The MyCall System - STANLEY Healthcare


The MyCall System - STANLEY Healthcare
VeriChip Corporation
309 Legget Drive
Ottawa, ON K2K 3A3
Telephone: 1-866-559-6275 or 1-613-592-6997
Facsimile: 1-613-592-4296
Web site:
© 1997 - 2006 VeriChip Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Hugs, MyCall and the
MyCall logo are registered trademarks of VeriChip Corporation in North America.
VeriChip, the VeriChip logo, Beacon and Communicator are trademarks of VeriChip
Corporation. All other company and product names may be trademarks of their
respective companies. Software release 5.2. Printed in Canada. 805U0601 Rev 04. March
VeriChip’s products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship and
shall perform in accordance with published specifications for a period of one year.
VeriChip reserves the right to change specifications without notice.
Limitation of Liability
This Product has been designed for use to assist personnel in summoning help when they
are under personal duress.
The range, accuracy, function and performance of this Product may vary from the
published specifications due to many factors, including, without limitation, site
impairments from structural effects, metal objects in the vicinity, placement of the
receiver and transmitter, interference from other electrical devices, atmospheric effects,
installation, and maintenance. There may be other factors, which also affect performance
of this Product.
VeriChip does not guarantee that this Product will detect 100% of the calls for personal
assistance. VeriChip does not guarantee that this Product will not return false reports of
calls for personal assistance.
Monthly testing and maintenance of this Product, as described in the Product
documentation, is essential to verify the system is operating correctly and to ensure that
the probability of detecting an alarm and/or locating the transmitter are maximized.
The failure to undertake regular testing and maintenance will increase the risk of system
failure and failure to report personal duress calls. The failure to undertake regular testing
and maintenance will increase the risk of false reports of calls for personal assistance.
VeriChip hereby disclaims all warranties, express or implied, arising out of or in
connection with any of its Products of the use or performance thereof, including but not
limited to, where allowable by law, all other implied warranties or conditions of
merchantable quality and fitness for a particular purpose and those arising by statute or
otherwise in law or from a course of dealing or usage of trade.
VeriChip’s liability to you or anyone claiming through or on behalf of you with respect to
any claim or loss arising out of the use or misuse of VeriChip’s Product, defective
products or materials, improper installation or maintenance of VeriChip’s Product or
products or the system in which they are incorporated, or alleged to have resulted from an
act or omission of VeriChip or any person, negligent or otherwise, shall be limited to:
A) the repair or replacement of defective Product or materials supplied by VeriChip
during the warranty period as set out in the Product documentation; or, at the
option of VeriChip,
B) refund of the purchase price of the Product supplied by VeriChip.
In no event shall VeriChip be liable for general, specific, indirect, consequential,
incidental, exemplary or punitive damages or any losses or expenses suffered by you or
anyone else, whether or not VeriChip, or its employees, officers, agents, resellers or
installers has been informed of the risk of such loss or expense and whether or not such
losses or expenses were foreseeable.
This is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or an entity) and VeriChip
(“VeriChip”). By opening the seal disc envelope you are agreeing to be bound by the
terms of this agreement. If you do not agree with the terms of this agreement, promptly
return the unopened disk envelope and the accompanying items (including user manuals
and other written materials) to the location where you obtained them.
The software which accompanies this license agreement (the “Software”) is warranted
against defects in materials and workmanship and shall perform substantially in
accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of one year. Should a
product fail within this period it shall be repaired or replaced free of charge. VeriChip
does not warrant that the operation of the Software will be uninterrupted or error free.
VeriChip does not represent that any product will prevent bodily injury or damage to
property. This warranty is void if the product has been dismantled, altered or abused in
This agreement allows you to use the Software on the VeriChip locating or monitoring
system (the “System”) in the facility or premises in which the System is installed by
VeriChip or its dealer(s), and make copies of the software solely for backup purposes. You
must reproduce on any such copy all copyright notices and any other proprietary legends
on the original copy of the Software. You may not decompile, reverse engineer,
disassemble, or otherwise reduce the Software to a human conceivable form.
The Software and the rights herein are not transferable except: (i) to other facilities or
locations in connection with a transfer of the System that is approved in writing by
VeriChip, in its sole discretion; or (ii) in connection with the transfer of ownership of the
facility in which the System is installed, provided that the System is not altered thereby.
Although you own the disk on which the Software is recorded, you do not become the
owner of, and VeriChip retains title to, the Software, and all copies thereof. All rights not
specifically granted in this agreement are specifically reserved by VeriChip.
VeriChip may terminate your license if you breach any term of this agreement and do not
remedy the breach within 10 days written notice of the breach. Upon termination you
will immediately delete the Software from the computer in which it is installed and return
all copies of the Software to VeriChip.
This agreement constitutes the entire agreement of the parties with respect to the subject
matter and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings, negotiations and discussions,
whether oral or written, between the parties. This agreement will be governed by the laws
of the Province of Ontario excluding the law of conflicts and excluding the United
Nations Convention of Contracts for the Sale of Goods. You agree to attorn to the
exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Province of Ontario which will have exclusive
jurisdiction over matters in respect of this agreement.
• Do not operate other software programs at the same time as the MyCall® system
software—do not use these or other software:
Disk compression—do not use compressed disk drives. Drive compression
technology is not recommended.
Back up programs —back up programs, including the Windows® operating
system back up program, warn of problems when continuing to use the system
during a backup. Also, the system does not support the use of a tape drive. Exit
the Controller PC software before starting a back up session.
• Turn off power management for all computers used in the System—power
management can interfere with the proper operation of the MyCall system software.
Environmental Information—European Union
The equipment used in this system has required the extraction and use of natural
resources for its production. It may contain hazardous substances that could impact
health and the environment.
In order to avoid the dissemination of these substances in the environment and to
diminish the pressure on the world’s natural resources, VeriChip encourages you to use
the appropriate local or regional take-back systems. Those systems will reuse or recycle
most of the materials of your equipment once it has reached the end of its service life.
The crossed-out wheeled bin symbol invites you to use those systems.
If you need more information on the collection, reuse and recycling systems, please
contact your local or regional waste administration.
You can also contact VeriChip for more information on the environmental performances
of our products.
The MyCall System ......................................................................................................... 1-2
System Components ........................................................................................................ 1-3
What's New In This Edition? .......................................................................................... 1-7
The User Interface
Overview of the Main Interface ....................................................................................... 2-2
Printing ......................................................................................................................... 2-12
Getting Help ................................................................................................................. 2-13
Using the Demo Function ............................................................................................. 2-15
Initial Setup
Adding Tags..................................................................................................................... 3-2
Adding Procedures to the Alarm Window........................................................................ 3-8
Creating User Accounts ................................................................................................. 3-10
Assigning Sounds to Alarms........................................................................................... 3-16
Startup Options............................................................................................................. 3-24
Basic Procedures
Logging In to the Software............................................................................................... 4-2
Checking Tag Location and Status................................................................................... 4-4
Locating a Tag on the Map .............................................................................................. 4-5
Finding a Specific Tag...................................................................................................... 4-5
Creating Tag Memos........................................................................................................ 4-6
Changing a Tag’s Description .......................................................................................... 4-7
Responding to Alarms
The Alarm Window......................................................................................................... 5-2
Panic Alarms.................................................................................................................... 5-4
Tamper Alarms ................................................................................................................ 5-6
Supervision Timeout Alarms............................................................................................ 5-7
No Motion Detected Alarms ........................................................................................... 5-8
Tag Location Changed Alarms ......................................................................................... 5-9
Low Battery Alarms ....................................................................................................... 5-10
Installing and Configuring Devices
LonWorks Device Settings ............................................................................................... 6-2
Adding Beacon Location Markers .................................................................................. 6-12
Changing PC Alarm Properties...................................................................................... 6-15
Configuring a Pager System ........................................................................................... 6-18
Maps, Icons and Zones
Adding Facility Maps....................................................................................................... 7-2
Creating Zones ................................................................................................................ 7-5
Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance
Viewing LAR Statistics .................................................................................................... 8-2
Generating Reports.......................................................................................................... 8-3
Tag Diagnostics ............................................................................................................. 8-10
Testing LAR Coverage ................................................................................................... 8-13
Database and File Maintenance ..................................................................................... 8-16
Updating Your System License....................................................................................... 8-21
Advanced LonWorks Device Procedures ........................................................................ 8-22
Alarm Quick Reference
MyCall System Manual
Welcome to the MyCall system, and thank you for choosing an VeriChip
This manual is your guide to using the MyCall system and software. It is
intended for facility staff who are responsible for administering and maintaining
the system. Although you will find sections on configuring devices, the general
assumption is that your system has been installed and commissioned by your
Authorized Dealer.
For new features and additional information not available at the time this
manual was printed, check the Read Me file located on the software installation
The MyCall System
The MyCall system is a product for emergency response, and consists of
Communicator™ personal tags (for people), Beacon™ location markers, Local
Area Receivers, and a Controller PC.
Each area of interest in the facility—such as a room, hallway, or entrance—is
equipped with a Beacon location marker, which emits a unique location code.
When a tag detects this location code, it combines this information with its own
unique identification code in its transmissions to the Local Area Receivers
(LARs) installed at regular intervals throughout the covered part of the facility.
The LARs then relay this information to the Controller PC, which contains the
software for controlling all aspects of the system’s operation. The response to tag
transmissions can be tailored to meet a variety of requirements, ranging from
sounding alarms to simply recording a change of tag location in the system
database. Most importantly, the system enables the user to display the location
of a specific tag at any time.
The MyCall system includes another important feature. Staff carrying the
Communicator tag can send a distress signal at any time by pressing the Panic
button on the tag. The system will immediately generate an alarm showing the
ID number for the Communicator tag and the exact location.
The system employs a network based on the LonWorks® protocol. The
Controller PC is connected over the network to every LAR, along with optional
devices such as I/O Modules. All devices are continually supervised, and an
alarm is automatically generated if communication is lost.
Chapter 1
MyCall System Manual
System Components
The MyCall system includes Communicator personal tags, Local Area
Receivers, Beacons and the Controller PC.
Communicator Tags
The MyCall Communicator personal tag is a highly advanced micro-processor
controlled transmitter.
Each tag has a unique identification code. Tags receive Beacon location marker
location transmissions, combine these with their own identification code,
button status, and battery level, then transmit this information to the Local Area
Receivers. The LARs send the information to the Controller PC over a network.
The number of tags required depends upon the number of people using the
system: one device is required for each person. The tags are reusable and can be
transferred from one person to another. Tags can have several assigned users if
they do not require the tag at the same time. For example facilities operating on
shift work can share tags between shifts.
The tag is battery operated (included) with typical battery life up to one year
(depending on the tag’s configuration). The Controller PC monitors the tag’s
battery life initiating an alarm when the battery becomes low. Changing the
battery is a simple procedure easily completed within minutes. Replacement
batteries may be purchased from a local supplier or from VeriChip.
Figure 1.1
The MyCall Communicator
tag worn around the neck.
System Components
Beacon Location Markers
Beacon location markers identify areas within the facility by emitting unique
location codes. The number of Beacon location markers to be installed within
the facility depends on the size of the facility, and the number of rooms. A
Beacon location marker is required in every room, and at regular intervals in
hallways and common areas.
Beacon location markers receive power from nine volt lithium batteries
(supplied), providing several years of use. The Controller PC monitors the
Beacon location marker’s battery levels and initiates an alarm when they become
low (this requires that a tag be in range to receive signals from the Beacon
location marker). Changing the batteries is easily accomplished within a few
minutes. No special tools are required. Other than batteries and a light
occasional dusting, the Beacon location markers are maintenance free.
Installation of the Beacon location marker is straight forward requiring a few
minutes with no wiring required.
Figure 1.2
Chapter 1
MyCall System Manual
The Beacon location marker.
Local Area Receivers
Local Area Receivers (LARs) are radio frequency reception devices installed at
regular intervals throughout the monitored area of the facility. LARs receive the
tag transmissions, time stamp them, and relay them to the Controller PC via a
LonWorks network. LARs are installed in ceilings, usually out of view.
The Controller PC monitors the operation of each LAR to ensure a high level of
operational confidence. If the LAR fails to operate for any reason, an alarm
Figure 1.3
The Local Area Receiver, with antennas and mounting hardware.
System Components
Controller PC and Client PCs
The Windows-based Controller PC
contains the MyCall system software and
controls the operation of the entire
system. The software displays facility
floor plans and relevant system data
including the status of all MyCall tags.
Typically located at a Nurse Station or at
a facility’s Security Station, the
computer monitors and controls all
system operation.
The Controller PC also acts as the server for the local area network used with
the MyCall system. It processes all system data and relays them to the Client
PCs to enable monitoring of system activity at a number of points around the
The central user interface is the Xmark application, which offers advanced
control through an intuitive interface that includes customized maps of the
facility. All system events, such as alarms, are displayed through easy-tounderstand dialog boxes giving users a clear understanding of what has
occurred. Only task-critical information is offered. The software also supports
an optional touch-screen interface. User accounts can be created and authority
assigned according to each facility’s requirements.
The software records all activity, including alarms, within an SQL database. A
variety of reports of system activity can be viewed on screen and printed, and the
user can create custom reports.
Chapter 1
MyCall System Manual
What's New In This Edition?
The System Software CD-ROM includes a Read Me file containing the latest
information on enhancements to the MyCall system software. Please read this
file every time you install or upgrade the MyCall system software.
Enhanced Passwords
The system has an option for strong passwords. User passwords must be a
minimum of 7 characters long, include at least one upper case letter, one lower
case letter, one number and one non-alphanumeric character. See “Creating
User Accounts” on page 3-10.
More Options for Filtering Alarms at PCs
Each PC can now be configured to display alarms from one, some or all Zones
in the system. See page 7-5 for more information.
New Report Features
You can now display charts using report data generated by the system. See
“Using the Charts Feature” on page 8-6
Two new reports have also been added: All Configuration Records gives the
complete configuration history for the system; and Device Configuration details
the current configuration of all LARs and I/O Modules in the system. See
“Generating Reports” on page 8-3.
New License System
The license for use of the MyCall system is now stored in a license file on the
Controller PC, rather than in the dongle connected to the parallel port. For
upgrade installations, the license information is transferred automatically. No
action is required, and the dongle may be disposed of once the upgrade is
What's New In This Edition?
Chapter 1
MyCall System Manual
This chapter introduces the main elements of the MyCall system software and
explains how to change basic display settings.
The User Interface
Overview of the Main Interface
All controls of the MyCall system software are accessed through the Map and
Status Windows. These include the Main Menu, the Toolbar and Map Toolbar,
and other standard Windows controls.
Main Menu
Map Toolbar
Map window
List of
Status Window
The Status Window displays information about each tag in the system, and
enables you to perform actions on the tag, such as checking its status or location.
You can sort the tag list using any column as the determining factor. For
example, click on the Description column. The >> symbol appears and the list
sorts alphabetically in ascending order.
The description column displays the descriptions or names assigned to each tag.
Double-click on the field to change the description.
This column lists the current location of the tag.
Chapter 2
MyCall System Manual
Beacon—Most of the time, the location will be the name of the Beacon
location marker currently seen by the tag.
Unknown Location—The tag is not currently seeing a Beacon location
marker. You should check the Status column for more information when you
see this message.
Duration is the elapsed time the tag has remained at its current location. Keep
in mind that this may be an unknown location.
This column displays the current status of each tag. The following table lists tag
status messages.
OK—Tag operating normally.
In Alarm—Tag has caused an alarm.
Supervision Timeout—Tag has not been seen by the system for the
supervision timeout period set for this tag. The tag is not being detected by
the system.
Not Detected—This message appears in place of “Supervision Timeout” if
no supervision timeout period has been set for the tag. The meaning is the
same: the tag is not being detected by the system.
Unknown Location—The tag is not currently seeing a Beacon location
Prev. Location
This column indicates the previous location of the tag.
Beacon—Most of the time, the previous location will be the name of the
Beacon location marker previously seen by the tag.
Unknown Location—The tag did not see a Beacon location marker at its
previous location.
Popup Menu Commands
Right-clicking on a tag in the list window displays the following popup window
with various commands to view tags and change settings.
The User Interface
Overview of the Main Interface
Tag Description
Selecting this command invokes a dialog box showing location information for
the tag. See “Checking Tag Location and Status” on page 4-4for details.
Show Map
Select this command to highlight the icon for the tag in the Map Window.
Edit Configuration
This command opens the Tag tab of the Edit Configuration dialog box so that
you can change tag settings (see page 3-2). This command will only appear if
you have the appropriate user permission (see page 3-10).
Edit Memo
Click on this command to create a brief memo about the tag. See “Creating Tag
Memos” on page 4-6 for details.
Clear Alarm
If the tag is in an alarm state, an command will appear at the bottom of the
menu enabling you to clear the alarm. Move the cursor over the alarm and click
the left mouse button.
Changing the Look of the Status Window
The Status Window’s column width and size can be changed.
Column Width
Column widths can be increased or decreased to display more or less
information. You can also decrease a column until it no longer appears,
effectively removing it from your display.
To change a column’s width, move the mouse pointer to the border between
two columns until the ←||→ symbol appears. Click and hold the left mouse
button and drag the border to change the column width. To hide a column,
Chapter 2
MyCall System Manual
drag the border to the left until the column no longer appears. To display the
column again, move the mouse pointer to display the ←||→ symbol then click
and drag the column border.
Window Size
The Status Window can be increased or decreased in size. However, if you increase the
size of the Status Window you automatically decrease the size of the Map Window.
To change the window size, move the mouse pointer to the border between the
two windows until the ←||→ symbol appears. Click and hold the left mouse
button and drag the border to the desired position. You can also perform this
action through the Split command under the Window menu. The mouse
pointer now drags the window border. Move the border to the desired position
and click the left mouse button.
The Toolbar contains buttons representing the more commonly used
commands. The software displays only those buttons that are applicable to your
system or for which the user has access permission.
You can enlarge the buttons by selecting the Large Buttons command from the
View menu.
To execute a command, click on the appropriate button.
Print the displayed window
Display the Status and Map Windows
Display the Alarm window (only appears when there are
current alarms)
Click to send a page message to facility staff equipped
with pagers.
Display the Edit Configuration dialog box
Send Page
Display the User tab of the Edit Configuration dialog
Configuration box
Create system activity reports
Invoke the Login dialog box to log in to the system
Display the Windows Explorer
Display information about your system
The User Interface
Overview of the Main Interface
Map Window
The Map Window displays maps representing your facility, and provides a
quick overview of system activity. The location of system devices such as Beacon
location markers and LARs can be seen at a glance, and tags will appear when at
an Beacon location marker.
Maps must be installed into the system before they will appear in the Map
Window. See “Adding Facility Maps” on page 7-2 for details. Once installed,
the size and appearance of the window can be changed using the Map Toolbar
and other commands described below.
Map Toolbar
The Map Toolbar contains various commands for changing the size and
character of the map appearing within the Map Window. These commands are
also available from the View Menu.
Zoom Map
Zoom in to enlarge the map
Zoom out to shrink the map
View 1 to 1
View the map at 100% scale
Reverse the last change
Scale to Fit
Change the map’s dimensions to fit the entire map into
the Map Window
Map dropdown list
Select the map to be displayed in the Map Window.
Click on the down arrow, and scroll down the list.
Changing the Look of the Map Window
The size and appearance of the Map Window can be changed using the
commands below.
Window Size
The Map Window can be increased or decreased in size. However, if you
increase the size of the Map Window, you automatically decrease the size of the
Status Window.
To change the window size, move the mouse pointer to the border between the
two windows until the ←||→ symbol appears. Click and hold the left mouse key
Chapter 2
MyCall System Manual
and drag the border to the desired position. You can also perform this action
through the Split command under the Window menu. The mouse pointer now
drags the window border. Move the border to the desired position and click the
left mouse button.
Changing Map Properties
The Map Properties dialog box is displayed by right-clicking anywhere on the
map (not on a icon), and selecting Properties from the popup menu that
appears. This dialog box contains settings that apply to all maps.
Show each tag icon individually—This setting displays tags separately at all
times. If not selected, several tags appearing close together on a map appear as
a single icon representing multiple tags.
Show Beacons by ID number—Choose this setting to display the
identification number, instead of the description, for all Beacon location
Text Size—Enter a point size for descriptions within the Map Window.
Available text sizes range from 10 to 36 points.
Window Menu Commands
The following commands are used to control the appearance of multiple
windows in the MyCall system software window. Click on the Window menu
and then select the desired command.
The cascade command organizes all windows to overlap each other and display
their window title bars only.
The Tile command scales all windows to fit within the MyCall system software
window. The entire window appears. The size of each window depends upon
the number of open windows, resolution, and physical size of your computer
The User Interface
Overview of the Main Interface
Arrange Icons
When using Windows, you can minimize any number of windows. This
command arranges these icons, representing the minimized windows, in a line
beginning at the bottom left hand corner of your display.
The relative size of the Status Window and the Map Window can be changed
using this command. Choose Split from the Window Menu, and then use the
mouse to move the border between the two windows to the desired position.
Left-click the mouse to complete the procedure. The Map and Status Windows
change to the new proportions.
Open Window Names
All windows currently opened appear in a list here. To display a window, open
the Window Menu and click on the desired window.
Icon Settings
Icons representing Beacon location markers, LARs and other devices are added
to maps once these devices are installed and configured. See page 7-3 for
information on how to add icons to maps.
Hiding and Displaying All Icons
The software’s default setting is to display all icons. To hide icons, right click
anywhere in the Map Window not on an icon to display the following popup
Select Show Icons from the popup menu to turn the check mark off. To display
icons, choose the command again.
Hiding and Displaying Individual Icons
Icons can also be hidden or shown individually. These individual settings
override the Show Icons command. To hide or show an icon, right click on the
Chapter 2
MyCall System Manual
icon to display a popup menu like the following.
Select the Icon Properties command to invoke an Icon Properties dialog box
like this one for Beacon location markers.
To have the icon always appear, click the Always show the icon checkbox to
display a checkmark. For Beacon location markers and LARs, you can also
choose to hide or display the description that appears beneath the icon. Under
Description Display, choose Never to always hide the description, Always to
always show the description, or When tags are present to display the description
when tags appear in the vicinity of the Beacon location marker or LAR.
Moving an Icon
To move an icon, double-click on icon of interest and hold the left mouse
button. Drag the icon to the new location and then release the mouse button.
Remember that icons are meant to indicate the exact installed location of a device.
Only move an icon in order to more accurately reflect the device’s location.
Deleting an Icon
Icons can be deleted by right clicking on the icon and selecting Delete Icon
from the popup menu that appears. A dialog box appears asking you to confirm
your choice. Click Yes.
Do not delete device icons unless the device had been removed from the
system. Deleting Beacon location marker icons will prevent the location of
tags from being indicated on facility maps.
The User Interface
Overview of the Main Interface
Status Bar
The Status Bar, located at the bottom of the Main Window, provides various
information about the software, including who is currently logged in and the
current time.
Touch Screen Interface
The MyCall system software supports an optional touch screen interface that
replaces the mouse and keyboard. All menus and buttons are accessed by
touching them with the finger, and data is entered via a virtual keyboard.
The MyCall system software is compatible with any touch screen using the
MicroTouch standard, which is used by a large number of manufacturers.
Initial Setup
The touch screen functions of the MyCall system software are enabled by
checking the Touch Screen checkbox in the PC tab of the Edit Configuration
dialog box. The virtual keyboard will appear and the Toolbar buttons will
automatically enlarge.
The Large Buttons command, accessed from the View menu, can also be used
to change the size of the Toolbar buttons.
You may also wish to adjust certain settings within the Windows operating
system to enlarge the size of text on screen. These changes are made in the
Display Settings control panel, accessed from the Windows Start button.
Using the Touch Screen
The touch screen display looks very similar to a standard monitor. To access a
menu or select a button, simply touch it with your finger. When you select an
editable field a virtual keyboard appears automatically, as in the example below.
Chapter 2
MyCall System Manual
Type in the information and then touch the virtual Enter key. The keyboard
will be hidden automatically.
The User Interface
Overview of the Main Interface
You can print a variety of information generated by the system, including the
tags listed in the Status Window, and reports generated with the Report
The quickest way to print is using the print icon in the Toolbar, but you can
also access the Print dialog box from the File Menu Print command.
The Print dialog box offers standard Windows printing options. Click on the
Properties button to choose paper size and other settings. Each printer has its
own settings. Refer to your printer’s documentation for more information.
Printer settings can also be made at any time by selecting the Print Setup
command from the File Menu.
Print Preview
For reports, the software can also preview what the printed report will look like.
Select the Print Preview command from the File Menu. You can zoom in and
out to see the document in different resolutions.
Chapter 2
MyCall System Manual
Getting Help
The MyCall system software includes an online Help file with a variety of
information on using and configuring the MyCall system software. You can
either browse through the Help file or do a keyword search using the Search
command. To open the Help file, select Help Topics from the Help Menu.
In addition, you can access specific information on the active window or dialog
box by pressing the F1 key.
The User Interface
Getting Help
Getting System Information
To view basic information on your system, select the About Xmark command
from the Help Menu.
This dialog box identifies the MyCall system software version, the number of
tags that can be used with the software and whether the system is set up to
operate on a local area network.
Chapter 2
MyCall System Manual
Using the Demo Function
The MyCall system software offers a demonstration mode that mimics an actual
system. The tags move on the map and tag messages appear along with alarms.
You can even add system components, including new tags.
To begin the demonstration, open the Xmark menu, choose the MyCall Demo
command, and select Run to display a checkmark.
The Demo is not available on Client PCs, and is disabled on the Controller PC as
soon as the MyCall system software license is installed.
Run—Start the demonstration.
Alarm—Simulate a MyCall Panic alarm
The User Interface
Using the Demo Function
Chapter 2
MyCall System Manual
Most settings for the software will have been completed by your dealer. There
are, however, some procedures that should be done directly by the facility itself,
because they pertain to your specific procedures and ways of using the system.
These include tag alarm configuration, adding procedural tips to the alarm
window, and creating user accounts.
Initial Setup
Adding Tags
Communicator personal tags may be added to the software either one at a time
or as a group with identical settings.
The Tag tab of Edit Configuration can be accessed from Client PCs. Simply click on
the Edit button in the Toolbar.
Enrolling Tags One at a Time
Open the Edit Configuration dialog box and select the Tag tab.
Click the New button.
Enter the ID number for the tag.
Tags have different identification numbers configured at the factory. The
ID number appears on the back of the tag.
Enter a Description for the tag.
Enter a description (name) for the tag. Descriptions can be alphanumeric up
to sixty characters in length. This description appears throughout the
MyCall system software including the Alarm window, on maps, in reports,
and when editing a tag’s settings. To rename a tag, change this description.
Choose a Tag Type.
Choose one of the 16 icon to represent the tag on maps. To help you locate
Chapter 3
MyCall System Manual
tags when using the system, choose similar icons for tags representing
similar groups. For example, assign the same icon shape and color to staff
performing similar functions: NICU nurses, emergentologists, etc.
You can also change the default tag type name. Click on the name to
highlight it, then click on the entry again; enter a new name.
Make setting under Event Configuration.
The MyCall system software responds to alarms for tags according to
options chosen in this section. All alarms can be configured to log
information to the database, generate an alarm, or activate a pager system (if
installed). Click on a checkbox to enable a response.
a) Location has changed—Choose this option to generate an alarm when a
tag’s location has changed.
b) Panic Button Active—You must activate this response before the system
acknowledges the pressing of a Communicator tag’s Panic button. If
you select Generate Alarm, you can also choose whether or not to allow
multiple alarms from the same Communicator tag. To allow multiple
alarms, check this checkbox.
c) Tamper Button Active—This settings if used for Wall Mount Tags
only. See “Wall Mounted Tags” on page 3-4.
d) No Motion Timeout—This option generates an alarm if a tag remains
motionless for a specified timeout period. The Timeout ranges from
zero to 365 days. If set to zero, an alarm occurs as soon as a tag detects a
Beacon location marker configured with this setting. You can also
choose to have the alarm automatically cleared if the alarm condition
ends by selecting Auto Clear.
Beacon location markers must be configured in the Edit Configuration
dialog box in order to initiate this alarm (see page 6-13).
e) Supervisory Timeout—The Supervisory Timeout is the elapsed time
period from when the system no longer detects a tag to the point the
system initiates an alarm or logs the event. Supervisory timeouts range
from 20 seconds to 365 days. You can also choose to have the alarm
automatically cleared if the alarm condition ends by selecting Auto
Set the timeout period to match the desired level of confidence for each
tag. Critical items should have a very short timeout period. If however
you do not require this level of confidence, choose a longer timeout
Save the settings.
Click the Apply button to save the settings for the subject tag. You can also
click the Apply to All button to save the Alarm Configuration to all tags or
tags of the same type.
Initial Setup
Adding Tags
After clicking Apply to All, choose which tags to configure.
To configure all tags of the same type, choose the first option ‘X’ Tag
records only. To configure all tags in the system, choose All Tag records.
Repeat the above steps for each additional tag. Once all settings are
complete, click on the OK button to close the dialog box.
Wall Mounted Tags
A Wall Mount Tag is an optional component that is installed in a fixed location
to serve as a distress call button (in, for example, a restroom). The tag is
configured by checking the Wall Mount checkbox, and then configuring it for
Tamper alarms. In a typical application, an I/O Module is used to activate a
sounder or light when a Tamper alarm occurs to alert staff of a problem in the
restroom. The sounder or light will turn off as soon as the tag is replaced into
the tag holder. (The alarm must still be cleared in the software, however.) Once
configured, an icon for the Wall Mount Tag is installed on the facility map.
Enrolling Several Tags at Once
You can also enroll several tags at one time, provided that their ID numbers are
in sequential order. All the tags will have identical settings.
In the Tag tab, select a tag that you would like to use as the model. This
device’s settings will be applied to all the devices added.
Chapter 3
MyCall System Manual
Click on the New ± button.
Enter the First New ID of the series of tags being added.
Enter the Last New ID of the series.
Choose a Description.
Click on the Describe as the current record checkbox to add the entire
group of tags with the same description; in this example, Wheelchair. If you
do not choose this setting, descriptions default to Tag XX, with XX being
each tag’s ID number.
Choose an Alarm Configuration.
Click on the Alarm Configuration as the current record to add the entire
group of tags with the same alarm configuration as the tag displayed as the
Current Record. Tags in this group will have no alarm configuration if you
do not choose this setting.
Select the Type of tag.
Click on the Type as the current record to add the entire group of tags as
the same type of tag as the tag displayed as the Current Record.
Click OK. You may wish to change descriptions or other settings for tags.
Follow the procedure for adding a single tag described above.
Reassigning, Replacing or Deleting Tags
Tags can be reassigned, replaced, or deleted from the system.
Reassigning a tag simply involves changing the description in the Edit
Configuration dialog box. To replace a tag, first remove it from the system, and
then use the New button to add a new tag, using the procedure described above.
Be sure to assign the same description and alarm settings as the deleted tag.
Use the Delete command to remove a tag. Remember to remove the tag from
the person or asset.
Initial Setup
Adding Tags
Assigning a Picture to a Tag
The MyCall system software enables you to associate a picture with each tag. In
an alarm, the picture can be displayed from the Alarm Window (see page 5-3),
or configured to pop-up automatically (see page 6-15).
Images can be in a variety of different file formats, including jpeg, gif, bmp, txt,
rtf, htm, and html. Although the image viewer window can support images of
any size, it is best to have all images approximately the same size (around 300 x
300 pixels is ideal). This ensures that the user will not have to resize the viewer
window for each new alarm.
Images can be digitalized by scanning, or you can use a digital camera to take
images. They can then be edited in a variety of applications, including Microsoft
To assign images to a tag, complete the following steps:
Open the Edit Configuration dialog box and select the System tab.
Click on the Enable Pictures checkbox to activate the pop-up images
feature. Click on OK to save the settings.
Chapter 3
MyCall System Manual
In the Status Window, right-click on the tag of interest to display the
following pop-up menu.
Go to the Picture menu and select Set Picture.
In the Select Picture dialog box, navigate to the folder containing the
picture. Click on it once to select it, and then click on Open.
The picture is now associated with the tag. To preview it, select Show
Picture from the Picture popup menu.
Repeat these steps for each tag that you wish to assign a picture to.
Editing Picture Settings
To change the picture associated with a tag, just follow the procedure above.
You can also delete a picture by selecting Clear Picture from the Picture popup
Initial Setup
Adding Tags
Adding Procedures to the Alarm Window
The Alarm window can be configured to display response procedures when an
alarm occurs. This can be a very useful way to ensure that staff members have
the proper information to respond to an alarm.
The procedures are contained in a .txt file called Procedure stored in the Xmark
directory. Complete these steps to customize the alarm procedures:
Enable the Procedures button for the Alarm window.
In the System tab of the Edit Configuration dialog box, click on the Enable
Alarm Procedures checkbox. Click OK.
Open the Procedure.txt file, found in the Xmark directory. You can edit the
file in the Windows Notepad, Microsoft Word, or any other text editing
Type the heading for the alarm in square brackets [ ] exactly as it appears in
the Alarm Window. Refer to “Alarm Quick Reference” on page A-1for a
full list of all alarms.
Enter your unique procedures under the heading for each alarm.
Save the Procedure.txt file in the Xmark directory.
If using Client PCs, open the LAN Status dialog box from the Xmark menu
on the Controller and shutdown the network by clicking on the Close
button. Then reconnect each Client PC to the network. This is necessary to
make procedures available on the Clients. You must do this every time you
make change to the Procedure.txt file.
If you are also using custom Alarm Notes (see below), skip this step.
Chapter 3
MyCall System Manual
Alarms for which you have not created a heading in square brackets will display the
default procedure.
Requiring Users to Enter a Note when an Alarm is
The system can be configured to require the user to enter a brief note whenever
an alarm is cleared. The Alarm Notes dialog box offers the user a choice of preset messages about the alarm; or if they prefer, they can type their own
message.The notes are stored in the database.
The pre-set messages can be customized to the facility, and are saved in a .txt file
called Notes stored in the Xmark directory. Complete these steps to customize
Alarm Notes.
Enable the Alarm Notes feature.
Open the System tab of the Edit Configuration dialog box, and check the
Ask for notes on clearing the alarm command. Click OK.
Open the Notes.txt file, found in the Xmark directory. You can edit the file
in the Windows Notepad, Microsoft Word, or any other text editing
Beneath the [AlarmClearNotes] heading, type in the pre-set messages for
the facility, separated by a line return. The messages can be any length, but
only the first 60 characters will appear in the dropdown menu. Keep the
message as short as possible.
Save the Notes.txt file in the Xmark directory.
If using Client PCs, open the LAN Status dialog box from the Xmark menu on
the Controller and shutdown the network by clicking on the Close button.
Then reconnect each Client PC to the network. This is necessary to make the
custom Alarm Notes available on the Clients. You must do this every time you
make change to the Notes.txt file.
Initial Setup
Adding Procedures to the Alarm Window
Creating User Accounts
Access to the MyCall system software can be strictly controlled through
passwords. When the password feature is on, users must log in to the system in
order to gain access. The identity of the user is recorded to the database, along
with all alarms and events that occur during the session.
The system allows you to define different levels of access for each user by
creating individual user accounts. To aid in the creation of multiple user
accounts, the software contains three user templates—User, Admin, and
Maintenance—with typical permissions for these types of users. These templates
can be modified, and custom templates can be created.
Setting up a controlled access system is a two-step process. First, create standard
user templates so that you can quickly assign permissions. Then create a user
account for each person who will be using the system.
A user with a valid password may log in at any PC in the network.
Step 1: Create User Templates
Open the User Configuration dialog box.
Click on the User Configuration button in the Toolbar, or select the User
Manager command from the Xmark menu.
Click on the User Templates button to open this dialog box.
To create a new template:
Click on the Add button. Type in a name for the template and then make
permission settings. A full list of the permissions is given on page 3-14.
Chapter 3
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To modify an existing template:
Select the profile in the list window, and then change the permissions.
Enter a Timeout value. This is the length of time of inactivity before the
software automatically logs out the user (the maximum time is 99 hours and
59 seconds). This is a security feature to ensure that the software cannot be
used by unauthorized persons.
Under Max. Password Age, days enter the maximum number of days that
the same password can be used (from 1 to 999 days). After this period has
expired, the user will be prompted to change their password. Entering 0
allows the user to keep using the same password indefinitely.
Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.
Existing user accounts are not affected when you change user templates. If you want
to update the permissions for an account, you must select the account in the list
window in the User tab, and click the Edit button. You can then use the Apply
Template command to choose the desired user template.
Step 2: Create a User Account for Each User
By default, there is a single user account, Admin, with full access to the system. This
account cannot be changed or deleted, and should be assigned to the System
Administrator or another senior staff member. Be sure to assign a new password.
Initial Setup
Creating User Accounts
The System tab cannot be accessed from Client PCs. This step must be performed at
the Controller PC.
New Feature
Turn on the password feature.
Open the Edit Configuration dialog box and select the System tab.
Click on the Passwords required checkbox to display a checkmark, and
then set the number of times users can attempt to log in under Max Login
Attempts. If a user fails to enter the right password on their last attempt, an
alarm appears in the Alarm window and this information is recorded to the
database. Entering 0 allows the user to attempt to log in any number of
Optional settings:
Enhanced Passwords required
This setting enables strong passwords for the system. User passwords
must be a minimum of 7 characters long, include at least one upper case
letter, one lower case letter, one number and one non-alphanumeric
character (such as a dash or exclamation mark).
Lock User Account after Max Retries Exceeded
Check this box if you wish to lock a user account if a user fails to enter
the right password after the number of attempts specified under Max
Login Attempts. The user will be locked out of the system until the
Chapter 3
MyCall System Manual
account is reset in the User Account tab (see “Editing an Existing User
Account” on page 3-14).
Click on Apply to save the settings. Then click on the User tab.
To create a new user account, click on the New button, and enter a name
for the user in the Login Name and Full Name fields. The Login Name
must be entered every time the user logs in. The Full Name is useful for
managing the system, and is stored in the database.
Enter a Password for the user; or leave the default password (12345) and
check User Must Change Password at Next Logon. This forces the user to
change his or her password the first time he or she logs in to the system.
Optional setting:
For systems with TAP pager systems, enter the ID number of the pager
carried by the user. This is necessary for the user to receive pages.
For systems using the access card reader option, you may enter access
card information for each user at this point, although this is not
necessary, as each user will be prompted to swipe their access card the
first time they log in to the software. Click on the Passcard button, and
select Set Card. Then swipe the user’s access card through the card
reader to enter the data into the system.
Click on the Apply Template button and select one of the user templates.
Once a particular user has been assigned a template, his or her user
Initial Setup
Creating User Accounts
permissions can be further customized. A full list of the permissions is given
Enter a Timeout value. This is the length of time of inactivity before the
software automatically logs out the user (the maximum time is 99 hours and
59 seconds). This is a security feature to ensure that the software cannot be
used by unauthorized persons.
Under Max. Password Age, days enter the maximum number of days that
the same password can be used (from 1 to 999 days). After this period has
expired, the user will be prompted to change their password. Entering 0
allows the user to keep using the same password indefinitely.
Click Apply to save the new user account, and repeat the same procedure for
each user.
10 Click on OK to exit the Edit Configuration dialog box.
Editing an Existing User Account
To change the permission levels of an existing user account, simply select it in
the list window and click on the Edit button.
You can change all fields except Login Name. This ensures that each user of the
system has a unique account, so that the database accurately records who
performed what actions.
If you need to transfer access to the system from one staff member to another,
delete the first staff member’s account and then create a new account for the
new staff member.
New Feature
Locking and Unlocking an Account
You can lock and unlock a user account by checking and unchecking the
Account Locked checkbox. When an account is locked, the user cannot access
the system.
If the Lock User Account after Max Retries Exceeded setting is enabled in the
System tab (see page 3-12), this box will automatically be checked when a user
has failed to enter the right password after the number of attempts specified
under Max Login Attempts. To restore system access to the user, uncheck the
Account Locked checkbox.
User Permissions
Below is a complete list of user permissions in the software.
Configuration Access:
Display configuration database records—The user can display the Edit
Configuration dialog box, but cannot change any settings.
Chapter 3
MyCall System Manual
Add/Delete/Edit Users—The user can create, delete and change user
Add/Delete/Edit Tags—The user can create, delete and change tags in the
Tag tab.
Modify configuration database records—The user can change settings in the
Edit Configuration dialog box.
LonWorks Network:
Perform LonWorks network /tag diagnostics—The user can access the Tag
Diagnostics dialog box.
Change the LonWorks network configuration—The user can configure
LonWorks devices using the Install LonWorks Devices command.
Hugs Tags—For use with the Hugs application only.
General Software Administration:
Exit/Close the Xmark application—The user can exit the MyCall system
Access the Windows Explorer—The user can display the Windows Explorer.
Access Notepad—The user can display the Windows Notepad.
Start/Stop the LAN Status Window—The user can access the LAN Status
dialog box.
Perform backup/restore operations—The user can access the Backup and
Restore commands in the File menu.
Open/Hide the Alarm Window—The user can open and hide (minimize) the
Alarm Window. If this permission is not granted, the Alarm Window will
stay on top until the alarm is cleared.
Other Software Administration Features—The user can perform other
routine maintenance, including viewing menu items, accessing Print setup,
and running LapLink.
Clear alarms—The user can clear alarms in the Alarm window.
View Reports—The user can access the Reports dialog box.
Change password—The user can change his or her password in the Login
dialog box.
Bypass the Exciter—For use with the Hugs applications only.
Send Pages—The user can send pages using the Send Page command.
Reset the IO Output Channel—The user can reset the Output for an I/O
Reset the IO Output Channel—The user can reset the Output for an I/O
Use CCTV feature—For use with the Hugs application only.
Initial Setup
Creating User Accounts
Assigning Sounds to Alarms
To help users quickly identify alarms, the software can be configured to play
different sounds on the PC when alarms occur. This feature requires that a
sound card be installed in the PC and properly configured.
The MyCall system software offers two ways to associate sounds with alarms.
Generic alarm sounds (see page 3-18) are played whenever an alarm of a specific
type occurs; no location information is provided.
Specific alarm sounds (see page 3-21) provide specific information about each
alarm situation. There are two options here. You can record your own
customized sound files that identify the exact Beacon location marker where an
alarm has occurred. Or you can use a text-to-speech engine to annunciate
complete alarm information, including the tag description and the type of
Sound alarms can be turned on or off for each PC in the network, but alarm
messages are identical at all PCs.
Adding Sound Files to the Software
A number of sounds are installed along with the MyCall system software, in a
folder entitled Sounds in the Xmark directory. To use them in the software,
these sounds must be added in the System tab of Edit Configuration. You can
also add your own customized sounds provided they are in the .wav format.
To add sounds to the system, follow this procedure:
Copy all the custom sound (.wav) files you wish to use to the Sounds folder
in the Xmark directory on the Controller PC. This ensures all files are kept
together, and simplifies the copying of the files to Client PCs.
Chapter 3
MyCall System Manual
Open the Edit Configuration dialog box and select the System tab.
Under Sounds, click on the Use Sound Card checkbox to display a
checkmark. (This setting will only be available if a sound card is installed.)
Click on the New button.
Select the sound you wish to add, and then click OK. (You can also simply
double-click on the desired sound file.) Add additional sounds in the same
Click Apply in the Edit Configuration dialog box to save your settings. The
sounds will now be available in the Play Sound dropdown list.
Initial Setup
Assigning Sounds to Alarms
Copy all sound files to exactly the same location on each Client PC as on
the Controller PC. By default, this is the Sounds folder in the Xmark
Setting Generic Alarm Sounds
These alarms sounds offer general notification of an alarm. A specific sound can
be associated with each type of alarm, but no location information is provided.
Make sure that you have added all the sound files you wish to use to the
software, and copied the files to each Client PC (see above).
Open the Edit Configuration dialog box and select the System tab.
Set the Default Sound.
The Default Sound is played for all alarms for which no other sound has
been selected. To change the Default Sound, click on the Browse button to
search your directories and select a new sound. You must use a standard
Windows sound file (.wav). The MyCall system software includes several
.wav files, found in the directory Sounds in the software’s main Xmark
Set the sound to be played for each alarm type.
Sounds can be generated for most types of alarms. To set a sound, select the
Chapter 3
MyCall System Manual
alarm in the list window, and then choose a sound from the Play Sound
dropdown list. To hear a preview of the sound, click Play.
Once you have assigned sounds for all alarm types, click on Apply to save
your settings.
Next, set alarm properties for each PC in the system. Click on the PC tab
and select a PC. Then click on the Alarm Properties button.
Click on the Use prerecorded sounds radio button to activate generic
alarms. (Leave the Use location specific sounds checkbox unchecked.)
You may also make the following optional settings:
Repeat alarm info until muted—Check to have the alarm message repeated
every 20 seconds until the user mutes it by checking in the Alarm window.
Alarm Filter—These checkboxes are used to determine which alarms appear
on the PC. To select an alarm type, click on the checkbox to display a
checkmark. You can enable all alarm types by selecting Enable all Types of
Click OK to save your settings in the Alarm Properties dialog box.
When you have made settings for each PC that you wish to use generic
alarms for, click on OK to exit the Edit Configuration dialog box.
Setting Specific Alarm Sounds
Two options are available for specific alarm sounds. You can record your own
customized sound files that identify the exact location (the Beacon location
Initial Setup
Assigning Sounds to Alarms
marker) where an alarm has occurred, or you can use a text-to-speech engine to
annunciate complete alarm information.
Using Pre-Recorded Messages
This option enables you to play a customized sound file when an alarm occurs at
a specific Beacon location marker. You must record a message for each Beacon
location marker in the system, and import it into the MyCall system software
using the procedure described on page 3-16.
It is important that the message identify only the location of the alarm, and not
the type of alarm. The message will be played for any alarm where location is
known to the system.
A generic sound will be played for alarms where location is not known.
To implement pre-recorded sound alarms for the MyCall system software,
complete the following steps.
Record a separate .wav file for each Beacon location marker in your system,
and import it into the MyCall system software (see page 3-16.)
Open the Edit Configuration dialog box and select the Beacon tab.
Select a Beacon location marker in the device window. From the Sound
dropdown menu, select the sound file to be played when an alarm occurs at
that Beacon location marker.
Chapter 3
MyCall System Manual
When you have assigned a sound to each Beacon location marker, click
Apply to save your settings.
Next, set alarm properties for each PC in the system. Click on the PC tab
and select a PC. Then click on the Alarm Properties button.
Click on the Use prerecorded sounds radio button, and then check Use
location specific sounds.
You may also make the following optional settings:
Repeat alarm info until muted—Check to have the alarm message repeated
every 20 seconds until the user mutes it by checking in the Alarm window.
Alarm Filter—These checkboxes are used to determine which alarms appear
on the PC. To select an alarm type, click on the checkbox to display a
checkmark. You can enable all alarm types by selecting Enable all Types of
Click OK to save your settings in the Alarm Properties dialog box.
When you have made settings for each PC that you wish to use voice alarms
for, click on OK to exit the Edit Configuration dialog box.
Using a Text-to-Speech Engine
A text-to-speech engine reads the alarm information provided by the MyCall
system software, and annunciates it using a simulated voice. The message has
the following format:
“New alarm. [Tag or device description]. [Alarm type]. Location at [Beacon
location marker name].”
Initial Setup
Assigning Sounds to Alarms
The standard Windows text-to-speech engine is installed as part of the MyCall
system software, and can be configured from the Speech Properties control
panel. It includes a few simulated voices, but others are available from a variety
of vendors.
To implement text-to-speech sound alarms for the MyCall system software,
complete the following steps.
From the Windows Start button, go to Settings and then Control Panel.
Double-click on Speech to open the Speech Properties control panel.
From the Voice selection dropdown menu, select the voice to be used to
annunciate alarms. (Click on the Preview Voice button to hear a sample.)
You may also wish to adjust the speed using the Voice speed slide bar,
although in most cases the default setting is best.
Click on OK to save your settings and close the control panel.
Return to the MyCall system software, and open the Edit Configuration
dialog box. Select the PC tab.
Chapter 3
MyCall System Manual
Set alarm properties for each PC. Select a PC, and click on the Alarm
Properties button.
Click on the Use text to speech radio button.
You may also make the following optional settings:
Do not read tag description—This setting means that the tag description will
not be annunciated during an alarm to preserve the patient’s privacy.
Repeat alarm info until muted—Check to have the alarm message repeated
every 20 seconds until the user mutes it by checking in the Alarm window.
Alarm Filter—These checkboxes are used to determine which alarms appear
on the PC. To select an alarm type, click on the checkbox to display a
checkmark. You can enable all alarm types by selecting Enable all Types of
Click OK to save your settings in the Alarm Properties dialog box.
When you have made settings for each PC that you wish to use text to
speech alarms for, click on OK to exit the Edit Configuration dialog box.
Muting Sounds
Sound alarms will mute automatically as soon as the user clicks on any part of
the Alarm window. As an option, you can also configure the software to mute
alarms at all PCs on the network as soon as the Alarm window is selected on any
PC. Select Mute all PC alarm sounds together in the System tab of the Edit
Configuration dialog box.
Initial Setup
Assigning Sounds to Alarms
Startup Options
The MyCall system software offers you three startup options when the
Controller PC or software is started. These commands are found in the System
tab of the Edit Configuration dialog box.
Start Xmark as the Shell
This command causes the MyCall system software to start automatically when
the PC is started, and turns off the Windows Program Manager to prevent other
programs from being started.
Start Xmark when the PC is started
This option configures the software to automatically start when the computer is
turned on. This is a useful feature if a power outage occurs. The system restarts
automatically and continues operation.
Start LapLink when Xmark is started
LapLink is the modem remote access software used by the MyCall system
software and your Authorized Dealer to offer on-line customer support. This
software is installed and configured when the system is commissioned. Choose
this option to have LapLink start automatically when the software is started.
Chapter 3
MyCall System Manual
Basic procedures for the MyCall System involve the monitoring and
management of people and assets protected by the system.
The descriptions in this chapter are designed to illustrate the functioning of the
MyCall system software. Every facility must devise specific procedures for these
actions, and define the person or group responsible for carrying them out.
Basic Procedures
Logging In to the Software
The Login procedure is designed to restrict access to the system to authorized
personnel only. Users must log in every time they use the software using this
Click on the Login icon in the Toolbar. The Login dialog box appears.
In the Name field, enter your name as set in your User Account.
In the Password field, enter your password.
Click on OK. You can now use the software.
Logging in with Your Access Card
If your system includes an optional access card reader, you can log in to the
software using your access card. Follow these steps.
Using your access card for the first time
Log in to the software with your user name and password, as described
Once you are logged in, the following dialog box appears.
Swipe your access card through the card reader to enter the data into the
system. You are now logged in.
Chapter 4
MyCall System Manual
Using your access card thereafter
To log in, simply pass your access card through the card reader. An
acknowledgment like the following will appear for a few seconds.
Logging Out
Although the software can be configured to automatically log out a user after a
period of inactivity (see page 3-14 for details), all staff should be encouraged to
manually log out at the end of their session. This is easily done by clicking on
the Login icon, and then clicking on the Logout button in the Login dialog box.
Changing a User Password
Depending on your facility’s security procedures, you may be required to
change your password occasionally. Follow the procedure below:
From the Login dialog box, click on the Change Password button. The
Change Password dialog box appears.
Enter your old password in the Old Password field. Then enter your new
password in the New Password field and again in the Confirm new
Password field.
Click on OK to save your new password.
Basic Procedures
Logging In to the Software
Checking Tag Location and Status
The location and status of a tag can be checked at any time using this procedure:
In the Status window, right-click on the icon for the tag to display this
popup menu:
Click on the Description of the tag; in this example, “Wheelchair.” The
following dialog box appears.
The status of the tag is shown at the top of the dialog box, while location
information is shown at the bottom.
Status: This will display OK most of the time. If the tag is in alarm, the type
of alarm will be displayed.
Location: The location area shows the Beacon location marker most
recently seen by the tag, and the LAR that most recently received the
strongest signals from the tag, along with the time. RSSI indicates the
strength of the signals from the tag; it is used for diagnostic purposes only.
Chapter 4
MyCall System Manual
Locating a Tag on the Map
In an alarm, the software automatically displays the appropriate map, and the
icon for the tag flashes to indicate its location. You can also quickly locate a tag
on the map at any time using either of the following techniques:
• Click on the entry for the tag in the Status Window to select it. The tag icon
will automatically be highlighted in the Map Window.
• Right-click on the icon for the tag in the Status Window, and select Show
Map from the popup menu that appears. The tag icon will automatically be
highlighted in the Map Window.
Finding a Specific Tag
The Status Window includes a Tag Display Filter to help you quickly locate a
specific tag. The filter lets you select what kinds of tags will be displayed, based
on the icon used to represent the person or asset. See “Adding Tags” on
page 3-2 for more information on assigning icons to a tag.
Click on the Tag Display Filter button located in the lower left hand corner
of the Status Window. The following dialog box appears:
By default all tag types are displayed. To deselect a tag type, click on the
checkmark. You can use the All button to select all tag types, and the None
button to deselect all tag types.
Optional setting: Click the Show the Type Description to add a column to
the Status Window displaying the tag type for each tag.
Click on Apply to apply the news settings. The Status Window list will be
filtered, removing all unwanted tags. If you are satisfied with the results,
click OK to close the dialog box.
Basic Procedures
Locating a Tag on the Map
Creating Tag Memos
You can create a memo for any tag currently admitted into the system. This
feature is useful for recording extra information about the person or asset. The
contents of the memo appear automatically whenever the mouse pointer is
moved over the tag in the Status window.
The memo can also be quickly displayed when the tag is in alarm. Move the
mouse pointer over the tag in the Alarm window, and the memo will appear
To create a memo complete these steps.
In the Status window, right-click on the icon for the tag. From the popup
menu that appears select Edit Memo.
In the text field, enter the contents of the memo.
(You do not have to enter hard returns at the end of the line. The text will
wrap automatically.)
Click on Save to save your memo and close the dialog box.
Chapter 4
MyCall System Manual
Changing a Tag’s Description
Sometimes, it may be necessary to change the description for a tag. Follow the
procedure below.
Double-click on the tag description to highlight it, as in this example.
Type in the new description. When finished, hit the return key or click on
the OK button.
You can also change other settings by right-clicking on the tag icon and selecting Edit
Configuration from the popup menu. This opens the Tag tab of the Edit
Configuration dialog box (see page 3-2 for details). This command will only appear
if you have permission to access Edit Configuration.
Basic Procedures
Changing a Tag’s Description
Chapter 4
MyCall System Manual
The MyCall system software automatically generates alarm messages when
certain events occur. In day-to-day operation, these alarms generally relate to
changes in the status of tags. This chapter describes the most common alarms,
and offers example response procedures. The software also generates alarms for
various system events, and these are covered in the Alarm Message Quick
Reference Guide on page A-1 of the Appendix.
The settings for alarms are made in the Edit Configuration dialog box. Refer to
page 3-2 for a complete description on how to configure alarms for tags.
When an alarm occurs, the Alarm window appears on the computer display.
The software continues to operate, but the Alarm window cannot be closed
until the alarm has been cleared. Only authorized personnel who have logged in
to the software may clear the alarm.
As with the basic actions described in the previous chapter, every facility must
devise specific procedures for responding to alarms, and define the person or
group responsible for carrying out these procedures. Establishing and
maintaining alarm response procedures is essential for the security of your
Responding to Alarms
The Alarm Window
All alarms are displayed in the Alarm window, which will appear automatically
whenever an alarm occurs. The Alarm window can also be opened at any time
by clicking on the Alarm button in the Toolbar.
Title Bar
The title bar lists the total number of current alarms.
This lists the tag or device causing the alarm. For tags, the description is the
same as the one shown in the Status Window. Descriptions for other devices are
taken from the settings in the Edit Configuration dialog box.
Alarm Type
Displays the type of alarm. See page A-1 for a complete list of all alarm types.
Date Time
Displays the date and time the alarm occurred.
This text box displays more information about the alarm, including where the
alarm occurred, and the most recently known location of the tag.
Click on this button to display a window showing procedures for responding to
alarms. These procedures must be added to the software. See page 3-8.
Clears the alarm from the software.
Chapter 5
MyCall System Manual
Popup Menu Commands
Clear Alarm
Clears the selected alarm.
Show Locations...
Opens the Location dialog box, which shows the Beacon location marker and
LAR most recently scene by the tag. See “Checking Tag Location and Status”
on page 4-4 for more information.
Show Picture (optional feature)
Displays the picture associated with the tag. See “Assigning a Picture to a Tag”
on page 3-6 for more information on this feature.
Clear All
Clears all current alarms.
Print List
Prints a list of all current alarms.
Responding to Alarms
The Alarm Window
Panic Alarms
Panic Alarms occur when the Panic button on a MyCall Communicator tag is
pressed. A message like the following appears in the Alarm window.
Example Response Procedure
Identify the person and the location of the alarm.
The location is shown in the Details box.
“Current Location:” the Beacon location marker currently seen by the tag.
“Alarm Location:” The Beacon location marker where the alarm occurred.
“Previous Location:” If the tag is not currently seeing a Beacon location
marker, the most recently seen Beacon location marker will be displayed
“Zone:” the Zone where the alarm occurred.
“Strongest LAR:” the LAR receiving the strongest signals from the tag.
Due to multipath and other characteristics of RF, “Strongest LAR” may not
give an accurate indication of the tag’s actual location.
Initiate your facility’s procedures.
Specific procedures for your facility may be available in the Alarm window,
as in the example above. If the window is not visible, click on the
Procedures button.
After all security measures have been followed, click on the Clear button.
This will cancel the alarm.
Chapter 5
MyCall System Manual
If your facility requires you to record notes on the events surrounding the
alarm, the following window appears:
Select a message from the “Select a message here” dropdown menu, and
enter any other important information about the alarm. Click OK to save
your notes.
Responding to Alarms
Panic Alarms
Tamper Alarms
Tamper Alarms occur when a Wall Mount Tag (see page 3-4) is pressed. A
message like the following appears in the Alarm window.
Example Response Procedure
Identify the location of the alarm.
The location is shown in the Details box.
Initiate your facility’s procedures.
Specific procedures for your facility may be available in the Alarm window:
click on the Procedures button.
After all security measures have been followed, click on the Clear button.
This will cancel the alarm. If your facility requires you to record notes on
the events surrounding the alarm, the Alarm Notes window will appear.
Enter your notes and click OK.
Chapter 5
MyCall System Manual
Supervision Timeout Alarms
Supervisory Timeout Alarms occur when a tag has not been seen by the system
within a preset time. A message like the following appears in the Alarm window.
Example Response Procedure
Identify the tag and the location of the alarm.
The location is shown in the Details box.
“Previous Location:” the Beacon location marker most recently seen by the
“Zone:” the Zone where the tag was last seen.
“Strongest LAR:” the LAR that last received the strongest signals from the
Due to multipath and other characteristics of RF, “Strongest LAR” may
not give an accurate indication of the tag’s most recent location.
Initiate your facility’s procedures.
Specific procedures for your facility may be available in the Alarm window;
click on the Procedures button.
After all security measures have been followed, click on the Clear button.
This will cancel the alarm. If your facility requires you to record notes on
the events surrounding the alarm, the Alarm Notes window will appear.
Enter your notes and click OK.
Responding to Alarms
Supervision Timeout Alarms
No Motion Detected Alarms
No Motion Detected Alarms occur when a tag remains motionless for a preset
time. A message like the following appears in the Alarm window.
Example Response Procedure
Identify the tag and the location of the alarm.
The location is shown in the Details box.
“Current Location:” the Beacon location marker currently seen by the tag.
“Zone:” the Zone where the alarm occurred.
“Strongest LAR:” the LAR receiving the strongest signals from the tag.
Due to multipath and other characteristics of RF, “Strongest LAR” may
not give an accurate indication of the tag’s actual location.
Initiate your facility’s procedures.
Specific procedures for your facility may be available in the Alarm window;
click on the Procedures button.
After all security measures have been followed, click on the Clear button.
This will cancel the alarm. If your facility requires you to record notes on
the events surrounding the alarm, the Alarm Notes window will appear.
Enter your notes and click OK.
Chapter 5
MyCall System Manual
Tag Location Changed Alarms
These alarms occur when a tag has changed locations. A message like the
following appears in the Alarm window.
Example Response Procedure
Identify the tag and the location of the alarm.
The location is shown in the Details box.
“Current Location:” the Beacon location marker or LAR most recently seen
by the tag.
“FROM... TO:... :” Shows the Beacon location marker where the tag
originally was, and where it has moved to.
“Zone:” the Zone where the alarm occurred.
“Strongest LAR:” the LAR receiving the strongest signals from the tag.
Due to multipath and other characteristics of RF, “Strongest LAR” may
not give an accurate indication of the tag’s actual location.
Initiate your facility’s procedures.
Specific procedures for your facility may be available in the Alarm window;
click on the Procedures button.
After all security measures have been followed, click on the Clear button.
This will cancel the alarm. If your facility requires you to record notes on
the events surrounding the alarm, the Alarm Notes window will appear.
Enter your notes and click OK.
Responding to Alarms
Tag Location Changed Alarms
Low Battery Alarms
When the battery power in a tag falls below a certain threshold, a Low Battery
Alarm is automatically generated in the Alarm window.
Example Response Procedure
Identify the tag with the low battery.
The tag continues to function for a period even with a low battery.
Contact your System Administrator, and arrange to have the battery
Click on the Clear button in the Alarm window.
If your facility requires you to record notes on the events surrounding the
alarm, the Alarm Notes window will appear. Enter your notes and click OK.
Chapter 5
MyCall System Manual
This chapter explains how to configure the various devices that make up the
system, such as LARs, Beacon location markers and PCs. This information is
offered for reference only, as your system will have been installed and configured
by your Authorized Dealer.
If you have any questions about installing devices or setting up the system,
please consult your Dealer or VeriChip. A complete discussion of these issues is
also contained in the MyCall Installation Manual (p/n 805I0401).
Installing and Configuring Devices
LonWorks Device Settings
This section describes how to configure LARs and I/O Modules.
Running Install LonWorks Devices
The Install LonWorks Devices command is used to add LonWorks devices to
the MyCall system software after they are physically installed. Complete the
following steps:
Power up all LARs and I/O Modules. Open the MyCall system software.
From the Xmark menu, select the Install LonWorks Devices command.
The LonWorks Device Installation dialog box appears:
Click on the Auto Configure button. This command searches the
LonWorks network for all unconfigured devices and then configures each
for operation.
Confirm that configuration was successful.
A summary message box appears once all devices have been configured.
Click on OK. Another message box appears with detailed results of the Auto
Configuration session, which may be saved for future reference. Check the
results to make sure that all devices have installed. Devices are identified by
Chapter 6
MyCall System Manual
their LonWorks ID numbers. If any device does not appear, check to make
sure that it is physically installed properly, and then run Auto Configure
A New LAR alarm appears if installing LARs. The alarm warns you that
RSSI settings have been set for one or a number of LARs. Click Clear to
close the Alarm window, and then proceed to coverage testing (see
page 8-13).
Local Area Receiver Setup
Once LARs are installed into the MyCall system software, you are ready to
configure their operation in the Edit Configuration dialog box. You require the
installation maps used during the LAR installation showing the unique Neuron
ID for each LAR along with its location.
Open the Edit Configuration dialog box and select the Receiver tab.
Enter a description for each Local Area Receiver.
Select a LAR in the list window, matching the LAR Neuron ID written on
the facility map during installation to the LAR Neuron ID appearing in the
list. Enter a description (name) for the LAR in the Description field.
Descriptions can be alphanumeric up to sixty characters in length.
Generally, names indicate the installed location of the LAR.
Installing and Configuring Devices
LonWorks Device Settings
Make settings under Event Configuration.
There is a single configurable alarm for LARs: High Ambient Noise Alarms.
These occur when the average noise around the LAR has exceeded the RSSI
threshold (see below for more information on RSSI). High Ambient Noise
Alarms are automatically logged to the database, and you can also choose to
have alarms appear in the Alarm window by checking the Generate Alarm
Save the settings.
Click the Apply button to save the settings for the selected LAR.
Repeat the above steps for each LAR, and then click on the OK button to
close the dialog box.
Setting RSSI Thresholds
Each LAR has an adjustable RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator)
Threshold that sets a minimum power level that tag signals must exceed in order
to be relayed on the LonWorks network. This is necessary to avoid interference
from radio noise sources in the vicinity of the LAR.
Ideally, the Threshold is set just above the noise level in the installed location.
This provides the best possible coverage while also reducing the likelihood of
High Ambient Noise alarms.
The MyCall system software sets the RSSI Threshold when the LAR is
configured, based on a single sample of the ambient noise. However, the
Threshold should be optimized using the procedure below, which bases the
Threshold on multiple RSSI noise readings recorded by the software (every 30
Leave the system operating for a minimum of three days. (Be aware that
noise levels can vary between weekend days and weekdays.)
At the end of the test period, generate a Receiver Stats report.
Chapter 6
MyCall System Manual
Click on the Reports icon in the Toolbar to open the Reports window.
Select Other Reports in the report types list, and then click on the LAR
Statistics report to highlight it.
Make sure that the Database dropdown menu points to the active
database (usually called “Xmark”). Then enter the Start Time and End
Time for the report. This should coincide with the test period.
Click Run to generate the report. Sort the report by LAR name, by
clicking on the Description column, as shown below:
Find the highest average RSSI for each LAR.
The report lists the average RSSI for both antennas (single-antenna LARs
Installing and Configuring Devices
LonWorks Device Settings
show data only under the AveRSSI1 column). Find the highest reading
from either antenna recorded during the test period.
Set the RSSI Threshold for each LAR.
Set the RSSI Threshold 25 counts above the highest average RSSI recorded
for the LAR, and no less than 80 counts for dual-antenna LARs or 85
counts for single-antenna LARs.
Open the LonWorks Device Installation dialog box.
Select the LAR in the Device Status window, and enter the new
Threshold in the RSSI field. Click the Update button to send the new
value to the LAR. Repeat this procedure for each LAR.
When the RSSI Threshold for each LAR has been updated, click the
Close button to exit the LonWorks Device Installation dialog box. A
Coverage Changed Alarm will appear if the Threshold was raised for any
Proceed to coverage testing. See page 8-13 for details.
Chapter 6
MyCall System Manual
I/O Module Setup
I/O Modules must be configured after installation to program both inputs and
Configuring I/O Modules
Each I/O Module must be configured in the Edit Configuration dialog box to
assign it a name and setup alarm responses. You will need to know the Neuron
ID for each I/O Module along with its installed location. To configure I/O
Modules, follow the procedure below:
Open the Edit Configuration dialog box and select the I/O tab.
Enter a description for each I/O Module.
Select an I/O Module in the list window, and then enter a description in the
Name field. Descriptions can be alphanumeric up to sixty characters in
length. The name of the actual Module is not particularly important. When
an alarm or event occurs, it is the information entered for the I/O Module
input that is displayed in the Alarm window and on facility maps. I/O
inputs are configured below.
Save the settings.
Click the Apply button to save the settings for the selected I/O Module.
Installing and Configuring Devices
LonWorks Device Settings
Then proceed to configure the inputs and outputs for the Module, as
described below.
Configuring Inputs
To configure input settings, double-click on an I/O Module to display the
input and output points, and then click on an input (open door icon) to
display the following dialog box.
Enter a description for the input device in the Name field.
Descriptions can be alphanumeric up to sixty characters in length. This is
the name that appears on facility maps and elsewhere. Use a name that
describes the input’s function. For example, an input connected to door
contacts at the East Wing emergency exit might be named “East Wing
Add the input to a Zone (optional).
If the facility uses Zones, add the input to the Zone where it is physically
Make settings under Event Configuration.
The MyCall system software responds to inputs according to options chosen
in this section. Each option can be configured to log information to a
database, generate an alarm, or activate a pager system (if installed). Some
options may be set to on and cannot be changed.
Chapter 6
MyCall System Manual
To configure alarms, click on any or all of the Log to the Archive Database,
Generate Alarm or Send Page checkboxes. You must click on at least one of
these choices to enable a response.
a) Input Closed—Choose to initiate system response when the Input
closes. (Open is therefore the default state.)
b) Input Open—Choose to initiate system response when the Input opens.
(Closed is therefore the default state.)
c) Auto Cancel—This command instructs the input to automatically turn
off all outputs when it returns to its default state. For example, an input
connected to door contacts can be used to control an output connected
to a camera. When the door opens, the camera turns on. When the door
closes, the camera will automatically turn off. Note that Auto Cancel
will not clear the alarm in the Alarm window.
d) Allow Multiple Alarms—Check this box to have multiple alarms appear
in the Alarm window for the same input. If this box is unchecked, the
alarm message will appear once and remain until the alarm condition is
e) Send Page—Choose this command to have the alarm condition activate
the pager system. This option only appears if a pager system is installed
and configured.
f) Sound—Assign a sound to be played when an alarm occurs (optional).
Refer to “Assigning Sounds to Alarms” on page 3-16 for more
g) Alarm Type Description—Enter the description for the alarm. This
description appears in the Alarm window. Use a description that
describes the alarm. For door contacts configured to alarm when open,
you might use a description such as “East Wing Exit open.”
h) Time From:, Time To:—This option configures the input to operate
for a specific time period during the day. For example, enter 4:00 PM in
Time From and 6:00 AM in To. The device will operate from 4:00 in
the afternoon to 6:00 in the morning.
Save the settings.
Click the Apply button to save the settings for the selected input. Repeat the
same procedure for all inputs. By default, the dialog box displays four
outputs and four inputs for every I/O Module. To turn an output into an
input, simply select an output in the list window, and click on the Input
radial button.
Installing and Configuring Devices
LonWorks Device Settings
Configuring Outputs
To configure output settings, double-click on an I/O Module to display the
input and output points, and then click on an output (light bulb icon) to
display the following dialog box.
Enter a description for the output device in the Name field.
Descriptions can be alphanumeric up to sixty characters in length. This
description appears on the map and when editing an I/O Module’s settings.
Use a name that describes the nature of the output device. For example, an
output connected to a camera might be named “Camera East Wing.”
Add the output to a Zone (optional).
If the facility uses Zones, set the Zone configuration for the output. If, for
example, you have one wing of a facility designated as Zone 1, you could
choose to have the outputs in that Zone only activate when an alarm or
event occurs in the same Zone. In this way, the outputs can be directed only
to personnel responsible for that part of the building. You could also,
however, choose to have an Alarm in any Zone activate the output, by
selecting All Zones.
This option will only appear if Zones have been configured under the
System tab. (See Creating Zones on page 7-5.)
Select alarms to activate the output.
Within the Event Configuration section, choose what types of alarms will
Chapter 6
MyCall System Manual
activate the output. To choose an option, click on the checkbox to display a
a) Tag Tamper Alarm—The output is activated when a Wall Mounted
Tag is pressed.
b) Tag Panic Alarm—The output is activated when a MyCall
Communicator tag Panic Alarm occurs.
c) Tag Supervisory Timeout Alarm—The output is activated when a
Supervisory Timeout alarm occurs.
d) Tag No Motion Timeout Alarm—The output is activated when a tag
No Motion Timeout alarm occurs.
e) Battery Alarm—The output is activated when a low battery alarm for a
tag occurs.
f) Beacon Tamper Alarm—The output is activated when a Beacon
Tamper Alarm occurs.
g) Beacon Low Battery Alarm—The output is activated when a low battery
alarm for a Beacon location marker occurs.
h) Single I/O Alarm—The output is activated when an alarm is received
from only one input.
i) Multiple I/O Alarm—The output is activated only when an alarm is
received from more than one input.
j) Lonworks Nodes Communication Failure Alarm—The output is
activated when there is a communication failure in the LonWorks
k) All Other Alarm Types—The output is activated when any alarm not
appearing within this list occurs. These include communication failure
alarms from LARs and other devices.
Set the time period during which the output will be continually engaged
You may want to set a time period during which the output is continually
engaged, for example to activate a magnetic door lock during nighttime
hours. Set the start time in Time From and the stop time in Time To.
During other times of the day, the output will only engage when the
programmed alarms or events occur.
Save the settings.
Click the Apply button to save the settings for the selected output. Repeat
the same procedure for all outputs. By default, the dialog box displays four
outputs and four inputs for every I/O Module. To turn an input into an
output, simply select an input in the list window, and click on the Output
radial button.
Once settings for all I/O Modules are complete, click on the OK button to
close the Edit Configuration dialog box.
Installing and Configuring Devices
LonWorks Device Settings
Adding Beacon Location Markers
Beacon location markers may be added to the software either one at a time or as
a group with identical settings.
Enrolling Beacon Location Markers One at a Time
Open the Edit Configuration dialog box and select the Beacon tab.
Click the New button.
Enter the Beacon location marker’s identification number in the ID filed.
Each Beacon location marker has an identification number located on its
printed circuit board. Refer to your facility map indicating the location of
each Beacon location marker along with its ID number.
Enter a Description (name) for the Beacon location marker.
Descriptions can be alphanumeric up to sixty characters in length. This
description appears on facility maps when editing a Beacon location
marker's settings. Consult with facility staff to choose a name that will be
meaningful to the users of the system. For example, name the Beacon
location marker after the room in which it is located.
Add the Beacon location marker to a Zone (optional).
This setting only appears if Zones have been created under the System tab.
Chapter 6
MyCall System Manual
Select the Zone where the Beacon location marker is located from the
dropdown list.
Enable Tag “No Motion Timeout” alarm (optional).
This setting permits the no motion time-out alarm for tags on a per Beacon
location marker basis. With this feature, tags entering the Beacon location
marker’s illumination pattern cause an alarm if they remain stationary for
the duration of the set timeout period.
Tags initiating this alarm must be individually configured under the Tag tab
of the Edit Configuration dialog box (see page 3-3).
Make settings under Event Configuration.
Beacon location markers can be configured for a Supervisory Timeout
alarm. This requires that a tag be permanently installed close to the Beacon
location marker. The Controller PC monitors the Beacon location marker’s
transmissions relayed through the tag. If these transmissions stop an alarm
can be configured to occur.
a) Log to the Archive Database
Click on this checkbox to log alarms to the database.
b) Generate Alarm
To generate an alarm, click on the checkbox to display a checkmark. If
you do not require alarms, click on the checkbox to remove the
c) Auto Clear
Choose this command to clear alarms automatically. The alarm clears
when the condition causing the alarm ends.
d) Send Page
If a pager system is installed, you can choose to have a page sent when a
Supervisory Timeout Alarm occurs. Click on the checkbox to display a
e) Timeout
Enter a time period for the Supervisory Timeout. The system delays
sounding an alarm until this time period elapses. The recommended
minimum timeout is two minutes. The maximum is 365 days. Set the
time period to match the supervision level required.
f) Apply to All
Use this command to apply the same alarm settings to all Beacon
location markers. Make the desired settings for any Beacon location
marker, and then click on this button.
Save the settings.
Click the Apply button to save the settings for the subject Beacon location
Installing and Configuring Devices
Adding Beacon Location Markers
Click the New button to add another Beacon location marker. Repeat the
above steps for each additional Beacon location marker.
10 Click the OK button to close the Edit Configuration dialog box.
Enrolling Several Beacon Location Markers at Once
You can also enroll several Beacon location markers at one time, provided that
their ID numbers are in sequential order. All the Beacon location markers will
have identical settings.
In the Beacon tab, select a Beacon location marker that you would like to
use as the model. This Beacon location marker’s settings will be applied to
all the Beacon location markers added.
Click on the New ± button.
Enter the First New ID of the series of Beacon location markers being
Enter the Last New ID of the series.
Choose a Description.
Click on the Describe as the current record checkbox to add the entire
group of Beacon location markers with the same description as the Beacon
location marker displayed as the Current Record. If you do not choose this
setting, descriptions default to Beacon XX, with XX being each Beacon
location marker’s ID number.
Choose an Alarm Configuration.
Click on the Alarm Configuration as the current record checkbox to add
the entire group of Beacon location markers with the same alarm
configuration as the Beacon location marker displayed as the Current
Record. If you do not check this setting, Beacon location markers in this
group will have no alarm configuration.
Chapter 6
MyCall System Manual
Click OK. The new Beacon location markers will appear in the window list.
You may wish to change the description or other settings for some or all
Beacon location markers. Follow the procedure for adding a single Beacon
location marker described above.
Changing PC Alarm Properties
You can configure what kind of alarms are displayed on each PC in the system.
Alarm settings for both the Controller and Clients are made from the
Open the Edit Configuration dialog box and select the PC tab:
Select the PC you wish to configure by clicking on it in the list window.
Assign the PC to a Zone (optional).
If the facility uses Zones, add each PC to the Zone where it is physically
Select which Zones the PC will display alarms from under Monitored
The PC will only display alarms that occur in the specified Zones. The All
Zones setting results in all alarms being displayed.
Installing and Configuring Devices
Changing PC Alarm Properties
As a precaution, it is recommended that at least one PC be kept to All Zones.
This ensures that all alarms will be displayed on at least one PC.
Make Event Configuration settings for each Client PC.
With the Supervisory Timeout alarm activated, the Controller PC monitors
the Client PC. If communication with the client is lost, an alarm is
generated. This information can also be saved to the database.
Client PCs cannot generate a Supervisory Timeout alarm for the Controller PC.
If network communication is lost, the Client PC disconnects from the network,
and all information in the Map and Status windows disappears. If this occurs,
you should immediately check the Controller PC.
Event Configuration has the following settings:
a) Log to the Archive Database
Click on this checkbox to log alarms to the database. You can use this
data to create system activity reports within the MyCall system software.
b) Generate Alarm
Alarms appear in the software and must be cleared by the operator.
To generate an alarm, click on the checkbox to display a checkmark.
c) Auto Clear
Choose this command to clear alarms automatically. The alarm clears
when the condition causing the alarm ends. Alarms still log to the
archive database, if required.
d) Send Page
If a pager system is installed, you can choose to have a page sent when a
Supervisory Timeout Alarm occurs. Click on the checkbox to display a
e) Timeout
Enter a time period for the Supervisory Timeout. The MyCall system
software delays sounding an alarm until this time period elapses.
Supervision timeouts range from 20 seconds to 365 days.
Apply to All
Use this command to apply the same alarm settings to all Client PCs. Make
the desired settings for any PC, and then click on this button.
Determine which alarms will appear on the Controller and each Client.
Select a PC in the list window, and then click on the Alarm Props button to
Chapter 6
MyCall System Manual
open the following dialog box.
Popup the alarm window—This setting automatically pops up the Alarm
window in front of all other open windows when alarms occur.
Do not use sounds—Select to turn off sound alarms for the PC.
Use prerecorded sounds—Select this option to have a recorded sound played
when alarms occurs. See “Setting Generic Alarm Sounds” on page 3-18 for
more information.
Use location specific sounds—Check this box if you are using prerecorded sound files that are associated with each Exciter. See “Using
Pre-Recorded Messages” on page 3-20 for more information.
Use text to speech—Select this option to activate text to speech alarm sounds.
See “Using a Text-to-Speech Engine” on page 3-21 for more information.
Do not read tag descriptions—This setting means that the tag description
will not be annunciated during an alarm to preserve the patient’s
Repeat alarm info until muted—Select this option to continuously sound an
audible alarm tone when alarms occur. (This can be muted by clicking on
the Alarm window.)
Pop up picture window—Check this setting to have the image viewer
window appear automatically when an alarm occurs for a tag with an image
file assigned to it (see “Assigning a Picture to a Tag” on page 3-6).
Alarm Filter for this PC—These checkboxes are used to determine which
alarms appear in the Alarm window. To select an alarm type, click on the
checkbox to display a checkmark. You can enable all alarm types by
selecting Enable all Types of Alarms.
Installing and Configuring Devices
Changing PC Alarm Properties
a) Tag Alarms—Supervisory Timeout, No Motion Timeout, Tamper
Button Active, Panic Button Active, and Low Battery
b) Hugs Tag Alarms—For use with the Hugs application only.
c) Receiver Alarms —Supervisory Timeout, High Ambient Noise, and
Coverage Changed.
d) Beacon Alarms—Supervisory Timeout, Low Battery.
e) Exciter Alarms —For use with the Hugs application only.
f) IO Alarms—Input Closed, Input Open.
g) PC Alarms—Supervisory Timeout.
h) Lonworks device communication failure.
i) All Other Type Alarms.
Click OK to save your settings.
Configuring a Pager System
The MyCall system supports pagers using the Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol
(TAP) and the COMP1 protocol. When an alarm occurs, the Controller PC
automatically sends out page messages indicating the nature and time of the
alarm. In addition, pages can be entered manually and sent at any time.
Once the pager has been installed and configured, alarms for tags and devices
must also be configured in the Edit Configuration dialog box to active the pager
Pager System Setup
The pager system connects to the Controller PC to send page messages
automatically to remote pagers when certain alarms occur. To connect and use a
pager system, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Connect the pager to the Controller PC
Connect the pager system to the Controller PC and configure the device
according to the instructions accompanying the product.
Remote pagers must be separated from the pager interface connected to the Controller
PC by a distance of at least 15 ft. (4.5 m) for proper operation.
Chapter 6
MyCall System Manual
Step 2: Configure the MyCall system software
Open the Edit Configuration dialog box and select the Pager tab.
Click on the Device Type dropdown list and choose the kind of pager
For a COMP1 system, select either the Motorola or Visiplex option (the
functionality is the same).
Under Repeat Each Alarm Message, select how many times the Controller
PC sends a page message. Choose from 1 to 10 repetitions.
Make Serial Port settings.
Com Port: Select the serial port on the Controller PC that is connected
to the pager system.
Baud: The baud rate sets the speed of communications between the
Controller PC and the pager system. Baud rates on the Controller PC
must be set to the same rate chosen on the device. Available Baud rates
are 300, 1200, 2400, 9600, and 19,200 bits per second (bps).
Data Bits: Set this value to the same on both the Controller PC and the
pager system. Data Bits can be set to either seven or eight.
Parity: Set the same value on both the Controller PC and the pager
system. Parity values include None, Odd, or Even.
Installing and Configuring Devices
Configuring a Pager System
Make optional settings.
Notify on clear alarm event: Select this command to have a message
automatically sent informing staff that an alarm has been cleared. Only
staff members who received the original alarm message will receive the
alarm cleared message.
Alarm communication error (TAP only): Check this box to have the
software generate an alarm message when the system fails to send a page
message. Alarms are automatically generated for COMP1 systems.
Log page messages (TAP only): This command causes all page messages
to be recorded to the database.
Telephone Line Setup (TAP modem systems only): For TAP pager
systems connected to the Controller PC over a modem, select the kind
of modem, and enter the phone number of the pager system.
Click Apply to save the settings.
For TAP systems only, enter the pager ID number for each user in their
User Account. See page 3-13 for details.
Step 3: Configure tags and devices to send pages
In the Edit Configuration dialog box, configure tags and devices to send out
pages when alarms or events occur. Pages can be generated for all alarm types.
Follow the procedure below:
Open the Edit Configuration dialog box and click on the appropriate
device tab.
Select a device in the list window, and then click on an alarm type in the
Alarm Configuration window. Check the Send Page checkbox to display a
checkmark. A page will now be sent whenever an alarm of that type occurs
for that device. Repeat this procedure for all alarm types.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 for all devices for which you wish to have a page sent
when alarms occur. Remember, the alarm settings for several devices can be
configured at the same time using the Apply to All command. Configure
one device, and then click Apply to All.
Step 4: Test the installation
Send a manual page to make sure that the MyCall system software and the pager
system are communicating properly. Click on the Send Page button in the
Toolbar, and type in a short page message. Click on OK to send the page. Make
sure that all staff members carrying pagers receive the message.
Chapter 6
MyCall System Manual
Page Message Format
Page messages have the format Alarm Type, Alarm Location, Tag Description,
Date/Time. For example, a page indicating a Tamper Alarm in a facility’s ER
area would look like the following:
Tag Tamper ER IV Pump Wednesday, May 21, 2003
The Date/Time format in the Controller PC may differ from the example above
depending upon the format chosen within the Regional Options found in the
Windows Control Panel dialog box.
Sending Manual Pages
You can send a page message at any time to all staff members carrying pagers.
Simply click on the Send Page icon in the Toolbar, or select Send Page from the
Xmark menu.
Enter your message and click on OK to send it.
Installing and Configuring Devices
Configuring a Pager System
Chapter 6
MyCall System Manual
This chapter covers how to install maps onto the Controller and Client PCs,
add icons to maps, and create Zones.
This information is offered for reference only, as these settings will have been
completed by your Authorized Dealer.
Maps, Icons and Zones
Adding Facility Maps
Maps are used to represent the area covered by the system. Depending on the
size of the facility, more than one map may be required to provide an
appropriate level of detail. (Icons for a single device can be added to more than
one map.)
When an alarm occurs, the software will automatically display the appropriate
map, and show the location of the tag in alarm.
Maps must be in the graphical bitmap (.bmp) form, and can be either color or
gray scale. For consistent colors across several computers, choose the same
number of display colors within each computer.
Maps for the MyCall system software may be obtained from different sources. A
very useful method is to obtain a building’s architectural drawings in computer
format. These files can be converted to bitmap form using a number of drawing
packages including AutoCAD® and CorelDRAW®. An alternative method is to
have architectural drawings electronically scanned and saved as bitmap files. A
final choice for creating maps is to draw the required floor plan using a drawing
package and save the file as a bitmap. When creating the map, leave a one inch
(2.5 cm) white border. This border provides an area for icon messages to display
when located at the edge of the map.
To add facility maps, follow the procedure below:
Open the Edit Configuration dialog box and select the Map tab.
Chapter 7
MyCall System Manual
Click on the New button, and enter a description (name) for the new map
in the Description field. For example, name the map after the floor it
Click on the Browse button, and navigate through your directories to find
the file you wish to use as the new map.
Click on the Apply button. The new map appears in the Preview Window.
Click on OK to save your settings and exit the Edit Configuration dialog
In the software main window, you can now select the new map from the
Map dropdown list, and add icons for the various system devices.
Copy all map files to exactly the same location on each Client PC as on the
Controller PC. By default, this is the Xmark directory on the C:\ drive.
Adding Icons to Maps
Icons for system devices such as Beacon location markers, LARs, I/O Modules
and PCs are added to maps after the devices are installed and configured. The
position of the icon on the map must correspond as closely as possible to the
actual location of the device.
To add one or several icons for any kind of device, follow the procedure below.
Right-click the mouse anywhere on the map to display the following popup
Maps, Icons and Zones
Adding Facility Maps
Select Add Icons to open the Add Icons dialog box. Click on the Icon
Properties button.
Click on the tab for the type of device you want to add (the example above
shows the Beacon location marker tab).
Configure Icon Properties. (Your settings will be applied automatically to
every device.)
To have the icon always appear on the map, check the Always show the
icon checkbox to display a checkmark. If this selection is not made, the icon
can be hidden using the Show Icons command.
Under Description Display, choose whether and when to display the
description for the device. The description appears under the icon on the
map. You can choose to never show this description, always show the
description, or only display the description when tags appear in the vicinity.
Click and drag one or more icons to the map.
Click on the device of interest and drag the icon to the map. To add more
than one icon, hold down the Control key when selecting devices. You can
also choose the Select All command to add all the devices at once.
Once an icon is on the map, you can reposition it by double-clicking on it
and dragging it to the desired location. You can also customize properties
for the icon by right-clicking on it and selecting Icon Properties.
Chapter 7
MyCall System Manual
Creating Zones
Zones are a way of dividing the area covered by the MyCall system into sections,
and customizing the system alarm responses in each section to better match your
security requirements. The benefit is that users in one area only see alarms that
occur in their section.
How Zones work
Each Beacon location marker in the system is assigned to a Zone. Every time the
tag sees a Beacon location marker, the Zone information is updated
automatically. In this way, the system always knows which tag is in which Zone.
PCs are also assigned to Zones. An alarm will only be displayed at a PC if it
occurs in the same Zone. Staff at that PC receive immediate notification of the
alarm, while staff in other areas is not disturbed.
Proper Zone configuration
Keep the following points in mind when setting up Zones. Consult with your
Authorized Dealer before implementing Zones.
• Install Beacon location markers near the border between Zones.
It is very important that a tag passes by a Beacon location marker when it
changes Zones. If this doesn’t happen, alarms for that tag might be directed
to the wrong PC.
Beacon location markers should be installed near the border in both Zones so
that tags moving in either direction will pass by a Beacon location marker
soon after changing Zones.
• Keep one PC set to display all alarms.
As a precaution, it is recommended that at least one PC be set to All Zones.
This setting causes all alarms to be displayed on the PC, no matter where
they occur. All Zones is the default Zone setting for PCs.
To create Zones, follow the procedure below:
Maps, Icons and Zones
Creating Zones
Open the Edit Configuration dialog box and select the System tab.
Under Zones, click on the New button, and enter a description (name) for
the new Zone. Use a description that indicates the physical extent of the
Zone. For example, call a Zone on the eighth floor of a facility “8th Floor.”
Assign the Default Zone.
Select the Zone you would like to make the default, and click on this
button. All Beacon location markers (and I/O Modules if used) not
otherwise assigned to a Zone are automatically assigned to the default Zone.
Click on the Apply button to save your settings.
Chapter 7
MyCall System Manual
New Feature
Click on the PC tab.
Assign each PC to a Zone.
Add each PC to the Zone where it is physically located.
Select which Zones the PC will display alarms from under Monitored
The PC will only display alarms that occur in the specified Zones. The All
Zones setting results in all alarms being displayed.
Click on the Apply button to save your settings.
You must now assign each Beacon location marker (and I/O Module if
used) to a Zone. See the sections for each type of device for more
Maps, Icons and Zones
Creating Zones
Chapter 7
MyCall System Manual
The MyCall system software contains a number of tools for gathering, viewing
and analyzing the data generated by the system. This chapter reviews the various
reporting and diagnostic options, as well as the regular maintenance required by
the system.
Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance
Viewing LAR Statistics
You can call up detailed information on any LAR, by right-clicking on a LAR
icon in the Map window and selecting LAR Stats. The feature is especially
useful for viewing RSSI values, and other technical details, for diagnostic
purposes. The most recent data for the LAR is displayed.
Chapter 8
MyCall System Manual
Generating Reports
The MyCall system software can generate a range of reports based on the system
activity data stored in the database. To generate a report, complete these steps.
Click on the Reports icon in the Toolbar, or open the Xmark menu and
choose the Reports command.
Select the report type from the drop-down menu on the left-hand side of
the Reports window.
The reports for your selection appear in the window below the dropdown
menu. Select the report you wish to run.
In the Database dropdown menu, select to view reports from the active
database (usually called “Xmark”), or the backup database
Optional settings
For certain types of reports, the following settings may also be made:
Select the date range for the report by clicking the calendar icons to
select the Start Time and End Time.
For some kinds of reports, like those for tags, you can also enter the ID
number in the ID field. The report will only show information for that
particular tag or device.
Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance
Generating Reports
Select Report or Summary. Alarm and certain other reports give you the
option of a full report or a summary that shows how many alarms
occurred within certain periods of time. Select the time span (hours,
days, weeks, months) in the Time Span menu.
6 Click Run to generate the report.
The report appears in the software, and can be printed. First click on the Printer
Ready button in the upper right hand corner. This formats the report for
printing. Then click on the Print icon on the toolbar. (See page 2-10 for more
information on printing.)
The software automatically closes all open report windows at 2:00 AM. This is to
prevent screen clutter.
Report Types
Reports are grouped into types, as explained below.
Alarm Reports—This group of reports concerns device and system alarms for
each type of device in the system.
Alarm Notes—The notes recorded by users when an alarm was cleared. The
“Ask for note on clearing the alarm” feature must be active to generate this
report (see page 3-9).
All Alarm & Event Records—Lists the history of all alarms and events,
including when they occurred and when they were cleared.
All Alarms—Lists all alarms that have occurred in the system.
All Events—Lists all events that have occurred in the system.
Beacon Alarms—Alarms recorded for Beacon location markers.
Exciter Alarms—For the Hugs application only.
HA Noise Alarms—High Ambient Noise Alarms recorded for Local Area
Hugs Tag Alarms—For the Hugs application only.
I/O Alarms—Alarms recorded for I/O Modules.
I/O Channel Alarms—Alarms associated with the inputs and outputs of I/O
Kisses Alarms—For the Hugs application only.
LAR Alarms—Alarms recorded for Local Area Receivers.
LonWorks Network Alarms—Alarms associated with the LonWorks network.
PC Alarms—Alarms recorded for PCs, such as Maximum Login Attempts
Exceeded alarms.
System Alarms—System information, such as when the MyCall system
software was started and shutdown, and login information.
Chapter 8
MyCall System Manual
New Feature
Tag Alarms—Alarms recorded for tags.
Configuration History—These reports detail changes made to configuration
settings for each device within the system. Summary reports are not available for
this group.
All Configuration Records—Complete configuration history for the system.
Beacon Configuration—Configuration history of all Beacon location markers
in the system.
Exciter Configuration—For the Hugs application only.
Hugs Tag Configuration—For the Hugs application only.
IO Configuration—Configuration history of all I/O Module in the system.
Map Configuration—Configuration history of all I/O Module in the system.
MyCall Tag Configuration—Configuration history of all tags in the system.
Pager Configuration—Configuration history of all pagers in the system.
PC Configuration—Configuration history of all PCs in the system.
Receiver Configuration—Configuration history of all LARs in the system.
System Configuration—Configuration history for settings made in the
System tab of the Edit Configuration dialog box, including Zone and sound
User Configuration—Generates a list of users of the software, based on the
user accounts created in the User tab of the Edit Configuration dialog box
(see page 3-10).
Exciter Reports—For the Hugs application only.
Hugs Tags Reports—For the Hugs application only.
Other Reports—Miscellaneous reports on system activity.
All Log Records—Generates a report of all system activity. Depending on the
date range you set, this could be a very large report.
BabySense and Worn Strap Records—For the Hugs application only.
LAR Statistics—This creates a report containing technical information on all
Tag Messages—This report lists priority messages, such as Tamper messages.
The Log Priority Tag Messages command must be selected in the System
tab of the Edit Configuration dialog box to enable this report.
System Configuration—This group gives summary information on the current
configuration on the selected device type.
Beacons—Current configuration of all Beacon location markers.
CCTV Servers—For the Hugs application only.
Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance
Generating Reports
New Feature
Device Configuration—Current configuration of all LARs and I/O Modules
in the system.
Exciters—For the Hugs application only.
Hugs Tags—For the Hugs application only.
IO Modules—Current configuration of all I/O Modules.
Kisses Tags—For the Hugs application only.
LARs—Current configuration of all LARs.
Maps—Lists all maps in the system.
PCs—Current configuration of all PCs.
Settings—This report provides a condensed profile of your system, including
such information as the tag limit granted by you license and a summary of
alarms received.
Tags—Current configuration of all tags.
User Groups—Timeout and password expiry settings for all user groups.
Users—The user name and full name of all users in the system, along with
the password expiry setting.
Tag Reports—There is a single report under this group. The Tag Movement
report provides a history of movement of tags.
New Feature
Using the Charts Feature
The Reports window enables you to create charts for summary reports. This is a
useful way to present information in a graphical format for easier
understanding. Follow this procedure to display a chart.
The charts are generated using the Microsoft Office Web Components of the
Microsoft Office XP suite of products. Chart functions are enabled when any
Microsoft Office XP product (Word, Excel, etc.) is installed on the PC acting as the
Reports server (usually your Controller PC). Alternatively, the Microsoft Office Web
Components may be downloaded for free at the Microsoft web site: http:// Be sure to reboot the PC after installing the
components. Ask your Dealer for assistance with this procedure.
Select the report type from the drop-down menu on the left-hand side of
the Reports window.
The reports for your selection appear in the window below the dropdown
menu. Select the report you wish to run.
Click on the Summary radio button, and the Charts checkbox.
Chapter 8
MyCall System Manual
In the Database dropdown menu, select to view reports from the active
database (usually called “Xmark”), or the backup database (“XmarkBackup”).
Click Run to generate the report.
You can select what kind of chart to display from the dropdown menu to
the upper right of the chart. Choose from Bar Horizontal, Bar Horizontal
3D, Bar Vertical, Bar Vertical 3D, Doughnut, Doughnut Exploded, Pie, Pie
3D, Pie Exploded and Pie Exploded 3D.
To save the chart to copy into another program, right-click on it and select
Save Picture As... from the popup menu that appears.
Creating Custom Reports
The software supports custom reports for any data stored in the database. A
knowledge of SQL is required to create custom reports.
The default reports cannot be copied over or deleted. If you wish to modify a default
report, create a variant using the procedure below.
In the Reports window, select any report, and then click on the Advanced
checkbox. If you wish to make a variant of an existing report, select that
report as your model.
In the text box, create your report. You can view your report by clicking on
Run SQL. (To return to the editing screen from the report, right-click in
the Report window, and select Back.)
If you need to revert to the original SQL statement, click on Get SQL. All
your changes will be lost.
Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance
Generating Reports
Save your report by clicking on the Save as Report button to open the
following dialog box.
Select the group to store the report in under Report Group, then assign a
name to the report under Report Name. Click Save to return to the Reports
window. The new report can now by run from the Reports window.
Deleting a Custom Report
To delete a custom report, select it in the list window, click on the Advanced
checkbox, and then click on Delete. The default system reports cannot be
Viewing Reports Remotely
You can access the Reports window not just on the PCs of the MyCall system,
but any PC that has access to the Reports engine. You will require Internet
Explorer version 5.5 or higher to display reports.
By default, report data transmitted to a remote computer using the method described
here is not encrypted. Data encryption is possible by activating the Secure Socket
Layer (SSL) for Xmark Reports on the PC that contains the Reports engine. This PC
must be running the Windows Server operating system.
Open Internet Explorer.
Chapter 8
MyCall System Manual
In the Address field, enter the Reports URL.
You can find the Reports URL for your system in the System tab in the Edit
Configuration dialog box on the Controller PC.
A login screen appears. Enter the user name and password that you use for
logging in to the MyCall system.
Leave the default settings in the SQL Server Instance and Database fields. These
are for advanced use only.
Click Log In. The Reports window appears, giving you access to all system
Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance
Generating Reports
Tag Diagnostics
The Tag Diagnostics command is used to perform advanced analysis of the
operation of the system. The Tag Messages window displays tag messages in
real-time as they are received by the Controller PC. (Tag Diagnostics may be
accessed from both the Controller and Client PCs.)
You can set various parameters to filter the messages, in order to concentrate on
messages from one device or group of devices, as explained below.
Viewing Messages from a Specific Tag
To view messages from one specific tag, follow this procedure.
Open the Xmark menu and choose the Tag Diagnostics command. The
Tag Messages window appears.
Under Tag(s), enter the ID number of the tag of interest. To view message
for several tags, enter each ID number, separated by commas.
If you would like to log the messages to the database for retrieval through
the Tag Messages report, click on the Log Messages checkbox to display a
The software will automatically stop logging results to the database if the Tag
Messages window is left open for an extended period. This is necessary to prevent
the database from becoming full.
Click on the Enable Message Display checkbox to display a checkmark.
Chapter 8
MyCall System Manual
Messages received from the selected tag(s) will appear in the message window.
To stop messages, uncheck the Enable Message Display checkbox. You can clear
results by clicking on the Clear List button.
Viewing Messages from a Specific LAR
To view messages received by one specific LAR, follow this procedure.
Open the Xmark menu and choose the Tag Diagnostics command. The
Tag Messages window appears.
Click on the None button, then select the LAR of interest by clicking on it
once in the Nodes list window. You can select more than one LAR.
If you would like to log the messages to the database for retrieval through
the Tag Messages report, click on the Log Messages checkbox to display a
The software will automatically stop logging results to the database if the Tag
Messages window is left open for an extended period. This is necessary to prevent
the database from becoming full.
Click on the Enable Message Display checkbox to display a checkmark.
Messages received by the selected LAR(s) will appear in the message window. To
stop messages, uncheck the Enable Message Display checkbox. You can clear
results by clicking on the Clear List button.
Viewing Only Panic and Tamper Messages
This feature is likely only to be used in testing with a specific tag enrolled for
that purpose. Follow this procedure.
Open the Xmark menu and choose the Tag Diagnostics command. The
Tag Messages window appears.
Click on the Panic/Tamper/Test Only checkbox to display a checkmark.
If you would like to log the messages to the database for retrieval through
the Tag Messages report, click on the Log Messages checkbox to display a
The software will automatically stop logging results to the database if the Tag
Diagnostics dialog box is left open for an extended period. This is necessary to
prevent the database from becoming full.
Click on the Enable Message Display checkbox to display a checkmark.
Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance
Tag Diagnostics
All Tamper and Panic alarm messages will appear in the message window. To
stop messages, uncheck the Enable Message Display checkbox. You can clear
results by clicking on the Clear List button.
Interpreting Results
The messages displayed in the Tag Messages window are the raw data that the
Controller PC interprets to update the information displayed in the software.
The Tag Diagnostics function allows you to see what data is being received, but
it does not interpret it for you. This requires advanced knowledge of the
operation of the system. If you are in any doubt about how to understand the
information given in Tag Diagnostics, please contact your Authorized Dealer or
Below is a brief explanation of the meaning of each column of results in the Tag
Messages window.
Date/Time—The date and time the message was sent.
Type—This shows the kind of tag. For the MyCall system, this will always
display “M/F.”
Tag ID—This identifies the tag that sent the message.
Beacon/Exciter—Identifies the Beacon location marker most recently detected
by the tag.
Receiver—This identifies the LAR that relayed the message.
RSSI—The Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) value at the time the
message was received.
Seq—This shows the order in which messages were received from the tag.
Chapter 8
MyCall System Manual
Pri—Indicates whether or not this is Priority Level Message, such as a Tamper
Status—This indicates the type of event or alarm for the tag.
Testing LAR Coverage
The software features a Coverage Test dialog box, accessed from the Xmark
menu, that enables rapid and reliable testing of LAR coverage throughout the
facility. Testing can be easily done by a single person.
Your facility was thoroughly tested when the system was installed and
commissioned. Coverage should also be tested regularly, as conditions can
change over time. It is essential to test every room and area covered by the
system, including the outer corners of the building.
Tools and Materials Required
• MyCall Communicator tag (p/n 805A0302).
• Map of the facility to note the location and time of each test.
How the Test Works
Coverage is checked by performing dozens of tests throughout the area covered
by the system. Each test shows how well messages from a tag will be received
from that specific test location. It is essential, therefore, to test in many parts of
each room, not just one spot, because reception can be different just a few feet
As you prepare to test each room or area, you should decide which spots are
most likely to have tags present. Test these locations, and make sure that they
receive a full pass
in the Coverage Test dialog box. This means that coverage
is excellent, with a healthy safety margin to allow for changes in ambient noise
and other factors that can affect coverage.
You should also test spots where it is less likely that tags will be present; for
example, the far corners of rooms. For these spots, a marginal pass
may be
adequate. This means that tag messages will likely be received, but that there is
no safety margin. A brief increase in the ambient noise, for example, could mask
the messages from a tag.
The Coverage Test feature assesses coverage from each test location based on
three criteria:
Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance
Testing LAR Coverage
• The total number of test tag messages received.
The test tag sends 16 messages every time it is pressed. The test location will
only receive a full pass if at least12 messages are received. For a conditional
pass, at least 10 messages are required.
• The number of test tag messages received by the strongest LAR.
For each test location, one LAR (referred to as the primary LAR) must receive
at least eight messages in order to receive a full pass. This criteria does not
apply to the conditional pass.
• The RSSI strength of the test tag messages relative to the RSSI Threshold of
the LARs.
A full pass requires that the messages from the tag be comfortably above the
RSSI Threshold for all LARs picking up the messages. The software sets this
comfort margin automatically. A conditional pass does not include a safety
Test Procedure
Select Coverage Test from the Xmark menu to open the Xmark Coverage
Test dialog box.
In the Test Tag ID field, enter the ID number for the test tag as shown on
the back of the tag. You may also log all the messages from the test tag to the
database by selecting Log Messages.
Click the Start button.
In several parts of each room and area covered by the system, press the
button on the top of the test tag once only. Note the time and location of
each test. Wait at least 30 seconds between tests.
Return to the PC and click the Stop button. Click the Results button to
view a summary of your test results, which you can save as a text file.
Interpreting Results
Results appear in the Coverage Test dialog box, as in the example below. The
“Point” and “Time” columns shows the number and time of the test, which
must be cross-referenced with notes taken during testing. The other columns list
the LARs that received messages from the test tag, along with the number of
messages received.
Chapter 8
MyCall System Manual
Be aware that a test location from which no messages are received will not appear in
the test results. Make sure that the time of each test in the results window matches the
time recorded in your notes.
Total messages
received by
primary LAR
RSSI safety
Conditional Pass
9 or less
Corrective Measures
If any location indicates a Fail rating, measures will have to be taken to improve
coverage in that spot. Depending on the importance of the test location, you
may also wish to try to improve coverage for locations that received a
Conditional Pass. Contact your Authorized Dealer or VeriChip for assistance.
Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance
Testing LAR Coverage
Database and File Maintenance
The active database for the MyCall system is regularly backed up to the archive
database in case the active database becomes damaged or inaccessible.
In addition, the MyCall system allows you to backup all essential files used by
the system, including map files and sound files.
Automatic Backup of Database Records
The software automatically backs up daily the SQL database that stores system
activity information. Follow this procedure to customize settings for your
Open the Edit Configuration dialog box and select the System tab. Go to
Database Maintenance.
Under Purge records older than __ Days, select how often to perform the
Click on the Backup records before purge checkbox to display a
If you do not select this setting, records will be permanently deleted.
Click OK to save your settings and exit the Edit Configuration dialog box.
Chapter 8
MyCall System Manual
The backup file is never overwritten. Every backup session adds to the existing file.
Manual Backups
You can back up any of the data tables at any time from the System tab. Follow
the procedure above, and after Step 3 click the Perform Now button.
Backing Up Essential System Files
The File menu contains a Backup command that automatically creates copies of
essential files used by the system that are unique to your site, including device
configuration settings, map files and sound files. These are stored in a
compressed backup file with the .fbk extension.
This feature is used to guard against the unlikely event of a failure of the hard
disk drive on the Controller PC. If these essential files become unreadable, you
can copy the backup files to the Xmark directory using the Restore command.
VeriChip recommends that the backup procedure described here be performed
once a month, and whenever major changes are made to system settings.
Backup Procedure
It is essential that the backup files be saved to a location other than the drive
containing the MyCall system software on the Controller PC (usually C: drive).
This could be the hard drive of a Client PC if you are using a local area network,
or a removable medium like a ZIP drive.
It may also be possible to perform the backup remotely via LapLink, and store
the backup files on a PC located at your Authorized Dealer. Consult with your
dealer about this service.
To perform the backup, complete these steps:
From the File Menu, select Backup.
Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance
Database and File Maintenance
Click on the Browse button, and navigate to the folder where you intend to
store the backup files.
This example shows the backup being saved to a folder called “backup” on
the hard drive of the Client PC “Client01.” Click OK when you have
selected the backup destination.
You can define the default backup destination in the System tab of Edit
Configuration, under Config Backup Directory.
The Xmark Backup Procedure dialog box now shows the path to the backup
destination. Click OK to perform the backup. The compressed backup file
is automatically named using the date and time of the backup.
Restore Procedure
This procedure should be used as a last resort if the MyCall system software files
or the entire hard disk drive on the Controller PC become unreadable. Restore
copies parts of the database file, map files and sound files to the Xmark
directory, overwriting any files of the same name.
Chapter 8
MyCall System Manual
From the File Menu, select Restore.
Click on the Browse button and navigate to the directory containing the
compressed backup file, as in the example below.
Click OK when you have selected the directory containing the compressed
Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance
Database and File Maintenance
In the Xmark Restore Procedure dialog box, click on the backup in the list
window, and then click OK.
The following warning message appears. Click Yes to restore the active
database and other files. The MyCall system software will shut down
Restart the MyCall system software. The backup will be completed
automatically after the MyCall system software reboots. You are now ready
to reconfigure the system.
From the Xmark menu, run Auto Configure (see page 6-2 for details). The
software will automatically apply the configuration settings saved in the
backup to each LonWorks network device. This step can take several
minutes, depending on the size of the network.
Chapter 8
MyCall System Manual
Updating Your System License
The Update License command is used to update the license on the Controller
PC granted by VeriChip for the use of the MyCall system software. This is only
necessary when a system is being expanded to include new applications, more
tags or additional Client PCs.
To update the license, complete these steps.
From the Xmark menu, select Update License to open the Xmark License
dialog box.
Note down the System Number. Send this number to VeriChip Technical
Service at [email protected] or call 1-866-5596275, ext. 4. VeriChip will e-mail you an Xmark.lf license file.
Close the software. Then copy the Xmark.lf file to the Xmark directory
(usually C:\Xmark). You will be asked whether you wish to copy over an
existing file of the same name. Click Yes.
Start the MyCall system software. The license information will be updated
Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance
Updating Your System License
Advanced LonWorks Device Procedures
This section explains some of the features in the MyCall system software for
testing and troubleshooting LARs and I/O Modules. This is very rarely
necessary, and VeriChip recommends that you consult your Authorized Dealer
before performing any of these procedures.
Downloading firmware
The firmware is the operating software used by a LonWorks device. The MyCall
system software checks and updates the firmware when a device is installed
using the Auto Configure command, and whenever the MyCall system software
is started.
However, manually updating the firmware is one of the troubleshooting steps
used to diagnose a problem with a LonWorks device. Follow these procedures.
Downloading firmware overwrites the current firmware in the device.
Interrupting the download for any reason, including pressing Cancel, will
render the device inoperable. You must install the firmware ensuring no
interruptions occur before the device can operate properly. Also note that
all devices of the same kind must be using the same firmware version.
Chapter 8
MyCall System Manual
Downloading LAR Firmware
From the Xmark menu, select Install LonWorks Devices.
Select the LAR in the Device Status window by clicking on it once.
Click on the Download button.
Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance
Advanced LonWorks Device Procedures
The Download Receiver OS dialog box shows the status of the LAR, and
the currently loaded firmware. Make sure that the Disk version number
equals or exceeds the Device version number. (The Device version of the
RAM Loader always appears as N/A.)
Click on the Download Receiver OS button to download the firmware that
controls the LAR. In the dialog box that appears, click Yes to continue. The
download typically takes one to two minutes. Once the download is
completed, check that the Disk and Device firmware version numbers are
Click on the Download Communication OS button to download the
firmware that controls communications between the LAR and the
Controller PC. In the dialog box that appears, click Yes to continue. Once
the download is completed, check that the Disk and Device firmware
version numbers are identical.
The Download All Nodes command is used to download firmware to all LARs. Do not
use this command unless you wish to update the firmware for all LARs on the network.
This can take several minutes.
Click Close to exit the Download Receiver OS dialog box.
Downloading I/O Module Firmware
From the Xmark menu, select Install LonWorks Devices. Select the I/O
Module in the Device Status window by clicking on it once.
Click on the Download button.
From the Type dropdown list, select the model of I/O Module you are
using. Most systems use the Di80F. The model type is indicated on the I/O
Module itself.
Click on the Download OS button to download the firmware to the I/O
Click Close to exit the Download Neuron dialog box.
Chapter 8
MyCall System Manual
Using the Download Neuron Command
The LonWorks Device Installation dialog box contains a special command to
download firmware to a LonWorks device that is not functioning properly.
Download Neuron enables you to download any type of firmware to a device
that the software was unable to configure. Use this feature only under guidance
from your Authorized Dealer.
Downloading the wrong firmware will disable the device. Exercise caution.
From the Xmark menu, select Install LonWorks Devices.
Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance
Advanced LonWorks Device Procedures
Click on the Download Neuron button. The Download Neuron dialog box
The Uninstalled Devices list window displays all unconfigured devices. The
Program ID column indicates the kind of device. Select the device you wish
to configure by clicking on it once.
From the Neuron Type dropdown menu, select the kind of firmware to be
sent to the device. Be very sure that you have made the right selection, as
downloading the wrong firmware can disable the device. Also note that the
firmware for the Single-Antenna LAR is different from that for the DualAntenna LAR.
Click Download Neuron to send the firmware to the device.
Click Close to exit the Download Neuron dialog box.
Diagnostic Tools
The following commands in the LonWorks Device Installation dialog box are
used to evaluate the operation of LonWorks devices. Select the device of interest
in the Device Status Window before applying these actions.
Wink every 3 seconds
This sends a signal to the LonWorks network device to turn on its LED light for
one second then turn it off for three seconds repeatedly. This feature is used to
help locate a device and check its operation.
Messages enabled (LAR)
This command enables all tags messages to be sent from the selected LAR to the
Controller PC. Disabling this command stops all tag messages from the device
except for priority messages, such as alarms.
Maintenance Mode
You may wish to use this setting when performing adjustments to a device.
While in Maintenance Mode, devices will not generate communication error or
Chapter 8
MyCall System Manual
other alarms. Note that LARs will continue to send tag messages to the
Controller PC so that infants are fully protected at all times. This setting
automatically times out after a certain period.
This command turns the selected LonWorks network device off then on again.
This command checks the communications between the LonWorks network
device and the Controller PC over the network.
This provides system information used for advanced diagnostics.
The Delete command removes a device from the system.
Cold Reset NSS
This command is used to clear the LonWorks network database when
communications on the network become out of sync. This procedure is only
rarely necessary. Consult your Authorized Dealer or VeriChip before using this
Enable Msgs
Click on this button to allow all devices to relay all messages after the LonWorks
installation process. Normally, messages are enabled automatically, but if you
cancel a firmware download, you may have to use this command to receive
messages from the affected device.
LAR Settings
Enable LED
This checkbox enables you to turn the Status LED on or off. To activate the
LED, make sure a checkmark is displayed. This setting does not affect the
operation of the LAR.
I/O Module Settings
The Debounce is the time in milliseconds that the system waits before
responding when the input contacts switch from closed to open (or vice versa).
This wait time is necessary to allow the contacts to settle after changing state.
The default setting of 30 milliseconds is adequate for most input devices.
Reports, Diagnostics and Maintenance
Advanced LonWorks Device Procedures
This setting was made when the I/O module was installed, and should not be
Click on this button after changing the Debounce value to send the new value
to the I/O Module.
This area is used to test the operation of output devices. Click on a checkbox to
display a checkmark, and then click on the Test button. The device connected
to that point on the I/O Module will activate for the Timeout period. Points
connected to input devices will appear grayed out.
Chapter 8
MyCall System Manual
The Quick Reference Table in this chapter lists all alarms generated by the
MyCall system software.
Alarm Quick Reference
Alarm Message
“Tag Panic“
“Tag Tamper“
“No motion
“Tag location
“Tag low
“High Ambient
The wearer of a
Communicator tag has
pressed the Panic button.
A Wall Mount tag has been
System has not seen a Tag or
Communicator tag within the
Supervision Timeout period.
Tag or Communicator tag has
remained motionless for the
No Motion Timeout period.
Tag or Communicator tag has
changed location.
Tag or Communicator tag is
losing battery power.
Average noise around the
LAR has exceeded the RSSI
threshold value.
Possible personal duress. Implement
security procedure immediately.
Someone has called for help from
the identified location. Implement
security procedure immediately.
Check Alarm window for most
recently known location, and initiate
security measures.
Check Alarm window for location,
and initiate security measures.
Check Alarm window for location,
and initiate security measures.
Replace battery.
Appendix A
MyCall System Manual
Check that the LAR is properly
installed. Single-antenna LAR:
antenna points downward. Dualantenna LAR: main antenna
points downward, secondary
antenna points away from metal
Generate a Receiver Stats
report. This shows the RSSI,
measured every 30 minutes.
Check for a pattern in noise
variation. It may be possible to:
a) Identify noise sources, such
as new or mobile equipment.
Eliminate these or;
b) Optimize the RSSI
Threshold. Set it to 1 count
above the highest RSSI
recorded in the last week.
Raising the threshold may
reduce LAR coverage, and if
set too high, effectively
disable the LAR. Retest
coverage after every
increase in RSSI.
If coverage is inadequate as a
result of raising the RSSI
Threshold, the LAR will have to
be moved, or another LAR
Alarm Message
“Receiver status
The RSSI Threshold for the
LAR has been raised.
Memory error in the LAR.
Unknown to
“Service pin
System has detected a
configured LAR that it has no
record of.
System cannot communicate
with the LAR. It is no longer
seen on the LonWorks
The service pin on the LAR
was pressed.
System is not receiving
messages from the LAR.
“Low Battery“
“CPU alarm
“Watchdog timer
failed or not
“I/O Module
Input Open”
The batteries in the Beacon
location marker are dying.
System is not receiving
messages from the tag
installed near the Beacon
location marker.
Controller PC has lost
communication with Client PC.
CPU loading on the Controller
PC has exceeded the set
The PC watchdog card on the
Controller PC has been
removed or is not functioning.
The input device of an I/O
Module is in the open state.
“I/O Module
Input Closed”
The input device of an I/O
Module is in the closed state.
Test LAR coverage in the area of the
indicated LAR.
The most likely cause is interrupted
firmware download. Download the
firmware again. If the problem
persists, replace the LAR.
Run Auto Configure, and install the
LAR into the software.
Inspect the LAR. Check power and
network connections. If these appear
normal, replace the LAR.
This feature is for test purposes to
check communication between the
device and the Controller.
These alarms auto-clear when the
condition ends. Intermittent alarms
may be caused by temporary
conditions, such as unusually high
network traffic, or heavy demands on
the CPU. If the alarm appears
constantly, replace the device.
Replace the batteries with two 9 VDC
alkaline or 7 VDC lithium batteries.
Beacon location marker's signal is
being blocked. Check the Beacon
location marker.
Contact the operator of the Client PC,
and have them reconnect to the LAN.
Contact your dealer or VeriChip for
Check that the PC watchdog card is
properly installed and functioning.
This alarm is a configurable setting.
Response depends on facility
This alarm is a configurable setting.
Response depends on facility
Alarm Quick Reference
Alarm Message
“Communication failure”
System cannot communicate
with the I/O Module. It is no
longer seen on the LonWorks
“Service pin
The service pin on the I/O
Module was pressed.
System is not receiving
messages from the I/O
“Pager Comm
The MyCall system software
could not send a page
Network devices are defined
in the system but no
messages have been
received from any device for
30 seconds.
The LonWorks card is not
functioning properly, or drivers
are not properly configured.
The queue of messages for
the LonWorks device has
exceeded the maximum
A user has failed to enter the
correct password.
Inspect the I/O Module. Check power
and network connections. If these
appear normal, replace the I/O
Module: contact your dealer or
This feature is for test purposes to
check communication between the
device and the Controller.
These alarms auto-clear when the
condition ends. Intermittent alarms
may be caused by temporary
conditions, such as unusually high
network traffic, or heavy demands on
the CPU. If the alarm appears
constantly, replace the device:
contact your dealer or VeriChip.
Check that the Pager is connected to
the Controller PC and powered.
“The Receiver
network is not
queue overflow”
“Maximum login
“Space on the
database is low”
“Space on the
backup disk is
Appendix A
MyCall System Manual
Insufficient space on the hard
disk containing the
configuration database.
Insufficient space on the hard
disk containing the database
Check that the network wire is
securely connected to the card. If the
connection seems OK, there may be
a problem with the LonWorks card.
There may be a problem with the
LonWorks card.
This is a temporary condition cause
by unusually high network traffic, or
heavy demands on the CPU.
This is a configurable alarm. The
maximum number of login attempts
is set in the System tab of the Edit
Configuration dialog box. The user
name of the person attempting to log
in is recorded in the database.
Delete unneeded files to create more
space on the hard disk.
Delete unneeded files to create more
space on the hard disk.
Alarm Message
“Database field
The database is corrupt.
“Database file
The database is corrupt.
record limit
The maximum number of tags
or devices, as granted in the
MyCall system software
license, has been exceeded.
Restore the database from the
backup. All data recorded since the
last backup will be lost.
Restore the database from the
backup. All data recorded since the
last backup will be lost.
Obtain a new license from VeriChip,
and update the license using the
Update License command.
Alarm Quick Reference
Appendix A
MyCall System Manual
About Xmark Command, 2-14
Alarm Notes when Alarms Cleared, 3-9
Alarm Procedures, 3-8
Alarm Quick Reference, A-1
Alarm Window, 5-2
adding procedures, 3-8
displaying using Toolbar Alarms button, 2-5
alarm types, A-1
displaying pictures, 5-3
I/O Module input alarms, configuring, 6-8
I/O Module output alarms, configuring, 6-10
Low Battery Alarms, 5-10
No Motion Detected Alarms, 5-8
Panic Alarms, 5-4
response procedures, 5-1
sounds for, 3-16
Supervision Timeout Alarms, 5-7
Tag Location Changed Alarms, 5-9
Tamper Alarms, 5-6
Arrange Icons Command, Window menu, 2-8
Auto Configure, 6-2
sounds, assigning to alarms, 3-16
sounds, generic alarm sounds, 3-18
sounds, specific alarm sounds, 3-19
adding several at once, 3-4
adding to software, 3-2
assigning a picture to, 3-6
checking location and status, 4-4
deleting, 3-5
description, changing, 4-7
finding a specific tag, 4-5
locating on a map, 4-5
No Motion Timeout, enabling, 6-13
overview, 1-3
tag memos, 4-6
Controller PC
alarm properties, 6-15
sounds, assigning to alarms, 3-16
sounds, generic alarm sounds, 3-18
sounds, specific alarm sounds, 3-19
startup options, 3-24
Coverage Test for LARs, 8-13
Custom Reports, 8-7
Backup Command, 8-17
Basic Procedures, 4-1
adding several at once, 6-14
adding to software, 6-12
overview, 1-4
Cascade Command, Window menu, 2-7
Charts in reports, 8-6
Client PC
alarm properties, 6-15
automatic backup, 8-16
Backup command, 8-17
manual backup, 8-17
Restore command, 8-18
Debounce, 8-27
Diagnostic Tools, 8-26
Download Neuron Command, 8-25
Edit Configuration
displaying using Toolbar button, 2-5
I/O Module, 8-24
LAR, 8-23
Generic Alarm Sounds, 3-18
Getting Help, 2-13
Help File, 2-13
I/O Module
Debounce setting, 8-27
firmware downloading, 8-24
input alarm settings, 6-8
inputs, configuring, 6-8
installing in the software, 6-2
Maintenance Mode, 8-26
output alarm settings, 6-10
outputs, configuring, 6-10
setup in the software, 6-7
Icon Properties, 7-4
adding to maps, 7-3
deleting, 2-9
hiding and displaying, 2-8
moving, 2-9
Images, assigning to tags, 3-6
Initial Setup, 3-1
Install LonWorks Devices, 6-2
Installing and Configuring Devices, 6-1
starting with the PC, 3-24
LAR Statistics Command, 8-2
Large Buttons Command, 2-5
License, see front matter
updating, 8-21
MyCall System Manual
Limitation of Liability, see front matter
Local Area Receiver
coverage test, 8-13
diagnostic tools, 8-27
firmware downloading, 8-23
installing in the software, 6-2
LAR statistics, checking, 8-2
Maintenance Mode, 8-26
overview, 1-5
RSSI Threshold, setting, 6-4
setup in the software, 6-3
Locking a User Account, 3-14
Log Priority Tag Messages, 8-5
Login, 4-2
changing your password, 4-3
maximum login attempts, setting, 3-12
timeout setting, for individual users, 3-14
timeout setting, in User Templates, 3-11
Toolbar button, 2-5
with access card, 4-2
LonWorks Device Installation, 6-2
diagnostic tools, 8-26
LAR diagnostic tools, 8-27
Maintenance Mode, 8-26
Low Battery Alarms, 5-10
Main Interface, 2-2
Map and Status Window, 2-2
Toolbar button, 2-5
Map Window, 2-6
changing appearance, 2-6
LAR Statistics command, 8-2
properties, changing, 2-7
size, changing, 2-6
Toolbar, 2-6
adding icons to, 7-3
adding to the software, 7-2
RSSI Threshold, setting, 6-4
No Motion Detected Alarms, 5-8
Page Messages
format, 6-21
sending manually, 6-21
Pager Systems, 6-18
configure tags & devices to send pages, 620
installation, 3-24
manual pages, 6-21
message format, 6-21
software setup, 6-19
TAP, entering ID number in user account, 313
Panic Alarms, 5-4
Password Control through User Accounts, 310
assigning, 3-13
changing, 4-3
enabling, 3-12
enabling enhanced passwords, 3-12
maximum login attempts, setting, 3-12
PC Alarm Properties, 6-15
Pictures, assigning to tags, 3-6
Pre-Recorded Alarm Message, 3-20
Printing, 2-12
Toolbar Print button, 2-5
Procedures, adding to Alarm window, 3-8
Reports, 8-3
charts, 8-6
custom reports, 8-7
Toolbar button, 2-5
types of, 8-4
viewing remotely, 8-8
Responding to Alarms, 5-1
Restore Command, 8-18
Send Page Toolbar Button, 2-5
Sound Alarms at the PC, 3-16
Sounds, adding to software, 3-16
Specific Alarm Sounds, 3-19
Split Command, Window menu, 2-8
Start LapLink when Xmark is started, 3-24
Start Xmark as the Shell, 3-24
Start Xmark when the PC is started, 3-24
Status Bar, 2-10
Status Window, 2-2
column width, 2-4
Toolbar, 2-5
window size, 2-5
Supervision Timeout Alarms, 5-7
System Information, accessing, 2-14
System License, updating, 8-21
Tag Diagnostics, 8-10
interpreting results, 8-12
viewing messages from one LAR, 8-11
viewing messages from one tag, 8-10
viewing Panic & Tamper messages, 8-11
Tag Location Changed Alarms, 5-9
Tag Memos, 4-6
adding several at once, 3-4
adding to software, 3-2
assigning a picture to, 3-6
checking location and status, 4-4
deleting, 3-5
description, changing, 4-7
finding a specific tag, 4-5
locating on a map, 4-5
No Motion Timeout Alarms, enabling, 6-13
overview, 1-3
tag memos, 4-6
Tamper Alarms, 5-6
Text-to-Speech Engine, 3-21
Tile Command, Window menu, 2-7
Touch Screen, 2-10
Unlocking a User Account, 3-14
User Accounts, 3-10
changing, 3-14
creating, 3-11
list of user permissions, 3-14
locking and unlocking, 3-14
User Templates, creating, 3-10
Wall Mounted Tag, 3-4
Warnings, see front matter
What’s New, 1-7
Window Menu, 2-7
Wink every 3 seconds, 8-26
Beacons, assigning to, 6-12
creating, 7-5
I/O Module inputs, assigning to, 6-8
I/O Module outputs, assigning to, 6-10
PCs, assigning to, 7-7
MyCall System Manual