is II - eBlack Champaign
is II - eBlack Champaign
:'1 ' We. love. 4Ott Fo.tth. C2faith, . iii I g am so proud ifpou, ®ords cannot express the jop g]eel when g think if Ii if pou handling pour business, 9Jou chose to make it in spite the negativitp that surrounds pou and that takes strength, .f[f pou ever need anpthing don t J OF CHAMPAIGN-URBANA P.O. Box 6831 • CHAMPAIGN, IL 61826 AL WILLIAMS Be ASSOCIATES DA YS: 217-351 -5076 EXT 2339 hesitate to ask. ®e map not be blood but we are farril1pl1nd that.is_-tl#cker than blood, EVENINGS: 217-356-3472 email:[email protected] iQvepou, Dell.CMl at wtIli.runs Sh.eilllt Ti:lfllllY So ~ " Cil\apco \ Good buck faith "q)¥ ~ in ~~; ~ % J'uJf ~ ~ ~ ~ oJ tfwte ~." 9'~ 37:4 g~ ffiw.A ~, ~~, ~~ & eJin, 124 I YrU$t in th~kord with all your h~art, 'tInd l~an not on your und~r$tanding; In all your waY$ acknowl~dg~ tlim, 'tInd 11~ $ha1t dir~ct your path$. prov~rb$ 3:5 . . 6 Much bov~ from th~ Martin~z-Ril~y family Marcia, 'tInton yo, Tony Jr. &. kiza 125 I I ,I i ' I I i Ie . ! i: : 1" I I " ,I i Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. I , II II I, ,: I ! : - Always remember Faith - "Ifyou seek God first all these things will be given to you. " To Our Big Sister "Faith " Congratulations. We LoyeYou We wish you the best. THIS MUCH!!! May God Bless You. May God continue to Bless You. Precious The Peppers Anthony, Audrey, Daryus, Kristen & Bethany & Gfhe ~obb-Gj)erricks CiF'amilp De'Andre CongratuCations ana qoas (]3Cessings to our 1st (]3a6y ((Pa Pa" on lier acliievement. to. 7aith, Congratulations Faith! ! We are eJ(Iited to join tlie Cliampaign-Vr6ana community in commending you on you eJ(IeCCence. We continue to prayfor you, as you entfeavor to k§ep yourfocus . .. .Aiming High .... Bradley Learning Center 1311 E. Florida Avenue Urbana, IL 61801 I I, I)i , Judy Woodall, Director Carolyn Walker, Asst. Director Serving the Champaign-Urbana Community for over 30 years. 126 Alar the ~tnt:l tJ~d 6Ie~~ r~a with eve~r ~pi'Citaal 6Ie~~in1 in heaven/r place~ in eh'Ci~t ffo~~ . The Hassells Philip, Angela, Danielle, Phil Jr. & Joshua 1he 'Oavi~ ",i6e ~eve'Cend l/a'C~ld, 1/'C. .allie, K;~tie, 9o-nathan, fJ~lJ(lr' and eha'Citr 127 i i ~ ---< I I I I :;1 ! , " I, I i ' ' 'i ' ! I : I Ii I: I I I I Congratulations from the Champaign tJolice "Co de 4" Drug Although I am not there in the flesh, I am there in spirit. Missing you! Congratulations ~evention ~ogram and the .l\'lGod -t)less Voul But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation; a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. I Peter 2:9 CZPsahrv 37:23 ·7;1uv skp& a{ ~ I1U!n/ aJU!/ ~ c(Jod. ~ %v~ in; ~~~tah. Susan Ogwal :1 , B~tlVWt~ I I ! Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, in all your ways acl<nowledge Him, and He will mal<e your paths straight. 7'Co-m ~/l.tzna'Ca ~ummfl'Cv;tlfl MARY KAY® Snandra Summerville Independent Beauty Consultant B09 Ayrshire Circle Champaign, Illinois 61820 (217) 359-7403 . Fax: (217) 359-7625 .'. email: [email protected] Earlene Terry & Nela Delaney I I';I ,i I I , Faith, Congratulations Faith. We are very proud of Remember always that God is with you always_ He is the might comforter. you. Amy & Kids Kathy Perkins , ,I I I I , 128 129 · " "I I !" & I' iii I, i' Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! I'I I i, ' 'I 'II i Our prayers are with you as you begin this new chapter in your life. Keep your faith in Him and may His protection and provision be forever with you. I ,I I Russell & Joyce Oliver , I II 'I God Bless you always. The Brothers at SAFE HOUSE Rev. Carter - Dir. II' III :, I I, , I , 1 , , I ,I , , I I I Phelicia "Faith" Puryear "[You] can do all thins through CHRIST which strengtheneth [you]" ~God Bless Prun Gtee.t Creative Living for the Spirit, Soul and Body AJtIIu P. Jon... Praident 217-328-0280 (h) 217-244-3485 (w) [email protected] 4ott WilD. L Jon... Vice PrtlldInt 217-328-0280 (h) 217-367-2158 (w) 913 W. Eads, Urbana,IL61801 217-367-5130 (fax) I Thessalonians 5:28 I! CJaiik, CZJ(M1;CtU1/fio;aft~ ~~w1ucJv ~LfO-W' lO11.nle, Me.Knight Jessie. Knight 2003 S M~ Rooe.rts 130 : 1 131 ~pa.'~i,~~~'~'~;:~I,~·____________________________________- - - -________. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- - - -. . . . . . . .- -. .--------==--~ 'i, 'I " : I' II I ! • I, I : I: " : I i I , i'l! ! , 'I Ii I Ii! I Alicia Lowery Pam Hall Kimberly & Whitney Keaton Lucille L. Pearl Peggy Kovacic Larry Simmons Cora Morris John LeNoir & Rebecca Butler Casey Robards Barbera Peacock Preston Thompson Rychetta Watkins Your presence is a gif't 'to 'the world, You're unique and one of a kind. Your life can be wha't you won't i't 'to beTake i't one day a't a 'time. Coun't your blessings, no't your 'troubles, And you'll make i't 'through wha't comes along. Wi'thin you are so many answers, Unders'tand, have courage, be s'trong. Don't put limi'ts on yourself, Your dreams are wai'ting TO be realized. Don''t leave yourimpor1"an't decisions 'to chanceReach for your p~k, your goal, and prize. Nothing was'tes more energy than worryingThe longer a problem is carries, 'the heavier i't ge'ts. Don''t 'take 'thing 'to seriouslyLive a life of sereni'ty. no't a life of regre'ts. Remember 'tho't 0 li't'tle love goes a long woyRemember 'tha't a lo't goes forever. Remember 1"ha"t friendship is a wise inves'tmen't, Life·s 'treasures are people... 'toge'ther. Have heal'th and hope and happiness, Take 'the 'time to wish on S'tar. And don''t forget for even a day ... How very special YOU are' ,I -Author unknown I Iii CONGRATULAT.l:ONS RASHXDAH I: :1: " II LoveMom, Dad, Phillip,'Zakiyyah, and Karimah I: I., I; :1 , I I I ! II I I : .! I 132 'I .: , • I , I L; I , 133 £44. .;;';;: i4&!MF··.·jJlf .$42.: ¥J,\UL,!J . ', ""';; a. . ! ±?;., ·¥M¥.U!pgttM - 4Q! ,.- ------------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~. ~ ~""""""""'" g ..• ;'.,; , ! I I , I ! i I'I I i i II I , il I , , 'I I 'I I II I : I ' , I I I I I Best wishes to R4shic/qh for your continuec/ ec/ucqtionql THE PRIVILEGE OF LIVING THANK GOD FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF LIVING THE PRIVILEGE OF BREATHING THE PRIVILEGE OF BEING ALIVE IN THE :MIST OF SUCH BEAUTY EVERYWHERE success Wm. F. Ernest Post 559 American Legion Anna W. Scott, Commander THANK GOD FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF LIVING THE PRIVILEGE OF SHARING IDS EARTH AND HIS SKY SO THAT A GIFT SO RARE AS THE GIFT OF LIFE IS GIVEN TO YOU AND I I i THANKS GOD FOR HIS MERCY GIVING ME EYES TO SEE A ~D TO LEARN AND A VOICE TO SPEAK. I Ec/ucqtion hqs heen the greqt emqncipqtor to the c/qrk Cqve ofsuhjugqtion, to the sunlight ofqc/v;Jncement ;Jnc/ to those who h;Jve ;In 'e;Jr to he;Jr, let them heqr, RASffiDAH MAY GOD CONTIUE TO BLESS YOU IN EVERYTillNG THAT YOU IX> , i i I : i , ! CONGRATULATIONS i :1 I il YOUR GRAND PARENTS ANNIE AND EARNEST GANDY I' , 'i! Ii I" I,: i 'II I 'i " ~ , 134 .l 135 ,tt I£. , , , , , Ii "I jj;;P . CONGRAlULAliONS!!! RASHIDAH ',i 'I , ,'I II' " , I I 1'1 ",I I ! ,,1', " , i'lll ,II II II ' ,I! I , i 'i I , i I, I , I ,I i i III , " i , , !"II I 1,1 I, 'Ii I I ii' , i,i III I, I , " , , , I I 'I , , " I , , ! '"I j' \1 Y()l;R FAMOUS BARR FAMlY: JIM KIRBY ' ' I I I , I , I ..,." I I , , , I: i I i " HARVIE Me GEE BIlL AN) BRENJA SEARBY DAVI)WHTE GERTRlU WLUAMS 136 137 ; ", E ( )U- "-- _ _......-;-rr, ' II I \ ! Ii, I " ! r , I' 'r i I: I : I I I r' ..----------------------------------............ a ----------------------------------------------------~ , r ~---~ ~ r !l)~'fl6~f?~ I r " Ii i I I : ; r I, ',II: ! Congratulations Rashidah! A SALUA T£ TO SPECIAL NIECE RASHIVAH - YOU ARE mE NEXT TO YOUNGEST OF 11 GIRLS IN YOUR GEN£'RA TION YOU ALWAYS 'BRING ABOUT A "BON-TON-ROULE" C£LEBRA TION SALUA nONS ARE WHAT YOU DESERVE YOU ALWAYS HAD mE CCNERVES" To a sweet young lady, that ffeel will gofar in life. Always remember to study hard- study long - the end results will be yours. CONTINUE TO MAKE us PROUD IN LOUSIANA We-love- yow COUSIN JOY MARIE, AUNTIE cCPRISS n AND UNCLE MAx rnOMAS 'I Your Famous Barr "Mom" Carlene Willis :i ,, ,I I i I IN THE HONOR OF YOUR GRANDPARENTS AND THEIR LOVING MEMORY NICHOLAS AND IRMA CORMIER r I I I RASHIDAH I I I KNOW THAT THEY WOULD BE VERY PROUD OF YOU LIKEIAM II I NALLY, HAASIS & BAUER P.C. ATIORNEYS AT LAW 41 E. UNIVERSITY AVE CHAMPAIGN, IL 61820 YOU HAVB DEVELOPED INTO A BEAUTIFUL YOUNG LADY I IN GOD'S EYES AND YOUR FAMILY'S EYES YOU ARE SPEGAL I WISH YOU THE BEST IN YOUR FUTURE ENDEAVOURS BEST WIStlES 'RAStl IVAStl ALWAYS REMEMBER TO LOVE YOURSELF AND INCLUDE PEACE AND HAPPINESS LOVE UNCLE TYRONE AND AUNT PAT CORMIER J J 138 - .._.. _--- 139 ha•••. D iiill 1 _1III!IIIIII!I!'r---J II ,I I , I! I II • il I I . Reach for Excellent Rashidah RASHIDASH National Council of African American Men, Inc. illinois Chartered Chapter ., , 'I il I! !i ,I • I II 1,1 Reaching out for I,! Ii and to ~ our youth ~ Write to: NCAAM, POBOX 734, Champaign, IL. Good Luck Qashidah as you starl on your paLh La college and your future career. OOBIN BAQQ()W MAQY KAY INDEPENDENT ~ALE& DIQECTOQ CONGRATULATION RASHIDAH CONGRATULATION TO A WONDERFUL NIECE ON TInS VERY AUSPIOON OCCASION BEST WISH WI1H BEST OF LUCK IN FUTURE ENDEAVORS PEACE AND PROSPERI1Y MONICA AND MICHWOOD UNCLE NICKY AND AUNT PAT CORMIER ~ 61824 or NCAAI1 PhH 398-1642 i I , , ~ [, I, ! FROM NEW IBERIA, LOUISIANA Congratulations From Your FavoritE! PoliCE! ChiE!f Congratulations Rashidah! CONGRA TULA TIONS RASHIDAH AUNT BARBARA COUSIN MICHAEL WAYNE, CINDY AND US TOO HILARY KRISTIN AND KIMBERLY CORMIER I EMMANUEL MEMORIAL EPISCOPAL CHURCH Eddie B. Adair Chiti I~f Police 208 West University Avenue Champaign., Illinois 61820 The Reverend Christine Hopkins Deacon Urbana Police Department HOHl(' '~llh(' Parish Office - (217) 352-9827 Home - (217) 328-3620 141 ! I ."-, .......... ~- 400 South Vine Street Urbana. Illinois 61801 (2!7) 38~-2321 Fax (217) 38~-23n E-Mail: [email protected]. MITSUBISHI HYUNDAI DODGE TOYOTA CQn~ratULatiQn.s BILL HERREL and ~t WI5~ Ra.5hidah! Financial Services MAZDA CHRYSLER lKSWAGEN SUBARU ISUZU SUZUKI KIA DAEWOO USED CARS University Auto Park 104 E. University Avenue Urbana, IL 61801 ph. 2171367·1233 fax 217/367-1047 Email [email protected] frQM JaCl<i~ Mat~w5 I i : ' ' , Ii 'i , I, ,I I ,I I ,I 'I ',' ' I:! I , "" I ,i, I': i RASHIDAH 'II , I I" EMMANUEL MEMORIAL EPISCOPAL CHURCH 208 W UNIVERSITY AVE. CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS ' 1,'1' Ii' David Adcock Terry Adcock Derrick Helm Victoria Correa Nicholas Barrow Linda McKinney Coach Larry Simmons , ' i CONGRATULATIONS FROM US@EMMANUELEPISCOPAL I 142 143 s i I 9· + PAQ44 .4¥ &·8%4 ! ([Congrntulntions ~rigpttp 'Brigette. m'{ daughter. m'{ love. m'{ heart. The days have been long since we've been apart. 1 close m'{ eves and I can see '{our smile illuminating '{our beaut'{ for miles and miles. you are a gift of God to the womanhood of man. a major attribute to the Lord's ingenious plan. your humor. '{oung race. '{our st'{le and '{our form give even more definition as to the wh'{ '{au were born. The pride that I feel deep inside. I can't hide. The overflows me and tears fill m'{ eves. You've made me so happ'{ - so happ'{. this is true. "Now go shock the world girl. you GO )v(SUl Love Your Dad @ob iljlpss [ClIp [~nntoul Npw illiglIt iljnptist([ClIurrlI B'lv;ette, ("[he'le a'le not enou?h hJO'lds to exp'less hOhJ p'loud j am lfou. ljou a'le an ahJesome lfoun? ladlf. 2ve'llfthin? lfou've s lfO~'l mind to, lfou've made happen. j have no dou6t that lfOU I hJiU continue to keep lfOU'l mind on Cjod, ljOU'l head to the s and. soa'l like neve'l 6e~0'le. I ! .•,,' . ,eove /11 om 144 NATIONAL COUNCIL OF NEGRO WOMEN, INC. We are proud of t,Jou. Alwat,Js remember that God shall supplt,J all t,Jour needs according to His riches in glort,J bt,J Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 79 President-Ruthie Hillsman 1st Vice President-Jacqueline Archey 2nd Vice President-linda Lawson Financial Sec./Treasurer-Alicia Lowery Secretary-Gwen White Historian-Cheryl Kennedy Chaplain-[)ctavia Cole 145 • g( $" A , I' I' i! ' Aim high and the world will be yours. , I .love Uncle Alven , ,"!' " , ' I ,1,1 ' IIII1 I : 'i II II i Brigette Renee Stegall With GodAll Things Are Possible (Matthew 19:26). THE CHURCH OF THE LIVING GOD Banquet & Catering 1109 NORTH FOURTH STREET CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS 61820 508-510 NORTH NEIL CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS 61820 217-359-6920 BISHOP LLOYD E. GWIN PASTOR 217-359-4TLC (4852) I CONGRATULATIONS! , i!I,"11 11'1 'i! i I ! i i ; ' , " ! , , I I ; ,I, i I Attor~ 'R~WGU"~WalJ.e,y C~atulat"'I.Ot1.6'0-my rUeces '8~~. The, ~ i4-~UmitI , , I : , il' , i iI , ,I !, II' I' , I Congratu[ations CJ3rigette! Your Waracftute CHas gust CJ3egun 6)0 ~e-~ep SaUing! ' Ii" " @enry'S Style Shop ' ,IIi ~ - I II !I, 146 I , , , ChlZrles Henry RUTH WARDEN WAL.L.EI't ATTORNEY AT LAW 408 E. Tri:rnont St. Champaign, IT. 61820 Phone: (217) 398-2076 .,2 SOUTH FRANKLIN STRCII:T TELEPHONE OECATUI=l. ILUNOIS 02~2:J.13&e ZI7'*ZZ-ZZe.o 147 ""~ '1'1" "1 1 - ' '1 1 ,: I, :1 ' I I ', I , I I I : , '-------------' whni""lf}jin '-7 --- ~~~~ ~~~~( !l)~~~ )~~~~ ~~ 9c3~~g~ Congratulations Brigette Congratulations ! ~~~~ I wish you much success as you strive to further your education " and~miIut~and !fO'W'U wilt ~~irv ~!fO'W Wf1A11; to/ ~ Your Assistant Ruthie Hillsman ! i Perry & Valerie Stegall iii , , , I I " , I, ~ I ,I' ',i , , Good luck at efUt9'ta-tedaUtUU MSU. Keep God ~u9ette ljirst in your life. Congratulations Brigette , : ! Love, The Edwards 148 Mr, &- Mrs, Tom- Lwe mJ& Slins Ah~ 149 , I Congratulations Brigette " e,ol18-'C.atu.latIOtU t:fl'C.'a-ette -~ /'\,Jjl:", .. J ACI\~()/IIIiI ea'tlta, 8/tavon.n.e, ofma.n.da 8 JJavld oa'e/ta'td ,,\,-~ l2t:/lllilTAL J?Hl~~l>DHmLelFI.:J " !l)ICTU~t:~ J)1i()TW~AJ)Ii" Weddings, Portraits, Families, Special Gatherings Christopher Jackson (217) 390-2988 . f!Iou /woo g;wwa wbe a VOOJ ~ !fH11UJ 1m4!. c;! (U/1; JO I I I I P,O. Box 11375 Champaign, IL 61826-1375 Mfw t1wt aIJ ~ dwmrM .. i efJfIW fJuw. i I' YOU'VE DONE EXCEPTIONALLY WELL IN HIGH SCHOOL! MAYTHE WRD BLESS YOU DURING YOUR JOURNEY THROUGH COLLEGE!! Harbert & Betty Jones Elizabeth Q,uick Mr. & Mrs. Weidner LOVE, EMMITT AND SHERON FREEMAN 'i , Sheron Freeman, PHR University Office ofHuman Resources 807 S, Wright Street Suite 440 MC-312 Champaign, IL 61820 (217) 333-2590 Fax (217) 333-2789 ., I' i .1 I " 'i II., : ,i : i 150 I' 151 ~ ofF rmJi £ I ;.# _JI ,t :;u?p;;q 55 i I I I ' I , ! I I' I ! ! i I I I I I I i :', I I ! , I II i I , I I i II III I j' "Duty makes us do things welI ... EI!I!lI!nI5IIIIIiI5I_EI rYongratlllations on beingall pOll can be! ~roud c2;rand ~arents 1:lhomas &' ~amela CJfjmlth But love makes us do them beautifully." - Author Unknown CJUMnI tk C£adie5I of $isIRA;CJ~ ~ook ~ Andrea Wynn Kristen Travis Brandi Simmons LaDonna Helm Carletta Peacock LaTanya Cobb Carolyn Brown Renecia Jones Kimberly Simpson ShareeWax Krista! Shelvin Sonya Chambers Stephanie Cook i I I " i ,I ;! I 152 153 r'~I~1----~=====--------.----------------I I ' i'l: I ,'I, I , :1 I eon/ratulations Victoria )tIal/ flod b/essl/ou a/wal/s. ! I : i i I I £ove Aunt lannie· Victoria Denise Whiteside Congratulations on all your accomplishments and the ones to come. We love you and wish you the best in your future. Love, Your cousins Kim & Tyler Whiteside , I , ! 154 155 ------." - ~~"i, I i ! I ! i Best wishes to ~r~fHbm~~, ~tkdnbm4lttJle~~ r~' it Victoria Whiteside Jnot~rfNetlva J~ latlllM-r fNe (lIJ'U/tMatr {'Education is the key to the mountain of success. do, Efom:l~m~rdD, ~rr ~~~RW?toAtJ~~~tMJ - ~ JJ American Legion Auxiliary William F. Earnest Post #559 708 N. Hickory S1., Champaign, IL 61820 Anna Wall Scott, Commander @"nJted!!/UJM,r UAtfJ•••• m~fO/Hb// ,I ~~m~~ (lIJ'U/RW?0kodrfA:;,~ ~~ ~ ~M nMrm.ftO/R/~lxeto/~!!/ ~~ ~, (lIJ'U/J.o"J~ ~~aIt~~r~~~~ i·' I I ~ ~h @"~(lIJ'U/«JMtk~fo~ , ~ (lIJ'U/UJI/Jom i I I .' I! , "~I I ' ;1"" ",: i , " I', ,I' , : I I I i , ! 156 157 > , I 'Ii I:i:1 I I 1,1 It is 0, to' ~e. MMt OS 0,' rort ofPook 'Boot's Inn. - ~ the. Lotc1 b~s MMt in. oIl e.nrle.o1IOf'S. Dfulene" Stoff&- 011 tk Poo/t l?eoJ'S POOH BEAR'S INN Owner: Darlene Anderson 2716 E. Illinois St. Urbana, IL 61802 (217) 328·1704 , I 1M",HDUlf LEARIIIII. CIIITIR Specializing in Infant, Toddlert & PreKindergarten Care Professional Childcare for the Professional Parent KATHY LITILETON .~ .... Owner/Executive Director "om'$. Day DIiIt. . . Sa:mrdl1flJ':t Apni' .", 'JOOiJ " 01 m "cHilli'll." Fc,1II.dati~u'll For mON infomulI~oD YMW h"p:l!www..uiU!~tHfS4Uia:d 158 1603 Mumford Drive Urbana, IL 61801 (217) 367·5388 Fax: (217) 367·5387 159 RAY AND LORINE'S LIQUOR STORE -WHEN YOUR SPIRITS ARE LOW COME SEe us· KlCKlN' IT ON Congratulations Victoria Denise Whiteside THE SET SINCE 1988 We appreciate your patronage! Love Pettigrews 514 SOUTH Tn-I STREET . PADUCAH, KENTUCKY 42001 270.443.4012 .... [email protected] 3110 Ridge Park Dr. Urbana. Il 61802 tel 217.367.6220 COl1gr~tM l~tiOl1S [email protected] Victori~. Congr atulations Victoria LaTanya Cobb INDEPENDENT KITCHEN CONSULTANT so prOM" ~11" ~lso h~pP\1 to he~r ~boMt \1OMr SMccess il1 school. M~\1 Go" bless \10M \Ale ~re ~lw~\1s. t'atricia t'elmore With Love. YOMr Gre~t Gr~l1"p~rel1ts l~J11es & Ell~ /' 160 161 \Alhitesi"e ..... - Stay focused on your dream and success will be your. COl1srat~latiol1s Con8ratulations Victoria Victoria From Love, Aunt Brenda Billy & Doris Parham eong~lMm CJJ«mUa C)fJhhmUk3 Congratulations Victoria gWIn !Tone 8- oIfaw Oelesha HFamous Kinney 8- . . g~ Yo~r Co~sil1 Robil1 & Famil11 Congratulationsj Victoria ViCTORiA D. WliiTESidE From Snell Chiropractic To My VERy ElEGANT, CIiARMiNG ANd CONsidERATE GRANddAUGIiTER. ENjOY LIFE! Office Hours By Appointment ,T JOSEPH R. SNl!LL. I>.C", ",. SNELL CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 1802 Woodfield Drive SavOY. Ininois 61874 Te\epboDe:. (217) 3S2-9880 24 HOUR ANSWERING SERVICE LOVE, GRANdMA GlORiA ToWNsly 162 163 " , " 'Victoria Wliiteside Congratulations and Good Luck. We liope your dreams come true. May you achieve your success. Love from tlie qra60ws (])ave, 1(ay, core, and jlnne Love Burry & Family To a wonderful niece. ··Good Luck Victoria lUways follow your dreams. lUways put Ood first. Jackie Matthews Con-)onja])avis 164 Congratulations CongRo.'Lu(o.Dons Victoria Vice-ORia Whie-eside Thomas Paine PTA I MOICItS N:. Congratulations Victoria! Mic/1e(fe's tJ3rida{Sfwfp'e 502 South Vine Street 217.384.7914 217.383.1060 (Fax) Christine Hopkins 165 11 Urbana, Illinois 61801 M, Th 10-7 Tu, W.F 10-5 Sat 10-4 Closed Sundays All things are possible if you bel ieve. Sharee 0 Wax Independent Beauty Consultant 3304 Florence Drive Champaign, Il61822 (217) 355-3953 www.marykay.comlshareew Anna 'Owens Alw31~ (et'l\eJer- ... { tl) ~elieVe if tl) /,3;.. J,.ieVe fl)(e t N I OIL CHANGE 301 E. MAIN ST. URBANA, Il61801 384-4933 if. 11..'1 qJ ~I... ("" i, ,II (""' f.- eJe3VO(~. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Maberry Mrs. Chris McDaughy Loretta Thomas Marvin & Karen Gladney Erica Vassar Linda McKinney Deshon & Jones Family Clem Kamphaus Jennella Brown Mr. & Mrs. Schaffe Smith & Family Renee Smith & Family Louise VanDyke Yolanda Hollins & Family Adrienne N. Spires Nancy Pettigrew & Family Johnie Mae Murrell "CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IS OUR #1 GOAL" Tony Blacker Manager Jerry Reynolds ~'1st. Manager Si;..U(ell' 4rf31 powell /' 166 167 /J11[ hetat all1Ja1[s ~itts up evetz1[ time !J look at 1[0U otz 1[0utz pictutze, thinkin~ 6ack on the man1[ ni~hts !J tzocked 1[0U to sleep on m1[ chest, ptza1[in~ and hopin~ that 1[0U l1Jould some da1[ ~tzOI1J up to 6e a 6tzi~ht and intellectual, lntelli~ent 1[oun~ lad1[. ?)anisha, nevetz ~otz~et that 1[0U To MY DAUGHTER DANISHA, I LOVE YOU AND I AM VERY PROUD OF YOU! You HAVE GROWN UP TO BE A GOD FEARING YOU~G WOMAN KEEP YOUR HAND IN THE MASTER HAND AND LET HIM GUIDE YOU IN ALL YOU 00 IN LIFE! CONTINUE TO STRIVE FOR YOUR BEST AND GOD WILL THE REST ••• LOVE MOM! atze the ol1Jnetz and captain o~ 1[0utz ship. ?)ecisions 1[0U make ~tzom this moment on in 1[0utz li~e can detetzmine otz altetz 1[ou~ ~ututze ~otzevetz. ?)anisha, !J love 1[0u and itll nevetz stop l1Jotztz1[in~ a60ut 1[0u ~otz as lon~ as 1[0u and !J live. no /!,otzd!J ask that 1[0U keep a place in 1[0utz heatzt and ~uide ?)anisha Trust in the Lord with all thine heart·, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 tOl1Jatzd hetz ~ututze and dtzeams. !In ')es us name, Amen. ./...'O'Vt;I,'tlVt,l tf)~d ~~ W~tti~ III 168 169 To my Darl~g Granddaughter Danisha Nicole Williams Danisha always continue to trust in the Lord as you make this transition in your life. You have matured to be such a beautiful young lady. I am so proud of you. Continue to let your light shine! May God continueJo Bless you!!! Love Grandma Rhonda To a Very Special Grandchild, Danisha you have made me so very proud and I know ., you will be successful at whatever you do. You have what it takes to make it in this world, just apply yourself and remember to put God first in everything you do. Stay the way you are and the Lord will continue to Bless you! I Love you and I want the very best for you because you deserve the best that life has to offer! Love Grandpa Melvin Philippians 4: 13 "I can do all things through Christ which strenghteneth me." Colossians 1: 10 "That ye might walk. worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;" I' 170 171 Congratulations to our big Sider [)anl'sha II. Step Ahead Child Care love, You have grown into a great young woman. Beautiful in mind, body, and spirit. I am proud of you. Chantell &- Joseph .It C Love Rochelle(Aunt Rody), Aaron, and Davon P.S. I hope you look back on this day and know how much people love and support you. /; 172 173 ~est cnt'lshes OCYa7lisha . "Wm. F. Earnest Post 559 is desirous that Danisha Williams leave her footprints "on the sands of educational success. " American Legion Auxiliary William F. Earnest Post #559 708 N. Hickory S1., Champaign, IL 61820 Anna Wall Scott, Commander /1 174 175 C:Zo: 'iJebuta:nte 'iJanisha Williams e on~rlat ulations Al~a1(s Keep Ljod in 1jOU'l J!,i~e .9'tie ~atched 1(ou ~'l0~ ~'lom a Congratulations Danisha Good Luck! beauti~ul, s~eet little bab1( ~i'll, into a beauti~ul1(oun~ lad1(. /I1a1( Ljod al~a1(s continue to bless and keep lfPU. Asked the /3o'ld to help 1(ou stand ~O'l ~hat 1(ou kno~ is 'li~ht and not ~aitle'l unde'l p'lessu'le ~'lom the ~o'lld, and not be a ~oman ~ho is al~a1(s lea'lnin~ and netle'l able to come to ackno~led~e o~ the t'luth." II [2 Timothy 3:7] Instead, give me a teachable spirit that is willing to listen to the voice of wisdom and grow in your ways. Better is the poor who walks in His integrity than one perverse in his ways, though he be rich. Proverbs 28:6 176 Bertha Kent Rachella & Sade Marcus & Leroy Candler & Tammi Kyse Bro. & Sis. Butler Jane Terry Veola Tinsley Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hassell Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lindsey Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Locke Juanity Nesbitt John & Charmaine Jones Shenita Johnson Vicky & Amanda Rhodes· Stephanie Stewart & Erynse & Ernyka 177 1 Danisha: You have grown into a wonderful yOWlg woman whose beauty is not only on the outside but the inside as well. How blessed we are to have watched you bloom. CongJ-~tu/~tions lJQnish~ To my won4edUI neice you q/'e q won4erfUIyoung Iq4y, Iqm so plVu4oFyou. You q/'e glVwn up now, qn4 time hqsgone hy so filst. It seems like yestel'4qy thqt you were iust q hqhy. Alwqys /'ememhel' to keep Got! hy youI' sk/e, qn4 he will see you thlVugh qllyouI' 4/'eqms. M4y Got! Bless You In All Thqt You Po. Love BlVwn Fqmi!y, Auntie CiSl1liq, l/ncle Lynn lqmql' ( Pooh) jqmql' BYt1iio n ( 8Yt1 8/'i1 ) Cherish your memories but look forward. Trust your friendships but reach outward. Learn from the past but move onward Live each day with hope and c6mb upward The tragedy oflife does not lie in not reaching your goal. The tragedy lies in having no goals to reach. -Dr. Benjamin E. Mays, President, MQrehouse College Our prayer is that you keep the Lord #1 in your life and that you will trust in Him to reach your goals. God Bless You Always, Alt tM\dtA"'~A nde¥~ 178 179 if' I"~ (})e6utante (})anislia :trJCofe 'WifCtams lTo our wontfeifu,l ant! special spiritual:tr-.ece Anna Owens Gigi Lambert Linda Abernathy Dorothy Herrington Louise Vandyke Jeanette Donaldson Carol Hargest lVonne Harreston Pat Phillips Hattie Paulk Jackie Elzey Cynthia Biggers Chery Jones Irma Dyer 180 (})anislia, .JfJways remem6er ~liat tlie oreatest traoetfy in Cift is not in tfeatli, 6ut life witliout reason. It is dangerous to 6e alive arul not tnow wliy you were oiven Cift ... fPutpose is tlie master of motivation arul tlie motlier of commitment. It is tlie source ofenthusiasm and"tlie wom6 ofperseverance. fPutpose oives 6irth to Iiope and"instilCr tlie passion to act. qoacreatedyou for a specialpurpose. fJ1ierifore, "lTrust in tlie Lorawitli af[your heart, and" fean not into your own untferstanding, in a{(yourways actnowfetfge 1fim anti1fe sliaf{direct yourpatli". (cp,over6s 3:5-6) 'You must remem6ertliat yourfulfilIment in Cife is tfepentfent upon your 6ecoming antidOing wliat your were 60m to tfo ant!createato tfo 6y qotl.. ~ Cove you antiwe are always prayingfor you.. 'l'our Spiritual Vnc!e fit flunt - P,/ifer fltufus S. fM.cCoy fit Sister Carofyn 9rf.cCoy 'l'our Spiritual Cousins: Slieni~ 9rf.cCoy, Xavier ~cCoy, fit Jeremiali 9rf.cCoy Spiritual qranaparents: j{enry e:l Jessie Lee Jones In LO'Vi"l1 fM.emory oftWes!ey fltflntonia 9rf.cCoy .... 181 IJ , Jackson Hewitt Tax Service congratulates the 2003 Debutante's. CONGRATULATIONS TO DEBUTANTE DANISHISA WILLIAMS May your hard work and commitment to excellence help you to succeed in you endeavors. Thanks Champaign-Urbana for your contin~ed support of the Bradley Avenue and Rantoul locations of Jackson Hewitt Tax Service. We work hard for you because you work hard for your money! The Benjamin Starks Family ADVANCED FILTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. 3206 FARBER DRIVE INTERSTATE .RESEARCH PARK C~PMGN~IL PHONE: 61822 (217) 351-3076 JACISO Ta. HEWln® SIRV._ ·.:';W MAIN OFFICE 1704 W. Bradley Ave. Across From Kraft Foods Champaign, IL 61821 (217) 355-8200 Walmart Plaza 124 Century Blvd. 913 W. Marketview Dr. Rantoul, IL 61866 Champaign, IL 61821 (217) 893-9500 (217) 355-8100 Customer Service Hotline (Status) (217) 353-7773 182 183 Con8ratulations to Danisha, A wonderful y oun8 lady, who I have watched mature and became responsible. You have been an excellent influence and role model for your youn8er cousins. We are so proud of you. You will achieve 8reatness. £ov~ Uncle ld Aunt Janjce Jana<Eha!l lrjca!l Avona Valena !I 7Janis.ha, g am so proudo/you. g .know you w1flsucceedin anyl.hing you pulyour mindlo, andg wiffalways be rig.hl wil.hyou every slep ofl.he way. glove you, Your big sisler, G.hr1slina 9win (c5milel) 184 185
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