Ebenezer Operation Exodus
Ebenezer Operation Exodus
Ebenezer Operation Exodus Issue 1/2013 A ministry of Ebenezer Emergency Fund USA …I will gather you and your children from east and west and from north and south. I will bring my sons and daughters back to Israel… (Isaiah 43:5–6 NLT) your giving Is helping to fulfill his word to his people Ebenezer Operation Exodus — A Christian ministry helping the Jewish people return to Israel Ebenezer Operation Exodus USA Your giving is a memorial before our God I n the days of the apostles there was a man named Cornelius; he was a Gentile and a centurion. He was an earnest and sincere man who feared God, gave many gifts to the Jewish people, and prayed to God continually. God responded to Cornelius’ gifts and prayers by giving him a greater revelation of God’s plan of redemption for both the Jew and Gentile. How humbling it is for us to know that the Lord God views the blessing of the Jewish people through supporting their return to the Land of Israel as a memorial before Him. These are His words twice recorded in Acts 10. USA Dear Gentile Brother and Sister, in 2012 your gifts and prayers played a vital part in the return of 3,372 people to the land of Israel from the former Soviet Union and North America. You are serving our Lord, fulfilling His will for His people and the Land. Your giving is a memorial before your God. We at Ebenezer Operation Exodus say “Thank you.” Weekly at our staff meeting we give thanks for you, and we ask that God’s blessing be upon you. Please continue to pray that Jewish hearts will be stirred to make aliyah, and that when they return to Israel they will prosper there. By Debra Minotti National Director We anticipate another year of increase in helping the Jewish people return to Israel. We value and appreciate your continued monthly support. If you are not presently giving regularly, would you be willing to commit to a monthly amount? No gift is too small or too large. Thank you. Shalom Your prayers and alms have ascended as a memorial before God. (Acts 10:4b NASB) Aliyah, Be Part of the Miracle (Isaiah 43:5–6) USA 2013 Summer Aliyah Alert This is what the Sovereign LORD says: “See, I will beckon to the Gentiles, I will lift up my banner to the peoples; they will bring your sons in their arms and carry your daughters on their shoulders.” (Isaiah 49:22, NIV) 2 Thousands are preparing to make aliyah (immigrate to Israel) from the USA throughout the coming summer months, and some need financial assistance. The Lord is calling His people back to the land of their forefathers; prophecy is being fulfilled! occasion in their lives! Please consider making a special donation to help a family or individual return home. Your gift will make a difference by promoting a successful aliyah and absorption into the Land of Israel. What a privilege and opportunity we have to help and be a part of this momentous and challenging For more information, please call our National Office at 716.681.6300. A Christian ministry helping the Jewish people return to Israel Ebenezer Operation Exodus USA Thank you for your obedience to the Lord’s Call G 90 reetings from the Aliyah Department at Ebenezer USA Operation Exodus. I would like80to thank you for your prayers and financial help, and report to you everything you 70 accomplished in 2012 through your obedience to the Lord’s call. By Kathy Ardino Aliyah Department 60 ▲82 50 40 30 25 23 20 Steven, a single man who recently applied, shares: “I have been asked so many times by my mother and friends why I would leave America to go to a country like Israel, where there is constant political turmoil. The only answer I could give them was that I just feel right and at home when I am in Israel.” 8 1 1 WI 3 VA TX 1 PA OK 1 OH 1 NV NJ NM MO MI MN 1 WA 6 1 NY 7 3 MD IL FL GA DC 1 CT AZ CA AR 1 5 USA I also thought you would like to hear from some of those you have helped: 0 3 9 5 MA 12 10 5 Do any Jewish people live near you? Perhaps someday we can call on you to drive someone to the airport to catch their aliyah flight! 20 16 Canada Aliyah (immigration to Israel) from the USA for Ebenezer is up. In 2011 we were able to financially help 194 people immigrate to Israel. And in 2012 the numbers grew to 241! The bar chart at right shows the numbers of olim (immigrants) in 2012, broken down by area: The King will reply, “Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” (Matthew 25:40 NIV) Shari writes on October 10, 2012: “Words, thank you, just don’t seem enough! I am truly a bundle of emotion after reading your approval. This will make such a difference! Bless you and your organization for the work you are doing. Once again, THANK YOU for helping make my lifelong dream come true!” whole sense for us. Life in America is good, but feels very empty.” And on January 14, 2012, Sholom wrote to us: “I just wanted to drop a line and tell you again thank you. So far acclimating has been going well and we are looking forward to the future. Thank you for helping us get here; it was a huge help.” Sholom, his wife and small daughter made aliyah in December 2012. He shares: “My family and I are making aliyah because we believe the quality of life will be more meaningful and better in the A Christian ministry helping the Jewish people return to Israel 3 Ebenezer Operation Exodus USA Bnei Menashe, Sons of Manasseh, Return from India T hrough your financial giving, we are able to support the work of Shavei Israel, helping to bring back the Bnei Menashe from India. The Bnei Menashe are descendants from one of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, which were sent into exile in Assyria more than 27 centuries ago. Their ancestors wandered through Central Asia and the Far East for centuries before settling in what is now north-eastern India, along the border with Burma and Bangladesh. Bnei Menashe shed many tears of joy — and so did I! We plan to bring more Bnei Menashe back home. I just want to say thank you for your prayers and support. I hope we will continue to partner together — Jews and Christians alike — in the unfolding of the Divine plan and the return of the people of Israel to their ancestral homeland.” india Michael Freund, Chairman of Shavei Israel, rejoiced with 53 of this ancient tribe when they arrived in Israel on December 24, 2012. He writes: “It was a long and tiring journey but extremely moving. The Thank you for your continued support and prayers, and for standing with us as “watchmen on the wall.” 2012 Humanitarian Aid in the former Soviet Union Ebenezer USA continues to support the ongoing work in the former Soviet Union (fSU), helping the Jewish people return to Israel. Humanitarian aid is often the key that opens doors into many Jewish communities. Through these programs, we are able to demonstrate the love of God and share with Jewish people about the promises of God. Many families have gone to Israel because the aid we provided opened their hearts to the message of aliyah. Some didn’t know they had the right to make aliyah. 4 In 2012 Ebenezer Operation Exodus helped 3,131 Jewish people return to Israel from the fSU — a vast area spanning 10 countries. Your financial giving enabled us to expand aid projects to nearly all the countries in the fSU: • We carried out nine different projects in 10 Ebenezer base areas. • We blessed hundreds of Jewish children with winter boots and vitamins. • Thousands of Jewish families received food parcels. • About 1,000 Holocaust survivors were given medicines and/or food parcels. This work would have been impossible without your sacrificial giving and the work of our foreign volunteers. THANK YOU for your faithful prayers and support! Ebenezer Operation Exodus USA © PA Photos in collaboration with Sword Magazine. The People Who Know Their God 1 Rockets being fired from Gaza towards Tel Aviv, November 2012. E verywhere we see increasing abandonment of Christian values, often followed by abandonment of Israel. The UN’s response to 1,000 rockets fired from Gaza into Israel was to grant the Palestinian Authority non-member observer status. Sadly, some church movements have turned against Israel. People, it seems, are becoming more deceived and do not know what they are doing. Daniel 12:1 explains, “At that time [of the end] Michael shall stand up, the great prince who stands watch over the sons of your people” (NKJ). 1 This article is extracted from the Operation Exodus International bulletin, Issue 1/2013. For the complete version, please go to our website www.ebenezerusa.org and click on News and Events; International Bulletin. international So how do people who know their God respond to all this? The book of Daniel gives us some clues. The prophet describes the events to come in our time, stating “… the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits” (Daniel 11:32). The consequences for worldwide aliyah are that God is bringing back His chosen people now. One place they are returning from is India: the Bnei Menashe tribe are going home! Nobody will stop God’s plan. He will use people who know their God and will enable them to carry out great exploits. By Markus Ernst Chairman of Ebenezer Emergency Fund International We need to become such people for the days ahead and for the great task the Lord has entrusted to us! He wants us to deeply know and trust Him. If God is speaking to you, I invite you to rededicate your life to serve Him and His purposes for such a time as this! A defaced Israeli flag lies on the ground during a protest against Israel’s military operations in the Gaza Strip, in La Paz, Bolivia, November 2012. © PA Photos in collaboration with Sword Magazine. A Christian ministry helping the Jewish people return to Israel 5 Ebenezer Operation Exodus USA Why do we emphasize prayer so much in Ebenezer? W hen Jesus’ disciples asked Him to teach them to pray, the first petition He mentioned was, “Hallowed be Thy Name.” We often think of these words as not taking His Name in vain, or honoring and exalting His Name more fervently. However, there is a specific moment in history referred to in Ezekiel 36–39, especially 36:23, where the Lord speaks of aliyah as hallowing or sanctifying His holy Name (NKJV). Aliyah demonstrates to Israel and the nations that He is God. Israel The enemy knows his time is short when the Gospel spreads to every people group (Matthew 24:13) and the fig tree* reappears and prospers (Matthew 24:32). Therefore, great is the opposition to the return of the Jewish people to their Land. Hence the need for much prayer and intercession (standing between God and the people prayed for). Our Lord has systematically shown us the enemy boulders preventing aliyah By Wendy Beckett National Prayer Coordinator (Isaiah 62:10 & 56:14). Every prayer action brings more victory. You all can participate to the extent you are able — even a few minutes daily, calling out for the fulfillment of God’s purposes in aliyah. Because He limits Himself to our prayers, we in the Church who understand have an obligation to our Master to pray “Hallowed be Thy Name.” *The Jewish people in the first century AD understood fig tree to mean the nation of Israel “Thanks to Ebenezer, we twins are together again.” Shalom from Jerusalem! Carolyn made aliyah two years ago with help from Ebenezer USA. She contacted me after hearing that a group of Ebenezer supporters were coming to Israel. She wanted to thank them for helping her come home and be reunited with her twin sister Judy, who has lived here for many years. Reunited: Carolyn (left) and Judy 6 Carolyn said: “Although I know in our Tenach it mentions that in the end of days the Gentiles from the nations will help the Jews in many ways, even carrying them on their shoulders to get them home, I am still amazed and humbled at such love … Thanks to Ebenezer, we twins are together again for the first time in many years.” Carolyn and Judy came to our office before the By Shirley Lawrenson Olim Liaison, Jerusalem Ebenezer group arrived. We had great fellowship as they shared how blessed and happy they are here. Carolyn lives in Ashkelon and Judy in Jerusalem. They regularly meet and walk the streets of Jerusalem, which they long ago dreamed of doing. They met the tour group and thanked them for all Ebenezer does to help Jewish people return to Israel. They were moved by the group’s kindness and deeply touched by meeting people from so many nations who love and pray for Israel. Ebenezer Operation Exodus USA A Smile on My Father’s Face O ctober 6, 2012, was a special day for me as Ebenezer Operation Exodus USA held a conference in Madison, Wisconsin. Just over one hundred people gathered for the conference, and we were blessed by some excellent messages, worship and prayer. I remember the days thirty years ago when, as a teenager and nonbeliever, I helped set up and pack away chairs, first in our family home, and then in a room in my father’s business. I look back on the hours I spent duplicating tapes and sending out mailings. It was thrilling to hear testimonies of the Lord’s miraculous answers to prayer in Israel and the former Soviet Union. I could have listened for hours. I will long remember the prayer time, forming a bridge between generations for the Lord’s purpose of aliyah. By Peter Scheller Senior Pastor, Destiny Christian Fellowship All of those were things that happened before Ebenezer drew her first breath, but out of which she was birthed. In 1991, the same year as Ebenezer was born, my wife and I left England to minister with Youth With A Mission and then in local churches. To do so was a special honor for me because I was not only given the privilege to share the Word of God about something so dear to the Father’s heart, but I was also given the opportunity to put a toe in the shoes of my father, Gustav Scheller, founder of Ebenezer Emergency Fund. usa Despite keeping up with developments, we were not directly involved with Ebenezer for 20 years. Then in January 2011 I attended the 20th anniversary celebration in Jerusalem with my dear mum and felt the stirrings to reconnect in a new way. I was excited to share a message myself, outlining how the return of the Jewish people to Israel is directly related to God’s other end-time purposes: spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth and raising up a mature and glorious bride, fit for the King of Kings. Early days – Gustav welcoming olim into Israel, 1991 I remember collecting offerings, helping my dad and the volunteers count them (which invariably concluded with dad’s “rounding-up ceremony”), and adding another couple hundred British pounds joyfully donated by him and the others. I remember some large gatherings with Steve Lightle and how, even though no event tickets were issued to control the number of people, the halls would fill miraculously just to capacity, but not exceed it. So it feels like I have come full circle, from pre-Ebenezer gatherings in my original home town of Bournemouth, England, to an Ebenezer conference in my adopted home town of Madison, Wisconsin. I was delighted that all four of our children attended and were able to see their father bless the work started by his father. Perhaps, through this experience, they have started to understand one of the reasons why we are so blessed by our heavenly Father and live under His smile. Gustav and Elsa Scheller, 1991 A Christian ministry helping the Jewish people return to Israel 7 with Us! E benezer’s International Young Adults Program is reaching the Next Generation. Join us for 14 action-packed days in Israel, July 15th – 29 th, 2013. We invite you to be part of engage:israel 2013 — an actionpacked trip to Israel for young adults. Your Bible will come alive as you discover God’s heart for the land and its people. You’ll take part in some great activities, receive excellent teaching, and make new friends NEW Engage:Israel Advanced Tour 3rd – 10th November 2013. Visit engage-israel.org for more information. For more information please visit our website: www.ebenezerusa.org You can also call our National Office in Lancaster, NY: 716.681.6300 for life along the way! The trip will be physically, spiritually and emotionally charged, so get ready! engage Join with young people from around the world for an adventure of a lifetime. Get ready to be challenged physically, spiritually and emotionally! Ebenezer Emergency Fund USA PO Box 568 Lancaster, NY 14086 Phone: 716.681.6300 Fax: 716.681.6304 [email protected] www.ebenezerusa.org Ebenezer Emergency Fund International Ebenezer House, 5a Poole Road Bournemouth BH2 5QJ. UK Telephone: +44 (0) 1202 294455 [email protected] www.operation-exodus.org Name________________________________ Address______________________________ _____________________________________ Zip___________________________________ Operation Exodus is an instrument of the Lord to encourage and help the Jewish people to return to the Land of Israel from the land of the north and all the nations and to proclaim God’s Kingdom purposes for their return. Ebenezer Emergency Fund USA is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit charity. We are affiliated with Ebenezer Emergency Fund International, which started in 1991 with just three people but now has representatives in over 50 countries worldwide. All articles in this publication © Ebenezer Emergency Fund International and Ebenezer Emergency Fund USA. Please contact our US office if you would like to be added to our mailing list. This publication is FREE, but donations are warmly welcomed. Nonprofit corporation, contributions are deductible to the extent provided by law. q YES, I want to support the work of Ebenezer Operation Exodus with a gift of q $5 q $10 q $25 Other $ Make checks payable to Ebenezer Emergency Fund USA I want to make my q Monthly Auto Deduction q One-Time Gift q Automatic checking/savings (ACH) q Credit/Debit Please circle credit card Evangelical Council For Financial Accountability Acc #:_______________________________Exp. Date:__________CSC#:______________ E-mail________________________________ (Security Code) Signature:___________________________________________________________________ For Automatic Checking/Savings Monthly or One-Time Donation. Please contact the National Office @ 716-681-6300 to obtain Authorization Form Ebeneze r Emerg ency Fun d U S A • P.O. Box 5 6 8 • L a n c a s t e r, N Y 1 4086 • Te l : 71 6. 681 . 6300 • w w w. e b enezer us a. or g Issue 1.13 Phone________________________________
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