

Manhattan Project
Total-Body Wellness
by Sylvie Beljanski
espite a growing “green”
movement, the level of pollution dumped into the environment is constantly rising. Apart from
wreaking havoc on the planet’s
ecosystems, this pollution is damaging our health. Indeed, the World
Health Organization estimates that
13 million deaths worldwide could be
prevented every year by making our
environment healthier, and 80 per-
The Nation’s First Detox Day Spa
(How Improve Your Health When Visiting Manhattan)
e sure to mark a new destination
when visiting New York City.
And if you live in Manhattan or
nearby—then you’re really in luck!!!
The Beljanski Wellness Center in Manhattan is the country’s first detox day spa,
offering medical and nutritional consultations, chelation, colon hydrotherapy, detox
body wraps, massage and facials, reports
Anitra Brown, spa journalist for
www.about.com. The Center, which can be
found on 55th Street (between Third and
Lexington Avenues, near Bloomingdale’s),
is due to open in early 2009.
“The idea behind The Beljanski Wellness Center is to offer clients an integrative approach to detoxification for the
ultimate in health and beauty,” notes
Sylvie Beljanski, daughter of Dr. Mirko
Beljanski and advocate of environmental
medicine (see www.natural-source.com).
“We are excited about opening the first
wellness center based on my father’s
extensive research findings. The French
have shown that environmental medicine
is the wave of the future for health and
wellness. We are proud to be bringing this
concept to the United States through this
first-of-its-kind facility.”
The purpose of The Beljanski Wellness
Center is to give people a way to improve
their health BEFORE they develop degenerative diseases, says Sylvie.
“The Beljanski Wellness Center has a
warm and luxurious French feel,” notes
Brown. “ You enter through a hand-made
iron gate into a waiting area with redtiled floors and an elegant stone fireplace. You can meet with a doctor or
nurse, get tested for heavy metals, and
undergo a process of chelation to remove
whatever heavy metals you have.
“You can discuss your supplement
program with a nutritionist. The Wellness Center has its line of natural supplements called Targetage® to promote
detoxification. There will be at least two
rooms for colon hydrotherapy, a wet
room for detoxifying body wraps, and
treatment rooms for massage and facials.
All the products used will be natural and
paraben-free, including Sylvie’s own line
of skin care and mineral makeup called
French Secret.”
Wow. Be sure to visit the Beljanski
Wellness Center!
Meantime, we’ve asked Sylvie Beljanski
to tell you more about her father’s work,
the Wellness Center, of course, and the
all-important new line of Beljanski detoxification supplements.
cent of the diseases regularly reported by the WHO
are attributable to environmental risk factors.
In the 1960s Mirko Beljanski, a French molecular biologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, found
the effects of all those pollutants on our DNA to be
additive and cumulative and offered a scientific
explanation linking pollution and cancer. In doing
so, he provided a scientific basis for environmental
medicine. It was this research that brought to light
the fact that pollution in the environment is negatively affecting our bodies at the deep level of our
DNA. Dr. Beljanski discovered that the normal
structure of DNA is altered when exposed to pollutants in the environment. He showed that, when the
DNA of a cell becomes destabilized, it may lead to
chronic disease and other major ailments, including cancer. DNA destabilization is a cumulative
process that is influenced by the level and frequency of our contact with harmful molecules that
damage DNA structure.
Dr. Beljanski developed natural plant extracts,
called the Beljanski® Products, to combat these
aggressive molecules, and help the body to rid
itself of damaged cells. However, to further combat
the negative health effects of environmental pollution, it is necessary to take this research and apply
it to a total-body wellness experience. Long before
having to consider how to help your body rid itself
of damaged cells after the fact, you should first
concentrate on detoxifying the body at every level.
It boils down to a three-pronged approach: avoid,
remove and repair.
Detoxification involves the removal of harmful
toxins that build up in your body over time, especially in the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system and
colon. The body does detoxify itself naturally to a
certain extent, but in today’s polluted world, it cannot cope on its own with the amount of harmful molecules that it encounters.
These toxins find their way into our bodies
countless ways, and in many cases cannot be
avoided. They are abundant in the food that we eat
8 the doctors’ prescription for healthy living
and the products that we use. Milk contains growth
hormones that are given to the cows, fish are notorious for their high levels of mercury, and fruits and
vegetables are usually covered in pesticides that
do not come off when washed with water, which
itself contains various toxins.
The first step in protecting yourself is to look for
ways to fortify the body against the aggressive molecules in our environment that cause DNA destabilization. This is where a proper detoxification
regimen becomes essential to a healthy lifestyle.
Avoid molecules that are known to be harmful by
making sure to buy organic food and natural products free of dangerous preservatives. You should
also steer clear of foods that are known to be harmful to your health, such as refined sugar, caffeine
and trans fats. A proper diet is essential to healthy
bodily function and maintaining energy levels.
However, this only goes so far and it is
inevitable that toxins will still enter your body. The
next step is to remove the harmful molecules
through natural detoxification methods such as
gentle chelation, which helps remove heavy metal
buildup, or by taking natural supplements to help
support the liver’s function. These are important
because toxin buildup can have significant effects
on your physical well-being, such as headaches,
weakness and fatigue.
For example, it is well known that the omega-3
fatty acids found in fish have numerous health benefits in areas ranging from heart disease to arthritis. However, due to environmental pollution, fish
are known to contain high levels of mercury, a dangerous heavy metal that is linked to Parkinson’s
disease, Alzheimer’s and even cancer. Fortunately,
by taking an omega-3 supplement and reducing
your consumption of fish (and only eating organic
when it is consumed) you can still get the health
benefits of fish oils without introducing more toxins
into your body.
With this in mind the Beljanski Wellness Center is
opening March 2009 in Manhattan, and two new lines
of products have been developed to execute its
detoxification philosophy. Targetage® is a comprehensive line of products that will help to eliminate toxins, revitalize and rebuild cells, and support and
improve the functioning of body systems. The line will
include a proprietary oral chelation formula, “Signature Chelate,” which was created using only the highest-quality natural ingredients for maximum efficacy.
French Secret™ is a new line of skincare and
mineral makeup products that are paraben- and
phthalate-free. Parabens are chemical preservatives that act as endocrine disruptors, and phthalates are plasticizers that also disrupt hormones to
a dangerous degree. Skin is our largest organ and
is impacted by environmental toxins that penetrate
directly into the bloodstream as opposed to other
toxins that are ingested and filtered out by the
liver. So, managing what you put on your skin
should be a high priority. French Secret uses
organically grown plants whenever possible, unrefined vegetable oils and various plant essences to
provide you with the highest quality not only in
skin care and makeup products, but also in specialized formulas to aid in natural detoxification
and cellular repair.
A new perfume is also available called Fleur
d’Amour, which does not contain any phthalates. It
is a sophisticated floral scent which allows women
to indulge without feeling guilty about the toxicity of
The great part about a detoxification regimen is
that is can be customized to suit your needs and
wants. Treatments are selected individually;
depending on how serious you want to be about
detoxification, a treatment plan will be devised with
your best interests in mind, or you can simply
choose for yourself. At the Beljanski Wellness Center, treatments are offered à la carte for this very
Detoxification should not be a one-time procedure that is never repeated; it is a necessary
part of a healthy lifestyle. Life changes are
required, but they don’t have to feel like a punishment. Americans need to change how they eat,
get more exercise and make an effort to protect
themselves against the toxic molecules that bombard them from all sides. The “avoid, remove,
repair” philosophy covers all states of health, and
each step is important to achieve optimal wellness
inside and out.
Sylvie Beljanski is the president of
Natural Source International, Ltd.,
which offers dietary supplements
stemming from her father’s lifetime of research at the Pasteur
Institute in Paris, France. She is
overseeing the development of the
Beljanski Wellness Center and
speaks at conferences across the
country about the importance of
environmental medicine and serious detoxification.
For more information about the Beljanski Products and the research
behind them, or to order the Beljanski Products, Targetage, French
Secret and Fleur d’Amour (free
samples are available), please visit
www.natural-source.com or call
toll free 888-308-7066. For more
information about the Beljanski
Wellness Center please visit
www.beljanskiwellness.com or
call 212-832-6800.
Hear Sylvie Beljanski
in depth as she discusses
the revolutionary Beljanski
Wellness Center and
Targetage detoxification
supplements at
the doctors’ prescription for healthy living