Instron Operational Manual
Instron Operational Manual
I«>D£L 4204 I8SCR.IP'rIOH LOADING PRAME AIm OPERATING IHSTROC'l'IOHS :"-' .', DC-11 SO~pl~er1t INSTRON CORPORATION CAN'l'ON, MASSACHUSEII-1'S c Manu~l",' :.,;;.' No.' Mt:O:"'4200- I8SCRIPrIOR I«)DBL 4204 UM.DIRG PRAME ARD OPBRATIRG IRS'l'Roc-lIOBS TABLE OF (X)IPl'BIrrS *** DIPORTAIrl' ~*** Chapters 7, 8, 9 aDd Appendices A, B and C, as listed in the Table of Contents in Manual No. Ml0-4200-1, pertain to the Model 4204 testing instrument. Chapter 1.0 DrrROOOcrlOIi 2.0 SPEIFICA'l'IOMS 3.0 Sy~ IZSCR.IP'fIOH 3.1 General Characteristics 3.2 Model Differences 3. 3 ~ad ing 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.4 3-1 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-3 3-4 3-4 Fr ame Structural Crosshead Design Drive - Mechanical 3.3.3 System Power and Cabling 3.3.4 Crosshead Positional Control ~ad Weighing System 3.4.1 ~ad Cells (See ~able re8ainder of of Contents in Manual Ro. M10-4200-1 O1apter 3.) for 4 . 0 IRSDLLATIOB 4.1 4.2 4.3 Unpacking Transporting Initial Installation 4.3.1 Preliminary COnsiderations 4.3.2 Leveling of Loading Frame 4.3.3 Interconnection of Units 4.3.4 Power Requirements 4.3.5 Nonstandard Main Power 4.3.6 Frame to COnsole Power Cabling 4.3.7 Main Power COnnection 5.0 DBSCRIP'fIOR 01' ~XD-J I ~ars 5.1 Loading Frame 5.1.1 Identification of 5.1.2 Connector Panel 5.1.3 Power 5.1.4 Control (Refer Components Amplifier Panel 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-1 4-3 4-4 4-4 4-5 4-5 5-1 5-1 5-4 5-5 5-6 Section 5.2, for of COntrol COnsole c~=~~nent8.) bO Manual Ro. .10-4200-1, a description 5-7 5-7 5-1 5.3 ~ad Cells 5.3.1 General Characteristics 5.3.2 Series 2519 Load Cells MODEL4204 4-1 (CC-11S0) 111 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLEor ~u-rS (continued) Chapter 6.0 PRBPARI!IG FOR OPBRATIOM Refer to tbis listing 6.11. POr all other for operation, refer Sections 6.1 througb 6.7 for contents of Sections 6.7, 6.8 and details about preparing the Model 4204 to Cbapter 6 of Manual Mo. MIO-4200-1, 6.6,6.9 and 6.10. Installing a Load Cell 6.7.1 Installation of Series 2518 Load 6.7.2 Installation of Other Load Cells 6.7.3 Crosshead and Baseplate Mounting 6.8 Bole Installation of Grips and Fixtures for Tension and Compression Testing 6.8.1 Selecting Grips and Fixtures 6.8.2 Installing Grips for Tension Testing 6.8.3 Installing Fixtures for Compression 6.11 Setting Preload 6-1 6-1 6-2 6-2 Cells Patterns 6-4 6-4 6-4 6-4 Testing Levers LIS'! or ILLOS'fRA'!IORS Figure No. Instron -1 3-1 Model 4204 Universal Functional Block Diagram o~ Model 4204 Testing Testing Instrument 3-2 System 4-2 4-4 4-5 4-2 4-3 Cabling Control Changing 5-1 5-2 5-3 Model 4204 Loading Frame Components and Controls Loading Frame Connector Panel Control Panel 5-3 wad 6-2 4-1 6-9a 6-9b 6-9c 6-9d Installation for Model 4204 Console Internal Connectors Input Line Voltage Adapter Cell Adapter Moving Crosshead Mounting Bole Pattern Moving Crosshead Mounting Bole Pattern Baseplate Mounting Bole Pattern LIS'r Table - Tbp - Botto. 5-4 5-6 6-3 6-3 6-3 01' TABLBS No. 4-3 4-4 4-1 4-2 Recorder/Extensometer Line Voltage Selection 5-1 Series 2518 Load Cells Grip Couplings for Series 2518 Load Cells Compression Anvils for Series 2518 !.Dad Cells 5-2 5-3 MODEL 4204 (DC-llS0) iv Option Cables 5-7 5-8 5-8 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 IIr.rROOOCl' lOR instruments, includes a basic panel and up to three optional front panel sections. The controls on these panels offer the operator complete communication with the system through a numeric keypad, pushbutton selection switches and LCD displays. Optional interfacing is available for an X-I or strip chart recorder, extensometer signal conditioners, the Instron Microcon II data analyzer and a programmable computer. These control and readout options may be specified initially with the testing instrument or added later to extend its capabilities. Instron universal testing instruments are highly reliable precision systems for evaluating the mechanical properties of materials. The advantages of these systems, as accurate and versatile tools, make them equally adaptable to research and development requirements as to the repetitive testing applications of production quality control. The Instron 4200 series of universal testing instruments are electromechanical devices employing the latest technology in order to provide the optimum in materials testing systems. This manual describes the Model 4204 of the series, which consists of a loading frame The purpose of this manual is to provide the user with a basic understanding of the testing instrument and its principles of operation. It contains the operating instructions, specifications, component and control descriptions, installation pro- and standard 4200 series control console as separate assemblies. The loading frame can be either a basic tablemounted unit or floor-mounted when equipped with an optional stand with casters. The ~el cedures and an introduction to materials testing. A glossary of terms related to materials testing is also included. 4204 frame has a load capacity of up to 50 kN (11,250 lb, 5000 kg). This frame is designed for testing materials in either tension or compression, and will accept the full line of Instron grips, extensometers and fixtures that are included within its load capabilities. The range of load cells for use with this frame, ensures the accuracy and repeatability of test results. The microprocessor-based console, which is standard with the 4200 series of MODEL4204 (DC-1150) Other manuals provide maintenance instructions, reference drawings and parts lists for the system. For detailed information about the complete line of lnstron testing equipment, for consultation on test programs, or for inquiries on the operation or maintenance of the equipment, contact your local lnstron Regional Sales and Service center listed on the back cover of control for use testing this 1- manual. INTRODUCTION 2.0 Capacity I -- 150 Force Bating: (tension and CX>8preasion below 8)9 log croaabead) SP8:UICATIOHS kN, 25 kN 5,000 1,250 lb kg, - - - (5,625 lb) up to 500 mm/min (20 in/min) 50 kN (11,250 lb) up to 100 mm/min (4 in/.in) - -- Wad Range: ( intercbaogeable load cells) o. !Dad Weigbing i11 of reading to 1/50 i1 count of the display N to 50 kN, 5,000 kg ( 10 9 to 11,250 lb) Systea ccw:acy at digital r;ea&>ut ~es80r;y or; analog output: of load cell capacity - Strain ~asuring Systea ccuracy at digital readout .:cessory or analog output: ~8ition accuracy aeasuCe881t (I¥> load): Position aeasure8ei1t repeatability (no loaa): to.1 speed range: 0.05 Crosabead speed -=CU1'~.Y: ~0.2' speed: Crossbead (0.004 to.os - Cro88head Return .. to to.20.. alig~t: atiffneea. 7S kN/18 Crossbead uavel: (witb sccew ~eca and base adapter ~ e&cluding load cell and fiztucea) 're8ting (8a8ple) Lateral: Front to R-=k: MODEL 4204 100 .. (20 (0.008 (0.20 of displacement in. 500 mal_in 500 mm/min to.511mB Azial (0.002 over or ~O.15' in. (0.002 to 20 in/ain) (4 in.) in/min) in. in.) oyer 25.. oyer total (1 in.) trayel travel 1 x 106 lb/in) 1170- (46 in. space 560 18 (22 in. Unlimited (DC-1150) 2-1 SPECIFICATIONS SP8::IPICATIOHS Praae (CX>Qt.) tlJDBL 4204 diaensions Heigbt: width: Depth: Weigbt: (71.65 1820 rom 2293 1000 mm(90.3 DID - 650 288 kg 363 kg in.) in.) (39.4 (25.6 (634 (799 without with base base in.) in.) lb) lb) without base with base Q)nsole diaensioDs 285 DID (11.2 in.) 540 mm (21.3 in.) 535 DUD (21.1 in.) requires 75 DUD (3 in.) 28 kg (61.7 lb) Heigbt: Width: ~ptb: Weight: ~wer require8eilts ~ltage: Frequency: ~wer : 100/120/220/240 47 to 63 Hz 2000 VA max. clearance VAC %10', single behind console phase Dlvironaeotal require881tB Operating te.peraturez Star age te8per ature: Baaidity: +10. to +30.C (+50. to +86.P) (can be field adjusted for use up to +38.C (+100.P» -30.C to +50.C (-22. to +122.P) 10' to 901 (noncondensing) The Model 4204 meets ASTM E4, BS 1610 (1985) Grade 1.0, and AFNOR NFA03-501 Class 1 for load weighing accuracy. E83, B-2, C and D, and BS 384~ Grades C and D for strain with certain Instron extensometers. Instron notice. Instron's Corporation reserves the right The performance specifications standard procedures. MODEL 4204 (CC-11S0) DIN 51221 Class 1, It also meets ASTM measuring accuracy to change specifications above are developed 2-2 in without accordance with SPECIFICATIONS 3.0 Sysora DBSCRIPrIOR 3.1 GBRBRALCBARA~IS'l'ICS central processing unit (CPU). The crosshead control network in the console allows programmable crosshead speeds and provides digital control of the crosshead position. The operating mode of the console data entry and readout functions can be in English, metric or 5.1. units, as selected by a switch. A status indicator on the basic panel shows the system of units selected. An Instron 4200 series universal testing instrument is comprised of two major systems: a crosshead drive and control system, which applies tensile or compressive loading to a specimen; and a highly sensitive load weighing system, which measures the loading of a specimen. Figure 3-1 is a functional block diagram showing the interfacing of these two systems, and the signal flow within the overall instrument. The action of the moving crosshead during a test - stop, return, cycle - may be controlled manually by pushbutton switches or automatically by the functions provided by an optional Limits Panel. These functions may be based on the applied load, extension or strain, or to a specimen break detection. The basic operation of the instrument consists of selecting a load cell for a particular testing application, mounting the load cell in the moving crosshead within the loading frame, then setting a specimen in position so that an applied load can be measured. The specimen is held by grips for tension testing, or is table-mounted for compression testing. If strain measurement is required, an optional strain gage or elastomeric extensometer is attached to the specimen. Tensile or compressive forces are applied when the moving crosshead is operated by two vertical leadscrews. A CPU controlled sensor conditioner board in the load weighing system allows calibration and balance procedures to be performed automatically after being initiated by the operator. The sensor conditioner provides both an unranged analog and an automatically ranged digital load signal output suitable for several types of optional readout devices. During a test, results occur as tracked (instantaneous) values of load, extension and strain or, after a test, as stored break and peak values of these parameters. Tbtal energy and load and energy values at preset points are also available as stored parameters. Several choices of analog and digital type devices are obtainable as options for viewing and recording test Optional readouts for test results include: a Display Panel for viewing load, extension and strain measurements (strain measurements require an additional one or two strain sensor conditioner boards); a Recorder Panel and recorder board for interfacing an X-Y or strip chart recorder, and an 80 character wide printer. An optional interface for the Instron Microcon II provides a user with the capability of obtaining complete test results through fully automated processing. results. The console for the testing instrument provides control, data acquisition and data readout functions for the loading frame. All operations are directed by a crystal controlled, mlcroprocesso~-based MODEL 4204 (DC-1150) The capability is provided in console for optionally adding 3- the an SYSTEM DESCRIPTION Figure MODEL4204 3-1. Functional Block (DC-1150) Diagram of Model 4204 Basic 3-2 Testinq System SYSTEM DESCRIPTION provides the mechanical drive for the moving crosshead. This motor, located on top of the base behind the left-hand column, is coupled through a multi-V belt and timing belt to the leadscrew drive pulleys. The use of a timing belt between the pulleys provides synchronism of the driving force to the IEEE-488 interface. This is a General Purpose Instrument Bus (GPIB) which allows remote supervisory control of test procedures through a programmable 3.2 Jl)DEL computer. DIFFBRBNCBS The Model 4204 uses the standard control console common to all 4200 series instruments. Each loading frame is different, however, and is identified by the console through a special resistor. This identification process allows the automatic setting of pa£ameters unique to each system, such as maximum testing and return speeds. leadscrews alignment 3.3.3 Systea and Cabling The main power switch for the system is located on the loading frame in front of the right-hand column. When this switch is actuated, power is applied to the loading frame and console. 3.3.4 crossbead Positional which is the leadscrew upper bearing carrier. The entire assembly is on a base which encloses the mechanical drive train for the system. Model 4204 ~ive loading The control loop for the motor includes an incremental encoder mounted on an intermediate shaft in the drive train for the crosshead. This optical device provides positional feedback information by generating one pulse for eACh 0.1 - Mechanical A permanent magnet type DCmotor (DC-1150) COntrol The control of the moving crosshead is developed from a commanded testing speed and direction, programmed at the console, which begins to generate a crosshead positional error signal when the test starts. frame is designed for table-top use, but an optional stand is available (Catalog No. 3610-018) that allows the unit to be floor mounted. The floor stand includes a large storage drawer, casters and leveling pads. MODEL4204 vertical crosshead. A multitap transformer, located within the base, allows the system to accept input voltages of 100, 120, 220 or 240 VAC, single phase, by simply altering the input connector. Located behind the hinged connector panel is the frame-console interface (frame board), the power controller for the crosshead drive motor, and a motor relay. Additional supporting structure includes two columns which enclose the leadscrews, and a top plate 3.3.2 Crosshead Po~r ensures moving Design The basic design of the frame for the Model 4204 is a loading system consisting of two vertical leadscrews, a moving crosshead and a baseplate which is the lower bearing carrier for the leadscrews. The leadscrews are a highly efficient ball screw type, separated from the testing area by bellows covers. All testing, tension and compression, is done between the crosshead and the baseplate. This type of design adds to the stiffness of the system. The basic the Main power to the Model 4204 system is applied at a panel on the rear of the loading frame base. The panel also contains an AC outlet for the COntrol COnsole power cable, system fuses and other cabling connections to the frame. 3. 3 WADING FRAME 3.3.1 Structural and of 3-3 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION micrometer (0.000003937 in.) displacement of the crosshead. This signal is applied to the crosshead control board in the console, subtracted fro. the command and the difference expressed as an analog error signal. each cell, which makes possible automatic recognition by a microprocessor. This simplifies the calibration and balancing procedure and enables the setting of electronic load limits to safeguard the cell. The Series 2518 load cells plug directly into a preamplifier, mounted on the rear of the moving crosshead, which provides a noise-free high level signal to the load sensor conditioner in the control console. The error signal is applied bo a power controller which use. silicon controlled rectifiers (SCals) bo proportionally control the duration and sign (t) of current pulses supplied bo the crosshead drive motor. The ~tor drives the crosshead, at the preset speed and test direction, minimizing the error signal. All load cells are mounted on the moving crosshead. Bowever, certain cells for coapression only can be IW)unted on the baseplate of the loading frue. 3.4 (DAD WBICMING Sx~ 3.4. 1 10M Ce1.1.. A series of adapter couplings, either the self-aligning type or rigid, are available for use when tension testing. These coupling8 cover the co.plete range of Instron grips u8able within the loading capacity of the Model 4204. The A number of load cells are usable in the load weighing system of the fk>del 4204. The complete line of existing Instron tension or co.pression load cells, either electrically or mechanically calibrated and within the loading range of the syste., are easily adaptable. Instron Series 2518 lower grip is in a ba8eplate Cat. are directly include the No. 2518-703 2518-202 2518-209 2518-204 2518-205 2518-206 - - interchangeable. following types: Capacity When co.pression testing, an anvil is pinned to the load cell spindle and a table is 8Ounted on the baseplate. The faces of the (2,500 kg, 5,000 Ib) (1,000 kg, 2,000 Ib) (500 kg, 1,000 Ib) (100 kg, 200 Ib) (10 kg, 20 Ib) (1 kg, 2 lb) anvil and table are held parallel by a locknut, which also removes backlash fro. the syste8. Anvils and tables are available in several diameters rated for use within specified loading capacitie8. Maxiaua 25 kN 10 kN 5 kN 1 kN 100 N 10 N Series 2518 cells are rationalized with a sensitivity of 2mv/v at full rated output in either the tension or co.pression 8Ode. A feature of these cells is self identifica- tion through a resistor, MODEL 4204 8Ounted Selt-alignin9' couplings for the upper grip are pinned to an adapter couplin9' which is also pinned to the load cell spindle. The design of this double-pinned connection, with the pins 90. apart, allows the grip to align with the lower grip. tension- compression load cells are normally used on the Model 4204. The standard load cell is Catalog !b. 2518702, which has a maximua capacity of 50 kN (5000 kg, 10,000 lb). Other Series 2518 cells are available which These always rigidly adapter. (DC-1150) ~ Refer bo Manual Bb. MI0-4200-1 for Section 3.4.2 (Load Sensor COnditioner) and tbe re.ainder unique to of Q14pter J. 3-4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION . 4 0 IBS1'ALLA'fIOR After use one transport 4. 1 ORPACKIIIG The Instron Model 4204 testing instrument is carefully packed for shipment. The loading frame is bolted onto a wooden skid in an upright position, or crated in a horizontal position for export. If a 'loor Stand (Catalog No. 3610-018) is included with the initial order, it is shipped installed on the loading removing the shipping skid, of the following methods to the loading fraae: 1. Use a forklift blades inserted ing crosshead. with padded under the mov- .h Use a rope sling under the moving crosshead with a 500 kg (1000 lb) minimum capacity. frame. 3. loading frame is a floor stand, then it can be easily moved on the casters after the skid is re80ved. Raise the leveling pads for clearance. 4. 3.1 Prel~inary Considerations The design of the Model 4204 testing instrument allows a flexibility in installation layout. The equiP8ent units - loading fraae and console - may be positioned side by The loading fraae may be transported, either before or after removing the shipping skid by using a fork lift with a 500 kg (1000 Ib) capacity. side, or with wall. connections installed in separate rooms made through a The floor area where the Model 4204 will be set up for operation must have the structural strength required for support I loading fraae - 273 kg (600 lb) without the floor TO remove the skid froa the loading frame, use a fork lift with padded blades. Carefully insert the blades under the 8Oving crosshead between the coluans. DO HOT use top plate on columns for lifting frame. stand, floor 364 stand, kg (800 console lb) with - 28 kg the (62 lb). Also, the tables for ~unting the loading fraae (without the floor stand) and the console should place these units at the proper height for operator access. Support tables, specifically designed for the Model 4204, are available fro. Instron. {:~~~~!~~] After tbe skid is reao.ed fr08 tbe loading fr.-, do oot atte8Pt to transport it witb a fork lift inserted beneatb tbe base (or floor stand if 80 equipped), as tbis could daaage the UI¥Ierside. (DC-1150) the 4. 3 IBI'r IAL IBS"rALLA'rIOB 4. 2 'l'RAE R>ft IBG MODEL 4204 If equipped with After re80ving the equipaent from the containers, use the packing list to inventory all items. Note that some accessories may be packed in with the loading frame or console, or packaged separately. Locate the Return Goods Authorization (RGA) tags included with the units and save for future use if service is required. Retain shipping material until systea is satisfactorily installed. 4.3.2 Leveliog of Loading Pr.-e 4-1 with The loading fraae is supplied four leveling pads (feet). If it is to be table-mounted, thread INSTALLATION 4 0' - e~ .Inl ~1'i.J ~ i l:g:j 8:;1. 'I I ~ 8 e:~1 j ~I 'I II i~; ~ 31 ~ , 'Iii: .;~li]\i : ; :jll I J~. I ~i J. 2g. I :.~ ~. ~I i. ,- !i , II *~ I. !d I 18 it i, --' ~ -r U-t..) '- - t ~ -I -;OJ > w IG -~ .0 . N OJ ~ w 0 ~I C 0 ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C ... ~ i ! 01 C ~ I ~ . i . I f " . I \ ; ,~ OJ w ~ 01 Ii ~ MODEL 4204 CDC-1150) 4-2 INSTALLATION pad into each corner of the base before placing the frame on a table. After the instrwaent is ~unted in its operating po8ition, level the loading frame. Place a bubble level on the base near the center of the two columns. Then adjust the four pads, either on the base if tablemounted or on the floor stand, until the frame is level in both side-toside and front-to-back directions. 4.3.3 Interconnection 8)'fB Leave as long a trailing loop as possible on the {Dad Cell cable, W4, between the frame clamp and the moving crosshead clamp, as this cable travels with the moving cro8shead and must extend to nearly the full height of the fraae. e. If optional equipment (recorder and strain extensometers) are included with the system, install the cables at this time or later a8 required (see Section 6.10). of Units The cabling necessary to interconnect the loading frame and console of the ~el 4204 is shown in Figure 4-1. Not shown is cabling supplied for optional accessories that may be included with the basic units. Table 4-1 is a listing of the cable asseablies for optional recorders and strain extensoaeters that connect internally in the console (see Figure 4-2). K)TB It is reco8mended that a clear space of at least 1 meter (3 feet) be left behind the instrument to provide service access and to avoid damaging the interconnecting cables. Install ~ left the cabling Table the sliding latch .a follows; panel ~ lit-turn straight Remove screws W3/W4 cable clamp sole, and as shown in Figure the con- Console; Conn. X-Y Recorder (3 types) A5( .-21 A5C"-87 A5C.-92 J9 J9 J9 Strip Olart Recorder A504-20 J9 Plug female end of !Dad Cell Cable, W4 (ASO4-18), into LOAD connector (J6) in the console. Feed this cable through the W4 cla8p8 on console and frame. ASO4-19 (ASO4-68 Adapter) XL Extens. ASO4-19 (ASO4-67 Adapter) Lwr Extens. A504-19 IJ7 or J8 Je J8 f. Connect ribbon-type Prameto-Conaole Interface Cable, W3 (ASO4-106), between connector d. Install male connector of W4 cable into clamp on moving J5 in console and connector J2 4-1). (DC-1150) Strain Gage Extensometer 4-1. ~ MODEL 4204 Cable ABay. back. holding on the orosshead (see Figure Recorder/Extensometer Option Cables Optional Accessory Remove corner panel fro. rear of console by rotat- ing 4-1. 4-3 INSTALLATION not the North American standard, the power input connector, J5, on the loading frame connector panel can be altered to accept other voltages in the range of 90 to 250 VAC, 50-60 Hz (see Table 4-2). ~ Jl:)del 4204 is intended to operate froa a single pbase, t.o-wire grounded power source that does oot apply 8>re than 250 vol ts r88 bet~n the supply <»lMJuctors or bet~n the UDg'rounded supply <»lMJuctors and ground. A 3-wire grounded power cable is essential for safe operation. Figure 4-2. Control Internal Table Console Connectors 4-2. Line Voltage Selection on frame connector panel, as shown in Figure 4-1. Ensure that connectors are fully engaged and clamped in place. g. Position all cables in the W3/W4 clamps and install the screws removed in Step bJ do not over tighten clamps as this will crimp the cables. m'rB If 4.3.4 Powr Requir~t. The Model 4204 instrument is set at the factory to accept a main power input of 120 ~10 VAC, single phase, 50-60 Hz (the North American standard). A 10-foot, 3-wire power cable (A504-89) for that voltage is included. If the power source to be used is this standard voltage, proceed to Section 4.3.6, Frame to Console Power Cabling. If not, follow the instructions in Section 4.3.5. the power MODEL4204 source to be used (DC-1150) Model 4204 system is to Brown - high (live) Light Blue - low (neutral) Green' Yellow - earth/ground TO adapt the Model 4204 for a different line voltage, change power input connector, J5, on the loading 4.3.5 Ronstandard Main Power If the be adapted for 200-250 VAC operation, the power cable (A504-89) must be altered by adding a male plug that is specified for that power source outlet. Observe the following CEE wire color code for the cable: frame connector panel as follows: is 4-4 INSTALLATION a. Insert a sharp pointed tool into the middle of the connector and pry out the fuse holder, as shown in Figure 4-3. The nuaber placed at the top when the holder is in position shows the voltage taps selected on the main power transformer. This is voltage which is to for system operation. the be fuse, F2, in connector, J5, should be a 15 amp, 3AB type (Instron Part No. 27-2-100). Por 200-250 VAC operation, an 8 aap, 3AB type (Instron Part No. 27-2-53) should be used. Both types of fuses are supplied with the system. line used 4.3.6 Praae bo COnsole Power Cabling Connect the Console Power Cable, W2 (A504-88), between J1 on the console connector panel and J4 on the frame connector panel. In this .anner, the console always receives 120 VAC for any lIain power that is applied to the loading frame. b. Change the fuse (P2) in the hOlder, if required (see NOTS below). Rotate the fuse holder until the desired voltage is at the top and press the holder firaly back into the connector. [:~~~!~~] Ik) fX>t ~nnect the ~Dt1:ol ~D80le to any vol tage source other than 120 :t10 ftC, 50-60 Sa. 4.3.7 Rain Power Connection Check that the .ain power switch on the front of the loading fraae is OFF. Then plug the Input Power Cable, W1 (ASO4-89), into a convenient, properly grounded wall outlet of the correct voltage. 'Ib avoid elecu ic cable grounding tor aust be properly Bbock, tbe a)nducgrounded. ~ Figure 4-3. Changing Voltage Input Line The Model 4204 is installed at this point. The user should become familiar with the instrument and its controls and operating procedur.. before turning it on. Adapter 8)IrB For 100-130 VAC operation, MODEL 4204 (DC-1150) the 4-5 INSTALLATION 5.0 DBSCRIPrIOB OP SYS'rg 5. 1 IDADIHG PRAllE 5.1. 1 Identification of <X8IPORBR'rS 9. PRELOAD NUT - a nut, mounted on each leadscrew beneath the moving crosshead, which positions Cb8ponents a drive The main components of the Model 4204 Loading Frame are shown in Figure 5-1 and are identified and described below. "1. WADING FRAME - the part 2. within the - the loading MOVING CROSSBEAD of LOAD CELL the - transducer in the head which precisely applied load. first level switch is ac~uthe crosshead stops (as if the STOP key was pressed) and the TRAVEL status laap on the Control Console lights. TO restore operation, either slide the Limit Stop on the rod away fro. the actuator, or pres. the appropriate function key (UP/DOWH/JOG on the Console Control Panel, or JOG on the Loading Fraae Control Panel) that will drive the crosshead in a direction away fro. the limit switches. ~, mov ing frame calibrated moving crossmeasures the 4. UPPERGRIP COUPLING- the con'nection between the upper grip or co.pression anvil and the load cell. The second level limit switch acts as a fail-safe device if a first levelli8it switch does not function. When a second level liait switch actuated, the drive motor relay is deenergized and the crosshead stops. The TRAVEL and MOTORstatus laaps on the Control Console light as indicators of this condition. Tb reset the system after contacting a second level l~it switchz set the .ain power switch to OFF, then either slide the Limit Stop away from the actuator to release the switch, or use the manual positioning control (Ite. 24) to move the crosshead away from the switch (see WA88X8G at Itea 24). S. PREAMPLIPIER - aaplifie8 the low level output signal of the load cell. By 8)unting the preamplifier near the load cell, an accurate signal i8 provided which is immune fro. noise pickup in the connecting cable. i. 6. LEADSCREtlS- threaded rods ~which turn at commanded speeds and drive the moving crosshead. .7. LEADSCREWroVER - protective curtains that shield the leadscrews fr08 debri8 due to test specimen breakage and from accidental contact by the operator or fixtures. 8. PI XED struct ute the supports CROSSBBAD that - top the leadsc rewa. MODEL 4204 (DC-1150) or 10. OVERTRAVEL LIMIT SWITCHES these consist of first and second level switches which stop the moving crosshead. When a which applies a load to the test specimen at commanded speeds. 3. By loo8ening tightening the preload nuts, depending upon testing direction, forces are evenly translated between leadscrew and cros8head. the instrument where the test specimen is lIOunted and either a tension or compression loading is applied. t, element nut. 5-1 11. LIMIT plate that limit on the moving contacts the upper stops. DESCRIPTION SWITCH ACTUATOR - a crosshead and lower OP SYSTEM COMPONENTS 12. ADJUSTABLE UPPER LIMIT STOP when this stop is contacted, an over travel liait switch is actuated and the crosshead stops. It should be set by the user to a point just beyond the expected maximum crosshead travel (extension) in the UP direction when tension testing, or just the second level and the DIN switch above the starting po8ition (gage length) when compression testing. 20. INTERMEDIATE BELT - this belt transfers intermediate shaft motion to the drive asseably 19. MOTORBELT fers the rotary crosshead drive termediate shaft shaft encoder. 13. ADJUSTABLE LOWERLIMIT STOP when this stop is contacted, an overtravel switch is actuated and the crosshead stops. It should be set by the user to a point j U8t beyond the expected maximua crosshead travel (extension) in the IXM'N direction when compression testing, or just below the starting po8ition (gage length) when ten8ion te8ting. 14. LIMIT SWITCH ROD - which supports the crosshead vel liait stope and actuates overtravel liait switches. 15. BASE GRIP ADAPTER coupling and the between the loading frame - output 21. belts fro. shaft. - this belt trans- motion of 8Otor to the which drives the inthe shaft. MAIN DRIVE BELTS drive the the drive leadscrew asseably these pulleys output 22. DRIVE ASSEMBLY- the assembly supporting the drive shafts and pulleys used in the crosshead drive systeJl. a rod 23. trathe LEADSCREW DRIVE PULLEYS - these pulleys are driven by the main drive belts and are mechanically connected to the leadscrews to complete the drive train from the .->tor. the rigid lower base. limit switches option. grip 24. CROSSHEADMANUAL POSITIONING CONTROL 16. SHAFT ENCODER- this device generates an output in proportion to the revolutions of the shaft by which it is driven. The output, which is an incremental measure of the moving crosshead displaceaent, i. used as feedback to maintain the com.anded speed of the cro.shead and to indicate extension of the speciaen during - access is provided to the output drive shaft 80 the croBshead can be manually moved if the second level limits (Item 10) are actuated. nte square end of the shaft accepts a 13 .., 8or 12-point socket. Access is through a hole in the top rear cover (re80ve hole pluq). Clockwise rotation of the shaft drives the crosshead up. (- --1m.) a test. 17. CROSSHEADDRIVE MaroR - the motor which drives the moving crosshead at co8manded speeds. ~ avoid p;>88ible injury. always set aain power switch bo 01'1' and r~e the aain cable before .tjuating the aanual positioning contxol. 18. MOTORRBLAY - a DC relay with contacts in series between the Power ABplifier and the crO88head drive motor. It is controlled by MODEL 4204 (DC-tt50) 5-2 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM COMPONENTS - CONNECTOR PANEL Main power for the system is connected at this panel, as is cabling between the units. System fuses are mounted on the panel, and an interface between loading frame and control console (Frame Board) is mounted behind the panel (See Section 5.1.2). 25. large drawer, casters and leveling pads. It can be installed initially at the factory or anytime in the field. ~30. storage area for cables, manuals, The drawer is included with optional floor stand. etc. the 31. LEVELING PAD - Four pads are ~'used for leveling the loading frame at installation. One adjustable pad is located at each corner of the frame base, or on the optional floor stand. 26. CONTROL PANEL - the system /main power switch and the JOG controls for the moving crosshead are located on this panel. 27. POWERTRANSFORMER- a multitap transformer which accepts primary voltages from 100 to 240 VAC, single phase, 50/60 Hz. The output of this transformer is always 120 VAC for system power. 32. CASTERS large lockable casters on optional floor stand permit the loading frame to be easily 28. Mal'OR CONTROLLER- the power amplifier for the crosshead drive motor (See Section 5.1.3). FLOOR STAND 29. for mounting base This stand 4204. DRAWER- a convenient 5. 1.2 moved and posi OonnecbOr Panel tioned. - This panel (Figure 5-2) provides the interface between the loading frame and console. It is held by screws and is hinged to tip down when opened. an optional the ~el contains a There are high voltages 0 (AC line SI J2 CONSOLE e ~~ lO J J3 AIR KIT ~I s e£~~~~:9 @ J6 PIP Figure MODEL4204 5-2. Loading (DC-1150) Frame Connector Panel 5-4 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM COMPONENTS voltage) on this panel and temperatures on the heat sink SCR .otor controller 8Ounted the area behind the panel. the panel should never be when the system is operating. Dangero.. vol tages te8peratures are high nectinq a remote recorder pen pipping device such as an optional re80te event aarker control or an incremental extensometer. ot the inside Hence, opened - F1 (CONSOLE) a the power line to (Littlefuse Type Instron Part No. and bigb present the Q)ftnector Panel. set the .ain power awitcb to off and unplug the AC input cable before opening the panel. J1 (HANDSET) optional F2 remote crosshead for an control optional J4 a connector cable pneuaatic (CONSOLE) - Control Console source supplies at 3 aaperes. grip the fro. for an for Thi. 50/60 Hz J5 - the AC connector tor system main power. This connector and the fuseholder for F2 are an integral assembly. The cap of the fuseholder can be removed and repositioned to select the proper taps of the input power to 8atch the supply voltage. This must be done at systea installation (see Section 4.3.5, Non8tandard Main Power). (DC-1150) required upon the to the 4.3.5, 5.1.3 Power:A8plifier: ~: There i8 no Figure 5-3 applicable to the Power Amplifier for the Model 4204. See Figure 5-1, Item 28, for location of ti)tor Q)ntroller. A Motor Controller a8seably is located in the area behind the Q)nnector Panel. Thi8 unit supplies power for the crosshead drive motor. J6 (PIP) - a jack used for conMODEL 4204 the FRAME BOARD - (not shown) a pc board, mounted on the rear of the Connector Panel, which provides the interface between loading fraae and control console. The functions of this board include frame identification, closed loop control of tbe crossbead position through the encoder feedback and drive 8Otor control error signals, and the interchange of status and control logic signals between the fraae and console. control. AC outlet power. 120 VAC, - P4 (MOTOR CONTROLLER) 12-ampere fu8es in the AC input line8 to the power aaplifier for the cro8shead drive motor. (Littlefu8e Type 314-012, 3AB, In8tron Part No. 27-2-50). J2 (CONSOLE) - a connector for the interface cable between systea console and loading fraae. - Table P3, handset. J3 (AIR KIT) the interface Rating fusing for F2, depending AC input voltage applied systea. (See Section Nonstandard Main Power). Connector Panel in Figure 5-2. this panel are - a connector the AC outlet. 323-003, 3AB-S8; 27-2-51). F2 (LINE) - system power fuse. The rating of this fuse depends upon the line voltage, as shown in the table beneath the fuse. behind Always The front of the assembly is shown The coaponents on described below. 3-ampere fuse in 5-5 DESCRIPTION OP SYSTEM COMPONENTS crosshead by deenergizing the drive motor relay. The MOTOR status lamp lights. The switch restore system operation, first set main power switch off, release the Stop switch by turning it clockwise, then set main power on. This switch is not standard equipment, but is supplied to comply with DIN regulations. The device uses silicon controlled rectifiers (sca's) to rectify the crosshead positional error signal and proportion the duration of motor current pulses, thus controlling motor power. An additional device mounted behind the Connector Panel is a filter which prevents possible interference on the AC power line caused by the pulsed motor controller. ~ 5.1.4 Q)ntrol Panel Refer bo Manual 50. M 10-4200-1 Section 5.2, for a description A Control Panel is located on the right-hand column of the Loading Frame. The components on this panel are shown in scribed Figure 5-3 of Control Console co.ponents. and de- below. ON (>.JOG 1[0]1 ~ @ OFF S 0 JOG POWER Q Figure 5-3. Control POWERSWITCH breaker for a Panel 20A circuit controlling AC power to the Model 4204 system. An indicator light next to the switch is lit when power is on. JOG SWITCHES (Up/ Down) - these switches have the same function as the similar switches on the console Crosshead Control Panel (see Section 5.2.1). DIN STOP PUSHBUTTONSWITCH option (located next to the JOG con- trols) - when pushed, this switch immediately stops the moving MODEL 4204 (DC-11S0) 5-6 DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM" COMPONENTS resistance change will contribute to the net unbalance of the bridge. Thus, with excitation applied to the bridge and an appropriate amplifying circuit, small unbalances are detected as a voltage which is used to accurately indicate the amount of load being applied to the element. 5.3 WAD ~.s 5.3.1 General Characteristics The load cells used in Instron universal testing instruments make use of strain gages to detect the load being applied to a specimen. These gages consist of etched foil intimately bonded to an elastic element which deforms slightly under an applied load. With this type of structure, the resistance of the foil will change in direct pro~rtion to deformation of the element. Multiple gages are cel~., and are connected 5.3.2 Series 2518 Load The used in each as arms of a Maximum Calibrated Force 2518 Minimwa Calibrated Force Clevis Inner Dia. Retaining Pin Dia. Catalog Number 0.1 N 0.02 lb 10 9' 6mm 2.5111m 2518-206 100 N 20 lb 10 kg 1 N 0.2 lb 100 9 6mm 2.5 DIm 2518-205 618 2518-204 1 kN 200 lb 100 kg 10 N 2 lb 1 kg 12 1mB 5 kN 1000 lb 500 kg 50 N 10 Ib 5 kg 12 mm 10 kN 2000 lb 1000 kg 100 N 20 lb 10 kg 25 kN 5000 lb 250 N 50 lb 25 kg 3418 16 1mB 2518-103 500 N 100 lb 50 kg 34 16 DID 2518-702 50 kN 10,000 5,000 lb kg (DC-1150) load 2518 Load Cells 10 N 2 lb 1 kg 2500 kg MODEL 4204 Series Series cells are normally used on the Model 4204. These cells can be used for testing in either tension or compression. This feature reduces the number of load cells required. There are seven of the 2518 cells with a maximum capacity within the range of the Model 4204, as shown in the listing below. balanced, temperature compensated Wheatstone bridge. These gages are mounted so that the direction of the Table 5-1. Instron Cells 12- 5-7 6618 18 DESCRIPTION 2518-209 2518-202 OF SYSTEM COMPONENTS Other features are a 2mv/v rationalized output and self identification by the standard 4200 serie. control console. The standard cell for the ~el 4204 is type 2518-702 with a 50 kN capacity, but all types in the 2518 series are directly interchangeable. The preamplifier for these cells, A504-72, included as standard equipment on the Model Table 5-2. Grip Self-Align Coupling Catalog No. Couplings for 4204, moving the rear of Series 2518 Capacity 100 N, 10 kg, 20 lb Load Cells 110 kif, 1000 2000 lb 1 kg, Retaining Pin Dia. Coupling Inner Dia. Series 2518 IDad Cell 0.187 in. 0.500 in. -205, -206 0.250 in. 0.625 in. -202, -204, -203, -209 2501-091 2501-093 10 kN, 1000 kg, 12000 lb 0.500 in. .250 in. -202, -204, -203, -209 2501-090 2501-092 '50 0.500 in. .250 in. -702, -703 kN, 110,000 5000 kg, lb *NOTB: Rigid co~lings are required for the Yarn Grips, the Series 2714 Wire Tire Capstan Grips. Table 5-3. Coapression Anvil. Series 2518 Load Cells Use on Max i.WI Anvil Catalog Capacity Diameter No. Series 2518 !Dad Cell 2.00 in. (50 ..) -205, -206 10 kIf, 1000 kg, 2000 lb 2.00 in. (50 18) -202, -204, -203" -209 10 kN, 1000 kg, 2000 lb 6.00 in. (150 ..) -202, -204, -203, -209 *2501-082 50 kN, 10,000 5000 Ib kg, 2.00 in. (501mB) All *2501-084 50 kN, 10,000 5000 Ib kg 6.00 All 2501-114 100 H, 20 lb 2501-083 10 kg, *Requires Base Adapter, Clevis Adapter, Catalog MODEL4204 for Series 2714 and 2734 Cord and Cord Grips, and the Series 2715 Compression Anvil 2501-085 the Each cell has a clevis for attaching a grip coupling, compression anvil or other fixture. Couplings and anvil. are not supplied with the cells, but several sizes are optionally available as shown in Tables 5-2 and 5-3. Max 1m um 2501-115 -- on Use on *Rigid Coupling Cat. No. 2501-094 is mounted crosshead. (DC-1150) in. (150aa) Catalog No. 2501-072, No. 2501-338. 5-8 or DBSCRIPTION Lower OF SYSTEM COMPONBNTS 6. 0 PRBPARIRG .oR OPBRA'l'IOR *** IMPOR'l'AH'l'IKYJ.~*** Refer bo tbis chapter 0 Installing for tbe following Section 6.7 a lDad Cell 0 Installation for Tension 0 Adjusting of Gr ips and Fixtures ~stin9 and ao.pression Crosahead inforaation: Preload Section 6.8 Section 6.11 Ruts For all other details about preparing the Model 4204 for operation, refer to Chapter 6 of Manual No. M10-4200-1, Sections 6.1 through 6.6, 6.9 and 6.10. ~ Fasten cell using six M10 x 35 lID long socket head cap screws (SHCS) provided (use an 8 lID hex key wrench). ~rque screws to 50 N-m (37 ft-lb). 6. 7 IBSBu.IBG A WAD CELL 6.7.1 Installation {Dad Cells of Series 2518 Testing on a ~el 4204 loading frame is always done below the moving crosshead. When using a Series 2518 tension-compression load cell, it is usually installed in the crosshead and a grip or anvil attached to the clevis which extends below the crosshead. The cell can also be mounted on the baseplate for compression testing applications. (See procedures below.) c. Insert the load cell cable plug into the connector of the preamplifier mounted on the rear of the crosshead. a. Remove grip adapter (T1209-1138) from the baseplate (requires an 8 mm hex key wrench). The 40 mm diameter Locating Ring (T13351048), beneath the adapter, is also required when mounting the load cell. The load cell mounting location on top of the crosshead contains a factory-installed adapter, Figure 6-9a. The adapter provides six equally spaced, M10 threaded (metric) bolt holes used when installing a Series 2518 b. Carefully mount the load -cell on the locating ring in the center of the baseplate. Align the holes in the flange of the cell with the tapped holes in the baseplate. Fasten the cell using six M10 x 35 mm long socket head cap screws (SBCS) provided. Tbrque screws to 50 N-m (37 ft-lb). cell. ~ Carefully lower the cell into center hole of the crosshead with its cable towards the rear. Align the holes in the flange of the cell with the adapter. MODEL 4204 six tapped holes in ~ (OC-1150) 6-1 Remove the preamplifier PREPARINGFOR OPERATION fro. the rear of the crosshead (requires a 2.55 mm hex key wrench). Place the unit on the baseplate, attached, near with its the load d. Insert the load cell cable Plug into the connector of the preaaplifier mounted on the rear of the crosshead. cable cell. 8)IrB d. Insert the load cell cable plug into the connector of the preamplifier. 6.7.2 Installation Wad Cells of When Other '.7.3 The complete line of Instron load cells that you may have on hand, and that have maximum capacities within the range of the Model 4204, are capable of being adapted to the .!.:. Re8)ve 1121), the Figure 251 load adapter 6-9a, cella sacs Fasten the cell using 0.375 x 24UNF x 1.25 removed Tbrque the (37 ft-lb). MODEL 4204 in ~ Step screws holes on the cross- (T1247-1121), the in I~~~~~~~] 'It) to avoid d.-aging the threaded boles in the crosshead and baseplate, always use screws of the correct siae and thread ¥ben 8)unting load cells and fiztures. b. Note that the center hole Tn the top of the crosshead includes two dowel pins that are exposed when the adapter is removed (see Figure 6-9b). Carefully lower the Series 2511 load cell into the center hole with the cable towards the rear. Rotate the cell until the two dowel pins engage matching holes in its flange. six adapter (T1247- located the top center hole of the crosshead. This is fastened by six 0.375-24UNF socket head cap screws (SBCS) (use a 0.312 in. hex key wrench). ~ crosshead top and bott08 8urfaces of the moving crosshead, and the top surface of the baseplate, Figures 6-9a through 6-9d, respectively, are shown for convenience. Note that SO8e holes are tapped with .etric threads (M) and so.e with English threads (UHF). These hole. allow the mounting of all Instron load cells and fixtures that are usable with the ~el 4204. The installation of the Series 2511 cells is described below. Please contact the Instron Customer Support Center, Tel. No. (617) 828-2500, for details about using other types of load cells. a Series the CZoasbeadand Baseplate M)unting a>le Patterns The mounting head instrument. TO install installing adapter removed in Step a above, for use with Series 2518 load cells, torque the screws to 50 N-a (37 ft-lb). 0 0 . the in. 0 M10 tfw'~ ""1'1 IP-.d tIo1H 10.1 nwf\&. ho," ~erbor" 11 nwndiI. 1101.- ~~~ 0:5.,. &. ~1tI above. 50 N-a Figure 6-9a. Load Cell Adapter (T1247-1121) (DC-1150) 6-2 PREPARING FOR OPERATION '" o. t / {. Figure 6-9b. 0\ \,' \" 0 " Moving Crosshead \. ~ 0 (without 0 M10 ttrt*d 0 O.3?5x2.UHF ttrt*d /\0Its . o.~ WI.d;_t.,. dow.1PN I' holt. 0 Mounting T1247-1121 Bole Adapter Pattern - Top installed) 0 O.J7Sx24lH' tIw'.~ Figure 6-9c. Moving Crosshead Mounting Bole 0 o~ WI.dt.,..t.,. 110'" 0 M10 t1r.~ ho"s - Bottom 0 0 0 Pattern hol.s 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Al1 tapptd 110M ~ MfO t!w"Nd) Figure 6-9d. Baseplate Mounting Hole Pattern MODEL4204 (CC-1150) 6-3 PREPARING FOR OPERATION 6. 8 IHSTALLA'l'IOH 01' GRIPS AND I'I~ POR TBRSIOH AND CX»IP~IOH TBS'l'IHG 6.8.1 Selecting Grips ling using the pin provided with the couplingThis type of double-pin mounting allows the upper grip to be self-aligning- and Fixtures The use of proper grips and grip faces for testing materials in tension is crucial to obtaining meaningful results. Appendix A to Manual No. M10-4200-1 contains guidelines for the selection of grips and faces in relation to certain types of materials. In many cases it is trial and error that solves a particular gripping problem. It is of particular importance that the rated loading capacity of the grips exceed, with a reasonable safety factor, the loading expected during a test. Appendix C to the manual contains information on many of the Instron grips and fixtures that are suitable for use with a 4200 series system. The base grip adapter supplied with the Model 4204 includes a retaining pin (1/2-in. diameter x 21/2-in. long) and a compression (preload) spring (Part No. 66-5-6). The spring supports the weight- of the lower grip which prevents a discontinuity in the initial loading applied to a specimen. For best results, always ensure the spring is in place. When installing the lower grip, push down to compress the spring and then insert the retaining pin. m'rB The installation of Instron pneumatic grips, requires additional procedures for mount- ing When compression testing, usually the specimen is placed on a table, and the loading is applied by an anvil coupled to the load cell. In this case, the diameter (or area) of the anvil is important as well as its maximum loading capacity. 6.8.2 Installing 6.8.3 Grips The standard method for mounting grips is by the use of an adapter coupling for attaching the upper grip to the load cell, and by the use of a base grip adapter for attaching the lower grip. The grip coupling options for use with the Series 2518 load cells are listed in Table 5-2 of this supplement. Kit. are Complete included with Installing Fiztures for o.pression 'resting compression anvils 5-3 of this supplelocknut and a bar installing an anvil or on the baseplate the locknut comanvil. Install the anvil in the load cell coupling, or the baseplate adapter, using the retaining pin provided. Turn the locknut firmly up against the couplinq, or adapter, in order to tighten the connection. This will remove any discontinuity in loading caused by a loose pin. ~ install the upper grip, attach a coupling to the load cell using the retaining pin provided. Then attach the upper grip to the coup- (DC-1150) Air The optional listed in Table ment include a wrench. Before on a load cell adapter, thread pletely onto the for Tension Testing MODEL4204 an instructions the kit. When removing testing, en the 6-4 the anvil after use the bar wrench to looslocknut if it is jammed. PREPARING FOR OPERATION than 8)!B Refer to Manual for the following 6.9 Selecting 6.10 Connecting 6. 11 ADJUsrl~ 8J!'S Units .£:.. a. Install tem with MODEL 4204 rigid speciaen, e. Relieve c08pression load- ing, remove r ig id spec imen and proceed with planned testing. 8)!'B Preload nuts aust be loosened, when tension testing, to avoid excessive wearing of the nuts. Tb loosen nut., reapply the .ame compression preload to the mov- nuts, a co.pression sysa load range greater (DC-IIS0) a d. Firaly hand-tighten preload nuts against the crosshead then u.e the bar wrench provided to fully tighten each nut. P~.D preload )k)unt then apply a co.pression load of 5 kN (1000 lb, 500 kg). Preload nuts are 8Ounted below the moving crosshead at both leadscrews (see Itea 9 of Figure 5-1). These nuts should be tightened, prior to CO8pression testing. The nuts should be tightened against the aoving crosshead while a co.pression load is applied to the cros.head. To tighten the proceed as follows: 500 kg). Ca1.1bcate the lo8d _igbing systea (Chapter 7). Acceaaorie8 ~BBAD Ib, ~ No. M10-4200-1 Sections: Operating 5 kN (1000 ing crosahead when nuts 6-5 were as applied tightened. PREPARING FOR OPERATION Supplement DC-1150 to Model 4204 Loading Manual Fraae No. M10-4200- - Description (all revisions) and Operating In8truction8 The attached pages contain important information about the loading frame of your Model 4204 which is not included in Manual No. M10-4200-1. You should refer to this supplement for a system description and specifications, the installation of the loading frame, a functional description of components and the operating Use this principles supplement complete description your Model 4204 (see tains full operating included (Chapters (see , Table in conjunction of Contents). with Manual No. M10-4200:-1, which has a and operating instructions for the control console of Chapters 3, 5 and 6 as applicable). The manual also coninstructions for your system and any options which may be 7 and 8). 7. 0 (PDA!!'~ 7.1 CK»BRM'I8; A BASICSYS'rmI 7 . 2 'ma DmTROMml'l"{It : ~-UP PKRIOO aMSIDBRA'l'IC8S This chapter up and operate basic system. how to set up options for the describes how to set a Model 4201 or 4202 Chapter 8 describes and use the various systems. NO1'B Sections 6.6 through 6.11 describe pretest functions which may be done before applying system power. In some cases, however, grips and fixtures may have to be installed after calibration, depending upon the procedure used and the This dtapter is arranCJed so the user can prOCJress throuCJh the procedures involvinCJ pretest parameters common to all tests. Additional procedures for optional functions and equipment can be selected from Chapter 8. Thus, a test setup can be adjusted to the capability of a system - from basic to all options. type of load cell installed. Tb power a Model 4201 or 4202 instrument, set the main JX)wer switch on the front panel of the loadinq frame base to on. The switch will light and both units of the system will receive JX)wer, if interconnections were made in accordance with Chapter 4 of this manual. A ~ical test worksheet is included in Chapter 9 which will enable the user to preplan a test program. With the blank spaces filled in where applicable, the worksheet serves as a permanent record for future reference. This record is important even for repetitive testing routines during which parameters may remain unchanged for a period of time. Even though most parameters are stored in the nonvolatile memory (Section 6.3), these would revert to a default value if the system reset sequence, [S1] [0] [ENTER], was performed. When power is applied, an automatic Self Test Routine is performed as described in Section 7.3. Allow a warm-up period of at least 1S minutes to assure load cell stability. This warm-up period is also necessary whenever a load cell is d1anged. 7 . 3 SELP 'l'BST RXJTIRE AT rowER UP A to this manual provides essential information for the user who needs assistance in planning a materials testing procedure. A section on the introduction to testing contains details about determining load requirements, establishing gage length and choosing a testing speed. Appendix The followi~ sequence of events occurs during the automatic self test of a 4200 series system when main power is applied. The user should as it liability ceeding Section Appendix B is a glossary of mechanical properties and tests for materials testing applications. This should be referenced by the user who requires knowledge of apeeifie K>DEL testing 4201/4202 feature with 6.5 test programs. for details of and user (See this interaction.) A. Turn instrument on. Scan all front panels aM control panel during.-'5elf Test Routine aM observe following action: terms. (A) monitor this routine closely, provides assurance of the reof the system before pro- 7-1 OPERATI~ A BASIC SYSTEM d. A TESTING AREA indicator 1. All lamps light, including the control switches and backlit status indicators, and all displays show 8-1.88888 for up to 10 seconds. is e. 3. If is installed, key 3. Self Test Result shows on Basic Panel Display for up to 5 seconds, then disappears (see NOTE). If Self Test Result remains on display, then system can not be operated and maintenance is required. key before c. lamp 8.0008~ is Panel option mode selection lit. the 8 8~ STRAIN, EXTENSION, 8 8. STOP blank, To enter a System Reset: Press S1 on the Basic Panel, then press .0. and .ENTER. on the keypad1 the Basic Panel Display will show .LOSS. after this sequence, which indicates to the user that any previously stored conditions or data is lost. G.L. lamp is units sta- lit. (8) P(MER UP When a 4200 series system is received and is initially powered up, it is recommended that a System Reset sequence be entered at the end of the Self Test Routine. This will ensure that system data storage is at the default state (Table 6-5). power on. is option Status If the System Reset sequence is entered as described in Section 7.4, the default state will be restored. show .LOSS. An operating indicator SELECT The particular lamps and indicators that are lit at the end of a Self Test Routine will vary depending upon the state of the system. That is, variables and functions may not be at the default state (see Table 6-5) due to a previous test which would be stored in the nonvolatile .-ory. operating units 6.9.1) or the Ioode (Section has been changed AT option lit. 5. If a Limits Panel is installed, a Limits lamp may be lit. Test, 0b(depend- is will turning MODEL 4201/4202 X-AXIS 1 . 4 SYSTBM RESET AT IBITIAL it b. The flashing. tus Panel, The display if the (Section strain 8.11.2) is A display LOAD, Panel: except Panel an is is option b. If no prior values were stored, the displays show: B. After a successful Self serve the following actions ing upon options installed): a. a Recorder lamp a. The Self Test Routine can be repeated by pressing the Reject key (REJ) on the keypad during the time period when the Self Test Result shows on the Basic Panel Display. This allows the lamp test to be observed again. Also, if the Self Test Result remains on the display, which would indicate a failure, a second test IDight pass (CAUTION: This can indicate an intermittent condition or marginal failure). On Basic Strain 4. If a Display is installed: 8)'fB 2. A STRAIN indicator lit (if installed). 2. All lampS go out and all displays are blank for up to 5 seconds. 1. On Control switch is lit. lit. 7-2 OPERATING A BASIC SYSTEM It is recommended that calibration be checked at least once a day during continuous operation. CALIBRATION 7.~ 7.5.1 Overview The calibration procedure precisely calibrates the load weighing system for the load cell in use. The system then is able to provide an accurate load signal which is automatically ranged during a test over 100% (X1), 50% (X2), 20% (X5) and 10% (X10) ranges of the load cell maximum capacity. 7 5 2 Blectrica1 The calibration procedure will vary depending upon the type of load cell installed, which can be one of the following: To calibrate the load weighing system with a self identifying electrically calibrated tension or compression load cell installed: AI 1. Self trically . Identifying a. ~ss Panel. WAD CAL k~ The Basic DiSpl.ay shows the maximum capacity and the and b. Non-self mechanicall y the LOAD CAL lamp cell lights. Press identifying calibrated and (see identifying and ENTER on the about 6 keypad. seconds, the LOAD CAL lamp goes out and the display goes blank indicating that calibration is completed. Section 5.3.4). 4. of mech- After 3. Non-self electrically self When electrically calibrating a 4200 series dedicated load cell, the balance operation is performed automatically. identifying and eleccalibrated (see identifying calibrated. of Load cells IJ:1l'B Section 5.3.2). 2. Self anically Calibration . (Go to Section 7.6.) 7 5 3 Mechanical calibrated. . self The procedures for calibrating all four types of load cells listed above are given in this section. These procedures, for the most part, involve entries of simple key sequences by the user. Calibration . Identifying Load of Ce1ls To calibrate the load weighing system by mechanically calibrating with a self identifying load cell installed: a. (1) If using a tension load cell, install a pin or other device in the load cell coupling for hanging a calibration weight. Calibration also completes an operating reliability check of the Load Sensor Conditioner Board (see Self Test Routine, Section 6.5). The system responds to a bad calibration procedure by flashing the BAL or CAL lamps. If either of these lamps flash, the user must correct the error before proceeding. Section 7.7 includes a table of possible causes and solutions. (2) If load cell, cap on the frame. Install the cell b. A test cannot be started while the LOAD CAL or LOAD BAL lamp is lit, and the calibration and balance functions are locked out while a test is running. MODEL 4201/4202 (B) using a compression set the cellon its base of the loading WAD load Press an anvil LOAD BAL key. BAL lamp on coupling. The lights. c. Press ENTER on the keypad. After about 3 seconds, the LOAD BAL lamp goes out indi- ~3 OPERATING A BASIC SYSTEM . 11 l..~ ,.. IJ&- "91,/ 6(~~S r-ating function that the is completed. balance cannot d. On numeric keypad, key in maximum capacity of load cell. d. Hang calibration weight from tension cell coupling, or set weight on anvil of compression cell. e. On numeric f. of keypad, calibration key in weight. (for g. Press ENTER.. After about 6 seconds, the LOAD CAL lamp goes out and the display goes blank indicating that calibration is canpleted. Remove calibration i. and fixture from calibrating a cell, it j. LOAD install Press '" ENTER. f. On numeric keypad, key in value of the calibration weight equivalent of the electrical calibration siqnal. For the Instron low capacity tension load cells (Secti~n 5.3.4), this number would be as shown in Table 7-1 e. Press LOAD CAL key. The Basic Panel Display shows the maximum capacity of the cell and the LOAD CAL lamp lights. value be identified. example, 2512-101 7-1. Table 200 for the cell). Low Capacity Load Cells Calibration Data weight load cell. If compression in crosshead. Press LOAD BAL key. BAL lamp lights. The Press ENTER. After about 3 seconds, the LOAD BAL lamp goes out indicating that balance function is completed. k. g. Electrical Calibration Self Identifying Load of Cells the calibration load cell and h. After about 6 seconds, the LOAD CAL lamp goes out and the display goes blank indicating that calibration is completed. Release calibration button. Hon- To calibrate the load weighing system with a non-self identifying electrically calibrated tension or compression load cell installed: a. Press LOAD BAL key. LOAD BAL lamp lights. and hold on press ENTER. (Go to Section 7.6.) 7.5.4 Press button i. Press LOAD BAL key. The LOAD BAL lamp lights. The j. Press ENTER. After about 3 seconds, the LOAD BAL lamp goes out indicating that balance function is completed. b. Press ENTER. After about 3 seconds, the LOAD BAL goes out indicating that balance function is completed. 7.5.5 c. Press LOAD CAL key. The LOAD CAL lamp lights, but the Basic Panel Display goes blank indicating that the load cell To calibrate the load weighing system by mechanically calibratin~ with a non-self identifying load MODEL 4201/4202 fA) (Go to Section 7-4 7.6.) Mechanical Calibration Self Identifying Load OPERATING of HonCells A BASIC SYSTEM ~ cell goes out iooicati~ that balance function is completed. (Go to Section 7.6.) installed: a. (1) If using cell, install device applying in a tension pin or coupling of a calibration load other 7.6 cell for weight. frame. Install coupling. cell an anvil b. Press LOAD BAr. LOAD BAL lamp lights. key. on The c. Press ENTER. After about 3 seconds, the LOAD BAL lamp goes out indicatil'M3' that balance function is completed. 1EIWIMG SYSTDI NM'B d. Press L<Aa.DCAL key. The LOAD CAL lamp lights, but the Basic Panel Display goes blank indicati~ that the load cell cannot be identified. Always balance a calibrated load weighi~ systen whenel1er grips and fixtures are a:lded Or cha~ed. e. On numeric keypad, key in maximum capacity of load cell. Press GRIPS _D FIrroRES: The installation of grips and fixtures (Section 6.8) may be done before or after calibration, dependirWJ' UIX>n the type of load cell installed. Also, grips or fixtures may be charWJ'ed between tests, in which case systen calibration does not have to be repeated. However, it is necessary to balance out the tare weight of grips and fixtures whenever these are added or dlanged and the systen has been calibrated. (2) If using a canpression load cell, set the cellon its cap on the base of the loading the IHSTALL BALANCE ~ 'rO balance load weighir¥J systen: a. Press LOAD BAL key (Figure 7-1). LOADBAL lamp lights. ENTER. Press ENTER. After about 3 secooos, LOAD BAL lamp goes out aoo balance function is canpleted. (See Section 7.7 if LOAD BAL lamp flashes.) b. g. Hang calibration weight from tension c~l coupling, of set weight on anvil of compression cell. in h. On numeric keypad, key value of calibration w~ht. i. Press ENTER. After about 6 seconds, the LOAD CAr. lamp goes out indicating that calibration is completed. j. Remove calibration and fixture from load calibrating a cell, it k. install Press Press crossbead. The lights. After about 3 LOAD BAL lamp ENTER. seconds, the ~DEL compression in LOAD BAL key. LOAD BAL lamp 1. weight cell. If 4201/4202 Figure 7-5 7-1. Balancing Load OPERATING A BASIC System SYSTm-t 7.7 CALIBRATIaf if the 4200 systen cannot ~operly rea! the identification of an identifiable transducer the Basic Panel Display will be blank. MID BALANCE BRmRS A 4200 series system signals the user when a ~oblem exists in a transducer calibrating or balancing procedure. This warning is easily identified by the flashing of the L~ CAL or LOAD BAr. LAMPS for lo~ cells, or the STRAIN CAL or STRAIN BAL laaps for extensometers. Also, Table 7-2. Calibration Balance Transducer Table 7-2 shows the pcobable causes and solutions for a flashing CAL or BAL lamp for either a load or strain transducer, and several other possible calibration problems. Calibration or El'ror CAL lamp flashes after a self identifyi~ transducer is calibrated 1. 2. 3. 1. When LOAD CAL key is pressed: (1) The wror'MJ value of transducer capaci ty appears on the Basic Panel DisplaY1 or (2) No value appears. Probable Cause Errors Solution 1. Check all cable connections. 2. Try another transducer. 3. Run self test. Transducer is not connected. Transducer is defective. Calibration settil'Wj is 'Ner 102% or below 2% of tr ansducer max. capacity. wror-.J full scale or calibration settir-.J value entered on numer ic keypad. 2. 3. 4. BAr. lamp flashes after a transducer is calibrated or balanced. Balance Transducer is not connected. Transducer is defective. Transducer interface board defective. automatically. CAL lamp flashes after a transducer is mechically calibrated using ing a weight or a calibration fixture. or Systm was W\able to remove tare weight grips or fixtures. . Operati~ not been required \K1its cha~ed of have K:>DBL 4201/4202 on. Check all cable connections. Try another transducer. Md proper weight or ~just fixture. 2. 3. 4. Check all figures arxi reenter. Tare weight over 100% of transducer capacity. Remove weight by usil'¥J lighter fixtures. 1. to types. 2. Transducer is nonself identifyil¥j. CAr.. lamp remains 1. 1. mTER 2. pressed. Wrol'¥J calibration sequence used. key 7-6 was not 2. Check units imicator for proper type. If wroD3, turn off p)wer, chaD3e ~its then turn p>wer on am recalibrate. Use mechanical calibration ()rocedure. . Pr eBB ENTER. 2. Redo calibration procedure. OPERATING A BASIC SYST8ot . 7 8 ~i:15ST ~roi' 7.8.1 Establish frat gage length, when the crosshead PROCEDURES but will relight is returned. Gage Lel¥]th NC1l'E Gage le~th is the spacing between specimen contact faces of the upper aoo lower grips or fixtures at the start of a test, aoo establishes the initial length of the specimen. The choice of a suitable gage length depeoos upon the material under test (see Appeooix A, Introduction to Testing). To ensure a uniformity in specimen length, this spacing must be the same for all similar tests. This requires that the moving crosshead return and stop at a preset limit, or gage length, at the conclusion of each test. Once gage the by driving ~tbod to Rt been set, always return to this position RETURN commaoo. uIX>n a Setting Crosshead Liai t Stops Travel The crosshe~ travel limit st~s (Figure 7-2) are a safety feature which should be set after establishing gage le~th and before starti~ a test. If the user neglects to stop the crosshead properly or a systan failure prevents the crosshead fran stopping automatically at gage length (or at optional electronic limits), the stops will be contacted py the actuator on the crosshead, a limit switch will open, and the crosshead will stop. the moving crosshead up or down, as required, using the JOG keys on the Crosshead Control Panel. Measure the spacing between contact faces of upper aM lower grips, or anvil and compression plate, with a ruler. Then press the G.L. RESET key. An alternate has will 7.8.2 On a 4200 series system, gage length, the current spaci~ between grips or fixtures, is entered into memory whenever the G.L. RESET key is pressed. This feature provides a very accurate gage length setting. Set gage le~th length crosshead Always travel starti~ set the crossheCMl stops before a test. gage length if the optional Display Panel is installed, is to carefully bring the grip faces (or anvil am canpression plate) together using the JOG keys. Press the G.L. RESET key to reset the EXTENSION display to zero. Then drive the crosshe~ up until the required spacing is displayed (in inches or millimeters), and press the G.L. RESET key. If the AT G.L. lamp had been flashing, indicating a power shutdown or system reset had occurred, it will become steady when the G.L. RESET is pressed. This lamp will go out whenever the crossheCki is moved ~DEL 4201/4202 Figure 7-7 7-2. Setting Crosshead Limi t St~s Travel OPERATING A BASIC SYSTEJI Set the upper liait stop to a point just beyond the expected maxi- mum travel (extension) in the lb, 500 kg), and up to 250 nun/min (10 in/min) for loads between 5 kN to 10 kN (1125 lb to 2250 Ib; 500 to 1000 kg). UP direction when tension testing, or just before gage length when compression testing. Tighten the stop securely on the limit switch rod. Set the lower liait [:::~~::~:~~!!:~~!!:::] stop to a point just beyond the expected maximum travel (extension) in the DOWN direction when compression testing, or just before gage length when tension testing. Tighten the stop securely on the limit switch rod. If loading on the ~el 4202 crosshead exceeds 5 kR ( 1125 Ib, 500 kg) at speeds over 250 188/min (1 0 in/min), the speed accuracy may not be within specification. .. 7 8 3 Set C!:Osshead Speed NOTE The testing (crosshead) speed selected depends upon the type of material being tested. Some examples of typical speeds are given in Appendix A, Introduction to Testing. Usually, a testing rate is specified as (1) specimen strain rate in inches per inch per minute (or rom/rom/min); (2) percentage of specimen extension or compression per minute; or (3) as crosshead speed the in inches (or rom) per If a crosshead speed is entered beyond the maximum range of the Model 4201 or 4202, it will not be accepted by the system. The maximum speed will the of Characteristics of and a decimal c. will Press stop point). number indicating not been system. recorder entered :&K-r-J5ic.. that will it into has the The number flashing. M>'l"E Crosshead speed may be changed at any time during a test by entering the above sequence. Speeds selectable and within specification for the Model 4202 range fran 0.5 to 500 mm/min (0.02 to 20 in/min) for loads to 5kN (1125 (8) desired speed OIl keypad (up to four displayed flash, Speeds selectable and within specification for the Model 4201 range from 0.5 to 500 mm/min (0.02 to 20 inlmin) for loads up to maximum capacity (5kN, 1125 lb, 500 kg). MODEL 4201/4202 Enter n~ic digits The elongation or comof specimen during 3. Maximum speed response. Set crosshead speed by entering following key sequence: b. the specimen material. 2. Total pression the test. be set. &. Press Si':sm key. A number will appear on the Basic Panel Display (either default value or a previously set speed). minute. When selecting a crosshead speed, following should be considered: 1. automatically 7.8.4 Area ~sation Area Compensation is a feature of the 4200 series systems which allows 7-8 OPERATING A BASIC SYSTEM the load signal to be calibrated in terms of stress (Load/Area). Thus, specimens of similar material but different cross-sectional area can be tested and a relationship established between the applied force and the specimen Introduction description Appendix A, to Testing, contains of area compensation. size. a The load siqnal output to the LOAD display and to a recorder is divided by the mantissa of the area value only. Therefore, stress (Load/Area) as indicated by these two devices is normalized in relation to actual stress. However, with the load sensitivity adjusted in proportion to specimen size, (area compensated) the recorder scale remains accurately calibrated in terms of stress (force per unit area). A 4200 series system will accept values of area compensation ranging from 9.999 x 10-50 minimum to 9.999 x 1050 maximum. The default value is 1.000 x 100, as expressed in scientific notation. However, the actual number is entered through the keypad using floating point format with values that can range between 9.999E-50 to 9.999E50. The default value is 1.000EOO in this format. To avoid overloads when area is used, always deteraine the Ma~i"18 Allowable Stress for the load cell in use . ( Important I see Appen~-n8ation An area compensation value is entered by two key sequences. The initial sequence enters a base number, or mantissa, between 1.000 and 9.999. This number is the normalized value of the specimen crosssectional area. dix A, Section A.8.3.) The parameters of stress (L/A) and energy are printed using the mantissa and exponent of the area value (see Section 8.8.5). Thus, actual stress based on the original cross-sectional area of the specimen can be read directly with an optional printer. EXAMPLE Specimen A = cross-sectional 0.156 in2 = 1.56 Enter 1.56 (normalized as the mantissa. area x 10-1 value) the Set area following &. Preas AREA key. The SET lamp will light, and a number will appear on the Basic Panel After the first key sequence, the letter "E" and two digits appear on the display; this is the current exponent (power of 10) of the area value stored in nonvolatile memory. The second key sequence enters the exponent of the area value in the form of two digits ranging from -SO to SO, where the absence of the -+sign denotes a positive number. Display value ously the default Enter .antissa (base D\8her) of desired area ~~~sati-on on keypad. This must be a number between 1.000 and 9.999 which is the normalized value of the specimen crosssectional area. The displayed number will flash, indicating that it has not been entered into the system. Specimen cross-sectional area A = 0.156 in2 = 1.56 x 10-1. Enter -01 as the exponent of the area value. (B) (either or the value of a previset area compensation). b. EXAMPLE MODEL 4201/4202 CO8peDsation by entering key sequences: 7-9 OPERATING A BASIC SYST~ c. Preas ~. If the number entered is not 1.000 and the exponent is not EOO (see Step d), then the ~1 indicator will light. will will The disappear show -E- entered ibration procedure. set value is restored procedure is ~pleted. 7.8.5 number expcx1e~t of area n.-,e;r. ( See IMPORTANT NOTE No.1 below.) This must be a number between -50 and 50. The system will limit larger numbers to these If the Speci8en for or ~res8ion Basic Test ~1"1 Install speci8eD in the grips for tension testing, or on the compression plate or other fixture for com- d . Enter ~~~tion values. Install 'l'ension and the display and two digits. Any prior when the pression testing. The gage length has been set at this point, so do not move the crosshead. If the specimen does not fit, either trim it or change the gage length. Tighten the upper grip first (Figure 7-3). If this causes a preload, do not perform a balance procedure to canpensate for it, as this is the initial loading on the specimen. required exponent is a positive number, press the :t key only if the currently displayed number is a negative quantity. The number will flash until it has been entered into the system. e. Pl:e8s ~KI(. The exponent will disappear and the number set in Step b will reappear. Repeatedly pressing ENTER will cause the displayed value to alternate between the mantissa and the exponent. ~ IMPORTAIrr 8)'1'ES 1. Always record the load (stress) and energy data stored from a previous test before changing the exponent of the area compensation value. Otherwise, this data will be in error as it is iumediately assigned the value of a newly entered exponent. 2. If the maximum and minimum load limits are used on the optional Limits Panel, these should be reset in accordance with the increased or Figure creased load channel sensitivity due to area compensation (the normalized value only, not the exponent) (see Section 8.7). 3. Area rarily compensation set to x 100) during MODEL 4201/4202 is 7-3. de7 . 8 . 6 Set Area The TESTING AREA function on the Basic Panel is not essential to the operation of the system unless pneumatic grips are being used with an optional Air Kit, or cycling is to be done using the optional Limits tempo- 1.000EOO (1.000 a load cell cal- (8) Testing Installing Specimen for Tension Testing 7-10 OPERATING A BASIC SYSTEM Panel It is importhis function be properly set so that the auta.atic overload detection circuit will stop a test if the load is overranqed (see CAUTION below). The default condition (Table 6-5) for the TESTING AREA function is BELOWXHEAD. tant, The (Section 8.7). show -SL-. The TESTING AREA key can be pressed and the function changed to BELOW XHEAD or ABOVE XHEAD while this condition is active. however, that TESTING AREA function - should - be C11An-qedfor one of the followinq t~ conditions OnlYI IMPORTARTIK)TE The TESTING AREA key stays enabled, with .SL. remaining on the display, until another key sequence is entered, such as: [S1] [0] through [S1] [6], [SPEED] or [AREA]. - ~ The sign of the output signal of the installed load cell is positive (+) for compression (applies to 2511-200 series compression cells only.) See tl)TB [~~!!~~~] below. Before startinq a test, always ensure that the TESTING AREA function is properly set. If it is DOt and a load overrange (X)ndition is detected, the WAD status indicator will flash but the cro&shead will not stop and da8aqe to the load cell (X)uld occur. W1"B When using a 2511-200 series and the TESTING AREA function is set to ABOVE XHEAD, it is necessary that any strain extensometer used also has a positive (+) output when compressed. If the sign of the extensometer is not the same as the sign of the load cell, the optional strain limits will not function properly. This can be corrected if the polarity of the extensometer output is re- compression cell versed. Regional fice if Consult Sales and assistance 7.8.7 Runninq 'rests The procedures in Sections 6.6 through 6.11, and in this chapter, have prepared a Model 4201 or 4202 basic system for a simple tension or an Instron Service compression test. these procedures Of- is needed. Section ~ The load cell, other than a 2511-200 series compression type, is mounted for testing above the moving crosshead (requires special fixturing). listing included of in 7.8.8. if an optional Recorder Panel or Printer is installed. These and other optional accessories are de- scribed in Chapter 8. Start a test by pressing the UP key on the Crosshead Control Panel for a standard tension test (Figure 7-4), or the DOWNkey for a standard compression test. To ~e ~~:[8; ARBA it must be enabled by initially pressing 81. The Basic Panel Display will (B) A is The output of a test with only a load cell installed is a load signal of 0 to ~10 vdc. This signal may be monitored if the system includes an optional Display Panel, and recorded Note that for normal operation, the TESTING AREA function should be set to BELOWAHEAD. This applies to the 2512 series compression cells also. MODEL 4201/4202 on a Basic Syst~ 7-11 OPERATING A BASIC SYSTEM gurE 7-4 :tarting 7.8.8 Listing for a of Pretest a Basic Syst~ tDsion Test Procedures The following list of procedures outline the steps necessary to set up a Model 4201 or 4202 basic system to perform a tension or compression test. Each procedure is referenced to the section which contains specific details. Chapter 8 provides descriptions and operating procedures for optional equi~t. MODEL 4201/.202 B OPERATING A BASIC SYSTEM 8.0 8.1 OPERM'DIG AN EXPARDEDSYS-T8 system, and that for current testing ~i)UCrIC8 This chapter describes the functioning of the optional operator interface panels and peripheral equipment (recorders, etc.) available for use with a 4200 series system, as listed in Table 8-1. The user should select the sections of this chapter that pertain to the particular options included with a Table 8-1. Optional Optional Recorder Panel and Interface Display Instron Equipment Catalog No. Reference Section 2310-817 8.2 2330-035 8.6 2210-593 8.7 Board Panel Limits The items listed in Table 8-1 may be included with a system initially or added later to expand its capabilities. Installation procedures are included with each option, if required. A separate operating instruction manual is included with each peripheral device. Components and Peripheral Device will be required procedures. Panel Strain Sensor Circuit Board - LVDT type extensometers 2210-826 Strain Sensor Circuit Board - Strain Gage Extensometers 2210-827 8.11, 8.12 Strain Sensor Circuit Board -Instron XL Extensometer 2210-828 8.11, 8.13 Microcon II Data Processor and Interface Board 4100-080 4100-081 IEEE-488 2402-005 (Manual provided) Programmable Computer (Various) (Manual provided) Printer 2350-004 8.8 2310-064 8.3 2310-065 8.4 2610-001 8.16 Strip X-Y Interface Chart Board Recorder Recorder Incremental Preset Extensometer w/cassette w/o cassette 8.9 Points 8.10 Energy MODEL 4201/4202 8.14 (A) 8-1 OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM scale. The input from a 4200 series system is a load signal, wich is autaaatically ranged to full scale. A gain factor is selected on the Recorder Panel ~ the user. 8 . 2 RBCX>RIERPANEL (PrICM The optional Recorder Panel permits the choice of using a strip chart recorder or X-Y recorder as a readout device for a load signal. The recorder has a unidirectional chart with nine selectable speeds the tiE drive JOOde. The range speeds is 1.0 to 500 mm/min (0.05 20 in/min). Selection keys on the panel allow the user to choose an operating range for a recorder from seven fixed gain factors. The keys can be enabled for setting either the load or strain channel range. The gain factors are a percentage of the maxialD capacity of the loai cell, or strain gage, in use that cause a full scale reading on the recorder. In the proportional drive mode, chart speed has a range of 0 to 600 mm/min (0 to 24 in/min). Speed is controlled by pulses fran the 4200 series console which are proportional to the speed of the 8:>ving cr~s- A proportional mode provides a selection of six ratios between crosshead and chart speeds for a strip chart recorder. Parameter selection controls allow time, crosshead position or strain to drive the x-axis of an X-Y recorder, with settable full scale position span and time base. are given in Table 6-4. 8.3.2 M:>DEL 4201/4202 are Recorder user- Panel. is supplied with 280 Installation 8.3.3~ration An Operating Instructions manual is supplied with the recorder. However, this section provides the differences in operation when used with a 4200 series systen and the procedures for using the Recorder Panel. ~-=ription Strip range input ratios To use the recorder with the 4200 series system, plug the cable (ASO420) provided with the unit inbO connector, J9 (RECORDER), in the console (reference Section 6.10). STRIP aIA1a' RBroRIZR The Instron has a single 0 to 10 vdc on the The recorder A description of the auxiliary output jacks (J2) on the control console connector panel is given in Section 8.5. These jacks are available for signal monitoring when the Recorder Panel is installed. 8.3.1 The selectable mm wide, metric-scaled, Z-~ld paper. Paper scaled in English units is available from Instron. The operation of the Recorder Panel with an Instron Strip Chart Recorder and an Instron X-Y Recorder are described in Sections 8.3 and 8.4, respectively. 8.3 head. The 4200 series systen provides an automatic chart st~ signal at a crosshead -returncommand. Pipping of the pen (event marker) is possible through the PIP jack on the loading frame connector panel (see section 8.15). The Recorder Panel option also includes a Recorder Board, as described in Section 3.5.2. Descriptions of Recorder Panel control functions in of to Pen Chart Recorder, which requires a signal for full Scali~ for ~8l Signal a. Press LOADRANGEkey on the 8-2 OPERATING AN EXPANIED SYSTmt Recorder enable Panel. the load channel. load Basic This will % RANGE keys range Panel The will appear Display. in load cell is installed, simply hang a precision weight from the cell and measure the pen deflection. The amount of pen deflection depends upon the RANGE , selected (Section the current on the, b. Press ZERO key on Recorder Panel. This will set the load signal to the pen at a zero reference. The Basic Panel Display will show "0000.. Adjust POSITION control on recorder to set pen at the b. If cell dure used cell below) will a zero position. c. Press a % key on Recorder Panel to select the gain factor for a full scale pen deflection. This will set the percentage of full scale of the installed load cell which will be calibrated to 10 volts. The Basic Panel Display will show value selected (see Example). Example: Assume a 5 kN load cell installed. Key Legend Display Shows er 5.000 2.500 2.000 1.250 1.000 .5000 .2500 8 3 . 3 2 CheckinCJ . . Pen full which scale sets value. NOTE and Example). M)TE The voltage, generated when the load cell calibration relay is closed, is the same as would be produced by an applied load equal to 50% of the maximum capacity of the cell. This signal is always the 5I equivalent value (newtons) for whatever system of units is in is use, as shown in Table 8-2. Full Scale on Recorder 5.00 2.50 2.00 1.25 1.00 .50 .25 Step c.) a self identified load is installed, the proceof Step a. above may be or, by closing the load calibration relay (Step 1 a precision load signal be applied to the record- (see Table 100% 50% 40% 25% 20% 10% 5% chart kN kN kN kN kN kN kN 8-2. Calibration 4200 Series Signal Load Cells calibration (Optional) Instron recorders are calibrated at the factory and should not require adjustment. However, pen deflection can be checked for accuracy by producing a known load signal from the balanced and calibrated load cell. The method used depends upon the type of cell in use, as follows: a. If a non-self MODEL 4201/4202 *To Example: Assume a 5 500 kg) load cell and English units A % RANGE of 100 identified (B) convert newtons: 1. Multiply by 0.2248089 obtain pounds. 2. Multiply by 0.1019716 obtain kilograms. 8-3 to to kN (1000 lb, is installed are in use. is selected OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM recorder for a recorder full scale value of 1000 lb. The pen will deflect an equivalent 562 lb (56.2' of full scale on a 10inch chart) when the calibration r"elay is closed. (This signal appears on the LOAD display of the optional Display Panel, if TRACK is b. Press PROP key on Recorder Panel to enable the RATIO selection keys. The PROP lamp will light and the LOAD RANGE laap To close load cell cali- bration relay, press LOAD CAL key and then press 0 and ENTER on keypad. The LOAD CAL and LOAD BAL lamps will both be lit when this relay is closed. - After 2. IM~ Example: check- go out. Assume a crosshead speed 10 mm/min is selected. Key Legend ing pen deflection, open the calibration relay by repeating the sequence used to close the relay: Press LOAD CALi then press 0 ~BiTi ~ ont e:yp-ad. The IDAD CAL and IDAD 8AL lamps will go out. A test can not be started when the calibration relay is closed. Recorder Display Shows 2 1 1 1 1 1 2:1 1: 1 1:2 1:5 1: 10 1:20 of Cha~ 1 1 2 5 10 20 5 10 20 50 100 200 Speed mm/min mm/min mm/min mm/min mm/min mm/min II:1rB Cbart Ti8e Drive TO operate in the mode: (Also see Section a. Set corder will ~ c. Press a RATIO key on Recorder Panel to set a ratio between crosshead speed and chart speed. The Basic Panel Display will show the value selected (see Example). enabled.) 1. to PROP PROP/TIME to TIME. Mode Time 8.3.4) switch The chart speed of the Instron Strip Chart Recorder is liaited to 500 mm/min (20 in/min). If a higher speed is attempted, the PROP lamp on the Recorder Panel will flash. Drive on re- d. Press SELECT X AXIS pas key on Recorder Panel (the related lamp will light). This avoids interaction with X-Y channel. b. Select chart speed using CHART DRIVE keys on recorder. c. Press SELECT X AXIS POS key on Reoorder Panel (the related lamp will light). This avoids interaction with X-Y channel. e. Chart when a test motion is will started start and the crosshead moves up or down. d. Chart motion when a test is will started start and 8.3.4 the crosshead moves up or down. Chart TO operate in the 1. It press a. Set PROP/TIME MODEL 4201/4202 switch (0) - Strip Chart is not necessary to the START/STOP switch deon the recorder, as the chart will start automatically when a test is started. The chart will stop if the crosshead is commanded to -return-, but Proportional Drive mode: (Also see Section Notes Recorder Proportional M)de Drive Operating 8.3.4) on 8-4 OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM will keep running if a .stop. command is entered while the crosshead is moving up or down. (If the recorder START/STOP switch is set to START, the chart will run continuously after a test is started.) on control 0 Calibration sible from 8.4.1 equivalent) which selected. X-Y Recorder automatically has ranged to A gain factor is selecRecorder Panel by the X-axis can be set to track the position of a time base, or strain. the crosshead, The 4200 series system provides an automatic pen lift signal at crosshead "return" and "jog" commands. Also, the pen will lift automatically if system main power is shut down. Pipping of the pen (event marker) is possible through the PIP jack on the loading frame connector panel (see Section 8.15). The recorder is factory calibrated for operation in English or metric units, as specified by the user. If not specified, calibration is in English units. A supply of 11 x 17 in. graph paper, compatible with the calibrated units, is provided with the recorder. The following additional supplies are available from Instron: Paper (English Units) Paper (Metric Units) Pens, Black (6) Pens, Red (6) The recorder is similar to the Model 910 unit described in the manufacturer's manual, except for the following additional features: 8.4.2 0 Power input connector adaptable for 100, 120, 220 or 240 VAC 0 Signal input cable supplied with recorder (D) is full scale. ted on the user. The 8.4 X-Y RBCORIER MODEL 4201/4202 Instron The input on the Y-axis from a 4200 series system is a load signal The Instron X-Y Recorder is an optional readout device supplied for use with a 4200 Series system. This recorder (Instron Catalog No. 2310065) is manufactured by Allen Datagraph, Inc., Salem, NH 03079. An instruction manual, Allen Part No. 90060047, is supplied with the recorder and should be referred to for unpacking, specifications, paper and pen loading, theory of operation, routine maintenance and troubleshooting procedures. A replacement copy of the manual is available from Allen Datagraph. f provided panel adjustments accescontrol panel Description The 3. Always verify the RATIO in use for proportional mode operation before starting a test. This can be changed during a test, but PROP must be enabled (lamp lit). The Basic Panel Display will show the ratio selected. ". pushbutton single range X and Y axes which require 0 to 10 vdc input signals for full scale. The X-axis has a 38 cm (15 in.) span, and the Y-axis has a 25 cm (10 in.) span. 2. Always verify the RANGE' in use before starting a test. This can be changed during a test, but LOAD RANGE must be enabled (lamp lit). The Basic Panel Display will show the full scale value (load ZERO check 0 Installation 8.4.2. Pover The Instron 8-5 88-6-18 88-6-19 3740-137 3740-138 Require8ents X-Y recorder is set OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM at the factory to accept a aain power input of 120 :t:10 VAC, single phase. A 3-wire power cable for that voltage is included. If the power source to be used is this standard voltage, proceed to Section, Signal Input Connection. If not, follow the instructions in Section Signal Input TO use the X-Y Recorder with the 4200 series system, plug the cable (A504-128) provided with the unit into the connector on the underside of the recorder and into connector, J9 (RECORDER), in the console (see Section 6.10). Nonstandard Main Power 8J'rB If the power source to be used is not 120 % 10 VAC, the power input connector on the underside of the recorder can be altered to accept other voltages in the range of 90 to 250 VAC (see Table below). X-Y Recorder Line Voltage The recorder must to operate properly. . To adapt the X-Y Recorder for a different line voltage, extract the small printed circuit card from the power input connector (use long nose pliers) and reinsert it with the desired voltage visible. Ensure that the fuse is properly seated. (0) RANGE keys range Panel in the The current will appear Display. on the b. Press ZERO key on Recorder Panel. This will set the load signal to the pen at zero. The Basic Panel Display will show .0000.. Adjust the Y POSITION control to set pen at a zero position. (The pen should not shift if the ZERO pushbutton is pressed.) Panel Press to a , key on Recorder select the gain ..- factor for a full scale pen deflection. This will set the percentage of full scale ~f the installed~celt-which will be calibrated to 10 volts. The Basic Panel Display will show value selected (see Example). 8:nB MODEL 4201/4202 the' channel. load Basic c. type foc Load Signal a. Press LOAD RANGE key on Recorder Panel. This will load - high (live) Blue - low (neutral) Yellow - earth/ground slo-blo, Pen Scaling enable If the X-Y Recorder is to be adapted for 200-250 VAC operation, the power cable must be altered byadding a male plug that is specified for that power source outlet. Observe the following CEE wire color code for the cable: a 1/2-amp grounded An Operating Instructions manual is supplied with the recorder. However, this section provides the differences in operation when used with a 4200 series system and the procedures required to use the Recorder Panel for setting inputs to the X and Yaxes. Selection The fuse requirement for AC power input voltages be 8.4.3 Operation Brown Light Green' Connection all is JAG. 8-SA OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM Example: Assume a 5 kN load installed. Key Legend 5.000 2.500 2.000 1.250 1.000 .5000 .2500 to Section of Press (Position ~ Mode SPAN key Recorder Panel. related lamp light. Enter will the tracking The factor on the numeric keypad. This value is the displacement (extension) of the crosshead from gage length that is to appear as full scale on the recorder. Example: Enter 2.000 for 2 mm of extension to drive the X-axis 38 cm (or 2 in. of extension to drive the X-axis 15 in.). The displayed number will flash until it has been entered into the system. e. Set the X-axis reference position ing the recorder MODEL 4201/4202 as a function The e. Set the X-axis at a zero reference position by adjusting the recorder X POSITION control while holding the ZERO pushbutton depressed. X-Axis The of TO drive strain: the Strain X-axis ~ive Mode as a function ~E conThe The use of a strain channel for recording purposes requires the installation of an optional Strain Sensor Board at a zero by adjustX POSITION (0) X-axis d. Press SELECT TLME key on the recorder panel to enable this function to control the recorder X-axis. The related lamp will light. d. Press the SELECT POS (Position) key on recorder panel to enable this function to trol the recorder X-axis. related lamp will light. the c. Press ENTER on keypad. number will stop flashing. scale c. Press ENTERon keypad. number will stop flashing ZERO b. Enter the recorder time base on the numeric keypad. This value is the number of minutes required for the recorder to reach full scale (10 volts). The time base is reset to 0 volts and the pen is returned to the origin on a crosshead return command. Example: ~ obtain a 5 minute time base on the X-axis, enter 5.000. The displayed number will flash until it has been entered into the system. SET POS. P.S. Scale) on the b. ~t-~ the Pull the a. Press the SET TIME F.S. (Time Full Scale) MIN key on the Recorder Panel. The related lamp will light. TO drive the X-axis as a function moving crosshead position: a. ~-z~../ To drive of time: kN kN kN kN kN kN kN Calibration Drive holding depressed. X-AKis Tiae Drive Mode Position while pushbutton 5.00 2.50 2.00 1.25 1.00 .50 .25 Cbecking Y-Axis (Optional) (Refer control is Full Scale on Recorder Display Shows 1°°' 5°' 4°' 25' 2°' 1°' 5' cell (see Table 8-1). 8-6 OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM Checking X-Axis (Optiona1) a. Select the active strain channel to be used by pressing the STRAIN 1 or 2 key on the Basic Panel. The related lamp will light. Instron recorders are calibrated at the factory and should not require adjustment. However, the X-axis on the X-Y recorder can be checked for accuracy by applying a known signal to the input and measuring the resulting deflection. The method used depends upon the mode of operation, as follows: b. Press the SELECT STRAIN X-AXIS key on Recorder Panel. The related lamp will light. c. Press STRAIN RANGE key on Recorder Panel. This will enable the' RANGE in the strain channel. The current strain range will appear on the Basic Panel Display. If operating in the Position Drive mode, allow the moving crosshead to drive (up or down). Check that the recorder X-axis deflection, as modified by the scale factor in use (Section, tracks the displacement shown on the EXTENSION readout of the optional Display Panel. a. d. Press ZERO key on Recorder Panel. This will set the strain signal to the X-axis at a zero reference. The Basic Panel Display will show .0000.. Adjust X POSITION control on the recorder to set b. a zero position. (There should be no shift in the X-axis position if the ZERO pushbutton is pressed.) e. On the Recorder is Key Legend Display Shows Full Scale on Recorder c. 100% 50% 40% 25% 20% 10% 5' 25.00 12.50 10.00 6.25 5.00 2.50 1.25 2.50 1.25 1.00 .68 .50 .25 .13 If (Section operating Drive mode the X-axis checked by: the Time, 1. in (Section deflection a non-self If the Strain, can be identified extensometer is in use, displace the extensometer using a used. t" (D) mode in Panel, capability MODEL 4201/4202 operating the X-axis deflection versus time can be checked with an accurate timing device. Example: Assume a strain gage extensometer with a 25mm gage length and a 10% maximum ~' If Drive press a , key to select the gain factor for full scale deflection on the X-axis. This will set the percentage of full scale, of the maximum strain of the installed extensometer, which will be calibrated to 10 volts. The Basic Panel Display will show _value selected (see Example). strain Calibration ..., ~.., precision device such as a micrometer calibrator. Measure the X-axis deflection. This depends upon the RANGE' selected (Section, Step e.) which sets a full scale 2. value. If a self identified ex tensome ter is in use, the procedure of Step a. above may be used or, by closing the extensometer calibration relay, as in Step (a) below, a precision strain signal will be applied to the recorder (see the following NOTE and mm mm mm mm mm mm Imn Example). 8-7 OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM with a 4200 system, set the WAD/RUN switch to RUN. This will activate both axes. (a) TO close extensometer calibration relay, press the STRAIN CAL key and then press 0 and ENTER on keypad The STRAIN CAL and STRAIN BAL lamps will be It is not necessary to set the PEN UP/DOWN switch to DOWN, as the pen will drop automatically when a test is started and the crosshead moves up or down. The pen will .lift. if the crosshead is commanded to "return"or 2. . lit when relay is closed. R:1rB The voltage, generated when the extensometer calibration relay is closed, is the same as would be produced by an applied strain equal to 100' of the maximum capacity of the extensometer. This strain signal is always an equivalent value for the system of units in use and the strain operat- ing mode (see Section -joq., PEN switch 8.11.2). ~ 0 and ENTER on The jacks Operating Botes - X-Y is set to DOWN.) (J2) on LOAD -0 to To operate MODEL 4201/4202 the X-Y STRAIN connector full the following scale 0 to 10 vdc full scale 2 - 0 to 10 vdc full scale SWITCHED- Position, Time or Strain outputs as set by SELECT X-AXIS keys on Reoorder Panel (see Sections, and Recorder outputs recorder (D) the - STRAIN ~ 10 vdc TIME/POSITION . JACKS The jacks provide output signals: The STRAIN CAL and STRAIN BAL lamps will go out. A test can not be started when the calibration relay is closed. 8.4.4 down on panel at the rear of the console are parallel outputs of the signals used to drive an X-Y recordec (Section 8-4). These ace pcovided for signal monitoring purposes at the convenience of the user. After checking X-axis deflection, open the calibration relay by repeating the sequence used to close the relay: Press S~H CA:L~ thenpress remain .stop. command. stay down if the 8. 5 AUXILIARY ~P(1l" - DIlI(jKDft will 3. Always verify the RANGE' in use for the load channel (or strain channel) before starting a test. This can be changed during a test, but WAD RANGE (or STRAIN RANGE) must be enabled (lamp lit). The Basic Panel Display will show the full scale value selected in load (or strain) equivalent units. Example: Assume a self identified strain gage extensoaeter with a 1-inch gage length and a 10' maximum strain capability is in use. The system is set for English units, the strain operating mode is Percent (') and a , RANGEof 100 is selected for a full scale strain value. The X-axis will deflect the full span (15 in.), which is equivalent to 10' strain, when the strain calibration relay is closed. (This signal appears on the STRAIN display of the optional Display Panel.) (b) but a crosshead (The pen will 8-8 4S set Time by or Position SEI,ECT X-AXIS OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM ~ keys on Recorder Panel (see Sections, and The Proportional chart control is not available system memory (nonvolatile) overwritten b¥ the next test, system is reset. mode for strip (see at Section the J2 When Area Compensation is in use, the gain of the load signal applied to the LOAD display is divided by the normalized mantissa (base number) of the area value (see Section 7.8.4). Hence, when Area Compensat!on is not equal to 1.000, the WAD d1~play indicates the normalized jacks. The relationship between the SWITCHED and TIME/poSITION outputs depend upon the X-Axis function selected on the Recorder Panel, as shown in Table 8-3. value Table 8-3. X-Axis I Console Connector Panel J2 Jacks X-Axis Outputs I of stress. Specimen loading Area compensation . 1.56 SWI'1'CHED;'TlME/POSITION Output Output Position LOAD display Time T limits will be or as selected Panel (Section a differential to avoid meter ground to or loop The STRAIN blank if a not installed. 8.7). the jacks, floating 8.6.2 input (psi) Panel are Description The optional Display Panel has three 4-digit LCD displays which al1<* the current value of load, extension and strain to be tracked for observing during a test. The tracking value on each display at the end of a test is not stored. be is will option ~ration TRACK key functions is are pressed. always These recorded. b. Press the PEAK key to Rt the displays to show load, eKte..ion and strain va1ues that occur at the p!ak load dur i~ a test. This can be oone at any time, either before, during, or at the end of a test when the values are stored. The PEAK lamp is lit when this Additional functions enable the values of load, extension and strain at peak load am at specimen break to be saved for viewing on the displays at the end of a test. The peak and break values are stored in (A) display strain strain m the displays at 81Y tt.e during a test. The TRACK lamp will light and the three displays will show the constantly dhanging values While the test is in progress. The storage of peak aM break values is not interrupted when the effects. . MODEL 4201/4202 12.82 a. Press the ftACK key to track load, extension am use 8 6 DISPLAY PAREL 8.6.1 20 lb (normalized) NO'l"B The J2 jacks accept standard 8banana plugs8. The red jack is signal 8high81 the black jack is signal ground. When connecting a recorder - shows on the Limits A.) Descriptions of the Display control and indicator functions contained in Table 6-2. Time *Strain (See Appendix EXAMPLE I Function until or the function 8-9 is ~tive. OPERATI~ AN EXPANDFD SYSTm. c. Press the ~ the displays to &bow load. 5tension and strain va1ues at speci~n Meat. This can be done at any time, either before, during, or at the end of a test when the values are stored. During a test, the displays will remain blank until a break condition occurs. I The BREAK lamp this function is is lit Brl'aSICM CYCLE Panel 1. is - stop crosshead either at load or strain to be chan- For to the strain limits When a Recorder be Panel system dtanged operating (Section units 6.9.1), any Load, Extension and Strain (1 and 2) limits previously set on the Limits Panel default to .0. and the related crosshead action defaults to .OFF.. Any STATUS lamp which is lit to indicate an active load, extension or strain channel limit will 90 out. Each limit must be reset using values stated in ter. of the limit current (A) the 8JrBS (1 or 2) dlannel limits enabled, the respective nel must be calibrated. are, position. MODEL 4201/4202 For 3. When independently. STOP Panel 6-3. is installed, the recorder X-axis selection control (X-Y ~RDER SELECT) on the panel must be set to STRAIN. Description a CYCLE and OFF. IMPOftAR'r enabled at at 8.7.2 Operation The optional Limits Panel allows the user to specify a crosshead action to be independently assigned to the maximum and minimum values of load, extension aoo strain that 0ccur during a test, and to specimen break. Limits for the two strain channels (1 and 2) 8Ust be set ,... except Descriptions of the Limits control functions are in Table 8. 1 LIMI"l'S PAlmI. assigned ~tion Display. occurs, 2. The action can be: between An indicator lamp lights at the active limit and at the corresponding crosshead ~tion key. A STATUS indicator lamp is lit Whenever a limit is set to control a crosshead action. The lamp flashes after the limit is reached and the ~tion S"1'RA:IR dis- e. Press the RBSB'l' PEAKS key during a test to reset stored peak va1ues of load, stensiCX1 and strain to va1ues at the current Load. Peak storage is then updated to values at the next peak load. This key does not change which values are selected to be displayed 8.1.1 crosshead Limits are set and crosshead action assigned before starting a test. The limits are entered into the systen through the numeric keypad and are viewed on the Basic when Peak or Track) and only during a test. - no OFF plays to show va1ues at speci.en bl:eak. This can be done at any time, either before, durin9, or at the end of a test When values are stored. The PEAK BREAK lamp is Ii t when this function is active. (Break, active cycle - limits. active. and crosshead to qaqe length. d. Press the PEAK .uK key to set the LOAD display to show peak load value for a test and the - return RETURN key to _t 8-10 OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM new operating units, and crosshead action selected. 4. the SION or STRAIN limit key (MIN or MAX) for the required limit. The related lamp will light and the current limit value will appear on the Basic When the operating mode for the Strain 1 and 2 channels is changed (Section 8.11.2), any Strain 1 or 2 limits previously set on the Limits Panel default to "0" and the related crosshead action defaults to "OFF". The STATUS lamp, which may be lit to indicate that the limits for a selected strain channel are active, will go out. Each limit must be reset using values stated in terms of the new ~erating mode, and the crosshead action selected. Panel b. the MAX = load to 200 100 lb.) keypad. 1" a. Press MODEL 4201/4202 the and displayed until it has the system. (LOAD ~X Press the CROSSHEAD ACTION key for the limit just entered. Indicator lamps (ACTION and STATUS) for the limit will light. EXTEN- (A) -) of the load cell in use increasthe 4200 most neq- c. Press ENTER on keypad The number will stop flashing a crosshead LOAD, The flash into the maximum load key) to -100 lb. d. limit and the (see NOTES 1 the limit on ative value as the minimum load (or strain). For example: If load limits of -300 lb and -100 lb are specified for a test, set the minimum load (LOAD MIN key) to -300 lb, and Before setting stress Ii.its, the user sboold be faailiar with the li.itations due to load cell capaci ty as described in Appendix A, Section A.8.3. a value, 2. If the sign (+ or output signal of the (or strain transducer) is negative (-) with ing load (or strain), system considers the [:~~~~~~] To set action: the 1. If the sign (+ or -) of the output signal of the load cell (or strain transducer) in use is negative (-) with increasing load (or strain), then a limit value (maximum or minimum load or strain) must also be negative. Press the % key on the keypad to obtain the correct sign when setting a limit. = 2.0 Actual a STRAIN N<1l'ES Maximum stress limit - 100 psi Area compensation (normalized) LOAD LIMIT Enter number will been entered EXAMPLE (NOTE: If sign if neqative and 2 below), of 5. When Area Compensation is in use, the gain of the load signal actuating the Load Limits is divided by the normalized mantissa (base number) of the area value (see Section 7.8.4). Hence, when Area Compensation is not equal to 1.000, the Load Limits should be set based on the normalized value of stress. Set Display. limit is to be set, select the channel (STRAIN 1 or 2) on the Basic Panel to wich the limit will apply. 8-11 OPERATI~ AN EXPANDm SYSTEJot e. break, then a CROSSHEAD ACTION key. the user why the action occurred (except at the CYCLE and OFF actions). The lamp will stay flashing until the next test is started. EXAMPLE 8 . 8 PRIvrER tion To set a crosshead acto occur at specimen press the BREAK key and Crosshead imum load return to specimen to stop of 200 gage 8.8.1 Description at a maxlb, and to length if The printer option for a 4200 series system provides a hard copy record of test parameters and results. This printer features up to 80 characters on a line, which may consist of letters, numbers or special symbols, printed at a rate of about 100 characters per second. The printout includes the name, value and units of several parameters, as described in Section 8.8.4. breaks. Enter key sequence: [LOAD MIN] [2] [0] [0] [ENTER] [ S'1'0P ] [ BREAK] [ RETURN] Whenever one of the six limit condition lamps, or the break lamp, is lit, one of the four crosshead lamps will be lit. The crosshead action may be changed by pressing another action key. The printer supplied with fold paper. R:n'B paper are If the crosshead action is to CYCLE between WAD limits during a compression test and the load cell in use has a positive (+) output signal for an increase in load (2511-200 series), set TESTING AREA to 8.8.2 Installation ABOVEXHEAD(Section available from Instron. To use the printer with the 4200 system, plug the cable (A459-97) provided with the unit into connector, J3 (PRINTER), on the connector panel at the rear of the console. 7.8.6). The printer and the 4200 system are set up at the factory for a baud rate of 1200. A baud rate of 300 can be selected, if required. To chanqe baud rate in the printer, refer to the manufacturer's manual provided with the unit. The limit settings may be checked by pressing each limit key and reading the setting on the Basic Panel Display. (:~~~!!~~] To change baud rate in the 4200 system, requires changing a switch position in the control console. An 8-section DIP switch assembly (SS) is located on the lower right-hand corner of the motherboard (reference Always verify that the liait settinqs and crosshead actions are properly set before startinq a test. Also, always ensure that liait settiDCja are within the _yimua capacity of the load cell in use. Figure (B) 6-11). The No.4 switch of the 85 assembly, marked 1200 BAUD, controls the system baud rate as shown in Figure 8-1. The switch is accessed by removing the left rear corner panel of the console, as described in Section 6.9. Note the When a limit or specimen break causes a crosshead action, the related STATUS lamp will flash to inform MODEL 4201/4202 is set up for and 91/2 x 11 inch fanAdditional pads of 8-12 OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM position of the NO.4 switch for 1200 baud. To change to 300 baud, push down on the OPEN side of the switch with a sharp pointed tool. It is not necessary to shut power off. NM"E All crosshead c~mands are locked out during a printout. 8.8.4 Printout Poraat The format of the Printer ootput consists of up to seven lines and five fields, depending upon parameters and actions that are included or omitted as described below. The printout Line 1 - indicates tive Strain Figure 8-1. Baud Rate Units If and Strain Switch, S5 8.8.3 required a 4200 a. to series Tb obtain use PRINT set the manual This pro- and Energy. is Peak current ~Extension, installed, (No.4) the omitted. data. lists Break data. If break did not occur, line 3 4 Line 5 - Preset - Preset Points is anitted. Line unit 6 - Point are 2 data. suppressed, Crosshead Speed If line 5 and Area (Area Compensation). at key Line any is on 8.8.5 7 re- (A) - Energy (total). suppressed, and Printer line If the Energy 7 are omitted. Energy field Units The units that appear on a printout depend upon the selection of operating units (English, metric, SI), as described in Section 6.9. In addition, the printed units for Strain depend upon the type of extensometer installed (self identified or non-self identified) and the strain operatil'M1 mode - percent or diDplacement - (Dee Section 8.11.2). quired. A printout will occur after every test as long as the option i5 enabled. MODEL 4201/4202 2, not Line (No.5) condition the Load, Preset Point 1 data. If Preset Points are suppressed, line 4 is omitted. b. To obtain a printout automatically at the end of a test, enter the key sequence [S1] [6] [x] on the keypad. The Basic Panel Display must show .SL 6. for this option to be enabled, and .SL-6. to be disabled. Toggle the .x. key to is is: 3 - specimen is omitted. system. a printout time, press the the Basic Panel. the Strain field Line ~ratiOD cedures with for 1 or Line 2 - lists 6.9.1.) An Operating Instructions is supplied with the printer. section provides the additional units Strain Strain (The S3 and S4 switch assemblies are shown in Figure 8-1 for location purposes only. The S3 assembly sets the addressing of the IEEE-488 option am is described in a separate manual. The S4 switch controls the system operating units, as detailed in Section format 8-13 OPERATI~ AN EXPANDED SYSTmof The units printout that will appear in of the Strain field ~ the are (Reference Table 8-5) shown in Table 8-4. Table 8-4. Strain Strain Mode ExtensometeI I Units Type Self Identified 'Strain I All ~ I I - "MM" or 8-5. Energy Units Extens. I I Type Metric identified used, "SN" instead of by RAR.) Printout La/A '£AX. Energy Units I. fllU -I.'I'EOZ S'I' JJS' S'II LI'II flJLS -7.'OEOO .-. -'7.'EII JJ S' -7 "'EII ,nl- -Z"IE-II 1000 -I ,na- -Z "JE-OI 1001 -S 117EO- SPED. '01. TOTAl. UU5Y- 1-1"1-7 UEALI'SI 7J?EI. 170EH I DOlE-OJ fllLS/A IKGF*EX MM/A Figure 8-2. .KN*EX MM/A ISelf /Strain I Id*,nt. ILB*S1 MILS/A (NOTES 2 & 3) Metric IKGF*S1 MM/A - 8.1. .-. -I SISCOI ,... .6.6,tEOI I -J ISOCOI )000 Iself I MODEL 4201/4202 5 100 TOTAL_r. (See NOTE 4) Ident. Figure (A) 8-14 1'" "" ,nl. DaD- 8-3. I.' -4~S'EII -"'4EII -'O'SEII A.n. L8.U Laoa -4 OI'EII 14 II 008 1.'"1. -. ,"EOI Strain Variable MILS I. -I SISEOI ,nl. I KN*S 1 MM/A Non- Printout with as Independent L8'A 'UK. - and Fiqure 8-2 shows a typical printout with Strain as the independent variable and Strain 1 as the active channel. Fiqure 8-3 shows a ~ical printout with Extension as the independent variable. (Note that AREA is qreater than 1.000 in both printouts, ~ the Load and Enerqy fields ILB*BX IN/A I (NOTES 1 & 3) English - Enqlish Energy "MILS". show division - 8.1. ! for 4. When a non-self extensometer is will be printed Extension - The units SN in Table 8-5. 'Independent Variabl~ the ~tive be printed Total Energy will be printed showing division by -A- only when Canpensation is -not equalArea to 1.000. Besides the system operati"9 units, the printed units for Energy and Preset Points depend upon the independent variable (extension or strain), and, if strain is the independent variable, the extensometer type (self identified or non-self identified). The units that will appear in the printout of the Energy field and for Total Energy are shown Table 2. If Strain 2 is channel, 8S28 will instead of 8S18. 3. (Eng; DisplaceIment (Met) Non-Self Identified identified 8LD8 will of 8LB8, MILS Displace- Iment 1. When a non-self load cell is used, be printed instead "KGF8 or "KN". Units , IPercent : Printout I OOOE-OI ../A Printout with as Independent Extension VAriable OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM 8.9.2 Operation IJ:)'l'BS 1. The Load, Energy, Total Energy and Area values are always printed with the exponent shown in the floating point format: where, for 1 = example, E01 10-1 = 0.1. 101 = 10 and E-01 The procedure required to use the preset points option is to set the independent variable, set the preset point values, and then enable the option to get a printout at the end of a test. The default condition of the independent variable is the active strain channel (1 or 2) or extension if the strain option is not installed. a 2. If Strain 1 or Strain 2 is installed but not calibrated, an RSNR will be printed instead of units in the Strain field and a R R instead of strain values. 8 . 9 PRESET POIR'l'S 8.9.1 Description The Preset Point option allows the user to specify the values of up to two independent variables at two preset points for recording the val- ues of two dependent Preset Points are Printer option or tion is in use. T ~ variable, keypad: The Basic either, will SL-5 Panel for SL 5 for variables. accessible if the lEEE-488 To set the independent enter the sequence on the [81] [5] [:t]. the op- Toggle quired Display Strain, show or Extension the [*] display key until the re- appears. g)TE The Preset Points are set to trip on a specific value of either extension or strain. When this value is reached, the system automatically records the values of load and energyat those points. Figure 8-4 is a typical test curve showing the data obtainable at preset points. The key sequence [81J [5J [:J also toggles the ergy integration variable tween extension and strain. The Points default (PPT1, values of PPT2) are: PPT1 the [:J Enbe- Preset PPT2 Extension (in) Extension (Dan) Strain (%) Load 1 to EN La EN To set other values within the range of the load or strain transducer in use, enter the key sequences: Break " ~,PT (51 41] PPT1 [ENTER] [81 ] 42] PPT2 [ENTER] 1 Where PPT1 and PPT2 are indicated, enter the actual numerical value of the independent variable: Extension in inches or millimeters1 or Strain in either percent, mils or millimeters (see Section 8.11.2). ExtensIon Figure 8-4. Typical Test Curve with MODEL 4201/4202 Preset Points (8) 8-15 OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM To obtain energy (see preset a printout of Section 8.10) points, enter key load at and the be obtained at the end of a test. The default condition of the independent variable is the active sequence: strain channel (1 or 2) or if strain is not installed. [81 J [4J [:t:J The Basic either, Panel SL-4 to SL 4 to Toqqle quired units show will suppress printout, enable printout. or the [%) key until displ8Y appears. the The printed pressed Display in (see values the are current Section To set enter the keypad: [81 re- always 8.10 SL 5 for Display show will or Extension Toggle the [j:] key \D1til the required display appears. (This action also toggles the independent variable for Preset Points, as de- [81) [4) [ot) the Preset the IEEE-488 scribed in Section 8.9.2.) program. Tb obtain a printout of values at the em of a test, the key sequence: ~ 8.10.1 Panel SL-S for Strain, IK)'l'E supervisory [~J. [5] operating 6.9). The key sequence does not disable Point function of the independent variable, followi~ sequence on the The Basic either, ex- extension energy enter ~ription (51 The Energy option allows the user to obtain at the end of a test: the total energy under the load curve, the values at Peak and Break, and the values at two preset points (Section 8.9). Energy is defined as the integral of composite load (analog load divided ~ analog area) and extension or strain. Recorded values may range from 1.000£-04 to [:t;) [3) The Basic either, Panel Display SL-3 to suppress SL 3 to TO9gle qui red enable the [~] display show will printout, or printout. key until the re- appears. 2.147E05. 8.11 Energy is accessible if the Printer option or the IEEE-488 option is in use. The units of energy are described in Section 6.9.5, and the printed units are described 8.10.2 in Section 8.11.1 Introduction Strain 8.8.5. boards on a 4200 sys- available, as listed in Table 8-1. The conditioner board for strain gage extensometers is normally installed in the Strain 1 channel, am the XL type am LVI:1r type The procedure required to obtain energy readouts is to set the independent variable, and then enable the energy option 80 a printout can (A) measurement tem requires an optional Strain Sensor Conditioner Board to be installed in the control console. There are three types of these ~ration MODEL 4201/4202 S'l'RAIR ~~ 8-16 OPERATI~ AN EXPANDm SYSTmaf 8-1). extensometer conditioner boards are installed in the Strain 2 channel of the systea. Complete installation instructions are included with the strain measuring options. removing of 1 channel (see Figure the left console, is accessed by rear corner panel as described in Section 6.9. To change position of the rocker type switch, push down on either side with a sharp pointed tool. To set the mode for operation in displacement units, push down on the side of the switch marked STRAIN UNITS, and for per~ent, push down on the OPEN side of the switch. 8OrB: When using an XL extensometer for strain measurement with a Microcon II, The XL conditioner board, A504-17, must be installed in the Strain the The switch 5-8). The functions of these boards are similar to the Load Sensor Conditioner Board described in Section 3.5.1. The output is an unranged, or aut08atically ranged, 0 to 10 vdc full scale strain signal. The calibration procedure for a strain channel coapletes an operating reliability check of a Strain Sensor conditioner Board (see Self Test Routine, Section 6.5). If the strain operating mode switch setting is changed with the system powered down, the Basic Panel Display will show "LOSS" when power is applied. This indicates that nonvolatile memory is reset to the default state and stored test data is lost. Load and strain channels must be recalibrated and electronic liaits reset. The strain signal may be monitored during a test, used for X-Y recording of load-strain data, used with strain li.its to control crosshead action, and a printout obtained of peak, break and preset point values. These operations are described in other sections of Chapter 8. switch If 1. Cycle is operating changed with mode power main power off then onJ 2. Enter the system reset sequence: Press 51, then 0 and ENTER on the keypadJ or, 3. Enter the .warm start. quence: Press switch, 81, then and [ENTERJ on the keypad. se[1J After switching units and performing one of the above procedures, the Basic Panel display will show .LOSS., indicating that nonvolatile memory is reset to the default state and stored test data is lost (see IMPORTANTNOTE). The user should be aware of the strain operating mode when monitoring the signal, and setting up for strain recording and strain limits. TO change the strain operating mode, requires changing the setting of a switch in the control console. This switch is part of an 8-section DIP switch assembly (S5) located on the lower right-band corner of the motherboard (see Figure 6-11). Tbe No. 3 switch on the S5 assembly is marked STRAIN UNITS (see Figure (C) strain applied to a calibrated system, there will not be an indication on the front panel, but one of the following procedures must be performed to make the mode change valid: The operating mode for the Strain 1 and 2 channels can be selected by the user to be either Percent Strain (') or, depending upon the type of extensometer, displacement in inches or meters x 10-3 (mils or mm). MODEL 4201/4202 the setting IMPORTAR'l' M)'1"B After changing the strain operating 8Ode, load and strain channels 8USt be recalibrated and all liaits reset (load, extension, strain 1 and 2). 8-17 OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM or STRAIN CAL lUlps. If either of these lamps flash, the user must correct the error before proceedin9 (reference Section 7-7). 8 . 1 2 S'rRAIM GAGE 8.12.1 Ov'erviev The Instron series 2630 strain gage extensometers are lightweight units that are provided with claftIPS for attachi~ the devices to round or flat test specimens. These extensometers are available in models covering high and medium magnification ranges, and with initial gage For maximum accuracy of strain measurement, extensometers should be mechanically calibrated over the range of interest, as described in Sec- lengths tion 8.12.3. of 10, 25 or 50 or 2 in.). are included Operating with each mID (1/2, NO'rB 1 instructions extensometer. The following procedures, describing the calibration of strain gage extensometers, -SUE that the devices have been properly installed in a 4200 system with a strain conditioner board and cabling. NOTE A 2630 series extensometer may be a self identified, electrically calibrated type, or a non-self identified, mechanically calibrated type. NOTE An extensometer calibrator with a micraneter ~justment, such as the Instron High Magnification type with a 25 1mB (or 1 in.) range, is required for the mechanical calibration procedures. The calibration procedure for an extensometer calibrates the strain measuring system of a 4200 series instru.ent against a precisely generated signal, and sets system cali- bration for the extensometer in use. The system then is able to provide an accurate strain signal which is automatically ranged during a test over 100% (X1), 50% (X2), 20% (XS) and 10' (X10) of the maximum range of the extensometer. , A test cannot be started while the STRAIN CAL or STRAIN HAL lamp is lit, and the calibration and balance functions are locked out while a test is running. \.. f t. .; ~~. ~~1~~ -;,c ;~ The calibration proced~re vary depending upon the type tens08eter installed and the used, which can be as follows: will of exmethod NO'l'B 1. Self trically identifying calibrated. and elec- 2. Self anically identifyi~ calibrated. and mech- When electrically calibrating a 2630 series self identifying strain gage extensometer, the balance operation is performed automatically. 3. Non-self mechanically identifying calibrated. and TO electrically calibrate a 2630 series self identifying strain 9age extensometer: The 4200 series system responds to an improper strain calibration "procedure by flashi~ the S'lRAIN BAL a..."'" ~, K>DEL 4201/4202 (A) a. 8-18 Clamp extensometer onto the OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM \'~{ specimen (Figure 8-5) at gage ~ length, as described in the J. (;et~nual supplied with the de~ v~ce. Allow up to 15 minutes for extensometer to stabilize r1r\ I~" ~~ ~~~~. \ after ~ ~ t~(.j - f~ ~ ~ ~ 't-4 U Lo..;.. ~--~--.ter - ~ 4.' ).( fH ~ !~... ').D~ ~ ) c. Press . f: "VI ~~ . ~~~ The ~I 1l the NO maximum strain (%) or range (mils or 11m) of the extensome(see Section 8.11.2), and the STRAIN CAL lamp lights. - ENTER. After about ,,1Jf1'.l ""-6 r 6 seconds, STRAIN CAL lamp goes out, the display goes blank and calibration is completed. zero great- point Press return. STRAIN BAL key. The BAL lamp lights. STRAIN Cu. and then c. Clamp extensometer onto spindles of calibrator at gage length, as described in the manual supplied with the device. Allow up to 15 minutes for extensometer to stabilize after applying excitation. d. ~~~~. ~ j)~ for b. Adjust calibrator for minimum displacement (gage length). Minimize backlash in mechanism by going through excitation. b. Press STRAIN CAL key. .Basic Panel Display shows ~ applying a vertical position est accuracy. e. Press ENTER. After about 3 seconds, the STRAIN BAL lamp goes out indicating that balance function is completed. f. Press STRAIN CAr. key. STRAIN CAL lamp lights. to Step 1 or The Go 2 below. 1. If the extensometer is a self identifying type, the Basic Panel Display shows the maximum strain (%) or range (mils or rom) of the extensome- ter. Fiqure 8-5. "', . of Strain not press miTER. 2. If the extensometer is a non-self identifying type, the Basic Panel Display is blank. Rey in the maximwn strain (%) or range (mils or DIn) of the extensometer on the keypad. Press ENTER. The STRAIN CAL lamp stays lit. Strain Gaqe Extensometer Mounted on Specimen ~ ~~. u~27Mecbanical ~ Calibration Gage Exteos08eters 9. Adjust calibrator the following methods: TO mechanically calibrate a 2630 series self identifying, or nonself identifying, strain gage ~ one of NO'l'E extensometer: Adjust calibrator carefully. Do not turn it past the set point am have to reverse, as backlash will cause an error. a. Mount spindles on calibrator that fit the extensometer clamps, and set calibrator in MODEL 4201/4202 (A) 8-19 OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYST&t 1. Tb calibrate extensometer over its maximum strain (or displacement) range, adjust calibrator to a displacement value which corresponds to full scale. For example: If using an extensometer with a 1-inch gage length and a 10' maximum strain, adjust calibrator to 0.100 inches. k. placement example: meter length to lights. canpleted . 8.12.4 Strain Gage Extensoaeters - Operational Rotes The strain measuri~ accuracy of a 4200 series system is: iO.6' of strain reading i1 count on display or anal09 output to recorder (i linearityof transducer). maximum dis- a a lamp about 3 STRAIN BAL lamp goes balance function is seconds, out and value required. For If using an extenso- with and The S-rRAIN BAL key. BAL 1. Press ENTER. After 2. Tb calibrate extensometer oyer a range of interest (most accurate method), adjust calibrator Press STRAIN 1-inch gage 10% maximum This specified accuracy is valid from the calibration point of an extensometer down to 2' of maximum strain (displacement). An extensometer must be recalibrated if the ambient temperature goes outside the strain, and a l' strain is the range of interest (see NOTE below), adjust calibrator to 0.010 inches. RO'1'E range of +86.F) after +10. to initial +30.C (+50. to calibration. Do not calibrate a 2630 series strain gage extensometer below 10' of its full scale range. Otherwise, accuracy will not be within specifications. After the extensometer has been installed on the specimen, secure the cable so it does not interfere with the movement of the extensometer. Also, keep the cable away from the drive motor housing to h. On numeric keypad, key in value set on calibrator in Step g, part 1 or 2 above. If operating in units of dis- avoid placeaent, enter value in millimeters or mils. If operating in the percent mode, enter the percent strain corresponding to the displacement of the calibrator (10.00 for 10', 1.000 for 1', etc.). 8.13.1 i. Press ENTER. After about interference. 8 . 13 *X>EL XL ErrmtSOME"l'ER Introduction The optional Instron Model XL Balanced Elastomeric Extensometer (Catalog No. 2603-068) provides accurate measurements of strain in elastomeric or other highly extensible materials. 6 The Model XL extensometer, shown mounted on a Model 4201 loading frame in Figure 8-6, quickly and easily clamps to a speci~n a~ allows testing through break without damage or test interruption. The standard unit has a 9age length of 20 8m (1 in.) and a differential travel of 200 mm (10 in.), or 1000.. seconds, STRAIN CAL lamp goes out, the display goes blank and calibration is completed. j. Remove extensometer from calibrator and clamp it onto specimen at gage length, as described in the manual supplied with the device. MODEL 4201/4202 electrical (A) 8-20 OPERATI~ AN EXPANDED SYSTm.. The XL extensometer contains an etched commutator disc which provides the means for pipping a recorder pen at 10% increments of strain. Complete installation procedures and an operating instruction manual are provided with the Model XL Extensometer. 8.13.2 Pipping Operation A follower potentiometer in the unit provides a DC voltage proportional to the extensometer extension (clamp separation) that occurs during a test. This voltage is BPPlied to an optional strain sensor conditioner board installed in the 4200 system, whidh provides a strain signal suitable for recording. If the Model XL extensometer is to be used for pipping a recorder, connect the cable provided (A463-13) with the unit between the PIP jack (J6) on the loadi~ frane connector panel and the PIP jack on the rear of the extensometer housing. The commutator disc in the Model XL can produce pips, at 10% increments of strain, in either English or netric units. manual The operati~ supplied ter contains changing the for pipping, initial with instruction the extensome- the procedure for units of measurement and calibrati~ the pip. If the basic mode of operation is to be incrementally pipping the load pen on a recorder, then attach the extensometer clamps to the specimen, as described in the Model XL operating instruction manual, and proceed with the test. 8.13.3 Calibration for Strain of MOdel XL Measur~nt The following procedure assumes that an optional strain sensor conditoner board and cabling for use with a Model XL Extensometer have been properly installed in the 4200 series system. (Also reference Section 8.11, Strain Measurement.) Tb calibrate the Model XL: a. Press STRAIN key on Basic Panel to activate the Strain 2 channel (No.2 lamp should be lit). Figure ~DEL 8-6. b. With the Model meter mounted in position, remove men, if installed. Model XL Extensometer Mounted on a Model 420 Loading Frame 4201/4202 (A) 8-2 XL extensothe testing test speci- OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM c. Attach to calibration at or gage 20 STRAIN BAL lamp liqhts. extensometer clamps (T463-S4) mark (1.0 in. rod length n. Press ENTER. After about 3 seconds, STRAIN BAL la8P goes out and balance function is completed. DIm). d. Press STRAIN BAL key. The STRAIN BAL lamp lights. 8 .14 MI~ II MTA 1W)CES~R L(p.D 111mSTRAIR CALIBRATIOR e. Press ENTER. After about 3 seconds, the STRAIN BAL lamp goes out indicating that balance function is completed. 8.14.1 When the Instron Microcon II option (see Section 3.6.4) is used with a 4200 system, a Microcon f. Press STRAIN CAL key. The STRAIN CAL lights and the Basic Panel Display is blank, indicating that the extensometer is non-self identifyinq. Interface The STRAIN i. Unclamp upper extensometer am aoo move it to the calibration position on the rod (10 in. or 200 mm). j. Key in value on calibration The use of Press ENTER. After about 6 seconds, STRAIN CAL lamp qoes out, the display goes blank and calibration is oompleted. k. Remove extensometer m. Press with the STRAIN from MODEL 4201/4202 in the II with a - Overview Calibration of the load and strain Channels in a 4200 series systea can be done either electrically or mechanically, as described The (A) Microcon 8.14.2 Calibration device. BAL key. installed 4200 system requires a simple procedure to establish a ComJlMJn lo~ and strain transducer calibration between the two instruments. calibration rod and clamp it onto specimen at gage length, as described in the manual supplied is All data is stored in Microcon I I until overwritten b¥ the next test or main IX>wer is shut off. A tape cassette option allows the parameters for a test seQuence and calculations bo be permanently stored, eliminatinq the need to enter data manually. rod (10.00 in. or 200.0 mm) or 1000% on the keyboard, depending upon the operating mode (as in Step 9 above). 1. Board 4200 control console. This board enables the "icrocon II to sense ranged load and strain data occurring during a test. with this data and additional parameters whidh a user keys into the instrument pcior to a test, the Microcon II automatically computes values of load, elongation, stress, strain and energy at the peak, fail, and break points of a specimen. Additional options determine offset yield, compute three types of modulus, provide data at up to ten preset lX>ints and provide statistical analysis on all measured variables. g. Key in the maximum strain (') or range (in. or mm) of the extensometer on the keypad, depending upon the operating mode (Section 8.11.2). For example: enter 1000 for 1000', 10.00 for 10 in., 200.0 for 200 DIm. h. Press ENTER. CAL lamp stays lit. Introduction 8-22 OPERATI!K; AN EXPANDED SYS~ in Sections 7.5, 8.12 and 8.13. Table 8-6. Calibration of the Microcon II load or strain channels for use with a 4200 system can also involve produc- ing a calibration electrically or signal Calibration 4200 Series Signal Load Cells either mechanically. Initially, zero and balance key sequences are entered on the Microcon II to set a reference point. Then a calibrated load or strain signal is generated from the 4200 system, and this is entered into the Microcon II by another key sequence to set a canmon level between the two systems. *To convert newtons: 1. Multiply by 0.2248089 obtain ~unds. 2. Multiply by 0.1019716 obtain kilograms. The following procedures assume that an optional interface board and cabling for use with the Microcon II have been properly installed in the 4200 series system. The user should be familiar with the operation of the Microcon II. Complete instructions are supplied with the unit. 8.14.3 a. Calibrate load channel Section 7.5.2 to to the 4200 series as described in for Self Identi- fying Load Cells. The load should remain at zero. If grips and fixtures are installed, be sure to balance the system (Section 7.6). Electrical Calibration of Load Channel for a Self Identified Load Cell A calibration signal must be entered into the Microcon II during a load channel calibration procedure. The value of the signal depends upon the type of load cell installed and the system of operating units in use, as shown in Table 8-6. This signal must be entered correctly to obtain a valid calibration. b. Select units in use on the Microcon II to be the sane as the 4200 system (SI - newtons, metric - kil~rams, English pounds). c. Set zero and balance conditions by entering following key sequences on Microcon II: NOl'E T 1. 2. (SET] [SET] [SHIFT] [LOAD] [YES) [0] [LOAD] [0] [YES] The voltage, generated when the calibration relay in a self identifying load cell is closed (Step d. below), is the same as would be produced by an applied load equal to 50% of the maximum capacity of the cell. This signal is always the SI equivalent value (newtons) for Whatever system of units is in use, as shown in d. On 4200 system, close the load cell calibration relay by pressing LOAD CAL key and then press 0 and ENTER on keypad. The LOAD CAL and LOAD BAL lamps will both be lit When this relay is closed. Table 8-6. bration MODEL 4201/4202 e. (A) 8-23 On Microcon load II, value enter for caliload OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM cell usil¥] in use (see key sequence: Table [SET) [LOAD) [(Va1ue)] 8-6) d. On the 4200 system, rehang the same calibration weight as in Step d of Section 7.5.3. [YES] e. To cxxnp1ete the procedure, IIOl"E enter the value of the calibration weight into Microcon II using the key sequence: The calibration signal appears on the LOAD readout of the ~tional Display Panel, if TRACK is enabled. f. I81()ftAft - Complete [SET) 8.14.5 the procedure ~ opening the calibration relay. Repeat the sequence used to close the relay: Press LOAD CAL, then press 0 and ENTER on the key- [(Value») [YES) Electrical Calibration of Load Channel for a Ron-Sel f Identified Load Cell The electrical calibration of the Microcon II load dhanne1 with a nonself identified 10c.3 cell insta11~ consists of usiD9 the calibration button on the load cell to produce a calibration 8i9na1, as follows: ~ The LOAD CAL and LOAD 8AL lamps will 90 out. A test can not be started when the calibration relay is closed. 8.14.4 [WAD) a. Calibrate the 4200 series load dhannel as described in Section 7.5.4 for the electrical calibration of non-self identified load cells. Be Mechanical Calibration of Load Cbannel for a Self Identified Load Cell The mechanical calibration of the Microcon II load dhannel with a self identified load cell installed consists of using a precision weight to produce a calibration signal, as in the following procedure. sure to balance the system. b. Select units in use on the Microcon I I to 00 the same as the 4200 system CSI - newtons, metric - kilograms, English pounds). a. Calibrate the 4200 series load channel as described in Section 7.5.3 for the mechanical calibration of self identified load cells. Be sure to balance the system. c. Set zero and balance conditions by entering following key sequences on Microcon II: 1. [SET] 2. [SET] b. Select units in use on the Microcon lIto be the same as the 4200 system (SI - newtons, metric - kilograms, English - equivalent to Microcon c. Set zero and balance conditions in the Microcon II by entering the following key sequences into the unit: 1. [SET] [SHIFT] [SET] [LOAD] K>DEL 4201/4202 [0] [0] [LOAD] [YES] (see II Table usi~ 7-1) the inkey sequence: [SET) [~D] (Value) ) [YES) e. Release calibration button. Procedure is completed. [YES] [YES] (A) [0] [WAD] [0] [YES] d. On the 4200 system, press and hold calibration button on load cell. Then enter the calibration signal wei~ht pounds). 2. [SHIFT] [LOAD] 8-24 OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYS~ 8.14.6 Mechanical Calibration of Load Channel for a Ron-Seif Identified Load Cell The mechanical calibration of the II load channel with a nonself identified load cell installed consists of using a precision weight to produce a calibration signal, as in the following procedure. a. Calibrate the 2630 series strain gage extensometer as described in Section 8.12.2. Microcon b. Set Microcon II to the Gage ~e. a. Calibrate the 4200 series load channel as described in Section 7.5.5 for the mechanical calibration of non-self identified load cells. Be Microcon I I to be the sane the extensometer CSI/metricmm, English - in.). sure d. to balance the c. system. Select Set units zero and in use balance on as condi- tions by entering following key sequences on Microcon II: b. Select units in use on the Microcon I I to be the same as the 4200 system (51 - newtons, metric - kilograms, English - 1. [SET) [SHIFT] [YES) [0] [ELONG] [0 ] [YES] pounds). 2. [SET] c. Set zero and balance conditions by entering following key sequences on Microcon II: 1. [SET] 2. [SET] [SHIFT] [LOAD] [0] [0] e. On Microcon the initial point by the [YES] [LOAD] [ELONG ] 1. [SET] [YES] II, [ELONG] e. To complete the t. [LOAD] [ (Value) procedure, ] On 4200 system, [YES] close the calibration relay in the extensometer ~ pressing STRAIN CAL key and then press 0 and ENTER on keypad. The STRAIN CAL and STRAIN BAL will both be lit when this relay is closed. enter the value of the calibration weight into Microcon II using the key sequence: [SET] 0 as [YES] 2. [SET) [ELONG] [0) d. On the 4200 system, rehang the same calibration weight as in Step 9 of Section 7.5.5. set calibration data key sequences: [YES) N(JrE 8.14.7 Blectrical Calibration of Strain Channel fior a Self Identified BzteDSO8eter The voltaqe, generated when the extensometer calibration relay is closed, is the same as would be produced by an applied strain equal to 100% of the maximum capacity of the extensometer. This strain A calibration signal must be entered into the Microcon II during a strain channel calibration procedure. The value of the signal depends upon the type of extensometer installed, the system of operating units in use (SI/metric - millimeters, English - inches) and the strain operating MODEL 4201/4202 mode (see signal value always an equivalent the system of opera- ting units in use and the strain operating mode (see Section 8.11.2). Section (A) is for 8-25 OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM g. On Microcon second II, calibration set data extensometer English - in.). the point by entering the maximum displacement (or' strain) value for the extensometer usi~ key sequence: [ELONG] [SET] [(Value)] [YES] The calibration si9nal appears on the STRAIN readout of the optional Display Panel, if TRACK is enabled. - ~ Canplete the Mechanical Calibration Strain Channel for All Extens<8eters The mechanical calibration Microcon II strain channel extensometer consists of displacing the extensOlteter duce a calibration signal, following of the II to 1. [SET] [ELONG] [YES] 2. [0) [SET) [ELONG ] [ELONG] set second [(Value) - Operational [YES] Rates 1. The readouts of test result values for load and strain should agree within l' between the 4200 series instrument, a Microcon II and other peripheral devices, such as a recorder aM printer. If values are not within this accuracy, the user should recalibrate each device. the Gage d. Select units in use on Microcon II to be the same as (A) [YES] 8.14.9 MicrCXX)O II at I1K>de. MODFL 4201/4202 [YES] i. To (X)Inplete the procedure, remove extensometer from the fixture and clamp it to the specimen at gage length. Press the STRAIN BAL key on the 4200 system and then press ENTER on keypad. key and ENTERon keyboa cd. Set Microcon [0] [SET] gage length on the calibration fixture and press STRAIN BAL c. 2. [SET] [ELONG] calibration data p>int by entering value that extensometer was displaced in Step 9 above, using key sequence: of the for any manually to proas in the extensometer [EWNG] h. On Microcon II, procedure. Set [0) g. Adjust extensometer with, or on, the fixture to the displacement required for calibration. This would be at the maximum displacement of the extensometer, or to a 1esser value to obtain the most accurate calibration. a. Calibrate the extensometer as described in the mechanical calibration procedure of Section 8.12.3 or 8.12.4, except do not remove the extensometer fran the fixture. b. 1. [SET) [SHIrr) [YES] f. On Microcon II, set 0 as the initial calibration data point ~ the key sequences: procedure by q>ening the calibration relay. Repeat the sequence used to close the relay: Press STRAIN CAL, then press 0 and ENTER on keypad. The STRAIN CAL and STRAIN BAL lamps will 90 out. A test can not be started when the calibration relay is closed. 8.14.8 - rom, e. Set zero and balance conditions by entering following key sequences on Microcon II: NO'l'B h. (SI/metric 8-26 OPERATI~ AN EXPANDED SYST~ 2. A printer should be connected to the Microcon II rather than the 4200 series instrument. Thi8 will allow reading out the additional test data that is available from Microcon II. An J. If the Microcon II is to be used with a 4200 serie. system that includes the Limits Panel option, the break detection, load limit and extension (elongation) functions should be set up on the Microcon II rather than on the Limits Panel. These functions should be maintained in the default state (Table 6-5) on the Liaits Panel to avoid possible interference between the two units. 1MPOR'l'AB'r see the IMIIOftAft ~ If the 4200 systea (except the Microcon II) is powered down for some reason at this time (before YES or RBJ has been selected), then is restarted, a 8fault8 condition will be indicated on the Basic Panel Display at the conclusion of the Self Test Routine. The second character of the four Self-Test Status characters displayed will be either a 828 or a 8p8, which indicates a fault in the Crosshead Control board (see 8Self Test Routine8 in Olapter 6). This 8fault8 condition aakes the 4200 system inoperable, and is a result of the control of the syste. by the Microcon II. Tb recover scribed from the condition above: select 8.15 8)I'B PIP ~L The capability of event marking the load signal while it is being recorded is provided through the use of a PIP jack (J6) on the loading frame connector panel. A pip control device connected to J6 will produce a s8all rapid deflection, or .pip., of the recorder pen. The resulting mark on the chart serves as a convenient reference or .event marker. for indicating points of interest on a load-elongation curve for a test specimen. de- [YES] or [REJ] (C) that Tb recover fr08 the condition of unwanted crosshead motion as descr ibed in the IMPORTANT NOTE above: first, select [YES] or [R&J] on the Microcon II, as applicable for the previous test, then, return to gage length (press RBTORN on the control panel of the 4200 series console) and start the new test. on the Microcon II, as applicable, then press [REJ] on the 4200 system keyboard. The Self Test Routine will repeat, and the fault condition will clear. MODEL 4201/4202 solution Always select [YES) or [REJ) before starting another test when operating in the Statistics 8Ode of the Microcon II. If another test is attempted to be started before entering [YES) or [REJ), the crosshead of the 4200 series instrument will move a saa11 amount in the test direction before the Microcon II assumes control and locks out further motion. This crosshead movement is proportional to the selected crosshead speed. It can be up to 0.015 in. with a crosshead speed of 20 in./_in (or up to 0.35 mm with a crosshead speed of 500 _I_in). 4. When the Statistics 8Ode of the Microcon II is in use and a test has just been coapleted, the following message appears on the Microcon II display if another test is attempted to be star ted : ENTER LAST? YES OR REJ? This message has to be answered before another test will be permit- ted. (Also below.) alternative would prevent the 8fault8 condition from occurring, is to first clear the control of the system by the Microcon II by selecting [YES] or [RBJ], then restart the 4200 system. 8-27 OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM The pip height is factory set at approximately 2' of full scale on a 250 mm (10-inch) wide chart (0.2 volt peak amplitude), and has a duration of 50 ms. The amplitude is not affected by the automatic ranging of the load signal. Control device options include a Remote Manual Pushbutton (Instron Catalog No. 2310-516), an XL Elastomeric Extensometer (Section 8.13), or an Incremental Extensometer (Section 8.16). 8. 16 IRCB.'D4mfTAL The Instron Incremental Extensometer option (Figure 8-7) is used to measure strain in highly extensible materials. The extensoaeter consists of two lightweight sections which are clipped onto a specimen at a 1-inch gage length. Equally- spaced segments on a printed circuit tape cause contact between the two sections to make and break as they are drawn apart during an elongation test. The extensometer plugs into the PIP jack (J6) on the connector panel of the 4200 series loading frame. Each time the circuit is closed, a pip is marked on the recorder chart, as described in Section 8.15. The accurate spacing of the contacts on the tape pre-prograa the pips, which correspond to discrete increments of specimen extension. MODEL 4201/6202 (C) Figure 8-7. Printed 1°', 5°' Incremental Extensometer Ik>unted on Specimen tapes and are 1°°' available for increments of strain for the extensometer. Contact the nearest Instron Regional Sales Office for additional details. 8-28 OPERATING AN EXPANDED SYSTEM 9 . 0 MATERIAIQ 'l'BS'l'Ia; WRK SHEET S~IMBR Material (Type, Ident. BatChl- Date No. TEST PURPOSE AND OOBDITIORS Test Type Tests Results Required TBS'.r QJIPMENT Loading Frame Load Printer Microcon Other Special Fixtures Operating Units Accessories, '1'EST E(JJIPMmtT SB-mP Grips Cell Computer II (IEEE Interface) and Equipment ~qiish, Load Cell or Non-Self Identified) (Elect. or Mech) Control Testing Crosshead Travel Area Crosshead (Max. Gage Lengfh(Mln) Autoprint Compensation (Sample No. & Setting) Preset Energ~ ( Enabled/Drs-afii- MODEL 4201/4202 Gage Length Speed Stops EXtension Limit Area S.l. Calibration (Self Crosshead Metric, (Enabled/Disabled) Points (Enabled/Disabled) ed) (8) 9-1 MATERIALS TESTING WORK SHEET Materials K>IEL Testing 4201/4202 Work Sheet (continued) 9-2 MATERIALS TESTING ~RK SHEET APPaDIXA I~I~ m 'l'BS"rING A.1 CZHERAL sion aoo strain be JlK)nitored aid Panel option permits minimun aoo maxim~ travel limits of the crosshead to be controlled at selected load, extension or strain values. This enables cyclic evaluations of materials during relaxation aoo recovery. The Limits Panel can also provide rapid return of the crosshead to gage length after break for repetitive specimen testir¥J. 'n1e purlX>se of this appendix is to provide the basic requirements that are essential in planning a materials testing procedure. These include the applications of the testing instrument, determining load requirements, gripping techniques, setting gage length, choosing a testing speed and the use of area caapensation. A glossary of terms defining the mechanical properties and tests applicable to a 4200 series system is included as Appendix B for the convenience of the user. Additionally, each 4200 series instrument has built-in preset points and integration capabilities for the evaluation of energy related properties, such as tensile energy The ~erican SOciety for Testi~ Materials (ASTM) annual book of standards oontains complete p[ocedurea regardi~ specil8en preparation and testi~ for virtually all types of materials. These standards are universally accepted b¥ industry, and should be consulted for more detailed information. A.2 APPLI~IONS IBftmMBH'r OF A 4200 absorption (TEA) am elastic lus. The wide variety testiI'M3' applications series systea includes: Plastics - perform ~u- of materials for a 4200 tests to AS"DI- D638 and ASTM-D1623 to obtain tensile strength, percent elongation, Imdulus of elasticity, aoo peak and break values of load aoo strain. Perform flexural tests to AS'DI-D790 for parameters such as maximum force, maximum fiber stress, flexural strength, tangent aoo secant Imdulus, aoo stress at specified strain. Use area canpensation aoo peak readouts to enable pr intouts of maxiBum force or stress values. Other typical tests include: AS'DI0695 aoo D1621 for compression, D732 for shear strength, D1004 for tear resistance1 aoo D1894 for friction. SBRIBS nte test capabilities of a 4200 series instrwnent range fran simple tension or caapression testil'MJ with a recording of spect.en loadil'MJ versus time, to more advanced techniques, includingz modulus tests, relaxation-recovery, and cyclic evaluations involving detailed calculations and data analysis. ntis flexibility is possible due to a broad selection of options available for use with a basic 4200 system. Wire, foil and sheet metal - determine the tensile stre~th of S)lid wire, electrical cables, and thin sheet metal components. Also, in canpression, test for crush resistance and insulation cut throughs. Obtain offset yield evaluations For example, with the recorder am printer options, graphic plots am recordings of load versus extension or strain can be obtained. The Display Panel option allows the peak and break parameters of load, exten- I«>DEL 4201/4202 to The Limits stored. A- INTRODUcrI~ ro TESTING using the optional Microcon II psi Data Analyzer or the HP-85 Computer. Some ASTM tests in this category include: E8 for metals1 E132 for Poisson's ratioJ E345 for metallic foil, D2633 for thermoplastic insulationJ and D1351 for polyethylene insulation. kg/m2 x m2 kgf (kilograms-force) = newtons Specimen geometry: standard AS'lH tensile configuration. Material: Lexan Tensile strength: (from a materials 5200 psi handbook) Specimen area: 0.502 inches wide x 0.125 inches thick = 0.063 in2. Tensile 8tre~th: x 0.063 in2 - 5200 328 lbf psi Therefore, in this example, the 5 kN (1000 lb, 500 kg) capacity lo~ cell should be installed. If an approximate value of tensile strength cannot be obtained, then always use the highest capacity lo~ cell preliminary determine A.4 initially am perform test at a slow speed the lo~ range required. SBL~IC8 (p a to QUPS The selection of grips (see Appendix C) depends upon the material, geometry and strength of the test specimen. But the tensile stre~th of the test specimen should be a primary consideration. If, for example, a material has a tensile stre~th of 500 lbf, then the pneumatic grips should not be used as these grips are designed for loads not exceeding 200 lbf. Always determine the capacity of the grips bei~ used prior to a test and do not overload test fixtures. lmQUIRmIBNTS 'ft\e selection of a 10m cell is the first step in preparing for a tension or compression test. If the approximate tensile (or compressive) strength of the specimen is known, the choice of load cell is simplified. If the tensile strength of the material is not known, refer to a Properties of Materials haoobook to obtain a close figure. To calculate the tensile strength in force units for a specimen, multiply its tensile strength by its cross-sectional area. For example: K>DEL 4201/4202 = (pounds-force) Example: Textiles perfo~ tenacity and stretch tests of fabrics, yarns am cords. Determine load at set elongation (LASE) using preset points. Apply area compensation to obtain load value relationships to units such as grams/denier. Use the computer option to obtain complete statistical analyses of test results. Typical ASTM textile-related tests applicable to a 4200 series instrument include: D458 for .man-made fibersz 02256 for yarn1 02653 for elastomeriC~ yarns 1 and 02263 for grab tests of automotive fabrics. u.D lbf x m2 Pascals Rubber - perform tests to AST~D412 to obtain peak am break values of lo.s aoo extension. Use preset points for modulus values, and integrate the load/elongation curve to obtain energy values. Measure strain usil¥J crosshe.s extension or an ~tional long-travel or ~tical extensometer. Also, test for tear resistance to ASTM-D624 and test O-rings to ASTM-D1414. A.3 x in2. Examples of 9rippi~ are shown in Table A-1. A-2 techniques In many INTROoocrI~ ro TESTING '-" A-1. Table ,Specimen IMaterial ! I Max. Breakir19 Load (pounds) Specimen Geanetry Screw-action action with 100 or pneumaticx 2. flat 1- Plastic Films 18 wide 100 Same as above. Also, line contact faces can be used. Ri9id 18 wide x 0.58 thick 1000 Wedge-action or screw-action with serrated faces. .002 to diameter .060. 200 Screw-action or pneumaticaction with 1- x 2- flat faces or 1- x 2- serrated faces. .002 .198 350 Pneumatic cord aoo yarn 1000 Screw-action or pneumatichydraulic with flat faces. 150 Elastomeric Wire and Sheet Metal Cord and wide Types of Gr ips I Paper Plastics I Techniques Gripping to ,. faces. diameter Yarn Fabrics 1- wide or wide strip Elastomers .125 to 4- .250. wide basis for calculatiI¥3 percent eloI¥3at ion and in determiniI¥3 specimen strain rate, hence, it can seriously affect the test results. cases the operator has to experiment with several gripping techniques to eliminate or minimize slippage in the grips. For grips with interchangeable faces, such as the screwaction and pneumatic-action types, the serrated, flat and rubber-coated f~es can be tried to determine the best grippil'¥J Sanetimes method. A.5 BSTABLISBIRG GAGE LBNQl'B The gage length used for a tensile test refers to the original length of the specimen or the initial distance between the grips. Whereas for a canpression test, it refers to the original height of the specimen, assuming the anvil and compression table are both initially in contact with the specimen. A.6 ~~Iat choice of gage CW'l'BSTI8; ~BBi) The selection of a testing (or crosshead) speed depends upon the material being teste! am the type of test. Materials that are very stiff, such as metals am rigid Establishing gage length is one of the JOOst important decisions to be made when performing tension tests. Gage length is used as a MODEL 4201/4202 the length is dictated by the available length of the material. Although commonly used gage lengths fi)r paper, plastic film, wire, cord and yarns are fran 4 to 10 inches (100 to 250 mID). In general: establish the largest possible gage length, consistent with the capacity of the testing instrument, in order to increase the sensitivity and ~curacy of the elongation measurement. plastics, A-3 should be tested at a slow INTR)DUcrIOO ro TESTING speed. The other extreme is highly extensible materials, such as elastomers, Which are tested at a fast speed, generally 20 inches per minute (500 mm/min). For materials in between these two extremes, an intermediate speed should be used. Table A-2 lists a range of speeds used to test various materials. the plastic film The use of area For certain materials the specimen strain rate is specified rather than a testing speed. But once the gage length (G.L.) has been established, the testing speed can be Testing Speed - Strain a 4200 series L. rate. Rate x G.L. area (in English for units, example) L Plastic S film A Gage length: in the MODEL 4201/4202 . - - Load in pounds Stress in psi Cross-sectional area (in2) 10 inches example, When an area c08pensation value is entered that corresponds to the cross-sectional area of a specimen, the load dlannel gain is divided by the mantissa: that is, by a number nor.alized between 1.000 and 9.999. As a result, the digital load signal test to the optional Strain rate (from designated test procedure): 0.5 in/in/min Testing speed = 0.5 in/in/min x 10 in. - 5.0 in/min Therefore, perform system, values are entered as a (mantissa) and an expon- S x A or S - L/A where EXAMPLE Specimen: original crossthe specimen. relatinq force where area compenused, include the or fiber to detergrams per denier. of ent usin9 two key sequences, as described in Section 7.8.4. Increasin9 the mantissa values from between 1.000 to 9.999 proportionally <Jecreases the sensitivity of the load ~i9hiD9 system. For exuple, increasiD9 the value frail 1.000 to 2.000 decreases load sensitivity by 1/2' S) that twice as nKlch loadiD9 on the test specimen will be required for full scale stress response. The load-stress relationship is expressed by the formula: A. 7 8"l'RA.IR RM'B strain compensation when testing specimens of different cross-sectional area allows the load signal to be calibrated in terms of stress, or similar units relating force and specimen size. Stress is def ined as the load on a specimen In the in/_in. A.B.1 ~cription compensation base number from 5.0 A.8 AREA CDMPmISATI<M divided by the sectional area Other applications and specimen size sation could be testing of yarn mine tenacity in calculated at this tensile on (A) A-4 LOADdisplay and the INTRODUCTION ro TESTJNG analog load signal to a recorder are both normalized with respect to stress. This allows calibration of the recorder scale in terms of stress (normalized), with the full scale value easily changed by se- lecting Panel. value these values for Full Scale into the Stress: 7.50 x 10 lb 0.0750 equation - 1000 psi in2 a , RANGE on the Recorder When the normalized area for each additional specimen is entered, the recorder scale remains calibrated. Thus, each specimen can easily be compared as all plots are on the same stress scale. A.8.2 Deteraining If the' RANGE"were changed to 20 20) in the above example, (L.R. - the Full Scale Stress would be 2000 psi. !his would overload the load cell {see Section A.8.3 Liaitations Stress Ranqe A._8_~3~ Due ~ Load Cell C~ity The stress range indicated ~ full scale on a recorder dlart may be determined from the following The maximum allowable stress within the capacity of a load cell is determined by: L.C. equation: Maximum Allowable Stress - A A.C. x L.R. Full Scale Stress = where: acity A where: A.C. L.R. of = Area Compensation valuethe normalized base number (mantissa) of the specimen cross-sectional area. - on the Recorder 8 Cross-sectional of specimen Area Panel. (actual) (A) SmaxXA x100 This 1«>uld be equal to 13' for the example of a 100-lb capacity load cell and a specimen area = 0.075 in2. Hence, 10' is the highest' RANGE that could be used for calibrating a recorder to Full Scale Stress. scale stress -Do not use a full range that exceeds the maxim~m allowable stress. In some cases it may not be possible, aM only part of the recorder scale can be used without overloading the cell. Under this condition, it is better to use a higher capacity load cell. Set the mantissa of the area compensation to 7.50, that is, normalize the base number of the specimen area to a value between 1.000 and 9.999. A 100-lb capacity load cell with the % RANGE set at 10% has a full scale load range of 10 lb. Substituting 4201/4202 area A.C. x L.C. Example: Assume a specimen has an Area - 0.075 in2J that a 100-lb capacity load cell is installedJ and a 10' RANGE has been selected on the Recorder Panel. Determine the full scale stress reading as follows: K)DEL maximum cap- cross-sectional specimen. , RANGE = A = Load Cell A = For example, for a 100-lb load cell, and an Area = 0.075 in.2, the maximum allowable stress would be 1333 psi. Thus, to determine the highest 'RANGE to use that will not exceed the maximum allowable stress (Smax)' use the equation: Load Range - in pounds (g or kg, N or kN). Load range is determined by the load cell in use and the' RANGE selected L.C. and A-S INTRODUCTION ro TESTING A.9 CHART M~IFICM'IC8 When using a chart recorder a time base, the chart or speed should be selected to convenient record length test. A record of 5 to 15 (125 to 375 Jam> is sufficient, it can be as long as desired. with X-axis give a for a inches but Crosshead Figure A-1. The chart magnification is the ratio of the chart speed to crosshead speed, Magnification Chart Ratio Time Axis -- Crosshead speed . Gage length = = x, ext./min. 10 in. x 100'/min. 10 in/min. A 10-inch dtart record is desired for the expected test duration of 1/2-minute (time expected to reach ultimate extension). Therefore, the chart ti~ axis should travel 20 inches in 1-minute, am a chart speed of 20 in/.in is required. Then, By the use of chart magnification, the chart time axis can indicate the displacement of the crosshead in either a reduced or magnified manner. An application of Magnification Ratio is shown in the typical load-displacement curve of - 10 in Gage length ratio (M) ti~ axis that is: 20 in/min 10 in/min (M) Each inch of the time-drive iooicate: Speed ,- 1 Speed - crosshead To determine of total strain the chart: Ratio and then the required. alo~ will - Crosshead M speeds, dtart, axis, 1 The following example illustrates the selection of chart time axis and Magnification .2 M = 2 displacement (In.) the percentage directly fran Example: , Material , extension/minute Ultimate extension Nylon 100% 50% Strain . Chart displacement - M x Gage (approximate) x 100 le~th ~ MODEL 4201/4202 A-6 INTRODUcrI~ ro TESTING ~ - ::U"If$t .. m .# 1tm~ +tt:r4 , , Iffi ' ~:*dW ~ ~~~~~+ !it II ti~;rj:ft:i '-t W : IZ w ~ w 1lrflilt1{j , ~ ~ I , t :_'f!;t1j,~j-:;,-;~ ~ 0'" 0 m I - imttF , ~, df.tft ~ ffi 50 0 100 LOAD, POUNDS Figure MODEL 4201/4202 A-1. Typical Load-Displacement Chart Showing Magnification Ratio A-7 INTRODUClION ro TESTING ...J