FAYDRA - Retinoblastoma


FAYDRA - Retinoblastoma
“Faydra is a very happy little girl who
has never looked sick even with all
she has been through. We are very
fortunate to have the support of
wonderful friends and family.”
• December 2003, at 3 months old, Faydra’s parents noticed
that she had a funny shake to her eyes.
• CAT scan results showed a tumour in the left eye and a brain
tumour, the size of a golf ball, at the base of her skull just
behind her nose.
• At 4 months of age Faydra underwent a brain biopsy, a
craniotomy, numerous eye exams and blood test after blood test,
until she was finally diagnosed with Trilateral Retinoblastoma malignant tumours in both eyes as well as in her brain.
• Surgical removal of Faydra's brain tumour was not
possible due to the proximity of the tumour to her carotid artery.
• Early 2004 Faydra had a port called an OMAYA reservoir inserted
through the top of her head reaching into the spinal fluid behind
her nose. Faydra received chemotherapy every week directly into
the OMAYA reservoir. She also underwent a total of 8 rounds of
systemic chemotherapy which ended in July 2004.
• Faydra’s eye tumours required cryotherapy and laser work, but
were well controlled as they were discovered relatively early due to
the brain tumour.
• Through her treatments, Faydra has regained some sight,
approaching normal vision in the right eye and much weaker vision
in the left eye.
• September 2004, Faydra underwent an autologous stem cell
transplant. Following the stem cell transplant, Faydra resumes
weekly head chemo injections, in the spring of 2005, these were
reduced to biweekly treatments.
• August of 2005, Faydra’s MRI scan showed a suspicious area
that appeared to be a cyst. Faydra was scheduled for another
craniotomy. The biopsy confirmed a new retinoblastoma brain
• October 2005, Faydra had daily treatments of radiation for a
period of 4 weeks at the Princess Margeret Hospital.
• November 2005, Faydra is scheduled to start 2 more rounds of
systemic chemotherapy and continue to treat the spinal fluid with
the OMAYA chemo.