RADIO Audience
RADIO Audience
Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Media Consumption & Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 1 2 3 4 5 6 Part 3: ANALYTICAL REPORT 3.2 Radio Audience Bishkek – 2011г. 1 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey This publication is made possible by the support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the sole responsibility of the М-Vector and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. M-Vector Research Agency 42A Ahunbaev St., 2nd Floor Bishkek, 720064 Kyrgyz Republic Phone: +996 312 510829; 511815 Cell: +996 543 91 88 12 Web: All copyrights belong to USAID and IRG. Unauthorized copying or distribution of these materials is subject to local legislation. Bishkek 2011. All rights reserved. 2 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience CONTENTS 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 SECTION A: RADIO ..................................................................................................................................... 4 RATING OF THE MOST POPULAR RADIO STATIONS AND RADIO PROGRAMS...................................................................... 7 AVERAGE WEEKLY RATING AND DURATION OF RADIO LISTENING ................................................................................ 27 INDEXES OF RADIO STATION AUDIENCES .............................................................................................................. 41 PRIME TIME OF RADIO STATIONS....................................................................................................................... 100 DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF RADIO STATIONS’ AUDITORY .......................................................................... 115 3 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 3.2 SECTION A: RADIO Since the time of creation of the first radio by Italian engineer Gulielmo Marconi and Russian inventor A.S. Popov, these means of communication is a reliable part of everyday life of millions of people. Every day we receive information about the current events in the world of politics and culture, learn the latest news of show business, energize, listening to favorite music, and plan our schedule to catch a favorite radio program. People listen to radio at home, at work, in traffic. The possibility of mobile phones to act as a receiver of radio waves and the penetration of radio in the World Wide Web has breathed new life and become undoubtedly a catalyst for the growing popularity of this source of information. Level of radio penetration varies from one country to another and depends on many factors, one of which is the general level of economic and cultural development, as well as the maturity of the media market. In Kyrgyzstan, the penetration of radio is 60%, i.e. among three men two of them are radio listeners. For residents of the capital the penetration of radio is similar to indicator of TV viewing and is 98%. In terms of regions it is higher the average indicator of residents of the Batken region, where radio is listened by 83% of the population. The least activeness in using this information resource showed residents of Osh city and the Osh region. In these regions, the penetration indicator was 50% and 30% respectively. We should also note that among citizens the number of radio listeners is higher than among rural residents: 77% against 51%. This is due to the higher pace of life, the need to receive updated and timely information, as well as with higher technical equipment of the inhabitants of urban areas. No 1,7 49,3 No 17,4 49,9 43,3 45,2 33,4 49,1 45,3 39,7 54,7 60,3 70,2 98,3 82,6 50,7 Yes 76,5 Yes % 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 23,5 No Detailed distribution of radio listeners in the context of regions and type of settlement is shown in Diagram 1. 50,1 56,7 54,8 66,6 50,9 29,8 Yes Fig. 3.2.1 Level of radio listening in the context of regions, % The analysis revealed that men and women are equally radio listeners, while the preferences of different age groups are vary. The most active radio listeners are young people aged 18 to 24 years old. Then trend is that with aging it is decreased the number of radio listeners, showing the lowest rate 50% for the older generation aged 55 and above. 4 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience % 100 90 28,50 80 39,50 39,90 60,50 60,10 Male Yes Female 32,18 40,90 41,32 44,76 59,10 58,68 55,24 25-34 35-44 45-54 49,54 70 60 50 40 71,50 30 67,82 50,46 20 10 0 No 18-24 over 55 Refuse to answer Fig. 3.2.2 Level of radio listening in the context of gender and age, % The level of radio listening among people with incomplete higher and higher education by 15-18% is higher than the average level for the republic and is 75-78%. % 100 90 22,0 38,4 80 41,1 46,6 54,9 70 46,7 25,3 40,7 67,9 60 50 100,0 40 78,0 61,6 30 20 58,9 53,4 45,1 53,3 74,7 59,3 32,1 10 0 No education No Yes Some Primary Some Completed Vocational Some Higher Refuse to Don't know primary education secondary secondary secondary higher education answer education education education education education Fig. 3.2.3 Level of radio listening in the context of education of the respondents, % The analysis revealed that people with higher incomes (15 000 soms and above) listen to the radio more active than residents with family income below 15,000 som. In general, it is seen the trend of growth in the number of radio listeners with increasing of their family income. By occupation most often radio is listened by the managers (94,6%), businessmen (74.5%), small undertakers (64,8%), students (83,8%), military (96.5%), skilled workers (71,6%). 5 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 90 % 100 19,0 35,1 80 70 50,2 52,6 46,2 40,5 34,4 37,4 28,4 21,7 32,6 60 50 100,0 81,0 40 64,9 30 20 47,4 49,8 53,8 59,5 65,6 62,6 71,6 78,3 67,4 10 0 No under 2 2 001-5 5 001-7 7 501-10 10 001- 12 501- 15 001- 20 001- over 30 Refuse Don't income 000 000 500 000 12 500 15 000 20 000 30 000 000 to know KGS KGS KGS KGS KGS KGS KGS KGS KGS answer No Yes Fig. 3.2.4 Level of radio listening among different income groups (by family income), % Ethnic composition of radio listeners is as follows: 94% are Kyrgyz, Russian and Uzbek, 6% are representatives of other nationalities. The largest number of radio listeners is observed among the Russian population - 77%, whereas among the Uzbeks, the number of radio listeners was 27.5%, which is 2,5 times less than that among the Kyrgyz population. 80 22,8 % 100 32,8 72,5 60 40 42,6 Yes 77,2 67,2 20 No 57,4 27,5 0 Kyrgyz Uzbek Russian Other Fig. 3.2.5 Level of radio listening in the context of nationality, % Thus, culture of radio listening in Kyrgyzstan is as follows: The penetration level of radio throughout republic is 60%. The most active listeners are residents of Bishkek city and Batken oblast. The number of listeners among the citizens exceeds the number of listeners among the rural population by 25% Among age groups there is largest number of listeners among young people from 18-24 (71,5%) The penetration level of radio is higher among better-educated and provided population (over 70% are radio listeners) 6 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Among the representatives of various nationalities the Russian population most actively listens to the radio (77,2%), the smallest audience is the Uzbek population (27,5%). 3.2.1 Rating of the most popular radio stations and radio programs One of the important indicators of market studies of brand is consumer awareness about a particular product. There are two types of awareness: spontaneous and induced. Famous brands join competitive battle to get a higher indicator of awareness and take a winning idea in the minds of consumers. Spontaneous awareness has no purely cognitive, but more emotional nature, as evidenced by the close correlation between awareness and preferences of consumers. As it was revealed by the level of spontaneous awareness, the most popular radio stations in Kyrgyzstan are Kyrgyz Obondoru, Azattyk and Europe plus. These stations are leaders in the rating of "First named”, and so in the overall standings. However, it should be noted that popularity rating for individual radio stations does not exceed 60%. Thus, 53% of radio listeners know about the most popular "Kyrgyzstan obondoru" radio station. 0 10 20 Kyrgyzstan obondoru Birinchi radio Hit FM Avtoradio 42,9 30,7 9,0 Min Kiyal FM Tumar 50 % 60 52,9 15,2 Europa Plus El FM 40 26,1 Radio Azattyk Russkaya volna 30 27,2 7,3 3,0 2,0 2,8 3,2 4,0 4,1 13,2 12,1 11,8 11,7 11,7 11,7 Other mentioned First mentioned Fig. 3.2.6 Spontaneous awareness of radio stations: top 10 in the national context (%) Awareness level of the radio stations is different for urban and rural areas. Despite the fact that in the rating of awareness “Kyrgyzstan obondoru" radio station is a leader, among rural residents it is more popular than among urban. On the other hand, the "Europe plus" radio station in the second position in the rating of urban residents moved into fourth in the rating of representatives of the rural area. It is also interesting that among the rural it is popular such radio stations as "El FM», “Birinchi Radio”, “Radio Salam", which were not included in the top 10, compiled by the level of awareness among the citizens. Detailed level of awareness is reflecte d in Diagram 3.2.7 and 3.2.8. 7 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 0 10 20 30 40 Kyrgyzstan obondoru % 50 46,7 0 35,4 Radio Azattyk Radio Azattyk 34,7 Min Kiyal FM 20,1 20 30 33,9 Europa Plus 26,4 El FM 15,1 Russkaya volna 17,0 Birinchi radio 14,1 Radio Salam 13,0 Tumar 13,8 Radio Almaz 12,7 Love radio 12,7 60 % 70 50,5 17,3 14,4 50 58,8 Hit FM Avtoradio 40 Kyrgyzstan obondoru Europa Plus Min Kiyal FM 10 Tumar 10,0 Russkaya volna 9,7 Avtoradio 9,1 Fig. 3.2.8 Awareness among rural residents Fig. 3.2.7 Awareness among citizens Among men and women positions of popular radio stations are reserved to the most degree. However, in the rating of the most popular radio stations among men "Autoradio", "El FM” take higher positions than in the similar rating, compiled by the level of women's awareness. At the same time among female part of the population it is more popular such stations as "Birinchi Radio” and “Salam” radio. 0 20 40 Kyrgyzstan obondoru % 60 56,0 Radio Azattyk 38,4 Europa Plus 36,8 Min Kiyal FM 28,8 0 10 20 40 50% Kyrgyzstan obondoru 60 53,8 Radio Azattyk 35,4 Europa Plus 31,9 Min Kiyal FM 31,6 Avtoradio 17,6 Tumar Hit FM 17,6 Russkaya volna 15,7 15,0 17,3 Russkaya volna 14,6 Hit FM El FM 13,8 Birinchi radio 10,4 Tumar 13,7 Avtoradio 10,2 Birinchi radio 13,4 Radio Salam 10,2 Fig. 3.2.9 Awareness among men 30 Fig. 3.2.10 Awareness among women In general, it is traced similar tendencies among young people (in age groups 18-24, 25-34) and older people (35-44, 45-54). The most popular radio station for all age groups except for people older than 55 years old is "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru”. Among young people of 18-35 years old the rating positions were as follows: first place - "Kyrgyzstan obondoru", the second - "Europe plus", the third - "Min Kiyial FM” (among representatives of 18-24 years old), and Azattyk news radio (among population of 25-34 years old). Among radio listeners aged 35-54, "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru" takes the first place, the second - Azattyk news radio, the third - the "Europe plus" radio station (45-54), and Min Kyial FM (35-44). 8 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience It is unlikely formed awareness rating for the population older than 55, Azattyk news radio takes a leading position, followed by "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru" and "Min Kiyial FM”. Table 3.2.1. Rating of radio stations by the level of awareness in the context of age groups, % Radio stations 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 and older Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru 61.6 54.8 54.3 53.1 41.2 54.9 Azattyk radio 30.6 36.9 35.2 46.1 44.2 36.8 Europe Plus 44.9 41.8 26.4 26.3 16.3 34.3 Min Kyial FM 32.1 33.9 34.2 26.0 17.9 30.2 Hit FM 24.1 17.9 16.4 8.0 3.3 16.2 Tumar 23.7 14.7 16.4 7.5 5.4 15.5 Russkaya volna 17.2 14.2 16.0 13.6 12.8 15.2 Autoradio 12.1 13.6 14.6 20.4 9.2 13.8 Birinchi radio 9.4 12.9 10.1 14.5 15.0 11.9 Love radio 15.6 16.4 10.2 4.3 1.2 11.3 st Colors designation: 1 place 2 nd rd place 3 place In all oblasts, except Batken, Naryn oblasts, and Bishkek city, the most popular radio station is "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru”. In the capital in awareness rating the most popular is "Europe plus", followed by "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru" and "Hit FM”. In Osh, along with Kyrgyzstan Obondoru and Europe plus it is popular "Almaz” radio station. Azattyk radio station is among the three most famous in Talas, Issyk-Kul, Batken, Djalal-Abad, Osh and Naryn oblasts. We should also note the popularity of local radio stations Next in the Talas oblast and Salam in Batken. Table 3.2.2. Rating of radio stations by awareness level in the context of oblasts, % Bishkek Osh Chui oblast Talas oblast IssykKul oblast Batken oblast Djalalabad oblast Osh oblast Naryn oblast Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru 46.6 72.3 44.7 61.4 61.1 14.3 78.1 60.0 50.0 52.9 Azattyk radio 16.5 27.7 14.3 56.1 55.6 70.0 51.3 59.0 82.7 42.9 Europe Plus 47.2 51.1 38.2 44.7 40.0 7.2 23.3 8.6 17.3 30.7 Min Kyial FM 22.7 21.3 17.4 6.1 24.4 71.7 19.5 36.2 17.3 27.2 Russkaya volna 25.0 10.6 30.7 21.2 7.8 - 2.9 1.9 3.8 13.2 El FM 2.1 31.9 1.9 - - 0.8 26.2 51.0 - 12.1 Tumar 22.2 14.9 21.1 1.5 8.9 1.7 9.3 7.6 - 11.8 Birinchi radio 7.7 21.3 9.9 13.6 20.0 8.9 6.7 13.3 26.9 11.7 Hit FM 35.1 4.3 21.7 4.5 3.3 - 0.6 3.8 3.8 11.7 Autoradio 19.1 14.9 14.9 17.4 7.8 5.1 5.2 8.6 13.5 11.7 Salam radio 0.52 - - - - 84.39 1.17 0.95 - 10.35 Almaz radio 8.25 42.55 5.59 3.33 4.22 5.54 7.62 44.23 9.30 Next radio 0.52 1.11 -- - - - 3.63 Radio stations 0.62 50.76 9 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey We will consider the awareness of radio stations in the context of nationality. Among the Kyrgyz people radio stations in the Kyrgyz language are the most popular, namely, "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru”, Azattyk Radio, Min Kiyal FM. 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 70 62,3 Radio Azattyk 44,9 Min Kiyal FM 37,2 Europa Plus 31,0 Tumar 16,5 Hit FM 15,1 Birinchi radio 14,8 El FM 14,0 Radio Salam 11,1 Avtoradio 10,7 Fig. 3.2.11 Awareness among the Kyrgyz population, % Among the Uzbek population three of the most popular radio stations are "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru", "Vodiy Sadosi, Azattyk Radio. 0 10 20 30 40 50 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 40,8 Radio Azattyk 27,6 Europa Plus 23,6 Min Kiyal FM 18,5 Radio Almaz 15,9 Tumar 13,1 El FM Birinchi radio 70 61,4 Vodiy Sadosi Avtoradio 60 11,5 7,3 6,1 Fig. 3.2.12 Awareness among the Uzbek population, % 10 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Otherwise, there was a picture among the Russian population, the ten most popular radio stations included mainly stations, broadcasting in Russian: a leader is "Europe plus", followed by such stations as the "Russkaya volna", "Yumor FM”. Among the radio stations in the Kyrgyz language, the rating includes "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru” and Tumar Radio. 0 10 20 30 40 50 Europa Plus 60 53,8 Russkaya volna 44,6 Yumor FM 33,3 Hit FM 29,6 Radio Shanson 27,2 Eho Moskvy 27,1 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 25,3 Avtoradio 24,9 Love radio 20,2 Tumar 12,0 Fig. 3.2.13 Awareness among the Russian population, % We reviewed the level of spontaneous awareness in the various radio stations. Another important indicator of successful marketing and promoting policy of radio stations is a general level of awareness, including spontaneous and induced awareness. Table 3 shows the final combined rating of the most popular radio stations in the national and regional context. In Bishkek, the three most popular radio stations included stations, broadcasting in Russian language, namely "Europe plus", "Autoradio", "Hit FM”. In Chui oblast the most popular is "Europe plus", followed by "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru" and "Russkaya volna". In Talas, IssykKul and Djalal-Abad oblasts the top three included "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru”, Azattyk Radio and "Europe plus". In the southern capital, Osh city, a leader in the popularity rating is "Europe plus", followed by "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru", the third position takes "Almaz" radio. In Batken oblast the three leaders vary considerably in comparison with other regions, in the first place Azattyk, followed by "Salam" and "Min Kiyal FM”. In many respects it is also related to feature of geographical position and complexity of broadcasting in the region. Table 3.2.3. Final rating of radio stations by awareness level in the context of oblast, % Bishkek Osh Chui oblast Talas oblast Issyk-Kul oblast Batken oblast Djalalabad oblast Osh oblast Naryn oblast Total 59.97 84.71 64.50 75.76 90.15 45.79 89.59 82.38 82.87 70.84 48.66 62.77 37.22 79.88 87.41 91.68 74.19 75.93 91.30 64.46 Europe Plus 81.35 70.10 73.63 71.18 68.38 20.86 43.98 28.28 48.54 60.18 Min Kyial FM 47.72 52.47 39.63 27.29 57.27 87.41 36.71 50.06 45.16 49.29 Autoradio 65.63 11.02 43.31 46.03 41.13 11.70 10.65 15.49 45.38 38.06 Russkaya volna 59.99 18.23 54.87 41.92 17.59 6.72 5.00 6.08 7.28 32.46 Hit FM 64.09 5.27 48.13 23.43 10.53 2.35 0.29 6.10 12.68 29.91 Love Radio 53.06 9.57 44.01 16.75 20.16 8.19 3.27 11.61 25.48 28.80 Radio stations Kyrgyzstan obondoru Azattyk Radio 11 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Tumar 43.67 35.76 48.38 2.64 15.25 1.81 22.08 15.16 1.93 28.25 Almaz Radio 36.08 68.02 30.83 7.59 9.34 18.17 13.49 21.12 69.22 27.64 El FM 13.16 49.45 6.80 - 2.02 1.44 43.21 61.38 1.04 19.51 Salam Radio 0.65 3.93 - - 4.18 87.68 2.95 4.43 - 10.48 Next Radio 2.40 - 1.72 55.26 2.72 1.21 - - - 3.42 Radio stations that listened to more often During the study respondents were asked to name the radio station they listen to more often. In almost all oblasts except Batken and Naryn, "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru” radio is listened to often. In Batken oblast radio listeners prefer the "Salam" radio station, which broadcasts only in Batken city and in Batken oblast, respectively, its content is aimed at coverage of local news and events. In Talas and Issyk-Kul oblasts radio listeners named local radio stations such as «Next» and «LW” radio. In Naryn oblast Azattyk radio is most often listen to. In Osh city “Vodiy Sadosi” radio station is quite popular, which broadcasts in Uzbek. Table 3.2.4. Rating of radio stations for listening frequency in the context of oblasts, % Radio stations Kyrgyzstan obondoru Bishkek city 21.85 Osh city Chui oblast Talas oblast Issyk-Kul oblast Batken oblast Djalalabad oblast Osh oblast Naryn oblast Total 49.02 19.32 30.56 45.61 - 57.93 26.94 22.26 28.54 Azattyk radio 6.53 3.49 2.35 23.42 10.57 24.59 10.99 21.84 37.75 11.88 Europe Plus 16.09 12.75 10.10 6.48 14.42 - 6.16 1.30 2.10 9.50 Min Kyial FM 1.13 - 8.75 - - 16.23 6.58 5.08 - 5.54 Salam Radio - - - - 48.62 - - - 4.94 Tumar 8.16 7.32 7.22 - 0.44 - - - - 3.86 Russkaya volna 6.21 2.57 7.29 3.83 1.10 - 0.26 - - 3.36 Yumor FM 7.51 - 5.70 - - - - - - 3.12 El FM 0.55 1.06 1.18 - - - 3.98 20.61 - 2.98 Hit FM 7.37 - 4.72 - - - - - - 2.93 Echo Moskvy 8.53 - 1.21 - - - - - - 2.74 Vodiy Sadosi - 12.89 - - - - 2.63 17.05 - 2.53 LW Radio - - - - 15.68 - - - - 1.41 Next Radio - - - 19.96 - - - - - 0.75 Kyrgyz radiosu - - - - - - - - 10.55 0.38 Other 16.07 10.91 32.16 15.75 8.68 10.55 11.46 7.18 15.24 15.53 Total 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 As it can be seen from the Diagram 3.2.14 tastes and preferences of urban and rural residents are different. So the citizens often listen to radio stations such as "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru", "Europe Plus”, Azattyk Radio, «Tumar» Radio, «Echo of Moscow. While among rural residents it is the most popular radio stations such as "Kyrgyzstan obondoru", “Azattyk", “Min Kyial FM”, Salam Radio and Europe plus. You can also see that such radio stations as "Kyrgyzstan obondoru", “Azattyk", “Min Kyial FM”, “Salam Radio", "Vodiy Sadosi", "El FM” are the most popular in the rural area. Whereas "Europe plus”, “Tumar”, “Echo Moskvy", "Yumor FM”, “Russkaya volna", "Hit FM”, “Autoradio” are the most popular among the urban audience. This is also explained by the 12 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience fact that the above radio stations (except for "Europe plus", "Russkaya volna», “Tumar”, “Autoradio”) broadcast mainly in Bishkek and Chui oblast. 0 10 20 30 24,3 Kyrgyzstan obondoru Europa Plus 8,5 Tumar Eho Moskvy Yumor FM Hit FM 5,1 1,4 4,9 1,9 1,3 4,7 Radio Salam 3,5 Avtoradio 3,1 2,1 2,7 Birinchi radio Vodiy Sadosi El FM 14,9 5,6 0,2 Min Kiyal FM 32,3 5,9 2,0 Russkaya volna 40 13,4 6,0 Radio Azattyk % 6,2 8,1 2,1 2,7 1,1 3,8 0,9 4,8 Urban Rural 14,1 12,1 Other Fig. 3.2.14 The most frequently listened to radio stations in the context of urban/rural In all age groups the most often listened to the radio station is "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru”. Population aged 55 and older often listens to the Azattyk radio. Among young people it is also popular radio station "Europe plus", the population older than 35 years in second place often listens to Azattyk radio. Also among young people aged 18-24 “Tumar” is a popular radio. In the third place among the respondents aged over 25 are such stations as "Salam", "Min Kiyal FM”, “Echo of Moscow”. Table 3.2.5. Rating of the most often listened to radio stations in the context of age groups, % 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 and older Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru 32.0 29.6 29.7 26.9 18.5 28.5 Azattyk Radio 5.2 8.4 14.0 20.4 21.6 11.9 Europe Plus 12.8 12.8 7.0 5.2 4.3 9.5 Min Kyial FM 3.9 5.3 6.6 7.9 5.6 5.5 Salam Radio 4.2 8.4 2.9 3.6 5.1 4.9 Tumar 8.5 2.2 4.0 Russkaya volna 3.2 3.8 1.6 2.6 6.8 3.4 Yumor FM 2.0 3.4 4.2 5.8 0.5 3.1 El FM 3.1 3.0 4.5 1.7 1.7 3.0 Hit FM 8.0 1.5 0.3 0.9 0.9 1.5 5.7 11.5 2.7 20.6 23.7 19.4 24.5 20.6 Radio stations Echo Moskvy Other 17.2 3.9 2.9 13 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Total: 100 100 100 100 100 100 In Table 3.2.6 the radio stations most often listened to by representatives of various nationalities are given. So among the Kyrgyz people it is the most popular Kyrgyzstan Obondoru radio station. It is listened to by the third of surveyed Kyrgyz people. Uzbek population often listens to the radio "Vodiy Sadosi", "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru”. Among the Russian population "Europe plus", "Russkaya volna" and "Yumor FM” radio stations are particularly popular. Table 3.2.6. Rating of the most often listened to radio stations in the context of nationality, % Radio stations Kyrgyz Uzbek Russian Kyrgyzstan obondoru 34.0 29.9 0.5 Azattyk Radio 14.1 10.6 3.0 Europe Plus 7.9 6.6 16.3 Min Kyial FM 7.1 2.5 0.2 Salam Radio 6.6 1.0 - Tumar 4.3 - 4.7 El FM 3.9 1.6 - Birinchi radio 3.3 - 0.3 Hit FM 3.2 - 3.3 Autoradio 2.0 1.9 2.9 Russkaya volna 1.3 - 13.4 Yumor FM 1.0 - 13.0 Echo Moskvy 0.9 - 10.7 Almaz Radio 0.7 2.3 0.7 Shanson 0.6 0.0 5.4 Record Radio 0.1 0.0 3.7 Vodiy Sadosi - 30.1 - 9.2 13.5 11.4 100 100 100 Other Total: In terms of different income groups the first place in the rating of the most often listened to radio stations is taken by the "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru”. The second and the third place are divided with Azattyk and Europe plus. Population with income more than 20,000 soms also prefers such radio stations as "Russkaya volna" and "Hit FM”. Among the representatives of different kinds of activities are the following trends: businessmen, small entrepreneurs often listen to the radio "Kyrgyzstan Obonoru” and Azattyk radio, as well as "Europe plus" and "Autoradio". Managers prefer to radio stations "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru", "Russkaya volna" and "Yumor FM”. Executives and directors of enterprises most often listen to "Europe plus", "Autoradio" and "Birinchi radio". 14 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Among the unemployed population it is popular triple of radio stations: Kyrgyzstan Obondoru, Azattyk, Europe plus. Among agricultural workers it is also popular Vodiy Sadosi radio station. Table 3.2.7. Rating of the most often listened to radio stations in the context of nationality, % No income Less than 2 000 2 0015 000 5 0017 500 7 50110 000 10 001-12 500 12 50115 000 15 00120 000 20 00130 000 More than 30 000 Total 23.5 29.0 29.4 29.0 30.4 23.5 30.3 28.6 34.1 24.0 28.5 Azattyk - 9.4 14.0 14.9 13.4 9.6 7.0 7.3 15.0 12.4 11.9 Europe Plus - 6.0 6.4 6.6 10.0 13.1 17.0 7.8 7.9 11.5 9.5 Min Kyial FM - 6.6 6.3 6.9 6.7 2.3 6.4 3.7 3.4 0.4 5.5 Salam 3.4 6.8 5.5 7.8 5.8 5.8 3.0 1.4 1.1 - 4.9 Tumar 4.0 11.3 4.5 4.7 3.8 10.6 3.4 Radio stations Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 8.5 2.8 1.0 1.1 2.3 4.4 Russkaya volna - 0.8 4.6 3.0 1.4 2.9 Yumor FM - 2.4 1.7 1.3 2.5 4.2 2.6 17.2 2.3 4.8 3.1 El FM 3.9 1.8 3.4 3.9 2.6 0.7 3.4 5.7 1.0 8.3 3.0 Hit FM 48.0 - 0.5 1.0 7.7 8.9 0.7 8.0 4.7 2.9 Echo Moskvy - - 2.4 3.4 4.1 9.6 2.1 1.6 1.4 - 2.7 Autoradio - 3.4 3.1 2.1 0.9 4.5 5.7 3.4 - 3.2 2.6 Vodiy Sadosi - 3.5 5.2 4.7 1.6 1.1 1.5 - - - 2.5 Birinchi radio 12.7 6.2 2.4 3.1 1.6 0.7 2.6 0.4 1.0 3.2 2.4 Love radio - - 1.3 1.3 1.6 0.8 - - 3.5 5.2 1.4 LW Radio - 13.0 1.3 0.3 0.7 0.5 - - Shanson - - 0.5 1.2 0.6 2.3 3.0 1.4 7.0 0.0 8.3 11.0 8.5 13.9 6.2 2.6 4.6 5.9 11.7 9.1 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Other Total: 3.9 1.4 1.2 As seen from Table 3.2.7, with increasing of prosperity level, a significant difference in preferences of radio listeners is not happening. Favorite radio stations We will consider rating of the most popular radio stations in the national context. Top three includes such stations as "Kyrgyzstan obondoru", “Azattyk", “Europe plus". This rating fully repeats the distribution of preferences on the most often listening to radio stations. In Bishkek, a number of favorite radio stations other than those which listened to by the citizens often top three includes "Hit FM” radio, which displaced the radio Echo Moskvy, which was in the third place among the most often listening to radio stations. In Chui oblast the top three of the most favorite radio stations is "Russkaya volna" which displaced Min Kyial FM radio to the fourth position. Speaking about regional radio stations it should be noted that the most popular in ones region is Salam radio, which broadcasts in Batken region. Issyk-Kul radio station «LW» and Talas «Next» take in their areas the second and the third places respectively. 15 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Table 3.2.8. Rating of favorite radio stations in the context of oblasts, % Radio stations Bishkek city Osh city Chui oblast Talas oblast Issyk-Kul oblast Kyrgyzstan obondoru 20.2 51.5 17.6 33.7 51.4 Azattyk 4.6 1.6 2.4 17.6 7.4 Europe pus 13.9 12.8 13.2 5.1 10.7 Min Kyial FM 2.4 8.0 Batken oblast 25.5 0.7 17.8 Salam Djalalab ad oblast Osh oblast Naryn oblast Total 57.4 27.4 19.1 28.5 10.7 24.0 36.7 11.0 6.1 3.2 5.4 9.3 5.8 4.3 5.5 46.2 Russkaya volna 6.5 2.6 9.7 Tumar 6.6 7.3 7.9 Hit FM 9.2 El FM 0.6 Vodiy Sadosi 4.6 1.5 4.7 0.3 2.6 4.0 0.4 3.5 4.2 1.1 3.5 1.8 12.3 LW Radio 5.4 19.3 3.1 2.6 17.2 2.5 14.3 Next 1.5 18.1 0.7 Yumor FM 5.2 2.5 2.0 Echo Moskvy 4.7 1.2 Mir 3.6 0.4 1.1 Love radio 3.4 4.2 1.9 Birinchi radio 0.5 4.3 0.9 5.8 1.7 2.3 3.3 1.5 0.9 Kyrgyz radiosu Other Total 4.5 2.0 7.5 0.3 17.8 10.9 22.8 15.0 10.3 4.7 9.0 2.4 17.6 13.4 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 We will consider what radio stations are favorite among the urban and rural populations. Among the citizens most often listening to and favorite radio stations remain "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru", "Europe plus", “Azattyk”. We can also note that the top five favorite radio stations also includes "Hit FM” and the "Russkaya volna", rising to higher positions, compared with the distribution of radio stations listened more often. On the contrary, Echo Moskvy and Yumor FM radio stations, despite the relatively frequent listening, take 8 and 9 positions among the most favorite stations. Distribution of positions in the rating of favorite stations and the stations listened to more often for rural residents is similar. 0 Kyrgyzstan obondoru Europa Plus Radio Azattyk Hit FM Russkaya volna Tumar Radio Salam Yumor FM Eho Moskvy Min Kiyal FM El FM Vodiy Sadosi Other 5 10 15 20 25 30 % 35 23,3 6,6 6,2 6,2 1,0 0,5 0,3 5,1 3,7 3,7 5,5 3,2 3,0 1,6 1,0 15,2 5,3 2,8 2,1 33,2 12,4 Urban Rural 7,7 4,5 3,8 16,6 25,4 Fig. 3.2.15 Rating of favorite radio stations in the context of urban/rural 16 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Top three favorite radio stations, both in the national context, and separately among male and female population are "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru”, “Azattyk” and "Europe plus". It should be noted that the format of radio station «Tumar» is quite popular among young people 1824 years. Radio station "Min Kiyal FM” attracts more adult audience over 35 years. The population aged over 55 prefer the Echo Moskvy radio station. Table 3.2.9. Rating of favorite radio stations in the context of gender and age, % Radio stations Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 27.3 29.7 28.1 30.7 32.5 28.0 55 and older 20.3 Azattyk 13.0 9.1 4.4 7.7 13.9 17.9 20.7 11.0 Europe Plus 9.8 8.8 15.1 10.7 6.3 3.9 4.0 9.3 Min Kyial FM 6.5 4.5 6.6 3.7 6.8 6.1 3.5 5.5 Salam 3.4 5.9 3.1 8.7 3.1 3.8 4.5 4.7 Russkaya volna 1.8 6.0 4.2 3.4 2.3 4.0 7.2 4.0 Tumar 2.6 4.4 7.8 1.8 2.6 1.4 Hit FM 3.9 3.0 7.3 3.6 1.5 0.6 0.2 3.5 El FM 3.1 3.2 3.7 3.5 3.6 1.8 2.0 3.1 Vodiy Sadosi 2.4 2.6 2.4 2.6 5.3 1.1 Autoradio 3.4 1.6 1.1 2.8 3.4 4.3 1.4 2.5 Birinchi radio 2.7 1.4 0.3 3.1 0.4 3.2 5.1 2.0 Yumor FM 2.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.9 5.5 0.3 2.0 Love radio 2.1 1.7 3.3 2.5 1.4 0.5 Echo Moskvy 1.6 1.8 1.5 1.3 2.7 5.6 1.7 Other 13.7 14.8 11.1 12.4 13.5 15.4 25.3 14.3 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 Total: Total 28.5 3.5 2.5 1.9 Among the Kyrgyz population about the third named "Kyrgyzstan Obondoru” as favorite radio station, eighth of respondents said Azattyk news radio and 8% indicated Europe plus as favorite. Uzbek population prefers to listen to the Vodiy Sadosi radio station and Kyrgyzstan Obondoru, 60% respondents indicated them. 9% also prefer Azattyk radio. Among the Russian population it is popular and favorite such stations as the "Russkaya volna", "Europe plus" and "Echo Moskvy" stations. Table 3.2.10. Rating of favorite radio stations in the national context, % Radio stations Kyrgyzstan obondoru Azattyk Europe Plus Min Kyial FM Salam Russkaya volna Tumar Hit FM El FM Vodiy Sadosi Echo Moskvy Shanson Yumor FM Autoradio Record Mir Birinchi radio Love radio Other Total: Kyrgyz Uzbek Russian 34.2 13.2 8.2 7.0 6.2 1.9 3.6 3.6 4.1 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.6 0.1 0.0 2.7 2.0 9.7 100 30.4 9.4 6.6 2.0 1.0 0.1 1.9 30.0 0.9 1.9 15.7 100 0.2 1.8 13.3 1.2 0.2 15.7 5.1 5.5 7.5 7.3 6.0 3.5 3.6 3.4 0.3 1.7 14.7 100 17 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey As the Table 3.2.11 shows, regardless of income, over 20% of respondents consider "Kyrgyzstan obondoru” as a favorite radio station. In the second place it is followed by Azattyk and Europe plus radio stations. Also among the representatives of higher income groups such stations as "Yumor FM”, “Hit FM” and the "Russkaya volna" are popular. Table 3.2.11. Rating of favorite radio stations in the context of income groups (total family income),% Radio stations Kyrgyzstan obondoru Azattyk Europe Plus No income Less than 2 000 2 001-5 000 5 001-7 500 7 501-10 000 10 00112 500 12 50115 000 15 00120 000 20 00130 000 More than 30 000 Total 23.5 31.2 31.2 29.0 30.1 25.2 28.5 26.8 30.7 21.2 28.5 6.5 11.9 15.2 13.2 7.2 4.9 7.1 9.6 18.0 11.0 5.4 6.8 7.5 9.2 8.8 16.1 12.0 5.1 11.0 9.3 4.7 6.1 4.9 7.8 1.1 7.6 3.0 2.6 5.5 7.0 5.8 7.5 4.4 6.7 3.7 1.4 3.0 4.7 23.2 Min Kyial FM Salam 3.4 Russkaya volna 0.8 3.8 4.6 2.9 2.7 5.1 3.4 7.5 12.9 4.0 Tumar 8.5 3.7 1.4 0.8 2.2 5.9 4.0 3.2 3.2 2.4 3.5 Hit FM 24.8 0.2 0.9 1.6 1.0 9.3 5.4 4.5 18.0 2.4 3.5 El FM 3.9 2.6 2.8 4.4 3.3 1.2 4.3 6.6 0.7 6.0 3.1 Vodiy Sadosi 3.3 5.2 4.7 1.6 1.1 1.5 Autoradio 2.8 3.2 2.2 0.9 3.6 4.4 6.2 2.2 2.4 1.2 0.6 1.6 1.0 0.7 1.6 2.7 3.4 Birinchi radio 12.7 Yumor FM Love radio 1.0 0.7 2.3 1.7 0.8 Echo Moskvy 1.2 1.9 0.5 3.4 2.3 LW Radio 12.3 1.2 0.4 0.7 0.7 0.6 2.5 4.4 2.5 3.2 2.0 11.3 2.3 4.8 2.0 0.4 4.2 5.2 1.9 4.4 1.7 2.9 1.5 Other 0.0 11.1 13.8 11.1 14.8 20.0 9.0 8.8 13.0 13.0 12.8 Total 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 During the study it was examined the preferences of representatives of various professions. In general, the overall trends are preserved in the context of different spheres of activity. However, we can identify some differences and peculiarities. Thus, considering the preferences of workers in agriculture, it may be noted that among the farmers it is very popular Vodiy Sadosi radio. One of the reasons is the broad representation of the Uzbek population among the people of this kind of activity. Office workers, managers of different units often pointed "Hit FM” and "Russkaya volna” as a favorite. Directors and Executives of enterprises listen to such stations as "Europe plus", “Azattyk”. Representatives of the security forces, police and military pointed out “Azattyk “, “Tumar”, “El FM” in most as the favorite stations. Among students it is popular stations such as "Kyrgyzstan obondoru", "Europe plus”, “Tumar”. Detailed information is presented in Table 3.2.12 18 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Livestock breeder Businessman Small undertaker Manager Executive Student Teacher Policeman Military worker Housewife General worker Skilled worker Medical worker Public servant Unemployed Pensioner Kyrgyzstan obondoru 25.9 53.0 28.3 31.2 17.2 5.4 21.8 26.6 3.6 17.4 33.1 35.5 14.7 30.4 28.6 32.5 24.5 Azattyk 22.1 7.8 15.5 15.6 6.3 5.6 2.5 14.7 14.4 26.6 5.4 8.6 7.4 15.1 13.3 14.5 12.8 Europe Plus Min Kyial FM Salam Russkaya volna Tumar 3.7 Hit FM El FM Vodiy Sadosi Autoradio Birinchi radio Next Other Total: 1.8 Radio stations Farmer Table 3.2.12. Rating of favorite radio stations in the context of field of activity, % 2.7 10.5 4.3 39.4 20.0 4.0 8.7 11.6 11.1 10.6 13.5 22.8 7.6 8.6 4.0 7.1 3.0 2.3 6.4 3.6 5.1 2.7 6.0 6.6 8.2 5.3 4.3 2.3 9.6 6.1 9.8 5.3 4.7 2.3 9.7 5.3 2.4 14.4 12.6 7.4 3.9 0.5 8.2 6.2 3.2 3.7 0.3 5.1 2.1 2.8 12.4 4.9 6.1 3.1 5.2 2.2 4.1 1.0 1.2 3.0 7.7 1.1 3.9 4.5 1.1 4.0 13.7 2.3 10.1 3.6 3.8 5.4 0.8 1.2 7.4 2.7 13.0 12.3 3.8 0.9 1.7 7.1 3.3 2.5 0.2 4.7 2.6 1.6 2.5 5.5 2.8 1.5 2.0 0.7 1.2 2.6 1.3 3.0 2.7 2.7 5.1 1.2 0.2 1.3 5.9 3.3 1.0 3.4 3.2 1.9 1.1 0.5 3.0 1.9 1.5 2.3 0.1 0.4 0.4 9.0 5.5 12.5 0.9 1.6 3.1 7.0 1.4 2.8 1.6 7.8 2.6 0.8 0.8 6.7 13.1 8.0 14.7 37.6 100 100 100 100 100 2.4 13.0 1.7 40.3 0.4 4.7 40.4 1.7 0.8 10.7 2.4 0.4 0.7 4.2 15.5 10.5 0.0 8.3 19.2 18.0 34.1 6.2 26.3 15.7 35.7 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 1.5 Despite the universal popularity of various quantitative parameters, media factors, and other numerical characteristics of the audience, the simple perception and positioning of a radio station in the minds of listeners at times is even more essential and important aspect. The concept "favorite radio station" is complex, and each listener may, in his/her own way, to motivate his/her choice, but we can say with a high degree of accuracy, that if the size of the audience of a radio station is close to the number of its admirers and fans, then its managers are leading ship on the right course and exactly know the answers to the questions "Who is my audience?" and "What do they want?". In this section it was considered the preferences of radio listeners in Kyrgyzstan. Based on these results we can draw the following conclusions: The number of radio stations, listening to by the populations most often includes: "Kyrgyzstan obondoru", "Europe Plus”, “Azattyk Radio”. Among all regional radio stations "Salam" radio can be regarded as the most successful, which is the most often listening to and the favorite for the majority (more than 45%) residents of Batken oblast. Among radio stations that broadcast in both rural and urban areas, it is possible to allocate the most popular one in the villages: "Kyrgyzstan obondoru”, “Azattyk Radio”, "Min Kyial FM”, “Vodiy Sadosi”, “Salam Radio” and in the cities - "Europe plus”, “Tumar” , “Russkaya volna”. Among young people under 35, it is popular "Europe plus" radio station, among the working population aged over 25 - Azattyk radio and Echo Moskvy. The population with relatively high family income (more than 20 000 soms) often listens to the radio "Hit FM” and "Russkaya volna". 19 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Favorite types of radio programs Let’s consider in detail the preferred types of programs: 2,9 Female 47,7 Male 38,2 40,3 7,0 4,3 5,2 4,1 5,9 44,5 3,2 Rural 39,6 48,6 5,6 2,9 3,7 Urban 49,2 33,0 0 20 40 Music News Talk show 6,7 60 7,4 80 Politics 100 Other Fig. 3.2.16. The distribution of respondents’ answers by the preferred type of radio programs, gender and type of survey place (%) When listening to radio news and music programs are the most popular (totaling over 80% of respondents’ answers, Music and News almost identical by 40% of answers). Nearly half 48.6% of rural residents prefer the news (33% of citizens). 44.5% of men (n = ) prefer to watch the news, that is by 6% more than women’s percentage - 38,2% (n = 415). In the regional context preferences are as follows: 456 Kyrgyzstan 44,1 41,3 3,5 6,1 5,0 1,1 Naryn oblast 42,5 Osh oblast 44,7 Jalalabad oblast 47,0 40,4 Batken oblast 7,1 2,0 5,5 0,7 0,5 4,6 2,9 49,3 51,5 24,9 47,7 17,4 7,5 2,4 0,3 Issyk-Kul oblast 25,6 Talas oblast 65,0 45,6 Chui oblast 42,2 49,8 37,9 Osh city 54,8 Bishkek city 53,7 0 Music 10 20 News 30 21,9 28,0 40 Talk show 50 60 70 Politics 4,6 4,5 4,0 4,0 4,3 3,2 3,4 5,8 0,5 10,6 12,2 3,6 6,7 8,0 80 90 100 Other Fig. 3.2.17. The distribution of respondents’ answers by the preferred type of radio programs and region of the survey (%) 20 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience As seen from Fig. 3.2.17, above all by the level of commitment to news is Issyk-Kul oblast (65% of respondents in the Issyk-Kul region indicated this type of program), just below the level of preference for news in Osh and Bishkek cities (21.9% and 28% respectively). With aging, the commitment to news events is increased, and to the musical programs is reduced: 0 20 40 60 80 100 1,2 18-24 66,3 22,9 5,6 4,0 4,4 25-34 45,4 39,4 8,0 2,7 3,2 35-44 39,5 45-54 47,6 25,9 5,1 49,7 4,6 7,6 5,2 11,6 3,9 over 55 16,5 Music 5,6 4,8 69,2 News Talk show Politics Other Fig. 3.2.18. The distribution of respondents’ answers by the preferred type of radio programs and age (%) Since only 22.9% of respondents aged 18 to 24 have indicated a preference for watching the news, whereas in the age group 55 and older such persons are already 69,2%. And there is almost the reverse situation when listening to music programs (66.3% of young people listen to music, among persons 55 years and older - 16.5%). Once respondents indicated first remembered television program, which they prefer to watch (favorite type of radio programs) they were asked to indicate from a list other radio programs, which they also prefer to watch. Subsequent responses were as follows: 0 50 Bishkek city Osh city 100 89,9 74,8 61,1 150 80,5 9,9 Chui oblast 86,6 81,9 Talas oblast 86,6 78,9 Issyk-Kul oblast 82,8 91,5 7,1 Batken oblast Jalalabad oblast 61,3 67,5 80,2 89,0 Naryn oblast 84,5 82,3 Kyrgyzstan 83,5 81,8 News 300 31,8 27,4 30,3 12,2 30,5 24,9 50,3 15,1 28,5 22,0 18,5 32,4 36,0 25,4 350 36,8 39,3 37,1 21,3 26,1 43,5 12,6 29,4 27,2 40,0 60,8 24,2 41,7 24,8 43,2 8,4 18,9 27,0 8,8 22,7 22,7 21,1 31,8 30,5 39,7 30,9 Politics 400 27,6 29,0 26,3 18,0 42,8 89,2 Weather 250 30,9 89,4 Osh oblast Music 200 26,9 21,4 Talk show Health Other Fig. 3.2.19. The distribution of respondents’ answers by the preferred types of radio programs (referred to in the future/in the second turn) and region of the survey (%) 21 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey As can be seen from Figure 3.2.19, music and news - is a basic radio programs that listen to more often almost in all regions of the country, they were indicated by more than 80% of radio listeners (except for the Osh city and Batken region, here these programs are preferred by 61% to 75% of listeners). The following programs were mentioned in an average by 21% to 31% of radio listeners: Weather, Politics, Talk Shows and Health. Weather forecasts are preferred to listen to in the Issyk-Kul (42.8%), Djalal-Abad (43.5%) and Osh (40%) oblasts, and least of all in Osh city (9,9%) and Batken oblast (7,1 %). Political programs are most popular in Osh oblast (43,2%), and least of all in Chui oblast (22%). Talk shows are more popular in Issyk-Kul (39.3%) and Batken (37.1%) oblasts, the program on health are often listened to in Bishkek (30.3%), and talk shows and programs on health are the least popular in the Naryn oblast (8,4% and 8,8% respectively). The popularity of the programs is almost independent of the type of settlement, where the survey took place, both villagers and citizens almost equally prefer music, news and other programs. In gender aspect men most of all prefer news programs (84.9% versus 78.9% among women), and less preferred music (79,5% versus 87,2% among women). Depending also on the age interest increases with aging in the following programs: News (75% of youth aged 18-24 to 91.9% in those of 55 years old and older), Weather (22,8% to 39,1% ), Politics (20,4% to 40%), Health (14,1% to 24,8%), as well as it is reduced interest in music (93,8% to 65,2%), Talk shows (31% to 13.1%). After clarification of types of radio programs, respondents were asked to indicate their favorite radio program. In connection with the voluminous list of names provided by respondents, Fig. 3.5.20 reflects only the most frequently mentioned names of radio programs: 0 5 10 15 News 20 25 21,5 Music 12,2 Kuttuktoo/Greetings 4,3 Tentek microphone 3,2 Tanky Topolon 2,2 Gifts 2,1 Talk show 1,5 Musical greetings 1,5 Jany azattyk/azattyk+ 1,4 Draw games 1,3 Assalam Aleikum 1,2 Yr dukon 1,1 Hit chart 1,1 Order desk/Musical requests 1,1 Concert 1,0 Yrsunam 1,0 Other… Don't know 23,2 Fig. 3.2.20. Distribution of responses by indicated favorite radio shows (%) 22 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience 0 5 10 15 Новости News 17,6 Тентек Microphone микрофон Tentek Танкы TankyТополон Topolon Презент Present Ток шоу Talk show Музыкальный привет Musical greetings Жаны Jany азаттык/Азаттык+ Azattyk/Azattyk + Розыгрыши Pranks Ассалам Алейкум Assalam Aleikum Ыр дукон Yr dyukon Хит парад Hit-Parade Стол … Stol Концерт Concert Ырсунам Yrsunam 25 30 25,7 40 30 27,0 12,4 11,9 Музыка Music Куттуктоо/Поздравления Kuttuktoo/Congratulations 20 4,2 4,4 1,7 4,7 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,0 1,7 1,4 1,9 1,1 1,3 1,4 0,7 1,8 0,6 1,8 1,2 1,0 0,8 1,3 0,7 1,4 1,1 0,9 0,5 1,5 20 15,4 16,0 Мужчина Город Женщина Село 0 Новости News Музыка Music 7,8 3,4 5,1 5,4 1,3 2,1 2,2 2,8 1,5 1,7 1,4 1,1 1,8 0,7 1,9 1,9 0,8 1,9 0,6 0,4 1,7 2,0 0,3 1,1 1,0 1,0 1,0 1,9 Куттуктоо/Поздравления Kuttuktoo/Congratulations ТентекMicrophone микрофон Tentek ТанкыTopolon Тополон Tanky Презент Present Токshow шоу Talk Музыкальный привет Musical greetings Жаны азаттык/Азаттык+ Jany Azattyk/Azattyk + Розыгрыши Pranks АссаламAleikum Алейкум Assalam дукон YrЫр dyukon Хит парад Hit-Parade Стол… Stol Концерт Concert Ырсунам Yrsunam Другое… Other Другое… Other Затрудняюсь Difficult ответить to answer 10 23,5 22,9 31,0 16,3 Затрудняюсь ответить Difficult to answer Fig. 3.2.21. Distribution of answers by favorite radio shows, gender and type of survey location Among the most popular radio programs in terms of frequency of their mentionined by the respondents were programs such as: “Music”, “News, “Tentek Microphone”, “Tanky Topolon”, “Yr Dyukon” on the Kyrgyzstan Obondoru radio and “Present”, “Music”, “Pranks” on Europa Plus radio, “News”, “Jany Azattyk/Azattyk+” on Azattyk radio, “Boshbormak”, “Svet Jok” on the Min Kyal FM radio, “Assalam Aleikum” on the Tumar radio. In general, it can be noted that the most favorite and listened programs on the radio are News and Music. At the same time, young people often prefer music programs, and older radio listeners pay more attention to news broadcasts. The next question considered a favorite type of music that is primarily for listening on the radio: 23 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Народная музыка 38,1 Folk music Классика 17,1 Поп 16,8 Classic Pop Меломан 5,4 Рэп / Хип Хоп 5,0 Шансон 4,9 Music lovers Rap/Hip-hop Chanson Не слушаю музыку Don’t listen to music 2,5 R&B R&B 2,3 Рок 2,0 Rock Джаз / Блюз Jazz/Blues 1,6 Другое Other 1,9 Затрудняюсь ответить Difficult to answer 2,5 Fig. 3.2.22. Distribution of answers by indicated favorite types of music on the radio According to the abovementioned figure, folk music is the most favorite one, classic and pop music are almost at the same level with 17%, and then trends such as Rap / Hip-Hop and Chanson are also at the same level (about 5%), 5,4% of the participants noted that they are music lovers (music trends is not important for them). The most interesting to see what trends are popular in different regions of the country: 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 1,6 г. Bishkek Бишкек г. Ош Osh 21,4 14,4 27,3 24,9 Chui oblast Чуйская область 36,0 Talas oblast Таласская область 35,8 Djalalab oblast… Джалабадская 61,7 45,6 41,0 Osh oblast Ошская область Naryn oblast Нарынская область Kyrgyzstan Кыргызстан Folk musicмузыка Народная Music lover Меломан Other Другое 61,9 9,9 1,6 14,1 20,6 17,6 17,1 Classic Классика Rap/Hip-Hop Рэп / Хип Хоп Don’t listenмузыку to music Не слушаю 7,7 16,8 6,0 2,5 15,4 1,6 0,9 12,5 3,5 8,1 3,1 1,9 15,3 33,3 9,2 4,3 0,9 2,3 0,9 9,3 8,7 4,1 6,0 6,2 1,7 10,2 11,8 21,4 4,9 3,9 0,4 2,9 29,8 10,4 4,8 3,1 4,7 3,3 2,9 20,5 7,4 5,3 1,3 43,5 38,1 5,4 5,9 15,2 15,7 Issyk-kul oblast… Иссык-Кульская Batken oblast Баткенская область 24,3 8,0 15,8 5,4 5,0 4,9 8,3 7,8 7,2 2,5 2,5 Pop Поп Chanson Шансон Difficult to answer Затрудняюсь ответить Fig. 3.2.23. The distribution of responses by favorite types of music on the radio in the context of the region of the survey Based on the Fig. 3.2.23, folk music is the most favorite on in the Issyk-Kul and Osh oblasts (about 62% of the inhabitants of these regions indicated it), folk music less popular in 24 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Bishkek and Osh (21,4% and 27, 3%, respectively). Classic is most loved in the Jalalabad region (29,8% of mentions), and it is listened the least in the Issyk-Kul oblast (9,3%). Pop music is often mentioned in Talas oblast (33.3%), and is less popular in Osh and Naryn oblasts (7,4% and 7,7% respectively). In addition to the favorite type of music of the Kyrgyz people, other trends that they prefer to listen on the radio were also asked: 0 50 г. Бишкек Bishkek 43,9 г. Ош Osh 100 46,8 55,6 Таласская область Talas oblast 58,7 35,7 Иссык-Кульская область Issyk-kul oblast 71,1 Баткенская область Batken oblast 74,6 Джалабадская область Djalalab oblast 42,2 81,0 Ошская область Osh oblast 93,3 Нарынская область Naryn oblast Народная музыка Folk music 18,4 18,1 12,3 46,4 Classic Классика 21,1 11,6 20,9 45,6 37,6 64,4 34,1 13,8 26,9 24,0 8,0 46,6 26,1 12,3 19,8 2,8 22,1 6,9 8,7 34,2 9,4 60,3 33,1 10,7 14,2 7,8 59,3 17,510,1 28,1 83,2 Кыргызстан Kyrgyzstan 250 43,7 21,5 9,9 26,6 47,7 38,1 200 24,6 18,9 50,1 68,5 Чуйская область Chui oblast 150 Pop Поп 15,4 13,7 26,4 35,8 Chanson Шансон Rap/Hip-Hop Рэп / Хип Хоп Other Другое Fig. 3.2.24. The distribution of respondents across all preferred types of music on the radio in the context of the region of the survey According to the Fig. 3.2.24 there are 3 the most preferred music genres on the radio: it's folk music, classic and pop. It should be noted that there is a probability that by responding Classics, the respondents were referring to the “classical national music”. It is interesting to note that the first two genres (folk music and classics) are almost equally frequently mentioned by both young and older people: 0 18-24 18-24 лет 50 55,9 25-34 25-34 лет 66,2 100 42,2 150 12,4 47,0 41,0 47,8 200 4,9 14,4 11,9 29,1 250 10,3 7,2 5,1 13,1 12,7 8,5 5,7 5,6 1,65,0 35-44 35-44 лет 68,0 54-54 71,1 45-54 лет 55 and older 55 лет и старше Folk musicмузыка Народная Chanson Шансон 68,2 48,8 34,3 49,5 46,1 25,1 18,3 4,9 3,31,9 3,6 17,0 9,6 6,5 2,9 3,5 14,1 21,1 2,7 2,1 Classic Классика Rap/Hip-Hop Рэп / Хип Хоп 6,5 Поп Pop R&B R&B Fig. 3.2.25. The distribution of respondents across all preferred music genres on the radio in the context of age But in other genres it is already possible to see that pop music becomes popular only among people of younger age, whereas the Chanson is popular among older people. Such genres as Rap / Hip-Hop were indicated almost only by young people from 18 to 24 years old. 25 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Summarizing the results presented in this section it is possible to note the following points: While listening to the radio, the most popular are news and music programs (in the aggregate they were indicated by 80% of respondents). Young people aged 18-24 are more interested in music programs (93,8% of them mentioned Music among other types of radio programs), and older people prefer to listen to the news (91.9% of persons over 54 years also noted the news among the list of various other types of programs). The most popular radio programs in terms of their frequency of mentioning were programs such as: “Music”, “News”, “Tentek microphone”, “Tanke topolon”, "Yr dyukon" on radio Kyrgyzstan obondoru and “Present”, “Music”, “Pranks” on Europa Plus, “News”, “Jany Azattyk / Azattyk+” on the radio Azattyk, “Boshbormak”, “Svet Jok” on radio Min Kyaal FM, “Assalam Aleikum” on radio Tumar. Folk music is the most favorite one (38,1% of radio listeners chose this answer), which is followed by Classics and Pop at almost the same level - 17%. In general, it can be noted that with increasing of age the range of music genres is declining, that is, over time, the listeners begin to adhere to any one music genre, while young people listen to different music genres. 26 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience 3.2.2 Average weekly rating and duration of radio listening This section deals with the size of the audience by 6 radio stations by daily intervals, on average, per week: 20 18 16 18,4 15,9 15,6 15,2 14 12 10 10,3 9,8 8 6 4,5 4,1 4 2 1,5 1,7 1,2 6,2 5,6 4,3 4,9 2,8 3,8 1,3 7,1 7,5 6,2 4,5 2,9 4,1 4,1 3,4 4,4 4,0 2,0 1,9 0 Early morning (6:00-9:00) Morning (9:00-12:00) Kyrgyzstan obondoru Afternoon (12:00-16:00) Europa Plus Evening (16:00-20:00) Radio Azattyk Late evening (20:00-22:00) Min Kiyal FM Tumar 5,3 5,2 1,9 1,7 1,6 1,2 Night (after 22:00) Yumor FM Fig. 3.2.26. Rating of radio channels by daily intervals from the whole average weekly audience of broadcast (Kyrgyzstan, all groups,%) The Figure 3.2.26 shows mean values (ratings) of radio listening for a week. At the national scale, radio Kyrgyzstan Obondoru has the most stable position with respect to the ratings of its listening, since it has a large radio audience in comparison with other for almost the entire day (its mid-week peak is in the evening range from 4 pm to 8 pm and is about 18% of average weekly audience of broadcast). According to these data of time of listening to radio, 2 prime-times can be noted: morning and evening, which occur in intervals from 6 am to 9 am and from 4 pm to 8 pm. Despite the fact that respondents were given a card for the selection of a channel which he or she listened to for the week before the survey, this information should be perceived with a certain assumption, since the averaging of rating takes place for the whole week. A more accurate rating of radio channels is presented in section 5.2.4 Prime-time radio, where calculations were made with averaging for the day of the week. In order to evaluate how effectively programming of a radio station for a certain period of time (daily interval) is implemented, it is necessary to consider Figure 3.2.27, which reflects shares of audience of any daily interval during which the audience mentioned a certain radio. But above all it is worth noting that of all the respondents, who were listening to radio during the week preceding the survey (n = 1946), 40.2% listened to radio in the early morning (6 am-9 am), 40.5% listened to the radio in the morning (9 am-12 pm), 48.7% listened to it at lunch (12 pm-4 pm), 53,1% - in the evening (4 pm-8 pm), 34,6% - in the late evening (8 pm-10 pm) and 18,9% listened to it at night (after 10 pm). 27 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 45 40 39,5 37,5 34,7 35 32,0 29,6 30 25 28,2 27,5 24,3 20 15 13,7 10,6 11,2 10,0 9,5 10 5 3,6 4,2 3,1 14,1 13,3 11,6 8,4 12,8 10,0 8,4 5,7 3,3 11,9 12,7 11,6 9,8 5,8 5,4 3,8 10,1 9,1 8,4 6,4 0 Early morning (6:00-9:00) Morning (9:00-12:00) Kyrgyzstan obondoru Afternoon (12:00-16:00) Europa Plus Evening (16:00-20:00) Radio Azattyk Late evening (20:00-22:00) Min Kiyal FM Tumar Night (after 22:00) Yumor FM Fig. 3.2.27. The share of the audience of the daily interval, occupied by radio stations, On average per week (Kyrgyzstan, all groups,%) According to the Figure 3.2.27 from the whole average weekly audience of early morning (from 6 am to 9 am), 39.5% listened to Kyrgyzstan Obondoru, 24.3% listened to Radio Azattyk, 11,2% - Europa plus. In other words, among the audience of the early morning (40,2% of 1946 = 783), about 40% prefer programs on the radio Kyrgyzstan Obondoru, quarter - on the radio Azattyk and tenth on Europa Plus. If we consider the evening and morning prime times, we can see that there is only 1 radio station leading: Kyrgyzstan Obondoru. In the following figures, we consider the radio channels ratings and audience share of the daily range in the context of types of the survey location (cities / villages): 18 16 15,3 15,1 13,5 13,6 14 12 10,6 10,6 10 8 6 4 2 0 7,4 6,8 7,0 4,7 4,1 4,4 2,7 2,1 1,7 Раннее утро Early morning (6 am-9 am) (6:00-9:00) 7,6 7,4 2,5 7,1 5,9 6,2 3,6 6,3 7,3 5,8 4,8 3,2 1,9 6,8 4,2 3,1 5,0 2,8 1,9 0,9 0,3 Утро Обед Вечер Поздний вечер Ночь Morning Lunch Evening Late evening Night (9 (9:00-12:00) am-12 pm) (12 pm-4 pm) (4 pm-8 pm) (8 pm-10 pm) (after 10 pm) (12:00-16:00) (16:00-20:00) (20:00-22:00) (после 22:00) Kyrgyzstan КыргызстанObondoru обондору EuropaПлюс Plus Европа Radio Azattyk Радио Азаттык Tumar Min Kyal Мин КыялFm FM Humor FM Юмор ФМ Fig. 3.2.28. Rating of radio channels from the whole average weekly audience of broadcast (Kyrgyzstan, urban, %) 28 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience 45 41,4 40 37,9 35 30,8 30,3 30 27,2 26,3 27,8 25 20 15 10 5 0 18,6 12,2 16,8 15,8 7,4 5,7 4,7 9,4 10,6 18,1 18,8 14,4 13,8 11,5 5,6 13,4 13,0 7,0 3,7 11,0 8,6 16,5 12,1 9,1 15,9 10,7 8,9 5,0 1,5 Early morning Morning Lunch Evening Late evening Night Раннее утро Утро Обед Вечер Поздний вечер Ночь (6 am-9 am) (9 (9:00-12:00) am-12 pm) (12 pm-4 pm) (4 pm-8 pm) (8 pm-10 pm) (after 10 pm) (6:00-9:00) (12:00-16:00) (16:00-20:00) (20:00-22:00) (после 22:00) Кыргызстан обондору Kyrgyzstan Obondoru Европа EuropaПлюс Plus Tumar Радио Radio Азаттык Azattyk Мин FM Min Кыял Kyal Fm Юмор ФМ Humor FM Fig. 3.2.29. The share of the audience of the daily interval, occupied by radio channels, On average per week (Kyrgyzstan, urban,%) Comparing the data on cities and villages several important points can be noted: the rural audience mostly composed of the Kyrgyzstan Obondoru audience, whereas in cities the ratings of other radio stations are little higher (especially Europa Plus and Tumar). 25 21,2 20 16,6 14,5 17,5 16,6 15 10,0 10 5 0 2,5 0,9 0,8 0,8 Раннее утро Early morning (6(6:00-9:00) am-9 am) Kyrgyzstan Obondoru Кыргызстан обондору 4,0 4,0 4,0 5,2 4,0 3,5 1,0 6,6 6,2 4,8 1,9 1,4 1,2 0,3 0,3 Утро Обед Вечер Morning Lunch Evening (9:00-12:00) (12:00-16:00) (9 am-12 pm) (12 pm-4 pm) (4 (16:00-20:00) pm-8 pm) EuropaПлюс Plus Европа RadioАзаттык Azattyk Радио 5,0 5,6 3,8 3,8 3,3 2,4 3,2 1,0 0,6 0,5 0,8 Поздний вечер Ночь Late evening Night (20:00-22:00) (после 22:00) (8 pm-10 pm) (after 10 pm) Tumar Min Кыял Kyal Fm Мин FM Humor FM Юмор ФМ Fig. 3.2.30. Rating of radio channels from the whole average weekly audience of broadcast (Kyrgyzstan, villages,%) 29 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 50 44,6 45 40 35 42,1 38,1 33,1 37,5 29,1 30 28,4 25 19,2 16,9 20 15 10,6 10,7 10 5,7 2,1 5 1,9 0 1,8 Раннее утро Early morning (6:00-9:00) (6 am-9 am) 12,3 11,2 8,6 7,6 2,8 3,1 9,5 13,2 14,5 9,2 3,0 3,9 2,3 0,8 0,7 Европа EuropaПлюс Plus RadioАзаттык Azattyk Радио Утро Обед Вечер Morning Lunch Evening (9:00-12:00) (12:00-16:00) (9 am-12 pm) (12 pm-4 pm) (4 (16:00-20:00) pm-8 pm) Кыргызстан обондору Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 12,3 11,2 2,9 2,4 2,3 Поздний вечер Ночь Late evening Night (20:00-22:00) (после 22:00) (8 pm-10 pm) (after 10 pm) Tumar Min Kyal Мин КыялFm FM Humor FM Юмор ФМ Fig. 3.2.31. The share of the audience of the daily interval, occupied by radio channels, On average per week (Kyrgyzstan, villages,%) It can also be noted that by the audience shares of the daily range in the cities the percentage of Europa Plus radio listeners after 10 pm reaches up to 38% (in villages 19%). Upon considering the ratings in a gender aspect the following situation is observed: 25 20,5 20 18,3 16,4 15 10 13,3 10,8 7,3 5,5 6,5 5 0 4,7 1,7 1,5 0,8 Раннее утро Early morning (6 (6:00-9:00) am-9 am) 3,2 1,4 7,4 9,8 8,8 8,0 5,6 4,4 7,9 5,6 4,0 2,7 2,3 4,0 3,8 2,0 1,7 Утро Обед Вечер Morning Lunch Evening (9:00-12:00) (12:00-16:00) (9 am-12 pm) (12 pm-4 pm) (4 (16:00-20:00) pm-8 pm) КыргызстанObondoru обондору Kyrgyzstan Европа EuropaПлюс Plus RadioАзаттык Azattyk Радио 5,2 5,0 2,8 1,6 1,5 1,2 1,7 Поздний вечер Ночь Late evening Night (20:00-22:00) (после 22:00) (8 pm-10 pm) (after 10 pm) Min Kyal Мин КыялFm FM Tumar Humor FM Юмор ФМ Fig. 3.2.32. Rating of radio channels from the whole average weekly audience of broadcast (Kyrgyzstan, males, %) At the same time, audience shares of daily intervals by radio stations distributed as follows (Fig. 3.2.33): 30 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience 45 42,1 40 37,5 35,0 35 25 24,5 25,1 24,9 20 15 16,7 14,8 12,6 10,8 10 5 0 30,0 28,1 30 7,4 3,8 3,5 1,8 EarlyРаннее morning утро (6 am-9 am) (6:00-9:00) 3,3 15,5 13,6 11,7 5,6 14,9 13,5 6,5 Late evening Night Поздний вечер Ночь (8 pm-10 pm) (after 10 22:00) pm) (20:00-22:00) (после Min Кыял Kyal Fm Мин FM RadioАзаттык Azattyk Радио Европа Europa Плюс Plus 7,8 7,2 5,9 5,3 Morning Lunch Evening Утро Обед Вечер (9(9:00-12:00) am-12 pm) (12 pm-4 pm) (4 (16:00-20:00) pm-8 pm) (12:00-16:00) Кыргызстан обондору Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 13,4 12,4 6,3 13,5 6,9 4,8 3,5 17,2 Tumar Humor FM Юмор ФМ Fig. 3.2.33. The share of the audience of the daily interval, occupied by radio channels, on average per week (Kyrgyzstan, males ,%) Comparison, consider the average weekly female audience. 20 17,8 18 16,4 16 14 14,1 13,6 12 10,7 10 8 8,8 4 2 0 6,3 6,3 5,8 6 4,4 3,6 2,5 1,4 0,8 утро EarlyРаннее morning (6:00-9:00) (6 am-9 am) 1,8 3,93,9 1,2 4,3 5,2 2,9 5,2 4,4 2,1 3,9 Европа EuropaПлюс Plus Радио RadioАзаттык Azattyk 2,5 1,8 1,7 1,2 1,1 Поздний вечер Ночь Late evening Night (20:00-22:00) (после (8 pm-10 pm) (after 10 22:00) pm) 2,0 2,0 Утро Обед Вечер Morning Lunch Evening (12:00-16:00) (9(9:00-12:00) am-12 pm) (12 pm-4 pm) (4 (16:00-20:00) pm-8 pm) Кыргызстан обондору Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 5,6 5,0 4,7 4,9 Мин FM Min Кыял Kyal Fm Tumar Юмор ФМ Humor FM Fig. 3.2.34. Rating of radio channels from the whole average weekly audience of broadcast (Kyrgyzstan, females, %) 31 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 40 37,5 36,6 35,5 35 34,4 32,4 29,3 30 30,3 25 23,5 20 15 11,8 10,5 10,4 4,7 9,6 10 6,8 3,8 2,3 5 0 11,6 10,4 8,5 утро EarlyРаннее morning (6:00-9:00) (6 am-9 am) 5,4 4,2 Утро Обед Вечер Morning Lunch Evening (12:00-16:00) (9(9:00-12:00) am-12 pm) (12 pm-4 pm) (4 (16:00-20:00) pm-8 pm) Кыргызстан обондору Kyrgyzstan Obondoru Европа EuropaПлюс Plus Радио RadioАзаттык Azattyk 10,5 9,7 6,9 6,3 12,9 10,6 6,9 9,3 5,8 4,1 3,3 13,6 13,1 13,2 10,2 Поздний вечер Ночь Late evening Night (20:00-22:00) (после (8 pm-10 pm) (after 10 22:00) pm) Tumar Мин FM Min Кыял Kyal Fm Юмор HumorФМ FM Fig. 3.2.35. The share of the audience of the daily interval, occupied by radio channels, on average per week (Kyrgyzstan, females ,%) First of all, it should be noted that during the lunch interval, the audience of females increases, while the male audience is declining, especially when compared to radio listeners of Kyrgyzstan Obondoru, Tumar and Min Kyaal FM. Perhaps, this is due to the fact that most radio listeners have their radio set installed in the kitchen. Next, we consider only the average weekly audience shares of time intervals occupied by radio channels separately for Bishkek and Osh. 45 40 39,9 38,8 34,3 35 30,4 30 25 25,5 22,5 20 15 10 5 23,1 20,9 17,6 21,8 16,8 11,9 11,1 10,9 8,6 6,5 11,4 13,8 7,4 17,2 10,5 6,7 6,3 22,2 17,3 14,3 11,2 9,4 6,7 0 утро EarlyРаннее morning (6 am-9 am) (6:00-9:00) Утро Обед Вечер Morning Lunch Evening (9(9:00-12:00) am-12 pm) (12 pm-4 pm) (4 (16:00-20:00) pm-8 pm) (12:00-16:00) Kyrgyzstan КыргызстанObondoru обондору Humor FM Юмор ФМ 30,5 31,1 27,4 25,3 14,4 20,5 21,5 13,3 13,4 12,0 14,1 2,7 4,4 Поздний вечер Ночь Late evening Night (8 pm-10 pm) (after 10 22:00) pm) (20:00-22:00) (после EuropaПлюс Plus Европа Tumar Hit FM FM Хит Russian Wave (Russkaya Volna) Русская волна Мин FM Min Кыял Kyal Fm Fig. 3.2.36. The share of the audience of the daily interval, occupied by radio channels, on average per week (Bishkek, all groups ,%) 32 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Despite the fact that on the republican scale, the weekly audience of Kyrgyzstan Obondoru is far superior to the others; in Bishkek, the picture varies considerably with the overall picture in the country: in connection with a significant share of Russian-speaking population in the city of Bishkek, there is an increase in the audience of radio listeners of such stations as Europe Plus, Hit FM, Russian wave, so their overall ranking in the evening prime time (4 pm-8 pm) equals 22.8% of all radio listeners, and at night from 10 pm is about 17%, which exceeds audience of national radio stations. Ratings of radio stations in Bishkek are shown in Figure 3.2.37. 20 18,1 18 16 14 14,6 13,3 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 11,0 10,4 8,4 8,2 6,6 5,0 10,8 8,9 7,5 7,1 4,8 3,1 4,0 3,7 3,6 2,9 2,2 EarlyРаннее morning утро (6 am-9 am) (6:00-9:00) 13,2 3,0 2,9 10,3 8,5 8,0 6,4 4,7 5,6 4,4 5,1 4,2 2,9 1,6 2,7 0,6 Late evening Night Поздний вечер Ночь (8 pm-10 pm) (after 10 22:00) pm) (20:00-22:00) (после 5,6 4,0 Min Кыял Kyal Fm Tumar Мин FM Russianволна Wave (Russkaya Volna) Русская EuropaПлюс Plus Европа Hit FM FM Хит Юмор HumorФМ FM 9,0 7,2 6,6 Morning Lunch Evening Утро Обед Вечер (9(9:00-12:00) am-12 pm) (12 pm-4 pm) (4 (16:00-20:00) pm-8 pm) (12:00-16:00) Kyrgyzstan КыргызстанObondoru обондору 10,8 Fig. 3.2.37. Rating of radio channels from the whole average weekly audience of broadcast (Bishkek, all groups, %) Consider the audience of radio listeners in Osh in more detail: 60 53,5 50 39,1 34,9 40 30 20 27,6 16,6 30,1 24,9 24,4 23,5 10 4,8 3,6 0 EarlyРаннее morning утро (6 am-9 am) (6:00-9:00) 29,2 30,9 26,2 17,2 5,0 EuropaПлюс Plus Европа 26,0 26,0 12,4 11,0 8,1 Morning Lunch Evening Утро Обед Вечер (9(9:00-12:00) am-12 pm) (12 pm-4 pm) (4 (16:00-20:00) pm-8 pm) (12:00-16:00) Kyrgyzstan КыргызстанObondoru обондору 25,4 5,1 0,0 Late evening Night Поздний вечер Ночь (8 pm-10 pm) (after 10 22:00) pm) (20:00-22:00) (после Радио Алмаз Radio Almaz Vodiy ВодийSadosi Садоси Fig. 3.2.38. The share of the audience of the daily interval, occupied by radio channels, on average per week (Osh, all groups ,%) As seen in Fig. 3.2.38 and 3.2.39, the situation in Osh is completely different, here you can select only the 4 most popular radio stations: Kyrgyzstan Obondoru, Europa Plus, Radio 33 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Almaz and Vodiy Sadosi (the amount of the estimates is quite low for the remaining ones). Also, it is clear that it is already possible to compare Kyrgyzstan Obondoru audience with the audience of Europa Plus. Radio Vodiy Sadosi is mostly listened to early in the morning from 6 am until 9 am and at night after 10 pm. 35 32,1 30 25 20 15 10 5 16,6 15,2 14,7 9,8 9,6 10,0 7,1 5,6 9,2 1,9 2,2 12,8 10,9 5,6 3,4 2,5 1,1 0 Раннее утро Early morning (6:00-9:00) (6 am-9 am) 4,4 3,9 2,9 2,9 2,7 0,0 Утро Обед Вечер Поздний вечер Ночь Morning Lunch Evening Late evening Night (9:00-12:00) (16:00-20:00) (20:00-22:00) (после (9 am-12 pm) (12(12:00-16:00) pm-4 pm) (4 pm-8 pm) (8 pm-10 pm) (after 10 22:00) pm) EuropaПлюс Plus Европа Kyrgyzstan Obondoru Кыргызстан обондору Радио Алмаз Radio Almaz Водий Sadosi Садоси Vodiy Fig. 3.2.39. Rating of radio channels from the whole average weekly audience of broadcast (Osh, all groups, %) Taking into account the size of daily intervals between 3 to 4 hours, and structure of ratings identical by grading and shares radio listening, in the future only shares of radio listening will be considered as the most interesting in terms of audience analysis of aggregated time intervals. Fig 3.2.40-44 illustrate changes of radio audience shares of daily/time intervals by radio channels in the context of age groups: 50 45 46,8 41,8 40 36,9 35,4 33,0 35 23,8 25 20 15 14,8 12,6 10 11,3 5 0 32,9 29,4 30 0,7 0,0 morning Early (6:00-9:00) Kyrgyzstan obondoru 22,4 19,3 16,8 18,6 13,5 11,4 10,9 9,8 Morning (9:00-12:00) 5,1 6,0 4,64,9 8,7 1,9 2,3 1,5 Afternoon (12:00-16:00) Europa Plus 9,6 12,0 3,0 Evening (16:00-20:00) Radio Azattyk 11,3 10,9 5,7 6,5 Late evening (20:00-22:00) Min Kiyal FM Tumar Night (after 22:00) Yumor FM Fig. 3.2.40. The share of the audience of the daily interval, occupied by radio channels, on average per week (Kyrgyzstan, 18-24 ,%) 34 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience 45 42,3 40 37,5 35 33,2 32,2 32,8 30 27,9 25,9 25 20 15 15,5 15,4 14,7 10 5 0 7,8 3,4 2,5 0,9 Early morning (6:00-9:00) 8,7 5,5 0,9 Morning (9:00-12:00) Kyrgyzstan obondoru 17,4 15,4 12,5 7,8 6,7 5,0 4,9 Afternoon (12:00-16:00) Europa Plus 12,2 11,1 9,3 7,2 4,3 8,4 6,1 1,7 Evening (16:00-20:00) Radio Azattyk Late evening (20:00-22:00) Min Kiyal FM 9,9 8,0 4,5 1,8 Night (after 22:00) Tumar Yumor FM Fig. 3.2.41. The share of the audience of the daily interval, occupied by radio channels, on average per week (Kyrgyzstan, 25-34 ,%) 45 42,8 40 36,9 35 32,4 29,3 30 25 28,3 20 15 10 5 0 22,2 21,6 19,6 22,0 18,2 14,3 8,9 8,4 6,8 6,3 7,1 Kyrgyzstan obondoru Afternoon (12:00-16:00) Europa Plus Evening (16:00-20:00) Radio Azattyk 19,2 18,3 16,8 16,2 10,1 9,8 6,9 6,3 3,7 Morning (9:00-12:00) 19,1 16,2 11,6 11,9 13,7 1,9 Early morning (6:00-9:00) 18,9 17,6 2,2 Late evening (20:00-22:00) Min Kiyal FM Tumar 6,0 5,6 Night (after 22:00) Yumor FM Fig. 3.2.42. The share of the audience of the daily interval, occupied by radio channels, on average per week (Kyrgyzstan, 35-44 ,%) 35 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 50 45 40 44,4 42,4 38,6 36,6 32,9 35 30,8 30 24,2 25 20 16,8 13,4 15 10 5 0 4,8 3,7 1,4 1,2 Early morning (6:00-9:00) 6,6 3,5 2,1 Morning (9:00-12:00) 15,1 15,1 11,6 9,9 14,0 6,9 3,1 6,3 5,6 5,6 4,0 4,3 2,6 Afternoon (12:00-16:00) Kyrgyzstan obondoru 20,3 17,8 14,5 1,1 Evening (16:00-20:00) Europa Plus Late evening (20:00-22:00) Night (after 22:00) Radio Azattyk Fig. 3.2.43. The share of the audience of the daily interval, occupied by radio channels, on average per week (Kyrgyzstan, 45-54 ,%) 50 45 45,1 40 34,4 35 30 26,7 36,2 29,2 28,2 20 16,0 15 10 0 25,7 22,0 25 5 27,3 6,1 3,3 0,8 1,3 0,9 Early morning (6:00-9:00) 5,4 Morning (9:00-12:00) Kyrgyzstan obondoru 17,4 13,6 5,4 5,3 0,9 Afternoon (12:00-16:00) 6,0 3,3 2,8 1,3 Evening (16:00-20:00) Europa Plus 8,8 8,5 7,9 5,7 2,5 Late evening (20:00-22:00) 2,1 0,0 Night (after 22:00) Radio Azattyk Fig. 3.2.44. The share of the audience of the daily interval, occupied by radio channels, on average per week (Kyrgyzstan, over 54, %) As seen in abovementioned Figures, Kyrgyzstan Obondoru is a popular radio station among radio listeners almost for all ages; Europa Plus is perceived as a night radio station by all ages; on the contrary, Azattyk is perceived as a morning radio and is listened to by an older audience. Finally, consider the behavior of respondents regarding adherence to one session or multisession listening of a radio station. First of all, it is necessary to determined how the duration of listening changes from the amount of sessions: “One” or “Several” 36 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Несколько сессий, мин Several sessions Радио Шансон Radio Chanson Русская волна Russian Wave Радио Татина Radio Tatina Tumar Tumar Голос России Golos Rossii (Voice of Russia) Европа Плюс Europa Plus Мин Кыял Min FM Kyaal Радио Next Radio Next Love радио Love Radio Эхо of Москвы Echo Moscow Манас FMFM Manas ХитHit FMFM Auto Radio Авторадио Radio Salam Радио Салам Humor Юмор ФМFM Kyrgyzstan Obondoru Кыргызстан обондору Gorod Город FMFM Radio Max Радио Макс Birinchi Radio Биринчи радио Radio Azattyk Радио Азаттык Radio Радио МирMir Radio BBC Радио BBC Radiomost Радиомост Vodiy Sadosi Водий Садоси Radio Радио LWLW El FM Эл FM Burana Бурана Radio Almaz Радио Алмаз One Several session sessions Одна сессия, мин 147,7 155,7 169,4 146,6 99,5 124,8 127,7 120,2 120,0 120,0 118,5 119,2 104,0 114,6 131,0 112,4 100,9 107,0 102,1 105,3 41,9 97,3 88,9 95,9 98,7 92,6 189,4 90,5 119,7 88,2 121,4 87,8 201,0 87,5 19,6 86,4 70,4 77,3 90,7 71,5 195,0 62,6 78,2 62,4 82,6 60,0 91,4 54,3 179,1 53,7 83,9 52,6 15,0 50,1 70,4 34,4 Fig. 3.2.45. Average duration of radio station listening by amount of sessions (min) Comparing these indexes, we can see that despite the high audience of Kyrgyzstan Obondoru, the duration of listening of this radio during one session is quite low in comparison with other radio stations. For example, Radio Chanson has a more loyal audience, the duration of one session reaches almost 3 hours (170 min) on the average; Russian Wave is second by the loyalty of audience to radio station. Gorod FM has the longest duration with several sessions, at the same time the share of audience which listens to this radio station in several sessions, is 75% (see Fig. 3.2.46) 37 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Several sessions Несколько сессий 0% Vodiy Садоси Sadosi Водий Humor Юмор Fm ФМ of Эхо Echo Москвы Moscow Радио Рекорд Radio Record Радио Салам Radio Salam Авторадио Auto Radio Радио Radio Мир Mir Радио Азаттык Radio Azattyk Радио BBC BBC Radio Радио Шансон Radio Chanson Радиомост Radiomost Эл FM El FM Биринчи радио Birinchi Radio Мин Кыял FM Min Kyaal FM Русская волна Russian Wave Радио Макс Radio Max Хит FM Hit Fm Радио Next Radio Next Манас FM Manas FM KyrgКыргызстан yzstanObondoru… Радио Radio Татина Tatina Город FM FM Gorod Европа EuropaПлюс Plus Radio Радио Almaz Алмаз Tumar Tumar 20% Одна Oneсессия session 40% 60% 34,2 42,9 43,8 44,2 49,1 52,7 54,0 55,7 56,3 58,6 59,0 59,8 62,4 63,6 66,2 67,8 68,4 69,8 71,7 72,3 72,6 74,4 74,7 75,1 75,7 80% 100% 65,8 57,1 56,2 55,8 50,9 47,3 46,0 44,3 43,7 41,4 41,0 40,2 37,6 36,4 33,8 32,2 31,6 30,2 28,3 27,7 27,4 25,6 25,3 24,9 24,3 Fig. 3.2.46. Distribution of radio channels by amount of session on the average per week (%) The following figure represents distribution of radio audience by the number of sessions and surveyed region: One session Several sessions 50,2 49,8 49,4 50,6 48,8 51,2 Osh city Chui oblast Batken oblast 39,5 Osh oblast 35,7 Jalalabad oblast Issyk-Kul oblast Talas oblast Kyrgyzstan 64,3 29,1 Naryn oblast Bishkek city 60,5 70,9 27,4 72,6 25,5 74,5 76,2 23,8 35,4 64,6 Fig. 3.2.47. Distribution of radio listeners by the number of sessions and surveyed region (%) It is worth noting that more than a half of radio listeners of Kyrgyzstan prefer to listen to radio stations in several sessions (64.6%). At the same time, the most part of audience is observed in Talas, Issyk-Kul oblasts and Bishkek. The most plodding radio listeners are in Osh, Chui and Batken oblasts, but there is only about half of them. 38 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience The following chart shows the distribution by age: One session Several sessions 31,0 18-24 69,0 34,6 25-34 65,4 34,2 35-44 65,8 44,3 45-54 55,7 41,0 over 55 59,0 Fig. 3.2.48. The distribution of radio listeners by the number of sessions and age (%) Here you can see that young people prefer to listen to the radio over several sessions, apparently, due to the fact that they quite often switch from one radio station to another. Distribution of sessions according to level of education can be considered on the following figure: 80 60 No education 40 20 44,0 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 56,0 Vocational secondary education 38,1 61,9 Some secondary education 37,8 62,2 Primary education 37,2 62,8 Completed secondary education 36,8 63,2 Higher education 35,0 65,0 Some primary education 34,9 65,1 Some higher education One session 27,8 72,2 Several sessions Fig. 3.2.49. The distribution of radio listeners by the number of sessions and education (%) Based on the shown pattern by level of education, we can assume that listening to the radio for a few sessions is inherent of the students. 39 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Summarizing information presented in this section several key observations concerning the average weekly indicators should be made: Kyrgyzstan Obondoru radio, Radio Azattyk and Europa Plus gather the largest audience of radio listeners. In this case, the first 2 stations can be attributed to the morning, and Europe plus has more late-night audience. Among rural radio listeners the largest audience is gathered early in the morning from 6 am to 9 am, mostly it is the listeners of Kyrgyzstan Obondoru and Radio Azattyk. In the cities the morning audience is not so large. During the lunch period from 12 pm to 4 pm, an audience of women increases, while the male audience is declining. Kyrgyzstan Obondoru is a popular radio station for virtually all ages among listeners of radio, the Europa Plus has the largest share of audience is reached among young people of 18 to 34 years after 10 pm, and is perceived as the night the radio by all ages; Azattyk, by contrast, is perceived as a morning radio and listened to by an older audience. Nearly two-thirds of radio listeners prefer to listen to radio stations in Kyrgyzstan for several sessions (64.6%). 40 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience 3.2.3 Indexes of radio station audiences Media market in Kyrgyzstan is by far the youngest and fastest growing one. However, at this stage, the owners of television channels and radio stations experience the lack of market information about the space in which they compete. Often today, many radio stations can not confidently identify their target segment and characterize the parameters of an audience of listeners, which is accordingly reflected in the lack of focus on a specific audience, content orientation and absence of competent market segmentation. In this connection, there is a justifiable need to understand the importance of key market information which can be obtained through extensive media research. The purpose of this chapter is to describe main indicators of an audience of radio stations, both on the national and regional level. Radio management will be able to find its position in the ranking of radio listening in the context of gender and age and income groups. Based on these indicators it will be possible to conduct dialogue reasonable and supported by concrete figures with advertisers and build a competent policy in the area of pricing and media planning. In turn, advertisers will be able to accommodate a commercial with a greater opportunity to reach the target audience, optimally spending their media budget. We now consider the basic parameters of the media market: the size of the weekly audience, the average listening time to and share of radio listening. In Kyrgyzstan, the weekly audience of listeners is two-thirds of the total adult population. The most active part is young people aged 18-34 years old, this size of weekly audience is 66%. Older generation is more passive: the level of weekly listening is 54%. On the average radio listeners spend about an hour and a half per day on the waves of favorite radio stations, spending about 12 hours per week to this activity. Table 3.2.13. Weekly audience of radio listening Categories Population Males Average weekly audience, % Average time of radio listening per day, hour: min Average time of radio listening per week, hour: min 18+ 60.3 1:41 11:47 18+ 60.5 1:45 12:15 Age 18+ 60.1 1:39 11:33 18-34 65.5 1:47 12:29 Males 18-34 65.3 1:51 12:57 Females 18-34 65.8 1:43 12:01 25-54 57.9 1:46 12:22 Males 25-54 61.3 1:50 12:50 Females 25-54 54.6 1:42 11:54 55+ 50.4 1:29 10:23 Males 55+ 46.9 1:26 10:02 Females 55+ 53.6 1:25 9:55 Females Population Population Population Weekly audience is the cumulative number of radio listeners who listened to any radio station during a week. This index is expressed in % of the total general aggregate or in physical terms - the number of listeners. This indicator is one of the key ones for the calculation of radio listening. Share of radio listening is an index, calculated on the basis of size and average weekly audience of time listening to the radio; characterizes the share of radio listening to a specific radio station (man-minutes) in the total index of radio listening \for all stations. 41 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Population over 18 years old The Table 3.2.14 representes weekly audience of radio listening in the national context. Table 3.2.14. Weekly audience of radio listening in the national context Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people. Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 60% 2027.925 101 100.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 54.85 1112.412 111 17.7% Europa Plus 34.25 694.565 118 11.8% Min Kyaal FM 30.25 613.419 108 9.5% Radio Azattyk 36.84 747.108 81 8.7% Russian Wave 15.19 307.970 152 6.7% Tumar 15.53 314.992 125 5.7% Hit FM 16.23 329.044 91 4.3% Auto radio 13.83 280.483 95 3.8% Radio Salam 8.91 180.615 140 3.6% Love Radio 11.27 228.526 102 3.3% Radio Chanson 6.6 133.782 156 3.0% Humor FM 10.2 206.005 100 3.0% Birinchi Radio 11.9 240.766 73 2.5% Echo of Moscow 7.8 158.275 103 2.3% El FM 11.1 225.272 71 2.3% Other 1.6 31.878 86 11.6% Radio station 0,000 500,000 1 000,000 1 500,000 Total 1 112,412 Radio Azattyk 747,108 Europa Plus 694,565 Min Kiyal FM 613,419 Hit FM 329,044 Tumar 314,992 Russkaya volna 307,970 Avtoradio 280,483 Birinchi radio 240,766 Love radio 228,526 El FM 225,272 Yumor FM 206,005 Radio Salam 180,615 Eho Moskvy 158,275 Other 2 500,000 2 027,925 Kyrgyzstan obondoru Radio Shanson 2 000,000 133,782 31,878 Fig. 3.2.50 Weekly audience in the national context, thous. people 42 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Echo of Moscow; 2,3% El FM; 2,3% Other; 11,6% Kyrgystan obondoru; 17,7% Birinchi radio; 2,5% Humor FM; 3,0% Europa Plus; 11,8% Radio Chanson; 3,0% Love radio; 3,3% Radio Salam; 3,6% Auto radio; 3,8% Min Kyaal FM; 9,5% Hit FM; 4,3% Tumar; 5,7% Russian Wave; 6,7% Radio Azattyk; 8,7% Fig.3.2.51 Share of radio listening in the national context, % According to the chart 5.2.50-5.2.51, the size of the weekly audience does not always provide a high share of radio listening. Thus, the radio Azattyk moved from the second position to fourth due to the short average time of listening. Population from 18 to 34 Consider the weekly audience among young people aged 18 to 34 years. Table 3.2.15. Weekly audience of radio listening from 18 to 34 Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, th. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 65.5% 1081.812 107 100.0% Kyrgyzstan obondoru 38.4% 634.060 115 17.6% Europa Plus 28.5% 470.875 119 13.5% Min Kyaal FM 21.5% 355.662 102 8.8% Russian Wave 10.4% 171.966 203 8.4% Radio Azattyk 21.8% 360.322 87 7.6% Tumar 13.0% 214.038 129 6.7% Hit FM 14.0% 231.885 89 5.0% Love radio 10.4% 172.354 105 4.4% Radio Salam 5.6% 92.024 161 3.6% Auto radio 8.4% 137.978 85 2.8% Birinchi radio 7.2% 118.473 98 2.8% El FM 8.2% 135.375 79 2.6% Humor FM 7.0% 115.700 84 2.3% Radio LW 3.0% 48.805 170 2.0% Radio Chanson 3.2% 52.612 155 2.0% Other 1.4% 22.711 75 10.1% Radio station 43 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 0,000 Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru Europa Plus Radio Azattyk Min Kiyal FM Hit FM Tumar Love radio Russkaya volna Avtoradio El FM Birinchi radio Yumor FM Radio Salam Radio Shanson Radio LW Other 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1 000,000 1 200,000 1 081,812 634,060 470,875 360,322 355,662 231,885 214,038 172,354 171,966 137,978 135,375 118,473 115,700 92,024 52,612 48,805 22,711 Fig. 3.2.52 Weekly audience from 18 to 34, thous. people Radio Chanson; 2,0% Radio LW; 2,0% Other; 10,1% Kyrgystan obondoru; 17,6% Humor FM; 2,3% El FM; 2,6% Birinchi radio; 2,8% Europa Plus ; 13,5% Auto radio; 2,8% Radio Salam; 3,6% Love radio; 4,4% Min Kyaal FM; 8,8% Hit FM ; 5,0% Tumar; 6,7% Radio Azattyk 7,6% Russian Wave; 8,4% Fig. 3.2.53 Share of radio listening among the audience from 18 to 34,% Weekly audience among young people from 18 to 34 years old was 65,5%, i.e. 65,5% of the total number of young people of this age were listening to the radio for the last week. Weekly audience of the market leader - the Kyrgyzstan Obondoru radio station was 38,4% of the total population of 18-34 years old. 44 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Such radio stations as “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru”, “Europe plus” and “Azattyk” dominate the market by the number of radio listeners. However, radio listeners of “Min Kyaal FM”, “Russian wave” remain on their radio waves for a long time, therefore, these radio stations have taken a higher share of radio listening. As is known, different age groups are characterized by different lifestyles, experiences, tastes and preferences. Consider how rating of radio stations differs in the population aged 25-54 years. This group was highlighted in the study due to the fact that people of this age are an economically active part of the population which makes decisions independently and, as a rule, has its own disposable income. Population from 25 to 54 years old Table 3.2.16. Weekly audience of radio listening from 25 to 54 years old Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 57.9% 1173.464 107 100.0% Kygyzstan Obondoru 31.4% 636.228 109 16.5% Europa Plus 18.9% 382.809 136 12.4% Min Kyaal FM 18.5% 375.140 109 9.7% Radio Azattyk 22.4% 453.446 78 8.4% Russian Wave 8.5% 171.909 202 8.3% Hit FM 8.6% 174.674 123 5.1% Tumar 7.8% 157.508 124 4.6% Love radio 6.5% 131.402 137 4.3% Auto radio 9.1% 183.681 98 4.3% Radio Salam 5.8% 117.828 135 3.8% Humor FM 6.3% 127.102 113 3.4% Birinchi Radio 7.2% 145.296 78 2.7% Radio Chanson 3.9% 78.283 116 2.2% Echo of Moscow 4.4% 90.121 88 1.9% Radio Almaz 5.7% 115.316 66 1.8% Other 1.0% 20.508 73 10.6% Radio station 0,000 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 Total 1 173,464 636,228 Radio Azattyk 453,446 382,809 375,140 Min Kiyal FM Hit FM Tumar Love radio Radio Salam Eho Moskvy Other 1 000,000 1 200,000 1 400,000 183,681 174,674 171,909 157,508 145,296 131,402 127,102 117,828 115,316 90,121 78,283 20,508 Fig.5.2.54 Weekly audience from 25 to 54 years old, thous. People 45 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Echo of Moscow; 1,9% Radio Chanson; 2,2% Radio Almaz; 1,8% Other; 10,6% Kyrgystan obondoru; 16,5% Birinchi radio; 2,7% Humor FM; 3,4% Europe Plus; 12,4% Radio Salam; 3,8% Auto radio; 4,3% Min Kyaal FM; 9,7% Love radio; 4,3% Tumar; 4,6% Hit FM; 5,1% Radio Azattyk; 8,4% Russian Wave; 8,3% Fig. 3.2.55 Share of radio listening among the audience from 25 to 54,% Among the population aged 25 to 54 years 57.9% listened to radio during the past week, which is less than the average for the entire country. In general, the positions of radio stations have slightly changed compared with the rating built for the 18-34 y.o. age group. Azattyk Radio Station took 4th place by the share of radio listening by taking a step up compared to the previous rating. Population over 55 years old Consider the preferences of the older generation over the age of 55 years. Table 3.217. Weekly audience of radio listening over 55 years old Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 50.4% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 20.8% 255.276 89 100.0% 105.290 101 17.2% Radio Azattyk 22.3% Echo of Moscow 8.0% 112.718 92 16.8% 40.263 162 Radio Chanson 10.5% 5.3% 26.753 195 8.4% Min Kyaal FM 9.0% 45.596 111 8.2% Europa Plus 8.2% 41.491 113 7.6% Russian Wave 6.5% 32.773 89 4.7% Radio Salam 4.7% 23.704 102 3.9% El FM 3.6% 18.205 115 3.4% Birinchi radio 7.6% 38.258 54 3.3% Radio BBC 3.9% 19.619 87 2.8% Tumar 2.7% 13.876 120 2.7% Radio Mir 2.6% 12.996 120 2.5% Auto radio 4.6% 23.380 56 2.1% Humor FM 3.1% 15.930 60 1.5% Other 1.1% 5.704 126 4.3% Radio station 46 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience 0,000 Total Radio Azattyk Kyrgyzstan obondoru Min Kiyal FM Europa Plus Eho Moskvy Birinchi radio Russkaya volna Radio Shanson Radio Salam Avtoradio Radio BBC El FM Yumor FM Tumar Radio Mir Other 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 255,276 112,718 105,290 45,596 41,491 40,263 38,258 32,773 26,753 23,704 23,380 19,619 18,205 15,930 13,876 12,996 5,704 Fig.3.2.56 Weekly audience over 55 years old, thous. people Radio Mir; 2,5% Auto radio; 2,1% Humor FM; 1,5% Other; 4,3% Tumar; 2,7% Kyrgystan obondoru; 17,2% Radio BBC; 2,8% Birinchi radio; 3,3% El FM; 3,4% Radio Azattyk; 16,8% Radio Salam; 3,9% Russian Wave; 4,7% Europe Plus; 7,6% Min Kyaal FM ; 8,2% Echo of Moscow; 10,5% Radio Chanson; 8,4% Fig.3.2.57 Share of radio listening among audience over 55 years old, % As it turned out, older generation is more interested in news content than in entertainment. Due to this fact, a significant share and leadership position in the market are occupied by radio Azattyk and Echo of Moscow. Chanson radio is also popular. Weekly audience among the age-sex groups will be presented below: males and females aged over 18 years, 18-34, 25-54, over 55 years. 47 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Males over 18 years old Table 3.218. Weekly audience of radio listening among males over 18 y.o. Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 60.5% 983.680 105 100.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 33.9% 551.015 100 15.3% Europa plus 22.2% 361.686 127 12.7% Min Kyaal FM 17.5% 283.738 121 9.6% Russian Wave 8.9% 144.038 234 9.4% Radio Azattyk 23.2% 377.710 76 7.9% Auto Radio 10.7% 173.542 100 4.8% Hit FM 10.6% 172.888 98 4.7% Tumar 8.3% 134.635 100 3.7% Radio Salam 4.6% 74.517 159 3.3% Humor FM 6.9% 111.689 105 3.3% Birinchi radio 8.1% 132.057 86 3.2% Love Radio 7.7% 125.827 89 3.1% El FM 8.4% 135.887 74 2.8% Radio Chanson 4.1% 67.393 141 2.6% Echo of Moscow 5.0% 81.143 94 2.1% Other 1.0% 16.147 136 11.3% Radio station 0,000 Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru Radio Azattyk Europa Plus Min Kiyal FM Avtoradio Hit FM Russkaya volna El FM Tumar Birinchi radio Love radio Yumor FM Eho Moskvy Radio Salam Radio Shanson Other 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1 000,000 1 200,000 983,680 551,015 377,710 361,686 283,738 173,542 172,888 144,038 135,887 134,635 132,057 125,827 111,689 81,143 74,517 67,393 16,147 Fig.3.2.58 Weekly audience among males over 18 y.o., thous. people 48 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Echo of Moscow; 2,1% Radio Chanson; 2,6% Other; 11,3% Kyrgystan obondoru; 15,3% Эл FM; 2,8% Love radio; 3,1% Europe Plus; 12,7% Birinchi radio; 3,2% Humor FM; 3,3% Радио Салам; 3,3% Мин Кыял FM; 9,6% Tumar; 3,7% Hit FM; 4,7% Auto radio; 4,8% Russian Wave; 9,4% Radio Azattyk ; 7,9% Fig.3.2.59 Share of radio listening among males over 18 y.o., % Nearly two-thirds of males over 18 y.o. listened to the radio last week. Among males, Kyrgyzstan Obondoru, Azattyk radio, Europa Plus are quite popular radio stations having the the largest number of listeners. On the other hand, radio stations which do not have such a large number of listeners are pointed out, but which managed to earn the loyalty of the audience. Russian Wave, Radio Salam and radio Chanson can be attributed to these market players. Males 18 - 34 y.o. Table 3.219. Weekly audience of radio listening among males 18 - 34 y.o. Total 65.3% Weekly audience, thous. people 541.444 Europa Plus 30.8% 255.363 128 14.8% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 38.1% 315.624 103 14.7% Russian Wave 10.2% 84.371 330 12.6% Min Kyaal FM 20.0% 165.629 133 10.0% Radio Azattyk 23.9% 198.237 68 6.1% Hit FM 14.5% 120.280 89 4.8% Birinchi radio 8.2% 68.170 130 4.0% Love Radio 11.8% 97.843 89 3.9% Tumar 9.4% 78.116 105 3.7% Radio salam 5.1% 41.998 192 3.7% Auto Radio 11.3% 93.415 84 3.5% El FM 9.8% 81.346 81 3.0% Humor FM 7.9% 65.302 85 2.5% Radio Record 1.4% 11.609 453 2.4% Radio Chanson 3.2% 26.840 176 2.1% Other 1.7% 13.985 71 8.1% Radio station Weekly audience, % Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % 111 100.0% 49 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 0,000 Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru Europa Plus Radio Azattyk Min Kiyal FM Hit FM Love radio Avtoradio Russkaya volna El FM Tumar Birinchi radio Yumor FM Radio Salam Radio Shanson Radio Rekord Other 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 541,444 315,624 255,363 198,237 165,629 120,280 97,843 93,415 84,371 81,346 78,116 68,170 65,302 41,998 26,840 11,609 13,985 Fig.3.2.60 Weekly audience among males 18-34, thous. people Radio Chanson; 2,1% Record Radio ; 2,4% Other; 8,1% Humor FM ; 2,5% Europe Plus; 14,8% El FM; 3,0% Auto radio; 3,5% Kyrgystan obondoru; 14,7% Radio Salam; 3,7% Tumar; 3,7% Love radio ; 3,9% Russian Wave; 12,6% Birinchi radio; 4,0% Hit FM; 4,8% Radio Azattyk; 6,1% Min Kyaal FM ; 10,0% Fig.3.2.61 Share of radio listening among males 18-34,% Among young males by the share of radio listening the first place is taken by the Europa Plus radio station followed by Kyrgyzstan Obondoru with a lag of a tenth per cent. The format of the Russian Wave radio station is so attractive to young people that taking 8th place by the number of radio listeners, the radio station managed to reach the third position on the share of radio listening. 50 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Males 25 - 54 y.o. Table 3.2.20. Weekly audience of radio listening among males 25 - 54 y.o. Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 61.3% 611.176 110 100.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 35.6% 355.390 100 14.9% Europa Plus 22.4% 222.911 140 13.0% Russian Wave 9.5% 94.358 303 11.9% Min Kyaal FM 18.6% 185.375 116 9.0% Radio Azattyk 23.4% 232.987 74 7.2% Hit FM 10.2% 101.353 130 5.5% Auto Radio 12.3% 123.127 102 5.2% Love Radio 8.1% 80.644 138 4.7% Tumar 8.3% 82.908 100 3.5% Humor FM 7.2% 71.712 111 3.3% Birinchi radio 9.0% 89.433 89 3.3% Radio salam 4.7% 46.789 148 2.9% Radio Mir 2.6% 26.019 222 2.4% Radio Chanson 4.5% 45.201 107 2.0% El FM 8.8% 87.563 54 2.0% Other 1.4% 13.542 121 9.2% Radio station 0,000 Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru Radio Azattyk Europa Plus Min Kiyal FM Avtoradio Hit FM Russkaya volna Birinchi radio El FM Tumar Love radio Yumor FM Radio Salam Radio Shanson Radio Mir Other 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 611,176 355,390 232,987 222,911 185,375 123,127 101,353 94,358 89,433 87,563 82,908 80,644 71,712 46,789 45,201 26,019 13,542 Fig.3.2.62 Weekly audience among males 25-54, thous. people 51 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Radio Chanson; 2,0% El FM; 2,0% Other; 9,2% Radio Mir; 2,4% Kyrgystan obondoru ; 14,9% Radio Salam; 2,9% Europe Plus; 13,0% Birinchi radio; 3,3% Humor FM; 3,3% Tumar; 3,5% Russian Wave; 11,9% Love radio ; 4,7% Auto radio ; 5,2% Hit FM; 5,5% Min Kyaal FM ; 9,0% Radio Azattyk; 7,2% Fig. 3.2.63 Share of radio listening among males 25-54, % Males over 55 y.o. Table 3.2.21. Weekly audience of radio listening among males over 55 y.o. Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 46.9% 100.882 86 100.0% Radio Azattyk 25.9% 55.637 93 22.1% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 20.0% 42.954 92 17.0% Min Kyaal FM 9.8% 21.076 123 11.1% El FM 6.9% 14.932 138 8.9% Echo of Moscow 4.5% 9.588 176 7.2% Radio salam 5.5% 11.750 108 5.5% Europa Plus 5.3% 11.351 98 4.8% Radio Chanson 3.7% 7.923 138 4.7% Radio BBC 4.5% 9.627 88 3.6% Tumar 3.2% 6.803 120 3.5% Birinchi radio 7.0% 15.132 53 3.5% Radio Mir 1.7% 3.748 120 1.9% Russian Wave 2.9% 6.183 67 1.8% Manas FM 0.5% 1.110 250 1.2% Radio Almaz 3.5% 7.458 30 1.0% Other 1.3% 2.696 53 2.3% Radio station 52 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience 0,000 Total Radio Azattyk Kyrgyzstan obondoru Min Kiyal FM Birinchi radio El FM Radio Salam Europa Plus Radio BBC Eho Moskvy Radio Shanson Radio Almaz Tumar Russkaya volna Radio Mir Manas FM Other 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 100,882 55,637 42,954 21,076 15,132 14,932 11,750 11,351 9,627 9,588 7,923 7,458 6,803 6,183 3,748 1,110 2,696 Fig.3.2.64 Weekly audience among males over 55, thous. people Russian Wave; 1,8% Manas FM; 1,2% Radio Almaz; 1,0% Other; 2,3% Radio Mir; 1,9% Birinchi radio; 3,5% Tumar; 3,5% Radio Azattyk; 22,1% Radio BBC; 3,6% Radio Chanson; 4,7% Europe Plus; 4,8% Kyrgystan obondoru; 17,0% Radio Salam; 5,5% Echo of Moscow; 7,2% Min Kyaal FM ; 11,1% El FM; 8,9% Fig.3.2.65 Share of radio listening among males over 55, % Males over 55 years old are among the most passive listeners. Size of the weekly audience totaled 46.9%, which is 14% less than national average. In this segment, the most popular are radio Azattyk, Kyrgyzstan Obondoru, Min Kyaal FM, and El FM and Echo of Moscow. 53 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Females over 18 y.o. Table 3.2.22. Weekly audience of radio listening among females over 18 y.o. Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 60.1% 1044.807 99 100.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 32.3% 561.711 122 20.3% Europa Plus 19.2% 333.085 110 10.8% Radio Azattyk 21.3% 369.614 87 9.4% Min Kyaal FM 19.0% 329.843 93 9.1% Tumar 10.4% 180.434 137 7.3% Russian Wave 9.4% 164.014 110 5.3% Radio Salam 6.1% 106.141 130 4.1% Hit FM 9.0% 156.254 84 3.9% Love Radio 5.9% 102.771 118 3.6% Radio Chanson 3.8% 66.428 170 3.3% Auto Radio 6.2% 107.040 87 2.7% Humor FM 5.4% 94.379 93 2.6% Echo of Moscow 4.4% 77.179 114 2.6% Radio LW 2.0% 34.739 181 1.9% Birinchi Radio 6.3% 108.785 57 1.8% Other 1.1% 19.455 110 11.4% Radio station 0,000 Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru Radio Azattyk Europa Plus Min Kiyal FM Tumar Russkaya volna Hit FM Birinchi radio Avtoradio Radio Salam Love radio Yumor FM Eho Moskvy Radio Shanson Radio LW Other 200,000 400,000 600,000 800,000 1 000,000 1 200,000 1 044,807 561,711 369,614 333,085 329,843 180,434 164,014 156,254 108,785 107,040 106,141 102,771 94,379 77,179 66,428 34,739 19,455 Fig.3.2.66 Weekly audience among females over 18, thous. people 54 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Birinchi radio; 1,8% Other ; 11,4% Radio LW; 1,9% Echo of Moscow; 2,6% Kyrgystan obondoru; 20,3% Humor FM; 2,6% Auto radio ; 2,7% Radio Chanson; 3,3% Europe Plus; 10,8% Love radio ; 3,6% Hit FM ; 3,9% Radio Azattyk; 9,4% Radio Salam; 4,1% Russian Wave; 5,3% Min Kyaal FM ; 9,1% Tumar; 7,3% Fig.3.2.67 Share of radio listening among females over 18 лет, % Females 18 - 34 y.o. Table 3.2.23. Weekly audience of radio listening among females 18-34 Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 65.8% 540.624 103 100.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 38.7% 318.289 127 20.7% Europa Plus 26.6% 219.018 111 12.5% Tumar 15.9% 130.972 136 9.1% Radio Azattyk 20.1% 165.256 103 8.7% Min Kyaal FM 22.9% 187.983 75 7.2% Russian Wave 10.6% 87.343 128 5.7% Hit FM 13.7% 112.388 90 5.2% Love Radio 9.3% 76.549 125 4.9% Radio Salam 6.0% 49.349 142 3.6% Радио LW 2.9% 23.825 206 2.5% El FM 6.9% 56.405 79 2.3% Humor FM 6.3% 51.700 83 2.2% Auto Radio 5.9% 48.795 88 2.2% Radio Almaz 7.5% 61.572 62 2.0% Radio Chanson 3.1% 25.872 137 1.8% Other 1.5% 12.038 83 9.5% Radio station 55 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 0,000 Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru Europa Plus Min Kiyal FM Radio Azattyk Tumar Hit FM Russkaya volna Love radio Radio Almaz El FM Yumor FM Radio Salam Avtoradio Radio Shanson Radio LW Other 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 540,624 318,289 219,018 187,983 165,256 130,972 112,388 87,343 76,549 61,572 56,405 51,700 49,349 48,795 25,872 23,825 12,038 Fig.3.2.68 Weekly audience among women 18 - 34 y.o., thous. people Radio Chanson; 1,8% Radio Almaz ; 2,0% Auto radio; 2,2% Other ; 9,5% Kyrgystan obondoru; 20,7% Humor FM; 2,2% El FM; 2,3% Radio LW; 2,5% Radio Salam; 3,6% Europe Plus; 12,5% Love radio ; 4,9% Hit FM; 5,2% Tumar; 9,1% Russian Wave; 5,7% Min Kyaal FM ; 7,2% Radio Azattyk; 8,7% Fig.3.2.69 Share of radio listening among females 18 34, % Among females of 18-34 years Tumar radio station is quite popular, which occupies the third place by share of radio listening. Among males in that age group Tumar radio station occupied only the ninth place. 56 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Females 25 - 54 y.o. Table 3.2.24. Weekly audience of radio listening among females 25-54 y.o. Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 54.6% 561.396 102 100.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 27.2% 279.716 120 18.3% Europa Plus 15.5% 158.981 133 11.4% Min Kyaal FM 18.4% 189.746 100 10.2% Radio Azattyk 21.4% 220.199 83 9.9% Tumar 7.2% 74.457 140 5.6% Radio Salam 6.9% 71.337 127 4.9% Russian Wave 7.5% 77.293 115 4.8% Hit FM 7.1% 72.913 111 4.4% Love Radio 4.9% 50.334 136 3.7% Humor FM 5.4% 55.147 118 3.5% Auto Radio 5.8% 59.684 84 2.7% Radio Chanson 3.2% 32.905 123 2.2% Echo of Moscow 4.0% 41.553 97 2.2% Radio Almaz 5.8% 60.085 67 2.2% Vodiy Sadosi 4.1% 41.837 85 1.9% Other 1.1% 10.823 122 11.9% Radio station 0,000 Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru Radio Azattyk Min Kiyal FM Europa Plus Russkaya volna Tumar Hit FM Radio Salam Radio Almaz Avtoradio Yumor FM Love radio Vodiy Sadosi Eho Moskvy Radio Shanson Other 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 561,396 279,716 220,199 189,746 158,981 77,293 74,457 72,913 71,337 60,085 59,684 55,147 50,334 41,837 41,553 32,905 10,823 Fig.3.2.70 Weekly audienceсреди женщин 25 - 54, thous. people 57 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Radio Almaz; 2,2% Other; 11,9% Vodiy Sadosi; 1,9% Kyrgystan obondoru; 18,3% Echo of Moscow; 2,2% Radio Chanson; 2,2% Europe Plus; 11,4% Auto radio; 2,7% Humor FM; 3,5% Love radio ; 3,7% Min Kyaal FM ; 10,2% Hit FM; 4,4% Russian Wave; 4,8% Radio Azattyk; 9,9% Radio Salam; 4,9% Tumar; 5,6% Fig. 3.2.71 Share of radio listening among femalesот 25 - 54 -, % Females over 55 y.o. Table 3.2.25. Weekly audience of radio listening among females over 55 y.o. Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 53.6% 156.229 86 100.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 21.6% 62.860 106 18.4% Radio Azattyk 19.2% 55.969 91 14.1% Echo of Moscow 11.0% 32.060 153 13.5% Radio Chanson 6.7% 19.481 217 11.7% Europa Plus 10.7% 31.313 124 10.7% Russian Wave 9.6% 27.999 92 7.1% Min Kyaal FM 8.3% 24.317 105 7.0% Auto Radio 7.2% 20.902 65 3.7% Birinchi Radio 8.0% 23.398 54 3.5% Radio Salam 4.0% 11.712 96 3.1% Humor FM 4.7% 13.639 63 2.4% Tumar 2.4% 6.944 120 2.3% Radio Tatina 0.7% 2.061 129 0.7% Manas FM 0.7% 1.956 120 0.6% Radio Almaz 1.6% 4.615 45 0.6% Other 1.7% 5.035 45 0.6% Radio station 58 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience 0,000 Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru Radio Azattyk Eho Moskvy Europa Plus Russkaya volna Min Kiyal FM Birinchi radio Avtoradio Radio Shanson Yumor FM Radio Salam Tumar Other Radio Almaz Radio Tatina Manas FM 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 156,229 62,860 55,969 32,060 31,313 27,999 24,317 23,398 20,902 19,481 13,639 11,712 6,944 5,035 4,615 2,061 1,956 Fig.3.2.72 Weekly audience among females over 55, thous. people Humor FM; 2,4% Radio Tatina; 0,7% Manas FM; 0,6% Tumar; 2,3% Radio Almaz; 0,6% Rado Salam; 3,1% Other; 0,6% Kyrgystan obondoru; 18,4% Birinchi radio; 3,5% Auto radio; 3,7% Radio Azattyk; 14,1% Min Kyaal FM ; 7,0% Russian Wave; 7,1% Europe Plus; 10,7% Echo of Moscow; 13,5% Radio Chanson; 11,7% Fig.3.2.73 Share of radio listening among females over 55, % Radio stations broadcasting political, economic and cultural news occupy leading positions among both males and females over 55 y.o. Kyrgyzstan Obondoru radio station is not stepping down. However, one of the top radio stations, Europa Plus, occupies only fifth position on this market. Weekly audience of listeners with family income over 30 000 soms was considered Within the framework of this research as well as the population over 18 years old with higher education. Distribution of a weekly audience is presented below. 59 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Population with family income over 30 000 soms Table 3.2.26 . Weekly audience of radio listening among population with family income over 30 000 soms Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 78.7% 57.474 87 100.0% Hit FM 15.8% 11.547 480 29.1% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 45.8% 33.439 76 13.4% Europa Plus 33.5% 24.485 84 10.8% Radio Azattyk 30.0% 21.900 77 8.9% Russian Wave 21.2% 15.466 109 8.9% Auto Radio 19.4% 14.165 83 6.1% Love Radio 16.9% 12.334 86 5.6% Humor FM 11.1% 8.114 91 3.9% Tumar 8.1% 5.912 88 2.7% Radio Almaz 9.4% 6.854 75 2.7% El FM 18.2% 13.314 36 2.6% Radio BBC 6.9% 5.029 60 1.6% Radio station Echo of Moscow 6.2% 4.556 60 1.4% Min Kyaal FM 14.9% 10.859 25 1.4% Birinchi Radio 10.1% 7.398 10 0.4% Other 2.5% 1.843 43 0.5% 0,000 Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru Europa Plus Radio Azattyk Russkaya volna Avtoradio El FM Love radio Hit FM Min Kiyal FM Yumor FM Birinchi radio Radio Almaz Tumar Radio BBC Eho Moskvy Other 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 57,474 33,439 24,485 21,900 15,466 14,165 13,314 12,334 11,547 10,859 8,114 7,398 6,854 5,912 5,029 4,556 1,843 Fig. 3.2.74 Weekly audience among population with family income over 30 000 soms, thous. people 60 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Echo of Moscow; 1,4% Radio BBC; 1,6% Min Kyaal FM ; 1,4% Birinchi radio; 0,4% Other; 0,5% El FM; 2,6% Radio Almaz; 2,7% Tumar; 2,7% Hit FM; 29,1% Humor FM ; 3,9% Love radio ; 5,6% Auto radio ; 6,1% Kyrgystan obondoru; 13,4% Russian Wave; 8,9% Europe Plus; 10,8% Radio Azattyk; 8,9% Fig. 3.2.75 Share of radio listening among population with family income over 30 000 soms, % Population over 18 y.o. with higher education Table 3.2.27. Weekly audience of radio listening among population with higher education Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 74.7% 345.905 101 100.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 35.9% 166.485 100 13.9% Europa Plus 23.3% 108.052 110 9.9% Min Kyaal FM 18.6% 86.170 112 8.0% Radio Azattyk 24.3% 112.543 83 7.8% Hit FM 15.1% 69.975 117 6.8% Love Radio 10.0% 46.525 153 6.0% Tumar 9.8% 45.619 147 5.6% Echo of Moscow 9.2% 42.656 142 5.0% Russian Wave 12.6% 58.173 97 4.7% Radio Chanson 7.8% 36.008 142 4.3% Humor FM 10.7% 49.497 96 4.0% Auto Radio 14.0% 65.009 73 4.0% Birinchi Radio 11.3% 52.436 83 3.6% Radio Salam 5.7% 26.447 139 3.1% El FM 6.8% 31.300 92 2.4% Other 1.6% 7.344 127 10.9% Radio station 61 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 0,000 Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru Radio Azattyk Europa Plus Min Kiyal FM Hit FM Avtoradio Russkaya volna Birinchi radio Yumor FM Love radio Tumar Eho Moskvy Radio Shanson El FM Radio Salam Other 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 345,905 166,485 112,543 108,052 86,170 69,975 65,009 58,173 52,436 49,497 46,525 45,619 42,656 36,008 31,300 26,447 7,344 Fig. 3.2.76 Weekly audience among population with higher education, thous. people El FM; 2,4% Other; 10,9% Radio Salam; 3,1% Kyrgystan obondoru; 13,9% Europe Plus; 9,9% Birinchi radio; 3,6% Auto radio ; 4,0% Humor FM; 4,0% Min Kyaal FM ; 8,0% Radio Chanson; 4,3% Radio Azattyk; 7,8% Russian Wave; 4,7% Echo of Moscow; 5,0% Tumar; 5,6% Hit FM; 6,8% Love radio ; 6,0% Fig. 3.2.77 Share of radio listening among among population with higher education, % We have reviewed the structure of the media market in the national context. To date, the market is represented by more than 40 radio stations, including national ones, broadcasting in the entire territory of the republic, and regional, covering one or more areas. Separately, it is possible to select the media market in Bishkek. Residents of the capital can customize their radios to waves for more than twenty radio stations. Among them the stations that broadcast in Kyrgyz, Russian and English can be chosen. There are different formats of stations presented to radio listeners: predominantly musical entertainment content, as well as information sources on current socio-political events. 62 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Media space of the capital is highly competitive among the market players, trying to find its niche, winning the sympathy and loyalty of listeners and at the same time actively attracting funds of advertisers. In this regard, there is an objective need for a detailed study of the peculiarities of this market. Below there is the structure of a weekly audience of radio listeners in Bishkek as a whole, as well as by gender and age groups. Bishkek Table 3.2.28. Weekly audience of radio listening, % 18+ 98,3% Average time of radio listening per day, hour: min 1:33 Males 18+ 98,4% 1:32 10:47 Females 18+ 98,0% 1:36 11:12 18-34 100,0% 1:27 10:09 Males 18-34 99,7% 1:23 9:41 Females 18-34 99,8% 1:36 11:12 25-54 98,5% 1:43 12:01 Males 25-54 98,2% 1:43 12:01 Females 25-54 99,3% 1:40 11:40 Category Age Population Population Population Population Average weekly audience Average time of radio listening per week, hour: min 10:54 55+ 93,2% 1:42 11:52 Males 55+ 96,1% 1:23 9:41 Females 55+ 92,2% 1:49 12:43 The level of penetration of radio in the daily lives of the population of Bishkek takes first place in the Republic. Virtually every citizen listens to the radio, especially the high proportion of students among youth aged 18 to 34 years old. Indeed, citizens listen to the radio in public transport, in cars, at work and at home, via mobile phone and via Internet access. The average resident of the capital spends 11 hours a week on the waves of favorite radio stations. Consider the weekly audience among citizens over 18 years. Bishkek, population over 18 years old Table 3.2.29. Weekly audience of radio listening among Bishkek citizens over 18 y.o. Total 98.3% Weekly audience, thous. people 586.997 93 100.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 49.8% 297.078 104 14.2% Europa Plus 47.3% 282.162 87 11.4% Tumar 26.4% 157.654 132 9.6% Hit FM 36.2% 216.065 93 9.3% Russian Wave 26.3% 156.805 99 7.2% Love Radio 22.0% 131.090 115 6.9% Radio Chanson 15.6% 93.350 140 6.0% Humor FM 24.6% 146.618 87 5.9% Auto Radio 21.6% 128.728 98 5.8% Echo of Moscow 19.0% 113.408 104 5.5% Min Kyaal FM 28.2% 168.417 64 5.0% Radio Azattyk 16.1% 95.910 61 2.7% Radio Mir 6.4% 38.308 150 2.7% Radio BBC 5.1% 30.724 101 1.4% Manas FM Other 10.9% 2.2% 65.069 13.379 47 112 1.4% 5.0% Radio station Weekly audience, % Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % 63 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 0,000 Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru Europa Plus Hit FM Min Kiyal FM Tumar Russkaya volna Yumor FM Love radio Avtoradio Eho Moskvy Radio Azattyk Radio Shanson Manas FM Radio Mir Radio BBC Other 100,000 200,000 300,000 400,000 500,000 600,000 700,000 586,997 297,078 282,162 216,065 168,417 157,654 156,805 146,618 131,090 128,728 113,408 95,910 93,350 65,069 38,308 30,724 13,379 Fig. 3.2.78 Weekly audience among Bishkek citizens over 18 y.o., thous. people Radio BBC; 1,4% Radio Mir; 2,7% Radio Azattyk; 2,7% Manas FM; 1,4% Other; 5,0% Kyrgystan obondoru 14,2% Min Kyaal FM ; 5,0% Europe Plus; 11,4% Echo of Moscow; 5,5% Tumar; 9,6% Auto radio ; 5,8% Humor FM; 5,9% Radio Chanson; 6,0% Love radio; 6,9% Hit FM; 9,3% Russian Wave; 7,2% Fig. 3.2.79 Share of radio listening among among Bishkek citizens over 18 y.o., % 64 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Bishkek, population 18-34 years old Table 3.2.30. Weekly audience of radio listening among Bishkek citizens 18-34 Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 100.0% 299.568 87 100.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 55.6% 166.637 111 16.4% Europa Plus 61.7% 184.760 86 14.2% Tumar 34.6% 103.761 141 13.0% Hit FM 51.6% 154.512 88 12.1% Love Radio 31.8% 95.328 114 9.6% Russian Wave 28.4% 85.021 107 8.1% Auto Radio 19.0% 57.030 110 5.6% Humor FM 28.9% 86.567 69 5.3% Min Kyaal FM 33.9% 101.665 38 3.5% Radio Chanson 12.6% 37.776 85 2.8% Radio Azattyk 18.2% 54.407 46 2.2% Echo of Moscow 13.3% 39.930 49 1.8% Manas FM 12.6% 37.721 44 1.5% Radio Almaz 7.9% 23.685 60 1.3% Radio Max 8.0% 24.031 37 0.8% Other 2.4% 7.103 45 1.8% Radio station 0,000 Total Europa Plus Kyrgyzstan obondoru Hit FM Tumar Min Kiyal FM Love radio Yumor FM Russkaya volna Avtoradio Radio Azattyk Eho Moskvy Radio Shanson Manas FM Radio Maks Radio Almaz Other 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 299,568 184,760 166,637 154,512 103,761 101,665 95,328 86,567 85,021 57,030 54,407 39,930 37,776 37,721 24,031 23,685 7,103 Fig. 3.2.80 Weekly audience among citizens of Bishkek 18-34, thous. people 65 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Echo of Moscow; 1,8% Radio Azattyk; 2,2% Radio Almaz; 1,3% Radio Max; 0,8% Manas FM; 1,5% Other; 1,8% Kyrgystan obondoru; 16,4% Radio Chanson; 2,8% Min Kyaal FM ; 3,5% Europe Plus; 14,2% Humor FM; 5,3% Auto radio; 5,6% Russian Wave; 8,1% Tumar; 13,0% Love radio; 9,6% Ht FM; 12,1% Fig. 3.2.81 Share of radio listening among citizens of Bishkek 18-34, % It is worth noting that the media market of Bishkek is less concentrated. Radio stations, occupying the first five positions in the ranking, have a share of radio listening of 65% in total. However, the difference between their positions relatively to each other is no more than 2%. It is worth noting that compared to the national ratings, the positions of radio stations broadcasting on the territory of Bishkek and Chui oblast have improved. Also quite significant proportion of the citizens is loyal to the Tumar radio station, which occupies the third position on the share of radio listening. Bishkek population 25 - 54 Table 3.2.31. Weekly audience of radio listening among citizens of Bishkek 25-54 Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 98.5% 342.430 103 100.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 52.7% 183.349 107 15.1% Hit FM 35.0% 121.827 142 13.2% Europa Plus 43.9% 152.770 97 11.4% Love Radio 22.2% 77.118 172 10.2% Tumar 27.8% 96.716 123 9.1% Humor FM 25.6% 88.896 95 6.5% Min Kyaal FM 30.6% 106.492 72 5.9% Radio Chanson 17.9% 62.210 123 5.8% Auto Radio 21.4% 74.355 101 5.8% Echo of Moscow 18.6% 64.538 93 4.6% Radio Mir 6.4% 22.172 161 2.7% Radio Azattyk 16.6% 57.756 54 2.4% Radio Almaz 10.9% 37.796 55 1.6% Radio BBC Parliament Radio Other 0.6% 5.7% 5.24% 26.646 2.148 18.201 680 70 62 1.2% 1.1% 3.5% Radio station 66 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience 0,000 Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru Europa Plus Hit FM Min Kiyal FM Tumar Yumor FM Love radio Avtoradio Eho Moskvy Radio Shanson Radio Azattyk Radio Almaz Radio BBC Radio Mir Other Parlamentskoe radio 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 400,000 342,430 183,349 152,770 121,827 106,492 96,716 88,896 77,118 74,355 64,538 62,210 57,756 37,796 26,646 22,172 18,201 2,148 Fig. 3.2.82 Weekly audience among citizens of Bishkek 25-54, thous. people Radio Almaz; 1,6% Radio BBC; 1,2% Parliament radio; 1,1% Other; 3,5% Radio Azattyk; 2,4% Kyrgystan obondoru; 15,1% Radio Mir; 2,7% Echo of Moscow; 4,6% Hit FM; 13,2% Auto radio; 5,8% Radio Chanson; 5,8% Europe Plus; 11,4% Min Kyaal FM ; 5,9% Humor FM; 6,5% Tumar; 9,1% Love radio ; 10,2% Fig. 3.2.83 Share of radio listening among citizens of Bishkek 25-54, % Among the population of Bishkek at the age of 25 to 54 years old, Hit FM radio station occupies 2 position, whereas in the overall ranking of capital listeners it stood on the 4 place. 67 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Bishkek population over 55 y.o. Table 3.2.32. Weekly audience of radio listening among citizens of Bishkek over 55 Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 93.2% 86.744 102 100.0% Echo of Moscow 39.6% 36.890 165 29.1% Radio Chanson 20.7% 19.259 191 17.6% Europa Plus 25.2% 23.486 91 10.3% Radio Mir 14.3% 13.320 120 7.6% Humor FM 18.4% 17.131 80 6.6% Auto Radio 21.4% 19.879 68 6.5% Russian Wave 20.7% 19.305 66 6.0% Radio Azattyk 13.1% 12.238 84 4.9% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 22.9% 21.282 47 4.8% Radio BBC 5.6% 5.235 108 2.7% Min Kyaal FM 6.5% 6.070 41 1.2% Manas FM 2.2% 2.053 120 1.2% Gorod FM 2.4% 2.217 60 0.6% Birinchi Radio 6.0% 5.572 24 0.6% Radio Almaz 2.2% 2.002 30 0.3% Radio station 0,000 20,000 40,000 Total Eho Moskvy 80,000 100,000 86,744 36,890 Europa Plus Kyrgyzstan obondoru 23,486 21,282 Avtoradio 19,879 Russkaya volna Radio Shanson 19,305 19,259 Yumor FM Radio Mir 17,131 13,320 Radio Azattyk Min Kiyal FM Birinchi radio 60,000 12,238 6,070 5,572 Radio BBC Gorod FM 2,217 Manas FM 2,053 Radio Almaz 2,002 5,235 Fig. 3.2.84 Weekly audience among citizens of Bishkek over 55, thous. people 68 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Manas FM; 1,2% Min Kyaal FM ; 1,2% Gorod FM; 0,6% Birinchi radio; 0,6% Radio Almaz; 0,3% Радио BBC; 2,7% Kyrgystan obondoru; 4,8% Echo of Moscow; 29,1% Radio Azattyk; 4,9% Russian Wave; 6,0% Auto radio; 6,5% Humor FM; 6,6% Radio Chanson; 17,6% Radio Mir; 7,6% Europe Plus; 10,3% Fig. 3.2.85 Share of radio listening among citizens of Bishkek over 55, % Among listeners in Bishkek over 55 years both by the size of a weekly audience, and the share of radio listeners, the first place is occupied by the Echo of Moscow radio station. Listeners of the Chanson radio spend an average of 3 hours per day on the waves of the station, so the proportion of radio listening Chanson was second in the rankings - 17,6%. The popular radio station Europa Plus closes the top three. Bishkek males over 18 Table 3.2.34. Weekly audience of radio listening among males in Bishkek over 18 Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 98.4% 262.675 92 100.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 50.6% 135.226 99 13.4% Hit FM 43.7% 116.600 98 11.5% Europa Plus 51.5% 137.430 79 10.8% Humor FM 29.5% 78.685 96 7.6% Tumar 26.4% 70.466 105 7.4% Auto Radio 26.0% 69.347 105 7.3% Love Radio 27.7% 73.915 98 7.2% Russian Wave 25.8% 68.845 97 6.7% Radio Chanson 18.0% 48.085 118 5.7% Min Kyaal FM 28.4% 75.829 67 5.1% Radio Mir 8.7% 23.258 180 4.2% Echo of Moscow 18.0% 48.065 85 4.1% Radio Azattyk 12.9% 34.441 63 2.2% Radio Almaz 7.9% 20.976 53 1.1% Radio BBC 3.8% 10.128 108 1.1% Other 2.5% 6.630 125 4.7% Radio station 69 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 0,000 Total Europa Plus Kyrgyzstan obondoru Hit FM Yumor FM Min Kiyal FM Love radio Tumar Avtoradio Russkaya volna Radio Shanson Eho Moskvy Radio Azattyk Radio Mir Radio Almaz Radio BBC Other 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 262,675 137,430 135,226 116,600 78,685 75,829 73,915 70,466 69,347 68,845 48,085 48,065 34,441 23,258 20,976 10,128 6,630 Fig. 3.2.86 Weekly audience among males in Bishkek over 18, thous. people Radio Azattyk; 2,2% Echo of Moscow; 4,1% Radio Almaz; 1,1% Radio BBC; 1,1% Other; 4,7% Kyrgystan obondoru; 13,4% Radio Mir; 4,2% Hit FM; 11,5% Min Kyaal FM ; 5,1% Radio Chanson; 5,7% Europe Plus; 10,8% Russian Wave; 6,7% Love radio ; 7,2% Humor FM; 7,6% Auto radio; 7,3% Tumar; 7,4% Fig. 3.2.87 Share of radio listening among males in Bishkek over 18, % Along with the three leading radio stations, such as Kyrgyzstan Obondoru, Hit FM and Europa Plus, among the strong half of Bishkek, Humor FM and Auto Radio are popular radio stations which improved their ranking at 3-4 positions compared with city-wide slit. 70 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Bishkek males 18 - 34 y.o. Table 3.2.35. Weekly audience of radio listening among males in Bishkek 18 - 34 Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 99.7% 68466 83 100.0% Hit FM 58.9% 40475 85 13.9% Europa Plus 62.4% 42871 76 13.2% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 49.9% 34272 95 13.1% Auto Radio 24.4% 16764 150 10.2% Love Radio 35.7% 24535 90 8.9% Russian Wave 29.1% 19989 106 8.6% Humor FM 36.6% 25160 82 8.3% Tumar 26.0% 17837 110 7.9% Radio Chanson 14.6% 9993 98 4.0% Min Kyaal FM 28.0% 19243 38 3.0% Radio Azattyk 15.0% 10317 60 2.5% Echo of Moscow 19.6% 13443 38 2.1% Radio Almaz 9.7% 6664 60 1.6% Other 3.5% 2426 45 2.7% Radio station 0,000 Total Europa Plus Hit FM Kyrgyzstan obondoru Yumor FM Love radio Russkaya volna Min Kiyal FM Tumar Avtoradio Eho Moskvy Radio Azattyk Radio Shanson Radio Almaz Other 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 68,466 42,871 40,475 34,272 25,160 24,535 19,989 19,243 17,837 16,764 13,443 10,317 9,993 6,664 2,426 Fig. 3.2.88 Weekly audience among males in Bishkek 18 - 34, thous. people 71 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Radio Azattyk; 2,5% Echo of Moscow; 2,1% Radio Almaz; 1,6% Other; 2,7% Hit FM; 13,9% Min Kyaal FM ; 3,0% Radio Chanson; 4,0% Europe Plus; 13,2% Tumar; 7,9% Humor FM ; 8,3% Kyrgystan obondoru; 13,1% Russian Wave; 8,6% Love radio ; 8,9% Auto radio; 10,2% Fig. 3.2.89 Share of radio listening among males in Bishkek 18 - 34, % Among young males aged 18 to 34 years by the size of a weekly audience Europa Plus radio station is leading, while Hit FM leads by the share of radio listening. Listeners of Auto Radio demonstrated the maximum average time of listening, spending nearly two and a half hours a day on the waves of this station. Bishkek males 25 - 54 years old Table 3.2.36. Weekly audience among males in Bishkek over 25 - 54 y.o. Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 98.2% 156.488 103 100.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 30.9% 49.188 112 16.9% Hit FM 18.5% 29.552 150 13.5% Tumar 19.3% 30.704 109 10.2% Europa Plus 23.4% 37.290 80 9.1% Min Kyaal FM 22.0% 35.114 77 8.2% Humor FM 18.7% 29.843 90 8.2% Love Radio 7.8% 12.393 181 6.8% Radio Mir 5.1% 8.090 222 5.5% Echo of Moscow 10.1% 16.113 93 4.6% Radio Azattyk 13.3% 21.169 65 4.2% Radio Chanson 5.0% 8.038 119 2.9% Auto Radio 4.4% 7.084 100 2.2% Parliamentary radio 0.6% 0.924 680 1.9% Russian Wave 2.3% 3.707 100 1.1% Other 3.2% 5.094 63 4.7% Radio station 72 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience 0,000 Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru Europa Plus Min Kiyal FM Tumar Yumor FM Hit FM Radio Azattyk Eho Moskvy Love radio Radio Mir Radio Shanson Avtoradio Russkaya volna Parlamentskoe radio Other 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 156,488 49,188 37,290 35,114 30,704 29,843 29,552 21,169 16,113 12,393 8,090 8,038 7,084 3,707 0,924 5,094 Fig. 3.2.90 Weekly audience among males in Bishkek 25 - 54, thous. people Parliament radio; 1,9% Auto radio; 2,2% Radio Chanson; 2,9% Russian Wave; 1,1% Other; 4,7% Kyrgystan obondoru; 16,9% Radio Azattyk; 4,2% Echo of Moscow; 4,6% Hit FM; 13,5% Radio Mir; 5,5% Love radio; 6,8% Tumar; 10,2% Humor FM ; 8,2% Min Kyaal FM ; 8,2% Europe Plus; 9,1% Fig. 3.2.91 Share of radio listening amongмужчин г. Бишкек от 25 до 54 лет, % 73 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Bishkek males over 55 years old Table 3.2.37. Weekly audience radio listening among males in Bishkek over 55 Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thous. people Average time of listening, min Share of radio listening, % Total 96.1% 32.547 83 100.0% Radio BBC 25.4% 8.615 108 25.3% Radio Mir 14.0% 4.745 120 15.4% Echo of Moscow 12.0% 4.076 137 15.2% Radio Chanson 10.6% 3.583 110 10.7% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 17.2% 5.837 52 8.2% Europa Plus 15.6% 5.270 57 8.1% Radio Azattyk 13.7% 4.642 60 7.6% Auto Radio 7.0% 2.373 60 3.9% Gorod FM 5.1% 1.719 60 2.8% Radio Almaz 5.1% 1.719 30 1.4% Russian Wave 5.1% 1.719 30 1.4% Radio station 0,000 5,000 10,000 Total 25,000 30,000 35,000 8,615 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 5,837 Europa Plus 5,270 Radio Mir 4,745 Radio Azattyk 4,642 Eho Moskvy Avtoradio 20,000 32,547 Radio BBC Radio Shanson 15,000 4,076 3,583 2,373 Gorod FM 1,719 Radio Almaz 1,719 Russkaya volna 1,719 Fig. 3.2.92 Weekly audience among males in Bishkek city over 55 y.o., thous. people 74 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Russian Wave; 1,4% Radio Almaz; 1,4% Gorod FM; 2,8% Радио BBC; 25,3% Auto radio; 3,9% Radio Azattyk; 7,6% Europe Plus; 8,1% Kyrgystan obondoru; 8,2% Radio Mir; 15,4% Radio Chanson; 10,7% Echo of Moscow; 15,2% Fig. 3.2.93 Share of radio listening among males in Bishkek over 55, % Men over 55 years old prefer to listen to news radio stations such as Radio BBC, Echo of Moscow. Mir radio station is also popular, as well as Radio Chanson. An interesting fact is that the Azattyk radio enjoys higher popularity in the region than in the capital. Bishkek, females over 18 years old Table 3.2.38. Weekly audience of radio listening among women of Bishkek city older than 18 years. Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thousand people Average time of listening, min. Share of radio listening, % Total 98.0% 323.437 96 100.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 48.9% 161.502 107 15.0% Europe Plus 43.9% 144.787 96 12.0% Tumar 26.3% 86.946 144 10.9% Hit FM 30.3% 99.995 88 7.6% Russkaya Volna 26.6% 87.666 100 7.6% Echo of Moscow 19.7% 65.056 123 7.0% Love Radio 17.5% 57.634 137 6.9% Chanson Radio 13.8% 45.396 158 6.2% Min. Kiyal FM 28.0% 92.353 60 4.8% Autoradio 18.1% 59.691 92 4.8% Humor FM 20.7% 68.275 78 4.6% Azattyk Radio 18.5% 60.960 60 3.2% Manas FM 12.1% 39.900 53 1.8% Mir Radio 4.6% 15.255 122 1.6% Max Radio 7.2% 23.724 71 1.5% Other 2.6% 8.525 120 4.6% Radio station 75 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 0,000 Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru Europa Plus Hit FM Min Kiyal FM Russkaya volna Tumar Yumor FM Eho Moskvy Radio Azattyk Avtoradio Love radio Radio Shanson Manas FM Radio Maks Radio Mir Other 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 323,437 161,502 144,787 99,995 92,353 87,666 86,946 68,275 65,056 60,960 59,691 57,634 45,396 39,900 23,724 15,255 8,525 Fig. 3.2.94 Weekly audience among women of Bishkek city older than 18 years, thousand people Radio Mir; 1,6% Manas FM; 1,8% Radio Maks; 1,5% Other; 4,6% Kyrgyzstan obondoru; 15,0% Radio Azattyk; 3,2% Yumor FM; 4,6% Avtoradio; 4,8% Europa Plus; 12,0% Min Kiyal FM; 4,8% Radio Shanson; 6,2% Tumar; 10,9% Love radio; 6,9% Eho Moskvy; 7,0% Russkaya volna; 7,6% Hit FM; 7,6% Fig. 3.2.95 Share of radio listening among women of Bishkek city older than 18 years, % Weekly audience of certain radio station is not more than 50 % from total number of Bishkek city women. “Kyrgystan Obondru” outnumbers all other radios in amount of radio listeners. “Tumar”, “Chanson”, “Echo of Moscow”, “Mir Radio” are in the lead in dependence of average duration of radio listening. 76 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Women of Bishkek city from 18 to 34 years Table 3.2.39. Weekly audience of radio listening among women of Bishkek city from 18 to 34 years Weekly audience, thousand people 158.443 94.499 64.807 96.482 45.668 72.817 43.954 60.489 36.569 23.770 17.927 30.067 13.739 17.637 32.339 10.380 3.752 Weekly audience, % Radio station Total Kyrgyzstan Obondoru Tumar Europe Plus Love Radio Hit FM Russkaya Volna Min. Kiyal FM Humor FM Autoradio Max Radio Manas FM Echo of Moscow Chanson Radio Azattyk Radio Almaz Radio Other 99.8% 59.5% 40.8% 60.8% 28.8% 45.9% 27.7% 38.1% 23.0% 15.0% 11.3% 18.9% 8.7% 11.1% 20.4% 6.5% 2.4% 0,000 Average time of radio listening Share of radio listening, % 96 121 149 96 154 92 108 38 59 91 120 60 100 72 38 60 36 100.0% 17.7% 15.0% 14.4% 10.9% 10.4% 7.3% 3.6% 3.4% 3.4% 3.3% 2.8% 2.1% 2.0% 1.9% 1.0% 1.1% 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 Total 158,443 Europa Plus 96,482 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 94,499 Hit FM 72,817 Tumar 64,807 Min Kiyal FM 60,489 Love radio 45,668 Russkaya volna 43,954 Yumor FM 36,569 Radio Azattyk 32,339 Manas FM 30,067 Avtoradio 23,770 Radio Maks 17,927 Radio Shanson 17,637 Eho Moskvy Radio Almaz Other 13,739 10,380 3,752 Figure 3.2.96 Weekly audience among women of Bishkek city from 18 up to 34 years, thousand people 77 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Radio Azattyk; 1,9% Radio Shanson; 2,0% Radio Almaz; 1,0% Other; 1,1% Eho Moskvy; 2,1% Manas FM; 2,8% Radio Maks; 3,3% Kyrgyzstan obondoru; 17,7% Avtoradio; 3,4% Yumor FM; 3,4% Tumar; 15,0% Min Kiyal FM; 3,6% Russkaya volna; 7,3% Hit FM; 10,4% Europa Plus; 14,4% Love radio; 10,9% Fig. 3.2.97 Share of radio listening among women of Bishkek city from 18 up to 34 years, % Radio stations, broadcasting in the Kyrgyz Language take the first 2 positions among young women. “Love Radio” and “Tumar” have the most loyal audience of radio listeners. They hold listeners on their waves about 2 and half hours every day. Womenr of Bishkek city from 25 up to 54 years Table 3.2.40. Weekly audience of radio listening among women of Bishkek city from 25 up to 54 years Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thousand people Average time of listening, min. Share of radio listening, % Total 99.3% 186.968 100 100.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 49.9% 93.962 103 14.1% Europe Plus Hit FM Tumar Love Radio 42.8% 29.9% 27.7% 18.5% 80.481 56.302 52.088 34.849 111 129 131 167 13.0% 10.6% 10.0% 8.5% Humor FM 23.9% 44.922 104 6.8% Russkaya Volna 24.5% 46.169 88 5.9% Chanson Radio 15.7% 29.553 126 5.4% Echo of Moscow 19.2% 36.079 94 5.0% Min. Kiyal FM 26.7% 50.193 66 4.8% Autoradio 16.0% 30.021 103 4.5% Azattyk Radio 20.5% 38.532 47 2.7% Almaz Radio 13.0% 24.487 52 1.9% BBC Radio 10.9% 20.601 60 1.8% Max Radio 7.8% 14.662 71 1.5% Parliament Radio 0.7% 1.236 680 1.2% Other 3.1% 5.770 75 2.5% Radio station 78 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience 0,000 Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru Europa Plus Hit FM Tumar Min Kiyal FM Russkaya volna Yumor FM Radio Azattyk Eho Moskvy Love radio Avtoradio Radio Shanson Radio Almaz Radio BBC Radio Maks Other Parlamentskoe radio 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 186,968 93,962 80,481 56,302 52,088 50,193 46,169 44,922 38,532 36,079 34,849 30,021 29,553 24,487 20,601 14,662 5,770 1,236 Fig. 3.2.98 Weekly audience among women of Bishkek city from 25 up to 54 years, thousand people Radio BBC; 1,8% Radio Maks; 1,5% Radio Almaz; 1,9% Parlamentskoe radio; 1,2% Other; 2,5% Radio Azattyk; 2,7% Kyrgyzstan obondoru; 14,1% Avtoradio; 4,5% Min Kiyal FM; 4,8% Europa Plus; 13,0% Eho Moskvy; 5,0% Radio Shanson; 5,4% Hit FM; 10,6% Russkaya volna; 5,9% Yumor FM; 6,8% Love radio; 8,5% Tumar; 10,0% Fig. 3.2.99 Share of radio listening among women of Bishkek city from 25 up to 54 years , % 79 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Women of Bishkek city older than 55 years Table 3.2.41. Weekly audience of radio listening among women of Bishkek city older than 55 years Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thousand people Average time of listening, min. Share of radio listening, % Total 92.2% 54.609 109 100.0% Echo of Moscow 45.4% 26.912 172 33.3% Chanson Radio 18.4% 10.921 224 17.6% Europe Plus Radio station 26.8% 15.848 113 12.8% Autoradio 25.0% 14.802 72 7.7% Russkaya Volna 26.0% 15.374 69 7.7% Humor FM 20.5% 12.146 80 7.0% Azattyk Radio 15.2% 8.988 103 6.7% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 22.5% 13.328 45 4.3% Manas FM 2.9% 1.742 120 1.5% Min. Kiyal FM 6.3% 3.757 30 0.8% Birinchi Radio 6.8% 4.030 24 0.7% 0,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 Total 50,000 60,000 54,609 Eho Moskvy 26,912 Europa Plus 15,848 Russkaya volna 15,374 Avtoradio 14,802 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 13,328 Yumor FM 12,146 Radio Shanson 10,921 Radio Azattyk 8,988 Birinchi radio 4,030 Min Kiyal FM 3,757 Manas FM 40,000 1,742 Fig. 3.2.100 Weekly audience among women of Bishkek city older than 55 years, thousand people 80 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Manas FM; 1,5% Min Kiyal FM; 0,8% Kyrgyzstan obondoru; 4,3% Birinchi radio; 0,7% Radio Azattyk; 6,7% Eho Moskvy; 33,3% Yumor FM; 7,0% Russkaya volna; 7,7% Avtoradio; 7,7% Radio Shanson; 17,6% Europa Plus; 12,8% Fig. 3.2.101 Share of radio listening among women of Bishkek city older than 55 years, % Unlike men of this age, women prefer to receive information on the waves of “Echo of Moscow” Radio, also there are some fans of Chanson Radio among women, and popular radio “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru” take only the 8th place. Population of Bishkek city with family income more than 30 000 KGS Table 3.2.42. Weekly audience of radio listening among women of Bishkek city older than 55 years Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thousand people Average time of listening, min. Share of radio listening, % Total 98.1% 20.950 80 100.0% Hit FM 38.5% 8.215 480 51.6% Russkaya Volna 59.7% 12.749 109 18.2% Humor FM 34.7% 7.415 96 9.3% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 29.2% 6.233 70 5.7% Love Radio 24.2% 5.177 60 4.1% Echo of Moscow 18.8% 4.019 60 3.2% BBC Radio 14.8% 3.157 60 2.5% Tumar 10.2% 2.174 70 2.0% Almaz Radio 14.8% 3.157 43 1.8% Record Radio 5.2% 1.105 60 0.9% OK Radio 6.4% 1.357 25 0.4% Min Kiyal FM 9.0% 1.928 15 0.4% Radio station 81 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 0,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 Total 25,000 20,950 Russkaya volna 12,749 Hit FM 8,215 Yumor FM 7,415 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 6,233 Love radio 5,177 Eho Moskvy 4,019 Radio BBC 3,157 Radio Almaz 3,157 Tumar 2,174 Min Kiyal FM 1,928 Radio Okey 1,357 Radio Rekord 1,105 Fig. 3.2.102 Weekly audience among population of Bishkek city With family income more than 30 000 KGS, thousand people Radio Almaz; 1,8% Tumar; 2,0% Radio Rekord; 0,9% Radio Okey; 0,4% Min Kiyal FM; 0,4% Radio BBC; 2,5% Eho Moskvy; 3,2% Love radio; 4,1% Kyrgyzstan obondoru; 5,7% Yumor FM; 9,3% Hit FM; 51,6% Russkaya volna; 18,2% Fig. 3.2.103 Share of radio listening among population of Bishkek city with family income more than 30 000 KGS, % Such radio stations as “Russkaya Volna”, “Hit FM”, “Humor FM” are popular among the group of population with high income. Radio station “Russkaya Volna” has the most number of listeners, and “Hit FM” has the most loyal audience. Average time of its listening is 8 hours per day. 82 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Population of Bishkek city higher education Table 3.2.43. Weekly audience of radio listening among citizens of Bishkek city with higher population Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thousand people Average time of listening, min. Share of radio listening, % Total 98.8% 168.051 101 100.0% Europe Plus 42.9% 72.874 102 11.3% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 40.6% 68.958 108 11.3% Hit FM 35.4% 60.261 122 11.2% Echo of Moscow 22.9% 38.882 158 9.3% Love Radio 21.3% 36.149 161 8.9% Chanson Radio 19.4% 32.898 147 7.4% Tumar 17.9% 30.434 148 6.8% Russkaya Volna 28.2% 47.897 92 6.7% Humor FM 27.1% 45.993 91 6.4% Autoradio 23.7% 40.338 76 4.6% Mir Radio 8.5% 14.397 164 3.6% Azattyk Radio 17.2% 29.300 54 2.4% Min. Kiyal FM 16.1% 27.293 54 2.2% BBC Radio 6.9% 11.655 107 1.9% 0.9% 1.478 680 1.5% 3.6% 6.155 53 4.4% Radio station Parliament Radio Other 0,000 Total Europa Plus Kyrgyzstan obondoru Hit FM Russkaya volna Yumor FM Avtoradio Eho Moskvy Love radio Radio Shanson Tumar Radio Azattyk Min Kiyal FM Radio Mir Radio BBC Other Parlamentskoe radio 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 140,000 160,000 180,000 168,051 72,874 68,958 60,261 47,897 45,993 40,338 38,882 36,149 32,898 30,434 29,300 27,293 14,397 11,655 6,155 1,478 Fig. 3.2.104 Weekly audience among citizens of Bishkek city with higher education, thousand people 83 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Radio BBC; 1,9% Min Kiyal FM; 2,2% Parlamentskoe radio; 1,5% Other; 4,4% Europa Plus; 11,3% Radio Azattyk; 2,4% Kyrgyzstan obondoru; 11,3% Radio Mir; 3,6% Avtoradio; 4,6% Yumor FM; 6,4% Hit FM; 11,2% Russkaya volna; 6,7% Tumar; 6,8% Eho Moskvy; 9,3% Radio Shanson; 7,4% Love radio; 8,9% Fig. 3.2.105 Share of radio listening among citizens of Bishkek city with higher education, % Three radio stations take similar positions depending of preference of Bishkek city population with higher education: “Europe Plus”, “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru” and “Hit FM”. Though “Europe Plus” has the largest audience, and Love Radio has the most loyal audience. In connection with the variety of radio stations, broadcasting in the regions of Republic, as well as in connection with the presence of local stations, structure of preferences is changed depending of regions. Radio stations, taking the first places in national profile, can be “out the shipboard” in certain regions. In this connection preferences of radio listeners in 7 regions of Republic and south capital – Osh city -will be considered in this report in details. Population of Osh city older than 18 years Table 3.2.44. Weekly audience of radio listening in Osh city, % Average weekly audience Average time of radio listening per day, hour: min. Average time of radio listening per week, hour:min. 18+ 50,1% 1:41 11: 47 Men 18+ 50,0% 1:12 8:21 Women 18+ 50,2% 2:11 15:17 Population 18-34 54,2% 2:56 20:18 Population 25-54 56,0% 1:40 11:40 Population 55+ 21,3% 0:54 6:18 Categories Population Age In the process of investigation it was cleared up that the level of radio introduction is the least in Osh city and Osh Oblast from all Republic. A half of south capital citizens informed that they listen to radio. The population in the age from 25 up to 54 years is the most active radio listeners and amount to 56 %, weekly audience among age group which is older than 55 years is the last and amounts to 21%. 84 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience According to the duration of listening, young people in the age from 18 up to 34 years listen to radio most part of time, i.e. 20 hours per week, elderly population spare 6 hours per week for listening to radio. Table 3.2.45. Weekly audience of radio listening among citizens of Osh city older than 18 years Weekly audience, thousand people 76.856 36.379 17.390 58.082 23.880 34.619 8.466 22.358 15.015 25.385 22.864 10.168 Weekly audience, % Radio station Total Europe Plus Tumar Kyrgyzstan Obondoru El FM Almaz Radio Autoradio Birinchi Radio Vodii Sadosi Min. Kiyal FM Azattyk Radio Russkaya Volna 50.1% 23.7% 11.3% 37.9% 15.6% 22.6% 5.5% 14.6% 9.8% 16.6% 14.9% 6.6% 0,000 20,000 40,000 Average time of listening, min. Share of radio listening, % 91 231 301 66 146 53 129 43 60 30 33 60 100.0% 30.1% 18.7% 13.7% 12.5% 6.6% 3.9% 3.4% 3.2% 2.7% 2.7% 2.2% 60,000 Total 58,082 Europa Plus 36,379 Radio Almaz 34,619 Min Kiyal FM 25,385 El FM 23,880 Radio Azattyk 22,864 Birinchi radio 22,358 Tumar Russkaya volna Avtoradio 100,000 76,856 Kyrgyzstan obondoru Vodiy Sadosi 80,000 17,390 15,015 10,168 8,466 Fig. 3.2.106 Weekly audience among citizens of Osh city older than 18 years, thous. people 85 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Min Kiyal FM; 2,7% Russkaya volna; 2,2% Radio Azattyk; 2,7% Vodiy Sadosi; 3,2% Europa Plus; 30,1% Birinchi radio; 3,4% Avtoradio; 3,9% Radio Almaz; 6,6% El FM; 12,5% Tumar; 18,7% Kyrgyzstan obondoru; 13,7% Fig. 3.2.107 Share of radio listening among citizens of older than 18 years , % In spite of outnumbering of “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru” in amount of listeners, “Europe Plus” takes the first place in radio listening. It is connected with the fact that citizen of Osh city listens to radio “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru” slightly more than hour, whereas listeners of “Europe Plus” hold true to their radio station during 3-4 hours every day. “Tumar”, “El FM”, “Almaz-South” are considered rather popular radios. Ratings of radio stations among citizens of Osh city in different age-sex groups will be presented below. Population of Osh city from 18 up to 34 years Table 3.2.46. Weekly audience of radio listening among citizens of Osh city from 18 up to 34 years Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thousand people Average time of listening, min. Share of radio listening, % Total 54.2% 45.321 174 100.0% Europe Plus 27.1% 22.706 388 40.8% Tumar 19.9% 16.619 301 23.1% El FM 19.3% 16.108 242 18.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 42.3% 35.356 64 10.5% Almaz Radio 27.5% 22.998 41 4.4% Vodii Sadosi 9.0% 7.518 67 2.3% Autoradio 3.6% 3.026 60 0.8% Radio station 86 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience 0,000 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 35,356 Radio Almaz 22,998 Europa Plus 22,706 Tumar 16,619 El FM 16,108 Vodiy Sadosi Avtoradio 40,000 7,518 3,026 Fig. 3.2.108 Weekly audience among citizens of Osh city from 18 up to 34 years, thous. people Vodiy Sadosi; 2,3% Radio Almaz; 4,4% Avtoradio; 0,8% Kyrgyzstan obondoru; 10,5% Europa Plus; 40,8% El FM; 18,0% Tumar; 23,1% Fig. 3.2.109 Share of radio listening among citizens of Osh city from 18 up to 34 years, % 87 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Population of Osh city from 25 up to 54 years Table 3.2.47. Weekly audience of radio listening among citizens of Osh city from 25 up to 54 years Weekly audience, % 56.0% 29.2% 39.1% 27.2% 8.2% 17.1% 13.0% 16.6% 8.2% 10.8% 9.8% Radio station Total Europe Plus Kyrgyzstan Obondoru Almaz Radio Autoradio Vodii Sadosi Birinchi Radio El FM Russkaya Volna Azattyk Radio Min. Kiyal FM Weekly audience, thousand people 48.691 25.337 33.950 23.645 7.121 14.840 11.270 14.397 7.135 9.360 8.504 0,000 10,000 Average time of radio listening min. 100 304 65 58 157 60 60 39 60 35 30 20,000 Share of radio listening, % 100.0% 49.7% 14.1% 8.8% 7.2% 5.7% 4.4% 3.6% 2.8% 2.1% 1.6% 30,000 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 40,000 33,950 Europa Plus 25,337 Radio Almaz 23,645 Vodiy Sadosi 14,840 El FM 14,397 Birinchi radio 11,270 Radio Azattyk 9,360 Min Kiyal FM 8,504 Russkaya volna 7,135 Avtoradio 7,121 Fig. 3.2.110 Weekly audience among citizens of Osh city from 25 up to 54 years, thousand people El FM; 3,6% Birinchi radio; 4,4% Russkaya volna; Radio Azattyk; 2,8% 2,1% Min Kiyal FM; 1,6% Vodiy Sadosi; 5,7% Avtoradio; 7,2% Europa Plus; 49,7% Radio Almaz; 8,8% Kyrgyzstan obondoru; 14,1% Fig. 3.2.111 Share of radio listening among citizens of Osh city from 25 up to 54 years , % 88 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Considerable share of the market in this age group belongs to one radio station. Share of this radio station with 25 thousand weekly audience is 50 % in a total volume of radio listening. Side by side with republican favorites radio station “Almaz-South” has stable positions at this market. Population of Osh city older than 55 years Table 3.2.48. Weekly audience of radio listening among citizens of Osh city older than 55 years Radio station Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thousand people Average time of listening, min. Share of radio listening, % 21.3% 16.1% 12.3% 12.3% 12.3% 7.2% 7.2% 3.752 2.839 2.178 2.178 2.178 1.265 1.265 54 98 85 30 25 30 15 100.0% 43.3% 29.0% 10.2% 8.7% 5.9% 3.0% Total Kyrgyzstan Obondoru Europe Plus Azattyk Radio Birinchi Radio El FM Autoradio 0,000 0,500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 Total 4,000 3,752 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 2,839 Europa Plus 2,178 Radio Azattyk 2,178 Birinchi radio 2,178 El FM 1,265 Avtoradio 1,265 Fig. 3.2.112 Weekly audience among citizens of Osh city older than 55 years, thousand people El FM; 5,9% Avtoradio; 3,0% Birinchi radio; 8,7% Radio Azattyk; 10,2% Kyrgyzstan obondoru; 43,3% Europa Plus; 29,0% Fig. 3.2.113 Share of radio listening among citizens of Osh city older than 55 years, % 89 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Fifth part among population in the age up to 55 years is radio listeners. Популярностью пользуются в основном радиостанции, вещающие на кыргызском языке: Basically, such radio stations, broadcasting in the Kyrgyz language, as “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru”, “Azattyk”, “Birinchi Radio”, “El FM” are popular. Let’s consider the structure of preferences of regions citizens: Table 3.2.49. Weekly audience of radio listening in regions, % Oblast (Region) Chui Talas Issyk-Kul Naryn Osh Djalalabad Batken Age Average weekly audience, % Average time of radio listening per day, hour: min. Average time of radio listening per week hour:min. 56,7% 54,7% 66,5% 54,9% 29,8% 50,9% 82,8% 2:25 2:07 2:13 1:02 0:57 1:44 1:47 17:00 15:00 15:30 7:14 6:39 12:08 12:30 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ Both national and regional radio stations broadcast on the regions of Kyrgyzstan. So the following radio stations, covering all regions, can be mentioned: “Birinchi Radio”, “Kyrgyz Radio”, “Azattyk, “BBC”; radio stations, broadcasting in all regions of the Kyrgyz Republic with the exception of Batken Oblast are as follows: “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru”, “Europe Plus”, “Russian Radio”; the following radio stations cover 3-4 regions: “Min Kiyal FM”, “Almaz”, “El FM” and others. In some regions regional radio stations broadcast, they are popular among local population. The following radio stations can be called among them: “LW” (Issyk-Kul region), “Salam” (Batken region), “Tatina”, “Burana” (Chui region), “Next” (Talas region). The most introduction can be observed in Batken Oblast among all regions and is 83 %, the least introduction is observed among citizens of Osh Oblast- 30 %. Listeners of Chui Oblast radio stations listen to the radio during the longest period – 17 hours per week, and citizens of Osh Oblast listen to the radio during the shortest period – 6-7 hours per week. Population of Chui Oblast older than 18 years Table 3.2.50. Weekly audience of radio listening among citizens of Chui Oblast Radio station Total Europe Plus Russkaya Volna Kyrgyzstan Obondoru Min. Kiyal FM Chanson Radio Hit FM Tumar Autoradio Humor FM Love Radio Echo of Moscow Azattyk Radio Record Radio Tatina Radio Birinchi Radio Other Weekly audience, % 56.7% 25.0% 18.5% 27.1% 11.0% 6.3% 15.9% 12.9% 10.2% 9.0% 10.7% 7.0% 6.6% 1.2% 6.5% 5.5% 1.8% Weekly audience, thousand people 308.793 136.181 100.761 147.374 59.870 34.554 86.766 70.015 55.667 48.836 58.174 38.364 36.144 6.508 35.582 29.933 9.585 Average time of listening, min. Share of radio listening, % 145 187 231 131 185 263 92 112 128 129 93 112 115 620 106 102 108 100.0% 17.0% 15.5% 12.9% 7.4% 6.1% 5.3% 5.2% 4.7% 4.2% 3.6% 2.9% 2.8% 2.7% 2.5% 2.0% 5.1% 90 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience 0,000 Total Kyrgyzstan obondoru Europa Plus Russkaya volna Hit FM Tumar Min Kiyal FM Love radio Avtoradio Yumor FM Eho Moskvy Radio Azattyk Radio Tatina Radio Shanson Birinchi radio Radio Rekord Other 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 308,793 147,374 136,181 100,761 86,766 70,015 59,870 58,174 55,667 48,836 38,364 36,144 35,582 34,554 29,933 6,508 9,585 Fig. 3.2.114 Weekly audience among citizens of Chui Oblast , thousand people Radio Rekord; 2,7% Radio Tatina; Birinchi radio; Other; 5,1% 2,5% 2,0% Europa Plus; 17,0% Radio Azattyk; 2,8% Eho Moskvy; 2,9% Love radio; 3,6% Russkaya volna; 15,5% Yumor FM; 4,2% Avtoradio; 4,7% Kyrgyzstan obondoru; 12,9% Tumar; 5,2% Hit FM; 5,3% Radio Shanson; 6,1% Min Kiyal FM; 7,4% Fig. 3.2.115 Share of radio listening among citizens of Chui Oblast, % “Europe Plus”, “Russkaya Volna”, “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru” are 3 the most popular radios among citizens of Chui Oblast. News radio stations such as “Echo of Moscow” and “Azattyk” take together 5,5%. The most loyalty is shown by listeners of radios such as “Record”, “Chanson”, “Russkaya Volna». 91 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Population of Talas Oblast older than 18 years Table 3.2.51. Weekly audience of radio listening among citizens of Talas Oblast Radio station Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thousand people Average time of listening, min. Share of radio listening, % 54.7% 36.8% 32.0% 24.0% 24.8% 9.6% 7.5% 15.3% 72.790 48.889 42.548 31.958 33.034 12.779 9.934 20.284 127 148 116 125 117 197 148 70 100.0% 28.4% 19.3% 15.7% 15.2% 9.9% 5.8% 5.6% Total Kyrgyzstan Obondoru Azattyk Radio Next Radio Europe Plus Russkaya Volna Birinchi Radio Radiomost 0,000 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 Total 72,790 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 48,889 Radio Azattyk 42,548 Europa Plus 33,034 Radio Next 31,958 Radiomost Russkaya volna Birinchi radio 80,000 20,284 12,779 9,934 Fig. 3.2.116 Weekly audience among citizens of Talas Oblast, thousand people Birinchi radio; 5,8% Radiomost; 5,6% Kyrgyzstan obondoru; 28,4% Russkaya volna; 9,9% Europa Plus; 15,2% Radio Next; 15,7% Radio Azattyk; 19,3% Fig. 3.2.117 Share of radio listening among citizens of Talas Oblast, % 92 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience There are 3 popular radio stations in Talas Oblast “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru”, “Azattyk Radio” and local radio station «Next». Their joint share of listening is 63,4%. Population of Issyk-Kul Oblast older than 18 years Table 3.2.52. Weekly audience of radio listening among citizens of Issyk-Kul Oblast Radio station Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thousand people Average time of listening, min. Share of radio listening, % 66.5% 46.3% 37.5% 21.4% 25.3% 18.8% 2.4% 3.0% 183.419 127.825 103.515 58.958 69.805 51.751 6.489 8.361 133 141 133 162 130 96 138 75 100.0% 31.7% 24.2% 16.8% 16.0% 8.7% 1.6% 1.1% Total Kyrgyzstan Obondoru Azattyk Radio LW RAdio Europe Plus Birinchi Radio Russkaya Volna Tumar 0,000 50,000 100,000 150,000 Total 200,000 183,419 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 127,825 Radio Azattyk 103,515 Europa Plus 69,805 Radio LW 58,958 Birinchi radio 51,751 Tumar 8,361 Russkaya volna 6,489 Fig. 3.2.118 Weekly audience among citizens of Issyk-Kul Oblast, thous. people Birinchi radio; 8,7% Russkaya volna; 1,6% Europa Plus; 16,0% Radio LW; 16,8% Tumar; 1,1% Kyrgyzstan obondoru; 31,7% Radio Azattyk; 24,2% Fig. 3.2.119 Share of radio listening among citizens of Issyk-Kul Oblast, % 93 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Citizens of Issyk-Kul Oblast can note the popularity of “Azatyk” radio stations and local “LW” radio. In comparison with other regions “Birinchi Radio” is rather popular. It is interesting that in spite of this fact local radio station “LW” takes the 4th position according to number of local listeners, its audience is the most loyal and listen to it in average about 2 and a half hours. Population of Naryn Oblast older than 18 years Table 3.2.53. Weekly audience of radio listening among citizens of Issyk-Kul Oblast Radio station Weekly audience, thousand people 82.843 61.693 36.846 34.687 22.087 14.929 14.991 7.932 Weekly audience, % Total Azattyk Radio Kyrgyzstan Obondoru Almaz Radio Birinchi Radio BBC Radio Europe Plus Kyrgyz Radio 54.9% 40.8% 24.4% 23.0% 14.6% 9.9% 9.9% 5.3% 0,000 Total Radio Azattyk Kyrgyzstan obondoru Radio Almaz Birinchi radio Europa Plus Radio BBC Kyrgyz radiosu 20,000 Average time of listening, min. Share of radio listening, % 62 60 89 57 51 54 52 40 100.0% 31.1% 27.1% 16.5% 9.4% 6.7% 6.5% 2.6% 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 82,843 61,693 36,846 34,687 22,087 14,991 14,929 7,932 Fig. 3.2.120 Weekly audience among citizens of Naryn Oblast, thousand people Europa Plus; 6,5% Radio BBC; 6,7% Kyrgyz radiosu; 2,6% Radio Azattyk; 31,1% Birinchi radio; 9,4% Radio Almaz; 16,5% Kyrgyzstan obondoru; 27,1% Fig. 3.2.121 Share of radio listening among citizens of Naryn Oblast, % 94 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience In the process of analysis of radio stations ratings in different regions it is possible to trace the tendency that radio station “Azattyk” is particularly popular in the regions, where it is one of the 3 the most successive radio stations. However its positions are more modest in Bishkek city and in Chui Oblast and don’t afford to pretend to leader title at this market. Among the all oblasts “Azattyk” Radio is popular in Naryn Oblast. Share of this station is 31%, and has audience in 61 693 listeners. It is necessary to note that citizens of Naryn Oblast prefer many news radio stations, such as “BBC”, “Birinchi Radio”. The largest radio station “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru” remains stable positions, it is the second radio according to the share of radio listening and audience size. From other hand, there is one more leader of market; it is “Europe Plus”. It takes modest 5th place by listeners number and the 6th place by market share in Naryn Oblast. Population of Osh Oblast older than 18 years Table 3.2.54. Weekly audience of radio listening among citizens of Osh Oblast Radio station Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thousand people Average time of listening, min. Share of radio listening, % 29.8% 17.6% 16.3% 13.9% 9.0% 11.2% 3.8% 3.2% 4.1% 2.1% 0.5% 0.7% 192.742 114.171 105.472 89.934 58.085 72.254 24.386 20.692 26.613 13.424 3.425 4.414 57 92 52 50 64 31 78 52 27 23 21 5 100.0% 34.4% 17.8% 14.8% 12.1% 7.4% 6.2% 3.5% 2.4% 1.0% 0.2% 0.1% Total Kyrgyzstan Obondoru Azattyk Radio El FM Vodii Sadosi Min. Kiyal FM Europe Plus Autoradio Birinchi Radio Tumar BBC Radio Russkaya Volna 0,000 50,000 100,000 150,000 Total 114,171 Radio Azattyk 105,472 El FM 89,934 Min Kiyal FM 72,254 Vodiy Sadosi 58,085 Birinchi radio 26,613 Europa Plus 24,386 Tumar 250,000 192,742 Kyrgyzstan obondoru Avtoradio 200,000 20,692 13,424 Russkaya volna 4,414 Radio BBC 3,425 Fig. 3.2.122 Weekly audience among citizens of Osh Oblast, thou. people 95 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Avtoradio; 3,5% Birinchi radio; 2,4% Tumar; 1,0% Radio BBC; 0,2% Europa Plus; 6,2% Kyrgyzstan obondoru; 34,4% Min Kiyal FM; 7,4% Vodiy Sadosi; 12,1% El FM; 14,8% Radio Azattyk; 17,8% Fig. 3.2.123 Share of radio listening among citizens of Osh Oblast, % Osh Oblast has the least number of listeners among citizens in comparison with other regions. Only third part (193 thousand) from all population (648 thousand) listens to the radio. Radio stations, broadcasting in the Kyrgyz language, are in the lead by both market share and listeners number. “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru” takes the first place by market share - 34%, “Azattyk” is the second - 18% and also “EL FM” is rather popular in this region and has the share of radio listening about 15%. Uzbek radio station “Vodii Sadosi “ is also in the top five of the best radios, it is popular in south regions of the republic. Population of Djalalabad Oblast older than 18 years Table 3.2.55. Weekly audience of radio listening among citizens of Djalalabad Oblast Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thousand people Average time of listening, min. Share of radio listening , % Total 50.9% 306.946 104 100.0% Kyrgyzstan Obondoru 41.2% 248.051 114 37.1% Azattyk Radio 23.5% 141.371 93 17.1% Min. Kiyal FM 10.2% 61.294 155 12.5% El FM 14.0% 84.436 104 11.4% Europe Plus 12.7% 76.325 102 10.2% Vodii Sadosi 5.9% 35.630 73 3.4% Birinchi Radio 2.8% 16.850 101 2.2% Tumar 6.5% 39.303 39 2.0% BBC Radio 2.6% 15.924 92 1.9% Autoradio 2.4% 14.223 95 1.8% Barakuh Radio 0.3% 1.556 180 0.4% Radio station 96 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience 0,000 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000 350,000 Total 306,946 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 248,051 Radio Azattyk 141,371 El FM 84,436 Europa Plus 76,325 Min Kiyal FM 61,294 Tumar 39,303 Vodiy Sadosi 35,630 Birinchi radio 16,850 Radio BBC 15,924 Avtoradio 14,223 Radio Barakuh 1,556 Fig. 3.2.124 Weekly audience among citizens of Djalalabad Oblast, thousand people Radio BBC; 1,9% Tumar; 2,0% Birinchi radio; 2,2% Avtoradio; 1,8% Radio Barakuh; 0,4% Vodiy Sadosi; 3,4% Kyrgyzstan obondoru; 37,1% Europa Plus; 10,2% El FM; 11,4% Min Kiyal FM; 12,5% Radio Azattyk; 17,1% Fig. 3.2.125 Share of radio listening among citizens of Djalalabad Oblast, % A half of Djalalabad Oblast population stated that they listen to radio and hereby the audience of radio listeners is 307 thousand people. In a whole, distribution of preferences is similar with the citizens of Osh Oblast, however “Europe Plus“ is also in five top of the largest radio stations at this market, and “Min Kiyal FM “ radio station displaced at the 4th place “EL FM” radio by market share due to loyalty of its listeners. 97 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Population of Batken Oblast older than 18 years Table 3.2.56. Weekly audience of radio listening among citizens of Batken Oblast Weekly audience, % Weekly audience, thousand people Average time of listening, min. Share of radio listening, % Total 82.7% 213.876 107 100.0% Salam Radio 69.9% 180.739 141 44.3% Min. Kiyal FM 61.2% 158.058 124 34.1% Azattyk Radio 56.4% 145.662 76 19.3% Birinchi Radio 8.7% 22.466 46 1.8% Vodii Sadosi 4.2% 10.747 30 0.6% Radio station 0,000 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 Total 213,876 Radio Salam 180,739 Min Kiyal FM 158,058 Radio Azattyk 145,662 Birinchi radio Vodiy Sadosi 250,000 22,466 10,747 Fig. 3.2.126 Weekly audience among citizens of Batken Oblast, thousand people Vodiy Sadosi; 0,6% Birinchi radio; 1,8% Radio Azattyk; 19,3% Radio Salam; 44,3% Min Kiyal FM; 34,1% Fig. 3.2.127 Share of radio listening among citizens of Batken Oblast, % In connection with peculiarity of geographical position, Batken Oblast is covered by radio broadcasting at least degree. Citizens of this region can catch only waves of 6 or 7 radio stations at their radio receivers. In this connection structure of preferences and distribution 98 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience of market shares in this oblast is rather typical. First of all it is necessary to note that in spite of not great choice of radio stations Batken Oblast is yield only to Bishkek city by listener number. The size of weekly audience is 214 thousand listeners or 83% of general population size. Local radio station “Salam” is indubitable, its audience is 181 thousand listeners, and share of market is 44%. Also population listens to radio stations “Min. Kiyal FM”, “Azattyk Radio”. Thus, weekly ratings of radio stations, distribution of marker positions by regions and in profile of age-sex groups have been considered in this chapter. Owners and managers of radio stations, advertisers and other interested persons have a coherent idea of audience size, its demographic characteristics, and loyalty level. As it was cleared up, leaders in national profile can take rather modest positions in certain regions, and small regional radio stations can gain the sympathy of the whole oblast. 99 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 3.2.4 Prime time of radio stations “PrimeTime” literally English language means: “the most convenient, best time”. Actually, relating to radio stations – this is time, which is covered the maximal amount of radio listeners. Traditionally “hot hours” are accounted for morning time from 8-00 till 10-00, daytime from 16-00 till 18-00 and evening primetime – from 22-00 till midnight. Exactly in this time, there is the main competition of radio stations for radio listeners’ experienced managers try to prepare the most attractive program, combine music and news broadcasts, skillfully insert spiels in order to hold listeners on their radio waves. In the international practice of media investigations, it is accepted to differentiate the structure of primetime for radio stations and TV channels. It is considered, that behavior of radio station’s audience is identical and characterized by minimal spreading during the working days, however it has significant differences with audience in weekends. From one side it is associated with particularities of life style: on working days, the most part of population listen to the radio on the way to job and after job in the evening time. From the other side it is associated with particularity of radio stations format and broadcasting planning in working days and weekends. For TV channels it is necessary to form primetime for each day of week, so all days are characterized by different content and accordingly different behavior of audience. In this connection, in the framework of present chapter, primetime of radio stations on working days and weekends will be considered in the national profile and separately for listeners of Bishkek city. Primetime in working days, population of the Kyrgyz Republic older than 18 years 1 120 000 100 000 98 043 88 819 80 000 60 000 55 938 40 000 20 000 05:00-05:29 05:30-05:59 06:00-06:29 06:30-06:59 07:00-07:29 07:30-07:59 08:00-08:29 08:30-08:59 09:00-09:29 09:30-09:59 10:00-10:29 10:30-10:59 11:00-11:29 11:30-11:59 12:00-12:29 12:30-12:59 13:00-13:29 13:30-13:59 14:00-14:29 14:30-14:59 15:00-15:29 15:30-15:59 16:00-16:29 16:30-16:59 17:00-17:29 17:30-17:59 18:00-18:29 18:30-18:59 19:00-19:29 19:30-19:59 20:00-20:29 20:30-20:59 21:00-21:29 21:30-21:59 22:00-22:29 22:30-22:59 23:00-23:29 23:30-23:59 00:00-00:29 00:30-00:59 > 01:00 0 Kyrgyzstan obondoru Radio Azattyk Europa Plus Min Kiyal FM Hit FM Fig. 3.2.128 Primetime of radio stations in national profile, Monday-Friday, people. 1 Data concerning Primetime of radio stations has insignificant differences with information, presented at presentation in connection with more detailed comparison of database. 100 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience During morning primetime, it is difficult to separate sole leader. In the interval of time from 7 till 7-30 a.m., “Azattyk” Radio has the maximal audience. Present broadcasting time is the maximal peak for this radio station – 89 thousand listeners are tuned to the present wavelength in order to become acquainted with latest news. During the period from 7-30 till 8-00 a.m. loss of the significant audience is observed. The next audience growth is accounted for the period soon after 7 a.m. However, at present time “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru” is leader. It is interesting to trace the dynamic of radio listeners during the day. The calm during the residual part of day for “Azattyk Radio” set in after morning primetime. “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru” radio has local maximums of audience during the whole day, however the most number of listeners is accounted for evening primetime from 20-00 up to 20-30, when the size of audience reaches 98 thousand persons. “Europe Plus” Radio station arranges interesting morning programs within period from 8-00 till 9-00 a.m., and during the evening broadcasting from 22-00 till 23-00. “Min Kiyal FM” radio station has the most significant audience during the daytime – from 16-00 till 18-00. “Hit FM” radio has pronounced midday primetime. Interpreting present schedule it is important to understand that visual decreasing of trend is not evidence of audience going from one radio station to another radio station. Wave dynamic of radio listeners behavior is first of all evidence that none radio station can hold their listeners during the whole day. The part of audience can periodically leave the broadcasting due to their activity, however, then it can newly return into another period. It explains local and global primetimes of separate radio stations. In this case, the goal of any manager is to buildup broadcasting schedule in such way that to hold its audience as long as possible, non-allowing sharp “failure ” of schedule during period before the following hour. There are many methods of influence on listeners. One of them is correct ranking of music compositions. In such way, it is possible to hold attention of listeners by using “3 favorite compositions”. After news broadcasting, DJ shall set compositions, which currently is very popular, after this composition it is necessary to set composition, which was on the top of music charts 3-4 weeks ago, and finally, the third composition – classic of music genre, which is popular forever among all generations. After that it is necessary to launch the new cycle, consisting of 3 compositions according to the similar principle. Following up this practice, DJ of leading foreign radio stations managed to hold listeners on their radio waves. Very important is the work of DJ, who shall organize their listeners, prevent and announce the following composition, especially in the process of commercial insert. Primetime in weekends, population of the KR older than 18 years 120 000 107 594 100 000 92 969 80 000 51 643 60 000 47 950 40 000 20 000 05:00-05:29 05:30-05:59 06:00-06:29 06:30-06:59 07:00-07:29 07:30-07:59 08:00-08:29 08:30-08:59 09:00-09:29 09:30-09:59 10:00-10:29 10:30-10:59 11:00-11:29 11:30-11:59 12:00-12:29 12:30-12:59 13:00-13:29 13:30-13:59 14:00-14:29 14:30-14:59 15:00-15:29 15:30-15:59 16:00-16:29 16:30-16:59 17:00-17:29 17:30-17:59 18:00-18:29 18:30-18:59 19:00-19:29 19:30-19:59 20:00-20:29 20:30-20:59 21:00-21:29 21:30-21:59 22:00-22:29 22:30-22:59 23:00-23:29 23:30-23:59 00:00-00:29 00:30-00:59 > 01:00 0 Kyrgyzstan obondoru Radio Azattyk Europa Plus Min Kiyal FM Hit FM Fig. 3.2.129 Primetime of radio stations in national profile, Saturday – Sunday, people 101 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey In weekends, “Azattyk” radio stations has complete primetime; about 108 thousand of citizens switch on radio receivers in order to listen to summarized news for the last week. The midday primetime from 12-00 till 14-00 is characteristic for the other radio stations. In this time “Kyrgyzstan obondoru” capture the maximal audience - 93 thousand listeners. Some local primetimes are observed during the period from 17-00 till 18-30 and from 19-30 till 21-00. However, in present time radio listeners actively balance among the several radio stations and in this connection there is no sole leader. Further, primetimes of radio stations with broadcasting on the territory of Bishkek will be considered. Primetime in working days, Bishkek population, older than 18 years 50 000 45 409 45 000 40 000 30 736 35 000 30 000 27 252 25 000 19 319 20 000 15 000 10 000 5 000 0 05:00-05:29 05:30-05:59 06:00-06:29 06:30-06:59 07:00-07:29 07:30-07:59 08:00-08:29 08:30-08:59 09:00-09:29 09:30-09:59 10:00-10:29 10:30-10:59 11:00-11:29 11:30-11:59 12:00-12:29 12:30-12:59 13:00-13:29 13:30-13:59 14:00-14:29 14:30-14:59 15:00-15:29 15:30-15:59 16:00-16:29 16:30-16:59 17:00-17:29 17:30-17:59 18:00-18:29 18:30-18:59 19:00-19:29 19:30-19:59 20:00-20:29 20:30-20:59 21:00-21:29 21:30-21:59 22:00-22:29 22:30-22:59 23:00-23:29 23:30-23:59 00:00-00:29 00:30-00:59 > 01:00 0 4 744 Kyrgyzstan obondoru Europa Plus Hit FM Min Kiyal FM Tumar Fig. 3.2.130 Primetime of radio stations in Bishkek city, Monday-Friday, people Citizens of capital start to become active from 7 a.m. They get up, turn up their radio receivers on the waves of favorite radio stations in order to listen to favorite music and get acquainted with morning news. This time is the most important for “Europe Plus” radio station, because in this time it has the maximal number of listeners for day – 31 thousand persons. “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru” attracts its listeners from 9-00 till 10-00 a.m. by different morning entertainment programs and music compositions. The work of DJ from “Tumar” Radio is notable, because they manage to hold practically constant number of listeners during 3 hours - from 10-30 till 13-30, simultaneously providing maximal primetime in amount of 27 thousand listeners. “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru” radio has the similar success during the evening broadcasting - from 18-00 till 2200. 102 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Primetime in weekends, Bishkek population, older than 18 years 45 000 40 000 38 642 36 158 35 000 30 000 25 000 20 000 16481 22 116 19 872 15 000 10 000 5 000 0 05:00-05:29 05:30-05:59 06:00-06:29 06:30-06:59 07:00-07:29 07:30-07:59 08:00-08:29 08:30-08:59 09:00-09:29 09:30-09:59 10:00-10:29 10:30-10:59 11:00-11:29 11:30-11:59 12:00-12:29 12:30-12:59 13:00-13:29 13:30-13:59 14:00-14:29 14:30-14:59 15:00-15:29 15:30-15:59 16:00-16:29 16:30-16:59 17:00-17:29 17:30-17:59 18:00-18:29 18:30-18:59 19:00-19:29 19:30-19:59 20:00-20:29 20:30-20:59 21:00-21:29 21:30-21:59 22:00-22:29 22:30-22:59 23:00-23:29 23:30-23:59 00:00-00:29 00:30-00:59 > 01:00 0 Kyrgyzstan obondoru Europa Plus Hit FM Min Kiyal FM Tumar Figure 3.2.131 Primetime of radio stations in Bishkek city, Saturday - Sunday, persons If during working days, “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru” has the maximal amount of listeners, that in weekends “Europe Plus” takes dominant position. Primetime is accounted for period from 10-30 till 11-30 a.m.. In this period the audience of “Europe Plus” amounts to 36 thousand listeners. The second maximal peak for present radio station is in the evening time from 18 till 18-30. Significant “failure” of schedule and listeners loss take place during the period from 14-30 till 17-30, after that there is local flash of radio listening again. Hereby, analyzing dynamic of radio listeners’ number during the day, it is possible to identify intervals, when there is increasing of listeners’ amount and vise versa, interval, when there is “calm” period. After studying of such information, it is possible to analyze format and structure of radio station for achievement of higher loyalty of respondents. From the other side it is possible to take lessons from your competitor, taking over their successful experience of programming and adapting such experience for own business. 103 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 3.2.5 Quality of broadcasting and problems of access to the radio Appraisals of interviewed radio listeners concerning quality and accessibility of broadcasting are considered in present chapter according to the different parameters. In the first order we demonstrate the usual place for radio listening: In transport; 15,5 During walk; 0,6 At work place; 9,3 Other; 1,4 In the school university; 0,2 Don't know; 0,1 At friends house; 0,2 At home; 73,8 In public transport; 0,2 Fig. 3.2.132. Places of radio listening (Kyrgyzstan,18+, %) As it is shown on the figure, more often the radio is listened at home – 73,8% of responses, in 15,5% of cases, people listen to the radio in transport and 9,3% of radio listeners have noted that they very often listen to the radio at work. The residual part (1,4%) includes places of radio listening, which are accidental and have no permanent character. Further, we consider the order of places change depending on the type of populated locality and region of radio audience residing: Figure 3.2.133. Places of radio listening and area, region of interview 104 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience (Kyrgyzstan,18+, %) As it is shown in the Figure 3.2.133, rural citizens more often listen to the radio at home (79,2% of responses against 67,8% of responses of urban citizens) and the options as: “In transport” and “At work” have been seldom. This fact can be explained by the higher mobility of urban radio listeners. Among the regions, more than 90% of radio listeners are in Naryn and Issyk-Kul Oblasts, they listen to the radio at home more often. The citizens of Bishkek, Osh cities and Chui Oblast seldom listen to the radio at home (from 62% up to 69% indications of such response). Further, we consider difference of radio listening in the places of radio listening according to gender and age: over 55 81,8 45-54 71,8 35-44 8,2 63,7 17,1 25-34 73,3 18-24 78,4 Female 5,0 0% 10% 20% 30% At home 10,9 40% 0,4 18,5 0,7 16,2 0,6 14,0 2,6 7,9 65,9 50% At work 60% 70% 2,0 19,6 9,8 81,2 Male 7,7 8,4 9,7 1,2 21,7 80% In transport 1,6 90% 100% Other Figure 3.2.134. Places of radio listening and gender, age of radio listeners (Kyrgyzstan, 18+, %) As it is seen from the figure, men rare than women listen to the radio at home (65,9% against 81,2% of women) and more often - in transport. Based on age, the definite role plays variant of reply such as “At work”, among persons of average age this place is mentioned more often than the other places, in comparison with other age groups – 17,1% (among other age groups the frequency of “At work” option does not exceed 10%). 90 77,5 80 77,9 67,9 70 71,8 63,5 60,6 59,3 60 50,9 50 40,7 40 42,1 25,8 30 19,6 20 7,7 10 0 46,9 9,8 11,8 18,3 9,0 13,9 17,7 13,2 17,3 23,2 10,0 19,2 13,9 0 No income under 2 000 2 001-5 000 5 001-7 500 7 501-10 10 001-12 12 501-15 15 001-20 Above 20 KGS KGS KGS 000 KGS 500 KGS 000 KGS 000 KGS 000 At home At work In transport Other 105 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Figure 3.2.135 Places of radio listening and family income of radio listeners (Kyrgyzstan,18+, %) In the process of comparison in the framework of family income, it is possible to see that together with increasing of income, people become to listen to the radio at home more seldom and they become to listen to the radio in transport more often. Exclusion is “No income” group, that can be explained by their often travels in public transport (refer to Figure 3.2.135): Also existence of problems, due to which radio listener can not listen to the radio, depending on his option, when he desires to do it, has been detected. Only 28,7% of radio listeners have indicated the existence of such problems in their household. At that, according to the pinion of respondents, the highest level of broadcasting defects in Talas Oblast: 100% There are problems No problem 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Figure 3.2.136. Structure of audience based on existence of problems with broadcasting (Kyrgyzstan,18+, %) As it is seen from the figure, the lowest level of problems with broadcasting in Issyk-kul Oblast. In the process of replies consideration, the practical differences, depending on any social-demographic characteristics have not been observed. Based on this fact, it is possible to make conclusion that the reasons of problems have induced character that can be seen from the following figure: 106 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Figure. 3.2.137. Problems in the process of radio listening (Kyrgyzstan 18+, %) As it is shown on the Figure 3.2.137, problems of technical character have been indicated only by 23% of respondents, who have also indicated any problems. It amounts to 6,6% in total audience (n=139, N=2111). It is interesting to note that variant “It is not possible for me to buy radio” has been indicated by 11,4% of urban citizens, who have indicated problems and only 1,6% of rural citizens. According to the gender and age, the significant deviations have not been observed in the process of problems indication (they are in the area of general indexes). Further, we consider regional distribution of respondents’ replies regarding indicated problems of broadcasting in details. Osh Chui Oblast Talas Oblast Issyk-Kul Oblast Batken Oblast Djalalabad Oblast Osh Oblast Problems There is no time for radio listening Bad quality of radio receiving It is not possible for me to buy radio There is no radio receiver near me I am not interested in radio listening There is no electricity Other n= Bishkek Region 65,0 11,5 15,7 8,1 5,1 1,6 2,6 186 82,6 0,0 3,9 0,0 16,7 0,0 15,6 16 45,8 35,6 6,5 17,1 0,0 8,2 3,5 86 81,5 11,7 2,5 0,0 5,6 0,6 6,9 37 85,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 32 68,9 15,1 0,0 4,2 2,6 0,0 11,0 72 57,1 26,2 2,1 2,4 5,9 12,4 1,7 101 73,5 25,6 0,0 1,0 11,1 0,0 1,5 55 Naryn Oblast Table 3.2.57 Problems in the process of radio listening (%) 100,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 0,0 22 The following disadvantages have been included in “Other” category among reasons, interfering listening to radio: it is prohibited to listen to radio at home by the reason of bad health, expensive batteries, difficulty in buying and others. In the process of investigation respondents have been asked to assess the quality of radio broadcasting, which they listen to. Assessment has been made based on 5 levels: 1 – very bad, 2 – bad, 3- satisfactory, 4 – good and 5 – excellent quality of broadcasting. Average assessment of radio broadcasting quality in republican scale has been presented in the following figure: Record 5 Autoradio Eho_Moskvy 4,1 El_FM 4,2 4,3 BBC 4,8 Russkaya_volna Vodii_Sadosi 4,7 Yumor_FM 4,7 3 4,6 4,6 0 4,3 Love_radio Next 4,6 Hit_FM 4,5 4,4 Shanson Europa_Plus 4,6 1 4,3 Tumar 4,6 2 4,3 LW 3,9 4 Mir 4,4 Azattyk 4,5 4,4 Manas_FM Salam 4,4 4,4 Min_Kyal 4,4 4,5 Almaz Kyrgyzstan_obondoru Radio_Tatina Birinchi_Radio 107 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Fig. 3.2.138. Average assessments of radio broadcasting quality (Kyrgyzstan,18+, %) As it is seen from presented Figure 3.2.138 practically all radio channels have received high ratings (not less than 4 points, i.e. the rating of quality which is higher than “good”), not the most popular radio stations deserved the highest ratings, nevertheless differences in ratings are rather low among first 8 stated stations (from Russkaya Volna with 4,7 points up to Kyrgyzstan Obondoru with 4,5 points). Let’s consider the distribution of average ratings in regional profile: Table 3.2.58 Average assessments of radio broadcasting quality (points) Oblast Bishkek city 4,81 N/A 4,58 4,47 4,61 4,47 4,15 Radio channel Russkaya Volna Vodii Sadosi Humor FM Tumar Europe Plus Hit FM Almaz Radio Kyrgyzstan Obondoru Birinchi Radio Min. Kiyal FM Salam Radio Azattyk Radio Love Radio El FM Echo of Moscow Autoradio Osh city 5,00 4,54 N/A 5,00 4,41 N/A 4,70 Chui Oblast 4,46 N/A 4,69 4,92 4,39 4,84 5,00 Talas Oblast 4,71 N/A N/A N/A 4,81 N/A N/A Issyk-Kul Oblast 5,00 N/A N/A 5,00 4,69 N/A N/A Batken Oblast N/A 4,00 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Djalalabad Oblast 4,00 4,72 N/A 4,52 4,72 N/A 4,00 Osh Oblast 4,00 4,75 N/A 4,50 4,38 N/A 5,00 Naryn Oblast N/A N/A N/A N/A 4,70 N/A 4,67 4,65 4,84 4,15 4,72 4,61 N/A 4,50 4,29 4,42 3,45 4,36 N/A 4,62 4,17 3,86 4,04 4,52 4,50 5,00 N/A 4,47 N/A 4,78 N/A 4,89 4,53 4,77 N/A 4,34 4,64 5,00 4,84 4,00 4,36 N/A N/A 4,31 N/A N/A N/A N/A 4,92 N/A N/A 4,39 N/A N/A N/A N/A 4,36 4,65 4,43 4,56 N/A N/A N/A N/A 4,05 4,10 N/A 4,38 N/A 4,43 N/A 4,02 4,19 4,44 N/A 4,02 N/A 4,17 N/A 4,24 4,73 N/A N/A 4,28 N/A N/A N/A N/A It is necessary to note, that the highest points for the majority of radio stations have been put by radio listeners, living in Chui Oblast and Osh city, and the lowest points – in Bishkek city. At the end of assessment block let’s consider the opinion of radio broadcasting audience depending on different characteristics of radio stations perception, such as: radio stations quality, the level of confidence to news, objectivity of submitted information, level of information approximation to perception of country citizens and different group of population. Kyrgyzstan obondoru Europa Plus Min Kiyal FM Radio Azattyk Russkaya volna Hit FM Tumar Radio Salam Avtoradio El FM No answer Other 11,8 12,4 7,1 6,4 7,0 1,4 3,1 3,9 4,0 2,8 3,0 5,5 1,9 2,2 4,9 2,8 1,8 4,7 3,0 3,8 2,9 1,4 1,6 4,1 1,7 17,3 25,9 27,6 25,1 11,4 Most popular Play the best music Has the best presenters 9,2 11,4 10,3 12,9 15,2 28,6 Fig. 3.2.139 Perception of radio stations image (Kyrgyzstan,18+, %) 108 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience We can see from Figure 3.2.139, Kyrgyzstan Obondoru is the most popular for 25,9% of radio listeners , it puts the best music in opinion of 27,6% of respondents and has the best DJs in opinion of 25,1% of respondents. It is interesting to note the differences in perception of Azattyk Radio, 11,4% of respondents consider that this radio station is popular and nevertheless they give very few comments about the best music (1,4%) and best DJs (3,1%). Similar situation is explained in the following figure: Radio Azattyk Kyrgyzstan obondoru 12,1 13,8 16,9 25,7 25,7 30,7 4,4 2,4 4,9 2,9 3,2 2,5 2,8 1,9 2,0 1,8 0,9 1,7 Provides the best news coverage about Kyrgyzstan Radio BBC 1,1 1,1 2,0 Is the most up-to-date source of news about Kyrgyzstan Bishkek-Radio 1,5 1,5 1,0 Europa Plus Birinchi radio Min Kiyal FM Russkaya volna 28,8 Don't know Other Gives you the best news coverage of Government of Kyrgyz Republic activities 38,3 44,2 9,1 7,0 8,0 Fig. 3.2.140 Perception of news programs of radio stations (Kyrgyzstan,18+, %) As it is indicated in Figure 3.2.140, priorities are cardinal changed, and the majority of radio listeners put high marks to Azattyk Radio because of the orientation of this radio station at the complete reporting of events in Kyrgyzstan. In comparison with perception of radio station image, where there are 4 popular radio stations: Kyrgyzstan Obondoru, Europe Plus , Min. Kiyal FM and Azattyk Radio, Azattyk and Kyrgyzstan Obondoru are the leaders according to news parameter, the rest radio channels have been chosen by not more than 5% of radio audience. The most share of practically one third of radio listeners found it difficult to answer the questions about the best news radio. This fact means that there is very low development of radio stations in this direction, i.e. at the present time the majority of radio channels have the priority in development of musical and entertaining content, than informative one. And probably it will be continued during the following years, due to the fact that many costs and qualified personnel are required for development of research and information content. Information reliability and objectivity is very interesting. Respondents asked to assess radio channels according to 2 criteria: source of the most and the least reliable and objective information: 109 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Radio Azattyk 0,02 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 0,03 Europa Plus 0,00 3,9 Min Kiyal FM 0,00 2,3 Don't know 23,3 9,1 46,5 99,95 Other 0,0 15,0 Is a source that provides the most reliable / objective information Is a source that provides the least reliable / objective information Fig. 3.2.141 Perception of reliability/ objectivity of radio stations (Kyrgyzstan,18+, %) As we can see from Figure 3.2.141, practically all respondents (99,9%) found it difficult to indicate the least reliable/objective radio station in terms of information submission. This fact also confirms the situation around the development of informative reporting of events in Kyrgyzstan (There is practically no anything to assess). As for objective source, 46,5% of people found it difficult to reply and 23,3% acknowledge that Azattyk Radio is the most reliable and objective radio. Kyrgyzstan obondoru 7,8 Radio Azattyk Europa Plus Min Kiyal FM El FM Birinchi radio Tumar 5,1 12,6 11,1 9,6 3,1 3,8 4,7 4,4 2,9 1,6 Most relevant to the people of Kyrgyzstan Reflects the opinion of ordinary people 4,0 2,1 0,5 2,7 1,5 1,2 Reflects the opinion of the elite 1,7 1,1 1,0 40,4 Don't know Other 24,1 8,3 5,6 54,8 72,5 11,6 Fig. 3.2.142 Perception of correspondence of radio stations to population expectations (Kyrgyzstan,18+, %) 110 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience According to Figure 3.2.142 2 radio stations - Kyrgyzstan Obondoru and Azattyk – are in the lead according to expectations correspondence of citizens and different social groups. It is necessary to note that more than the half of radio listeners found it difficult to name radio station, which reflects opinion and needs of ordinary people. It can lead to the conclusion that there are only two national radio stations, reflecting interests of Kyrgyzstan people, and at that the majority of radio listeners don’t think so. It is rather interesting to investigate respondents perception of not only radio channel orientation at different types, but also assessment of their personal perception of informative content from the point of view of applicability to themselves: Kyrgyzstan obondoru Radio Azattyk Europa Plus Radio Salam Min Kiyal FM El FM Tumar Russkaya volna Avtoradio Birinchi radio Hit FM 8,4 16,0 12,6 5,3 8,7 11,5 3,4 6,5 4,1 5,0 1,9 1,2 1,5 3,4 3,1 3,4 2,3 1,3 2,2 2,6 1,6 0,8 2,5 2,1 0,5 2,1 1,9 1,2 1,5 1,4 0,5 2,1 0,9 Don't know Other Is the best source of news about your city / rayon Best reflects my needs Reflects my opinion about events important to me 40,0 57,5 49,9 10,2 10,2 8,4 Fig. 3.2.143 Perception of subjective correspondence of radio stations (Kyrgyzstan,18+, %) As it is shown in Figure 3.2.143 it was very difficult to determine the correspondence to subjective expectations of radio listeners (from 40% up to 57,5% found difficulty in replying to this question). And after all both radio stations remain the leadership according to frequency of mentioning, but the lead from other stations is rather low. In a whole, presented replies of respondents can mean that radio channel practically doesn’t have a loyal audience; the majority of radio listeners switch radio stations until they find pleasant music or news program. Also for assessment of correspondence to radio listeners expectations, respondents were asked questions: In which language they listen to radio and in which language they prefer to listen to radio : 111 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey 100% 90% 21,0 80% 44,0 24,8 4,7 Preferable: 70% 64,1 60% Kyrgyz Russian 83,6 Uzbek 50% 55,5 40% English 71,7 30% German No preferences 53,1 29,8 20% 10,8 10% 19,7 5,5 5,2 0% Current Kyrgyz No answer Russian Uzbek English Total Fig. 3.2.144 Expectations according to language of broadcasting (Kyrgyzstan,18+, %) As we can see from above stated Figure, 10,8% of those respondents, who now listen to radio in the Kyrgyz language, would prefer to listen to radio in the Russian language and 5,2% - in Usbek language. 44 % of those, who listen to radio in the Russian language would prefer to listen in the Kyrgyz language. 21 % of those, who listen to radio in Usbek language would prefer to listen in the Kyrgyz language and 4,7% of them- in Russian. It can be noted according to expectations, that 64,1% prefer to listen to radio in the Kyrgyz language, 29,8% - In Russian and 5,5% - Uzbek. 100% 90% 18,8 80% 70% No answer 65,1 60% 80,6 80,0 50% 40% German English 80,6 Uzbek 9,1 30% No preferences Russian Kyrgyz 20% 25,8 10% 18,7 17,5 0% Kyrgyz Uzbek Russian Nationality Other nationality Fig. 3.2.145 Expectations according to language of broadcasting in the profile of nationality (Kyrgyzstan,18+, %) 112 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience As it is shown in Fig. 3.2.145 expected language of broadcasting is not always connected with the nationality of respondent, so, 18,8% of Kyrgyz people noted that they wished to listen to the radio in the Russian language, 25,8% of Uzbeks expect broadcasting in the Kyrgyz language and 9,1% of Uzbeks - in the Russian language, 18,7% of Russians want to listen to radio in the Kyrgyz language. In a whole, we can determine that at this time there are radio stations with different language groups in every region: 0 Bishkek city 20 40 60 53,8 Osh city 100 120 19,1 90,8 23,6 Osh oblast 96,3 Naryn oblast 95,4 Total 26,1 49,4 100,0 Jalalabad oblast 200 43,0 93,5 Batken oblast 180 76,7 84,6 Issyk-Kul oblast 160 73,0 57,9 Talas oblast 140 85,9 82,7 Chui oblast Kyrgyz 80 21,8 22,3 24,7 40,6 76,1 55,3 Russian Uzbek 7,1 English No answer Fig. 3.2.146 Languages of broadcasting at the time, stated by radio listeners in the regions of inquiry (Kyrgyzstan,18+, %) 0% Bishkek city 10% 20% Talas oblast Issyk-Kul oblast 40% Osh oblast 62,5 70% 80% 20,1 47,4 90% 100% 14,8 2,6 52,1 76,9 23,1 82,2 17,8 96,5 73,4 3,5 4,0 79,2 Naryn oblast Kyrgyz German 60% 57,2 Batken oblast Jalalabad oblast 50% 41,1 Osh city Chui oblast 30% 22,6 4,4 16,4 97,4 Russian No preferences Uzbek No answer 2,6 English Fig. 3.2.147 Expectations depending on the language of radio broadcasting in the profile of regions. (Kyrgyzstan,18+, %) As we can see from presented figures 5.2.146-147 by regions the audience of Naryn and Batken Oblasts have the greatest expectations of the Kyrgyz language broadcasting (97,4% of radio listeners in Naryn region and 96,5% in Batken Oblast answered in this way), citizens of Bishkek city (57,2%) and Chui Oblast (52,1%) wanted to listen to radio in the Russian language, and the Uzbek language is more called-for in Djalalabad (22,6%) and Osh Oblasts (16,4%), including Osh city (14,8%). Summarizing this chapter, let’s consider main results: 113 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey In spite of that radio is rather mobile information medium, the majority of radio listeners (74%) prefer to listen it at home. The second popular place of listening is personal and public transport (16%) One third of listeners have the problems in the process of radio listening and problems with access to favorite radio stations, by that basically they are connected with lack of time. In a whole the quality of broadcasting at the territory of Kyrgyzstan can be estimated on B grade with plus, practically all radio stations received more than 4 out of possible 5 points. “Kyrgyzstan Obondoru“ is in the lead in the ratings of radio stations with the best music and DJs. According to the opinion of population, “Azattyk” radio reports current news more completely. However, today listeners consider that radio is something more than only musical and entertaining source. The majority of respondents noted, that they prefer to listen to radio in their native language. Review of one of the main source of information – radio- is finished on this chapter. The following chapter will be devoted to investigation of the most widespread and popular mass media up to date – television. 114 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience 3.2.5 Demographic characteristics of radio stations’ auditory Table 1. Radiostations Auditory Profile Gender Age Radiostation Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 and more Refuse to answer Autoradio 61.8 38.2 26.4 22.9 20.5 21.6 8.2 0.5 Azattyk 50.5 49.5 25.0 23.3 18.5 18.3 14.8 0.0 Almaz 44.4 55.6 30.6 29.5 22.6 10.6 6.7 Barakukh 21.2 78.8 57.5 Radio Burana 23.5 76.5 11.3 12.0 35.0 8.6 33.2 BBC 53.0 47.0 17.5 25.9 18.0 22.3 16.2 Vodii Sadosi 39.9 60.1 26.4 26.4 21.6 15.0 10.5 Gorod FM 95.7 4.3 10.8 37.6 28.4 14.2 9.1 Europa Plus 52.0 48.0 39.5 28.4 14.9 11.3 5.8 Birinchi radio 54.8 45.2 24.0 25.4 16.6 17.9 15.6 0.7 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 49.5 50.5 33.9 23.3 19.2 14.2 9.3 0.2 Love radio 55.0 45.0 41.7 33.9 17.5 5.6 1.3 Manas FM 42.5 57.5 39.3 15.8 31.1 10.1 3.7 Min Kyal FM 46.2 53.8 32.0 26.1 21.9 12.6 7.3 0.1 Next 40.2 59.8 37.2 28.2 17.7 9.9 5.5 1.7 Radio LW 45.2 54.8 49.8 27.4 7.9 7.8 7.1 Radio OK 49.2 50.8 47.9 28.2 23.9 Radio Maks 35.4 64.6 44.7 21.1 21.9 12.3 Radio Mir 62.8 37.2 10.1 18.1 31.8 16.3 Radio Record 52.6 47.4 67.6 27.4 Radio Sezim 78.2 21.8 21.3 34.9 36.5 Radio Tatina 56.0 44.0 37.2 46.9 10.6 Radiomost 47.5 52.5 24.5 56.4 8.8 3.9 3.5 Russkaya volna 46.7 53.3 34.3 21.7 20.5 13.1 10.4 Radio Salam 41.2 58.8 22.5 28.6 20.2 15.9 12.8 Tenir Too 29.9 70.1 76.6 23.4 Tumar 42.7 57.3 46.1 22.0 20.5 7.1 4.3 Hit FM 52.5 47.5 44.9 25.8 19.6 7.2 2.5 Radio Shanson 50.3 49.7 22.4 17.0 20.4 20.6 19.6 El FM 60.3 39.7 34.3 25.9 20.6 11.2 7.9 Eho Moskvy 51.2 48.8 18.7 16.8 17.3 22.4 24.9 Yumor FM 54.2 45.8 31.3 25.0 21.3 14.9 7.6 Golos Rossii 26.2 73.8 15.3 29.9 15.1 9.5 30.3 Vesti FM 51.3 48.7 78.8 Manas Jangyrchy 100.0 22.8 77.2 Parlamentskoe 45.1 54.9 Tunku Beles 66.4 33.6 Kyrgyz Radiosu 23.8 5.0 7.3 5.2 3.0 21.2 43.4 45.1 46.0 56.6 54.9 100.0 100.0 54.0 11.2 100.0 Radio Rossii Radio Mayak 31.3 54.7 33.4 21.2 24.8 45.3 20.6 115 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Didar 58.0 42.0 Radio Royal 50.7 49.3 Zaman 87.0 13.0 Sayakat 42.0 100.0 12.6 100.0 Ala-Too 55.0 71.6 15.8 45.0 55.0 45.3 54.7 100.0 45.0 Retro FM 58.0 100.0 100.0 Refuse to answer 37.5 62.5 Don’t know 39.0 61.0 13.3 9.2 16.9 19.4 41.2 Total 48.5 51.5 30.2 23.3 19.4 14.6 12.3 0.2 Table 1. Radionstations auditory profile (continuation) Autoradio 0.3 0.3 0.3 3.3 31.2 22.5 8.0 34.2 Azattyk 0.5 0.8 0.6 2.8 49.3 14.4 9.1 22.2 Almaz 0.4 3.0 44.4 17.5 10.9 23.9 11.3 71.2 1.9 62.3 21.0 4.8 8.1 Barakukh Radio Burana 1.9 0.1 0.2 0.2 17.6 Радио BBC 1.5 0.3 0.7 1.1 41.6 16.0 6.4 32.3 Vodii Sadosi 2.2 1.1 0.5 0.5 75.4 8.4 2.4 9.5 73.5 8.4 3.4 9.1 15.8 22.9 0.2 Gorod FM 5.6 Don’t know Refuse to answer Higher Education Some Higher Education Specialized Secondary Education Completed Secondary Some secondary Completed Primary Some Primary Radiostation No formal education What level of education have you reached? Europa Plus 0.1 0.8 0.5 2.9 38.6 18.0 Birinchi radio 0.5 0.2 0.6 3.9 43.0 12.6 6.9 32.1 0.2 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 0.8 0.8 0.5 4.1 45.7 14.4 11.5 22.1 0.1 0.1 Love radio 0.4 1.1 1.6 30.2 20.3 16.4 30.0 Manas FM 1.6 26.3 13.2 33.3 25.6 42.9 15.2 16.0 20.7 0.1 0.2 45.6 22.5 4.0 24.5 24.6 12.1 28.4 28.8 Min Kyal FM 1.0 0.7 Next 1.4 2.1 Radio LW 1.3 0.6 0.9 2.5 3.9 Radio OK 32.6 18.8 Radio Maks 1.5 28.3 35.5 Radio Mir 4.3 27.9 22.5 44.1 Radio Record Radio Sezim Radio Tatina 0.6 48.5 8.4 26.3 44.2 24.5 31.3 7.3 13.8 35.4 43.5 17.1 32.2 26.3 23.8 Radiomost 26.3 48.8 6.8 18.1 Russkaya volna 0.3 0.5 0.7 3.7 27.0 26.2 13.6 27.8 Radio Salam 1.8 1.5 0.4 2.7 43.7 15.7 12.0 21.6 Tenir Too 69.2 Tumar Hit FM 0.3 Radio Shanson El FM 0.4 0.3 1.1 0.2 0.6 30.8 4.1 37.6 16.2 20.7 21.4 2.4 27.9 22.3 15.0 31.4 4.2 21.1 28.0 7.0 39.7 2.0 59.1 9.7 8.2 20.5 0.4 116 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Eho Moskvy 0.9 Yumor FM 1.0 1.9 Golos Rossii 1.8 26.3 25.4 4.0 39.7 3.2 29.6 22.2 7.9 35.4 4.7 12.0 25.2 15.3 42.8 Vesti FM 89.4 Manas Jangyrchy 10.6 100.0 Radio Rossii 56.6 43.4 Parlamentskoe 100.0 Tunku Beles 22.7 Radio Mayak 33.6 43.7 100.0 Kyrgyz Radiosu 89.4 Didar 58.0 Radio Royal 10.6 42.0 100.0 Zaman 25.1 Sayakat 61.5 13.4 100.0 Ala-Too 100.0 Retro FM 100.0 Refuse to answer Don’t know Total 0.6 0.6 37.5 33.8 15.9 12.8 6.2 2.5 9.3 34.0 15.7 32.2 0.9 0.7 3.6 42.6 15.6 10.6 25.1 0.1 0.1 117 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Table 1. Radiostations auditory profile (continuation) Policeman/Policewoman Military Housewife Laborer/Unskilled worker Unemployed Pensioner 2.2 8.1 2.9 1.4 1.3 8.5 9.1 9.8 1.0 10.2 11.9 10.6 1.9 Azattyk 12.8 6.7 2.1 8.3 1.7 0.1 6.9 4.1 0.5 0.6 14.2 8.1 4.6 1.8 6.0 12.3 8.0 1.4 Almaz 10.1 6.5 1.2 6.4 2.4 9.8 1.3 0.7 17.2 6.8 8.7 1.9 7.4 13.5 4.5 1.6 Barakukh 57.7 3.7 11.3 7.5 10.0 Radio Burana 11.6 11.2 21.9 0.0 BBC 11.9 3.6 4.1 9.7 Vodii Sadosi 32.6 2.5 1.4 6.1 Gorod FM 7.1 25.8 Europa Plus 5.1 3.0 0.7 6.7 3.3 0.9 15.9 2.7 0.3 Birinchi radio 9.2 11.4 1.3 6.7 1.7 0.3 5.9 6.4 1.6 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 8.3 7.1 1.4 7.0 2.0 0.4 11.0 3.2 0.4 Love radio 3.3 3.4 2.1 5.4 5.3 0.1 15.8 1.3 Manas FM 2.1 1.1 1.1 20.2 1.8 31.1 2.8 1.2 16.3 4.4 1.8 7.0 1.7 11.7 5.5 0.3 Next 5.1 4.1 18.2 3.0 2.6 Radio LW 1.6 3.1 17.9 3.4 Radio OK 8.2 15.7 Radio Maks 2.4 6.8 9.2 6.5 3.7 Min Kyal FM Radio Mir Radio Record 9.7 2.6 0.7 4.1 0.8 0.7 1.7 27.5 16.7 6.7 1.8 13.3 10.5 11.1 2.1 5.0 9.8 9.6 2.3 18.8 9.3 4.6 2.5 4.8 7.9 5.8 0.2 3.0 12.1 28.4 4.8 0.0 0.4 15.7 9.9 10.5 1.8 6.7 11.0 4.4 0.9 0.9 5.7 8.5 7.4 3.0 3.8 14.1 9.0 2.9 0.3 16.2 9.9 6.5 1.8 5.2 10.8 7.5 1.1 1.4 20.0 6.7 14.5 2.0 7.7 10.2 0.4 0.2 3.5 6.7 8.9 2.0 6.3 9.6 1.5 0.0 0.3 15.6 6.1 3.7 1.5 6.0 11.0 5.3 1.7 0.5 19.1 4.0 12.3 0.8 7.7 7.1 3.5 0.0 10.8 12.4 19.2 1.8 4.2 11.0 6.0 0.0 16.9 7.0 12.2 0.0 5.5 15.2 6.1 8.8 0.0 9.0 5.5 20.7 9.6 12.7 17.6 26.5 12.7 2.7 10.7 1.4 13.5 0.1 12.0 0.8 3.9 1.9 5.8 Other Teacher/Lecturer 4.6 Government worker Student 6.7 Health worker Director 2.3 Skilled worker/technician Manager 2.0 Autoradio Petty Trader Businessman/woman 5.5 Radiostation Agriculturalist (farmer) Pastoralist (shepherd) What is your main occupation? 2.9 37.2 16.2 6.1 1.7 3.7 3.2 1.8 1.3 8.7 17.5 21.9 5.4 22.0 0.0 0.0 118 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Radio Sezim 7.3 Radio Tatina 7.3 13.4 14.4 8.3 31.2 4.2 3.5 2.7 20.2 8.4 10.1 20.2 20.6 1.3 6.9 2.0 13.9 1.4 12.3 2.6 0.1 13.4 8.7 11.1 1.8 3.4 9.8 0.6 21.1 5.5 1.1 2.0 7.4 10.7 20.7 9.5 9.2 Radiomost 3.0 1.4 Russkaya volna 3.5 3.2 0.6 5.6 14.5 3.8 2.9 7.7 Radio Salam 8.4 0.1 0.2 Tenir Too 21.2 Tumar 3.7 3.3 1.0 7.4 Hit FM 4.7 3.5 1.7 8.9 7.3 Radio Shanson 1.4 0.5 0.9 5.3 10.6 21.5 8.2 0.9 8.6 Eho Moskvy 2.1 1.0 Yumor FM 3.1 0.9 El FM 0.7 Golos Rossii 0.7 22.0 3.7 0.4 0.9 18.4 3.3 0.1 2.3 2.8 3.2 1.7 0.2 7.1 4.6 0.2 6.0 10.3 3.1 5.6 0.6 7.1 8.3 7.7 9.5 0.2 65.5 Radio Rossii 43.4 17.3 15.3 18.3 0.0 13.7 13.3 2.2 0.0 6.6 8.5 12.8 0.0 5.7 2.5 9.7 9.4 11.7 49.0 1.3 5.3 8.8 14.8 2.4 7.3 5.7 1.6 0.4 16.0 0.9 7.8 7.0 20.5 0.0 1.5 11.1 7.9 6.4 0.2 4.7 11.7 2.1 1.0 2.0 10.1 7.8 20.0 13.4 6.0 20.9 1.7 4.0 16.0 5.7 16.9 3.1 12.6 11.0 0.0 27.1 5.5 5.5 19.2 0.0 10.6 10.6 0.6 10.2 30.1 0.5 0.0 0.0 56.6 22.7 45.1 16.8 10.3 10.1 21.2 10.3 0.0 45.3 16.7 41.5 19.5 40.6 6.5 42.6 6.5 22.5 58.0 0.0 50.7 49.3 0.0 6.9 14.4 0.0 45.0 55.0 Retro FM 100.0 Refuse to answer 0.0 0.0 57.4 Ala-Too 0.0 0.0 60.5 44.6 Radio Royal Sayakat 0.7 5.8 Radio Mayak 25.1 2.1 34.5 Tunku Beles Zaman 0.0 4.1 54.9 Didar 0.0 14.6 Parlamentskoe Kyrgyz Radiosu 5.5 14.9 48.7 Manas Jangyrchy 7.1 0.5 15.3 Vesti FM 5.5 0.0 0.0 12.8 16.6 70.6 0.0 Don’t know 7.7 3.7 0.6 8.0 2.2 0.4 5.2 3.3 11.9 5.2 5.6 0.4 6.8 5.6 33.0 0.4 Total 9.9 4.9 1.5 6.7 2.7 0.4 9.7 3.9 15.5 8.3 7.9 1.5 5.7 10.1 9.3 1.1 0.5 0.4 119 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Таблица 1. Профайл аудитории радиостанций (завершение) Total household income (enlarged) Radiostation No income Autoradio Less than 2 000 2 001-5 000 5 001-7 500 7 501-10 000 10 00112 500 12 501-15 000 15 001-20 000 20 001-30 000 Over 30 000 Refuse to answer Don’t know 7.6 13.7 12.4 14.6 8.3 5.2 11.6 5.1 5.1 0.3 16.0 6.4 23.4 19.3 14.6 4.7 5.1 4.8 1.7 2.9 0.3 16.4 Almaz 8.8 19.5 13.9 19.3 5.0 6.2 7.8 3.4 3.8 Barakukh 3.7 28.5 19.0 27.6 21.2 22.7 15.3 26.9 4.4 BBC 4.2 18.6 15.9 29.0 2.8 5.4 5.5 Vodii Sadosi 6.9 34.7 22.9 14.9 2.2 4.7 1.5 Gorod FM 2.2 39.6 6.8 18.3 Azattyk 0.3 Radio Burana 12.4 7.2 23.4 1.7 4.3 1.6 2.8 11.1 9.3 3.3 29.8 Europa Plus 0.3 4.6 17.0 14.8 12.9 7.8 5.9 7.3 3.7 3.5 0.7 21.5 Birinchi radio 0.5 7.0 25.0 15.7 10.3 6.0 4.0 4.8 4.2 3.1 0.2 19.3 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 0.3 6.9 18.4 16.4 13.3 7.4 5.4 5.7 4.2 3.0 0.3 18.8 Love radio 0.8 2.3 9.2 10.9 16.7 9.7 3.8 10.9 7.5 5.4 0.7 22.2 1.6 7.1 7.9 6.1 8.0 11.8 5.1 12.0 0.7 1.2 38.4 6.0 16.9 17.7 13.9 6.3 4.9 7.9 2.8 1.8 0.4 20.9 3.5 18.1 6.3 3.2 10.8 5.6 2.0 1.3 3.0 Radio LW 34.0 19.1 9.3 6.7 2.2 Radio OK 12.2 Manas FM Min Kyal FM 0.5 Next Radio Maks Radio Mir 3.0 5.8 16.9 8.2 9.9 5.0 11.1 7.9 9.5 2.6 14.9 6.3 8.7 28.4 4.6 12.8 11.8 11.4 10.0 13.4 12.8 11.3 7.8 Radio Record 17.0 8.7 24.0 15.9 Radio Sezim 8.6 18.1 5.9 Radio Tatina Radiomost 4.5 Russkaya volna Radio Salam 0.1 25.6 46.4 20.0 12.4 20.7 6.0 22.0 1.7 17.8 1.1 16.6 5.2 14.1 8.3 12.9 15.5 22.7 13.2 27.6 2.3 5.2 4.6 30.1 6.0 13.0 1.4 4.2 14.5 3.9 16.0 11.5 13.9 7.9 7.1 9.2 4.0 5.0 6.2 22.1 23.3 18.3 7.6 4.9 1.8 1.4 0.9 4.9 30.4 0.5 21.1 13.4 120 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Tenir Too 11.6 38.0 27.7 6.0 16.7 Tumar 0.3 3.1 8.4 12.3 16.5 8.0 5.1 10.0 5.9 1.9 0.8 27.7 Hit FM 1.2 2.7 8.9 12.2 11.3 10.5 6.1 13.1 9.4 3.5 1.2 19.9 3.0 8.2 6.5 12.3 11.4 6.4 22.5 7.5 3.0 19.2 Radio Shanson El FM 0.7 7.3 22.8 19.8 11.7 2.9 6.7 5.8 6.2 5.9 10.2 Eho Moskvy 1.1 2.0 13.5 14.5 15.0 12.4 10.5 9.4 1.9 2.9 16.8 Yumor FM 0.3 5.9 8.1 13.2 8.0 10.7 7.0 16.6 5.8 3.9 Golos Rossii 42.2 17.9 Vesti FM 10.6 48.7 Manas Jangyrchy 34.5 Radio Rossii 42.1 15.1 24.8 10.6 30.1 14.6 43.4 54.9 Tunku Beles 45.1 16.8 Radio Mayak Kyrgyz Radiosu 45.7 Didar 43.7 45.3 10.1 37.6 16.7 42.0 29.0 Radio Royal 13.0 Sayakat 42.6 71.1 22.7 16.8 44.6 29.0 50.7 Zaman 20.0 65.5 Parlamentskoe 49.3 16.0 57.4 Ala-Too 100.0 Retro FM 42.6 Refuse to answer 15.9 33.8 18.7 12.8 8.7 22.0 10.3 8.5 12.9 6.3 3.7 2.5 0.4 6.9 18.8 16.3 13.4 7.5 5.2 6.3 3.4 2.8 Don’t know Total 0.6 0.4 57.4 18.7 24.7 0.4 18.7 121 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Таблица 2. Radiostations auditory profile in regions Oblast Gender Bishkek city Refuse to answer Radiostation Male Female 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55 + Autoradio 52.6 47.4 30 14.3 15.8 27.1 12.9 Azattyk 35.1 64.9 29.8 26.8 20.5 12.2 10.7 42 58 20.1 28.4 33.6 14.5 3.4 BBC 32.2 67.8 40.7 24.5 20.4 14.3 Europa Plus 47.6 52.4 39.5 25.9 16.2 11.4 7 Birinchi radio 59.2 40.8 17.9 21.4 25.4 23.7 11.6 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 44.5 55.5 33 23 23.6 14.4 6 Love radio 55.1 44.9 40.6 32 19.2 7 1.3 Manas FM 37.4 62.6 41 16.9 31.9 7.6 2.6 Min Kyal FM 44 56 34.5 25.8 28.4 8.3 3 Radio OK 30 70 51.1 30 18.9 Radio Maks 36.3 63.7 36.2 26.8 23.5 13.5 Radio Mir 59.3 40.7 13.7 14.3 32.6 10.3 Radio Record 30.7 69.3 53.5 46.5 71 29 28.3 46.5 15.5 9.8 Russkaya volna 42.9 57.1 33.8 20.3 17.9 17.7 10.3 Tumar 43.7 56.3 38.1 27.6 26.7 6.4 1.2 Hit FM 52.7 47.3 41.6 29.7 19.2 6.8 2.6 Radio Shanson 50.3 49.7 16.8 23.5 17 25.3 17.3 El FM 72.6 27.4 21.2 72.9 5.9 Eho Moskvy 41.4 58.6 16.5 18.6 13.5 24.1 27.3 Yumor FM 52.4 47.6 30.3 28.7 14.7 16.6 9.8 Golos Rossii 33.6 66.4 19.6 9.9 19.4 12.2 38.9 Vesti FM 38.2 61.8 100 Manas Jangyrchy 100 Radio Rossii 22.8 77.2 43.4 56.6 Parlamentskoe 45.1 54.9 Tunku Beles 100 Almaz Radio Sezim Ala-Too 29.1 100 45.1 54.9 100 55 45 Don’t know 27.6 72.4 Autoradio 48.3 51.7 Azattyk 28.9 71.1 Almaz Os h city Age 45 55 10.1 46.8 43 35.9 14.8 34.4 14.9 49.1 14.5 12.8 14.1 9.5 19.8 8 5.5 51 49 25.4 41.3 BBC 61.9 38.1 63.7 12.1 Europa Plus 46.4 53.6 23.6 39.1 10.4 20.9 6 Birinchi radio 75.6 24.4 39.3 21.7 14.7 14.6 9.7 47 53 36 25.1 14.9 19.1 4.9 6 5 Kyrgyzstan obondoru Love radio 100 24.2 100 Min Kyal FM 51.9 48.1 61.1 21.3 6.6 Russkaya volna 32.6 67.4 29 58.7 12.3 Tumar 33.2 66.8 65.9 30 Radio Shanson 100 El FM 57.2 Don’t know 4.1 100 42.8 100 33.7 34 27 45.3 5.3 54.7 122 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Vodii Sadosi 69.9 100 Zaman 100 Refuse to answer Chuy oblast 50.3 31.2 18.5 100 100 48 52 Autoradio 76.5 23.5 29.7 18.9 32.8 14.8 3.7 Azattyk 58.7 41.3 18.8 7.5 15.9 38.9 18.9 Almaz 30.9 69.1 41.1 7.9 21.1 22.5 7.4 BBC 76.3 23.7 10.2 10.6 28 32.6 18.5 Europa Plus 63.2 36.8 43.6 26.1 20.6 6.8 2.9 Birinchi radio 100 68 32 13.8 26.7 22.2 18.8 18.5 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 57.7 42.3 39.3 20.1 18.2 10.7 11.6 Love radio 45.3 54.7 54.3 25.9 14.6 3.1 2 Manas FM 81.6 18.4 52.6 30.7 16.7 Min Kyal FM 60.2 39.8 53.3 20.9 17.3 Next 100 100 Radio OK 100 100 Radio Maks 30.6 69.4 Radio Mir 55.1 44.9 Radio Record 100 69.4 8.5 19.9 10.6 30.6 21 34.5 13.9 100 Radio Sezim 100 Russkaya volna 54.1 45.9 39.6 17.3 23.2 7 13 Tumar 53.9 46.1 45.7 20.4 16.9 5.5 11.6 14.3 Hit FM 100 56 44 56.9 23 3.1 2.7 Radio Shanson 50.5 49.5 39.6 27.9 6.8 25.6 El FM 55.2 44.8 27.1 55.2 17.7 Eho Moskvy 78 22 26.5 10 26.5 17.7 19.3 Yumor FM 61 39 31.4 14.9 43.8 8.4 1.5 Golos Rossii Vesti FM 100 100 100 Tunku Beles 100 100 100 Don’t know 34.4 65.6 16.1 2.9 23.3 Gorod FM 86.9 13.1 32.6 9 58.5 Radio Burana 16.8 83.2 12.8 13.6 39.7 56 44 37.2 46.9 10.6 5.2 54.7 45.3 Radio Tatina Radio Mayak 100 Azattyk 47.6 52.4 8.2 28.4 BBC 67.4 32.6 18.2 22.8 Europa Plus 53.8 46.2 25 54 Birinchi radio 40.7 59.3 46.9 44 56 11.2 35.3 Love radio 86.6 13.4 35.5 64.5 Next 41.7 58.3 39 33.2 Russkaya volna 53.3 46.7 8.1 67.5 Don’t know 79.1 20.9 79.1 Kyrgyzstan obondoru Talas oblast 30.1 Tenir Too Barakukh Radiomost 21.8 57.8 6.1 21.5 19.3 26.3 32.6 6.6 4.6 20 5.5 11.9 15.7 20.4 17.6 13 2.5 11.4 8 6.5 1.9 7.1 15.8 1.5 15.8 5.1 9.7 100 47.5 52.5 27.8 0.8 100 24.5 56.4 Sayakat 100 100 Retro FM 100 100 8.8 3.9 3.5 3 123 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Azattyk 37.6 Issykkul oblast BBC 26.1 37.3 27.6 Birinchi radio 16.4 83.6 30.5 36.4 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 30.6 69.4 28 30.8 63 37 Radio LW 40.6 59.4 45.6 Russkaya volna 33.4 66.6 25.2 32 68 26.9 57.7 42.3 Azattyk 51.5 Almaz Manas FM 14.7 14.7 12.6 44.2 48.3 13.1 15.7 63 10.1 13.5 19.6 11 14.5 37 8.5 8.5 7.7 11 31.2 16.6 31.4 8.6 16.5 23.2 24.6 20.8 48.5 16.9 27.4 49.9 50.1 38 55 BBC 64.5 35.5 20.8 26.6 10.4 36.7 Birinchi radio 76.2 23.8 22.1 22.9 31.2 23.8 Min Kyal FM 45.3 54.7 24 24 22.2 18.5 11.4 Radio Salam 41.2 58.8 22.4 29.7 20.9 15.3 11.6 100 El FM Don’t know 29.7 11.9 32.6 Tenir Too Batken oblast 55.8 51.7 Don’t know 31.4 100 21.1 19.9 14.7 7 100 5.5 100 23 77 Vodii Sadosi 56.6 43.4 Barakukh 67.9 32.1 Radio Royal 50.7 49.3 Autoradio 66.6 33.4 19.3 12.6 49.2 5.7 7.6 Azattyk 67.7 32.3 25.2 23.9 15.8 17.7 17.5 Almaz 66.7 33.3 11 14.7 21 20.8 32.6 BBC 72.5 27.5 50.8 15 18.4 15.8 Europa Plus 45.3 54.7 20.2 8.6 15.4 2.7 Birinchi radio 69.9 30.1 4 25.8 27.3 42.8 56 44 39.2 20 16.7 14.8 9 Min Kyal FM 63.5 36.5 35.5 34.3 13.8 7.9 Radio Record 100 Russkaya volna 14.3 85.7 74.2 Tumar 37.3 62.7 72 El FM 69.1 30.9 49.9 Don’t know Kyrgyzstan obondoru Jalalabad oblast 31.9 100 Europa Plus Tumar Manas FM 100 72.1 5.3 17.9 4.8 100 100 53.1 100 8.5 25.8 12.7 9.9 5.4 24.1 8.7 8.8 8.5 63.3 23 36.3 14.8 18 8 46 54 20.5 33.3 9.6 23.2 13.5 Refuse to answer 56 44 44 56 100 58 Autoradio 100 Azattyk 54.1 Almaz Радио BBC 0.3 100 36.7 Didar 5.6 100 Vodii Sadosi Barakukh Osh oblast 62.4 100 42 42 58 16 40 22.1 21.9 45.9 28.1 19.9 18.7 21.9 11.4 40.7 59.3 51.7 13.6 34.7 63.3 36.7 22.8 14.6 27.8 34.8 Europa Plus 70.1 29.9 50 30.9 11.7 7.4 Birinchi radio 65.9 34.1 39.4 32.2 12.3 10.1 6 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 62.4 37.6 41.2 21.2 17.3 12.9 7.4 Manas FM 100 Min Kyal FM 32.8 15.6 2.7 100 67.2 23 22.4 36.4 124 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Russkaya volna 92.3 7.7 Tumar 21 79 58.3 8.5 12.2 21 El FM 51.4 48.6 29 28.6 22.6 9.3 73.4 28.9 20.6 Don’t know 100 Vodii Sadosi 26.6 Zaman 100 Naryn oblast Barakukh 100 33.8 10.5 66.2 27.2 11.3 12 14.4 67.4 18.1 100 100 Autoradio 32.6 67.4 52 43.5 Azattyk 55.8 44.2 26 16.9 23.2 12.2 Almaz 38.8 61.2 46.5 26.2 12.4 6.2 BBC 35.1 64.9 45.9 Europa Plus 24.7 75.3 27.2 34.1 20 6.3 12.3 Birinchi radio 58.5 41.5 31 7.2 15.4 21.8 24.7 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 58.9 41.1 17.7 28.3 8.1 28.8 17 56 44 44 56 Russkaya volna Don’t know Vodii Sadosi 27.4 21.7 8.6 26.8 100 100 100 100 Gorod FM 100 Tenir Too 43.4 56.6 80.5 19.5 54 46 33.4 21.2 Kyrgyz Radiosu 4.6 100 24.8 20.6 125 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Table 2. Radiostations auditory profile in regions (continuation) Azattyk 3.7 25.6 11.6 14.5 43.9 Almaz 2.4 9.7 37.2 10.9 39.9 23.6 13.8 8.1 54.5 0.6 1.7 17.2 18.9 24 37.1 0.4 Birinchi radio 1.4 2.9 22.4 17.4 10.4 44.1 1.4 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 0.3 2.5 22 19.3 22.3 33.3 0.2 Love radio 1.3 0.9 14.7 20.9 22.7 39.6 20 13.8 38.8 27.3 2.3 23.8 19.5 30.8 23.3 Min Kyal FM Radio OK 18.9 Radio Maks Radio Mir Bishkek city 0.6 Europa Plus Manas FM 4.4 Radio Record 34.7 18.1 22 54 14.8 36.7 48.5 10 39.8 38 Radio Sezim 9.7 Russkaya volna 1.1 11.2 24.2 19.3 43.9 Tumar 2.4 19.7 18.8 31.3 27.7 Hit FM 1.7 18.9 18.4 20.4 40.1 8.2 50.6 14.2 27 El FM 46.7 14.8 1.5 19.2 23.5 0.8 22.1 Eho Moskvy 1.5 Yumor FM Golos Rossii 6 Vesti FM 50.5 0.4 0.5 38.5 5 49.3 21.4 9.9 45.1 19.4 19.6 55 0.8 100 Radio Rossii 56.6 43.4 Parlamentskoe 100 Tunku Beles 34.2 65.8 Ala-Too 100 3.8 4.8 17.9 11.6 61.8 Autoradio 15 28 11.2 Azattyk 1.4 52.2 8.6 25.7 12.1 Almaz 4.7 45.9 7.6 18.2 21.4 49.4 10.3 32.1 BBC Europa Plus 1.5 100 Manas Jangyrchy Don’t know 0.3 81.1 17.2 Radio Shanson Don’t know 45 Some primary 14.3 No formal education 24.8 Refuse to answer Some higher education 14.9 BBC Osh city Higher education Specialized secondary education 0.9 Radiostation Completed Primary Autoradio Oblast Completed Secondary Some Secondary What level of education have you reached? 37 8.8 2.2 8.2 9 37.8 6.2 15.4 29.4 Birinchi radio 1.4 50.9 9.3 23.8 14.6 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 2.8 41.4 9.7 13 26.6 6.5 Min Kyal FM 6.5 45.3 22.4 14 11.9 Russkaya volna 9.5 25.2 29 26.5 9.7 Tumar 13.2 26.7 32.7 27.3 El FM 6.9 37.2 16.1 33.5 2.2 2.1 4.1 126 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Don’t know Vodii Sadosi 4.5 Zaman Refuse to answer Autoradio 1.5 Azattyk Almaz 48.7 62.8 19.1 50 50 7.2 52 48 51.9 22.4 3 10.2 1.2 46.8 37.5 1.3 13.2 5 70.6 18.5 5.9 46.6 44.6 8.9 3.8 58.4 21.5 Europa Plus 0.6 Birinchi radio 2.9 4.7 37.1 17.7 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 1.6 11.2 53.8 17.7 1.5 13.4 Love radio 1.4 4.3 58 19.9 6.5 9.9 5.9 8.3 17.7 2.2 17.8 2.1 Manas FM Min Kyal FM 68.1 2.9 12.8 Radio OK 48.4 13.8 3.9 10.6 1.1 37.5 74.6 0.8 25.4 Radio Maks 5.4 49 40.4 Radio Mir 5.2 6.9 56.3 29.2 7.5 22.3 Radio Record 100 Radio Sezim 55.5 22.3 8.1 44.8 31.3 3.9 9.5 7.4 60.3 16.2 0.6 15.5 4.8 47.6 32.3 2.1 12.1 15.5 39.3 30.7 4.4 8.8 70.7 2.7 47.8 31.8 1.1 9.6 3.5 9.4 49.9 25.8 2.8 9.5 2.6 54.1 45.9 Russkaya volna 2.1 Tumar Hit FM 1 Radio Shanson El FM Eho Moskvy 3.5 Yumor FM Golos Rossii Vesti FM Tunku Beles Don’t know 0.2 10 20.5 50 50 29.7 30.8 8.2 4.5 60.7 10.3 12.2 16.8 9.2 2.1 23.8 0.6 100 5 21.7 Gorod FM Radio Burana 2.1 65.8 17.3 Radio Tatina 17.1 32.2 26.3 3.5 Radio Mayak 100 Autoradio 51.9 18.3 6.4 23.5 2.4 30.6 1.2 49.1 13 Azattyk Talas oblast 25.3 6.4 10.9 BBC Chuy oblast 25.9 38.9 24.3 BBC 2.6 31.4 6.5 Europa Plus 52.2 32.6 4.6 10.6 0.8 26.2 Birinchi radio 6.3 40.7 20 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 3.6 45.8 22.5 Love radio 53.3 46.7 Min Kyal FM 55.4 16.3 Next 49.5 21 4.8 23.2 Radio Maks 100 3 11.6 Russkaya volna 0.7 50.1 34.6 Don’t know 2.5 29.1 10.5 Barakukh 33.1 Radiomost 26.3 Sayakat 100 33 1.1 28.3 1.6 57.9 66.9 48.8 6.8 18.1 127 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Autoradio 34.9 9.6 13.4 17.1 1.2 30.8 11.5 16.5 17.6 9.2 50.7 8 6.1 32.9 2.3 52.6 9.7 6.9 23.5 0.9 50 18.5 4.2 24.6 13.2 4.7 47.9 22.6 39 13.9 40.7 10.6 42.3 21.2 11.2 19.9 Almaz 32.9 34 11.6 21.5 BBC 39.6 15.6 Azattyk Issykkul oblast BBC Europa Plus 1.1 54.2 11.5 25.1 0.8 5.5 48.6 0.4 4.6 1 Russkaya volna Tumar Don’t know Azattyk 1 1.4 Birinchi radio 1.3 31.5 30.7 26.9 24.9 1.4 4.7 20.1 20.3 20.4 40 28.3 1.9 0.3 2.7 2.1 0.8 42.7 15.3 0.9 1.3 43.7 17.7 12.6 21.1 1.3 0.5 0.7 Radio Salam 0.5 2 43.9 15.9 12.4 21.2 1.9 1.6 0.6 42 50 50 Don’t know 45.4 26.9 Vodii Sadosi 60.8 Barakukh 67.9 Radio Royal 100 Autoradio Azattyk Jalalabad oblast 1.8 Min Kyal FM El FM 1.1 12.8 32.1 4.1 39.8 18.4 5.1 37.7 65.8 7.5 5.5 13.8 66.3 8.5 5.5 19.7 BBC 59.6 10.7 6.4 23.3 13.8 10.1 Europa Plus 3.4 58.3 14.5 Birinchi radio 27.9 37.3 9.9 2.4 64.1 11.2 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 0.6 Manas FM 8.6 12.4 65.9 11.5 5.5 17 Russkaya volna 43.1 13.6 36.1 7.2 2 Tumar 4.1 62 19 12.9 El FM 2.4 73.3 7.9 7.9 4 68.1 Refuse to answer Barakukh Didar 56 24.8 53.6 46.4 58 42 Autoradio 12.8 2.8 19.1 20.2 3.4 32.1 55.4 13 5.6 18.9 Almaz 9.2 82 1.9 6.9 11.4 63.1 8.8 52.8 9.1 11.2 14.4 2.5 55.4 5.5 14.5 22 4.2 50.3 8.5 11.6 19 9.2 12.6 10.8 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 0.6 Manas FM 100 Min Kyal FM 64.2 0.6 1.6 44.3 Birinchi radio 0.2 8.4 4.2 Europa Plus 2.6 27.9 Azattyk BBC 1 50 Min Kyal FM 82.8 0.3 22.3 50 Vodii Sadosi 27.8 26.4 Almaz Don’t know Osh oblast 11.6 1.3 Manas FM Radio LW 20.3 21.3 Birinchi radio Kyrgyzstan obondoru 35.2 2.9 16.6 12.5 2.3 3.6 3.2 128 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Russkaya volna 40.6 Radio Salam Tumar El FM Don’t know Vodii Sadosi Zaman 50 68.3 2.7 7.9 21.1 0.4 53.9 13 9 23.7 37.8 62.2 77.2 2.5 1.6 11 63.2 7.9 1.1 28.9 Barakukh 100 Autoradio 69.8 5.6 56.9 7.1 5.7 29.1 56.6 3.7 15.5 24.2 56.8 3.6 71.9 5 55.1 15.5 51.2 9.5 Azattyk 0.9 Almaz BBC Naryn oblast 59.4 50 3.6 Europa Plus Birinchi radio Kyrgyzstan obondoru Russkaya volna 2.4 78 4.5 2.1 24.5 0.3 36 5.6 17.6 9.6 29.2 27 0.5 22 Don’t know 29.9 Tenir Too 72.2 27.8 Kyrgyz Radiosu 89.4 10.6 70.1 129 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Table 2. Radiostations auditory profile (continuation) Bishkek city BBC 10.2 13.1 5 6.7 13.1 16.3 2.6 3.1 22.3 Europa Plus 1.1 5.2 7.3 Birinchi radio 5.3 5.3 8.1 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 3.1 7.6 5.6 Love radio 3.5 3.5 Manas FM 1.3 18.8 3 9.3 Min Kyal FM Radio OK 24 4.2 17.9 7.3 21.7 3.5 8.5 21.1 1.7 2.2 36.2 3.3 1.4 4.9 28 2.2 0.6 4 13.3 23.4 8.8 2.5 3 5.1 4.4 2.4 1.8 14.8 29.6 1 0.3 0.3 0.7 18.9 Radio Maks Radio Mir 2.1 1 3.6 Radio Record Radio Sezim 8.9 5.7 3.3 16.7 6.9 27.2 5.1 9.7 17.9 0.5 9.8 2.7 15.9 18.4 3.9 0.6 Tumar 0.6 8.9 0.6 32.8 4.9 0.6 Hit FM 2.4 6.8 10 1.4 23.3 3.9 Radio Shanson 1.2 1.8 14.6 3.2 3.3 4.5 52.6 12.7 0.7 9.7 6.6 18.3 0 2.7 8.5 10.1 2.6 15.7 2.4 7.2 3.8 12.1 4.4 12.4 4.6 16 1.8 7.8 7 5.7 0.5 2 10.1 12.6 5.9 2 4.5 11.6 7.3 14.3 6.7 9.3 3.5 6.4 7.5 7.4 2 16.7 6.3 17 3.1 10.4 7 0.6 0 4.2 8 10.5 2.4 4.5 5.5 1.8 0 14.8 7.2 6.7 2.3 8.5 7.1 3.8 1.8 13.2 5.5 17.5 6.8 5.1 8.9 4.6 24.2 10.7 4.3 24.9 9.1 21.5 30 19.2 0.4 Other 3.4 Pensioner 2.1 51.1 Russkaya volna El FM 18 19.8 13.4 Unemployed 9.4 1.8 Government worker 6.2 1.9 11.1 Health worker 4.5 Almaz 2.9 Skilled worker/technician Azattyk 12.7 Laborer/Unskilled worker 4.6 Housewife 8.8 Military 4.5 Policeman/Policewoman 3.4 Teacher/Lecturer Director Autoradio Radiostation Student Manager Petty trader Businessman/woman Область What is your main occupation? 0 0 26.8 0 0 34.1 9.4 0 7.6 4.9 15 1.5 6.7 6.3 15.8 0 14.9 7.2 11.6 1.8 7.8 6.8 0.4 0.7 12.5 3.7 18.6 3.4 6.4 5.1 1.9 0.6 13.2 4.4 18.6 0.9 9.5 3.3 20.9 0 10.8 18.2 Eho Moskvy 1.6 6.6 6.8 2.4 12.5 2.9 20.9 Yumor FM 7.3 11.2 12.9 5.4 14.8 1.6 19 5.7 0.6 0 17 4.2 23.9 1.2 4.1 8.5 14.4 0 130 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Golos Rossii 9.9 12.2 19.6 Vesti FM 19.4 61.8 Manas Jangyrchy 65.5 Radio Rossii 43.4 45.1 34.2 Autoradio 8.8 Azattyk Almaz 9 2.2 2.2 11 10.2 2 26.9 2.3 1.3 10.7 1 BBC 6.6 1.6 26 Europa Plus 7 1.2 4.1 0.8 Birinchi radio Kyrgyzstan obondoru Min Kyal FM Russkaya volna 7.3 Tumar El FM 1.9 15.5 2.4 10.7 20.9 19.2 8.6 22.7 16.4 0 0.6 1 17.7 6.8 25.4 17.5 3.1 20.7 12.4 9 4.7 49.4 25.3 5.3 10.9 21.6 23.3 18.9 4 9.3 6.1 1.4 6.1 9.9 13.9 2.9 3.5 8.2 0.9 6.9 23.8 7 4.8 3.6 12.7 1.4 4.3 16 2.3 2.5 9.7 4 4.8 4.9 6.9 5.5 1.2 5.1 21 0 4.6 5.5 2 11.2 5.9 9.5 5.5 15.9 18.9 Zaman 20.1 10.7 9.7 11.5 3.7 11.6 31.4 11.9 21.6 5.3 21.8 1.5 0 6.6 25.6 17.4 0 46.5 11.7 29.1 15.8 55 5.8 20.8 11.4 13.1 Don’t know Vodii Sadosi 1.5 3 13.8 1.5 25.9 20 28.8 22 11.7 15.4 50 19.9 Chuy oblast 7.3 Azattyk 2.1 Almaz 2.5 BBC Europa Plus 0.5 Birinchi radio Kyrgyzstan obondoru 0.9 5.1 0 7.5 3.8 8.1 5.4 5.9 12.2 4.1 10.3 5.6 30.4 16.1 8.9 8.5 7.3 14.5 2.8 14.7 8.8 7.7 6.2 18.9 6.6 12.1 8.4 18.6 22.1 2.7 24 8.1 16.3 16.8 7.1 1.3 19.4 17.8 9.7 1.4 17 3 16.7 1.7 15.5 12.7 9.1 20.1 0.5 0 4 9.1 5 7.1 0.8 0.3 4.6 0 100 27.2 0.4 0 23 7.4 5.2 13.8 10.9 26.4 1.2 8.8 50 5.3 14.2 2.1 1.3 19 Refuse to answer Autoradio 0 0 65.8 45 1.8 0 0 56.6 Tunku Beles Don’t know 24.6 0 54.9 Ala-Too 7.1 34.5 Parlamentskoe Osh city 7.1 38.2 0.9 1.5 1.9 26.2 131 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Love radio 6.1 Manas FM 18.4 Min Kyal FM 8.6 0.6 1.2 32.4 2 2 1.1 16.2 25.4 Radio Maks 7.5 4.8 0.5 3.1 4.8 14.3 45.2 18.2 14.9 20.3 16.6 8.3 54.9 12.4 3.6 21.3 7.8 29.5 0 11.1 5.2 7.5 18.8 37.9 71.6 Radio Sezim 33.2 22.3 22.3 5.4 13.9 0 28.4 0 22.3 0 1 7.5 3.4 1.2 20.6 16.3 5.2 1.3 6.9 12 11.8 12.5 Tumar 1.7 6.8 1.7 5.5 2.2 24.7 13.7 9.8 1.4 4.8 10.8 5.5 11.4 Hit FM 0.5 13.4 1.4 8.7 1.3 18.4 4.6 7 0.4 8.6 4.7 1.4 29.6 19.7 10 10.1 0.9 3.4 16.6 19.3 Radio Shanson 11.2 El FM 34.7 Eho Moskvy Yumor FM 6 2.3 0.3 1 74.6 Radio Record Russkaya volna 1.7 27.1 3.1 0.8 5.6 17.7 4.2 3.3 23.4 18.6 1.8 18.2 17.9 12.2 Golos Rossii 45.9 Don’t know 50 1.7 Gorod FM 25.2 1.4 8.7 12.3 Radio Tatina 4.2 3.5 3 29.5 Autoradio 2.7 8.4 10.1 44.6 10.1 5.8 20.7 0.5 1.2 12.4 10.8 14.6 4.7 3.7 2.1 6.5 22.8 13.3 Europa Plus 21.8 Birinchi radio 5 12.2 0.8 3 3.3 0.6 5.6 3.3 2 1.9 19.1 3.6 3.1 0.6 7.2 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 18.1 Next 10.6 Radio Maks 0.8 11.7 15.8 23.5 1.6 17 0 0 0 1.3 16.3 20.2 12.7 12.8 50 1.5 7.6 6.1 BBC 1.1 19 Radio Mayak 10.5 50 9 Radio Burana Azattyk 1.5 50 Tunku Beles 8.7 7.2 20.5 54.1 Vesti FM Talas oblast 10.5 5.9 Radio OK Radio Mir 6 17.3 2.9 37.6 62.5 21.5 0 7.8 24.8 8.3 15.3 18.3 0 45.3 0 14.4 8.2 20.8 8.2 8.7 11.4 21.3 13 13 13.1 18.2 12 9.3 3.4 12.8 6 2.8 19 2.2 2.8 14 7.2 25.2 12.5 1.1 5.7 2.5 8.2 7.4 10.3 20.8 16.4 4.7 8.8 0.9 9.1 8.4 4.1 10.8 17.4 65.3 34.7 132 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Russkaya volna 22.3 5.1 7.7 1.5 Don’t know 2 9 7.2 2.3 15.5 4.1 65.8 Barakukh Radiomost 20.2 20.6 1.3 6.9 Sayakat Azattyk 20.4 8.8 9.6 7.5 0.7 12.9 Issykkul oblast BBC 14 2.3 0.3 17.3 30.8 Europa Plus 7.6 Birinchi radio 0.5 Manas FM Radio LW 1.4 13.7 13.3 29.1 66.9 33.1 2.2 5.6 1.3 9 10.2 5.6 3.5 23.6 2.6 0.9 Tumar 16 1 17.3 4.7 4.3 5 5.6 4.8 1.2 11.5 11.5 2 17.4 11 12.6 25.1 17.6 3.7 8.3 5.8 3.3 8.1 1.9 13.4 20.8 4.7 12.6 4.4 8.7 3.6 9.4 Azattyk 4.5 10.4 1 15.8 Almaz 7.7 3.5 7.7 12.1 15.1 12.1 3.6 13.5 4.7 7.7 2.9 3 11.8 1.3 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 8.3 9.8 24.9 44.2 0 14.4 6.5 16.5 1.8 12.3 17.1 47.9 14.7 12 25.1 31.5 Don’t know Birinchi radio 4.2 4.4 25.1 0.4 19 14.4 2.6 5.8 1.8 10.2 10.6 4.7 2.4 18.1 1.9 4.6 0 11.9 5.1 26.5 11.2 8.7 14.6 12.9 8.2 6.7 12.2 11.5 24.2 6 7.2 1 11.9 4.9 12.3 8.3 6.5 1.8 2.1 4.4 4.8 28.1 3.4 2.1 12.1 2.6 5.1 21 23.4 45.6 14.5 24.3 25.8 21.8 9.6 16.5 5.8 17.2 Min Kyal FM 3.4 8.7 0.3 4 12.5 0.5 15.7 4.7 0.5 1.8 9.6 11 4.7 22.5 Radio Salam 3 8 0.2 3.5 10.2 0.6 21 5.7 0.8 2.1 10 9.8 4.7 20.3 El FM 50 50 Don’t know Vodii Sadosi 54.6 16.3 31.4 10.1 8.9 20.5 100 Radio Royal Autoradio Azattyk 45.4 12.8 Barakukh Jalalab ad oblast 4.5 42.6 68.5 Russkaya volna BBC 13.9 21.7 5.1 57.4 Autoradio Kyrgyzstan obondoru 2 1.5 0.4 8.7 0.3 2.4 4.9 0.9 13.7 19.2 7.2 14 2.7 0.2 50.7 49.3 0 24 11.5 4.1 34.1 1.4 14.6 7.3 28.3 133 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Almaz 2.8 BBC Europa Plus 6.9 Birinchi radio 7.2 2.6 5.2 0.2 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 0.2 Manas FM 8.9 5 8.9 4.6 17.3 4.4 1.1 22.9 6.6 8.8 3.2 10.6 3.1 18.6 4.3 0.6 6.9 3.6 2.1 0.2 3.5 5.4 2.9 0.2 25 11.8 3 1.4 4.2 1.1 18.9 6.6 4.5 24.8 6.5 38.1 50 Russkaya volna 12.1 Tumar 5 El FM 2.8 Don’t know Vodii Sadosi 5.9 4.7 10.7 2.3 34.2 4.8 4 11.1 1.7 15.4 9.6 5 5.9 17.2 26.4 4 3.5 38 19.5 1.5 2.4 19.1 9.3 46.6 4 9.2 2.5 16.4 9.1 12.6 5.7 43.5 11.8 4.4 26.2 16.9 5.1 36.3 5 7.2 0.9 3.3 46.4 10.1 2.6 26.2 14.1 1.6 36.6 12.2 5.4 22.1 8.1 8.6 16 56 0 22.5 Autoradio 9.5 12.5 Azattyk 1.1 5.9 5 10.8 1.9 6.9 4.3 0.9 2.1 7.6 11.7 6.3 6.8 1.7 0.2 11.4 3.7 23.7 Birinchi radio 1.9 13.3 7.1 4.7 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 3.4 6.6 8.5 4.6 1.1 2.6 20.2 5.3 8.4 0.7 14.7 2.5 2 8.2 9.3 6 58 1.2 14.6 5.2 46.9 37.4 9.2 1.8 65.7 36.1 18.2 27.1 19.3 0.2 19.8 1.6 17.6 3 24.5 2.3 13.7 5.4 28.6 Manas FM Min Kyal FM 100 0.3 4.5 5.2 2.5 0.3 1.5 Russkaya volna 9.7 6.1 El FM 2.3 9.9 Barakukh 4.1 3 5.9 1.2 4.3 3.4 2.9 1.1 3.7 6.7 7.4 6.1 22.7 5.8 0.2 6.7 14.7 9.8 3 45.9 0.4 46.7 0.9 10.3 59.6 92.3 30.4 Don’t know Zaman 2.2 7.7 Tumar Vodii Sadosi 0 7.3 7.3 5.3 0 1.2 14.5 Europa Plus 0 53.6 19.5 BBC 0 24.8 Barakukh Almaz 37.7 8.6 11.3 1.1 Refuse to answer Didar 7.3 50 Min Kyal FM Osh oblast 21.5 2.9 4.5 7.9 24.1 3.4 38.2 37.8 16.3 6 62.2 45.4 100 134 Part 3: Analytical Report, 3.2 Radio Audience Autoradio 2.4 12.4 2.3 13.3 45.8 15 0 Azattyk 3.7 6.4 2.5 7.9 2.2 13.5 3.5 1.1 6.3 24.7 16.8 11.6 Almaz 0.6 5.3 1.8 19.3 3.9 6.4 3.4 1.9 2.7 32.6 7.4 7.2 13.9 4.1 Naryn oblast BBC 8.8 8.9 Europa Plus 7.7 4.3 Birinchi radio 3.8 4 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 3.1 4.2 13.2 14.4 30.9 23.2 4.7 11.2 3.5 10 4.4 2.1 42.5 14.2 0 2.8 3.7 6 8.2 3 12.7 33.2 16.2 6.3 2.9 4.4 17 1.8 1.8 5.1 14.8 20.2 11.5 Russkaya volna Don’t know Vodii Sadosi 7.5 44 39.3 16.7 70.1 54.1 Tenir Too 10.8 15.6 Kyrgyz Radiosu 21.2 10.3 17 16.7 0 29.9 0 45.9 0 56.6 0 41.5 10.3 135 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Table 2. Radiostations auditory profile in regions (end) 1.9 4.9 11.1 7.9 5.9 Azattyk 0.6 7.9 20.5 Don’t know Refuse to answer 6.7 7 0.6 25.6 2.5 29.4 7.1 14.9 12.9 1.8 12 13.1 2.2 3.4 Almaz 1.4 5.7 12.1 8.4 11.7 22.6 11.9 6.5 BBC 4.3 16.7 27.6 4.9 10.3 5.8 20 5.3 1.6 27.8 1.4 29.4 0.6 1.3 Kyrgyzstan obondoru Love radio 1.3 4.1 9.4 8.1 14.7 7.5 12.6 7.1 9.3 2.1 19.7 6.6 9 10.6 1.3 4.9 9 9.4 11.8 7.2 14.2 9.3 2.1 1.1 29.6 1.4 1.7 8.7 13 12.6 5.8 13.9 10.2 3.9 1.2 26.2 5.9 7.9 6.4 8 11 6 14.2 0.9 1.5 38.3 3.5 8 10.1 11.3 8.8 18.6 7.4 1.1 1.3 29.1 7 12.4 6 14.3 7.3 16 9.1 6.5 3.5 14.4 13 10.6 11.2 9.4 7.8 34.1 27.5 Manas FM Min Kyal FM 10.4 0.8 Radio OK 29.1 Radio Maks Radio Mir 19.8 11.9 Birinchi radio 4.8 Radio Record 14.8 Radio Sezim 11.4 30 27 22 20.1 10.8 14.8 18.9 2.5 18.9 1.5 20.8 8.8 23.9 9.8 Russkaya volna 1.2 5.3 7.1 10.2 7.8 8.6 15.4 6.7 8.1 0.9 28.7 Tumar 0.4 1.9 4.2 13.5 10.5 5.1 15.9 9.1 1.4 1.6 36.5 1.4 3.6 9 7.9 13.7 6.8 16 13.4 3.8 1.7 0.9 6.7 10.9 10.3 7.7 29.4 10.4 4.1 4.1 10.4 22 10.8 46.7 Hit FM 0.8 Radio Shanson El FM Eho Moskvy 1.5 Yumor FM 7.8 11.8 11.9 16.3 14 11.6 2.6 3.5 2.5 3.2 12.3 6.9 10.8 7.9 21.1 7.8 5.1 38.9 9.9 Vesti FM 19.4 42.1 31.9 65.5 14.6 43.4 Parlamentskoe 54.9 45.1 Tunku Beles 65.8 34.2 Ala-Too 100 Don’t know Autoradio 7.1 Almaz 16.9 6.9 11.7 25.3 6 4.2 28.7 24 5.8 5.3 51.4 5.3 21.2 11.9 18.2 29.6 1.3 BBC 32.1 10.1 81.5 2.2 7.8 19.2 17.5 4.3 6.9 Birinchi radio 1.3 23.1 11.3 13.3 42.7 3.4 4.8 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 2.8 14.3 6.3 17.3 24.9 4 Min Kyal FM 1.2 18.3 13.8 42.9 23.5 9.5 6.9 39.1 17.5 22.4 Tumar 6.8 18.1 14.8 12.5 19.5 27 2.7 13 5.7 17.8 31.8 17.8 1.1 0.8 Russkaya volna 4.4 8.8 Europa Plus El FM 21.8 38.2 34.5 Radio Rossii Azattyk 16.8 0.8 61.8 Manas Jangyrchy 22 19.6 5.9 2.1 Golos Rossii Osh city Over 30 000 20 001-30 000 15 001-20 000 12 501-15 000 Autoradio Europa Plus Bishkek city 10 001-12 500 7 501-10 000 5 001-7 500 2 001-5 000 Less than 2 000 Radiostation No income Oblast Total household income (enlarged) 12.8 2.1 23.7 7 3.3 20 1.4 3.9 18.5 7.3 9.7 6.7 6.6 7 20 4.1 16 136 / Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey / Don’t know 28.8 31.4 13.8 Vodii Sadosi 21.5 28.6 29.7 6.4 2.3 7.2 Zaman 100 Refuse to answer 48 52 21.9 18.1 26.2 6.4 4 2.7 0.9 4.3 Azattyk 9.1 29.6 18 20.3 1.2 7.5 2.1 3.6 8.5 Almaz 17.3 4.1 5.6 19.9 23.3 5 16 BBC 10.4 35.5 24.6 8.5 2.5 6.4 6.2 24.5 13 20.9 2.9 3.7 7.1 5.8 5.4 Europa Plus Birinchi radio Kyrgyzstan obondoru Love radio Manas FM Min Kyal FM Chuy oblast 4.3 15.6 Autoradio 4.4 28.3 16.6 20.2 1.4 11.4 21.4 9.9 17.4 1.1 4 22.6 11.9 24.8 3.8 8.3 5.9 9.1 13.3 15.5 18.4 3.1 12.8 8.8 12.1 1.3 2.1 18.3 4.5 19.5 5.5 19.9 10.2 4 18.8 9.5 5.2 5 2.3 67.3 7 24.5 Next 100 Radio OK 100 Radio Maks 16.1 28.1 5.6 25.6 Radio Mir 20.2 32.6 13.9 10.8 Radio Record 28.4 Tumar 0.9 Hit FM 2.1 Eho Moskvy 1.3 33.2 22.3 2.2 0.9 1.3 11 5.1 6.8 1.8 5.2 23 1 1.5 17.1 29.2 12.4 19.8 7 17.8 12.2 20.3 3.2 21.7 16.6 20 3.3 4.8 8.6 11.6 26.7 5.5 16.1 15.2 2.4 2.7 27.7 51.8 1.6 28.8 23.6 25.4 1.1 16.6 17.8 17.4 12.1 9.9 54.1 45.9 Golos Rossii Vesti FM 50 Tunku Beles 13.6 6.1 6.8 El FM 5.4 7.5 7.3 44.5 Russkaya volna Yumor FM 5.5 7.5 71.6 Radio Sezim Radio Shanson 10.3 19.7 20.5 1.6 3.9 17.9 4.5 0.9 15.5 50 50 Don’t know 13.5 Gorod FM 50 30.7 16.7 15.6 7.4 25.8 17.3 22 5 Radio Tatina 15.5 22.7 13.2 27.6 45.3 10.1 Autoradio 3.7 4.1 1.5 21.1 59.9 8.2 2.3 21.7 4.2 14.5 44.6 17.1 17.8 2.2 12.1 19.3 Azattyk 5.1 9.5 25.2 7.5 8.9 BBC 6.6 22.8 6.5 Europa Plus 1.4 24.4 Radio Burana Radio Mayak Talas oblast 25.9 2.8 13 7.7 3.1 4.7 16.1 3.4 1.1 2.3 34.2 6.6 26.3 2.7 31.3 18.2 8.1 14.9 29.8 3.1 1.5 Birinchi radio 9.1 9.1 8.9 16 4.8 32.8 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 1.9 5.5 13.2 20.3 5.6 7.2 2.5 3 1 2.3 37.7 4.1 18.9 7.4 3.8 10.3 0.9 2.3 1.5 3.6 47.3 Next Radio Maks 4.4 1.5 19.2 65.3 Russkaya volna 23.3 Don’t know Radiomost 2.7 4.5 5.2 4.6 34.7 19.8 1.4 2.5 2.5 30.1 6 3.8 9.4 3.8 3.8 34.8 94.9 13 1.4 4.9 30.4 137 Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey Sayakat 42.6 Autoradio 20.3 18.6 20.4 10.8 2.2 Иссык-Кульская область Azattyk 57.4 10 37.3 20.3 BBC 11.5 37 11.5 Europa Plus 12.8 38.2 12.9 12.2 2.9 Birinchi radio 13.7 38.4 13.9 1.1 1.1 Kyrgyzstan obondoru 17.4 34.2 18.3 5 Manas FM Radio LW 36.8 Russkaya volna Don’t know Azattyk 8 0.5 1.2 22.1 9.3 3.2 0.8 0.9 16.1 1.1 0.4 30.8 1.7 1.9 31.5 18.5 0.5 7.3 2.4 3.2 21.7 12.6 5.5 11.2 4.3 30.7 7.5 45.2 25.4 32.4 13 20.4 20.1 15.8 14.4 18.1 14.8 4 22.4 24.4 19.8 7 29.7 42.8 6 7.7 3.1 16.3 22.7 34.6 3.6 2.8 3.6 2.6 Birinchi radio 5.5 3.8 0.7 19.8 1.8 11.2 7.7 6 10.6 32 29.9 6.2 Min Kyal FM 0.2 6.7 23.8 21.8 13.7 9.1 4.8 2.2 1.7 16 Radio Salam 0.1 6.4 21.6 22.9 19 7.9 4.8 1.8 1.5 13.9 50 50 El FM Don’t know 38.1 25.8 Barakukh Radio Royal 0.3 Almaz 4.8 32.1 67.9 49.3 11.5 26.5 7.6 16.2 29.3 2.7 3 7.8 30 20.5 18.4 8 3 1.7 3.4 13.4 53.2 16.5 13.5 BBC 3.6 24.5 16.4 30.4 Europa Plus 1.8 32.3 27 16.5 9.4 28.4 21.7 7.3 27.8 22.8 Birinchi radio Kyrgyzstan obondoru 0.2 23 31.4 50.7 Autoradio Azattyk 31.9 77 Vodii Sadosi Jalalabad oblast 2.9 8.7 Almaz BBC 20.7 3.5 4.4 30.8 50 Tumar 4.7 4.5 10.1 9.4 3.9 17.7 18.2 10.9 5.1 42.9 19.1 16.9 44.6 36.1 12.1 2.3 13.5 40.9 13.2 Russkaya volna 6 9.4 0.8 1.2 1.8 2.3 5.1 1.9 1.4 4.9 20.9 2 6.2 26.9 8 4.1 1.6 5.6 18.3 7.6 9.2 11.3 14.6 20.5 5.8 30.3 23.3 29 1.4 8.8 1.5 Refuse to answer 24.8 28 19.1 Barakukh 100 Didar 42 29 8 9.2 5.8 Azattyk 2.7 23.6 Almaz 11.6 27.3 7.3 5.4 7.2 37.5 Autoradio 6.7 5.2 0.6 9.6 Vodii Sadosi 3.1 1.8 18.5 Don’t know 0.4 100 Min Kyal FM Tumar 3.3 19.9 Manas FM El FM Osh oblast 25.5 6.6 28 29 17 8 13.8 8.3 1.2 27.1 13.2 9.2 8.8 15.7 26 11.4 11.4 Europa Plus 16 23.1 8.2 2.4 3.7 21 25.6 Birinchi radio 9.1 9.4 8.2 2 8.7 16.2 20.7 22.2 3.4 19.1 19.2 10.4 5.3 5.4 5.9 8.5 9.7 13.9 BBC Kyrgyzstan obondoru Manas FM 2.6 4.5 8.9 23.5 17 11.4 6.5 9.9 20.5 11.6 19.5 100 138 / Media Consumption and Consumer Perceptions Baseline Survey / Min Kyal FM 1.1 23.4 27.5 13.8 7.7 59.4 13.7 36.1 14.1 2.1 10 20.4 14.8 13.1 1.9 8.2 Russkaya volna Tumar El FM 4.3 Don’t know Vodii Sadosi 5.3 38 3.9 1.2 6.4 19.8 33 6.1 17.9 6.8 4.8 12 13.7 17.6 20.8 81.7 Barakukh Naryn oblast 0.5 54.1 Zaman Autoradio 2.4 5.4 2.3 2.6 2.2 28.4 5.6 17.8 18.3 51.9 48.1 2.3 43.5 4.8 31.4 2.4 2.4 11 Azattyk 11.8 27.1 22.5 17.5 3.7 4.1 4.6 0.3 8.2 Almaz 5.1 36.2 9.8 33.4 4.5 4.9 1.9 0.6 3.5 BBC 7.4 35.6 7.2 31.9 3.6 14.4 Europa Plus 3.3 54.4 18.5 20.3 3.5 4 46.8 22.9 11.2 2.4 8.2 22.9 28.9 17.6 Russkaya volna 38.7 39.3 22 Don’t know 29.9 Vodii Sadosi 45.9 Gorod FM 52.2 Tenir Too 47.9 Birinchi radio Kyrgyzstan obondoru Radio Burana Kyrgyz Radiosu 6.2 2.3 6.6 6.1 7.5 8.7 70.1 54.1 23.9 23.9 26.4 8.7 17 50 45.7 37.6 50 16.7 139