1957-66 Trucks / Econoline
1957-66 Trucks / Econoline
Headlight Doors see pg.68 for details 1957-66 TRIM PARTS MOLDED PLASTICS DIE CAST WEATHERSTRIPPING TRUCK #1 Ford Licensed Manufacturer of Restoration Ford Par ts ECONOLINE Parts for all your Econoline needs! Pgs. 130-145 HUB CAPS HUB CAP PLASTIC CENTER HUB CAPS PART # 6A-1130-A PIC (A) 6A-1130-AS DESCRIPTION - F1, F100 - Stainless - 8” dia. 48-60 25.00 ea. 48-60 100.00 set 61-65 30.00 ea. (B) - F100 - Stainless C6AZ-1130-G (C) - 15” dia. - Stainless & Black w/ Red center - F100/250 - 4x4 - Rear only - F100/150 - 4x4 - Rear only - F100/150 - 2WD - Frt & Rear (D) PRICE - F1, F100 - set of 4 - 8” dia. C1TZ-1130-SS C7TZ-1130-H YEAR - 15” Anodized Aluminum F100/250 - 4x4 Front Only F100/150 - 4x4 Front Only F100/150 Part Time 4x4 Front Only PART # PIC YEAR PRICE C6AZ-1141-A (E) Hub Cap Plastic Center - For C6AZ-1130-G Hub Cap 66-77 40.00 ea. C7TZ-1141-H (F) Hub Cap Plastic Center Ring - For C7TZ-1130-H Hub Cap 66-77 40.00 ea. 95.00 ea. DESCRIPTION 67-72 73-77 69-72, 77 67-72 73-76 77 95.00 ea. F E A OUTER BEAUTY RINGS PART # B PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Outer Beauty Ring have a smooth contoured face & are stainless steel. 6A-18303-15 6A-18303-16 (G) Outer Beauty Ring - 15”......................................... - 16” ........................................ 25.00 ea. 25.00 ea. G C D 9 9 FRONT HUB FRONT HUB GREASE CAP PART # B5A-1131-A B5A-1131-A LF-1131-A PIC (A) (B) DESCRIPTION Front Hub Grease Cap - 1 25/32” I.D. - F100 - 4 x 2 - F250 - 4 x 2 - F250 - 4 x 2 FRONT HUB BEARING AND RACES YEAR 57-68 57-64 65-72 PRICE PART # 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. 3.50 ea. FRONT WHEEL GREASE SEAL PART # B7C-1190-A C7TZ-1190-D PIC (C) (D) DESCRIPTION Front Wheel Grease Seal - F100 - F100 YEAR B7C-1201-A B5A-1216 B7C-1202-A B5A-1217 B-1202 PIC 57-67 57-67 10.00 ea. 9.50 ea. (G) (H) Front Wheel Bearing Race - Inner - F100 - Outer - F100 - Outer -Stamped 15250 - F500-600 57-67 57-67 48-62 8.00 ea. 8.00 ea. 10.00 ea. 57-67 14.00 ea. 32-66 0.25 ea. Front Bearing & Race Assembly - Inner - F100 - Includes (1) B7C-1201-A (1) B7C-1202-A 6.00 ea. 10.00 ea. D PRICE (E) (F) PRICE 72054-S LUG YEAR Front Wheel Bearing - Inner - F100 - Outer - F100 B7C-1203-S 57-64 65-67 DESCRIPTION (J) Cotter Pin for Front Wheel PART B-1012 P-1012 C J VALV PAR 8A-170 E G F H A B 10 55-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT RICE .00 ea. .50 ea. LUG NUT LUG NUT PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR B-1012 (K) Lug Nut 32-72 P-1012 (L) Wheel Nut Protectors To be used inside socket to protect chrome lug nuts Includes; (1) for 3/4" lug nut (1) for 13/16" lug nut ALL .00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. PRICE 0.50 ea. 5.00 pr. .00 ea. K .25 ea. L VALVE STEM EXTENSION PART # 8A-1705 PIC DESCRIPTION Valve Stem Extension - 3/4” long - set of 4 YEAR PRICE 1.00 set 11 11 MASTER CYLINDER PART # MISC BRAKE LIGHT SWITCHES MASTER CYLINDER ASSEMBLY PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B9C-2140 (A) Master Cylinder Assembly - F100 57-60 125.00 ea. C1TZ-2140 (B) Master Cylinder Assembly - F100 61-66 125.00 ea. PART # PIC 01A-13480 DESCRIPTION Brake Light Switch YEAR PRICE 40-66 6.00 ea. A PAR B5A-20 C0MMC0MM- B5A-20 C1SS-2 B5A-20 BRAKE DRUMS B MASTER CYLINDER REPAIR KITS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR B9C-2004 - F100 57-60 30.00 ea. - F250(4x2) & (4x4) B500-600 57-60 12.00 ea. - F-100 61-66 25.00 ea. (C) PIC TAAA-1125-A (H) C4TZ-1126 (I) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Front Brake Drum - F100 53-63 150.00 ea. Rear Brake Drum - F1, F100 48-67 150.00 ea. PRICE B9D-2004-A C1TZ-2004 PART # BRA PAR 7C-206 C4TZ-2 C I H MASTER CYLINDER CAP & GASKET YEAR PRICE 1A-2162-A PART # (D) PIC Master Cylinder Cap - Plastic - F100-850 DESCRIPTION 53-60 35.00 ea. 8M-2167 (E) Master Cylinder Cap Gasket - F100-F800 53-62 2.00 ea. BRA PART 10-200 55-220 D E MASTER CYLINDER WASHERS PART # PIC 91A-2151 91A-2152 (F) (G) F 12 DESCRIPTION Master Cylinder Brass Washer - Inlet Washer - Outlet Washer YEAR 57-60 57-60 PRICE 1.00 ea. 1.00 ea. G 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT PRICE .00 ea. BRAKE MISCELLANEOUS BRAKE PARTS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR B5A-2035-A (N) C0MM-2036-A (O) C0MM-2035-A (P) Brake Retracting Spring - F100 - (2) per wheel - F100 Primary - (1) per wheel - F100 Secondary - (1) per wheel 48-63 64-72 64-72 3.00 ea. 4.00 ea. 4.00 ea. B5A-2049 C1SS-2049 (Q) Brake Adjusting Screw Spring - F1, F100 - 1 per wheel - Front or Rear - F100 48-63 64-72 8.00 ea. 12.50 ea. B5A-2041-S (R) 48-60 14.00 ea. Star Wheel Adjusting Screw Assy. - F1, F100 - 1 per wheel FRONT N PRICE Q J RICE REAR N P O .00 ea. R .00 ea. BRAKE SHOE HOLD DOWN KIT PART # PIC 7C-2065-S C4TZ-2065-S (S) DESCRIPTION Brake Shoe Hold Down Kit - F1, F100 - F100 YEAR PRICE 48-60 64-67 10.00 kit 17.00 kit Q R J N Q S R BRAKE SHOES & LININGS - Does 1 Axle PART # PIC 10-2001 55-2201 T (T) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE FRONT Brake Shoe & Lining Set - F1,F100 - (4) Pieces - 11” x 2” 48-67 50.00 set REAR Brake Shoe & Lining Set - F1,F100 - (4) Pieces - 11” x 1 3/4” 48-67 55.00 set BRAKE ADJUSTING HOLE COVER PART # H-2092 8A-2092 JU PIC (U) (V) DESCRIPTION Brake Adjusting Hole Cover - Steel - Rubber YEAR 48-63 64-72 PRICE 3.00 ea. 0.50 ea. V 13 13 BRAKE BRAKE HOSES - FRONT WHEEL CYLINDER ASSEMBLY PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE 8C-2061 8C-2062 Front Wheel Cylinder Assy. - F1 - Right - F100 - Left C1TT-2062 C1TT-2061 Front Wheel Cylinder Assy. - F100 Before Serial #260,001 - Left - Right 61-62,64 61-62,64 75.00 ea. 75.00 ea. 48-60 48-60 42.50 ea. 42.50 ea. C5TZ-2062 C5TZ-2061 (A) Front Wheel Cylinder Assy. - F100 - Left - F100 - Right 65-67 65-67 48.00 ea. 48.00 ea. 8A-2261 8A-2262 (B) Rear Wheel Cylinder Assy. - F100 - Right - 7/8” - F100 - Left - 7/8” 55-72 55-72 36.00 ea. 36.00 ea. Rear Wheel Cylinder - 1 1/4” Dia. - F350 - Right - 1 1/4” Dia. - F350 - Left 53-66 53-66 30.00 ea. 30.00 ea. TCAA-2261-A TCAA-2262-A PART # PIC B7C-2078 (D) YEAR PRICE - F100 - 16 1/16” long DESCRIPTION 57-60 25.00 ea. C1TT-2078 - F100 - 18 9/32” long 61-64 28.00 ea. C3TZ-2078-C - F600-950 - 23 1/4” long 61-66 14.50 ea. C5TZ-2078 - F100 - 17 3/4” long 65-71 36.00 ea. - F350 - 18 5/8” long 65-66 19.00 ea. C5TZ-2078-B (E) STEE B7C-22 B7C-22 D B7C-22 B A STEE E C5TZ-2 WHEEL CYLINDER REPAIR KITS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C5TZ-2 1 Kit does 1 Wheel A8C-2221 Front Wheel Cylinder Repair Kit - 1 1/16 - F100 - ex. 1963 48-67 10.00 ea. 8A-2128 C1TZ-2221-A Rear Wheel Cylinder Repair Kit 7/8 - F100 - ex. 1963 - 1 1/8” Dia. - F250 - ex. 1963 55-72 57-64 10.00 ea. 8.00 ea. (C) BRAKE HOSES - REAR PART # 8A-2078 PIC YEAR PRICE (G) - F100 - 17 1/2” long 48-60 30.00 ea. - F100 - 18 1/4” long 61-65 26.00 ea. (H) - F100 - 18 5/8” long 66-72 46.00 ea. C1TT-2282 C5TZ-2282 DESCRIPTION C5TZ-2 H C G 14 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT PRICE .00 ea. .00 ea. .50 ea. .00 ea. BRAKE CLUTCH/BRAKE PEDAL PADS PART # .00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Ready for Installation B7C-2269-F Brake Lines - Front Axle - F100 57-60 Includes: - 3 pcs. (1 pc) Master Cylinder to Connector Block (2 pcs) Connecter Block to Left & Right Rubber Brake Hose 70.00 set B7C-2269-C Brake Line - Center - F100- 1 pc. - Connector Block to Rear Rubber Brake Hose 57-60 30.00 ea. B7C-2269-R Brake Lines - Rear Axle - F100 Includes: (2 pcs.) (1) - Connector Block to Right Wheel Cylinder (1) - Connector Block to Left Wheel Cylinder 57-60 34.00 ea. .00 ea. PRICE PART # STEEL BRAKE LINES - PRE BENT - 57-60 YEAR PRICE B7C-2457-PR (J) Clutch & Brake Pedal Pads 57-62 10.00 pr. B7A-2457-A (K) Clutch & Brake Pedal Pad - F100, F250 63-67 4.50 ea. K CLUTCH/BRAKE MASTER CLYINDER PUSH ROD BUSHING PART # DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION J STEEL BRAKE LINES - PRE BENT - 65-66 PART # PIC YEAR PIC B2A-2474-A DESCRIPTION YEAR - 1/8” long, F100-350 57-64 PRICE 5.00 ea. PRICE Ready for Installation C5TZ-2269-F Brake Lines - Front Axle - F100 65-66 Includes: - 3 pcs. (1 pc) Master Cylinder to Connector Block (2 pcs) Connecter Block to Left & Right Rubber Brake Hose 70.00 set C5TZ-2269-C-SB Brake Line - Center - F100- 1 pc. - Connector Block to Rear Rubber Brake Hose 65-66 30.00 ea. C5TZ-2269-R Brake Lines - Rear Axle - F100 Includes: (2 pcs.) (1) - Connector Block to Right Wheel Cylinder (1) - Connector Block to Left Wheel Cylinder 65-66 34.00 ea. CLUTCH/BRAKE PEDAL BUSHING PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR B7C-2461-A B7AZ-2471-A (L) (M) Brake & Clutch Pedal Bushing - 2 per pedal - F100-350 - Plastic - 2 per pedal - F100 - Plastic 57-65 66-72 6.00 ea. 1.00 ea. MA-7583-A (N) 57-66 2.00 ea. Brake Pedal Arm Bumper - F100, F1100 PRICE M N K L 15 15 PARKING BRAKE FRONT PARKING BRAKE CABLE ASSEMBLY PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR Includes Cable and Housing. Handle to Underneath Pick-up B9TT-2853-K (A) PARKING BRAKE CLIPS PRICE - F100 - 80-1/2” L for 110” Wheel Base 57-60 70.00 ea. B9TT-2853-L - F100,F250 - 118” Wheel Base - 88 1/2” L 57-60 70.00 ea. C1TT-2853-AA - F100 - 80-3/4” L - 250 4 x 2 61-64 65.00 ea. C5TZ-2853-P - F100 - 98” L - 250 4 x 2 65-66 65.00 ea. PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE 91A-2106 (D) Parking Brake Arm Clip - (2) per truck 48-72 0.75 ea. 8M-2814 (E) Park Brake Cable Clip - Original Tooling 57-64 2.00 ea. D E A PARKING BRAKE RELATED PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B9A-2454-A (F) Parking Brake Pedal Pad - For trucks with tilt cabs 63-72 8.00 ea. B7A-2628-B (G) Parking Brake Equalizer Rod 61-66 10.00 ea. 8A-2091 (H) Parking Brake Cable Adj. Nut - F100-250 57-60 5.25 ea. REAR PARKING BRAKE CABLE ASSEMBLY PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE - F100, F250 - F100,F250 - 135-1/2”-Takes (1) - 70” - Takes (2) 53-60 61-64 80.00 ea. 60.00 ea. - F100 - Left - F100 - Right 65-66 65-66 55.00 ea. 55.00 ea. F Center Yoke to Backing Plate TAAA-2275-A C1TT-2635-B (B) C5TZ-2A635-C C5TZ-2A635-D (C) B H G C 16 57-66 FORD TRUCK STEERING WHEEL HORN RING PARTS STEERING WHEEL PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B6C-3600-B (A) Steering Wheel w/o horn button - 3 spoke, black - 18” O.D. 56-60 200.00 ea. C3DZ-3600-A (B) Steering Wheel w/o horn button - 3 spoke in Black - 17” O.D. - F100-350 61-70 225.00 ea. Steering Wheel Nut - F100, F600 48-62 359553-S 2.50 ea. PART # PIC C0DZ-13A805-A (C) C3TZ-3649-A C3TZ-3649-B (D) (E) C0DZ-13A813-A (F) C0AF-13A821-A C20Z-13A821-A (G) HOR DESCRIPTION Horn Ring - F100/350 - Chrome - Custom Cab - does NOT include Emblem Horn Ring Emblem - Plastic - F100-350 - F100-250 - 4 x 2 Horn Ring Pressure Pad - Rubber Under Ring - Above Horn Index Plate Horn Blowing Ring Contact Brush Assembly - F350-1100 - F100-F250 - takes (2) YEAR PRICE 61-70 82.50 ea. 61-64 61-69 30.00 ea. 30.00 ea. 61-70 12.00 ea. 61-66 61-72 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. PA BAAA-3 BAAA-3 B6C-36 C3TZ-1 A C HORN PA B7A-138 D B8A-138 E C4AZ-1 B G F 18 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT HORN HORN BUTTONS PRICE .50 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. PART # HORN BUTTON PARTS PIC BAAA-3627 BAAA-3627-SS B6C-3627-A (H) (I) (J) C3TZ-13A805-C (K) DESCRIPTION Horn Button - Painted White - Polished Stainless - Painted Red Horn Button Assembly - F100-250 STD Cab YEAR PRICE PART # PIC 53-60 53-60 53-60 50.00 ea. 50.00 ea. 50.00 ea. A7TZ-13A807-A C0DZ-13A807-B (O) (P) 61-70 35.00 ea. C2DZ-13A809-A (Q) FAB-14308-A 7RC-14479 7RC-3631 .00 ea. H .00 ea. .00 ea. DESCRIPTION Horn Button Spring - F100-1100 - F100-250 YEAR PRICE 57-60 61-72 5.00 ea. 3.00 ea. Horn Button Index(Retainer) - Except 4-wheel drive - F100-F350 61-70 5.00 ea. (R) Horn Button Wire 48-60 12.00 ea. (S) Horn Button Index Spring 48-60 2.00 ea. (T) Horn Contact Plate -F100-350 48-60 5.00 ea. I J O Q P K T S HORN RELAY PART # PIC B7A-13853 (L) Horn Relay and Bracket 57 13.00 ea. B8A-13853 (M) Horn Relay and Bracket 58-67 17.50 ea. C4AZ-13853-A (N) Horn Relay and Bracket 65-72 17.50 ea. L DESCRIPTION M YEAR PRICE N R 19 19 STEERING BOX STEERING WORM GEAR & SHAFT PART # PIC B7C-3524-A (A) C1TT-3524-C DESCRIPTION PRICE - F100, F250 57-60 200.00 ea. B7C-3576-A (F) Steering Sector Shaft Bushing - Need Two - F100, F250 57-60 3.50 ea. - NOS - F100-350 (4x4) 61-63 200.00 ea. 8M-3591 (G) Sector Shaft Seal - F100, F250, F350 53-60 5.00 ea. PART # STEERING WORM BEARINGS & SEALS PART # STEE STEERING SECTOR PARTS YEAR PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR (B) Upper Race - F100, F250 48-60 14.00 ea. 8A-3553 (C) Lower Race - F100, F250 48-60 40.00 ea. 68-3571-A (D) Steering Worm Roller Bearing - Need Two - F100, F250 48-60 12.00 ea. 21C-3738-A (E) Steering Shaft Felt Seal - Comes in Kit #7C-3581 48-60 3.00 ea. DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE PAR C3DZ-3 B1AZ-3 STEERING BOX CORES PRICE B-3552 PIC PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Buildable original cores, has steering worm shaft cut off. Sold as is. B7C-3550-S (Z) Steering Box Core - F100 57-60 8M-352 D0TZ-3 25.00 ea. C5TZ-3 C5DZ-3 C5TZ-3 Z E G B A C D 20 F 55-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT STEERING BOX STEERING BEARINGS & RELATED PART # RICE .50 ea. .00 ea. PRICE . PIC C3DZ-3517-A DESCRIPTION (H) STEERING COLUMN SEALS YEAR Upper & Lower Steering Column Bearing - 4 x 2 F-100, F-250 57-66 PRICE 10.00 ea. B1AZ-3518-A (I) Upper & Lower Steering Column Bearing Sleeve Plastic - F100-600 57-66 12.00 ea. 8M-3520 (J) Upper Steering Column Bearing Spring 49-60 2.00 ea. D0TZ-3510-A (K) Lower Steering Column Bearing Seal & Retainer - 1 15/16” OD - 3/8” Thick - F100-350 65-72 5.00 ea. C5TZ-3508 (L) Steering Column Lower Bearing Cup Support - Flange must be welded in - F100/350 65-77 10.00 ea. C5DZ-3511-A (M) Steering Column Tube Flange Plate - Manual Transmission - F100-350 65-72 30.00 ea. Steering Column Gear Input Shaft Coupling - F100-350 65 30.00 ea. .00 ea. C5TZ-3A525-A PART # PIC B7C-3513 (N) Steering Column to Floor Seal DESCRIPTION 57-60 YEAR 5.00 ea. C1TZ-3513 (O) Steering Column to Floor Seal 61-64 12.00 ea. TAAA-3693 (P) Steering Column Anti-Squeak 53-60 3.00 ea. N PRICE O P STEERING BOX GASKET SET PART # PIC 7C-3581 DESCRIPTION Steering Box Gasket Set - F1, F2, F100/350 YEAR 48-60 PRICE 9.00 kit J I POWER STEERING BOX SEAL KIT PART # C6TZ-3E500-A PIC DESCRIPTION Power Steering Box Seal Kit - for Bendix Box - F100-250 YEAR 65-67 PRICE 50.00 ea. H K L M 21 21 STEERING TIE ROD ENDS KING PIN BOLT SET PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE PART # TAAA-3281 Spindle Bolt & Bushing Kits - Kit is for BOTH sides B7C-3111-A King Pin Bolt Set - F100 57-64 70.00 kit B7Y-3111-A King Pin Bolt Set - 3.8m Front Axle - F350 57-66 25.00 set C5TZ-3111-C (A) King Pin Bolt Set - F100 65 60.00 kit 11A-3289 11A-3290 C8TZ-3111-A (B) King Pin Bolt Set - F100 66-71 60.00 kit C5TZ-3A130-A 8M-3332 FRON PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE PAR (C) Tie Rod Tube - F100, F250 53-60 70.00 ea. C5TZ-3 (D) (E) Tie Rod End w/ seal & grease fitting - Fits All 1/2 Ton - Right Hand Threads - Left Hand Threads 35-64 35-64 15.00 ea. 15.00 ea. C5TZ-3 C5TZ-3 C7TZ-3 Left Inner Tie Rod End 65-71 48.25 ea. Tie Rod End Rubber Dust Cover - Truck except 122” W.B. 48-70 2.00 ea. (F) B C E D RADIU PAR D6TZ-3 A F STEERING DRAG LINKS PART # C5TZ-3304-C 22 PIC DESCRIPTION Steering Drag Link Assembly - Before Ser. # M00,001 - F100/250 YEAR PRICE 65-71 175.00 ea. 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT FRONT AXLE FRONT AXLE PIVOT BUSHING & RADIUS ROD BUSHINGS RADIUS ARM KIT PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE PART # PIC .00 ea. C5TZ-3B177-A (G) Front Axle Pivot Bushing - Twin I Beam -2 per truck -F100 65-72 15.00 ea. C5TZ-3B203-KIT (J) .00 ea. .00 ea. C5TZ-3B203-B C5TZ-3B203-C C7TZ-3B203-A (H) (I) 65-72 65-72 65-72 6.50 ea. 6.50 ea. 6.50 ea. PRICE Front Radius Rod Bushing - Rear - 2 per truck - F100 - Front - 2 per truck - F100 - Front & Rear -4 per truck -F350 .25 ea. D2TZ-3B203-KIT .00 ea. G PRICE Radius Arm Bushing Kit w/ Axle Pivot Bushing - F100-250 Includes: (2) C5TZ-3B177-A (2) C5TZ-3B203-C (2) C5TZ-3B203-B 65-72 50.00 kit Radius Arm Bushing Kit - F100, 4 x 4 Includes: (4) D6TZ-3B203-A (4) C5TZ-3B203-C 66-72 50.00 kit J RADIUS ROD BUSHING D6TZ-3B203-A YEAR H I PART # DESCRIPTION PIC DESCRIPTION Radius Rod Bushing on Axle End for 4x4 - Takes 2 per Side YEAR 66-79 PRICE AXLE BUMPERS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B7C-3020 C5TZ-3020-A (K) (L) Front Axle Bumper - F100, F250, F350 - F100-350 - (2) per trk 57-60 65-79 7.00 ea. 15.00 ea. B7C-3020 C5TZ-4730-B C5TZ-4730-B (K) (M) Rear Axle Bumper - F100, F250 - replacement - 2 per truck - 4 x 2 - F100/350 - 2 per truck - 4 x 4 - F100/250 57-60 65-79 65-72 7.00 ea. 20.00 ea. 20.00 ea. 6.50 ea. K L M RICE .00 ea. 23 23 REAR AXLE REAR AXLE BEARINGS / SEALS PART # PIC B2TZ-1175-A DESCRIPTION REAR AXLE PARTS YEAR PRICE PART # PIC (E) Differential Housing Gasket - F100 DESCRIPTION 57-66 YEAR 8.00 ea. PRICE Rear Wheel Grease Retainer - F350, P-350-400 57-64 5.00 ea. B7A-4035 B8AZ-4209-C (F) Differential Ring Gear & Pinion Set - 3.25 ratio - 9” Ford rear end - F100 57-72 300.00 set B7A-4221-A (G) Differential - Stamped LM-501349 - F100 - For differentials w/ medium carrier bearings 59-68 10.00 ea. B7A-4222-A (H) Differential Carrier Bearing Race - Stamped LM-501310 - F100 - For differentials w/ medium carrier bearings 59-68 6.00 ea. 57 58-62 15.00 ea. 14.00 ea. B7A-1177-A (A) Rear Drum Grease Seal - 1 1/2” I.D. 2 1/2” O.D. 57-67 5.00 ea. 8M-1225-B (B) Rear Axle Bearing - F1, F100 48-70 45.00 ea. 8M-2245 (C) Wheel Bearing Retainer to Backing Plate Gasket 48-66 3.00 ea. 8M-2245-A (D) Rear Axle Housing to Backing Plate Gasket 48-66 3.00 ea. B7A-4676-A B8A-4676-B B A (I) Drive Pinion Seal - Used with 4” pinion seal - Used with 3” pinion seal C A E B C D F UNIVERSAL JOINTS PART # 21C-7039 PIC DESCRIPTION Universal Joint - Front & Rear - 1/2 ton YEAR PRICE 42-63 20.00 ea. G H I 25 25 FRONT SPRING SHACKLE KITS FRONT SPRING SHACKLE KIT - 57-60 PART # PIC DESCRIPTION PRICE APA-5631 (A) Front of Front Spring Shackle Kit - F100, F250 (need 2 per Trk) 57-60 10.00 kit B7C-5304-A (B) Rear of Front Spring Shackle Kit - F100, F250 (need 2 per Trk) 57-60 10.00 kit Front Spring Shackle Kit - Both Springs - F100, F250 Includes (2) #APA-5631 (2) #B7C-5304-A 57-60 37.50 kit B7C-5300-S PINS PINS & BUSHINGS - FRONT SPRINGS YEAR PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PAR PRICE F100 & F250 FRONT SPRINGS C1TT-5468-D Front Spring Shackle Inner Bar - 120” WB 4X4 - F100-250 - F350 10.00 ea. 61-64 63-64 8A-5719 (E) Bushing - Front - Need eight 57-60 2.00 ea. B6S-5781-A (F) Bushing - Rear - Need two 57-60 12.00 ea. B7TZ-5465-A (G) Rear Bushing Pin - Need two 57-60 2.00 ea. A C1TT-5 C5TZ-5 C5TZ-5 C5TZ-5 C5TZ-5 B7C-57 C5TZ-5 C5TZ-5 C5TZ-5 359242 359242 379668 59Y-57 B G F E FRONT SHACKLE KIT & PARTS - 61-64 PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR C1TZ-5304-G (C) Front of Front Spring Shackle Kit - F100, F250 (need 2 per Trk) 61-64 60.00 kit C1TZ-5304-E (D) Rear of Front Spring Shackle Kit - F100, F250 (need 2 per Trk) 61-64 50.00 kit Front Spring Shackle Kit - Both Springs - F100, F250 - Includes (2) #C1TZ-5304-G (2) #C1TZ-5304-E 61-64 200.00 kit C1TZ-5300-S C PRICE SPRING CLAMP LINER PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE F100 & F250 FRONT SPRINGS 8A-5334-S Spring Clamp Liner - Rubber - Set of (6) - Front spring takes (8) pieces - Rear spring takes (4) pieces 57-60, 63 8.00 kit D 26 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT REAR SHACKLE KIT PINS & BUSHINGS - REAR SPRINGS PART # PRICE .00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. PIC C1TT-5776-A C5TZ-5776-D C5TZ-5776-D C5TZ-5776-D C5TZ-5776-D B7C-5781-A C5TZ-5781-A C5TZ-5781-A C5TZ-5781-A (H) 359242-S2 359242-S2 379668-S (J) 59Y-5781-A (K) DESCRIPTION REAR SPRING SHACKLE KIT YEAR PRICE Rear Spring Shackle Bracket - F350 - F100 (4x4) - F250 (4x2) - F250 (4x4) - F350 61-63 65-72 65-66 65-66 65-66 25.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. Rear Spring Bushing - Need 4 - F100 - Need 4 - F250 (4x2) - Need 2 - F250 (4x4) - Need 2 - F350 57-64 64-66 66 66 9.50 8.00 8.00 8.00 ea. ea. ea. ea. Spring Bushing Bolts - Rear - Need (4) - Front - Need (2) - Front & Rear - Need (6) 57-60 57-64 65-72 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. 3.75 ea. 42-60 11.00 ea. Main Leaf Bushing - F2, F250, F350 F E PART # PIC B7C-5630-A DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Front of Rear Spring Shackle Kit - F100 (need 2 per Trk) 57-67 17.50 kit SHOCK ABSORBERS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C1TZ-18124-A Front - F100 61-64 46.00 ea. C1TZ-18124-A Front - F100 early 65 46.00 ea. C5TZ-18124-A (L) Front - F100 65-72 50.00 ea. A8C-18124-A (M) Rear - F100 61-64 40.00 ea. B6C-18125 Rear - F100 56-60 50.00 ea. C5TZ-18125-C Rear - F100 65-66 50.00 ea. L PRICE 8.00 kit M SPRING MOUNT RETAINER PART # C6TZ-5B300-C K H PIC DESCRIPTION Lower Spring Mount Retainer Assembly - w/ 4x4 - F100 YEAR PRICE 66-72 15.00 ea. J 27 27 MOTOR MOUNTS CROSSMEMBER STYLE MOTOR MOUNT KIT PART # TD-4819 DESCRIPTION Ford Smallblock Kit - 260,289,302W,351W & Pre 1973 351C - Use in frame widths of 24" to 37" - Center to Center between perches 17 1/4" - Some welding required - Uses TD-4982 motor mounts(not included) PRICE 110.00 ea. CROSSMEMBER STYLE MOTOR MOUNT KIT PART # TD-9313 PRICE PART 130.00 ea. TD-471 DESCRIPTION Ford Bigblock Kit - 429,460 Will not work with Lincoln/Mercury engines - Use in frame widths of 28" to 38" - Center to Center between perches 17 1/2" - Some Welding required TD-498 TD-498 TD-952 CROSSMEMBER STYLE MOTOR MOUNT KIT PART # TD-4977 DESCRIPTION Ford Smallblock Kit - 351M,400 & 1973-up 351C - Use in frame widths of 24" to 37" - Center to Center between perches 16 1/2" - Some welding required - Uses TD-4981 motor mounts(not included) CROSSMEMBER STYLE MOTOR MOUNT KIT PRICE PART # 120.00 ea. TD-4810 DESCRIPTION PRICE Chevrolet Engine Kit - 260-350 Smallblock & 396-454 Big block - Use in frame widths of 24" to 37" - Center to Center between perches 16 1/8" - Some Welding required - Uses TD-9525 motor mounts(not included) 100.00 ea. CROSSMEMBER STYLE MOTOR MOUNT KIT PART # TD-4037 DESCRIPTION Ford Bigblock Kit - Mounts 332,352,390,406,427 & 428 into 1953-64 Ford PU - Bolt to Frame - 28 3/4" wide - No Welding required - Uses TD-4715 motor mounts(not included) PRICE 115.00 ea. FRONT MOTOR SUPPORT UPPER BRACKET - NOS PART # PIC C3TZ-6028-A (Z) DESCRIPTION 8 cyl. 292 -F100-250 (4x2) 8 cyl. 292 -F100-250 (4x4) 8 cyl. 292 -F350-600 YEAR PRICE 61-64 61-64 61-64 25.00 ea. Z 28 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT RICE 00 ea. MOTOR MOUNTS MOTOR MOUNTS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION PRICE TD-4715 (A) Replacement Heavy Duty motor mounts - Fits - 332,352,390,406,427 & 428 - Sold in pairs only. For use with TD-4037 70.00 pr. TD-4981 (B) Replacement Heavy Duty motor mounts - Fits - 351M-400 & 1973-up 351C - Sold in pairs only. For use with TD-4977 100.00 pr. TD-4982 (C) Replacement Heavy Duty motor mounts - Fits - 260,289,302W,302W & pre 1973 351C - Sold in pairs only. For use with TD-4819 85.00 pr. TD-9525 (D) Replacement Heavy Duty motor mounts - Fits - Chevrolet Smallblock 265-350 - Sold in pairs only. For use with TD-4810 60.00 pr. CAB TO FRAME MOUNTING KIT PART # PIC B7C-5400-S (E) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Cab to Frame Pad & Bolt Kit - F100 Not for 4 x 4 57-60 50.00 kit C1TZ-5400-S Cab to Frame Pad & Bolt Kit - F100 Not for 4 x 4 61-64 60.00 kit C5TZ-5400-S Cab to Frame Pad & Bolt Kit - F100 Not for 4 x 4 65-66 100.00 kit B7C-5400-S (A) E RICE 00 ea. PRICE .00 ea. (B) Cab to Frame Mounting Kit - 1957-1960 (C) (D) 29 29 MOTOR MOUNTS FRONT MOTOR MOUNTS - UPPER PART # B7C-6038-B C3TZ-6038-C C3TZ-6068-D PIC (A) (B) (C) DESCRIPTION - takes (2) per truck 6 cyl. 223 - F100-250 6 cyl. 223 - F350-600 Before Ser.# 140,001 8 cyl. 292 - F100-700 - takes (2) per truck 8 cyl. 292 - F500-700 From Ser.# 140,001 w/ power steering & air brakes - takes (1) per truck 6 cyl. 223 - F100-250 (4x2) 6 cyl. 223 - F100-250 (4x4) 6 cyl. 223 - F350-600 From Ser.# 140,001 6 cyl. 262 - F600 8 cyl. 292 - F100-250 (4x2) 8 cyl. 292 - F100-250 (4x4) 8 cyl. 292 - F350-700 Before Serial# 140,001 REAR MOTOR MOUNTS - UPPER YEAR 57-60 57-61 PRICE 10.00 ea. PART # TAAA-6068-A PIC (F) 57-60 63-64 61-64 61-64 61-64 12.00 ea. C3TZ-6068-D (G) 10.00 ea. DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE - takes (2) per truck 6 cyl. 223 - F100-250 Before 1/4/1960 6 cyl. 223, 262 - F350-600 8 cyl. 292 - F100-600 57-60 15.00 ea. - takes (2) per truck 6 cyl. 223 - F100-250 (4x2) 6 cyl. 223 & 262 - F100-250 (4x4) 6 cyl. 223 & 262 - F350 6 cyl. 223 & 262 - F500-600 8 cyl. 292 - F100-250 (4x2) 8 cyl. 292 - F100-250 (4x4) 8 cyl. 292 - F350-700 61-64 63-64 10.00 ea. 63-64 61-63 61-64 61-64 61-64 G C F REAR MOTOR MOUNTS - LOWER B PART # PIC C1TT-6A061-C (H) FRONT MOTOR MOUNTS - LOWER PART # C1TT-6A061-C D 30 PIC (D) (E) DESCRIPTION - takes (2) per truck 6 cyl. 223 - F100-250 6 cyl. 223 - F350-600 Before Ser.# 140,001 8 cyl. 292 - F100-700 - takes (1) per truck 6 cyl. 223 - F100-250 (4x2) 6 cyl. 223 - F100-250 (4x4) 6 cyl. 223 - F350-600 From Ser.# 140,001 6 cyl. 262 - F600 8 cyl. 292 - F100-250 (4x2) 8 cyl. 292 - F100-250 (4x4) 8 cyl. 292 - F350-700 Before Ser.#140,001 YEAR 57-60 57-61 PRICE 10.00 ea. 57-60 61-64 61-64 61-64 61-64 TD-414 57-60 57-60 61-64 61-64 61-64 61-63 A B9TT-6039-A PART DESCRIPTION PART YEAR PRICE - takes (2) per truck 6 cyl. 223 - F100-250 (4x2) 6 cyl. 223 & 262 - F100-250 (4x4) 6 cyl. 223 & 262 - F350 6 cyl. 223 & 262 - F500-600 8 cyl. 292 - F100-250 (4x2) 8 cyl. 292 - F100-250 (4x4) 8 cyl. 292 - F350-700 61-64 63-64 10.00 ea. 63-64 61-63 61-64 61-64 61-64 C5TZ-6068-A (J) - takes (2) per truck - 4 x 2 Manual Trans - 3 spd. - w/ 6 cyl. or V8 - F100-250 65-72 15.00 ea. C0TT-6061-B (K) - takes (2) per truck - w/ 6 cyl or 8 cyl. 59-60 10.00 ea. 10.00 ea. 61-64 61-64 61-63 TD-410 J K E H 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT MOTOR MOUNTS "BISCUIT STYLE" MOTOR MOUNT KIT "BISCUIT STYLE" MOTOR MOUNT KIT PRICE .00 ea. PART # TD-4145 .00 ea. DESCRIPTION Ford Smallblock Kit - 289.302.351W into 1953-64 PU - 100% Bolt - in, No Welding Required - Kit Includes; Left & Right Adapter Wings, Frame Brackets, Motor Mount Pads, & Hardware PRICE 120.00 ea. PRICE 0.00 ea. TD-4102 DESCRIPTION Chevrolet Smallblock Kit - 283,350 V-8,LT1 or 4.3L V-6 into 1953-64 PU Will not work with Lincoln/Mercury engines - 100% Bolt - in, No Welding Required - Kit Includes; Left & Right Adapter Wings, Frame Brackets, Motor Mount Pads, & Hardware TD-4685 DESCRIPTION Ford Bigblock Kit - 429,460 into 1953-64 PU Will not work with Lincoln/Mercury engines - 100% Bolt - in, No Welding Required - Kit Includes; Left & Right Adapter Wings, Frame Brackets, Motor Mount Pads, & Hardware PRICE 120.00 ea. MOTOR MOUNTS - UNIVERSAL "BISCUIT STYLE" MOTOR MOUNT KIT PART # PART # PART # PRICE TD-9720 120.00 ea. DESCRIPTION Ford 429-460 Into 65-79 Ford 2 WD Pickup Fits: F100-150-250-350. - Mount brackets and bushings. - No welding required. - Not for Lincoln motors. PRICE 185.00 kit 5.00 ea. 0.00 ea. MOTOR MOUNTS PART # TD-9314 DESCRIPTION Replacement "Biscuit style" motor mounts - Sold in pairs only - For use with TD-4145,TD-4685,TD-4102 KIts - Will work with many vitage engine swaps PRICE 40.00 pr. 31 31 TRANSMISSION MOUNTS TRANSMISSION CROSSMEMBER PART # PIC TD-4136 (A) DESCRIPTION TRANSMISSION MOUNTING PADS PRICE PART # PIC Mounts Ford C4 or C6 Automatic into 1953-64 PU. - Solid Steel Construction. - Mounts on Frame channel or under frame. - Use TD-4716 (not included) 75.00 ea. TD-4716 (D) TD-4539 (B) Mounts Standard & Automatic Transmissions in open channel frames with widths of 26" to 36". - Drops transmission 3" - Use with stock transmision pad - Or use TD-4716(Ford) TD-9442 (Chevrolet) 100.00 ea. TD-9424 (C) MountsStandard & Automatic Transmissions in open channel frames with widths of 26" to 36". - Drops transmission 6" - Use with stock transmision pad - Or use TD-4716(Ford) TD-9442 (Chevrolet) 100.00 ea. TD-9402 (E) DESCRIPTION PRICE Transmission Mounting Pad - Mounts Ford C-4 & C6 Automatic - Rubber/Steel Design - Use with TD-4136,TD-4539 or TD-9424 30.00 ea. Transmission Mounting Pad - Mounts 1958-88 Chevrolet Powerglide, TH-350, TH-400,700 R4 & All Borg Warner - Rubber/Steel Design - Use with TD-4536 or TD-9424 15.00 ea. D MAN PAR C2TZ-9 B5A-94 E (A) CROS PART B5A-52 (B) TAIL PA B5C-52 EXH PA C5TZ-9 (C) 32 55-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT PRICE EXHAUST MANIFOLDS MANIFOLDS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION (F) Exhaust Manifold - F100-700 - RH - 8 cyl. 239, 256, 272, 292 .00 ea. C2TZ-9430-D B5A-9492-S Exhaust Manifold Gasket Set - 8 cyl. 239, 256, 272, 292, 312 .00 ea. YEAR PART # PRICE 55-64 100.00 ea. 54-64 16.00 set PIC B5A-9450-A (J) 1GA-9450 (K) 1GA-9450 (K) DESCRIPTION YEAR Exhaust Manifold to Crossover Pipe Gasket - F100-700 - 8 cyl. 239, 256, 272, 292 - 8 cyl. 239, 256, 272, 292 w/o heat riser - need (1) - 6 cylinder w/ heat riser - need (3) PRICE 55-64 54-64 1.25 ea. 2.50 ea. 48-66 2.50 ea. F J H K J G CROSSOVER PIPE PART # PIC B5A-5267-A (G) STAINLESS EXHAUST DEFLECTORS DESCRIPTION Crossover Pipe - 8 cyl. 239,256,272,292 - F100-350 YEAR 55-64 PRICE 50.00 ea. PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE 51A-18529-A (L) - Ford Script ALL 18.00 ea. 51A-18529-B (M) - V-8 ALL 18.00 ea. - Plain ALL 15.00 ea. 51A-18529-P TAILPIPE PART # PIC B5C-5255-A DESCRIPTION Tailpipe - Short Type - 6 & 8 cyl. - 223,262,240,292, 300 - F100-350 YEAR PRICE 54-66 12.00 ea. M EXHAUST THERMOSTAT CONTROL PART # PIC C5TZ-9A427-A (H) DESCRIPTION Exhaust Thermostat Control Valve - F100-F250 - NOS - before serial #672 001 - 1” thick body YEAR 65 PRICE 50.00 ea. L 33 33 ENGINE GASKETS OVERHAUL GASKET SET PART # B2A-6008-A B6A-6008 PIC (A) DESCRIPTION Overhaul Gasket Set - 6 cylinder - 223 - V-8 256, 292 OIL P CYLINDER HEAD GASKET YEAR 54-64 55-64 PRICE 115.00 ea. 80.00 ea. PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B6A-6051-B (B) Cylinder Head Gasket Set - 8 cylinder - 272, 292- Metal 56-64 10.00 ea. C3TZ-6051-G (C) Cylinder Head Gasket - 8 cylinder - 272, 292 - Fiber 56-64 10.00 ea. PAR C0AE-6 C0AZ-6 C0AE-6 B C VALV PA B2AZ-6 B4AZ-6 VALVE GRIND GASKET SET PART # B7AZ-6079-D PIC DESCRIPTION Valve Grind Gasket Set - 8 cylinder - 272, 292 YEAR 56-64 PRICE 30.00 set A VALV PA D0AZ-6 34 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT ENGINE GASKETS MANIFOLD GASKET SET OIL PAN GASKET RICE .00 ea. .00 ea. PART # PIC C0AE-6710-A C0AZ-6710-B C0AE-6710-C (D) DESCRIPTION Oil Pan Gasket - 223 - 272, 292 - 352 YEAR PRICE 57-64 57-64 65-66 16.00 ea. 20.00 ea. 10.00 ea. PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B7AZ-9433-A (G) Intake Manifold Gasket Set - 8 Cylinder 272, 292 55-64 7.50 set B5A-9492-S (H) Exhaust Manifold Gasket Set - 8 cyl. 239, 256, 272, 292, 312 54-64 16.00 set B D G VALVE COVER GASKET SETS PART # PIC B2AZ-6A506-A B4AZ-6A506-A (E) (F) DESCRIPTION Valve Cover Gasket Set - 6 cyl - 215-223 - 8 cyl - does 2 valves covers YEAR PRICE 52-59 54-64 14.00 set 10.00 set E H RICE .00 set F VALVE COVER GASKET PART # D0AZ-6584-C PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR Valve Cover Gasket - 8 cylinder 330, 352, 360, 361, 390, 391 64-72 PRICE 10.00 pr. 35 35 PISTONS PISTONS PART # YEAR PRICE - Standard 3.7503 - 8 cylinder 292 58-64 100.00 set B5A-6108-020 - .020 O/S - 8 cylinder 292 58-64 100.00 set B5A-6108-030 - .030 O/S - 8 cylinder 292 58-64 100.00 set B5A-6108-040 - .040 O/S - 8 cylinder 292 58-64 100.00 set B5A-6108-060 - .060 O/S - 8 cylinder 292 58-64 100.00 set B5A-6108-STD CAM CONNECTING ROD RELATED PIC (A) DESCRIPTION PART # C1AZ-6200-C PIC (C) DESCRIPTION Connecting Rod - 8 cylinder 352 YEAR PRICE 65-66 25.00 ea. PA *B8A-6 C4TZ-6 A C ROD BEARINGS PISTON RINGS PART # PIC B5AZ-6148-STD (B) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE - Standard - 8 cylinder 292 58-64 40.00 set B5AZ-6148-020 - .020 O/S - 8 cylinder 292 58-64 40.00 set B5AZ-6148-030 - .030 O/S - 8 cylinder 292 58-64 40.00 set B5AZ-6148-040 - .040 O/S - 8 cylinder 292 58-64 40.00 set B5AZ-6148-060 - .060 O/S - 8 cylinder 292 58-64 40.00 set PART # PIC B5T-6211-STDB (E) YEAR PRICE - Standard - .06135”-.06185 - 8 cyl. 239, 256, 272, 292 DESCRIPTION 54-64 40.00 set B5T-6211-010 - .010 U/S - 8 cylinder 239, 256, 272, 292 54-64 40.00 set CAM B5T-6211-020 - .020 U/S - 8 cylinder 239, 256, 272, 292 54-64 40.00 set C3TZ-6 B5T-6211-030 - .030 U/S - 8 cylinder 239, 256, 272, 292 54-64 40.00 set EAA-62 B4AE-6211-040 - .040 U/S - 8 cylinder 239, 256, 272, 292 54-64 40.00 set PAR B E 36 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT PRICE CAMSHAFT CAMSHAFT & PARTS PART # PIC (F) .00 ea. *B8A-6250-C C4TZ-6250-A (d1) (d2) ENGINE LAMP ASSEMBLY DESCRIPTION Camshaft Assembly - 8 cyl. 292 - Center journal GROOVED - Center journal DRILLED YEAR PRICE 54-64 54-64 PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR Engine Lamp Assembly PRICE 50.00 ea. 70.00 ea. 70.00 ea. F d1 d2 PRICE TIMING CHAIN 0.00 set 0.00 set CAMSHAFT RELATED DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE 0.00 set C3TZ-6A251-A (G) Camshaft Bearing Set- Standard - 8 cylinder 239, 256, 272, 292 54-64 25.00 set 0.00 set EAA-6269-A Camshaft Thrust Plate - 6 cylinder 215, 223 - 8 cylinder 239, 256, 272, 292 52-64 54-64 10.00 ea. 0.00 set PART # C2RZ-15A700-A PART # PIC (H) PART # PIC YEAR PRICE EAA-6256 (J) Camshaft Gear - Sprocket - 6 cylinder 215, 223 - 8 cylinder 239, 272, 292, 312 DESCRIPTION 52-64 54-64 25.00 ea. EAA-6268 (K) Timing Chain - 6 cylinder 215-223 - 8 cylinder 239, 272, 292, 312 52-64 54-64 25.00 ea. G J K H 37 37 CRANKSHAFT MAIN BEARINGS CRANKSHAFT & RELATED PART # PIC DESCRIPTION B8A-6306-B (A) Crankshaft Gear - 6 cylinder 215-223 - 8 cylinder 239,272,292,312 C3TZ-6312-C (B) Crankshaft Pulley - Double sleeve-F500-600-8 cylinder 272, 292 YEAR 52-64 54-64 57-64 PRICE 10.00 ea. 75.00 ea. PART # PIC EBV-6330-STDD (C) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE - Standard - .0957 - 8 cylinder 239,256,272,292 54-64 75.00 set EBV-6330-010 - .010 U/S - 8 cylinder 239,256,272,292 54-64 75.00 set EBV-6330-020 - .020 U/S - 8 cylinder 239,256,272,292 54-64 75.00 set EBV-6330-030 - .030 U/S - 8 cylinder 239,256,272,292 54-64 75.00 set B4AE-6330-040 - .040 U/S - 8 cylinder 239,256,272,292 54-64 75.00 set A C B FLYWHEEL PARTS PART # PIC EAM-6384-A C4TZ-6384-A (D) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Flywheel Ring Gear - 152 Teeth - 279, 317, 302, 332 Engine 52-57 30.00 ea. Flywheel Ring Gear - 188 Teeth 8 cylinder 330, 361, 391 64-72 40.00 ea. HARMONIC BALANCER PART # C3AZ-6312-A PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Harmonic Balancer - I.D. #C4AE-6316-A or B - 6 19/32” DIA., 1 19/32” long for 352, 390, V8 60-67 120.00 ea. D 38 57-66 FORD TRUCK VALVE RELATED VALVES & RELATED PART # B8C-6500-A B8C-6500-A C3SZ-6500-A B6A-6513 B6A-6513 B8A-6513-C PIC (A) (B) VALV VALVE & RELATED DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Valve Tappet - 6 cylinder 215, 223, 262 - 8 cylinder 239, 256, 272, 292 - Hydraulic - 8 cylinder 352 52-64 52-64 65-66 7.50 ea. 7.50 ea. 9.00 ea. Valve Spring - 6 cylinder 215, 223 - V-8 239, 272, 292, 312 - 8 cylinder 352 52-64 54-64 65-67 0.75 ea. 0.75 ea. 3.00 ea. 7HA-6518 (C) Valve Keepers - 6 cylinder 215, 223 - 8 cylinder 239,256,272,292 52-64 49-64 1.00 pr. C2AZ-6531-B (D) Valve Rocker Arm Shaft Support - 8 cyl. 330,352,360, 361,390, 391 64-72 12.50 ea. PART # PIC B6A-6564-G EAA-6565-C C8AZ-6565-A C1TE-6571-C DESCRIPTION (E) Valve Rocker Arm - 6 cylinder (F) (G) YEAR PRICE 52-64 5.00 ea. Valve Push Rod - 9-43/64” - 6 cylinder - .030 U/S - 8 cylinder 352 52-64 65-71 4.00 ea. 3.00 ea. Valve Guide & Stem Seal - 6 cylinder 215, 223 - 8 cylinder 239,256,272,292 52-64 54-64 PA C3AZ-6 1.00 ea. C3AZ-6 C1TE-6571-SET (G) Valve Guide & Stem Seal - (set of 16) 8 cylinder 239, 256, 272, 292 54-64 15.00 set EBU-6575-A (H) Valve Rocker Arm Oil Outlet Tube Bracket - 8 cyl. 239, 256, 272, 292 54-64 3.00 ea. B5A-6588-A (J) Valve Rocker Arm Shaft Oil Outlet Tube - 8 cyl. 239, 256, 272, 292 54-64 7.50 ea. C3AZ-6 J B7A-65 A C0ME- H C0ME- E F C C G B E D 40 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT PRICE 5.00 ea. VALVE RELATED CYLINDER HEADS VALVES & RELATED PART # C3AZ-6505-A 4.00 ea. 3.00 ea. 1.00 ea. C3AZ-6505-C 5.00 set 3.00 ea. C3AZ-6505-D 7.50 ea. B7A-6507-AA C0ME-6507-N C0ME-6507-S PIC (K) DESCRIPTION Exhaust Valve - Length 5.02” - Head Dia. 1.52” - Stem Size STD - Stem Dia. 3402 - 6 cylinder 215,223 - 8 cylinder 239, 272, 292 Exhaust Valve - Length 5.02” - Head Dia. 1.52” - Stem Size .015” - Stem Dia. .3552 - 6 cylinder 215,223 - 8 cylinder 239, 272, 292 Exhaust Valve - Length 5.02” - Head Dia. 1.52” - Stem Size .030” - Stem Dia. .3702 - 6 cylinder 215,223 - 8 cylinder 239, 272, 292 Intake Valve - Length 5.02” - Head Dia. 1.92” - Stem Size STD - Stem Dia. .3420” - 8 cylinder 272 - 8 cylinder 292 Intake Valve - Length 5.02” - Head Dia. 1.65” - Stem Size STD - Stem Dia. .3420” - 6 cylinder 215 - 8 cylinder 239 - 8 cylinder 292 Intake Valve - Length 5.02” - Head Dia. 1.65” - Stem Size .003” - Stem Dia. .3450” - 6 cylinder 215 - 8 cylinder 239 - 8 cylinder 292 YEAR PRICE 10.00 ea. 52-64 54-64 10.00 ea. PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C3TZ-6049-G (L) Cylinder Head - GENUINE FORD - Replacement Type - 8 cylinder 272, 292-3/2 - Must use C0ME-6507-N Intake valves w/ this head 56-64 100.00 ea. D6TZ-6049-A (M) Cylinder Head - Without valves - 8 cyl. 330 H/D, 361, 391 64-78 300.00 ea. NEW NEW 52-64 54-64 10.00 ea. 52-64 54-64 10.00 ea. L 57-59 58-59 10.00 ea. 52-53 54-55 60-64 10.00 ea. M 52-53 54-55 60-62 K 41 41 OIL PUMP OIL PUMP RELATED OIL PUMP ASSEMBLIES PART # C0AE-6600-D C5AZ-6600-A PIC DESCRIPTION (A) (B) Oil Pump Assembly - New - V-8 - 239, 256 - 6 cyl. 240, 300 L/D, 300 H/D YEAR PART # PRICE 55-60 65-71 140.00 ea. 27.00 ea. PIC OIL F DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE (E) Oil Pump Intermediate Shaft - 8 cyl. 292 61-64 6.00 ea. EBZ-6622-B (F) Oil Pump Screen and Tube - for 272-292 V8 - F100-350 - Military Surplus (Surface rustt) 54-64 30.00 ea. 41A-6623 (G) Oil Pump Screen - V8 & 6 cyl. 49-59 15.00 ea. B4A-6698-A (J) Oil Pan to Pickup Tube Seal - 272 & 292 Y-Blocks 54-64 8.00 ea. C1AE-6A618-A PA B2A-67 C1TZ-6 B A E OIL PAN DRAIN PLUG & GASKET PART # D1AZ-6730-A C20Z-6734-A PIC (D) DESCRIPTION Oil Pan Drain Plug - 1/2” x 20 - 6 cyl 223, 240,262-300 - 8 cyl. 272,292,302, 330,352,360,361,390,391 Oil Pan Drain Plug Gasket - 6 cyl. 223, 262, 240, 300 - 8 cyl. 272, 292, 352 PAR YEAR PRICE C2AZ-6 10.00 ea. 58-72 58-72 D9AZ-6 58-66 58-66 3.00 ea. B7A-68 F D G M J 42 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT OIL FILTER OIL BREATHER CAP OIL FILTERS CARTRIDGE PRICE PART # 6.00 ea. B2A-6731-A C1TZ-6731-D 0.00 ea. PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR (K) (L) Oil Filter Cartridge - 6 & 8 cylinder - Medium & Heavy Duty - 292 53-66 58-64 PRICE 14.00 ea. 6.50 ea. PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C0AZ-6766-A (P) Oil Filler Cap - Replacement - Black - 6 cylinder 57-64 5.00 ea. EAD-6766-B (Q) Oil Breather Cap - 8 cylinder 55-64 10.00 ea. 5.00 ea. 8.00 ea. P K L OIL PRESSURE SENDING UNIT OIL FILTER ASSEMBLY G DESCRIPTION YEAR Q PART # PIC PRICE C2AZ-6731-B (M) Oil Filter - Spin on Type - w/ Check Valve - oil remains in top of engine for better lubrication during start-up All 9.00 ea. D9AZ-6731-A (N) Oil Filter - Spin on type - Motorcraft -FL1A All 9.00 ea. B7A-6882-A (O) Oil Filter Adaptor Kit - 6 & 8 cylinder - Replaces canister to spin-on filter - y-blocks 52-UP 25.00 ea. PART # PIC DESCRIPTION B6A-9278 (R) Oil Pressure Sending Unit - w/ Warning Light - 12 volt 54-66 10.00 ea. C9ZZ-9278-A (S) Oil Pressure Sending Unit w/ oil pressure guage - F100/750 64-72 20.00 ea. R YEAR PRICE S N M O 43 43 GEAR SHIFT GEAR SHIFT SOCKET RELATED GEAR SHIFT KNOBS PART # PIC BB-7213-A (A) B6C-7213 B8C-7213 C0AZ-7213-B (B) (C) DESCRIPTION YEAR Gear Shift Lever Knob - Black - w/ 4 spd. transmission Column Gear Shift Knob - Sphere Shape - Black - Sphere Shape - White - Recessed End - Black 39-58 56-57 58-60 61-66 PART # PRICE 4.00 ea. 6.00 ea. 5.00 ea. 6.00 ea. PIC DESCRIPTION COLU YEAR PRICE 357479-S (E) Column Gear Shift Lever Pin 56-74 0.50 ea. C0DZ-7228-B C9TZ-7228-A (F) (G) Column Gear Shift Socket - 3-speed manual - F100-250 - Cruise-O-Matic 61-77 65-72 110.00 ea. 80.00 ea. 01A-7246-B 1M-7246-A (H) (J) Gear Shift Insulator - Rubber - For 3-spd standard - Rubber 40-72 53-66 8.00 ea. 8.00 ea. PAR C5TZ-7 C5TZ-7 G F C B E A GEAR SHIFT TUBES PART # PIC C5TZ-7212-C C9TZ-7212-E (D) DESCRIPTION YEAR Gear Shift Tube - 3 speed transmission - F100-250 - manual steering 65-77 Gear Shift Tube - Automatic w/ Power Steering - F100-250 65-77 PRICE H 50.00 ea. 44 PA C9TZ-7 C5TZ-7 50.00 ea. SHIFT INDICATORS PART # PIC D0TZ-7B097-B (K) D3TZ-7A110-A B9C-15805 DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Transmission Control Selector Lever Pin for Neutral Safety Switch - F100-350 65-77 12.00 ea. (L) Gear Shift Socket Indicator - use with C9TZ-7228-A Collar 65-72 12.00 ea. (M) Column Gear Shift Indicator - Cruise-O-Matic 59-63 25.00 ea. K D GEA J C3TZ-7 C5TZ-7 L M 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT RICE .50 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. GEAR SHIFT COLUMN SHIFTER ARMS PART # C5TZ-7303-A C5TZ-7302-A TRANSMISSION SHIFTER ARMS PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR (N) (O) Column Shift Lever Arm - Low and Rev. Gear - F100-250 - 2nd and 3rd gear - F100-250 65-72 65-72 PRICE 20.00 ea. 20.00 ea. PART # B5A-7290-A AB-7285-B PIC (T) (U) DESCRIPTION Transmission Arm Mount Side of Transmission - Rev. and 1st gear - F100-250 - 2nd and 3rd gear - F100-250 YEAR 57-64 57-64 PRICE 10.00 ea. 10.00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. T N U O SHIFT MODULATORS GEAR SHIFTER ARM PARTS PART # C9TZ-7336-A PIC (P) C5TZ-7D363-B (Q) PRICE 2.00 ea. C3TZ-7343-A C5TZ-7343-A (R) (S) DESCRIPTION Column Shift Arm Spacer - for F100-250 YEAR 65-72 Column Gear Shift Arm T hrust Washers (2 per truck) - F100/250 65-79 Gear Shift Selector Arm Bushing & Insulator Kit - F100/250 - F100/250 57-64 65-72 PART # PIC YEAR PRICE C1AZ-7A377-B (V) Shift Diaphragm or Modulator for Cruise-O-Matic Trans. -FX, MX, FMX - F100-350 65-66 30.00 ea. C4AZ-7A377-B (W) Shift Diaphragm or Modulator for Automatic Transmission - C-4 - F100-250 65-72 16.50 ea. PRICE 4.00 ea. 2.00 ea. 4.00 kit 10.00 kit DESCRIPTION V 2.00 ea. P Q W 5.00 ea. OVERDRIVE CABLE S R PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE A9AZ-7A650-A (X) Overdrive Cable & Chrome Knob - Cut to fit - 80 1/4” - F100 57-71 50.00 ea. A9AZ-7A650-K (Y) Overdrive Cable Knob - Die Cast - Chrome 48-71 20.00 ea. 1A-7001694 (Z) Overdrive Pull Cable Grommet - F100 53-71 5.00 ea. X Z Y 45 45 CLUTCH PART # PIC 21C-7052-A DESCRIPTION Rear Transmission Seal - w/ 3 spd Ford - w/ 6 cyl. or 8 cyl. CLUT CLUTCH DISCS & PRESSURE PLATES REAR TRANSMISSION SEAL YEAR 57-60 PRICE 8.00 ea. PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE PA 81T-7550 (A) 11” Clutch Disc - NEW - 4-speed 3/4 to 2 ton 35-64 50.00 ea. D0TZ-7 29A-7550-N (B) 10” Clutch Disc w/ 3 spd Trans - NEW 41-64 60.00 ea. B7C-75 19A-7563-N (C) 10” Pressure Plate w/ 3 spd Trans. - NEW 41-64 100.00 ea. C0AZ-7 51A-7563 (D) 11” Pressure Plate - NEW - 4-speed 3/4 to 2 ton 35-64 125.00 ea. C1AA-7 TRANSMISSION OIL PAN SCREEN PART # B9AP-7A098-B PIC DESCRIPTION - w/ Fordomatic, Cruiseomatic, FX trans YEAR PRICE 53-64 30.00 ea. A B C D CLUTCH RELEASE BEARINGS PART # PIC 78-7580-A (E) Clutch Release Bearing - F100-600 - w/ 3 & 4 speed transmission DESCRIPTION 28-64 YEAR 35.00 ea. PRICE B-7600 (F) Clutch Pilot Bearing - F100-600 - w/ 3 & 4 speed transmission 28-64 10.00 ea. CLUT PA MA-758 C1AA-7 E 46 F 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT RICE CLUTCH CLUTCH RELEASE PARTS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION CLUTCH BOOTS YEAR PRICE .00 ea. D0TZ-7521-C (G) Clutch Release Lever Rod - F-100-350 65-72 16.00 ea. .00 ea. B7C-7523-A (J) Clutch Release Spring - F100-600 57-60 7.50 ea. .00 ea. C0AZ-7526-B (K) Clutch Release Idler Lever Bushing - Plastic - F100/350 61-77 3.00 pr. .00 ea. C1AA-7543-A (M) Clutch Release Equalizer Shaft Ball - White Plastic - .994” OD, .631” ID 1/2” thick - F100/750 - 69-72 E100/300 61-72 2.50 ea. PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C5TZ-7513-A (N) Clutch Fork Boot at Clutch Housing - F100-700 - From Ser.#600,001 65-72 17.50 ea. C5TZ-7A533-A (O) Clutch Rod to Floor Seal - on motor side - premodeled with metal insert - F100-350 65-67 25.00 ea. O J N G M K RICE .00 ea. .00 ea. CLUTCH PEDAL PARTS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE MA-7583-A (P) Clutch & Brake Pedal Arm Bumper - F100, F1100 57-66 2.00 ea. C1AA-7A630-A (Q) Clutch Pedal Spring Insulator - Plastic - F100/350 65-72 3.00 ea. P Q 47 47 GRILLE RAD GRILLE PART # PIC C6TZ-8200-B DESCRIPTION Grille Assembly - Bright Type - will fit 1964 & 1965 YEAR 66 PAR PRICE B7C-81 500.00 ea. C1TZ-8 C4TZ-8 RADIATOR AIR DEFLECTOR TO HOOD SEAL PART # PIC B7C-8312 DESCRIPTION Radiator Air Deflector to Hood Seal YEAR 57-60 PRICE GRILLE LETTERS PART # PIC C2TZ-8316-S (A) Grille Panel Ford Letters - Set of four - FORD - F100-750 62-64 52.50 set C5TZ-8316-S (B) Grille Panel Ford Letters - Set of four - FORD 65-66 52.50 set 10.00 ea. DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Grille letter include Mounting Fastners A B RADIATOR CORE SUPPORT PART # C1TZ-16378-A 48 PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Radiator Core Support - Imported- No 4WD - F100/350 61-64 300.00 ea. 55-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT RADIATOR RADIATOR PAD KIT PART # PIC RADIATOR CAP - REPLACEMENT TYPE DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B7C-8125-S (C) Radiator Support to Frame Pad & Bolt Kit 57-60 15.00 kit C1TZ-8125-S (D) Radiator Support to Frame Pad & Bolt Kit 61-64 30.00 kit C4TZ-8125-S (E) Radiator Support to Frame Pad & Bolt Kit 65-66 60.00 kit PART # PIC B7C-8100 (F) C9AZ-8100-A (G) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Radiator Cap - 7 lbs. pressure 57-64 6.00 ea. Radiator Cap - 13 lb. pressure - 6 & 8 cyl. - 240, 300, 302, 352, 360, 390 65-72 7.00 ea. E C G G PRICE DRAINCOCK 2.50 set PART # 2.50 set D YEAR PRICE 8A-8115 (H) Radiator Draincock - 1/4” pipe thread w/ tubing extension 48-72 10.00 ea. 8CM-8115-A (J) Radiator Draincock - 1/4” pipe thread w/ right angle outlet 48-72 5.00 ea. H PIC DESCRIPTION J 49 49 WATER PUMP DESCRIPTION THER WATER PUMP REPAIR KIT WATER PUMPS - NEW PART # PIC YEAR PRICE D2AZ-8501-AN (A) - 6 cylinder 240, 300 65-72 70.00 ea. D0AZ-8501-DN (B) - 8 cylinder 330 M/D, 352, 360, 390 64-72 100.00 ea. PART # B6C-8591-A PIC DESCRIPTION Water Pump Repair Kit - F100-700 - 8 cylinder 272, 292 YEAR 56-64 PRICE PA 15.00 kit C2AZ-8 C2AZ-8 C2AZ-8 C2AZ-8 D4PZ-8 B THER PAR B5A-82 EAG-8 A HEAT PAR 8BA-82 AB-828 B-8287 C0AZ-1 WATER PUMP BY PASS TUBE PART # C2TZ-8548-A 50 PIC DESCRIPTION Water Pump T - Y-Block 272,292,312 YEAR 54-64 PRICE 13.00 ea. 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT THERMOSTAT THERMOSTATS PART # PRICE TEMPERATURE SENDER PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Thermostats do NOT include Gaskets 5.00 kit C2AZ-8575-B (C) Thermostat - 6 cylinder - 160o 52-64 6.00 ea. C2AZ-8575-B (C) Thermostat - 8 cylinder - 160o 54-67 6.00 ea. C2AZ-8575-A (D) Thermostat - 6 cylinder - 180o 52-64 6.00 ea. C2AZ-8575-A (D) Thermostat - 8 cylinder - 180o 54-67 6.00 ea. D4PZ-8575-A (E) Thermostat - 240, 300 6 cyl., 352 V8, - 192o 64-72 3.00 ea. C E D PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B7A-10884-A (J) Engine Temperature Sender - F100-950 - 6 & 8 cylinder - 1/4” - 18 Pipe 57-62 15.00 ea. C3AZ-10884-A (K) Engine Temperature Sender - F100-700 - 6 & 8 cylinder - 1/8” - 27 Pipe 63 C3TZ-10884-A (L) Engine Temperature Sender - F100-700 - 6 & 8 cylinder - 1/8” - 27 Pipe 63-66 10.00 ea. B7A-10911-A (M) Temperature Sender Adapter 8 cyl. 272, 292 - 29/32” OD x 1/2” Long - 1/4” - 18 Pipe 57-63 15.00 ea. 5.00 ea. THERMOSTAT GASKETS PART # B5A-8255-A EAG-8255-A PIC (F) (G) DESCRIPTION Thermostat Housing Gasket - V-8 - 6 cylinder YEAR 54-60 52-60 PRICE 3.00 ea. 3.00 ea. J G F K HEATER & RADIATOR HOSE CLAMPS PART # PIC 8BA-8287 AB-8287 B-8287 (H) C0AZ-18572 DESCRIPTION YEAR Radiator Hose Clamp - 1-5/8” O.D. - 1-7/8” O.D. - 2-1/8” O.D. By-Pass & Heater Clamp PRICE 1.50 ea. 1.50 ea. 1.50 ea. 60-70 1.00 ea. L H M 51 51 GAS TANKS GAS GAS TANKS - METAL PART # PIC B7C-9002-A D0TZ-9002-A (A) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE PAR Gas Tank - 18 gallon - F100-350 57-60 300.00 ea. 01A-18 Gas Tank - F100/350 61-70 300.00 ea. 8A-903 A GAS PAR GAS TANK SLUSHING COMPOUND & PERSERVATIVE PART # PIC DESCRIPTION GTS-9000 (B) Gas Tank Slushing Compound - eliminates rust & seals small leaks - sold in quarts 3706-0033 (C) Star Tron Fuel Treatment - 8 oz. - Treats up to 48 gallons - Cures Ethanol (E-10) problems - Stablizes, rejuvenates stale fuel - Removes gum and varnish B 52 B7C-90 FUEL LINE - PRE BENT PART # YEAR PRICE B7C-9282 30.00 qt. C5TZ-9282 9.00 ea. C5TZ-9582-CAB PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR Steel Fuel Line - Pre Bent - F100 - V8 - Tank to Flexible Fuel Line 57-60 Steel Fuel Line - Pre Bent - F100 - All - Back of Cab to Firewall 65-66 Steel Fuel Line - Pre Bent - F100 - All - Top of Tank to Cab Corner 65-66 PRICE 60.00 ea. 78-904 B-8287 45.00 ea. C1TZ-9 B7C-92 30.00 ea. C 55-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT GAS TANKS GAS CAPS GAS TANK SENDING UNIT PART # PIC .00 ea. 01A-18416-A (D) Locking Gas Cap - Chrome 51-70 40.00 ea. .00 ea. 8A-9030 (E) Stainless Steel Cap - Vented 51-70 7.00 ea. RICE RICE .00 ea. .00 ea. DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE PART # B8C-9275-B C1TZ-9275-K PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR (J) Gas Tank Sending Unit - F100-F750- w/ gasket & float - w/ Gasket & float -F100-F700 57-60 61-77 PRICE 65.00 ea. 50.00 ea. D K J E L GAS TANK CONNECTION HOSE PART # PIC B7C-9034-A DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Gas Tank Neck Filler Pipe - F100/350 57-60 52.50 ea. 10.00 ea. 78-9047 (F) Gas Tank Connection Hose - For Neck - F100-600 56-72 B-8287 (G) Clamp for above hose - need two - 2 1/8” O.D. ALL C1TZ-9080-A (H) Gas Tank Neck Grommet 57-66 10.00 ea. B7C-9284-S (I) Grommet for where gas line goes through floor pan 57-60 2.00 ea. .00 ea. 1.50 ea. M N GAS TANK SENDING UNIT PART # F H 68-9275-F 68-9275-S (K) (L) 68-9276 (M) C1TF-9276-B (N) G I PIC D1FZ-9A011-A D1AZ-9A011-A DESCRIPTION Gas Tank Float - Brass - New Solid Design! YEAR PRICE 48-77 48-77 15.00 ea. 5.00 ea. Gas Tank Sending Unit Gasket - F100-750 51-60 3.00 ea. Gas Tank Sending Unit Gasket - 2 11/16” dia - 5 holes 3/16” - F100-F350 w/ in cab tank 61-77 3.00 ea. 62-up 62-up 10.00 ea. 10.00 ea. Gas Tank Sending Unit Sock Filter - 5/16" hole - 3/8" hole 53 53 FUEL PUMP FUEL PUMPS - NEW PART # PIC 6523-9350 4208-9350 (A) (B) FUEL PUMP FILTER DESCRIPTION Fuel Pump - V-8 - 6 cylinder YEAR PRICE 55-60 55-60 65.00 ea. 60.00 ea. PART # PIC C4AZ-9365-A DESCRIPTION YEAR Fuel Pump Filter - Used on pumps with filter screwed to bottom of fuel pump 64-72 PRICE 5.00 ea. A ELECTRIC FUEL PUMPS PART # B PIC EEP-9400-B DESCRIPTION Electric Fuel Pump - 12 volt YEAR PRICE 56-60 80.00 ea. YEAR PRICE FUEL PUMP REPAIR KIT PART # C3TZ-9349-B C3AZ-9398-B PIC (C) DESCRIPTION YEAR Fuel Pump Repair Kit - F100-700 - 8 cyl. 292 - For Carter pumps stamped-3528 64 Fuel Pump Diaphragm (ONLY) - F100-700 - 8 cyl. 292, 330, 361, 391 - For Carter pumps stamped 3528,3546,3291-SC,3710-SA 63-65 PRICE 8.00 kit 4.00 ea. FLEXIBLE FUEL LINES PART # PIC 1A-9288-A (D) Flexible Fuel Line - 6 & 8 cylinder 57-62 9.00 ea. 1A-9288-ANOS (E) Flexible Fuel Line - NOS - Ford Script - F100-700 51-62 10.00 ea. Flexable fuel line under Cab hooks to tank to frame rail - F100-600 56-60 12.00 ea. B6TZ-9288-A DESCRIPTION C D E 54 57-66 FORD TRUCK CARBURETOR CARBURETOR REPAIR KITS PART # PIC 8BA-9590 (A) B2A-9590-A C20Z-9590 (B) DESCRIPTION CHOKE CABLE ASSEMBLY AIR C YEAR PRICE PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Carburetor Repair Kit - V-8 - 2 Barrell 37-57 30.00 ea. C5TZ-9700-L (C) 61-69 25.00 ea. Carburetor Repair Kit - 6 cylinder - 1 Barrell 52-60 35.00 ea. Choke Cable Assembly - w/ Bezel for 6 or 8 cyl. - cut to fit - No Knob - F100-350 - 62” Long Carburetor Repair Kit - All 2 barrel with Ford Carburetor - V-8 63-72 19.50 ea. B7C-10852-B (D) Choke Cable to Dash Bezel - F100/110 57-60 15.00 ea. PAR B7A-96 C3AZ-9 C A D CHOKE PLATE SWIVEL PART # C4TZ-9D563-A PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR Choke Plate Adjustment Swivel - w/ 352 V8 - F100-350 65-72 PRICE 5.00 ea. AIR C PART # DF-467 DF-470 DF-489 DF-488 B 56 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT RICE .00 ea. .00 ea. AIR CLEANER AIR CLEANER WING NUT AIR CLEANER FILTER PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B7A-9601-C (E) - 6 cylinder 223 - F100-500 - 7.18” ID x 9.43” OD x 3.47” H - 8 cylinder 272 - F100-350 57-60 57 15.00 ea. C3AZ-9601-B (Z) 352 - F100-350 - 9 3/4” O.D. x 7 1/4” I.D. x 2 3/8” height 65-67 12.00 ea. PART # PIC DESCRIPTION 358871-S YEAR Air Cleaner Wing Nut PRICE 2.00 ea. E ACCELERATOR PEDAL PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C0TT-9735-A (K) Accelerator Pedal 57-60 20.00 ea. C1TZ-9735-C (L) Accelerator Pedal - Before Serial #380,001 61-64 20.00 ea. C5AZ-9735-D (M) Accelerator Pedal - From Ser # 696,001 - F100-250 65-66 15.00 ea. PRICE Z .00 ea. AIR CLEANER DECALS PART # PIC DF-467 (F) - 223 - 139 H.P. DESCRIPTION 57-60 YEAR 4.50 ea. DF-470 (G) - 272 - 171 H.P. 57-58 6.00 ea. DF-489 (H) - 272 - 181 H.P. 59-60 4.50 ea. DF-488 (J) - 292 - 172 H.P. 58-60 4.50 ea. L PRICE M K ACCELERATOR CABLE PART # F C5TZ-9A758-AH PIC DESCRIPTION Accelerator Cable - V8 YEAR PRICE 65-66 30.00 ea. G H J 57 57 GENERATOR GENERATOR PARTS GENERATOR PART # PIC B6A-10002 (A) DESCRIPTION YEAR Generator - Rebuilt - Outright - Exchanget 56-64 PRICE 245.00 ea. 145.00 ea. A GEN PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C1TZ-10005-A (B) Generator Armature - 30 amp. generator 56-64 25.00 ea. C3AZ-10050-A (C) Generator Rear End Plate and Brush Assembly - 30 amp. generator 56-64 15.00 ea. C1AZ-10069-A (D) Generator Brush Set .90”high x.93”wide x.29”thick 56-64 4.00 set 8BA-10094 (E) Generator Front Bearing 40-64 10.00 ea. B6A-10095-B (F) Generator Rear Bearing 56-64 12.00 ea. C3AZ-10120-A (G) Generator & Starter Bolt - 1/4” x 20 x 1” x 6 9/16” long 48-64 4.00 ea. B6A-10139-B (H) Generator Front End Plate 56-64 7.50 ea. C1AZ-10170-B (I) Generator Splash Shield - Rubber - Made in USA 62-64 20.00 ea. PA B6A-10 D H E I D G C J B B F 58 E H 55-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT RICE 00 ea. 00 ea. 00 set GENERATOR GENERATOR REBUILD KIT PART # B6A-10002-K PIC VOLTAGE REGULATOR DESCRIPTION YEAR Generator Rebuild Kit Includes 1) C1TZ-10005-A Armature, 1) 8BA-10094 Front Bearing, 1) C1AZ-10069-A Brush set 1) B6A-10095-B Rear Bearing 57-64 PRICE 30.00 ea. PART # PIC B6A-10505 (J) - Replacement - 12 volts DESCRIPTION 56-64 YEAR 60.00 ea. PRICE B6A-10505-00 (K) - Original Ford - 12 volt 56-64 110.00 ea. 00 ea. 00 ea. 00 ea. 50 ea. 00 ea. K J ALTERNATOR PARTS PART # PIC C3SZ-10316-B (L) Alternator Regulator - Except Transistorized DESCRIPTION 65-66 YEAR 38.00 ea. PRICE C5DZ-10335-A (M) Alternator Rotor Assembly - Fits; Motorcraft Alternators with these ID numbers: 65-72 25.00 ea. C4TF-10300-AZ-BB-BD-BE-BG-BJ-BL-BM, C5AF-10300-A-B-C-D-E, C5DF-10300-A-B, C5TF-10300-AN-AS-AT-AU-AV, C6AF-10300-A-BC-D-E, C6DF-10300-A-B, C6TF-10300-A-B-C-D, C7TF-10300-C-D-E, C7ZF-10300-A, C9AF-10300-A, C9ZF-10300-A, D0AF-10300-C-G, D0TF-10300-C-D, D0ZF-10300-B, D2AF-10300-AA-AB, D20F-10300DA-DB, D2TF-10300-AA-AB-AC-BA-BB-BC-BD, D2ZF-10300-AA-ABAC, C5AF-10346-A, C5DF-10346-A-B, C6AF-10346-A-B, C6DF-10346A, D0AF-10346-E, D2AF-10346-CA-D20F-10336-DA M L 59 59 BATTERY BATTERY RELATED PARTS PART # C4TZ-10732-D PIC (A) IGNITION SWITCH HOUSINGS DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Battery Tray Assembly - w/ both hold down bolts - 4 x 2 - F100/250 61-64 90.00 ea. C5DZ-10718-B (B) Battery Hold Down 59-60 13.00 ea. C1TZ-10A707-A (C) Outer Battery Hold Down Bolt w/ special bracket - 4 x 2 - F100/250 61-64 17.50 ea. C0TZ-10756-A (D) Inner Battery Hold Down Bolt with special washer - 4 x 2 F100/250 61-64 8.00 ea. DODZ-10718-A (E) Battery hold down clamp - F100-250 65-72 10.00 ea. DOAZ-10756-A (F) Battery hold down bolt - F100-250 65-72 6.00 ea. PART # PIC IGNI DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B5A-11572-A (G) Ignition Switch Housing - No Keys, No Cylinder 56-60 18.00 ea. C3AZ-11572-A (H) Ignition Switch Housing - No Keys, No Cylinder - Fits all except P-100-P-500 61-66 25.00 ea. G P B7C-11 C3TZ-1 B7C-11 C1TF-1 H IGNITION CYLINDERS PART # A PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE BA-11582-A (J) Ignition Cylinder Assembly & (1) Key 53-60 10.00 ea. C3AZ-11582-A (K) Ignition Cylinder Assembly & (1) Key - Fits all except P-100 - P-500 61-66 15.00 ea. J KEY PA BA-368 BA-368 B D K C E F 60 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT PRICE .00 ea. .00 ea. IGNITION SWITCHES IGNITION SWITCH PARTS PART # IGNITION CYLINDERS KITS PIC DESCRIPTION B7C-11584-A C3TZ-11584-A (L) Ignition Switch to Dash Bezel - F100/1100 - F100/1100 B7C-11597-A (M) C1TF-10A885-A (N) YEAR PRICE 57-60 61-66 15.00 ea. 20.00 ea. Ignition Switch Mounting Plate - goes between Dash Ignition Bezel & Ignition Switch - F-100/1100 57-60 10.00 ea. Ignition Switch Mounting Plate - goes between dash bezel & ignition switch - F100-1100 61-66 10.00 ea. PART # PIC BAAA-7022050-S (Q) One Ignition Cylinder Assembly & Two Door Lock Cylinders with key - all keyed alike DESCRIPTION 53-60 YEAR 50.00 kit PRICE C3AZ-6222050-B (R) One Ignition Cylinder Assembly & Two Door Lock Cylinders with key - all keyed alike 61-66 50.00 kit Q M PRICE 0.00 ea. 5.00 ea. L N R KEY BLANKS - OFFICIAL FORD LICENSED PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE BA-3685-A (O) Ford Ignition & Door Key Blank 53-66 2.50 ea. BA-3685-ANV (P) Anniversary Ignition Key Blank 53-66 10.00 ea. O P 61 61 STARTER PART # B6A-11002-R C2AZ-11002-K PIC (A) DESCRIPTION Starter Assembly - 6 & 12 volt - OUTRIGHT - EXCHANGE Starter Rebuild Kit - Includes: 1) C2AZ-11005-A armature 1) A9AZ-11102-B post repair kit 1) 18-11052 rear bushing 1) 1CM-11135-A starter drive bushing 1) 18-11057 brushes YEAR STAR STARTER PARTS STARTER ASSEMBLY & REBUILD KIT PART # PIC A9AZ-11102-B (B) Starter Post Kit 49-64 5.00 kit C2AZ-11130-A (C) Starter Drive End Plate & Bushing -F100-700-6 & 8 cyl. 223,262,239,256,272,292 54-64 15.00 ea. 1CM-11135-A (D) Starter Rear End Plate Bushing - 5/8” IDx13/16” ODx1 5/32” L 54-64 2.00 ea. 18-11052 Rear Bushing 62-64 4.00 ea. 18-11057 Starter Bushes 62-64 6.50 set PRICE 54-61 54-61 235.00 ea. 135.00 ea. 62-64 30.00 ea. DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE PAR C2AZ-6 STAR PA B C C2AZ-1 A D STAR PAR C1AZ-1 62 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT RICE 5.00 kit STARTER STARTER TO FLYWHEEL HOUSING SEAL PART # PIC C2AZ-6436-A .00 ea. DESCRIPTION YEAR Starter to Flywheel Housing Rubber Seal - 8 cylinder 239, 256, 272, 292 54-64 STARTER SOLENOID PRICE 10.00 ea. PART # PIC B6A-11450-A (E) DESCRIPTION Starter Solenoid - All Models - Replacement YEAR PRICE 56-72 15.00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. 6.50 set E STARTER ARMATURE PART # PIC C2AZ-11005-A DESCRIPTION Starter Armature - F100-800 - 6 & 8 cylinder 223, 262, 292, 302, 332 YEAR 62-64 PRICE 25.00 ea. STARTER RING GEAR PART # PIC 1P-7950-E (F) B5A-7950-A YEAR PRICE Starter Ring Gear for Ford-O-Matic Transmission - 14.85” O.D. & 146 teeth - 6 cylinder F100 DESCRIPTION 53-62 40.00 ea. Starter Ring Gear for Ford-O-Matic Transmission - 15.05” O.D. & 148 teeth - 8 cylinder F100 54-64 45.00 ea. STARTER DRIVE PART # C1AZ-11350-A PIC DESCRIPTION Starter Drive or Bendix - 6 Cylinder - V8 YEAR 52-61 54-61 PRICE 57.50 ea. F 63 63 DISTRIBUTOR DISTRIBUTOR CAP PART # PIC 7HA-12106 B7A-12106 (A) 7RA-12144 (B) B-12145 (C) IGNI DESCRIPTION Distributor Cap - 6 cylinder - 8 cylinder YEAR PRICE 48-60 57-72 15.00 ea. 10.00 ea. Distributor to Cap Hold Down Clamp - 6 & 8 cylinder - 2 per disributor 49-66 4.00 ea. Distributor Cap Clip Rivet - takes two 60-64 1.00 ea. PA B6A-12 A B6AZ-1 E IGNITION RELATED PARTS PART # FAA-12171-A B8Q-12171-A FAA-12200-B B7A-12200 C5TZ-12216-A C0DF-12216-A PIC (D) (E) (F) B6A-12250-C C0DF-12250 (G) 7RA-12264 (H) FAB-12300-A B9AZ-12300-A (I) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Points - 6 cylinder - 8 cylinder 48-63 57-72 6.00 ea. 4.00 ea. Rotor - 6 cylinder - 8 cylinder 46-60 57-72 3.00 ea. 5.00 ea. Primary Distributor Lead Wire - for V8 - 19” long - 6 & 8 cylinder 57-67 48-60 5.00 ea. 13.00 ea. Ignition Coil Resistor - 6 & 8 cylinder - 6 & 8 cylinder 56-57 60 14.00 ea. 35.00 ea. 48-64 3.00 ea. 48-64 57-72 6.00 ea. 6.00 ea. Distributor Ground Lead - 6 cylinder Condenser - 6 cylinder - 8 cylinder IGNITION TUNE-UP KIT PART # A7A-12000-B PIC DESCRIPTION Ignition Tune-Up Kit - 6 cyl. - w/ points, condenser, & rotor YEAR PRICE 48-64 10.00 kit H I J F D C B C B G 64 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT IGNITION IGNITION COIL PART # PIC ELECTRONIC IGNITION SYSTEM DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B6A-12029 (J) Coil - 12 volts - Fits All except transistorized ignition systems 56-74 35.00 ea. B6AZ-12029 (K) Coil - w/ mustard color top 56-74 40.00 ea. PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE REPLACES POINTS & CONDENSER IN DISTRIBUTOR B7A-12000-1281 Solid State Electronic Ignition System - 8 cyl. all except dual point distributor 57-74 85.00 ea. DISTRIBUTOR VACUUM ADVANCE PART # 7RA-12370-B J K PIC (L) B9AF-12370-A C5AZ-12370-A L (M) YEAR PRICE Distributor Vacuum Advance 6 cylinder DESCRIPTION 47-60 30.00 ea. Distributor Vacuum Advance - 8 cyl. 57-64 20.00 ea. Distributor Vacuum Advance - 8 cyl. 57-66 20.00 ea. M 65 65 SPARK PLUG SPARK PLUG WIRES PART # B5A-12259 D1AZ-12259-F C5AZ-12259-F PIC (A) (B) SPARK PLUG WIRE MOUNTING DESCRIPTION Spark Plug Wire - Original - w/ Weatherproof Ends - V-8, 239, 272, 292, 312 Spark Plug Wires - Graphic Core - V-8 - 272, 292, 312 - V-8 - 352, 360, 390 YEAR PRICE PART # PIC YEAR PRICE 54-64 80.00 set FAA-12111-2K (E) Spark Plug Wire Mounting Brackets - 239, 272, 292, 312 54-64 25.00 kit FAA-12297-K (F) Spark Plug Wire Mounting Grommets - Rubber - 4 pcs. - 239, 272, 292, 312 54-64 20.00 kit B6A-12297-K (G) Spark Plug Wire Seperator Kit - 4 pieces 58-72 6.00 kit B5A-12299-A (H) Spark Plug Metal Shield - Need 4 per truck - V-8 239, 272, 292, 312 54-64 6.00 ea. 54-64 65-71 52.50 set 55.00 set A DESCRIPTION B E H SPARK PLUGS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B5C-12405-A (C) Spark Plug - 18MM 55-66 3.50 ea. B7A-12405-A (D) Motorcraft Spark Plug BSF6 w/ 6 cyl. and 8 cyl. 55-61 1.00 ea. C F D G 66 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT PRICE 5.00 kit 0.00 kit 6.00 kit .00 ea. 67 67 HEADLIGHT HEADLIGHT DOOR PART # C1TZ-13064-C C1TF-13064-C C1TZ-13064-D C1TF-13064-D C1TZ-13064-AL C1TF-13064-AL PIC (A) Headlight Door - F100-F700 - Chrome Plated Steel - RH - Chrome Plated Steel - LH - Plain Steel - RH - Plain Steel - LH - Aluminum - RH - Aluminum - LH YEAR 61-66 61-66 61-66 61-66 61-66 61-66 PRICE 65.00 65.00 40.00 40.00 85.00 85.00 ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. A PART # PIC C4AZ-13031-A C20Z-13031-A (D) PIC B8AZ-13007-A B8AZ-13007-B B6A-13007 B6A-13007 (B) (B) 01A-13018-C (C) DESCRIPTION YEAR DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE 65-66 2.00 ea. B6T-11 Headlight Adjusting Ring Retainer Spring - F100/750 - ser # 190,001 to # 623,001 61-65 2.00 ea. B7A-11 Headlight Bulb Wire- F100-350 - RH 71” long - LH 20” long - Fits RH or LH (E) C1DZ-13118-A (F) Headlight Bulb Retainer Bucket - RH or LH - F100-750 C2TZ-13181-A (G) Headlight Adjusting Nut - F-B 100/750 - N-NT 500/1100 B9AF-1 C1DF-1 58-59 58-59 60 45.00 ea. 35.00 ea. 35.00 ea. 57 61-66 20.00 ea. 62-66 63-69 10.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 Headlight Bulb Retainer Ring - Stainless - Single Headlight 40-57 61-66 10.00 ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. D3ZZ-1 F D PRICE 58-60 58-60 56-57 61-66 C4DZ-1 1.00 ea. E Headlight Bulb - 12V - #4000 - Outer Low Beam - #4001 - Inner High Beam - #6014 - #6014 PA Headlight Bucket Spring B9TF-13076-A B9TF-13105-A B9AF-13076-A HEADLIGHT BULB & RETAINER PART # HEA HEADLIGHT PARTS DESCRIPTION G HEADLIGHT DIMMER SWITCH PART # B9A-13532-A PIC (H) B7A-13532 C5ZZ-13533 (J) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Headlight Dimmer Switch 60-72 11.00 ea. Headlight Dimmer Switch 57-59 25.00 ea. Headlight Dimmer Switch Rubber Cover ALL 4.00 ea. H J B 68 C 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT HEADLIGHT HEADLIGHT SWITCHES - KNOB NOT INCLUDED PRICE PART # 2.00 ea. B6T-11654-A 2.00 ea. B7A-11654-A B9AF-11654-A PIC (K) (L) C1DF-11654-A 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE - Universal - 12 volts 56-57 45.00 ea. - Heavy Duty -Ford Surplus 56-57 65.00 ea. - F100-F1100 58-59 50.00 ea. - F100-F1100 61 20.00 ea. C4DZ-11654-A (M) - F100-F600 62-64 47.00 ea. D3ZZ-11654-A (N) - F100-F600 65-72 60.00 ea. HEADLIGHT SWITCH DASH BEZEL PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR C1TF-10852-C B7C-10852-E (O) (P) Headlight Switch Dash Bezel F100-F1100 - F100/1100 61-69 57-60 O PRICE 15.00 ea. 15.00 ea. P 0.00 ea. 1.00 ea. K HEADLIGHT SWITCH NUTS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C2TZ-11650-A (Q) Light Switch to Instrument Panel Nut 55-62 7.00 ea. C3TZ-11650-A (R) Light Switch Bezel Nut - Screws into light switch - F100-750 65-72 10.00 ea. Q R L PRICE 1.00 ea. 5.00 ea. 4.00 ea. N M 69 69 PARK LIGHT PARK LIGHT ASSEMBLY PART # PIC YEAR C0TF-13200-K C0TF-13201-K Park Light Assy. - F100-600 - w/ turn signal - RH - w/ clear lens - LH - w/ clear lens C2TZ-13200-D C3TZ-13200-E Park Light Assy. - F100-1100 - w/ turn signal - RH or LH - w/ clear lens - RH or LH - w/ amber lens (A) PAR PARK LIGHT LENS DESCRIPTION 59-60 59-60 61-64 61-64 PRICE 35.00 ea. 35.00 ea. 35.00 ea. 35.00 ea. DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE PA PART # PIC B7C-13208-A B7C-13208-AMB (D) (E) Park Light Lens - Clear - Amber 57-58 57-58 7.00 ea. 7.00 ea. B9C-13208-A D1UZ-13208-A C5TZ-13208-A (F) (G) (H) Park Light Lens - Rectangular - Clear - Amber - Amber - F100-F750 B7C-13 B9C-13 C5TZ-1 59-64 59-64 65-66 7.00 ea. 7.00 ea. 7.00 ea. B7C-13 B9C-13 G E A PARK LIGHT DOOR PART # C5TZ-13210-A C5TZ-13212-A PIC (B) (C) DESCRIPTION Park Light Door - Aluminum - RH - F100-F750 - LH - F100-F750 YEAR PRICE 65-66 65-66 50.00 ea. 50.00 ea. F D B H C PARK LIGHT SOCKET & WIRING PART # BAAA-13410 70 PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR Parking Light Socket & Wiring - w/ double contacts - replacement 57-66 FORD TRUCK PRICE 5.00 ea. VISIT PARK LIGHT PARK LIGHT GASKETS PART # PRICE PIC 7.00 ea. 7.00 ea. B7C-13211-A B9C-13211-B C5TZ-13211-A (J) (K) (L) 7.00 ea. 7.00 ea. 7.00 ea. B7C-13217-A (M) B9C-13211-B (N) DESCRIPTION YEAR Park Light Lens Gaskets - Round - Rectangular - Rectangular PRICE 57-58 59-64 65-66 8.00 pr. 5.00 pr. 6.00 pr. Park Light Housing to Fender Gasket 57-58 8.00 pr. Park Light Housing to Fender Gasket 59-64 5.00 pr. M J G L F N PARK LIGHT 1957-58 M PRICE .00 ea. D J N K F PARK LIGHT LENS RECTANGULAR - 1959-64 71 71 TAILLIGHT LENS TAIL TAILLIGHT LENS - PLASTIC SHIELD TYPE PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B5C-13450-A (A) - Plain w/ FoMoCo Script ......................................................................................................................................... 55-66 15.00 ea. B5C-13450-PBD (C) - Plain w/ Glass Blue Dot ......................................................................................................................................... 55-66 25.00 ea. B5C-13450-FS (D) - Chrome Plated Ford Script .................................................................................................................................... 55-66 15.00 ea. B5C-13450-SBD (F) - Chrome Plated Ford Script w/ Glass Blue Dot ...................................................................................................... 55-66 30.00 ea. B5C-13450-BL (E) - FORD molded into lens - Silver Overlay on FORD letters..................................................................................... 55-66 15.00 ea. B5C-13450-FBD (B) - FORD molded into lens w/ Glass Blue Dot - Silver Overlay on FORD letters....................................................... 55-66 25.00 ea. A YEAR TAIL E D PAR B7C-13 H TAILLIGHT LENS - PLASTIC ROUND TYPE DESCRIPTION B5C-13 B7C-13 C1TF-1 C4TZ-1 C B F PAR PART # PIC B7C-13450 (H) - Plain - Style-Side Only - Fender Inside Bed 57-64 7.00 ea. PRICE B9C-13450-A (G) - w/ FoMoCo Script 53-Up 7.00 ea. G 72 55-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT TAILLIGHT .00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. TAILLIGHT DOOR - RECTANGULAR TAILLIGHT LENS GASKETS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR B5C-13461 B7C-13211-A C1TF-13461-A C4TZ-13461-A (J) (K) (L) (M) Taillight Lens to Housing Gasket - Shield Type - Style-Side - Uni-Body - F100-250 - Style-Side Bed 55-66 57-63 61-63 64-66 PRICE PART # PRICE PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE 64-66 64-66 35.00 ea. 35.00 ea. Taillight Door K 6.00 8.00 8.00 8.00 pr. pr. pr. pr. C4TZ-13489-E C4TZ-13489-F (O) (P) J - Anodized Aluminum - RH - Anodized Aluminum - LH O P M TAILLIGHT LENS - RECTANGULAR PART # C1TB-13450-B L C4TZ-13450-D C4TZ-13451-D PIC (Q) (R) (S) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE 61-63 20.00 ea. Taillight Lens - Rectangular - Style-Side Only - Fender Inside Bed - RH - Plain................................ 64-66 - LH - Plain................................ 64-66 15.00 ea. 15.00 ea. Taillight Lens - Rectangular - Uni-Body - F100-250 TAILLIGHT HOUSING GASKETS PART # B7C-13217-A PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR (N) Taillight Housing to Body Gasket - Style-Side Bed 57-63 PRICE 8.00 pr. N Q R S 73 73 TAILLIGHT TAILLIGHT WITH BACK UP LIGHT PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE FOR ALL EXCEPT STYLE SIDE B7C-13404-LR B7C-13405-RR (A) Taillight Assembly - Left Side - Right Side 55-Up 55-Up 50.00 ea. 50.00 ea. LICE TAILLIGHT RELATED WIRING PART # PIC DESCRIPTION B6C-13410-A (C) Taillight Wire - F100-350 - Step Side Bed - Styleside BAAA-13410 (D) Taillight Socket & Wiring - w/ double contacts - replacement B-13578 (E) Taillight Wiring Conduit - Universal - Stainless - Covers wire from taillight to bed - 24” long - Step Side Only A YEAR PRICE PAR 15.00 ea. B7C-13 All 5.00 ea. D0TZ-1 All 15.00 pr. C9TZ-1 53-72 62-63 C E D TAILLIGHTS - FORD SHIELD TYPE PART # B6C-13404-RT B6C-13405-LR B6C-13404-SS B6C-13405-SS PIC (B) DESCRIPTION Taillight Assembly - Painted - RH - Painted - LH - Stainless - RH - Stainless - LH YEAR 55-66 55-66 55-66 55-66 PRICE 30.00 30.00 40.00 40.00 ea. ea. ea. ea. LICE PAR BLUE DOT PART # B5C-13 PIC BD-13450-S B DESCRIPTION Blue Dot - Glass - with Chrome Retainer to Install YEAR PRICE All 7.00 ea. C1TB-1 FAA-13 B5C-13 CHROME FORD SCRIPT PART # TAILLIGHT LENS - PANEL TRUCK PART # B7C-13450-B 74 PIC DESCRIPTION Taillight Lens for Panel Truck - Mounted on door YEAR PRICE 57-60 10.00 ea. 91A-16606 PIC DESCRIPTION Ford Script - Chrome Plated w/ Clips - 3” x 1” YEAR PRICE 10.00 ea. 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT LICENSE PLATE TURN SIGNAL RELATED PARTS LICENSE PLATE LIGHT ASSY. PART # PRICE PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR 5.00 ea. B7C-13550-A (F) License Plate Light Assy. - for Style Side Bed - F100-250 57Early 63 30.00 ea. 5.00 ea. D0TZ-13550-R (G) License Plate Light Assy. - Replacement in bumper - F100-350 64-73 12.50 ea. 5.00 pr. C9TZ-13550-A (H) License Plate Light Assy. - for Style Side Bed - F100-250 64-72 47.50 ea. F PART # PIC PRICE Turn Signal Turn Off Cam - on Steering Wheel 57-60 10.00 ea. B6C-13341-A Turn Signal Switch - F100-600 56-60 80.00 ea. Turn Signal Switch Wiring - w/o mounting plate - F100-350 61-62 40.00 ea. C9TZ-13341-C Turn Signal Switch - F100 65-69 30.00 ea. C1TF-13377-AP Turn Signal Switch Wire to Steering Column Clip - need 2 per pickup 57-62 4.00 ea. C0DZ-13341-A (N) DESCRIPTION H N G LICENSE PLATE BRACKET PART # LICENSE PLATE LIGHT LENS & GASKET PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR (J) License Plate Light Lens - Shield Type 55-66 4.00 ea. C1TB-13564-A (K) License Plate Light Lens 57-63 10.00 ea. FAA-13568-A (L) License Plate Light Lens Gasket 57-63 2.00 ea. B5C-13447 (M) License Plate Light Lens Gasket - Shield Type 55-66 3.00 ea. K J PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE FOR ALL EXCEPT PANEL & STYLE SIDE PRICE B5C-13564-B PRICE 7.00 ea. YEAR FAA-13318-A PRICE B-13406-A B-13406-SS (O) (P) License Plate Bracket - Rear - Painted Black - Polished Stainless 48-66 48-66 10.00 ea. 15.00 ea. P O LICENSE PLATE BOLTS PART # PRICE COLOR PRICE MANUFACTURED IN THE USA! LP-2A 0.00 ea. M L Amber 7.00 ea. LP-2B Blue 7.00 ea. LP-2G Green 7.00 ea. LP-2R Red 7.00 ea. 75 75 DOME LIGHT DOME LIGHT LENS PART # COW DOME LIGHT BEZELS PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE FDA-13783-A (A) Dome Light Lens - F100-F600 57-58 7.00 ea. B8S-13783-B (B) Dome Light Lens - F100-F600 59-60 7.00 ea. C1TZ-13783 (C) Dome Light Lens - F100-F600 61-63 8.50 ea. PART # PIC C4TZ-13783-CC (F) C1TZ-13788-C C0TF-13787-A (G) (H) DESCRIPTION PAR YEAR PRICE Dome Bezel -F100-F1100 - Chrome 64-72 20.00 ea. Dome Bezel - F100-F1100 - Plastic - Chrome Plated - Plastic - Chrome Plated B7C-14 B8C-14 61-63 59-60 20.00 ea. 20.00 ea. 8A-146 A H B C WIRI PAR G F B7C-14 B7C-14 B7C-14 B6A-14 META DOME LIGHT GASKET PART # PIC C0TF-13A706-A (D) DESCRIPTION Dome Light Lens Gasket YEAR PRICE 59-60 15.00 ea. PART 352873 352873 D 76 352974 S100 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT WIRING COWL WIRING PRICE .00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. PART # PIC B7C-14401-A B8C-14401-A (J) 8A-14608 (K) JUNCTION BLOCK FOR WIRING DESCRIPTION Cowl Wiring - F100 - 6 & 8 cylinder - 6 & 8 cylinder Cowl Wiring Grommet Retainer - F100-1100 YEAR PRICE 57 58-59 400.00 ea. 400.00 ea. 57-66 10.00 ea. PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE FDT-14448-A (O) Double Stack for under hood 48-60 25.00 ea. FDT-14448-B (P) Single Stack for under hood 48-60 20.00 ea. Double Stack for under hood 48-60 25.00 ea. FDT-14448-C O P J K WIRING CONNECTORS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B-14564 (Q) Wiring Connector 1.00 ea. 59A-14487 (R) Double Splice or Four-Way Wiring Connector 2.00 ea. WIRING - MISCELLANEOUS PART # G PIC B7C-14405-A B7C-14405-D B7C-14289-A B6A-14305-D DESCRIPTION YEAR Taillight Wiring - w/o Turn Signals - w/ Turn Signal - F100-350 PRICE 57-59 57-59 60.00 ea. 50.00 ea. Dash Panel to Engine Gauge Feed Wire for 272, 292, V8 F100-350 only 57 34.00 ea. Generator to Voltage Regulator Wiring Harness - for 223 6 cyl. 57-60 Q R FUSES 35.00 ea. PART # B6AZ-14526-B B9AF-14526-A METAL WIRE GROMMET / CLIP PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE 352873-S (L) Metal Wire Grommet - Small 11/16” x 1/2” I.D. 352873-L (M) Metal Wire Grommet - Large 11/16” x 5/8” I.D. - F100-1100 - RH or LH side of Radiator Support 57-63 4.00 ea. 352974S100 (N) Dash to Engine Wiring Clip - holds engine wiring along the valve cover - F100/350 57-72 2.00 ea. PIC DESCRIPTION (S) Electrical Glass Fuse - AGA-5 - Box of 5 (T) Electrical Circuit Breaker -12 Amp - All w/marker & clearance lamps YEAR PRICE 5.00 box 58-64 17.50 ea. 4.00 ea. T S L TIE STRAP (ZIP TIE) PART # 376875-S PIC DESCRIPTION Plastic Tie Strap in black - 7.5” long YEAR PRICE 0.25 ea. N M 77 77 FRONT FENDER FRONT FENDER PART # PIC FENDER SIDE NAMEPLATES DESCRIPTION Front Fender - Imported - RH - LH C1TZ-16005-A C1TZ-16006-A PRICE YEAR 61-66 61-66 350.00 ea. 350.00 ea. DESCRIPTION REAR PART # PIC YEAR PRICE C6TZ-16720-A (D) - “Four Wheel Drive” - F100 - w/ Clips 66 75.00 ea. C6TZ-16720-B (E) - “Twin I Beam” - Except Camper Special - F100 - w/ clips 66 60.00 ea. PA *BAAA*BAAA- D E COWL TO FENDER SEALS PART # PIC B7C-16120 (A) Top Back of Front Fender to Cab Seal 57-60 6.00 pr. B6C-16126-A (C) Front Fender to Cowl Seal - between fender and cab 57-60 5.00 pr. B7C-16246-PR (B) Front Fender Rear to Body Pillar Seal 57-60 Front Fender Rear to Body Pillar Seal - F100-1100 - 23 1/2” 61-66 C1TB-16246-PR DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE FENDER NAMEPLATE PLASTIC INSERTS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C5TZ-16719-B (F) Twin I Beam Plastic Insert - for Side of Fender 65-66 26.00 pr. 15.00 pr. C6TZ-16719-CP (G) Camper Special Plastic Insert - for Side of Fender - F100 66 35.00 pr. 15.00 pr. C6TZ-16719-FWD Four Wheel Drive Plastic Insert - for Side of Fender - F100 66 35.00 pr. F REA E R A B 355471 355471 C 355471 355471 G 78 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT REAR FENDERS REAR FENDERS PRICE PART # PIC DESCRIPTION 5.00 ea. 0.00 ea. YEAR PRICE 53-72 53-72 350.00 ea. 350.00 ea. FENDER SHIPPED BY MOTOR FREIGHT *BAAA-16312-A *BAAA-16313-A (H) Rear Fender - Step-Side Only - F100-F350 - Original 16 Gauge Steel - RH........................................................................................................................................................................ - LH.......................................................................................................................................................................... H GALVANIZED STEEL MADE FROM ORIGINAL FORD TOOLING Same Thickness as Original! PRICE 6.00 pr. 5.00 pr. 5.00 pr. REAR FENDER TO BEDSIDE BOLTS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION FENDER WELT YEAR PRICE Rear Fender Bolt include zinc plated nut and washer. 355471-S8 355471-SET (J) (K) 355471-SS 355471-SSK - Plain 5/16” x 24 x 1” Single Bolt Set of 24 48-72 48-72 1.00 ea. 20.00 set - Stainless Steel 5/16” x 24 x 1” Single Bolt Set of 24 48-72 48-72 2.00 ea. 40.00 kit PART # PIC 48-16070 (L) 48-16070-SS 48-16070-RR L J (M) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Fender Welt - 30’ roll - Black Vinyl w/ Black Bead All 20.00 ea. Fender Welt - 8’ lengths -Black Vinyl w/Stainless Steel Bead All 25.00 ea. Fender Welt - Rubber - 8’ lengths All 15.00 ea. M K 79 79 HOOD HOOD NAMEPLATE PLASTIC INSERTS HOOD EMBLEMS PART # C1TZ-16607-A C1TZ-16607-B PIC (A) (B) C1TZ-16638 DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Hood Front Emblem - With V-8 - F100-1100 - w/ Clips 65-66 60.00 ea. Hood Front Emblem - 5 stars with gear & lighting - F100-1100 - w/ Clips 61-66 55.00 ea. Hood Emblem Pad 61-66 6.00 ea. B A PART # C3TZ-16719 C3TZ-16719-250 C3TZ-16719-350 PIC (G) (H) (J) DESCRIPTION Plastic Insert - for Side of Hood Emblem - “100” - “250” - “350” COW YEAR PRICE 63-64 63-64 63-64 30.00 pr. 30.00 pr. 30.00 pr. PA PART # PIC C3TZ-16720-C (D) - “FORD 100” - F100 - w/ Clips 63-64 75.00 ea. C3TZ-16720-D (E) - “FORD 250” - F250 - w/ Clips 63-64 75.00 ea. - “FORD 350” - F350 - w/ Clips 63-64 75.00 ea. C3TZ-16720-E C1TZ-1 G HOOD SIDE NAMEPLATE DESCRIPTION PA B7C-16 YEAR PRICE B7C-16 H B8C-16 C5TZ-1 J HOO D P HOOD ORNAMENT PART # E 80 C4AZ-16850-A PIC C3TZ-1 DESCRIPTION Hood Ornament - Replacement YEAR PRICE 61-66 100.00 ea. 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT HOOD COWL LACING KIT PRICE 0.00 pr. 0.00 pr. 0.00 pr. PART # B7C-16740 PIC (K) C1TZ-16740-B HOOD HINGE & LATCH DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Cowl Lacing Kit - w/ Clips 57-60 10.00 ea. Cowl Lacing Kit - F100-F1100 - w/ Clips 61-66 10.00 ea. PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR C1TZ-16789-A (P) Hood Hinge Spring - F100-700 61-66 40.00 ea. Hood Hinge - F100-1100 - Import - w/ Spring - RH - LH 61-66 61-66 70.00 ea. 70.00 ea. Hood Latch - F100-700 61-66 5.00 ea. C2TZ-16796-C C2TZ-16797-C (Q) C1TZ-16900-D (R) K PRICE Q HOOD BUMPER KITS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B7C-16761 (L) Hood Bumper Kit - 6 pcs. 57 10.00 kit B8C-16761 (M) Hood Bumper Kit - 6 pcs. - All 1965 before Serial #600-001 58-65 12.00 kit C5TZ-16761 (N) Hood Bumper Kit - Set of 3 All 1965 from Serial #600,001 65-66 12.00 set N R L P M HOOD SAFTEY CATCH SPRING & PIN HOOD LOCK PART # C3TZ-16700-F PIC DESCRIPTION Hood Lock - F100-700 YEAR PRICE 61-66 75.00 ea. PART # C1TZ-16897-B PIC DESCRIPTION Hood Safety Catch Spring & Pin - F-100/750 YEAR 61-66 PRICE 7.50 kit PRICE 0.00 ea. 81 81 SPEEDOMETER SPEEDOMETER CABLE & HOUSING PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE NOTE: Before ordering speedometer cable, check the end of the cable where it goes into the transmission to be sure to order the correct part. See diagram & also make sure the speedometer head turns freely. A9A-17260 (A) SPEE SPEEDOMETER PARTS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR 48-17265 (C) Speedometer Cable Grommet 57-60 B5A-19581-A (D) Speedometer Cable Lube - Comes in a tube 6.00 ea. B9TZ-17264-B (E) Speedometer Cable to Trans. Hold Down Bracket - F100/250 - F100/250 - 4x4 4.00 ea. P 3.00 ea. C0DZ-1 C3DZ-1 C0DD-1 Speedometer Cable & Housing Assembly - 3 spd, Auto & Overdrive - 70.25” 53-60 Speedometer Cable & Housing Assembly - w/ 4 spd. - 69.2” 57-60 20.00 ea. C40Z-1 C1TF-17260-C Speedometer Cable & Housing - w/ O/D - 76.24” 61-62 25.00 ea. C2DZ-1 C5TZ-17260-Y Speedometer Cable & Housing - 72.50” - 3-Spd Light & Medium Duty Transmission - 4 x 2 - 4-Speed Warner Transmission - 4 x 2 65-66 20.00 ea. B7C-17260-A (B) 18.00 ea. PRICE 59-64 65-69 C7VY-1 C1DZ-1 C7SZ-1 D C2DZ-1 C4DZ-1 C2DZ-1 E0TZ-1 C E A B 82 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT PRICE SPEEDOMETER SPEEDOMETER DRIVEN GEAR PART # DESCRIPTION 4.00 ea. SPEEDOMETER DRIVE GEAR CLIP ANGLE YEAR PRICE - 3 speed & automatic transmisson 3.00 ea. 6.00 ea. END PART # C1DZ-17292-A C0DZ-17271-A - 16 teeth A R 10.00 ea. C3DZ-17271-C - 17 teeth A R 10.00 ea. C0DD-17271-B - 18 teeth A R 10.00 ea. C7VY-17271-A - 19 teeth A R 10.00 ea. C1DZ-17271-A - 20 teeth A R 10.00 ea. C40Z-17271-A - 21 teeth A R 10.00 ea. DESCRIPTION PRICE Speedometer Drive Gear Retainer Clip - 1963-Up 2.00 ea. - 4 speed transmisson C2DZ-17271-J - 16 teeth B L 10.00 ea. C7SZ-17271-A - 17 teeth B L 10.00 ea. C2DZ-17271-K - 18 teeth B L 10.00 ea. C4DZ-17271-A - 19 teeth B L 10.00 ea. C2DZ-17271-H - 20 teeth B L 10.00 ea. E0TZ-17271-A - 21 teeth B L 10.00 ea. SPEEDOMETER GEARS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE - 3 AND 4 SPEED B5A-17322-A - 20 teeth w/ Blue 10.00 ea. B5A-17322-B - 21 teeth w/ Green 10.00 ea. B5A-17322-C - 19 teeth w/ Brown 10.00 ea. NOTE: Please check diagram below to make sure gear angle and end match the gear you are replacing. "r" Right Angle "L" Left Angle "a" Type End "b" Type End 83 83 MIRRORS OUTSIDE REAR VIEW MIRROR PART # PIC B6C-17696-S ELEC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Outside Rear View Mirror Assy . - w all attaching parts - Ford Script 56-66 65.00 ea. B6C-17700-B PIC DESCRIPTION Inside Rear View Mirror - Chrome - unibody B6C-17 C1TZ-1 INSIDE REAR VIEW MIRROR PART # PA REAR VIEW MIRROR HEAD YEAR PRICE PART # 61-63 50.00 ea. BAAA-17696-H PIC DESCRIPTION Mirror Head Only - F100-350 - fits BAAA, B6C-17696-S YEAR PRICE 53-66 25.00 ea. REAR VIEW MIRROR RELATED PART # PIC BAAA-17699-S (A) Mirror Arm to Door Grommet DESCRIPTION 53-66 YEAR 3.00 ea. PRICE B6C-17727-A (B) Mirror Arm in Door 56-66 15.00 ea. 352488-S (Z) Plug to Fill Door Mirror Bracket hole - to be used when you do not have a mirror 53-66 3.00 ea. ELEC PA C7TZ-1 A B Z 84 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT WIPERS ELECTRIC WIPER MOTOR KITS PART # PIC B6C-17508-RR (C) C1TZ-17508-RR (D) DESCRIPTION Wiper Motor Kit- 12V-2 spd. - w/ motor, wiring, switch, & mounting bracket - w/ motor, wiring, switch, & template to rework existing mounting bracket WIPER SWITCH YEAR PRICE 56-60 150.00 kit 61-66 150.00 kit C PART # PIC B7T-17470-A (F) B7C-17512-A D7TZ-17512-A D3TZ-17512-A (G) (H) B7C-10852-A C1TF-10852-D (J) (K) F DESCRIPTION YEAR Wiper Switch - use with electric motor - 2 speed only 40.00 ea. Wiper Switch to Dash Nut - Chrome - F100-750 - Chrome - F100-750 - Plain - F100-750 53-60 64-72 64-72 8.00 ea. 8.00 ea. 8.00 ea. Wiper Switch to Dash Bezel - F100/1100 - F100/1100 57-60 61-69 15.00 ea. 15.00 ea. G H K J D WIPER MOTOR PARTS PART # PRICE B6Q-17542-A 5.00 ea. PIC (L) 06H-17531 51A-17562 3.00 ea. 15.00 ea. 3.00 ea. ELECTRIC WIPER MOTORS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR C7TZ-17508-D (E) Wiper Motor - Ford - F100-600 - Two Speed 66-72 PRICE DESCRIPTION YEAR Wiper Motor Clevis - Use when changing from vacuum to electric motor - Comes w/ electric motors Windshield Wiper Motor to Transmission Arm- F100-1100 - 12 1/4” long - Silver - Left C3TZ-17545-A PRICE PRICE 57-60 (M) PRICE 56-60 20.00 ea. 61-66 15.00 ea. Clip to Hold Wiper Arms to Motor 1.00 ea. Wiper Arm to Motor Grommet L 56-60 2.00 ea, M 230.00 ea. E 85 85 WIPERS WIPER PIVOT PARTS PART # BAAA-17541-A C1TZ-17541 BAAA-17515-A C1TZ-17514-PR 356094-S 370695-S B8Q-17622-A C1TB-17A548-A PIC WIPER ARMS & BLADES - REPLACEMENTS DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE (A) (B) Wiper Pivot to Cowl Gasket - ................................... - ................................... (C) (D) Wiper Pivot Bezel or Spacer - Chrome Plated - Chrome Plated 53-60 61-66 7.50 ea. 25.00 pr. Wiper Pivot Nut - Chrome plated - Chrome plated 48-60 61-66 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. Wiper Pivot Assembly - F&T-100-1100 - w/ Electric - Electric 57-60 61-66 40.00 ea. 45.00 ea. (E) (F) (G) 53-60 61-66 3.00 pr. 5.00 pr. PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE (H) B2T-17528-A (J) Wiper Arm - Replacement - Replacement by Trico Wiper Blade - Replacement by Trico PA BF-176 DO NOT MIX REPLACEMENT WITH ORIGINAL A8TZ-17526-A C7TZ-17526-B WAS 57-60 61-79 25.00 ea. 25.00 ea. 53-60 20.00 ea. BM-176 C1AZ-1 BM-176 B8S-17 99A-17 H B C A J O D WIPER ARMS & BLADES - ORIGINAL G PART # PIC B6C-17526-A B6C-17527-A (K) C1TZ-17527 8A-17528 C1TZ-17528 WIPER PIVOT PARTS 8A-17566-RK PIC DESCRIPTION Wiper Pivot Repair Kit - where arm mounts - Knurll Nut Replacement - For 2 pivots YEAR PRICE DO NOT MIX ORIGINAL WITH REPLACEMENT F PART # DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE 48-60 20.00 kit Wiper Arm - Stainless Steel - RH - Stainless Steel - LH Wiper Arm - Stainless Steel - RH or LH (L) Wiper Blade - Stainless Steel - Stainless Steel 56-60 56-60 15.00 ea. 15.00 ea. 61-66 25.00 ea. 56-60 61-66 16.00 ea. 18.00 ea. K L 86 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT S PRICE 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. 0.00 ea. WASHER WASHER RESERVOIR PARTS PART # PIC WASHER PUMP DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE YEAR PRICE BF-17615-A (M) Windshield Washer Valve - Original Tooling 57-60 27.50 ea. C1AZ-17664-C (Q) Windshield Washer Pump - F100/250 65-66 45.00 ea. BM-17618 (N) Windshield Washer Bag 57-60 30.00 ea. 8A-17664-P (R) 3.00 ea. (Z) Windshield Washer Bag - F100-250 65-67 30.00 ea. Windshield Wiper Washer Pedal Pad - Foot Operated - F100/1100 48-66 C1AZ-17618-D BM-17632-A (O) Cover for Washer Reservoir 54-60 5.00 ea. 8A-17664-RP (S) 48-66 15.00 ea. B8S-17632-A (P) Windshield Washer Reservoir Cover - Original Tooling 65-67 5.00 ea. Windshield Wiper Washer Pump Rubber - Foot Operated - F100/1100 Wiper Hose - 1/4” Diameter - Sold by the foot - NON Returnable 32-66 1.00 ft. 99A-17543 PART # PIC DESCRIPTION Q N PRICE 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. Z 5.00 ea. 6.00 ea. 8.00 ea. R S WASHER NOZZLE M PART # B5S-17666-A O PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Nozzle for Windshield Washer - F100-350 57-66 12.00 ea. P 87 87 FRONT BUMPER FRONT BUMPER PARTS FRONT BUMPERS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Front Bumpers do NOT include hardware and do NOT have License Plate holes. Imported B9C-17757-A Front Bumper - Chrome - F100/250 59-60 300.00 ea. C1TZ-17757-J Front Bumper - Chrome - F100/350 - 3 Mounting Holes in Front 61-63 200.00 ea. Front Bumper - Chrome - F100-350 - correct for 67-77 - replacement for 64-66 64-72 250.00 ea. C4TZ-17757-D (A) PART # PIC DESCRIPTION REAR YEAR C9TZ-17A812-A (B) Front Bumper Guard Pad - For C4TZ-17996-A C4TZ-17996-A (C) Front Bumper Guard Kit - w/ Pads - Ford Type - F100-350 64-77 PRICE 100.00 ea. C4TZ-1 B7C-17 B9A-17758 (D) Bumper Bolt w/ Nut & Washer - Stainless Cap - takes 4 - 7/16” x 14 x 1 3/4” 57-72 3.50 ea. C4TZ-17997-SET (E) Front Bumper Guard to Bumper Seal - F100-350 - for (2) bumper guards 64-86 8.00 set A A P 15.00 ea. REA PA BBAA- BBAA- BBAA- D B REAR P C4TZ-1 E C 88 55-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT RICE REAR BUMPER REAR BUMPER - STYLE SIDE ONLY PART # PIC DESCRIPTION .00 ea. .00 ea. YEAR PRICE 64-72 200.00 ea. - NO BOLTS AND NO BRACKETS - IMPORTED C4TZ-17906-B Rear Bumper - Chrome - F100-250 B7C-17906-A Rear Bumper - Chrome - F100-250 - Unibody .50 ea. 57-63 61-63 300.00 ea. 8.00 set REAR BUMPER - FOR STEP SIDE ONLY YEAR PRICE BBAA-17906-A PART # PIC Rear Bumper - Cold Rolled Steel - No Brackets, No Bolts DESCRIPTION 48-66 125.00 ea. BBAA-17906-SS Rear Bumper - Polished Stainless w/ Bolts - No Brackets 48-66 325.00 ea. BBAA-17906-NH Rear Bumper - Stainless - No holes 48-66 325.00 ea. REAR BUMPER - FOR STEP SIDE ONLY REAR BUMPER - STYLE SIDE ONLY PART # C4TZ-17787-SET PIC DESCRIPTION Rear Bumper Bracket Set - w/ Style Side Bed YEAR PRICE 64-72 120.00 set PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE BB-17758-A (F) Rear Bumper Bolt w/ Nut & Washer - 9/16” x 12 x 1 1/2” 48-66 5.00 ea. BB-17758-SS (G) Rear Bumper Bolt w/ Nut and Washer - 9/16” x 12 x 1 1/2” - Stainless 48-72 5.00 ea. F G 89 89 RADIO AIR CONDITIONER RELATED RADIO ANTENNA PART # PIC YEAR PRICE Radio Antenna - F100/1100 - w/ templete 61-66 67.50 ea. C3AZ-18818-S Radio Antenna Base Pad 61-66 8.00 ea. BA-18919-A Cowl Antenna Base - in Black Plastic - C-CT-H-HT 500/1100 61-66 10.00 ea. Radio Antenna Mast - F100-1100 57-60 20.00 ea. C3AZ-18813-C (A) 6A-18815-S (B) DESCRIPTION PART # C9AZ-19655-B PIC DESCRIPTION A/C Compressor Crank Shaft Seal - F100-350 HEAT YEAR PRICE 65-71 20.00 ea. PA B6C-18 A HEAT PA B7C-18 C5TZ-1 HEAT B PA RADIO KNOBS PART # PIC Radio Tone Knob - F100-750 - White Plastic - Black Plastic B8C-18817-A B7C-18817-A C3TZ-18830-A APA-18 DESCRIPTION (C) Radio Knob Bezels - Die Cast Chrome - Painted Black YEAR PRICE 58-60 57 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. 63-66 25.00 pr. BPA-18 91A-15 C 90 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT PRICE .00 ea. HEATER HEATER MOTOR PART # PIC B6C-18527 (D) DESCRIPTION Universal Heater Motor - 12 volt YEAR PRICE 56-60 87.50 ea. D B7C-18565-S PART # PIC C1TZ-9700 B7C-9700 B8C-9700 (H) (I) B7C-10852-G (J) DESCRIPTION Heater Knob - Black w/ White Insert - Black - White Heater Knob Bezel - F100/1100 YEAR PRICE 61-66 57 58-60 6.00 ea. 6.00 ea. 6.00 ea. 57-60 15.00 ea. H PIC (E) C5TZ-18A568-R J I HEATER PARTS PART # HEATER KNOB & BEZEL DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Heater Seal Kit for Fresh Air and Recirculating Heater 57-60 20.00 ea. Heater Inlet Duct - Plastic - F100/350 - w/ Fresh Air Heater 65-66 55.00 ea. DEFROSTER HOSE - ORDER BY SIZE & LENGTH PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Defroster Hose is sold by the foot and is NON RETURNABLE Order by SIZE and LENGTH 8H-18556-B Defroster Hose - 1 3/4” I.D. 6.25 ft FAB-18556-D Defroster Hose - 2” I.D. 9.00 ft. B5A-18556-C Defroster Hose - 2 1/2” I.D. 10.00 ft. E HEATER HOSE & CLAMP PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Heater Hose is sold by the foot and is NON RETURNABLE APA-18472-A Heater Hose - Black - 5/8” ID All BPA-18572 (F) Heater Hose Clamp - 5/8” All 91A-15142 (G) Heater Water Control Valve - F-100 - replaces FDA-18495-D 57-69 2.00 ft. 1.00 ea. 20.00 ea. . F G 91 91 FIREWALL COVERS FIREWALL COVERS PART # DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE New tough ABS Plastic Firewall Covers with insulation attached. Molded to fit the original firewall with holes precut. - Clips not included B7C-8101670-ABS (A) FLOO FLOOR MATS - REPLACEMENT PIC F100-250 - Takes 9 fastners 57-60 175.00 ea. C1TZ-8101670-ABS F100-250 - Takes 9 fastners 61-64 175.00 ea. C1TZ-8101670-C F250-350 - fits 4 x 4 - Takes 11 fastners 61-66 340.00 ea. C4TZ-8101670-ABS F100-250 - Takes 8 fastners 65-66 220.00 ea. A PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE P No Cutouts for Floor Shift B7C-8113000 Front Floor Mat - No Jute Backing 57-60 120.00 ea. C1TZ-8113000 Front Floor Mat - No Jute Backing - w/ 3 spd 61-64 100.00 ea. C1TZ-8113010-B Floor Mat - high bump - F100-250 - No Jute Backing - w/ 4 spd 61-64 100.00 ea. C5TZ-8113000 Front Floor Mat - No Jute Backing - F100/250 65-72 120.00 ea. C5TZ-8113010-A Front Floor Mat - 8” hump with 4-spd trans. - No Jute Backing - F100/250 65-72 120.00 ea. C7TZ-8 FIREWALL COVER CLIPS PART # PIC 390018-S 48-7001670-CLIP (B) (C) DESCRIPTION Firewall Cover Clip - Plastic- Replacement - Metal YEAR All All PRICE 2.00 ea. 3.00 ea. SEAT DOOR SCUFF PLATES PART # C5TZ-8113208-PR PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Door Scuff Plates F100-250 65-66 100.00 pr. C B C5AZ-6 C5AZ-6 COWL RELATED PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C5TZ-8102328-A (D) Cowl Moulding - F100-250 65-66 40.00 ea. B7C-8102204-A (E) Cowl Ventilator Grille Anti-Squeak - set of (6) 57-60 4.00 set E D FIREWALL GROMMET PART # 18-14605 92 PIC DESCRIPTION Firewall Grommet - for Choke or Wiper YEAR 57-63 PRICE 1.00 ea. 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT RICE .00 ea. SUN VISOR FLOOR CARPET PART # PIC SUN VISOR DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE 65-79 225.00 ea. No Cutouts for Floor Shift C7TZ-8113000-B Carpet - Black - F100/350 - except 4-speed & C-6 - Has Padding .00 ea. B7C-8104104-B B9C-8104104 C1TZ-8104104-C C1TZ-8104104-BL C1TZ-8104104-TN C1TZ-8104104-RD .00 ea. PIC (G) (H) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Sun Visor - Not Padded - Gray - Gray - Gray 57-58 59-60 61-66 20.00 ea. 20.00 ea. 20.00 ea. Sun Visor - Padded - Black - Tan - Red 61-66 61-66 61-66 70.00 ea. 75.00 ea. 75.00 ea. NOTE: Padded visors can be dyed. .00 ea. .00 ea. RICE PART # C3DZ-7604114-B (I) Sun Visor Metal Anchor Pin 59-66 4.00 ea. C1UZ-8904132-A (J) Sun Visor Anchor Pin Retainer Clip - F100-1100 61-66 10.00 ea. G H SEAT ADJUSTMENT KNOB RELATED PART # PIC C5AZ-6262060-A 0.00 pr. C5AZ-6261753-BA (F) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Retainer Clip for Seat Adjustment Knob - F100/350 65-86 1.50 ea. Seat Adjustment Knob Black - w/ retainer clip - F100/350 65-86 4.00 ea. I J SUN VISOR BRACKET & ARM PART # B6C-8104144-AP F PIC (K) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE - Plain 56-60 17.50 ea. - Chrome 56-60 30.00 ea. - Plain - RH 61-66 30.00 ea. C1TZ-8104145-A - Plain - LH 61-66 30.00 ea. C1TZ-8104144-CC - Chrome - RH 61-66 40.00 ea. C1TZ-8104145-CC - Chrome - LH 61-66 40.00 ea. B6C-8104144-CC C1TZ-8104144-A (L) K L 93 93 INSTRUMENT PANEL DASH PAD PART # INST PIC C5TZ-8104290-B DESCRIPTION Dash Pad - Black YEAR 65-66 PA PRICE B9MZ-1 500.00 ea. C5TZ-1 GLOVE BOX PARTS GLOVE BOX ASSEMBLY PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE NOTE: All glove box liners come with installing screws & special clips in liner that the installation screws fit into. B7C-8106010 Glove Box Liner Assembly 57-60 25.00 ea. C1TZ-8106010-A Glove Box Liner Assembly 61-64 25.00 ea. Glove Box Liner Assembly - w/ step for heater - F100-250 65-66 25.00 ea. C5TZ-8106010 (A) PART # PIC 0A-16378 (B) C1TZ-8101656 B7C-8106112-PR C1TZ-8106112-PR (C) B7A-7006122 (D) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Glove Box Door Bumpers 53-66 3.00 pr. Glove Box Door Knob - F-N-NT-T-100/1 100 61-66 6.00 ea. 57-60 61-66 7.00 pr. 7.50 pr. 57-64 2.00 ea. Glove Box Door Spring - F100-1100 - F100-1100 Glove Box Arm Stop - need 2 INST PA B7C-17 A B C1TZ-1 C D C ASH TRAY DOOR BUMPERS PART # 359422-S 94 PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR Ash Tray Door Bumpers 55-66 FORD TRUCK PRICE 2.00 pr. VISIT INSTRUMENT PANEL DASH KNOB OR SWITCH BEZELS - 57-60 INSTRUMENT CLUSTER PARTS PART # PIC B9MZ-10804-C (E) C5TZ-10876-A (F) DESCRIPTION YEAR Instrument Cluster Voltage Regulator - Controls Voltage to Gas & Temperature Gauge w/o printed circuit - F100-1100 61-66 Instrument Cluster Bezel and Lens - Chrome Plated Plastic - F100 Custom Cab 65-66 150.00 ea. YEAR PRICE (H) Wiper Switch Bezel 57-60 15.00 ea. B7C-10852-B (J) Choke Knob Bezel 57-60 15.00 ea. B7C-10852-C (K) Air Vent Knob Bezel - RH 57-60 15.00 ea. B7C-10852-D (L) Air Vent Knob Bezel - LH 57-60 15.00 ea. B7C-10852-E (M) Headlight Knob Bezel 57-60 15.00 ea. B7C-10852-G (N) Heater Knob Bezel 57-60 15.00 ea. B7C-11584-A (O) Ignition Switch Knob Bezel 57-60 15.00 ea. J K L E 6.00 ea. F M PART # B7C-17310-S C1TZ-17310-A PIC (G) DESCRIPTION YEAR PART # PRICE Instrument Panel Assembly to Dash Seal 57-60 5.00 ea. Instrument Panel Assembly to Dash Seal - ALL Except Custom Cab - Fits metal dash only 61-66 5.00 ea. G O N DASH KNOB OR SWITCH BEZELS - 61-69 INSTRUMENT CLUSTER SEALS PRICE DESCRIPTION B7C-10852-A H 3.00 pr. 2.00 ea. PIC Die Cast Chrome w/ Black Letters - F,B,C,T,100/1100 20.00 ea. PRICE 7.00 pr. 7.50 pr. PART # PRICE PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Choke Cable & Bezel Assembly - For V-8 or 6 cyl. - cut to fit - F100/350 61-69 25.00 ea. Die Cast Chrome w/ Black Letters C5TZ-9700-L C1TF-10852-D (P) Wiper Switch Bezel - F100/350 61-72 15.00 ea. C1TF-10852-C (Q) Headlight Switch Bezel - F,B,N,MT,T 100/1100 61-72 15.00 ea. C3TZ-11584-A (R) Ignition Switch Bezel - F100/1100 61-66 20.00 ea. C5TZ-15C580-A (S) Emergency Flasher Bezel - F100/350 65-66 25.00 ea. C1TZ-8101890-B (T) Air Vent Cable & Dash Bezel - F100/1100 61-64 25.00 ea. P 2.00 pr. R Q S T 95 95 DASH KNOBS DASH KNOBS - 1957 PART # PIC DAS DASH KNOBS - 1958-60 DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE PART # PIC DESCRIPTION 1957 BLACK YEAR PRICE PA 1958-60 WHITE B6C-7213 (A) Column Shift Gear Shift Lever Knob - Sphere Shape 56-57 6.00 ea. B8C-7213 (A) Column Shift Gear Shift Lever Knob - Sphere Shape 58-60 5.00 ea. C0AZ-7 B7C-9700 (B) Choke, Left Air Vent, & Right Air Vent Knob 57 6.00 ea. B8C-9700 (B) Choke, Left Air Vent & Right Air Vent Knob 58-60 6.00 ea. C1TZ-9 Light Switch Bezel Nut - Screws into light switch 55-64 7.00 ea. C2TZ-11650-A Light Switch Bezel Nut Screws into light switch 55-64 7.00 ea. C2TZ-11650-A C2TZ-1 C3TZ-1 B7C-11661 (C) Light switch Knob 57 9.00 ea. B8C-11661 (C) Light Switch Knob 58-60 9.00 ea. B4A-13305 (D) Turn Signal Lever Knob 56-57 6.00 ea. B8C-13305 (D) Turn Signal Lever Knob 58-60 6.00 ea. B7C-15052 (E) Cigar Lighter Knob 57 6.00 ea. B8C-15052 (H) Cigar Lighter Knob 58-60 6.00 ea. C1TZ-1 C1TZ-1 B7C-17513 (F) Wiper, Heater, & Radio Knob - 2 knobs for radio 57 6.00 ea. B8C-18817-A (E) Radio Tone Knob - White F100-600 58-60 5.00 ea. C0AZ-1 B7C-18817-A (G) Radio Tone Knob - F100-600 57 5.00 ea. B8C-17513 (F) 58-60 6.00 ea. B7C-8101656 (H) Glove Box Knob 57 6.00 ea. Wiper, Heater & Radio Knob - 2 knobs for radio B8C-8101656 (G) Glove Box Knob 58-60 6.00 ea. C1TZ-1 C1TZ-1 C1TZ-8 C1TZ-9 A B D A B D E C F F C G E G H H 96 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT DASH KNOBS DASH KNOBS - 1961-66 PART # RICE .00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. PIC WINDOW CRANK KNOBS DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE BLACK WITH WHITE INSERT C0AZ-7213-B C1TZ-9700 (A) (B) C2TZ-11650-A C3TZ-11650-A Column Shift Gear Shift Lever Knob - Black 61-66 6.00 ea. Choke, Air Vent & Heater Temperature Knob 61-66 6.00 ea. Light Switch Bezel Nut - Screws into light switch - Screws into light switch 55-64 65-66 7.00 ea. 10.00 ea. .00 ea. C1TZ-11661 C1TZ-11661-L (C) (D) Light Switch Knob with Shaft - 2.5” long - 3.5” long 61-66 61-66 10.00 ea. 10.00 ea. .00 ea. C0AZ-13305-B (E) Turn Signal Lever Knob 61-66 6.00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. PART # B7C-8123345 C1TZ-15052 (F) Cigar Lighter Knob 61-66 8.00 ea. C1TZ-17513 (G) Wiper, Heater Fan & Emergency Warning Flasher Knob 61-66 10.00 ea. C1TZ-8101656 (K) Glove Box Knob 61-66 6.00 ea. C1TZ-9700-I (J) Dash Knob white plastic insert - comes w/ Dash Knobs 61-66 3.00 ea. PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE (L) Window Crank Handle Knob 57 6.00 ea. B8C-8123345 (M) Window Crank Handle Knob 58-60 6.00 ea. C1TZ-8123345 (N) Window Crank Handle Knob 61-66 6.00 ea. L M N CIGAR LAMP ASSEMBLY PART # A B E B6C-15055 PIC DESCRIPTION Cigar Lighter Element & Well Assembly YEAR PRICE 56-66 15.00 ea. D C F G J K 97 97 WEATHERSTRIPPING WINDSHIELD RUBBER PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Mfg USA in Our Shop! Check before buying, there is a difference. B7C-8103110-A (A) Windshield Rubber - No Chrome 57-60 40.00 ea. B7C-8103110-B Windshield Rubber - w/ Groove for Chrome 57-60 40.00 ea. C1UB-8903110-A Windshield Rubber - No Chrome - F100-F1100 61-66 40.00 ea. NOTE: Also fits: Econoline-All 1961-67; N-500/1100 1961-69; NT-5001100 1961-69; F-800/1100 1961-69; T-800-1100 1961-69; T-100/750 1961-66; 85F-600/1100 1961-66; All model 66A Integral Pickup and Custom Cab 1961-63. C1TB-8103110-B Windshield Rubber - w/ Groove for Chrome - F100-F1100 61-66 PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE P MANUFACTURED IN THE USA IN OUR SHOP B7C-8142084-A Back Window Rubber - Use W/O wrap around back glass - Mfg. USA in our shop 57-60 B7C-8142084-B Back Window Rubber - Use WITH wrap around back glass - Mfg. USA - w/ Groove For Chrome 57-60 C1TB-8142084-A Back Window Rubber - Use WITHOUT wrap around back glass - F-N-NT 100/ 1100 Conventional Cab - F-T800 / 1000, N-NT 500 / 1000 - F100/250 - Model 66 - Integral or Unitized Body Pickups without wrap around glass 40.00 ea. NOTE: Also fits: T-100/750 1961-66; T-800/1100 1961-69; N-500/1100 1961-69; NT-500/1100 1961-69; F-800/1100 1961-69 All model 66B Integrsl Pickup & Custom Cab 1961-63. A DOO BACK WINDOW RUBBER (B) 30.00 ea. B7C-81 55.00 ea. C1TZ-8 40.00 ea. 61-66 67-69 61-63 C1TZ-6642084 Back Window Glass Rubber - Model 66 Integral or Unitized Body Pickups with wrap around back glass - F100/250 61-63 65.00 ea. B7C-8242084-P Panel Back Window Seals 57-60 65.00 pr. B WEA PA C0AZ-1 98 55-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT WEATHERSTRIPPING DOOR SEALS PART # PRICE DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE PART # Check Before Buying, There is a Difference. Ours are the very BEST on the Market! 0.00 ea. 5.00 ea. CAB WEATHERSTRIPPING KITS PIC B7C-8120530-PR (C) Door Seals - F100, F250, F350 57-60 90.00 pr. C1TZ-8120530-PR (D) Door Seals - F100/1100 & T100/1100 61-66 90.00 pr. 0.00 ea. DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Includes Windshield Seal, Rear Windshield Seal, & Door Seals CAB57-A B7C-8103110-A - No Chrome B7C-8142084-A - No Chrome B7C-8120530-PR - 57-60 125.00 ea. CAB57-B B7C-8103110-B - w/ Chrome B7C-8142084-A - No Chrome B7C-8120530-PR - 57-60 125.00 ea. CAB57-BB B7C-8103110-B - w/ Chrome B7C-8142084-B - Big Back Window w/ Chrome B7C-8120530-PR - 57-60 148.00 ea. CAB61-A C1UB-8903110-A - No Chrome C1TB-8142084-A C1TZ-8120530-PR 61-66 130.00 ea. CAB61-B C1TB-8103110-B - w/ Chrome C1TB-8142084-A C1TZ-8120530-PR 61-66 130.00 ea. D C PIC 5.00 ea. 5.00 pr. WEATHERSTRIP GLUE PART # C0AZ-19554-A PIC DESCRIPTION - comes in a tube YEAR PRICE 10.00 ea. des d Seal, u l c In al iel e h S s d Win Window !! ! r Rea or Seals o &D 99 99 ANTI-RATTLERS DOOR GLASS ANTI-RATTLER PARTS - 57-60 PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Check Before Buying. Ours are the very BEST on the Market! B7C-8121452-PR (A) B7C-8121550-A (B) (C) B7C-8122296-CA B7C-8122297-CA B7C-8121460-CA Door Glass Anti-Rattler Kit - Stainless Edge - w/ clips installed - One pair does one door 57-60 Door Glass Run - Backside & Top - Stainless Bead 57-60 DOOR GLASS ANTI-RATTLER PARTS - 61-66 PART # PIC 57-60 57-60 Window Anti-Rattler Kit Includes: (1) pr. B7C-8122296-97-CA (2) of B7C-8121452-PR (2) of B7C-8121550-A YEAR PRICE Check Before Buying. Ours are the very BEST on the Market! 20.00 pr. C1TZ-8121452-B C1TZ-8121452-A Division Bar Assembly - RH - LH DESCRIPTION 30.00 ea. C1TZ-8121508-A 40.00 ea. 40.00 ea. C1TZ-8122296-CA C1TZ-8122297-CA 160.00 kit C1TZ-8121460-CA (D) Anti-Rattler - Bead is Painted Black - Bead is Stainless (E) Door Glass Run - Backside & Top (F) Division Bar Assembly - Includes brackets & back of vent window seal - RH - LH Window Anti-Rattler Kit for Both Doors Deluxe Kit Includes: (2) C1TZ-8121452-A (2) C1TZ-8121508-A (1) C1TZ-8122296-CA (1) C1TZ-8122297-CA B VENT P B7C-81 61-66 61-66 27.50 pr. 30.00 pr. 61-66 35.00 ea. 61-66 61-66 45.00 ea. 45.00 ea. 61-66 200.00 kit C1TZ-8 C1TZ-8 C1TZ-8 E A D C 1957-60 Door Parts F WINDOW SHADES - Stainless PART # C1TZ-18246 PIC DESCRIPTION Window Shades BACK YEAR 61-66 PRICE P 45.00 pr. BAAA-8 B7C-81 C1TZ-8 100 55-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT VENT WINDOW 66 PRICE 27.50 pr. 30.00 pr. 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. VENT WINDOW SEALS PART # B7C-8121448-PR PIC (G) VENT WINDOW HANDLE & RELATED DESCRIPTION Vent Window Seal - No Rivets YEAR PRICE 57-60 90.00 pr. 61-66 61-66 61-66 25.00 ea. 25.00 ea. 50.00 pr. Vent Window Rubber C1TZ-8121448-A C1TZ-8121449-A C1TZ-8121448-PR (H) - No Rivets - RH - No Rivets - LH - No Rivets - RH & LH K H PART # A9AZ-7022916-A A9AZ-7022917-A PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE (L) (M) Vent Window Handle - RH - w/ Button - LH - w/ Button 56-60 56-60 30.00 ea. 30.00 ea. Vent Window Handle - F100-1100 - RH - F100-1100 - LH 61-66 61-66 30.00 ea. 30.00 ea. C1TZ-8122916-A C1TZ-8122917-A C6TZ-9122926-A (N) Vent Window Pivot Spring - F500-1100 64-72 2.00 ea. B5A-7022926-A (O) Vent Window Pivot Spring - F100/350 61-96 5.00 ea. 8A-7022920-S (P) Vent Window Handle Button Kit - for One Handle 51-60 5.00 kit 00.00 kit 8A-7022938-B 8A-7022939-B C1TZ-8122938 C1TZ-8122939 (Q) Vent Window Bracket & Handle Shaft Assembly - RH....................................... - LH........................................ - RH....................................... - LH........................................ 57-60 57-60 61-66 61-66 15.00 15.00 17.50 17.50 ea. ea. ea. ea. L G J M P BACK EDGE OF VENT WINDOW SEALS PART # PIC BAAA-8121450 DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Back Edge of Vent Window Seal - Rubber Only 53-60 5.00 pr. B7C-8121450-PR (J) Back Edge of Vent Window Seal w/ Rivets - Rubber Molded Over Metal 57-60 17.50 pr. C1TZ-8121450-PR (K) Back Edge of Vent Window Seal w/ Rivets - Rubber Molded Over Metal 61-66 17.50 pr. Q O N VENT WINDOW FRAME PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C1TZ-8121608-B Vent Window Frame - w/o Glass & Handle - Painted - RH 61-66 Coming C1TZ-8121609-B Vent Window Frame - w/o Glass & Handle - F-N-NT-T-100/1100 - Painted - LH 61-66 Coming 101 101 DOOR HANDLES OUTSIDE DOOR HANDLE PADS OUTSIDE DOOR HANDLES PART # BAAA-8122400-B BAAA-8122401-B BAAA-8122400-PR B5C-8122400-A B5C-8122401-A C3TZ-8122404-B C3TZ-8122405-B B9A-6422404-A B9A-6422405-A B9A-6422404-PR PIC (A) (B) (C) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Outside Door Handle - w/ Button/Pads & screws - RH - LH - RH & LH - Genuine Ford - RH - Genuine Ford - LH 53-60 53-60 53-60 53-60 53-60 40.00 ea. 40.00 ea. 75.00 pr. 60.00 ea. 60.00 ea. Outside Door Handle - F100-1100 - No Button - w/ Pads & Hardware - RH - LH 61-66 61-66 60.00 ea. 60.00 ea. Outside Door Handle - No Button/Pads - Mfg. in the USA - RH - LH - RH & LH PART # BAAA-8122428 B9A-8122428 PIC DESCRIPTION (E) (F) Outside Door Handle Pads - 4 pieces - 4 pieces INSID YEAR PRICE 53-60 61-66 6.00 set 6.00 set P B7C-81 F E 61-66 61-66 61-66 62.50 ea. 62.50 ea. 115.00 pr. PANE OUTSIDE DOOR HANDLE PUSH BUTTON PART # PIC A BAAA-8122454-A C1TB-8122454-A (G) DESCRIPTION Outside Door Handle Push Button & Guide Assembly - 1 per door - F-T100/1100 - F-N-NT-T-100/1100 YEAR PRICE 8M-794 53-60 61-66 15.00 ea. 14.00 ea. G B OUTS C3TZ-8 C 102 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT PRICE 6.00 set 6.00 set PRICE DOOR HANDLES INSIDE DOOR HANDLE PART # B7C-8122600-B PIC DESCRIPTION Inside Door Handle - includes set screw DOOR HANDLE SHAFT BRACKET YEAR 57-66 PRICE PART # PIC 20.00 ea. DESCRIPTION Door Handle Shaft Bracket - Replacement - Import - w/o Arm Assembly - F100-1100 - RH or LH C1TB-8121818-R YEAR 61-66 PRICE 30.00 ea. PANEL REAR DOOR HANDLE PART # PIC 8M-7943426 DESCRIPTION YEAR Panel Rear Door Handle 57-60 PRICE 10.00 ea. INSIDE DOOR HANDLE SHAFT REPAIR KIT PART # 5.00 ea. 4.00 ea. B7C-8121818-RK PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR Inside Door Handle Shaft Repair Kit - Used when shaft is stripped 57-60 PRICE 15.00 ea. OUTSIDE DOOR HANDLE NAME PLATES PART # C3TZ-8120966-PR PIC DESCRIPTION Outside Door Handle Custom Cab Name Plates F100-1100 YEAR PRICE 61-66 240.00 pr. 103 103 DOOR LOCK DOOR LOCK CYLINDER PARTS PART # PIC DOOR LOCK ASSEMBLY DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B2A-7021942-A (A) Door Lock Cylinder Cover w/ spring - RH 57-60 10.00 ea. B7A-7021984-PR (B) Door Lock Cylinder & Key - for both doors 53-60 40.00 pr. BAAA-7022050-S (C) Door Lock and Ignition Cylinder Set w/ Key - F100-350 - 2 door lock and 1 ignition 53-60 50.00 set Door Lock and Ignition Cylinder Set w/ Key - F100-350 - 2 door lock and 1 ignition 61-66 50.00 set Door Lock Cylinder Retainer Clip 57-60 5.00 ea. Door Lock Cylinder Retainer Clip - F500/1100 57-60 5.00 ea. Door Lock Cylinder Cover Operating Spring C-CT-H-HT - 500/1100 57-60 2.50 ea. C3AZ-6222050-B (D) B5A-7022023-A B7C-8122023-A B7A-7022075-A (E) PART # B7C-8121812-A B7C-8121813-A C3TZ-8121812-C C3TZ-8121813-C STR PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR (F) Door Lock Assembly - Import - F100-600 - RH - F100-600 - LH - F100-1100 - RH - F100-1100 - LH 57-60 57-60 61-66 61-66 PRICE 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 ea. ea. ea. ea. P C1TBC1TB- C0AZC0AZ- F DOOR HINGE BOLTS A PART # B PIC 20327-S8 20327-SK DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Door Hinge to Body or to Door Bolt - 5/16” x 24 x 9/16” - need 12 per door - Single Bolt - set of (50) 53-60 53-60 0.75 ea. 22.00 set STRI P B7A-70 B7A-70 C3SZ-6 C3SZ-6 B7A-70 C2AZ-6 C DOOR HINGE PINS PART # B9A-5943030-A PIC DESCRIPTION Door Hinge Pin - Cut to length YEAR 57-67 PRICE 3.00 ea. D E 104 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT STRIKER PLATES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 STRIKER PLATE SHIMS AND BOLTS STRIKER PLATES PRICE ea. ea. ea. ea. PART # C1TB-9122008-A C1TB-9122009-A C0AZ-6222008-A C0AZ-6222009-A PIC DESCRIPTION (G) (H) Striker Plate - No Cover or Insert - RH - LH (J) Striker Plate - No Cover or Insert - RH - LH PRICE 3.00 ea. PRICE PART # B7A-7022058-A 57-60 57-60 20.00 ea. 20.00 ea. 353382-S 358996-S 61-66 61-66 PIC (O) C0AB-6422058-A 20.00 ea. 20.00 ea. (P) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Striker Shim 57-60 4.00 ea. Metal Door Striker Shim - F100-1100 61-66 5.00 ea. Striker Plate Bolt 53-60 1.00 ea. Striker Plate Bolt 61-66 0.50 ea. O J P G PRICE .75 ea. 2.00 set YEAR H STRIKER PLATE INSERTS PART # B7A-7022015-A B7A-7022014-A PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR (K) Striker Plate Insert Cover - LH..................................... - RH..................................... 57-60 C3SZ-6322014-A C3SZ-6322015-A (L) B7A-7022040-A (M) C2AZ-6222040-A (N) L Door Latch Striker Auxiliary Plate - RH - LH PRICE 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. 61-66 61-66 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. Striker Plate Insert - F100-350 57-60 6.50 ea. Door Latch Striker Plate Insert - RH or LH 61-66 10.00 ea. N K M 105 105 DOOR REGULATOR DOOR GLASS LIFT CHANNEL DOOR WINDOW REGULATOR PART # PIC DESCRIPTION Door Window Regulator Assy - Original Tooling - F-N-NT-T-100/1100 - RH - F-N-NT-T-100/1100 - LH C1TZ-8123200-B C1TZ-8123201-B YEAR 61-66 61-66 PRICE PART # PIC 100.00 ea. 100.00 ea. B7C-8121458-A C1TZ-8121458-A C1TZ-8121459-A (C) (D) 8A-7021478 (E) WIND DESCRIPTION YEAR Door Glass Lift Channel - F100-1100 - RH or LH - F100-1100 - RH - F100-1100 - LH Door Glass Channel to Glass Tape Kit 57-60 61-66 61-66 PRICE 20.00 ea. 30.00 ea. 30.00 ea. ALL P B7C-81 B9C-81 C1TZ-8 6.00 kit E WINDOW REGULATOR ROLLERS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C0AB-6423240-B (A) Window Regulator Arm Roller Assembly - Comes w/ Clip 61-66 3.50 ea. BA-7023240-A (B) Roller Assembly for Window Regulator Arm - Two per door - Nylon 53-60 5.50 ea. E WIND C P B7C-81 B8C-81 C1TZ-8 E D A B WINDOW REGULATOR SHAFT REPAIR KIT PART # B6C-8123205-S 106 PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR Window Regulator Shaft - Used when shaft is stopped where window crank installs 56-60 57-66 FORD TRUCK PRICE 15.00 ea. VISIT WINDOW REGULATOR WINDOW CRANK HANDLE PRICE 0.00 ea. 0.00 ea. 0.00 ea. PART # B7C-8123342-B B9C-8123342-B C1TZ-8123342-A PIC (F) DESCRIPTION Window Crank Handle w/ Black Knob w/ White Knob w/ Black Knob YEAR PRICE 57-58 58-60 61-66 25.00 ea. 25.00 ea. 25.00 ea. 6.00 kit F WINDOW CRANK HANDLE KNOB PART # B7C-8123345 B8C-8123345 C1TZ-8123345 G PIC (G) (H) DESCRIPTION Window Crank Knob w/ Pin - Black - White - Black YEAR 57 58-60 61-66 PRICE 6.00 ea. 6.00 ea. 6.00 ea. H T PRICE 5.00 ea. 107 107 DOOR PARTS DOOR EMBLEMS PART # PIC B7C-8125622-PR (A) C1TZ-8125622-A (B) BOD DOOR PANELS DESCRIPTION YEAR Door Emblem - Custom Cab Script - F100/1100 - Mfg. USA in our shop - w/ Clips 57-60 Door Emblem - Custom Cab Nameplate - Custom Cab Only - w/ Clips 61-66 PRICE 60.00 pr. PART # C1TZ-8123890-PR PIC DESCRIPTION Door Panels - Molded Plastic - White YEAR PRICE 61-66 100.00 pr. C5TZ-8 C5TZ-8 C5TZ-1 25.00 ea. C5TZ-8 A B DOOR ARM REST PART # B9A-6424140-BL B9A-6424141-BL B9A-6424140-RD B9A-6424141-RD PIC (C) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Door Arm Rest - Black - F100-F1100 - RH - F100-F1100 - LH 57-66 57-66 25.00 ea. 25.00 ea. Door Arm Rest - Red - F100-F1100 - RH - F100-F1100 - LH 57-66 57-66 30.00 ea. 30.00 ea. C 108 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT RICE 0.00 pr. BODY MOULDING BODY MOLDINGS PART # PIC BED SIDE MOLDINGS DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C5TZ-8102328-A Cowl Moulding - F100-F250 - w/ clips 65-66 40.00 ea. C5TZ-8142316-PR Rear Cab Corner Mouldings w/ clips 65-66 70.00 pr. C5TZ-16722-A Hood Side Moulding - w/ clips - RH or LH 65-66 120.00 ea. C5TZ-8120938-PR Door Moulding w/ clips 65-66 230.00 pr. PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Bedside Moldings - Sold in Pairs Only - With Installation Clips - Exact Duplicate of Original C5TZ-9929038-BPR Short Wheel Base 65-66 200.00 pr. C5TZ-9929038-APR Long Wheel Base 65-66 220.00 pr. Bedside Molding Clip 13 per side Short Bed 17 per side Long Bed 65-66 2.75 ea. C5AZ-6310198-A (D) D 109 109 HEADLINER PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR HEAD HEADLINER KITS - PERFORATED - 61-66 HEADLINER KITS - PERFORATED - 57-60 PRICE PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Perforated Board - painted light grey with original chicken track design Includes Clip Kits. Perforated Board - painted light grey with original chicken track design - Hardware NOT included. P B7C-81 B7C-8151992-A (A) - 3 piece kit w/ wrap around rear glass 57-60 150.00 kit C1TZ-6651945-A (C) - 1 piece kit - Unibody w/ wrap around rear glass 61-63 150.00 kit B7C-8151968-A (B) - 4 piece kit w/o wrap around rear glass 57-60 150.00 kit C1TB-6651968-A (D) - 2 piece kit - Unibody w/o wrap around rear glass 61-63 150.00 kit C1TZ-8151968-A C5TZ-8151968-A (E) (F) - 2 piece kit - All ex. unibody - 4 piece kit 61-64 65-66 150.00 kit 175.00 kit B7C-81 C&J A&G Non-Perforated Perforated B&H 110 55-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT PRICE 0.00 kit 0.00 kit HEADLINER HEADLINER KITS - NON PERFORATED - 57-60 PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE HEADLINER KITS - NON PERFORATED - 61-66 PART # NO Holes with original chicken track design - Hardware NOT included. PIC B7C-8151992-PL (G) - 3 piece kit w/ wrap around rear glass 57-60 150.00 kit C1TZ-6651945-PL B7C-8151968-PL (H) - 4 piece kit w/o wrap around rear glass 57-60 150.00 kit 0.00 kit 5.00 kit DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE NO Holes with original chicken track design Includes Clip Kit. (J) - 1 piece kit - Unibody w/ wrap around rear glass 61-63 150.00 kit C1TB-6651968-PL (K) - 2 piece kit - Unibody w/o wrap around rear glass 61-63 150.00 kit C1TZ-8151968-PL C5TZ-8151968-PL - 2 piece kit - All ex. unibody - 4 piece kit 61-64 65-66 150.00 kit 175.00 kit (L) (M) D&K F&M HEADLINER CLIP KIT PART # C1TZ-6652118-KIT PIC DESCRIPTION Headliner Clip Kit - included w/ Headliners YEAR 61-66 PRICE 16.00 kit E&L 111 111 BED RELATED BED PA B Stepside C 350623 350620 34447- 7C-814 7C-814 BED P 8C-811 A D REAR ROLL PAN STEP SIDE BED PARTS PART # PIC *BAAA-8327840-A *BAAA-8327841-A (A) (B) BAAA-8300124-A (C) BAAA-8310608-A (D) DESCRIPTION Bed Side - Step Side - RH - Step Side - LH YEAR PRICE 53-72 53-72 325.00 ea. 325.00 ea. Front of Box Panel - Pick-up w/ 110”, 114”, 115” wheel base 52-72 150.00 ea. Rear Bed Runner 51-66 80.00 ea. PART # PIC BAAA-8140320-B BAAA-8140320-D (F) (G) DESCRIPTION Rear Roll Pan - w/ License Plate Recess - w/ License Plate Recess & Taillights YEAR PRICE 53-60 53-60 225.00 ea. 375.00 ea. *NOTE: Add $75.00 for each order of the bed side for special crating & handling charge. Must be shipped by motor freight. BED BOARD END CAP STRIP PART # 8C-8110609-CR 8C-8110609-SS PIC (E) DESCRIPTION Bed Board End Cap Strip at Rear - Steel - Stainless YEAR PRICE F 48-72 48-72 15.00 ea. 30.00 ea. E G 112 55-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT RICE .00 ea. .00 ea. BED STRIPS BED TO FRAME BOLTS, NUTS, & WASHERS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE BED STRIPS - SINGLE STRIP PART # Bolts are Cadmium Plated. - 7/16”x20 thread 350623-S 350620-S8 (H) (I) Bed to Frame Bolt - Center of Bed - (4) per bed - Front of Bed - (2) per bed 34447-S2 (J) Self Locking Nut - for above bolts 48-63 1.00 ea. (K) Countersunk Washer - need (4) per bed - Cadmium Plated.................. - Stainless steel .................... 48-72 48-72 1.50 ea. 2.50 ea. 7C-8144440 7C-8144440-SS 48-63 48-63 PART # 8C-8110611-PR PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR (L) Front Bed Metal Cross Member to Bed Wood Spacer 48-72 PRICE 4.00 pr. I H L K J DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Fits 6 1/2’ Beds - 76 3/4" No Holes Punched - Drill your Own. 3.50 ea. 3.00 ea. BED TO FRAME SPACER & PADS PIC SINGLE Bed Strips - Cold Rolled Steel - Bright Stainless Steel 7C-8112605-ECR 7C-8112605-ESS 48-72 48-72 12.00 ea. 27.00 ea. BED STRIPS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE No Holes Punched - Drill your Own. Sold in Sets of (7) or Individual - Non Returnable Bed Strips 144” long shipped by commercial truck lines freight collect. 7C-8112605-CRU 7C-8112605-SSU 7C-8112605-SSUP Bed Strips - 76 3/4" - Cold Rolled Steel - Bright Stainless Steel - Polished Stainless Steel 48-72 48-72 48-72 40.00 set 130.00 set 220.00 set BAAA-8112605-CRU BAAA-8112605-SSU Bed Strips - 95" - Cold Rolled Steel - Bright Stainless Steel 48-72 48-72 50.00 set 150.00 set BAAA-8112605-ECR BAAA-8112605-ESS SINGLE Bed Strips - 95" - Cold Rolled Steel - Bright Stainless Steel 48-72 48-72 8.00 ea. 25.00 ea. *B6C-8112605-CR *B6C-8112605-SS SINGLE Bed Strips -144” - Cold rolled Steel - Stainless Steel 48-72 48-72 20.00 ea. 30.00 ea. K BOLTS FOR ABOVE STRIPS - NO HOLES PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE These bolts have knurled underheads. To install, first drill a 9/32” hole in the strip for a press fit. BAAA-8112612-PF 23503-P (M) Bolt Kit - zinc plated nut & lock washer - plain finish 35.00 kit Single Bolt - plain finish 1.00 ea. M 113 113 TAILGATES - STEP SIDE TAILGATE HINGE - STEP SIDE TAILGATES - STEP SIDE PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Hardware NOT included. B7C-8340700-A (A) - Short Bed - F100 - 110”,114”,115” wheelbase 53-72 375.00 ea. B7C-8340700-NH - Short Bed - F100 - w/ no hooks for Chains 53-72 400.00 ea. B7D-8340700-A - Long Bed - 118” Wheel Base F100-350 - 120”,122”,128”,129”, & 131” Wheel Base F100/350 PART # 8C-8343018 8C-8343018-SS PIC (C) (D) DESCRIPTION Tailgate Hinge - Plain - Stainless YEAR 42-72 42-72 PRICE 6.00 ea. 15.00 ea. C D 400.00 ea. 57-60 61-63 A TAILGATE CHAIN - STEP SIDE TAILGATE LATCH - STEP SIDE PART # TG-8344456-PR PIC (B) DESCRIPTION Tailgate Latches - in Top Roll of Gate - F100-250 YEAR PRICE 53-79 PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE (E) Tailgate Chains & Brackets - Rubbers included - 110”,114”,115”wheel base - Regular - Stainless 53-72 53-72 80.00 pr. 120.00 pr. 120.00 pr. BAAA-8344456-A BAAA-8344456-SS BAAA-8344458-S Tailgate Chain Special Rubber Bumper - fits in bracket 53-72 5.00 pr. 7C-8144450-S Tailgate Chain Rubber Covers 48-72 10.00 pr. E B 114 55-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT RICE .00 ea. .00 ea. PRICE 0.00 pr. 0.00 pr. 5.00 pr. 0.00 pr. 115 115 TAILGATE - STYLE SIDE TAILGATES - STYLE SIDE PART # PIC TAILGATES - STYLE SIDE DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE PART # Hardware NOT included. - F100-350 - Imported B7C-9940700-A PIC 57-63 400.00 ea. C7TZ-9940700-A (F) C7TZ-9940700-R DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE 61-63 400.00 ea. Hardware NOT included. C1TZ-6640702-C (A) - 66 19/32”, F100-250 - IMPORTED TAIL DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE - replacement for 64-66 64-72 400.00 ea. - Replacement Import - No Ford Letters - Thinner Metal - replacement for 64-66 64-72 200.00 ea. Hardware NOT included. TAILGATES - UNIBODY PART # PIC C4TZ-9 C4TZ-9 C4TZ-9 C7TZ-9 C7TZ-9 F 52363- A TAILGATE HINGE - STYLE SIDE PART # C4TZ-9943000-A PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR (B) Tailgate Hinge - F100/250 64-72 PRICE 25.00 ea. B TAIL STYLE SIDE BED HARDWARE PART # PIC 373718-SET 384865-KIT TAILGATE BUMPERS - STYLE SIDE PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE BAAA-8340725-A (C) Side of Tailgate to Bed Bumper 53-72 4.00 pr. C4TZ-9944482-A (D) Tailgate Support Retaining Bumper - Need two per truck - F100/250 64-66 4.50 ea. C4TZ-9940224 (E) Tailgate Upper Bumpers - F100-250 64-72 4.00 pr. C 116 D (G) C4TZ-9 DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Bed to Frame Bolt Kit - Styleside - Long or Short - No unibody - F100/250 - set of (8) 57-63 15.00 set Bed to Frame Bolt Kit - Styleside Bed - set of 8 bolts, nuts, and washers - F100/350 64-79 25.00 kit C4TZ-9 G E 55-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT TAILGATE - STYLE SIDE TAILGATE HANDLE- STYLE SIDE RICE PART # PIC .00 ea. .00 ea. C4TZ-99431C78-B C4TZ-99431C78-SS C4TZ-99431B82-A C7TZ-99431B82-A C7TZ-99431B82-SS (H) (I) 52363-S4 TAILGATE RELEASE LEVER - STYLE SIDE YEAR PRICE Tailgate Latch Release Handle Mounting Plate - Style side bed - F100-250 - Cadium Plated - Stainless Steel 64-72 64-72 30.00 ea. 40.00 ea. Tailgate Latch Release Handle - F100-250 - Style Side - Zinc Plated - Chrome Plated - Stainless 64-72 64-72 64-72 25.00 ea. 33.00 ea. 30.00 ea. 64-72 2.00 set Tailgate Latch Release Handle Mounting Plate Screws - F100-250 - stainless screws - set of 4 - style side PART # PIC C4TZ-99431A78-PR C4TZ-99431D72-S (L) YEAR PRICE Tailgate Release Lever Rods - F100-250 - Style Side Bed DESCRIPTION 64-72 15.00 pr. Tailgate release lever & Bolt Assy. - F100-250 64-72 15.00 set L H TAILGATE SUPPORT / CHAINS - STYLE SIDE PART # I C4TZ-9944400-A PIC (M) DESCRIPTION Tailgate Support - F100/250 YEAR PRICE 64-66 35.00 ea. M TAILGATE LATCH- STYLE SIDE PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR C4TZ-99431B54-A (J) Tailgate Latch Stricker - RH or LH - F100-250 - on Bed Side 64-72 15.00 ea. C4TZ-99431D76-A (K) Tailgate Latch Assembly - RH or LH - F100-250 64-72 45.00 ea. RICE 5.00 set DESCRIPTION PRICE 5.00 kit J K 117 117 WELD-IN PANELS RUNNING BOARD WELD-IN PANELS FENDER WELD-IN PANELS PART # PIC C1TZ-16001 C1TZ-16002 (A) B7C-16007 B7C-16008 C1TZ-16007 C1TZ-16008 (B) B7C-16012 B7C-16013 C1TZ-16012 C1TZ-16013 (C) DESCRIPTION YEAR PART # PRICE Front Fender Lower Front Panel - Right Side 61-66 - Left Side 61-66 90.00 ea. 90.00 ea. Front Fender Lower Rear Panel - Right Side - Left Side - Right Side - Left Side 57-60 57-60 61-66 61-66 95.00 95.00 80.00 80.00 ea. ea. ea. ea. Front Fender Lower Rear Panel - Tip Only - Right Side - Tip Only - Left Side - Tip Only - Right Side - Tip Only - Left Side 57-60 57-60 61-66 61-66 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 ea. ea. ea. ea. B7C-16450 B7C-16451 C1TZ-16450 C1TZ-16451 B7C-16506 B7C-16507 C1TZ-16506 C1TZ-16507 PIC (E) (F) DESCRIPTION DOO YEAR PRICE 57-60 57-60 61-64 61-64 50.00 50.00 45.00 45.00 ea. ea. ea. ea. C1TZ-8 C1TZ-8 Running Board Step Plate Riser - Right Side - Left Side - Right Side - Left Side 57-60 57-60 61-64 61-64 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 ea. ea. ea. ea. ROCK PIC B7C-8140302-S B7C-8140303-S C1TZ-8140302-S C1TZ-8140303-S (D) DESCRIPTION YEAR Cab Back Lower Corner - Right Side - Left Side - Right Side - Left Side 57-60 57-60 61-66 61-66 P C1TZ-8 C1TZ-8 C1TZ-8 PRICE 80.00 80.00 60.00 60.00 C1TZ-8 B7C-81 B7C-81 CAB CORNERS PART # P Running Board Step Plate - Right Side - Left Side - Right Side - Left Side ea. ea. ea. ea. C5TZ-8 C5TZ-8 1957-60 Repair Panels D F E H B C 118 55-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT WELD-IN PANELS DOOR WELD-IN PANELS PRICE .00 .00 .00 .00 ea. ea. ea. ea. .00 .00 .00 .00 ea. ea. ea. ea. PART # PIC YEAR Lower Hinge Pillar Repair Panel - F100-750 - Right Side - F100-750 - Left Side C1TZ-8102042 C1TZ-8102043 C1TZ-8120200 CAB MOUNTS DESCRIPTION (G) Door Lower Repair Panel - Right or Left PRICE 61-66 61-66 70.00 ea. 70.00 ea. 61-66 50.00 ea. B7C-8110110 B7C-8110111 C1TZ-8110110 C1TZ-8110111 C1TZ-8110110-PR C5TZ-8110110 C5TZ-8110111 PIC YEAR PRICE Rocker Panels - Right Side - Left Side 57-60 57-60 60.00 ea. 60.00 ea. (J) Rocker Panel - Right Side - Left Side - Set - Left & Right 61-64 61-64 61-64 30.00 ea. 30.00 ea. 60.00 pr. (J) Rocker Panel - Right Side - Left Side 65-66 65-66 30.00 ea. 30.00 ea. (H) PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR C5TZ-81111B80-A (K) Cab Mount Inspection Plate - 2 per truck - Inspection plates are for reproduction Cab mounts - F100/350 65-79 10.00 ea. (L) Front Cab Mount - Right Side - Left Side - F100/350 65-79 65-67 85.00 ea. 85.00 ea. C5TZ-10112A70 C5TZ-10112A71 ROCKER PANELS PART # PART # DESCRIPTION PRICE FLOOR PAN PART # PIC C5TZ-8110624 (M) DESCRIPTION Floor Pan Center Reinforcement Ends - F100/350 Floor Pan - Front Section - F100-350 - Right Hand- 23 1/2” x 24” - Left Hand - 23 1/2” x 24” - Right Side - 29 1/2” x 36” - Left Side - 29” x 36” C1TZ-8111106 C1TZ-8111107 C7TZ-1011135-R C7TZ-1011135-L C1TZ-8111106-PR Front Floor Pan in Pairs - F100-350 G YEAR 65-72 PRICE 80.00 ea. 61-64 61-64 65-72 65-72 110.00 110.00 60.00 60.00 ea. ea. ea. ea. 61-64 220.00 pr. 1961-66 Repair Panels D J F M E B A L K C 119 119 DECALS AIR CLEANER DECAL PART # PIC DESCRIPTION ENG ENGINE COMPARTMENT DECALS YEAR PRICE PART # PIC DESCRIPTION PART YEAR PRICE Service Specification Decal 65-66 4.00 ea. DF-347 DF-350 Positive Crankcase Vent Decal 62-66 4.50 ea. DF-20 DF-466 Air Cleaner Decal - 352/208 H.P. 65-66 4.50 ea. DF-32 (A) Voltage Regulator Decal 56-57 5.00 ea. DF-350 DF-467 Air Cleaner Decal - 223/139 H.P. 57-60 4.50 ea. DF-33 (B) Coil Decal 56-62 5.00 ea. DF-351 DF-468 Air Cleaner Decal - 292/160 H.P. 61-64 4.50 ea. DF-69 (C) Generator Decal 57 5.00 ea. DF-405 Air Cleaner Decal - 240/150 H.P. 65-67 6.00 ea. DF-83 (D) Air Cleaner Service Instructrions 57-65 5.00 ea. DF-412 Air Cleaner Decal - 272/171 H.P. 57-58 6.00 ea. DF-107 (E) Voltage Regulator Decal 58-60 5.00 ea. DF-447 DF-488 Air Cleaner Decal - 292/172 H.P. 58-60 4.50 ea. DF-120 (F) FoMoCo Antifreeze Tag 55-63 5.00 ea. DF-515 DF-489 Air Cleaner Decal - 272/181 H.P. 59-60 4.50 ea. DF-131 Starter Decal 56-57 5.00 ea. DF-684 DF-487 Air Cleaner Decal - 223/135 H.P. 61-64 4.50 ea. DF-164 Oil Cap Decal 60-65 4.00 ea. DF-699 DF-194 Battery Test Decal 64-68 3.00 ea. DF-746 DF-224 Coil Decal 65-70 5.00 ea. DF-991 DF-229 Engine Foundry Tag 54-58 5.00 ea. DF-112 DF-469 DF-470 (A) DF-280 A VALVE COVER DECALS PART # PIC DF-70 DESCRIPTION Ford V-8 Valve Cover Decals YEAR PRICE 57-60 12.00 pr. Fuel Filter Decal 62-65 4.00 ea. DF-320 (G) Voltage Regulator Warning Tag 62-66 4.00 ea. DF-337 Voltage Regulator Decal 62 5.00 ea. DF-345 Service Specification Decal 64 4.00 ea. A B INTERIOR DECALS PART # PIC DF-951 DESCRIPTION YEAR Glove Box Oil Pressure Decal PRICE 5.00 ea. FORD LETTER DECALS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE F C FOR TAILGATE STEP SIDE ONLY DF-688 Ford Letters - Blue 53-72 15.00 set DF-689 Ford Letters - White 53-72 15.00 set DF-690 Ford Letters - Black 53-72 15.00 set DF-691 Ford Letters - Silver 53-72 15.00 set DF-692 Ford Letters - Red 53-72 15.00 set D E G 120 55-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT DECALS ENGINE COMPARTMENT DECALS PRICE PART # PIC DESCRIPTION COWL & FLOOR PAN RUBBER PLUGS YEAR PRICE PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE .00 ea. DF-347 Voltage Regulator Warning Decals 62-64 6.00 pr. 352291-S (J) - for 3/4” hole plug 2.00 ea. .00 ea. DF-350 Crankcase Vent Decal 60-65 4.50 ea. 352284-S (K) - for 1 1/4” hole plug 2.00 ea. .00 ea. DF-351 Air Conditioner Aluminum Tag 66 6.00 ea. 352285-S (L) - for 1 1/2” hole plug 2.00 ea. .00 ea. DF-405 Battery Test Decal 62-63 4.00 ea. 357216-S (M) - for 1 3/4” (1.87) hole 2.00 ea. .00 ea. DF-412 Voltage Regulator Decal 65-66 6.00 ea. .00 ea. DF-447 Starter Decal 62-64 5.00 ea. .00 ea. DF-515 Generator Decal 62-64 5.00 ea. .00 ea. DF-684 Autolite FL-1 Oil Filter Decal 64-69 5.00 ea. .00 ea. DF-699 Rotunda Antifreeze Tag 64-66 6.00 ea. .00 ea. DF-746 Ford 6000 or Six Month Lube Sticker .00 ea. DF-991 PCV Plastic Ring - 352/390 65-71 4.50 ea. .00 ea. DF-1125 Generator Warning Tag - Green - 12 Volt 57-64 3.50 ea. .00 ea. (H) 3.00 ea. J K L M .00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. H F 121 121 MANUALS PART # TR-5700 PIC (A) HEM WIRING DIAGRAM MANUAL SHOP MANUALS DESCRIPTION YEAR Shop Manual 57 PART # PIC 55.00 ea. MP-364 (G) Wiring Diagram Manual - F100-750 63 6.00 ea. PRICE DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE TR-5800 (B) Shop Manual 58 55.00 ea. MP-365 (H) Wiring Diagram Manual - F100-750 64 6.00 ea. TR-5900 (C) Shop Manual 59 60.00 ea. MP-366 (I) Wiring Diagram Manual - F100-750 66 6.00 ea. MP-367 (J) Wiring Diagram Manual - F100-750 65 6.00 ea. TR-6000 Shop Manual 60 55.00 ea. TR-6100 Shop Manual 61 60.00 ea. TR-6400 Shop Manual 64 60.00 ea. TR-6500 Shop Manual - 2 volumes, 1500 pages 65 100.00 set TR-6600 Shop Manual - 3 volumes, 1454 pages 66 100.00 set PAR HEMM H G BOO PAR AM-011 AM-013 CA-360 TR-571 A B C OPERATORS MANUALS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE TR-6110 (D) Operators Manual 61 10.00 ea. TR-6210 (E) Operators Manual 62 10.00 ea. TR-6310 (F) Operators Manual 63 10.00 ea. TR-6410 Operators Manual 64 10.00 ea. TR-6610 Operators Manual 66 12.00 ea. D J FACTS MANUAL PART # PIC MP-0301 MP-0272 (K) (L) DESCRIPTION YEAR Illustrated Facts and Feature Manual - F100-350.............................................. 57-58 - F100-250.............................................. 65-66 PRICE 7.00 ea. 7.00 ea. L K E 122 I F 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT MANUALS HEMMINGS MOTOR NEWS PART # PRICE 6.00 ea. PIC HEMM BULBS DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Hemmings Motor News Magazine 6.00 ea. 6.00 ea. 6.00 ea. get the newest copy of HEMMINGS 6.00 ea. Motor News $6.00 DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE AM-0118 (M) Body Interior Trim Assy. Manual 60 20.00 ea. AM-0133 (N) Body Interior Trim Assy. Manual 57 25.00 ea. CA-3600 (O) Steering Wheel Restoration Book TR-5715-SET (P) Ford Truck Parts & Accessories - Three Volumes B6A-13007 B6A-13007 B8AZ-13007-A B8AZ-13007-B (Q) B6A-13465-1034 C3AZ-13466-1157 B7A-13466-1157A B7A-13466-1157NA DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Headlight Bulb - 12 volt - #6014 - #6014 - #4000 Outer Low Beam - #4001 Inner High Beam 56-57 61-66 58-60 58-60 8.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 ea. ea. ea. ea. Parking Light Bulb - 12 volt - #1034 - #1157 - #1157-A - Painted Amber - #1157N - Natural Amber 56-62 63-66 56-66 56-66 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 ea. ea. ea. ea. B6A-13466-1445 High Beam Indicator Bulb - #1445 - 12 volt 56-66 1.00 ea. B6A-13466-57 Glove Compartment Bulb - #57 - 12 volt 56-66 1.00 ea. Taillight Bulb - 12 volt - #1034 - #1157 56-62 63-66 1.50 ea. 1.50 ea. Rear License Plate Lamp - #67 - 12V - #97 - 12V 57-63 64-66 1.00 ea. 1.00 ea. 56-66 1.50 ea. (R) 09B-13466-67 C3AZ-13466-97 BOOKS & LITERATURE PIC PIC B6A-13465-1034 C3AZ-13466-1157 H PART # PART # B6A-13730-1003 Dome Light Bulb - #1003 - 12 volt 13.00 ea. 57-63 250.00 set Q J R N M PRICE .00 ea. .00 ea. MAGNETIC SIGN O PART # L PIC DESCRIPTION MM-2 (S) Look, But Please Don't Touch 6.50 ea. MM-3 (T) Look and Enjoy, but Please Don't Touch 6.50 ea. S PRICE T P 123 123 BUMPER STICKERS BUMPER STICKERS PART # PIC FRON FORD TIMES DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE PART # PIC DESCRIPTION PRICE CA-1965-2 February 1965 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1965-3 March 1965 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1965-11 November 1965 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1966-2 February 1966 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1966-6 June 1966 edition 8.50 ea. 3.50 ea. CA-1966-8 August 1966 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1966-10 October 1966 edition 8.50 ea. 6 1/2” Ford Oval Decal “Blue on Clear” 5.00 ea. CA-1967-1 January 1967 edition 8.50 ea. DF-1390 9 1/2” Ford Oval Decal “Blue on Clear” 5.50 ea. CA-1967-2 February 1967 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1967-3 March 1967 edition 8.50 ea. DF-1391 17” Ford Oval Decal “Blue on Clear” 6.50 ea. DF-361 3 1/2” Ford Oval Decal “Blue on White” 4.00 ea. DF-362 Ford Oval Decal - 6 1/2” 5.00 ea. DF-363 Ford Oval Decal - 9 1/2” 5.50 ea. DF-364 Ford Oval Decal - 17” 6.50 ea. DF-1388 3 1/2” Ford Oval Decal “Blue on Clear” DF-1389 CA-1967-4 April 1967 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1967-5 May 1967 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1967-6 June 1967 edition 8.50 ea. PART # PIC DESCRIPTION PRICE CA-1967-7 July 1967 edition 8.50 ea. August 1967 edition 8.50 ea. BRA CA-1967-9 September 1967 edition 8.50 ea. PAR CA-1968-3 March 1968 edition 8.50 ea. D0TZ-2 CA-1968-6 June 1968 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1968-7 July 1968 edition 8.50 ea. October 1968 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1968-11 November 1968 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1968-12 December 1968 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1969-2 February 1969 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1969-3 March 1969 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1969-4 April 1969 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1969-5 May 1969 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1969-6 June 1969 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1969-7 July 1969 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1969-8 August 1969 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1961-1 January 1961 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1969-10 October 1969 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1961-3 March 1961 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1969-11 November 1969 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1961-10 October 1961 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1970-1 January 1970 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1961-12 December 1961 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1970-2 February 1970 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1962-1 January 1962 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1970-4 April 1970 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1962-4 April 1962 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1970-10 October 1970 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1962-6 June 1962 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1970-12 December 1970 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1962-9 September 1962 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1971-1 January 1971 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1962-10 October 1962 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1971-2 February 1971 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1962-11 November 1962 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1971-4 April 1971 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1962-12 December 1962 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1971-5 May 1971 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1963-1 January 1963 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1971-6 June 1971 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1963-6 June 1963 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1971-8 August 1971 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1963-7 July 1963 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1971-9 September 1971 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1963-9 September 1963 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1971-10 October 1971 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1963-10 October 1963 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1972-1 January 1972 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1963-11 November 1963 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1972-3 March 1972 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1963-12 December 1963 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1972-4 April 1972 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1964-1 January 1964 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1972-7 July 1972 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1964-8 August 1964 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1972-10 October 1972 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1965-1 January 1965 edition 8.50 ea. CA-1972-11 November 1972 edition 8.50 ea. 124 B7T-11 C3TZ-1 CA-1967-8 CA-1968-10 FORD TIMES PAR 57-66 FORD TRUCK With WHE PAR C4TZ-2 BRA PAR C8TZ-2 C8TZ-2 C8TZ-2 VISIT BIG TRUCK FRONT WHEEL GREASE SEAL ICE PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR B7T-1190-A C3TZ-1190-C (A) (B) Front Wheel Grease Seal - 3.31”O.D.x2.25”I.D. - F500-750 - 4 1/8” O.D. for 2 7/8” shaft F700-900 57-69 53-72 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. STEERING WORM GEAR & SHAFT PART # 8.50 ea. PRICE PART # PIC C4TZ-3524-J 7.00 ea. 7.00 ea. PART # 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 64-66 150.00 ea. 57-63 200.00 ea. DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C4TZ-3575-A (D) Steering Sector - Manual Steering - F500-750 - w/ 5m,5.5m,6m,7m front axle 64-66 150.00 ea. C7TZ-3575-C (E) Steering Sector - Manual Steering - F500-750 - w/ 5m,5.5m,6m,7m front axle 67-72 150.00 ea. B A D 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. - F500-750 - w/ 5m,5.5m,6m,7m front axle PIC 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. PRICE STEERING SECTOR PARTS 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. YEAR - NOS - B-C-500-750 B7T-3524 8.50 ea. DESCRIPTION BRAKE BOOSTER PART # PIC D0TZ-2005-B DESCRIPTION Brake Booster - 12.75” Dia. - Frame Mount - F500-750 YEAR PRICE 70-71 200.00 ea. With single hydraulic vacuum brakes - from ser.# H30,00 to L90,001 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. WHEEL CYLINDER REPAIR KITS PART # PIC 8.50 ea. YEAR PRICE 64-72 10.00 ea. E 1 Kit does 1 Wheel 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. DESCRIPTION Front Wheel Cylinder Repair Kit - 1 1/8” dia. - B-C-F-N600-950 C4TZ-2221-C 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. STEERING GEAR BOX ASSEMBLY 8.50 ea. PART # 8.50 ea. C4TZ-3504-L 8.50 ea. PIC DESCRIPTION Steering Gear Box Assembly - F500-600 YEAR PRICE 64-66 450.00 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. BRAKE HOSES - FRONT PART # PIC C8TZ-2078-G (C) 8.50 ea. YEAR PRICE - F500-750 - Left Side - 24 3/8” long-14” x 2 1/2” brake 69 25.00 ea. C8TZ-2078-H - F500-750 - Right Side - 22 3/4” long-15” x 3” brake 69 25.00 ea. C8TZ-2078-J - F500-750 - Left Side - 23 3/4” long-15” x 3” brake 69 25.00 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. DESCRIPTION 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. 8.50 ea. C 125 125 BIG TRUCK PINS & BUSHINGS - FRONT SPRINGS PART # PIC C1TT-5468-D DESCRIPTION Front Spring Shackle Inner Bar - 120” WB 4X4 - F350-700 YEAR CLUSTER GEAR PRICE PART # 10.00 ea. C4TZ-7113-A PIC DESCRIPTION Transmission Cluster Gear - F600-700 - 4 Speed New Process 435 61-62 YEAR PRICE 64-71 180.00 ea. PAR B5A-5 COWL WIRING PART # PIC C9TZ-14401-H DESCRIPTION Cowl Wiring - F500-750 - 6 & 8 cylinder before ser. #G90,001 YEAR 69-70 PRICE 50.00 ea. FUEL PA STANDARD TRANSMISSION GEARS MAIN DRIVE SHAFT PART # C4TZ-7017-A PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Transmission Main Drive Shaft F600-700 - 4 Speed New Process 435 64-71 100.00 ea. PART # PIC C4TZ-7100-K (F) Transmission Low & Reverse Slide Gear - F600-700 - 4 Speed New Process 435 64-71 80.00 ea. C4TZ-7176-A (G) Transmission Output Shaft Second Speed Gear - F600-700 - 4 Speed New Process 435 64-71 75.00 ea. C4TZ-7183-B (H) Transmission Third & Fouth Gear Synchronizer Clutch Hub - F600-700 - 4 Speed New Process 435 64-71 35.00 ea. C4TZ-7196-A (I) Transmission Output Shaft 3rd Speed Idler Gear - F600-700 - 4 Speed New Process 435 64-71 60.00 ea. F DESCRIPTION C3AZ-9 YEAR PRICE G INTA PAR C4TZ-9 I H 126 57-66 FORD TRUCK VISIT RICE .00 ea. BIG TRUCK CROSSOVER PIPE PART # PIC HOOD SIDE NAMEPLATE DESCRIPTION B5A-5267-A Crossover Pipe - 8 cyl. 239,256,272,292 - F500-700 - 8 cyl. 292 w/ 2 barrel carburetor - F500-700 YEAR 55-60 PRICE 50.00 ea. 61-64 PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C3TZ-16720-F (A) - “FORD 500” - F500 - w/ Clips 63-66 75.00 ea. C3TZ-16720-G (B) - “FORD 600” - F600 - w/ Clips 63-66 75.00 ea. - “FORD 700” - w/ Clips 63-64 75.00 ea. C3TZ-16720-H A FUEL PUMP REPAIR KIT PART # PIC C3AZ-9349-B DESCRIPTION Fuel Pump Repair Kit - F500-800 - 8 cyl. 330, 361-391 - for Carter pumps stamped 3908 - 3908-SA - 4976-S RICE .00 ea. YEAR 64-67 PRICE 8.00 kit B .00 ea. .00 ea. C .00 ea. HOOD NAMEPLATE PLASTIC INSERTS PART # INTAKE MANIFOLD PART # C4TZ-9424-H PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Intake Manifold - F500-800 - 8 cylinder 330, 361 64-72 100.00 ea. C3TZ-16719-500 C3TZ-16719-600 C3TZ-16719-700 PIC (D) (E) (F) DESCRIPTION Plastic Insert - for Side of Hood Emblem - “500” - “600” - “700” YEAR PRICE 63-64 63-64 63-64 30.00 pr. 30.00 pr. 30.00 pr. D E F 127 127 1 Jim Lentz begins the project by removing the door access panel. 2 Two make a job easier. Here Dallas helps Jim remove the arm rest, handles and door trim. 5 Pry anti-rattlers from door carefully then twist holding clips out with long-nose pliers. Then pull out door glass run. 8 Division bar is a tight fit and requires patience to remove. Slowly twitst while pulling outward. 128 4 3 Release door glass from the regulator arm, leave in botton of door. Take out after antirattlers are removed. 6 Old rubber pulls away easily from vent window. Removal of the window regulator mechanism will make removal of the division bar easier. 7 Remove various screws at top of door and under rubber holding vent window in place. 9 Use doo in door Release division bar then slowly remove vent window with a slanting inward and twisting-out motion. Re-inst loosely 10 When installing new vent window rubber, check for indentations at correct location for pivot point on door. 55-66 FORD TRUCK Anti-rat and can VISIT ing the hanism asier. ve vent er, on for 10 Use door window as a form for shaping curve in door glass run. 13 11 12 Install new division bar. Loosely attach with screws. Then re-install window regulator mechanism and door glass. Re-attach door glass to window regulator mechanism. 14 15 Glide new door glass run into position, fitting securely over edge of glass. Working top right to left with a 3/8” wood strip, press clips in place. To prevent distorting curve section, do not press in. Insert strong cord into groove on the outside of vent rubber leaving long lengths at both ends for pulling. 16 17 18 Re-install vent window, attaching screws loosely. Pull cord out of groove in vent window rubber for tight overlapping fit of rubber to door. 19 20 Anti-rattlers are the last new parts to install and can be snapped-in with a wood strip. After re-installing access panel and door trim, two good friends congratulate each other on a job well done. Hold glass while tightening vent window and division bar screws for best adjustment for glass. 129 129 ECONOLINE FRONT WHEEL HUB, BEARINGS & SEALS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION PRICE B-1012 Lug Nut 61-67 0.50 ea. D6TZ-1102-C Front Brake Disc Hub & Rotor Assembly - 2 w/d w/ single rear wheel dayton system - E350 76-80 80.00 ea. PIC DESCRIPTION 8A-1705 YEAR PAR PRICE Valve Stem Extension - 3/4” long - set of 4 1.00 set 8M-222 C1UZ-2 PAR B5A-1131-A LF-1131-A (A) C1UZ-1190-A (B) Front Brake Drum Seal 61-67 15.00 ea. B5A-1201 (D) Front Wheel Inner Bearing 61-67 10.00 ea. B5A-1202 (E) Front Wheel Inner Race 61-67 6.00 ea. Front Wheel Bearing and Race Inner for One Side 61-67 15.00 set 61-67 65-67 5.00 ea. 3.50 ea. 8A-207 8A-207 B5A-1216 (F) Front Wheel Outer Bearing 61-67 9.50 ea. B5A-1217 (C) Front Wheel Outer Race 61-67 8.00 ea. Cotter Pin for Front Wheel 61-67 0.25 ea. 72054-S PART # BRA Front Hub Dust Cap - 1 25/32” O.D. - 1 31/32” O.D. B5A-1201-PR WHE VALVE STEM EXTENSION YEAR MISCELLANEOUS BRAKE PARTS PART # PIC BA-2041-S (G) 8A-2049 8A-2092 8A-207 YEAR PRICE Star Wheel Adjusting Screw Assy. 61-63 15.00 ea. (H) Brake Adjuster Screw Spring 63 9.00 ea. (J) Brake Adj. Hole Cover - Rubber 61-67 0.50 ea. Emergency Brake Arm Clip 61-67 0.75 ea. 91A-2106 DESCRIPTION C1UU-2 MAS PAR A9-214 AB-216 8M-216 A F E D B J K H G C REAR AXLE BEARINGS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION MAS YEAR PRICE B7AZ-1225 Rear Axle Bearing & Retainer (7” Ring & Pinion) 61-67 40.00 ea. 8A-2245 Rear Wheel Bearing Retainer Outer Gasket 61-67 3.00 ea. 8A-2256 Rear Wheel Bearing Axle Housing to Backing Plate Gasket 61-67 3.00 ea. PAR C3UZ-2 J C7TZ-2 K J CLUT H PAR B7A-24 C1UZ-2 WHEEL CYLINDER ASSEMBLY PART # AD-2062-D AD-2061-D C5TZ-2061-C C5TZ-2062-C C1UZ-2261-A C1UZ-2262-A 130 PIC (K) DESCRIPTION B7AZ-2 YEAR PRICE Front Wheel Cylinder Assembly - Right - Left - Right - Left 61-63 61-63 64-67 64-67 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 Rear Wheel Cylinder Assembly - Right - Left 61-67 61-67 35.00 ea. 35.00 ea. ea. ea. ea. ea. 61-67 ECONOLINE Quality Ford Restoration Parts KING PIN BOLT SET WHEEL CYLINDER KIT PART # PRICE 1.00 set PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE 8M-2221 Front Wheel Cylinder Kit 61-67 10.00 ea. C1UZ-2128-A Rear Wheel Cylinder Kit 61-67 8.00 ea. BRAKE HOSES PART # PRICE 5.00 ea. 9.00 ea. 0.50 ea. 0.75 ea. PIC PART # C4UZ-3111-B YEAR PRICE 8A-2078 Front Brake Hose - 17 1/2” long - Before serial #140,001 61 30.00 ea. 8A-2079 Front Brake Hose - 12” long - From serial #140,001 61-64 26.00 ea. 8A-2078 Front Brake Hose - 17 1/2” long 65-67 30.00 ea. C1UU-2282-A Rear Brake Hose - 10 1/2” long 61-65 20.00 ea. DESCRIPTION King Pin Bolt Set YEAR PRICE 64-67 65.00 set STEERING TUBE TO FLOOR SEAL PART # DESCRIPTION PIC PIC C1UU-3513 DESCRIPTION Steering Tube to Floor Seal YEAR PRICE 61-65 15.00 ea. YEAR PRICE MASTER CYLINDER ASSEMBLY YEAR PRICE A9-2140 PART # (L) PIC Master Cylinder DESCRIPTION 61-66 130.00 ea. AB-2162-C (M) Master Cylinder Cap - Plastic 61-66 15.00 ea. 8M-2167 (N) Master Cylinder Cap Gasket 61-67 2.00 ea. M B STEERING PARTS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION C3DZ-3517-A Steering Column Upper Bearing 61-67 10.00 ea. B1AZ-3518-A Steering Column Upper Bearing Sleeve - Plastic 61-67 12.00 ea. 8A-3591-A Steering Sector Shaft Seal 61-67 5.00 ea. KEY BLANKS PART # O L PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE BA-3685-A (P) - Ignition & Door - Ford 61-67 2.50 ea. BA-3685-ANV (Q) - Ignition - Aniversary w/ Ford Script 61-67 10.00 ea. P MASTER CYLINDER REPAIR KIT YEAR PRICE C3UZ-2004-A PART # PIC Master Cylinder Repair Kit DESCRIPTION 61-66 16.00 ea. C7TZ-2004-E Master Cylinder Repair Kit Single Piston 67 50.00 ea. CLUTCH & BRAKE PEDAL PADS PART # PIC B7A-2457-A C1UZ-2476-A B7AZ-2471-A PRICE 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 DESCRIPTION Clutch & Brake Pedal Pad (O) YEAR PRICE 61-72 4.50 ea. Clutch & Brake Pedal Arm Seals 61-67 15.00 pr. Clutch & Brake Pedal Arm Bushing 61-67 1.00 ea. Q ea. ea. ea. ea. 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. 131 COLUMN SHIFT PARTS DIFFERENTIAL RELATED PARTS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PART # PRICE B7A-4035 Differential Housing Gasket - w/ 9” Ring Gear 63-72 8.00 ea. B8AZ-4209-C Differential Ring Gear & Pinion Set - 9” Ring Gear - 3.25 Ratio 63-72 300.00 set PIC C30Z-7513-A PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE 61-72 10.00 ea. C20Z-6734-A Oil Pan Drain Plug Gasket - fits: 6 & 8 cyl.144, 170, 240, 300, 302 61-72 3.00 ea. C4TZ-6766-B Oil Filler Cap - Replacement - Black - 6 cyl. 144 & 170 - closed emission reduction - rocker arm cover type 64-70 6.00 ea. C5AZ-6754-B Dip Stick Tube - 3 5/8” Long - 240 / 300 - 6 cyl. 65-79 15.00 ea. PRICE 64-70 12.00 ea. Clutch Release Lever Dust Boot - w/ 11” clutch - w/ 240 6 cyl. 302 V8, E100-100 69-75 17.50 ea. D8TZ-7515-A Clutch Release Lever Assembly - E100-350 75-79 35.00 ea. D0TZ-7521-A Clutch Release Rod - w/ 302 V8 - E100-300 69-72 15.00 ea. C1AA-7543-A Clutch Release Equalizer Shaft Plastic Ball - Takes 2 - E100-350 69-83 2.50 ea. C8UZ-7526-C Clutch Pedal to Idler Lever Rod Bushing - 35” long - .494 O.D., .434 I.D. - 3 per van - E100-300 69-72 5.00 ea. C8UZ-7A535-A Clutch Release Equalizer Engine Mounting Pivot - w/ 6 cyl. - E100-200 69-71 15.00 ea. C5TZ-7513-A Oil Pan Drain Plug - 1/2” x 20 - fits: 6 & 8 cyl. 144, 170, 240, 300, 302 YEAR Clutch Release Lever Dust Boot - w/ 144, 170 6 cyl. - E100 - Original Tooling OIL RELATED PARTS D1AZ-6730-A DESCRIPTION PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR 61-67 PRICE 9.00 ea. SPECIAL OIL FILTER ASSEMBLY PART # PIC DESCRIPTION Special Oil Filter Assembly with Check Valve - so oil won’t drain back - Red light goes out immediately when engine is started PIC YEAR 61-67 PRICE RADIATOR CAP PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C9AZ-8100-A (A) Radiator Cap - 14 lb. pressure 61-72 7.00 ea. 8A-8115 (B) Radiator Drain Cock - 1/4” 61-72 10.00 ea. DESCRIPTION C9PZ-8 C9PZ-8 9.00 ea. P GTS-9 YEAR PRICE C0AZ-7213-B Gear Shift Lever Knob - Black 61-67 6.00 ea. 01A-7246-B Gear Shift Lever Insulator - Rubber 61-67 8.00 ea. 01A-7526 Clutch Pedal Bushing - 2 per truck 61-67 2.00 ea. B A THERMOSTAT HOUSING GASKET PART # PIC C9AZ-8255-A DESCRIPTION Thermostat Housing Gasket - 144, 170, 240, & 302 YEAR 61-72 PRICE 3.00 ea. THERMOSTAT PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Gaskets Not Included 132 C20Z-8 D00Z-8 C3DZ-8 COLUMN SHIFT PARTS PART # C6DZ-8 D2AZ-8 D3UZ-8 P Spin-On Type Oil Filter C2AZ-6731-B P GEN OIL FILTER D9AZ-6731-A WAT 1BA-8575-A Thermostat - 160 degrees - 144, 170, 240, & 302 61-72 5.00 ea. 1BA-8575-B Thermostat - 180 degrees - 144, 170, 240, & 302 61-72 5.00 ea. GTP-9 PRICE 00 ea. 50 ea. 00 ea. 61-67 ECONOLINE Quality Ford Restoration Parts GAS CAPS WATER PUMP - NEW PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR C0DZ-9030-D PART # (E) Gas Cap - Replacement - Chrome - Vented Anti-Surge 61-67 8.00 ea. D1PZ-9030-K (F) Gas Cap - Replacement - Chrome - w/ evaporative emission 70-72 8.00 ea. PRICE C6DZ-8501-DN D2AZ-8501-AN D3UZ-8501-A Water Pump w/ Gaskets - 144, 170 - 240 - 8 cyl. 302 61-70 65-72 69-72 56.00 ea. 70.00 ea. 90.00 ea. C20Z-8597-B D00Z-8597-B Water Pump By-Pass Hose - 8 cyl. 302 - 8 cyl. 302 69-70 71-72 8.00 ea. 12.50 ea. PRICE 00 ea. 50 ea. 00 ea. F E 00 ea. GAS TANK SENDING UNIT TO TANK GASKET GENERATOR & ALTERNATOR BELTS PART # PIC C3DZ-8620-B PRICE .00 ea. .00 ea. PART # DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Generator & Water Pump Belt - 6 cyl. 144, 170 61-64 16.00 ea. 65-67 69-70 70-72 15.00 ea. YEAR PRICE C9PZ-8620-E Alternator & Water Pump Belt - 6 cyl. 170 C9PZ-8620-S - 8 cyl. 302 14.50 ea. PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C2DZ-9275-A Gas Tank Sending Unit - w/ gasket & float 61-67 85.00 ea. C0AF-9276-A Gas Tank Sending Unit to Tank Gasket 61-67 69-72 2.00 ea. Gas Tank Sending Unit Sock Filter - 5/16" hole - 3/8" hole D1FZ-9A011-A D1AZ-9A011-A 62-up 62-up 10.00 ea. 10.00 ea. GAS TANK SLUSHING COMPOUND PART # GTS-9000 GTP-9001 PIC DESCRIPTION (C) Gas Tank Slushing Compound - eliminates rust & corrosion - Sold by the quart 30.00 qt. Gas Preservative & Stabilizer - Prevents gum & varnish formation & corrosion - use when car is not run for lon periods of time 30.00 qt. (D) OIL PRESSURE SENDING UNIT PART # DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B6A-9278 (G) Oil Pressure Sending Unit with Warning Light - 6 cylinder - 144, 170 61-66 10.00 ea. C8AZ-9278-A (H) Oil Pressure Sending Unit with warning lights - 6 cyl. 170 - from ser# B12,001 with warning lights - 6 cyl. 170 with warning lights - 8 cyl. 302 67 69-70 69-70 9.00 ea. Oil Pressure Sending Unit with gauges - 6 cyl. 170 with gauges - 6 cyl. 240 with gauges - 8 cyl. 302 69-70 67-72 69-72 40.00 ea. PRICE .00 ea. PIC D9ZZ-9278-A PRICE .00 ea. G H .00 ea. C D 133 FUEL PUMP - NEW PART # PIC C30Z-9350-D (A) D7TZ-9350-D (B) ACCELERATOR PEDAL DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE PART # Fuel Pump - 6 cylinder - 144, 170, 240 64-65 40.00 ea. Fuel Pump for 6 cyl. - E100-350 77-79 25.00 ea. PIC HEA DESCRIPTION YEAR C5ZZ-9735-R Accelerator Pedal - Reproduction 69-72 10.00 ea. C5ZZ-9760-B D3TZ-9760-C Accelerator Pedal to shaft spring - before ser # P60,001 - from ser # P60,001 69-72 72 3.00 ea. 36.00 ea. 69-72 5.00 ea. 380503-S Accelerator Pedal to shaft screw - before ser # P60,001 PRICE PAR C1TF-1 VOLTAGE REGULATOR PART # B PIC B6A-10505 (D) C3DZ-10505-A C3SZ-10316-B (E) C5DZ-10335-A A DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE 61-64 61-63 60.00 ea. 27.50 ea. Alternator Regulator - All EX. transistorized ignition 65-72 38.00 ea. Alternator Rotor Assembly - fits: Motorcraft Alternators - 38 & 42 amp 65-72 25.00 ea. Voltage Regulator - 30 amp generator - 25 amp - 12 volt INST PAR D3TZ-1 CARBURETOR REPAIR KIT PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C1UZ-9A586 - Holly - 6 cylinder - 144, 170 61-67 35.00 ea. C80Z-9A586-D - Ford - 6 cyl - 144, 170, 240 63-67 25.00 ea. - Ford - 2 barrel - 8 cyl. 302 69-72 19.50 ea. C20Z-9590 (C) D E INSTRUMENT CLUSTER VOLTAGE REGULATOR PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR C6DZ-10804-A (F) Instrument Cluster Voltage Regulator 69 20.00 ea. C9AZ-10804-A Instrument Cluster Voltage Regulator 70 20.00 ea. Instrument Cluster Voltage Regulator 71-72 20.00 ea. D1AZ-10804-A (G) F C PRICE G AIR CLEANER FILTER PART # C20Z-9601-A 134 PIC DESCRIPTION Air Cleaner Filter - 6.58” ID x 8.40” OD x 3.22” H - 6 cyl. 170, 240 - 8 cyl. 302 YEAR PRICE 8.00 ea. 69-72 69-72 ALTERNATOR BRACKET PART # D4AZ-10156-A PIC DESCRIPTION Alternator Bracket - 351W - E100 / 350 YEAR PRICE 75-79 10.00 ea. TEM PAR C3AZ-1 C6DZ-1 PRICE 0.00 ea. 61-67 ECONOLINE Quality Ford Restoration Parts STARTER SOLENOID HEADLIGHT SWITCH BEZEL PART # PIC C1TF-10852-C DESCRIPTION Head Lamp Switch Bezel - E100-350 YEAR PRICE 61-72 15.00 ea. PART # PIC B6A-11450-A (I) DESCRIPTION YEAR Starter Solenoid 61-72 PRICE 15.00 ea. 3.00 ea. 6.00 ea. 5.00 ea. I PRICE 0.00 ea. 7.50 ea. 8.00 ea. 5.00 ea. ATOR PRICE 0.00 ea. INSTRUMENT GLASS PART # D3TZ-10880-A PRICE .00 ea. DESCRIPTION Instrument Cluster Glass - in Plastic - E100-350 YEAR PRICE 73-79 25.00 ea. IGNITION SWITCH & CYLINDER W/ KEYS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C7UZ-11572-A Ignition Switch 61-67 40.00 ea. D1AZ-11572-C D0TZ-11572-A Ignition Switch - Before Ser # G90,001 - From Ser # G90,001 69-70 70-72 25.00 ea. 34.00 ea. Ignition Switch Cylinder & (2) Keys 61-67 15.00 ea. C9AZ-11582-A Ignition Switch Cylinder & (1) Key 69-72 29.00 ea. C3TZ-11584-A Ignition Switch Bezel 61-67 20.00 ea. C60Z-11584-A Ignition Switch Bezel 69-72 20.00 ea. YEAR PRICE C3AZ-11582-A (J) TEMPERATURE SENDER PART # PIC C3AZ-10884-A (H) 0.00 ea. 0.00 ea. PIC C6DZ-10884-B DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Temperature Sender for Motor - ser# 350,001 to # 751,001 - stamped 250 - 1/8” x 27 threads 63-66 5.00 ea. Temperature Sender for Motor - From ser# 751,001 - 6 & 8 cylinder 66-69 8.00 ea. J HEADLIGHT SWITCH NUT H PART # PIC DESCRIPTION C2TZ-11650-A Light Switch to Instrument Panel Nut 61-67 7.00 ea. C3TZ-11650-A Light Switch to Instrument Panel Nut 69-72 10.00 ea. C1DF-11654-A Headlight Switch 61 20.00 ea. C4DZ-11654-A Headlight Switch 62-67 47.00 ea. ELECTRONIC IGNIITON SYSTEM PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Replaces Points & Condenser in Distributor C5AZ-12000-1261 Solid State Electronic Ignition System - Fits: 6 cyl. 170 & 240 with thermactor emission 65-72 78.00 ea. B7A-12000-1281 Solid State Electronic Ignition System - 8 cyl. all except dual points 69-72 85.00 ea. 135 DASH KNOBS PART # DISTRIBUTOR PARTS PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B6C-15055 (A) Cigar Element & Well Assembly 61-67 15.00 ea. C1TZ-15052 (B) Cigar Knob - Black w/ white insert 61-67 8.00 ea. Headlight Switch Knob - Black w/ white insert 61-67 Headlight Knob & Shaft - E100-300 - Black w/ silver insert 69-72 10.00 ea. Wiper, Heater Fan & Emergency Warning Flasher Knob - Black w/ white insert - has set screw 61-67 10.00 ea. Choke & Heater Temperature Control Knob - screws on - Black w/ white insert 61-67 6.00 ea. C1TZ-11661 (C) C8TZ-11661-A C1TZ-17513 (D) C1TZ-9700 PART # B6A-12029 PIC DESCRIPTION (G) 7HA-12106 10.00 ea. C5AZ-12370-A (H) HEA YEAR PRICE Coil - All Except Transistorized Ignition 61-67 35.00 ea. Distributor Cap - 6 cylinder 144, 170, 240 61-67 15.00 ea. Distributor Vacuum Diaphragm Fits distributors w/ ID numbers: 20.00 ea. C5AF-12127-A-B-C-M-N-BG, C5GF-12127-A-B-C, C5JF-12127-A, C5SF-1217-B, C5TF-12127-A-B-C, C5UF-12127-B, C5ZF-12127-J, C6AF-12127-A-B-C-D-E-J-K-L-M-S-T-U-V-AG-AH-AJ-AK-BA,C6MF12127-A, C60F-12127-E-F-G-H-J, C6SF-12127-B-D, C6TF-12127-G-HAA-AB-BH-BJ, C6ZF-12127-A-B, C7AF-12127-A-B-C-D-E-F-H-J-L-M-NT-U-V-Z-AA-AC-AD-AE-AF-AG-AH, C7MF-12127-A-G-H, C70F-12127A-B-D-E-F-G-H-J, C7SF-12127-A-B-C-E-F, C7TF-12127-A-D-F-M-T, C7ZF-12127-A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H, C8AF-12127-J-Y-AD, C8DF-12127-G-H, C80F-12127-G-J, C8TF-12127-H-L, C8UF-12127-G-H, C8VF-12127-A, C8ZF-12127-D, C9AF-12127-J-K-M-N, C90F-12127-M-N-T-Z, C9UF12127-C-D, D0AF-12127-Z, D00F-12127-M-N-R-U, D0TF-12127-G-K, D0ZF-12127-G, D1ZF-12127-FA, D1TF-12127-EA, D1UF-12127-A B5C-12405-A Spark Plug 61-67 PAR B6A-13 01A-13 C20Z-1 B7A-13 C1DZ-1 3.50 ea. H C D B PAR PA A C1UB-1 C1UB-1 G C3UZ-1 C3UZ-1 D1UZ-1 DISTRIBUTOR PARTS PART # A7A-12000-B PIC (E) C5AZ-12000-D (F) E DESCRIPTION C1UF-1 YEAR PRICE Ignition Tune-Up Kit - w/o Thermactor Emission - 6 cylinder - 144, 170, 240 - w/ points, condensor & rotor 61-67 10.00 ea. Ignition Tune-Up Kit - w/ Thermactor Emission - 6 cylinder - 170, 240 - Includes condensor & rotor 61-67 20.00 ea. F B9C-13 TUR PA C0AZ-1 C5AZ-1 136 61-67 ECONOLINE Quality Ford Restoration Parts 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. 0.00 ea. J, F-G-H-M-N127T, 7-G-H, 27-A, UFG-K, A REFLECTORS HEADLIGHT PARTS PRICE PART # PIC B6A-13007 DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Headlight Bulb 61-67 8.00 ea. 01A-13018-C (J) Headlight Bulb Retainer Ring - Chrome 61-67 10.00 ea. C20Z-13031-A (K) Headlight Adjusting Ring Retainer Spring 69-72 2.00 ea. B7A-13044-A (L) Headlight Bucket to Fender Gasket 61-67 4.00 ea. Headlight Bulb Retainer Bucket - RH or LH 61-67 20.00 ea. C1DZ-13118-A (M) J M K PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE All Reflectors here are made from original Ford Tooling C8TZ-13380-A C8TZ-13380-B Body Side Rear Reflector - Red - RH - E100/300 - Red - LH - E100/300 69 69 30.00 ea. 30.00 ea. C8TZ-13380-C C8TZ-13380-D Body Side Front Fender Reflector - Amber - RH - E100/300 - Amber - LH - E100/300 69 69 30.00 ea. 30.00 ea. L 3.50 ea. PARK LIGHT PARTS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C1UB-13208-A C1UB-13209-A Park Light Lens - RH - Clear - LH - Clear 61-62 61-62 20.00 ea. 20.00 ea. C3UZ-13208-A (N) C3UZ-13209-A Park Light Lens - RH - Amber - LH - Amber 63-67 63-67 22.50 ea. 22.50 ea. D1UZ-13208-A (O) Park Light Lens - Amber - RH or LH 69-72 7.00 ea. C1UF-13211-A Park Light Lens Gasket 61-67 5.00 pr. B9C-13211-B Park Light Lens Gasket 69-72 5.00 pr. O N TURN SIGNAL RELATED PARTS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C0AZ-13305-B Turn Signal Switch Arm Knob - Black 61-67 6.00 ea. C5AZ-13350-B Turn Signal Flasher - SF-224 63 7.00 ea. 137 WIRE TO COLUMN CLIPS PART # PIC C1TF-13377-AP DESCRIPTION Turn Signal Switch Wire to Column Clip - takes 2 BRAKE LIGHT SWITCH YEAR 61-67 PRICE PART # 4.00 ea. TAILLIGHT PARTS PART # PIC C1UF-13420 DESCRIPTION Taillight to Body Mounting Pad - Round Taillight B7C-13211-A C7TZ-13461-A C7TZ-13450-E C7TZ-13450-F PRICE 61-67 5.00 pr. Taillight Lens to Taillight Gasket - Round Taillight - Rectangular Taillight 61-67 69-72 8.00 pr. 8.00 pr. Taillight Housing w/ socket - no lens or bulb - E100/350 - no lens or bulb - E100/350 69-72 69-72 37.50 ea. 37.50 ea. (B) Taillight Lens - Round Taillight 61-67 (C) Taillight Lens - Rectangular Taillight - RH - Rectangular Taillight - LH (A) C7UZ-13434-C C7UZ-13435-C B7C-13450 YEAR 69-72 69-72 PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR 01A-13480 (D) Brake Light Switch 61-66 C90Z-13480-A (E) Brake Light Switch - Before Ser # B40,001 67 Brake Light Switch - E100/300 69-72 D2TZ-13480-B PRICE DOM PA 6.00 ea. 13.50 ea. C0DFC0DF- 9.00 ea. C0AF-1 C0AF-1 D E 7.00 ea. 20.00 ea. 20.00 ea. HEADLIGHT DIMMER SWITCH B A PART # PIC B9A-13532-A DESCRIPTION Headlight Dimmer Switch YEAR PRICE 61-72 11.00 ea. HOR LICENSE PLATE LENS PART # C1TB-13564-A PIC DESCRIPTION License Plate Light Lens - w/o rear bumper YEAR PRICE 61-67 10.00 ea. PA C0AF-1 B8A-13 C4AZ-1 C 138 PRICE 61-67 ECONOLINE Quality Ford Restoration Parts DOME LIGHT LENS & BEZEL PART # PIC .00 ea. .50 ea. PRICE Dome Light - E100 Pickup - Lens - Bezel - Chrome Plastic 61-67 61-67 8.50 ea. 12.00 ea. C0AF-13783-C (H) C0AF-13788-A (J) Dome Light & Cargo Lamp - E100 Van - Lens - Bezel - Chrome Plastic 61-67 61-67 6.50 ea. 14.50 ea. G F PRICE J .00 ea. .00 ea. YEAR C0DF-13783-B (F) C0DF-13788-A (G) .00 ea. PRICE DESCRIPTION H HORN RELATED PARTS PART # PIC C0AF-13A821-A (K) DESCRIPTION YEAR Horn Blowing Ring Contact Brush - E100 - E100/300 61-67 69-72 B8A-13853 Horn Relay 61-64 C4AZ-13853-A Horn Relay - E100 - E100/300 65-67 69-72 PRICE 5.00 ea. 17.50 ea. 17.50 ea. K 139 PART # PIC DESCRIPTION C1TZ-15052 (A) Cigar Lighter Knob - Black w/ white insert 61-67 8.00 ea. B6C-15055 (B) Cigar Lighter Element & Well Assembly 61-67 15.00 ea. YEAR B HOOD LATCH PIC D5UZ-16700-A DESCRIPTION Hood Latch Assembly - E100-350 PART # PRICE A PART # HEAT WIPER PARTS CIGAR LIGHTER PARTS YEAR PRICE 75-79 65.00 ea. PIC C1TZ-17541 DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Wiper Pivot Shaft Bezel Pad 61-67 5.00 pr. Wiper Switch Knob - Black w/ white insert 61-67 10.00 ea. C8UZ-17513-A Knob - Fits Wiper, Emergency Flasher, Heater, Temp 69-72 12.50 ea. C1TZ-17514-PR Wiper Pivot Shaft Bezel or Spacer 61-67 25.00 pr. 370695-S Wiper Pivot Nut 61-67 5.00 ea. C1TZ-17513 (E) C7TZ-17526-B (F) Wiper Arm - Replacement by Trico 61-67 25.00 ea. C30Z-17528-D (G) Wiper Blade - Replacement by Trico - 16” 61-67 18.00 ea. 06H-17531 Wiper Transmission Arms to Motor Clip 61-67 1.00 ea. C8UZ-17A553-A Wiper & Washer Switch - Before ser # E10,001 - E100/300 69 C7AZ-17632-A Windshield Washer Reservoir Cover or Cap - E100-300 69-70 3.00 ea. 67 71-72 45.00 ea. 15.00 ea. C1AZ-17664-C C9AZ-17664-A (H) Windshield Washer Pump - E100 - E100/300 PA APA-18 BPA-18 C3AZ-1 C1UF-1 B7A-19 30.00 ea. HEAT F PA C5UZ-1 DEFR E PA B5A-18 WASHER RESERVOIR PARTS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE 8A-17664-P (C) Windshield Wiper Washer Pedal Pad - Foot Operated 61-67 3.00 ea. 8A-17664-RP (D) Windshield Wiper Washer Pump Rubber - Foot Operated 61-67 15.00 ea. G SPEE PA B5A-19 C0AZ-1 HEA P B7A-19 D C H 140 61-67 ECONOLINE Quality Ford Restoration Parts HEATER HOSE & CLAMPS PRICE 5.00 pr. PART # PIC APA-18472-A 0.00 ea. 2.50 ea. 5.00 ea. SIDE MARKER LAMP YEAR PRICE Black Heater Hose - Sold by the foot - 5/8” - *NON RETURNABLE All 2.00 ft. All 1.00 ea. BPA-18572 (I) Heater Hose Clamp - 5/8” C3AZ-18572-A (J) Heater Hose Clamp - Post or Tower Type - 1 1/4” - 3/4” hose 25.00 pr. 5.00 ea. DESCRIPTION PART # PRICE (K) PIC Side Marker Lamp Bezel & Pad - Takes 4 - E100-300 70-72 25.00 ea. D0DZ-15A434-B (L) Socket & Wire Assembly - for Side Marker Lamp - Front or Rear - E100/300 70-79 4.00 ea. D5TZ-15A201-A D5TZ-15A201-AR Side Marker Lamp - Front - Amber - RH or LH - w/ Ford script - RH or LH - w/o Ford script 70-72 70-72 10.00 ea. 6.00 ea. D5TZ-15A201-B D5TZ-15A201-BR Side Marker Lamp - Rear - Red - E100/300 - RH or LH - w/ Ford Script - RH or LH - w/o Ford Script 70-72 70-72 10.00 ea. 6.00 ea. 2.00 ea. C1UF-18583-A Heater Blower Motor Mounting Gasket 61-67 8.00 ea. B7A-19460-A Heater Water Control Valve Seal 61-64 5.00 ea. 8.00 ea. YEAR D0UZ-15A460-A (M) DESCRIPTION 1.00 ea. 0.00 ea. I J L 3.00 ea. 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. K HEATER BEZEL PART # PIC C5UZ-18598-A DESCRIPTION Heater Control Bezel on Dash - with Aux. Heater - E100-300 YEAR PRICE 65-69 15.00 ea. YEAR PRICE DEFROSTER HOSE PART # PIC B5A-18556-C DESCRIPTION Defroster Hose - 2 1/2” - Sold by the foot - *NON RETURNABLE All 10.00 ft. M SPEEDOMETER CABLE LUBE PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE B5A-19581-A Speedometer Cable Lube - Comes in a tube All 6.00 ea. C0AZ-19554-A Weatherstrip Glue - Comes in a tube All 10.00 ea. PART # D8TZ-19B888-B HEATER WATER CONTROL VALVE SEAL PART # B7A-19460-A PIC DESCRIPTION Heater Water Control Valve Seal A/C SWITCH YEAR 61-64 PRICE 5.00 ea. PIC DESCRIPTION A/C Vacuum Selector Valve or Switch Assembly - E100350 - Original Tooling YEAR PRICE 78-79 50.00 ea. 141 PART # C1UB-8903110-A PIC (A) DESCRIPTION Windshield Rubber Seal - No Chrome Groove - Mfg Usa In Our Shop Windshield Rubber Seal - No Chrome Groove - with Chrome Groove C8UZ-8903110-A C8UZ-8903110-B DOO GLOVE BOX WINDSHIELD RUBBER SEAL YEAR 61-67 68-74 68-74 PART # PIC YEAR PRICE C1UB-8906010-B (D) Glove Box Liner Assembly 61-67 30.00 ea. C6AZ-6206066-A (E) Glove Box Door Bumper - two per vehicle - E100/300 69-72 1.00 ea. C6AZ-6206069-A (F) Glove Box Door Spring - E100/300 69-72 2.00 ea. Glove Box Door Bumpers with Mounting Screws - used with steel glove box door 63-67 5.00 pr. PRICE 40.00 ea. 100.00 ea. 120.00 ea. C3UZ-8906162-A A DESCRIPTION C0DZ-6 C0DZ-6 C0DZ-6 C0DZ-6 B7C-81 C8AZ-6 C8AZ-6 D C6TZ-9 E C1TZ-8 C1TZ-8 C1TZ-8 353382 F FRONT FLOOR MAT PART # C1UZ-8913010 SUN VISOR RELATED PARTS PART # PIC C1UZ-8904104-GR (B) C3DZ-7604114-B D1DZ-6204115-A B 142 (C) DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Sun Visor - RH or LH 61-67 30.00 ea. Sun Visor Metal Anchor Pin - 1 per visor - E100/300 69 4.00 ea. Rubber Boot Tip - Where sun visor hooks to clip in center of windshield - two per vehicle - E100/300 70-72 1.00 ea. C PIC DESCRIPTION Front Floor Mat - Replacement Type - Black YEAR 61-67 PRICE 100.00 ea. 61-67 ECONOLINE Quality Ford Restoration Parts DOOR HANDLES PART # PRICE PIC DESCRIPTION (G) Front Door Outside Handle - no pad, no button - w/ screws - RH - w/ screws - LH - w/ screws - RH & LH .00 ea. .00 ea. .00 ea. 5.00 pr. C0DZ-6422404-A C0DZ-6422405-A C0DZ-6422404-PR C0DZ-6422428 B7C-8122600-B (H) YEAR 61-67 61-67 61-67 60.00 ea. 60.00 ea. 110.00 pr. Front Door Outside Handle Pads 61-67 6.00 set Inside Door Handle - Fits: Front Doors, Side Doors, & Back Doors 61-67 20.00 ea. Inside Door Handle - E100/300 - RH - E100/300 - LH C8AZ-6222600-B C8AZ-6222601-B C6TZ-9122926-A Vent Window Pivot Spring - E100-E300 C1TZ-8122916-A C1TZ-8122917-A (J) C1TZ-8123342-A (K) 353382-S PRICE Vent Window Handle - Non Push Button Type - RH - LH FRONT DOOR PARTS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE C1UZ-8920530-PR Front Door Seals 61-67 120.00 pr. C1UZ-8921448-PR Front Door Vent Seals - no rivets 61-67 100.00 pr. C1UZ-8921450-PR Back Edge of Vent Window Seals - w/ rivets 61-67 20.00 pr. Front Door Striker Plate - no cover, no insert - RH - no cover, no insert - LH 61-67 61-67 20.00 ea. 20.00 ea. Door Latch Striker Auxiliary Plate - RH - LH 61-66 61-66 5.00 ea. 5.00 ea. C0AZ-6222008-A C0AZ-6222009-A (L) 69-87 69-87 25.00 ea. 25.00 ea. C3SZ-6322014-A C3SZ-6322015-A (M) 64-69 2.00 ea. C2AZ-6222040-A (N) Door Latch Striker Plate Insert - RH & LH 61-66 10.00 ea. C0AB-6422058-A (O) Metal Door Lock Striker Shim - E100-300 61-67 5.00 ea. (P) Door Hinge Pin - Front,Side,& Back Doors 61-67 2.00 ea. 61-62 61-62 30.00 ea. 30.00 ea. B-7022840 Inside Window Crank Handle 61-67 25.00 ea. C0AB-6423240-B Roller Assembly for Window Regulator Arm 61-72 3.50 ea. Striker Plate Bolt 61-67 1.00 ea. C6TZ-9623574-AAB Door Check Strap - FT Door 61-67 5.00 ea. C8AZ-6221818-A C8AZ-6221819-A Door Latch Link Assy. Door Latch Link Assy. 69-72 69-72 25.00 ea. 25.00 ea. K ICE .00 ea. M L J O H P G N VENT WINDOW PIVOT SPRING PART # C6TZ-9122926-A PIC DESCRIPTION Vent Window Pivot Spring YEAR 64-72 PRICE 2.00 ea. 143 BODY SIDE OR REAR DOOR SEALS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION PRICE C1UZ-8925324-PR (A) Body Side or Rear Door Seals - Econoline Van - one pair does two doors 61-67 120.00 pr. C1UB-8927267-A Body Side & Back Door at Lock Bumper - Econoline Van 61-67 8.00 ea. Front Body Side Window Rubber Seal - Econoline Van - window seals between front door glass & side door glass 61-67 C1UB-8930526-C (B) PART # PIC C2UZ-8941954-C (C) Rear Body Side Window Rubber Seal - Econoline Van - window seal between side door glass and back corner of van 61-67 50.00 ea. C2UZ-8941954-A (D) Rear Door Glass & Side Door Glass Seal - w/ fixed window & notch - One pair does 2 doors - Econoline Van 61-67 65.00 pr. DESCRIPTION YEAR Rear Door Glass & Side Door Glass Seal - w/ fixed window & w/o notch - One pair does 2 doors - Econoline Van 61-67 PRICE 65.00 pr. PAR D5UZ-2 FORD PAR C1UB-8742042-C (E) Quarter Window Rubber Seal - window seal between door glass & back window glass - Econoline Pick-Up 61-67 65.00 pr. C1UB-8742084-C (F) Back Window Rubber Seal - Econoline Pick-Up 61-67 50.00 ea. 65.00 pr. C1UB-8930528-C B QUA BODY SIDE OR REAR DOOR SEALS YEAR A D0TZ-1 A INSID D C These C8AZ-6 F E C8AZ-6 E C8AZ-6 DOO PAR 20327-S 20327-S A 144 PRICE 5.00 pr. 5.00 pr. 61-67 ECONOLINE Quality Ford Restoration Parts QUARTER NAME PLATE PART # PIC D5UZ-2225622-A DESCRIPTION Quarter Panel Name Plate “Club Wagon” - E100-350 DECALS YEAR PRICE 75-79 25.00 ea. PART # DF-95 PIC (H) DF-1125 FORD LETTERS FOR TAILGATE PART # PIC D0TZ-16606-K DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Ford Letters for Tailgate - E100300 - diecast chrome - Officially Licensed Product 71-74 50.00 set DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE Air Cleaner Decal - 170 CID 62-67 5.00 ea. Generator Warning Tag - Green - 12 volt 61-64 3.50 ea. H .00 ea. I INSIDE DOOR HANDLE CUP PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE These parts are made from Original Ford Tooling. C8AZ-6222634-A1A C8AZ-6222634-A1B C8AZ-6222634-A1D (G) Black Inside Door Handle Cup - fits in door panel - E100-300 69-86 Blue Inside Door Handle Cup - fits in door panel - E100-300 69-86 Red Inside Door Handle Cup - fits in door panel - E100-300 69-86 BOOKS & LITERATURE PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE TR-5715-SET (J) Ford Truck Parts & Accessories - Three volumes 61-63 250.00 set CA-3600 (K) Steering Wheel Restoration Book 10.00 ea. 10.00 ea. 10.00 ea. HEMM Hemmings Motor News EC-6430 Sales Brochure featuring the Econoline Van 13.00 ea. 6.00 ea. 64 10.00 ea. G J DOOR HINGE TO BODY BOLTS PART # PIC DESCRIPTION YEAR PRICE 20327-S8 Door hinge to Body Bolt for Rear Side & Back Doors 61-67 0.75 ea. 20327-SK Door hinge to Body Bolts for Rear Side & Back Doors - Set of 50 61-67 22.00 set K 145 57-66 INDEX Index A Accelerator Cable................................. 57 Accelerator Pedal................................. 57 Air Cleaner Decals............................... 57 Air Cleaner Filter.................................. 57 Air Cleaner Wing Nut............................ 57 Air Conditioner Related........................ 90 Alternator Parts.................................... 59 Anniversary Key Blank......................... 61 Antenna................................................ 90 Anti-Rattlers........................................ 100 Armature - Generator........................... 58 Armature - Starter................................. 63 Arm Rest............................................. 108 Ash Tray Door Bumpers....................... 94 Axle Bearings / Seals........................... 25 Axle Bumpers....................................... 23 B Back Edge Of Vent Window Seals..... 101 Back Window Rubber........................... 98 Battery.................................................. 60 Bearings - Front Hub............................ 10 Beauty Rings.......................................... 9 Bed Board End Cap Strip................... 112 Bed Hardware.................................... 116 Bed Parts.....................................112, 113 Bed Side Moldings............................. 109 Bed Strips........................................... 113 Bed To Frame Bolt Kit......................... 116 Bed To Frame Hardware.................... 113 Bed To Frame Spacer & Pads............ 113 Big Truck.....................................125-127 Biscuit Style Motor Mount..................... 31 Blue Dot................................................ 74 Body Moldings.................................... 109 Books........................................ 122–123 Booster - Brake.................................. 124 Brake1............................................ 2–16 Brake Adjusting Hole Cover................. 13 Brake Booster..................................... 124 Brake Cables........................................ 16 Brake Drums........................................ 12 Brake Hoses - Front..................... 14, 124 Brake Hoses - Rear.............................. 14 Brake Light Switches............................ 12 Brake Pedal Arm Bumper..................... 15 Brake Pedal Bushing............................ 15 Brake Pedal Pads................................. 15 Brake Shoes & Linings......................... 13 Brake Shoe Hold Down Kit................... 13 Breather Cap........................................ 43 Brush Set - Generator.......................... 58 Bulbs ................................................ 122 Bumpers......................................... 88, 89 Bumper Stickers................................. 123 By Pass Tube....................................... 50 C Cab Corner Mouldings....................... 109 Cab Corners....................................... 118 Cab Mounts - Metal............................ 119 Cab To Frame Mounting Kit.................. 29 Cab Weatherstripping Kits.................... 99 Camshaft.............................................. 37 Caps ................................................ 147 Carburetor Repair Kits.......................... 56 Carpet.................................................. 93 Carrier Bearing..................................... 25 Chains................................................ 114 Choke Cable Assembly........................ 56 Choke Plate Swivel.............................. 56 Chrome Ford Script.............................. 74 Cigar Lamp Assembly.......................... 97 Circuit Breaker...................................... 77 Clips - Headliner..................................111 Cluster Gear....................................... 125 Clutch Boots......................................... 47 Clutch Discs......................................... 46 Clutch Pedal Bushing........................... 15 Clutch Pedal Pads................................ 15 Clutch Pedal Parts................................ 47 Clutch Pedal Spring Insulator............... 47 Clutch Pilot Bearing.............................. 46 Clutch Release Bearings...................... 46 Clutch Release Parts............................ 47 Clutch Rod To Floor Seal...................... 47 Coil .................................................. 65 Coil Resistor......................................... 64 Column Seals....................................... 21 Column Shifter Arms............................ 45 Condenser............................................ 64 Connecting Rod.................................... 36 Core Support........................................ 48 Cotter Pin............................................. 10 Cowl & Floor Pan Rubber Plugs......... 121 Cowl Lacing Kit..................................... 81 Cowl Moulding.............................. 92, 109 Cowl Related........................................ 92 Cowl To Fender Seals.......................... 78 Cowl Wiring.................................. 77, 125 Crankshaft............................................ 38 Crossmember - Engine........................ 28 Crossmember Style Motor Mounts....... 28 Crossmember - Transmission.............. 32 Crossover Pipe............................. 33, 126 Cylinder Heads..................................... 41 Cylinder Head Gasket.......................... 34 D Dash Knob Bezels................................ 95 Dash Knobs.................................... 96, 97 Dash To Engine Wiring Clip.................. 77 Dash Pad............................................. 94 Decals........................................ 120–121 Defroster Hose..................................... 91 Differential Parts................................... 25 Dimmer Switch..................................... 68 Distributor Cap..................................... 64 Distributor Vacuum Advance................ 65 Division Bar Assembly........................ 100 Dome Light Bezels.............................. 76 Dome Light Gasket............................... 76 Dome Light Lens.................................. 76 Door Arm Rest.................................... 108 Door Emblems.................................... 108 Door Glass Anti-Rattler....................... 100 Door Glass Lift Channel..................... 106 Door Glass Run.................................. 100 Door Handles............................. 102, 103 Door Handle Shaft Bracket................. 103 Door Hinge Bolts................................ 104 Door Hinge Pins................................. 104 Door Key Blank.................................... 61 Door Lock Assembly........................... 104 Door Lock Cylinder Parts................... 104 Door Lock Sets............................. 61, 104 Door Moulding.................................... 109 Door Panels........................................ 108 Door Parts.................................... 99–108 Door Scuff Plates.................................. 92 Door Seals............................................ 99 Door Weld-In Panels.......................... 119 Door Window Regulator..................... 106 Drag Links............................................ 22 Draincock............................................. 49 Drive Pinion Seal.................................. 25 Drums - Brake...................................... 12 E Electric Fuel Pumps............................. 54 Electric Wiper Motor Kits...................... 85 Electric Wiper Motors........................... 85 Electronic Ignition System.................... 65 Emergency Brake................................. 16 Engine Gaskets.............................. 34–35 Engine Lamp Assembly........................ 37 Engine Compartment Decals............. 120 Exhaust................................................ 33 Exhaust Deflectors............................... 33 Exhaust Thermostat Control................. 33 Exhaust Valve....................................... 41 F Facts Manual...................................... 122 Fender............................................ 78–79 Fender Nameplate Plastic Inserts........ 78 Fender Side Nameplates...................... 78 Fender Weld-In Panels....................... 118 Fender Welt.......................................... 79 Firewall Cover Clips............................. 92 Firewall Covers..................................... 92 Firewall Grommet................................. 92 Flexible Fuel Lines............................... 54 Floor Carpet......................................... 93 Floor Mats............................................ 92 Floor Pan............................................ 119 Flywheel Parts...................................... 38 Ford Letter Decals.............................. 120 Ford Times......................................... 127 Front Axle Bumper................................ 23 Front Axle Pivot Bushing...................... 23 149 149 57-66 INDEX Front Brake Cable................................ 16 Front Brake Hoses....................... 14, 124 Front Brake Shoes............................... 13 Front Bumpers...................................... 88 Front Fender......................................... 78 Front Glass Rubber.............................. 98 Front Hub Bearing And Races.............. 10 Front Hub Grease Cap........................ 10 Front Motor Mounts.............................. 30 Front Parking Brake Cable Assembly... 16 Front Shackle Kit & Parts - 61-64......... 26 Front Shock Absorbers......................... 27 Front Spring Shackle Kit - 57-60.......... 26 Front Wheel Bearing............................ 10 Front Wheel Cylinder............................ 14 Front Wheel Grease Seal............. 10, 124 Fuel Lines....................................... 52, 54 Fuel Pump Filter................................... 54 Fuel Pump Repair Kit................... 54, 126 Fuel Pumps.......................................... 54 Fuel Pumps Filter................................. 54 Fuses .................................................. 77 G Gas Caps............................................. 53 Gas Pedal............................................. 57 Gas Tank Connection Hose.................. 53 Gas Tanks............................................. 52 Gas Tank Sending Unit......................... 53 Gas Tank Slushing Compound............. 52 Gear Shifter Arm Parts......................... 45 Gear Shift Socket................................. 44 Gear Shift Socket Indicator.................. 44 Gear Shift Tubes.................................. 44 Gear Shift Knobs.................................. 44 Generator....................................... 58, 59 Generator Splash Shield...................... 58 Glass Anti-Rattler............................... 100 Glass Run........................................... 100 Glove Box Assembly............................ 94 Glove Box Parts................................... 94 Glue .................................................. 99 Grease Cap......................................... 10 Grease Seal................................. 10, 124 Grille .................................................. 48 Grille Letters......................................... 48 H Harmonic Balancer............................... 38 Hats ................................................ 147 Head Gasket........................................ 34 Headlight Bulb & Retainer.................... 68 Headlight Dimmer Switch..................... 68 Headlight Door..................................... 68 Headlight Parts..................................... 68 Headlight Switch Dash Bezel............... 69 Headlight Switches............................... 69 Headlight Switch Nuts.......................... 69 Headliner Clip Kit.................................111 Headliner Kits..............................110, 111 Heads.................................................. 41 Heater Hose & Clamp.......................... 91 150 Heater Hose Clamps............................ 51 Heater Knob & Bezel............................ 91 Heater Motor........................................ 91 Heater Parts......................................... 91 Hinge Bolts......................................... 104 Hold Down Kit - Brake.......................... 13 Hood Bumper Kits................................ 81 Hood Emblems..................................... 80 Hood Hinge & Latch............................. 81 Hood Lock............................................ 81 Hood Nameplate Plastic Inserts... 80, 126 Hood Ornament.................................... 80 Hood Saftey Catch Spring & Pin.......... 81 Hood Side Moulding........................... 109 Hood Side Nameplate.................. 80, 126 Horn Buttons........................................ 19 Horn Relay........................................... 19 Horn Ring Parts.................................... 18 Hose Clamps........................................ 51 Hoses - Brake............................... 14, 124 Hoses - Defroster................................. 91 Hoses - Heater..................................... 91 Hub Caps............................................... 9 Hub Cap Plastic Center.......................... 9 Hub Grease Cap................................. 10 I-L Ignition Coil........................................... 65 Ignition Cylinders.................................. 60 Ignition Key Blank................................. 61 Ignition Related Parts........................... 64 Ignition Switch Housings...................... 60 Ignition Switch Parts............................. 61 Ignition Tune-Up Kit.............................. 64 Inside Door Handle............................. 103 Inside Door Handle Shaft Repair Kit.. 103 Inside Rear View Mirror........................ 84 Instrument Cluster Seals...................... 95 Instrument Panel.................................. 95 Intake Manifold................................... 126 Intake Valve.......................................... 41 Interior Decals.................................... 120 Junction Block For Wiring..................... 77 Key Blanks........................................... 61 King Pin Bolt Set.................................. 22 Knobs Dash............................................ 96, 97 Heater................................................ 91 Radio................................................. 90 Window Crank........................... 97, 107 Lamp Assembly.................................... 37 License Plate Bracket........................... 75 License Plate Light Assy....................... 75 License Plate Light Lens & Gasket..... 75 Lift Channel........................................ 106 Literature.................................... 122–123 Lock Sets...................................... 61, 104 Lower Steering Column Bearing.......... 21 Lug Nut Protectors............................... 11 M-O Magnetic Sign..................................... 123 Main Bearings...................................... 38 Main Drive Shaft................................. 125 Manifold Gasket Set............................. 35 Manuals...................................... 122–123 Master Cylinder Assembly.................... 12 Master Cylinder Cap & Gasket............. 12 Master Cylinder Repair Kits.................. 12 Master Cylinder Washers..................... 12 Metal Wire Grommet............................ 77 Mirrors.................................................. 84 Motor Mounts................................. 28–31 Motor Support Upper Bracket............... 28 Mouldings........................................... 109 Nameplates.......................................... 78 Oil Breather Cap................................... 43 Oil Filter Assembly................................ 43 Oil Filters Cartridge.............................. 43 Oil Pan Drain Plug................................ 42 Oil Pan Drain Plug Gasket................... 42 Oil Pan Gasket..................................... 35 Oil Pressure Sending Unit.................... 43 Oil Pump Assemblies........................... 42 Operators Manuals..................... 122–123 Outer Beauty Rings................................ 9 Outside Door Handle Name Plates.... 103 Outside Door Handle Pads................. 102 Outside Door Handle Push Button..... 102 Outside Door Handles........................ 102 Outside Door Handles & Pads........... 102 Outside Rear View Mirror..................... 84 Overdrive Cable................................... 45 Overhaul Gasket Set............................ 34 P Padded Dash........................................ 94 Panel Rear Door Handle.................... 103 Panels - Weld-In................................. 118 Parking Brake Cable Assembly............ 16 Parking Brake Clips.............................. 16 Parking Brake Related......................... 16 Park Light Assembly............................. 70 Park Light Door.................................... 70 Park Light Gaskets............................... 71 Park Light Lens.................................... 70 Park Light Socket & Wiring................... 70 Pedal Pads........................................... 15 Pilot Bearing......................................... 46 Pinion Seal........................................... 25 Pins & Bushings - Front Springs.. 26, 125 Pins & Bushings - Rear Springs........... 27 Pistons.................................................. 36 Piston Rings......................................... 36 Plugs .................................................. 66 Plug Wires............................................ 66 Points.................................................. 64 Power Steering Box Seal Kit................ 21 Pressure Plates.................................... 46 Push Rod.............................................. 40 55-66 FORD TRUCK R Radiato Radiato Radiato Radiato Radiato Radiato Radio Radio A Radio K Radius Radius Rear Ax Rear Ax Rear Br Rear Br Rear Br Rear Bu Rear Ca Rear Fe Rear Fe Rear G Rear M Rear Pa Rear Ro Rear Sh Rear Sp Rear Tr Rear Vi Rear W Rear W Release Repair Ring Ge Ring Ge Ring Ge Rings Rocker Rocker Rod Be Roll Pa Rotor Running S Scuff P Seat Ad Sector Shackle Sheet M Shifter A Shift Ind Shift Kn Shift Mo Shift Tu Shock A Shop M Solid S Ignit Spark P Spark P Spark P Speedo VISIT 23 38 25 35 23 12 12 12 12 77 84 31 28 09 78 43 43 43 42 42 35 43 42 23 .9 03 02 02 02 02 84 45 34 94 03 18 16 16 16 70 70 71 70 70 15 46 25 25 27 36 36 66 66 64 21 46 40 57-66 INDEX R Radiator Air Deflector To Hood Seal..... 48 Radiator Cap........................................ 49 Radiator Core Support......................... 48 Radiator Draincock............................... 49 Radiator Hose Clamps......................... 51 Radiator Pad Kit................................... 49 Radio .................................................. 90 Radio Antenna...................................... 90 Radio Knobs......................................... 90 Radius Arm Kit...................................... 23 Radius Rod Bushings........................... 23 Rear Axle Bearings / Seals................... 25 Rear Axle Bumper................................ 23 Rear Brake Cable................................. 16 Rear Brake Hoses................................ 14 Rear Brake Shoes................................ 13 Rear Bumper........................................ 89 Rear Cab Corner Mouldings............... 109 Rear Fenders....................................... 79 Rear Fender To Bedside Bolts.............. 79 Rear Glass Rubber............................... 98 Rear Motor Mounts............................... 30 Rear Parking Brake Cable Assembly... 16 Rear Roll Pan..................................... 112 Rear Shock Absorbers......................... 27 Rear Spring Shackle Kit....................... 27 Rear Transmission Seal...................... 46 Rear View Mirror................................... 84 Rear Wheel Cylinder............................ 14 Rear Window Rubber........................... 98 Release Bearings................................. 46 Repair Panels..............................118–119 Ring Gear - Flywheel............................ 38 Ring Gear & Pinion Set........................ 25 Ring Gear - Starter............................... 63 Rings .................................................. 36 Rocker Arm........................................... 40 Rocker Panels.................................... 119 Rod Bearings........................................ 36 Roll Pan.............................................. 112 Rotor .................................................. 64 Running Board Weld-In Panels.......... 118 S Scuff Plates.......................................... 92 Seat Adjustment Knob Related............ 93 Sector Parts.................................. 20, 124 Shackle Kit..................................... 26–27 Sheet Metal................................ 118–120 Shifter Arms.......................................... 45 Shift Indicator....................................... 44 Shift Knobs........................................... 44 Shift Modulators................................... 45 Shift Tubes........................................... 44 Shock Absorbers.................................. 27 Shop Manuals............................ 122–123 Solid State Electronic Ignition System................................ 65 Spark Plug Mounting............................ 66 Spark Plugs.......................................... 66 Spark Plug Wires.................................. 66 Speedometer Cable & Housing............ 82 Speedometer Drive Gear Clip.............. 83 Speedometer Driven Gear................... 83 Speedometer Gears............................. 83 Speedometer Parts.............................. 82 Spindle Bolt & Bushing Kits.................. 22 Spring Clamp Liner............................... 26 Spring Mount Retainer......................... 27 Spring Shackle Kit.......................... 26–27 Standard Transmission Gears............ 125 Starter.................................................. 62 Starter Armature.................................. 63 Starter Drive........................................ 63 Starter Parts........................................ 62 Starter Ring Gear................................. 63 Starter Solenoid.................................... 63 Starter To Flywheel Housing Seal....... 63 Star Wheel Adjusting Screw................. 13 Steering Bearings & Related................ 21 Steering Box Gasket Set...................... 21 Steering Box Seal Kit........................... 21 Steering Column Seals......................... 21 Steering Drag Links.............................. 22 Steering Gear Box Assembly............. 124 Steering Sector Parts................... 20, 124 Steering Wheel..................................... 18 Steering Worm Bearings & Seals......... 20 Steering Worm Gear & Shaft........ 20, 124 Step Side Bed Parts........................... 112 Striker Plate Inserts............................ 105 Striker Plates...................................... 105 Striker Plate Shims And Bolts............. 105 Sun Visor.............................................. 93 Sun Visor Bracket & Arm..................... 93 Switches Brake Light........................................ 12 Dimmer.............................................. 68 Headlight........................................... 69 Horn Relay......................................... 19 Oil Pressure Sending Unit................. 43 Starter Solenoid................................. 63 Temperature Sender.......................... 51 Wiper................................................. 85 Switch Bezels....................................... 95 T Tailgate Chains................................... 114 Tailgates - Step Side.......................... 114 Tailgate - Style Side.....................116, 117 Taillight Door - Rectangular.................. 73 Taillight Housing Gaskets..................... 73 Taillight Lens......................................... 72 Taillight Lens Gaskets.......................... 73 Taillight Lens - Panel Truck.................. 74 Taillight Lens - Plastic Round Type....... 72 Taillight Lens - Plastic Shield Type....... 72 Taillight Lens - Rectangular.................. 73 Taillight Related Wiring......................... 74 Taillights - Ford Shield Type................. 74 Taillight With Back Up Light.................. 74 Tailpipe................................................. 33 Tappet.................................................. 40 Temperature Sender............................. 51 Thermostats......................................... 51 Thrust Plate.......................................... 37 Tie Rod Ends........................................ 22 Tie Strap............................................... 77 Timing Chain........................................ 37 Transmission Mounts........................... 32 Transmission Oil Pan Screen............... 46 Transmission Seal............................... 46 Transmission Shifter Arms.................... 45 T-Shirts............................................... 148 Tune-Up Kit.......................................... 64 Turn Signal Related Parts.................... 75 U-Z Universal Joints.................................... 25 Universal Motor Mounts................. 28, 30 Upper Steering Column Bearing.......... 21 Vacuum Advance.................................. 65 Valve Cover Gasket Sets...................... 35 Valves & Related.................................. 40 Valve Cover Decals............................ 120 Valve Grind Gasket Set........................ 34 Valve Stem Extension........................... 11 Vent Shades....................................... 100 Vent Window...................................... 101 Visor .................................................. 93 Voltage Regulator................................. 59 Washer Nozzle..................................... 87 Washer Pump....................................... 87 Washer Reservoir Parts....................... 87 Water Pump Repair Kit......................... 50 Water Pumps........................................ 50 Weatherstrip Glue................................. 99 Weatherstripping............................ 98, 99 Weatherstripping Kits - Cab’................. 99 Weld-In Panels................................... 118 Wheel Bearing...................................... 10 Wheel Covers......................................... 9 Wheel Cylinder Repair Kits................ 124 Wheel Grease Seal...................... 10, 124 Wheel Cylinder Assembly..................... 14 Wheel Cylinder Repair Kits.................. 14 Window Crank Handle........................ 107 Window Crank Handle Knob.............. 107 Window Crank Knobs........................... 97 Window Regulator.............................. 106 Window Regulator Rollers.................. 106 Window Regulator Shaft Repair Kit.... 106 Window Shades................................. 100 Windshield Rubber............................... 98 Windshield Wipers.......................... 85–87 Wiper Arms........................................... 86 Wiper Blades........................................ 86 Wiper Motor Parts................................ 85 Wiper Motors - Electric......................... 85 Wiper Pivot Parts.................................. 86 Wipers............................................ 85–87 Wiper Switch........................................ 85 Wiring.................................................. 77 Wiring Connectors................................ 77 Wiring Diagram Manual.............. 122–123 Worm Gear & Shaft...................... 20, 124 Zip Tie.................................................. 77 151 151 ECONOINDEX ECONOLINE SECTION A/C Switch....................................... 141 Accelerator Pedal............................ 134 Air Cleaner Filter.............................. 134 Alternator Bracket............................ 134 Back Edge Of Vent Window Seals.. 143 Body Side Or Rear Door Seals........ 144 Books............................................... 145 Brake Hoses.................................... 131 Brake Light Switch........................... 138 Brake Parts...................................... 130 Brake Pedal Pads............................ 131 Carburetor Repair Kit....................... 134 Cigar Lighter Parts........................... 140 Clutch & Brake Pedal Pads............. 131 Clutch Pedal Pads........................... 131 Column Shift Parts........................... 132 Dash Knobs..................................... 136 Decals.............................................. 145 Defroster Hose................................ 141 Differential Related Parts................. 132 Distributor Parts............................... 136 Dome Light Lens & Bezel................ 139 Door Handles................................... 143 Door Hinge To Body Bolts................ 145 Door Parts....................................... 143 Door Seals....................................... 143 Electronic Igniiton System............... 135 Ford Letters For Tailgate.................. 145 Front Door Parts.............................. 143 Front Floor Mat................................ 142 Front Wheel..................................... 130 Fuel Pump - New............................. 134 Gas Caps......................................... 133 Gas Tank Sending Unit To Tank Gasket........................ 133 Gas Tank Slushing Compound........ 133 Generator & Alternator Belts............ 133 Glove Box........................................ 142 Headlight Dimmer Switch................ 138 Headlight Parts................................ 137 Headlight Switch Bezel.................... 135 Headlight Switch Nut....................... 135 Heater Bezel.................................... 141 Heater Hose & Clamps.................... 141 Heater Water Control Valve Seal..... 141 Hood Latch...................................... 140 Horn Related Parts.......................... 139 Hub ................................................ 130 Ignition Coil...................................... 136 Ignition Switch & Cylinder W/ Keys. 135 Inside Door Handle Cup.................. 145 Instrument Cluster Voltage Regulator.................... 134 Instrument Glass............................. 135 Key Blanks....................................... 131 152 King Pin Bolt Set.............................. 131 License Plate Lens.......................... 138 Literature......................................... 145 Master Cylinder Assembly............... 131 Master Cylinder Repair Kit............... 131 Oil Filter........................................... 132 Oil Pressure Sending Unit............... 133 Oil Related Parts............................. 132 Park Light Parts............................... 137 Pedal Pads...................................... 131 Quarter Name Plate......................... 145 Radiator Cap................................... 132 Rear Axle Bearings.......................... 130 Rear Door Seals.............................. 144 Reflectors........................................ 137 Side Marker Lamp........................... 141 Spark Plug....................................... 136 Special Oil Filter Assembly.............. 132 Speedometer Cable Lube................ 141 Starter Solenoid............................... 135 Steering Parts.................................. 131 Steering Tube To Floor Seal............ 131 Striker Plate..................................... 143 Sun Visor Related Parts.................. 142 Taillight Parts................................... 138 Temperature Sender........................ 135 Thermostat...................................... 132 Thermostat Housing Gasket............ 132 Turn Signal Related Parts................ 137 Valve Stem Extension...................... 130 Vent Window Rubbers..................... 143 Voltage Regulator............................ 134 Washer Reservoir Parts................... 140 Water Pump - New.......................... 133 Wheel Cylinder Assembly................ 130 Wheel Cylinder Kit........................... 131 Windshield Rubber Seal.................. 142 Wiper Parts...................................... 140 Wire To Column Clips......................138
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