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Tax assessment 2011, digital instructions
In this document we give instructions to bursary student in order how to do a final tax assessment over 2011 themselves.
Please read the Introduction very carefully; without understanding/having read it, it is not possible to do this tax assessment.
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Younger than 30; 30 years and older; to turn 30 in 2011
Younger than 30
30 years and older
Turned 30 in 2011
(10 sheets)
(8 sheets)
(8 sheets)
(8 sheets)
What is a tax assessment?
By doing this (final) tax assessment you inform the Tax service (Belastingdienst) about your income in 2011.
It will generate a response from the Belastingdienst based on your assessment. This response will give you the calculation of the
Final assessment over 2011 in 2012
Please note that in 2012 everybody who is asked by the Belastingdienst to do so, needs to do this (final) assessment over the income from
And if you have done a provisional assessment in 2011, over 2011 was it not sure how the rest of 2011 turned out.
Now the year of 2011 is over, only now you know what your real actual income was over 2011.
And that’s why the Belastingdienst also wants everybody to do an assessment in 2012 (deadline: April 01, 2012) over 2011.
For who?
These instructions are also only for bursary students who do not have special possessions like a saving account (more than € 21.139),
stock or an extra house (a house bought by yourself) and who do not have special deductible costs (who can prove receipts from (at least
€ 500 on study books or special medical treatment costs which are not covered by any health insurance).
Limited ISD service and Tax Globalizers Bluestone
The International Service Desk is limited in their tax expertise; also we are limited in our time and staffing. Over the years we experience
more and more difficult tax related questions. Very often we are not able to assist anymore.
We are only equipped for helping average bursary students in filling out a tax forms, who prefer to have live assistance instead of
following these instructions; also we forward calculation letters to the Financial Department of the RUG; and we are able to assist in the
simple objection letters.
For all other tax issues we address you to this company: Tax Globalizers:
They are experts in all our international guests: like knowledge migrants, expats, but (most important) our bursary students.
We strongly recommend every international bursary student this company because of their good quality; we have good experience with
them. They can do a free scan (no cure, no pay) and for further actions it could cost you money, but if they find out you are eligible for
discounts etc. it is really worthwhile.
They can also help and explain with issues like “huurtoeslag” and “zorgtoeslag”.
More information – useful websites
For frequently asked questions:
Rights and regulations, duties for different bursary students:
A website for international researchers about all aspects of life in The Netherlands:
The program
To do the tax assessment for 2011 you have to download a program from the website of the Tax Office. You find this program on
Or via this shortened URL: “Aangifteprogramma 2011” (choose for Apple or Windows or Linux).
Please note: You need a DigiD for the digital applications. Click on to obtain a DigiD. After you have this, you are
able to finalize this assessment.
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Chapter 1: Younger than 30; 30 years and older; Turned 30 in 2011 (1/10)
Click on “Elektronische …voor Windows/Linux/apple”.
Click on “Run” ; “Run” ; “Next” or “Volgende” ; “Installeren”.
Chapter 1: Younger than 30; 30 years and older; Turned 30 in 2011 (2/10)
If you open the program, the first page is an introduction. Click on ‘verder’ = next page.
Chapter 1: Younger than 30; 30 years and older; Turned 30 in 2011 (3/10)
“Persoonlijke gegeven = Personal Details
“Naam” = name
“Telefoonnummer” = Telephone number
“Burgerservicenummer/sofinummer” = Citizen Service Number/sofi-number
“Geboortedatum” = Date of birth
“Nummer belastingconsulent” = Do not fill out this
“Hebt u van ons…ontvangen?” = Did you got a letter, asking you to do this tax assessment?
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Nee = no / If applicable: Ja = yes
“Wilt u een rekeningnummer opgeven of wijzigen? “ = Tick “Ja” and at
“Rekeningnummer” = please fill out your bank account number.
“Was u getrouwd in 2011” = you are married all year in 2011 (only if your marriage is registered in the City Hall).
Nee = no / If applicable: Ja = yes
“Woondu samen in 2011?” = you were unmarried all year in 2011 but living together with your partner (not a
Nee = no / If applicable: Ja = yes
These instructions are for bursary students who are NOT married.
In case you are married but your husband or wife is not living in the Netherlands, you can also fill out that you are not married.
If you do fill out ‘married’, you can only continue with the program if you have the data about your partner, a.o. his/her BSN-number.
Click on ‘akkoord’.
Chapter 1: Younger than 30; 30 years and older; Turned 30 in 2011 (4/10)
Do not fill out anything, and click on ‘akkoord’.
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Chapter 1: Younger than 30; 30 years and older; Turned 30 in 2011 (5/10)
Tick the box “Periodieke….ingehouden.” like this example, and click on ‘akkoord’.
Chapter 1: Younger than 30; 30 years and older; Turned 30 in 2011 (6/10)
Fill this page out like this example with the amount of the scholarship you received:
If you were the whole year under 30 years old: …(number of months of scholarship) X € 1663 = ... (for 12 months = € 19.596)
2. If you were over 30 years old and you already received the higher scholarship:
…(number of months of scholarship) X € 2443 =… (for 12 months = € 29316).
If you were over 30 years old and did not receive the higher scholarship:
…(number of months of scholarship) X € 1633 = … (for 12 months = € 19.596).
3. If you turned 30 in 2011 and received a part of the year the higher scholarship: …( the total amount of scholarship you received
from the university in 2011) You received a part of the year € 1633,-- per month, a part of the year € 2443,-- per month and
an extra payment with the difference between the higher and lower scholarships.
Example: if you turned 30 at March 17: in January and February you were still 29, and the following 10 months you were 30:
2 x 1633 + 10 x 2443.
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Please note! Some of you received for the whole year € 2443.
If applicable: Include childcare allowance if you received this!
Click on ‘akkoord’.
Chapter 1: Younger than 30; 30 years and older; Turned 30 in 2011 (7/10)
Do not fill out anything, and click on ‘akkoord’.
Chapter 1: Younger than 30; 30 years and older; Turned 30 in 2011 (8/10)
On this page you tick ‘nee ‘= no.
This question is only relevant (‘ja’) if you have a minimum of 5% stock in a Dutch or foreign company. Fill this page out like this example,
and click on ‘akkoord’.
If yes, please contact Tax Globalizers .
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Chapter 1: Younger than 30; 30 years and older; Turned 30 in 2011 (9/10)
On this page you tick ‘nee ‘= no. This question is only relevant (‘ja’) if you are the owner of a company. Fill this page out like this example,
and click on ‘akkoord’.
If yes, please contact Tax Globalizers .
“Had u … woning?.” = Do you have possessions like a saving account (more than € 20.785), stock or an extra house (a house bought by
In most cases you have to click ‘nee’ = no.
Fill this page out like this example, and click on ‘akkoord’.
If yes, please contact Tax Globalizers .
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Chapter 1: Younger than 30; 30 years and older; Turned 30 in 2011 (10/10)
This page only has to be filled out if you have extraordinarily studycosts (at least € 500,--) or extraordinarily (not covered by your health
insurance) health costs.
Fill this page out like this example, and click on ‘akkoord’.
If yes, please contact Tax Globalizers .
Choose your situation and go to the applicable chapter:
Chapter 2: younger than 30
Chapter 3: 30 years and older
Chapter 4: turned 30 in 2011 and already received the higher scholarship
Chapter 2: younger than 30 (1/8)
Tick the box “In het …zekerheid” like this example, and click on ‘akkoord’.
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Chapter 2: younger than 30 (2/8)
Fill this page out like this example: tick the box “nee” two times and click on ‘akkoord’.
Chapter 2: younger than 30 (3/8)
Do not fill out anything, and click on ‘akkoord’.
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Chapter 2: younger than 30 (4/8)
If you already paid taxes over 2011, in 2011, based on a provisional tax assessment in 2011, then you have to tick the last box.
Automatically in the next box you have to fill out how much you already have paid on taxes over 2011 in 2011; please read the tax
calculation letters you received from the Belastingdienst very carefully, there you find the numbers which you have paid to them already.
(Otherwise,) do not fill out anything, and click on ‘akkoord’.
Chapter 2: younger than 30 (5/8)
“Stond u meer ….na 1983?” = Did you have a household with only children born after 1983 for more than 6 months in 2011?
Nee = no.
If you have to click yes, If yes, please contact Tax Globalizers .
(Otherwise) Fill this page out like this example, and click on ‘akkoord’.
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Chapter 2: younger than 30 (6/8)
You will need to pay taxes aprox. € 336.
This amount is not reimbursable by the university or any other institute or authority.
There are two types of taxes:
“Income tax” (type H on the response from the Belastingdienst): € 336 (in this example).
“Income related contribution Health Insurance Act” (type W on the response from the Belastingdienst): € 0 (in this example it is not
mentioned for this reason; not applicable because you are younger than 30.
In about 2 months the Belastingdienst will send you for each type of tax a letter (you will receive two letters: a H-letter and a W-letter).
In the letters they inform you with a provisional calculation (which should be around the same amounts as mentioned); also they send you
two invoices by which you can pay those taxes.
Disclaimer: this is based on our experience with the Belastingdienst en FED; we are not sure how the calculations turn out for you, in your
special case. We do not take responsibility in matters like this. We only inform you and provide you with a service like this.
Click on “Akkoord”.
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Chapter 2: younger than 30 (7/8)
“Hebt u …2012 gekregen?” = Did the Tax office sent you a provisional assessment over 2012 already?
Tick “ja” = yes or “nee”= no (the applicable answer)
If yes, the next question is: “Kloppen de …is gebaseerd? = Is the calculation made in that assessment correct?
Tick “ja” = yes or “nee”= no (the applicable answer)
Then click on “Akkoord”
Chapter 2: younger than 30 (8/8)
Click on “Naar ondertekenen”.
Than you come on the DigiD-page, there you fill out your user name and then your password.
Your file is then sent to the Belastingdienst.
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Chapter 3: 30 years and older (1/8)
On this page you tick ‘no’, and click on ‘akkoord’.
Chapter 3: 30 years and older (2/8)
Do not fill out anything, and click on ‘akkoord’.
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Chapter 3: 30 years and older (3/8)
Do not fill out anything, and click on ‘akkoord’.
Chapter 3: 30 years and older (4/8)
“Stond u meer dan … 1983?” = Did you have a household with only children born after 1983 for more than 6 months in
2011? Ja = yes, Nee = no.
If you have to click yes, please contact Tax Globalizers .
(Otherwise) Fill this page out like this example, and click on ‘akkoord’.
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Chapter 3: 30 years and older (5/8)
Fill this page out like this example, and click on ‘akkoord’.
Chapter 3: 30 years and older (6/8)
There are two types of taxes:
“Income tax” (type H on the response from the Belastingdienst): € 8642 (in this example).
“Income related contribution Health Insurance Act” (type W on the response from the Belastingdienst): € 1656 (in this example).
In about 2 months the Belastingdienst will send you for each type of tax a letter (you will receive two letters: a H-letter and a W-letter).
In the letters they inform you with a provisional calculation (which should be around the same amounts as mentioned); also they send you
two invoices by which you can pay those taxes.
If you still receive € 1633, then the amounts are different from this example, and you can have these amounts reimbursed.
If you give the ISD a copy of these two letters (front and backside), the ISD will forward it to the financial department (FED); the financial
department will pay the reimbursement around one week before the deadline.
Please note: it is your own responsibility to pay taxes.
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Disclaimer: this is based on our experience with the Belastingdienst en FED; we are not sure how the calculations turn out for you, in your
special case. We do not take responsibility in matters like this. We only inform you and provide you with a service like this.
Click on “akkoord” .
Chapter 3: 30 years and older (7/8)
“Hebt u …2012 gekregen?” = Did the Tax office sent you a provisional assessment over 2012 already? Tick “ja” = yes or “nee”= no (the
applicable answer)
If you answered ‘yes’, there will be a next question: “Kloppen de …is gebaseerd?” = Is the calculation made in that assessment correct?
Tick “ja” = yes or “nee”= no (the applicable answer)
Then click on “Akkoord”
Chapter 3: 30 years and older (8/8)
Click on “Naar ondertekenen”.
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Than you come on the DigiD-page, there you fill out your user name and than your password.
Your file is then sent to the Tax Office.
Chapter 4: Turned 30 in 2011 and received a part of the year the higher scholarship
Tick the box “In het …zekerheid” like this example, and click on ‘akkoord’.
Chapter 4: Turned 30 in 2011
Example; if your birthday was on (the day you turned 30) 17 March 2011:
“Was u in 2011 ….AOW en de Anw?” : tick: “ja”
“Periode in 2011…AOW en de Anw.” : ‘your birthday day-month’ – 31-12’
“Was u in 2011 ….AWBZ en de Zorgverzekeringswet?” : tick : “ja”
“Periode in 2011…AWBZ en de Zorgverzekeringswet.” : ‘your birthday day-month’ – 31-12’
“Inkomen over…u wel verzekerd….verschuldigd” : = “ 0 ”
“Inkomen ….u niet verzekerd …en de AWBZ” : … (the number of months in which you were 29) x €1633 = ) € ……
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Please note! Some of you received for the whole year 2011 € 2443,-- per month, even for the months you were not 30, than you have to fill
out the number of months you were 29 x € 2443,--.
Fill this page out like the explanation, comparable with this example, and click on ‘akkoord’.
Chapter 4: Turned 30 in 2011
Do not fill out anything, and click on ‘akkoord’.
Chapter 4: Turned 30 in 2011
If you already paid taxes over 2011, in 2011, based on a provisional tax assessment in 2011, then you have to tick the last boxes.
Automatically in the next boxes you have to fill out how much you already have paid on taxes over 2011 in 2011; please read the tax
calculation letters you received from the Belastingdienst very carefully, there you find the numbers which you have paid to them already.
(Otherwise,) do not fill out anything, and click on ‘akkoord’.
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Chapter 4: Turned 30 in 2011
“Stond u meer ….na 1983?” = Did you have a household with only children born after 1983 for more than 6 months in 2011?
Ja = yes, Nee = no.
If you have to click yes, If yes, please contact Tax Globalizers .
(Otherwise) Fill this page out like this example, and click on ‘akkoord’.
Chapter 4: Turned 30 in 2011
Fill out the first question like this example.
“Had u…viel?” : tick “ja”
“Inkomen…correctie …vraagt” : fill out “0”.
“Inkomen ….vermindering….vraagt” : (… (the number of months in which you were 29) x €1633 = ) € ......
Fill this page out like the explanation, comparable with this example, and click on ‘akkoord’.
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Chapter 4: Turned 30 in 2011
There are two types of taxes:
“Income tax” (type H on the response from the Belastingdienst): € 6740 (in this example).
“Income related contribution Health Insurance Act” (type W on the response from the Belastingdienst): € 1311 (in this example).
In about 2 months the Belastingdienst will send you for each type of tax a letter (you will receive two letters: a H-letter and a Wletter).
In the letters they inform you with a provisional calculation (which should be around the same amounts as mentioned); also they
send you two invoices by which you can pay those taxes.
If you still receive € 1633, you can have an amount reimbursed for which you are entitled for.
If you give the ISD a copy of these two letters (front and backside), the ISD will forward it to the financial department (FED); the
financial department will pay the reimbursement around one week before the deadline.
Please note: it is your own responsibility to pay taxes.
Disclaimer: this is based on our experience with the Belastingdienst en FED; we are not sure how the calculations turn out for you, in
your special case. We do not take responsibility in matters like this (how much it will be, how the Belastingdienst deals with you,
We only inform you and provide you with a service like this.
Click on “akkoord” .
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Chapter 4: Turned 30 in 2011
Click on “Naar ondertekenen” on the next page.
Than you come on the DigiD-page, there you fill out your user name and then your password.
Your file is then sent to the Tax Office.
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