Seueral Ofi,cial Boards
Seueral Ofi,cial Boards
TÌ\'O HUNDR.ED NINETY-SECOND ANNUAL REPORT Seueral Ofi,cial Boards TOS/N OF SUDBURY },TASSACHUSETTS rOR, THE TIVETVE MONTHS ENDING DECEMBER 31 193r THE NE\\'S.ENTERPßISE HUDSON, MASS. L932 i' J t ri t 'ilI I t? tl TOWN OFFICERS roh. c. Hau . .Ìt:.Ì'lt]ll.Îi. . .'re'm expi*es re32 Ir'ra'tr F, Gerry . . . . .tf?*Ì.Îit:i:t. . .'l'errn ex¡'1e32 SELIICTI\,IEN Chairman . . . . . . .lerrn expiles'1934 Ilarvey N. 'W.Irairbanh, . ilerm expires 1932 Borden,'Clellt Aubrey .1l'erm ex¡lires'1933 Howarcl ñI. Goodnow. . . . . . . . .1Ì:Ì:::::' . . .'re'n expires res¿ Fred Harn V/ébster Cutting ' ' .'l'el'nt exþiles '1933 : . . . .'i:ði'.i õiirii'eé igáÞ : : : Franlc P. Bartotr, iri-it--it' : SCHOOI, CONIN,IITTI}D Chairmau . . .'I'erm expires'1934 Franiç B. À'Iorton,'Treasurer ' . . .'let'tn expires {932 Þtrltena A. Rartlétt Georgo H. Clalhe, Harlan I-I. I-IIGHWAY SURVDYOR . . .'lelm expires '1932 Noyes TRI'E \Ã/ARDEN 0harles A. Brachett' I'larta.d Rogers . . :'.lii:::.Ïi. OONSTABLES . . . .Term expires '1932 Hall õñarlesA. Brachett . . . ÏIor¡'arcl C. Burr Se¡eca \á. . .'rre.n expi*es '1e32 . . . .llerln exþires '1932 BOARD OF PUBI,IC'WELFARD George H. Thompson, Chairm&n . . . . . .Ierm expiles'1934 ...Term exþires 4'932 M;.iitlt. clarte .Term exþires '1933 Cliff".d S.-wt'igtrt 4 Holvard C. COLLECTOR OtI TAXUS . . .'I'errn ex¡lires '1932 Burr TRUSTIIES OII GOODI{O\A¡ LIIIRARY L. I. Winship .. . . .'fenll expires {933 Bessie R. Maynarcl, Chainnarr . . . Terrn expires {934 Roland R. Cutler . . .Term expires {932 BOARD O['HIÌAI,TH Seneca W. Hall, Charles H. Way Chairmarr Richarul lì. Oliver Iflorence Ir. \áay PLANNING ].iOARI) . . . .'I'er.rn j.g32 ::::::::::: ::: . :: .'i;il ðiijiið' iöez . . .l['erm Howard c. Buir &alplf 4. Þarton Paul !l/. Rhoacles Stephen M. W. Gray . exþires 1934. . .'l'erm exþires !934 . . . .'lenn exþires {934 {. tl I rhe selectme,r . . . ::.Ì:tl .t:t]iT.tll . rer.m ex¡,ires 'r eB2 Appolntmonts by Selectmen I]EPUIIY OI{IEI,' OF POLIOII] Seneca \Ã/. Flall SP¡IOIAI, POLICITI Charles \á. Rice ìJarl .I. Iìoyer Everett \Ä/. Ijorvlier Irving H. Se¡'rnour Richarcl B. Oliver l¡redericli R. Stone Royal E. Ha¡'rres lVilliam E. Davisorr Albert E. Taìlanl FIor,t'arcl C. llurr .Ioseph \Vay Harr.v Gotberg \l¡illiam 'l'anntorr Daniel I(. Ingraltam I,'orrest D. Br¿rdshau' Alvarr ì.ìradshas' PUIiT,IO \Ã'I'IGI.IT]RS Leonard D. Stiles Alfrecl lìonazzoli Harrv L. Arnes John Guertin Mrs. Calrie Luce liacly P, Stiles. Etls'ard ù[arlirr \) 5 SURVDYOR OF LUMBER AND MEASURER OF WOOD Franh P. Bartou INSPECTOR OI¡ ANIMALS Clifford S. Wright SUPERINTDNDENT OF CEMETDRIIìS Abel Cutting INSPECTOR OIT WATER MBTERS AND TOWN \Ã/ATER APPLIANCES Richarcl B. Oliver SEALIIR OIi WDIGHTS AND MEASURES Richard B. Oliver MEMBER OT SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL COIVIMITTEE Harvey N. Fairbank ELECTION OFFICDRS '.llellers Lawretrce B. Tiglte Freclerich R. Stone Arthur R. llawes f,eo Quinu Ballot Clerks Charles Richarclsou I{ermau H. Austin John J. Conro¡Walter C. Stone ITORIIST \A¡ARDEN William E. Davison 'I'OWN AGI'NT, INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENT ]]OARD HarveY N. I¡airbanlc TINANCE BOARI) 'Walter ll. Piper Ralph Stone Franh Goodnow Arthur R. Hawes Everett W. IJowlter SUPDRINTENDENT OI¡ GYPSY ANI] BRO\A/N TAII, MO1'H \ 'ORI{ Oharles A. llracliett, IÌIIN(]U VID$/I'RS 'l'he Selectmen I,IST OI.' .IUIìORS l['homas Athirlsott Charles S. Ilalclr¡'itt Rolancl R. Cutler Calvin Il. Eaton I-Iamy J. Gotberg George'W. Hemenu'a¡' IIenrv G. Ilorton Oarleion ll. Wtìlter' Basil Il. Oliver John M. Martirr Louis D. Perr-t" James 'llnlis Joseph B. \átt¡- Oharles ll. ßertt Freclerich lì. lllachmer ¡\lbert A. 'lallant George FI. \\¡ilson Herlnatt I{. Austin John tr'I. Oarsott llercival l)ove lrrartk \\:.Giles \\Iilliam NI. Goulcling llany \\'. I{ogatt l,Iahlon Â. Palmer Chal'les I'1. Richartlsorr Leon ll. TIar¡'es Jatnes 1,. Qrriurt I,ICENSES GIìANTIìI] Victuallers-flsq'l¿¡¡¡l'fibbets, ]ìlanclic (iliclclen, Jarnes Crowlev. Leon E. I{ar.'i'es, tr'Iarghérita S. Galllo. H. P. Hood t Sond.' J. Ivan Dahlroih, Patlicl< Davis. Jatnes I-I' McManns, I(. I(alilainen, Nelsou Ho\\'e, James R. Glidcleu' Innholclers-Wayside Inn, William lì. I{oelsher, The Log' Cabin, Paul H. C. Eclte. Sale of Gasoline-Asa I-Ior,vlancl. Attctioueer-fl6ws¡d C. Burr. Sale of Fire Cracl<s¡s-J¿rnss Cror'r'ley, Leon Il. Hawes- TO\T/N WARRANT for the Annual Town Meeting, March 7' Lg32 COMMONWEAI,TH OF NIA'SSÄCIIUSETTS Middlesex, ss. 'Io cither of the Constablcs of the 'l'own of Sudbur.y, GREETING: of Massachusetts, you are In the name of the comlnorrNcalth ..''a..'.the of the Tol'u of inhabitants aud tã,toìit¡' Ite"e¡v -ai.dtr"t; to meet "ãq"i*ã affairs, torvn ancl i' clectio's vöte to [ualifiecl seveuth the Ivloncla¡', on, irl saicl to$'n, llall, ,itr il't. îr'"'," Tn\tn day of March, next, at scven o'clock'in the forenoon: then ancl thõre to act ou the follon'ing articles, namely: Ârticle f. ilo choose b¡' official ballot, in accorclance Nith lan,, a tnoclerator, a to'tvn tteasuret', a collector of taxes, three constaúles, a highrva¡'slll've)¡or' a tlce-rvarclen, all for oue l'eal'; one iriãrir¡ui. of t¡e boa¡cl of fuútic 1,elfare, o¡e mernber of tìre board oi nôoiifr, olic member of the sc¡ool committe^e,.one trustec of, the Goo,lnollj librar'¡', otre assessor, olre tnernbel of the boarcl of selectall fo' ;;;;ti"; lttu*¡"i'* of the plai'ri'g' Þgo,-d,.a to''' clerk, a vlc\Yers, fe'cc fielcl c¡'ivers, to choose ancl also threô ¡,ears; the for ofÊcers tolvn ueccssar)' otheÌ all ancl ar"r"v ancl tro.*at'k..pór ensuing year. The polls u,ill be open at sevcn o-'clock in the for.etroon and. mal' be closed at fortr o'clock in the afternoou' Article 2. 'Io hcar and act otr reports. Articte 3. 'Io see if thc torvn I'ill grant ancl apllropriate ltlone)¡ for an¡, ancl all tìecessfìt'I' torrn p[rposcs; pa-qs any 't'otes or take acl;ion relative thct'eto. The scìcctme'n here\\'ith ¡trescttt the estimatecl arltotttrls 1r' cover these itcms: $6,000.0(.) 1. Payment of iuterest 2,830.0() 2. Saiaries aucì ex¡leuses of to'tvtr offfcers 5,500.00 3. Street lig'hting s {. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 72. 13. 14. 15. .16. Iloacls, mainteuancc (Chapter: Gettelal loacl wolk 90) . . 200.0(Ì 6,400.00 1,500.00 R,oads (Chapter 81) Snot' ancl ice r.crnov¿rl lìepair of briclges ìfeurolial cla¡' experrses .. Calc of tol'n clock 200.0() . fucicleutals lìescrve fund . (lalc of soldiers' aucl memorial lots Itremiu¡ir on boncls ¿rntl insur'¿urce oli to'u'n office fs I'usul.ance of tou'n ¡rro¡rert¡' Statc aicl 77. I'olice clepartment 18. 19. I,'it'c' clepartrncnt . To'wu hall exllensc 'Iou'n reports .... Election ancl registration cxlrcnsc . . . . 22. Care of "Oltl Cemetery" i)o Carc of 'I'ol'n ceructery . . 25. L,ibrary trustees 26. Moth clepaltment 27. Iloalcl of health 28. I-tegal aclvice to sclectrneu .. . 29. lrrsuring tou'n em¡lloyees . 30. llxpcuse of planuing boarcl 31. Outting brush (Charles Brackett) . . 't2. 'l'rec 'n'arden (carc of shacle tlccs) . ÐÕ. 'I'ax collector's salar¡r :14. 'Iax collector's ex¡lenscs .... l.Ì5. Cost of Geor:ge Washinp¡ton ntcuroli¿rl ìrighrvtr¡. 20. 21.. :ì6. 'ì7. 38. 39. 40, 41. !9 ::1,000.0(, tablet tlnpaicl bills . 'forvn's shale in cost of colrstluction of Conut¡' T. B. hospital ¿t 'Waìthaìn . . . Su¡l¡lort of schools Åel'ial sulvc)¡ Pool department ..i..... Oìcl age assistauce Sa.lar'.t' of nrembels of Oìcl Agc Âssistance llurcau 27-c.00 50.00 600.0() 1,000.00 100.00 225.00 .l,000.0() 72.00 1,600.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 500.00 200,00 100.0û 100.00 600.00 1,300.00 300.00 200.00 750.00 100.00 300.00 300.00 1,000.00 200.00 110.00 500.00 5,900.01 29,500.00 700.00 3,õ00.00 1,500.00 100.00 $83,312.01 .A.rticle -1. 'lo anthorize the tr,easurer., l'ith the ap¡rroval of tlte selectmen, to borrol' nlone)' in anticipation of revetllle of t]rc cul'reììt fiscal ¡-ear; or do or act thercon. ¡\rticle 5. 'lo sec if the torvn rrill vote to extencl thc str.eet lighting s¡'stem a¡rpr.oxirnatcl¡' ouc-fifth of a rnilc, froln North road to houres ol'r\lrder.son Jlrothels, on Old I\[arlbor.o road. Årticle 6. To scc if the tól'n l.ill vote to accept the sum of I frorn t¡c cstate of \Yilli¿r¡r l,'rc'ch fo' thc per'¡ret'al caie of French lot: or take action theleon. Article ?. To sce if the tol'n 'tl'ill vote to accept from tlrt estatc of Georgiana I{.aynes thc sum of $100.00, for the pcrpetual care of the l{a¡'nes lot; ol take action thcrcon. Ärticle 9.' To see if the torvn lvill vote to change tìle clate o1ì its alur¡al busiuess rncetirlg ft'om the afteuroou of the ann¡al electiori to the follo¡'ing \\recl-nescla¡' evening, so that t¡e electio.n of officers .rvill be helcl õ¡ thc filst illoncla1' of March artd. tlte þttsirtess rnecting be helcl on thc Weclncscla¡' evclìillg follorving; pass aìì)' votes or take att.r' ¿tctiotl I'cl¿ttivc thereto.' Àr.ticle 10. 'I'o see if the torvn .n'ill votc to extcncl its street lighting s¡'stcrn frorn l(iug Philips t'oacl to thc rcsidence of I{erbert N"eu'ton ; pass arl.'!: votes or take action lel¿rtivc thercto. .¿\rticle 11. 1o see if tùe torl'D NilI votc to autltorize ancl instruct the selecttnen to offer tlte Hayues house (adjoining tolvn hall) ancl lancl imrnecliatel¡' sru.r'ouncì.ing it for sale -at public auction for cash to the highcsf biclcler, salc to be helcl before ,I¡l,v 1' 1932; receipts ft'oru the sale of this ¡rropert¡' to be appliccl to recluce the l¡ouclecl illdeìrteclncss of the town. ,r\rticle 12. 'l'o see if the to'tvn rvill vote to appropri¿ttc tlte .surn of $5,900.01 for the pru'pose of payirrg tþ" !o-ttïþ plopoltion of the cost of coDstructiori ailtl equipment of thc Middlescx couut¡' luberculosis hospital, the asseisment thcrefor having alreacl¡' been macle agaitrst the torv[; cleterrninc. rvhet]rer all or an¡' portion of saicl assesõrnent be fundecl as authorizecl by chapter 1"0, of '\cts of 19iì2, ancl fot $'hat peÌiod lìot exceecling fiftccn years, cìirect the tou'n cierlç to filc l'itli the couut¡' commissioners prornptl¡' a cop)' i,l rt vote as ma¡' be passetl u¡àer this a¡ticlc; or take a¡¡' actio¡ "ir to the srtbjeet lnattel thelcof' in l'elation .¡\rticle 8. 'Io sec if the torvn rvill votc to express an o¡linion in f¿rvor or agairrst t[e preserlt Olcl agc assista¡ce la'tv in its plesent form of operation. Ând you are recluirecl to this Nar.r.ant b¡' posting attested r¡r'iutecl-copies thericof at thc tol'lt hall, cach public rneeting hottsc, r¿ilro¿rtl station ancl ¡rostoffice in saitl t{r'tltt, scvelt cìa¡'s at lcttst bel'ol'e the tirnc a¡l¡toirttccl for holcliu¡r saicl lneetirlg. llereof fail not ancl rnake return of this $'arralrt n'itlt ¡'ottÌ t'loing tlrercon to t[e t<t¡'tt clct'k, at or ì¡efirl'c the tine qf nreeti¡¡¡ $1õ0.00 afolesaid. Giverl under our hancls this trvetrt¡'-four.tìr cla.l' o r re th ortstt tttl Ir i rtcr h tllrcì r'ecl atl of li'cbt'ttar)', il' thirt.r'-tl'o. IìY N. I¡ÀLIìIì.¿\NI(, Ohainnarr, ÂUIìIìDY \{'. I}OIìDI'IN, (.lltrtk, l{O\\¡r\Iìl) }'t. GOOI)NOW, Seìr:ctln<lr of Sudbttr.r'. I'Lr\R,V il'hc lcprlrt of tìre litratlce comluitttle is hercwith subÌ[itted : 10 REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE Sudbury, Mass. Irebruary i.0, C.932' We are passing through a period of economic readjustment. Our incomes have been lessened, aud in some cases to the extent that has meant the curtailment of necessities. It is very apparent that our expendi-tures must be g'iven serious thought. This applies to the town as r.vell as individuals. The town must lower its grants in order to lessen the burden on il,s people. 'Ihis can be accomplished onlv bv the cooperation between town ofIìcials and the taxþayörs. 'l'he tow¡i oflìcials rnuSt appreciaie the taxpayers-burdens and only expend what is absolutel¡' necessary at this time. The taxpayers must appreciate the positiort of the town ollÌcials and not be so drastic in their reductiou of expenses as to produce ineflìciency in_ the operations. Each party must respect the feelings of the other and be *,illing to-compromise on a situation r,vhich is very acute. 'I'he Finance lloard was ashed to approve grants totalling $90,3 j.2.00 or $7,866.00 mole than the amouut grántecl last year. If this amouut is grantecl it will inðrease the tax rate to an alarming fìgure. 'fhe arnount raised by taxes has increased frorn $40, 690.88 in 4"924. to $77,579.86 in '1934.. Our valuatiou has increased from $1,627,590.00 in 4.924. lo $2,462,570.00 in 493'1. Our funclecl clebt has increasecl from $15,000.00 in '1926 to S89,000.00 in '1931. Urrless u,e guarcl our expenditures thc tovt,n rvill fìncl great cliflìcttlty in borrowirtg monef in auticipation of taxes. Thð Finance- Roard is an aclvisor¡' boarcl and catr ouly mahe recommenclations. V/ith this in mincl the Finauce Boarcl has encleavorecl to make recomlnenclations that are basecl on reliable information and vi,ith a serious vier.v of the problem befole it. It is not a ¡ropular idea to be econbmical and the Fitrance Board must appeal to the taxsunoort. navers ' 'ffre for Finan'c'e Roald submits the following recommenclations. láe recommend that all compeusation for services of oflìeers and employees paid by the tor¡'n be reduced teu per-cent. ' 'V/e recommend that the town accept the stafe and on expenditures for transportation; .viz, an national ruling-five ceñts per mile for light cars, (Fords, allowance of 1l Chevrolets, etc), attcl sevell celts per urile-on heav¡'. cars, ¡BùicË. ca¿itlir'cs. el,c.). (The prese't allo*'a'ce is fifteen ceúts pcr rttile for all t¡'pes.) .¿\rtiele 1. Pa¡'tnellt o f irtterest We recouuneltrl Àrticle 2. Salat'ies urcl officers Ilr line with thc $6,000.00 $6,000.00 ex¡tettses of tolvn 2,830.00 gerreral I'ecluctiou rl.e 1,850.00 recommeucl Alticle 3. Stlcet lightiug Tt is appalelrt tltat this atnorurt calruot be reducecl. We rccotnmencl tltc granting of $5,500.00 and that this subject.bc iniestigated in regarcl to cliseontinuing celtailr lights at otìoe . Alticle 4. R.oatls lr¿rintettaltce (Chaptcr e0) 5,500.00 5,ó00.00 3,000.00 \\¡e ale oblisc¿l to grant $6,i100.00 uncler Chapter 81, rvhich rvill give $12'800.00 ($6,400.00 fr<¡m the statc) for roacl rvork under fhis (lhaptcr. \Yc feel that about 7r,>ati oI the roatl cxpettcliture is lallor'. With a tert ¡rerr:etlt recluction iu 'lvagcs, this l'oulcl give consiclerable lnore moncl' for roacl l'olk. fn ol'rler for the taxpa¡'ct' to be nefit frorn this tcn pelcent i'eriuctiorl ilr \\'ages' 1\'e lnust reducc the amoutlt grantccl uucler Chaptcl' 90. lll' grantin¡¡ a thousand tlollals under thii cha¡ltcl tlte tol'n u'ill have three thottsarrd dollats ({l;2,000.00 from for roacl rvork. With the savilg iu rvttges there'rvill be approximatel¡' $;tZ,t¡O.OO available for the roacl cì.epaúnrcnt. \\¡e therefore recommellcl thó sìun of otìc tllousancl elollars be state ancl corttttr') 1,000.00 ;grantecl Ârticlc 5. Cietrel'¿rl lrracl l'ork 'lhis altrotrnt cot'ers expcllscs th¿t ealtnot be takctt l'rottt au¡- other accorurt. lVe recomtuertcl t'tço hundrecl clollars be glarrtcrl for lhis Plll'Pose Articlc 6. lìt¡acls (Ohapter' 81) 'l'h is amouttt lrtttst lie grautecl. \Ye recotnmettcl the sum ot sixt¡'-four huudrcrl dollar:s be grantecl . . . . Àr'ticle ?. Srtorv attcl ice t'elnoval \\re feel thtrt lnore is askcd for than is actuall¡' ììe0essar)'. lf occasioll aliscs, 200.00 200.00 6,400.00 6.400.00 1.ã00.{x) 12 such as heavy sl)orv or bacl ice stortns, tr snecial meetinE can be callecl to grant mottey needed.- We reeommcnd a thous- and for this Pllrpose Article 8. Repair of bridges .-. .. . . .:-'-" We nust ìut all expcnses if ¡lossible, in orcler to recluce the total expelìse. We recornmend- a hunclretL ancl fifty dollars for this purpose Article 9' Memo'ial da¡' st"tttes " " " We -tecl that a band. can be hired for less than iu previous yeals' attcl some- of the other exfenses cut in proportion' \\re recommencl iheosum of tlvo hunclred and twentv-frve dollars for this plu'pose ' ' ' Ârticle i0. Care of the tortn clock ' ' ' " ' In order to be consistent rvith the ten ncrcent reduction in wages, we recominend forty-five clollars fol this ptlrpose' A.i'ticle 11. hæiclentals 'W'e are cleducting a sizeable amount from the teserve fund and therefore i'ecommencl six hunclred clollars for this pul'pose Reserve fttncl This is att emergency firnd aud motrey fol this accouut can be raised at a speeial tol'n neeti¡rg. We recomrncntl fïve hun- läictä lz. :iJä d"io,*"io''it'";' pu.pose and. memo1ll Care C¡r'e of nf soldiers' and' 13. rial lots This account is subject to a ten per' nriaìa Article cent recluction. We recommend ninety '.":"." dollars for this purpose Àrticle 14. Premium oll bontì.s and rnsut'ance of the town officers .. . ' It is apparent that this am-ount^it 199u.ráty. 'te recottt*entl $225.00 for this 1,0oo.oo 200.00 150.00 275.00 225.00 50.00 45.00 600.00 600.00 1,000'00 500'00 100.00 90.00 225.00 pìrrpose'i"*o"utto" :............':"' r^^^^^ of to'rvn property 1,000'00 A.ii"lã"iá. --- lVu understand that this amount is rlecessary to insure the new to'q'n hall ancl othõr town property. We recommend $1,000.00 for this purpose " " ' ' ' ?2.00 Alticle 16. State aid ' '" ' ' This amount must be grantetl and is later refuncled by the state. We recommenct $?2.00 for this Purpose Article 1?. Police dePartment wages, ftlith a ten Percent cut inis recomIt sufficient. be rvill $1,400.00 225.00 1,000.00 72.00 1,600.00 .t.3 mendecl that the cleput¡' chief be paid $900.00 per year, to include his allorvance for exì)erìses, ar¡d $õ00.00 for other rvages and expenses of the police depart1,400.00 ment Article 18. Firc clepartment Of this amorrnt, about $600.00 lvas asked to provide a booster tank aucl pump for thc forest fire puurp. We clo not believe this is advisable at this time. A ten percent cut iu lvagcs is uccessary, a saving of about $140.00. We recommend the sum of $2,360.00 for this pur'pose '""på"*e . ... . . ... Article le.''i;;;';' i'"if \VC recornmencl $1,800.00 fol this purpose A.rtie.le 20. 'I'on'n repolts A. smaller amount t'ill 3'000.0C 2,360.00 2,000.00 1,800.00 500.00 e.ovcr the actual expense. We recornmeud $350.00 for _this purpose .Àrticle .... 350.00 21. Election and registt'ation ex- pellse 200.00 There lvill be several elections this yerrr ancl this arnouut is neccletì, subjee.t to a ten percent letluctiou. We reconrmend $180.00 for this pìupose r\r'ticlc 22. Care of the Oltl cemetery . .. . This cemetery is in goocl coutlitiotr, and u'e believe a small amount rvill do this year. We recommend $50.00 for' this purpose .... Artiole 23. Care of the Tolvn cemetery .. This cerneter)¡ is in gootl condition, and rve believe a small atnonut rvill do this ¡'ear. 1\'e recommerrd $50.00 for this 180.00 100.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 purpose Article 25. Libraly trustees Nerv furniture can be 600.00 purchased through the state for $?0.00, to furnish the branch librar¡'. .il ten percent rcduction in lvages should apply here also. We recommend $500.00 for this pulpose Article 26. Moth department Moth work, turless an emergency arises, can get aloug on $500.00, with the instruction by the selectmen to the moth town does not su¡lerinten<lent that the'We recommend. arsenate of leacl. sell $500.00 .....; 500.00 1,300.00 500.00 14 -¿\r'ticle 27. Boarcl of health Reccived. teu ¡rercent recluctiotl' \\¡e recornmettd. $270'00 for. this ptlryose . . . ' Article 28. Legal aclvice to selectmell . .. Expenclitures last year rvere $27.00. A large-part of this frurd is helct in l'eselve for: eirergenc¡'. If the occasiolr âriscs, suclt mone¡' can be taken frorn the reservc fuucl, or if necessar)¡r . can ,,bc securecl at a special tolvn rneeting' \Yc rccomrnord $50.00 fol this ptrrposc . . . ' ' ¡\r'ticle 29. Insuring torvn ernpì'o)'ees . ' ' ' On account of balancing this account, rre recommencl $500'00 for this pnrposc' ¡\rticle 30. Expense of plauning boarcl ' ' Bxpenses ,tôr the ensuing yetrr shoulcl' llot bì over $50.00, according to the report of a membcr of this boarcl' We i'ecomrneucl $ö0'00 for this purpose . ' ' ' Àrticle 31. Cutting brush . lVe recomnend. no grant for this pur- 300.0(l 270.00 200.00 50.00 7õ0.00 500.00 r.00.00 50.00 300.00 pose. 32. 'l'ree s'arclen, shade tl'ces . . ' ' We recomrnencl $2?0'00 Ärticle 33. Tax collector's salar¡' 'Ien percent reduction. Wc l'ecomureud $900.00 for this purpose . . .. . . ' '. Article 34. Tax collector's expetrses .. " \Vc aclvise a recluction of ten percelìt in this item. We recornmend $180.00 for this purpose ..'. r\rtiele 35. Cost of George \\rashington . .-. . : " r¡telnorial highs'a¡' tablet \Ve do noifeel-that uncler the existing at this conclitions this tablet is necessary ''W'e not recdo economy. tirue of strict ouunend this exPerlditure, Article 36 UnPaicl bills that this arnottnt rnust It is apparent ^ be paicl. the¡' s'ere contracted in emergeuc.v and rvòre lreyoud' th-e,^ control. of i,t¡'oiro. We rceommencl $500'00 for this .¿\rtictc 300.00 270.00 1,000.00 900.00 200.00 180.00 110.00 500.00 500.00 ptìrp0se Àrticle 3?. 'I'otl'tt's share in cost of corlstmctiorr' of Courrt.v 1'. R. hospital at \\:altham This is a oolult.)' assesslnen'c' We tecoturuencl the surn of $1,900.01 be applopliatccl froln the cxcess ancl clcficienc.ì' 5,900.01 15 ¿rccount for this purpose. That the balancc, $4,000.00, n'ill be consiclerecl rvhen pending lcgislation before the state legislatrlre is settled Article 38. Sup¡lort of schools $29,500.00 We feel that the cost of supplies have clroppecl ancl a ten ¡:ercent recluction i¡r salalies anrl l'ages are ìteeessar'¡' hcre, as in auy other departnent. Consiclerable cxpenditnrcs for: paiutitrg aucl insnrauce, etc., paicl last ¡'ear, are not recluiretì this ¡'ear. \\¡e lecom¡nencl that $4,000.00 be taken ll'om the e\cess and cleficiency account ancl $22,õ00.00 be grantecl. \Ve Lecomurencl $26,õ00.00 for surve.y Alticle 39. ¡\erial this purpose, This can be postpouetl for the present. \Vc tlo not rccomnrcncl arr.y expenclitrue uudel this iteln. Article -10. Poot cìepartlneut We feel that in olcler to leduce the tax burclen, this amouut shoulcl not be allorvecL at this tiure. If more is neeclccl in the futule, it can be seculccl at a special rneeting. lVe lecommend $3,000.00 fol this pnr'¡rose, to bc a¡r¡rropriated fronr the excess aucì cìeficiency accorurt assistance 'l'he saure reasorl applicls to this article recor¡rmencl År'tiele $1,000.00 fol this lrulpose, to bc a¡lprolrriatecl flom thc excess ancl cleficienc¡- Article 41. Okl agc as to aceount 1,900.01 26,500.00 700.00 3,500.00 3,000.00 1,õ00.00 40. We Articlc 42, Salaries of age assistance bureau members of . okl Wc fcel tliat this item is subject to a ten percent recluction. \Ve recommettcl $90.0() for this pulpose be ap¡rropriatecl from the cxccss and deficienc¡' accourtt, 1,000.00 100.00 90.00 F'INANCE COM}IITTJI.E. Walter D. Piper, ÙIelvin L. Guptill, IIenry E. Rice, X'orrest D. Bradshaw, Gardner Poole. t(, SELECTMEN'S REPORT ¡'ou Ihis ¡'eat"s,trtessûge 'iñ blirrg'.to l'ellos' Citizens-l\s u'e ih" "thro"es 0f' orre of the rnost rve still fìncl oursel;; cott.try arrtl serious de'r.essio"'ìniriióü rìis" eïer Jf.rclt this iri iact thti s'holc u'orlcl' tlefìrrite policies t)oes nol this sittiatiorl slrS'g€st certairr to bÌing Ìeliel'? pr.actice ir"ïüt"into u,hich ùrusl, of tnc¡' rve.l,noug'nl, {929 i,i r..;Ë;;i'.;;; fròááii \\rheLr trusi'ess"o.ui.iii, has tirne ¿rs sotte bttt tetnþorary, ,iJi,äì;ì;;-î"î i"ii¿-atict ]iïuï lträ' econornic ìa$'s rvhiclt on i[ has becorne ;iü;;tit ftttrclatnetrl'all¡rl,e hat'e gro\\'tt to a'c'cept as sotrtt{1, ¡nnsl' llc [ho courrlr¡.leatlirrg[i;t''i¡,*iruü1"'of orrt of ;tr; ;f tlt;"deilt'etiic'n bach to pros¡rerilv'ije criticizetl f'or ¿r oru. econornic ;i;íri;^-ö'i ,¡t,it¡'of a[,,c tittte p..,üitrîos[-iìrfl¿itiorr' .s'ste'r *.Ìric¡ -,tullatiorr rlirectl¡' ',i^^.i,ii.Ëlpätii'i-w 'alrres .folìorvi¡g" åÌrii"ïit.;; "oI ttttstts¡recting ¡re'¡rle [', rtrtrr' äi:iri,iäïã.* tläii ui m¡e.. air eclticatetl"liulilic' Sttrell' does rrot i'lterr, -irt' a cutrtr['r¡' tttt;'toi;g'"otr',to.,t,1"'ii"uii"tó ¡e so*retlii,iä ¡lerc r'ust. $'hich lrft s st,orehouscs airrl *ces i.ór,ìi i,i iii*.iiåììäËì1,-ri"li t. s¡roil' iïìi;;i'i';ittr"'.,iiirli;; "i'ìì;;ü ohd e.'e"'et''rittetl t tì *'ott lrl eyo t ar g' t¡r ¡þ'r¡' îii;* ;;,;ïr, ðü'rö',,í',i'i;ò"r;ì r'rrsl ¡c rno*c ctiar.i[j:. iroi roi' "_$il -riords 'l'lie¡e il;;;"i,i;,,s ï:õ*" ir 'ñ" 1ì.se*s. [¡c \A¡ill irrc póei.i, i1",¡i-'riioñ ..of' ì'lnis ol' lltc trttiott fìrsl is lìre ii,ììì;;t.i;ì: tr'Ìi.,ì fi" ïuvr&*l'o'tol;ile"' att puo,ilruuse itt üäTiä'ió''g" tii tlte *'il,lt contliti.rrs ¿rntl \\:e all u** ,''o.'é"ói. t"* familia. arrothet'. Ù[tr.y ol' wnl' or i*_otìe. 1,o.,é"fJt'tñi. d.lj;*sio' antl fìrrtl ortr earttirt¡r ü;'ìi;*" riiüeieä ;;;à6 rieductions *'¡._ at'e l)roäälr*riií s.réui¡: r.ecl*õecl, u'hile o¡re*s of rrs [¡e ¡rices trear' oblairr to .iò-o.e'unablc tr"t,it ¿üó.iÀ"nri.r forlncr')'eûrs' itl as pt'oclttcls labols of out' i"* tttô "'^Sü;¡rüÑ'ìiïfrái q'ouicl be tert¡etì a fagriing ctttrtntutrit'r' ,n lòi'i,i^åoiisicter'wtial ttre farrner receiles for his--gootls' ¡i1e¡raretl ¡¡'..tlle ll.epar'[iüñ à. stìicii; ò¡ rìgurJes I'ecerttìv ot ng'ricuf t,rrli *'e learn sp"ecifìqãlly the tliflìcull ll*ihe recer'cs "i."'iï liorr of l,his class of people' \\/e firrtl Ihal pro..cls as iä,iày-õ,ii¡; seve.t¡, peiceirt as^ for his rtf cot'pat'isott. ¡*iccs l,il'cs. 'llhis in he itirt Dre-o'irr' äñpfì.i uir,uilv o'.ll lo rnost of t¡e basic i¿r*'trtalct'itrls solrl r r in -'^ ihe coutrtr¡* toclal'. filrrl tlternsel'cs u'orkirrg ¡leo¡ile-.f Uaui'-of -iorlay.'iiro.s'a¡cls ^ðf''o.,orktlle of ¡leo¡rlc 'est,crrla)' tho.satttls ripon oui úìl*,u*t. úiJ e,ouiitr¡' 'ro lo.gcr fìncl l¡ernselves ablc lrr I7 boconrirrg- obligetl obtairr etnplo¡'trtetrt utltl are .gt'adttally 'lt-r tiiirr;tr:-{ffi iilti':$ffi ä;;; t;;ì; tltt'on','tt out of worh becaurfîî,,ili:lïi-,:s** hce¡r his custotrtar¡' been unable tc, seri'ä"m; ãiioägtr to force at vi'ork' tlernatxlillg'tìte Inclustlial s'c¡rhers have been sl'ubborrrl¡- ttttetnploytttettt co.tittttauce or rtísit'ä;äJ";;fet' ":ltitö tlue to^ l'lte has been corrt,irruaÏly ittc-t'easitrg, .¡rrincipally the"oil luñrbei'nran' fact ttral, ttre t'ar'rriåii, tt";'*ilði,'.tìt" iurable to buv little rrrod*cer,, n,,,t ,r",o,ii"btüäirl'îäiã'uõerlio buv L¡ccartse of the înore ürair o,,e truti'of"üili*i'tüäi "le¿ hävc ke¡rI thittgs nr.ices at $.hich illtlirstrinl rvaþe scales to brrY. äiãv-wa,tt g-rott¡r too' "'ï,,äilitî'"äöiil; ol u'orhus, and il' is tr lur'ge beett slo$' has u'lrich -"åiläiüä ntsbütl"ìiä i;'";*;.i'j.' eleverr, antr¡' of thc is redtíction I,o accepI o, ,,,"iåii,ì;;dg; orrc ortt, of govelnrnenl, autt,ii.iiiåil,niär"tpio¡'uur.'llhinli roi',thc,public' ïfãîtitig' leilli^'i::rl)of ever'¡' clevett.,,ii'ii" the sarire rate of'u'agc as lrì pl'osoã.teà'bt' taxat,iorr. a[ taxes n¿r' the *'h0 iiìll,ä'i;iúið itr" ¡re,¡rle [1;c'rlö¡rÌcssir)Ir. are re-fi;åä _ _(ì1.'\'errI ceiving \\:agcs r+,."oiry'i.,iñðöir-r¡1- i{ii-';i{å tr*:tui{î'#,'',i.*illxiî**ffiU;T prirlìt at lhc of rlem()crac¡.tnaì,'a ¡ìart ol'orrr,¡re0¡rlc sh()ttlcl sif'riati.rt totltt¡' exl)erìsc of t¡e ,,ifötlî'"S-rir'ãii;.t'ttai it t¡e rIt t tti' bttrd e¡ I t¡ f' tuxal i i-:rilt' i";;r'å'i,,ìo'i,"i,pró''"ãôtinf rynile !1" :ltll:':.pu't ¡xiu'er -earning ìì;iiiì À ä"å,irir: -shrile,ìôiù,äe¿'"ornirrg ¡rou'er as rn ì)r'os."itt", tt e same ;;;ä. iÏi Derotts tinles. u''\ï;fìiiiiîiiilittle satte silt¡ ri¡4ht ¡e.c itt ,ttt' 'rçtr as r'ell ¡'enrl¡' i;,,'.'t,ä"i;;lt'-i.iïu.''.osirr¡1 tor.r,^ of Srrtl¡rrr,¡'." Is il ilor ¡X,ssihle lltnt $'e ;:;"åì;' ;ò;ìl;ìi' i,,,ióiìi.iìì,""'..'.' pr:etlicanlent as sortl(r ol satne ttte iti rnight, fìrrtl t,urseivôã t.he h.'rrlr.ttn'eallh? Sorne ¡re o¡rer ton,trs irìià ôïtié-.t .f ottrcrt lìrrtl thei.s s' irtt¡rait'etl ii.'";fìiie of these ha'e r. ätä,f r.â t c 0 f i n l eres l $'ìre t hieh i,cPr; r,,*.î,i'iii"ì,ar: ;j. ìiì*ï^ú;ð); ,tt tlteil' aff'tri.s' itl.càtt'v attettt¡,r t,, úä''ìtJoJ' "'n"ey tltel' ,Í.no r¡resti,r,r ítii**'o-^iìi üìtut Srrtllirrr'¡' cart tlo l' t'elievtr ito in lter"rtu'rr lirrle. r'av trr trriå'litìlitiä,iì'l'ä'üõì äo'i'*l'é llte silrtatiorr. 'l', rltt{rte, -"1¡¡re,st bri.E aìlo.t a¿,i,,.ii"î',i- f n i*tio.'e urrivcrsal ¡,racrice,l' iiÏ:Frä;iii;,,ì ö;;ìi;iã;.,ì.¡i¡i. r r iäi'rll-tïié"1;à,ii;;'ììì"ii,i*.càì,"tt'¡'. ft'otn Oorr¡.r'ess rlo$'tt lo over'-exPer'l,r.''äu"tì" tÁi .aritl ¡rractioalll-....::.']|.t"of" atlrl rrr.onertr.. It is irsiìa'liy- rloirc irr lhc nûtììc ol' ¡rr()gress rìrrrl t'ò is t'at it .r' ¡re,¡rle TifTiit,ti,,t'ili" .äiììlT".,i'''*..i a.xl lhei' lilterl' cttrtailetl' Il lr¿rs 'à","Ñce¡tl¡' thcir prog*.*. råiuiìüò,i tllis [6rr-tr hns lleerr r'ill¡ec^ s'r¡rr.lsrrg iräirf is 18 ing io accept the eler incleasirrg ìrurtlerr ol' l¿rxatioll. ls it not time for us to begin to econc-rnrize arrd cut our ex- penses rather than iucrease thern agairr this ¡'s¿¡r It is our urgent plea this yeal to ¡'ou'cilizeus of'Snclì:ur¡-,, who are bearitrg the bl'urrt ol' laxalit-rlr tu coul.rel'al,e u'ith the fìnance committee ancl us iu an ellorl {o reclucc thc tax levy this ¡'s¿¡. \\'e see lìo llìol'e platrsi¡le r¡ethocl to do this than to asli all rnunicipal ern¡tlol'ees to accept at least, a ten percerrt r.erluct,ion irr u'&ges. \Ä'h¡' shoulcl fhese people not be r,r'illirrg to fall irr ìine u'ith ¿rll the other classes of rvorhmen throrrgliou[. llie currrrtr'¡'? 'l'helc is scarcel¡' a.ny s.orlier orrtsirle rrmrrici¡tal eur¡tlo¡'ces that, have not taliert at leasü u t.err ¡rercerrt crrt anrl a ¿¡reat, tìlan¡r |1¿ys tal<elr l,u'o ¿rntl three such crrl,s. Srrrel¡- everl'one hrros's tltat it, rloes llof cos[, as nnrch to live as il, clirl [,u'o or three l'ears ago. Marr¡- itellls cost ¿rl, Ieast, fìl't¡' 1'lercerrt, less. Irr tlte nlatter of sr.r¡tplies rvhich are bought I'or the rlill'erent departments of the torr'rr lhe¡' must cost at least ten percent less than ilrev rlirl a. f'erv l'ears ago. these thoughts irr lnin<l hou' c¿rrr u'e .justifv ourseh'es il contiintirìg to ¿rsk oul citizens u'höse eär,nirrg ca¡racit.r' has lteel grcatl¡' r.erlucecl to su¡ipolt lt¡' taxatiorr ¿r._gpoul) of' nrrrrrici¡ral eru¡tlo¡'ces ¿Ì[ the lligh rriage scale of' ¡rros¡rerorrs.tirtres? \\'c l¡clievc the f'¿rir nlirrrlctl ¡teople u'olking f'or Ihe Irlu'n ru.e u,il]irrg to coo¡.rcla[,e i'il litis nt¿ttor arrrl tcce¡rt this ti'rr ¡rercerrl, cLr[. l¡rrt it-is trot f'rril nnrl jus[, t'or' otìe úìroul] [rl laìio it i1' tlle I'cst, rcf'rrsc. \\'e sirrcerc'l¡- believe {hal tllc rlc¡rar.trnerrIs c¿rn f'rrnclion jusI as el[icicntl¡- rrrrrler llris ¡rlatr. 'l'his rlraller.f't¿rx¿rti.n is u¡t¡lcr.rnosl, irr ortr rnirrrls as \\.c Inalic llris re¡rorl ¿utl f'cel thát- evet'), citizcn ol lhc Iou'rr shorrlrl gile it,'serirlrrs th.ught. It, is riot our rlesirc tri roiver lhe sIarrrlartl or cflìcierrcr- -of Ihe rvor]i ilr ¿r,lr- rrellal't,rnent. \\'c fcll thal Iher.e is rrrì neerl for t,his to i'är,pd,i, ii.-"fne polic¡' ol the fìrrance couunission is l'ollou'erl. " I).r'itrg lhe pasl )'eAr \\/e h¿r'e lteen ¿rJllc l.o tla.he .rrangernents for th,e 0f larrrl aI the jrrrretiorr ol -prrlelilrse concorrl Iìoatl anrl st¿rte Ro¿icl frorn *'hat, u'a"s ilre-Rice estate srrflìcienl, Io nralie that cornel. safe to trallìc. .l.he plart is to r¡'irlen the rrlorrth of ooncorrl ro¿rrr on {.hal, sirle aboui fìftecn feet, r'r'hen r'ììorìey is ar'¿rilable to [al<e óare ot the u'orlr. \\'e u'ish to call ¿rflerrtiolr to ilre actiorr l¿rlierr b'the f.o*'r aI the last s¡reeial rneetirrg *'herr ,r cict'ü'' ti'ot esfablisìred to act for-fhc sevelar boãrrrs anrì ofIìcers of the tou'.. u.der the ¡rreserrt pran r,he Io*'r-r acco,iirtárit, tìas gg'I-ee^d to be at thè SeIectnren's r.r)r)nìs irr lÌro i,cü; ì,^.,, hall Lour e'eni.g's a froul se'err l. eler.err n'',i u,n Irrst'. ¡iatur'(la1' al'ternoorr of e\-er\; rnoulh lo lirlie cale r¡f' wnatever business nra¡'rlemarrrl hel serr-ices. 'l.lris clcrli is to recei'e a salar¡- rif .$;oo,o0 ¡rer ¡.ear. ;\s slrô i*-sì¡ll 1tl be grantetl fol' to be the tou'tt accotttltan[ tto salar¡' treetl Ir is ¡rrrleisloocl rlrat irriïüïñ"iä "t th"äìii'iTuï'iið.liiig.' boartl of Assessors' åTrä"ilÏ'il" tlie .:ierical u'orli l'orrlhe ite¡r ¿tlstr ;;ñdñ áì"ôr,"is to ap-pìoxirnately rF2ir0.00. 'e*peuse llhis the boa¡cl of' for öf iroírïiirJifð¡r ffiËîrã,ì"rc,r .rìriut l,er salaly^and sf for oäôìüñit 9450.00 nîï"éõoiã. be ta¡err f¡om ;;î;"1^iiiat-t¡ã-¡ir1ánée of gfO.OO shottlcl ure exoenr* o""o.üli of ittei other boarcls ol' ollìcels.irr ol' callins ,r.u)orì. her ,{'gt' ;;;';iíiñh Tt;;ä-iiiõ p*i"ites" at Ihe hall. l,'rottr tlrrs ¡õ¡r.s ofIìce her o!;ì;ì";i;-it,r*i,,g. cloes troL lììeall an)' clerh la' see that this ôxnla'at,iorr meatt ttral' the.aclit does but, 'ou ;i'#;';iil;J;i"-th*-ùo""', lltsittess u'ill ue..sys[etr.ratizecl triäiit-iìi1äìîäi"ttilr-t,l*',r;J felt iças trecclecl havc ç'e *'hich Sasis ¡irriiiéri ili;i^öüi;;'i l'or some [ilrle. ^"'ü;;;rnpt"tiott of the tte-r-r' hall presetrts e.tlctl lÏÎ]Ì19t"' be called rt¡lott to luake l'e*'lll&llolls r.r'ill Selectine. 'l'he s.overltilrg thc corlclttcl of'al1'ttirs n'hich tt'e lo l)e lìel(l Ilìel'e' Î1"'åîúuiì"u"iieÀ*:Jt: t¡r malie these rules strirrge_nl. err.ortgh to n.ð.éï"J {¡e arrrl co.clitiotr of the liall, ¡'e,1, at tlte 'älii;^ tiì"ä'ófi*' itt",,.e u'lro use it suflìcierrl. frcerlorn_ arrtl äõäò-ôüations lo car:*y out lheir activities successfttll¡'. i;ì tlii¡ re;ltect. *'e ca.icsll' solicit )'oì'' cool)e'atiotr.. "'\ü; f't¡r o*e'u"r1, ¡ap¡r¡' lo aòh'o*'let[ge and g'ive-lltart]ts (.ìa*ie fr'tir fias Ame.ica* a ta*g" oi ttre"ã.ift,s" .rVrs.... 'l'his fla¡4' i-f*rñï. [o the torvri l.o arlonr its neNlo$'il hall. u'ìrile irr clietl u'ho sott. her of cashet t,ne ñË';lÅ"*t'ón iiö.Ë;ìi";.if l,ì.i courrtr'¡'anrl senl, to her tt¡rotr llte burial of the bocl¡t" ,' i.. narrn¡t r¡r n nr¡rqo As r¡'e lìrirrg this re¡lort to a cltlse'ive agaill nt'8e ]'ol t t(, ctirrsirlel'aiion to the eff'ol'ts alttl t'econrttrcrttltt"i"é"sð"ioir,s t"i";.-"1 liié ñ"n,,"" cornr¡ittee atttì go i¡ltt toq'rt ttteelirr¡l u'itlr t[e tleterutiltatiotr Itl clo solltetlting lo rellcvc this vear "evel' itrcreasing bttrcletl of taxat'iotr. this RespectfuÌìl' submitle<I. I'IARYJtl' N. lrr\IRììr\ N li. Atilltllì\: \\'. IIORI)lli\. llO\\':\iìl) lt. (i0OD\O\\" Stllect¡t¡etr o I' Stttllltrt'¡" 20 TOWN CLERK'S REPORT Proceedings of Town Meetings During the year 1gB1 ANNUAIJ TO\'YN MEETING-MAR,CH 2, 1931 Wauant clatccì February 1981, sigrred by Harve¡, N. Fair-16, Aubrey Borden and Howar¿ ìvt. Coó¿'o",, $.luét*"n. þa'k, ry. Retr¡r' of service b¡ .,!ene93 p. Hall, Constable. 'Uàaã,iuto", George Clarke. Ballot Clerks, Artúur R.. Harves. ¡ames I_,. I-.¡arvrence B. Tighe, Freclerick R. Sto'e. ieUcrs, Jäfr" ¡. Qui'', -H. conro¡', Herm¿' Ir. Au.sti', warte' c. sto'e, charres b. hiãi*r,asorr; all cluly_slvorn. The polls t'ere openecl at ? o'clock in the foleuoon, and, pursua*t to vote, closecl^at half-past iãu"-o;átocL in the afternoon. The total vote lvas 427 Í.ot,toivn officers. Article 1. To choose b¡' officiar balrot in accordanãe with law .a. mod.e'ator, a torvn tieasurer, a collector of ta*ãÁ, tfrree constables, a highway surveyor, a tróe lvarden, all for orc yuu"; one member of the boarcl of public 'rvelfare, one member oi ttró bg?Td of he.alth, one member of ttre school cémmittee, onã trustee of the public library, one ¿Ìssessor, ole member of seÍuãt**, i*o members. of the n_lanning board, áU for three years; one *embe" of.the planning.board, for trvo years; and aiso to-choose field trrrvers, ïence vrervers, a pound keeper and any and all other necessary town ofücers for the ensuiñg year. The polls will be open at seven o,clock in the forenoon and. may be closed at four o'clock in the afternoon. For Moclerator fol One George H. Clarke John C. I{all Scattering Bla¡lks l'or Year.: . Selectman for Three Years: .[farvcy N. Fairbank Scattering Blauks For ¡\ssessor for Three Years: Fred Ham .. Percival W. Jo¡res Blanks For Treasurer for One Year: Ilarland I{. Iùogers Rlanks 200 208 2 T7 340 ,' 8ó 266. 144 17 379 48. 2l For Collector of laxes for One Yeat: 394 33 Horvard C. Burr' Blanks For Menber Boarcl of Public 'Welfare for Three Years: George II. Thompsor .. . 36? 60 Ill¿nks For }lember School Committee for Three Years: George H. Clalke ¿\bel Cutting ..' . Scattering (oue vote each) ' 306 6 6 109 Blanks Sulveyor, fot One Year: l'or l{ighl'ay L44 -¿\lfletl F. Bonazzoli .. . . Harlan H. Noyes E. Ifaynes 268 1 14 Blanks tr'or Thlee Constables for One Year: Charles S. Beckrvith Clralles A. Brackett ... . Hor'varcl C. Burr se'eca w. Hall C. E. Bent 125 ' ¡. . ..... | 209 For Trustee of Gooclnow Library for Three Years: 349 11 Bessie R. Maynarcl II. Ilairbarrk Sca.tterirlg ..... .. Bl¿nks For tr{ernber l3oarcì of l{ealth for Thlee Years: Florence P. Way G. H. Thompsou . Blanlçs For Tree W'a¡cleu Charles 'W'. for One Year: . . .. A. Brackett Stone Blanhs For 'fu'o Members Planning Board for 'I'hree Years: Herbert I-.¡. Newton Paul Whitney Rhoades IJlauks 333 1 Blarrks Mrs. 269 344 4 63 329 2 96 368 1 58 29r 262 301 22 I¡ot Onc i\'Icmbet I'lanning lloalcl for î'n'o Years: Stephcn l'I. lV. Grtr¡' . Scatterirrg Blanks 303 ,, t2t Article 2. To hear and act on reports. Votecl: That thc lepolts of the scveral officers ald courlnittees as tlìe.\' appeal in plint in the anunal tou'n rc¡rort, rvith certain t¡'pographical crrors notecl, be received ancl lrlaeccl on fflc. Article 3. 'I'o seo if the lon'n l'ill grant ancl appropriate for an¡' aucl all necessaty toI'n purposes, ì)ass an¡' votes or ü' take action relative thereto. The Selectmen herel'ith ¡rlcsent thc estilnatcil alnounts to cover these items together with the surns grantccl for the ¡'car 1930: Estimatecl Glanted t. Payment of intelcst 2. lou'n officels, salaries arìd expenses. ó. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1931 . Street lighting Roads. (Chapter 90, Maintenance). . . . General lìoads Roads (Chapter 81) .. Roads (Ne'n' Construction) Chapter 90 t6. Snow removal .. Memorial Dal' sxt.tttes .. .. Tolvn clock Inciclentals Reserve fund . Care of soldiers' ¿nd memorial lots . . Premiurn on treasurer's, collector's and ' toutr clerk's bond . Insur¿nce on torvn property State aicl T7, Police 18. Fire Repair of bridges Tolvn Hall expense Tolvn reports .... Dlections and registrations Old cemetery ... Tou'n cemeter¡' , Unpaid bills . Librar¡' tlustees Moth department Bo¿r'cl of health .8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. L4. 15. 19. 20. 2r. 22. ??. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. I-,cgal aclvice 30. 31. to Selectmen Insuring tol'n cmplo):ees Planning boarcl . .. . l_930 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 2,555.00 2,550.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 200.00 6,200.00 200.00 6,100.00 3,000.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 275.00 275.00 50.00 50.00 600.00 600.00 1,000.00 500.00 100.00 100.00 - 155.00 150.00 100.00 200.00 72.00 72.00 1,600.00 2,500.00 700.00 200.00 500.00 500.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 100.00 1,500.00 500.00 500.00 1,300.00 1,300.00 300.00 300.00 200.00 200.00 750.00 750.00 100.00 100.00 1,600.00 200.00 500.00 500.00 . 23 Uncler this articlc it lorving sums of uloney: to grant and rv¿rs voted. assess Item l-Paymeut of interest 2-Salaries and expenses of town officers . . . . . 3-Street lighting 4-Roacls (Chapter 90, maintenance) . õ-Genelal roatL l'ork 6-Roacls (Chapter 81) ?-(This item I'as clismissed) Roads, nev¡ constrtctiou 8-Suolv removal 9-trfcrnorial cla¡ expenses l0-Care of tol'n clock . the foi- $2,500.00 2,555.00 6,000.00 3,000.00 200.00 6,200.00 0.00 1,200.00 275.00 11-fnciclentals l2-Reselve funcl l3-Care of solcliers' and memorial lots l4-Prernium of offieial boncls of cer.tain officers lõ-Insurance of property . . 16--Statc aicl . . 50.00 600.00 1,000.00 100.00. 155.00 100.00. 72.00 17-Police 1,600.00 18--I¡'ire 3,500.00 200.00 l9-Rcpair of bliclges 20-'l'os'n ìrall expense (Motiou to gr.ant not earliecl) .... 2l-Tol'n leports 22-lìlcction aucl registration 23-Old cernetery 24-Tol'n $500 expenses 200.0c, 150.00 100.00 cerneterl' 2õ-Unpaicl bills 26-Liblar'¡' 1,387.03 500.00 1,300.00 300.00 200.00 750.00 100.00 . trustees clepartment 27--Moth 28-Iìoarcl of Ilealth 29-Lcgal aclvicc to selectmen 30-Illsuring tol'u ernployecs lll-Plannin¡¡ 0.00 535.00 ... . boarcl 'I'hc fiuance comrnittce applovecl all items namecl 3, exce¡rt the eightecrrth (fir'c), ancl reconuneucled. a in Alticle glant of $2,000 fol that prìrpose, as sufficient. -¿\mounts grantecì. aud appropriatecl nu<ler. other articles: Assessors' bill-Article 5-granted $192.00 Fite ¿rlal:m signal-Article 6-9ranted 400.00 Neu' ton'n hall-Article lO-granted 4,000.00 -t\lso apllropriat,ccl from surphrs re\¡enue accoullt Also applopriatecl, tol'n hall lii12,387.10 insurancc fuud To be þe¡¡'e11'¿¡l-Authorit¡' of 269, Acts 1930 . 7,672.90 Chapter 15,000.00 24 To be borrol'ecì-Uncler geueral autholit¡', 41,000.00 Iusur¿nce nerr tol'n hall-Article 11 Salar¡' of collector of taxes-Article 12 Expenses of collectol of taxes-Article 1l:ì Clearing of tax titlcs-Àrticle 14 Care of shacle trecs-Ârticle :15 . . . . Cuttiug brusìr on highl'a¡'s-r\tticle i6':::::::.:::: Grading ancl clccor¿rting olcl tou'n hall site-r\r'ticle 17 Assessors' expcnses--Articìc 18 Public safet¡--Article 19 Widenin¡¡ conÌer State alltl Concorcl roacls-;\rticìe 2l Support of schools-Article I'Iicldlcsex Count.l' Extensiou Scrvicc--Ärticlc 2õ Public u'elfarc--Article 26 õ00.00 1,000.00 200.00 150.00 300.00 300.00 500.00 500.00 400.00 75.00 :r1,000.00 100.00 ti,000.00 Article 4. To autltorize the Treasurer, u'ith the apploval of the Selectmen, to borro\\'money in anticipation of revellttc of the current fiscal year, or do or act thereon. Voted unanirnousl¡': That the Tol'n 'I'rcasurer, l'ith the approval of the Selectmen, be aucl hereb.t' is anthorized to ì¡orrorv rnoneJ' from tirne to tilne in anticipation of the revetruc of the financial ¡'car begiuniug Jartuar¡' 1, 1931., ancl to issue a ltote ol notes therefor', pa¡'able iu otre )'ear, atty clebt or clebts iltcuuecl under this vote to be paicl from the leverìuc of saicl finartcial ¡'ear. Article 5. To see if the Tou'n will grant or appropriate the sum of $192.00 the amount of bill approved by Board of Assessors for rvork on excise taxes and property taxes and presented. for payment to Board of Selectmen, pass any votes or take action relative thereto. \rotccl: That the stuu of $192.00 be grantecl for the purposc n¿med in this article. (Finance Committee ap¡rroves.) Article 6. To see if the Tou'n rvill grant or appropriate the sum of $500.00 for the purpose of purchasing ancl installing a suit¿ble fire-alarm signal, or do or act thereon. \rotecl : That $400.00 be glatrtetl. (Firtancc Cornnittce t'c<:ommends $350.00 as snfficient.) Article 7. To see if the'Iol'u l'ill vote to instruct the Selectmen, Town Clerk and Town Treasurer as a committee to purchase the so-called Goodnol' or Rice property at eorner of State Road ;and. Concord. Road, the balancc to be mergecl rvith the Gooclnol' I-,ibrary property for a pubìic park and athletic fielcl ancl to issue bonds ôr nofes to pay for same; pass any votes, or take any action relative thereto. \¡oted: That this articlc be clismissecl. (Finance Corulnittec disapproves.) ^A,rtiale 8. To see if the Towu will vote to instruct the Selectmen, Tou'n Clerk and Tol'n Treasurer as a committee to procurc plans for a Tou'n Hall, the exterior to be a reproduction of the old Town Hall, tlte interior to have all modern improvements, not seating less than 400 people; make ¿mângements t'ith the First Parish Committee for the hall to be on apploxirnately tlte same site as the 25 hall. The cost not to exceed $35,000.00. Issue bonds or notes to cover the cost and eompel the contlactor to employ tolvn labol as far as possible; pass any votes, or take any action relative olcl thereto. Finance Cjornmittee rcports clisapprovaì. \¡otcd: To la¡' o¡r table until Alticle 10 is disposecl thercal'ter then it r'otcd to of ancl t¿ke lhc article flour tìre table ancl \r<¡ted:'Ilo indefinitely postponc. Alticle 9. 'Io see if the Tot'n rvill instruct the Selectmen, Torvn Clerk ancl Torvn Treasurer to be a çommittee to confer.v'ith the First Parish Committee, the Ton'n to purchase the First Parish Church property, antl to build an acldition thereto if necessary, for a Torvn Hall, pass any votes, or take any action relative theretol-inance Committec disal:¡rlovcs as implactical. Vote<ì: 'lo post¡ronc consicleration rultil Articlc l0 is ¿rctecl thcreaftel it u'as : To irrdefinitely postpone. r\rticle 10. To see if the torvn l'ill ru¡ron, antl \;'otecl vote to gr.ant and appropriate allcl othenvise raise by borrol'ing both rvithin and. outsid.e the torvn's clebt lirnit, in accordance l\'ith any scction ot sections of the General l-¡¿rvs ol' special statute governing the ffnancing of this project sufficient funcls to properly carry out the plans and lecommenclations of the torvn hall committee. Pass any votes or take any action thereto. l¡inauce Cornmittee makes rìo reconìrlcnclation <ln accouut of llo tletails having been sublnittecl to it. lh'. l'ailbank, chainnan of the committce appointecl at the last annrral tou'n mceting, madc a repolt substantially as it appears in the plintccl leport fol tÌre year' 1930, viz. : 'Ihat the torvtr ¡lrrchase froìÌr tr'Ir. Joeì. I-Iavue" approxiuratel), tl'elve acres of lancl, rvith builclilìgs theleon, situatecl in Suclbur'¡' Center, aucl erect thcleolì ¿ì rÌc\\' ton'n hall, irr design as neâr a reproduction of to'n'u htrll clestr:o¡'etì by fir.'e, February 5, 1930, as is practicablc, l'ith a seating capacity of five hunch'e'cl pclsons, 'n'ith accomrnoclations fol ton'n oflicers, vaults, branch ìiblar'¡', a bauquet hall, etc., to lle coustnrcted mainl.-v of blick. Whereupon, by a vote of l5õ to 36, it t'as \¡otecl : 'Ihat fol thc purposc of acquiling laucl for ancl the coustructio¡r and oliginal cquipping ancl fumishìng of a torvn, hall builtliug, there be raisecl aucl appropriatecl the sum of $80,000.00; arrcl tlrat to rneet saicl appropriatiou, there be tlansfel'retl from the surplus rcvenlre accouut the sum of $12,387.10; ancl fi'om thc ton'n h¿ll insulancc funcì. thc sum of $7,612.90, and that thele be raisccl iu the tax le'r'r' of thc curlent )'ear the sum of $4,000.00, aucl thc 'l'l'easurer', rvith the a¡tproval of thc Selectìller-r, be aud lreleb¡'is antholizecl to borrorv tÌre srun of $15,000.00, uuder authorit.v oli Ohapter'269, .Acts of 1930, ancl to issue boncls ot' llotcs thelefor, saicl borrcls or. ltotes to bc pa¡rable in accorcl¿urcc u'ith the ¡rlovisious of said act arìcl of Chapter. 44, General ì.lâ'r\¡s, so that tlle I'hole loan shall bc ¡raicl in not ulorc than fif- 26 teerr ¡'ears from the date of issue.of the first boncl or ììote, or at, earlier dates as the 'I'reasuler aucl Selectmen rnay determiue, suc:h and the 'Ireasurer is further authorized to borrou' the surn of authorit¡' of ancl il accordauce u'ith thc ¡;r'ovisious of Chapter 44, Gencral l-.ra'n's, ancl to issue boucls or uotes therefor, said bonds or notes to be ¡ta¡'able in accolclance l'ith tlre provisions of said Chapter 44, so tìrat the s'hole loan shall be paicl in not rnore than tu'euty )'ears from the date of issue of the first bond or note, or at sucìt earlier clates as thc Treasurer ancl Selectmen ma)' cletennine; ancl tìrat the tol'n hall cornmittee be continued in ofÊce to carry out plans alrrl rec<lrnrnelrclations as submjtted in their report. Article 11. To see if the torvn rvill grant or applopt'iate a sum of money to cover cost of insuriug the nel' torvn hall aud its coutents. Pass any votes or take action relative thereto. Votecl: That $500.00 be grantecl for this purpose. Article 12. To see if the torvn 'w'ill grant or appropriate the sum of $1,000.00 to pay for salary of Tax Collector, or take any action relative thereto. Votecl: That $1,000.00 be granted for salar¡' of the Collectol of 'Iaxes. (Financc Oomrnittee approves Articles 11 ancl $+1,000.00 under 72.) Article 13. To see if the torvu rvill grant the surn of $300.00 for Tax Collector's expenses, or do or act thereon. Voted: 'l'hat the sum of $200.00 be granted for Collector of '['¿ìxes' cxpenses. (Financc Comrnittee approves.) Article 14. To see if the tolvn n'ill grant or appropliate the sum of $150.00 to defray the expense of clearing up tax titles helct by the town, pass ân¡r yo¡u* or action relative thereto. Voted: That the sum of $150;00 be grantecl for the pulpose in this articlc. (Finance Courrnittee approvcs.) Article 15. To see if the town'rvill grant or appropriate the sum of $300.00 for the tree warden departnent for care of shade n¿ìmcd trees, take any action or pass any votcs relative theréto. \¡otecl: 'I'o grant $300.00 for the pulpose naruecl. (Not a¡l¡rroved.) Artiele 16. To see if the torvn u'ill grant or appropriate the su¡n of $300.00 for cutting brush on the tol'n's highrva¡'s, rnoney to be spent by the tree 'ward.en department; pass any votes or take action relative thereto. Voted: To grant $300.00 for the pulpose ttarnccl itr .a rticle. this Article 17. To see if the ton'n lvill grant or appropriate a sum of money sufiìcient to properly grade ancl decorate the site of the former tolytt hall, or do or act thereon. \roted: 'Ihat $õ00.00 be grantecl for thc prìr'pose uantecl irt 'this article to be ex¡reucled unclel thc cìilection of thc Selectruerr. l¡'inance Committee ¿pproves Atticlcs 16 ancl 17. Article 18. To see if the tou'n rvill vote to grant or applo- 27 priate the strm of $õ00.00 to covel the expenses of the Boarcl of Assessors iu can'yittg ottt the l'ork of their clepartmetlt or take action relative thereto. Votecl : Th¿rt the suur of' $500.00 bc glatrted, $2õ0'00 fol the cxlleììscs of the ^A.ssessor.s, antl the balanc-ç of $250.00 for the selvicts oll a utcmber u. utetttùet's of lSoal'cl of Asscssors cloing clerical l'ol'li of the b<¡altl. (Ilinancc Committcc clisa¡"lploves.) r\r'ticle 19. 'Io sec if the town'n'ill gt'ant or appropriate the sun to be usecl by the Pubtic Safety Commit*ont of $600.00, this 'of protection in the to$'n; pass any votes or take tee in tltis luo"Í. any action relative theleto. I,'in¿urce Corrllrittec approvcs stun 'lf $400.00. \:otecl: 'lìo gr.atrt the suln of $400.00 for the pttrposrl nartrecl. Alticte 20. 'I'o see if thc town rvill grant ol appropriate a sum of nlorìe)/ sufficient to clefray the transportation ex-penses. of pupils attending inclustrial schools; pass any votes or take actron relative thereto. I'i rraucc L-olnttrittee <lisa¡rlrrovcs. \rotctl : '['o inclefiniteì.r' ¡:ostporte. .¿\rticlc 21. To scc if thc torvn l'ill vote to graut or a¡lplopriate a sulu of utoncy sufficient to cover. cost of puÌchasing l¿¡1cljrrxl wiclcning coïncr. at junction of concor'cl. Road ancl Boston Post Roacì. uass ¿lly votciol take action Ìelative theleto. Jt is unr'[e;'stoocl'tÎrat thiisrun is to supplerneut a balance carriecl on the Tott'lt -¿\ccountant's'books fol this specific pnrposc. I,'iu¿rnce Comrnittcc appl'oves a grtrut of $75'00. \:otccl: That the sttm of $75.00 be glatrtecl fol the pul'pose uaurecl. Article 22. To see if the to'rvn will vote to purehase a comr¡rercial truch to be usecl by the Road Department in its work ancl grant ol appropriate ltloney for this purpose; llass ally votes or' take action lelative thereto. Il'inaucc Colrunittec "clisapploves this mcthocl of purchasing a ,$3,500.00 tluck. " Votccl:'I'o iuclefillitel.l' postpotre. Article 23. To see if the to'n'n l'ill glant ol appropriate the sum of $31,000.00 for the support of schools; PaSS an)r votes ol' take action lelative theleto. BUDGIIT SUDBUIIY SCHOOL DEPÀR,TN'INNT Salaries 'hansportatiou .. Fuel . . Healtli fnsulauce ... Administration ancl traveling experìses. .. ... 600.00 500.00 700.00 1,400.00 300.00 ... $31,000.00 supplies ì'Iiscellaneous Total . Books ancl stutlent $20,200.00 5' l''500.00 28 \rotecl : That the sum qf $31,000.00 be granted for sup¡rort of schools- _(Finance Committee lecomrnentlõct $80,000.00.)^ Article 24. To see if the tou'n I,ill vote to grânt or âpp"o¡Lriate-the sum of $500.00 for the purpose of painiing the Cônhr School house; pass any votes or talie aãtion reiative th-ereto. Finance Committee disapproves. Voted: To iuclefinitel¡' post¡rone. Artiele 25. To see if the torvn lvill vote to raise ancl appropriate tle sum of $100.00, or some oflrer amount, and. electïdi- rector, the money to be spent in the torvn in the furtherance. and. the director to cooperation with the Mictcilesex cóunty trustees, for county aicl to agriculture in the rvork of the Mittdlõqe_¡ Ç-ounty T)¡¿snqion Servicô, unrler the provisions of Section 4045, Chapter J.28, General I-raws of Massadhusetts. Finance Committee approve$ a grant of 9100.00 for this purpose. _ \rotcd: 1l'o grant $100.00 for thc prltpose narncd, ancÌ that the prescnt director contilrue for. anothei. ¡-ear, Article 26. To see if the tou'n r,vill vote to grant or appropriate the sum of 93,000.00 for public l'elfare pür'poses foi.-the ensuing yeat', pass any votes or take any action rõlative thereto. Finaucc Colnmittee approves. Voted: That the sum of $3,000.00 be granted for public rt elfarc purposes, to bc divided as follol's: $2,000.00 for gôneral s,elfarc purposcs, aucl $1,000.00 for oltl age assista.nce. Article 27. To See if the town l'ill accept from the heirs of Georgie-R.-Butterûeld the surn of $150.00 for ihe perpetual eale of the lot in Mount Pleasant Cemeter¡' knol'n as tlie 'I.. ancl Iìebecca Dickey lot, take any action relativc thereto. Voted: To accept the sum of $150.00 for the purpose narnecl. Article 28. To see if the torvn u'ill accept from the estate of Georgianna $qf¡gs the sum of $100.00 for the ¡rerpetual care of the lot in u'hich sitlney and Georgianna Ha¡-nesìre buriecl in the North Sudbury Cernetery, take any action rôlative tltercto. Votecl : 'l'o la¡' on the table ancl no further action tal<cn. Article 29. To see l'hat action if any the town l'ill take in regard to changing its street lighting scheclule, take an¡, action or pass any votes relative thereto. Yotecì : 'lo kee¡r the same scheclule as her.etofore. Article 30: To see if the torvn rvill vote to appoint a eommittee of three to investigate the advisabitit¡'of having' a revaluation of .the pr-operty in town by the State, pass an¡'voies or take any action relative thereto. \¡otecl: To indefinitely ¡tostpone. ¡\rticle 31. To see if the town .n-ill mahe the follorviug 'arnendments to its b¡'-lal's per.taining to its Finauce Committce. Section 3. Strike out the l'orids Februar¡- first and substitutc .l'a¡uary fifteenth ; strikc out the rvolcls }-eblnar¡' fifteeutrr ancr substitute the rvords Febluar.y tenth, so that this section shall read: 29 Each tol'n clepartment shall annually submit to the Finance Committee not later than January fifteenth an estimate of its requirements for the ensuing year', and the Selectmen shall report all other requests for appropriation. The Finance Committee shall holcl a public hearing thereon. Notices of hearing to be posted not less than seven tlays previously in the sarne manner as notices of the Tos'n Meetings. The Finance Committee shall, not later than February tenth subrnit to the Selectmen their rvritten report n'ith their recommendations. Votecl: That the by-laws be amencled as proposecl in this article. Article 32. To see if the tou'n rvill vote to accept Section 42 of Chapter 48 of the General l-¡arl's l'hich for establishing a Fire Department, take any action ol pass any votes relative thereto. \¡otecl : That the to'vvu acce¡rt the atticlc and that the urern$10.00 each per annuru for rnembelship, plus fifty cents per'hour for time actuall¡' spent in fighting fires. Article 33. To see if the tol'n rrill vote to accept Section 43 of Chapter 48 of the General l¡aws'whiclr. provides that the Chief of the Fire Department shall act as For.est 'W'arden, pass any votes or take an¡' action relative thereto. \,-otccl: That the tow'n accept Sectio¡r 43 of Chapter 48 of the Genelal I:â\\'s, plovicling' that the chicf of thc fire clepartment shall act as forest l'arden. Article 34. To see if the tou'n rvill vote to change the method of compensating the Tax Collector from a commission basis to a stated salary, pass any votes or take any aetion relative thereto. Vote cì : To " llass over the alticle. " No further actio¡r bers of the departurent be paid taken. Article 35. To see if the tol'n rvill authorize and. instruct its Board of Selectrnen to sell the property on the Boston Post Road known as the "I-¡andham school pioperly," pass åu)'vote or take any action relative thereto. Voted: That the Selectmen be authorized to sell and convey the lianclhaììr sehool property for a ¡rrice of not less than $1,000.00. Àrticle 36. To see if the torvn rvill pass au)¡ votes or take any action relative to amending its by-larvs by atlopting the follos'ing: BY.LÄ.W EST,¡\BLISHING CERTÄIN BUII,DING DISTRICTS AND CER,TATN REGUI,ATTONS TI{ERDTOR Section L. Uncler thc provision of General Laws, Chapter 143, Seetion ì, the town of Sutlbur¡. is hereby rlivided into districts, to be known respec;ively as: Busincss Districts, Gene¡al Resirlcnce Districts an(l Singlo R¿siclènce Districts, as follons: Business Districts shall comprise: (1) All lands rvhich at the time this bylaw becornes effective, are usetl for any business or intlustry other than farming, truck gardening, the raisof nursery gtock or plants, livestock or poultry, or the contlucting of lng DO&rOrng or todgtng ttouses. 30 (2) All lancls located anil fronting upon any section of any street or rvay, whieh lies betweel trro successive ìntersectin! stleets' in which seoùion noÙ less than one-half ühe lot frontage on the samã siale of the streot ¿s the saitl inte¡secting streets, is at saítl timo devotetl to business or iaclustry or is nra"nifestly suitablo only for such r¡se, (3) All lantls loc¿rtctì anrì frolrtilg upolt art.)'stlcet <¡r l'ny, rsithin 400'0", cn the same sicle of the street, as any business or inilustry existing at saial time,'whero intersccting streets do not control, (4) Âll lands adjoining any railroacl righü of way, manifesüþ ût only for business or intlustry, General liesidencs-Districts shall comprise: All tlistriets 'boundecl by four ¡treets or ways, ol by one ol moÌ'e streets or ways antl the town bounclary line, in n'hicli ât thc" time tlris by-law becomes clÌective, moro than one'hali the'alc¿r is déveloped and ¡nol'e õhnn onc-half such clcvélopment is useal for othcl than singìe resitìcnccs an<'l thcil appurtcnant builtlings- Singlo Resiclence Districts shall comprise all other lanils in the town. Nothilg in the above shall prohibit the builcling of single resiclcnees ancl r,heir appurtenant'builclings in any scction of the town. TIio words, (rintersccting stteets,t'as used in this by'law shall mean any st¡eets ol ways w}ich join dãch othel at an angle, whether or not thoy cross aach other. Section 2. No builtling for use as a habitation, for business, or for inilustr¡ shall be erecte<l aiter this by{aw becornes operative, without I per_- ¡rit froiri thc sclcctmcn, showiug that the requirements of the ilistricts afieetetl have bcen substantially compJictl with. Scction 3, Dxccpt as-hcrcinafter proviilecl, no pareel of lancl il oly ,listrict shall bc userl fõr rìny pulpose other than thaü fo¡ which tlte distriot rs establisheil, as provideil in Section L, Seetion 4. d permit may bo issucd for the ereetion, in qny Sesitlencs District, of a builtìiirg for thc-use of a business or inclustry or for tho alterat.ion or" convcrsion oi ¿ builtling for or to sueh purposes, if tho boarcl of ¡electnren slrall, aftcl public hcai'ing, so permit; 7ti'oaid,ed'-thab there be ûled wittr the application lor such perniit, written consent tltereto, signecl_ ancl rcknowleilgetl by the ownels or legal r:opresentaúives of the ownels, of three- oíthe ä"ca of all lands uõed foi'the purposes for which sáid dist¡ict is rcstlictcd, ars plovi<ìerl in Scctiort 1 hercof, wllich ¿re within five huntlretl is requestecl, fcet of the lot fol rvhich a pcunit - fourths Section 5. No pelnrit shall lrc gi'antetl uncler the foregoing section exeept ¿ftcr a pubtiC healing bcfole the boartl of selectmen. Notice of sai¿l lealing shaü bd given by poõting notices thereof in -the locations requirecl for lovn n'a.rrants, not lcss tlran <¡ne ¡teek before saicl hearing. Scction 6.- fn all Resitlenee Districts, no builcling hereafter erectecl, ¡hall be nearer than 50' 0" from the ccnter line of tho street or way upon rvhich it fronts, or ¡rearel tha¡r 10' 0" fro¡n the side lines of tho lot upon ¡vhich it In is situated. Busincss Districts. no .buikìins hercafter ereoteal shall be nearer than 40' 0" flom the center liríc of the strõet or \vay upon which it fronts. Except that, if peunitted buililings exist on each of the adjoinirg side lots, thc fi'ont liric of the proposctl buiiding may conform to the front lines of the'existing buikling, Pr'õjecting caves an=û uncoverecl steps ma.y project into lho restlicted Section spaco. 7. Tilting Stations: (a) Àt cvery lì11ìlg stntion hercaftel constructed, the building sha[ be locatèct'at least síxty feõt f¡om the cente¡ lino of thé }ighway on- which it faces: no pumps shÀtl 'be nearel' than fifty fcet fro¡n tho center lino of the highíay, aäa io filling shall be tlone exceirt in cars stantling on property of flline- station. (b) No public garage for the repair of cars antl no ûlling station shall be loìa1ed in äny po"rtioñ of a businôss or manufacturrng tlislrict which is s¡ithin tìrree hunilrétl feet of a sehool. lc) No nermit for a garase. fllins station or other establisltment shall be grìaíted wliere it wouìtlie cl-eiriment-al or injurious to the neighborhoocl, ¡vhether of resiclential or business nature. the 31 8. Saleg stands for ühe sale of farm procluets sbaU be permitteû ühey clo not, by thoir location, nolate get back or :iclo lino restrictions, Section L The invalitlity of any section or provision of this by-law sholl oot valiclate any other section or division thereof. Section 10. This by-law shall take effecü as proviclecl by law. Seel,ion in any clistlict, proviclecl À motion to indeffnitel¡' ¡rost¡rone lr'as lost, altd it u'as therì \rotcd: 'l'hat the tos'n by-la\\'s be amenclcd. by adcling thereto the sections pÌoposecl in this alticle. n'Ieetin g clissol vecl. tol'n bylarvs voted uuder Article 31, b¡'-lal's, have both receivecl the approval of the ¡\ttorne.)'-Genelal, rvith the l'ords in the zorìirìg by-lau's: "Chaptcr 143, section 3" cìeletecl, ancì both have been cluly published in thc "Suclbur'.v Nel's" in obeclience to the statute. 'I'he amcnch¡rent to the arrcl the zonirrg Special Town Meeting, January 29, t932 'Warraut clatecì Januarl' 20, 1932, siguetl by Halve.l' N. Fairbauh, Âubre¡' \\¡. Bolden antl llo'n'arcl i\[. Goodrìoï', Selcctmen; letum of selvice b.r- Scnec¿r W. Ilall, Constable. John C. Hall, À.Ioclerator. PIìOCEEDINGS Àrticle .1. 'l'o sec if the tol'n l'ill glant or appropriate the sum of $2,500.00 for adclitional equi¡lnellt of the nel' town hall builcling ancl gracling the gr'<lnrrcls acljacent thereto, tö be expenclecl rurcler tìre clirection of the ne\r' to\r'n hall building comnlittce; takc irrr¡' actiolr or l)ass an¡' votes relative thereto. 'l'he Finallce Comrnittee, \\raltel E. Piper, Chairrlan, rnacle a lcngtìr.r- r'e¡rort u¡ron the general firrarrci¿tl positiou of the tol'tr, aucl rcco¡nnlenclecl th¿rt $1,500.00 l'oulcl bc sufficient fol the ¡rur'- pose naurecl. A urotion "tìrat from excess aud the article," after $1,500.00 be a¡r¡rlopritrtecl clcficicnc.r' ¿rccr¡uut for tìre pllrposc naruecl ilt sotuc cliscnssi<lrr l'as not carried. It n'as titelr \:otccl: il<¡ have iucor¡loralcd in the uext 'l931 annrral tox'n leport, a conrbinecl rep<tlt frour thc 'forr-u Il¿rlL Cjonuuittce ancl the lJoarcl of Selectmen r.elativc to the nery torvn hall. This repor.t to iuclucle ¿rll facts lcgarding purchasc ofl real estâte, agcnf's fee, cxpenscs, r.'ig'hts ancl privileges, if Íìlt.\' l'crc grantccl, to os'nel and heils of the l-Itr¡'nes propert.v. This tc¡rort is also to i¡rcludc all bids sublnittecl b.r' contractors ancì alehitects, iternizing sarne, ancl specif¡'ing ou l'hat basis contlacts l'ere let, ancl u'heihel ol ¡rot bond rvas letltrilecl. lf borrcl rras recluilecl, r.htrt arnorutts olr thc iritliviclual contracts. List all corrtr'áets ìet aucl clesignate to u'horu, and the aìììount of the coììtract, atchitect's namc anc[ fce to be inclrrcìed irr tlris tepot.t. r\ motiolr to reconsicler thc vote for appr:o¡rriation of $1,õ00.00 rvas lulecl out oI orclcr. b.r. the Xlocleratôr. r\ r¡otiorr then ur¿rcle to apltr:o¡rriatc $t,Zj0.t)ô fl,our excess ar¡cì cleficierìc)'aecourìt for the l)rìr.l)osc rr¿nrecl in thc article rçrrs not car.riecl. '['helr 32 voterl: '[.h¿rt the suur of $1,000.00 bc a¡r¡rÏopliatccl ft'om u*c.r,, ìrtìt aun"iottc)¡ accollllt for the pul'posc nalnccl in this article. -Àrticle 2. 'I'o scc if the toNn will glant oI a¡rpropriate thc sr,n ìf $250.00 for urusic ancl othcÌ cxpettses of thc observance ãi óf,f ho¡re clay i¡ celeblatiou of the completion of the netv torv¡ arìy votes o' lratt ¡'itaing, rincl provicle for its expeuditur:e; thereto. relativc 'ass actiou take ally ''.---nìttäti"ì Comlnittec rccommcucls $125'00 as suffìcient' frotãa, That thc surìl of g150.00 be ap¡r'opriated. f'om .*""*.r" .li,i ¿ãnäl.,roy u.oo,,^t fo' t¡e p.rlroic rtamecl .i' this ;;ì*iolu, ìo io oip."cle¿ *ncìer t¡c tìircctiori of thc torvn hall b¡ildììi;. ";¿,*itãã, comurittee. ""¿ associatec.t rncrnbcrs of thc celeblation Ärticle 3. 'l'o see if thc torvn will gÌallt' oI ap¡rropriate- the to such of .ourïi'$ãoo.oo o* thà ¡'s¿¡h' compensatiõn of a clerk j' accouutt¡ð to.,uti boarcls or offiöers as rnay 'eecl assista'ce thepass atry clepartmeuls; several their iüg, arxl clerical rvork of looies o* take au¡' action lelativc thereto' Finance Comrnittec approves. r.tot.¿, That thc suln-of ffõ00.00 be gt'arrtetl foÌ tìre,l)nrpose nalnecl in this atti'cle, saicl sum to illclttcle thc salat'¡'ot the tou'¡r accotrutaut. .¿\r.ticle 4. 'Io see if thc to['n rvill vote to iDstl'tlct its selectperlìla,r]..,r to oran* oDe ¡riece of the to'tl'lt's fir:e alrparatus irñf¡; fä."iã¿ i' South S'cìbu'y viììage; ¡rass t'¡' r'otes o' tahe allv action relative thel'cto. """ rîìr-t,i",i'ìò-iti*ti'""t the Seìectrïrcrì as pro¡rosetl in this articìe l'as .. - not carriecl. Tì;; ìoltoruing resol.tiolr, p'ese'tecl b¡' ìir'. Iftlllerau, *'as objection atlo¡rtccl l'ithout ----li.*otuä¿, 't¡e :I-Ia.\''es lrousc (so-call.tì) Seittg no*' That *'ill tf,. lrìölì.rr.iì-nf tl,c'toi'rr, it i,s l¡elievccl that the c''r'.r'ity tìtc is it 'lltet'efore, p'actical_*se. t. p'iiit,g'it t¡ir" ¡äri,se.i)ed lhc ¿ur¿ of Selectrne' àãsi,.c of this *."iì,i{Ì ihat tlic l3oarcl the to t'eport investigatc.alcl to a-committce ,ìäüåãf C¡m,nittc" bc bc (lone' tc¡r.n mecting in Mtu'<ir rt'hat ill theil. jrrrlgrnetrt is best to ì{ecting clissolvccl. .[.he foìlo$iDg repolt o[ tìle trielulial ¿ruclit is llrblishetl htlrc',tittrf l)l.trsuant to-C;trãptcr' {4 of thc Gelrer¿rì fra\\'s: Juì.i' 81., 1931. 'fo tìre llo¿rrtl of Selectmett,()Ìtaitruart, Suclbttt'.\-, Mass¿chttsctts: Foitl,uttk, l,rì'.'rini*ij:-Ñ. -^-' report of au ar¡clit of tìrc iny ]lt'ervith f sr..-t,mit Coììtl"în"', 1, acc()tuìts of thc to.,,',ì oii Suclllut'.v fnr t¡o ¡ietiocl f'or' Ja'uar¡' of pÌovisions tìre in àcct¡r'dartce'rritìt 1030 fo l,Iar,3l. fggf,;nariã ür,,llt.l, ++,"C."tr,1 Larts. This 'eport is in the forr' of a of 'e¡ro't il,i; i; ,* ú)'tr'lr. ilclwalrì II' !"titno, Ohief '¿\ccortntant this Division. Vel'.r' ttuly )'oulst THEODOIìE N. WÁI)DELL, l)ilectol of ;\ccouuts' :ì3 l'h'.'I'heotìot'rr N. Watìcìcìl' l)irector of Âccontrts, ì)cpattment of Cot'pol'ntiolls altcl'l'Íìxatiolt, Statc llousc, I3osttlrr' 'r,r'ith )'oul' ilrstrtrctioils. I havc lrtade ttll of the torvn of srrclbur¡, fOr the ¿rccounis ancl auclit of tìrc books to ì{ir¡' 31, 19:11, ¿urcl s¡brnit tìl<: 1.9iÌ0, 1, Jarrrar'.1' fro¡r ir"itoa sir': ln accoÌdarrce foìlou'irtg re¡rort theleotl : ,l,he finallcial tl'ans¿rctiolts of tìrc tort,tt, as rtlcol'tlecl itr the llooks of tlle scvel'al clc¡ral'ttu,lrrts re<:civitrg or dislnr¡'sill[f Inollc.\' for.tIe t<t\vrr, u'ur.e cxatilillcil ¿tllil chgckcfl rvith tìltr llooks of tlrc 1ou'u accotttti ¿tllt. The bo<ll<s arrcl ¿tccorutts oll the towll accortrtta¡lt Ncl<l cxamiucrì arltì chcckecl l'ith tìlc tleasurer's bool<s arlcl rvith thc Ie<:oÌcls ilr the seYeral tlepartmetrts coìlectilt¡4 mollc¡'.for the. torvn. 'lho a¡tPt'o¡Ì,ì¿rtiolrs antl tr.ausfcrs, as elltcred ill tìre ìccìgtlt" .,vcrc chcckócl fìl the totvn clelk's rccorcls <lf a.pploprintious alltl tr¿ursl'ers atrthol'izccl b)' tìre to'rvrl. r.ccei¡tts as iìlo.y,r un tìrc ¿cco.,taltt's books \,'clrc ¡.ith tirc r,ecorcls of thc trcasrtrer', alrcl the p¿ì,.l'lnelltq \vcre i,,iml*it..f .'riith th,: u'arrarrts a¡tho¡izin¡¡ the trcasttrer' .to <ìisì¡rrsc torvn l'ulltls. ¡\ nttlnber oll these s'art'ants l¡tcketl tlre a¡rlÌnval <lf il ()f the nlernbels of the boarcl of sclectuleì) ;;"á ì;r var.i,rus"in*tänccs tìrc ¿unouut of the rr,at'r¿tltt ìratl bctrll .ii,rrg*¿, ri¡r¡ra'e'tl¡- aftcr its alr¡',ovtrl ¡,r' tltc sclectmert. . -\ìl T¡e trllcckerì ìre'cai'efi¡ìl¡' orr,i',."",ttatci.r' plcparccì, arrcì.t¡eil rnajoi:iti'of tìlc bo¿r*tl of sclecturcll shoulcì bô-securc<ì ltcflore the¡' alc ¡laid b.1' the treasulcr' t\'¿ìrìii clrc,,kirrg ,,o,.,òì,"* i'cl llri¡'-t'olls t. tìre tt'casul'(,I''s t't¡ltclerctl sctvit:es paia IoI tritts r,a[ts, il \ïas lirìulld that sevcl'¿ri ¿iitt ,i,,t contai¡r srrfficient cìctaiì. lliìls shoulcì not be. pl¿ìced orr thc nallanl I'ot'¡ta.1'ttrcttt ttuìcrss tlte¡'¿r'c ¡rt'o¡lerlv itcrnizetì,, sho\'in¡¡ <toilr¡rleto rlai0i, <lrrantit¡- alrcì liilld of lrlateIial ftll'rrishecl, ol' I.he t¡'pc of sel'r'ictt t'etldelcd. i'lìe r,lassifigatio¡ bool< r,¿rs n6t trxalnilttrcl f<lr tIc leasott tlt¿t, llook ¿rt tìlc tinte the ¡rt'tlseltt torr'¡t a<lcottlrtaltt ass¡lnecl tlfîce, tìris .,ì,ar,rut, atììong- ïhoSe trrlnecl ove'r to hcr', and jts plesettt ltteation sce'rs to lle r,ìlinol,lr. r\ <liligcrrt seal'clr shoulcì bc lnaclc fol this ¡niiL, n" it has ¿l defiuitc fnuòtioil iD thc state accortutin¡¡ s.l'slem n<¡'u, in o¡.rct'atirltt ilr tlle t<lrt'll' ,lhc tooks alltl accounts .f thc tot'u treastrl'el' \\'(rl'c exatrtitltld altì cher:kecl. 'lhe t'coolcìCcl I'eCeipts tt'et'e ¿lllal.\'zetl ancì cotntrltu'ecl ìì,iiìr tir". l'et:'rds in the several <tãpartrnerrts coììecting mou<l¡' fot tl.rc iot,n allcl u'ith tltc othel'tnut"ãs frour l'hich lìlolle)' \\'{ls- ì)¿li(-[ into thc 1çtllt tl'easttr.¡', 'lìre b¿ull< þala¡ce \\'AS rccollciletì ¿ts of lla¡' 31, 1931., $'ith ¿vstateincnti fumishecì b¡'thc-¡^bttrrkJ irr $'hiciìr tltqtorvrr frrírcls al.e tlc¡tositerì. the cash in the olfrcc Nas vct'ifiecl b-r-a't actual cotìDt, at)d a oash c.liscre¡tauc.\'of $1,1^3^6-81 $'as founcl to exist ilr tìre ír'easrrret"s caslt as of r{a.}'31, 1931' l'hich sltlìl lvas .,r,al.l.ìi,rtó sllr¡rrl¿ n¡ì¡r,.i^',,t ll¡,rrt ìeasl; a 34 in the bauk^on JLurc 22, 1981. 'l'hc treasnler's cash u,as reconciìecl again as of June 90, í981. rl.cbt, rcvenuc_loaus, ancl intelcst rvele veriffecl, and _,-^ trìe -llt_:-!!]]'n pa.):rììcnts 'u'eÌe chcckecl lyiilr the amounts falling clne' ancl rvith thc caneellecl boncls, notes, ancl .nrrpo,r, on filc. clc¡lr,sitcrÌ 'I'he secut'ititrs ¿¡1¿ savings ltalrh boolis ¡e¡rt.ese¡ti¡c iu_ vestmcuts of thc valious tr.ust flnlrcls irr thä custod¡: t¡e oitlr. f'c¿' *'cre cxaurinccr ¿rrcr listed. 'lthc llrcourc *.as provecl the rvithclra''¿¡rs *'erc checl<err *'ith the ;.";;i;i,, ,ir"i,ãì''.rî arrd ur. treasurer's cash book. The t'c¿s.rer's.rccei¡rts shoukl be re¡rortecr to trrc accon'ta.t at lcast i' orclcr that thó leclser. kellt -tlv 'tr,c 'ro.ilrl¡', accou,ta't rì1a¡r ¡u¡or, thc tr.rre fi'a'cial co^clitió' of, tilc toïrr. the book;s and accoru¡ts of the coÌìectrl' of- t,"'u.- .ru""a examilrccl. 'I'hc cornrnitmert ì¡ooks n'ere fo.teci, trio â¡ot"r"å"t, u'c'c chcckccl to the assessors' r'ecorr'l of abateruór,t, e,,:iiit.ü.-a"¿ the- pa.r''rc.ts to the treas.r'.r' *'e'e chcericd ti, ü.--iì].ìoìrà"',, cash booli. 'I'hc outsta'cìing accotr.ts *'ere listec'l aucl plo'ecl to thc lcilger. \rerificatioll n<ltiees .u'.re urnìÌ",t ti¡ i'number of pe'soììs *'hose rì¿ì'ìes tr¡l¡lea'cd o' the books ¿is -'uìilirrg. monc¡' to the to*'', thc re¡rrit;s the.etr i'cricating trral trre ¿rccoulrtarrt's ¿tccotuìts, as listccl, ¿tr.e cortcct. scveral .r'e¿rrs ,'rìre.o.s tax titlc accou^ts-' of tloubtful , Fol val.c have bec, carriecl orr th. bool<s.f tlre to*,ìi. ìri.à"¡,,*' anrlit lepolt contair.recl a ì,ecolììrìlcnclation thrt the,*oi",j irl*titute .proccecti'gs. f.r' forecl.srrrr .f all rights of rcclc'rptio, as reclutle<l b"r' section 50, cllra¡rtcr 60, Gener;trl li¿rl\-s, ¿rs ainellclecl. ì$o actio¡r has becrr taken irr ihis maiter,, althotrf¡h uiu,,r. i,i*ïiir., on lancì. of lou' value h¿rve becn clis¡-rosecl of irì .u-¡riiuiiäu ìr.itt, 'iìi",*, the ll'ovisions of Scction.. Tf), Otripter, 60. Cl.i*"rii n,., amc.clecl' thc proceccls o1i thesc *trrc*, rro',',, cliiL r.i se¡rt the ¿rctual cost to th. torv' as sct irp .r the'l:ook*, nn,ì "á'p""ä i* recolnmclrclcd that the books l¡e cìcar,ecl ì¡fl all fictitious ,,.r.t* i,, counectiou n'ith tlle tax titlc account. -r\ctiorr shoulcl also be tal<err to close the ruoth asscssrnent âccour¡t of 191f). 'l'hc .c.or'<ls .f torvrr,,s¡l.rtìrrg, a.d clog licc¡rses issuecl b¡. thc torv'cle.l< *'.r'e.xarìri'ccl,-arrtl tìre pa''rcits to the to".ir, tä ìtrc I)ivisiorr of l'isìrelics ancl (ìaurc, n,,.i tä the courrt¡-, r.eslrectivel.r., l'cte verificd. ('.nccrtcd actiorr shoulcl lle talieri 'i,, .å,rrrectinn u'ith the coll'ectiou of clog llslrrrscs, iur ii n¡rpn,rr,s tl¡at cluriug tlre .]'e,¿rI lf)1ì0.orrl¡' 8ó cìog litrorscs ¿lrr[ rrne ltenlltìl liccnse .lr..,j. i*i,,.ct, altlrorrglr f he assessots' ìist of rìogs sllorv a r:onsiclcrabl¡. ìar,gel rrttrnllcr. lu ¿rcltìititlrr to the clc¡'l,altrucrrts lucrrtionecl abovc, thc fiuarrcial reco'cls ofi all oth-er.clepa*trne'ts .ecei'irrg' ruuii.¡-'-inì,--it," to..'r.r .r' c'r''.ritti'g bills for coilectiorr u'e.t' t'xaìlli.ecl ¿i'rrd clto([ \\'ltlì the aecouutant's altcl thc tleastu.crr's books. 'eco.¡rhr' suret¡' boncls of the tretìsnrer, collector'. arrcl t<¡*'. cler.k u'crc cxanriltecl ancl founcl to bc in pro¡lc,r folm. 35 Appcnclccl to this t'cport are tables sho'wing' reconciLiations of the-treasnrcl"s e¿ìsìr as of llay 31 ancl Jnne 30, 1931, summaries of the tax, assessment, water, ancl trust fund accounts, togethel l'ith ¿r ìralanee sheet sìtou'ing thc finaucial contlition of thc tol'n as of Ma.r' 31, 1931. For the c<lultesies exteucletl ancl the assistalìcc renclelecl b¡' the various torvu olffcials during tlte progress of the auclit, I l'islt, on behalf of n.r' assistants ancl for m¡'self, to ex¡rress appreciatiotr. Respectfull¡, submittecl, EDW. H. FENTON, Ohicf .¿\ccouttt¿rrtt. ,,",1;:J._"i,,:il,Ti:ïii,,, GENER¿\L ÄCCOUNTS ..\ssETs Caslr : [¡r l]arrl< arrd Officc Due from Tleasurer . . .. . í;34,521.64 1,134.54 $35,6õ6.18 Åccounts Recei'r'allìe 'l'axcs : I-.¡et'.\' l.¡C \']' : of 1929 of I91.ì0 $ 6,697.7? 18,558.92 $25,256.69 tr'lotor \¡ehicle Excise'I'axes: LO\'). I ¡CV.\: of 1929 of I 930 $ 73.74 67+.74 $748.,i8 Special r\ssesstnents : h, 1919 . t4.00 trfoth, r 929 tr[oth, t 9ll0 1.00 7.15 tr'Io t $22.?5 3,330.58 'l'ax'l'itles l)c¡rartmetrtal : Folcst Fires $384.12 72.00 . Statc .,\icì \\ratct' Iìates State .\icl to llighua¡'s . . . Count¡' Âir.l trt Ilighu'a.r's . . l;o¿uìs ;\tttlt()l'iz<:tl Iìcyelr¡e 1931, Ä¡l¡rrr-rpriatio¡s ..... $?7,446.03 Lcss lìstinr¿rtctl Recei¡rts Cloììectccl .. . 2,70+.71 $+56.12 173.50 9,200.00 3,413.14 56,000.00 #74,741.29 36 'Overdl'at'n Accounts (to by Assessors) : Overlay 19?2 Overlay 1925 Maturing Debt, be proviclecl fol . 30.60 238.07 1,000.00 Trust Fund Incoure (to be t'ithclral'u from Savings Banks) : School .. Good¡ros' Library North Sudbury Cemeter¡' Tol'n Cemetery . $1,268.67 $ 9.39 297.31 228.09 7.64 $535.43 I]IABII]ITIDS ..\IçD 'I'enr¡lorary Ì.¡oâns $210,802.83 R.ESER.\''T)S r Iu Anticipatiou of Revenuc', 193L . . . . Trust Fund Income: Charity Raymottct Scholarship Mt. Pleasant Cemeter.r' 'Wadsworth Cemeter.t' Old Cemetery ... $30,000.00 !þ467.62 75.00 135.92 749.A7 25.:Ð7 Solcliers' Memorial Tablet New Tou'n llall Construction Uncxpencled Appropriatiou llalances . . .. . Overla¡'g-pescrved for Abateure¡rt of 'Inxes : ¡,er\'¡' of 1929 . $1,4.56.32 1,520.61 f.¡e\r.\' of 1930 ... Reserve Fuucl-Overlal' Sur¡rlu$ ....... Revenue lìeservecl Until (.:olìectecl : 9t]'.77 78,950.00 õ8,509.76 $2,976.93 .. Motor \¡ehiele Excise Tax . . Nlotlr Assessment $853.18 9;3õ6.50 $?,18.48 22.75 3,330.õ8 Title I)e¡rat'tmental 'Water' 'l'ax 4,J6.72 17:'i.õ0 $4,731.43 24,513.26 Surplus Revennc ' DEBT ACCOU¡{TS Net Funcled or l,'ixcd Debt . $210,802.83 $37,000.00 $37,000.00 37 R.efrurcìing'h'ust l¡'turcls s.iðoi lòou, 1926 .... l-.¡oau $ 6'gqg'00 31,ooo'oo wp00'0o 'Irust Furrcls C¿sh ancl Securities ' . ' . ., 852,749'62 fi52,749.62 TIIUST AOOOU.\TS George Goocìutrs' Oharit)' Fturd Johau¡ra Gleason Charity Fund Elisha Goodnow Charity f'\utcl Jerusha $10,000.00 t,r92.27 3,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 302.00 I{ot'e Charit¡' ¡'ottd Samuel D. Flunt Charity Funcl ¡\ncieut f)on¿rtion Charit¡' Funtì. ttL6,494.27 Elisha Goolt'ltotl' Scltool Funcl $1,000.00 151.00 r\ncieut f)onation Schooì Fu¡lcl George J. Ra¡'rttotrcl Scholarslrip Frurcl ' ' . . Got¡clnos' Iribtar'.l' l-und. ' ì{t. Plcas¿urt Celrteter.r' Pe rpetual Oalc Furrcls North Suclbttr¡' (-'crnetcr.l' I)erpetual 2,100.00 Care Fturcls 'l'ou'¡¡ Cemcter',r' Per¡rcttlal ()¿rre l"ullcls ... Olcl Cemetcr¡' Per¡rtltuaì Oarc lt-tttrcls . . ' . . Clharit¡' Funcls htcomc School l,'tttttls ltrcortte Geot'g'e J. Iìaynroncl Scholalshi¡r l"ttttcl IIr- colnc Coo,trtol't'Librar.v lltrucl Lnc<lme ..'. i\,It. Pleasarrt Cctneter¡' Per¡letual li'uncls 300.00 6ó0.00 250.00 2,592.03 4õ.13 7 '+L L028'75 Carc Tttcome 211'79 North Suclbur'¡' Ccrnetely Per¡lctual Carc . Funcìs Ittcolnc llowu Cemeter¡' Pcrpetual Oare l¡'nucls In0() 4,400.00 0'ale l¡'turcls Waclsl'orth (-'tttttctcr.l' Pcrlletttal $1,151.00 3,075.00 20,000.00 418'18 tìle $52,749.62 A tt'tre ctt¡t¡'. .t\ttc'st,: IiR^\NI( 1". tlEtl.RY, Torr'tt ('lolk' 38 VITAL STATISTICS 'llherrr hav. bce¡l lccolcletl c[ trrc ¡.car. ì f)iÌI, tu,eirlr,seve' births,'r a'cl ieve'tcclr cleatìrs.' 'r¿rr.iages, IìTIì1'ITS IìE( ;OR,I )ED lì. Dlle' Lilli¿r' .lialilai'err, rìarrghttr .f \\rai'o ) I(alilainel. .Iar.nrr¡' 8. I(er¡ueth lìoclrrc¡' lloo¡rcr', s.rr of Robert r.,. Ir.. _ .la'.uar'.r' and Ììlsic (ì,latson allcl ,\urelia ,lrrnc (Oalnc.r') Ilooper:. Ì,'eJr'.ar¡'6. Shi'le"v l\{ae 'l,alla¡lt, rìa.ght.r. oll Älb.rt ,\. (l)avis) Taìlant. Feb'trar..)' f). Iìichar<l Il'r'irt' r\ftr.Lc, solt Gc.rge .A.. alrd -. (Ícolgia 'll IIac (IIogarr) M<lor.e. - I"eb^rar¡' 1I. lìarb¿rra lìntlr (iiles, <ìaughtc' of olift" I,-. ¿urrl tr'lil,ialn I). (Stor.rns) Gilcs. .l,uc.r-,\rriì 12. \,'era Julia Caseìla, rla.glrtcr. ..f, Sebastia' ¿'d _ - arrcl l,Iiìrh'ec'l , ì[ar.ic (tr{acur.r') Oasella. ^,\p'il 19. Iìalph_Iìulest lIa*.es, ,)r,., s.rr ,i, ììaìph Iì. a^cl r\. (Su¡rola) I-I¿ru,<ls. r\¡r'il 20. D<¡nalcl lìichard llatcrrercìer', son of .Joh' 'r'. arrcl Iìurma lì. (À,Iacaula¡.) Iìntchelcìer. ,\¡l'il 20. J<lshua l-l.ellr.r'llatclreìcler', sorr oli .loh''I'. al¡cl ,\¡¡nes Emnra Iì. (r\'[acaula.1.) lìateheÌdcr. .17. iì-nlph .Ra¡'rnrnrd Ila.1,rres, son oil Iìaì¡th G. aucl ì[ar'¡' I,'r'arrccs (l\,lo¡-rrihan) I-Iavnes.' I{,\.\-20.._Fvcl¡'rr lJla.krvcll (l'rrrcìl¡., rlarrg.hlt,l..f l,.l,arrr:is .. J. arrtl lìrrtlr (l'er,r'ett) O<lrrncìl¡'. ' J.l¡' 11.' Laur.etta Crrfi i'g, clarLgìrte' ,f Wellster aucl llcatl'icc,A.lthea (Robinsorr) (lrrttilrq. __ J.l¡ 14. l'a.l Miller Griffi'. s.¡r of \\raltcl, arrtì tr[a.g'c'ite trIa-.v (llillo') Griffin. _ ..-..r\rrg'ust 11. lìichalcl lrilliau I. (Iìuticr) '\rrgrrs-t l;orris t\'clerso', soÌì oli \\¡ilbcrt .I. a'cl ¡\nclersou. 15. I,Iaxu'ell r\rthul, Itlazcr, solr oli l,Iaxrr,ell ¿urrl Gcor¡¡ia (\\rhitehousc) Flazcr. r\.ugrrst 29. I{amtuar', sor) of 'llhor.rralcl O. anil Ånnic (l,Iastinhrrs) Ilaurmal'. l)orrah.e, tlarrghtcr, of .lalncs I,l. a'cl __ - Septe'tbcr' 11. Ilclcl I,'. (Butlcr) J)onahue. _ sc¡lte'rbe. 15. rì }Io.r't Iì.cl<*'itlr, son rll shcphcrcl I.I. alttl r\lberta I.l. (Cacìrnau) Reckn'ith. O_ctolte¡. 2. It'th fi<lr.torr, tlatrghte' .f II''rcr .¿\. and l(ather,ine (Fa¡') Norton.' 14, Irillia^ IJalbal.a r\.t\r,ood, daughte' of lr¿rul ì1. a¡r<l l,lurìor¿r (Iìicke'r) .¿\trr'oocl. Octobcr' lõ. --__Collins, cìanghtel of John '1. and lVfary T. (O'IIaller') Collins. 39 Octoller 19. JcaIr l\'Ialie Hau'es, claughter of I",¡eon Roy anil Mar¡' Margaret (Morlison) Harves. \overñber 6.' Marion Jarte Oliver, daughter of Horace H. and Ruth N. (I{aeuber) Oliver. Novernberì 7. \\¡illiam Gat'clner Scìrofielcl, son of Burpee E. and'lheela (Sunclberg) Schoffelcl. November 18. Sãlvatore Gregory, son of EcLl'arcl C. and Catheline M. (I.iatchrre¡') Gregor'¡-. Novembcr 25. ¡\liee l-Iemillg\\'a):' claughter of Ertlcst and Alice (Dove) Hemiugrva¡'. I)ccember ?. r\lãn Foster Flynrt, Jt'., sou of Älan !'. aucl I{eìeu iVL (l}lackmer) Fl.1'nn. . Ì\{AR.R,IAG]IS Ii,ECOR,DDD tr{arch 11. .r\dolphus Joscpìr Fisher', of Natick, ancl Bertha Ir'rcicla Herse¡', of Wayland. March 1?. Eluest Wilsort Hemingwa¡' and r\lice l)ove. Nlarch 19. I{orace Tletu'¡' Oliver ãnct lluth W. Ilaeuber, of Framingham. l'Iarriecl at Framiugham. -npi'it fa. Iìobcrt Stotiler Fièry, of Bcluice ììos'ì<er. Jrure ?. Albert St. Gclmaiu \h¡'narcl. arlcì. Worcester, atr6l Elinor Bcrtha Siuon' I'lal'ried at ancl Olive tr'isher. of lfillbut.v. at l'Iillbru.r'. À'Ia''r'ietl Juuc 1.8. ßobelt \'\hitel¡' Pattersort atld lìalbala Ncsmith Iìrou'tt. lJoth oIl \\'a.l-lancì. .lul¡' 7. Stalle¡- Blackutel' ancl l)ot'oth.)' Pollalcl, of llevell¡-. i\{an'iccl at Beverì¡'. Septernbtrr' 1l). Starilc'¡' Bloaclbent, of Ällstorr, and Ger'- Jrrne 11. r\l-her'tort lìogels n'Ia¡'nartl tl'rrdc lìmma \Ycnt's'orth, of Shclbour' october it. Isaac \\¡¿u' Pannellter ancl Ilclen }llizabcth of lìalrtsteacì, N. II. Octoûer 3l. Flecl Curtis NleFarland, of Dearbom, l\[ich', arrcl Iva Catheline St$r'art. n'fa|riecl ¿t I\{iclctlctolvtt, Cottu. Novelnber 15. Williaur Sìrcr,man Pride ar-rcl Valeska RichteÌ .lìe¡'uolcls, Wohlrab. NoYetnber 20. Flank R. lJowker ancl Stephanie t\'Iarsiusik, of (llinton. l'Iarriecl at Salem, N. I{' DIìATHS IìI]COIìI)i'D 9-Villiatn C. Ilulnett Febrnar.r' l3-Jaures I'Iclviu Se¡'tnour j-Ecl$'irr Albert Po$'ers \farch 29-Ieruric Oll Gorclotì . . . . t\{atch 29-Osc¿rr r\. Pctcrson . . . . April 21---li'rartk P. Iìartorr Jtine 12_Char,les \\r. lìice Jut.t' l1-Älan Clifforcì L¿tl"ot'te August 4-Ernma ;\. 'I'up¡let' Aug'ust ll-Elizabeth Rairct Febluar¡' 50 51 82 71 27 years years years ¡'ears ¡'ears ¡'cat's !3 70 ¡'ears ! l'ears 77 ¡'cars 87 ¡'eals {0 .A.ugust 2l--.IuÌia J')tta (lollr'<t) October' 1Íì-So¡rìria i\{ncn¡raa October' 15-rhrna So¡thia Nelsoll Or:tobel' I ir- Stillboln. October 26-llalguelite Di'Julio Novrrurllt'r' l-Joeì l)exter IIa¡'ncs 59 .\'ea I's 55 .\'ea rs 72 )'eaì's .... iì4 .r'cat's 7õ .1'eals 69 ¡'ear:s l)et:cnrbcr' 26-I'ìrillip (llriun 'l'lre catrses <lf tleath \\'crc ¿Ìs liollorvs: (lcl't'blal hcrtlorrha¡¡c 4, unlilrou,ll 1., ¡tut'uurottia ll, ¡rulrlottar¡. tttltelcttltlsis iÌ, tltrto actli<lrrrrt l, cat'cirtotna 1, nrttrtt'al catìses , ¡reritrtrtitis 1, stillbolrr 1 , arrgirra pcctolis 1. 'i'ìro l'oll<lu'irrg u'trlc ltrorrglrt to Suclllrrr¡' 1'rlt'but'ial, llttt. rcsidcd clscndlcrc: I,'ebt'rrar'¡' 2ó-lìerrjamin II. \\'clssìr, ol' \\¡trsl'bol'o .... 76 ¡'r:ars 67 .l'ear'" r\¡rril 30-.,\nuie tr'I.'ootl, ol' Worccsttlr ......... 74 ¡'eals Se¡rtcmbur' ltl-\\ran'crr D. llurrt, ol' Wot'ccster ...... 76 .r'tlal's Octobcr' T-Älicr¡ ì'I. lìicc, of Neetlltarn 'I'hc clclh lcrlrrcsls irrlioltnatio¡r.<lf att¡' omissi<ltl ol ert'ols itl thr¡ lists <lf births, cleatlls alrcì m¿rrri¿rgos, tìtìcì ìre ìrcleb¡' gives pnblic uot'icc that he is lrre¡raletì to fullrish ìrlarrks for thc propeì' l'ctltfrr of bilths, alrcl calls ì)al'liculal attcrttiolr to thc followirl!ì ¡rlovisiorrs of ìal', re<¡uirin¡¡ ¡rarerrts u¡f[ 1¡(lr1tt's to lttake letutll oii bir'1h u'ithill folt.1' cla.r's thelc¿litel'. Iìxtlact l'rom thc (ìertcrraì lraws, Chaì)tcl' 46 "Scction 6. Palcrrts, l'ithilr fort¡' tlar,s aftct'the birth of a child. arrd ever'.r' ìrorrsehoìcìcl', ri'ithirr folt.r' cla.1's ¿ìftcl' tì bilth irr ìris horrse, shall causc lloticc tlttrl'eof to bc givcrr to tlrc clel'k <lf' thc ton'rr ill rr'hicll srrch chilcl is borlr. "seclioll 8.  parent, liec¡ter, stt¡ret'irrtentlerrt t¡r olher pcr'sorr r'ur¡uirecl b¡'Sectiort 6 to ¡¡ivtl or caì.rse to be ¡¡iven Irotice of a llirth rlr <1ealh, rrcglccting so to do fol'tell cìa¡'s afler thc timtr shalì forfeit llot rnorrr thalr fivc rlolìat's." ì inritc<ì th t'r'clfot' '1 r Dog License Account 'lhtr,\ssess<ll's' list of clog' o\\,ltet's ancl l<ee¡tet's shol's thc rrut.nbel oll clogs ilr l.ol'n on A¡rriì l, 1931, 16 þ¡ Iiìiì; of this tntnrlrc.r'orrl¡'ti2 have been ìicellsecl, as follorl's: Charlotte -¿\ikcu. I luale; Oìarence .¿\ì'ncs, L flernalc; Oharlcs S. Ilalclu'in, 1 male: r\ìbcrt 'l'. Iìatttes, I maìe; I-L Bergtrer, 1 rur¿ilc,, I spa¡'ed fcrnaìe; \\rilliaur llills, 1 s¡ra¡'ecl fcmaìc; D. l r. Ilracl<ett, 1 rn¿rlc: Ilclith lìuckittgham, 2 lìou'ker, 'l luaìc; C. rurales, 2 females; tr,Iaxrvcll ^. P. Ilatott, 1 s¡ra¡'ctl fernale ; Paul Ecktr, 1 fc'nrale; I-Iorr.r. G. Gar'fieltl, 1 rnalc; .Iamcs I'. Gill, J. male ; Cleorge Il. Glidclcu, 1 male ; Geolgc Ir. Goocluon', 2 rnalcs, Williallr l{. Gonlcling, l rnale; Johu C. llall, 1tn¿ìc; l,'t'ccl I'Itrtn, l rnale; 'lhorl.alcl l-Lrìrnrnttr, 1 lr,¿le; Et'ntlst C. IJartclle.t', I lnale; William .I. Iìoo¡'ler', 1 lnalc; R.obert l'Ioo¡rer, l malc; Neìs Johnsotr, 1 tnale; l'Il's. R. \\:. .Ioìursol, 1. femalc ; Älfrecl F. I-¡o'n'elì, I male; t\uclt'el' Cì. llitchell, 1 rnale; ,)arnes F. NIcGahan, 1. mulc; George \\¡. I{orse, J s¡ra.1'cd fem¿rle; C. \V. Ncar¡', I s¡ra¡'ecl fcmaìc; Ù[rs. 4l ùIar.t' Ir. Ncs'tolt, I ¡nalc; .lolttt L. O'Ncill, 1 llt¿tltr; I'lcrrr¡'-N' I'agö, 1 uralc; l{airlon A. I,ahuer', 1 urale; Àlice II. Parrnentet', Jt'., 1 fãriale; !'rárrk pe¡kirrs, I fel¡aler; i\'Irs' Drskitre Porvell' 1 spa.r'ccl femalcr; jatnes P. Porvet's, 1 rnale ; I'Irs. 1.,' G. Ra.l'moncl, 1 tnalc; Paul W. Iìhoatles, 1 male ; llenr¡' E. Iìicc' 1 spa.l'ecì fc'l'nale; Charles D. Ilichat'clson, 1. tnale; L. 0. Richar:cìsorr, 1 male; L. \Y. Salgent, 2 tnalt:s; n'[r's. [,. W' Salgent, I fem¿le ; lìeltìra Sirron' 1mãle; Iìlmer R. Smith, l rnale;L. I). Stilcs, l male; I(. Srvatrsou, 1 mtrle; Jo.r' Tufts, 1 male; Echvalcl NI. Ver'¡', 1 femalc;-C. IÌ' \Yaiker', 2 fenriilcs: Gcorge \À7. WilsoIr, 1 male ; Ilalph D. \Yilson, 1 llraìc; Mls. I¡. T,. Youtrg, 2 tnales. Nrunber of licerlscs issuccl to Janttar.l' 22' 19'J2 '62 $86.00 Received for' 43 malcs at tli2.00 5ó.00 fleceivecl for lt females at $ír.(X) 1ô.00 Ileccivecì for B sÌra.l'ccl fernalcs at $2.00 . 62 fees at $1ir7.00 12.40 20c lìala¡rce ott ltatrcl l)ue J floln couttt.r' une l-Paicl c<.rttlrt.\' tl'o¿tsur€!r Dec. 1--1'aid cotttìt)' treasurer (.lash 'l;144.60 45.60 19Íì0 on hand, Januitr¡'22, 1932 $190'20 $123.60 61.20 5.40 $190.20 Dulirrg thc ¡'eat' 1931 the follou'irlg s¡rorting licclrses have br this ofifrce: ing licenses li at $i2.75 $148.50 54 resident ciitizens' spotting been issuecl I cluplicatc .50 $149.00 ¡5'[ fees itt 2roa 13.ã0 $135.50 Paid f)ivision of l'ishet'i,¿s atrd Gamc . llespectf ul Iy suLrmitted, FIì¡\NI( F. Gtr)R.R'Y, lou'n Cllelk. +2 TOWN HALL BUILDING COMMITTEE In nrahiug this repolt r.r'e u'ish to state that the selectmen subscribe to it in accorclance rvith ¿r vote [ahen under Article'1, at the las[ special t,os'n rneeting and that it complies u'ilh the subject rnatter thereirr coutained so far as it is possible to do so. The fìrst siep il the const,ruc{,iorr of the ucvi' hall was the employment of an architect. Your committ,ee votecl to employ Mr. Charles I{. Wa¡' aud io pay hirn usual architect's comrnissions of six pelcerrt of tlie cost of builcliug arrd ec¡uipping the builcling. After some cornplicatiorrs the lJu¡'nes ¡rroperty \\'as purchasecl, the tou'n receiviug a straight. clccd ,uvith lro iucumbrances and no corìcessious macle to the seller for the plice of .,$'15,000.00. 1'he couunittee paitì ${53.29 to have the ¡iroperty surveyecl ancl assrlre itself of trn absolutely clear title to the pro¡rerty. A list of the bids submittecl ancl the contracts let. together u'ith a list of other bicls ancl estirnates ancl co'st of other material and equipmeut u'hich u'ent into the halì follorvs: GENER,-TUJ CONTIIACT ESTIN,IAT]IS I. H. Bogalt & Sons Co., Boston Fiske Oalter Construction Co., Worccster' K. 'W. Iìiclrards, Nceclharn 'lho¡nas J. iVlcMahon, Frarningharn . . . 'W. Fillmore Co., Cambridge . . Joslirr & Landr¡', Boston John F. GrifÊn Co., Boston Williarn Coulson, 'Cambridge Willianr H. Porter Co., 'Watertowu . . Thomas P. Hurle¡', Marlboro Irvirrg P. Iìocheforcl, Framinghan . . . Perkins & Wells, Concorcl .. $59,967.00 58,280.00 55,235.00 52,5t2.00 60,995.00 59,442.00 55,994.00 58,557.00 56,293.20 58,459.00 51,257.00 50,606.00 After ouritting v'ork of rough gratling and roacl excavation of granite facing from lear of builcìing, Pelkins & Wells'ffgule l'as $46,512.00;the anr.ount of the final contract. ancl ornission 4lì III,)À'| ING a rìd I) I rlllt I lI NG ES'I'I tr{^'l' ES J. C. Massie, Wa¡'land Austin Mclìae, Cjonco¡'cl Nlartin Coffe.r', l.¡incohr Natick Plumbirtg & Hcatirrg Co., Nati Naticl< Franli Il. Woocll'alcl, lloston [.'rank E. Cassicl¡', Clarnbliclge Fa.r'-ì3yme, Ilerrtin¡¡ Pìurnbirrg $5,Íl1ii.ir0 $2,:J92.oo 1,976.00 2,i¡80.00 {-),700.00 '1,44:1.{)0 6,887.00 6,219.00 Nlttlboro 6,809.00 2,1118.00 Plnmbirr¡¡ contì'act let to -¿\nstin NIclìae, of, for. $:l ,976.00. Fleatirr¡¡ contr.act let to ù[assic, of \\¡a¡'land, for $5,318.59. IìLIÙOTRI( r¡\I ¡ Geolge I,'. [Ietlick, Nlallboro Flecl lì. l)tì\r,c$, lluclson I{. M. 'Wa¡', Hale"v Electrical Co., Suclbur.r. J. Iì. \\'ORI( llS'l'Il,LYl' lìS $1,535.o0 1,24-ÐJ1 1.,359.00 .lSoston 1,180.00 Oontlact rr¿rs ¿nvarclccl io Joscplr 13. Wa¡', of Srrrlbur¡., fol $1,180.00. All these cstiurates rvcr.e subrnitted tr¡ the architcct in se¿rlc'd o¡ìvelopes arìd l\'erc operned at a rncetiug of the bnilclitrg cotnmittee Lry thc chair¡nan. (.lr¡ntl,acts \\'erc a\v¿ìrded ll,t. unaniniorus vote of this committee. ES'llNLVI'DS OI¡' ITIIMS Of¡ l)QUII'I,IìI,)NT, IIT(i. Pr.i<rcs paitì \\¡ater punrp $7f).00 $86.00 $70.00 V¿ult tloors 3iì8.00 3J0.00 \¡ault cqrip. 198..18 r+9.00 280.00 227.00 Iìobbirts Phalon $70.00 260.00 Dicbolrt S¿¡fe & Loek Co., 960.00 '1115.00 Gt'neral liircprooling Co. 13Í.00 $ r\sphnlt floor tilc .....2,001.00 1,226.00 948.00 curt'n 339.88 297,00 273.70 Sttrge El. lixtr¡res .536.50 Garage rl'r's Sct'eens 2.00 ... f80.00 Senting . 2f . $7ií.;Ì0 J. I{. PIa.y 'Inttlc 9+8.00 273.70 Studios 600.00 D. l¡. Cal<lwell & Co, nntl 22"1.00 ..... I{. lì. I{olì¡rook ........ .I[ahone.v Clrai¡. (.kr. ..... l'cttingiìl 208.00 975.30 f)74t.:ì0 r\n<ìrervs B¡rrbel Coìclnan Co. Co., 536.50 21.2.00 l;6.00 $7ij.110 Win<ìolr' shades . . 70.00 97.00 70.71 lIcl¡rllrtn Sharlc (io. .. Brongc tab. Llt antì kratl box, 100.00 120.00 268.00 Gradirrg cost to tlate . .Iauitor to !-ebluar¡' 1, 19Íi2 Stilcs Coal Clo.. coal Â.. !'. IJonazzolli, coal .rr*orton Studios 100.00 $1,389.70 b.1' tou'n heìp 2f)2.00 715.18 149.37 4+ Bids l'ere askecl on coal, u'ith bicls as follolvs: $14.70 nel ton for anthracite Stiles Coal ComPau¡' 14.65 per ton for anthlacite Bonazzolli A. F. '.. F' llolrazzolli after' fir'st lot of five was bought frorn '{' Coal tons. of c<lntractors etnplo¡'ctl ancl priccs ¡raid' forivork the first appropriation of $65,000'00: Trist rurcler clolre Genel'al Contract: & Wells, lnc', I-Itrbbard St'' --Perkius ìn,l¿, ¡,lass. . Oon- $46'608'25 sub-cotttractors untlel the Perkins & Wells contract: List of-"',,tr. atta piasteting-Cas¡rcr J etrney, -Jr"'.Cotrco.rd' . üitàri ñiniJr-Califo.rria' r,ig'a" lri t,o, oot.icl" ; Califonria u'hite piue, illsitle. Burllltarn Ilrotltel's Colnpatt.l', Ncu'totr' "'-"'tJn:;; ;;;;äï'i;"1;;'-CaÌtiilc-À¡'cr compatrv-, sotnerville' ilon-Groisser & Shlager', Sornerville' ntta It.ut & R;ì;fi;s'i-Slutu, ü. ll"tit, rrelmã"t' Laving, Dasle cornice Canrbliclgc' Skvli sht \\iorks, -^"''iì,i"tiitglÁtlatt l(cnied¡'-& Sort, Cotrcorcl, Mass' Chclmsford' Fletcher', E. ilrauitcl-t-t. I.'lunbing: $a154.14 r\ustin D. l{icR,ae, tr[ain St', Concorcl, Mass' I'Ieating: 5,348.59 ,lames C. Iiassie, Glen St., Wa¡'l¿¡1t1, Mass'' Wiriug: Electric 1,226.87 ,fo""lrli S. Wa¡', Co-ncorcl Rcl', So' Suclbury, Fixtules: Electlic vestibule ancl lobb;, F' F' -for'ãixtitorirun, $281.50 15tlì St', Nerv York " ' West òã1,1.,'"11, Fn. tìii,t.ã åf intcrior fixtttrcs, PettingclìÄlrcìt:ervs Cornpatl.r', Iloston' "' -"''' Outsicle light bracke ts, tr'lallbolo !'orge' Sudbur¡', Mass' po"tlcì--tefló"1or atrcl hanging of intelior fixt.ures, J<lsePh Il. WaY 255.00 9.00 50.35 $595.8õ Sen'ice Cor-ruection: Eclisou Electric Com¡ran¡' Bostoll Consolicìated Gas Cotnlran¡' Joscnb B. Wa¡', telePhoue pipe . Flarrìrer'¡' Ilros., Cortcorcl, trench $106.72 24.78 42.00 45.00 $218.50 45 Gracìing: \Valls-Flanncr'.1' Btos., Oottcortl Steps-J. Flat'rington Co., Carnbriclge .... . Engineer-Boothlo¡'d, i\'Ia¡'narcl Exc¿rvation-l3cll Bros., \{althaur ; i\Iclen $225.00 45.00 89.40 731.31 299.0 ) L/or'r'ell, Suclbur'¡' I{ancl labor Waltcr Stone, labor' 11.2i . $1.400.9õ Nfiscellaneous itelns of equi¡trnent ¡¡ot illcludecl iu cotttract rvolk: Firc Station Dools: Balber'-Cohnan Coìupan¡-, Frarniughatn \'¿rult Doors: Fificltl Compan¡', Boston \rault Equipment: Gcncral Fireproofing Cotnpan¡', $212.00 . 260 00 IJostou 136.00 r\sphalt !'loor 'l'ilc : Johns-tr{anville Compan¡' ; laicl bl' J. H. Pra¡' & Sous, ..-..... I3oston Windo'n' Screeus: IÌ. Il. Ilolbrook Oompan¡', Bostotr Stagc Curtain: Trrttle Stuclios, Snlingficlcl 1õ6.00 273.70 Winclol' Shacles: lYlcl-¡ellan Àu'tritrg & Shacle Cotn¡tau¡', IJoston Seating for Auclitot'iurn : I,Iahone¡' Chair Compan¡', Garcluer, Mass. Scatiug for Balcon)': Olcl ehairs saved from olcl tolvn hall. Steel for Moving Picturc lirtoth : Groisser' & Shlager Compan¡', Somerville I-¡eacl IJox ancl Bronze Seal: Nolton Studios (I-I. IJ. Norton), Iloston Ash Barrels, Nlats ancl Blooms: Oolnmons'ealth of I'Iassachusetts, Depaltment rection Professional Selviccs : Charies H. Wa¡', Suclbnr¡', 70.00 97ã.30 9ã.00 100.00 of Cor35.73 architect F. F. Gerry, lcgal services; Tuttle, surve¡'ing 'lhe committee has also expenclecl for heating and janitor scrvices 948.00 3,675.00 1ã3.29 501.õõ For moviug olcì barn The item for heat ancl janitor services explains the overru¡r of the appropriation; the cornmittee expected that the builcìing woulcl be complctecl before the necessity for heating atose. Delay in obtaining title to the property delayed the erection of the building, rnaking the comlnittee responsible for heating it for three rvintet lnonths. 46 '.1'he sccollcì ap¡rr'<lpriatiou, $1,000.00, adclitional funrishitrgs ¿morurt available, ¿ttrcl sttcìr glaclirtg is tt¡ be ex¡lctrtlccl lìrr' bc clottc llithin thtr ¿ts c¿ìlì A list of all nroÙc¡- ¡taicl Orrt arrd appr,<.lved lt.r' the scle.ctrnclr foturcl in tþe t<livli accortlttatlt's r:cport. lt is irnpossiblc trl ntlt been.ptritl. sit'c '= a conrplete I'eport at this titnc, as all bills h¿tve Oire of'tne rnäin I'easols t'oi'all bills rìot beirrg paid ut ilre preselt tilne is tliis: '['he builrliilg co_ntrnil,tee dicl.tlot. reqriire a.lìy to I'unrish ¿r boiltl. ll11[ insl,eatl, ltcltl naðk tifteeir percenl, of' the arnounl, ol' rrrorre¡- rlue f'ot' $'orli clorte ab eucli morrl,hh' pt\-lnettl, atttl at t¡e corn¡rleti,lr ol' the contract the commiticð also hu<l the IighI arrtl oxel'cise(l that right, to withholtl fìf[eerr ¡rercen[-of' lhe corthacI price fõr ói*ty ,lays as * g¡rtran[ee t¡at t¡n *,urli *'oulrl bc done satisf'actol'i h'. r\ll colttracts weie lct lo t,he lou'est, bidtlers. Uncler I,hc svsÍ,em of birlrlirlE lhat, s'c ttsctl rvc \\:el'e s¿ìtisfìetl tltttl, everriolre that bicl vçai- qrralifierl to give pcrt'ccI sutisl'action, e.,e'i to thc lor.l'csl, birliler.. 'l'he iu,clriiecI rvns arrtllorizerl t.o all ot[er rn¿tlet'i¿tls a.lttl frtrtlisIitrgs otttsirltl colrtraots. A colnule[.e seDsl'atc t'eDrll't rll' llre lrrriltlitt¡4 cotlttltiltetr u'ill be srillrnittecl'ts soort rfs ¿rll llills itre ¡rititl. Sigrrecl, I.IAR\¡ll) I\. lfAlRliANI(, I'RANli I,'. (ìllRlìY. I{ARI,AND I{. ROGI4IìS. A.[,]ìltR'l' M. l]ltlCI(Wi'l'l l. RALIIH P. llAlì',lloN. NIIìS. I,YDIA G. RA\NIONI), MRS.'lllMPI]RANOl,: O. (ìtJP'l'[[,L, 'II-IONIAS S. lÌRADLl,lì,1. lìuilcling 0orrttuit,tee. I'IAIì\¡lrlì' N. f,'AIRIIANIi, AUBRITY W. RORDEN. HOWARD ÙI. GOODNOW, Selectmen. 47 REPORT OF TOWN ACCOUNTANT To the Board of Selectmen, Sudbur¡', Mass. Gcntlemen: I herelvith submit the annual report of ihe in accorclance with Sectiou 61, Chapter accounting department, 41, General f.¡{Ìrvs. The follorving is a statement of receipts ancl expenditures ror tne fscal veat enrling 1e31' i:ï*,il,i;' MAR,ION TT. ETJSER,, Torvn .llccountant. RECI}IPTS-1931 T.A,XES Polls-Personal-Property Year of 1929 . Year of 1930 . Year of 1931 . : $7,245.L4 16,980.86 44,003.20 $68,229.20 Motor Vehicle llxcise Tax: Year of Year of Year of 1929 1930 1931 $94.81 1,049.98 I 2,890,79 Old Age Assistance: Year of 193L . trìrom the State: In'come tax .. Crrr:poration taxes . Natio¡ral Bank and Trust Company Gasoline tax .. $4,035.õ7 $306.00 .. $8,485.80 7,417,69 535.56 1,550.00 $11,989.0õ GR,ANTS X'rom the State: .,... .... . Superintende¡rt small schools Tuition of children IVlassachusetts school fund High school tuitio¡r $1,605.80 1,164.99 613.44 139.00 *3,522.53 48 Fronr illictcllesex Cotlrlt.'t' : Dog tax Moth tax, 1929 i\,r;iü iil; lego $20?'56 SPDCIAI, ÀSSESSTÍ DN'I] . $1'50 . n'I;iil ú., 1e31 . 7.5rr 4'80 Water maitrteuânce $13'80 $36'00 ' ... HIGHWAYS. Chapter No. 81-From ði;;;ü" Ño. eo-From state st¿te cü;;;;; Ño. eo-From countY $6'?99'99 z, 2,999'93 $12,199.85 T,ICDNSDS AND PDRMIIIS Gtanted $184.00 1931 FINDS $700.45 'Coult PUBI,IC W'ELTÀR.Iì 'lou'n of Declham $5.7r LIBR,ÄßY $63.1.5 Fines ItIBt.¡S Reflunds from railroads .. $365.28 INSURANCT $80.25 Pternium SDT\I,EÍI. OA \Ã'OIGIITS ÄN.D MÐASUN,ES $44.7r Fees ÙIOTH DEPÀR'TÀT.ENT Sale of lead $224.78 . SOITDIERS' BDN$I¡IT $72.00 State aid scHooLs Toll $3.80 calls TA.X COI,I,ECTOR Oosts $37.4ó ò 49 IT'UNICIP Af, INDEBI]EDNESS $30,000.00 'l'etnllotar¡'loall 'I'.AX TIT.LES Tax titles $166.44 receivccl INTER.ES'I Dtrferrecl taxes, 1929 Deferretl taxes, 1930 Deferrecl taxes, 1f)81 Orl ballk balatrces Iroatr (ne\\' tol'n hall) Charity fund School funtl éi'n*s'" Ra¡'morrtl school fitncl 'i'r"""' Goodnow librar'¡' frurcl tr'ti. Þt"o*unt cemetery pet'petual c-al'e ' ' ' ' Nolth Suclbruy cÌemetel'y perpetual cnl'e " 1\radsrvorth cemeter¡' perpetual cal'e " " ' Tou,lt celneter¡' llerpetttal cale Olcl cemeterY perpetual care $822.03 691.63 36.69 lr32.i7 rl.5+ 328.00 7.5.13 1ó0.00 1,055.34 2t5.67 394.54 9.00 5r.58 11.26 $4.:.190.98 I)ISCOUNT $310.80 Loan (nerv tos'u hall) I¡O.¿\N $56,000.00 Bonds, nerv tolvu hall CI4ilETrìRY PDII'DTUr\L CÀRD I'UND BEQUESTMT. PI,DASÄNT $150.00 Dickel'k¡t... GOODNOW I,IBR.AR.Y T'UND þonfl s¿¡n6r tlue (Nelv Beclforcl gas electric) ffi pììneipal pa.vrnent (Chicago R' R') " Iù'O]¡Tf Chantel l(o. 81 Chabter No. 90 Poor <l.ePartlnetlt Welfarc dePartmetrt ...' Library School dePartment '... $1,0õ0.00 50.00 $1.100.00 NDS .:ì0.00 15 2.00 20.00 b. l.) 02 $õ8.fi2 $194,528.29 Cash on ltattcl, .Iatrnary l', 19iì2 24,4rÐ5.92 $218,984.21 50 PAYÙIENTS GENERAI, GOVER.N}Í I}NT Moderator's salary s10.00 Selectmen's salary Trenspor.tation ancl expenses $400.00 130.00 Printing Clerieal work 7.50 7.50 $545.00 Âccountant's salary $200.00 Treasurer's sâlar¡r qt200.00 Expenses 13.00 Stationery 24.94 Safe deposit box 2.00 10.00 Certifying note $249.94 Assessorst salaries $311.45 66.00 'fransportation Telephone 4.75 Printing, stationery arrd postage 66.23 'fown clerk's salary Recor.ding and retuuring vital statistics .. P-rinting, stationery anci*postage Transportation Expeuses $448.43 $200.00 54.25 20.26 1.80 6.22 $282.53 School committee salaries 225.00 Public rvelfare salaries 'fransportation Stationer¡' $100.00 23.00 2.50 $125.50 Board of health salaries Transportation and expenses ... $55.00 25.45 .75 .97 15.00 Telephone Stationery Medical service TAX COLI,ECTOß'S Salary SA.IJARY $9?.17 $890.31 51 TAX COLLECTOR'g EXPPNSE $?3.18 78.68 10.00 Stationery Stamped envelopes Legalserviee'.... 13.14 Ttausportation $175.00 TOWN CLOCK $50.00 C¿r'e oll EI,ECTION ÀND R.DGISTRÄTION Salar.r' of registral Salaries of ballot clerks 'W'ages removing voting booths Printing antl postage $14.00 4t.26 16.00 46.00 $117.25 NEW TO'WN HAI,IJ Purchase of site General construction $15,000.00 35,825.19 945.20 Electric rviring Ileating {,ã20.13 Plurnbing Architect's fee .. Moving l¡anr frbm site .. Powcr excav¿tion I-rabor on grading Strrve¡'ing of ProPertY Ensineering services Ireöat servi"ces, examination of title ' " ' " Bronze seal for floor . Steel for pictule booth . 'Iwo Barcol overdoors 'Iwo State of ltassachttsetts vault cloors " One Da.ytou pump . 'fen granite stePs . Janitor's service Mats, shovels arrd ash barrels Coal L,488.22 3,073.05 300.00 729.40 299.00 40.00 89.40 113.29 100.00 9õ.00 2t2.00 260.00 70.00 45.00 50.00 13.20 1õ1.30 $63,419.38 POLICD DEPART\IE:\T Chief 's salar¡' Other rvagcs .... 'lransportation . . Investigation 'Ilvo .l'eal's' ittsura-uce Cjaps $?50.0úr 2l'1.90 327.00 \2.54 ?1.88 3.00 $1,382.32 52 FIN,D DEPAßî}ÍDNT Salary and. wages Nerv equipment .. $1,139.06 1,802.76 15.18 27.25 24.00 77.L7 52.70 74.70 345.00 Badges Ä.utomobile hire L¡unches Maintenance Supplies Telephone Storage of fire apparatus ùTOTI{ '\{'ages DDPANT,,\{I.}N $3'497.77 $988.00 223.00 65.00 12.00 10.00 Trucking Teaming Rent of shed Rent of spral'er fi1,298.00 s298.00 CUTTING BR,USH 'W'ages $242.00 5?.00 Tmcking STR.DET $299.00 I,IGHIS Street lights $5,619.35 BOARD OF EDALTH fnspection of slaughtering Middlesex county sanatorium Ambulance Serviees of nurses Medical service Supplies $35.00 50.00 24.50 18.00 110.50 11.00 43.48 #292.48 SNOW ACCOUNT Superintendent's salary L¡abor and trucks Sancl Supplies ..... û328.25 69õ.00 23.50 150.31 $1,197.06 53 CHAPTDR, NO. 81 Supelintenclent's salary I-¡abor and trucks Gravel Repairs $1,140.75 7,419.18 375.20 818.20 238.33 Supplies t,421.60 742.7\ Road oil Gasoline and oil Crush stone . Concrete pipe . Excavation Registration of state truch 54.70 83.22 105.00 30.00 CHAPTPR NO. fiL2,428.74 90 'Superintend.ent's salary I-¡abor and trucks Sancl and gravel $435.50 3,577.00 259.70 r48.07 Repairs Supplies Roacl oil Crush stone 107.36' 4,105.48. 199.31 167.52 '. Gasoliue antl oil NEPAIR OF $8,999.94 BBI.DGF.S .$87.?0 Supplies Moving or ::Ì::::.::Ï:.. barn $200.00 PUBLIC WPLFARD Outdool' poor . State indrrnary Hospital eare . tsoai'cling of chilclren .. .. .'|. provisioñs . Transportation Coal ancl ¡'ood 2?3.00' 219.50' 20.00 426.66 45.00 20.50 $1,555.23 OLD A.GE ASSISTANCE Expencled for old age . . Su¡rplies $131.13 6.45 $137.58 sordiers' rerier . ...:i::T iÏ..... s?2.00 54 scfiooLS Salaries: 'l'eachels $16,862.54 Janitors 1,790.00 'I'r'ansportatiorr 4,939.00 Superintendent Ph¡'sician 'Iruant Dxpenses: 1,0õ0.00 100.00 410.00 ;ffi;;; 1l2.40 Superintenderrt's expenses . .. 203.66 l¡uel .....:.:::::: 755.I9 72I.08 llìsurauce "" Text book ancl srrpulies Painting of buitdiirþ. . . lìcpairs and sunnliei Telephone ....:... Electricity I,743.31 450.00 c62.94 72.31. 2õù.30 13.14 University llxtension services 81.96 137.47 25.00 25.00 18.00 50.00 PlirLting' ancl errgraviug Graduatiolr decor.ations Dcntist services Umpire sen'ices Grading grounds scHoor, colrlræRcrlo Repairs to t.1'pe.u'riters *oãr - $30'470'30 $6.21 SCHOOI, ATHLE.TIC Supplics $105.63 Excavation 724,.73 *229.76 GOODNO,W LIBR.¿\RY I-.¡ibrarialls' salalies Janitol Cleaning Fuel Lights Ilcnt-Cerrter branch Insurancc Books llagazines Furnishings lJook lists . Rebincling book Librar.¡'oof Cono' I.¡ibrarv Congrcss Supplies News-Dnt cr¡trise fli483.00 1õ0.00 ã1.13 I25.9'r 45.45 25.00 163.1iì 333.18 107.75 26.75 5.00 'o2.1ó 9.68 36.20 1.50 $j1,615.87 55 IÍÞMOR,IAIJ D¡,Y Band ... $150.00 42.00 Memorial basliets Flags Dinners 10.50 55.00 2.66 3.50 Supplies Printing $263.66 INCIDENTAIJ fnclustrial school tuiiions fnspector. of animals Sealer of I'eights ancl measures' salaly .. Sealer of weights ancl measures' expenses Legion hall janitor service Stationery Registry of cleecls tlax collector's costs refuntled 'Imcking of gas stove Dxpeuse incurrecl scncling tax notices {J187.69 . 150.00 48.20 5.10 25.30 46.89 22.80 37.45 5.00 32.93 $56r..36', }.IRD AIJAN,M SIGNÂI, I-.¡abor $60.00 340.00 Fire alarm signal $400.00 TOWN CE}ÍETER,Y Labor $65.00 20.00 Itosebush es l-¡oâm 15.00 $100.00 OIJD CE}II}TDIÙY l.¡abor $143.25 C,\1ì¡ OF.SOI,DIERS' AND ME}ÍORTAIJ LOTS I-.¡abor' I-¡Oam $i52.50 47.õO . 100,00 UNPÁ,ID BIIJI¡S Fire clepaltmeni. ... Industrial school tuitions Eler.:tion and registration [-regal services $861.03 138.28 85.50 119.00 150.00 Ànimal inspectiorr Tnrcking 25.00 ASSESSOAS' Brr,t, Work on exeise and property tax in l-930 . $1,3?8.81 $192.00 58 Raymond School Fund: Jeanette Smith I{t. Pleasant Cemetery $150.00 : L,abor Carrtations and bedcling plants $280.24 45.62 r75.15 [-¡oan $õ01.11 Nolth Suclbur.y Cemetery Care of lots .. $140'00 'ril'adsworth Cemetery I¡abor : : '.|;12.C10 Toq'n Cemetery: Labor Plants Tools and grass $41.50 6.75 8.31 seecl $l56.56 Olcl Cenreter¡': Labor $16.75 Iribrary: Charlcstol'n Five Cent Savings bauk, $50.00 Charlestovn Five Cent Saviugs bank, 1,050.00 Goocluor,t' $1,100.00 fìefuncls: Motor vehicle excise tax 'f axcs, 1929 I'axcs,1930 $111.96 2.00 4L.25 fl;1õõ.21 Caslr orr hand, I)ecenrber 31, l-931 $191,332.88 . 27,651'33 $218,984,21 UNPAID BIITITS, DECEMBER, 31, 1931 Cit¡- of Worcester, hrtlustrial scltool Yaie University Press, library account Comrnouu,ealtli of Massachusätts, public l'elfare . . . . Sundry persons, ffre department . . $16.67 9.56 123.00 364'63 $513.86 59 Town of Sudbury Balance Sheet as of December gl, tggz ÅSS3,TS $27,657.33 Taxes, 1930 'laxes, 1931 : tr'Iotol r.ehicle cxcise. 1gB0 Nlotor vehiclc excisc, lg3l 9,327.00 27,056.24 393.16 1,872.75 14.00 3.50 2.40 109.00 r\[oth, 1929 lVloth, 1930 tr'Íoth, 1931 Oìcl age assisiancc T¿x titles 4,135.36 De¡taltmetrtaI: Folest ffres St¡rte airl 'Water rates Conrrt¡' aid to higÌrn'ays 'lrust frurcl incomc (to be u,,n from Savings 18.84 72.00 173.50 413.14 banks) : l{t. Pleasant cemeter..}' Goodnou' Iibrar.y r {lcl o\\'¡ì age cc)ìtct,et',)' assistaucc LIABII]ITIDS Ovella¡', 1990 . Ovella¡', 1931 ... lìcsr:rve Fund: Ovcllay sur¡rlus .Itevorìue r,eser.vccl rurtil collected l{otol 207.55 207.55 g5g.Bg 858.38 19.02 vehicle excise tax trfotor assessment 9ld ag.e assistance Tax title . . $19.00 t,lStr.øl 1,A60.21 10,6?6.14 ; D__epar.tmental Water' ^ S_urplns r.eveìrue Urrexpcnclccl balanccs 4t72,26I.22 ' Z, 1g.g0 109.00 4,185.g6 g0.g4 1ZB.b0 g1,457.g6 : Nerv torvn ìratl .... Insuranàe tiåì"-tå.,"n'li"ú'. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :. Clealing tax titlcs Gt'acliug olcl torvn hall site Public safety Ira.rrcl putchase : Concot'cl road and State roacl .. Wiclening- col.ner: Concold road and State roacl, School athletics . .. so.trr sãhãìi :. : . ::: :: : : :::::::: : Solcliers' membriãl-tablet ir";;;;;d'. 16,õ80.62 185.00 118.62 500.00 227.34 325.00 75.00 276.30 500.00 9t1.77 60 'watermaintenauce 130'39 100'00 "" Purchase of dump Trust fund income: School funcl Cemetcry perpetual care bequest . .. ' t2.74 150.00 101.08 150.00 Charity Raymond scholalship Wadss'orth cemeter¡' Old cemetery North Sudbuly 74t.57 74.45 I57.4ra cerneterY #72,26r.22 DEBT ACCOUNTS Net funcled. antl fixect debts . . . Trust fuud loan School bonds .. '[os'n hall bonds $89'000.00 $5,000.00 28,000.00 56,000.00 $89,000.00 TR,UST ACCOUNTS 'I'rtrst ftrnds, ctrsh atttl securities ..'.. George Gooclrtou' charity fitncl ' Johanna Gleason charity fund . Elisha Gooduos' charity fund . J,er'¡rsha Flowe charity fund lSamuel D. I{unt charity furlcl . Ancient Donation chality fund . Etisha Gooduorv school fuud ' Äncicrrt l)onatiou school futrcl ' Georgre J. Ilaymond schoìarshiP Goodnou' liblaly fuud . Perpetual care fulrds: Mt. Pleasaut cemeterY North Sudbury cemeterY \\¡aclsl'orth cernctery 'fo'q'n cemeter.r' . Old cemetery Income accounts: Charit¡' fuuds . School fuuds . George J. Rayrnontl seholarship Goodnol' liblaly fnn<l . Mt. Pleasant cernetery ¡lcrpetttal care . . North Suclbirry cernetery perpetual calc, 'loï'¡r centeter¡' perpettral eare *52,749.62 flj1.0,000.00 1,792.27 :1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 302.00 1,000.00 1ã1.00 3,0?õ.00 20,000.00 Ít,400.00 2,100.00 300.00 650.00 250.00 2,õ92.0:ì 4Õ.1.3 7.+l 1,028.71r 211.79 +18.18 26.06 $52,7+9.62 61 TREASURER'S REPORT Cash on hand, f)ecernber 31st, 1930 Receipts \\ralla rr ts Balancc, I)ccclnller. iì 1, 19ìJ1 824,455.92 . t94,528.29 .....$191,382.88 . $218,984.21 27,65t.33 $218,984.21 List of Investments GOODNOW IJIB}IARY FUNDS lJ. S. L,ibert.v boncls, 4t/z% . .. Seattle tslectric (Everett), 5o/o Nen'Ìreru, N. C., 6,lt .. Illirrois Steel Compa:ny, 41/2o/o $2,700.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 No. Tractiorr Company, 5o/,, . 1,000.00 Bostorr Elevatecl R. R., 4\/2% . 850.00 Clricago R. R. Cornpany, Sfi 1,000.00 Ilaltimore & Ohio R,. R., 4% .. 1,000.00 Union Electric Light & Pou'er Company, 1,000.00 llol.t'oke & W-estfielcl R. R., 4r/+ol, . 1,000.00 1,000.00 N. Y., \\testchester' & Boston, 41/z%, 7,393.45 Iu Saviugs Boston&Alban¡',4%,.. banks fi2,362.90 980.00 1,047.50 950.00 1,020.00 1,045.00 848.75 980.00 1,020.00 970.00 922.50 1,050.00 õf, . 7,39i1.4ó $20,580.10 $1,000.00 1,000.00 1,050.00 13,?98,02 CHÄIì,IîY FUNDS l)elau'¿rre & Iludson, 4o1,... 9981.35 Faìl R.iver Electric Light Company, 5/o . . . 1,050.59 Eastcnr iVlassachusetts Street R. R., yzol., 95'l .50 ln Savings barrlis 13,798.02 $16,787.46 SOHOOI, FT]NI)S $1.000.00 lìast Plovidence R. l\., 4cl, 161.00 ln Savings banks $990.00 161.00 SINIilNG I¡'I]ND, LIIIIìAIìY ll;1,151.00 $62.9it .[rt Saviugs banks $62.e5 GEORCN J. R,AYMO ND SCITO Nel' Englatrcl f'o's'cr Compan¡', 5%, Savings bank T-¡A bonds R,S}IIP I.'UNI) $i:1,000.00 ?5.00 $3,û75.00 62 CEMETIIIT,Y FUNDS Plirnpton Georg'c Goodnol' ,\shei.Italcom F.ecl l'loore .... Lois l-Iuut Nelson Fairbank Joseph sha'w Ddsnlcl I-¡. Moole Mar'¡' Vosc Thotrlpsotr Il¿r'i'ict f)akin Rióe . L¡'clia Ila¡'nes Järncs Dol' . Gcorge I-¡. Jones Nlosci tr(. l{a'nard .... Emiìy Fairbänk Daniäl Puffer '¡\dnaRrackett "' r\lbert T' Parmetrter' ... $250'00 400'00 200.00 100'00 5oo'oo 300.00 100'00 400.00 200.00 1oo'oo 100'00 100.00 100'00 1,000.00 100'00 100'oo 1'oo'oo 100'00 100.00 200.00 William Stcams ancl Abel G., W. fr., aucl Í l. Bacon 'willis Ilstate Eli Eti II. Ir. Wilì Estate William F. Stone 2oo'oo 1oo'oo I{unt W. Nlorse lI. r\'I. and i\{. R,. Hnnt l'Iartha Â. Ta.1'ìor George W. rvitt;s Anclieu' 'Iltomas lfa."-ntrs lsa¿c M. Jones . rì çL¡lçr uuç ' li. \\'cthe.bcc l.' . B. lIII. i. ¡¡Ir(t F. er. anct 100.00 Estate 100.00 F.a'cis Garfielcl Joh' w' Pa'nc'nter 1oo'oo 150'00 Theoclole 100'00 200'00 250'00 A¡clre¡, Gcolg'e Ilarringtou Calvi, I, ...... junt"* I-iurnan Wiltis 100'00 150'00 150'00 200'00 150.00 150'00 200.00 100.00 100.00 200.00 200.00 Geolge Smith Àbjjah Porvers 'fhomas Gar'fielcl Challes Whitne¡' Asa Jones Geolge 'l'. arrcl lìebccca 1õ0.00 l)icl<e¡' 150'00 $7,850.00 IIA.RI-,AND .A¡rpro'ved. II. IìOGERS,'I'r'easttrer. ì'[.ARION H. IìI-,SER., Torvlt l\ccouutant. 63 TAX COLLECTOR 1930 Dec. 31, 1930. Balance uncollected Amount collected Amount abated Amount adderl to tax title account $28,705.38 $18,038.34 638.39 304.99 sl8,981.72 Dec.31, 1931. Balance uncollected Interest collected . ..: : $9,723.66 ::.: 691.63 1931 Total of warrant for 1931 . Amount collected $47,204.t8 Amount abated 1,148.48 Âmount addecl to tax title account fi7'.|,579.96 246.2L $48,599.47 Dec.31, 1931. Balance uncollected Interest collected $28,980.39 36.69 IIOIIVARD C. BUR& Tax Collector. Approved. MÄR.ION H. EITSER, Tolvn ^A.ecountant. 64 ASSESSORS' REPORT Table Sucìbur'¡'. of aggregates' polls, etc., ¿rssessetl Àpliì 1' 19:31: ill the tos'n 1931 of 1930 of pelsons, partncrsltips alld Nulnber -' ãnipotutions a*éessecl otr plopert.l', 823 872 425 Nn*l"tiofmaÌepollsassesseci..'.... 410 $16,810.00 in .... tlade Value of assessed stock ' $9,450.00 6g'qqq'00 68,180.00 V;i;¿ ól us.estect live stock õ,900'00 10,180'00 V;i;; ãi a*.e.tect machinet'y Value of all other assessed tangible ....:..' 332,õ3õ.00 189,235'00 personal pro¡rcrt¡' tangible Valuc of assessccl ¡letsotral es416,065'00 286,030'00 tatc V¿rluc ..'--i,tof real estate: 5q'+q'qq - qll'9??'00 t;-à*ch,,ting builcìings 1,482,060.00 1,45:1,945'00 B;ilã'i"Àr. exchicling lanìl . Total valuatiou of assessecl cstate, ÀpriÌ l, 1931 .lax for state, conrrty and to\ïr.r ¡:ur¡roses, incluclilg overla.f ings '1931 : 1930 On pelsoual estate On leal cstate . On $12'06?'qq ti'99?'82 59,348'65 56,?48'18 820'00 polls Tot¿l . fi72,234.:dì $65,464.00 $29.00 $27.50 166 181 622 oat.f ^.1O 69 52 16 lì83 460 109 Iìate of tax ¡rer' $1,000 Number of horses ¿rssessecl Number of corvs assessecl ì{umber of sheep assessecl Nurnbel of neat cattle othcl tllatl col's assessecl Numìrel of Nnmber of chvelling houses assessetl . . Nulnbcr of act'es of lancl assessed . . . . . Nurnbel of fol'ls assessecl Value olt fos'ls ¿rsssessccl ' . sr'r'ine assessecì 'lorvn grtttrts .... State iáx Ilighrvay tax 850'00 14,821 10,890 $16,õ60.00 RiECÄPITULÄTION-1I30 ..... $76,2q1'41 2,660'00 1,240'00 28:c 460 14,821 10,290 $15,58õ.00 6ir . Snorv lcmovaì Courrty tax .. Hospital tax .... 384.00 4'015.56 259.05 2,179.19 (1930) Oveilay Total $87,029.21 . Ilstirn¿rtecl receipts : fncorne tax . . Motor vehicle excise Corporation tax .. Banh tax L¡icenses ..:... $1.0,169.78 4,500.00 t,435.46 rðL4.I7 229.00 743.06 2,427,37 Fines Schools fntelest on cleposits Interest on taxes 3R6.10 r,2r0.27 ... ... 'fotal clecìuctions lotal estinratecl leceipts l{ct an.rorurt raisecì by taxation #27.,565.2L *21,565.27 on polls and propert¡', $6õ,464.00 Number of poììs, 425, at $2.00 each 8ã0.00 'lotal vaìuation, $2,349,600; tax late, tai Plopelt'r' l'Ioth . $27.50. $6+,61.4.00 . 21.00 t¿rx Exeess b)' 1to",tous .. . .. . .. 'l'ot¿rl anrount s';trl'itllt of alt 98 t¿rxes listecl iu Total hlcome t¿rs $65'4É{ir'9& 3 2'850.00 429.64 26.75 34.03 410.00 4,734/2 640.9? 2,378.77 $9+,21:1.62 ìISTIJVIAT]ID Iì.DCI'II'T l{otor veltiele cxt'ise tax tax L¡icenses Corpotation Bank "' N-l I 1 ..... $82,446.03 $238.07 268.67 lì'D CÀPIT UIJAT IO 'lorr'tr glants .... Defìeit ove¡la)'--1922, $30.60 ; 1925, State tax State auclit Ilorest fir'cs . f)epaltrnetrt of couservation . Old age assistancc Connty tax .. Hospital tax .. Oyerla.v (cup'e¡t ¡'ea.r.) . collectol"s S $"q,835.32 4,500.00 776'14 52f,'16 238.00 66 743.00 2,192.68 Fines Aicl for schools Public service o,'t."p*itå*':: Interest on cle¡rosits fnterest on taies Gasoline ::::.:. :.:.'.'431.04 tax .. Total estimatecl receipts Tot¿rl 351.45 1,426.30 1'550.00 ... ... $r1ó6rJ, cleductions Net anrount raised b.r, 21'569.09 taxation on polls aucl pt'oper iy, *72"6+4'53 Number of polls, 410. ai $2.00 Olcl age each OSZO.OO assistance 'I'otal valuation, 410.00 $2,-162,570; tax I'ate $29'00. Property tax Moth tax 71,414.53 7.20 of all taxcs in collector's eotnmittuetrt list ' Total anount $72'6ó1'73 I{AùI, WEBSTER, CUTTIì\IG, ";;; Assessots '\pprovetl. of Suclbur.r', ÀI¡\IttON H. ELSBR, Ton'lr .¡\ccouutarrt. OLD AGE ASSISTANCE I]UREAU OlT OLD AGD ÀSSIST"\NCIì grant, for Olcl Age r\ssistattce Hobbsancl\Ã/alren... 'Iowrr Expendecl {i1,000.00 $'13'1.'13 6,/15 ,137.õB :Tt862'42 CLIFIIORD S. \\'RITiH'.t'. NÍAUDD MOORE CLARI(. GEORGE H. THO.\IPSON. Ap¡lrovecl. MARION H. llLSER. Tot't'rt Accottrrtatrt. 67 PUBLIC WELFARE Fon the Year Endlng Docember 'folvn grant 3l¡ 1931 $2.000.00 Outdoor poor' . Departrnent of public welfare D. \Ã/. Bor¡'her' Bor¡'her . . . F orrest D. Braclsha\r¡ . . . A. F. Bonazzoli \\/altharn hospilal O. S. \¡an Der Bara Stone Ralph'W. City of 'Waltham \¡/. A. Trvombly Mautle'W. Clark Ella Priest Clifford S. \Ã/right 'Warren . . . Hobbs and IÌmerson hospital Alvin Bradsharv $550.57 273.00 9r..&9 3{ 5.69 32.00 72.00 r 8.00 ,13.00 {20.00 7.00 5.00 ,t 5.00 6.00 1.&8 27.50 7.50 E{.55õ.23 tlnexpencled balatrce, Decem - fi ber 3{.'193{ s20.00 Checì< retttrnecì I)ue Dept. of Public flecernber 3 'V/elfare. s{ 23.00 { Reimbttrsetnettts 1þ/*lþ.77 : Tou'n of Dedham Due from Dept. of Public'Welfare From City of 'Walfham From Citv of Boston $35.7'l fi4.1*2.32 6{.55 l66.66 $370.53 GEORGE H. THOMPSON. CLTFFORD S.'WRÏGHT. MAUDE MOORII CT,ARI(. Approverl. IltARÏON I-T. llT,SAR. Town Accountaut. 68 FIRE DEPARTMENT REPORT Ilr accordance with the voie of ilre 'I'own ai its meeting a yeer ago e Fire Department was established, consisting of a chief, two ofIÌcers, eighteen plivates, and four substitutes. With the two new truchs and a nerv l,'ire Station, ol' which the Town should be justl¡' ploucl. the Department should give the Town good proteCtion irr retuln for the money spent. Early in the year the Selectmerr appliecl to the Insurance Exchange for a reduction in the insiri'auce rates. In order to obtain this reduction the follor.r'irrg lequilernents s'ere necessary: An organizecl cle¡lartrnent. approveil ap¡rar.atus. rnore hose, a fìre signal, anrl tmclis suitalil¡' honsecl. On March 30, '193'1, [he Irrternatiorral-[r.uc]i ¡tassccl rr twelve hour capacity ancl errclur¿rnce test conclucierl b¡' tr rgpt'esentative of the Neu' It)nglarrrl Irrsur¿rlrce llxcharrg,t'. Eight hnndr.ecl feet of I,u'o anrl orre-half inch ancl 700 feet of oue allcl one-half irrch hose u'as ¡tnrchasecl. Jrrl¡' ,l. l.he neu'sircn u'as pul, irrl,o rl¡rer.irliorr. ¡rìrrl Ir¿rs eertairrl¡:llccn tr great hel¡t in callirrg out t,he rnerr for. fìres. Decenlbel' l. both trucl<s \.\'ere honsecl in lhe nerv lfire Station. r\ll these rec¡uirernents havirrg ìtcerr coln¡tliod u'ith. ¡rro¡rert¡' 'tou'ithirr one mile raclius of tlic 'l'r)\\'tì I{all is rros' entiilerl a leduction in insuralrce r'¿rtes. During the year' ,193,1. there s'elc llrirl.¡'-three grass arrtl _ bmsli fires. six[,ecn fìrcs irrvolvirr¡r. llriJrlirrgs. irrrtl fir.e enìergenc)' calls., A hrrnclretl ¿rrrci seventr--'iu'o ¡rennils r¡,ere issued for fìres, storage of oil. antl use ot'r1¡'iraurite. Th9-.clepartment, held tu'err[¡'-sight rneetings anrl clrills. Public ìmilclings, garages. ancl fìlling' statións s.ere inspectecl in the interest of fir'e ¡rrcvenfion. Bills anlounting to fi4,75. Ts'elve ltave ìteel serrt Io the Railroacls for. fìres causecl lt¡' their locomotives. This mone)is paicl to the Tovi'r but it rioes not coTue bacìt inlo ttió t¡irb De¡rartrnent account. ï u.oulcl recommencl at this tinre the corn¡tletion of the Forcl tmck b¡' 1¡-t. aclditiori of a boostel' tnnli ànrì ¡tuur¡l anrl a permarìent rnan at tlie Fire Statiorl s'lìo also .ser.r'e as janitor of the new Hall. ï u'ish to tahe this opportunitv to thanl< all the nlernbers .of tlie.departme_nt fof the cooþeraf ion anrl srurlrolt Ihev have given rne throughout the fast 1'ear'. l[ueh'er.eclit is due IVIrs. Tighç- for her faithfut ôffort.s in notif¡.ing the rnen ancl operating the siren. 69 ",ålii,3*'['-,îlå¡tåJt'3iit3""Jf,i{mril.::ä'å$"'l'i.åii cãrn be made a, guocess. Town grant s3,ö00.00 2.23 Unexpended balance fi?,&97.77 s{.,139.06 522.9t. 1,279.85 15.13 27.25 4,04..4.7 345.00 62.70 4.4.70 83,/*97.77 FIRD ALARIVT Town grant Stertiträ siren . rriÀ[aiia"tion of siren $400.00 $34q.qq 60.00 $400.00 ïr¡r LLIAù,I u..lf.TTro*0,. MARION H. ELSER. Tor¡'tt Accountant' Annrovecl. ê i0 SUPERINTENDENT OF CEMETERIES 'fo the llonorallle lJoartl ol'Selectrneu of lhe'l'on'lr ol'Su<lbnry: Geutlelnen-lfhe report of l,he superirrterrrlenI erl' cerneteries is lierervith subrnitted: 'fhe olcl cernetery, at the center of the llou,n, has beelr mown ancl trilnmecl trvelve times cluring the ptrst, seûsou. Iìy frequent u'eeclings \\:e ût'e gradually obtaining a pessable a¡ipeatarìce of the turf here. We have graded the sllece betu'eeu the frorrt tvall ancl the Colrcord roacl; this area shonlcl be sou'rr in lhe s¡rring, arrcl then hept mou'rr. \Ã/e appreciate the interest shou,u ilt lhis cemetery, arrrì liope that it s'ill I:e carefulll' tenclecl from nou' on. We have mo\\¡n all thc lots in the 'l'ou'n arrcl Monnt. Pleasalrt cemeteries seventeen times this past ¡'s¿¡. 'We ìrave been able to do lhis through appropriation, gifls ancì accumulated pa.icl interest. Sonre feur have come forvi'arcl arld for this service. fhe cosl of rvhich is but l,hree clollars per ycar. \áe have also carriecl out a consiclerable arnounl, of necessar¡' grading in both of these cemetelies. All lots in perpetual care have been decoraterl u,ith frorn orre to several bouquets orì \,Iemorial day, clepenrling on the a.mount of bequest. \\/e have also planted a ¡;errnarrerrt, becl of nea,rl¡' one hurrdrecl ¡roll'antha roses in the 'loq'lr cettr eter¡'. In corrchrding this. my fìnaì r'eport as su¡rerintenclent of cemeteries. I lyish t,o urge uporì l'ou the necessity of caring for the ceme[eries ûs so lnan]'rtnits, not as colleclions of inclividual lots. I hope to see the establishment of a celnetel¡' commission of three membel's. electecl bl' ballot. ancl the appropriat,ion of at least suflìcieut surns to rnaintain the cemeteries in a conclition that will reflecI creclit rrpor-r Snclbur¡' ancl her citizens. ' ResPecffull¡' strbrnittecl. ABIIT, CI]TTING. Snperi utenclenl, of 0enreteries. TO\Ã/N CE}f IìTERY PNRPETI]AI, OARE ACCOIJNT Ralance. .Ianrrarl' l. l93l $35.50 4.1.6s Tneome during {93{ fi77.19 7L Spent in 4.931": Lobor Flowers Misosllaneous Belonoe Januory 1,, ri,g32 $37.50 6.76 4.2.8t 20.63 $77.{9 WADSWORTH CEMETERY PDRPETUAL CARE ACCOUNT Balance, January 1., t93t . 8224.63 9.00 Income during 4.931 Spent in {931: Labor Balance, January l', 4'932 $233.63 $ {2.00 22tt.63 $233.63 MOUNT PLEASANT CDMETERY PERPETUAL CARE Balance, January I, ACCOUNT 193i. Income during {931 . Spent in 193{: Labor Groding Flowers and plants Balance, Janúary t. 1932 $345.83 215.67 '$56{.50 .$280.24 t76.76 I*6.62 59.89 $56r.50 TOWN CEMETERY IMPROVDMENT ACCOUNT $100.00 Town gront, l93l . Spent in {93{: $42.50 Labor 37.50 20.00 GracÌing Plants $100.00 MONUMENT AND SOLDIERS' LOTS Town grant, l93l Spent in {931: Labor Grading . ${00.00 , 87.50 12.50 ${ 00.00 '72 OLD CDME,TDRY APPROPRIATION grant, 1931 : Spent in {931: '.['orvrr Labor ci:ããins :. :.. :... :. : : : : : : : :. Balance. January '1. 1932 $r 50.00 |ij.1,18.25 25.00 o./Ð $150.00 OLD CEMITTDRY PDRPD'I'UAL CARII ACCOUNT .t Ilalance, Januarl' {, 493'l 9.9/r .1,1.26 Income rlnring '193{ . 83{.20 Spent, in '193'l: Labor ' r 6.75 l/*.&5 Balarrce. January '1. '1932 . 31.20 I\'IARION l-1. llLSER. 'lo$'rì Accountant. Applovecl. BOARD OF HEALTH tl'orvrt gt'ant MaryWood... I(ate Connerly ilIrs. MiIler Stiles Coal Co. . Frarningharn Taxi Co. Grover Cronin . . Florence \Ã/ay Midcllesex Lanndry Wilder' ilIacurda Jalnes Cror¡'ley Dr. Eamest Starhs Charles S. Baldwin Middlesex County Sanatorium Johnson Pharmacy Dr. Ar-ulis s48.00 55.00 7.50 9.88 18.00 { 5.28 8300.00 75 ,10.67 3.00 6.{5 35.00 50.00 2e.50 .75 8.00 8292.e8 SDNECA W. HALL, RICHARD B. OLIVER, FT,ORDNCE PIPER V/AY, Boar.d of Health. $7.52 Ap¡rovecl. I,IARION H, ELSER, Town Accountant. 73 REPORT OF HIGHWAY SURVEYOR cIìAPlt'tlR 81 H. No5'es, set'r'ices Labor ancl trttcks Howarcl Russell .H. ,Ji I,'l tr.0.7 ir 7./r. 3 2.00 l4.fJ0 i t*2.7'l {.50 Boll Bartlett ... Gulf Refìning Co. I. Foulcls antl Sou J. J. Hanley . . . Trimount, Oil Co. Mass. llrolcen Storre Co. . .15.00 57i.92 ó&.70 29.01 4,1.0u . H. H. Noyes Alvin Noyes ,!k27.0(.t Harrv Rou'e Dyer"sales & Machirrer¡' 0o. ilIarlboro Forge Pacl<ard Motor Car Co. Brochwa¡' Motor"l'rttcli 0or'¡"r. . Sancl ancl gravel F. D. Ilraclsltau' . E. \,V. Ilou'her Woocl [I¡'r¡.,,.,tt" I{oist & IÌocly Co. S. P. Antlelrn¿ut . Oonarrt Machirre & Steel Co. Amer. Oil 1)(lts. Co. 39.,1,t 37,0ir .19. { 7 'l tl.51r. 87ó.20 )) 9^ /r7. 02.00 8i.22 8r3.58 .15.87 Dllis Motor 0o. E. R. Anclre\\:s Bell ]lros. 2.00 30.0t) 6ß.00 25.03 5.00 írtÌ.9tì 6.00 75.00 2,1.85 8:1.22 1á. \Ã/einst,eirr L. Il. Halr/es A. C. La.nìson ....... Ruffalo Splirtgfìeltl lìoller Co. D. Philips & Iìolger A. Stevens \áavlallcì Grain Co. . . i\. E. Concrete lÌi¡re Co. . . ,$.12,398.74 'l'otal lI. H. No1'es. se¡r'ices [,abor allrl tnrclis t\Iarlboro Forge 11. W. Bolvl<er' . . : Sarrcl ancl Gravel l6 '15.0't LI}IAPTIIR 90 S ¿r3õ.5t) 3.577.00 {.50 3.06 2ö9.70 74 Good Roads Machinery Co. Central Petroleum Co. J. J. Hanley . . A. C. Lamsorì . . . Ellen Boland Buffalo Springfìeld Roller Co. F'red Dingle Mass. Brolcen Stone Co. Conant ùIachine & Steel Co. Gulf Refìning Co. . Americart Oil Pdts. Trimount Oil { 8.00 r 8.30 7.50 3.80 2.03 4,25.92 75.00 197.28 20.65 t&9.07 3,0&2.L9 {,063.05 Co. $8,999.79 'l'otal SNO\Å/ ACCOIINT Noyes, selvices $328.25 895.00 23.50 &9.9t ancl truchs 3&.65. 24,.76 6.2ó 2.7'o 35.00 Total $ìi.,397.06 REGULAR ROADS ACCOUNT C. E. Comeau, bill, moving baln BRIDGES Conant Machine & Steel Co. Howe Lumber Co. Framingham Coal Co. fiegistry Motor Vehicles Charles Haynes Total $200.00 s{ 0.23 62.07 6.30 2.00 { 5.00 s87.70 HARÏ,AN H. NOYDS, Highway Surveyor. Approved. MARION H. ELSllR, Tou'n Accountant. 1õ, SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES stancl William Sinorr A. W. lìorclerr Victor Tupper Texaco Oil Com¡ialì)' . . Coolidge l'arrn Standard Oil Comparìl' . . Gulf Refìnirtg Cornpan)' . . . Atlantic Oil Company . . Stanclarcl Oil Com¡iarìy . . Wayside Garage Sianclard Oil Oornparì]' . Gulf Refìrrirrg Oornpany . . . Interslate Oil Cornparìy . . . Stanclard Oil Courparìl' . . E. \ ¡. llou'her illrs. I3erguer... Charìes James Mrs. 0alltancler Guilcl Ames IJrol,hers Illackrner . L. G. Raymorrcl O. S. Nelson . O. NI. Spinne¡' . . . Dllu'ood Molor Corn¡ran1' Nobscot lrarrn stancl . \ /. J. I{ooper Sr¡'ansoll Charlcs Nlurph¡' Coolirlgelralnrstarrcl .... Borclen Farrn stancl S. Tighe O'Neil l'ûrm \\/. J. Floo¡rer N. Y.. N. I{. & fL Railroacl . . . . z\merican Railu'ay llxpress Autosales 0om¡ran1' F. ì1. Ilraclshau' James Orou,lel' NI. ùt. Parmerrter Dllu'oocl Motor. Oom¡rarry Ilìlr,r'oocl Motor Oom¡ranl' ö .'10 .50 .'10 .50 .'10 .'10 '1.20 ,1.8i) 4..20 '6tr 1.2(t 2.40 ,t.8tf 1.00 2.&t) ,1.60 .70 .60 .C.0 .{0 ,1.50 ..10 ,1.50 ..10 .t.20 .60 3.60 .20 .20 .70 .ltl .60 .50 ,l.20 . ¡)l.l .50 .50 .20 .10 .{0 .60 .60 76 .80 1.56 .06 First Nationel Stores A. F. Bonozzollí Rice and Hunter John Raynor .. Ir. E. Hawes Philgas ComPenY Stiles Coal 0omPeny . . t.20 r.59 3.50 t.50 8t*I*'7 | RICHARD B. OLIVDR, Approved. MARr oReTì:" eå JK:t ñäi'iil #ärää: REPORT OF MOTH DEPARTMENT $1,300.00 Town grant Payroll BiIIs $988.00 3{0.00 s{.,298.00 Balance $2'00 .Worktotheamountof$300.00wasfìnanoeddirectby tho Commonwealth. Paid to treasurer for sale of lead 822t*.78 $5.20 Private work ResPectfullY submitted, c H ARLE sL* BfSiP#ll u **. " "i Approved. MARION H. ELSER, Town Accountant 77 REPORT OF TREE WARDtrN Town grant Payrol Bills CARD OF TRENS .$300.00 ï22t+.00 7 !*.00 $298.00 Balance Town grant Payroll Bills s2.00 CUTTING BRUSH .$300.00 fiz/!2.00 57.00 s299.00 Balance . '1.00 n e sr ec tln[[,ìiBË t' $ _åSål;l_o .,, Approved. MARION H. IILSER, .Iown Accountant. EXTENSION SERVICE The followi'g is a report -s of the work done by "öi,l ùfidex c ou n rv iÍ" ten s i o ñ i,*i dä "i"' t"h; t;ñ ;"'f the b,; year for the ig3t t "y interest hos been shown by the farmers -in considerable sudbury for the past vear in the ñ;Ëoî"ilrä^b*iäili",' ¡iepvlce.*.seventy-seven farm visits were macle upon regq-e_st. 'I'hese r.vere largely on dairy and poultry piiobiems with some on fruit, mgrkät garderiing âtid- 6i;dstiul"'ör," d I es petition for area testing foi the e.ä¿iõatfõ"-ãï"booin" Tuberc'losis was circuláted in town ano ttrã iôst"ãåi" ''While considerable time r¡/as spent on tüis problem, .it rva¡_ much worth-while, dué deveräp_ !õ'lñ met ments of the milk market. other dairy probie*J *ã"e replacements, assistance on planninþ' saiisiaõtäil milri 78 m&rkets. etc., improveuren[ and the growiug of alfalfa ¿rrrtl sweet ciover. With the poultrynretr the problerns lvere largely clisease cont'rol aucl-lloclc manegemetrf'. Spray set'vicõ dards rvere se't to the f.uit grolve*s l'lto *'ere ittterested. Two al'ouos of homemahers held a set'ies of morrthl¡' rneef,i¡gí u¡äer ihe leadership of Mrs. Dchyarcl l3renuatt, Ñi... i:ï. Richardso', Mrs. Rùth Perhitts, atrd Mrs. llt'ha. lauisôrì. These meô included cliscussions orì the iSanilg of Time, Money a-tlcl Ilnergy in the llome'" 'fhere u'ãs a grouþ of niothers i'teiest,ecì .in c.a.f itrg ,tr u also leaders¡i¡r rr.i"r ðf meätin$s on Child Guida'ce u'der the mee[L'hese Gillette. Nathan Mls' and Poõle oi Urs. C. R. itieî-;".ô-plari¡eO to help parents to better rttrclerstatrtl lüËit cfiilctriòn and to clevtiloþ a constructive program for T.alhs were giyen'befo¡e l¡e L)areLrt-'leachers' "frii,trõri. Association. --bi* bovs arrcl qirls u.cre elr.ollecl irr t,lle gartlett atttl calt- fo. t¡e ¡i,iÁ--ciufri. Tlis is atì urì*s¡all¡' *tttu,, irtttnber year iltere artotltcl b-ef'ore hoperl is it iäilit óïSitclbnr¡'and rvill be ¿ mal'l<ed illcrease in ilrterest. A trlu'tt colllnìltlee chait'tnttrr,.NIrs. üñú;;ü ioi,rnecl 'r'ith Mrs. W. D. Davisorr, j ut i or rl ire c [o r. r\r'vitl ivt äüifi Þîi.tiitis, f;i,;ittia"S*eeney,. cldririg t¡c year._ - \Ã'illia'r ñ;i;óñ servett as ióòal leacler À,IcSu'eenel' t¡'&s awarded a two-da¡' trip to the, t\lass¿tclltt*eiL Státã'Coitege fo¡ cloi¡g outsi¿rrtlirrg clrr¡ r.r'¡rli. It ì.;';ì.f-iriie*ðitinä to note thát williern rvo-rì.fìrs-t' púze for iì,.iiiig iri t,tré neätest Garden Acco¡nt I:ìoolt i¡ tlre Co¡rrt¡'. rv'ere r of eighi educatio'al motion pictu*e-s¡o\\'s thõvear to a total attetrclatlce of 555' "- Se'ellal tät"rspe,rple availecl themsel*es rlf llte opl)orturìiiy of atterrctirigi dou¡t,y-u'icle meeti¡gs otr ¡rorrltr¡'. fnrit Da* al ä.ãü;i"e nii¿ ¿ai*ving. as'well gs thq Hònrerttal<c's' Cõurrty .Waysitle Inrr' thò and i,ôxittg'iôn ' Submitted' Resnectfttlh' 'GEORGIì} ' A se"ries e'iverr dul'ius TI. CLARI(ìJI. Local Dilector. 79 REPORT OF TOWN PLANNING BOARD 'Iìre zoning b¡--ìau', as adolìted b.1' the ton'ns1rc<l¡'lle ¿rt their annual tol'n lneeting ìast tr{alch, \\'as appt'ovecì b.r' the attorne¡general of the Crlmmonrr.e¿rltìr of n,I¿rssachusetts anc'[ bcc¿rure effective October 30, 1931. This b.v-larv now p¿ìves the l'a.t- for au {l'dcrl¡' grol'th in the tou'n of Suclbru'¡' and opens the clool to that t¡'pe of citizen l'ho not olll.r' takes plide in his ol'n houre ancì its sur.rorurclings, but in the grolnth ancl cìevelopment of tìre tor¡'n as a rvhole. 'Ihe tolvnspeople are ìrow afforcled that protcction to plopert¡'l'hich light- full¡- belongs to tJrem. This boald has been espcciall.r' active cluriug the ¡rast ¡'ear stucl¡'iug through highl'a¡' routes. Several rueetings l'ith the Wa¡'land torvn plauuing boarcl havc.been helcl for the purpose of consiclcriug a possibìe b¡'-pass of tìre Boston Post roacl fbr ihe two tou'us. 'lhe route as at preseut plannecl b¡' the Statc l-Iighrvay Commission for coustmction in 1933, either cuts clou'n ol ser.iously injures practicall¡' all of the ffue shacle tr.ees along the Boston Post roacl from the Nerr'I-Iaveu laih.oacl crossing to the east cncl of l(ing Philip roacl, besicles seriousl¡' affccting man¡- of thc trees florn thô Neu' IIaven railroarl clossing l'est to the nel' Forcì roacl. Such a change in our highn'a¡' beaut¡' s'oulcl be extreurcl¡r cletrimental to the best intercsts of thc tou'n ancl \\'e ulge all eitizens of the tol'n to strongly protest au¡'such plan. We must also consicler. that a furthel u'iclening of that construction done in 1933 rvill be J:ut a fslv ¡'eârs arva¡' if the plesent rate of automobile tl'affic is tnaintainecl. This l'idening rvoulcl still furthcr dcstlo¡' the peacefirl ¿ncl natural develo¡lnent of our. corntnunitJ' if the roacl is r.ebuilt on its present locatiou. Jnst as soon as the financcs of this tolvn allou'it, this boarcl reconrmencls that au aerial survey at a sufffcientlv large scale be made of this tol'n. 'fhis surve¡' u'ould as a gr.a¡lhical basis fol all studies of the ton'n's development. This boarcl tvishes to express its pleasure s'ith the appeatance of tìle uel, torvn h¿rll. \\t'e hope tliat the grounds about the builcling itsclf rvill be cleveloped just as soon as fnncls pennit. It is essential that this builcling be given the proper setting. During the last ttvelve years various suggestions have been advancecl relatir.e to a memorial to the Sudbury veterans of the Wolld l'ar. None of these suggestions have contemplatetl the use of the so-callecl lot in Sudbury Center. This board suggests that if title to this lot can be acquired that the development of this propert¡' as a tìterìrorial park will be of distinct advantage to the torvn in ever)' rva.\'. ft u'ould add. a beauty spot to the õenter of 80 the tonn and. eliminate any possibility of detÌimental d.evelopmeut of that lot. At the annual town meetiug in March, L931, the sum of $100'00 \\¡as appropriated for the neeãs of this boarcl, which has been expencled as follows: IVlassachusetts Federation of Planning Planning bonrcl,station&r]' 'llllalanee nuexpencled. . Boarcls $15.00 9'25 fi24.25 75.75 ....:. lotal ' $L00'00 llThe balance.rvas helcl for the expeuse of a Dra¡r of .the torvu u* u i-oãi'a of the existing conditions $'hen the zoning b¡'Jarv took ;fr¿ot; thf havi'g been ctielayed uutil October 30, 1931' ^The ''ork could not be donðin 1931, btit is ou our progltrtìl for 1932. CIIARLES H. WAY, Chairmau, PAUIJ WIIIITNEY R.HOÀDES, Secetarv, HOWAR,D C. BURR., STEPHDN iVI. W. GR,AY, HER,BER,T L. NDWTOI{. 81 PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT crectccl.trvcttt¡' adclitir¡nal lo¿rcl I)ttrirrg the llast )'edt \\'e havtl .'ììrirì il'u'. liru""a in 1e30 covct t'e roacls' Othel's are neccled' "in,,r'."'ïi,[*;"i,,';;1;io;*iilì,i mõst hazarclo,rs tocations on the tou'n t"t"iion i* the fntttre' At ì-ttoi* ' conurtittee ,iJå""'n"tïtìia-t ¿rrrd 'ou* about ttriiiliöi;i;t; bec* r'e-located b¡* the Ettisott ,,.r rìcouest, lillecttic llluminating Cornpau.l" three crossrngs' bl' r'cnaiÌinE 'Nre lililtoa.t* ttatá"Lå'-opåratccl .'.,"hicu exists at the \yott< ìras bceil staÌteåiil;,1,,*;"iù""ori¿itio" t'oac[' opposite the ÌÎ*]t-:lt"' irructiott of [Ìniort n'"tììtìi' auit ili"'co''¿ vea. thc rvor'l< äf W,,"*u,, TI,,,.,t, n,.,iiï'i-'fråìì.,f tii"t bcfotc',,tiôthc' of the ;-s.rfaciris 'oacì ca^ bc' co'rpletecl r,v pi''i'llÏ'*:*äi;ì;';;ti locatiolrs at various "tt'ot'. recottlmencl that sancl be ac-cr'unulated bc rnore ¡rrornptlv ea. orr tlte roail, so tL"i':åiö;tìi'ä"t'ltiÏ'* ich is a t -¡r.cs ''. '''.$):'l, l);lì l':ìì;å'::ì:å'ìc rc - catio, r ..f rtr c t i gtr r s,ìr arrrl i-Iirclson-wa¡' tlie of .rr s. ¡roorì¡. t,,.ot",i'uil'tir," i,"i"iiì,ti ('olleolcl t'oads. ,,o'rrt'1. a[ - ^ ¿.... rn,,+ ,,f thc corttel telr fect of rlrn \Ve ¿rclvise tlte crrtting b¿ck ¿t le¿rst the Iiaf'nt'* arrd l'[alllr<tlo t'oiicls' to\\.lt' tts- \'e <licl last ¡'cal"'thtr \Vc stÌorrgl¡' *""ì'"''*ttttl to the the ver¡' sel'Iotts sttrrarcgaÌclinu ,r.,..r*ijll'ïi i,ìrìi,rg ,äT".',i.ii,,,.' roaci antl (joncoÌir tiou '$'hich .*i*t* niii'i i;;ì;ïi;';"i!,lll'lì";t tirJ most scri<tus ttaffit: roatl. 11r¿ believe tìti*'"tï'ittt coustitrutes h¿zal'i[ itt ottt' tot'tt' u'e t'c as follou's: Extlerrclitttrtrs flottt the ap¡rrollliatiott $119.ír0 ---' .¿\nrelicatt Gas '¿\cc' Co' " " "."':." 50.29 C.' anufacttu'i'g \f äiä-t."t'btit"¡r & 20.(x) Ilernattl Cottlo¡' 3.00 i\{arlbolo Forgc 2.6ir 'l'elephone ancl Postage r <, ti19o.-t+ tlll' tì \' Fl lì E't"f \Y. lÌO\Y I( i.i.' ñonñlrrN I ìowl'llìY, {)lttr i ntrit I r' (lle'k' SENIiCÀ \V.I'IAI'I" \\T tT,I,I ^\}I 'T'I] IITS' t'ltinlloxII.\\'If,soN (,.*rurir1r,t,. 82 GOODNOW LIBRARY Librarian-mein librarv Librarian-Center libraiy Janitor Cleaning $387.00 96.00 .r50.00 5{.{3 Fuêl .;... r25.95 Rent-Center branch 45.45 25.00 163.r3 Lights Insuronce Books Magazines 333. { 8 ,107.76 Sook-Listl 26.76 5.00 Furnishings.... Rebinding Books 62.t5 Ètuppltes 9.68 29.t*6 1.õ0 Libreryof Congress . . . . News-Enterprise $1,609.12 ' ROLAND R. CUTLER, for the Trustees. Approved. MARION H. ELSER, Town Accountant. GOODNOlry BRAI{CH I,IBR,AR,Y Report of Goodnos' Branch Library circulatio¡r of books and magazines. Adult books Fines I,269 Juvenile boolcs 304 Magazines 237 $3.5{ Respectfully submitted, LUCY I(. BRACI(ETT. Branch Librirrian. E3 REPORT OF GOODNOW LIBRARY t93l Books Added in 1931 rlICTION The choir invisiblc'-g O¡l ìIassars ¡reopìe . Father . Lrtck of Lon'r'y . Casting of nets-g .{, conqueror passes-g Bayberry lnne .. The lrish beauties Iur¡rerial palacc . ,I¡cborrlertrait.. The tlelicatc situatiolr The blanket of the <lal'k Thegootle¡rrtlt '. ,¡\ rna¡rrs o$.' cou^tr.y 'Jarnes "Larry Barreüt "'Sara Ware Bassett ' ' ' ' 'L' Aclanrs Beck ....HaloklBi¡rilìoss "" ... Slt".io.".'un^ttre r'öc'k . Thc ruan i¡r the brow¡r suit ' . .... chrisis-g . Broorn stages . ,I(atherine N. Brtl't ' ' ' ' "l:talcohn Carrqrbeìl " " "Dorothy Canffeltì ""l{¡illa Cathet ' Agatha Christie Clnu'cìrill "'Winston Churchill "'¡\' J' Cl'oliu 'Cle¡nencc D¿ne r\luska, the great beal Lee D¡wis l)ellorgan ' 'Willi¿nr cub ' good-g of dõsit'c The brittge l.he ten cot¡rtnanchuents """ tt'nveler-g . ttrirty*aihornstleep. lrhe lion's tlen ... 701000 witnesses .., The range lnaverick The tight that never n'&s . . . One liíes to telì the tnle ... The deliver¿rnce-g . 'Wtrrnick Dee¡rirtg 'Charles Dicketrs ' " 'Charles l)ickeus .Dophne Dullautior' Uuconrlnel'ci¿tl ,fhe loving spirit of English "lfary "'"'WarrtickDec¡ing ''... Dlvi(l Copperlìeltl-g Sunset pass """'PearlS'Buck .. "" Hatter's castle Trvelve best tales ' 'Naomi Boyil-Surith ' 'Jolur Bucìr¿tn """'$Yilliams The Somehow Bennett ""'Arnoltl people The captain-g Allen ".'"I\farY A' Arnirn .' " "Josephinc Bacon " ' ' 'Riohartl Bagot Sea,rching fol pirnte trc!ìst¡l'et' in Cocoo islantl Basque L' .. . .Orlarr(l I(. Àrtnstrolg """'D<twardEllsberg ""Oottlanit " Fitzsir¡u¡r<¡ns 'Oscar T' l'rientl 'I(atherine Geroukl "Dtlnrr¡ntl Gillignn lvritel's-g " 'Ellen Glasglos " "'{tìarn Gonnrrs' etl' """'Zttrro Glt'¡' 8+ Ontnibus of t.otnance . . Corpolal Dorvney takes the trail .. Memoriaì ¿y¡ard pÌize stories of 1gg0 The water gipsies . Ncw Cantebury tales-g ,,.,,..Iolrn .. Big-enough up Susan Spr¿y ....ìIaur.icc Henlctt ..Sistey Hudrlleston sketches-g ..Washington frving .......Will Sun The silver flute Janres Shcila l(ay.Surith .....Li,Ìa Lallimol.e . .. rnystelr'-g bircl Bre¡vstel''s rnillions-g 'rhe sc¡uare ci¡clc . Sea ehango Twopeople ...i!.r circurnstance-c ..,.. Diggiug in Yucatan Bì¿ck Daniel Chcvlons-g Belle-ìfele Rock arrd sand ., Up the latìdcr of golrl . . Thc right of wa¡'-g The Orcgon traiì . . Birtìst caìendar-g .. So ¡riso rre grow Eas¡' strcet White faum Rachel f{oon The glory t¡oil . . The roa<ì back .. Ä romance of Billygoat hill-g . Red Pcppcr retr¡¡'ns Crow¡r of rvil<ì olives-g Captain Blood retr¡¡ns IÍerself, i¡imself an{ rnyself-g Guy lronneling-g .. The fortuncs of Olivcl Horneug Bitter tea of General yen .. . The fo'ge 'World without cnd . Po¡'trait by Caroline The briilal wreath . The cross The mistress of Husaby The wilcl orchid . Themansion-g..,,. !tt1st1t-as Jamcs .. .Will lfrs. Fisherts wat' . . All along shore .. Laily erì. .....O. llcnr.v ......i\. p. He¡.belt Norrtran{ly Ths otd Christmas antl other Glove, .....fanres Hcnd¡.vx .I.Ieru.ictt¿r Lesìie ......Joscph r,incoln ......\\¡illiaur J. Locke ....Gr.acc Hill Lutz B. .George llcCutchcorr .Dcnis ì{ackail ...Dleanor }fercein . . . ... ..,.....A,A.]filno .......s, weir },rÌtcheìl . . . Ann .¿\. lforris ,. .Eonori Wilsie Morrow ...IreonaÌd Nasoll ...r(athleen Norris ,.....John R. Oliver .,8. p, Oppenheiru .... .. . .Gilbcrt pa¡kel ..Fl.atrcis pa¡kman .II. E. parkh'r,st .. . ...Christilre lV. pa¡trcnter .. .Elizabcth payne . . Olivc It. prouty .......Lorrr¿ Rea ... . ..)fe¡ideth Reed .....Erich Rernarqne ..¿\lice H. Rice .. .Grace Richnrorril ..John Ruskin .Rafael S¿batini ..Ruth S¿rvyer .....,,sil wâlteÌ scott . ..F. Hopkinton Smith ..Grace Z, Stoue .. .. .T. S. Stribling . ....rlelen . ....Sigriil .. Thornas Sylvia Thom¡rson Unrìset .. . ,Sigr.itl Untlset . Sigri<ì Undset ......sigr.irì ljndset .......Ilenrv Van Dyke 85 " ' "Jules The olnr¡ibus 'Winrlnill on the (1üne 'R. A' J' Wallitrg ' .Hugh WalPole .. . ..Eurnphry lVarcl '.. Stroke of one . .. P¿ris Dlizabethrs ca.'rpaign-g The l(ilbys Lily-e ffrà gùy dawrr-g Ternf-elmental .Tane .. Exit.. Miss lfole 'rhe nrantle of Elijah-g B-lfemoils of Garibaìdi . . Judith NON-FICTION ts-Caleb ând ìLary Wikler loote-g B-Life of Janes Â. Gar'fielct-g Yel'¡re .llary E. lValler "" 'Ifargaret WhiPPle " 'Eugh \\rileY Stewart Edwarrl White " 'Grove Wilson '"'Earoltl Bell Wúghü " " " 'E' II' Young ' ' 'r' Zangrvell ' "tr'fary Tilcston 'Charles Coffin . ' . 'A'loraniler Dr¡¡¡ras B_rnthecouttsofDrelnol,y_g....'I,intlencrorrreKeger'nrann "'Cameron ßogers' B-Colonel Bob Ingelsolt-C "... , ,.ìfarie, Grantl Duchesg of Russia B-Education of n, plincess 'John Pershing B-Ify experielces in the ltrorkl rrar'. 2 vols. . . ' ' 'I'' B' Sanborn B-Recollections of seventy years-g . .. 'Josoph Eergesblimor' B-Sheri<lan B-Cha¡les H. Taylor; builtler of the Bostorr Globc-g B-Ämelia Peabotly Tileston anil her ca,nteen-g ...,,..Mary Wilcler 'Iileston ""'Tonr Skeyhill B-Sergearit York ' ' ' ' 'Basil Kittg 1õ0 õonquest of fear "...John Iù. Oliver 1b0 \¡ictim antl victor . " " " 'Elwoocl Worcester 1õ0 Botly, tnintl antl spirit ggõ Äccou¡rt of the celebration by Sirst Pa.rish church of weston, Mass., of its 200th anniversar¡'-9. ..... .Charles Stuart 300 The nemebis of :\meriean business " ' ' 'fnez' Irrvin t24 Stor'¡' of the wortrants party-g plenty 330 the loatl to ' 'Willian T: Foster ' ' ' ' 'Louis Post 330 Thc basic facts of econorìl¡'-g nen' school-g the " ",{' E Eamilton 372 The lcal lm.r an(l ' 'Doris Fleishman 374,1 Ån outlinc of cateel's for ìr'oltren-g ' ' ' ' ' ' 'Peter Soget 424 Thesarves, ol Engtish rvolds antl phrases-g 440 conçcÌsâtioltal I'rencìr-g . ... ,trIassashusetts Department of Bclucation " " "Asa Gray 580 Botanical text'l:ook. 2 r'ols.-g "A'sa Gt'ay of botanl'-g lfanual 580 " ' 'John Clair l\finot 598 Bcst birtì stories I knorv ' ' .. .. ..Evan J. Daviit 629 Aircraft rìevclopurent in \\'¿r.r ¿nil Peace-g 'Charles L' Pack 634.9 Thc school'book of folestry-g . . ,. . ¡eseryes-g forest '.Willard Van Narne 684.9 \¡anishing "Royal Baking Powtler Co' 641 .\nyone can bake-g 'Vanco Thonlpsou 641 E¡rt antì grorv thin-'g .... .Robert sar';yer 7I4 \\¡ater gartlens anil golilfish ' ' ' ' ' A' J' trfacself 7I5 Florvet'ing treeg ¡r.ntl shrubs . . . . . 'SretlericÈ Rockwell 71õ Evelgreens for the smâll place ' "Francis King 716 The beginnet''s garclen 86 it Annr¡als ¿tncl l¡icnnials ..... 716.1 Thc book of l¡ulbs . 716,2 Âmatcur'ts l'ose grrrtlcu . 750 Days rvith Valasque-g 808.8 Quotations f¡onr thc poets-g Jack¡'ll 7.1(ì 820 821. 82.1 821 821 82I 821 821 Varicdtypes-C..... Poetical rvolks-g Whatrvins-g Poetical works-g lva-ngeline-g l{ichacl Àngelo-g Poetical works-g S<ltrìet nln¡rer' . 82.1,8 ,Ihc goltlel tleasur')'--g '824 824 824 824 82-t 824 82.t 827 883 890 900 ,.I'redclick Rockrrclì . .H, H. Thouras ..C. Lcrvis l{inrl .... .Jolur Watson ..G.K.Chestcrton ...,..\\rillinm Ot¡llc¡r Rryant .....\Valt.Itilkin . . .Olivcr \V. Ilolnres ...Ilenr¡' 'W. Longfcllorv ..,....Hcnr..y \\t. Lougfclìow .,Iohn lLilton ..lllizal¡cth . spcakiug-g Dssays-g Dt'eant clays-C ..... Hurnanlv Reveries of a bachelor-C ,,... Amelican rninrl ancl ¡\¡ncrican iilealisnr-g . Paìgran S¿r¡¡l¡el Ctotl¡cls ......Ilalph Waklo Er¡rcrson ....,,.J(clrneth Grtrhanrc ......Ik ìIarvcl fntloduction to wlitiugs of John lì,uskirt-g Farnilial str¡dies of ¡nen and books-g Knickerbockcr''s history of N. Y.-g to the llia<l-g ..... \I<nttgourcr'¡' ......l'r'ancis . . .Bliss Perrv Vida Scutlcle¡ .....Robclt L. Stevenson ..... . ......,Washington Ïrvilg .lValtcl Lcaf -r\ con¡rarrion ......Robin<htth Tagole Gitanyali-g ..Ja¡nes 1l'. Árìrnrs The cpic of ^mctic¿r .F¡'ctlerick Colins cìr¿rrts antl tr¡n'cl t¡rlks 910.2 \racation tlavel 91+ Planning a tri¡r abroarl-g . ... . ., .8tl*'¿l'tl Hnnget'fot'tl .......Fertliuiurtl OssertdlorvJì(i 9lJ trfen, beast and gotls-g ....,I4tlrvald E. Halc 91.7.3 Tally at horne traveìs-g . .Williarrr Btackcnbritlgc 9.1.7,9 Hcllitorâdo-g . .Georgc W. Janlcs 917.9 In antl ar'<¡t¡nrì thc Glanil Cnnyon-g ,9.17.98 Unclc Sa¡r's nttic . . . . .llar¡' frce l)tìvis ....Plrttnr'<:lr 920 Plutalchts lives-g '92$ Captain John Grout-g ..... .Dlizabcth Joncs, uorttpilel ....D. S' 0. I¡orvell 92{., r\ }funsc.y-Hopkins gerrcalogy-g .. .940.17 f:ifc o¡r a ruetlineval baloly ....,.Williarn Stcat'Its Davis .Larvlcncc Driggs .90.1.9 Orr secl'et âir sen'icc . .914 Thc rvindr- shoro . ......Iftrtgrret Pricc 'f)-t(ì.9 Whnt evety An¡clic¿rn sltoultì kltorv ¿rbout tltc rvnt'-g 9+; Nerv lìrrssi¿ts ¡rt'intet . 9ir2 Present tlay Ja.¡rau-¡ç 9î3.2 llhe ì'eâI for¡rxìers of N. Iì.-g 973.ii llight for a frec scâ. .... ^\Iontavillc .Florrers, crl. ' .lt. Ilin ... '...Yusr¡kc Tcttrltcin . .Challes l(non'les Rolton .Ilalph I). Painc 073.7 trIassachusetts solilicl's artd s¿rilor nrarineg in the Civil rvaì'-g ì[ass¿r<rhusctts Sce.¡'eta rç of Cioltr nron n'elllh g-t7 Soviet R.ussirt . .. .,Witliunt Chanrbell¿lin . . .][idrtel l¡n¡bma¡r 9-17 Pintiletk¿ .(.i¿tlvin lloovcr 947 llco¡r<.¡uric lifc of Soviet Russia . 917 The uerv Russi¿ù . '..Dorothl' Thornpson .97+ Rook of ßhoclc fslantl-S ..,.....Rho<lc fslruìd llt¡t'etu of Infolu¡rtion 87 974 lfistory of ths town of 'Weston-g 974.4 Piìgrim Fathers-g 974.4 ¡\ brief history of trIaynarcl, Mass.-g .,...Daniel Lamson ....W. E. Bartleüt .W. E. Gutteri<lge 974.4 Histo¡ical malkers-g . . . . .Mass. Bay Colony Tercentenary Comnrittee 974.4 History of the emblem of the coclfish-g ......Mass, Comm. of the House 976 Pionee¡s of the olcl southwest .Constanee Skinner JU\¡ENILD T'ICTION J-l[rs. Tickler.'s carovan J-L¿r'i¡ra J-Ja¡retg islantl . J-Wind flom Spain J-Tlrrurtìel Boy . . J-Canclidates fol thc line ... J-A so¡r of 'rOlal fronsitles" .I-Illack face .. J-lfystery of ¡vorkl's encl . . , J-Penny nrÌristle J-Sonny eleptrant . J-Bunr5'rabbit's diar.y-g J-Cornelia's colony . J-Polly'sshop,. J-The sky riclels J-Pinafores ancl pantalets J-Cat çho n'ent to heaven J-I(nock at the door J-Boy Seouts J--Circus J-Calico bush in Glacier park . Á.llen Allen . , .lVfarguerite Aspinwall .Olaf Baker ......R.alph E. . ,. ,.. .John S, ,Thelma Bell .....Nlaclge Bigham .Mary .......EclnaBrown .,.....trldwarcl Chatterton .. .Florence Choate . . . , .Dlizabeth Coatsworth , . . .Elizobeth Coatssorth . .. .'W'altel p. E¿ton . J--The t¡r'ins n'ho flerv alound the a)¡rl tbe south detectives J-Ath'cnturcs in geoglaphy J--The blaeksnrith of \¡ilno J-Arn¡ron J-I(ces treasuÌ'e honse .. .Paul Eipper .Rachel Fiel¿ ,..fngles Fletcher workl ..Ast ....Alice ..... .Ânne Green , .Berta Hafler ..,.C. J. Ha¡nilton ..Theoctore Ïlarper ....Holling C, Eolling ,...W-ebb lfolmes .N. I(arazin .Erich I(astncr .. ...,Gertrutte l(ay .... .,. . . .pric l(elly ... .Marian l(ing . . . J-Jupie and the n'íse oltl onl .., Gall .Elizabeth Gray ... .. Gag ,.......Irrances Gaithet .. J-PeaI'ls of, fo¡tune J-Thel'onrìercity... J-Picture book of animals I', Blaisttell ...Gladys Blake .. J-Oranes flving Ba¡'bou¡. Barl.orvs ...Eelen Belger . ..Eric Be¡y J-Angie's uprising J-The .¿llrten .,...Marjolie J-The white elephant .. . . , .f-Sue serv-anil-serv J-The pairrted ar'ì'ow . J-r\tìveuturcs of Toby Spaniel J-lfeggy Jfaefntosh .I-The rvhite pon¡' in the hiìls-g J-Thc farnrel in thc ilcll J-The stol'y of Stcatly anrì Sule ., J-Siberian gold .. J-Euril ,....,.CecíI .. ,..C¿roline ., Marian l{ing . ..trlmil Knipe . . .. .Alice Lirte ...,I¡oisLinski ,.....fsa,bel Lord ....,..Neely ltc0oy 88 J-Josefl in Spain J-Unó San il Japnn J-A young nrtist . ' . . .}ltt¿r lleDorurlil . J-T,he 'black buccauecr, .... ..Stcplten ìfcat'lcr .Corneliu lleigs . . . ..Cornelia lfeigs 'Colnclirr tr[eigs .I-The ne\v rnoon .l-Tho trade' rviud J-The rviìlow rvhistlc J'-Thc folest party ....... J-Night befo¡e Clu'istlnas . . . ' . " J-Sccretcargo. J--The Clrrist ehilil as tolit b¡. Luke llaclelon J-Piiocchio-2 copies J-The earth for Sarn . , J-The Valtlmere mystery-g J-White hclon feather J-Tìrc tvltitc beaver J-Bostor town-g J--ÄBoyScoutwithByrtt.. J-Recl nratr's luck-g J-snugglertsluck. J-Littlc blacknoso J-Piloting the U. S' ¿rir ¡rail. '\[oe 'Clcnrcnt lloolc thc lantì of Diggckl.y Dan ... J-lVhen thc toot chilth'e¡¡ rtakc up ...Erls'in Nolrvo<¡<l ' ' ' ' ' ' Sibylle Olfors ...'...HolvalrtPcrlse .......fl¿ruil ., Pctelsltmr Phiìlips ...".'Jlthel ''"'C' J-.Ga.y Colìo<ìi , . . 'W. .\'[axn'cll Rceil . . . .. ' .trIiltol Riehaltls ' 'Gertluile R'obin'son " .. ' ' 'Jar¡res Schultz .Horace Scucldel "''''PaulSiple .. . ' 'Colstanoe ......'Edrvaltl J-l¡'ivc litile ùfartins in the ],falt.iil J-Brntlfortl on Mt. Washiilgto¡ì . housc . Skimret' Stackpolc ' .Iililclegnlile Swift ' ' 'I¡crvis 'lheiss .....,Cnloliile Van RnÏcn ...,,..Bnrdfottl J-Tlrcflooclffglrter's....'flronrasWilìiarnsort J-The rvhitc Inilian bo.r' . . . .] '.....Louis . J-fn "" f'll' lvasltburu N' \Vilson UVDNII,}) NON.ITICJTION of civilizatiol Thc ,book of courage õ90j Uncle Sanr's alrimîls 91 8.{ì;i wltrlt ¡ve saw nt rìaalarìre Bj Rj .Ett¿ ìIcDonalil ì'Ia¡rners'Snnilcls '...Joart He¡ocs '.. rvol'ltl 's fnir-g ' ' . "Jose¡rh Cottlcr' '...Helularln Hâget'dol'll . . .. . 'l''ra¡rcis Fox .. . INliz¡beth Gol'tlon Circulation 7,497 1,974 $49.62 Jiooks Magazines !'ines . .... Ja¡nrar.)' l, Respectfull¡' subnitted, I\[¡\BET¡ S' GOFIL,IilI, I-¡ibra rian. 1932. ANNUAL REPORT OF TIIE School Department OF THE TOUTN OF SUDBURY },IASSACHUSETTS FOR, THE TlI¡ELVE MONTIIS ENDING DECEMBEA, 31 r93r THE NE\\'S.ENTDBPNISE HUDSON, MASS. 1932 ù '¡ SCHOOL DIRECTORY SCHOOL COMN{ITTDE . . .Term expires {gB4 9eorg'e^H._Clalhe,_Chairman S..Morton, Treasurer . . . .'llerm exþires lgBP Ilqpl. Phileua A. Rar.tlett, Secretary . .1lerm exþires lgBB SUPDRINTENDENT OF SCHOOI,S Franlç I{. Benedict, Cochituate Telephone: Naticlc 330 SCHOOL PHYSICTAN Iìnrest E. Sparhs, M. D., Cochituate illelephone : Natick 890 SCHOOL NURSE lh.s. Dorothy C. Snelling, R. N. lelephone: Lincolrr, residence, pL7 -M; school ofïìce, 20/*-W JANITORS E. P. Stiles. Center Alvin S. Bradshaw, Soulh SUPERVISOR OF ATTDNDANCE Alvin S. Braclshau' CALENDAR, { 932 Schools close Februaly {g.' Recess of one weeh. Schools open February 29. Schools close April {b. Recess of one u'eeh. Schools open April 2b. Elementary schools close.June {7. Gradnatiotr exercises, June 28. Reception, June 24. Summer vacatiou. Schools open September 7. Schools close December 28. Christmas recess. .1933 Schools open January B. HOLIDAYS-1932 IVfa¡r 36, Op.toþgr {2, Novembell4, November pB (afternoon) ,24, 25 REPORT OF SCHOOL COMMITTEE 'I'o the Citizens of Sudbury: A siudr* of this "Attltu&l Rc¡-rorl of the School l)e¡rat'tÌÌent," wlll couvirtce the unpreiudicetì t'eaclet' that thii has becn'an usually successful yeai' fol tlie Suclllur¡- Sclt-trols. \Ã,'e canlrot íecall a time whett better u'ork ltns llcelt school has beelt in better cottdorte, or whelr the high ditioír to fìt students -for advancecl stuclies than at the present. While we do not so label our six ttpper grades, irevertheless departmental work has ltecorne so thoroug-hl¡' established that u'e ha,ve, iLr fact, & s'ell orgatrizecl junior high as well as a senior high school. '['his is thc íesult of -persistent and painstalcing effort and the lteart¡' cooneration of suneriutCndent. teachers aticl cotnlnittec. If ddholars irr thesc grades rviil properl¡z nse l,heir studl' periocls at school, home stttdy, that bttgbeat' of so lììarì)' itudents, will be redttced to a miuirnurn aud less thatt ¿ttt hour claily vvill be all that is requilecl. The annual school exhihit in June s'as helcl irr the school house as it u'as the pre'r'ious year ancì met'itecl the ¡traisc sùich it receivecl. The graduation exercises aucl t'ece¡rtiorr li'ere held at the Methodist chrtrch a,nd reflectecl great credit upon the school. The Parent,-Teacher's Association has contitrttetl its successful rn&nagernent, of the lunch roonì ancl cìen[aI clinic and has been greatly a¡ilireciatecl lll' the school authorities. Manual training, music, set¡'iltg, drau'ing arrcl athlet,ics Itave been satisfactorilv attencled to and have corrtributecì their pari to the clevelópment of an u¡i to clate higìr ¡4racle school. 'We rvould be glad if more ¡rarents u'onlcl visil the school ancl witness the work that is being' cìorre for lheir' chilch'en. Suggestions ol criticisrns from real friencls of the school are alwavs hindlv received. but criticisms fronr chronic fault fìnderi rnahe'but little impressior-r u¡torr l,he cornmittee. To maintain the excellent stancling of our schools par.ents ancl friends must not be srl'ept off their feet, b¡' lhe ¡ìrevailing cry of retrenchment. Children rnust not have the founclatiotr of their intellectual training underminecl. Unsettlecl conclition for a single yeer rnay r,vreck the entire eclucational stnrcfure. We must have excellent teachers in everl' gracle. It .iay be possible to reduceÐexpenses -ilre i'. ma'v tow' oroeftort. bu[ in the' i', *'e heartily e.dorse struc[ion of the scliolars ancl in ttre inãñasômã"1 -or school affai.s r¡'e must sa}' rra'ds off. iìfñô'rl-is-itrat scattereth ancl ¡'et increasõilr; there is thal-wltfrtãtciötf, ,¡ects. rnore than is meet and it tencleilr to pover.ty." To superintenclent, teachers, pupils, and everyboch,, u,ho vr has lielpècl us ttris ye'ar n"e giuä'irããïiv itäri.rl'"lvrrr ' Respectfully submitted. GEORGE H. CLARI(D. FRANI( S. MORTON,' PI-IILENA A. BARTLETT, School Committee. FINANCIAT STATEMENT Äla¡r l'. Fl¡'nn \rilgiuia Sarr.1'6¡. Richald Bittinger iìuth i\{. \Yatei'house ¡\stricl C. llolinc . . SA.L¡IR.IES . B..I. Hiil -.:: " Iìuth Olivet: : ::' I{ar¡riet N. lloniu f¡Cou¿ì Jolu¡sorr .Ir¡hn Laberee I¡r-ruise l)uclle¡- ... Ulizabetlr Gilchlist T. Ì\far¡' Petnaa Alflccl G. Whitnerllsther' li¿n"ir ..'..'."' 3.:*'[i",ù';ti";;::::::::::: ::: :: lìichalcl IJ. Oliver I,'lorence,\. I-Ios¡uer \\'illialn 'l'aulrton Pearl tr'. ,t\.xfolcl ,t\gnes I-Iau'es i\[ilch'ecl T¿rllant I'rani< I.I. Beneclict .1. I(cerre .¿\lvin Br.adshau' E. P. Stiles . $3,000.00 1,540.00 1,590.00 720.00 690.00 840.00 704.00 256.00 704.00 480.00 480.00 512.00 384.00 560.00 1,216.00 1,2t.6.00 190.00 300.00 320.00 349.50 781.04 30.00 1"0.00 1,050.00 230.00 160.00 1,400.00 tirg,702.:o4 6 TR,T\NSPORTATION W. E. l)avison Jererniah Farrell Ärthur Hawes J. B. Cossar J. G. Ileene [,l. A. Anclrel's Alvin $;999.00 546.00 400.00 609.00 õ67.00 424.00 Braclsharv 432.00 Clarcrrce IJ. B¿ìcl'rvin 962.00 $4,939.00 Â. F. Boltazzoìi . Stiìcs Coal Corn¡rany s1õ3.80 õ67.28 $721.08 ]f ISCEIJLÄN1ìOUS Boohs, supplies, oper.ation, aclministr.ation, healtll, irrsnr.auce, new e_quipment, -repìacernents, repairs, upkeep, miscclianeous : .J. Ir. .hlammctt Oompany . ... $8g6.12 Publishing Compan¡' A. B. Dick Cornpany llclntos} Publishiug Company lìeljarnirr II. Sanbol'n & Company .t\ll¡ur & Bacon Gt'e_gg Âtrch'el's Paper. Company Iroqnois l,ublishing Company (jerrtral Scientific Cour¡ran¡' I,ìcll'alcl B. Babb .9, Compaìr¡', fnc. . Ginn & Cornpan¡' I{ilton Br¿tìle.r' Co¡r¡ra¡¡' \Vorlcl Book Company . . .A.rnelican Book Compalìv . . Rol', Petersolt & CompaurR¡'an & Bukcr John C. Winston l.rubìishing Corn¡rarr¡' . ... J. R. Powell .. . . Ditton, Inc. .. lìoston Mruic Courpauy trI. Steinert & Son Cornpan¡. Ga¡'lorcl lJlothers P. B. Oaproni & Blothers . .. . Carl Fischer., l:¡c. Ceutral Petloleum Compan¡' Porvell Printing Cornpan¡' Ilemiugton Rancì, fnc. . Irittle, Bron'n & Com¡rany Ilonghton trIifflin & Compan¡' Silver, Burdett & Company Detruo¡'er Geppert C. B. Dolge 28.94 1g.61 6.2I 3.Bg gJ.04 6õ).-o5 64.5+ 11g.9? 1b6.62 lõ0.2g 7í,.+B 28.64 21r.27 i1.21 11.46 Ð4.06 80.45 69.66 18.61 2.08 6õ.89 1.80 l{.40 8.10 2.:Ð7 15.90 46.85 4.80 B.4g 28.04 80.62 7 The Nfacniillan CourparÌy . . IlcCrear'¡' D. C. llcath & Cornpany l\'Iurph¡' & Su¡-cler' .... Scott, Foresnran & Company John P. Faber Il. W. Bol'ker IJniversit¡' Publishing Cornpan¡' I-¡ockl'ard I-fardl'are Company Hercules I(alon Compauy Iìo.l'al l'¡'¡rervriter Company Webstel Publishing Company Undet'n'oocì T¡'pel'riter Compan¡' n. \\r. llorvker I-.¡affìn's Bedforcl Express I\{. Steinert & Sons Cliftortl S. Cobb Cornpany N. ts. Telephone & Telcgraph Company ... Eclison Electric Illurninating Cornpany of IIall & Boston Alan F. Fl.t'nn Fairbancl & Son Philfuels Com¡rart¡' Carl Johnsor Cornlnolnvealth of I'Iassachtrsetts .. . . ... . . Frarnin$'ham Lruìlber Compan¡' Stiles L:oal Comlrarr¡' Àuraclon I,)ìectlie Sup¡:ly ()our¡ran¡' r\ucluborr Socict¡' Iì. B. Olivel F. S. Nlortorì .... Boston school comrnittee The Fiske Cor'poltrtion lìemington Rancl, fne. . \\¡. l. Cosg'x)\'e . . Yorli, ì{eu' llaven & Haltforcl Rail- 39.01. 11.04 9.2t 6.75 12.29 4.00 1.55 1.62 3.60 26.25 3.00 5.93 ' 3.00 40.07 1.70 2.03 10.95 72.3t 253.30 39.89 3.50 13.14 24.25 81 .16 61.87 11.50 7.iJ0 7.50 55.00 37.50 1.75 3.20 3.25 25.00 ìrTerv road 1.80 trIaltin Dilrloma Compan¡' \\'heelel Dalt Oxpress . . . l'[cl(enzie Eugraving Com¡rauy F. ,\. I-losurer . . Boston Su¡lpl¡' Company Alvirr Bradsharr J. B. 'War' .. Harlancl lL No¡'es H. P. Iloocl & Sons L¡. Il. Harves .... H. J. Nlorgan .. Murph¡' & Snl-cler À. H.'White ........ \ila¡'1¿o¿ Grain Company . . t2.75 t.25 22.33 21.90 6.92 36.20 12.3õ õ0.00 26.40 25.00 18.00 23.75 22.05 10.90 I Porvcll lÌrinting Coml:anY Charles IvI. Lamprey Pre¡rtice IIaII Compan¡', Inc. 1I. S. Sliea L¡. O. Smith aucl Corona Ty¡:es'ritel Company Challes E. Richarclsorl . . ' E. P. Stiles Calvi¡ Eaton 26.59 8.70 15.90 4ó0.00 '17.-o0 26.0õ 13.10 8.00 Noycs Brothers Foi'rest Bradsharv 4.35 5'56 B. w' Johnson Dnra Bintling Cotnpany . '. 'lhe Geolge 1î. Clam Cornpany Fr.ecl D. Bearce & CornPan¡ 'Ihomas J. Nolan 'Whitticr .... Harold W. 24.75 8.38 6.00 75.20 3.00 1.40 24.00 20.00 National Club Mapual ComPan¡' I-Iarr¡' I¡. Gleason Paul Cavicchio ... I-¡. F. Auclre\\'s . . C. E. Stoue F. If. Beneclict .. -A.lvin Bradsha'w E. E. Spar:ks . . .. Torvn of Lincoln Thomas J. Nol¿n & ConrPan¡ F. 'W. Gooclno'çv George H. Clarke Philena Bartlett 4.80 7.02 203.66 11,2.40 100.00 410.00 575.00 180.r9 7.50 tì.1 2 $ó,107.65 IlIlCi\PI.TUITATION INCOI,fE Tou'n gt'ant Dog rnortey lnterest on Goodlrorv fnnd $81,000.00 . 'rotal 207.56 40.00 $31'247'ã6 ÐXPJìNl)ITL]lìDS Salaries 1t'ransportation l'uel l,Iiscellaneous . . . Total ßalance retuluecl to the torv¡r-$?1I.28. $19,?02.54 4,939.00 ?21.08 õ,107.66 $30,470.28 I ATHIJETIC ÄPI]ROPRTATIONS AND EXPENDITUR'ES INCOr\f E 199C balancc $6.06 DXPÐNDITÌIßES Expenditules .... $6.06 1930 appropliation Ivel $500.00 Johnson Spolting Company Waylancl l.¡runbel Cornpany J. A. MacPhersou Bell Brothers, flrc. Goods .... $74.04 3.53 . 22.00 r24.73 Total fi223.70 Ralance for 1932-$276.30. INCOT,IIì FROT,I STÄTE,ON ACCOIJNT OF SCHOOIJS General school funcl, Part f. (Source, income tax) $1,920.C0 General school fund, Part II. (Source, Ilassachusetts funcl) 1,605.80 On account of the ernployment of a superintendent of schools 613.44I,L64.29 High school grant Tuitiorr ancl lransportation of state rvartls, 1ij9.00 Total $5,442.53 3.80 40.00 . Telephonc re-irnburselucnts Income-Gooclnorv fuucl .... Expendecl in 1931 'Iotal iucome $5,846.33 Iucome frorn sources other tìran local tax¿tion .. $30,470.28 5,846.33 i\morurt raisecl b¡' local taxation for support of schools .... $24,623.95 Respectfully submitted, FRANI( S. MORTON, Treasurer'. A¡r¡rloved. I't.\IìION I'I. BIJ-qDlì.,'lou'n Accouutant. l0 R,EPOßT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS '_j-- To the Sudbur¡''School Comtnil,tee: The thirty fourth anttual report of lìre -llistlict Supelitrtendent of Schools is herevi'ith subrrritted. 'I'lte excellellI reports of the High School Principal, the School ìittt'se, auä School Physiciarr ale I'ecommeircletl to you for cat'efltl .readiug. The-current, school yeat' brottght to the sert'ice of tlte school childrerr excellerrt transllortatiott service.'I'rallsportation costs forl930 r,r'ele $5,783. The '193'l ex¡rerrtliiure was {i4.939. The differeuce is $84'4'. While rire'may vievi, with satisfaction a recluctit.rtt of'costs in school adrniñistration there is au angle which is noL vyholly satisfactorl'. lr'or every dollar that trarrsportalion has cöst less thali heretofore there is a reduction of $.50 fronr the State. 1'he same is true irl the in the receints Ios'ering of 'teachels' salaries. From lhe General School Fund Põrt II Suclburl'receit'e(l in't93't otr accottttI of i.930 exr;euditures fr1,605.80. 'l'hc recei¡rts irr1932 orr accouttl of ihe expenclil,ui'es in 4.93'l u'ill be $1,'188.30. a clifferenco of $&17.50. Immunizatiolr of the chilclrert against dangers flour cliphtheria have beett can'iecl on 1'early iu conjunctiolr u'ith the lloarcl of HeaÌtlt. A consiclerable ¡rercentage of the children ilr school are lìo\\' ilntnttnizecì. lllhose tl'ho.B.rtl nof are enjoying the fmits of the sacritces mncle l-r.v lhoscr u'ho are do treatecl. l['he lrearer \\'e cotne l,o havittg tr sclrool ¡:opulaliorr L00% inllnttltizerl lle less clattger there is from-tliere beirrg a sirrgìe case of tliphtheria. The legal lec¡uileutettt as Io vaccitratioll so t.ìtat srnallpox mal' not get a holcl &tnorìfì the school chiìrlrerr is u'ell inet, by thc pcople of Sudbur'1-. The current scltool year has brought to tts a tttunbet' oI cases of scarlet fe'i'er. These have beett over & cott siclerable length of tilne anrl not epidernic. Scarlet fevet' is one of the rnost clillìctrlt cliseases to hanclle frotn fhe school starrclpoint. Light oases are not recoguizecl in the anrl often the initial illness is so slight, that il passes for a colcl ancl so rral,urally a ¡rlt¡'sician is ttot callerl. 'l'hese c&ses &re the orres that, ¡rrodttce other cases. 'Ihe length of time the quarantine is irnposecl u¡rorr farnilies is rnosl trying and in light, cases quitc aggravating lo lhc farnilr' so isolatecl. It seems lu'ìrìccessar¡- at tilnes. 'l'he minimum length of the c¡uarantine recomnìenclecl b¡- the Stalc Department of Flealth is generally acceptecl b1' lhe locaì boards. It is 28 clavs from the cìate the recorcì is filecl u'ith l1 lhe ]Joard of ]tealth. ''lhe rnatry years of service that I have givetr [o school u'orh, ever¡'-year bringing forth cases of scõrtet fevct', c&use mé to b-elieve most ealnestly tha[ 28 days is a very leasonable length of time lor the quû.ratrtine, [oo sholt if anything. We sympathize with families quaratrtitred but urge u¡iott ttrem-tlie üatue of ttre quaratrtitie and the rvorth of giea[ care in isolating the patìent in the home. Trying as both of' these are boíh are'great helps itt prevettting' lhe.sprcad of the clisease u,il,h its äangerotis af teì' eft'ects, ct'etì irr miltl ceses. 'I'he Corntnitt,ee to awarcl the Rayrnond Scholarship -regrets the fact that there is rto member of the Class of 4'93'l ãttencling a college rnecting the requiremeuts ol'the'I'ovt'rl. ThereforYe the iricome of Íhis I¡urid rvill be addecl to the '¡rrirrcipal. u'orth¡' is t,Ìre activily of the \Àiom&tr's Olub irr Highly-orre of iis goals l,he raisirrg of tntlttey for assistittg rnahiirg sorne õrre of our gfaduates irr a c¡ttest for ntot'e eclucatiotl. there are catrcliclates for this ar¡'arcl, Each veal ilr school lil'e there &re solne children u'lto are rrot leadi- for' ¡rrotnotiou. 'l'ltis is a ver]' painful matter for thc chilci arrrl- fot' thc hr¡ltte attcl cltte that is a sottrce ol' greal arrxiet¡' to teaclters, ol'teu procluciug lnrtch corrllicI ñetvyeerr school atrcl hotne, even bittet'ttess. \Ã'c sltotrltl bear itr tnitlcl üist children do noL gt'ou' alrtl rnature physicalll' ut ,the satìle, l'at.e. tlt' cltrottologically. 'lhis is iei¡- apfarcrrt to all tvho gii'e the cotrtparalive gror.r'th ol' chiidren an)' cottsiclet'atiott. \Ã/e l<tlou' tìri irarents ltou' hcl¡tless \\'e ttre ilt the luatter of' ¡iltysical þ'rou'th. Chiklreir grou' atttl develop irr ìtocl¡' u'ltett ¿tttcl as llie¡' u'iìl regaltlless of' otrr vvishes or ¡tlans. 'l'ltet'e is ,ittst, as þ'rea.t, ¿r I'at'iance ilr ntental deveÌolrtnettt, ancl grou'l,h' This is rrot, so tt¡tpat'etrt to us bttt is s-ell litltltl'rt to te¿tchet's. \\¡e also as lea.chers lçnon'hor.r'hel¡tless \\'c r[t'e as l,o ctltttlolling' thc time of this gror.r,th. '.llhe school has little il' anl'thiiis to offer' ìu thc u'¿[' oI tnaltittg chiltlrett ¡1t'orr' rnentallj- or phl'sicall¡'. 'l'he scltool offers rrotltittg at all ilr the r,i'a¡' of cltatr6çin¡¡ ¡rlt¡'sical t¡'¡te or nrclt [¿rl l¡'¡rc. Physical airrl ntetrt,¿rl st,¿rlttrc arc crealitltts otttsitl e tltrr of rtratr. -¡rrovincc Non ¡rrornot,ion is a malter affectirt¡4-eaclt-iltrlivitlttal. rrol one of i:orn¡larisorr. -chilcìr'cn \'ear itf [,er ¡'etar of sertclitrg alott¡ì u'i{lt a chiltl not, reatl¡'to ì<ee¡r the pace of' e gloup of tliè class is hig'hlv clet,rirttertlal to that chiltl regartlless of' the paiLr the social est,rattgetrtelr l ttotl ¡tt'rttnotirtrt callses. We appreciate lhe bencvolen I cottsirleratiou of' aìl school ¡lioblerns given lt¡'1'ott as ilrtliviclttaìs attrl RS it lìoarcl. lìes¡rec t ft rìl¡' sulxnil terl. ì¡'R;\Nli lì. ììltNì,ll)ì {:'l'. 1J To those childrerl rvho do lrot have resources at home, bhis is a serious loss. To the community it ma¡' later prove a source of social evil. 'Ihis property, u'hen ploperl¡' lrreparecl, shoulcl become the center of variecl activities for use by the entirþ torvn. Its cornpletion r.vill tahe time, energy, ancl rnoue¡'. Evet'y organization in the tor¡'n should feel a clesire to assist in mahing this to\r'n -on'rìed property alì icleal recreation center. POST-GRADU¡\TE WORI( I)uritrg periocls of econornic deliression rnarì]: high school graduates are unable to fìnd suitable positiorrs. We ale eqttipped to offer post-graduate u'orh- to serious-mincled boys and girls'*'ho feel the neecl of further full-time stud¡,. The principal rrvill glaclly confer r,r'ith any members of tlle community rvho s'ould care to elrter thè school as postgraduates. SCHOOT, DXI]IBIT The school exhibit sporrsorecl bl'the 'Wom&u's Club contiuues to be an irnportant annttal feature of ottr. u'orlç. 'lhe children looh forivarcl to it as a fìfting clilnax of their achievement in drau'ing, rnatrual training;, arrd seu'irrg, arrd the parents have bI' their la¡ge atterrcìat-rce ¡lt'oyefl- their interest in the school projects. PARE.NT TDACHER ASSOCIATION ll'he Parent Teacher Association contirtues to have ill its charge the school lulrch s)'steln alid the rlerrtal cliliic. Free denfal examinations rvere given {o all nrelnbel's of the school who desirerl them this year. anrl over forty children \Ã/ere ca.recl for at a cost fai belou, that chargeil by out-of-ton'n clenlists. It is hopect that t.he clental clñric will._be continued, as the general health of uurn¡- of our pupils u'onld be gi'eatly beñefìttecl by pro¡rer. clerrtäì treat- ment. A Christmas clinner \\¡as servecl to one hunclrecl of our gramma.r school childre¡l this vear insteacl of the usual Christmas tree celebr.ation. The members of the parent Teacher Associatiorì n'ìay be sure that this dinner wa.s appreciated by all. GRADTJATION The mernbership of the Senior Class. lmml;el'ins elevell students,. r.eceiveci diplomas from the Rer'. Geõrge H. Clarke, at the graduatiôn exercises in the tr{ethortist Church on June 25, {93{. lir GRADUATING WITH HONORS Alyce ÙIary Cairr nurrouria Zelonis POS']]DR I,TEDAI, A\Ã/ARD Gold Nledal Ru¡r \Ãra¡, IIXCIIILLIìNCIì IN SCHOLARSIIIP' LO\iALTY AND ACHIDVEI'IIINI' Wliadzia Zelonis ,I 93,I SCI.IOLARSHIP AWARDS (Jeanette Smittt) Ravurotttl ScholarshiP' . . (Litlian Davison) \Ã/öman's Club ScltolarshiP Tlie follo$,ing is a progratn of the gracluatiott exercises: Glaclys ltae nãriilnt ljutlauce N'Iarch ^;:viéü,ra__qo]eJel"' .vou Blott õi.r.üit;r, ; .; . ; . :,r.-. HiEh School Orchestra . :.-:.-. . . . . . . . .Rev. Albert B' Reynolcts Invocatiort . . . J. P' Knight ie of [he Deep" Uracf in the "Roched School Chorus Aclclress of \Ã'elcollte Cläìr-ili.iõry ... ... öãît"i Sóió, "Pelfect -. f)ay" . ciñÞ;"püecv ìîôîr*v iøð-gããk to ol¿ Virgiuny" Zelonis "'Wliadzia .Irene Dastuque '-'-Henly Glea.sou }lasliell 'Vitdretl Ferlett;'33 .{qhq ... 'Ntaljorie wallier . . . ' lìr;ottcis Farrell Declaratiolt" Sàîoprtoüô Solo, "Lot'e's Purpose and Value "'Ihe -óf ' . 'r\lyce Cairt ttre Commerciai Departnterrt" ...Orchestra ..W;ld:-ì,Fallen Leayes"'. presôútationof ClassGift. ...JuliaKasputes . Catherine Laberee Ããóãploìrce of Gift Bemice Clalh l.Iope" Sõlo.-iwhislrering i'\Ã'üo is'm¡' Neighbor" Sð;1b. nssàn 9lqdvt Rrerrt'ley i-,In Snain', ''.'. . . . .School Chortts Supt. F. H. Beneclicl Sctroiäritrips ancl Au'arcls . . .Rev.-George H. 0larlie of Diplomas Þ*ä."ntliiôn ;,The Star Spangled Rau.el." . School Chortts alrcì Auclience Exit March tr'Irs. Ruth Oliver, AccomPanist ÙIr. Wiltiam Taullton, Music Director ilfv renort u,oultl be incomplete without alr expression of ãiatitircle fol the hearty cooperation of the pupils' the leaãirõís. iñe superi¡te¡clänt, the_s.chool committee. aucl tñé tor.vnspeople, which has brought about an enrichmeut of the life of'thô school a'cl a inspiration to the ciàiJwilr teachers. Jarr¡ûr1' l. Resnectfullv submitted. AT,AN F. FI,YNN, Principai1932. 16 R,EPOR,T OF SCHOOL PHYSICIAN il{r. Frank H. Benedict, Superintendent. Sudburv Schools. Co-chituate, Maósachusetts. Dear Mr. Benedict-I herevyith submit mv reuort physician of Sudbur¡' schools for the yeär lÖat. Number of students examined: s_chool ,156 Grades High School The following defects were noted: Elementary School, Carious or dirty teeth . Hypertrophied tonsils Symptoms of adenoicls . . . Enlarged glands Pediculosis Impaired visiolr Asthma 55 t!,8 &6 13 8 6 ,l ,l , Enlargerl thyroid High School, ,t3 Teefh Tonsils 4 ô Thyroids .,..., Ð ïn the gracles the condition of the teeth is about as goocl as- c&n -be expected, but there &re ma.n¡¡ lyith tonsils and adenoicls that-need immediate attention. I consider the high .school recorcl excellent arrcl ìrope this high score r¡'ill continue. I thank vou. the school nurse. teachers. ancl studerrts for the cordiaÌ coo¡teration I have rôceivect iri this u,ork. Respectfully subnitted, ]TRNEST ]I. SPARI{S, N,[. f). R,EPOR,T OF THE SCHOOT NURSE To the Suclburl' School Committee: A-report of the school nursing for the ¡'ear enclecl December 3l; 1931, is hereb¡' submitled. ---Forty-one days \/ere spent in Sudbury school s'orli: 56 home visits made. i.52-oflìce calls of pirpils treatecl or advised, 8 trips to hospitals, clinics, etc.. ail þupils u'eigherl and measurecl tr¡'ice cluring the Dr'. Spárhs asslsterl lvith the ph¡'sical examinations,1'ear.. uotices of clefects ancl rìecessary follon'-u¡t made atrcì other routine u' camied out. 17 Irr September there were 27 pupils, t0/o or more below standarci in weight in the fìrst èig'ht grades. To coltsider all those children undernourished on the basis of average woight for this age and height is unwise. At the time of the physical examinations, Dr. Sparhs made a special study of that group and found only C,7 children undernoulished. Averages are of much less value emong the High School students ancl no underweight list was macle. On May 14., 4,934,, Dr. Spalhs gave the Schich'fest io 48 children and in November, '193i., Diphtheria ToxinAntitoxin was administerecl to i.8 chilclren including 3 of pre-school age. The third annual Dental Clinic under the auspices of the Parent-Teacher Association \Ã/&s conducted cluring the spring term. The dentist, I)r. V/illiam Cosgrove of Lexirrgton, toolç care of 46 pupils, u'hich is 22ù/o of the school population. May i again express my appreciation of tlie co-operation given to me during the year by your Cornmiftee. the snperinterrclent, teachers, pupils ancl par.ents. Respectfull¡'. DOROTHY R. SNDLLING. R. N. Lirrcoln, Mass., January 19. {932. R,EPORT OT THE SUPERVISOR OF ATTENDANCE l¡. H. Iìeneclict. Su¡rerintendent of Schools. Dear Sir-I submit herevi'ith m¡'annual repor'[ as supervisor of attendar-rce during the ¡'sit 4.93{. : 'Ihe teachels have reported 36 cases of absence. I have investigated 36 cases. Ten of these \r¡ele absences orì account of illness; 26 I'i,ere illegally absent, but an agreement w&s secured for betler attenclance. Tvi'o court cases. The supen'isor of attenclance also t,ahes the anrrual census, r.r'hiclt is done as of October 1, 4.934., ancl involves a house-to-house c&rÌv&ss, that all children, resiclents of Sudbur¡', on October {st, {931, betu'een the ag'es of fir'e ancl sixteen may be recorclecl. The result of tliis enurner¿rtion is hereu'ith g'iverr: Nttmber of bovs fìve -vears of age ancl nncler se\:etì 28 Nurnber of girls fìr'e )'ears of agc ancl rrucler sevetì 32 Total 60 18 Number of boys severÌ years of age atrd uttder fourteen fourteen ..... Total Number of girls seven yeers of age attd under 99 90 'I89 Number of boys fourteen years of age aud nnder ..... Sixteen ..... sixteen Number of girls fourteen years of age and uncler 53 16 69 Total Number of resideut children attending plivate schools: BoysbetweenSandT... GirlsbetlveenSond7... 5 \ r)ì _\ 1'otal Boys betu'een 7 and 4.4 . Girls betr¡'een 7 ancl l4 Total . 36 23 . 59 . Boys between 14 and 16 . . Girls lletween !.4 and 16 . . Total I 32 . I . Nnmber of children attending out of town schools: BovsbetweenSandT... Gilils betr.r'een 5 and 7 Total 0 0 0 . Boys between 7 and {4 Girls betq,een 7 and 14 '1, 3 'lotal Boys b etr¡'een i.4 and 16 Girls betr.r'een l4 and '16 Total Number of children no[ attencling school of school age: Boysbetrveen5andT... Girls betu'een 5 and 7 'Iotal I 15 24 19 Boys between 7 and l4 (Physical Disebility) Girls between 7 and Lt* (Home Instructiou) ,l I Total 2 Boys between 1,4 and i.6 Girls between L4 end i.6 4 Ð Total 6 Number of children fìve yeers old, but undel school age: ...,. Girls Total l0 Boys {6 ( 26 Respectfully submitted, ALVIN S. BRADSHA\Ã/. CUBßENT A,EGISTßATION Soonr School Union Primary Center 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gratle .I il 1 n III IV v VI vil VIII No. in Grade Total L8 10 14 16 24 25 1r. 20 t4 28 t7 31 16 24 36 20 t4 Total in glacles, 169 High-Class: Freshman Sophomore 23 13 Junior I $enior 15 Gracluates 'Iotal in high 0 school Total registration 60 -2n 20 Membership by Age and Gradg October 1, 1931 BOYS 'Grade 5 6 1 .......210 2 ....... L 3 ....... 4 ....... 5 ....... 6 ....... 7 ....... I ....... 9 ....... 10 11 12 Total,...2lI 7 3 5 l. I 1 2 5 2 age I 10 11. L2 13 14 15 16 17 18 Total 16 I L 7 t 751 15 242r I 6 132 421I I 113I 6 I 113211 4 12 L 43 7 7 322 9101110 6 8 4 6 I 9 7 2 103 GIR,IJS Age 'Grade 1 2 3 IL 5 6 5 6 7 I 9101112131415161718Total 16 .......312 L 11 ....... 353 I ....... 431 8 L 52 L4 36311 ....... 12 .. .. ... '12 Ð 252L 11 I 53 Ll 14312 8 t4 3 11 1\2 4 I t2 Total ... 3 19 10 4 E 8 6 I 12 I 7 8 2 4 108 rÌ t 2I Roll of Students Not Absent 1930-1931 Ralbara Roberts Willia¡n Garffeld Josephine DiM:'rnblo Milclrecl flamnr John Mercury Alden Rou'ket Ärthur Haynes Nancy F¿irbank Roger Ilill Donakl Stone Gertrude Haynes Dorrel Roberts I\{ary Shea Fred Troisi Robert F. Walker Robert G. Waìker William McSlr't'ene¡' Elleu l\{.cSu-eerle}Charles l{antm Mary I'Iarnm Walter Stone John Eric Johnsolt l'lore¡rce Hazel Mary Marjorie Walker Sitnensen Graduates-l931 GIùÁMMAR SCHOOL Hilda Baldrvin Josephine I)iMambro I'atricia M. GrifÊn Il,uth Gotberg Mildred Harriet Hamm Ruth A. Hemingway Helen B. Priest Ildith Eclna launto'Jane James I¡owell Bartlett Chcster G. Carson IìLatthew Roycl Dickey William Brian Diekey Peter l-¡aGrasso J'ohn lllercury Edmrurd Stephen Troisi Charles W. F. Whitrvorth M. Tufts HIGII SCH0OII Gladys Mae Bentley Julia l\[ary Alyce Mary Cain Bernice Lllalk Irene lfarriett Dastuque Mildred lrouise Haskell Ilenry Baird Kasputes Marjorie Alice 'Walker Wliadzia Zelonis tr'rancis Howard Bacon Francis Stephen Farrell Gleason Organization of Teaching Sta,f Ñame School Deparúment Blected Salary Flynn Principal Mathenaties 7927 $3,000 Eigh-Gradcs Science.History Richarcl Bittinger Eigh-Grades Science-Mathematics 1930 1,700 Virgirria Sawyer iligh Latin-French English 1928 1,600 John A._Laber-ee 4igh-Gratìes English-Franch 1931 1,200 Louise E. Dgtlley Eigh Commerci¿l 1931 1;200 Alfrecl O. ll'hitney lfigh-Grades M-¿than¿ticsr Social 1931 11400 Elizabeth Gilch¡ist Center Gratles V. ¡nd VI. 1931 1,200 Perr¡'l F. Arford Center Grade IV. 1930 1,000 (ìr¡rde 'l'. Il¿rrv Per¡a:r Center III. 1931 900 (,\entor Esther Atlams Gr¿iles 1 :rnrl lI. t 0¿:ì 1,216 Sarah Johnson South Grarìes I. rtnrl iT. t 926 I,276 lViìliam T¿unton Supervrsor 1929 350 -\f usic Fft¡¡ence llosmer Supervisor I)r:rwing 1914 350 Alan F. Richtrcl Oliver Itrs. C. E. Stonc Suparvisor Su¡rervisor Woodworking Sewing 1927 fi7.i>0 per d:r_v 1927 5.00 per ilay Educatiort Massaehusetts Agricultural College Massachusetts Agricultunrl Colìege WÏeaton College 'Wesleyan University Salem l.íormal Harvaxl {)ollege t9- t'., Bostou llniversity Gorhanr Normal 'l'itchburg Normrl tsurdett Ilusinesg Collegc t'r'arningham Nornr:rl Conservatory )í. E. ì'la.ssachusetts Sehool Business Business of -.\rt INDEX Accoruttant's lle¡rolt .rLppoiutments b-r' Selectmeu r\sscssors' Re¡rort Balance Sheet Iloarcl of Flealth Clollcctor of 'l¿rxes Ccmeteries .... ;59 72 6r.ì 70 Exteusiorr Servicc trtinance (-'or.¡unittee l'ire G l)epartment oocl¡rou' I-¡iblar.r' Gooclrrou' Ilt'aneh Librarr Books ¡\clclccì in 19Íil G.l'ps.t' antl lìrorvrr Tail ì,Ioths llighrva¡' Sulvc¡'or Jur:¡' List 77 10 68 82 82 83 76 73 6 Olcì r\.ge Assistauce Pl¿uninq t'l¿urllllg lJo¿ìrcl Boarcl ... . Public Safetv Ciotrunittec Public Welfalc Scleetmer¡'s Report ... Sealer of Weights aucl Measru'cs 'lon'u Clelk's Rcport Births Maruiages Deaths Dog Iricerrse Account Tou'n }lall lluilcliug Comrnittec 'lorvlr Officcrs . . 'I'reasttrer's Re¡rort 'lree +7 + 6-t 66 79 81 bt 16 7-o 20 38 B9 39 40 +2 i) Warclen \\ran'atrt for' .A,rlurral li'ou'n Mectiltg . . . 61 77 7 SCHOOI,¡ R,EPOR'I' Financial Re¡rort Priucipal of I'Iiglr School Rcport of School Committec School 0alendar School l)ilector¡' School Nnrst' Scìrool Ph¡'sician Statistics Su¡ret'intendent of Schools Su¡rervisot ofl .r\ttendarìee. . . . 5 12 4 3 o d 16 16 L7 10 T7 ; :t¡.'