
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Language and Early Literacy Development – Prekindergarten
Listens with increasing attention
Listens for different purposes (e.g., to learn what happened in a story, to receive
instructions, to converse with an adult or a peer)
Understands and follows simple oral directions
Enjoys listening to and responding to books
Listens to and engages in several exchanges of conversations with others
Production and
Perceives differences between similar sounding words (e.g., “coat” and “goat,”
“three” and “free,” [Spanish] “juego” and “fuego”)
Produces speech sounds with increasing ease and accuracy
Experiments with new language sounds
IED – II Assessment
E-7, E-7C Verbal Directions
E-10a Sentence Memory (with picture
E-10b Sentence Memory (without picture
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
E-7, E-7C Verbal Directions
E-10a Sentence Memory (with picture
E-10b Sentence Memory (without picture
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
E-7, E-7C Verbal Directions
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
I-7 Auditory Discrimination
E-1, E-1C Prespeech Receptive
E-2, E-2C Prespeech Gestures
E-3, E-3C Prespeech Vocalization
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-1, E-1C Prespeech Receptive
E-2, E-2C Prespeech Gestures
E-3, E-3C Prespeech Vocalization
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Language Development
Language and Early Literacy Development – Prekindergarten
Shows a steady increase in listening and speaking vocabulary
Uses new vocabulary in everyday communication
Increases listening vocabulary and begins to develop a vocabulary of object
names and common phrases in English (ESL)
IED – II Assessment
E-1, E-1C Prespeech Receptive
E-2, E-2C Prespeech Gestures
E-3, E-3C Prespeech Vocalization
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-8 Picture Vocabulary
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Verbal Expression
Uses language for a variety of purposes (e.g., expressing needs and interests)
Uses sentences of increasing length (three or more words) and grammatical
complexity in everyday speech
Uses language to express common routines and familiar scripts
Tells a simple personal narrative, focusing on favorite or most memorable parts
Asks questions and makes comments related to the current topic of discussion
Begins to engage in conversation and follows conversational rules (e.g., staying
on topic and taking turns)
Begins to retell the sequence of a story
Engages in various forms of nonverbal communication with those who do not
speak his/her home language (ESL)
Uses single words and simple phrases to communicate meaning in social
situations (ESL)
Attempts to use new vocabulary and grammar in speech (ESL)
IED–II Assessment
E-1, E-1C Prespeech Receptive
E-2, E-2C Prespeech Gestures
E-3, E-3C Prespeech Vocalization
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-5 Length of Sentences
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
E-2, E-2C Prespeech Gestures
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Print and Book
IED–II Assessment
I-7 Auditory Discrimination
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
I-9 Substitutes Initial Consonant Sounds
Begins to attend to the beginning sounds in familiar words by identifying that the
I-7 Auditory Discrimination
pronunciations of several words all begin the same way (e.g., “dog,” “dark,” and
I-8 Matches Initial Consonants with
“dusty,” [Spanish] “casa,” “coche,” and “cuna”)
I-9 Substitutes Initial Consonant Sounds
Begins to create and invent words by substituting one sound for another (e.g.,
I-9 Substitutes Initial Consonant Sounds
bubblegum/gugglebum, [Spanish] calabaza/balacaza)
I-10 Substitutes Short-Vowel Sounds
I-11 Substitutes Long-Vowel Sounds
Understands that reading and writing are ways to obtain information and
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
knowledge, generate and communicate thoughts and ideas, and solve problems
with Books
Understands that print carries a message by recognizing labels, signs, and other I-5 Reads Common Signs
print forms in the environment
Understands that illustrations carry meaning but cannot be read
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
Begins to understand that print runs from left to right and top to bottom
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
Begins to understand some basic print conventions (e.g., the concept that letters F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
are grouped to form words and that words are separated by spaces)
with Books
J-6 Prints Simple Sentences
Becomes increasingly sensitive to the sounds of spoken words
Begins to identify rhymes and rhyming sounds in familiar words, participates in
rhyming games, and repeats rhyming songs and poems
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Letter Knowledge
and Early Word
Begins to associate the names of letters with their shapes
Identifies 10 or more printed alphabet letters
Begins to notice beginning letters in familiar words
Begins to make some letter/sound matches
Begins to identify some high-frequency words (age 4)
IED–II Assessment
H-1a Visual Discrimination – Forms and
Uppercase Letters
H-1b Visual Discrimination – Lowercase
Letters and Words
H-3 Uppercase Letters
H-4 Lowercase Letters
H-5 Lowercase Letter Knowledge
H-1a Visual Discrimination – Forms and
Uppercase Letters
H-1b Visual Discrimination – Lowercase
Letters and Words
H-3 Uppercase Letters
H-4 Lowercase Letters
H-5 Lowercase Letter Knowledge
I-7 Auditory Discrimination
I-8 Matches Initial Consonants with
I-9 Substitutes Initial Consonant Sounds
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
H-5 Lowercase Letter Knowledge
I-1 Basic Preprimer Vocabulary
I-2 Word Recognition Grade Placement
I-3 Reads Color Words
I-4 Reads Number Words
I-5 Reads Common Signs
I-6a, b Reads Orally (Preprimer to Primer
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Motivation to
Demonstrates an interest in books and reading through body language and facial
Enjoys listening to and discussing storybooks and information books read aloud
Frequently requests the re-reading of books
Attempts to read and write independently
Knowledge of
Literary Forms
Selects books to read based on personal criteria
Understands that books and other print resources (e.g., magazines, computerbased texts) are handled in specific ways
Becomes increasingly familiar with narrative form and its elements by identifying
characters and predicting events, plot, and the resolution of a story
Begins to predict what will happen next in a story
Imitates the special language in storybooks and story dialogue, and uses it in
retellings and dramatic play [(such as “Once upon a time…”)]
Begins to retell some sequences of events in stories
Uses known letters and approximations of letters to represent written language
(especially meaningful words like his/her name and phrases such as “I love you”
or [Spanish] “ Te quire”)
Attempts to connect the sounds in a word with its letter forms
IED–II Assessment
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1C Response to and Experience with
C-1, C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
C-3, C-3C Prehandwriting
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
H-5 Lowercase Letter Knowledge
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Mathematics – Prekindergarten
Arranges sets of concrete objects in one-to-one correspondence
Number and
Counts by ones to 10 or higher
Counts concrete objects to five or higher
Begins to compare the numbers of concrete objects using language (e.g.,
“same” or “equal,” “one more,” “more than,” or “less than”)
Begins to name “how many” are in a group of up to three (or more) objects
without counting (e.g., recognizing two or three crayons in a box)
Begins to identify first and last in a series
Combines, separates, and names “how many” concrete objects
Imitates pattern sounds and physical movements (e.g., clap, stomp, clap,
Recognizes and reproduces simple patterns of concrete objects (e.g., a string of
beads that are yellow, blue, blue, yellow, blue, blue)
Begins to recognize patterns in their environment (e.g., day follows night,
repeated phrases in storybooks, patterns in carpeting or clothing)
Begins to predict what comes next when patterns are extended
Geometry and
Spatial Sense
Begins to recognize, describe, and name shapes (e.g., circles, triangles,
rectangles—including squares)
Begins to use words that indicate where things are in space (e.g., “beside,”
“inside,” “behind,” “above,” “below”)
Puts together puzzles of increasing complexity
IED–II Assessment
K-1 Number Concepts
K-4 Numerical Comprehension
K-2 Rote Counting
K-6 Numerals in Sequence
K-1 Number Concepts
K-4 Numerical Comprehension
F-5, F-5C Quantitative Concepts
K-1 Number Concepts
K-1 Number Concepts
K-4 Numerical Comprehension
K-5 Ordinal Positions
K-1 Number Concepts
K-4 Numerical Comprehension
K-9 Addition Combinations
K-10 Subtraction Combinations
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
C-2C Block Tower Building
C-2C Block Tower Building
B-13S Rhythm
C-2C Block Tower Building
F-4 Shape Concepts
F-6, F-6C Directional/Positional
C-7S Puzzles
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Mathematics – Prekindergarten
Begins to make size comparisons between objects (e.g., taller than, smaller
Begins to categorize time intervals and uses language associated with time in
everyday situations (e.g., “in the morning,” “after snack”)
Begins to order two or three objects by size (seriation) (e.g., largest to smallest)
(age 4)
Classification and Matches objects that are alike
Data Collection
Describes similarities and differences between objects
Sorts objects into groups by an attribute and begins to explain how the grouping
was done
IED–II Assessment
F-5, F-5C Quantitative Concepts
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-5, F-5C Quantitative Concepts
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
F-7, F-7C Classifying
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-7, F-7C Classifying
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-7, F-7C Classifying
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Science – Prekindergarten
Begins to demonstrate safe practices and appropriate use of materials
Asks questions about objects, events, and organisms
Shows an interest in investigating unfamiliar objects, organisms, and
Uses one or more senses to observe and learn about objects, events, and
Compares objects and organisms and identifies similarities and differences
Sorts objects and organisms into groups and begins to describe how groups
were organized
Begins to offer explanations, using his or her own words
Predicts what will happen next based on previous experience
Shares observations and findings with others through pictures, discussions, or
IED–II Assessment
G-3C Initiative and Engagement Skills
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-7, F-7C Classifying
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-7, F-7C Classifying
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Science – Prekindergarten
Science Concepts Describes properties of objects and characteristics of living things
IED–II Assessment
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-7, F-7C Classifying
Begins to observe changes in size, color, position, weather, and sound
F-3 Colors
F-5, F-5C Quantitative Concepts
F-6, F-6C Directional/Positional
Begins to identify what things are made of (e.g., distinguishing a metal spoon
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
from a plastic spoon)
Manipulative Skills
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
Uses patterns (such as growth and day following night to predict what happens
B-13S Rhythm
C-2C Block Tower Building
K-2 Rote Counting
K-5 Ordinal Position
K-6 Numerals in Sequence
Identifies similarities and differences among objects and organisms
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-7, F-7C Classifying
Begins to use scientific words and phrases to describe objects, events, and living E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Social Studies – Prekindergarten
Shares ideas and takes turns listening and speaking
Culture, and
Cooperates with others in a joint activity
Identifies and follows classroom rules
Participates in classroom jobs and contributes to the classroom community
Identifies similarities among people like himself/herself and classmates as well
as among himself/herself and people from other cultures
Identifies common events and routines (e.g., snack time, story time)
Begins to categorize time intervals using words (e.g., “today,” “tomorrow,” “next
Begins to use words to indicate relative location (e.g., “front,” “back,” “near,”
Understands the roles, responsibilities, and services provided by community
IED–II Assessment
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
D-10S Classroom Chores
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
K-12 Time
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-6, F-6C Directional/Positional
F-10 Knows Function of Community
F-11 Knows Where to Go for Services
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Fine Arts
Uses a variety of materials (e.g., crayons, paint, clay, markers) to create original
Uses different colors, surface textures, and shapes to create form and meaning
Begins to use art as a form of self-expression
Shares ideas about personal artwork
Begins to show interest in the artwork of others
C-1, C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
C-2, C-2C Block Tower Building
C-3, C-3C Prehandwriting
C-4 Draw a Person
C-5, C-5C Forms
C-6, C-6C Cutting with Scissors
C-8S Painting with Brush
C-9S Clay
C-5, C-5C Forms
C-6, C-6C Cutting with Scissors
C-8S Painting with Brush
C-9S Clay
C-8S Painting with Brush
C-8S Painting with Brush
C-8S Painting with Brush
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Participates in classroom music activities
Begins to sing a variety of simple songs
Begins to play classroom instruments
Begins to respond to music of various tempos through movement
Dramatic Play
Expresses feelings through movement
Begins to create or recreate stories, moods, or experiences through dramatic
Begins to engage in dramatic play with others
IED–II Assessment
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
G-1C General Social and Emotional
E-12S Singing
G-1C General Social and Emotional
B-13S Rhythm
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
G-1C General Social and Emotional
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
G-1C General Social and Emotional
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
G-1C General Social and Emotional
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Health and Safety
Becomes aware of routine healthy behaviors (e.g., brushing teeth)
Begins to follow health-promoting routines (e.g., washing hands)
Refines use of eating utensils
Prepares simple healthy snacks
Recognizes the danger of fire and learns to treat fire with caution
Responds appropriately during a fire drill
Knows how to seek help in an emergency
Knows how to cross a street safely
Knows never to eat substances that are not food
Knows not to talk to, accept rides from, or take treats from strangers
Knows how to get help from a parent and/or trusted adult when made to feel
uncomfortable or unsafe by another person/adult
D-6, D-6C Toileting
D-7, D-7C Bathing
D-8 Grooming
D-6, D-6C Toileting
D-7, D-7C Bathing
D-8 Grooming
D-1, D-1C Feeding/Eating
D-1, D-1C Feeding/Eating
D-11S Safety
D-11S Safety
D-11S Safety
D-11S Safety
D-11S Safety
D-11S Safety
D-11S Safety
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Personal and Social Development – Prekindergarten
Begins to show self-control by following classroom rules
Begins to be responsible for individual behavior and actions
Begins to show greater ability to control intense feelings (e.g., anger)
Begins to share and cooperate with others in group activities
Begins to develop friendships with others
Begins to express thoughts, feelings, and ideas through language as well as
through gestures and actions
IED–II Assessment
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
E-1, E-1C Prespeech Receptive
E-2, E-2C Prespeech Gestures
E-3, E-3C Prespeech Vocalization
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Physical Development
Explores moving in space
Shows an awareness of name, location, and relationship of body parts
Becomes more able to move from one space to another in different ways (e.g.,
running, jumping, hopping, skipping)
Becomes more able to move in place (e.g., axial movements such as reaching,
twisting, turning, and bending)
Begins to move in rhythm
Begins to participate in group games involving movement (e.g., Duck, Duck,
B-2, B-2C Walking
B-3, B-3C Stairs and Climbing
B-4, B-4C Running
B-5, B-5C Jumping
B-6 Hopping
B-7 Kicking
B-8, B-8C Balance Beam
F-2a Body Parts – Receptive
F-2b Body Parts – Expressive
B-2, B-2C Walking
B-3, B-3C Stairs and Climbing
B-4, B-4C Running
B-5, B-5C Jumping
B-6 Hopping
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Begins to throw or kick an object in a particular direction
Begins to play catch with a bean bag or a large ball
Bounces a large ball and catches it
Begins to coordinate arms and legs (e.g., swinging, stretching)
Begins to develop pincer control in picking up objects (e.g., weaving, touching
small objects)
Begins to practice self-help skills (e.g., zipping, buttoning)
Begins to hold writing tools with fingers instead of with a fist
Begins to manipulate play objects that have fine parts
Begins to use scissors
IED–II Assessment
B-7 Kicking
B-10, B-10C Rolling and Throwing
B-9 Catching
B-11S Ball Bouncing
B-15S Miscellaneous Gross-Motor Skills
C-1, C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
C-3 Prehandwriting
C-1, C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
C-1, C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
C-6, C-6C Cutting with Scissors
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
English Language Arts – Kindergarten
K.1.A respond appropriately and courteously to directions and questions
K.1.C participate in rhymes, songs, conversations, and discussions
K.1.E listen responsively to stories and other texts read aloud, including selections from classic and
contemporary works
K.1.F identify the musical elements of literary language such as its rhymes or repeated sounds
K.3.B use verbal and nonverbal communication in effective ways when making announcements,
giving directions, or making introductions
K.4.A learn the vocabulary of school such as numbers, shapes, colors, directions, and categories
K.4.B use vocabulary to describe clearly ideas, feelings, and experiences
K.4.D retell a spoken message by summarizing or clarifying
K.5.A recognize that print represents spoken language and conveys meaning such as his/her own
name and signs such as Exit and Danger
IED–II Assessment
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-7, E-7C Verbal Directions
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-12S Singing
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-9 Repeats Numbers
F-3 Colors
F-4 Shape Concepts
F-6, F-6C Directional/Positional
F-7 Classifying
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
I-5 Reads Common Signs
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
English Language Arts – Kindergarten
K.5.B know that print moves left-to-right across the page and top-to-bottom
K.5.C understand that written words are separated by spaces
K.5.D know the difference between individual letters and printed words
K.5.E know the difference between capital and lowercase letters
K.5.F recognize how readers use capitalization and punctuation to comprehend
IED–II Assessment
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
J-6 Prints Simple Sentences
J-7 Quality of Printing
H-1b Visual Discrimination – Lowercase
Letters and Words
H-1a Visual Discrimination – Forms and
Uppercase Letters
H-1b Visual Discrimination – Lowercase
Letters and Words
H-3 Uppercase Letters
H-4 Lowercase Letters
J-6 Prints Simple Sentences
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
English Language Arts – Kindergarten
K.6.C produce rhyming words and distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming words
K.6.D identify and isolate the initial and final sound of a spoken word
K.6.E blend sounds to make spoken words such as moving manipulatives to blend phonemes in a
spoken word
K.6.F segment one-syllable spoken words into individual phonemes, clearly producing beginning,
medial, and final sounds
K.7.A name and identify each letter of the alphabet
K.7.B understand that written words are composed of letters that represent sounds
IED–II Assessment
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
I-7 Auditory Discrimination
I-7 Auditory Discrimination
I-8 Matches Initial Consonants with
I-9 Substitutes Initial Consonant Sounds
I-7 Auditory Discrimination
I-8 Matches Initial Consonants with
I-9 Substitutes Initial Consonant Sounds
I-10 Substitutes Short-Vowel Sounds
I-11 Substitutes Long-Vowel Sounds
I-7 Auditory Discrimination
I-8 Matches Initial Consonants with
I-9 Substitutes Initial Consonant Sounds
I-10 Substitutes Short-Vowel Sounds
I-11 Substitutes Long-Vowel Sounds
H-2 Recites Alphabet
H-3 Uppercase Letters
H-4 Lowercase Letters
H-1b Visual Discrimination – Lowercase
Letters and Words
H-5 Lowercase Letter Knowledge
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
English Language Arts – Kindergarten
K.7.C learn and apply letter-sound correspondences of a set of consonants and vowels to begin to
K.8.B develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging
selections read aloud
K.8.C identify words that name persons, places, or things and words that name actions
K.9.C retell or act out the order of important events in stories
K.10.A listen to stories being read aloud
K.10.B participate actively (react, speculate, join in, read along) when predictable and patterned
selections are read aloud
K.10.C respond through talk, movement, music, art, drama, and writing to a variety of stories and
poems in ways that reflect understanding and interpretation
IED–II Assessment
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
H-5 Lowercase Letter Knowledge
I-7 Auditory Discrimination
I-8 Matches Initial Consonants with
I-9 Substitutes Initial Consonant Sounds
I-10 Substitutes Short-Vowel Sounds
I-11 Substitutes Long-Vowel Sounds
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
I-1 Basic Preprimer Vocabulary
I-2 Word Recognition Grade Placement
I-3 Reads Color Words
I-4 Reads Number Words
I-5 Reads Common Signs
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
English Language Arts – Kindergarten
K.10.D describe how illustrations contribute to the text
K.11.C distinguish fiction from nonfiction, including fact and fantasy
K.12.B use pictures, print, and people to gather information and answer questions
K.12.C draw conclusions from information gathered
K.14.A write his/her own name and other important words
K.14.B write each letter of the alphabet, both capital and lowercase
K.14.C use phonological knowledge to map sounds to letters to write messages
K.14.E gain increasing control of penmanship such as pencil grip, paper position, and beginning
K.16.B record or dictate his/her own knowledge of a topic in various ways such as by drawing
pictures, making lists, and showing connections among ideas
IED–II Assessment
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
C-1, C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
C-3, C-3C Prehandwriting
C-7C Verbal Directions
J-1 Prints Personal Data
J-2 Prints Uppercase Letters in
J-3 Prints Lowercase Letters in
J-4 Prints Uppercase Letters Dictated
J-5 Prints Lowercase Letters Dictated
J-6 Prints Simple Sentences
C-1, C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
C-3, C-3C Prehandwriting
C-3, C-3C Prehandwriting
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Mathematics – Kindergarten
IED–II Assessment
K.1.A use one-to-one correspondence and language such as more than, same number as, or two less F-5, F-5C Quantitative Concepts
than to describe relative sizes of sets of concrete objects
K-1 Number Concepts
K-4 Numerical Comprehension
K.1.B use sets of concrete objects to represent quantities given in verbal or written form (through 9)
K-1 Number Concepts
K-4 Numerical Comprehension
K.1.C use numbers to describe how many objects are in a set (through 20)
K-1 Number Concepts
K-4 Numerical Comprehension
K.2.A use language such as before or after to describe relative position in a sequence of events or
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-6, F-6C Directional/Positional
K-5 Ordinal Position
K.2.B name the ordinal positions in a sequence such as first, second, third, etc.
K-5 Ordinal Position
K.4 Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student models addition and subtraction. The
K-9 Addition Combinations
student is expected to model and create addition and subtraction problems in real situations with
K-10 Subtraction Combinations
concrete objects.
K.5 Patterns, relationships, and algebraic thinking. The student identifies, extends, and creates
B-13S Rhythm
patterns. The student is expected to identify, extend, and create patterns of sounds, physical
C-2C Block Tower Building
movement, and concrete objects.
K-2 Rote Counting
K-6 Numerals in Sequence
K-7 Writes Following and Preceding
K.6.A use patterns to predict what comes next, including cause-and-effect relationships
B-13S Rhythm
C-2C Block Tower Building
K.6.B count by ones to 100
K-2 Rote Counting
K.7.A describe one object in relation to another using informal language such as over, under, above,
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
and below
Language Development
F-6, F-6C Directional/Positional
K.7.B place an object in a specified position
E-7, E-7C Verbal Directions
K.8.A describe and identify an object by its attributes using informal language
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Mathematics – Kindergarten
K.8.B compare two objects based on their attributes
K.8.C sort objects according to their attributes and describe how those groups are formed
K.10.A compare and order two or three concrete objects according to length (shorter or longer),
capacity (holds more or holds less), or weight (lighter or heavier)
K.11.C sequence events
IED–II Assessment
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
F-7 Classifying
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
F-7 Classifying
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
F-5, F-5C Quantitative Concepts
F-7 Classifying
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
K-5 Ordinal Position
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Science – Kindergarten
K.2.A ask questions about organisms, objects, and events
IED–II Assessment
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
K.5.A describe properties of objects and characteristics of organisms
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
K.6.A sort organisms and objects into groups according to their parts and describe how the groups are C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
F-7 Classifying
Social Studies
K.2.B identify ordinary people who have shaped the community
K.3.A place events in chronological order
K.3.B use vocabulary related to time and chronology, including before, after, next, first, and last
K.4.A use terms, including over, under, near, far, left, and right, to describe relative location
K.9.A identify authority figures in the home, school, and community
K.11.A identify personal attributes common to all people such as physical characteristics
K.11.B identify differences among people
F-10 Knows Function of Community
F-11 Knows Where to Go for Services
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
K-5 Ordinal Position
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-6, F-6C Directional/Positional
F-10 Knows Function of Community
F-11 Knows Where to Go for Services
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Social Studies
K.15.C sequence and categorize information
K.16.A express ideas orally based on knowledge and experiences
K.16.B create and interpret visuals including pictures and maps
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-7 Classifying
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
C-3 Prehandwriting
C-4 Draw a Person
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Languages Other Than English – Kindergarten
K.1.A engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to socialize and to provide and obtain
K.1.B demonstrate understanding of simple, clearly spoken, and written language such as simple
stories, high-frequency commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar topics
K.1.C present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and readers
Health Education
K.2.F identify how to get help from a parent and/or trusted adult when made to feel uncomfortable or
unsafe by another person/adult
K.2.G demonstrate procedures for responding to emergencies including dialing 911
K.4.B name major body parts and their functions
K.5.A name people who can provide helpful health information such as parents, doctors, teachers,
and nurses
K.8.A recognize and describe individual differences and communicate appropriately with all individuals
IED–II Assessment
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-7, E-7C Verbal Directions
I-1 Basic Preprimer Vocabulary
I-2 Word Recognition Grade Placement
I-3 Reads Color Words
I-4 Reads Number Words
I-5 Reads Common Signs
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
D-11S Safety
D-11S Safety
F-2a Body Parts – Receptive
F-2b Body Parts – Expressive
F-10 Knows Function of Community
F-11 Knows Where to Go for Services
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Physical Education – Kindergarten
K.1.A travel in different ways in a large group without bumping into others or falling
K.1.C demonstrate non-locomotor (axial) movements such as bend and stretch
IED–II Assessment
B-4C Running
B-15S Miscellaneous Gross-Motor Skills
K.1.D maintain balance while bearing weight on a variety of body parts
B-1, B-1C Standing
B-2, B-2C Walking
B-3, B-3C Stairs and Climbing
B-4, B-4C Running
B-5, B-5C Jumping
B-6 Hopping
B-7 Kicking
B-8, B-8C Balance Beam
K.1.E walk forward and sideways the length of a beam without falling
B-8, B-8C Balance Beam
K.1.F demonstrate a variety of relationships such as under, over, behind, next to, through, right, left,
F-6, F-6C Directional/Positional
up, down, forward, backward, and in front of
K.1.H toss a ball and catch it before it bounces twice
B-9 Catching
B-11S Ball Bouncing
K.2.A identify selected body parts such as head, back, chest, waist, hips, arms, elbows, wrists, hands, F-2a Body Parts – Receptive
fingers, legs, knees, ankles, feet, and toes
F-2b Body Parts – Expressive
K.3.D lift and support his/her own weight in selected activities that develop muscular strength and
B-4, B-4C Running
endurance of the arms, shoulders, abdomen, back, and legs such as hanging, hopping, and jumping
B-5, B-5C Jumping
B-6 Hopping
B-7 Kicking
B-8, B-8C Balance Beam
B-9 Catching
B-10, B-10C Rolling and Throwing
B-12S Ball Striking – Bats a Stationary
B-15S Miscellaneous Gross-Motor Skills
K.5.A use equipment and space properly
G-3C Initiative and Engagement Skills
and Behaviors
K.5.E explain appropriate reactions during emergencies in physical activities
D-11S Safety
K.6.A respond appropriately to starting and stopping signals
G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Physical Education – Kindergarten
K.6.B demonstrate the ability to play within boundaries during games and activities
K.7.A follow rules, procedures, and safe practices
K.7.B work in a group setting in cooperation with others
K.7.C share space and equipment with others
IED–II Assessment
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
D-11S Safety
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Art – Kindergarten
K.1.B identify colors, textures, forms, and subjects in the environment
K.2.A create artworks, using a variety of colors, forms, and lines
K.2.C develop manipulative skills when drawing, painting, printmaking, and constructing artworks,
using a variety of materials
K.3.B share ideas about personal artworks and the work of others, demonstrating respect for differing
K.4.A express ideas about personal artworks
K.4.B express ideas about original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and artists
K.2.A sing or play classroom instruments independently or in a group
K.4.A identify steady beat in musical performances
IED–II Assessment
C-5, C-5C Forms
F-3 Colors
F-4 Shapes
C-1, C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
C-2, C-2C Block Tower Building
C-3, C-3C Prehandwriting
C-4 Draw a Person
C-5, C-5C Forms
C-6, C-6C Cutting with Scissors
C-8S Painting with Brush
C-9S Clay
C-8S Painting with Brush
C-8S Painting with Brush
C-8S Painting with Brush
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
B-13S Rhythm
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Theatre – Kindergarten
K.1.A develop self-awareness through dramatic play
K.1.B explore space, using expressive movement
K.1.C imitate sounds
K.1.D imitate and recreate objects in dramatic play
K.2.B assume roles through imitation and recreation
K.2.D participate in dramatic play
K.3.C ask and answer relevant questions and make contributions in small or large group discussions
K.3.D cooperate with others in dramatic play
K.5.C demonstrate awareness of the use of music, creative movement, and visual components in
dramatic play
IED–II Assessment
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-3, G-3C Initiative and Engagement
Skills and Behaviors
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
G-1C General Social and Emotional
E-1, E-1C Prespeech Receptive
E-3, E-3C Prespeech Vocalization
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-3, G-3C Initiative and Engagement
Skills and Behaviors
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-3, G-3C Initiative and Engagement
Skills and Behaviors
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-3, G-3C Initiative and Engagement
Skills and Behaviors
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-3, G-3C Initiative and Engagement
Skills and Behaviors
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
English Language Arts – First Grade
1.1.B respond appropriately and courteously to directions and questions
1.1.C participate in rhymes, songs, conversations, and discussions
1.1.E listen responsively to stories and other texts read aloud, including selections from classic and
contemporary works
1.1.F identify the musical elements of literary language such as its rhymes or repeated sounds
1.3.B use verbal and nonverbal communication in effective ways such as in making announcements,
giving directions, or making introductions
1.3.C ask and answer relevant questions and make contributions in small or large group discussions
1.4.A learn the vocabulary of school such as numbers, shapes, colors, directions, and categories
1.4.B use vocabulary to describe clearly ideas, feelings, and experiences
1.4.D retell a spoken message by summarizing or clarifying
IED–II Assessment
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-7, E-7C Verbal Directions
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-12S Singing
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-9 Repeats Numbers
F-3 Colors
F-4 Shape Concepts
F-6, F-6C Directional/Positional
F-7 Classifying
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
English Language Arts – First Grade
1.5.A recognize that print represents spoken language and conveys meaning such as his/her own
name and signs such as Exit and Danger
1.5.B know that print moves left-to-right across the page and top-to-bottom
1.5.C understand that written words are separated by spaces
1.5.D know the difference between individual letters and printed words
1.5.E know the order of the alphabet
IED–II Assessment
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
I-5 Reads Common Signs
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
J-6 Prints Simple Sentences
J-7 Quality of Printing
H-1b Visual Discrimination – Lowercase
Letters and Words
H-2 Recites Alphabet
J-2 Prints Uppercase Letters in
J-3 Prints Lowercase Letters in
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
English Language Arts – First Grade
1.5.F know the difference between capital and lowercase letters
IED–II Assessment
H-1a Visual Discrimination – Forms and
Uppercase Letters
H-1b Visual Discrimination – Lowercase
Letters and Words
H-3 Uppercase Letters
H-4 Lowercase Letters
1.5.G recognize how readers use capitalization and punctuation to comprehend
J-6 Prints Simple Sentences
1.6.C produce rhyming words and distinguish rhyming words from non-rhyming words
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
1.6.D identify and isolate the initial and final sound of a spoken word
I-7 Auditory Discrimination
I-8 Matches Initial Consonants with
I-9 Substitutes Initial Consonant Sounds
1.6.F segment one-syllable spoken words into individual phonemes, including three and four phoneme I-7 Auditory Discrimination
words, clearly producing beginning, medial, and final sounds
I-8 Matches Initial Consonants with
I-9 Substitutes Initial Consonant Sounds
I-10 Substitutes Short-Vowel Sounds
I-11 Substitutes Long-Vowel Sounds
1.7.A name and identify each letter of the alphabet
H-2 Recites Alphabet
H-3 Uppercase Letters
H-4 Lowercase Letters
1.7.B understand that written words are composed of letters that represent sounds
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
H-5 Lowercase Letter Knowledge
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
English Language Arts – First Grade
1.7.C learn and apply letter-sound correspondences of a set of consonants and vowels to begin to
1.7.D learn and apply the most common letter-sound correspondences, including the sounds
represented by single letters (consonants and vowels); consonant blends such as bl, st, tr; consonant
digraphs such as th, sh, ck; and vowel digraphs and diphthongs such as ea, ie, ee
1.7.E blend initial letter-sounds with common vowel spelling patterns to read words
IED–II Assessment
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
H-5 Lowercase Letter Knowledge
I-7 Auditory Discrimination
I-8 Matches Initial Consonants with
I-9 Substitutes Initial Consonant Sounds
I-10 Substitutes Short-Vowel Sounds
I-11 Substitutes Long-Vowel Sounds
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
H-5 Lowercase Letter Knowledge
I-7 Auditory Discrimination
I-8 Matches Initial Consonants with
I-9 Substitutes Initial Consonant Sounds
I-10 Substitutes Short-Vowel Sounds
I-11 Substitutes Long-Vowel Sounds
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
H-5 Lowercase Letter Knowledge
I-7 Auditory Discrimination
I-8 Matches Initial Consonants with
I-9 Substitutes Initial Consonant Sounds
I-10 Substitutes Short-Vowel Sounds
I-11 Substitutes Long-Vowel Sounds
CURRICULUM ASSOCIATES , Inc. • 800-225-0248 • Fax 800-366-1158 • www.curriculumassociates.com
Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
English Language Arts – First Grade
1.11.B develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging
selections read aloud
1.12.C retell or act out the order of important events in stories
1.12.F make and explain inferences from texts such as determining important ideas and causes and
effects, making predictions, and drawing conclusions
1.13.A listen to stories being read aloud
1.13.B participate actively (react, speculate, join in, read along) when predictable and patterned
selections are read aloud
1.13.C respond through talk, movement, music, art, drama, and writing to a variety of stories and
poems in ways that reflect understanding and interpretation
1.14.C distinguish fiction from nonfiction, including fact and fantasy
1.15.B use pictures, print, and people to gather information and answer questions
1.15.C draw conclusions from information gathered
1.15.D use alphabetical order to locate information
1.17.A write his/her own name and other important words
IED–II Assessment
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
E-11 Responds to Picture
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
H-2 Recites Alphabet
C-1, C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
C-3, C-3C Prehandwriting
C-7C Verbal Directions
J-1 Prints Personal Data
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
English Language Arts – First Grade
1.17.B write each letter of the alphabet, both capital and lowercase, using correct formation,
appropriate size, and spacing
1.17.E gain an increasing control of penmanship such as pencil grip, paper position, stroke, and
1.17.F use word and letter spacing and margins to make messages readable
1.17.G use basic capitalization and punctuation such as capitalizing names and first letters in
sentences, using periods, question marks, and exclamation points
1.20.E use conventional spelling of familiar words in final drafts
1.21.B compose complete sentences in written texts and use the appropriate end punctuation
IED–II Assessment
J-2 Prints Uppercase Letters in
J-3 Prints Lowercase Letters in
J-4 Prints Uppercase Letters Dictated
J-5 Prints Lowercase Letters Dictated
J-6 Prints Simple Sentences
J-7 Quality of Printing
C-1, C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
C-3, C-3C Prehandwriting
J-6 Prints Simple Sentences
J-7 Quality of Printing
C-1, C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
C-3, C-3C Prehandwriting
C-7C Verbal Directions
J-1 Prints Personal Data
J-6 Prints Simple Sentences
J-6 Prints Simple Sentences
J-6 Prints Simple Sentences
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
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Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Mathematics – First Grade
1.1.A compare and order whole numbers up to 99 (less than, greater than, or equal to) using sets of
concrete objects and pictorial models
1.1.C identify individual coins by name and value and describe relationships among them
1.1.D read and write numbers to 99 to describe sets of concrete objects
1.3.B use concrete and pictorial models to apply basic addition and subtraction facts (up to 9 + 9 = 18
and 18 – 9 = 9)
1.4 Patterns, relationships, and algebraic thinking. The student uses repeating patterns and additive
patterns to make predictions.
1.6.A describe and identify two-dimensional geometric figures, including circles, triangles, rectangles,
and squares
1.8.A order three or more events according to duration
1.8.B read time to the hour and half-hour using analog and digital clocks
IED–II Assessment
K-1 Number Concepts
K-2 Rote Counting
K-5 Ordinal Position
K-6 Numerals in Sequence
K-7 Writes Following and Preceding
K-11 Recognition of Money
K-3 Reads Numerals
K-6 Numerals in Sequence
K-7 Writes Following and Preceding
K-8 Writes Numerals Dictated
K-9 Addition Combinations
K-10 Subtraction Combinations
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
K-2 Rote Counting
K-6 Numerals in Sequence
K-7 Writes Following and Preceding
F-4 Shape Concepts
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
K-12 Time
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
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Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
1.2.A ask questions about organisms, objects, and events
1.5.A sort objects and events based on properties and patterns
1.5.B identify, predict, and create patterns including those seen in charts, graphs, and numbers
1.6.A sort organisms and objects according to their parts and characteristics
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
B-13S Rhythm
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-7 Classifying
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
K-2 Rote Counting
K-6 Numerals in Sequence
K-7 Writes Following and Preceding
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
F-7 Classifying
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
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Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Social Studies – First Grade
1.2.B identify ordinary people who have shaped the community
1.3.A place events in chronological order
1.3.B use vocabulary related to time and chronology, including before, after, next, first, and last
1.4.A use terms, including over, under, near, far, left, and right, to describe relative location
1.7.A identify jobs in the home, school, and community
1.8.B identify rules that provide order, security, and safety in the home and school
1.9.A identify authority figures in the home, school, and community
1.11.A identify personal attributes common to all people such as physical characteristics
1.11.B identify differences among people
1.1.5.A obtain information about a topic using a variety of oral sources such as conversations,
interviews, and music
1.16.A express ideas orally based on knowledge and experiences
1.16.B create and interpret visuals including pictures and maps
IED–II Assessment
F-10 Knows Function of Community
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
K-5 Ordinal Position
K-12 Time
F-6, F-6C Directional/Positional
D-9S Household Chores
D-10S Classroom Chores
F-10 Knows Function of Community
F-11 Knows Where to Go for Services
D-11S Safety
D-11S Safety
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-1C Response to and Experience with
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
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Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Health Education
1.2.G identify and practice safety rules during play
1.2.H identify how to get help from a parent and/or trusted adult when made to feel uncomfortable or
unsafe by another person/adult
1.4.B identify major body structures and organs and describes their basic functions
1.5.A identify people who can provide helpful health information such as parents, teachers, nurses,
and physicians
1.9.A demonstrate respectful communication
1.9.C express needs, wants, and emotions in appropriate ways
1.9.D describe and practice techniques of self-control such as thinking before acting
D-11S Safety
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
D-11S Safety
F-2a Body Parts – Receptive
F-2b Body Parts – Expressive
F-10 Knows Function of Community
F-11 Knows Where to Go for Services
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
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Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Physical Education – First Grade
1.1.A demonstrate an awareness of personal and general space while moving at different directions
and levels such as high, medium, and low
1.1.B demonstrate proper foot patterns in hopping, jumping, skipping, leaping, galloping, and sliding
1.1.C demonstrate control in balancing and traveling activities
1.1.E clap in time to a simple rhythmic beat
1.1.F create and imitate movement in response to selected rhythms
1.1.H demonstrate on cue key elements in overhand throw, underhand throw, and catch
1.3.C participate in appropriate exercises for flexibility in shoulders, legs, and trunk
1.3.D lift and support his/her own weight in selected activities that develop muscular strength and
endurance of the arms, shoulders, abdomen, back, and legs such as hanging, hopping, and jumping
1.5.A use equipment and space safely and properly
IED–II Assessment
B-2, B-2C Walking
B-4, B-4C Running
B-5, B-5C Jumping
B-6, B-6C Hopping
B-13S Rhythm
B-2, B-2C Walking
B-3, B-3C Stairs and Climbing
B-4, B-4C Running
B-8, B-8C Balance Beam
B-13S Rhythm
B-13S Rhythm
B-9 Catching
B-10, B-10C Rolling and Throwing
B-9 Catching
B-10, B-10C Rolling and Throwing
B-11S Ball Bouncing
B-12S Ball Striking – Bats a Stationary
B-15S Miscellaneous Gross-Motor Skills
B-4, B-4C Running
B-5, B-5C Jumping
B-6 Hopping
B-7 Kicking
B-8, B-8C Balance Beam
B-9 Catching
B-10, B-10C Rolling and Throwing
B-12S Ball Striking – Bats a Stationary
B-15S Miscellaneous Gross-Motor Skills
G-3C Initiative and Engagement Skills
and Behaviors
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Physical Education – First Grade
1.5.E describe and demonstrate appropriate reactions to emergency situations common to physical
activity settings such as universal safety precautions, and calling 911
1.7.A follow directions and apply safe movement practices
1.7.B interact, cooperate, and respect others
1.7.C resolve conflicts in socially acceptable ways such as talking and asking the teacher for help
IED–II Assessment
D-11S Safety
D-11S Safety
E-7, E-7C Verbal Directions
G-1C General Social and Emotional
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
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Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Art – First Grade
1.1.A identify similarities, differences, and variations among subjects, using the senses
1.2.A invent images that combine a variety of colors, forms, and lines
1.2.B place forms in orderly arrangement to create designs
1.2.C increase manipulative skills, using a variety of materials to produce drawings, paintings, prints,
and constructions
1.4.A express ideas about personal artworks
1.4.B identify simple ideas about original artworks, portfolios, and exhibitions by peers and others
1.2.A sing or play a classroom instrument independently or in groups
1.4.A create short rhythmic patterns
1.1.A develop confidence and self-awareness through dramatic play
1.1.B develop spatial awareness in dramatic play, using expressive and rhythmic movement
1.1.C imitate actions and sounds
IED–II Assessment
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
C-1, C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
C-3, C-3C Prehandwriting
C-4 Draw a Person
C-5, C-5C Forms
C-6, C-6C Cutting with Scissors
C-8S Painting with Brush
C-9S Clay
C-2, C-2C Block Tower Building
C-8S Painting with Brush
C-8S Painting with Brush
B-13S Rhythm
B-13S Rhythm
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-3, G-3C Initiative and Engagement
Skills and Behaviors
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
G-1 General Social and Emotional
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-3, G-3C Initiative and Engagement
Skills and Behaviors
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
TEKS Curriculum
Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Art – First Grade
1.1.D imitate and create animate and inanimate objects in dramatic play
1.2.B assume roles through imitation
1.2.C dramatize limited-action stories
1.3.D cooperate with others in dramatic play
IED–II Assessment
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-3, G-3C Initiative and Engagement
Skills and Behaviors
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-3, G-3C Initiative and Engagement
Skills and Behaviors
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-3, G-3C Initiative and Engagement
Skills and Behaviors
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-3, G-3C Initiative and Engagement
Skills and Behaviors
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
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Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
English Language Arts – Second Grade
2.1.B respond appropriately and courteously to directions and questions
2.1.C participate in rhymes, songs, conversations, and discussions
2.1.E listen responsively to stories and other texts read aloud, including selections from classic and
contemporary works
2.1.F identify the musical elements of literary language such as its rhymes, repeated sounds, or
instances of onomatopoeia
2.3.B use verbal and nonverbal communication in effective ways such as making announcements,
giving directions, or making introductions
2.3.C ask and answer relevant questions and make contributions in small or large group discussions
2.4.A use vocabulary to describe clearly ideas, feelings, and experiences
2.4.C retell a spoken message by summarizing or clarifying
2.5.B blend initial letter - sounds with common vowel spelling patterns to read words
2.8.B develop vocabulary by listening to and discussing both familiar and conceptually challenging
selections read aloud
2.8.C develop vocabulary through reading
IED–II Assessment
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-7, E-7C Verbal Directions
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-12S Singing
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
I-9 Substitutes Initial Consonant Sounds
I-10 Substitutes Short-Vowel Sounds
I-11 Substitutes Long-Vowel Sounds
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
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Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
English Language Arts – Second Grade
2.9.C retell or act out the order of important events in stories
2.9.F make and explain inferences from texts such as determining important ideas and causes and
effects, making predictions, and drawing conclusions
2.20.A respond to stories and poems in ways that reflect understanding and interpretation in
discussion (speculating, questioning) in writing, and through movement, music, art, and drama
2.11.C distinguish fiction from nonfiction, including fact and fantasy
2.12.B use alphabetical order to locate information
2.12.H draw conclusions from information gathered
2.15.A gain increasing control of aspects of penmanship such as pencil grip, paper position, stroke,
and posture, and using correct letter formation, appropriate size, and spacing
IED–II Assessment
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
H-2 Recites Alphabet
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
C-1, C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
C-3, C-3C Prehandwriting
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
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Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
English Language Arts – Second Grade
2.15.B use word and letter spacing and margins to make messages readable
IED–II Assessment
J-6 Prints Simple Sentences
J-7 Quality of Printing
2.15.C use basic capitalization and punctuation correctly such as capitalizing names and first letters in C-1, C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
sentences, using periods, question marks, and exclamation points
Manipulative Skills
C-3, C-3C Prehandwriting
C-7C Verbal Directions
J-1 Prints Personal Data
J-6 Prints Simple Sentences
2.16.B write with more proficient spelling of regularly spelled patterns such as consonant-vowelJ-6 Prints Simple Sentences
consonant (CVC) (hop), consonant-vowel-consonant-silent e (CVCe) (hope), and one-syllable words
with blends (drop)
2.1.A use concrete models of hundreds, tens, and ones to represent a given whole number (up to
999) in various ways
2.3.A recall and apply basic addition and subtraction facts
2.3.B model addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers with objects, pictures, words, and numbers
2.6.C identify, describe, and extend repeating and additive patterns to make predictions and solve
2.7.A describe attributes (the number of vertices, faces, edges, sides) of two- and three-dimensional
geometric figures such as circles, polygons, spheres, cones, cylinders, prisms, and pyramids, etc.
2.20.B read and write times shown on analog and digital clocks using five-minute increments
2.13.A explain and record observations using objects, words, pictures, numbers, and technology
K-1 Number Concepts
K-4 Numerical Comprehension
K-9 Addition Facts
K-10 Subtraction Facts
K-9 Addition Facts
K-10 Subtraction Facts
B-13S Rhythm
C-2C Block Tower Building
K-2 Rote Counting
K-6 Numerals in Sequence
K-7 Writes Following and Preceding
F-4 Shape Concepts
K-12 Time
F-1C Response to and Experience with
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
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Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
2.2.A ask questions about organisms, objects, and events
2.5.A classify and sequence organisms, objects, and events based on properties and patterns
2.5.B identify, predict, replicate, and create patterns including those seen in charts, graphs, and
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-7 Classifying
K-5 Ordinal Position
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
K-2 Rote Counting
K-6 Numerals in Sequence
K-7 Writes Following and Preceding
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
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Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Social Studies – Second Grade
2.2.B use vocabulary related to chronology, including past, present, and future
2.4.C explain how local people and events have influenced local community history
2.11.B identify some governmental services in the community such as libraries, schools, and parks
and explain their value to the community
2.17.D sequence and categorize information
Health Education
2.1.B describe and demonstrate personal health habits such as brushing and flossing teeth and
2.2.F identify a trusted adult such as a parent, teacher, or law enforcement officer and identify ways to
react when approached and made to feel uncomfortable or unsafe by another person/adult
2.6.A identify people who can provide health information
2.9.B list and demonstrate good listening skills
2.10.B express needs, wants, and emotions in healthy ways
IED–II Assessment
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
K-5 Ordinal Position
K-12 Time
F-10 Knows Function of Community
F-11 Knows Where to Go for Services
C-1C General Eye/Finger/Hand
Manipulative Skills
F-7 Classifying
H-6 Teacher’s/Observer’s Rating Form
for Academic Readiness
D-6, D-6C Toileting
D-7, D-7C Bathing
D-8 Grooming
D-11S Safety
F-10 Knows Function of Community
F-11 Knows Where to Go for Services
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
E-7, E-7C Verbal Directions
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
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Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
Physical Education – Second Grade
2.1.D demonstrate mature form in walking, hopping, and skipping
IED–II Assessment
B-2, B-2C Walking
B-6, B-6C Hopping
2.1.E demonstrate balance in symmetrical and non-symmetrical shapes from different basis of support B. GROSS-MOTOR SKILLS AND
2.1.F demonstrate a variety of relationships in dynamic movement situations such as under, over,
F-6, F-6C Directional/Positional
behind, next to, through, right, left, up, or down
2.1.G demonstrate simple stunts that exhibit personal agility such as jumping-one and two foot
B-5, B-5C Jumping
takeoffs and landing with good control
B-15S Miscellaneous Gross-Motor Skills
2.1.L perform rhythmical sequences such as simple folk, creative, and ribbon routines order
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
G-2 Play Skills and Behaviors
2.1.H demonstrate smooth transition from one body part to the next in rolling activities such as side
B-15S Miscellaneous Gross-Motor Skills
roll, log roll, balance/curl, and roll/balance in a new position
2.1.M jump a self-turned rope repeatedly
B-5, B-5C Jumping
2.1.N demonstrate on cue key elements of hand dribble, foot dribble, kick and strike such as striking
B-7 Kicking
balloon or ball with hand
B-11S Ball Bouncing
2.3.C participate in appropriate exercises for flexibility in shoulders, legs, and trunk
B-9 Catching
B-10, B-10C Rolling and Throwing
B-11S Ball Bouncing
B-12S Ball Striking – Bats a Stationary
B-15S Miscellaneous Gross-Motor Skills
2.3.D lift and support his/her weight in selected activities that develop muscular strength and
B-4, B-4C Running
endurance of the arms, shoulders, abdomen, back, and legs such as hanging, hopping, and jumping
B-5, B-5C Jumping
B-6 Hopping
B-7 Kicking
B-8, B-8C Balance Beam
B-9 Catching
B-10, B-10C Rolling and Throwing
B-12S Ball Striking – Bats a Stationary
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
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BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
B-15S Miscellaneous Gross-Motor Skills
Physical Education – Second Grade
2.5.A use equipment and space safely and properly
2.5.F describe appropriate reactions to emergency situations common to physical activity settings
such as universal safety precautions and dialing 911
2.6.A identify goals to be accomplished during simple games such as not getting tagged
2.7.A display good sportsmanship
2.7.B treat others with respect during play
2.1.A identify variations in objects and subjects from the environment, using the senses
2.1.B identify art elements such as color, texture, form, line, and space and art principles such as
emphasis, pattern, and rhythm
2.2.A express ideas and feelings in artworks, using a variety of colors, forms, and lines
2.2.B create effective compositions, using design elements and principles
2.2.C identify and practice skills necessary for producing drawings, paintings, prints, constructions,
and modeled forms, using a variety of art materials
2.2.A sing or play a classroom instrument independently or in groups
IED–II Assessment
G-3C Initiative and Engagement Skills
and Behaviors
D-11S Safety
E-7, E-7C Verbal Directions
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
G-1C General Social and Emotional
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-3 Colors
C-8S Painting with Brush
C-8S Painting with Brush
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
G-1C General Social and Emotional
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Texas Education Agency Pre-K–2
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Correlated to
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development–II (IED–II)
2.1.A react to sensory experiences
2.2.B expand spatial awareness in dramatic play, using expressive and rhythmic movement
2.1.C participate in dramatic play, using actions, sounds, and dialogue
2.2.B role-play in real life and imaginative situations through narrative pantomime, dramatic play, and
story dramatization
2.2.C create dramatizations of limited-action stories, using simple pantomime and puppetry
2.3.D cooperate and interact with others in dramatic play
E-4, E-4C General Speech and
Language Development
F-1, F-1C Response to and Experience
with Books
B-13S Rhythm
E-12S Singing
G-1, G-1C General Social and Emotional
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-3, G-3C Initiative and Engagement
Skills and Behaviors
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-3, G-3C Initiative and Engagement
Skills and Behaviors
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-3, G-3C Initiative and Engagement
Skills and Behaviors
G-2, G-2C Play Skills and Behaviors
G-3, G-3C Initiative and Engagement
Skills and Behaviors
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