria (pseudomonas) Mul$plex PCR Two sets of primers Identification based on two or more genes Confidently in identification Interaction ad Interference between the two sets of primers Only one bacteria per reaction Real $me PCR High sensitivity Fast Only one gene Only one bacteria Biotecon GmbH Expensive (instrument and kits) Q –Bioanalytivc GmbH Real $me PCR Beacon TaqMan Syber green Real $me PCR DNA‐DNA Microarray Prove‐it™ Bacteria Strategy —DNA amplification + DNA chips Bacteria —more than 10 species Very High Accuracy Key point—number of target genes MicroArray strategy Whole genome Direct amplification hybridization Multiplex PCR PCR Sampling DNA isola$on Whole genome amplifica$on Shearing Labeling Labeling PCR + labeling Hybridiza$on Mul$plex PCR + Labeling Detec$on Direct hybridization – Simple, straight forward, low sensitivity. PCR – High sensitivity, identification relay on one gene only. Many bacteria can be detect in one reaction Multiplex PCR ‐ High sensitivity, identification relay two 2 to 3 genes only. Many bacteria can be detect in one reaction, complexity. Whole genome amplification – Simple, very high sensitivity, , identification relay may relay on several genes no limitation, . Many bacteria viruses and molds can be detect in one single reaction Oligo MicroArray Genomic DNA extraction DNA amplification (labeling) Design the oligo nucleotides probes Printing the microarray Hybridization Detection identification MicroArray for six bacteria www.chill‐ 16S rRNA MicroArray PCL – Positive control GPB – Gram + Bacteria GNB‐ Gram –Bacteria PSU – Pseudomonas ESC – E.coli SAL – Salmonella STP – Staphylococcus auerus VIB – Vibrio cholerae Lis – Listeria monocytoge Microarray of 16 S ribosomal RNA gene www.chill‐ Fish homogenate sample prepara1on Filter with 5µM pore size paper (2 1mes) Filter with 0.45µM pore size paper Inculca1ng six pathogenic and spoilage bacteria (102 CFU/ml) (Control no Bacteria) NO PMA Control Propidium monoazide (PMA) Whole genome amplifica1on and DNA labeling Whole genome amplifica1on and DNA labeling DNA Isola1on and cleaning DNA‐ DNA hybridiza1on against 16S and gyrB and Unique genes based probes Propidium monoazide (PMA) Whole genome amplifica1on and DNA labeling www.chill‐ Whole Genome Amplification 1 2 3 4 1. DNA Marker 2. Control DNA 5 ng supplied with – WGA kit 3. Fish homogenate + E.coli WGA (20 CFU/ml) 4. Fish homogenate + Staphylococcus WGA ( 10 CFU/ml) www.chill‐ 16S rRNA PCR based (678F + 888R) confirmation of WGA product 1 2 3 4 5 1. DNA Marker 2. Fish homogenate + E.coli – WGA 3. Fish homogenate + Staphylococcus – WGA 4. Pure E.coli DNA – 5. Pure Staphylococcus DNA www.chill‐ Salmonella Pseudomonas Staphylococcus Fish Sample E.Coli PSU PCL ESC LIS SAL STA VIB GPB PCL PCL + GNB GYR S PSU S ESC S LIS S SAL S STA S VIB G2 PB G1 PSU G1 ESC G2 LIS G1 SAL G2 STA G1 VIB PCL GYR G1 PCL ureC algT rfbE rfA ssaT sarZ trh www.chill‐ 16S rRNA PCR based (678F + 888R) confirmation of WGA product 1 2 3 4 5 1. DNA Marker 2. Fish homogenate + E.coli – WGA 3. Fish homogenate + Staphylococcus – WGA 4. Pure E.coli DNA – 5. Pure Staphylococcus DNA www.chill‐ Whole Genome Amplification 1 2 3 4 1. DNA Marker 2. Control DNA 5 ng supplied with – WGA kit 3. Fish homogenate + E.coli WGA (20 CFU/ml) 4. Fish homogenate + Staphylococcus WGA ( 10 CFU/ml) HOW LONG IT’S TAKE?! www.chill‐ Sampling 0 WGA 1 Hybridization 6 Hours Scanning Bacterial 11 12identification
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