Record of Achievement


Record of Achievement
Record of Achievement
Aidin Mashinchi
Date of birth: August 2, 1982
E-mail: [email protected]
has successfully completed the following openSAP course:
Developing Web Apps with SAPUI5
Instructors: Janina Bläsius, Christiane Goebels, Michael Graf,
Andreas Kunz, Thomas Marz, Thilo Seidel, and
Martin Wittmann
This four-week online course was held from May 24 through June 28,
2016. It comprised 4-6 hours of learning effort per week, optional
coding exercises, 4 weekly assignments, and 1 final exam.
The course covered the following topics:
Learn the Essentials
Become a Data Binding Expert
Create Responsive Apps
Master SAPUI5
Maximum score possible for this course: 240 points.
The candidate scored 226 points (94%) by working on weekly assignments
and taking a final exam.
Dr. Bernd Welz
Executive Vice President
SAP Scale, Enablement &
openSAP is SAP's platform for
open online courses. It
supports you in acquiring
knowledge on key topics for
success in the SAP ecosystem.
Stefan Beck
Chief Product Owner
Michael Graf
Course Instructor
Walldorf, June 28, 2016
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