Valencia at Vermillion Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision
Valencia at Vermillion Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision
Planning Board Staff Analysis 08.27.13 Valencia at Vermillion Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision PART 1: PROJECT SUMMARY Applicant: Bowman Development Group, Inc; Property Owners: Bowman Development Group, Inc; New Vermillion, LLC; C &D Management Company, LLC; Vermillion Huntersville, LLC Property Location: extension of Valencia at Vermillion which also connects to Holbrook Road and Berkley Ave. The property is adjacent to David Waymer Flying Field Project Size: +/- 120 acres (overall 205 acres) Proposed Revision: The developers propose to reconfigure a portion of Valencia at Vermillion originally approved in 2006 and add 38 additional acres to the approved sketch plan. The total area in this portion of the Valencia at Vermillion Revision is 120 acre and will contain 281 lots. Parcel Number: 01939105, 01937105, 01920315 and portions of 01927101 Zoning: Neighborhood Residential Traditional Neighborhood Development Overlay (NR-TND-O), Neighborhood Residential (NR) and proposed Neighborhood Residential Conditional District (NR-CD). This subdivision is associated with R13-04 conditional rezoning. Current Land Use: Vacant Proposed Land Use: Singlefamily homes (281 units) PART 2: SITE PLAN DESCRIPTION AND ISSUES 1. Valencia at Vermillion was originally approved on November 20, 2006. Several of the phases are already under construction. In this revision, the developer will comply with all conditions of the originally approved subdivision sketch plan. Page 1 of 7 Planning Board Staff Analysis 08.27.13 2. Required Urban Open Space is being provided by a greenway dedicated to Mecklenburg County with a pedestrian access and several squares throughout the subdivision. 3. Water quality measures apply to portions of Valencia at Vermillion and all of the added land to this revision. The land that is within the Vermillion “Regulating Plan” (Conditional Rezoning Plan) is not required to comply with Article 8.17 of the Zoning Ordinance. Water quality measures (LID) have not been conceptually approved by LUESA. A PCO-1 storm-water plan approval is required as part of Sketch Plan approval. 4. Tree save requirements apply to portions of Valencia at Vermillion and all of the added parcels to this revision. The applicable site is required to save 100% of heritage trees, 10% of specimen trees and 10% of tree canopy. There are no heritage trees on the site. They are proposing to save 76% of specimen trees (22 of 29 trees) and 21% of the tree canopy. 5. The developer requests voluntary annexation for the portions of this subdivision which are outside of the corporate boundary. 6. This subdivision is not located within a regulated watershed. 7. Water and sewer will need to be extended to the development. A “Willingness to Serve” application has been submitted. 8. A neighborhood meeting was held on May 7, 2013 and meeting information is in Attachment B. SUMMARY OF MAJOR PLAN REVISIONS Valencia at Vermillion was originally approved on November 20, 2006 for 298 lots on 167 acres. There have been several revisions to the approved sketch plan and construction has begun in the areas adjacent to Vermillion (north of the creek that bisects Valencia at Vermillion). In total, this sketch plan will contain 464 lots on 205 acres. Below is a comparison of the 2006 approved plan and the proposed revision. Valencia Approved 2006 Proposed Revision (A color version of this map is provided as Enclosure 2) Page 2 of 7 Planning Board Staff Analysis 08.27.13 This request includes one small addition (.38 acres) which was thought to be a part of the original approval, but is in fact not. Approval of the subdivision request would reconcile the Valencia at Vermillion boundary line. PART 3: TRANSPORTATION ISSUES The Traffic Impact Analysis has been reviewed by Engineering and Public Works. The submitting engineering firm will need to address several questions and correct their analysis prior to final comment by staff. PART 4: PLANNING STAFF ANALYSIS Section 6.200 of the Subdivision Ordinance outlines the “general requirements and policies to be used in the design, review, and approval” of subdivisions in the Town of Huntersville. The following staff findings are provided for the Board’s consideration of the Subdivision Sketch Plan. 1. Consistency with adopted public plans and policies. Some of the proposed subdivision falls within the East Huntersville Small Area Plan boundary which recommended to “redevelop the land along Holbrooks Road as a residential neighborhood with a grid of streets that connect north into Vermillion…The streets will follow the contours of the land and existing ravines will connect into a regional open space network of trails and natural areas” (pg 26). The proposed subdivision is single-family detached homes that are an extension of the approved Valencia at Vermillion. The streets are designed with respect to the general topography and reduce impacts streams and wetlands. The following sections of the 2030 Huntersville Community Plan support this request: • Policy H-1: Development Pattern. Continue to follow existing residential development patterns as reflected in “Map of Zoning Districts”, focusing higher intensity development generally within two miles of the I-77/NC 115 corridor and lower development from the east and west of this corridor extending to the Town boundaries. • Policy H-9: Future Residential Development. Higher intensity residential development will be focused generally within two miles of the I-77/NC-115 corridor and future mixed use nodes in the eastern and western areas of Huntersville’s zoning jurisdiction. Comment: The proposed development is located in an area where higher or lower intensity development is appropriate based on the 2030 Community Plan Vision. • Policy H-4: Development Principles. For proposed developments, either in the core or within identified nodes, adhere to the principles set forth in the Zoning Ordinance and adopted small area plans to ensure an approximate mix of residential, commercial and employment uses to maximize land use and transportation efficiencies, while minimizing environmental impacts. Comment: The proposed subdivision sketch plan complies with the East Huntersville Small Area Plan which was approved in 2007. • Policy H-10: Redevelopment Areas. Support redevelopment of older established residential areas, consistent with adopted plans, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision regulations. Comment: The proposed subdivision sketch plan revision is in an area identified for redevelopment in the East Huntersville Small Area Plan. • Policy T-5: Context-sensitive Design of Streets. Continue to support “context-sensitive” design of streets and the selection of appropriate street section designs for residential, commercial and industrial developments applications. Page 3 of 7 Planning Board Staff Analysis 08.27.13 Comment: The internal streets are designed similarly to the existing streets of Vermillion and Valencia at Vermillion. Over time Holbrooks Road will function as a collector street. In order to accommodate greater volumes of vehicles in the future, the developer has left open space between the homes and Holbrooks road so that Holbrooks Road may be straightened when needed as shown in the picture below. • • • • Policy T-6: Pedestrian Connections. Support the installation of sidewalks, bikeways and greenway trails connecting residential, commercial, employment, recreational and institutional uses. Comment: The proposed Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision includes the provision of sidewalks along Holbrooks Road. Internally, the new streets will provide sidewalks. A greenway along the northern boundary of the subdivision has been dedicated to Mecklenburg County. The developer is also providing a neighborhood connection to the greenway. Policy T-8: Street Connectivity. Promote and require street connectivity in the Town of Huntersville among residential, commercial, employment, recreational and institutional uses. Comment: There are 5 proposed street stubs to adjoining vacant properties. The new parcels added to the subdivision continue to connect lots in Vermillion and Valencia at Vermillion to Holbrooks Road. Additionally, there is a future connection to Berkley Avenue. Both Vermillion and Valencia at Vermillion are Traditional Neighborhood Developments. Vermillion includes residential and commercial uses. A greenway has been dedicated through the neighborhood. Employment and institutional uses are allowed in this overlay district. Policy E-2: Location of New Development. Avoid locating new development in areas of significant environmental, scenic or cultural resources. Comment: The subdivision is designed to reduce impacts on sensitive environmental areas. Policy E-5: Vehicle Miles Travelled (VMT). Support reduction in vehicle miles travelled (VMT), through capital investments in sidewalks, greenways, enhanced connectivity and mass transit (bus & rail). Comment: Vermillion and Valencia at Vermillion are Traditional Neighborhood Developments that provide a mixture of uses, housing types and recreational uses that is connected through a network of sidewalks and future greenways. 2. Conformity. The size lots are in keeping with both the existing Valencia at Vermillion and Vermillion. The proposed use is singlefamily detached housing which is similar to the adjoining land uses. Homes along Holbrooks Road either front Holbrooks Road or are the side elevations and front the proposed new street. 3. Access Between Adjoining Properties. Access to adjoining undeveloped properties is provided by five (5) off-site street stubs. There is also a new connection proposed to Berkley Avenue providing connection to the New Haven Neighborhood. 4. Relation to topography. The street network is designed to respect the general topography and avoid sensitive streams and wetlands. Page 4 of 7 Planning Board Staff Analysis 08.27.13 5. Mature trees and natural vegetation. Tree save applies to all new parcels and lands outside of the “Vermillion Regulating Plan” (Conditional Rezoning Plan approved in 2000). Tree save requirements are being met for the applicable portions of this request. 6. Access to parks, schools, etc. This subdivision is adjacent to County Park land. The David Waymer Flying Field is to the west of the subdivision and land for the proposed county greenway to the north has already been dedicated. There is a proposed greenway access in the parcel associated with the R13-04. 7. Discourage through traffic. All streets are appropriately sized for residential access and permit on-street parking. Block lengths are short and there is no straight access to any adjoining property. 8. Relationship to railroad rights-of-way. Not Applicable. 9. Half streets. Not Applicable. 10. Parallel streets along thoroughfares. Not Applicable. 11. Public School and Public Park Sites The parcels associated with Valencia at Vermillion Subdivision have not been identified for a school or park site. 12. Public Facilities The parcels associated with Valencia at Vermillion Subdivision have not been identified for a public facility. 13. Proposed street names Street names are not required at this review level. They will be reviewed at the Preliminary Plan stage. 14. Easements. Easements have been identified and the plans have been sent to the respective Engineering and Utility Departments. 15. Proposed water and sewerage system. Water and sewer will be provided through extension of exiting Charlotte-Mecklenburg Utility lines. A “Willingness to Serve” application has been submitted. 16. Restrictions on the subdivision of land subject to flooding. No floodplain has been identified in the location of the proposed homes. 17. Reserved. 18. Open Space Urban open space is being provided through a greenway. 19. Impact of Development on Public Facilities Under the provisions of the APF Ordinance, all residential development greater than twenty (20) lots are required to receive a “Determination of Adequacy (DOA)” for the following public facilities: fire vehicles, fire station, police station, police vehicles, indoor park and recreation facilities, parks acreage. The DOA was evaluated on 104 single-family house Page 5 of 7 Planning Board Staff Analysis 08.27.13 lots (24 additional lots within the boundaries of the 2006 Valencia at Vermillion subdivision approval and 80 lots within the land area proposed to be added to the 2006 Valencia at Vermillion subdivision boundaries—all of which are outside of the Vermillion Regulating Boundaries). See map below. A DOA letter has been issued for all of the facilities except police vehicles. Adequate police vehicle capacity must be made available prior to the issuance of a “Certificate of Occupancy” for any of the proposed lots to be built in the new section of Valencia at Vermillion. Attachment C includes the Determination of Adequacy. PART 5: STAFF RECOMMENDATION Town Staff has reviewed the proposed Subdivision Sketch Plan and finds the application complete with the exception of the Willingness to Serve Letter being approved. In addition, the Subdivision Sketch Plan does not have certain applicable requirements—LUESA stormwater concept plan approval and TIA finalizations. With resolution of the issues outlined above and any outstanding redline issues being compliant with the Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance, this Subdivision Sketch Plan may be recommended for approval. PART 6: PLANNING BOARD RECOMMENDATION TBD – August 27, 2013 PART 7: DECISION STATEMENTS Subdivision Ordinance Section 6.320.5 states, “In considering whether to approve an application for a subdivision Sketch Plan, the Town Board shall proceed according to the following format:” COMPLETENESS OF APPLICATION (a) the Board shall consider whether the application is complete. If no member moves that the application be found incomplete (specifying either the particular type of information lacking or the particular requirement with respect to which the application is incomplete) then this shall be taken as an affirmative finding by the Board that the application is complete; [Complete Application] In considering Valencia at Vermillion Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision, we, the Town Board, find the application complete. [Incomplete Application] In considering Valencia at Vermillion Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision, we, the Town Board find the application lacking the following information: (provide requested information) Page 6 of 7 Planning Board Staff Analysis 08.27.13 COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS (b) the Board shall consider whether the application complies with all of the applicable requirements. If a motion to this effect passes, the Board shall make findings supporting the motion. If such a motion fails or is not made then a motion shall be made that the application be found not in compliance with one or more of the applicable requirements. Such a motion shall specify the particular requirements the application fails to meet. Separate votes may be taken with respect to each requirement not met by the application. It shall be conclusively presumed that the application complies with all requirements not found by the Board to be unsatisfied through this process; and, [Complies with all applicable requirements] Valencia at Vermillion Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision complies with all applicable requirements and is supported by the following findings: 1) 2) Add if necessary [Does not complies with all applicable requirements] Valencia at Vermillion Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision does not comply with all applicable requirements and fails to meet the following ordinance requirements: Subdivision Section _______________ Subdivision Section _______________ Add if necessary MOTION OF APPROVAL OR DENIAL (c) if the Town Board concludes that all applicable requirements are met, it shall approve the Sketch Plan. If the Board concludes that the application fails to comply with one (1) or more of the applicable requirements, it shall adopt a motion to deny the application for one (1) or more of the reasons set forth within this Ordinance. Such a motion shall propose specific findings, based upon the evidence submitted, justifying such a conclusion. [Complies with all applicable requirements] Valencia at Vermillion Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision complies with all applicable requirements and I make a recommendation of APPROVAL: [Does not complies with all applicable requirements] Valencia at Vermillion Subdivision Sketch Plan Revision does not comply with all applicable requirements and I make a recommendation of DENIAL based on findings it fails to meet the following ordinance requirements: Subdivision Section _______________ Subdivision Section _______________ Subdivision Section _______________ Subdivision Section _______________ Subdivision Section _______________ Subdivision Section _______________ The determination of failure to comply with the above ordinance requirements based on the following findings: 1) 2) 3) 4) Add if necessary PART 8: ATTACHMENTS AND ENCLOSURES Attachments A – Application B - Neighborhood Meeting Minutes C- Determination of Adequacy Enclosures 1—Site Plan 2—Color Map of Proposed Sketch Plan Page 7 of 7 Attachment A Attachment A Attachment A Attachment B Attachment B Attachment B Notice of neighborhood meeting for subdivision sketch plan revision for the Valencia at Vermillion Subdivision located between the current phases of Vermillion and Holbrook Road Meeting Notes from May 7th, 2013. 1. 2. 3. 4. Traffic and Connectivity pose major concerns. Concerned about parks / no parks at Gibson Park Large park in Valencia 3 Griffin Property – No plans to connect until Neighbors are ready or the Verhoff extention is complete 5. Griffin Property – We added this property because of the storm water plan 6. 20’ buffer area. The existing trees will remain and we’ll add additional landscaping if needed. Town of Huntersville Issues 1. Would like to have sidewalks 2. Add new park 3. Wider streets Attachment C Attachment C Attachment C Attachment C Attachment C Attachment C
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