Palestine Chronology, December 1983
Palestine Chronology, December 1983
Palestine Chronology, December 1983-February 1984 Reviewed work(s): Source: Journal of Palestine Studies, Vol. 13, No. 3 (Spring, 1984), pp. 218-245 Published by: University of California Press on behalf of the Institute for Palestine Studies Stable URL: . Accessed: 13/03/2012 07:31 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. University of California Press and Institute for Palestine Studies are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Palestine Studies. PALESTINE CHRONOLOGY Palestine Chronology, December 1983-February1984 A six-part ChronologyoftheWar in Lebanon, whichbeganonJune3, I982 tocompletion in theJournalno. 44/45 (Summer/Fall in I982) was brought marksthebeginning issueno. 50 (WinterI984). Thisquarter ofa chronology morespecifically onevents within thePalestinian wherever it focused community, otherArabcountries, theUS, Europe,etc.), is (Israel,theoccupiedterritories, and on actionsand actorswhichaffectthiscommunity. is givento Priority withsecondary ontheArabworldandother occupiedPalestinle/Israel, emphasis countries. areclassified intotwogeneral TheSocial/Politicalsection Events categories. covers important community events, protests, demonstrations, official statements, activities diplomatic, legalandeconomic and,where possible, attention isgivento Actiondealswiththeuseor thecauseand effect ofsocialmovement. Military and non-institutionalized threatof arms by institutionalized groupsand are included. Whenavailable,casualtyfigures individuals. wascompiled articles over8o publications, Thechronology byreviewing from themajorUS, European,Israeliand ArabEnglish-language including press. a weekly inMideastPressReport, arecontained service Thesearticles clipping of in New York.Giventhescopeof the Researchand Publications Claremont detailscouldbeincluded.Wherepossible, the coverage, onlythemostimportant and the words various news were retained. A original language of reports range is given(forcasualtiesand economic offigures data) whenestimates differ. readersmaywishto consult: Forcomplimentary sourcesof information, underIsraeliRule," a monthly onthePalestinians "Report chronology published toIsraeland Palestine(B.P. 130-10, 75643 ParisCedexI0, as a supplement France);and Al-Fajr weeklynewspaper(2025 Eye St., NW, Suite902, D.C. 20026). Washington, PALESTINE CHRONOLOGY Tuesday, December 1 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/Israel: ImamofKatibeh Mosque in Gaza given 18 mos. prison termfor "incitement"afterdenouncing murderof Hebron U. studentslastJuly. Gaza artist, Fathi Ghabin's detention extendedforproducing"inciting"posters.RaphaelEitanand ChaimHerzoglead public castigationof 6 Israeli POWs returnedby PLO in Novemberprisoner exchangeand 2 othersstill captive for cowardlysurrender.Gush Emunimsettlerscamp at Joseph'sTomb in Nablus declaring to create permanentJewish presence there; Peace Now warns of demonstrationnext day, supports DM Zipori's position that encampmentis illegal. Teachers in 10 Israeli gov't. schools in Ramallah and al-Birehstrike over low wages. Life sentencesgiven2 Palestinians chargedwithkillingRamallah Village League head (1981), and an attack on IDF officer imposed as "(mayor"of al-Bireh;2 otherssentenced to 12-14 yearsforattackingIsraelisettler in Hebron. Arab World: Arafataccepts outline of Saudi-organized ceasefireinTripoli.After letterfromPres. Reagan reiterating US position,KingHusseinsayshe is prepared to resume talks with Arafat on joint Palestinian-Jordanian approach to negotiationswithIsrael; in lightof current strugglein Tripoli,Hussein promisesto put "no conditions on him." Rebel results spokesmanassertsTripolifighting from Arafat'srefusalto heed Coordination Committee proposals. Tyre municipality opens special employment office for men released from Ansar prison;appeals to UNRWA to provide jobs. 219 OtherCountries: Meetingin Washington, Pres.Gemayeland Reaganagreeto stand by May 17 Lebanese-Israeliagreement. US Sec. of Defense Weinbergertells Jewishleaders of SynagogueCouncil of America that Arafatis "irrelevant"to futureof Middle East. Chile's FM ends visit to Israel; agreementreached to expand mutual trade and agricultural cooperation. Abu Ja'far,Dir. of PLO Political Dep't holds talks with Soviet charged'affairesin Tunis; also received GDR, DPRK, Rumanian, Polish and Czech ambassadorson occasion of Int'l. Day of SolidaritywithPalestinianPeople. Major oil co.s shippingunder Liberian flag pressure Liberian gov't. to cancel plans for embassyin Jerusalem;ambassador reportedlooking for alternative locationin Tel Aviv. MILITARY ACTION: Arab World: Palestinian casualties in Lebanon mountainartillery exchanges:2 1 fromStruggleFront,2 PFLP fighters, from LiberationArmyand 1 from alSaiqa killed; 2 from Struggle Front wounded.Israel-backedmilitiachiefin S. Lebanon, Abu Saleh, quits to renew loyaltyto Amal militia.1983 to date,71 Druze quit Israeli militaryfor religious reasons(compareswith19 in 1982). Friday, December 2 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/Israel:2 Palestinian students arrested in Beer Sheba (Bir Sab'a) on chargesof possessingbanned printedmaterial.Al-Fajrpoll finds94% of Palestinians in Israel support Arafat leadership. 200 residentsof Dheisheh refugeecampnearBethlehemattendmtg. at UNRWA officeto protestIsraelithreat of camp school closure. Galilee priest, FowziKhouri,releasedon IS100,000 bail 220 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES after1 monthdetentionon chargesof contactwithPLO. Arab World: Gemayel ends talks with Reagan admin. with no furthercommitments of US assistance.Second-ranking Druze officialmurderedin Beirut; ChristianPhalangeblamed. 2 Israelifirmssigndeals OtherCountries: for 1st Israeli factoryin Ciskei tribal homeland,S. Africa;Israeli trade there includessale of American-made Mooney lightplanesforfledgeling Ciskeiairforce plus military training. [Israeland Taiwan lead investmentin S. African "Bantustans."]BritishHigh Court decides to referIsrael'sprotestat UK's refusalto sell it NorthSea oil to European Court of Justice.UN SecurityCouncil considers Arafat'srequest for assistance in evacuatingTripoli. MILITARY ACTION: 3 Palestinian Occupied Palestine/Israel: workersshot for not stoppingat Gaza checkpointwhile driving to work in Israel.About 30 BirkatAvrahamyeshiva studentsgo on rampagearmedwithiron rods,smashingwindows,injuring2 Arab men; 3 Arabs and 2 Jewsarrestedand released. IDF uproots five dunums of treesbelonging to Palestinian fruit farmers alongKfarSaba-Qalqilyaroad whereIDF believespetrolbomb attackson Israeli trafficlaunched; farmers not to be compensatedand orderednot to replant. ArabWorld:Heavyartillery exchangesin TripolibetweenrivalPalestinianforcesas talks on evacuation of loyalists stall. Bazooka attackon Israeli armyvehicle kills1 IDF soldierin Lebanon. Saturday, December 3 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/lsrael: 2,000 Israelis inTel Aviv'sMuseumSquare demonstrate in supportof conscientiousobjectionto militaryservicein Lebanon. Yesh Gvul ("TThere's a Limit") announces over 3,000 IDF reserveofficersand enlisted men joined movementagainst military service in Lebanon. Delegation from IsraeliCouncilforIsraeli-Palestinian Peace makessolidarityvisitto Bassam Shaka'a after last week's escalation of settler violencein Nablus. Arab World:Egypt'sPres. Mubaraksays Arafatwelcometo visitCairo. Other Countries:US announces unprecedentedall-grant aid to Israel military to reach$1.4 billionin fiscal1985. UN SecurityCouncil votes unanimouslyto permit embattled Arafat loyalists to evacuateTripoliunderUN flag. MILITARY ACTION: ArabWorld:Israelibombersstrikealleged basesinmountainsnearBeirutin guerrilla retaliaitonfor1 Israelisoldierkilledin S. Lebanon ambush yesterday.US commanderin Lebanonauthorizedto use 16inch guns on USS New Jerseyagainst adversaries. Sunday, December 4 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Energy Min. Moda'i urgesCabinetto authorizeattempt to capture Arafatand top aides before leavingTripoli.IsraeldeniesUS bombing raidspartof joint plan withIsrael.Antinuclear, ecumenical Bethlehem Peace Pilgrimage Grouparrivesin Haifaforlast legof 12,000 kmtrekfromBangor,WA, USA, to Bethlehem. Arab World: Syrian FM calls for international and Arab action against aggressiveUS policy in Middle East. In Tripoli interview,Arafatsays he wants PALESTINE CHRONOLOGY PLO base in Cairo. Bonn agreesto DM140 OtherCountries: millionloan to Israel for investmentin high-tech development. MILITARY ACTION: Molotov cockOccupiedPalestine/Israel: tail attack on Israeli militarypatrol in Nablus; curfews imposed on nearby Balataand Askarcamps. Arab World:US jets bomb SyrianpositionsinKfarSalwan,Falougha,Hammana, Dahral-Baidar,JabalKnaysetand Sofarin Lebanon;2 jetsdowned.8 Marineskilled bymilitia,presumedby US to be Syrianbacked; 6th Fleet opens fireon militia positions. OtherCountries: IsraeliembassyinBankok bombed; attackers unidentified;Thai customsallertedto "suspicious Arabs" to leave thecountry. trying Monday, December 5 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/Israel: BethlehemU. resumesclasses afterclosure by Israeli military (11/2/83) duringfolklorefestival there.Over 200 anti-ZionistOrthodox Jews protest corner-stone-laying ceremonyat Emmanuelreligioussettlement;block 16 buses of Agudat Israel Partysupportersplanningto attend.In addressto IsraeliFederationof ContractorsandBuildersconvention inJerusalem, Shamirurgesprivatebuildersto develop West Bank. KnessetForeignAffairsand DefenseCom. reportnewultra-rightwing underground, stockpiling arms and planningto take over partof territories. LaborFederation leaderShehadehMinawi releasedon IS5,000 bail afterheldfor24 hrs. on charges of arrangingillegal conferencein Jerusalem.About 20 S. Lebanon merchantsmeet with Israeli 221 Industryand TradeDirectorinJerusalem trade. to discusswaysof improving Arab World:PLO Political Dep't. head QaddoumirefusesproposalbysomePLO Executive Com. members to replace coArafat.Mubarakwarnsnew"strategic operation"willspelldisasterforAmerican friendsin Arabworld;otherofficialArab sourcesconcur. OtherCountries: UK Labor Partydep. sec. Hattersley sayshispartyadmiresIsraelas "one of the greatesteventsof the 20th century,"addingLabor's recentpro-PLO resolutionswereonly attemptsto introduce "realismintotheromantic."North AmericanPalestiniancommunity Newark, NJ publicizes declaration reaffirming support for PLO and Arafat leadership. Occupied Palestine/Israel:Violent exchangesin Jerusalembetweenextremist Zionistcellsinjerusalem,BirkatAvraham, ToratKohanimand ShuvaBanimyeshivot and Arab residentsof Muslim Quarter when severalstudentsspraytear gas in eyes of youngPalestinianman near his shop; neighborsretaliatewithbarrageof stones. Arab World:24 US jets strikein Chouf mountainsand Metnregion,hit6 villages; US claims retaliationfor Syrian antifireagainstyesterday's aircraft US flights over Lebanon; 2 US planes downed, 1 airmankilled, 1 capturedby Syria. US Navy spokesman says US reevaluating Syrianmilitary capabilities. Tuesday, December 6 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: 12 men in alOccupiedPalestine/lsrael: Arubrefugeecamp nearHebronarrested Shamir undersuspicionofstone-throwing. to US as commitments deniesanymilitary 222 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES quidproquoforaid receivedduringrecent visit to Washington.Jerusalemmayor Kollek calls Birkat Avraham students urgestheirremovalfrom troublemakers, Old City. MILITARY ACTION: OccupiedPalestine/Israel: CentralNablus curfewedfor24 hoursafterfailedgrenade attackon Israelipatroland Molotovcocktailthrownat patrolin Askarcamp. OtherCountries:US Securitiesand Exchange Commissioncites Development CorporationforIsraelforfailingto report to IRS largesumsreceivedinexchangefor IsraelBondsfrom1/82 to 4/83. Antonio Tricolli, Argentine Interior Minister describes anti-Semitismas "barbaric attitude" to be eliminated from the country;ArgentineFM Dante Caputo states new constitutionalgov't. would PLO as legitimate representative recognize ofthePalestinianpeople. Thursday, December 8 MILITARY ACTION: 4 killedand 46 OccupiedPalestine/Israel: woundedin bomb explosionon #18bus in West Jerusalem;41 detained for interrogation;anonymous caller from Israeli terror group, "TNT", (Terror NegedTerror),claimsresponsibility. Wednesday, December 7 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Israeli shekel OccupiedPalestine/Israel: nowequals 1 US cent.[In 6 yearsofLikud gov't.,Israeli currencydevalued 99%.] Knesset defeats Communist no-confidence motion over agreementswith Israeli"civiladministration" Washington. imposes sanctions on Dheisheh camp residents,restrictingtravel permitsto returnof Palestinian Jordan,preventing visitorsto otherArabcountries. OtherCountries: Greeceagreesto send 4 shipsto TripoliforevacuationofArafat's soldiers.MayorMcCann of JerseyCity, NJ,USA, announceshis cityto "adopt" Israeli settlementof Tekoah in West Bank. SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/Israel: JewishNational Fund plans to transplant cedars of Lebanon faildue to war in Lebanon; in Galilee, 10-15,000 reported already transplanted fromFrancewhereimported by Lebaneseimmigrants. ArabWorld:GemayelsendsFM to Damascus for talks on withdrawalof foreign troopsfromLebanon. OtherCountries: US, British,Frenchand ItalianFMs reaffirm commitment to MNF presencein Beirut.In GeneralAssembly debate, Israeli UN ambassador Blum requests UN cancel arrangementsto protectArafat'sdeparture fromTripoliin light of recent bomb explosion on bus. Jerusalem MILITARY ACTION: Occupied Palestine/Israel: Aisha Adnan Bahash,11, shotdead,sister,Fida,9, shot in faceby Israelisettlerin Nablusbakery. Israelitroopsraidand vandalizePalestinian cultural exhibit at Nablus Labor Unionoffice, detain11 present, confiscate publications. Students and 2 teachers fromHashimiyaSecondarySchool in alBiraarrestedafterclasheswithabout 200 Israelisoldiersas studentsprotest"civil administration" ceremonyat school with militarypresence.Yatta farmersdriven fromtheirfieldsby Israeli settlers.Bus toKiryatArbareportedly stoned traveling outsideHebron. PALESTINE CHRONOLOGY 223 Friday, December 9 Sunday, December 1 1 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli police detain7 KiryatArba settlersforcingway into Abraham's tomb during Muslim prayertimes. SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Israel:IsraelipolicearOccupiedPalestine/ Elon rest EphraimSegal, US-immigrant Morehsettler,forquestioningin murder of Nablus girl(12/8/83). 2 Israelibuses damagedand 1 KiryatArbasettlerhurtin hail of stones outside Dheisheh refugee camp. Hebronman obtainsordernisirequiringWest Bank commanderto give cause forsealingof his home. MILITARY ACTION: OccupiedPalestinel Israel:Jerusalem police findand detonate5 IDF grenadebombs near3 Christian churchesanda mosquein city; grenadeexplodes in Salah al-Din Street; no injured reported; 6 Arabowned automobilesburntin Jerusalem; "TNT" claims responsibilityfor all incidents.Israeli troops extendmilitary camp on farmland in 'Ush al-Ghurab belonging to Beit Sahour residents confiscated 10/7/83 for "military purposes." ArabWorld:IsraeligunboatsattackArafat base in Tripoli. Arab World: Villagers in Milke, S. Lebanon riot againstIDF patrol; 5 villagersinjured,severalarrested. MILITARY ACTION: 2 petrolbombs OccupiedPalestine/Israel: thrownat Israelipolicebus nearal-Bireh. Occupationforcesdemolish3 Palestinian homes and seal 4 othersin Hebron and to suspectedmembers Ramallahbelonging of groupshostileto Israel. Saturday, December 10 US Sec. of State Shultz OtherCountries: inTunisforUS-Israel"strategic criticized cooperation." SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Israel police Occupied Palestine/Israel: summonJamalMu'adi, head of Druze InitiativeCommittee,chargedwithholdingillegalpublicgathering 4 monthsago. 75 Americanand 75 Israeliparticipants join for1stWorld JewishYoungLeadershipAssemblyin Sodom. MILITARY ACTION: Arab World:Gemayeladvisor discloses ordersreceivedin Washingtonto move LAF into Druze-heldChouf as US and Israeli warplanesprovidecover and US shipsblanketarea withheavyartillery. MILITARY ACTION: ToratKohanim OccupiedPalestine/Israel: yeshiva students under border patrol guard break into and occupy building undercontrolof "Custodianof Absentee inJerusalem's MuslimQuarter. Property" Monday, December 12 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Deniedbuilding OccupiedPalestine/Israel: permitssince 1948, refugeesof Kadita village living in Anbara camp granted 35 dunumsby IsraeliLands Administration. In response to latestclashes with Arab residentsin Upper Nazareth,Arabto JewishcommitteeformedinJerusalem 224 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES combatincreasingracismagainstArabs. Law in the Service of Man (Ramallah) in US publishesreplyto misinformation State Dep't. report on Israel's human rightsrecord. Galilee and organizingdemonstrations. announcestotal IsraelBondsOrganization of $475,434,250. raised in 1983 (comparedwith$502,144,500. in 1982); total since 1951 morethan$6.5 billion. Arab World:US Sec. of State Shultzdecoorperation"withIsrael fends"strategic duringtalkswithHM Hassan II in Rabat. About 2,000 Lebanese and Palestinian and informerAnsarprisonersrearrested terrogatedby Israeli forces.Israeli militarycourtin Nablussentences14 youths from Qabatyah to 2 to 3-year prison termsforstone-throwing. ArabWorld:JordanCabinetconfirms12 Jordaniansof Palestinianorigin given death sentences in absentiaby special military courtforsellingWest Bankland to Israel. MILITARY ACTION: Dhib Mahmoud OccupiedPalestine/Israel: by Israelipatrol Daba'ak killedinstantly fieldnearTayasir,NW of whileploughing forautopsy toJaffa Nablus;bodyairlifted and Israel Armyspokesmanannounces man killed by straybullet while riding range.Israeliforcessetup horseintofiring checkpoints at entrances to al-Najah National University,harassingstudents and faculty.Booby-trappedIDF grenade home explodeson doorstepofPalestinian in Husan village; 2 other bombs discoveredin searchof village. Tuesday, December 13 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Red Cross reOccupiedPalestine/Israel: ports Israel reneged on terms of last month'sprisonerexchange,citingcase of Ziad Abu Ain; PLO claims39 stillheldin defianceof agreement;Israel DM communique blames error in ICRC/Israel coordinationfor reversalof Abu Ain's release.PatronofBirkatAvrahamyeshiva remandedfor 4 days for disregarding gov't. order to removeillegalstructure. Trial beginsfor 10 Palestinianscharged with harassmentof Jewishsettlersin GemayelinLondonfor2 OtherCountries: days of talks with PM Thatcher. Respondingto reportsthatIsraelasked US for Pershing11 missiles,Shamir sends messageto USSR thatIsrael would not Russia. acquiremissilescapableofhitting UN Gen. Assemblyadopts resolution callingfor peace conferenceinvitingall parties,includingUS, USSR and PLO on equal footing[124-4, 15 abstentions]. MILITARY ACTION: AbdullahAhmed OccupiedPalestine/Israel: Musa, workerfromBir al-Basha/Jenin, founddead nearAkka;familyfearskilled by Israelivigilantes. ArabWorld:US and Israelinavieslaunch simultaneousbut separate attacks on Syrian and Palestinian positions, nearLebanesecoast.Grenade respectively, thrownat IDF patrolnearSidon,2 Israeli patrol soldiers wounded; Israeli truck driverwoundedby grenadeattacksouth of ZahraniRiver. Wednesday, December 14 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Israeli authorOccupiedPalestine/Israel: ities unfreeze$200,000 of $1 million seizedfromGaza IslamicU. 1 yearago. Suspect in murder of Nablus girl (12/8/83) releasedforlack of evidence. DM Moshe ArensannouncesIsrael will PALESTINE CHRONOLOGY reviewpolicy of blowingup homes of Palestinianschargedwithactionsagainst thestate. Arab World:Israel joins LAF and Red Cross in evacuating2,000-2,500 Phalangistmilitiamenand other Christians fromDeir al-QamarfromDruzeforces. Thursday, December 15 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/lsrael:High Court delays order to demolish 2 al-Thowri homes belongingto familiesof persons in suspectedof indirectinvolvement ofIsraelisettler inHebron.3 Dura killing sentenced teenagers byRamallah military in courtto 15-30yearsformembership "illegal organizations." 2 Gaza Red CrescentSocietyofficials, Dr. Haidar & Abdal-Karim Abdal-Shafi Tululi,tried forpossessionof bannedbooks.Town arrest member ofHamdiFaraj,executive ofArabJournalists for6 Assoc.,renewed months. IsraelCentral BureauofStatistics announces inflation toreach190%byend 1983(compared with130%in 1982). OtherCountries: Israel's1985 American aid requestpresented in simultaneously andJerusalem; nofinalsum, Washington butdeclaresneedfor$3.3 billionto fill foreign currency gap. Reaganappoints Orthodox Jew,Marshall Jordan Berger to postas WhiteHouseliaisontoUS Jewish UNRWAdisavows community. anyconnectionwithIsraeligov't.'sproposed resettlement refugee scheme.US praises Israel-assistedrescue of Phalangist militiamen Deiral-Qamar from as "model inthereconciliation forfurther progress processin Lebanon."EuropeanParliamentto send delegationto Lebanon, IsraelandEgypt Syria, Jordan, toexamine of solutions to MiddleEast possibilities 225 and Lebanonconflict. MILITARY ACTION: Arab World:USS New Jersey's16-inch guns, in action for first time since Vietnamwar,fireat Syriananti-aircraft batterieseastof Beirut. Friday, December 16 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: EgyptiandipOccupied Palestine/Israel: lomats in Tel Aviv complainof anonymousphonethreats andvandalismagainst their cars and homes; Israel Foreign Ministrydismissesacts as "normal Tel Avivcrime." ArabWorld:Gemayelmakesvisitto Col. Qadhafiin Tripoli,Libya. Other Countries:US and Israel reach agreementforfutureUS militaryuse of Israelimedicalfaciities. Saturday, December 17 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Homes of 13 Occupied Palestine/Israel: inRasalfamilies demolished Palestinian andIsraelicourt AmoudnearJerusalem grantsthe land to Israeliconstruction company,Tomer.32 refugeefamilies fromBeachCamp(Gaza),whosehomes demolished forces, appeal byoccupation to UNRWA & other humanitarian agenciesforaid in 2nd winterwithout IsraeldeclaresDheisheh propershelter. zone,forcing refugee campclosedmilitary for Solidaritywith IsraeliCommittee tostophelping BZUvolunteers paveroad; 2 Israelis& TV crewdetained.EL AL over"TempleMount"on forbids flights adviceof formerChiefRabbi Shlomo ofthesiteextends Gorenthattheholiness there isfear totheairaboveit;((therefore, 226 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES uncleanpeople willdefile thatreligiously throughit." thatairspaceby flying loyalArabWorld:97 woundedPalestinian evacuatedby Italianhospital ist fighters shipto Tunisand PDRY. SeniorEgyptian official,Shafi Abdel Hamid, declines to visitIsrael. invitation US Asst. Sec. of Health OtherCountries: signs 5-yearagreementwith Israel providingfor exchangeof informationon social servicesand humandevelopment. Sunday, December 18 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Coordinating Occupied Palestine/Israel: Bureau of Economic Organizationsand Histadrutagreeworkerstoget17.9% cost 12/25/83. of livingraise,effective Other Countries:Israel Radio claims Reagan made secretpact withIsrael to increasemilitaryaid in 1986; US State signed Dep't. assertsno secretagreement "whileShamirwashere."[In fact,Reagan signedsecretNationalSecurityDecision cooperation Directiveforcloserstrategic to Israelon 10/9/83.] and commitment MILITARY ACTION: ArabWorld:US F-14s meetSyrianantiaircraftfire over Beirut; US warships hills.Forfifth bombardSyrian-controlled time in 9 days, Israeli gunboats shell evacuationatTripoli; Palestinians awaiting returnfire.2 Israeli Palestinianfighters soldiersseriouslywounded, 1 Lebanese killedingrenadeattackon IDF patrolnear Sidon; Israelis open fireon crowd gaafterincident. thering Monday, December 19 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Israeli gov't. Occupied Palestine/Israel: denies IsraelRadio reportthatDep. PM Levy met with King Hussein in Paris. Israeliofficial complainsthatUS consulate officialsin Jerusalem "encouraging"proPLO circles.DM Arensaffirms Israelwill continueto usehousedemolitionas ("pretrialpunishment." Other Countries: Soviet-born Israeli arrested and charged with arson in Amsterdam's pornorowfirewhichkilled 13 and injuredat least25. Tuesday, December 20 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/Israel: Dep. Knesset Speaker Cohen-Avidovjustifiestelling his son servingin West Bank to ignore IDF restrictionon use of arms against stone-throwers. Studentcouncilelections held in Gaza Islamic U. and Bir Zeit U; StudentYouthMovementwinsall 9 seats in BZU council. Strikingdock workers forcebusiness,gov't.and portauthorities tocreatespecialfundtotransport cargoes byair. Arab World:Arafatand some 4,000 sailfromTripolion 5 chartered loyalists Greekpassenger shipsescorted byFrench Navy. OtherCountries: Resolutions adoptedin UN Gen.Assembly: newUSdenouncing Israeliaccord[87-29, 29 abstentions]; condemningincreasingcollaboration between IsraelandS. Africa in (especially nuclearfield)[101-18,20 abst.];calling for economicand militarysanctions Israel[84-24,31 abst.];declaring against Israel'sdecisionto imposejurisdiction overJerusalem nulland void[137-1,3 Israel's abst.];andcondemning plundering of Palestinian culturalproperty during ofLebanon[ 120-1,20 abst.]. occupation S. California EdisonCo. buys$15 million PALESTINE CHRONOLOGY solarplantfromIsraelifirm,Ormat. MILITARY ACTION: Occupied Palestine!Israel:Hand-grenade thrownat BorderPatrolvehiclein Gaza. Israeli troops use teargasagainstabout 100 studentsprotestingoccupationand attemptsto put al-Najah National U. undermilitary control;hourslater,petrol bomb flungat Israeli foot patrol, no injuries.GreekOrthodoxnunandMuslim muezzininjured when 2 IDF grenades explodein al-Eizariya(Bethany);"TNT" claimsresponsibility. ArabWorld:2 Israelisoldiersand 5 Lebanesecivilianswoundedbygrenadehurled at Israelipatrolin Sidon;2 Israelisoldiers wounded by land mine near JibJennin; explosivedevicewounds1 Israeliin Ghaziyehvillagein S. Lebanon; attackson Israelisin Lebanontotal6 today. Wednesday, December 21 SOCIAL POLITICAL: 24-day dock Occupied Palestine/Israel: workers'strikeendswithworkersaccepting 25% pay increase,but with higher workquotas and workerlayoffs. MILITARY ACTION: Occupied Palestine!Israel:3 Palestinianowned cars set ablaze in E. Jerusalem; no responsefromfiredep't.; police respond after45 mins.; Israeli vigilantes suspected. ArabWorld:At least2 killedbyIsraeliair raidsin S. Lebanon. Israelisoldiersransack mosque in Lebanese village of Aadlun,triggering religiouspratestsand generalstrikethere. 227 Thursday, December 22 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli FMYehud Ben-Meirresigns.Duringvisitof Italy's FM Giulio Andreotti,PM Shamirvoices alarm at potential damage to Israel's exportsifSpain and Portugaladmittedto EEC. Israel'sHighCourtrefusesrecentlyimprisonedconscientiousobjector'schallenge to re-mobilizationorders issued immediately on his releasefromprison. Muslim cemeteryin Jaffavandalized; tombstonesspray-painted withthreatsto Arabs,signed"TNT." ArabWorld:ArafatmeetsPres.Mubarak in Cairo; DFLP criticizesmove; Khaled Fahumtermsit "flagrant violationofrule of PNC;" Saleh Khalafcalls it a personal moveby Arafat. OtherCountries: US hailsMubarak-Arafat mtg.Veniceprosecutorissueswarrant for Arafat'sarreston chargehe had knowledge PLO supplied weapons to Red Brigade. MILITARY ACTION: Occupied Palestine/Israel: Hebron curfewedaftergrenadethrownat Usama Ibn Munqeth School, occupied by Jewish squatters. Friday, December 23 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Arab World:Jordanand Egyptsignnew tradeprotocolagreementto reviveeconomicties. MILITARY ACTION: OccupiedPalestine/Israel: Curfewimposed on centralHebronaftergrenadethrownat BeitRomano,occupiedby Jewishsquatters.AmalSalimWahdanLabadi,member of Women's Work Committeeand trea- 228 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES surer of Abu Dis Public Institutions Workers' Union, placed under town arrestin Abu Dis for"securityreasons;" Labadi is 6 mos. pregnant. OtherCountries; Fleeinggunmanfiresat Israelicharge'd'affaires in Malta. tinianopthamologistand respectedpatriot,dies. ArabWorld:ArafatarrivesinYemenArab Republic with loyalists aboard Greek and 1 birthtook place ship; 10 marriages on board duringweeklongvoyage. Sunday, December 25 OtherCountries: US presidential candidate, JesseJackson,invitedto Damascus for talksby Pres.Hafezal-Assad. SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/Israel: Ansarprisoner, OthmanRaafatSaid Hamdan,scheduled for release in November prisoner exchange,discoveredstill held in Israel's Atlit militaryprison. Israeli Cabinet accusesEgyptof violatingspiritof Camp David byMubarak'smeetingwithArafat. Railroad workersin North strikefor 3 days to protesterosion of salaries.Estimated12,000 touristsvisitBethlehemat Christmas. MILITARY ACTION: Arab World: 1 Israeli soldier killed in Sidon ambush. Arab World: Egypt's FM Butros Ghali oftalksbetweenJordan urgesresumption and PLO. MILITARY ACTION: Arab World:30 killed (mostlycivilians) and 50 woundedin Beirutfighting; LAF gaincontrolof3 keypositionsnearSabra & ShatilaafterFrenchwithdrawal. Monday, December 26 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine!Israel:Students of West Bank vocational institutesand collegesstriketoprotestrenewedattempts by Jordan Ministryof Education to impose comprehensiveexam. Heads of Jewishsettlementsin occupied Golan complain that Israeli gov't. neglecting there.PM Shamirsaysthere development is no chanceforrevivalof Reaganpeace initiative.Dr. Khalil Budeiri,1st Pales- Tuesday, December 27 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine!Israel: Postal workers strikeforimprovedbenefitsand working conditions.Death penaltyconferred on 2 Palestinianmen,Maher& KarimYunis, convictedofkillingIsraelisoldierin 1980; familiesmaintainconfessionswere extractedby torture.6 mo. town arrest orderimposedon Khaled Qidra Abd alHadi, DeputyGeneralSecretaryof Gaza LawyersUnion. ArabWorld:ArafatmeetswithFatehCeninSana'a,YAR. Cease-fire tralCommittee called in Beirut; after3 days fighting, about 60 (mainlyLebaneseand Palestinian civilians) killed, 150 wounded. Egyptianforeignaffairsadvisorsays US shouldopen talkswithArafat,callinghim "a voice of reasonand moderation." OtherCountries: US State Dep't. assails Soviet cut in Jewishemigrationas "an act of evil." unmitigated Wednesday, December 28 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: In proposal to OccupiedPalestine/Israel: PALESTINE CHRONOLOGY curb public spending,Finance Minister Yigal Cohen-Orgadproposes freezeon furtherIsraeli settlements;Peace Now hailsplan; rightwing TehiyaPartythreatens to pull out of coalition if plan approved.Haaretzpublishespoll indicating 48.5% Israeli respondentsoppose moresettlements on West Bank; 26.9% favor.Generalstrikein Eilat sees 5,000 residentsdemonstrateagainstclosureof TimmaCopper Works and generaleconomic distress.Strikingpostal workers orderedback to work. Abed Abu Diab, Jerusalem unionistandconsultant toJerusalem ElectricCo., gets 5th renewalof 6-monthtownarrestorder. MILITARY ACTION: ArabWorld:1 Israelisoldierkilledand 2 woundedinambushon IDF borderpatrol in Jezzine, S. Lebanon. Thursday, December 29 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/lIsrael: Encouragedby US urgingto restoreEgypt-Israelrelations, Shafi Abdul Hamid receivedby Shamir.[Hamid is firstrankingEgyptian diplomatto visitIsraelsince invasionof Lebanon.] On eve of cabinetmtg.over austeritymeasures, PM Shamir calls emergencymtg.for Herut membersof Cabinetin unityattempt. ArabWorld:Sidon porton generalstrike in responseto Israel'soccupation,recent killingof 3 and arrestof 2 local citizens. Aides in Sana'a, YAR announce Arafat approvesmilitaryplan for futurePLO action. OtherCountries:13 retiredUS generals and admiralsreturnfromvisitto Israel sponsoredby B'nai Brith. 229 Friday, December 30 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/lsrael: CentralBureau of StatisticsannouncesIsrael'seconomy grewless than 1% in 1983, foreigndebt setat $23 billion.Cabinetdefersdecision on urgenteconomic recoveryprogram; announcesnew roundof consumerprice increases.US 6th Fleetservicedin Haifa; 2 US warshipsunderrepairinIsraelShipyard; US sailors expected to spend $5 millionon leave thereduringmonthof December. Arab World:Arafatarrivesin Tunis for FatehCentralCommitteemtg.Israelseals offAwali RivercrossingsbetweenNorth Lebanon and occupied South. Public demonstrationsstaged throughoutS. Lebanonprotesting Israelioccupation. OtherCountries: Indonesiadecidesnot to host 1984 InternationalParliamentary Union conferenceas Israel expectedto attend. MILITARY ACTION: 2 IDF grenadeOccupiedPalestine/Israel: bombsexplodesin 2 mosquesin Hebron; 1 worshipperslightlywounded; Israeli "TNT" claims responsibility.Bomb bus. spottedand defusedon Jerusalem Saturday, December 31 SOCIAL POLITICAL OccupiedPalestine/Israel: Bomb explodes at home of Haj Rashad Shawwa,former mayorof Gaza; no injuries. Arab World:Israelisreopen Ansar concentration camp.Lebanesegov't.protests to US over closure of access to South Lebanon and mass arrestsby Israelover past2 days.DM SpandolonitellsLebanese 230 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES gov't.ofplantohalveItalianMNF troops. MILITARY ACTION: OccupiedPalestine/Israel: 110 lb. bomb explodes at roadside south of Sidon; witnessessay 2-3 Israelis killed. Bomb explodesas IDF vehiclepatrolsarea near Nusiratrefugeecamp. Sunday, January 1 Occupied Palestine/Israel:Israeli Dep. Cabinet Min. warns50-100,000 Israelis may emigratein 1984. Israeli police reportmaterialevidencelinksshootingof Nablus girls(12/8/83) to Yosef Harnoi (of Tel Aviv & Elon Moreh); Pinhas Mahrabi and EphraimSegal as accomplices. 19thanniversary of establishment of PLO. Hanna Nakkara distinguished Palestinianadvocate,well-knownforhis work in defenseof Bedouin rightsand againstland confiscation, dies in Haifa. MILITARY ACTION: Occupied Palestine/Israel: Rida Hashem Zeid KeelaniofJeninshotdead by Israeli patrolatJalazounrefugeecampforfailing to stop for identitycheck; occupation authoritiesforcefamilyto burybody at night to avoid attention; IDF later announces victim listed as suspected terrorist.Central Nablus placed under curfewafterpetrolbomb attackon IDF footpatrol;later,petrolbomb hurledat patrol in Balata refugeecamp; petrol bomb attackreportedin Jabaliyarefugee campin Gaza Strip. Monday, January 2 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: 3 Galileeyouths OccupiedPalestine/Israel: held since 9/27/83 sentencedto 6-15 mos. prison for participationin 1983 Land Day demonstration;lawyer says youths subjected to physicaland psychologicaltorturewhile in Jalamehand Akka prisons. Israeli MinisterialEconomicCommitteesetsFridaydeadlinefor gov't.dep' presentbudgetproposals with9% overallspendingcut; DM Arens rejects notion of cutting budget for developmentof Lavi bomber.Jerusalem Post poll reports 72% favor cut in spending for West Bank settlements. SettlersfromYakirand Kedumim,bitter over arrest of 3 Israelis suspected of Nablus killings(12/8/83), returnIDFissuedweaponsto Israeliauthorities. Arab World: Rev. JesseJacksonmeets Pres.Assad in Damascus,appeals release of US airmandowned 12/4/83. MILITARY ACTION: OccupiedPalestine/Israel: Incendiary bomb thrownat Israelimilitary patrolat Balata refugeecamp; no casualties. Arab World:IsraelisreopenAwali River crossingsafter3 days. Tuesday, January3 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israelcivilservants stop work over new austerity measures,including15% increasesin assubsidies staplefoodprices cut.Knesset FinanceCommittee approves14%oincreasein electricty costs,retroactive to 12/1/83.SocialWorkersUnionmembersdemonstrate before LaborandSocial AffairsMinistryto protest recent sanctions. ArabWorld:SyriareleasesUS airmanto Rev.Jesse Jackson. OtherCountries: BeforeAmerican Jewish inNY,Israel'sformer Committee advisor on Arabaffairs MenahemMilsonsays Palestinians shouldbe granted rightto PALESTINE CHRONOLOGY organizepolitically(provided they recognizeIsrael and reject PLO). Britain declassifies 1953 secret memorandum outliningearlyplansto armIsrael. MILITARY ACTION: ArabWorld:IsraeliKfirbomberslaunch2 attackson suspectedPalestinian positions inBhamdoun,Lebanon.Somenon-essenfromSidon. tialIDF personnelwithdrawn Wednesday, January4 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: In responseto OccupiedPalestine/lsrael: report of arrestof 160 formerAnsar detainees,DM Arenssaysonly 16. Arab World: Fateh Central Committee ends 3 days of talks in Tunis; 5 rebel ranks: officers expelledfromPLO military Mohammed Tarki al-Khadra,MohammedZahran,Lt. Col. MahmoudHamdan (Abu Adwi), Maj. Yusef al-Ajjouriand Said Musa (Abu Musa). OtherCountries: Juryselectionbeginsin fortrialofMuhammed Albufeira, Portugal HusseinRashid (a.k.a. Yousefal-Awad), formurderof Issam Sartawi(4/10/83); deniesguilt. defendent MILITARY ACTION: Arab World: 16 Israeli bombers inflict heavycasualtiesin Baalbekarea; 40-100 killed,360-400 wounded.Lebanesestate courtreinstatesailingSaad Haddad into Lebanese Army, reversing7-year-old inRambam decision;Haddadbeingtreated Hospital,Haifa. 7 West Bank deputies cross to Jordan to attend session of reconvened Jordanian parliament. OtherCountries: Reagan says willingto meetSyrianPres.Assad if it would help peace in theMiddleEast. 231 Thursday, January5 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Israel Central Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Bureau of Statistics reports Israeli populationgrewby 1.7%; Arabsby2.8% in 1983. MeirKahanedetainedforillegal demonstrationsupportingJewishterror against Arabs; Kahane allowed by to escape. interrogators Arab World: King Hussein orders reconvening of Jordan's parliament;12 deputies now live under Israeli occuRed Crossconfirms pation.International that casualtiesof Israeli bombingraids near Baalbek (1/4/84) were mostly civilians;Baalbekclosed in generalstrike. MILITARY ACTION: Bombin Qazizin OccupiedPalestine/lsrael: marketinHebron;defusedshortlybefore set to explode. Frlday, January 6 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Galilee settleOccupied Palestine/lsrael: mentschrmn.,M. Ariav,says 31 settlementsinnorthareneareconomiccollapse. PM ShamirmeetswithUS envoyRumsfeld and US Sen. Tower of Sen. Armed Services Com. Musa Jaradat,Al-Fajr placed undertownarrest. correspondent Saturday, January7 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Arab World:SheikhJalaleddin,Muftiof accusingIsraelof Sidon, issuesstatement measuresdesigned andrepressive arbitrary Sidon population.WithMNF to terrorize LAF conductnew round of withdrawn, massarrestsin Sabra refugeecamp. 232 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES MILITARY ACTION: Occupied Palestine/lsrael: Water mains connecting Esh'ar Israeli Army post blownup withmake-shift bomb. Monday, January9 Arab World:Israeli Merkava tanksand armoredvehiclesspraySidon streetswith firethreetimes;3 wounded, machine-gun carsand shopsdamaged. & gov't.workers service protest atFinance Ministry againstyesterday's worksanctions.2 LikudMKspresent urgent agenda onnewsettlements forfreeze inoccupied 15 Bedouinsheikhspresent territories. PM Shamirwithcomplaints of deterioratingconditionsas Israelimilitary continueto expropriategrazingand watering lands in Negevand Galilee; Shamirsaystheissuewillbe turned over Sunday, January 8 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/lsrael: Israelireservist convictedof stealingmoneyfromWest Bank residentsreturningfromJordan. Chrmn.ofUS JointChiefsofStaffarrives frommtg.withPres. Gemayelfor3-day visitwith IDF officials.ZionistGeneral CouncilconvenesinJerusalem to discuss settlement,immigration,Jewish education, as well as crisis in the Zionist movement.Muhammed Amireh,journalistwithal-Quds, placed under town arrestfor 6 mos. Palestinianjournalist, RaymondaTawil preventedfromleaving West Bank to participatein political debateforWest Germantelevision.Meir Kahane,afterstatingto press he would turnhimselfin only if laterreleasedon bail, reportsto Jerusalem police station; releasedon IS25,000 bail and orderedto turnoverUS passportto authorities. ArabWorld:3 PLO ExecutiveCommittee members,Abdul Mohsen Abu Maizar (Ind.), Ahmed al-Yamani (PFLP) and YasserAbed Rabbo (PDFLP), leavetalks in Tunis,returnto Damascus.Syrianand LebaneseFMs meetin RiyadhwithSaudi fortalkson Lebanonsecurity counterparts plan; talks focus on Syrian call for of May 17 agreement. repudiation SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/lsrael: 500 industrial, to AgricultureMinistry.Mapam MK ElazarGranotproposes Alignmenttable billabolishingstateofemergency ineffect in Israelsince 1948. Arab World:JordanianParliamentmeets for first time since 1976; amends constitutionto permitPalestiniansfrom Israeli-occupiedWest Bank to be appointed as members.FormerLebanese PM Saeb Salam protests to LAF commanderGen.IbrahimTannousrecent LAF mass arrestsof civilianscarriedout in Sabra and Shatilacamps. MILITARY ACTION: OccupiedPalestine/lsrael: Grenadethrown underIDF patrolvehicleexplodeswithout injuryin Jericho. Tuesday, January 10 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: 2 homesinMarj OccupiedPalestine/lIsrael: al-Dudeh nearYattademolishedwithout warningby Israeli militarybulldozers, claiming buildings were not licensed; residentsexpelled.Nablus military court issuesprisonsentencesof2?/2 to 4/2years to 5 youthsfromBidyavillagesbelievedto have thrownMolotov cocktailsat Israeli PALESTINE CHRONOLOGY and collaborators'cars. MK Shulamit document Alonidisclosessecretmilitary of IDF Israeliwithdrawal recommending fromLebanon. SettlersfromOfrago on rampage,damaging10 window-smashing cars belongingto Palestinians.2 IDF grenade bombs discovered in Hebron synagogueby Arabworkersdoingrepairs there; investigationdirected to Israeli vigilantegroup,"TNT." Other Countries:Int'l. Commission of Jurists (Geneva)accusesIsraeliauthorities of arresting Palestinianstudentswithout charge to prevent them from taking exams. important Wednesday, January 11 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: 3 Palestinian Occupied Palestine/lsrael: homes bulldozed by Israeli occupation forcesinSamu' and Tarqumiyavillageson pretext that they were built without license.ArielSharonrejectedas candidate for chairmanshipof Jewish Agency's immigrationdepartment.PM Shamir announces budget for West Bank to be cut. Ramallahteacher settlements and member of teachers' committee, Fadel Rimawi,and IsmailOthman,principal of Hashemiya secondaryschool, raidedbyoccupationtroops,confiscating books. More than70 membersof"Green Patrols," para-militarywing of Israeli natureconservationassoc., in convoyof 14 vehicles, force Bedouin shepherd women to returnto theirhomes,abandoning sheep; sheep returnednext day minus 25 head, Bedouins charged plus IS150,000 for theirtransportation IS157,000 fines. OtherCountries: Portuguesecourtacquits Muhammed Hussein Rashid of Issam Sartawimurder;sentenceshimto 3 years in prisonforusingforgedpassport. 233 Thursday, January 12 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: IDF BrigadierOccupiedPalestine/lsrael: in March GeneralAmos Yaron,criticized 1983 reportforrole in Sabra and Shatila massacres,promotedto full generalin spite of recommendation that "no command be given to him for three years."KaramSaleh KaramofBethlehem fined IS50,000 and given suspended sentenceof 3 years prison for demonstratingand throwingstones at Israeli border guards last year. 30 Dheisheh camp residentssummonedto Bethlehem militarygovernor'sofficeand told to create council of camp residents to coordinatewith "civil administration;" citing"lack proposalrejectedbyrefugees of faith" in militarygov't. Political prisoner, Nabil shawkeh, sentenced (November 1982) to 7 yearsprisonfor membershipin "hostile organization," deported to Jordan following drastic deteriorationof health and subsequent repeatedrequestbyhislawyerforrelease. ArabWorld:US envoyRumsfeldarrives inDamascusfortalkswithSyrianofficials. OtherCountries: 9 childrenwounded in Israeliinvasionof Lebanon arrivein NY formedicaltreatment sponsoredby"Save Lebanon" projectof the AmericanArab Committee;40 have Anti-Discrimination alreadybeen treatedunderthisproject. MILITARY ACTION: ArabWorld:IDF convoyambushednear ZahraniRiver,3 soldierswounded. Friday, January 13 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: BritishForeignSecretary OtherCountries: Howe rejectsIsraeliargument SirGeoffrey 234 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES that PLO has no role in Middle East Monday, settlementand Israeli amb. Yehuda January 16 Avner's censure of Howe's statement fromRiyadh,urgingIsrael's recognition SOCIAL/POLITICAL: ofPalestinian rightstoself-determination, OccupiedPalestine/lsrael: Special Cabinet criticizing West Bank settlementpolicy session to discuss implementationof and callingforPLO involvement in peace planned take-over of Hebron market talks. Italian gov't. rejects Gemayel's postponedfor membersto attendSaad demandthatitsMNF contingent withdraw Haddad funeral. from Palestinian refugee camps and ArabWorld:FourthIslamicsummitConconcentrate on protection of Beirut ference convenesin Casablanca with24 commercialestablishments and governheads of state attending;Afghanistan, ment buildings. US amb. to UN Algeria,Egypt,Iraq,Libyaand SyriapresKirkpatrickrejects Sec. Gen. Perez de identsnot attending.Maj. Saad Haddad Cuellar's Middle East peace conference buried in Marjayoun,Lebanon; Israelis andharmful." proposalas "ill-considered attendingfunderalinclude PM Shamir, DM Moshe Arens,ArielSharon,Shimon Saturday, Peres,FM David Kimche. January 14 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Arab World:Maj. Saad Haddad dies of cancer at his home in Marjayoun, Lebanon. US envoyrumsfeld meetswith Hafezal-Assadin Damascus. Sunday, January 15 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/lsrael: 500 settlers from southernkibbutzimdemonstratebefore PM's officein Jerusalemfor immediate IDF withdrawal fromLebanon.Occupation authoritiesban Al-Fajrjournalistfrom enteringWest Bank for 1 yearand Gaza for6 months;no explanationgiven.[The journalistrecently served4 mos.injail for possessionof"bannedprintedmaterial."] MILITARY ACTION: Arab World:2 grenadesthrownat IDF patrolsin centralSidon; 1 in Nabitiya; roadsidebomb explodesby remotecontrolas IDF passesnearAnsar. OtherCountries: Officialsof theNational Assoc. ofArabAmericans(NAAA) meet with US Pres. Reagan in Washington; urge Marines withdrawfromLebanon. Presidentsof major American Jewish send cable to W. German organizations chancellorKohl callingforcancellationof armssale to Saudi Arabia. Tuesday, January 17 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/lsrael: Israeli military courtin Nablus sentencesNayefSweitat to 9 mos. prison on chargesof contact withPLO. IsraeliNationalInsuranceInstitute releases figuresindicating10% of Israel's population lives below poverty level.Brigadier ShlomoIlya,headofIsraeli "civil administration"in West Bank, resignsin connectionwithmilitary police investigation ofcorruption.Israelgovernment workers stage warningstrike in supportofwageincreases;publicservices, includingradioand televisionbroadcasts disrupted.High Court order nisi chal- PALESTINE CHRONOLOGY lenges Gaza militarycourt decision to demolish24 Palestinian homesinJabaliya refugeecamp. Arab World:Severalleadersof Palestine LiberationFrontin Damascusreportedly kidnappedby rivalmembersof PLF. MILITARY ACTION: Arab World: Villages from Iqlim alKharrubto Souq al-Gharb resist LAF massarrestsandimpositionof"mourning curfew"by IDF forcesafterSaad Haddad's death. Wednesday, January 18 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Arab World: Adjournmentof Islamic Summit delayed over issue of Egypt's readmissionto membership. OtherCountries: IsraeliPres.ChaimHerzog arrivesin Kinshasafor1stvisitto a black AfricannationsinceYom Kippurwar. MILITARY ACTION: ArabWorld:Dr. MalcolmKerr,President ofAmericanUniversity ofBeirut,gunned down near his office by unknown assailant. Thursday, January 19 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/lsrael: Militarycourt sentences6 young Aida refugeecamp residents to 5-9-year jail terms for throwing petrol bombs at military vehicles. ArabWorld:Egyptreadmitted to Islamic Conference Organizationby majority vote; Syrian,Libyanand PDRY delegationswalkout in protest. MILITARY ACTION: Arab World:Lightarms firedirectedat 235 IDF troops at Sidon port; no injuries reported.Bomb explodes at home of Abed Kabub, chairmanof IslamicWaqf, local leaderssuspect"TNT." Jaffa; Friday, January20 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: escaAsstudents Palestine/Israel: Occupied imposition Jordan's lateprotests against exams, UNRWAof comprehensive operatedRamallahTeachersTraining Centersformenandwomenclosefor8 days. Israeli police arrest Yonah in connectionwithlast Aburushmim Emil ofPeaceNowactivist year'smurder Palestinian home in Ibtin Gruinzweig. by Israelipolicebullvillagedestroyed was dozer on pretextthat structure unlicensed. PM Thatcher Countries: British and Other US envoyDonald Rumsfeldmeet in toMNFin Londontodiscussalternatives Lebanon. Saturday, January21 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: YeshGvulholds Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: on warin Lebanonat Tel Aviv teach-in cinema. MILITARY ACTION: ArabWorld:LebaneseShi'itespiritual inhis SheikhAbbasHarb,arrested leader, homebyIDF andwhisked off Hallusiyeh to unknown location;his by helicopter in30 mins.byIDFbullhomedemolished General dozer.UNRWA Commissioner Olof Rydbeckdenouncesincreasein inassassinations, arrests, kidnappings, of Palestinian juriesand disappearances S. Lebanoncampsoverpast from refugees 2 months. 236 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES Sunday, Tuesday, January24 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: from 200 settlers OccupiedPalestine/lsrael: KibbutzEin Hashofetdemonstratenear demandimmediateIDF withPM's office, Druze drawalfromLebanon.4 Palestinian membersof Israeli border police suspendedforrefusalto servein Lebanon. SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine!lsrael:W. German Kohlarrives Chancellor forofficial 6-day visitamidtightsecurity anddemonstrations by Israeli WW II holocaust MILITARY ACTION: ArabWorld:IDF forcesbesiegeHallusiyeh, villagesin S. al-Homeiraand Tarafelsiyeh Lebanon,conductingmassarrests. nianpoet,founddeadin Londonhotel room.Argentine Jewish community voices apprehension over Knessetdelegation involvement ininvestigations intofateof January 22 Monday, January 23 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Representatives OccupiedPalestinellsrael: of 31 Palestinianinstitutionsin West Bank meet at BZU to issue statement stronglyrejectingmoves by Jordanto recallNationalAssemblywithPalestinian participationas conspiracyundermining PLO achievements. Israeli Cabinet approves 1984 budgetof $20.1 billion providingfor$169 millioncutin military spending.Leaderof"Sons oftheCedars" militia,Etienne Saqr (a.k.a. Abu Arz), meetswithPM ShamirinJerusalem. US and Israeli officials OtherCountries: meetfor2 daysoftalksinWashingtonon and politicalcooperaexpandedmilitary tion.JosephChurba,Dir. of Centerfor NY, assertsIsrael's Security, International militaryinvolvementwith pro-Western CentralAmericanforcesis partof Israeli state policy to preventUS becoming bogged down defending the western hemisphere. survivors. OtherCountries:Mu'in Bseisso, Palesti- Jewishdesapericidos. Wednesday, January25 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/lsrael: Formerchiefof staff YigaelYadinsubmits affidavit stating IDF seizure ofHebroncentral busstation is notjustifiable forreasonsofsecurity. PM Shamirsurvives3 no confidence motions in Knesset. Al-Fajrjournalist, Awad Abdel Fattah, denied access to West Bankand Gaza for1 yearby Israeli occupation authorities.Yaqoub Hijazi, owner of Akka publishinghouse, summoned by Israelipolice for questioning about new book of shortstories;police confiscatecopies of thebook, claimingit is "inciting." Arab World: Lebanese Shi'ite leader, Raghib Harb, makes last public appearanceinHallusiyehrallyafterfellowShi'ite leaderarrestedby IDF. OtherCountries: IsraeliPres.Herzogends Africanvisit,returning fromLiberiawith wide-rangingcommercial cooperation Postallegespresiagreement.Washington dentialcandidateRev. JesseJacksonprivatelymade anti-Jewish remark;Zionist PALESTINE CHRONOLOGY anti-Jackson campaignaccuses candidate of "racism"and "anti-Semitism." Thursday, January 26 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/Israel:Israeli firm J.O.E.L. strikesoil in commercialquantitiesat Gurimin Negev. Other Countries:Reagan administration informsIsraeli gov't. of plans to renew effortsto supply Jordan with $220 millionin military equipmentfor8,000manstrikeforceforGulf. MILITARY ACTION: Arab World:Israeli-backedmilitialeader in S. Lebanon,MohammedFarhat,shot and killedby assailantin speedingcar in Ramunvillage. Friday, January27 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OtherCountries: SmithsonianInstitution (Washington)cancelsplannedIsraeliarchaeologicalexhibitas Israelunableto verify ownershipof artifacts.In letterto UN Sec. Gen. Perez de Cuellar, Israeli UN amb. BlumclaimsUN is largelyresponsible for worldwideresurgenceof antiSemitism. Saturday, January 28 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/Israel: Israeli gov't. pressofficetriesto rescindstatementby PM officeDir.-Gen.Mattityahu Shmuelevitzthatarmssalesto Saudi Arabiamight forceIsraeltolaunch"preemptive strike." MILITARY ACTION: OccupiedPalestine/lIsrael: Jewishextremists,reportedly suspected"TNT" mem- 237 bers, flee Jerusalempolice afterplot to blow up Dome of the Rock and al-Aqsa Mosque withIDF explosives;four men apprehendedand laterreleased.17 yearold Palestinian boy, Nasser al-Sarisi, killedby Israelisoldiersin Nablus when youthsattackborderpatrolwithstones; in2 shot violentprotestsfollow,resulting in legswhentroopsopen fireon crowd. Sunday, January29 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Israeli Cabinet OccupiedPalestine/lsrael: Minister,Mordechai Ben Porat, resigns withPM Shamiron over disagreements Lebanon policyand economicsituation. Israelimilitarycourt takes into custody David Shemtov,suspectedofstealingand sellingIDF grenadesand bullets.Youths in Balata camp demonstrateto protest murderof Nablusboy (1/28/84); Israeli troopsuse teargas to breakup crowd. Monday, January30 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: IDF grenade Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: bomb discoveredin Jerusalemnear Via Dolorosa; 3 foundnearLions Gate. Other Countries:Pentagon notifiesUS Congress of plan to sell 35 additional M48A5 tanksto Lebanon at cost of $28 millionto total 137. AustralianFM Bill Hayden urges freezeon settlementsin and Israel'srecogoccupiedterritories right to self-determnitionofPalestinian inationduringtalks with Shamirin Jerusalem. 238 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES Tuesday, January31 Occupied Actingchrmn. Palestine/lIsrael: Committee ofIsraeliCabinetSettlement announces YuvalNe'eman (Tehiya party), in occupied 2 new Jewishsettlements files districtattorney Gaza. Jerusalem for 6 Kiryat Arbasettlers charges against inHebronmarket lastJuly. rioting US House of RepreOtherCountries: Democrats sentatives agreeon resolution andorderly withdrawal" of for"(prompt Marines fromLebanon. Wednesday, February 1 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestinelIsrael: Knessetvote defeats Shamir proposal tobuilda "Jewish Quarter"in Hebron.Israeliprofessor sendsletterof protestto DM Arens confiscation of books and concerning arbitrary arrests ofArabstudents at Beer ShebaU.; NegevHumanRightsAssociation presents petitions. OtherCountries: Chile refusesIsrael's requestto extradite formerSS officer Walter Rauff fortrialasNaziwarcriminal inIsrael.US Pres.Reagandeclares hewill ignoreHouse resolution forUS withdrawalfromLebanon. Thursday, February2 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/Israel: Military authoritiesorderclosureofBZUcentral campus for3 mos.afterstudent demonstrations to blow up al-Aqsa protesting attempt Mosque.Shamirannouncesto Knesset for7,000 plansfor5 newsettlements inGolanovercoming 5 years. settlers Friday, February 3 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: 2 suspectsin OccupiedPalestine/lIsrael: attempt toblowupDomeoftheRockand al-Aqsa Mosque, Meir Liebowitzof Brooklynand BartSilverman of New Jersey, arrested byJerusalem policewhile attending JDL rally.Over 300 leading Palestinian personalities attendarba'in memorialfor Dr. Khalil Dudeiri at Women'sUnionHQin Jerusalem. Saturday, February 4 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied 40,000joinPeace Palestine/lIsrael: Now demonstration in Tel Avivagainst Israel'soccupation ofLebanon. Arab World:LebaneseShi'ite leader, Nabih Berri,calls on Muslimcabinet ministers to resignand MuslimLAF soldiers to quitarmy. MILITARY ACTION: ArabWorld:IDF positionat Sidonport andpatrol8 milesnorth ofTyresubject to lightweaponsambushes. Sunday, February 5 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/Israel: Gov't.schoolinWestBankrepeatdemandfor teachers 100%wageincrease. ArabWorld: LebanesePMShafiqWazzan and9-member cabinet underpresresign surefromMuslimgroupsopposedto Gemayelgov't.;GemayelacceptsresigSaudi-backed offers nations; 8-point plan fornational reconciliation, including promisethat"everything is negotiable." MILITARY ACTION: Occupied HomesofPalesPalestine/lIsrael: PALESTINE CHRONOLOGY tinians suspected in killing of Israeli settler in Hebron sealed in pre-trial punishment. ArabWorld:Booby-trapped car in Nabatiya explodes, injuring1 Israeli and 4 Lebanesecivilians;automaticfireopens up on IDF convoy4 milessouthofJezzine and southof Ansariya.IsraeliAir Force jet crashesin Sinai, pilot killed; Egypt returnsbody to IAF. Monday, February 6 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Arab World:Lebanese Shi'iteand Druze leaders call for Pres. Gemayel's resignation. US SenateFinanceComOtherCountries: mitteebeginshearingson issue of establishingfreetraderelationswithIsrael.US Sec. of State Shultz,in Brazilia,accuses Syriaof "tryingto dominateLebanonby force."Pres.Reaganordersuse ofairand naval forcesagainstanti-gov't.positions around Beirut.Late Americanjournalist Fred Sparks' $25,000 bequest to PLO divertedto Red Cross for work with Palestinians; decisionresultsfromprotest suit taken up by 3 American Zionist organizations.Speaking in Melbourne, formerPres. Cartercalls for US withdrawalfromLebanon. European ParliaIsraelipolicy mentPres.Dankertcriticizes inMiddleEastbeforeKnessetand in mtg. withPM Shamir. MILITARY ACTION: NisreenAhmed OccupiedPalestine/Israel: Shrouf,5 yearsold,killed,2 brothersand 2 sisterswounded in Bethlehemwhen grenadeexplodes in hand; grenadesuspectedplantedby "TNT." ArabWorld:Shi'iteand Druzeforcestake overmostofWestBeirutfromLAF/Pha- 239 lange; demand Gemayel'sresignation.2 Israeliswoundedwhengrenadeshit IDF patrolssouthof ZahraniRiver;grenadeattacks on IDF patrols in Sidon and Nabatiyamarket.US gunshipsGarciaand JF Kennedyand A-6 Intruderbombers pound mountainpositionsnearBeirut. Tuesday, February 7 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Karp report Occupied Palestine/lIsrael: pracIsraeli law enforcement criticizing tices towardArabs in West Bank made public;reportrevealsJewishsettlerswho kill West Bank Palestiniansenjoy high degreeof immunityfrompolice investigation.Israeligov't.announcesno intento salvage Gemayel tion of intervening presidencyin Beirut,in spiteof reported pleas fromPhalangeemissaries.Interior officialattacksJerusalem Mayor Ministry Kollek for accusing political motives behindgov't.refusaltoapprove5 replacement generatorsfor Arab-ownedJerusalemElectricCo. SpokesmanforCouncil of Jewish Settlements("Judea & Samaria") revealsIDF commanderAlufOri Orr instructedsettlersnot to cooperate withcivilianpoliceafterattackson Arabs. PM Shamirand US amb. Lewis meetfor urgenttalkson LAF setback.Gaza-Majdal Road checkpointswithdrawnby Israel, therebyremovingonly visibledemarkationof 1948 border. US Pres.ReaganannounOtherCountries: MarinesfromBeirut ces plan towithdraw offshore. towarships EuropeanParliament Pres. Dankert,speakingto Knesset,suggestsIsraelcoordinateeffortswithMorocco and Tunisia to protectagricultural exportsto Europe if Spain and Portugal admittedto EEC. 240 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES Wednesday, February8 Thursday, February 9 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: KnessetinemerOccupiedPalestine/Israel: gency session on consequences of US withdrawalfrom Lebanon; proceedings SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Ariel Sharon Occupied Palestine/Israel: classified. ArabWorld:Arafatarrivesin Sana'a from KuwaitfortalkswithPres.Saleh. Other Countries:US House Speaker O'Neill claimsUS shellingnotauthorized withinWar PowersAct. Pope John-Paul urgespull-outofMNF fromLebanonand callsforprotectionofPalestinianrefugees there in appeal to US Pres. Reagan. French gov't. reacts criticallyto US decisionto pull out of Beirut;engagesin diplomatic effortsto reconvene UN SecurityCouncilforreplacingMNF with UN force. MILITARY ACTION: Israeli patrol Occupied Palestine/Israel: killsIsraeligovernment ranger,shooting at wild dogs in field near Beit Lahiya, Gaza, mistaking him for Palestinian "guerrilla."Complaintsregisteredwith Tel AvivpolicethatCivilDefensevolunteersfromlocal high schools randomly beat Arabs; base commander Sarah commandedpupils: Ruhamim,reportedly "Get out ofthepatrolcarand see thatthe Arabsgeta beating;mydaughterenjoysit terribly."Ruhamimresignedaftersummonedby CD commander. Arab World:USS New Jerseyfiresbig guns for 5 hours at artillerypositions behindSyrianlines.6th/15thLancersof BritishMNF withdrawfrom Beirut to aircraft carrierReliant. intention torunforleadership announces for of HerutPartyandseeknomination hold4-hourrally PMship.BZU students IDF closureof university. protesting ArabWorld:Lebaneseoppositionleaders meet in Damascus; remaindividedover whetheror not Gemayelshould resign. UN HQ in Nakoura, Lebanon files complaintto IDF of S. Lebanon militias, formerlyunder Saad Haddad, attacking UNIFIL forces. MILITARY ACTION: 2 KatyusharockOccupiedPalestine/Israel: etsfiredfromS. LebanonhitnearMetulla withinIsraeliborder. Arab World: US destroyersfire into Beirut hills for second day. Roadside bombs blast personnelcarrierand IDF patrol south of Tyre; IDF patrolcomes underlightarmsfirenearNabatiya. Friday, February 10 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Representatives OccupiedPalestine/Israel: from UNRWA and 17 West Bank refugeecamps meetin Aqbat Jabrcamp nearJerichoto discussyouthprograms. OtherCountries: Spain's Dep. PM Guerra dispelsspeculationofpossiblediplomatic relationswithIsrael;says conditionsfor relationsincludeIsrael'sguaranteedborders, withdrawalfrom Lebanon and ofPalestinianrightsto homerecognition land. Britainproposes50-manUN force to monitorBeirut's"Green Line." Mubarakarrivesin ParisfortalkswithPres. leadersexaminepossibleresurMiterrand; rection of UN Resolution 242 with PALESTINE CHRONOLOGY amendmentcalling for mutual and simultaneousIsrael-PLOrecognition. MILITARY ACTION: ArabWorld:Red Cross 707 withurgent medical supplies for Lebanese hospitals turnedback from Beirut airport after Christianmilitia threatensto shoot it down.6 IsraeliKfirjetsattackBhamdoun, Mansuriyaand Baalchmayin Lebanon;at least2 killed,severalbuildingsdamaged; Israel claims retaliationfor Palestinian Katyushaattackon Metulla. Saturday, February 11 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine:PM Shamir warns Gemayelcancellationof May 17 agreementwouldendLebanon'sindependence, and indicatesIsraelwouldhaveto occupy S. Lebanon indefinitely. Israelinorthern borderpostsfailto reopenas planneddue to protestsby inspectorsdemandingpay increases. Arab World:Senior Syrianofficialssay cancellationof May 17 agreement essentialforPres.Gemayel'spoliticalsurvival. OtherCountries:French-Egyptian peace plan rejectsrevivingamended UN Res. 242. Sunday, February 12 _ SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/Israel: Al-Najah National U. resumesclasses after21-day closure;al-Najah admin.agreesto postpone decision to withold credit from "unlicensedmeetings." students attending Israeli feministmembers of Women AgainstOccupationdemonstrate against of imprisonedPalestinian mistreatment women at public appearance of ad- 241 forprisonaffairs in Tel Aviv. ministrator In apparentresponsetoadversepublicity, militaryauthoritieslift town arrestof AmalWahdan.NatureiKartaspokesman Rabbi Hirschcallsforannexationoftheir Mea ShearimquartertofuturePalestinian state. 3 Hebron residentsconvictedof attackson IDF positionssentencedto 512 yearsin prison.IsraeliCabinetfailsto agree on possible IDF redeploymentin Lebanonafter7-hoursession. Monday, February 13 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: ArabWorld:GeneralstrikecalledinMajd al-Shams(Golan) protesting Israelioccuin pationofLebanonand US interference Lebaneseaffairs. OtherCountries: Hungarianstatebusiness meetwithIsraelibusinessrepresentatives inabsenceofdiplomatic meninJerusalem; relations,talks remainon privatelevel. Soviet delegationinformsUS Security Council thatUSSR willnot approveUN peacekeepingforcein Lebanon untilUS, Frenchand ItalianMNF withdraw British, permanently. MILITARY ACTION: Arab World: IDF soldiers wounded by mineexplosionon road to Nabatiya. 50 membersofUS Druze OtherCountries: communitydemonstrateat State Dep't. againstUS policyinLebanon.FM Kimche ends 4-dayofficialvisitto Singapore. Tuesday, February 14 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: IsraeliDep. PM OccupiedPalestine/Israel: LevysaysReagandecisionto pull out of Lebanon shows "poor judgementand certainweakness."IsraeliChiefof Staff 242 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES EitansaysIDF mustremainin S. Lebanon border. foreverto ensuresafenorthern Other Countries:King Hussein, Pres. Mubarakand Pres.Reaganmeetat White House to discuss ways to negotiated ofWest Bankand Gaza status; settlement ReagandisassociatesselffromMubarak's appeal for "directdialogue" withPLO. US amb. to Israel Samuel Lewis tells presidentsof AmericanJewishorganizations at JerusalemHilton that US Embassy should have been moved to Jerusalemin 1950s. BritishFM Howe states position that May 17 agreement "(mustnot be allowed to become an obstacle to national reconciliation"in Lebanon. MILITARY ACTION: Arab World:Druze militiasmake gains against LAF; US responds by shelling Druze areas with 45 rounds fromdestroyersoffshore Thursday, February 16 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: ArablocalcounOccupiedPalestine/Israel: for2 andGalileestrike cilsintheTriangle theirseverefiscal hoursto demonstrate Aboudi Shukri lawyer Ramallah problems. jail finedIS50,000 and given6-month inillegal ofmembership termon charges organization. opponents informs Gemayel ArabWorld: in he will annul May 17 agreement exchangefor their participationin talks. reconciliation Other Countries:King Hussein flies to and LondonfortalkswithPM Thatcher Arafatnominated FM Howe.Chairman forpostofrectorofGlasgowUniversity March5. election bystudents, MILITARY ACTION: Jewishsettlers OccupiedPalestine/lIsrael: Wednesday, February 15 Tulkarm breakintohomeof84-year-old whenhe refuses man;chopoffhisfinger to Israelibuyers. to signoverproperty SOCIAL/POLITICAL: DM Arenswarns OccupiedPalestine/Israel: Druze to stop assistingPalestiniansand SyriansagainstIsraelor it "will have no choice but to react." Druze MK Amal Nasseral-Din says Israelhas nothingto and May 17 agreement lose in abrogating withS. LebaneseShi'itesand cooperating Druze. Arab World:AdvancingDruze militia inKfarMatta, 117Druzecorpses discover S. Lebanon,massacredby Christian Phalangemilitiain 1983. Israelitanks to Damour highway patrolnorth-coast supportfor Phalangist demonstrating death-squad there. Israel-backed takeover killsShi'iteleader,RaghibHarb,while nearNabatiya. homeinJabsheet walking 2 Britonsexpelledfrom OtherCountries: USSR for smugglingZionist literature intocountry. Friday, February 17 MILITARY ACTION: Arab World: LAF collapses as Druze forceslinkup withShi'itesinsouthBeirut SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Arab World:Lebanese leaders reject Gemayel's8-pointplan; Nabih Berri the he willnotconsider quotedas saying "responsibility accepts planuntilGemayel suburbs." ofthesouthern formassacres PALESTINE CHRONOLOGY OtherCountries: US approvesuse of$250 millionofmilitary grantsfordevelopment of Lavi jet fighter.Israeli FM Kimche attends foundingof Japan-IsraelParliamentary FriendshipLeaguein Tokyo. Saturday, February 18 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/lIsrael: JewishAgency Settlements Dep't. head proposes 3-year moratoriumon all new West Bank because of economiccrisis. settlement Sunday, February 19 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Yaacov LevinOccupiedPalestinelIsrael: son, long-time chairman of Bank Hapoalim, commits suicide after investigationsinto financial misdealings involvingLabor Partyinstitutions. Arab Countries:Lebanese opposition leadersconferin Damascus.KingHussein returnsto Ammanaftervisitto US. 243 Sabra and Shatilarefugeecamp positions to Shi'ite militia; turn over 70-bed military hospital to Shi'ite welfare organization. Other Countries:UN Human Rights Commission approves 2 resolutions: condemningIsrael's West Bank policies of confiscationand demolitionof Arab property, massarrestsandtorture;calling on Israel to releaseZiad Abu Ain; both resolutions passed with 11 (mostly Western) membersabstaining;only US opposed. InternationalFederation for Human Rightspresentsevidenceto UN commissionof Lebanese securityforces militiaabductionsofmore and Phalangist than 1,500 civiliansin S. Lebanon in conjunctionwithIDF. Gen. Managerof (Golan), YuvalGuitars,Katzrinsettlement reportssell-outof Israeli'ouds marketed at World Music Festivalin Frankfurt to Saudi, Lebanese, Syrian and Tunisian buyers. Tuesday, February 21 OtherCountries: IsraeliPM Shamirbegins 3-dayswithEEC FMs inBrussels, lobbying for favorable trade treatment.Reagan admin. claims no knowledgeof contact overpast9 mos.betweenStateDep't. and PLO via intermediary, JohnMroz. SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/lIsrael: Formerchiefof staff,Eitan heckledduringvisitto Beer Sheba U. on tourofNegev;declaresArab studentshave no business there, tells them:"This is our country,not yours." MILITARY ACTION: Arab World:Israelisbomb positionsat Hammana, Bhamdoun and Damour rebelPalestinian bases there;local alleging residentsinsist no Palestiniansin area; Souq al-Gharband Aleyalso hit. February 20 Arab World:SyriapresentsGemayel4pointplanforLebanon:abrogateMay 17 presence accord,deal withSyrianmilitary throughArab League, set up national unitywithparityforall factions,convene nationalunitytalksin Geneva.Christian Phalangist militia leader Fadi Frem cautions Gemayel his forces will not acceptabrogationof May 17 agreement. SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Arab World: Italian MNF contingent completewithdrawal fromBeirut,leaving OtherCountries: Sec. of StateShultzsays Marine pull-out from Beirut will be completein 2 weeks. Israelifirm,Elbit, Monday, 244 JOURNAL OF PALESTINE STUDIES announces$6 milliondeal to supplynaval systemsto undisclosed communications Europeangovernment. Thursday, February 23 MILITARY ACTION: Arab World:US Marines begin formal to 6thFleetvesselsoffBeirut. withdrawal IsraelbombsallegedPalestiniantargetsin centralmountainvillagesof Bhamdoun, BikhShtayand Mansuriya; Ainal-Jadida, sends armoredcolumn northwithin12 milesof Beirut. fromTyreto ArabWorld:Generalstrike deathSidon to protestIsraeli-backed squad killingof Shi'iteleaderRaghib Harb(2/16/84). Wednesday, February 22 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: 4 IsraeliCabinet OccupiedPalestine/Israel: ministersoppose continuedIDF forays northof AwaliRiverlineat riskof Israeli involvementin factionalfighting.DM LAF performance Arenssharplycriticizes againstDruzeand Shi'itemilitias;justifies foraysto northas defenseagainst"terrorist infiltration."Representativesof Arab local councils meetin ShefaAmr; protestto gov't.and Histadrutincreasing numberof dismissalnoticesservedArab workers. US suspendsshipmentof OtherCountries: 130 armedpersonnelcarrierstoLebanon, may not sell 35 tanks alreadyplanned. IsraeliIndustryand Trade Ministervisits Bucharestfor talks aimed at doubling Israeliexportsto Rumania.US physicist SamCohen,veteranofLos Alamosatombomb project, proposes impregnable radiationbarrier,or "nuclear wall" for Israelibordersto "end thetragedyofwar in the Middle East." Reagan admin. standagainstmovingUS-Embassy clarifies fromTel Avivto Jerusalem. ArabWorld:ChristianPhalangeofficers confirmIsrael promised regular army back Druze and patrolsto aid in fighting Shi'ites. SOCIAL/POLITICAL: MILITARY ACTION: ArabWorld:LAF officials say "at least 3,000Palestinian fighters" inBhamdoun; Mansuriya IsraelF-15sbombBhamdoun, andRweisat; repellattackSyrian gunners ers.Ambush on Israelipatrolclaims1. Friday, February 24 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Territories: Israeli Cabinet headsaysIsraeli Settlement Committee willdoubleovercoming14 mos. settlers Sunday, February 26 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: Occupied Palestine/ Israel: Bethlehem MayorElias Freijheads delegationto talks; Jordan to observeArafat-Hussein tojoinpeaceprocess. sayswillurgeArafat Arab World:ChairmanArafatarrives TunisfortalkswithKingHusseinon from future ofPLO-Jordan coordination. OtherCountries: RichardArens,interandboard nationalhumanrights lawyer member ofSearchforJustice andEquality inPalestine/Israel, in diesofheartfailure Connecticut. Bridgeport, MILITARY ACTION: ArabWorld: Marine completes contingent withdrawal to warshipsoff coast of andrebelLebanese Beirut;Shi'itemilitia Armyunitstakebunkersvacatednear airport;withinhour afterlast Marine PALESTINE CHRONOLOGY retreat,USS Caron and New Jerseyblast anti-government positions in hills over Beirut;Israelijetsbomb positionsaround Souq al-Gharbas Druzemilitiafightslast LAF holdoutthere. Monday, February 27 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/Israel: 1,000kibbutzniks and 35 IDF reservists deonstrateat PM's officeurgingIDF withdrawalfrom Lebanon. ArabWorld:Over 1,000 Egyptian lawyers in Cairo,burningIsraeliand demonstrate US flags, on 4th anniversary of normalization of Israeli-Egyptianrelations.ChairmanArafatandKingHussein hold secretsessionin Ammanto discuss commonapproachto futureof occupied territories. Other Countries:Soviet FM Gromyko accuses US of blocking settlementin Lebanon;reaffirms Sovietoffertohelpset up internationalconference. Security Councilvoteon FrenchproposalforUN forcein Beirutdelayedby Soviet objectionsto wording. Tuesday, February 28 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: OccupiedPalestine/Israel: Knessetpasses 8th Basic Law (JusticeSystem);Justice MinisterNissimspeculatesIsraelwillhave 245 a constitutionof II Basic Laws within next10 years. OtherCountries:7 Canadian MPs meet Arafatin Ammanwhileon Middle East tour sponsoredby Arab League. Reagan admin.turnsdownappeal fromGemayel for increaseduse of US air and naval power in direct support of Beirut government. MILITARY ACTION: Occupied Palestine/Israel:2 grenades 21; in injuring explodeinWestJerusalem, as Damascus,PFLP claimsresponsibility retaliationfor recent raids by Zionist settlerson Muslimshrines. Wednesday, February 29 SOCIAL/POLITICAL: PM ShamirreOccupiedPalestine/Israel: acts to Hussein-Arafattalks; says if Husseinwantspeace,he shouldrealizethe addressfortalksin Jerusalem. ArabWorld:Pres.Gemayelreceivedwith full honors in Damascus for mtg.with Pres.Assad;bothleadersagreediscussions fruitful. MILITARY ACTION: Arab World:6-manteamof US artillery spottersatBeitMeri,guidingfirefromUS comes underattack6 6th Fleetoffshore, miles east of Beirut;USS Sims fires20 area. Israel rounds into surrounding join Haddad's reports400 Phalangists Haddad's army; pressforIsraeltoappoint successor. Schechla CompiledbyJoseph