SUMMER CAMPS FOR AGES 4 to 15 DARTMOUTH SPORTSPLEX 902-464-2600 ACTIVITIES TO EXPECT THIS SUMMER 1. PIRATES COVE SWIMS 2. OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES 3. PICNIC LUNCHES 4. WEEKLY FRIDAY BBQ (RAIN OR SHINE) FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK FOR DAILY UPDATES AND SCHEDULE CHANGES CAMP STAFF STRUCTURE: The Child and Youth Programmer and the Assistant Camp Co-Ordinator are responsible for the development of daily activities. When camp begins the camp counsellors are ultimately responsible for the safety and well-being of their campers, ensuring the delivery of quality programming, and communicating with parents. For camp groups ages 4-7, we have at least one staff member for every 6 campers; for camp groups for children 8-12 years, we have a minimum of 1 staff for every 8 campers. Please note that these numbers are minimum standards and guidelines for scheduling. For camp activities that require additional supervision (Birch cove, swimming, day trips, etc.) there will be additional staff members, supervisors and/or lifeguards. CAMP STAFF QUALIFICATIONS: Our counsellors are selected with care, paying careful attention to their ability to serve as positive role models for your child. We seek a strong mix of outgoing and thoughtful leaders to complement our themes and activities. Each staff member holds a valid standard level of first aid certificate and level CPR C, and all complete a child abuse check. All camp staff members complete training in leading activities, group dynamics, communication, problem solving, accident prevention, and Dartmouth Sportsplex policies and procedures. QUALITY ASSURANCE The High Five Standard Our camp programs are formally evaluated using the High Five Quality Experience Scanning Tool (QUEST). This is a statistically validated program evaluation used to monitor the quality of our children`s program. The QUEST assessment requires that a program supervisor observe and score a program based on 27 different quality indicators. There are 5 categories of quality indicators: Leader-to-Child Interactions (counsellors showing warmth, interest ,and care) Supervision and Safety (counsellors are aware of other adults and where campers are) Child-to-Child Interactions (campers are acting respectfully and inclusively) Leader Behaviours & Interactions (with appropriate behaviour and language) Program Characteristics and Supports (following a clear program plan; appropriate facility and equipment use) OUR PROGRAM Program hours Day Camps 8:30 am-4:30 pm Extra hours Pre Camp Post Camp 7:30 am-8:30 am 4:30 pm-5:30pm If not requiring pre- and post- camp, please sign in your child between 8:30-9:00 am, and sign out between 4:00-4:30 pm. DROP OFF & PICK UP The Dartmouth Sportsplex sign-in and sign-out system is developed for the safety and security of your child. Your child must be signed into and out of camp each day by a parent or approved guardian. When picking your child up from the program, you must sign your child’s attendance sheet AND provide photo ID to indicate that care has been handed over. Children may sign themselves out of camp with your written permission. On Monday mornings we ask that you make your way to the following rooms to sign in, and fill out medical and swimming ability forms for each camper. A copy will be attached in the back of this handout if you wish to bring it in pre-filled. Pre-camp & Post-camp: Thistle Room After 8:30am & before 4:30pm: Ages 4-7: Small Dance Studio Ages 8-12: Thistle Room Youth Corps: Brooklyn Room PARKING Parking for drop off and pick up for all Dartmouth Sportsplex camps is available in parking lot in the back of the facility. We ask that families respect the parking signs, and keep the fire lanes clear for emergency vehicles. Please note that monthly parking passes are available if you wish to park your vehicle during the days. IF YOUR CHILD IS UNABLE TO ATTEND CAMP If you child will be unable to attend camp, please leave a detailed message before 9:00am on the morning of the absence for Chelsea Mitchell at (902)464-2600 ext. 323 or by e-mail to [email protected] BEHAVIOUR MANAGEMENT We believe that positive camp experiences strengthen and build each child’s selfesteem. Camp leaders are dedicated to providing your child with a creative and innovative program that will capture their interest and keep them engaged. Our camps thrive on the mottos of: “have fun”, “play fair”, and “show respect for others and yourself”. Camp staff will review the guidelines for each camp at the beginning of the week. Our program participation guidelines are simple: Keep your hands and feet to yourself Speak to each other nicely Touch only what belongs to you (food, supplies, etc.) Stay within activity area Listen to your leaders Ask a leader for help if you need it Additional guidelines based on the specific camp activities will also be reviewed with the campers Behaviours that are unacceptable at camp will be communicated to you at sign out or if necessary we will call you. Based on the intent and severity of the incident, a participant may be withdrawn from the program. To encourage positive camp behaviour, the Dartmouth Sportsplex has designed their own Positive Effective Behaviour Supports (PEBS/GOTCHAS), similar to the type of approach found in schools. PEBS is an approach compiled from a broad range of effective practices and interventions based on research which validates practice and behavioural science which emphasizes strategies for achieving important outcomes while preventing problem behaviour. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES All program sites and camp leaders have access to first aid kits and emergency medical services (911). All of the camp staff is certified in first aid and CPR level C. For moderate injuries your child may be taken to one of our lifeguards for assessment and treatment. SWIM & WATER SAFETY Activities taking place in or around water are supervised by trained lifeguards. This also includes out trip locations (beaches). All of our camp programs include swimming as a daily activity and children are expected to participate. All parents have filled out a swimming ability form; which indicates which pool the child may swim in, and whether or not a life jacket is needed. The Dartmouth Sportsplex does have lifejackets available for your child to use. However, life jackets are NOT permitted on the water slides for safety reasons. There are two pools in our facility. The shallow water pool is a warmer water training pool with steps and a gradual depth up to 1 meter. The deep water pool is an 8 lane, 25 meter swimming pool, and its depth begins at 6ft and gets gradually deeper. Your child must be at least 1.2 meters (48 inches) tall AND a very strong and confident swimmer in deep water to ride the Pirates Cove Slides. If you have concerns about your child’s swimming abilities please talk to a camp leader. FECAL MATTER POLICY: Fecal matter in the swimming pool can introduce microorganisms such as E-coli or cryptosporidium into the water. Swallowing this water can make someone ill. In the event of an accident in the pool, the affected swimming pool will be closed to swimmers for a minimum of 90 minutes. The filtration systems in the pool are not linked, and campers will be given the option to swim in the unaffected pool, only if their swimming ability allows. SUN & WATER SMART Hats, shirts, water, and sunscreen are required for campers to protect themselves from the effects of the sun. Camp staff will assist our younger campers to apply sunscreen. WEEKLY SCHEDULES All camps have an approved weekly schedule of events. You can have a copy to help prepare your child for the daily activities. Schedules are subject to change without notice based on a variety of factors. Please check our Facebook page and Twitter for big changes. (Trips, beach, etc.). LOST & FOUND Look for lost and found articles outside the Thistle Room. Staff members make an effort to reunite those items clearly labeled with their owners. Past the end of the summer all unclaimed items are donated to charity. Please ensure that you label each item with your child’s full name so that we can help return it during camp. PREPARING YOUR CHILD FOR CAMP NEW CAMPERS (AND PARENTS!) For those new to the Dartmouth Sportsplex Day camps, the first day of camp can be as scary as the first day of school. For that reason, we recommend you bring your child to The Dartmouth Sportsplex before their camp program begins. Many campers get to know the facility through Family swims. Stop by or call anytime for a tour; contact Chelsea Mitchell at (902)464-2600 ext 323 or email [email protected] Arrival on the first day can be overwhelming-for both children and parents. You will be greeted by our camp staff when you arrive and directed where you need to go. WHAT TO BRING TO CAMP The following is a list of what to bring to camp. Please remember that children must be able to carry their own belongings. We recommend a suitable size backpack with comfortable straps. We do not recommend multiple bags. What to Bring: Lunch & two healthy snacks Water bottle Sneakers Swimsuit & Towel Hat & sunscreen Jacket CSA approved helmet and Skates for skating activities What NOT to bring: Camp staff is NOT responsible for money or other valuables brought to camp. For most of the day, campers do not have access to the vending machines and it is not recommended to bring money to camp. We strongly discourage participants from bringing any electronic devices (i.e. video games, iPods, cell phones, cameras, etc.) from home. PACKING A LUNCH AND SNACKS Please provide your child with a nutritious lunch, snacks, and plenty of water for every day of camp. Eat Well, Get Moving All of our camps involve physical activity and children attending the camps should be supported with a healthy food choice for their snacks and lunch. Use Canada’s Food guide to Healthy Eating to help you and your child plan and prepare balanced meals and snacks. A balanced meal includes 3 to 4 food groups, while a balanced snack includes 2 to 3 of the 4 food groups. Ask your kids for their ideas-they will be more likely to eat it! Pack things that are healthy, and easy to open. To keep teeth clean and healthy, choose foods like cheese and vegetables that are low in sugar or do not cling to teeth. Drink plenty of water to rinse sugars out of the mouth. Food Safety It is important to keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold by using insulated bottles and insulated lunch boxes. SUMMER 2015: WEEK WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8 DATES THEME SPECIALTY CAMPS JULY 6-10 JULY 13-17 JULY 20-24 JULY 27-AUG 7 AUG 3-AUG 7 AUG 10-AUG 14 AUG 17-AUG 21 AUG 24-AUG 28 FANTASTIC WORLD OF FANTASY SECRET AGENT DSP SPORT FANATICS SPLISH SPLASH SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY CLUB HOLLYWOOD IT’S A JUNGLE OUT THERE EXTREME OUTDOOR ADVENTURE GYMNASTICS CHEERLEADING GYMNASTICS COST: MEMBERS NON-MEMBERS $120/WEEK: SPECIALTY CAMPS $135 $140/WEEK: SPECIALTY CAMPS $155 TIME MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:30AM-4:30PM *PRE & POST CAMP AVAILABLE FROM 7:30 AM-5:30 PM FOR $25/WEEK* DAILY CAMPS: DATES MONDAY, JUNE 29 THURSDAY, JULY 2 FRIDAY, JULY 3 THEMES GROSSED OUT! PIRATES VS NINJAS OCEAN COMMOTION COST: MEMBERS NON-MEMBERS $25/DAY $31/DAY TIME: 8:30AM-4:30PM PRE/POST CAMP IS AVAILABLE: $8/DAY DAY TRIPS Day trips are available to purchase, in addition to a week of camp for $15/ a week. Campers must register for the trip at the information desk no later than the Friday before. This fee includes transportation to and from the facility, entry costs, and extra staff, etc. this summer we have spread the trips across two days to make group sizes smaller, and to allow for make-up dates depending on weather. Campers ages 4-7 will attend their trips on Tuesdays, and campers ages 8-12 will attend their trips on Wednesdays. We hope that you have found this information handout to be informative and helpful! The goal is for your child to have the best summer camp experience possible! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, comments or concerns. I am available by phone or e-mail, and am always open to your feedback. Thank you for taking the time to read through the information provided. I look forward to meeting you this summer! Sincerely, Chelsea Mitchell Child and Youth Co-ordinator Phone: (902)464-2600 ext. 323 E-mail: [email protected]