2005 annual - International Freelance Photographers Organization
2005 annual - International Freelance Photographers Organization
T h e M a k e M o n e y W i t h Yo u r C a m e r a M a g a z i n e Photographer TODAY'S Annual Issue www.ifpo.net Announcing AI American International News Service Pg. 33 “II h a d C L O S E A C C E S S t o t h e P r e s i d e n t a t t h e I n a u g u r a t i o n . ” I l y a I F P O pg. 6 Photo Contest Winners pg. 27 TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHY: A MO S T E X O T I C P L A C E pg. 19 How to: Shoot Motorcycle Racing pg.13 Use the Internet To Expand Your Business pg. 15 Learn Learn Photography Photography at at Home Home With Brian Ratty, world famous photographer and educator #3R0X - $199.95 (#3R01-3R08 bundle) 12 Hours Spanish language VHS bundle - #3R0X.ESP European PAL English version bundle - #3R0X.PAL All $199.95 each bundle. ON ASSIGNMENT SERIES brings to the amateur and beginning professional photographer the most complete, comprehensive video training series ever produced. This classic series is a must for any photographer’s library. #3R01 - BASIC 35MM PHOTOGRAPHY - $39.95 How an SLR works, f-stops and shutter speeds, exposure, depth-of-field, and film. Beyond basic techniques in taking better pictures, lenses, shooting with available light, flash, filters, Tools and techniques: candids, formal, environmental portraits, sports-action. 90 min VHS. Spanish language VHS - #3R01.ESP, European PAL English version - #3R01.PAL, All $39.95 each. #3R02 - LIGHTING AND EXPOSURE - $39.95 Learn the direction, form, contrast, and color characteristics of light. Learn exposure control including measuring light, reflective metering, incidence metering, tonal control, fill latitude, and other factors. Elements of lighting, including natural light, available light, artificial light and electronic flash. 90 min VHS. Spanish language VHS - #3R02.ESP, European PAL English version - #3R02.PAL, All $39.95 each. #3R03 - DESIGN•COMPOSITION - $39.95 Learn camera vision, lens-camera choice, framing. Composition- design elements: line, shape, texture, color; design principles: balance, movement, repetition, scale, emphasis, contrast, unity, color. Lighting direction and quality, controlling light and color, psychology of color. 90 min VHS. Spanish language VHS - #3R03.ESP, European PAL English version - #3R03.PAL, All $39.95 each. ! Y U B #3R04 - STUDIO PHOTOGRAPHY - $39.95 Learn product photography in the studio. Learn to layout and design your own studio; studio and still life photography lighting. Learn to use large format cameras, including the view camera, handling sheet film, shifts, swings, tilts. Shoot people in the studio including portraits, shoot people on location, and tell a story with candids. 90 min VHS. Spanish language VHS - #3R04ESP, European PAL English version -#3R04.PAL, All $39.95 each. ds men com t to its e r uc IFPO prod rs! this membe #3R05 - BUSINESS OF PHOTOGRAPHY - $39.95 Make your portfolio, Choosing your direction, the “best” portfolio, portfolio editing, and the interview. Sell your services. Breaking into and staying in business, directories, stock agencies, pricing, billing, Learn careers in photography, freelancing, staff opportunities. 90 min VHS. Spanish language VHS - #3R05.ESP, European PAL English version - #3R05.PAL, All $39.95 each. #3R06 - BASIC VIDEOGRAPHY - $39.95 Video theory, audio theory, video formats, video cameras and recorders. Using a video camera, pre-production, shooting and editing. Video accessories, lighting , video markets. 90 min VHS. Spanish language VHS - #3R06.ESP, European PAL English version - #3R06.PAL, All $39.95 each. #3R07 - THE DARKROOM - $39.95 Setting up your darkroom. Black/white film processing and printing. Processing color in the darkroom. Chemicals and paper. Layout a darkroom. Proofing and enlargements. Printing methods. Negative and print faults. 90 min VHS. Spanish language VHS - #3R07.ESP, European PAL English version - #3R07.PAL, All $39.95 each. #3R08 - GLAMOUR PHOTOGRAPHY - $39.95 Understanding glamour and glamour assignments: cameras, film, lighting, make-up, hair, wardrobe, rights, model releases, magazine layout, props, sets, locations, posing, the glamour portrait, finding models, glamour markets, boudoir, lingerie. 90 min VHS. Spanish language VHS - #3R08.ESP, European PAL English version - #3R08.PAL, All $39.95 each. #3R21 #3R22 Get Pro Results using a Point and Shoot Camera #3R21 - $29.95 EASY PHOTOGRAPHY Use a point and shoot camera to produce professional looking pictures. The program covers camera types, film, use of light, composition, basic photo techniques and much more. Easy instruction on how to take pictures of family, friends, children, pets and places. Picture faults and buying tips are covered. Learn to shoot like a pro, it’s easy! 60 min. VHS. #3R22 - $29.95 EASY HOME VIDEO Basic techniques of using a camcorder and how to produce professional looking home videos. Learn video formats, video accessories, and pre-production planning techniques. Learn the best way to tell a visual story of your family, friends, events and places. 60 min. VHS. #3R2X - $49.95 (#3R21, 3R22 bundle) ORDER TOLL FREE 7 days 1-800-654-9557 ORDER FORM on page 47 Digital Photography on DVD With Brian Ratty, world famous photographer and educator #DVD04 - $109.95 (#DVD01-DVD03 bundle) 4.7 Hours DVD01 Digital Photography: The Camera 85 min #39.95 Digital photography is changing the way photographers create images with a new sense of imagination. Digital pictures are more then instant images as they can be instantly changed and improved. This is creativity at its best! A digital camera is a wonderful new tool and a great addition to any photographer’s camera bag if they know how to use it. That’s what Digital Photography, The Camera is all about, teaching the fundamentals of this exciting new creative tool. If you’re new to photography or an experienced film user you will find this program full of practical information and instruction on digital imaging. This new media age is here and it’s time to get aboard and explore the creativity possibilities. 14 Educational Chapters: Introduction, f-Stops/Shutter Speeds, Digital History, How Digital Works, Choosing a Digital Camera, Using Your Digital Camera, Files & Memory, BONUS - Text Files: Key Terms, Digital Glossary, Teacher’s Guide, Quick Quiz (30 Questions), Using Light, Lenses, Depth of Field, When to Use Digital, Exposure Control, Your Digital Images, Digital Pathways. $39.95 DVD02 Crafting Images 98 min $39.95 With the advent of inexpensive digital cameras the world of photography has been opened to millions of new image makers. There are few things that last longer then time, pictures are one of them. Learning how to craft these pictures is an essential step in producing images that are timeless and treasured. Digital Photography, Crafting Images teaches the fundamentals of the ‘art and craft’ of making, not taking, digital images. This 98 minute program includes 32 key photographic concepts and 56 specific digital shooting tips. This interactive program will help develop good photographic techniques and provides inspiration on starting to ‘see’ photographic images that are all around us. If you’re new to photography or an experienced film user you will find this program full of practical information and instruction on crafting digital images. Outstanding digital images are as unique as the finger print of the photographer who crafted them! 10 Educational Chapters: Introduction, The Camera (review), Properties of Light, Exposure Control, Photographic Design, Critiquing Images, Visual Themes, Visual Subjects, Shooting Accessories, The Gift of Photography. $39.95 DVD03 The Digital Darkroom 100 min $39.95 Photography is an expression of a very personal form of art and the digital darkroom can only widen this expression. Working with everyday technology such as digital cameras, scanners, computers and printers a photographer can craft amazing images that rival traditional film and the works of the masters of the art world. Making digital images into excellent prints is a combination of art and science that is only limited by the photographer’s imagination. “Digital Photography, the Darkroom” is the starting point for learning the fundamentals of digital image manipulation. This program will lead the viewer from photo input to correction and creation to output and storage. The digital darkroom is more then just a process; it’s the ability of a photographer to create outstanding images that are both useful and beautiful. 10 Educational Chapters: Introduction, Computers, Digital Pathways, Scanning Images, Image Resolution, Darkroom Software, Using Darkroom Software, Printing, Papers & Ink, Working with Image Files, The Finishing Room. Bonus Word or PDF Files: *Teacher’s Guide, Quick Quiz (30 Questions), Key Concept List, Shooting Tip List, *Includes: Objectives-Highlights & Timing-Major Instructional Points-Quick Quiz-Answer Key-Suggested Assignments (21 Pages). $39.95 Brian Ratty, internationally known photographer and educator hosts Digital Photography. Mr. Ratty is a graduate of Brooks Institute of Photography and holds an Honorary Master of Science Degree. ORDER TOLL FREE 7 days 1-800-654-9557 www.ifpo.net ORDER FORM on page 47 Today's Photographer International 1 BUSINESS FORMS: Packet of 100 for $9.95 each AL • FR ION IFPO • IN T • IN T ER L EE AL • FR ION AT N TI ZA ON • IN T ER L EE AL • FR TI ZA • IN T ON ER L L EE AT N L EE AL • FR ION AT N L EE AL • FR ION ER ION AT • IN T AT N L EE AL • FR ION AT N ON EE L ER AL • FR EE • IN T ION AL • FR ON AT ION L EE AL • FR ION AT N L EE AL • FR ION AT TI ZA TI ZA N AT N ER ON • IN T ER L EE AL • FR ION AT N TI ZA ON • IN T ER L EE AL • FR ION AT N ON • IN T ER L R TI ZA ERS • ORG Photographic I EE E • PH O T O G AN PH AL • FR NC IFPO • ORG A ION A ERS Pageants R PH E • PH O T O G A NC • IN T TI ZA I A ON ER AN R TI ZA • IN T N ER ON • ORG E • PH O T O G • IN T TI ZA ERS NC ________________ PER MILE ___________________________________________________ PER PRINT/TRANSPARENCY _____________________________________________________ PER HOUR ___________________________________________________ PER HOUR _____________________________________________________ PER DAY ___________________________________________________ PER DAY OTHER IFPO Form F121 The Client will compensate the Photographer for the Payment Terms are: How did client learn of the service? ___________________________________________________________ following estimated miscellaneous expenses: ❏ Cash, Check Money Order EXPENSE CATEGORY AMOUNT _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ ❏ Credit Card I PH A PER JOB _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ R AN I A darkroom: 35mm test strip log ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ photographer's signature ______________________________________________ date ___________________________________________________________ event _____________________________________________________________date __________________time__________________ ❏ Fashion ❏ ___________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ phone: 555-444-3210 YOUR NAMEGlove HERE Size event _____________________________________________________________date __________________time__________________ Quick Response News Log • ©American Image Press www.aipress.com - (336) 945-9867 IFPO Form F204 fax: 555-444-3211 OPTIONALShoe BUSINESS NAME ❏ Commercials ❏ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Size OR STUDIO ___________________ phone: 555-444-3210 YOUR NAME HERE IFPO email: [email protected] ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER fax:for Today’s 555-444-3211 Please issue confirmation directly toBUSINESS the following official Correspondent Press Photographer Photographer Magazine: OPTIONAL OR STUDIO NAME ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ U.R.L. www.aipress.com/~yourname ❏ Promotions ❏ CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, IFPO Ring SizeZIP, COUNTRY ___________________ email: [email protected] ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER Respectfully yours, U.R.L. www.aipress.com/~yourname CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, ZIP, COUNTRY________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E • PH O T O G Card# ___________________________________ MODELING FEES _____________________________________________________ FULL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY PLAN darkroom: chemical usage log 100 each n packe s o s ava abe ac on C d e eases an heck s s R nd v dua C NC • ORG AN __________________________________________________________________________ Bust ___________________ _________________________________________________ On the scene photos: Number of unprocessed exposures available: _________________________ Film _______________________ Negative ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________ Date _____________________ event _____________________________________________________________date __________________time__________________ SIZES (number) ___ photos can be available by: ____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ event _____________________________________________________________date __________________time__________________ AREAS OF INTEREST Hat Size ___________________ Format: ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ event _____________________________________________________________date __________________time__________________ ❏ Glamour ❏ Video/Cinema Dress Size ___________________ A ERS • ORG R Sales Commissions PHOTOGRAPHY JOB CONTRACT The undersigned (hereafter referred to as the client) agrees to contract the services of: The agent shall receive __________ percent of sales made by the agent or made on the agent’s premises. The Agent shall receive___________ percent of any sales of new works commissioned ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Recipient of Portraitor _______________________________________________________________________ or his designee (hereinafter the photographer) according to the following terms: The agent shall receive __________ PH ERS E • PH O T O G phone: 555-444-3210 fax: 555-444-3211 email: [email protected] U.R.L. www.aipress.com/~yourname Hair color BUSINESS ___________________ OPTIONAL OR STUDIO NAME ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER Eye color ___________________ CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, ZIP, COUNTRY phone/fax 555-444-3210 555-444-3211 email: [email protected] www.aipress.com/~yourname phone: A PH NC ___________________ YOUR NAME HERE fax: ❏ one time rights ❏ first time rights ❏ exclusive rights ❏ all rights Rights,credit Commissions, Taxes Contract • ©American Image Press www.aipress.com - (336) 945-9867 ❏ photo creditYOUR line required photo line waived phone: 555-444-3210 NAME❏HERE fax: 555-444-3211 Copyright claim date: (today's date) ____________________ OPTIONAL BUSINESS OR STUDIO NAME IFPO email: [email protected] Compensation: ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER U.R.L. www.aipress.com/~yourname ❏ standardCITY, rate based on rights $ ________________ STATE/PROVINCE, ZIP, COUNTRY ❏ one time project fee $ ________________________ ❏ per image used ❏ per expenses People and ❏ fees waived (in exchange for photo credit linePlaces and/or Shooting Plan, page 1 of 4 ____copies of publication or other compensation Job#agreed ___________ (bride/groom): _____________________________________ Billing Name: ________________________ upon byJob the Name publisher and photographer. MEASUREMENTS Model applicant’s full name: phone: 555-444-3210 How/Why? Height ___________________ fax: 555-444-3211 Cause or effect of the event: ____________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ email: [email protected] Weight ___________________ street and number __________________________________________________________________________ U.R.L. www.aipress.com/~yourname city, state, zip 31 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ phone: 555-444-3210 YOUR NAME HERE date Waist ___________________ Who/How many involved? ______ fax: 555-444-3211 OPTIONAL BUSINESS OR STUDIO NAME _________________________________________________ IFPO 32 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name:____________________________ Status: _________________________________ email:Chemical [email protected] ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER Hips ___________________ telephone area code and number Type ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 33 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ U.R.L. www.aipress.com/~yourname CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, ZIP, COUNTRY Name:____________________________ Status: _________________________________ 34 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Thigh ___________________ Dear Sir/Madam: date name exp. dilution cap t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 usage Name:____________________________ Status: _________________________________ STATISTICS 35 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name:____________________________ Status: _________________________________ American Image Press respectfully requests that permission be granted to the AIP Correspondent Press Photographer to cover the Date of birth ___________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 36 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ following event(s): Name:____________________________ Status: _________________________________ COLOR ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Marital Status ___________________ event• ©American _____________________________________________________________date __________________time__________________ 35mm EXPOSURE LOG Image Press www.aipress.com - (336) 945-9867 IFPO Form F125 Other notes: Test___________________________________ Enlarger height _______________________ Frame size __________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Skin color ___________________ Sex ___________________ event _____________________________________________________________date __________________time__________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hair color ___________________ __________________________________________________________________________ event _____________________________________________________________date __________________time__________________ Social Security # ___________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ Eye color ___________________ event _____________________________________________________________date __________________time__________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A I A OPTIONAL BUSINESS OR STUDIO NAME 28 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IFPO ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER 29 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, ZIP, COUNTRY 30 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ AN I _________________________________________________ R YOUR NAME HERE OPTIONAL STUDIO OR BUSINESS NAME YOUR ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER YOUR CITY, STATE/PROV., ZIP, COUNTRY This photographic image is my own and has not been enhanced or altered in any way. I hereby give permission to the publisher to _____________________________________________________ reproduce with the following rights and compensation: MODEL INTERVIEW FORM When? Exact time of occurance:________________ Date of the occurance:____________________ 26 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME HERE 27 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ • ORG AN email: [email protected] U.R.L. www.aipress.com/~yourname ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, ZIP, COUNTRY ERS R s m r o F 1 6 $9.95 25 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Skin color R PH E • PH O T O G E • PH O T O G A NC • ORG Randklove Alle 134 2th, 2770 Kastrup, Denmark • 0045-01-518775 A IFPO Physical address: _________________________________________________ General location: __________________________________________________ 569-3 Ho Buk Ku Bu Pyong 5 Do, Inchon City 403-015, Korea • 523-1511 23 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Affiliate Agency: Dean Press Image 24 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ERS Where? Location PH Korean Division NC RIGHTS TO PUBLISH assignments AGREEMENT arranged for the artist during this contract period. A 22 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I I http://www.aipress.com A Instant Date: ____________________________________________ Reason For Portrait _______________________________________________________________________ Name of Job: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________ Location: _____________________________ percent ofResponse cash prizes and purchase awards collected on works included in this contract. Publisher/Publication: _______________________________ Form 5 Photographs are to be of the following type: Print or transparency size specifications: Date of Presentation ______________________________________________________________________ Editor: ___________________________________________ Royalties, sale of reproduction rights and sale of copyrights are NOT included in this agreement. TYPE QUANTITY ___________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Set ___________________________________________________________________________________ City/State: ________________________________________ BLACK & WHITE ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Finances and Taxes Zip:______ Phone:_________ Fax: ____________________ Wardrobe _______________________________________________________________________________ COLOR TRANSPARENCY ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ The Agent will pay the artist within __________ days after publication agreement or sale is completed. Deferred or Event ___________________________________________ partial payment requires written consent from the artist. The (agent/artist) _______________ responsible all COLOR PRINT ___________________________________________________ Studio is Wardrobe ❒ forPersonal Wardrobe ❒_____________________________________________________ Description:_______________________________________ local and state sales tax. Copyrights are retained by the artist or photographer after the sale of the work. Location: _________________________________________ OTHER ___________________________________________________ Client Comments _________________________________________________________________________ Copyrights my be purchased only by special contract. Date of Event:_____________________________________ In return for the contracted goods and services, the client The client agrees to compensate the Photographer Photo Caption/Description:___________________________ agrees to compensate the Photographer as follows: for travel time in the amount of: _______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ ________________ Technical Data:____________________________________ COMPENSATION RATE AMOUNT TRAVEL TIME AMOUNT _____________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ agent signature date _______________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ Overall description of the scene:_________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ phone: 555-444-3210 YOUR NAME HERE __________________________________________________________________________ fax: 555-444-3211 OPTIONAL BUSINESS OR STUDIO NAME 20 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Editorial and Administrative Offices P.O. Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023-0777 • 336-945-9867 21 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IFPO AN AN What? 19 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Today’s Photographer Magazine R • ORG • ORG AMERICAN IMAGE PRESS 18 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E • PH O T O G ERS ERS 17 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Submit to: Publication _________________________________________________________________ Department ________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________ City/State _________________________________________ Zip ______________________ Phone ___________________ Fax __________________E-Mail ______________________ NC PH PH 16 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Age _____________________________________ _____________________________________ A A A OPTIONAL BUSINESS OR STUDIO NAME Reproduction and Publishing Rights street and number times in The agent/publisher may publish ____________________ work(s) for _____________________ _________________________ (publication). Each Published work must be credited with the name of the IFPO _____________________________________ artist (and copyright if applicable). Each publication requires express permissioncity, by state, the artist. zip The artist shall receive $_______________ in publication fees for each work under this contract. ON I phone: 555-444-3210 13 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ fax: 555-444-3211 IFPO 14 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ email: [email protected] ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER U.R.L. www.aipress.com/~yourname CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, ZIP, COUNTRY 15 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ o EACH Fo m packs o 100 NOT Pe sona zed o ANY 3 Fo ms packs o 100 NOT Pe sona zed o ANY 5 Fo ms packs o 100 NOT Pe sona zed Use he O de Fo m on page 47 TI ZA AN File # _________ Date __________ On-Scene Arrival Time__________________________________ 12 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ TO: Sponsoring Agency Action Scene form 4 ER • ORG $9 95 $24 95 $39 95 • IN T ERS ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, ZIP, COUNTRY Date of Interview____________________ Date of Photo Session _______________ CLIENT'S NAME ON PH IFPO Quick Response News Log phone: 555-444-3210 Quick Step Property Release • IFPO Form F222 fax: 555-444-3211 ©American Image Press www.aipress.com (336) 945-9867 email: [email protected] U.R.L. www.aipress.com/~yourname TI A OPTIONAL BUSINESS OR STUDIO NAME CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, ZIP, COUNTRY ZA YOUR NAME HERE R 10 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E • PH O T O G ER E • PH O T O G • IN T _____________________________________________________________ 11 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ NC OPTIONAL BUSINESS OR STUDIO NAME All sales are exclusive of copyrights and reproduction rights. Publishing or reproduction rights _____________________________________ require specific written permission from the artist for EACH use. _____________________________________________________________ 9 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A phone: 555-444-3210 fax: 555-444-3211 email: [email protected] U.R.L. www.aipress.com/~yourname R INTERVIEW FORM Description of Property: ________________________________________ NC 7 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ YOUR NAME HERE E • PH O T O G I witness______________________ date _____________________________ A 8 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ R NC address, city, state, zip Referred to hereafter as “the artist”, for a period of ____________________ from this date. This contract may be cancelled by either party upon written notice within __________ days, or atCLIENT the PORTRAIT end of the exhibition or publication period. The termination date is __________. signed_______________________ date _____________________________ 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and parties designated by the photographer, including clients,Property Release • ©American Image Press www.aipress.com (336) 945-9867, IFPO Form F193 2 periodicals, _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ licensees, purchasers, agencies, and the irrevocable right to use my name (and any fictional3name) and photograph for sale to _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ and reproduction in medium for purposes of advertising, trade, display, exhibition, competition, 4 or _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ editorial use. I have read this release and understand and agree5to_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ its terms. I affirm that I am more than _____ years o 6 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ E • PH O T O G A IFPO AN I MODEL RELEASE ___________________________ ___________________________ __________________________ exp# mode f-stop t___________________________ corr. flash remarks do hereby give (photographer): __________________________ ___________________________ NC artist/photographer ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER ___________________________________________________________________________ HOW TO BUY INDIVIDUAL FORMS: date ___________ date ___________ Description of Property: In consideration for value received, (model): Film I ________________ From (time/date) __________________________ To (time/date) __________________________ Roll# ____________ A address, city, state, zip YOUR NAME HERE ___________________________________________________________________________ • ORG AN ______________________________ 35mm exposure log witness ______________________________ agent, gallery, publisher ___________________________________________________________________________ Referred to hereafter as “the agent”, agrees to act as a representative for: do hereby give (agent): __________________________________________ and parties designated by the agent, including clients, licensees, purchasers, agents, publishers and periodicals, the irrevocable right to use the photograph of the property described below for sale and for reproduction in any print or electronic medium for purposes of advertising, trade, display, exhibition, competition, or editorial use. I have read this release and understand and agree to its terms. I affirm that I am more than _____ years of age. ERS I • ORG email: [email protected] signed www.aipress.com/~yourname ___________________________________________________________________________ I, (property owner):______________________________________________ PH AN ERS N QUICK STEP PROPERTY RELEASE In consideration for promotional, publicity or other value described: _____________________________________________________________ phone: fax: A IFPO YOUR NAME HERE OPTIONAL STUDIO OR BUSINESS NAME YOUR ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER YOUR CITY, STATE/PROV., ZIP, COUNTRY • ORG PH IFPO ERS R PH E • PH O T O G ON ON A NC A A fax: 555-444-3211 email: [email protected] U.R.L. www.aipress.com/~yourname ARTIST / PHOTOGRAPHER’S CONTRACT TI ZA TI ZA ER I, (property owner) ________________________________________ do hereby give (agent): ________________________________________ and parties designated by the agent, including clients, licensees, purchasers, agents, publishers and periodicals, the irrevocable right to use the photograph of the property described below for sale and for reproduction in any print or electronic medium for purposes of phone:use.555-444-3210 YOUR NAME HERE trade, display, exhibition, competition, or editorial advertising, fax: OPTIONALI have BUSINESS OR STUDIO NAME read this release and understand and agree to its terms. 555-444-3211 I email: [email protected] I am more than _____ years of age. ADDRESS ORaffirm BOX that NUMBER 555-444-3210 555-444-3211 U.R.L. www.aipress.com/~yourname CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, ZIP, COUNTRY R ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, ZIP, COUNTRY AL • FR ON E • PH O T O G OPTIONAL BUSINESS OR STUDIO NAME ION TI ZA ER NC I Releases are not usually required for news photos. Releases are Instant required for non-news events or photos for commerical purpose Response and must be included with submissions to publishers. Form 3 A property release form must be signed by the owner of pets, cars, buildings or any other inanimate object whose photo is for resale or commercial purpose. In consideration for promotional, publicity or other value described: A AN AT L EE AL • FR phone: 555-444-3210 fax: 555-444-3211 email: [email protected] www.aipress.com/~yourname N I N AN AT • ORG YOUR NAME HERE OPTIONAL STUDIO OR BUSINESS NAME YOUR ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER YOUR CITY, STATE/PROV., ZIP, COUNTRY RS • ORG ERS ION R • IN T E • PH O T O G IFPO ON NC PH www.aipress.com/~yourname PROPERTY RELEASE TI ZA A A YOUR CITY, STATE/PROV., ZIP, COUNTRY HE contracts - checklists - releases - contra IFPO Where will portrait(s) be displayed? ___________________________________________________________ EQUIPMENT RENTALS _____________________________________________________ Expires __________________________________ DEPOSIT ______________________________________ FACILITY RENTALS _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________ BALANCE DUE _________________________________ TRAVEL, FOOD, LODGING Color Scheme of display room _______________________________________________________________ After completion of the job and delivery of the photographs as specified, the negatives, proofs, extra photographs, and duplicates will be the property of THE PHOTOGRAPHER____ CLIENT____. The Client s permission in writing is required before the photographer can sell _______________________________________________________________________________________ these remaining materials or use them for publication purposes except as specified below: signed-Photographer __________________________date _______________ People Plan Location Plan Rights to Publish Agreement • IFPO Form F224 Bride's Name and Contact Information: ©American Image Press www.aipress.com (336) 945-9867 __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Ceremony Location: __________________________________________________Portrait Client Interview Form __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Publication rights retained by the photographer: ❏ One-time rights - (336) 945-9867 www.aipress.com ❏ First rights • ©American Image Press ❏ Exclusive rightsIFPO Form F158 ❏ All rights are waived by the photographer. The Client s permission is granted ___ not granted ___ to the Photographer to use the photos covered under this contract for EXHIBITION, PHOTOGRAPHY CONTESTS, PORTFOLIOS, or DISPLAY purposes. In the event the photographer fails to provide the photographs and/or services described in this contract, the Photographer is liable to the Client only for the amount paid by the Client for deposit with no consideration for additional fees or expenses already paid by the Photographer. Officiating Clergy or Justice: Bride's Family and Contact Information: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ phone: 555-444-3210 YOUR NAME HERE __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ fax: 555-444-3211 OPTIONAL BUSINESS OR STUDIO NAME __________________________________________________ email: [email protected] ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER Pre-Wedding Shooting Location(s): __________________________________________________ U.R.L. www.aipress.com/~yourname __________________________________________________ CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, ZIP, COUNTRY _____________________________________________ Client s name ___________________________________________ Photographer _____________________________________________ address _____________________________________________ phone# _____________________________________________ date & signature ___________________________________________ address ___________________________________________ phone# ___________________________________________ date & signature AT N ON • IN T ER I TI ZA ON • IN T L ION TI ZA AN AT I • ORG N AN ERS AL • FR PH EE A __________________________________________________ Maid (matron) of Honor and Party: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Photography Job Contract ¥ 'American Image Press www.aipress.com - (336) 945-9867 __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ The undersigned (hereafter referred to as the client) agrees to contract the services of: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Action MODELING EXPERIENCE MODEL TRAINING __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Scene ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ form 2 __________________________________________________ signature __________________________________________________ List modeling assignments performed using List modeling schools & training using or his designee (hereinafter the videographer) according to the following terms: Photographic assignments on location require a range of equipment. The following checklist is intended as a guide to the pieces of equipment most often needed on location. This list should be ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ additional space on the back of this form if additional space on the back of this form if used as a starting point. Individual photographers have unique needs and should add pieces of equipment items that may not be listed here and ignore those items that you do not use on location. Only those items that________________________________________ absolutely necessary for your method of on location shooting should be included. __________________________________________________ correspondent’s name address _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Name of Job: ________________________________ Date: ____________________ Location: ___________________________ necessary: necessary: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Video Tapes are to be of the following type: Other tape specifications: File # _________ Date __________ Time __________ ❏ Screwdrivers ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Phillips and regular tips) _______________________________________ _______________________________________ EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST MISCELLANEOUS CHECKLIST persons and vehicles involved: Reception Location: Assignment Verification Code# ________________________________ _____________________________________ __________________________________________________ ❏ Spring clamps (severalcity/state/country small ones) In addition to camera bodies, lenses and film the These items are optional and might be TYPE QUANTITY ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ following items should always be a part of on ❏ Super glue ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ considered luxury items. (PARTY 1) (PARTY 1) location equipment: ❏ Staple gun and staples __________________________________________________ phone # ___________________________________________________ zip_________________________________________________ Groom's Name and Contact Information: VHS ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❏ Bottled water for soup, coffee or tea Name: _______________________________________ Name: _______________________________________ ❏ Swiss Army Knife _______________________________________ _______________________________________ phone: 555-444-3210 YOUR NAME HERE ❏ Changing bag __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ❏ Chicken or beef bouillon ( can opener, scissors, leather punch, clippers etc) Address: _____________________________________ Address: NAME _____________________________________ VHS C/S VHS ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ fax: 555-444-3211 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❏ Extra batteries OPTIONAL BUSINESS OR STUDIO ❏ Candy (hard that doesn't melt easily) ❏ Tape (masking, gaffers, electrical, duct tape) __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ IFPO ❏ Extra film Request • ©American Image Press Phone: _______________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________ Press Assignment www.aipress.com - (336) 945-9867 ❏ Coffee (instant) IFPO Form F155 email: [email protected] ❏ Tape measurer (25 foot) ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER 8 MM ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ❏ Extra Flash sync cords ❏ Cream Car Make:_____Model:_____Year:______Color: ______ Car Make:_____Model:_____Year:______Color: ______ ❏ Twine or heavy string U.R.L. www.aipress.com/~yourname CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, ZIP, COUNTRY _______________________________________ _______________________________________ ❏ Extra light meter Honeymoon Departure Location __________________________________________________ BETA ________________________________________________ ❏ Sugar ❏ Two three prong to two prong outlet adapters ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ License Plate: _________________________________ License Plate: _________________________________ ❏ Extra power pack (for flash) ❏ Soup (dehydrated) ❏ Velcro (3 or 4 feet) __________________________________________________ ❏ Extra tripod Insurance Co.: _________________________________ Insurance Co.: _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❏ Tea bags ❏ Vice grips (small and large) In return for the contracted goods and services, the client Family The and clientContact agrees to compensate the Videographer __________________________________________________ Groom's Information: I affirm that all the information I have given on ❏ Film x-ray bags (for air travel) Action ❏ Knife, fork, spoon combination ❏ Weatherproofed map of location area agrees to compensate the Videographer as follows:__________________________________________________ for travel time in the amount of: Scene ❏ Filters this form is true to the best of my knowledge. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ signature___________________________________________ date ___________________ ❏ Magazines or other reading material ❏ Wire cutters (small) (PARTY 1) (PARTY 1) form 1 ❏ Gray card ❏ Pencils and Pens ❏ Zip-lock plastic bags (12 one gallon size) __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Complete this form to evaluate the scene and determine the type of coverage required. Name: _______________________________________ Name: _______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ❏ Instruction Manual (Camera) COMPENSATION RATE AMOUNT TRAVEL TIME AMOUNT ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ❏ Permanent marking pens (black) ❏ __________________________________ __________________________________________________ ❏ Instruction Manuals (other equipment ) Address: _____________________________________ Address: _____________________________________ ❏ Small notebooks (3x5 or journalist type) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ PER JOB PER MILE ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ❏ Lens cleaning cloth ❏ __________________________________ Coordination Services: __________________________________________________ ❏ Micro tape recorder Phone: _______________________________________ Phone: _______________________________________ Model Interview Form • ©American Image Press www.aipress.com - (336) 945-9867 IFPO Form F164 ❏ Pen or pencil ❏ Extra tapes for recorder ❏ __________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Limousine ______________________________________ __________________________________________________ PER TAPE PER HOUR ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Car Make:_____Model:_____Year:______Color: ______ Car Make:_____Model:_____Year:______Color: ______ ❏ Photographic Reference Book ❏ Safety pins phone: 555-444-3210 YOUR NAME HERE ❏ __________________________________ ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ❏ Small brush for cleaning camera License Plate: _________________________________ License Plate:File _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ # _________ Date __________ Time __________ ❏ Small flashlight PER HOUR PER DAY ________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ fax: 555-444-3211 OPTIONAL BUSINESS OR STUDIO NAME ❏ Shooting log Floral __________________________________________ ❏ Tissues Insurance Co.: _________________________________ Insurance Co.: _________________________________ IFPO email: [email protected] ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER PER DAY OTHER ❏ __________________________________ FIRST AID KIT CHECKLIST ________________________________________________ Best Man's Name and Contact Information: ❏ __________________________________ U.R.L. www.aipress.com/~yourname CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, ZIP, COUNTRY ❏ __________________________________ The following list of items make up a basic first ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Catering ________________________________________ Scene type: Other: The Client will compensate the Videographer for the__________________________________________________ kit and should always be a part of "on location" ❏ __________________________________ Payment Terms are: ❏ __________________________________ gear. Additional items should be added ❏ __________________________________ ________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Witnesses: (bystander or lawscene enforcement) ❏ Accident ❏ Large crowds gathered following estimated miscellaneous expenses: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ depending on the specific locale. When working ❏ __________________________________ in unfamiliar areas, contact local or state health Other __________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ❏ Cash, Check Money Order Name: __________________________ Name:__________________________ Investigating Officer: ❏ Fire ❏ Motorists re-routed departments for ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ unknown hazzards. ❏ __________________________________ ________________________________________________ Address: ________________________ Address: ________________________ ________________________ EXPENSE CATEGORY AMOUNT__________________________________________________ PHOTO VEST CHECKLIST ________________________________________________________________ ❏ Credit Card ❏ Natural disaster ❏ Major thoroughfare blocked ❏ Aspirin ❏ __________________________________ __________________________________________ ___________________ __________________ Phone #: ________________________ Phone #:________________________ ________________________ The photo vest is especially handy for Card# ___________________________________ ❏ Adhesive tape 1" x 2* yds MODELING FEES Figure ER ACCIDENT REPORT NC E • PH O T O G pe 100 R ERS AL • FR PH EE A A L Freelance Photographer's On-Location Checklist VIDEOGRAPHY JOB CONTRACT I TI ZA N AN AT ION • ORG ON • IN T ER ge 47 orm on Pa F r e rd O e Use th NC E • PH O T O G R ERS AL • FR PH EE A A L News Reporter's Log & Evaluation I TI ZA N AN AT ION • ORG ON • IN T ER PHOTOGRAPHY JOB INVOICE ________________________________________________________________ assignments on location. The vest should be ❏ Catastrophic event ❏ Neighborhoods threatened to be ❏ Ammonia Inhalants FILM DEVELOPING LOG • ©Americancomfortable Image Press but must be properly stocked www.aipress.com - (336) 945-9867 IFPO Form F127 Full Wedding: People and Places Shooting Plan 1 of 4 • ©American Image Press www.aipress.com - (336) 945-9867 functional. Expires __________________________________ EQUIPMENT RENTALS Photographs ❏ ofEntertainment Property Damage: ________________________________________________________________ ❏ Environmental hazards ❏ Anti-diarrhea medicine (PARTY 1-car, building, other) (PARTY 2-car, building, other) (PARTY 3-car, building, other) (PARTY 4-car, building, other) ❏ Band aids (assorted) ❏ Aspirin or other pain reliever DEPOSIT ______________________________________ ❏ Other__________ ❏ Residents evacuated FACILITY RENTALS ________________________________________________________________ ❏ Bottled water ❏ Extra film ❑ Front ❑ Rear ❑ Front ❑ Rear ❑ Front ❑ Rear ❑ Front ❑ Rear TOOL KIT CHECKLIST BALANCE DUE _________________________________ ❏ Burn Ointment ❏ Hostile surroundings TRAVEL, FOOD, LODGING ❏ Extra batteries ❑ Right ❑ Left Side ❑ Right ❑ Left Side ❑ Right Side ❑ Left ❑ Right Side ❑ Left Tools are used routinely on location but are ❏ Chapstick ❏ Extra keys to car or luggage ❏ Other__________ especially important when the unexpected ❑ Make/Model ❑ Make/Model ❑ Make/Model ❑ Make/Model After completion of the job and delivery of the tapes as specified, the original tapes, cuttings, out-takes, and duplicates will be the property of THE happens. Tools should be packed separately ❏ Cold pack ❏ International credit card from Image cameras and equipment . Tools shouldwww.aipress.com be ❏ Eye pads 35mm TEST STRIP LOG • ©American Press - (336) 945-9867 IFPO Form F130telephone card VIDEOGRAPHER____ CLIENT____. The Client’s permission in writing is required before the videographer can sell these remaining materials or ❏ International ❏ Major ❑ Vehicle License Plate ❑ Vehicle License Plate ❑ Vehicle License Plate ❑ Vehicle License Plate small and lightweight yet functional. ❏ Eye irrigate (small bottle) use them for publication purposes except as specified below: “Publication” refers to reproduction in the print or electronic media. ❏ Insect repellant Damaged Area: ❏ Minor Damaged Area: Damaged Area: Damaged Area: ❏ First Aid instruction manual ❏ Allen wrenches (US and metric) ❏ Lens cleaning cloth Reproduction Publication rights retained by the videographer: ❏ Gauze Bandages 2" ❑ Center ❑ Close-ups ❑ Center ❑ Close-ups ❑ Center ❑ Close-ups ❑ Center ❑ Close-ups ❏ Not worth covering ❏ Binoculars (optional) ❏ Usual ❏ Light meter ❏ Gauze pads 4" ❏ One-time rights ❏ Exclusive rights ❏ Chalk (two or more colors) ❑ Inside/Interior Damage ❑ Inside/Interior Damage ❑ Inside/Interior Damage ❑ Inside/Interior Damage ❏ Micro recorder ❏ Not a newsmaker, could be worth two or ❏ Hand lotion ❏ Unusual ❏ Channel locks (medium) ❏ Passport or ID w/ money ❏ First rights ❏ All rights are waived by the videographer. ❏ Hydrogen Peroxide (plastic bottle) more new clients. ❏ Compass Accident Diagram: ❏ Other__________ ❏ Pen or pencil ❏ Insect spray ❏ Extra hat The Client’s permission is granted ___ not granted ___ to the Videographer to use the tapes covered under this contract for Indicate direction of vehicles, direction they were traveling and indicate from where you took your different photographs. ❏ Might be a newsmaker - no other news ❏ Pepper gas or tear gas ❏ Magnifying glass ❏ 50 foot extension cord EXHIBITION, COMPETITIONS, PORTFOLIOS, or DISPLAY purposes. ❏ Non-Apsirin Pain Reliever ❏ Small brush for cleaning camera ❏ Flashlight people on the scene. North I, the undersigned (hereafter referred to the ❏ Prescription drugs In the event the videographer fails to provide the tapes and/or services described in this contract, the Videographer is liable to the ❏ Small pocket knife ❏ Flashlight batteries and extra bulb photographer) declare the information listed herecoverage to ❏ Major event needs full news and Client only for the amount paid by the Client for deposit with no consideration for additional fees or expenses already paid by the ❏ Q-Tips ❏ Foreign adapter plug (foreign travel) ❏ Snacks (crackers, hard candy or jerky) ❏ Reflective Thermal blankets be accurate and unbiased toward any of the parties ❏ Folding shovel or trowel videographer. ❏ Special medicines client notification. ❏ Sting relief wipes ❏ Photographers involved. ❏ Garbage bags (3 large) ❏ Sun block ___________________________________________ ❏ Sting stick ❏ Major event Too _____________________________________________ ❏ Hammer (small) The photos are true to thenews scene people and haveeverywhere not ❏ Tissue (small pkg.) Client’s name Photographer ❏ Sun block ❏ Leatherman Tool been altered in any manner. _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ❏ Toothbrush ❏ Sun glasses E W ❏ Jewelers screw drivers address address The photographer ______is ______is not available ❏ Triangular bandage (1) ❏ __________________________________ ❏ Ladder (3 to 6 foot) _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ ❏ Tube of First Aid Creme as a witness to appear in court or assist in insurance phone# phone# ❏ Nails, bolts, brads, and screws ❏ __________________________________ ❏ Tweezers (sharp pointed) _____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ claims. ❏ Pepper or tear gas (rabid animals) ❏ __________________________________ ❏ Wound wipes ❏ Rain poncho ❏ Rubber bands ❏ __________________________________ ❏ Rulers (12 and 6 inch) In addition to the equipment list, suggested signature ____________________date _______________________ ❏ __________________________________ South preparatory routine and a follow-up routine upon Videography Job Contract • ©American Image Press www.aipress.com - (336) 945-9867 IFPO Form F140 ❏ Safety Matches or Lighter return to the studio are included. There are ❏ __________________________________ ❏ Saws (small wood and a hack) several lists depending upon what type of photography you plan to do away from your ❏ Scissors home or studio. Accident Report • ©American Image Press www.aipress.com - (336) 945-9867 IFPO Form F202 ❏ __________________________________ ❏ __________________________________ Scene evaluation overall: EVALUATION: client name IFPO Form F171 address invoice # __________________________________________ __________________________________________ city/state/zip/country __________________________________________ date ________________________________________ name of job phone number Date Item & Description Quantity Price Each Price Are other news reporters on the scene? Freelance On-Location Checklist • ©American Image Press www.aipress.com - (336) 945-9867 IFPO Form F301 FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHER S CONTRACTS AND CHECKL STS F120 F121 F159 F160 F157 F158 F301 F141 F169 F170 F171 F172 F173 F174 F165 F163 F164 F140 F142 PHOTOGRAPHER S JOB CONTRACT PHOTOGRAPHER S R GHTS COMM SS ONS CONTRACT PHOTOGRAPHER S JOB NVO CE PHOTOGRAPHER S JOB EST MATE WORKSHEET PORTRA T PHOTOGRAPHER S JOB CONTRACT PORTRA T PHOTOGRAPHER S NTERV EW FORM PHOTOGRAPHER S ON ASS GNMENT CHECKL ST NSURANCE PHOTOGRAPHER S NVENTORY RECORD WEDD NG PHOTOGRAPHY JOB CONTRACT WEDD NG PHOTOGRAPHY CHECKL ST Fu Wedd ng Peop e and P aces Shoo ng P an 1 o 4 Fu Wed P e Ce emony Ce emony Shoo ng P an 2 o 4 Fu Wedd ng Pos Ce emony Shoo ng P an 3 o 4 Fu Wedd ng Shoo ng Appo n men s P an 4 o 4 MODEL PORTFOL O JOB CONTRACT MODEL PORTFOL O SHOOT NG CHECKL ST MODEL NTERV EW FORM V DEOGRAPHER S JOB CONTRACT V DEOGRAPHER S WEDD NG CHECKL ST RELEASES AND SUBM SS ON AGREEMENTS F191 MODEL RELEASE pocke o m F192 PUBL CAT ON RELEASE pocke o m F193 PROPERTY RELEASE pocke o m F147 PUBL CAT ON SUBM SS ON pocke o m F224 R GHTS TO PUBL SH AGREEMENT NEWS PHOTOGRAPHERS PLANNERS AND REPORTS F210 HOT NEWS CHECKPO NTS F211 DA LY ACT ON PLANNER F212 HOT CONTACTS LOCAL PUBL CAT ONS F213 QU CK RESPONSE PROCESS NG LABS F214 F ELD D RECTORY NOTES ORDER TOLL FREE 2 1-800-654-9557 o Today s Pho ographer n erna ona F220 F221 F222 F201 F202 F203 F204 F223 QU CK STEP PUBL CAT ON RELEASE pocke o m QU CK STEP MODEL RELEASE pocke o m QU CK STEP PROPERTY RELEASE pocke o m NEWS REPORTER S LOG & EVALUAT ON NEWS REPORTER S ACC DENT REPORT CL ENT NOT F CAT ON FORMS pocke o m QU CK RESPONSE NEWS LOG NSTANT NEWS REPORT FORM Tax Subtotal Less Amt Paid Due Date Photography Job Invoice • ©American Image Press _________________ www.aipress.com - (336) 945-9867 Total Due IFPO Form F159 PHOTOGRAPHERS LOGS F125 35mm EXPOSURE LOG F146 PHOTO SHOOT NG LOG F126 DARKROOM F LM DEVELOP NG LOG F127 DARKROOM CHEM CAL USAGE LOG F128 DARKROOM ENLARGER CAL BRAT ON LOG F129 DARKROOM PR NT MAK NG LOG F130 DARKROOM 35mmTEST STR P LOG M SCELLANEOUS FORMS F101 FPO MEMBERSH P APPL CAT ON F102 a FPO MEMBER S NFORMAT ON FORM F102 b FPO REFERRAL PROGRAM FORM F103 FPO ORDER FORM F104 ASS GNMENT DATA BANK REG STRAT ON F105 PHOTO CONTEST RULES AND ENTRY FORMS F106 ED TOR S SWEEPSTAKES & SUBM SS ON NFO F107 FPO MEMBER S ADVERT S NG RATES F108 a FPO HOME PAGE PROGRAM K T #1 F108 b FPO HOME PAGE PROGRAM K T #2 F108 c FPO HOME PAGE PROGRAM K T #3 P109 P CTURE AWARD PROGRAM F139 FPO PRESS ASS GNMENT REQUEST MEMO F145 PHOTO CONTEST ENTRY FORM pocke o m F155 PRESS ASS GNMENT REQUEST FORM F156 PRESS ASS GNMENT RECORD ax 1-800-283-5989 7 DAYS www po ne IFPO Form F120 LIFETIME SUPPLY Business Forms Masters $39.95 tracts - checklists - releases - contracts - YOUR NAME HERE R AT ION AL • F R EE L G N ER Billing Name: ________________________ ______________________ ❏ ❏ Bubble-blowing shots _______________ ______________________ ❏ ❏ Petal throwing shots _______________ _ shots_________________________ ❏ ❏ Birdseed or Rice throwing ____________________________ ❏ ❏ College friends _______________ __________________________ ❏ ❏ Work Associates _______________ (ring) under Bride’s hand(ring) ❏ ❏ Close-up of Groom’s hand _____________________ ❏ ❏ Outdoor Couple poses _______________ _____________ _______________ ❏ ❏ Couple kissing _______________ ____ Bouquet______________________ ❏ ❏ Photo of Invitation and and Boutonniere ____________ ❏ ❏ Photo of bow tie, Invitation ____ ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Gift table _______________ ___________________________ ❏ ❏ Couple opening gifts___________ E • PHOTO IFPO N ____ ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Reception site, exterior ____________________ ❏ ❏ Reception site, interior _______________ _____________________________ ❏ ❏ Wedding cake _______________ _ ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride’s cake _______________ _____________________________ ❏ ❏ Groom’s cake _______________ __________ _______________ ❏ ❏ Buffet/Food table _______________ _______________________ ❏ ❏ Photo of Head Table _______________ cake ____________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride and Groom slicing ______________ _______________ Groom to ❏ ❏ Bride feeding cake _____________________________ ❏ ❏ Groom feeding cake to Bride other ________________________ ❏ ❏ Couple feeding cake to each _ ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Couple toasting each other license_______________________ ❏ ❏ Witnesses signing marriage ____________________ ❏ ❏ Servers ______________________________ _____________________ _______________ decorations ❏ ❏ Reception _________________________ ❏ ❏ The Couple’s first dance_________ _______ _______________ ❏ ❏ Groom dancing with Mother________ _ ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride dancing with Father ______________________ ❏ ❏ Groom dancing with Mother-in-Law ________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride dancing with Father-in-Law _______________________ ❏ ❏ Attendants’ dancing _______________ _ ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Parents’ of Couple dancing _______ _______________ ❏ ❏ Misc. Guests dancing _______________ ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Bouquet toss _______________ ______________________ ❏ ❏ Catching the bouquet _______________ ___ Bride_________________________ ❏ ❏ Groom taking garter off __ ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Garter toss _______________ _______________________ ❏ ❏ Catching the garter _______________ catcher _________________________ ❏ ❏ Caught Garter placed on __________________________ ❏ ❏ Best Man’s toast _______________ ___ ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Other Attendants’ toasts couple ___________________________ ❏ ❏ Toasts from Parents’ of __ (musicians, etc.) _______________ ❏ ❏ Photo of entertainment ____________________ ❏ ❏ Centerpieces on Tables _______________ ___ ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Food being served/eaten _ ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride mingling with guests _____________________ ❏ ❏ Groom mingling with guests_________ ____ _______________ guests with ❏ ❏ Bride and Groom mingling ____________________ ❏ ❏ Bride with her Parents _______________ ____ ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Groom with his Parents ______________ Parents of sets both with ❏ ❏ Bride and Groom Son ________________________ ❏ ❏ Groom, Father, Grandfather, Daughter __________________ ❏ ❏ Bride, Mother, Grandmother, sets of Grandparents ________ ❏ ❏ Bride and Groom with both Guests ____________________ ❏ ❏ Bride and Groom with various Guests_____________________ ❏ ❏ Bride and Groom with special _______________________ Groom and Bride of ❏ ❏ Candid photos __________________________ ❏ ❏ Candid photos of Guests________ _____________________________ ❏ ❏ Apron/Money dance_________ _________________ _______________ butterflies_____ of ❏ ❏ Release ___________________________ ❏ ❏ Release of birds _______________ NC ERS • ORGA _____________________________________ Job# ___________ Job Name (bride/groom): Reception Shooting Plan A PH PHY PLAN ING PHOTOGRA FULL WEDD 3 of 4 Post Ceremony Shooting Plan, page plus $9 shipping A Use this space to type or paste-on your own personalization. Let IFPO custom design the personal information on EACH of the 61 Contracts, Checklists and Releases. • IN T plus $9 shipping order PERSONALIZED Reproducible Forms Masters #15PR $69.95 N order NOT-PERSONALIZED Reproducible Forms Masters #15MA for $39.95 FRE E Cop yrig ht App lica tion For m from the U.S . Copyright Office with your Master Forms order! IO AT Copy each form as needed or take most frequently used forms to your printer for larger quantities. $39.95 Reproducible Masters of ALL 61 forms (NOT Personalized) $69.95 Reproducible Masters of ALL 61 forms PERSONALIZED! Use the Coupon on this page or the Order Form on page 47 IZ 61 FORMS MASTERS HOW TO BUY FORMS MASTERS: OPTIONAL BUSINESS OR STUDIO NAME ADDRESS OR BOX NUMBER CITY, STATE/PROVINCE, ZIP, COUNTRY phone: fax: email: U.R.L. 555-444-3210 555-444-3211 [email protected] www.aipress.com/~yourname FULL WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY People and Places Shooting Plan, page 1 of 4 Job# ___________ Job Name (bride/groom) : ____________________________________ _ Engagement Photos Shooting Plan ❏❏ ❏ ❏ Engagement photo for newspaper ________________________ ❏ ❏ Formal engagement photo ________________________________ ❏ ❏ Casual engagement photo ________________________________ Bride Shooting Plan Prior to the Ceremony ❏ ❏ Bride dressing with Mother's help _______________________ ❏ ❏ Bride dressing with attendants help ______________________ ❏ ❏ Bride alone, full body shot _______________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride alone, 3/4 view ______________ ______________________ ❏ ❏ Bride alone, head and shoulders shot ____________________ ❏ ❏ Bride looking into full-length mirror _____________________ ❏ ❏ Bride looking into mirror, head and shoulders shot ______ ❏ ❏ Maid/Matron of Honor placing garter on bride ___________ ❏ ❏ Mother adjusting Bride’s veil_____________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride with something new, borrowed and something blue ❏ ❏ Bride with each of attendant _____________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride with Flower Girl(s)_______ __________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride with Maid/Matron of Honor_____________________ ___ ❏ ❏ Bride with mother ______________ _________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride with father ______________ __________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride with her mother and father ________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride with grandparents _________________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride kissed by her father _______________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride pinning boutonniere on her Father _________________ ❏ ❏ Bride putting corsage on her Mother _____________________ ❏ ❏ Bride placing penny in her shoe__________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride giving ring to Maid/Matron of Honor ______________ ❏ ❏ Bride windowlight portraits ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Individual portrait of each person in wedding party______ ❏ ❏ Bride giving bouquets/bou tonnieres to her attendants ____ ❏ ❏ Bride in mirror, finishing touches ________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride leaving for wedding ________________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride's parents waving __________________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride's parents wiping tears _____________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride arriving at ceremony ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Maid/Matron of Honor wiping Bride’s brow ______________ ❏ ❏ Maid/Matron of Honor pulling Bride into church/site ____ ❏ ❏ Picture of Bride entering church/site_____________________ PLAN Billing Name: ________________________ Mother kissing Groom_______ _____________________________ ❏ ❏ Groom pinning boutonniere on Father ____________________ ❏ ❏ Groom putting corsage on Mother ________________________ ❏ ❏ Groom shining his shoes _________________________________ ❏ ❏ Groom giving ring to Best Man __________________________ ❏ ❏ Groom looking out the window ___________________________ ❏ ❏ Individual portrait of each person in wedding party______ ❏ ❏ Groom giving bouquets/bou tonnieres to his attendants ___ ❏ ❏ Groom in mirror, finishing touches ______________________ ❏ ❏ Groom leaving for wedding_____ __________________________ ❏ ❏ Groom's parents waving at groom _______________________ ❏ ❏ Groom's parents wiping tears ____________________________ ❏ ❏ Groom arriving at ceremony site _________________________ ❏ ❏ Best Man wiping Groom’s brow __________________________ ❏ ❏ Best Man pulling Groom into church/site________________ _ ❏ ❏ Picture of Groom entering church/site ___________________ 61 FORMS MASTERS ORDER FORM Departing Reception Shooting Plan __ ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Decorating “getaway” car goodbye to guests _______________ ❏ ❏ Bride and Groom saying Parents __________________________ ❏ ❏ Couple kissing/hugging _ to getaway car _______________ ❏ ❏ Bride and Groom walking _________________________ guests_________ to waving Couple ❏❏ car __________________________ ❏ ❏ Couple getting into getaway _ car___________________________ ❏ ❏ Couple leaving in getaway ___ for Honeymoon _______________ plane on getting Couple ❏ ❏ _ up ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Reception site. cleaning pockets _______________________ ❏ ❏ Bride’s father with empty ______________________ ❏ ❏ Carrying gifts to car _______________ __ photo of Groom _______________ ❏ ❏ Groom’s mother kissing of Bride ____________________ ❏ ❏ Bride’s mother kissing photo Photographers’’ Forms Reproducible MASTERS Other Poses for Photographs ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ _______________ ❏ ❏ _______________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ _______________ _______________ ❏❏ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ ❏ ❏ ______________________________ ____________________________ _______________ ❏ ❏ _______________ Complete sets of CURRENT FORMS ❏ 15MA-61 $39.95 NOT PERSONALIZED ❏ 15PR-61 $69.95 PERSONALIZED (see below) ❏ 15XX-61 $89.95 1 Set Personalized, 1 Set Not-Personalized ❏S&H $9.00 1st Class Mail $ Total Enclosed Full Wedding: Post Ceremony Shooting Press Plan 3 of 4 • ©American Image www.aipress.com - (336) 945-9867 Groom Shooting Plan Prior to the Ceremony ❏ ❏ Groom dressing with help of Father ______________________ ❏ ❏ Groom dressing with help of attendants __________________ ❏ ❏ Groom alone, full body shot ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Groom alone, 3/4 view ______________ _____________________ ❏ ❏ Groom alone, head and shoulders shot ___________________ ❏ ❏ Groom looking into full-length mirror ____________________ ❏ ❏ Groom looking into mirror, head and shoulders shot _____ ❏ ❏ Groom with each of his attendants _______________________ ❏ ❏ Groom with Best Man ______________ ______________________ ❏ ❏ Groom with Ring-Bearer _________________________________ ❏ ❏ Groom with his Mother __________________________________ ❏ ❏ Groom with his Father ______________ _____________________ ❏ ❏ Groom with Grandparents ________________________________ IFPO Form F173 SHIPPING & MEMBER INFORMATION: Full Wedding: Pre-Ceremony and IFPO MEMBERS ONLY! Ceremony Shooting Plan ❏ ❏ Picture of church/site ______________ ______________________ ❏ ❏ Usher/Groomsmen seating Parents of Bride ______________ ❏ ❏ Usher/Groomsmen seating Parents of Groom_____________ ❏ ❏ Usher/Groomsmen seating Bride’s Grandparents _________ ❏ ❏ Usher/Groomsmen seating Groom’s grandparents ________ ❏ ❏ Photo of Musicians ______________ ________________________ ❏ ❏ Photo of Officiating Clergy or Justice_____________________ ❏ ❏ Groom and attendants waiting for bride's aisle walk ____ ❏ ❏ Bride, attendants and Escort, about to enter _____________ ❏ ❏ Flower girl and ringbearer walk down aisle ______________ ❏ ❏ Bride's attendants walk down the aisle ______________ ____ ❏ ❏ Maid/Matron of Honor coming down the aisle ____________ ❏ ❏ Bride and Escort walk down the aisle (front shot) _______ ❏ ❏ Bride and train walking down aisle (back shot) __________ ❏ ❏ Moment that Bride and Groom meet at altar _____________ ❏ ❏ Entire wedding party at altar ____________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride, Groom and Official ________________________________ ❏ ❏ Entire interior view (wide angle)_________________________ ❏ ❏ Bride's and Groom's mothers lighting unity candle ❏ ❏ Bride and Groom lighting unity candle ___________________ ❏ ❏ Medallion ceremony ______________ ________________________ ❏ ❏ Hands ceremony ______________ ___________________________ ❏ ❏ Religious Ceremony 1 (option) ___________________________ ❏ ❏ Religious Ceremony 2 (option) ___________________________ ❏ ❏ Groom placing ring on Bride’s finger _____________________ ❏ ❏ Bride placing ring on Groom’s finger _____________________ ❏ ❏ First kiss as man and wife _______________________________ ❏ ❏ Receiving line ______________ ______________________________ ❏ ❏ Guests throwing rice or birdseed _________________________ ❏ ❏ Guest blowing bubbles ______________ ______________________ ❏ ❏ Couple leaving for reception____ __________________________ ❏ ❏ Parents of couple leaving for reception__________________ _ ❏ ❏ Grandparents of couple leaving for reception ____________ ❏ ❏ Special guests leaving for reception ______________________ ❏ ❏ Bride and Groom with entire wedding party______________ Ceremony Shooting Plan 2 of 4 • ©American Image Presswww.aipress .com - (336) 945-9867 IFPO Form F172 5 Digit IFPO Member# ____________________ name __________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip _______________________________________________________________ address phone/FAX ______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ PERSONALIZATION INFORMATION: (please print or type clearly on this form or your own paper) name AND / OR business name ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ contact mailing address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ contact information such as phone, fax, email, URL:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Order by Check, Money Order, Or Credit Card as follows: Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Optima Cards Accepted expiration date signature __________________________________________________________________ www.ifpo.net Credit card orders: CALL FREE: FAX FREE: Mail checks or money orders to: 1-800-654-9557 1-800-283-5989 IFPO Order Dept., PO Box 777 Lewisville NC 27023-0777 Today's Photographer International 3 FROM THE PUBLISHER Contents Thank you for your support as we go into our 21st year of operation. We are taking 2 major steps this year to ensure our ability to serve IFPO members better in these turbulent years of sagging magazine distribution caused somewhat by the rise of electronic publishing Step One: This year we will publish two issues of Today’s Photographer magazine on the internet only. The first one will be 6 I Go After Assignments and Make Them Pay page 9 How To Gain Access to the President By Ilya Moshenskiy 8 How to Succeed As a Press Photographer By Vonda H. Blackburn 9 My Assignments Pay By Chris Cross 13 Motorcycle Racing Photography By Elliot “Ed” L. Doering Continued page 23 15 Use the Internet to Expand Your Business Chris Cross IFPO By Dennis Hodges FEATURES ON ASSIGNMENT Up Close with the President Volume 20, Number 1 2005 ANNUAL ISSUE 19 Travel Photography: The Exotic World of a Camel Fair By Michael I Hanyecz 23 Book Reviews 33 IFPO Announces AI New Service Photo Contests 27 2004 Annual Winner 29 2004 Monthly Winners 36 Photo Contest Rules On Assignment On Assignment 33 Chicago Blues Festival President Bush is escorted by Major General David H. Petraeus as he visits the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. ©2004 George Austin IFPO. 8 By Richard B. Ressman MD, IFPO NBA: Miami vs Indiana By Sean Camiring 4 With the President - Up Close By George Austin and Nancy Ford ON THE COVER 2005 Inaugural Festivities On the Campaign in Charleston,West Virginia BY ILYA MOSHENSKIY IFPO The Chicago Blues Festival 23 With the President George Austin IFPO Richard B. Ressman MD. IFPO Page IFPO PHOTOGRAPHERS PUBLISHED IN THIS ISSUE My subject was Bush ... George W. “Why not go after the biggest target that I could, the President of the United States?” ©2004 Nancy Ford IFPO. George Austin, Greenville, KY Ed Cayot, Kankakee, Illinois Sean Camiring, Chicago, IL Anthony E. Ciampa, Sahuarita, AZ Chris Cross, Olathe, KS Elliot “Ed” L Doering, Milwaukee, WI Dora DuMoulin, Russell, NY Lyudmila Fedossov, Skokie, IL Nancy Ford, Beaver, WV Craig Hellier, Highlands Ranch, CO IFPO Program Directory: IFPO CORRESPONDENT PHOTOGRAPHERS Kwon Moon Auk, Inchon City, Korea Keith Cephus, Virginia Beach, VA Francis J. Dean, Kastrup, Denmark Elliot L. Doering, Milwaukee, WI Dennis Hodges, Kansas City, MO Ilya Moshenskiy, Redmond, WA David C. Oliver, Reston, VA Paolo Pedicelli, Montreal, PQ Canada Dennis Stephens, Jamaica, West Indies Dennis Hodges, Kansas City, MO Michael I. Hanyecz, Calabasas, CA Carolin Jennings, Judsonia, AR Cinderella Morff, Lohman, MO Ilya Moshenskiy, Redmond, WA Frank Randolph, Junction, TX Tommie Shaw, Louisville, KY Richard B. Ressman MD, Cupertino, CA Bobby Samuels, Los Angeles, CA Thomas Shorts, Myrtle Beach, SC Classified Ads Glamour Elite Program Home Page Program Assignments Now IFPO Business Guides IFPO Business Cards IFPO Business Forms IFPO Distributor Program 44 16 14 34 40 5 2 43 IFPO Recognition Certificates Membership Programs New Discoveries Program Press Program Press Accessories Press Reporter’s Chase Kit Stock Gallery Program Today’s Sports Credentials COMPLETE IFPO PROGRAM DIRECTORY PAGE 17 NAL • FRE TIO EL NA • INT ER Today's Photographer International IFPO N TIO ZA 4 RS • ORGA HE NI AP Today’s Photographer Magazine is published by American Image Press, at 6495 Shallowford Rd., Lewisville, NC 27023. Send advertising and editorial correspondence to: Today’s Photographer Magazine, P.O. Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023-0777 USA. One year subscription in USA and possessions, $21; Canada, $27; all other countries, $36; cash orders only payable in U.S. currency. Please send change of address forms as well as subscription correspondence to Today’s Photographer Magazine, P.O. Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023-0777 USA. Allow at least six weeks for the change of address to become effective. COPYRIGHT AMERICAN IMAGE, INC., ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. • PHOTO CE GR AN Today’s Photographer International AMERICAN IMAGE PRESS 6495 SHALLOWFORD ROAD LEWISVILLE, NC 27023 (336) 945-9867 FAX (336) 945-3711 25 17 30 10 12 22 18 48 MAGAZINE STAFF Publisher: Jack M. Gallimore Editor in Chief: Vonda H. Blackburn Editorial: Cass Kerrington Ray Bream Operations Staff: Annette Blackburn Eloise Brinegar Debbie Cofer Editors at large: Dennis Hodges Kendall K. Krebs www.ifpo.net MAKE YOUR IFPO AFFILIATION WORK WITH IFPO BUSINESS CARDS WE PRINT or YOU PRINT IFPO BUSINESS BUSINESS CARDS CARDS WE PRINT: ❏ 5511A.........Member FREELANCE Photographer ..................... $36.95 ea 500 CARDS PER SET ❏ 5511B.........Member SPORTS Photographer ............................ $36.95 ea. ❏ 5511C ........Member CONCERT Photographer...........................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5511D ........Member WEDDING Photographer..........................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5511E.........Member PORTRAIT Photographer.........................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5511F.........Member WILDLIFE Photographer ..........................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5511G ........Member NATURE Photographer ............................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5511H ........Member GLAMOUR Photographer ........................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5511J .........Member MODEL Photographer ..............................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5511X.........Member Photographer ........$36.95 ea. OTHER (SPECIFY) ANY 2 SETS ABOVE #5511-2 ..........................$69.95 Tot. ✔ CHECK THE BOXES FOR SETS YOU ARE ORDERING MEMBER FREELANCE Photographer Arnold W. Smith #87654 NAL • FRE TIO EL NA • PHOTO CE GR AN RS • ORGA HE NI AP IFPO N TIO ZA • INT ER Emerald Images 123 W. Anystreet #A1 Yourtown, NY 12345-4468 Contact: (701) 123-4567 voice (701) 123-4568 fax [email protected] email www.worldnet.com/~awsmith URL $36.95 for 500 Cards YOU PRINT: BUSINESS CARD MASTERS! •Custom Designed & Personalized, ready to take to your printer •You choose paper stock, ink color and quantity. You get six originals of each set you order! Each set is Professionally typeset and printed on laser-graphic paper at 600 dpi. ❏ 5011A.........Member FREELANCE Photographer ......................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011B.........Member SPORTS Photographer .............................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011C ........Member CONCERT Photographer...........................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011D ........Member WEDDING Photographer..........................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011E.........Member PORTRAIT Photographer.........................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011F.........Member WILDLIFE Photographer ..........................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011G ........Member NATURE Photographer ............................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011H ........Member GLAMOUR Photographer ........................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011J .........Member MODEL CONSULTANT............................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5011X.........Member Photographer ........$19.95 ea. OTHER (SPECIFY) ANY 3 SETS ABOVE # 5011-3 .........................$49.95 Tot. ✔ CHECK THE BOXES FOR SETS YOU ARE ORDERING WE PRINT: ❏ 5522A.........NEWS Photographer ...............................................$36.95 ea. 500 CARDS PER SET YOU PRINT: BUSINESS CARD MASTERS! ❏ 5022A.........NEWS Photographer ...............................................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022B.........PHOTOJOURNALIST ...........................................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022C ........CONCERT Photographer.........................................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022D ........SPORTS Photographer............................................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022E.........ENTERTAINMENT Photographer .........................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022F.........CELEBRITY Photographer ......................................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022G ........POLICE Photographer .............................................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022H ........INVESTIGATIVE Photographer .............................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022J .........CORRESPONDENT Photographer.........................$19.95 ea. ❏ 5022X.........Member Photographer ........$19.95 ea. OTHER (SPECIFY) ANY 3 SETS ABOVE #5022-3 ..................$49.95 Tot. CHECK THE BOXES FOR SETS YOU ARE ORDERING www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer magazine Arnold W. Smith #87654 •Custom Designed & Personalized, ready to take to your printer •You choose paper stock, ink color and quantity. ✔ BUSINESS CARDS Emerald Images 123 W. Anystreet #A1 Yourtown, NY 12345-4468 Contact: (701) 123-4567 voice (701) 123-4568 fax [email protected] email PRESS OTHER (SPECIFY) ANY 2 SETS ABOVE #5522-2 .......................$69.95 Tot. PRESS News Photographer ❏ 5522B.........PHOTOJOURNALIST ...........................................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522C ........CONCERT Photographer.........................................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522D ........SPORTS Photographer............................................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522E.........ENTERTAINMENT Photographer .........................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522F.........CELEBRITY Photographer ......................................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522G ........POLICE Photographer .............................................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522H ........INVESTIGATIVE Photographer .............................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522J .........CORRESPONDENT Photographer.........................$36.95 ea. ❏ 5522X.........Member Photographer ........$36.95 ea. ORDER TOLL FREE 1-800-654-9557 FAX FREE: 1-800-283-5989 or Use ORDER FORM on page 47 Today's Photographer International 5 How to Gain Access ...... JUST BEFORE THE PRESIDENT’S SPEECH ... SOLDIERS WITH FLAGS PRESIDENT’S FAMILY. I HAD TIME TO PHOTOGRAPH FIRST LADY LAURA BUSH DURING A SPLIT SECOND WHEN THE BANNERS WERE BLOWING IN THE WIND. © 2005 ILYA. PASSED BETWEEN ME AND THE The Inauguration of President George W. Bush on January 20, 2005 was shining with hundreds of mass media from all over the world. Out of the three hundred photographers who were sanctioned to cover the event, I was one of only twenty who were allowed in the so-called "cut area" which has direct access to the president. Most of the photographers in the “cut area” were correspondents that have consistently been a part of the White House media for two decades. I was extremely privileged to be the first IFPO photographer ever to make that elite cut. Was it easy? No. I was just lucky although my quest to cover an inaugural event started four years ago. In 2001 I wanted very much to cover the first Bush Inauguration. Although I worked with my editor Vonda Blackburn on that one, I was denied access. However, going through the process was a valuable experience and paid off this year. After the 2004 election I visited the Inauguration Committee web-site everyday to learn when press applications would be received. The first day to apply was January 5, 2005. I immediately asked my editor Vonda Blackburn for assistance. She processed my request that day. This time the turn of each event seemed to favor me. My first break came when the chief press official at the inaugural headquarters remembered me from 2001! I think my Russian accent jogged his memory. Anyway, I was listed in his data files from four years ago as a correspondent photographer for American Image Press and Today’s Photographer International magazine. That immediately removed the, “I never heard of you or your magazine,” barrier which is always questioned for high security events. That, along with applying for credentials on the first day possible, got me on their list for consideration early. I had absolutely no previous experience or familiarity with the White House press service. However, after graduating from the Kiev Institute of Culture specializing in photojournalism and working in mass-media in Ukraine and in Russia, I was totally comfortable and prepared to cover one of the most important events in the world -- the Inauguration of the President of the United States. Although, I have covered such celebrities as Bill Gates, Michael Gorbachev, President Bill Clinton, Senator Hilary Clinton, and others since moving to the United States, this was my first time to capture such a large scale, high security event. Security and restrictions actually kicked in at the Seattle airport. When MY VANTAGE POINT ALONG THE PARADE ROUTE WAS BETTER THAN MOST. THE SLIGHT CURVE ALLOWED AN INTERESTING PERSPECTIVE. ACCESS TO THE WHITE HOUSE WAS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE. THIS SHOT REVEALS THE TIGHT SECURITY ON THE ROOF THE EVENING BEFORE THE INAUGURATION. © 2005 ILYA 6 Today's Photographer International www.ifpo.net .. To the President By Ilya Moshenskiy IFPO, Redmond, WA VICE PRESIDENT AND MRS. DICK CHENY WITH PRESIDENT BUSH AND FIRST LADY LAURA BUSH. © 2005 ILYA. I presented my ticket for Washington, DC along with all my bags of photo equipment, I was ushered into a special room where they double checked me and my equipment. They required me to click the shutter on my camera to make sure “that a weapon was not built in!" In Washington DC press photographers for the inaugural event had to pass three check points: scanners, dogs, and FBI screeners. I was one of the very first to arrive and made it through without a hitch. My long term operational experience in Russia where it is always necessary to be ready for the most unforeseen situations gave me the confidence needed to breeze through security inspections. Conditions in general for shooting were uneasy. A background of a daylight, which also included artificial illumination, created an effect called "mixed light" a set- ting in which it is very difficult to achieve high quality pictures. Beside difficult lighting there were other major forces at work. For example, during one of the most important moments, just before the President’s speech, a number of soldiers with flags of all fifty American states passed between me and the President and his family. I had time to photograph First Lady Laura Bush during a split second when the banners were blowing in the wind. In the evening after the first day of shooting I downloaded over 1000 images to my computer to evaluate my equipment and shooting techniques for the inaugural events the next day. In general I was pleased with my results under the unusual conditions. I know that many photographers dream of such high profile assignments. For me it was as easy. Having been accredited by American Image Press and Today’s Photographer International since 1996 prepared me and gave me the credibility and the backing I needed to succeed. It was new interesting experience in my professional work -- and the toughest assignment of my life. I hope President Bush likes my pictures. Ω THE BUSH AND CHENY FAMILIES ARE HAVING FUN IN THE VIEWING BOOTH IN FRONT OF THE WHITE HOUSE -- INCLUDING FORMER PRESIDENT BUSH AND FIRST LADY BARBARA BUSH (FAR RIGHT ABOVE). © 2005 ILYA. www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 7 O N A S S I G N M E N T: T H E N B A BY SEAN CAMIRING IFPO, ALGONQUIN, ILLINOIS How to Succeed ...... INDIANA PACERS VS. MIAMI HEAT RON ARTEST #23 (FAR LEFT) OF INDIANA SCORES AGAINST LAMAR ODOM #7 OF MIAMI. MIAMI’S EDDIE JONES #6 (NEAR LEFT) MAKES A JUMP SHOT OVER RON ARTEST. INDIANA WON 97-91. ©2004 SEAN CAMIRING For the last 20 years IFPO press credentials have paved the way for IFPO photographers to cover sports, news, concerts and other events where a recognized press credential is required. The IFPO Press Program backed up by Today’s Photographer magazine is generally the only way for IFPO members to cover events that they normally could not cover on their own. Secondly, and nearly as important, the press program places IFPO press photographers on the scene to shoot shoulder to shoulder with other well known press photographers -- which offers a learning experience second to none. It is absolutely the best environment to learn the give and take required to shoot in spaces which are always very tight and at a premium. Each assignment is an important learning experience and paves the way to more important ones. The ultimate goal for press assignments is to get published or land a paying job. Over the years many IFPO photographers have frequently experienced that sequence of success. Contract photography is a natural next step up from press photography. A few years back IFPO member John Nugent reported that after shooting Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, he contacted their publicity director to show his work and get her reaction. She and her entire staff loved the images. He landed a three year project contract with Macy’s New York in 1990, 1991 and 1992 to shoot the balloon inflation the evening before, plus the Thanksgiving Day parades. Each year he was paid a $1200 contract fee. A stunning portfolio was a by product which led to more jobs and a lucrative photography business after his retirement from a career in another field. On the job training is the very best experience for press photographers. The 8 Today's Photographer International right credentials and confidence in your skills is primary but the real success comes when you can deliver photos that sell from top notch events. That achievement is not easy and much of it is learned from the“comradery” with other successful photographers. In the beginning expect other photographers to question who you are. Always answer that question truthfully in a professional and considerate manner. The outcome will usually be positive and the information well received by everyone on the scene. Before long you will be accepted and even expected at events by other press photographers or the press officials. Comments such as, “I missed you at such and such event last month,” or, “I’ll see you next week at the....” are common. Lessons learned from exposure to other press photographers and on the scene experience cannot be replaced by training. Finally, always look for the photos published by other photographers at the same event. Try to remember where and how they were set up, what kind of lens was used etc. For example, if an AP photographer is shooting beside you, look for his photos the next day in major newspapers (check the internet). This is the quickest and most reliable way to evaluate your own work. After learning the ethics of press photography, it is essential to behave pro- fessionally. Word of poor ethical behavior at any event can spread like wildfire and jeopardize credentials for future activities. There are a number of “rules” to remember and practice if you expect to succeed and gain a positive reputation as a press photographer. Emergency Scenes Emergency scenes may be the most difficult to cover. Fire departments and police have the right to limit access in order to prevent injuries to the public. They can and have arrested members of the press who act irresponsibly on the scene. Once access is granted, it is essential to behave cautiously and appropriately. There are a number of important things to remember when photographing an emergency scene: • Your vehicle’s location. Keep it well out of the way. Don’t create a traffic hazard or block emergency response vehicles. This is one of the quickest and most negative ways to get noticed. • Be courteous to officials. Show the police your American Image Press Credentials. Don’t rush by expecting them to see your credentials on the fly. • Never interupt the officer in charge to ask questions while the emergency is still in progress. Handling the situation is the only priority of the emergency workers. Information will be provided when time permits. • Stay out of the way. Firefighting and crime scenes are dangerous enough without outsiders getting in the way. No picture is worth risking your life or that of someone else. • What is a safe distance? A good rule is to stay behind any hoselines that go up to and into the building. Do not go any closer than twice the Continued on page 26 www.ifpo.net .. As a Press Photographer N O W . . . M Y A S S I G N M E N T S P AY BY CHRIS CROSS IFPO, OLATHE, KANSAS Over the years I have been impressed by many stories in this magazine about, “How to Go After an Assignment and Make It Pay.” Now I have my own story to tell. Chris Cross, IFPO JEFF BATES (ABOVE), AN UP AND COMING NEW COUNTRY MUSIC STAR PLAYED TO A PACKED CROWD AT THE JOHNSON COUNTY OLD SETTLERS CELEBRATION JUST BEFORE HE HEADED TO THE GRAND OLD OPERA. BACK STAGE PASSES (ABOVE LEFT). “A COLLECTION OF BACK STAGE PASSES REMIND ME OF THE STARS I’VE COVERED.” CHRIS CROSS y press credentials and the back-up of the editorial staff at Today’s Photographer magazine have served me well in two ways. I have been able to gain access to many events. Also I have been exposed to some great press photographers working on the scene beside me which, in my opinion, is the very best way to learn. Access is more important but working beside experienced press photographers is a close second. Neither could have ever occurred for me without the IFPO press program. My real break came about three years ago when The Old Settlers Day Celebration Committee in Olathe, Kansas needed an event photographer. I submitted photos from my portfolio (developed from other assignments for Today’s Photog- M rapher magazine). Those photos landed the job for me right away. Since then I have been their only staff photographer ... and it has been a lot of fun yet very challenging. Of all the photos assignments I’ve done for Today’s Photographer, Old Settlers is my favorite. I get full access to all the performers from sound checks to “meet and greets”. Backstage I shoot super stars as well up and coming stars. I continue to shoot a full range of assignments, news, sports etc. constantly trying to get published and to keep my portfolio updated. My continuing goal is to “go after the next assignment and make it pay.” Thanks to the IFPO Press Program. I am able to do that most of the time. Chris Cross IFPO, Olathe, KS www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 9 5 in 1 - PRESS PASS • GE APHER GR •A O T CA ERI N IMA M CORRE SP PRE SS Credentials The new Gold Press Pass program embodies all the successful aspects of the original Press Program and incorporates new vital information and features needed based on the real experiences of our press photographers and the assignment editor of Today’s Photographer International magazine. Collectively, the Gold Press bundle represents a total state-of-the-art “systems” approach designed to get you and your camera to the action. 1. The GOLD SEAL which appears throughout the credentails, is emblazoned with the American Image PRESS logo to distinguish the new credentials with all of it’s improvements, from the original landmark Press Program. It is a result of carefully reviewing every “gain access” situation experienced over the past 15 years. We expect this new program will achieve markedly increased results accross the board, for all kinds of events, all over the world. 2. ISSUING INFORMATION has been added to the credentials which is extremely valuable DENT PHO ON for gaining access in those particularly tough situations when credentials are being scrutinized for every piece of validating information. Nationality, sex, date and place of birth add verifiable information often required by uniformed officials in law enforcement, fire and emergency, the military, customs and immigration. 3. CLASSIFICATION is now based on a full 4-tier range of publishing credits starting at A for yet-to-be published photographers and reaching to AAAA for those who are published frequently. 4. COMPLETE BUNDLE of all credentials and Internet Verification is automatically shipped to those who enroll in the Gold Press Program. Members no longer have to decide whether the Badge style or Passport style credential works better for the events they cover or whether covering weekend or after-hours events warrants the Internet Verification option or not. You get it all. 5. INTERNET VERIFICATION All Gold Press Pass holders will be assigned a verification code printed on the face of all the credentials. This code can be used to verify your assignment status with Today’s Photographer magazine by press officials 24 hours a day EVERY day from anywhere in the world. The Internet Verification site is at www.aipress.com/verify. 6. VERIFICATION UPDATES Now you can go online using your Verification Code and update your own Assignment Verification record. You can change your mailing address, add an email address or change other contact information in seconds. 7. PUBLISHING CREDITS Now you can actually display the names of the publications that have published your photos right on your Internet Verification site so press officials can see your breadth of experience. And... you can use your Verification Code online and update your list of publishing credits as often as you like, without having to call the American Image office. 8. RECENT ASSIGNMENTS Now you can display your recent assignments on your Verification site so press officials can see what kind of events you’ve been covering. And... you can use your Verification Code online to update your display of recent assignments as often as you like. 9. EXPIRATION DATE At last, we have added an expiration date to our Press Credentials. As great as the “lifetime” press credentials may seem, there are big drawbacks. “No expiration date” is the single largest reason for problems being accepted in some venues, not to mention that photos become outdated. Gold Press Pass holders will be able to renew their credentials every 3 years to keep them current, and they will get a whole new set with each renewal. 10.NEW LOW PRICE of only $99 is a full $129 SAVING off the price of the previous program for all the credentials and options. But remember, the programs are not equivalent. 11.NEW FEATURES Even at the same price, the Gold Press Pass program has features enumerated here that aren’t even available in the previous program. The addition of door-opening “Publishing Credits” and “Recent Assignments” alone may achieve more in gaining new access as our original Press Program concept born in 1985. The American Image Press Photographer’s Code of Ethics A press photographer’s reputation is often based on his own code • Stay within the boundaries of the photographers’ area. Never interfere of ethics. Although getting the story is the ultimate goal, ethical standards can “make or break” a career. As a press photographer, it is your duty to document newsworthy happenings — never altering circumstances or interfering with action to enhance your photographs. Your photos should tell a story just as it happened. Meeting the high standards of good press photography requires patience, determination and a strong set of ethics which can be the difference between success and failure. First, foremost and always remember that Press access is a privilege not to be abused. Use the following Code of Ethics to guide you: • • • • • Arrive early — at least 45 minutes to an hour before the event is • scheduled to begin — in order to check in, find the press area, check • out the stage or facility lay-out and choose a vantage point. • Never show up for an event unprepared. Not only should you have all the proper equipment, you should have a basic knowledge and under• standing of the event. Do your homework! • Try to work with promoters and authorized officials rather than against • • them. Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. Photographers who complain or cause problems aren’t likely to be admitted again. Don’t just start shooting. Take time to think about what you’re covering. 10 Today’s Photographer International with the action, criticize a player or performer or interrupt an authorized official. Have patience. Resist the urge to inconvenience other photographers by changing spots. Your opportunity will come. Although it can be necessary to fight for a good position, always be courteous. You’ll find other photographers are usually willing to share their space -- if you offer them the same courtesy. Try your best to get along with other members of the press. Always live up to your obligations to promoters and publications. If you agree not to sell the photos commercially, DO NOT break this agreement. Always clean up after yourself -- film wrappers, etc. Never photograph anyone in a compromising situation (backstage, locker rooms) unless it’s a public figure in a public place which qualifies for news. Don’t abuse the privileges you have been granted. Always remember you are a photographer on the job -- not a spectator. Finally, the nature of breaking news makes preparation impossible. However, when you arrive on the scene, you are a press photographer -- expected to live up to the same ethical standards you have learned to display at scheduled media events. With practice and common sense, high ethical standards should some as naturally as pressing the shutter. Ω www.ifpo.net IFPO Press Program state-of-the-art features get you and your camera to the action better and quicker than ever. Gold Passport Assignment Letter Wallet I.D. Gold Badge EVERYTHING INCLUDED EASY TO ASSEMBLE AFTER PLACING YOUR OWN PHOTO TRY IT OUT: Just go online to www.aipress.com/verify, click on VERIFY and enter the special demo verification code 12345ABC. The test contact information will be displayed as a press official would see it. Click "BACK" on your browser to return to the verify page and this time click on UPDATE. Again, enter the demo code 12345ABC. This time you will be presented with a screen that allows you to modify and update the demo contact information as well as enter "Recent Assignments" and "Publishing Credits." Make all the changes you want and click on SAVE. Next, go back and click VERIFY to check that your updates were made! GOLD PRESS CREDENTIALS ENROLLMENT FORM Cat# 5 Digit IFPO Member# ____________________ or enclose dues (see page 17) name ___________________________________________________________________ address _________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip ________________________________________________________________ phone/fax ________________________________________________________________ email/U.R.L. ____________________________________________________________________ ISSUING INFORMATION: Nationality: ___________________________________________________ Sex: ________________________________________________________ Place of birth: __________________________________________________ Date of birth: __________________________________________________ CLASSIFICATION INFORMATION: (see ratings opposite page) Check correct box and name publication(s) where your photos appeared. A Not yet published AA Publishing pending in: ___________________________________ AAA Published once in: ______________________________________ AAAA Published frequently (list three publishers) ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❏ Description Price EA. 401GP GOLD PRESS CREDENTIALS (Renewable in 3 years) $99.00 Includes: • GOLD PRESS Passport • GOLD PRESS Badge Card I.D. • GOLD PRESS Wallet I.D. • GOLD PRESS Official Letter of Certification placing you on assignment for American Image Press andToday’s Photographer International magazine. • Press Assignment Verification on the Internet. • Complete assembly instructions, laminating materials and badge clip. • Press Assignment Request Form and How to Use Your Press Credentials. ❏ ❏ Checking this box confirms that I have read, understand and agree to comply with the Press Code of Ethics published on the opposite page. USA Shipping. First Class Mail (foreign shipping use the instructions on page 47) $9.00 TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED 1. ____________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________ Credit Card orders phone: expiration date signature __________________________________________________________________ 1-800-654-9557 MAIL ORDERS: Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # or fax: 1-800-283-5989 IFPO PRESS OFFICE, P.O.Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 USA Information or Customer Service calls: 336-945-9867 www.ifpo.net Today’s Photographer International 11 TURN YOUR CAR INTO A PRESSCAR ASSIGNMENT CAP PRESS Dash Card #1410C...$9.95 YOU CAN'T BE WITHOUT IT! The public and event officials will instantly recognize your status .. #809A .....1 cap .....$22.95 #809B .....2 caps ...$32.95 #809C .....3 caps ...$39.95 PRESS Cap: solid black cotton twill cap with braid. One size fits all. One COLOR: Black (with white embroidered emblem) Order in quantity for family and friends and save. P R E S S P H OTOGRAPHERS’ SURV I VA L G E A R Order Form on Page 47 * Credit Card Orders Call FREE 1-800-654-9557 7 Days PRESS Windshield Stickers #781A - 2 for $9.95 adhere to inside of windshield or window. PRESS PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER OFFICIAL BUSINESS PHOTOGRAPHER 127 actual size: 3" x 3" OFFICIAL BUSINESS 127 IFPO LEARN TO COVER: • Sports • Entertainment • Concerts • Conferences • Politicals • Breaking News • Celebrities • Fires • Crimes • Races • Storm Chasing HOW TO SUCCESSFULLY ACQUIRE AND USE PRESS CREDENTIALS WORKBOOK + 6 AUDIO TAPES Windshield Stickers #791A - 2 for $9.95 ZA TI O N ZA TI O N R INTE GR NI AP HERS ORGA NAL • FRE TIO EL NA INTE Today's Photographer International • INT ER PHOTOGRAPHER IFPO N TIO ZA IFPO N CE TO PHO actual size: 3" x 3" #210A - $39.95 LA N AL FR EE TIO NA MEMBER PHOTOGRAPHER GR NI AP HERS ORGA 12 • PHOTO CE GR AN N CE TO PHO IFPO 143 page Workbook plus 6 audio tape lessons RS • ORGA HE NI AP N AL FR EE TIO NA MEMBER LA R adhere to inside of windshield or window. Where to go, when to go, how to contact, who to contact and why. 6 complete audio lessons and transcriptions of the audio scripts for further in-depth study, forms and releases needed to operate as a PRESS photographer. Learn the privileges of a PRESS photographer and the type of credentials that are necessary and how the right credentials work. Official IFPO Guide #210A Gain access to PRESS boxes, sidelines, and locker rooms. GET admitted to concerts, get front row and backstage passes. Get to political, hostile, disaster, accident, and crime scenes, how to work with the police and others including foreign embassies. Learn to attend celebrity events and press conferences for politics, sports, business, pageants, and ceremonies. www.ifpo.net Tips for Motorcycle Racing P h o t o g r a p h y By Elliot “Ed” L. Doering IFPO, Milwaukee, WI T hose who favor Motorsports photography are constantly thinking and acquiring a base of knowledge concerning the techniques used to capture speed on film. Apart from the smell of racing fuel, the bikes flashing by at super sonic speeds and the myriad of activities both on and off the track, in most of us, there’s that quiet time when we examine our images and try to pin point how our efforts are affecting the results. There are usually two distinct differences in capturing the world of racing. One is the moving or action based subjects versus the more common static subjects (pit, paddock and head shots). Through the efforts of Today’s Photographer International Magazine, I was again fortunate to gain photo credentials to film nine rounds of the 2004 MOTOGP Motorcycle World Championship series through out Europe this past May to September. Once again, I got to practice techniques concerning primarily the action aspects of the world wide phenomenon known as MOTOGP. This is a constant growing spectacle of pure action charged speed on two wheels, which has been drawing crowds of up to 220,000 as I witnessed at the May 2004 Spanish MOTOGP at Jerez, Spain. As one further thinks about the elements of racing photography, it should become apparent that there is one predominant element in static or pit shot photography. It’s CONTROL. Here, the photographer CAN control his location distances, time of day and lighting. However, we do NOT enjoy such an easily controlled filming environment when it comes to the action aspects of racing photography. More often than not control is more of an adaptation to the racing circuit environment. At any race rack, you’ll notice that you have very limited control over the distances between your camera and the bikes flashing past. Press access greatly helps break down the distance element, getting you into a more accessible corner, wherein, if lucky, you can close in on the action. Contrastingly, you can NOT control when, or the conditions and elements under which the race is run. MOTOGP races are held in sweltering sun or pouring rain. We can’t control that. Also, if your exposure is “off” you can not ask the racers to form up again on the starting grid for a “take two”. With all this in mind, let’s explore how you can actually capture a sense of speed in your shots. First, if you’ll look around at your fellow motorsports photographers, 99% will have a 35mm SLR strapped around their necks. With quick film advancement, affordable interchangeable lenses, built-in or add on motor drives, power winders and recently digital and auto focus programs, the modern 35mm SLR camera easily shows itself as the “work horse” of racing action. Race photography takes a degree of flow and rhythm. Consider the ease and flowing movements you’ll have in keeping a race bike in your viewfinder with a light weight 100-300mm hand held lens compared to a cumbersome 600800mm APO on a monopod. Always keep equipment light and compact as possible. Over the past 16 years I am probably the only “veteran” working in the traditional film format in a world of digital equipment for one reason only -- QUALITY and unequalled sharpness. Digital allows for more images and the rapid submittal, but I have a wide open deadline, so I prefer the quality of a film print. As a beginner you simply can’t beat using either 400 or 800 film. On a sunny weekend, go with the 400. Under clouds the 800 will give you the latitude to compensate for low light conditions. (The photos that accompany this text were all from Fuji Color ProPress ISO 800.) Color negative film thrives on good, generous exposure. For example if you have a 100 film, set your ASA/ISO dial to 80. The 1/3rd stop over-exposure will result in a greater overlap and finer grain effect plus the added exposure builds shadow over hi-light, reducing contrast. Another very critical rule concerns the longest exposure that can be rendered using hand held lenses.This usually equates to a shutter speed just slightly higher than a number obtained by dividing the total lens’ focal length by four. Complicated? No. A 200mm telephoto (divided by 4) equals 50, so a slightly higher shutter speed of 1/60th sec. is the LIMIT of shutter speed you can safely hand hold. There are two schools or approaches to capturing that blurred impression of speed or motion -- stop action and panning.Shutter speed is your first option to stop action. The faster a bikes moves in your viewfinder the faster your shutter speed MUST be. Capturing movement depends on speed, distance and angle. Close up, any subject will require a faster shutter speed than when it’s far away. Coming or going, it doesn’t move as fast in your viewfinder as when it approaches from an angle or comes straight in front of you. In that instance, slower speeds can be used. If a bike is approaching head on, the MINIMUM shutter speed I use is 1/500 in conjunction with 400 film. I go to 1/1000 to Continued on page 33 SEEDORF RACING’S YOUNG STAR HECTOR BARBARA (ABOVE) BROUGHT THE 125CC APRILIA HOME TO 3RD PLACE AT JEREZ AND MUGELLO. COLD CALCULATING GUN FIGHTER EYES (LEFT). ALEX BAROS IS ONE OF THE BEST TO EVER THROW A LEG OVER A MOTOGP BIKE. ©2004 ED DOERING www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 13 now you can publish your photos on the exclusive TOP PHOTOGRAPHERS WEB SITE The HOME PAGE Program is like a complete photographer’s PORTFOLIO, RESUME and ADVERTISING BILLBOARD on the Internet. It can contain complete biographical information, contact information, PUBLISHED or AWARDED photos, or other CURRENT photos that you want to represent you. Your HOME PAGE will have a unique address (called a URL) much like your mailing address that you can put on your business cards or other promotional materials you distribute to potential clients. Clients can then view your portfolio and read your accomplishment facts ON-LINE any time they wish from ANYWHERE in the WORLD! IFPO Internet HOME PAGE Program contact information: TERMS AND CONDITIONS Credit Card Orders: when you submit your Home Page materials, your credit card will be billed for the set-up fee only. Then your credit card will be billed monthly on the first of the month beginning with the first FULL month your your Home Page is ON-LINE. Your first partial month is FREE! Minimum 12month committment required. After 12 months, monthly charges will continue until member cancels with a 30-day notice. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Optima accepted. Checks or Money Orders: when you submit your Home Page materials, enclose a check or money order for the amount of the set-up fee PLUS 119.70, the first six months of the monthly fee. You will then be billed at 6 month intervals. to be published on your web-site name IFPO Member # business name (optional) address city, state, zip, country I agree to the above terms and conditions. I enclose my photos: #HP31, up to15 photos, set-up fee $49.00 and monthly fee: $19.95 phone/fax #HP32, up to 30 photos, set-up fee $99.00 and monthly fee: $19.95 email, other signature IMPORTANT: Allow 30 days for IFPO personnel to scan your images and create your Home Page. Be sure to add your Home Page URL (www.aipress.com/~yourname) to your business cards, letterhead and all your promotional material. Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date mail to: IFPO PO Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 view the top photographers on the internet at http://www.ifpo.net/topphotographers If convenient, look at other homepages on our Top-Photographers web-site for ideas. Links to Top-Photographers are on our main home page at www.aipress.com. A good example site is: http://www.ifpo.net/~ellefsen HOME PAGE information guidelines The information needed to create your Home Page (print or type clearly): CONTACT INFORMATION you wish to appear on your Home Page. Memberships, Associations, Publishing Credits, Prizes or Awards. MOTTO, SLOGAN or Describe Your Specialty (ie: on-location child photography). Accomplishments, Assignments, current Projects and Career Objectives in photography Send b/w or color prints or 35mm slides. Number your pictures or slides. Include a printed or typed list of your pictures with a title or caption for each one. Be sure to put your member# on each photo or slide. Model releases are required for any photos that have human subjects that are not in the public domain. If you want your photos returned, enclose a self addressed mailer with correct postage. At minimum, we require contact information along with photos with titles to create your Home Page. We will assign you an Internet U.R.L. (internet address) in this form: http://www.ifpo.net/~yourname. U.R.L.’s are all lower case and have no spaces. Please include any suggestions for “yourname.” Avoid long strings of characters like “millersphotographyandvideographics”. Use names like “paulmiller” or millerphoto.” Be sure to print your U.R.L. on your business cards, letterhead, etc. This Home Page is your internet portfolio, and you want as many people to visit as possible. 14 Today's Photographer International www.ifpo.net Use the Internet to Expand Your Freelance Business By Dennis Hodges IFPO, Kansas City, Missouri ALL MODELS NEED PORTFOLIOS, COMPOSITES AND SIGNED PUBLICATION RELEASES FROM THE PHOTOGRAPHER TO PROMOTE THEMSELVES. Model Kelsey Gullet Photos ©2004 Dennis Hodges I f you are tired of shooting weddings and little league baseball games on weekends, try something different. How about becoming a freelance internet photographer? It’s easier than you might think. Consider that computers, the internet and email have changed the world of all businesses one way or another. It doesn’t matter if you are a sole proprietor or part of a large corporation, the rules are the same for everyone. Communication is often made through email. Needed information is gained by visiting a web site rather than traveling to “visit a company or vendor”. Digital imaging has taken over the photography and printing business. So how does that affect photographers? In my business the internet has swung the doors wide open for me to find models and for models to find me. Remember when we ran classified ads in the newspapers for models and waited for the phone to ring some days or weeks later? No more. Today you can go to a model web hosting site, view their models and their credentials in a matter of minutes. Then you simply email those you find interesting. Describe your current projects and the amount of money you have budgeted for models. This is free and you usually get a quick reply. Many of the models you will find are just getting started but many are professional. The new models are looking for time for pictures (TFP). www.ifpo.net They are willing to model free. In return they want a CD or set of prints from the photo session for their own use. (At one time this was called a test shoot.) All models are looking for work. They are generally not signed with an agency, so are willing to work for less money because they do not pay an agency commission. They all need portfolios, composites etc. to promote themselves. Locating models via the internet can bring in lots of work for the photographer who wants to expand his business into advertising, promotions, shooting model’s portfolios or simply shooting pictures for the model to place on a website. As an IFPO Model Consultant for many years the new technology revolution has made my job much easier. I now have my own home page on the internet to promote my models. Also a portfolio of my work can be seen on musecube.com. The model featured here is Kelsey Gullett based in Chicago. Her portfolio is also on musecube.com. She contacted me because she liked my style of photography and that my models are frequently published, which was her goal. Our whole venture was handled through email. Within two weeks from the first contact Kelsey had flown to Kansas City (accompanied by her mother) for the shoot. A few hours later she left, happy with a new pictures for her website and composite sheets plus high hopes for getting published. This is an excellent example of how perseverance and self promotion paid off for this young lady in a very competitive market. Strangely enough all of this happened through very little effort from me. Granted, my work can be found on numerous websites including several of IFPO’s. That did take effort and work up front but the pay off is worth it -- and it keeps on working! To get started as a freelance internet photographer, carefully review the IFPO programs in this magazine that are available to you. The Top Photographers Web Site, Assignments Now and Stock Gallery programs are all designed to get you and your work on the internet. IFPO is one of the first membership organizations to have a web-site devoted to members interested in the complete range of services, from the beginning photographer to the professional “globe trotter.” IFPO also offers business forms to simply your job. You must get a signed Model Release for the right to publish or sell a model’s picture. The model who publishes her photos on the internet or elsewhere must have a signed Publication Release from the photographer. Keep both forms on hand and make sure they are signed. Since 1984 thousands of IFPO members have expanded their business based on tips published in this magazine. Now you can too -- expand your business via the internet. Ω Today's Photographer International 15 3 Good Reasons to Become an .elite GLAMOUR magazine OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER 1. YOU GET THE PICTURES Jessica YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED FROM THE SUBJECTS YOU'VE ALWAYS WANTED TO SHOOT. The credentials give you the confidence to shoot and gives your subjects the confidence in you. 2. YOU GET PUBLISHING CREDITS Cindy YOU NEED TO ENHANCE YOUR STATUS AND BUILD YOUR REPUTATION. You are encouraged (but not required) to submit photos of the discoveries you make using your GLAMOUR.elite magazine credentials. All of your submissions are entitled to review by the editorial staff and could be selected for publication in GLAMOUR.elite magazine. Each time one of your photos is selected for publication in GLAMOUR.elite, you will be issued a certificate of accomplishment indicating your name, the photo description and the GLAMOUR.elite issue date. Your collection of these certificates will further enhance your glamour photographer status. Each submitted photo must be accompanied by the GLAMOUR.elite submission form (comes with your kit) and a small service charge of $8.00 per photo to cover the cost of scanning your image for publication. The $8.00 fee is refunded if your photo is not selected for publication. 3. GUARANTEE YOUR SUBJECTS Jackie THAT THEY CAN GET PUBLISHED IN GLAMOUR.elite MAGAZINE. You may (but are not required) to turn your fascinating glamour hobby into cash. Each photo received with the "publication spotlight" form (in your kit) and fee of $19.00 gets published in the on-line edition of GLAMOUR.elite magazine. In operating your business, you are free to charge your subject an appropriate amount to take into account your own expenses, overhead and profit. Photos rejected by the editors for quality reasons will receive a full refund. GLAMOUR .elite magazine features both well known celebrities and "newly discovered" subjects. Find GLAMOUR.elite magazine at www.aipress.com/glamourelite GLAMOUR.elite Photos by Dennis Hodges, IFPO If you are an IFPO member, you can get on the GlamourElite magazine band wagon quickly and inexpensively by taking advantage of the GlamourElite BUNDLE GEXX!. You get the GE08A Passport, GE02B Full Badge Set and GEAV Internet Assignment Verification for ONLY $108.00 (a SAVING of $128.95). Proof of publication is also waived for this offer. Glamour Elite BUNDLE SPECIAL RICE BU N D L E P REG.PRICE SPECIAL $99.00 $20.00 $69.95 $39.00 $228.95 $9.00 GEXX-SPECIAL BUNDLE $236.95 $108.00 #GE08A GlamourElite Passport Application Fee #GE02B GlamourElite Badge Set #GEAV Assignment Verification Option (all items listed above) PLUS SHIPPING/HANDLING Total Amount Due $99.00 $9.00 OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER ORDER FORM Cat# Description ❏ GE02B Glamour.elite Full Badge Set ❏ GE08A GE02A (above) + 1 wallet I.D. Card, 3 I.D. tags with laminating jackets and leatherette straps. Glamour.elite Passport The custom designed Glamour Elite PASSPORT style credential comes with everything you need for final assembly in just seconds using your own photo. A special statement of certification is a permanent part of your passport's upper panel. PASSPORT APPLICATION FEE ❏ ❏ GEAV $69.95 .GeLliAteMOUR $99.00 PLACE PHOTO HERE Price EA. Glamour.elite Assignment Verification Option Officials/clients/subjects can verify your assignment status by calling 336-945-9867 or fax 336945-3711, 9:AM - 5:PM Eastern Time, weekdays except holidays. This is a free service that comes with the Glamour Elite Program. BUT . . If you are covering an evening or weekend event or are out of the Eastern Time-zone, GEAV Assignment Verification works from ANYWHERE in the world, 24 hours/day, 365 days/year! The $39 fee includes a $19 one-time set-up fee and the first 2-year Internet Assignment Verification service fee of $20 ($10/year). You will receive a laminated ASSIGNMENT VERIFICATION CARD to present to officials. USA Shipping, Priority Mail / First Class Mail, ADD $9 (foreign shipping use the instructions on page 47) magazine UR GLAMmO agazine .elite signature $20.00 John Q. Smith photographer correspondent ear below, is a e. This photographer will e and photo app magazin concerts, conwhose signatur for GLAMOUR rest including OUR AM on assignment ts of national and local inte GL a programs. be covering even news, sports and special ted permission to work as , the bearer will ventions, breakingests that the bearer be gran in this capacity respectfully requ er in your domain. While l regulations. Press Photographexisting federal, state and loca comply with all O.eliFte FIC IAL PHOTOGRA PHER $39.00 $9.00 Credit Card Orders: 1-800-654-9557 or FAX 1-800-283-5989 P.O. Box 8347 231 USA Your city, NJ 08 55 724-777-55 signature IAL OFFIC RAPHER PLACE PHOTO HERE TOG John Q. PHO Today's Photographer International Smith THE ORDER FORM ON PAGE 47 OR .elite John Q. Smith PLACE PHOTO HERE OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER www.ifpo.net USE John Q. Smith P.O. Box 8347 Your city, NJ 08231 USA 724-777-5555 1 signature .elite R OU GLAMmag azine signature 16 Today's Photographer International www.ifpo.net RS • ORGA HE NI AP NAL • FRE TIO EL NA • PHOTO CE GR AN IFPO International Freelance Photographers Organization MEMBERSHIP FORM N TIO ZA • INT ER ABOUT YOU: E TO FREELANCING THE PROVEN BRIDG Which best describes your photography: ❏ I am a beginner or amateur ❏ I am an advanced amateur or Part-Time Pro. ❏ I am a full-time professional. I want PRESS ACCESS with my camera: ❏ Sports events. ❏ Crime scenes. ❏ Concerts. ❏ Fire scenes. ❏ Breaking news. ❏ Press conferences. ❏ Celebrity events. ❏ Entertainment events. Check each area that interests you strongly: ❏ Press photography. ❏ Sports/Action. ❏ Nature/wildlife. ❏ Travel photography. ❏ Videography. ❏ Advertising. ❏ Glamour. ❏ Commercial. ❏ Wedding. ❏ Portrait photography. Are you available for photo assignments?: ❏ YES. ❏ NO. • Enroll me as an IFPO Member and send my Membership Card and O rder the famous Parchment Certificate + Complete Membership Packet. I enclose $68 for IFPO P atches Membership and Subscription to Today’s Photographer Magazine PLUS see pag e 25 $6 for priority handling and First Class Mail of my Membership Packet ($74 TOTAL). __________________________________________________________________________ • My membership packet will include details on how I can participate in IFPO's PROVEN PROGRAMS for getting PUBLISHED, making MONEY and gaining PRESS ACCESS with my camera. name __________________________________________________________________________ (optional) business name __________________________________________________________________________ address __________________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip __________________________________________________________________________ phone number/FAX number ENCLOSE CHECK, MONEY ORDER OR PAY BY MAJOR CREDIT CARD expiration date Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # To join IFPO by mail, use this form or the order form on page 47 and send your dues to: IFPO, P.O. Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023-0777 USA OR use your credit card and: CALL FREE 1-800-654-9557 or FAX 1-800-283-5989 IFPO’s 18 PROVEN PROGRAMS 1 PRESS CREDENTIALS •Gain Access to controlled 10 PROFESSIONAL CERTIFICATION CPMP (Certified events! Sports, Concerts, Crime Scenes, Fires, Storms, Professional Master Photographer), CPCP (Certified ProPress Passport, Badge & Wallet Cards, Internet Verificafessional Craftsman Photographer and (PCP) Professiontion. details on page 10-11. al Certified Photographer. IFPO-CPACM Certification Board of Regents, 59 Canal St. Box 9, Lewiston ME 2 ASSIGNMENT DATA BANK •Register for Assign04240, based on academic merits. ments! “Dream” assignments you’ve always wanted can 11 GLAMOUR.ELITE •Attract celebrities and “discoveries” really be yours! see page 34. plus get published. page 38. 3 STOCK PHOTO GALLERY & SALES •SELL the 12 LEARNING LIBRARY •HOW-TO SHOOT ALL SUBphotos you've already taken! page 18. JECTS: weddings, sports, travel, wildlife, glamour, model portfolios, commercial, boudoir, figure and lighting tech4 INTERNET HOME PAGES •on TOP PHOTOGRAniques, pages throughout the magazine. PHERS web-site! Display your photos, awards, credits, resume and contact info. page 14. 13 FORMS (61) •For Photographers: Technical, Contracts, Checklists, Releases, Copyrights pg 2-3. 5 TODAY’S SPORTS magazine •gain access to sport14 PHOTO CONTEST Cash prizes, monthly contest, page ing events, complete credentials. page 48. 36. 6 MERIT & ACHIEVEMENT •Gold Seal Merit Cards in 15 IFPO BUSINESS GUIDES •Make money with your the 60 categories. page 21-21. camera. Page 40. 7 IFPO CREDENTIALS •Clout to succeed with an inter- 16 ACCESSORIES •IFPO Windshield stickers, press hats nationally recognized organization. page 32. and accessories. Page 12. 8 PICTURE AWARDS •Earn publishing credits and "Cer- 17 DISTRIBUTORSHIPS •Sell IFPO programs, books, videos and forms part or full time. page 43. tificate of Publication Awards." page 24. 9 CUSTOM BUSINESS CARDS •To promote your own 18 NEW DISCOVERIES Model Consulting •Pays you to discover new faces and figures while pursuing your interbusiness. Page 5. est in glamour photography. Page 30-31. Ω www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 17 SELL PHOTOS YOU ALREADY HAVE! S TA R T S E L L I N G YO U R P H O T O S Successful stock libraries contain HIGH QUALITY images of everyday life situations. IFPO members shoot such images everyday as a matter of course. However, unless a photographer has hundreds or thousands of images, he may be shunned by the large stock houses. This could happen for two reasons, he simply may not be recognized as a successful stock photographer or his stock of a few dozen images is too small for an agency to consider. The IFPO Stock Listing service removes these barriers totally and opens doors to the international sales market. IFPO’s Stock Listing Service The following elements clearly distinguish the differences in the IFPO Stock Listing Service and a stock agency: 1. The service provided to IFPO members is a STOCK PHOTO LISTING SERVICE and NOT an agency. 2. Each photographer manages his own sales. 3. No commissions will be charged ever. 4. Image buyers will browse the IFPO image bank on the internet, select the photos, get the price, index number and contact information to order directly from the photographer who owns the images. 5. Members may set their own pricing for each photo sold. 6. Complete copyright standards will be available at the site for image buyers and IFPO member photographers (the sellers). 7. Image searches by buyers may be made by subject. 8. The most important part of any Stock Photo Service is its indexing system that allows an image buyer to identify a photo for purchase. • There are no commissions ever -- unlike Members are asked to identify their pictures by agencies who always take at least 50 pertheir 5 digit member number plus a 5 character cent of sales. code of their own choosing. Example: IFPO • Income from sales is instant and all member 99999 might use Index Codes of yours -- very different from agencies 99999-KID01, 99999-KID02, etc. where payment usually follow sales by 6 to 8 months. DVANTAGES OF THE A IFPO STOCK GALLERY SERVICE www.ifpo.net/stock.html • List only the number of quality images • Current and new clients can see your you wish to list -- not 10,000 to 50,000 as fresh images instantly and contact you to required by agencies. buy -- which could never happen with a • You can add fresh images at your convestock agency. nience. No minimums are required -- such • The more images you list with the IFPO as the 1000 new images per year by many Picture Listing Service the more likely you agencies. are to make money -- which is the same as • There are no contracts, exclusive or with an agency. otherwise -- to tie up your images for • The more SUBJECTS you list with the years as with an agency. IFPO Picture Listing Service, the more • The price you set is what you get -likely you are to make money over the long could never happen with an agency. haul -- which is also true with an agency. STOCK GALLERY REGISTRATION FORM (IFPO MEMBERS ONLY) name • Model and other applicable releases are required for stock images listed with IFPO -- the same as with an agency. IFPO Member # business name (optional) address city, state, zip, country TERMS AND CONDITIONS Credit Card Orders: when you submit your stock gallery materials, your credit card will be billed for the set-up fee only. Then your credit card will be billed monthly on the first of the month beginning with the first FULL month your photos are ON-LINE. Your first partial month is FREE! Minimum 12month committment required. After 12 months, monthly charges will continue until member cancels with a 30-day notice. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Optima accepted. Checks or Money Orders: when you submit your stock gallery materials, enclose a check or money order for the amount of the set-up fee PLUS $59.70, the first six months of the monthly fee. You will then be billed at 6 month intervals. I agree to the above terms and conditions. I enclose my photos: #ST31, 12 photos, set-up fee $29.00 and monthly fee: $9.95 contact name: #ST32, 24 photos, set-up fee $49.00 and monthly fee: $9.95 contact method: (phone, fax, or email) signature IMPORTANT: Allow 30 days for IFPO personnel to scan your images and post them for sale in the Stock Gallery. Be sure to add the Stock Gallery URL (www.ifpo.net/stock) to your business cards, letterhead and all your promotional material. Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date mail to: IFPO PO Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 view the stock gallery on the internet at http://www.ifpo.net/stock.html FOR EACH PHOTO: (make as many copies as you need) INFORMATION PHOTO INFORMATION PHOTO INFORMATION PHOTO (complete 1 for each photo) (complete 1 for each photo) (complete 1 for each photo) Image #________- _________ Image #________- _________ Image #________- _________ (your IFPO membership I.D.# followed by a 5-character code provided by you that identifies your picture) (your IFPO membership I.D.# followed by a 5-character code provided by you that identifies your picture) (your IFPO membership I.D.# followed by a 5-character code provided by you that identifies your picture) photo title ____________________________________ subject _______________________________________ photo title ____________________________________ subject _______________________________________ photo title ____________________________________ subject _______________________________________ price price price 18 (or print ”CALL”) ___________________________ Today's Photographer International (or print ”CALL”) ___________________________ (or print ”CALL”) ___________________________ www.ifpo.net The Exotic World of Travel Photography: The Pushkar Camel Fair By Michael I. Hanyecz IFPO, Calabasas, California OLD SADHUS (SAINT MAN) EDITOR’S PHOTOS ©2004 MICHAEL I. HANYECZ IFPO BEJEWELED NOTE: MOST OF THE TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHY SUBMISSIONS WE RECEIVE INCLUDE SUNSETS, MARKET SCENES, DANCERS IN COSTUME AND OTHER WHEN MICHAEL HANYECZ’S PHOTOS FROM THE PUSHKAR CAMEL FAIR IN RAJASTHAN, INDIA LANDED ON MY DESK, I WAS DAZZLED BY HIS PHOTOS AND THE APPARENT EXOTIC NATURE OF HIS TRIP. MANY QUESTIONS POPPED INTO MY HEAD SO I WENT STRAIGHT TO MICHAEL. I THOUGHT HIS ANSWERS WERE INTERESTING AND INFORMATIVE ENOUGH TO PUBLISH. VONDA BLACKBURN, EDITOR PRETTY PICTURES. Q.Your photos from the Pushkar Camel Fair are very impressive. I would love to publish your story but I need more information for it to appeal to our readers. As you know our readers want to know what you do with your photos -- get them published? Sell them? Other? A.First, I appreciate your comments about the quality of my photos and I'm happy you like them. I took approximately 1200 photos, all high quality digital images on average about 3.5 MB file each with an Olympus E-1 camera. Q.Was this just an exotic fun trip or do you have a purpose for the photos? A.Almost every year I take an exotic trip and take many photos. I changed from film to digital only last year. I now use an Olympus E1, because I'm very impressed with the quality of their lenses specifically designed for digital. I would like to publish and/or sell the photos. I made a CD using the Flip Album Publisher. Perhaps it will be a viable project for selling. www.ifpo.net Q.Are photographers welcomed at this event? A.The Pushkar Camel Fair is the largest of its kind in the world. The usually sleepy little town is crowded by the approximately 150,000 pilgrims and 60 to 70 thousand foreigners. Anyone is welcome to take photos there, but arrangements need to be made 6-8 months in advance, at least to get a decent hotel. Q.Were photographers and news media common there? A.Some groups were taking videos and there were a few professional photographers. I talked with one who was back for his 8th time. Q. Do you plan to submit to other publications? A.At this time no. Although I am looking for opportunities. Q.Is travel photography your area of concentration? A.I love to travel, therefore travel photography is one of my favored hobbies. This fall I'm planning to go on a special Festival visit to Bhutan, Vietnam, and at the end of December to Antarctica. Q.How do you prepare for such a trip? A.For an enjoyable exotic trip, preparation is vital. Ask lots of questions of everyone. Contact radio stations, local newspapers, read bulletin boards -- anything you can think of to get information. Equipment also requires planning. When I was shooting film in the past, I did not have much of a problem. With digital the story ends when the batteries die, so it is of special concern. Q.What will you do next? A.Prepare for Antarctica. In the freezing temperatures the batteries produce as little as 30% of their standard capacity so I will take along special chargers and battery warmers. For Bhutan, I have written to the personal secretary of His Majesty the King Jigme Singye Wangchuk asking permission to photograph him. Meanwhile, I will at least set my itinerary for 2006 travels and start a plan. Ω Today's Photographer International 19 IFPO FLEX SYSTEM NOW in Color ALL 8 SETS only $49.95 International Freelance Photographers Organization TOGRAP HO WHAT’S NEW!! IFPO Your Personal Name Studio or Business Name (optional) Street Address or PO Box City, State (prov) Zip (country) Phone and/or fax number and/or email since 1984 ELANCE P RE 1. NEW: Design and color cards in specialty sets. 2. NEW: We’ve unbundled the 48 card set so you can choose only the sets you need and slashed the “prices” drastically. Buy the first set or cards complete with wallet and badge holder for $24.95; add two additional sets of cards for only $10 more for a total of $34.95. 3 NEW: The “badge holder” option allows you to use your I.D. cards as a Badge. 4. NEW: Members report that the most effective components of the “flex I.D. system” are the “Gold Seal of Achievement” and the “specialty image” portrayed on each card. Early tests indicate client acceptance increases of more than 300% and more! SPOR TS signature CLASS LIFETIME AA P hotographer Sports set 1 #752A 1. Football 3. Skiing 5. Olympics 2. Golf 4. Archery 6. SportsOfficial International Freelance Photographers Organization SERVICE RATING MEMBER GRADE since 1984 STORM CLASS LIFETIME ✰✰✰ TOGRAP HO Your Personal Name Studio or Business Name (optional) Street Address or PO Box City, State (prov) Zip (country) Phone and/or fax number and/or email signature ISSUED 12/31/98 IFPO Identification # 99999 WHAT WORKS!! CHASER AA Weather Set #752D International Freelance Photographers Organization TOGRAP HO since 1984 ELANCE P RE O rg a CAMPAIGN P hotographer signature ISSUED 12/31/98 SERVICE RATING ✰✰✰ MEMBER GRADE AA RS n iz a ti gr oto Ph ce lan e e Fr nal International o Freelance Photographers Organization on ERS INT E PH OTOGRA PH g ra p h e rs ATIONAL RN YOUR PHOT O HCLASS ERLIFETIME E IFPO IFPO sin ce 1984 RS INTER HE EELANC E FR og r a p Political set #752H her 1. Campaign 2. 2000 Campaign 3. Democratic 4. Republican 5. White House 6. National Campaign IONAL AT F N P h o t C A M PA I G N o IFPO since 1984 City, State (prov) Zip (country) E Phone and/or fax number and/or email Festivals/Shows #752E 1. Air Show 2. Balloon Show 3. Auto Show 4. Rodeo 5. Water Sports 6. Festival signature ISSUED 12/31/98 SERVICE RATING ✰✰✰ CLASS LIFETIME MEMBER GRADE AA P hotographer IF YOU ALREADY HAVE THE FLEX System, You may ADD TO IT! item# price description 755B-1A . . .$14.95* . .1Set of Cards only - personalized, with Service Rating and Member Grade Set #_______. 755B-3A . . .$19.95* . .Any 3 Sets of Cards only - personalized, with Service Rating and Member Grade.Set 1#_____, Set 2#_____, Set 3#_____, 755B-8A . . .$29.95* . .All 8 Sets of Cards only, all personalized, with your Service Rating and Member Grade. 755A-LPC . .$19.95* . .Leather Presentation Case only with Gold Embossed Seal (see picture above). 755A-GSA . .$9.95* . .“Gold Seal of Achievement” card only that fits in the upper window of the Presentation Case. 755A-BPC . . .$9.95* . .Badge Presentation Holder holds any of the 48 I.D. cards. Add $9 S & H . . . . . . . 20 20 Clearly print the personalized information you desire for the cards. . complete IFPO Programs and Catalog www.ifpo.net ORDER TOLL FREE 7 days O IFP ce sin 84 19 Wr e HO h S R ograp I A ot Ph BALLOON Identification # 99999 YOUR U R PHOTO Your Personal Name TO O Studio or Business Name (optional) HERE Street REAddress or PO Box 2000 INTERN NAL FR TIO E Your Personal Name In te rn aor Studio Name (optional) ti oBusiness n a lorFPO Box Street Address re e la City, State (prov) Zip (country) nce h o to Phone and/or fax number and/orPemail TIONAL F NA RS INTER HE Identification # 99999 12/31/98 ISSUED E ✰✰✰ SERVIC RATING 4. We’ve kept the leather Presentation Case with the Gold Embossed Seal exactly the same! So if you have ordered the ISSUED 12/31/98 original FLEX system in the past, you don’t have to buy the SERVICE ✰✰✰ RATING leather I.D. Presentation Case again. 5. We’ve kept the “Gold Seal of Achievement” that slides into the upper part of the Presentation Case exactly the same! If you already have it, you don’t need to replace it. 6. We’ve kept the “Service Rating” and “Member Grade” that on ati awards excellence for service and IFPO activity exactly the niz A rga O s same on each and every I.D. card! her ap 1. Storm Center 2. Storm Chaser 3. Disaster 4. Hurricane 5. Flood Patrol 6. Tornado YOUR PHOTO HERE YOUR PHOTO HERE ELANCE P RE YOUR PHOTO HERE IONAL AT F N RS INTER HE l Fre a ti o n a In te r n OGRAPHE OT MEMBER GRADE TOGRAP HO ✰✰✰ SERVICE RATING ELANCE P RE ISSUED 12/31/98 ANCE PH EL YOUR PHOTO HERE IONAL AT F N RS INTER HE Identification # 99999 ORDER FORM Today's Photographer International on page 47 1-800-654-9557 LIF CLASS ER MEMBE GRAD CONCER T CLASS LIFETIME ✰✰✰ SERVICE RATING ONE Set of cards plus wallet and badge holder #755B-1 since 1984 signature ISSUED 12/31/98 $24.95 IFPO Your Personal Name Studio or Business Name (optional) Street Address or PO Box City, State (prov) Zip (country) Phone and/or fax number and/or email ELANCE P RE YOUR PHOTO HERE TOGRAP HO RS INTER HE Identification # 99999 IONAL AT F N N G I S E D W E N International Freelance Photographers Organization MEMBER GRADE AA P hotographer Entertainment set#752G 1. Concert 2. Country Music 3. Radio/TV 4. Recording Industry 5. Jazz 6. Rock and Blues International Freelance Photographers Organization LIFETIME CLASS ER AA MEMBE GRAD gr Photo YOUR PHOTO HERE IFPO Identification # 99999 Your Personal Name Studio or Business Name (optional) Street Address or PO Box City, State (prov) Zip (country) Phone and/or fax number and/or email since 1984 FIRE SCENE signature SERVICE RATING CLASS LIFETIME ✰ MEMBER GRADE MEMBER GRADE ✰✰✰ CLASS LIFETIME MEMBER GRADE AA P hotographer TOGRAP HO SPOR TS P hotographer AA Sports set 3 #752C 1. Baseball 2. Hockey 3. Soccer 4. Boxing 5. Track & Field 6. Martial Arts International Freelance Photographers Organization RS INTER HE RS INTER HE ISSUED 12/31/98 8 CLASS LIFETIME YOUR PHOTO HERE Identification # 99999 Your Personal Name Studio or Business Name (optional) Street Address or PO Box City, State (prov) Zip (country) Phone and/or fax number and/or email IONAL AT F N 8 ✰✰ International Freelance Photographers Organization IONAL AT F N signature EO R O Dr a p h e r ✰✰✰ TOGRAP HO Name me (optional) rsonal Your Peor Business NaBox s or PO untry) Studio ail (co Addres Street ate (prov) Zip ber and/or em m City, St d/or fax nu an Phone TOGRAP HO OGRAPH OT # 99999 ication SERVICE RATING All 8 Sets of cards plus wallet and badge holder #755B-FX ELANCE P RE Identif LANCE PH EE R TO RE since 1984 since 1984 signature ISSUED 12/31/98 $49.95 IFPO Your Personal Name Studio or Business Name (optional) Street Address or PO Box City, State (prov) Zip (country) Phone and/or fax number and/or email IFPO since 1984 ELANCE P RE IONAL F R AT on a n iz a ti rs Org INTER N raphe RS g E to o e Ph e e la n c nal Fr YOUR PHOTO HERE ELANCE P RE $34.95 Any 3 Sets of cards plus wallet and badge holder #755B-3 IONAL AT F N RS INTER HE IFPO Identification # 99999 MOT MOTORSPORTS ORSPORTS signature ISSUED 12/31/98 SERVICE RATING ✰✰✰ CLASS LIFETIME MEMBER GRADE AA P hotographer AA Sports set 2 Emergency set #752F 1. Forensic 3. Court 5. Investigator cards are protected behind sturdy clear plastic item# price description 755B-1 . . . .$24.95 . . . 1Set of Cards, personalized, with Service Rating and Member Grade plus Leather Presentation Case, “Gold Seal of Achievement” card and badge holder Set : #______, 755B-3 . . . .$34.95 . . . Any 3 Sets of Cards, personalized, with Service Rating and Member Grade plus Leather Presentation Case, “Gold Seal of Achievement” card and badge holder. Set 1#_____, Set 2#_____, Set 3#_____. 755B-FX . . .$49.95 . . . All 8 Card Sets, personalized,with your Ser- *S & H . . . . . .$9.00 . . . vice Rating and Member Grade plus Leather Presentation Case, “Gold Seal of Achievement” card and Badge Holder. SHIPPING for above items from pg. 26 755B-1A . . .$14.95 . . . 1 Set of Cards only Set #______. 755B-3A . . .$19.95 . . . Any 3 Sets of Cards only Set 1#_____, Set 2#_____, Set 3#_____. 755B-8A . . .$29.95 . . . All 8 Sets of Cards only, 755A-LPC . .$19.95 . . . Leather Presentation Case only. 755A-GSA . .$9.95 . . . Gold Seal of Achievement card only. 755A-BPC . . .$9.95 . . . Badge Presentation Holder only *S & H . . . . . .$9.00 . . . SHIPPING for items from page 26 Total _______ ORDER FORM page www.ifpo.net on ORDER TOLL FREE 7 days #752B 1. Motor Sports 2. Basketball 3. Tennis 4. Equestrian 5. Motocross 6. Bowling 2. Fire Scene 4. Medical 6. Emergency T O ORDER: W ith y our cr edit car d CALL 1-800-654-9557or use the or der f or m BELOW or on pa g e 47. Clearly print the personalized information desired for the cards. 5 Digit IFPO Member #___________ or enclose dues. _____________________________________________ name _____________________________________________ (optional) business name _____________________________________________ address _____________________________________________ city/st/zip _____________________________________________ phone FAX _____________________________________________ email URL Use your Check, Money Order, OR Credit Card as follows: expiration date Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # ______________________________________________________ signed date MAIL THIS COUPON TO: IFPO ORDER DEPT. PO BOX 777, Lewisville, NC 27023-0777 47 1-800-654-9557 complete IFPO Programs and Catalog www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer Interna- 21 PRESS ’s r e t r o Rep SURVIVAL GEAR BREAKING NEWS CHASE kit! WHAT YOU GET WHAT IS IT? The Pursuit Package: The Breaking News Chase Kit is composed of three vital parts. The Pursuit Package gets you on the scene; the Action Package gives what you need at the scene; the Instant Response Package gets your news story to the right news outlet instantly. • Three (3) fully assembled laminated NEWS REPORTER accreditation ID’s each with your name and Assignment Verification Code. They are custom made to use with your current Press Passport, Press Badge and Press Wallet I.D. Card. • The Pursuit Guide prepares you to gather, record and distribute breaking news stories. WHO CAN GET IT 1. If you are an IFPO member with the Press Passport, Press Credentials or both, YOU QUALIFY and may order the Breaking News Chase Kit. 2. If you are an IFPO member, but not yet a member of the press program, TO QUALIFY you must order one of the press programs (page 10 & 11) before or at the same time you order the Chase Kit. Use with chain or clips with 402A press badge card (pg 21). Accreditation Certificate The following Correspondent Photographer has met all standards and requirements to receive full accreditation as a NEWS The Action Package: • Action Scene Reporters Log • New Client Hot Sheets • Accident Report Forms • Quick Response Information Forms The Instant Response Package: • A Field Directory of HOT contacts. • 3 Quick Step Releases • Instant Reporter’s Delivery Forms • Rights to Use Contract & Fee Contracts All forms include reproduction rights so you always have a permanent supply. 3 ID’s, FIELD kit & PURSUIT Guide! PLUS 14 Reporter's Forms Masters REPORTER Accreditation Certificate NEWS REPORTER John Q. Smith Assignment Verification Code: 00001SMI Accredited: January 14, 1998 Accredited: The following Correspondent Photographer has met all standards and requirements to receive full accreditation as a NEWS REPORTER John Q. Smith Assignment Verification Code: 00001SMI AMERICAN IMAGE PRESS www.aipress.com/news.html January 14, 1998 Accredited: January 14, 1998 CODE Nwww.aipress.com/news.html www.aipress.com/news.html IF IC A T IO R E V T N Fits inside 408A passport. (pg 20). S IG N M E YOUR AS H IT W NOW CHASE kit ™ AMERICAN IMAGE PRESS Fits in wallet with 402A press wallet card (pg 21). AMERICAN IMAGE PRESS #451B - $39.95 ACTION Package INSTANT PURSUIT RESPONSE Package Package CHASE kit ™ CHASE kit ™ CHASE kit ™ Forms Masters: Q&A I already have Press Credentials. Why do I have to buy the Chase Kit? You DO NOT. The Chase Kit was simply designed to make the breaking NEWS REPORTER’S job easy. It gives you everything you need on the spot to do the job, do it right and get it to your nearest editor. The Chase Kit actually serves as your assistant to make sure you collect all the facts and then get them to the right place. What is a Chase photographer; what do they chase? We consider any photographer who is in search of breaking news events to be a “Chase Hound”. He chases sports, entertainment, fires, accidents, storms, natural disasters, plane crashes, train wrecks, press conferences and even goodwill tours. Police will recognize the Press Credentials which must be used with the NEWS REPORTER accreditation part of the Chase Kit. Will Today’s Photographer publish these news stories? Today’s Photographer WILL publish stories about YOU covering these stories. The breaking news stories themselves need to go to daily newspapers and wire services. How do I find out if a newspaper or TV station can use my news photos? Let’s use an auto accident as an example. You have photographed the wreck and are leaving the scene without having seen any other photographers or news teams. Pick up the nearest phone (using the numbers listed in your Reporter’s Field Directory) to notify news agencies that photos of the accident are available even though the film has not been processed. Breaking news is HOT and should be reported immediately. Reporter's Log & Evaluation Accident Report Client Hot Sheets & Notification Quick Response News Log News Event Checkpoint List Daily Action Planner Hot Local Contacts Quick Response Labs Field Directory Notes Quick Step Publication Release Quick Step Model Release Quick Step Property Release Instant News Report Rights to Publish Agreement CHASE kit 22 PRO SS G OPT RAM ION Will the Chase Kit be recognized? Accreditation Certificate The following Correspondent Photographer has met all standards and requirements to receive full accreditation as a John Q. Smith Assignment Verification Code: 00001SMI PRE ™ complete IFPO Programs and Catalog ORDER TOLL FREE 7 days www.ifpo.net 1-800-654-9557 ORDER FORM on page 47 H OW P HOTOGRAPHY B OOKS TO PHOTOSHOP CS PHOTOGRAPHER’S GUIDE TO WEB PUBLISHING BASIC STUDIO LIGHTING THE ART OF PHOTOGRAPHING WOMEN BY CHARLES SAUNDERS BY TONY CORBELL BY KEVIN AMES Learn web page Photographer’s Learn retouchdesign and pubComplete Guide ing to turn gorlishing. to Professional geous women into Techniques flawless beauties 192 pages using Photoshop. All color 144 pages illustrations. 150 color 368 pages $19.95. illustrations. 200 color photos Contact: $24.95. $34.99 212 532 7160 Contact: 646 654 5455 Contact: 1-800-225-5945 Sterling Publishing Co. Inc. [email protected] [email protected] THE ART OF GARDEN PHOTOGRAPHY BY IAN ADAMS Covers shooting outdoors, indoors, gardens at night and the business of garden photography. 200 pages 146 color photos $24.95 Contact: 800-327-5680 RICK SAMMON’S COMPLETE GUIDE TO DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY 107 Lessons on taking, making editing, storing, printing and sharing better digital images. 517 pages Over 1000 images. $45.00 timberpress.com/media HOWTO Create & Market Glamour Videos • in your own home • with your own gear • in your spare time Video Production Series Volume 1 By Chuck and Bev Hemstreet Contact: 212-790 4267 [email protected] VHS or DVD #3CH1 - $39.95 specify VHS or DVD Boudoir Photography Made Easy! Soft and sensuous or hot and sultry...learn the secrets of capturing the most alluring, provocative side of any woman. Includes tips on:• Equipment • Lighting Techniques • Flattering Poses and Costumes • Inexpensive Sets. 60 min VHS. #3CH2 - $39.95 VHS or DVD Glamour Photography Country Style Take an exciting adventure into the world of glamour photography ON LOCATION. Lovely young women in a variety of natural and rustic settings help illustrate the simple techniques you can use to stimulate and enhance your business. Topics include: • Fill Flash & Reflector Fill • Dramatic & Corrective Posing • Location Shooting • Natural Lighting. 60 min VHS. #3CH3 - $39.95 VHS or DVD #3CH8-$39.95 VHS or DVD Glamour videos are a market that's waiting to be tapped. This video will show you how to produce exciting glamour videos that will dazzle and delight your customers. Learn a 12 Point Marketing Plan that will assure your success. This video shows you how to make the transition into video. Topics covered are: •Working With the Client •Video Lighting for Maximum Impact •Animating Standard Poses •5 Important Editing Tips •Simple Set Designs. 45 min. VHS. #3CH8 $39.95. VHS or DVD www.ifpo.net Boudoir Photography Shadows & Reflections Intimate portraiture of women is IN DEMAND! This video shows you how to create sensitive, provocative images that will be cherished for a lifetime. Valuable companion to “Volume 1.” this video explores: • Posing • Set Design • Dramatic Lighting. 60 min VHS. #3CHX - $99.95 3 Vol. Set, 3 hrs VHS or DVD Basic 1 Boudoir Boudoir Photography Made Easy! #3CH1 VHS or DVD INTERIOR PHOTOGRAPHY BY ERIC ROTH Lighting and Other Professional Techniques with Style. 160 pages 200 color illustrations. $29.95. Contact: 646 654 5455 [email protected] FROM THE PUBLISHER Continued from page 4 the Fall issue which will appear in late July. The second one will be the Winter issue which will appear in November. You can access these issues by going to the IFPO home page at www.ifpo.net. Once these issues appear on the internet you have two choices: you can print it to read at your leisure or you can read it directly from your computer screen. If you do not have access to a computer, you can send $2 for postage and handling to IFPO. We will print a copy straight from the internet and mail it to you. There is an advantage to this new plan for both members and IFPO. First of all, your copy will not get lost in the mail. Secondly, those issues will be on the internet permanently for you to visit at any time in the future, even back issues starting with the Fall edition. Step Two: The Annual issue will be printed in the regular fashion and mailed to you in the first quarter of 2006. Because you will not receive another issue in the mail this year, it is very important that you keep this one for reference to programs and services. We look forward to serving you better and even more efficiently in the next 20 years. Ω Today's Photographer International 23 NAL • FRE TIO EL NA IFPO PICTURE AWARDS RS • ORGA HE NI AP • PHOTO CE GR AN IFPO N TIO ZA PROGRAM • INT ER guaranteed publishing credits PICTURE AWARDS PROGRAM Members can start or expand their publishing credits using IFPO's unique "PICTURE AWARD" program. Each photo submitted will be published in Today's Photographer magazine on-line or subscriber edition. A handsome 5.5 inch x 8.5 inch "Certificate of Publication Award" will be issued for each qaulifying photo. To qualify: ❏ Include your Member#, name, address with each photo. ❏ Give each photo a name, title or caption. Technical info is helpful. ❏ Each photo can be a color or B/W print or transparency. No prints larger than 8.5 x 11 inches. ❏ A $15 service fee is required for each photo to cover the cost of scanning for publication. Photos to be returned to the member must be accompanied by a suitable photo mailer with sufficient postage. f Publication Certificate o ward icture A P John C. Smith, Jr. 97 mber 01, 19ont Date: Dece Publication Title: Savannah Riverfr e ur Pict ckburn Annette B. Bla om Today's www.aipress.c Photographer, editor Photographer AY'S TOD TODAY'S THE PROVEN magazine FREELANCING BRIDGE TO please copy as many of these forms as you need PICTURE AWARD FORM PICTURE AWARD FORM Name, member# _____________________________________________ Name, member# _____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________________________ Phone or fax ________________________________________________ Phone or fax ________________________________________________ Date:_________________________PHOTO #________ OF __________ Date:_________________________PHOTO #________ OF __________ Title (opt):___________________________________________________ Title (opt):___________________________________________________ Technical info (opt): __________________________________________ Technical info (opt): __________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ The photographs submitted are my own, and I hereby give permission to Today's Photographer to reproduce them. I agree that Today's Photographer bears no responsibility for entries without the service fee or return mailer with postage. Model releases must be included where applicable. The photographs submitted are my own, and I hereby give permission to Today's Photographer to reproduce them. I agree that Today's Photographer bears no responsibility for entries without the service fee or return mailer with postage. Model releases must be included where applicable. $15 SERVICE FEE ENCLOSED for EACH PHOTO! ❏ Check, ❏ Money Order, $15 SERVICE FEE ENCLOSED for EACH PHOTO! ❏ Check, ❏ Money Order, ❏ Cash, ❏ Credit Card# ___________________________exp date ________ ❏ Cash, ❏ Credit Card# ___________________________exp date ________ signature __________________________________________________________________________ signature __________________________________________________________________________ MAIL PHOTOS TO: PICTURE AWARDS (IFPO) PO Box 777 Lewisville NC 27023-0777 MAIL PHOTOS TO: PICTURE AWARD FORM PICTURE AWARDS (IFPO) PO Box 777 Lewisville NC 27023-0777 PICTURE AWARD FORM Name, member# _____________________________________________ Name, member# _____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________________________ Phone or fax ________________________________________________ Phone or fax ________________________________________________ Date:_________________________PHOTO #________ OF __________ Date:_________________________PHOTO #________ OF __________ Title (opt):___________________________________________________ Title (opt):___________________________________________________ Technical info (opt): __________________________________________ Technical info (opt): __________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ The photographs submitted are my own, and I hereby give permission to Today's Photographer to reproduce them. I agree that Today's Photographer bears no responsibility for entries without the service fee or return mailer with postage. Model releases must be included where applicable. The photographs submitted are my own, and I hereby give permission to Today's Photographer to reproduce them. I agree that Today's Photographer bears no responsibility for entries without the service fee or return mailer with postage. Model releases must be included where applicable. $15 SERVICE FEE ENCLOSED for EACH PHOTO! ❏ Check, ❏ Money Order, $15 SERVICE FEE ENCLOSED for EACH PHOTO! ❏ Check, ❏ Money Order, ❏ Cash, ❏ Credit Card# ___________________________exp date ________ ❏ Cash, ❏ Credit Card# ___________________________exp date ________ signature __________________________________________________________________________ signature __________________________________________________________________________ MAIL PHOTOS TO: 24 PICTURE AWARDS (IFPO) PO Box 777 Lewisville NC 27023-0777 Today's Photographer International MAIL PHOTOS TO: PICTURE AWARDS (IFPO) PO Box 777 Lewisville NC 27023-0777 www.ifpo.net MAKE YOUR AFFILIATION WORK FOR YOU! IFPO RECOGNITION CERTIFICATES IFPO style (shown) PRESS Program style √ √ Cat# CATEGORY ❏ ....573A ........Freelance Photographer ❏ ....573B ........Sports Photographer ❏ ....573C ........Concert Photographer ❏ ....573D ........Wedding Photographer ❏ ....573E.........Portrait Photographer ❏ ....573F.........Wildlife Photographer ❏ ....573G ........Nature Photographer ❏ ....573H ........Glamour Photographer ❏ ....573J..........Model Photographer ❏ ....573K ........Model Portfolio Photographer ❏ ....573L.........Nude Study Photographer ❏ ....573X ........OTHER (SPECIFY) Cat# CATEGORY ❏ ....574A ........News Photographer ❏ ....574B ........Photojournalist ❏ ....574C ........Concert Photographer ❏ ....574D ........Sports Photographer ❏ ....574E.........Entertainment Photographer ❏ ....574F .........Celebrity Photographer ❏ ....574G ........Police Photographer ❏ ....574H ........Investigative Photographer ❏ ....574J..........Correspondent Photographer ❏ ....574K ........Fire Photographer ❏ ....574L.........Press Photographer ❏ ....574X ........OTHER (SPECIFY) $9.95 each or ANY 5 CERTIFICATES ABOVE #57XX for only $39.95 Be sure to give your name as you wish it to appear on the certificate(s). IFPO members only! Give your 5-digit I.D. number when ordering. $9.95 each I FPO or Press Style LETTERHEAD FREELANCE PHOTO GRAPHER MEMBER #00001 E • PHOTO NC G LA NAL • FR TIO EE NA Video Yourtown, NY 12345 • (999) 999-9999 IFPO • IN TE R YOUR Specifications ION AT IZ Custom Designed to John Q. Smith Smith Photography and 123 W. Anystreet, Custom Designed & Personalized, ready to take to your printer, chose paper stock, ink color at your printer. You get six originals of each set you order! Each set is Professionally typeset and printed on laser-graphic paper at 600 dpi. Embroidered 3" Patches Multi Color for hats, jackets, camera bags! Item# 7021 7022 7023 Price $9.95 $14.95 $19.95 Call FREE Description 1 patch (3") 2 patches (3") 4 patches (3") 7 Da ys 1-800-654-9557 or use the ORDER FORM on page 47 IFPO MEMBER STYLE ❏ 511A ..Member FREELANCE Photographer..$19.95 ea. ❏ 511B ..Member SPORTS Photographer.........$19.95 ea. ❏ 511C..Member CONCERT Photographer ......$19.95 ea. ❏ 511D..Member WEDDING Photographer.....$19.95 ea. ❏ 511E ..Member PORTRAIT Photographer ....$19.95 ea. ❏ 511F ..Member WILDLIFE Photographer......$19.95 ea. ❏ 511G..Member NATURE Photographer........$19.95 ea. ❏ 511H..Member GLAMOUR Photographer....$19.95 ea. ❏ 511J...Member MODEL CONSULTANT .......$19.95 ea. ❏ 511X ..Member Photographer....$19.95 ea. PRESS PROGRAM STYLE ❏ 512A...NEWS Photographer .........................$19.95 ea. ❏ 512B...PHOTOJOURNALIST......................$19.95 ea. ❏ 512C ..CONCERT Photographer ...................$19.95 ea. ❏ 512D ..SPORTS Photographer......................$19.95 ea. ❏ 512E...ENTERTAINMENT Photographer ...$19.95 ea. ❏ 512F...CELEBRITY Photographer ................$19.95 ea. ❏ 512G ..POLICE Photographer .......................$19.95 ea. ❏ 512H ..INVESTIGATIVE Photographer .......$19.95 ea. ❏ 512J ...CORRESPONDENT Photographer...$19.95 ea. ❏ 512X... Photographer..............$19.95 ea. OTHER (SPECIFY) ❏ 51XX OTHER (SPECIFY) ANY 6 SETS ABOVE ...................$49.95 Tot. ✔ CHECK THE BOXES FOR SETS YOU ARE ORDERING ❏ 512XX ANY 6 SETS ABOVE ................$49.95 Tot. ✔ CHECK THE BOXES FOR SETS YOU ARE ORDERING ORDER TOLL FREE 7 Days 1-800-654-9557 • ORDER FORM on page 47 FAX FREE: 1-800-283-5989 Go to www.ifpo.net for Complete IFPO Programs and Catalog www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International ERS • ORG AN PH RA LETTERHEAD MASTERS! 25 PRESS PHOTOGRAPHY continued from page 8 height of the closest wall, in case of collapse. Some departments string rope or tape around a scene to keep spectators and press at a safe distance. This is when a zoom lens comes in handy. • Get to know law enforcement and fire fighters in your area. Once they know and trust you, your job will be easier. Also, don’t forget to provide them a few FREE photos occasionally. Firefighters often make large posters to hang in their office or on firehouse walls. General Access There are “rules” for shooting events other than breaking news. 1. Never behave like a fan. Do not ask for autographs and never ask a celebrity to pose with you in a picture. 2. Be COURTEOUS to the person you are photographing. Don’t get up their face or interrupt their conversations. Be discreet. 3. Do not shoot photos in compromising situations that are unflattering and distasteful. 4. Be considerate of your fellow photographers on the scene. You should be their ally not a foe. 5. Arrive early and be prepared. Know what kind of photos you want and how to get them. 6. Respect and adhere strictly to the event rules for photographers. Rules are made for a reason. It is your responsibility to honor them. 7. Live up to your obligations to media directors and others. If you agree not to sell photographs commercially, then do not. 8. Do not litter. When you walk away, there should be no evidence that anyone has been there for any purpose. 9. If you ever question that a certain action might not be appropriate -DON’T DO IT. 10.To gain access to controlled events (sports, entertainment, etc.) contact the media relations director of the event you wish to cover. 11.First contact with a media direc26 Today's Photographer International tor should be two to four weeks prior to the event. 12.Along with an IFPO introduction letter, include a personal introduction letter and keep it strictly professional. Consider using certified or overnight mail. 13.As soon as your request has had time to reach its destination, place a follow-up call to the media contact to make sure the request was received and offer any other information that may be required. 14.When applying for credentials in subsequent years, send the event organizer tear sheets from the prior year event. Motorsports 15.Motor sports are dangerous and require careful behavior. The media guide, available from each circuit provides the information a photographer needs. 16.Get a photographer’s map of the circuit each time you photograph a race, even if you are familiar with the course. Safety is the real issue, but you may also find a fresh vantage point. 17.Always do your homework and be prepared before you start. Golf Tournaments Always adhere strictly to the established PGA Tour Media Regulations for photographers or risk being ejected from the premises. 18.There must be no noise or other distractions near the players during play. 19.A photograph of the player engaging the ball must be taken just AFTER the player hits the ball. An earlier click of a shutter could easily distract the golfer. 20.A photographer must remain within a MAXIMUM of an arm’s length inside the gallery ropes. 21.A photographer must wear the photo arm band in order to walk inside the gallery ropes. 22.Flashes must not be used on the course during play. They may only be used in the press room and during the opening and closing ceremonies. Pro Football and Basketball When covering professional sports or any other high profile event, you are representing yourself and your publication. Misconduct on your part may jeopardize other phtographers from the same publication future credentials. 23. Don’t use a tripod -- it could be hazardous for players and other photographers. A monopod is safer and easier to set up and move around. 24. As the action moves past you, carefully move to the next best spot considering the action of the game and other photographers. 25. Stay out of ALL restricted areas. 26. Basketball teams huddle photographers along the sidelines under the baskets. If you make a special request to the media director, you may get permission to shoot on the sideline near the scorers table, from an aisle, or mount a camera to the backboard or from the catwalk. 27. If you have to STROBE the arena, special assignments must be made. If you are allowed to shoot the team from behind the bench, do it quickly and move on. 28. For basketball if you are required to SIT on the floor while shooting from under the basket it will be a tight squeeze. Mark your spot on the floor early with your name on a piece of tape or card. Mono pods are usually allowed, but you must keep it close to you. 29. When you first shoot a particular team, give the media manager a few photos. He may not use them but it will create good relations with the media department. 30. If you cover a team regularly, you will get to know some of players. Do not abuse your credential privilege by asking for autographs. Such frivilous action could result in loss of your credentials and tarnish your credibility permanently. Continued on page 42 www.ifpo.net 2 0 0 4 A N N U A L P H O T O C O N T E S T W INNER Single File (DECEMBER CERTIFICATE WINNER). ©2004 FRANK RANDOLPH IFPO, JUNCTION, TEXAS. CANON EOS DIGITAL REBEL, 135-400 LENS, F8@1/60, ISO 100, FOCAL LENGTH 186MM, UV FILTER. CANON I960 PRINTER. MORE WINNERS ON PAGE 29 E d i t o r i a l Submission Guidelines USE THIS FORM to submit ARTICLES, PHOTOS, and TIPS to be considered for publication in Today's Photographer. USE THIS FORM and follow these guidelines to make sure your submission package is complete. LOOK AT THE MAGAZINE!! When you look at examples of what is actually published in the magazine, it's like looking at the test answers before taking the test!! HOW TO SUCCEED is what we are all about! How to make money, gain access and get published. How did you get the celebrity to let you get the picture. How did you get the model to pose for you. What surprise barriers were you able to overcome? How did you get those death defying pictures right from your car window? INSPIRATION is the word our readers use most to describe the magazine and it's content! Have you had some success with your camera or an idea that would inspire others? SELDOM SHOOTERS: So you only picked up your camera once or twice in the past few years, shot a lot of film for an afternoon or a week, then let it get away from you. What was so important that caused you to pick your camera up? Family reunion? Your kid's big soccer game? Beach trip of a lifetime? Favorite group finally came to town in concert? House down the street caught fire? 2 weeks in Yellowstone? Big celebration at work? DIFFERENT DRUMMERS: Maybe you have a story with a different slant — submit it. You may inspire us to expand our editorial range. Consider and editorial submission even if you have never made a one before. Publishing your story and/or photos is another way for us to reward our readers who share a special bond in their passion for succeeding as photographers ... and making money. Again, our resolution is to support that effort in every issue and to make sure that Today’s Photographer “works” for you. www.ifpo.net Editorial Submission CHECKLIST ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ IFPO Member# _____________ A photo of YOURSELF (suggestions: with your camera, at the scene, with someone important, etc.). A typed or clearly hand-printed copy of your Article, Sidetrip, Success Story or Tech Tip. Text files on 1.4 MB floppies are great (PC or MAC). PRINTS or TRANSPARENCIES that illustrate your story (COLOR or B/W) with captions and labels. A list of captions or titles for each photo. Tell us interesting things about yourself such as past awards, publishing accomplishments, hobbies, or even a funny story that would interest a reader. Do Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ this submission and make it AVAILABLE for publication in all future issues. ❏ Keep HAVE inclosed a RETURN MAILER with adequate POSTAGE. ❏ IPlease consider this submission for publication for the next ______ issues ONLY, then return it to me. Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ City / State: _________________________________________________________________________ Zip Code/ Country ____________________________________________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________ Fax: ____________________________________ Submission of my entry grants Today’s Photographer permission to publish my story or photos. signature ______________________________________________________ date _______________________________ Editorial Submissions, PO Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 Today's Photographer International 27 WEDDING Paul Thompson is a Master Craftsman Photographer awarded from The Professional Photographers of America for photographic excellence. He was featured in two Kodak video taped productions that were sold worldwide. He built "The Huntington House" photography studio, a 3 story cape-cod style building from the ground up. He is well known for his mastery in photography as well as his business and marketing skills. He shares his expertise on advertising, promotions, studio operations and management. He has been a speaker across the nation, published articles and has been an instructor at the college level inspiring and promoting his passion and artistic creativity for photography. Photography his new video series is packed with 20 years of practical experience, knowledge, skills and tips. Paul uses a real wedding as well as studio demonstrations to illustrate methods he has learned and developed while becoming one of the nation's most successful wedding photographers. T #380-3 - $139.95 (3 volume set on 1 VHS tape) 3 Volumes Includes: ! Y U B endss t comm e t r t oi IFPO producers! this memb FREE BONUS with your order • An actual wedding being photographed • How to achieve quality lighting on location • Posing the bride and groom at the wedding • How to pose small and large family groups • Ceremony photographs that must be taken • Studio lighting and posing demonstrations • Tips on how to operate a studio successfully • An actual reception being photographed • How to photograph cake cutting and groups • Outdoor romantics with the bride and groom • Studio portrait session with bride and groom • Complete equipment guide for weddings • Recommendations for forms and contracts (WHILE SUPPLIES LAST) • Detailed list of "must poses" that will make every wedding day complete. • Sample "agenda card" to carry with you, and make your day run smoother. • Copy of Paul's actual "wedding contract" that every bride completes. • "Schedule" to help plan the wedding day's photographs with the bride. ORDER TOLL FREE 24 hours 7 days 1-800-654-9557 28 Today's Photographer International ORDER FORM on page 47 www.ifpo.net 2004 PHOTO CONTEST WINNERS FEBRUARY WINNER: PEOPLE UP CLOSE THERE IS ONLY ONE JOURNEY. © 2004 by Lyudmila Fedossov, Skokie, Illinois. Technical Information n/a. APRIL WINNER: FLOWERS UP CLOSE. AMARYLLIS. © 2004 by Dora DuMoulin, Russell, New York.Minolta Maxxum, Tamron lens 70-300. JANUARY WINNER: ANYTHING OUTDOORS: (ALL SUBJECTS). BLENNY. © 2004 by Anthony E. Ciampa, Sahuarita, Arizona. Nikonos V. 35mm/ 1.2 Extension Tube and Macro Framer, ISO 200. MAY WINNER: YOUR BEST SHOT POINT WILSON. © 2004 by Frank Randolph, Junction, Texas. Canon EOS, F19@1/15, ISO 50, UV Filter, www.ifpo.net MORE WINNERS PAGE 37 MARCH WINNER: YOUR BEST SHOT (ALL SUBJECTS). FISH ANYONE?. © 2004 Tommy Shaw, Louisville, Kentucky. Nikon F90X. 24 F2.8, Fuji Super HQ100. Today's Photographer International 29 IFPO New Discoveries MODEL CONSULTANTS ATTRACT NEW FACES & FIGURES http://www.ifpo.net/discoveries WHY CONSULTING? EL G R I N A L • FR E IO AT ZA TI O N • IN TE RN Today's Photographer International • PH OTO AN 30 CE • O RG 1. Offers opportunity to start or expand a model portfolio business (photo or video). 2. Provides photographers with an easy way to attract models for their other photography interests and assignments. 3. Provides models immediate exposure on the IFPO New Discoveries Internet Site. Photographers often need models in their regular work, and models always need pho- N ERS Model Consulting is a business opportunity sponsored by the International Freelance Photographers Organization (IFPO). The program gives photographers three effective ways to make money immediately and get immediate exposure for their newly discovered models: A PH WHAT IS MODEL CONSULTING? NEW DISCOVERIES A • Attract New Faces and Figures • Recruit Models For Money • Shoot Glamour Photos for Cash • Be Your Own Boss • Work at Your Own Pace • Make Money and Have Fun Your photo here. Certifies: BE YOUR OWN BOSS SHOOT GLAMOUR PHOTOS for CASH FULL TIME or PART TIME at HOME - STUDIO or ON-LOCATION or without a studio. Hundreds of models have been recruited over the years by IFPO member photographers. Consultants may experience dramatic increases in their incomes as a result of the IFPO New Discoveries program; first, by photographing aspiring new models’ portfolios, then by providing access to the IFPO New Discoveries internet site. Consultants who do not recruit models for IFPO are able to attract all the models they need for their other photography interests! AMATEUR MODELS Your Name, ID #99999 Top Notch Photos PO Box 777 Lewisville, NC 27023 New “amateur” models discovered by consultants have starred in major video productions, auditioned for prime time TV shows, and participated in fashion, photography, and honor an in I pledge to present each model able and professional manner. promotional assignments too numerous to ) signed ____( _____ ____________________ name. Many photographers have used Model ConMODEL CONSULTANT sulting as a springboard to launch successful www.ifpo.net/discoveries careers in model portfolio and video production businesses. Many consultants use the t o g r a - program to make it easy to attract models for phers to produce their portfolios in order that use in their other photography interests and they may promote themselves and pursue a never list their models on the IFPO New Discareer development program. IFPO serves coveries internet site. You can use the promore than 100,000 photographers and mod- gram to further any of your business or els in 131 countries around the world. hobby interests. ALL THE MODELS YOU NEED BENEFITS TO MODELS Hundreds of Consultants since 1984 have proven and refined the program. It works. Freelance photographers are natural “body hunters” in search of new images. Through Model Consulting, photographers can earn money while starting or developing their business in model portfolios or even starting a modeling agency. IFPO supplies you with eacy, complete, instructions to get started making money with The benefits afforded models through the IFPO New Discoveries Program are unique. The dues are only $40 for the first year and $30 for each year thereafter. For that the model receives a complete New Discoveries Kit with an Identification Card and Parchment Certificate. The model also receives a current issue of How to Become a Successful Model. Each model gets a free listing on the IFPO New Discoveries Internet site for freelance models: http://www.ifpo.net/discoveries Models who wish to have their photos published on the internet site may do so for additional fees which cover the cost of scanning and set up. Detailed information is in the Consultant’s New Discoveries Manual. Models may also be randomly selected as an Official New Discoveries Model. www.ifpo.net N N A AT IO N ERS • O R G AL • F R EE G PH IZ AT IO N • IN T ER IFPO New Discoveries models annual dues are only $40. E • PH OTO A HOW TO MAKE MONEY NC R JOIN OR UPGRADE NOW... LA NEW DISCOVERIES www.ifpo.net/discoveries Your Name, ID #99999 Top Notch Photos PO Box 777 Lewisville, NC 27023 I pledge to present each model in an honorable and professional manner. ____________________ _________(signed) Your photo here. MODEL CONSULTANT ber New Discoveries are eager to have these photos taken and published! Model Portfolios Pay Big Bucks As an authorized IFPO New Discoveries IFPO Pays Directly To You: Model Consultant, you are in a perfect situ$20.00 for each New Discoveries model ation to capture and build on this business recruited! Payment is instant. You collect opportunity. A Consultant can easily gain the $40 dues for the first year and send only the confidence of the model with the offi$20 on to IFPO with the internet listing cial credentials to guide and direct the form. development of the model’s portfolio. $30.00 for each model RENEWAL! Each Consultants have developed “packages” time your model renews, you collect the for new discoveries that have sold for $30 renewal fee and send only $10 to IFPO between $75 and $400 per model. Consulwith renewal form! tants have reported income as high as $427 $$$$$ PLUS! You make even more the first week. money when your “discovered” models want their photo published on the New Dis- MODEL CONSULTING coveries internet site. You collect the SOLVES AN OLD PROBLEM money ($20 for one photo; $50 for three) Your New Discoveries Model Consultant and KEEP 50% for yourself! (See the OperMembership does NOT require you to ating Manual.) recruit a single model EVER! New Discoveries Models Pay You Directly: Many IFPO photographers join the ConIFPO suggests that each new model pro- sultant Program simply to solve the age old vide 1-3 photographs for publication on the problem of finding models for other aspects internet. Those photos should depict the of their photography work without spendmodel in the broadest possible range of ing an arm and a leg with a modeling poses and settings...portraits to full shots... agency and without potential models being location to studio...furs to figure. Remem- skeptical of the photographer’s intentions. The official, internationally recognized IFPO Credentials and the New Discoveries Model Consulting Program make it supereasy to approach and convince any potential model to work with you. EVERYTHING YOU NEED Consultants report that potential models are convinced instantly when you use the identification materials provided in your Model Consultant Enrollment Kit!. New model prospects recognize you as a professional and are eager to follow your guidance without question. “I’ve never found it so easy to attract models,” is the most common response from new consultants. Enrollment as a consultant gives you everything you need to make money the very first week. It includes setting up your account at IFPO, your New Discoveries Model Consultant I.D. Cards, Letter of Certification, Operating Instructions and a supply of the business forms needed to get you up and running. It includes easy to follow instructions for promoting your business as an IFPO New Discoveries Model consultant and attracting or recruiting models. ATTENTION CURRENT IFMO MODEL CONSULTANTS You may upgrade (get a completely new package) to the New Discoveries Program for only $39 plus $9 S&H. Order item #905A-UP. IFPO NEW DISCOVERIES MODEL CONSULTING ENROLLMENT COUPON ( Available to IFPO Members only) 5 Digit IFPO Member #___________ or enclose dues. _____________________________________________ name _____________________________________________ (optional) business name _____________________________________________ address _____________________________________________ city/st/zip _____________________________________________ phone FAX _____________________________________________ email URL Use your Check, Money Order, OR Credit Card as follows: ❏ 905A.....Full Model Consultant Membership $69.00 (The $69 fee includes a $10 initiation fee for setting up your Consultant’s account and a $59 permanent Consultant Membership Dues) Your Consultant’s Kit contains: 1 Badge/Wallet ID card, 1 Wallet ID Card and laminating materials, Consultant’s Certificate, Consultant’s Operating Instructions and the following master forms: Model Interview Form (F164), Model Portfolio Contract (F165), Model Portfolio Checklist (F163) and Model Release (F191). You also get IFPO New Discoveries Enrollment Forms, Renewal Forms, and Internet Listing Releases. ❏ USA FIRST CLASS MAIL SHIPPING $ 9.00 (foreign shipping use instructions on page 47) TOTAL PAYMENT ENCLOSED ______ expiration date Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # ______________________________________________________ signed date MAIL THIS COUPON TO: IFPO ORDER DEPT. PO BOX 777, Lewisville, NC 27023-0777 www.ifpo.net CREDIT CARD ORDERS: CALL FREE 1-800-654-9557 or FAX 1-800-283-5989 (MAIL, C.O.D. ORDERS USE ORDER FORM ON PAGE 47) Today's Photographer International 31 introducing: IFPO Member "MAX-SET MAX-SET" UM IM . . . MAX . . Y T I L I UM M I X CREDIB A M . . . ...... IMUM X TRUST . . A M . . . . NCE . XIMUM CONFIDE A M . . S S E VEN printed on the finest "geopaper" high quality credentials bond. EFFECTI MAX-SET order form (or use the order form on page 47) IFPO Member# __________________ or enclose dues (see page 17 for membership information) name __________________________________________________________________________________ address _______________________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip ______________________________________________________________________________ IFPO Credentials are proven to solve the "credibility" and "trust" problems often encountered by freelance photographers. These credentials set your subject's mind at ease and allow you to get the shots you want. Your name and member number are professionally typeset on each credential. Do-it-yourself laminating materials with easy to follow instructions are included so you can apply your photo and finish them yourself. Each set includes 1 Passport Style Credential, 1 Badge I.D. and 1 Wallet I.D. An introductory letter of certification is included to complete the package. This is the most comprehensive membership I.D. and Credential set ever offered! phone/FAX ____________________________________________________________________________ ❏ 701A....Member FREELANCE Photographer .......$39.95 ea. ❏ 702A....Member SPORTS Photographer..................$39.95 ea. ❏ 703A....Member CONCERT Photographer..............$39.95 ea. ❏ 704A....Member WEDDING Photographer ............$39.95 ea. ❏ 705A....Member PORTRAIT Photographer ...........$39.95 ea. ❏ 706A....Member WILDLIFE Photographer .............$39.95 ea. ❏ 707A....Member NATURE Photographer.................$39.95 ea. ❏ 708A....Member GLAMOUR Photographer ..........$39.95 ea. ❏ 709A....Member MODEL CONSULTANT..............$39.95 ea. ❏ 799X....Member Photographer ....$39.95 ea. badge I.D. RS • ORGA HE NI AP NAL • FRE TIO EL NA • PHOTO CE GR AN IFPO N TIO ZA • INT ER Member# 87244 signature OTHER (SPECIFY) John Q. Smith P.O. Box 8347 Your city, NJ 08231 USA 724-777-5555 4 LINES OF CUSTOM INFORMATION CAN BE PLACED ON YOUR MAX-SET CREDENTIALS: _______________________________________________________________________________ Line 2 _______________________________________________________________________________ Line 3 _______________________________________________________________________________ John Q. Smith FREELANCE P.O. Box 8347 Your city, NJ 08231 USA 724-777-5555 PHOTOGRAPHER signature Use Check, Money Order, Or Credit Card: NAL • FRE TIO EL NA Passport I.D. NAL • FRE TIO EL NA IFPO Member# 87244 John Q. Smith PLACE PHOTO HERE P.O. Box 8347 Your city, NJ 08231 USA 724-777-5555 signature Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date signature____________________________________________________________________ credit cards: CALL FREE mail orders to: 32 and whose signature and photo appear below, is a correspondent photographer on assignment for Today's Photographer magazine. This photographer will be covering events of national and local interest including concerts, conventions, breaking news, sports and special programs. American Image Press respectfully requests that the bearer be granted permission to work as a Press Photographer in your domain. While in this capacity, the bearer will comply with all existing federal, state and local regulations. • INT ER TOTAL ENCLOSED • INT ER (foreign shipping use the table on page 47) N TIO ZA ADD USA SHIPPING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9.00 FREELANCE RS • ORGA HE NI AP _______________________________________________________________________________ ORDER any 1 set for:. . . . . . $39.95 +shipping any 2 sets for: . . . . . $59.95 +shipping any 3 sets for: . . . . . $69.95 +shipping any 6 sets for . . . . . $99.95 +shipping Member# 87244 RS • ORGA HE NI AP Line 4 • PHOTO CE GR AN International Freelance IFPO CE • PHOTO GR AN Photographers Organization PHOTOGRAPHER BEARER CERTIFICATE N TIO ZA Line 1 Wallet I.D. 1-800-654-9557 or fax 1-800-283-5989 FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHER IFPO Order Dept., PO Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 Today's Photographer International www.ifpo.net IFPO Announces New F lagship Pr ogram: American I nter national (AI) News S er vice T he year 2004 marked the 20th Anniversary of IFPO and it’s flagship American Image Press Program. Throughout that 20 year history, many of you have been operating as independent contractors for various news outlets using the IFPO/American Image Press Credentials, in addition to your assignments for Today’s Photographer magazine.We have always encouraged that activity. Now it’s time to do more. IFPO has more than 75,000 correspondents in 144 countries who provide comprehensive coverage that is factual and in context, directly to major news outlets for distribution. You live and work in some of the most populated and remote regions imaginable, ready and willing to capture news the instant it breaks. AND, you have the capacity to get it to mass media outlets for immediate release. Since we have been operating as a quasi news service for years, the decision has been made to put our own resources to work and declare our position as an independant news service and move into that mode of operation with our own experienced press photographers. In mid 2004 American International (AI) News Service was created to become the new flagship press program for current IFPO press photographers. Breaking news knows no borders and is most often unpredictable. Traditional news gathering institutions such as USA Today, The London Times, The Moscow Times, Al Ahram (Cairo), and others simply cannot station correspondents everyday in each city, town and tiny hamlet in every country on each continent waiting for news to break. AI can. Our photographers are already there! The new AI credentials are available only to veteran IFPO Press Photographers with previous satisfactory activity in the IFPO/American Image Press Program.You get the back-up of Today’s Photographer magazine plus the support of the new AI news service.For more information call 336945- 9867 weekdays. Ω ON ASSIGNMENT: CHICAGO BLUES FESTIVAL IN GRANT PARK 2004 THE FESTIVAL IS THE WORLD’S LARGEST FREE ADMISSION BLUES FESTI- VAL THIS YEAR SALUTED SOME OF THE GREATEST BLUES GUITARISTS INCLUDING D AVID H ONEYBOY E DWARDS , R OBERT J R . L OCKWOOD , HOMESICK JAMES AND ZYDECO ACCORDIONIST C. J. CHENIER. MORE THAN HALF A MILLION PEOPLE ATTENDED THE EVENT WHICH OFFERED SIX STAGES WITH MORE THAN SEVENTY PERFORMERS. PHOTOS ©2004 RICHARD B. RESSMAN IFPO, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA. RacingPhotography Continued from page 13 FORTUNA HONDA’S MARCO MELANDRI FINISHED 3RD AT CATALUNYA AND ASSEN. ©2004 ED DOERING www.ifpo.net give a blurred effect to show speed and movement of wheels. You can also try panning. Suppose as a fast bike streaks past you, you flow rhythmically along with the movement of the rider and bike keeping the image centered in your viewer. In photographic theory the bike and your camera would have been standing still, in relation to each other. Consequently, if you snap the shutter smoothly and steadily, continuing to follow through on your flowing movement till the bike and rider pass, you will have a sharp bike and rider with a nicely blurred background, showing a very effective illusion of speed. That’s panning. It takes time, patience and practice to learn but slowly you will get it. Motorcycle racing is so exciting because you get to see the rider work! Bikes display speed and intense action on real terms. The riders’ appendages are well used as they wrest speed from their brutal 200+ mph machines. Capitalize on that! Play with some or all of the films, techniques and suggestions offered here. Press access is a big part of winning racing photography. However, experimentation and a willingness to let your creative energy flow while giving full range to all your first impressionistic ideas work too. Some combination of all of the above may just result in a shot of excellent merit, or one that catches the eye of that Editor.Ω Today's Photographer International 33 ASSIGNMENTS NOW! FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHER’S ASSIGNMENT BANK on the INTERNET GET ASSIGNMENTS or SELL PHOTOS you already have! Editors and Photo Buyers Find You! Assignment and Picture Editors and other Photo Buyers have DIRECT and INSTANT INTERNET access to this vital information from ANYWHERE in the WORLD! Photo buyers and Editors can search the assignment banks by: COUNTRY, STATE or PROVINCE, CITY or PHOTOGRAPHERS’ SPECIALTY. Check it out at: http://www.ifpo.net/assignment.html mor e than 12,000 sear ches per MONTH! If you’re on it, Assignment and Picture Editors can find you for the dream assignments you’ve been looking for! Registrations are accepted on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis! Assignment Registration For m (IFPO MEMBERS ONLY!) LIST YOUR SPECIALTIES: YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION 1. ____________________ name 2. ____________________ # I.D. studio or business name (optional) 3. ____________________ address 4. ____________________ city, state, zip code, country 5. ____________________ 6. ____________________ fax (optional) phone home page URL (optional) email address(optional) TERMS AND CONDITIONS Credit Card Orders: when we receive your registration form, your credit card will be billed for the set-up fee only. Then your credit card will be billed monthly on the first of the month beginning with the first FULL month your your Data Bank information is ON-LINE. Your first partial month is FREE! Minimum 12-month committment required. After 12 months, monthly charges will continue until member cancels with a 30-day notice. Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Optima accepted. Checks or Money Orders: when you submit your registration form, enclose a check or money order for the amount of the set-up fee PLUS 119.40, the first twelve months of the monthly fee. You will then be billed at 12 month intervals. I agree to the above terms and conditions. I enclose my fees as follows: #ADB21, $10 per SPECIALTY set-up fee ___ . ___ and monthly fee: $9.95 #ADB31, 10 SPECIALTIES, set-up fee $49.00 and monthly fee: $9.95 signature Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date 7. ____________________ 8. ____________________ 9. ____________________ 10.____________________ 11. ____________________ 12.____________________ 13.____________________ 14.____________________ 15.____________________ Choose from these Specialties or Name Your Own! All Assignments Animals Breaking News Celebrity Child Crime Commercial Concert Convention Digital Imaging Education Entertainment Environmental Expedition Fashion Fire Glamour Group Insurance Landscape Livestock Model Motor Sports Nature Outdoor Pet Photo Restoration Portrait Press Product Public Relations Real Estate Scenic Sports Storm Chasing Travel Wedding Wildlife World News TOLL FREE: 1-800-654-9557 (CREDIT CARDS ONLY!) or BY FAX: 1-800-283-5989 ON-LINE: http://www.ifpo.net/feelance.html or MAIL TO: A.D.B. PO Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 34 Today's Photographer International www.ifpo.net PROFESSIONALPHOTOGRAPHYTECHNIQUES 3VV1 GET PUBLISHED techniques techniques 2 PRESS+ LIGHTING techniques 4 professional HOW TO GET PRESS ASSIGNMENTS SIMPLE techniques 3VV6 professional professional SPECIAL EFFECTS 3 3VV5 3VV4 professional professional GLAMOUR +FIGURE 1 3VV3 3VV2 professional SPECIAL EFFECTS techniques 5 DIGITAL IMAGING 6 techniques professional TRAVEL ACTION techniques 7 professional SPECIAL LIGHTING 8 Originally produced for Kodak, these “Pro Techniques” seminar fessional style videos docume nt new and innovative photograph ers at work in their stud on-location. The photogr ios and in thei r resp ecti ve fieldaphers featured are at the top s. The y reve al prof secrets that you can ess iona l use before. They share thei in ways you have not seen r striking images and by step "magic" they the step use to produce them. You will be ama zed at the insi ghts insider tips and working , trad e sec rets , tech niqu es, dance on these tapes. habits waiting for you in abunThese are the secrets transform your photos that can several jumps up the ment ladder no matter develophobbyist or professiona whether your interest is as a l all 16 Pro-Secrets Vide . See the complete review of os at IFPO’s Internet Site www.ifpo.net : http:// Professional Photography Techniques techniques Visions in View Series $39.95 each or $199.95 - 3VVX 3VV7 for the entire 8 volume set 3VV8 (3VV1 thru 3VV8) PROFESSIONAL PORTRAIT TECHNIQUES 3PS1 professional portrait MARKETING 1 3PS3 professional portrait 3PS2 professional portrait OPPORTUNITIES techniques 2 MAKING THE SALE 3 techniques SHARPENING Your SKILLS techniques 4 3PS5 professional portrait 3PS4 professional portrait 3PS6 professional portrait IMAGE IS SELLING EVERYTHING PORTRAITS 5 techniques TO THE HEART 6 techniques ONE STEP AHEAD professional portrait k, these “Professional Originally produced for Koda video s docum ent Portrait Techniques” semin ar style work in their stuat new and innovative photographers graphers featured are dios and on-location. The photo They reveal profesat the top in their respective fields. in ways you have not sional secrets that you can use g images and the seen before. They share their strikin produce them. You step by step "magic" they use to trade secrets, techwill be amazed at the insights, habits waiting for you niques, insider tips and working are the secrets in abundance on these tapes. These al jumps up the sever that can transform your photos er your interest is development ladder no matter wheth . See the comp lete as a hobby ist or profe ssion al IFPO’s Internet at s Video review of all 16 Pro-Secrets Site: http:// www.ifpo.net Professional Portrait Techniques 7 WINNING IMAGE 8 techniques professional PORTRAIT TECHNIQUES techniques techniques Portraits of Success Series $39.95 each or $199.95 - 3PSX for the entire 8 volume set (3PS1 thru 3PS8) 3PS8 3PS7 ORDER FORM on page ORDER TOLL FREE 7 days 47 1-800-654-9557 complete IFPO Programs and Catalog www.ifpo.net 35 MONTHLY PHOTO CONTEST Winners Every Month! S $1000 CASH PRIZE * Entries must be postmarked by the last day of each contest month.Late entries will be judged in the following month. HOW TO ENTER *The Annual Grand Prize winner will receive $200 in cash and be published in Today’s Photographer magazine. Each MONTHLY WINNER will receive $50 in cash. Winners and honorable mentions will be announced. All monthly winners and honorable mentions will become eligible to compete for the Grand Prize. MONTH CONTEST RULES: 1. $5 ENTRY FEE for EACH photo entered must be included. 2. ENTRY FORM (or the same information) must accompany each entry. 3. PRINTS or SLIDES: (color or B/W) not larger than 8.5 x 11 inches. Do not submit original negatives Please title, caption and give technical data if possible. 4. INCLUDE RETURN photo mailer with correct postage if you want your entries returned. JANUARY CONTEST . . . . ANYTHING OUTDOORS FEBRUARY CONTEST . . . PEOPLE UP CLOSE MARCH CONTEST . . . . . . ANYTHING GOES (ALL SUBJECTS) APRIL CONTEST . . . . . . . FLOWERS UP CLOSE MAY CONTEST. . . . . . . . . YOUR BEST SHOT: ALL SUBJECTS JUNE CONTEST . . . . . . . . YOUR BEST SHOT: ALL SUBJECTS JULY CONTEST . . . . . . . . YOUR BEST SHOT: ALL SUBJECTS AUGUST CONTEST . . . . . YOUR BEST SHOT: ALL SUBJECTS SEPTEMBER CONTEST . FLOWERS UP CLOSE OCTOBER CONTEST. . . . YOUR BEST SHOT: ALL SUBJECTS NOVEMBER CONTEST . . YOUR BEST SHOT: ALL SUBJECTS DECEMBER CONTEST . . YOUR BEST SHOT: ALL SUBJECTS CONTEST ENTRY Name, member# _____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________________________ Phone or fax ________________________________________________ ENTRY MONTH:__________________ENTRY THEME ______________ Title (opt):___________________________________________________ Technical info (opt): __________________________________________ ______________________________________________ The photographs submitted are my own, and I hereby give permission to Today's Photographer to reproduce them. I agree that Today's Photographer bears no responsibility for entries without the service fee or return mailer with postage. Model releases must be included where applicable. ❏ $5 ENTRY FEE ENCLOSED for EACH PHOTO! Please enter them in the regular MONTHLY CONTEST AWARDS ONLY! ❏ Also consider this photo for the Picture Award Program I ENCLOSE an additional $15 for EACH PHOTO. (see page 50) ❏ Check/M.O./Cash, ❏ Card# ______________________exp date __________ signature __________________________________________________________________________ MAIL PHOTOS TO: Phone or fax ________________________________________________ ENTRY MONTH:__________________ENTRY THEME ______________ Title (opt):___________________________________________________ Technical info (opt): __________________________________________ ______________________________________________ The photographs submitted are my own, and I hereby give permission to Today's Photographer to reproduce them. I agree that Today's Photographer bears no responsibility for entries without the service fee or return mailer with postage. Model releases must be included where applicable. ❏ $5 ENTRY FEE ENCLOSED for EACH PHOTO! Please enter them in the regular MONTHLY CONTEST AWARDS ONLY! ❏ Also consider this photo for the Picture Award Program I ENCLOSE an additional $15 for EACH PHOTO. (see page 50) ❏ Check/M.O./Cash, ❏ Card# ______________________exp date __________ signature __________________________________________________________________________ MAIL PHOTOS TO: 36 PHOTO CONTEST PO Box 777 Lewisville NC 27023-0777 Today's Photographer International Address ____________________________________________________ City/State/Zip________________________________________________ Phone or fax ________________________________________________ ENTRY MONTH:__________________ENTRY THEME ______________ Title (opt):___________________________________________________ Technical info (opt): __________________________________________ ______________________________________________ The photographs submitted are my own, and I hereby give permission to Today's Photographer to reproduce them. I agree that Today's Photographer bears no responsibility for entries without the service fee or return mailer with postage. Model releases must be included where applicable. ❏ $5 ENTRY FEE ENCLOSED for EACH PHOTO! Please enter them in the regular MONTHLY CONTEST AWARDS ONLY! ❏ Also consider this photo for the Picture Award Program I ENCLOSE an additional $15 for EACH PHOTO. (see page 50) ❏ Check/M.O./Cash, ❏ Card# ______________________exp date signature __________________________________________________________________________ MAIL PHOTOS TO: PHOTO CONTEST PO Box 777 Lewisville NC 27023-0777 www.ifpo.net please copy as many of these forms as you need City/State/Zip________________________________________________ Name, member# _____________________________________________ please copy as many of these forms as you need Address ____________________________________________________ PHOTO CONTEST PO Box 777 Lewisville NC 27023-0777 CONTEST ENTRY CONTEST ENTRY FORM Name, member# _____________________________________________ please copy as many of these forms as you need MONTHLY WINNERS will be judged for content and quality by a panel of Today’s Photographer editors and art directors. All decisions will be final. Monthly winners are eligible for the Grand Prize. GRAND PRIZE WINNERS for each annual Contest will be announced on March 15, of the following year and will be published in Today’s Photographer. For example, the 2002 Contest winners will be announced March 15, 2003. Monthly winners will be announced in each issue during the year. ENTRIES FOR the Annual Grand Prize must be postmarked no later than December 31st of the contest year. Returns: Pictures should be accompanied by a stamped and addressed return mailer. OR a $7 return shipping/handling fee. Because we know your photos are important to you, every effort within reason will be made to return the photographs. However, Today’s Photographer will not be responsible for any damaged or lost submissions. Entries received without a return mailer plus adequate postage OR a $7 return handling fee WILL NOT be returned. Model releases must be included and signed if applicable. All entries are eligible for publication in Today’s Photographer Entry Fees are non-refundable. Photos without entry fees or return postage and packaging become will not be returned. CONTEST THEME 2004 PHOTO CONTESTWINNERS SEPTEMBER WINNER: FLOWERS UP CLOSE CACTUS BEAUTY. © 2004 by Frank Randolph, Junction, Texas.. Canon Rebel Digital, 24-70 mm lens, F29@1/25, ISO 100, Tiffen Skg 1-A Filter. JUNE WINNER: YOUR BEST SHOT. YOUTHFUL BEAUTY. © 2004 by Thomas Shorts, Myrtle Beach, SC.Pentax ZX-60 AF, Fuji NPH 400. AUGUST WINNER: YOUR BEST SHOT. LOOKING GLASS FALLS.© 2004 by Frank Randolph, Junction, Texas. Canon Rebel Digital, 24-70 mm lens, Focal length 24 mm, F/16@1/25, ISO 100. MORE WINNERS PAGE 39 JULY WINNER: YOUR BEST SHOT CHOW TIME. © 2004 by Carolin Jennings, Judsonia, Arkansas. Canon EOS Elan, 80-200 lens.F16 @1/250. ISO 200. www.ifpo.net OCTOBER WINNER: YOUR BEST SHOT (ALL SUBJECTS). CRATER LAKE PATH. © 2004 Craig Hellier, Highlands Ranch, Colorado. Nikon F100, 18mm 2.8. ISO 200. Today's Photographer International 37 NEW! Badge ID Homeland Def ender Program Times have changed for everyone since 9-11. Even more for IFPO photographers who have to pass through almost insurmountable security checkpoints to get those MUST HAVE pictures. It is the job of IFPO to equip its members with the door opening tools to get each job done quickly and safely. In this new high security environment, the Home land Defender credentials will do the job for you. Wallet I.D. The Homeland Defender program provides tough credentials for tough times. Don’t be without them when you approach your next high security check point. The Homeland Defender program will publish information for the benefit of photographers everywhere. The Do’s and Don’ts of Foreign Travel Photography are already in print. Such subjects would naturally attract other valuable topics. PLUS Passport ID EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO ASSEMBLE The Homeland Defender program will draw from the vast backgrounds of experience, education and AND USE (AFTER PLAC- training of current IFPO members to get this important service up and running NOW. ING YOUR PHOTO) You will get: 3. INSTANT VERIFICATION: 1. TOUGH Credentials for TOUGH Times: The complete bundle of Homeland Defender credentials confirm that you are ON OFFICIAL ASSIGNMENT for American Image Press. Press Officials can check you out using your unique Assignment Verification Code by phone or fax during business hours -- on the internet 24-7. 4. MORE PUBLISHING OPTIONS: 2. BACK-UP AND SUPPORT IN WRITING: The Homeland Defender program will offer IFPO members another outlet for their photos as well as publishing opportunities from their other fields of expertise. Officials who want an editor’s letter of assignment for a specific event can get it. This support is easy to use with request sheets and a telephone help number. YES. YES Sign me up as a Homeland Def ender Cat# 5 Digit IFPO Member# ____________________ or enclose dues (see page 17) name ___________________________________________________________________ address _________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip ________________________________________________________________ phone/fax ________________________________________________________________ email/U.R.L. ____________________________________________________________________ ISSUING INFORMATION: Nationality: ___________________________________________________ Sex: ________________________________________________________ Place of birth: __________________________________________________ Date of birth: __________________________________________________ CLASSIFICATION INFORMATION: (see ratings opposite page) Check correct box and name publication(s) where your photos appeared. A Not yet published AA Publishing pending in: ___________________________________ AAA Published once in: ______________________________________ AAAA Published frequently (list three publishers) ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❏ Price ea. Description $89.00 HDO1 Homeland Defender Credentials Includes: • Homeland Defender Passport • Homeland Defender Badge Card I.D. • Homeland Defender Wallet I.D. • Homeland Defender Official Letter Certifiying your assignment for American Image Press. • Homeland Defender Internet Verification • Complete assembly instructions, laminating materials and badge clip. • Homeland Defender Assignment Request Form and How to Use Your Press Credentials Instruc- ❏ ❏ I agree to comply with the professional Code of Ethics which will be included with my credentials. USA Shipping. First Class Mail $9.00 (foreign shipping use the instructions on page 47) TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED 1. ____________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________ Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date 3. ____________________________________________________ signature _________________________________________________________________ Credit Card orders phone: 1-800-654-9557 MAIL ORDERS: or fax: 1-800-283-5989 H omeland D efender , P.O.Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 USA Information or Customer Service calls: 336-945-9867 38 Today's Photographer International www.ifpo.net DECEMBER WINNER: YOUR BEST SHOT CHICAGO BEAR. © 2004 by Ed Cayot, Kankakee, Illinois.. NOVEMBER WINNER: YOUR BEST SHOT. LITTLE ELIJAH. © 2004 by Bobby Samuels, Los Ange- Canon Rebel Digital, 100-400 mm lens, F7.1@1/250. les, California. Mamiya Pro SD, Kodak Portra 160 VC. 2004 PHOTO CONTEST WINNERS January Honorable Mentions Frog Mariachi Anthony E. Ciampa, Sahuarite, Arizona Ice Cutters Dennis L. McLaughlin, Wiscon. Rapids, WI A Family Affair Tommie Shaw, Louisville, Kentucky February Certificate Winner If I Could Know Me Lyudmila Fedossov, Skokie, Illinois Honorable Mentions BUGGY STOP Dennis L. McLaughlin, Wiscon. Rapids, WI March Certificate Winner Tea Time Claudia Murray, Jamestown, NC Honorable Mentions Untitled Joyce Witkovic, Newport, New Hampshire Flavor of the Day Cinderella Morff, Lohman, Missouri April Certificate Winner Pretty in Pink Tess L. Sutter, San Francisco, California Bluebonnets Frank Randolph, Junction, Texas Honorable Mentions A Beautiful Harvest Claudia Murray, Jamestown, NC www.ifpo.net Delicate Arch Frank Randolph, Junction, Texas May Honorable Mentions Garden Doorway Anthony E. Ciampa, Sahuarite, Arizona June Certificate Winner Relaxing Polar Anthony e. Ciampa, Sahuarite, Arizona Honorable Mentions Homeless Man Virginia Moss, Chattanooga, Tennessee July Honorable Mentions Sunset, Seagull, Sand and Surf Claudia Murray, Jamestown, NC Ready for Action Bobby Samuels, Los Angeles, California Mexican Wolf Frank Randolph, Junction, Texas August Honorable Mentions Surf’s Up Claudia Murray, Jamestown, NC Beauty of the Falls Rob Edwards, Judsonia, Arkansas Ho Hum Anthony E. Ciampa, Sahuarite, Arizona Revolutionary Monument Larry Spazafumo, Jacksonville, NC September Certificate Winner The Rose Frank Randolph, Junction, Texas Honorable Mentions Prickly Pear Anthony E. Ciampa, Sahuarite, Arizona Lily Pad Bubble Jennifer Chance, Millville, NJ Her Crown of Glory Cinderella Morff, Lohman, Missouri October Certificate Winner Fall Leaves Frank Randolph, Junction, Texas Honorable Mentions Goose Dance Anthony E. Ciampa, Sahuarite, Arizona Cold Spring Beach Sunrise Ronald Zincone, Richmond, Rhode Island November Honorable Mentions Seaside Surfer Claudia Murray, Jamestown, NC Sunrise Tommie R. Shaw, Louisville, Kentucky December Certificate Winner Single File Frank Randolph, Junction, Texas Honorable Mentions Weathering the Storm Claudia Murray, Jamestown, NC Today's Photographer International 39 For Photographers who are starting or expanding a model portfolio business, a step-by-step guide to get you started immediately in your home or studio with equipment you presently own. You can make $100$800 easily the very first month shooting model portfolios for professional or amateur models. Learn how and why models will pay you to shoot them. You will find ways to meet beautiful - prospective models. You will learn to shoot figure portfolios plus backgrounds and unusual ways to get the model to interact with a background. Learn 35 shooting locations that are available to anyone. Find proven methods to gain the model’s confidence. You will learn the secrets and value of interviewing your model to planning an exciting portfolio with her. Pricing guides are accompanied by five complete sample Portfolio Packages. Tips for equipment, lighting, props and tips plus checklists, invoice and interview forms, business forms/contracts for all your needs, stunning sample composite and when to use it. HOW TO START Your Own MODEL PORTFOLIO Business book, 5 page 2 1 , 05A 101 5 $24.9 #2 #205A MODEL Complete range of poses including sitting, kneeling, standing and walking. You and your model can execute every one of these poses without a single prop or piece of furniture. The poses can be performed in any setting including home, studio or location. The poses are suitable for all types of photography: glamour, fashion, advertising and figure. The poses have been specially compiled to assist a photographer and model in creating a model portfolio. Use this guide to instruct your model while you shoot, use it to teach posing to the model or to conduct a workshop for several models. SAVE TIME: A model can study and practice these poses on her own using a mirror, then execute them for you during the shooting session. 59 standing and “walking” poses, 32 kneeling poses and 10 sitting poses are fully illustrated. POSES fully illustrated 5 $24.9 book, e g a p , 105 #206A #206A How To Start Your Own BOUDOIR PHOTOGRAPHY BUSINESS is a book for photographers who want to CASH IN on the booming boudoir and intimate portraiture business. Photographers can start a profitable sideline income or expand their current photography income with boudoir photography by using the techniques and ideas in this manual. This book guides you step-by-step through everything you need to know from finding your first client to building a thriving business! You will learn which women want your services and why. You will discover how you can get started fast — with basic 35mm equipment you already own. You will learn lighting methods that work to achieve the results your clients want. You will get instructions for creating sets that can be set up anywhere. Everything you need to get started FAST in this exciting and rewarding field of photography is included in an easy to follow 9-part ready to use Start-up Kit. You get proven marketing ideas, pricing guidelines, checklists, interview forms, business forms, lighting and setting arrangements. • 4 MIRACLE PROPS • 11 QUICK CHANGES • 7 INTIMATE SETTINGS • 17 "MUST ASK" QUESTIONS • 30 MINUTE SHOOT CHECKLIST • HOW TO GET YOUR SUBJECT TALKING ABOUT YOU 5 9.9 ok, $2 age bo p 5 2 ,1 #207A 3 BOOK BUNDLE (205A, 206A, 207A) #207A 40 #207X - $59.95 complete IFPO Programs and Catalog ORDER TOLL FREE 7 days www.ifpo.net 1-800-654-9557 ORDER FORM on page 47 Guides include: PORTRAIT - WEDDING - COMMERCIAL - GROUP - PRESS STOCK - ART - GLAMOUR. guide: finding models, how to create willing subjects, shooting models for money. PLUS pricing tables for PORTRAIT, WEDDING, COMMERCIAL, GROUP, PRESS, STOCK, and GLAMOUR. Includes B/W, color pricing, package-pricing and pricing to publishers. HOW HOW FREELANCE PHOTOGRAPHY really WORKS Freelance Photographer's #20 HANDBOOK & Complete Technical Manual 95 . 4 ok, $2 age bo p 8 1 1 #202A A, .95 k, $24 ge boo a p 5 1 1A, 1 #201A BUSINESS & PRICING GUIDE LIGHTING: six lighting arrangements for portrait or glamour photography, six ways to use flash in all your photography shots, calculate flash exposures, common flash mistakes; DARKROOM: twenty two steps to make great black and white proof sheets, twenty eight steps to make black and white enlargements, color kits for home processing, chemicals in color processing; EQUIPMENT: cameras, lenses, filters, accessories; FILM: black and white negative films, black and white reversal films, color negative films, color reversal films; EXPOSURE: how a light meter works, reading reflected light, reading incidence light, spot meters, built-in meters, hard to meter situations, reciprocity, close-up exposures; PLUS: complete technical glossary. #202 80 FULLY ILLUSTRATED DETAILED LIGHTING DIAGRAMS THAT YOU CAN USE AT HOME Use these easy to follow diagrams to shoot portrait, glamour or any kind of photography with professional results. These diagrams use lighting elements that you can find around your own home including windowlight, natural sunlight, easy to make reflectors, and flash. • 15 diagrams illustrating indoor direct lighting. • 18 diagrams illustrate using sunlight. • 26 diagrams illustrating bounce light indoors. • 21 diagrams illustrate special arrangements for glamour and portrait that you can do around your own home. 80 TESTED LIGHTING $24.95 each or 3 BOOK BUNDLE (201A, 202A, 203A) #203X - $59.95 ORDER FORM on page ORDER TOLL FREE 7 days 47 1-800-654-9557 DIAGRAMS fully illustrated5 .9 k, $24 ge boo a p 0 2 3A, 1 #20 #203A complete IFPO Programs and Catalog www.ifpo.net 41 PRESS PHOTOGRAPHY freelancer's Directories on DISK! PC or MAC! MAILING ADDRESS +PHONE NUMBERS! 100,701 Contacts for Freelance Photographers PUBLISHERS DD101 $9.95 6,830 Book Publishers DD102 $19.95 19,745 Newspaper Publishers DD103 $19.95 10,400 Magazine Publishers DD104 $9.95 1,299 Poster Publishers DD105 $9.95 382 Post Card Publishers DD10X $49.95 DD101-DD105 Bundle #DD201 Professional Sports Contacts #records: 9,602 SPORTS & ENTERTAINMENT DD201 $19.95 9,602 Professional Sports Contacts DD202 $9.95 964 Sports Promoters & Managers DD203 $9.95 3,164 Stadiums and Arenas DD204 $9.95 1,970 Race Tracks DD205 $19.95 18,374 Golf Courses FIELD DD206 $9.95 923 Concert Bureaus DD207 $9.95 7,437 Tourist Attractions DEFINITIONS: (USA only at this time) DD20X $69.95 DD201-DD207 Bundle AGENCIES DD301 $19.95 16,808 Advertising Agencies DD302 $9.95 1,894 Modeling Agencies DD303 $9.95 909 Modeling Schools DD30X $29.95 DD301-DD303 Bundle FREELANCE BUNDLE! NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE NUMBER TEXT files on PC FORMATTED DS/HD 3.5 inch Diskettes! TAB delimited Fields, CR delimited Records. Compatible to IMPORT into most any Data Base, Word Processor or Spreadsheet program in your PC or MAC. DD99X - $129.95 (All 15 Disks above) IFPO Seal On Disk!! Macintosh .eps file on 1.44MB IBM Compatible Floppy! 42 NAL • FRE TIO EL NA • INT ER ORDER FORM on page IFPO N TIO ZA MACINTOSH ONLY! • PHOTO CE GR AN RS • ORGA HE NI AP Item# D7049, $19.95 ORDER TOLL FREE 7 days 47 1-800-654-9557 Today's Photographer International continued from page 26 31. Concentration and anticipation are required. A ball or player can land on you and your equipment in a split second. 32. If you want a specific shot of a particular player, clear it with the Media Director first. You will be more successful than if you try to stage something on your own. 33. The media director is the key to your success. He has the authority to grant or deny all requests. 34. Maintain a low profile among fellow photographers during a game. NEVER start a conversation that could cause either of you to miss an important shot. 35. Do unto others... Never step in front of a photographer who has position on a shot. If another photographer steps in front of you, be courteous but let him or her know you are there. This practice works most of the time. 36. Never do anything to distract the players and that includes what you wear. Stay low key. You are there to record the event, not to become a factor in it. Professional Tennis 37. Ask for the Media Guide specific to the event. The more informed you are, the more successful you will be. 38. Operate on your best professional behavior. If you are easy to get along with, well informed and follow the rules, you will be accepted, make new contacts and get great shots. 39. If is very difficult work to sit courtside next to a surface temperature that can reach 140 degrees F. Wear white shirts to reflect the sun, khaki shorts and comfortable athletic shoes. Sunscreen and bottled water are a must. Press access is a privilege and a privilege can be taken away. As a press photographer, your credibility is your reputation and your best advertisement. Protect it at all costs. Ω www.ifpo.net • PHOTO CE GR AN NAL • FRE TIO EL NA IFPO DISTRIB UTOR RS • ORGA HE NI AP YOU CAN BE AN IFPO THE ADVANTAGE HOW IT WORKS WHY YOU? An IFPO Distributorship is an exceptional opportunity for IFPO members to achieve success and make money by taking advantage of the millions of dollars and 15 years of research that have gone into developing the IFPO / Today's Photographer Magazine Concept. The modest distributor's fee gives you the value of MILLIONS of dollars that have been invested in 15 years of advertising IFPO’s dependability, quality and services. Today's Photographer Magazine and its associated products gets more exposure than any other photography magazine. It is advertised regularly in display space advertising in Popular Photography, Photographic, Outdoor Photographer, American Photographer and Shutterbug. As a distributor, you get the direct benefit of this advertising. Today's Photographer is sold on Newsstands throughout the United States, Canada, and around the world. IFPO is recognized in more than 140 countries on all continents of the world and has more than 67,000 members. Today's Photographer Magazine is currently being distributed to more than 80,000 photography enthusiasts 4 times a year. Typically, distributorships or franchises that give a distributor this kind of exposure, promotion and value are priced from $10,000.00 to $150,000.00. 1. DISTRIBUTOR DISCOUNT: You are entitled to order products and services from a current issue of Today's Photographer at a only 50% of the listed standard price. For example: multiply list prices by 0.5 (a $68 membership would be $34.00). Half of $39.95 for example, would be $19.98 (rounded off to the nearest cent). •You may wish to purchase many IFPO programs or services for yourself. A distributorship will save you 50%. •You can reap the profits from more than 2.5 million dollars already spent on advertising in all the major photography and video magazines. Let these IFPO advertising dollars work for you and your business by building name recognition for the IFPO products and programs that you sell. •You can offer IFPO products and programs to your clients without spending a penny for market research or product development. IFPO is constantly upgrading its products and services to maintain its leadership position in the international marketplace. •You can guarantee satisfaction for each product and program you offer. That customer satisfaction is backed up by IFPO and is a vital part of the IFPO success story. _________________ FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS: http://www.ifpo.net/dfaq MAKE MONEY: •A distributor could sell only 2 videos a week and net up to $2000.00 a year. He could build his business up to 200 videos a week and be pulling in potentially $200,000.00 per year. •A distributor could set up a network of 100 Model Consultants "talent scouts" in an area. He would make nearly $15,000 just on the model consultant kits and IFPO memberships, then would make more on the videos, forms, books and other items that consultants frequently buy. •A distributor could sell to schools and educational institutions. IFPO's instructional videos are very popular with schools of all kinds (Junior Highs, High Schools, Colleges, Trade Schools, etc.). Schools typically purchase in larger quantities, often 10 to 20 videos at a time. Currently, about 100 schools are purchasing from IFPO. There are tens of thousands more in this country alone. •Recreational groups sponsored by government or other non-profit groups. For example, Military bases have recreational programs that include selfhelp and how-to programs on video. Currently, IFPO does a brisk business with military base purchase orders from only a few bases. •Many other groups sponsor recreational programs that would be very interested in photography instructional videos. Groups plan trips. Vacationers use cameras and camcorders. •Photographer's swap meets or flee markets are ideal places to set a booth and market IFPO products. In these situations, having merchandise to sell (like videos) is a plus. But if you don't have the merchandise, be sure to get the name, address, and phone number of each person that stops by your booth. Each one is a prospective customer for the future. If you run out of copies of Today's • INT ER •You can start a new business and coast in the wake of the IFPO flagship. Let its research, product development, name recognition and dollars spent on advertising make money for you. Let IFPO's rapid success plan turn into financial growth for you. 3. EXCLUSIONS: You CANNOT apply your distributor's discount to: USA or Foreign shipping • Workshop programs • Quantity discount packages such as 3R0X, 3VVX, item numbers containing “X”, or special offers with expiration dates • Classified and display a dvertising • Items in out-ofdate issues may no longer be valid • Items not sold by IFPO/American Image are excluded. Items not sold in Today’s Photographer magazine are excluded. N TIO ZA YOU CAN: 2. QUANTITIES AND SHIPMENTS: Order in any quantity. IFPO will ship to you or your customer direct. No minimums or quotas. •You may be associated with a group such as a camera club, family members or close associates who may want to participate in IFPO products and services at discount prices. •If you have a photography studio or similar business may wish to arm all of your staff members with memberships and press program credentials from IFPO to make them more competitive. An IFPO Distributorship would enable them to do this at reduced costs to the studio or company. •You may want to start down the road of being your own boss with an IFPO distributorship. You can start small, order in any quantities, part time or full time. Most of all, you may have a few hours a week to invest in your financial future. Photographer at your booth, you can always mail them one in the future with a special offer flyer of some kind. REPEAT CUSTOMERS The best opportunity you have to make money as a distributor is to give your customers a REASON to do business with you. You can use your own liberal distributor discount to your advantage. If you can give your customers a 5 or 10% discount by purchasing through you, then they have a reason to order with you instead of ordering directly through mail order with IFPO. Your own margins may be a little slimmer, but your volume would be much higher. Now you could consider distributing Today's Photographer Magazines liberally with your business card attached and a notice that offers your own 5% or 10% discount if they order through you. In this way, you would get the full advantage of repeat orders from the same customers. Here is a sample list of schools and institutions that have already placed large orders directly with IFPO: AFETA, Camp Peary, VA; Miami Killian Senior High School, Miami, FL; Leon County Schools, FL; River East School Division, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada; Aims Community College, Greeley, CO; CBN University Library, Virginia Beach, VA; Southwest State University Library, Marshall, MN;University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; NAF Fort Sam Houston, TX; Stockton Unified School District, Stockton, CA; Phillipsburg Board of Education, NJ; Roberts High School, Florence, CO; Oakton Community College, Des Plaines, IL; Greenville Technical College, SC; Curtis Jr High School, Tacoma, WA; Minuteman Regional Vocational Technical School District, MA; Ferris State College Library, Big Rapids, MI; Maricopa Community College, Phoenix, AZ; Southeastern Mass. University, MA; Sparta Senior High School, Sparta, WI; and many, many more. The List Price of the IFPO Distributor Program is $1,490. For a limited time, the price is reduced to $387 but will only remain at that special price until our current Distributor Enrollment program has met it’s goals. call the IFPO office at 336-945-9867 or 1-800-654-9557 with your credit card www.ifpo.net Today's Photographer International 43 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING and Catalog $5. VIP, Box 35214-TP, ---------------------------------------------- Samples Tucson, Arizona 85740. www.familynude.com. BOOKS/MAGAZINES _________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------WANTED: “Les Cow-boys” From Edition de la IFPO DISTRIBUTOR Mouette Wanted. Also Foto-Kunst-Kreuzburg. ---------------------------------------------Write: Timely Books, P.O. Drawer 2508, Santa ++ ALWAYS 20% DISCOUNT Rosa, CA 95405. new memberships ---------------------------------------------- Off and IFPO products and programs!! BUSINESS CARD MAGNETS to online discount photo ---------------------------------------------- Links equipment and supplies www.PhotoBusinessCardMagnets.com Great Promotional Advertising for your photography! Everyone has a Fridge or Filing Cabinet! Call for Brochure and Sample: (415) 663-8739. ---------------------------------------------BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ---------------------------------------------“$2,970 IN ONE WEEKEND PHOTOGRAPHING PEOPLE AND PETS!” Home, studio, onlocation. Write For FREE 42-Page Book. Not Your Normal Photography®, T204, 600 Kelly Road, Carthage, NC 28327 or email [email protected] ---------------------------------------------COLOR PHOTOS/SLIDES ---------------------------------------------“NUDE” Mother/ Daughter, fitness girls, “Blondes- Brunettes & Redheads” photo sets. http://www.FZippererPhoto.homestead.com _________________________________________ 10% DISCOUNT off regular price on IFPO Memberships, forms, press programs, books, videos, and other items listed in today’s Photographer Magazine. Send order with check or Post Office money order or use your credit card, to James Franklin, 2115 Gault Ave. S., Fort Payne AL 35967-4656 Fax 256-845-1118. ---------------------------------------------MARKETING ---------------------------------------------FREE REPORT Reveals 101 Foolproof, Inexpensive, Little Known Secrets of How Photographers and Business Owners Can Get More Appointments, Customers, Or Clients in a Month than You Now Get All Year ...Guaranteed. Call 1-877-880-3211, ext.#2002, Toll-Free, 24 hr., For FREE RECORDED MESSAGE Classified AD Order Form Please run my AD in issues. Now! ---------------------------------------------SONG WRITERS ---------------------------------------------I’m the best. I can write any type of song you want. Rap, Pop, Country. Call between 8:am and 2:pm Monday-Friday. 870-217-1487. ---------------------------------------------WORK FROM HOME ---------------------------------------------FREE REPORT *********** How to Make $60,000 A Year With Your Home Computer. Work Only 30 Minutes a Day. Get Your Free Report Now! _______________ www.4extracash.com _________________________________________ GORGEOUS ASIAN WOMEN DESIRE AMERICAN MEN! Romance, correspondence, lifemates! Free Details and Color Photo Brochure! P.I.C., PO Box 4601 Thousand Oaks, CA 91362 805-492-8040 www.pacisl.com Place your ad in TP Classifieds for only $2.00 per word ($40.00 min.). Address, City, State, Zip count as 5 words. Phone# is one word. EMAIL or URL Address is one word. First 2 words in ALL CAPS bold. Each additional bold word $1. Amount Enclosed: $ HEADING: AD COPY: TP WELCOMES HEADING SUGGESTIONS if existing headings don’t fit your AD! __________________________________________________________________________ WORD ADS are alphabetized by AD TEXT within each HEADING. therefore changing your AD COPY can change your AD POSITION __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ use extra paper if more space is needed IFPO I.D. # (if a member) ______________________________________________________ ENCLOSE CHECK, MONEY ORDER, OR PAY BY CREDIT CARD contact name ________________________________________________________________ advertiser name ______________________________________________________________ address ____________________________________________________________________ city/state/zip _________________________________________________________________ Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card# expiration date Credit Cards FAX 1-800-283-5989 or MAIL to: TP Classifieds, PO Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023 phone/fax ___________________________________________________________________ LIGHTING FIGURE MODELS PHOTOGRAPHY SERIES Lighting FIGURE VHS $39.95 each or MODELS Lighting FIGURE MODELS #3F3X - $59.95 2 Vol. VHS bundle (3F31 and 3F32) An Educational Photography Production featuring 15 Beautiful California Models contains unrated nudity. Learn: •Single light sources •Multiple light sources •Light readings •Preventing lens flare •Special effects. Some areas discussed are: 3 point lighting system, film latitude, exposure values, hard vs. soft light, high key vs. low key lighting, color, B&W. Each tape approx. 60 min. VHS and DVD. contain unrated nudity 44 3F31 VOLUME 1 Frazier Photography 3F32 VOLUME 2 Frazier Photography DVD $49.95 each or 2 Vol.DVD Set 3F3XD: $79.95 (3F31D and 3F32D) Today's Photographer International INSIDE GLAMOUR PHOTO SESSIONS NOW you can take a front row seat in the photo studio of glamour and figure photographer Hugh Frazier Jr. as he photograph's 12 beautiful figure models. You will learn lighting including diagrams plus hear the photographer and director direct the models through their poses. If you want to see what really happens in a figure studio, this video is for you. 60 min VHS, contains unrated nudity. #3F38VHS - $49.95 #3F38DVD - $59.95 #3F38 www.ifpo.net AMATEUR FIGURE PHOTOGRAPHY SERIES basics of FIGURE USING AMATEUR FIGURE SHOOTS POSING SETS & PROPS in FIGURE SHOOTS IDEA VIDEO HOW TO WORK WITH AMATEUR FIGURE MODELS 3F14 3F11 3F12 1 3F13 AMATEUR FIGURE Series Frazier Photography Frazier Photography Frazier Photography POSING and SHOOTING SWIMSUIT MODELS 4 AMATEUR FIGURE Series AMATEUR FIGURE Series POSING and SHOOTING FIGURE MODELS 1 2 3 4 Basics of AMATEUR FIGURE SHOOTS SETS/PROPS for FIGURE MODELING FIGURE POSING Ideas Working with FIGURE MODELS VHS $39.95 each or 3 2 These videos are designed to help photographers work with amateur nude models and help amateur models break into nude modeling. All titles are approximately 1 hour long and contain unrated nudity. #3F1X - $129.95 4 Vol. Bundle (3F11 - 3F14) AMATEUR FIGURE Series Frazier Photography DVD $49.95 each or #3F1XD - $159.95 4 Vol. Bundle (3F11D - 3F14D) NUDE & SWIMSUIT MODEL POSING SERIES Available in VHS and DVD Formats Photographer Hugh Frazier demonstrates reclining poses, standing poses, sitting poses. Learn how to achieve flattering effects and how to use sets and props. Both professional and amateur models are used. Each is 1 hour in length and contains unrated nudity. #3F21 VHS: $39.95 Posing & Shooting SWIMSUIT Models #3F22 VHS: $39.95 Posing & Shooting FIGURE Models #3F2X VHS: $59.95 FIGURE/SWIMSUIT 2 Vol. Set (#3F21 & #3F22) #3F21 #3F22 #3F21 DVD: $49.95 Posing & Shooting SWIMSUIT Models #3F22 DVD: $49.95 Posing & Shooting FIGURE Models #3F2X DVD: $79.95 FIGURE/SWIMSUIT 2 Vol. Set (#3F21 & #3F22) HOW TO #305A - $39.95 How To Pose My Way You will learn: • Over 100 Poses for the face and body • Four costume changes • Dozens of “mood changes” • Make-up changes Learn to increase your income by reducing model training time. puts your models at ease and builds confidence: the key to success. Produced By Mike Rose AMR Productions. VHS. POSE MY WAY STARRING Jeanette #305A BECOMING A MODEL #353A Four part program to assist photographers in posing positions, directing techniques, working with amateur models, and the “do’s and don’ts” of model photography. Learn how to make a model feel free and uninhibited in your environment. Prepare amateur models for their first shooting session including make-up, wardrobe and props Learn how to pose models, even amateur, untrained models in their first photo session. Each pose is illustrated carefully, showing the position of the feet, angles of the hips and shoulders, tilt of the head and the curve of the spine. Variations of each pose are explained fully with advantages and disadvantages. Learn standing, kneeling, sitting, reclining poses. 30 min. VHS HOW TO SHOOT #353A - $49.95 This is the "WARM-UP" tape you have been looking for to get your amateur model in "the right mood" to help you get the shots you've always wanted to get! This tape explains to amateur models what is expected of them. BONUS: This tape explains to the model what the portfolio is for and will be convinced that money spent on a portfolio is an investment for her future. Make-up for composites, hair styles for various poses, required poses for composites, selling yourself and the model interview. 34 MODEL PORTFOLIOS POSE SHOOT DIRECT MODELS Model Magic #351A HOW TO SHOOT MODEL PORTFOLIOS and COMPOSITES #352A - $49.95 and COMPOSITES min. Jim Trotter. ORDER TOLL FREE 7 days 1-800-654-9557 www.ifpo.net HOW TO #351A - $39.95 #352A MODEL PHOTOGRAPHY, You get the knowledge of what a portfolio should be and how to shoot it. A simple and inexpensive lighting set-up that anyone can do. Posing is included, as well as basic makeup and business practices. Systems for Success by Jim Trotter. 40 min. VHS. con- tains unrated nudity ORDER FORM on page 47 Today's Photographer International 45 RS • ORGA HE NI AP NAL • FRE TIO EL NA • PHOTO CE GR AN IFPO IFPO MEMBERSHIP UPGRADE NOTICE N TIO ZA • INT ER Your Membership I.D. May become Obsolete! IF YOUR MEMBER# IS LESS THAN 72000, your IFPO Membership should be UPGRADED in order to gain the improved credibility and effectiveness that Internet Membership Verification brings to your Lifetime IFPO Membership. Here's Why: Officials who need to verify your membership status are quickly accepting the convenience of INSTANT VERIFICATION via the internet. Many are REQUIRING this capability NOW. These Officials include Clients, Law Enforcement, Customs, Government, Education, Sports, Entertainment and others. How Membership Verification Works New IFPO Membership Credentials Upgrade (#700B-UPGRADE) come printed with a unique VERIFICATION CODE. In seconds, Officials can confirm membership status when they enter your code on our Membership Verification Internet Site. Your Membership is instantly verified 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any where in the world! What You Get: #700A Upgrade MEMBERSHIP KIT REG.PRICE New IFPO I.D. Card + Certificate $69.00 Membership Verification on the Internet $39.00 PLUS SHIPPING/HANDLING $9.00 TOTAL For #700A-UPGRADE SPECIAL $00.00 $29.00 $0.00 $117.00 $29.00 If you DO NOT Upgrade! Your current Lifetime Membership I.D. Card is still valid and your subscription to Today's Photographer will continue. We will ATTEMPT to bring each member the best possible IFPO benefits. If you DO NOT upgrade, however, we cannot GUARANTEE the results in the future that you have experienced in the past, in Yes, I want to Upgrade my IFPO membership IFPO MEMBER# Upgrade MEMBERSHIP name New IFPO I.D. Card + Certificate PLUS Membership Verification on the Internet: KIT: (opt) business name SPECIAL OFFER: 700A-UPGRADE $29.00 SHIPPING FREE $0.00 address city/state TOTAL zip/country $29.00 Mail check or money order to: IFPO 700A-UPGRADE phone/fax/email PO Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023 To use your credit card: CALL 1-800-654-9557 or fax: 1-800-283-5989 since 1984 International Freelance Photographers Organization PO BOX 777, Lewisville NC 27023 (336) 945-9867 • FAX (336) 945-3711 www.ifpo.net 46 ORDER by CREDIT CARD, check or money order ❏ Visa, ❏ Mastercard, ❏ American Express, ❏ Optima card exp. date signature ORDER FORM Credit Card orders phone: or fax: 1-800-654-9557 1-800-283-5989 MAIL ORDERS: IFPO Order Dept. P.O. Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 USA Information or Customer Service calls: 336-945-9867 SHIP TO: ORDERED ITEMS this is a new address, please update my records IFPO MEMBER# ITEM# DESCRIPTION PRICE (needed for “MEMBER ONLY” items or include dues, see page 17) name business name address city/state zip/country phone/fax/email CHECK or MONEY ORDER Enclosed ($15 service charge on all returned checks) CREDIT CARD ORDERS ❏ Visa, ❏ Mastercard, ❏ American Express, ❏ Optima card number exp. date signature ADDRESS CHANGE MEMBER# REQUIRED!! NEW address ABOVE (in “SHIP TO:”), OLD address BELOW print old address, city, state, zip 700A INFORMATION or CUSTOMER SERVICE: For GENERAL INFORMATION or to check ORDER STATUS or errors: 1-336-945-9867 weekdays 10:00 -5:00 Eastern time (except holidays) or use our 24 hr FAX 1-336-945-3711. Mail your requests or queries to: Customer Service, P.O. Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023-0777. C.O.D. ORDERS: C.O.D. orders will be accepted for the convenience of customers who want quick service, but do not wish to use a credit card. C.O.D. orders will be accepted ONLY by calling Customer Service, 1-336-945-9867. Customer Service is open 9 to 5 Eastern time weekdays. C.O.D. orders will NOT be accepted by MAIL, FAX, or on the 800 number order line. You will be required to pay a fee to cover the shipping and C.O.D. fee charged by the carrier. For orders under $100.00, the C.O.D. handling and shipping charge is $15.00. For orders $100.00 or more, the charge is $20.00. When you place your order, our customer service representative will give you the total charges for the order. C.O.D. means “Cash On Delivery.” When your package arrives, you must pay the carrier in cash or money order! Membership Upgrade Kit (p46) SHIPPING & HANDLING DEPENDABLE DELIVERY BY THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. (Delivery by other carriers by special request only) USA, CANADA, MEXICO Order Total 1st Class/Priority $0 - 25.00................$7.00 25.01 - 75.00................$9.00 75.01 - 150.00..............$12.00 150.01 and up..............$17.00 (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) DAY add just $20 more to above table. UPS NEXT SECOND DAY add just $12 more. SHIPPING & HANDLING: Shipping & Handling charges must be added to each order. INTERNATIONAL (outside USA/Canada/Mexico) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED: All of our merchandise is 100% guaranteed. If for any $0 - 25.00..............$11.00 25.01 - 75.00..............$16.00 75.01 - 150.00..............$26.00 150.01 and up..............$36.00 reason you are not satisfied, we will refund your money or send a replacement, no questions asked. Call Customer Service at 1-336-945-9867 about RETURNS, EXCHANGES or REFUNDS. Shipping or C.O.D. charges will NOT be refunded under any circumstances. Refunds will not be made for used merchandise or items held by the customer for more than 30 days. Video Cassette Returns may be subject to a restocking fee. To qualify for a refund, merchandise must be returned in the same condition it was received with packing slip within 30 days. Postage due packages will not be accepted. Send returns via US MAIL to Customer Service, PO Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023. MAIL ORDERS: $29 Order Total Air Mail (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) (U.S. Dollars) TOTAL ORDER AMOUNT IFPO Order Dept. P.O. Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 USA ORDER TOLL FREE 24 hours 7 days ORDER FORM 1-800-654-9557 complete IFPO Programs and Catalog www.ifpo.net 47 and m e D r ula By Pop NOW ONLINE . . . . Today’s SPORTS magazine Thanks to the UNLIMITED POTENTIAL of the Internet and IFPO’s aggressive leadership in electronic publishing, IFPO is able to bring new muscle to the large number of IFPO members who are interested in sports photography. Today’s Sports magazine is an On-Line electronic publication with the capacity to promote and publish ALL of it’s SPORTS Photographer’s photos. A print magazine could NEVER MAKE SUCH a promise. 1. TESTED The Today’s Sports Credential Program is a result of carefully reviewing every “gain access” situation experienced over the past 15 years. We expect this new program will achieve markedly increased results accross the board, for all kinds of events, all over the world. 2. ISSUING INFORMATION has been added to the credentials which is extremely valuable for gaining access in those particularly tough situations when credentials are being scrutinized for every piece of validating information. Nationality, sex, date and place of birth add verifiable information often required by uniformed officials in law enforcement, fire and emergency, the military, customs and immigration. 3. CLASSIFICATION is now based on a full 4-tier range of publishing credits starting at A for yet-to-be published photographers and reaching to AAAA for those who are published frequently. 4. COMPLETE BUNDLE of all credentials and Internet Verification is automatically shipped to those who enroll in the Today’s Sports Program. Members no longer have to decide whether the Badge style or Passport style credential works better for the events they cover or whether covering weekend or after-hours events warrants the Internet Verification option or not. You get it all. 5. INTERNET VERIFICATION All Today’s Sports Credentials holders will be assigned a verification code printed on the face of all the credentials. This code can be used to verify your assignment status with Today’s Sports magazine by press officials 24 hours a day EVERY day from anywhere in the world. The Internet Verification site is at www.aipress.com/verify. 6. VERIFICATION UPDATES Now you can go online using your Verification Code and update your own Assignment Verification record. You can change your mailing address, add an email address or change other contact information in seconds. 7. PUBLISHING CREDITS Now you can actually display the names of the publications that have published your photos right on your Internet Verification site so press officials can see your breadth of experience. And... you can use your Verification Code online and update your list of publishing credits as often as you like, without having to call the American Image office. 8. RECENT ASSIGNMENTS Now you can display your recent assignments on your Verification site so press officials can see what kind of events you’ve been covering. And... you can use your Verification Code online to update your display of recent assignments as often as you like. 9. NEW LOW PRICE of only $99 is a full $129 SAVING off the price of the previous program for all the credentials and options. But remember, the programs are not equivalent. 10.NEW FEATURES Even at the same price, the Today’s Sports program has features enumerated here that aren’t even available in the previous program. The addition of door-opening “Publishing Credits” and “Recent Assignments” alone may achieve more in gaining new access as our original Press Program concept born in 1985. The American Image Press Photographer’s Code of Ethics • Stay within the boundaries of the photographers’ area. Never interfere A press photographer’s reputation is often based on his own code of ethics. Although getting the story is the ultimate goal, ethical standards can “make or break” a career. As a press photographer, it is your duty to document newsworthy happenings — never altering circumstances or interfering with action to enhance your photographs. Your photos should tell a story just as it happened. Meeting the high standards of good press photography requires patience, determination and a strong set of ethics which can be the difference between success and failure. First, foremost and always remember that Press access is a privilege not to be abused. Use the following Code of Ethics to guide you: • • • • • Arrive early — at least 45 minutes to an hour before the event is • scheduled to begin — in order to check in, find the press area, check • out the stage or facility lay-out and choose a vantage point. • Never show up for an event unprepared. Not only should you have all the proper equipment, you should have a basic knowledge and under• standing of the event. Do your homework! • Try to work with promoters and authorized officials rather than against • • them. Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times. Photographers who complain or cause problems aren’t likely to be admitted again. Don’t just start shooting. Take time to think about what you’re covering. 48 Today's Photographer International with the action, criticize a player or performer or interrupt an authorized official. Have patience. Resist the urge to inconvenience other photographers by changing spots. Your opportunity will come. Although it can be necessary to fight for a good position, always be courteous. You’ll find other photographers are usually willing to share their space -- if you offer them the same courtesy. Try your best to get along with other members of the press. Always live up to your obligations to promoters and publications. If you agree not to sell the photos commercially, DO NOT break this agreement. Always clean up after yourself -- film wrappers, etc. Never photograph anyone in a compromising situation (backstage, locker rooms) unless it’s a public figure in a public place which qualifies for news. Don’t abuse the privileges you have been granted. Always remember you are a photographer on the job -- not a spectator. Finally, the nature of breaking news makes preparation impossible. However, when you arrive on the scene, you are a press photographer -- expected to live up to the same ethical standards you have learned to display at scheduled media events. With practice and common sense, high ethical standards should some as naturally as pressing the shutter. Ω www.ifpo.net Today’s SPORTS magazine SPORTS’ CREDENTIALS state-of-the-art features get you and your camera to the action better and quicker than ever. TODAY’S Assignment Letter All of Today’s Sports Credentials holders are automatically assigned a verification code printed on the face of all the credentials. This code can be used to verify your assignment status with Today’s Sports magazine by press officials 24 hours a day EVERY day from anywhere in the world. magazine John H. Bluhm Assignment Verification Code: Sports 10474BLU Today's Sports Magazine INTERNET VERIFICATION: Now a standard part of Today’s Sports Credentials SPORTS TOGRAPHER PRESSThisPHO is to certify that the bearer: John H. Bluhm LU CODE is 10474B whose ASSIGNMENT VERIFICATION Badge PRESS below, is a correspondent photograand whose signature and photo appear pher magazine. This photographpher on assignment for Today's Photogra and local interest including concerts, er will be covering events of national special programs. American Image conventions, breaking news, sports and bearer be granted permission to work Press respectfully requests that the While in this capacity, the bearer as a Press Photographer in your domain. state and local regulations. will comply with all existing federal, __________ ________________________________ Photography Editor PHOTOGRAPHER TODAY’S SPORTS TODAY’S SPORTS magazine John H. Bluhm Assignment Verific code: 10474BLUation Wallet I.D. magazine Sports Passport PRESS PHOTOG signature CLASSIFICATION: John H. Bluhm AAA ASSIGNMENT VERIFICATION CODE: #10474BLU RAPHER EVERYTHING INCLUDED PRESS PHOTOGRAPHER EASY TO ASSEMBLE AFTER PLACING YOUR OWN PHOTO SPOR TS CREDENTIALS ENR OLLMENT FORM Cat# 5 Digit IFPO Member# ____________________ or enclose dues (see page 17) name ___________________________________________________________________ address _________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip ________________________________________________________________ phone/fax ________________________________________________________________ email/U.R.L. ____________________________________________________________________ ISSUING INFORMATION: Nationality: ___________________________________________________ Sex: ________________________________________________________ Place of birth: __________________________________________________ Date of birth: __________________________________________________ CLASSIFICATION INFORMATION: (see ratings opposite page) Check correct box and name publication(s) where your photos appeared. A Not yet published AA Publishing pending in: ___________________________________ AAA Published once in: ______________________________________ AAAA Published frequently (list three publishers) ❐ ❐ ❐ ❐ ❏ Description Price EA. 602TS SPORTS CREDENTIALS $99.00 (Renewable in 3 years) Includes: • TODAY’S SPORTS Passport • TODAY’S SPORTS Badge Card I.D. • TODAY’S SPORTS Wallet I.D. • TODAY’S SPORTS Official Letter of Certification placing you on assignment for American Image Press andToday’S Sports online magazine. • Sports Assignment Verification on the Internet. • Complete assembly instructions, laminating materials and badge clip. • Sports Assignment Request Form and How to Use Your Sports Credentials. ❏ ❏ Checking this box confirms that I have read, understand and agree to comply with the Press Code of Ethics published on the opposite page. USA Shipping. First Class Mail (foreign shipping use the instructions on page 47) $9.00 TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED 1. ____________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________ Credit Card orders phone: Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date signature __________________________________________________________________ 1-800-654-9557 1-800-283-5989 IFPO PRESS OFFICE, P.O.Box 777, Lewisville NC 27023-0777 USA or fax: MAIL ORDERS: Information or Customer Service calls: 336-945-9867 www.ifpo.net PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID BANGOR ME PERMIT NO 112 TODAY’S PHOTOGRAPHER P.O. BOX 777, LEWISVILLE, NC 27023-0777 International Freelance Photographers Organization MEMBERSHIP FORM RS • ORGA HE NI AP NAL • FRE TIO EL NA • PHOTO CE GR AN IFPO N TIO ZA • INT ER ABOUT YOU: IFPO’s 18 PROVEN PROGRAMS on page 17 Which best describes your photography: ❏ I am a beginner or amateur ❏ I am an advanced amateur or Part-Time Pro. ❏ I am a full-time professional. I want PRESS ACCESS with my camera: ❏ Sports events. ❏ Crime scenes. ❏ Concerts. ❏ Fire scenes. ❏ Breaking news. ❏ Press conferences. ❏ Celebrity events. ❏ Entertainment events. Check each area that interests you strongly: ❏ Press photography. ❏ Sports/Action. ❏ Nature/wildlife. ❏ Travel photography. ❏ Videography. ❏ Advertising. ❏ Glamour. ❏ Commercial. ❏ Wedding. ❏ Portrait photography. Are you available for photo assignments?: ❏ YES. ❏ NO. • Enroll me as an IFPO Member and send my Membership Card and O rder the famous Parchment Certificate + Complete Membership Packet. I enclose $68 for IFPO P atches Membership and Subscription to Today’s Photographer Magazine PLUS see pag e 25 $6 for priority handling and First Class Mail of my Membership Packet ($74 TOTAL). __________________________________________________________________________ • My membership packet will include details on how I can participate in IFPO's PROVEN PROGRAMS for getting PUBLISHED, making MONEY and gaining PRESS ACCESS with my camera. name __________________________________________________________________________ (optional) business name __________________________________________________________________________ address __________________________________________________________________________ city/st/zip __________________________________________________________________________ phone number/FAX number ENCLOSE CHECK, MONEY ORDER OR PAY BY MAJOR CREDIT CARD Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Optima Card # expiration date To join IFPO by mail, use this form or the order form on page 47 and send your dues to: IFPO, P.O. Box 777, Lewisville, NC 27023-0777 USA OR use your credit card and: CALL FREE 1-800-654-9557 or FAX 1-800-283-5989 E TO FREELANCING THE PROVEN BRIDG • GE APHER GR •A TO CA ERI N IMA M CORRE SP PRE SS PRESS CREDENTIALS page 10 Go On-Assignment for Today’s Photographer Magazine STOCK GALLERY page 18 Start Selling Photos You Already Have MODEL CONSULTING page 30 Search for New Faces & Figures for Cash! DENT PHO ON