Product Description
Product Description
ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Version Date Author Reviewer Notes V1.0 2011-02-12 Xue Shuaili Wang Ning Not open to the Third Party V1.1 2011-08-30 Zhao Yue Wang Ning Not open to the Third Party V1.2 2012-04-24 Zhao Yue Wang Ning Not open to the Third Party V1.3 2012-05-30 Zhao Yue Wang Ning Not open to the Third Party V1.4 2012-11-09 Zhao Yue Wang Ning Not open to the Third Party © 2015 ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved. ZTE CONFIDENTIAL: This document contains proprietary information of ZTE and is not to be disclosed or used without the prior written permission of ZTE. Due to update and improvement of ZTE products and technologies, information in this document is subjected to change without notice. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 1 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 1 Overview .......................................................................................................... 10 2 Highlights......................................................................................................... 11 3 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.3 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 3.3.6 3.3.7 3.4 3.4.1 3.4.2 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.5.4 3.5.5 3.6 3.6.1 3.6.2 3.7 3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3 3.8 3.8.1 3.8.2 Functions and features ................................................................................... 13 Capacity and interfaces...................................................................................... 13 Service processing capability ............................................................................. 13 Interface type ..................................................................................................... 14 Multiservice bearing capability ........................................................................... 15 TDM service....................................................................................................... 16 ATM service ....................................................................................................... 17 Ethernet service ................................................................................................. 17 Basic L2 Service ................................................................................................ 19 Basic Ethernet Service ....................................................................................... 19 VLAN and VLAN Extension Features ................................................................. 20 Link aggregation function ................................................................................... 21 STP function ...................................................................................................... 22 DHCP Relay function ......................................................................................... 22 802.1x NAC authentication ................................................................................ 22 Multicast ............................................................................................................ 23 L3 function ......................................................................................................... 25 L3 basic function ................................................................................................ 25 L3 route protocol ................................................................................................ 27 MPLS ................................................................................................................. 33 MPLS Overview ................................................................................................. 33 MPLS Network Architecture ............................................................................... 34 MPLS Basic Functions ....................................................................................... 35 LDP.................................................................................................................... 36 RSVP-TE ........................................................................................................... 41 MPLS L2 VPN .................................................................................................... 45 VPWS ................................................................................................................ 45 VPLS ................................................................................................................. 47 QoS feature ....................................................................................................... 49 QoS function ...................................................................................................... 49 MPLS QoS feature ............................................................................................. 50 Ethernet QoS feature ......................................................................................... 51 OAM Features ................................................................................................... 51 MPLS OAM ........................................................................................................ 51 MPLS-TP OAM Function.................................................................................... 53 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 3.8.3 3.8.4 3.9 3.9.1 3.9.2 3.9.3 3.9.4 3.10 3.10.1 3.10.2 3.10.3 3.10.4 3.10.5 3.10.6 3.10.7 3.10.8 3.11 3.11.1 3.11.2 Ethernet OAM .................................................................................................... 55 Ethernet Link OAM............................................................................................. 58 Protection Features............................................................................................ 58 Equipment-level protection ................................................................................. 58 MPLS Network-level protection .......................................................................... 59 MPLS-TP Network-Level Protection ................................................................... 62 Other Protection Manners .................................................................................. 68 Synchronization feature ..................................................................................... 70 System clock function ........................................................................................ 70 Synchronization Ethernet clock .......................................................................... 71 IEEE 1588 v2 clock ............................................................................................ 71 Time synchronization Ethernet function ............................................................. 72 1588 frequency recovery.................................................................................... 72 Clock protection function .................................................................................... 72 Clock/time source function ................................................................................. 73 Clock synchronization way for CES service ....................................................... 73 Security.............................................................................................................. 74 AAA ID verification ............................................................................................. 74 Network security ................................................................................................ 76 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 System structure ............................................................................................. 77 System hardware ............................................................................................... 77 Hardware architecture ........................................................................................ 77 Working principle of hardware system................................................................ 79 System boards ................................................................................................... 79 Overview ............................................................................................................ 79 Power boards..................................................................................................... 92 Software architecture ......................................................................................... 96 EMS software .................................................................................................... 97 Communication protocols and interfaces ........................................................... 99 Brief introduction to ZXROS platform ................................................................. 99 5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 5.3.5 5.3.6 Technical indices and specifications ........................................................... 111 Physical performance ...................................................................................... 111 Interface indices ............................................................................................... 112 System Function List ........................................................................................ 115 Service Parameters ......................................................................................... 115 L2 Feature ....................................................................................................... 117 L3 Feature ....................................................................................................... 117 QoS Feature .................................................................................................... 118 Service Management ....................................................................................... 119 Reliability ......................................................................................................... 119 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 3 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 4 5.3.7 5.3.8 5.3.9 5.3.10 5.4 5.5 Clock Synchronization ..................................................................................... 120 Tunnel Feature ................................................................................................ 121 Security Feature .............................................................................................. 121 Operation and Maintenance ............................................................................. 122 Weight and power consumption of Boards ....................................................... 123 Reliability index of component.......................................................................... 124 6 6.1 6.2 Integrated networking application of the products ..................................... 125 ZXCTN’s application in mobile backhaul network ............................................. 125 ZXCTN’s application in Metro-E ....................................................................... 127 7 7.1 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 7.2.3 7.2.4 Operation and maintenance ......................................................................... 128 Unified NM platform ......................................................................................... 128 Maintenance and management ........................................................................ 128 Equipment management .................................................................................. 128 Supervision and maintenance .......................................................................... 129 Diagnosis and debugging................................................................................. 130 Software upgrade............................................................................................. 131 8 8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.2 8.2.1 8.2.2 8.3 8.4 8.4.1 8.4.2 8.4.3 Environment indices ..................................................................................... 131 Storage ............................................................................................................ 131 Climate environment ........................................................................................ 131 Water-proof requirement .................................................................................. 132 Transportation.................................................................................................. 132 Climate environment ........................................................................................ 132 Water-proof requirements ................................................................................ 133 Running ........................................................................................................... 133 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)................................................................ 134 Criteria ............................................................................................................. 134 Anti-interference .............................................................................................. 135 Interference...................................................................................................... 140 9 Abbreviation .................................................................................................. 141 10 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 Standards and recommendations ................................................................ 145 IETF ................................................................................................................. 145 ITU-T ............................................................................................................... 146 IEEE ................................................................................................................ 150 MEF ................................................................................................................. 150 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description FIGURES Figure 3-1 ZXCTN 6000 E-LINE service model..................................................................18 Figure 3-2 ZXCTN 6000 E-LAN service model...................................................................18 Figure 3-3 ZXCTN 6000 E-Tree service model ..................................................................19 Figure 3-4 IGMP proxy/snooping .......................................................................................23 Figure 3-5 VPLS-based multicast service model ................................................................24 Figure 3-6 Virtual Link ........................................................................................................29 Figure 3-7 IPv4 label route release ....................................................................................33 Figure 3-8 MPLS network architecture ...............................................................................34 Figure 3-9 Downstream Unsolicited ...................................................................................37 Figure 3-10 Downstream on Demand ................................................................................37 Figure 3-11 Liberal Label Retention Mode .........................................................................38 Figure 3-12 Conservative Label Retention Mode ...............................................................39 Figure 3-13 Cross-domain RSVP-TE .................................................................................44 Figure 3-14 VPWS basic model .........................................................................................46 Figure 3-15 VPLS basic model ..........................................................................................47 Figure 3-16 OAM PDU coding format ................................................................................54 Figure 3-17 Ethernet OAM implementation in hierarchy .....................................................56 Figure 3-18 MPLS Tunnel 1:1 protection............................................................................59 Figure 3-19 FRR protection................................................................................................61 Figure 3-20 Unidirectional 1+1 protection switching ...........................................................62 Figure 3-21 Unidirectional 1+1 Tunnel Protection Switching (Working Link Fault) ..............63 Figure 3-22 Bidirectional 1: 1 Tunnel Protection Switching Architecture) ............................63 Figure 3-23 Bidirectional 1:1 Tunnel Protection Switching (Working Connection Z-A Fails) .............................................................................................................................................64 Figure 3-24 Wrapping Protection .......................................................................................65 Figure 3-25 Steering Protection .........................................................................................66 Figure 3-26 Dual-Homing Protection ..................................................................................67 Figure 3-27 DNI Protection ................................................................................................68 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 5 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Figure 3-28 IMA Transmission ...........................................................................................69 Figure 3-29 ML-PPP Protection Principle ...........................................................................70 Figure 4-1 ZXCTN 6110 subrack structure.........................................................................77 Figure 4-2 ZXCTN 6110 subrack slot .................................................................................78 Figure 4-3 ZXCTN 6110 SMC functional principle ..............................................................83 Figure 4-4 ZXCTN 6110 SMC panel ..................................................................................83 Figure 4-5 E1×16 functional principle .................................................................................88 Figure 4-6 E1 x 16 panel ....................................................................................................89 Figure 4-7 E1×16 panel schematic ....................................................................................89 Figure 4-8 FEx4 panel .......................................................................................................91 Figure 4-9 PWA working principle ......................................................................................93 Figure 4-10 PWA panel ..................................................................................................93 Figure 4-11 PWA panel schematic .....................................................................................93 Figure 4-12 PWB working principle ....................................................................................95 Figure 4-13 PWB panel......................................................................................................96 Figure 4-14 Software architecture ......................................................................................97 Figure 4-15 EMS software architecture ..............................................................................98 Figure 4-16 Software architecture ....................................................................................100 Figure 6-1 ZXCTN backhaul solution ...............................................................................125 Figure 6-2 ZXCTN’s application in metro network ............................................................127 TABLES Table 3-1 ZXCTN 6110 service processing capability ........................................................13 Table 3-2 ZXCTN 6110 maximum access..........................................................................14 Table 3-3 ZXCTN 6110 service interface ...........................................................................14 Table 3-4 ZXCTN 6110 auxiliary interface type and number ..............................................15 Table 3-5 EVC (Ethernet Virtual Connection) service supported by ZXCTN 6110 ..............17 6 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Table 3-6 VLAN feature .....................................................................................................20 Table 3-7 OSPF packet types ............................................................................................28 Table 3-8 MPLS-TP OAM failure management functions ...................................................53 Table 3-9 MPLS-TP performance management functions ..................................................53 Table 3-10 OAM types that ZXCTN 6110 supports: ...........................................................54 Table 3-11 Typical Ethernet OAM protocol ........................................................................56 Table 3-12 ZXCTN 6110 Ethernet OAM functions .............................................................57 Table 3-13 Ethernet Link OAM ...........................................................................................58 Table 4-1 ZXCTN 6110 boards ..........................................................................................78 Table 4-2 SMC version list .................................................................................................79 Table 4-3 ZXCTN 6110 SMC panel description .................................................................83 Table 4-4 ZXCTN 6110 SMC slot.......................................................................................86 Table 4-5 Correspondence of electrical tributary emulation board versions and their panel IDs........................................................................................................................................87 Table 4-6 E1×16 functional modules ..................................................................................88 Table 4-7 E1×16 panel description ....................................................................................89 Table 4-8 ZXCTN 6110 E1×16 slot ....................................................................................90 Table 4-9 Version Description of FE × 4 Ethernet tributary board ......................................90 Table 4-10 ZXCTN 6110 FEx4 Board slot ......................................................................91 Table 4-11 GPC board description .....................................................................................92 Table 4-12 CPS PTP 1588 Board slot ................................................................................92 Table 4-13 PWA panel description .....................................................................................94 Table 4-14 ZXCTN 6110 PWA slot ....................................................................................94 Table 4-15 PWB panel description .....................................................................................96 Table 4-16 ZXCTN 6110 PWB slot ....................................................................................96 Table 4-17 ZXCTN 6110 software system interface description .........................................99 Table 5-1 Equipment physical performance list ................................................................111 Table 5-2 E1 interface electric performance .....................................................................112 Table 5-3 10/100Base-TX interface electric performance ................................................113 Table 5-4 GE interface Optical interface performance......................................................113 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 7 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Table 5-5 BITS clock interface performance ....................................................................114 Table 5-6 List of Service Parameter .................................................................................115 Table 5-7 L2 Feature .......................................................................................................117 Table 5-8 L3 Feature .......................................................................................................117 Table 5-9 QOS Feature ...................................................................................................118 Table 5-10 Service Management .....................................................................................119 Table 5-11 Reliability .......................................................................................................119 Table 5-12 Clock Synchronization....................................................................................120 Table 5-13 Tunnel Feature...............................................................................................121 Table 5-14 Security Feature.............................................................................................121 Table 5-15 Operation and Maintenance ...........................................................................122 Table 5-16 Weight and power consumption of Boards .................................................123 Table 5-17 Reliability index of component ....................................................................124 Table 8-1 Requirements for climate (storage environment) ..............................................131 Table 8-2 Requirements for climate (transportation environment) ....................................132 Table 8-3 Temperature and humidity requirements (running environment) ......................133 Table 8-4 Other climate environment requirements (running environment) ......................134 Table 8-5 Criteria for test results ......................................................................................134 Table 8-6 ESD immunity ..................................................................................................135 Table 8-7 RF electromagnetic field radiation immunity Resistance ..................................135 Table 8-8 DC port immunity .............................................................................................136 Table 8-9 AC port immunity .............................................................................................136 Table 8-10 Signal line and control line port immunity .......................................................137 Table 8-11 DC lightning surge immunity ..........................................................................137 Table 8-12 AC lightning surge immunity...........................................................................137 Table 8-13 Outdoor signal line surge immunity ................................................................137 Table 8-14 Signal line (>10m) surge immunity .................................................................138 Table 8-15 RF field conductivity immunity ........................................................................138 Table 8-16 AC transient voltage dip and short interruption immunity................................138 Table 8-17 DC transient voltage dip and short interruption immunity ...............................139 8 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Table 8-18 AC port voltage fluctuation immunity ..............................................................140 Table 8-19 DC/AC port conducted emission ....................................................................140 Table 8-20 Ethernet/E1 port conducted emission.............................................................140 Table 8-21 Radiated emission strength ............................................................................141 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 9 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 1 Overview ZXCTN 6000 series is ZTE's Carrier class Multi-service Packet-based Platform (CMPP) in compliance with IP-based service development trend. The packet-based multiservice bearer platform provides Mobile Backhaul and FMC end-to-end solution and supports smooth network evolution to lower CAPEX and OPEX for carriers. ZXCTN 6000, applied to network access/convergence layer, integrates packet and transport technologies to meet complex service demands. As the platform based on packet switching, ZXCTN 6000 support multiservice interfaces, network synchronization, carrier-class OAM & protection, and many other functions, which make ZXCTN 6000 as a powerful platform to process and transmit carrier-class Ethernet, ATM and TDM services. ZXCTN 6000 series consists of ZXCTN 6110, ZXCTN 6120, ZXCTN 6150, ZXCTN 6200, ZXCTN 6220 and ZXCTN 6300. ZXCTN 6110 and 6120 are the compact IP transport network platform. Both of them are1U-high box equipments and applied to network access layer, as multiservice access and edge gateways. The rack-type equipment ZXCTN 6150, 6200, 6220 and 6300 provides redundant protection for equipment-level key units in the ASIC-based centralized packet switching structure. ZXCTN 6150 and 6200 is applied to network access layer and small-capacity convergence layer, and ZXCTN 6300 to network convergence layer. With embedded microwave & xDSL capabilities, ZXCTN6120 & 6150 can provide a multiple access solution for different kinds of media for Carrier Ethernet networks. When working as a next generation packet based microwave radio system, ZXCTN 6120 focuses on the compact microwave access equipment and ZXCTN 6150 aims at the large capacity microwave access & hub site. ZXCTN 6000 series are often used for: 10 Mobile Backhaul VIP access and VPN service ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 2 MSAN/MSAG integrated access IPTV service VOD/VoIP service Public client Internet service All IP microwave network Highlights Multiservice bearer platform meeting full-service demands With PWE3 technology, ZXCTN 6110 based on full-packet structure is compatible with such services as TDM, ATM and FR, and supports efficient MPLS-TP tunnel technology to meet full-service demands and lower the network TCO. Leading timing processing function offering high-precision synchronization Combining G.8261 and 1588V2 technologies, ZTE proposes the leading “time synchronization Ethernet” solution to control message transport frequency and shorten convergence time. The hardware can insert and extract precise time stamp in the same way as 1588 protocol to improve time synchronization precision. ZXCTN 6110 can flexibly configure boundary clock and transparent transport clock and support outband 1PPS+TOD interface and inband Ethernet synchronization interface for long-term network evolution. And it makes automatic protection switching of clock and time link through SSM and BMC protocols to ensure reliable synchronous transmission. Good end-to-end QoS providing differentiated service (Differ-Serv) ZXCTN 6110 supports end-to-end QoS management to provide the required delay, jitter and bandwidth for different services. It also supports Diff-Serv-based QoS scheduling, and the classifier and label based on port, VLAN, DSCP/TOS, MAC and IP address, the traffic policing, queue scheduling, congestion control and traffic ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 11 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description shaping. And it can implement user-level multiservice bandwidth control and service access SLA to guarantee better operation of carrier network. Powerful hierarchical OAM increasing network availability ZXCTN 6110 supports the MPLS-TP and Ethernet OAM, the hierarchical monitoring based on hardware mechanism to fast detect and locate faults, monitor the performance and manage end-to-end (ETE) services, and the continuous and on-demand OAM to telecom-level service QoS in Packet Transport Network (PTN). The hierarchical OAM, based on physical port, logic link, pseudowire and tunnel, makes network operation, administration and maintenance more transparent and simpler. Multiple reliability mechanisms ensuring network security ZXCTN 6110 supports good equipment-level, network-level and network edge-level protection: It supports pluggable boards and improves disaster restoration and fault solving. The network protection provides layered and sectioned LSP, SNCP and connection-oriented ring protection for complex full-service applications to assure 50ms switching. The network edge-level protection includes LAG, IMA protections. These protections lead to the carrier-class reliability of 99.999%. ZXCTN 6110 offers a wide variety of security and anti-attack features, forwards full-rate services in the configuration of tens of thousands of ACL, support packet check, traffic classification, CPU protection, limited-rate protocol message, route authentication, DdoS attack monitoring and hierarchical NM, and shields network attack risks. Open technology platform supporting high growth of service network ZXCTN 6110, the open technology platform, is compatible with conventional transmission and data network and is compliant with MPLS-TP, IP/MPLS and Ethernet ring technologies to reduce the risk in technology selection for future network evolution. 12 Unified NMS simplifying OAM ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description ZTE’s unified network management platform NetNumen U3 can manage ZXCTN 6110 as well as SDH/MSTP, ASON, WDM and OTN equipment at the same time. It creates and manages ETE path, offers powerful QOS and OAM, and fulfill realtime alarm and performance monitoring. As it provides NE management function and GUI of conventional transport network, it is to operate and maintain, which makes PTN manageable and maintainable easily for the first time. 3 Functions and features 3.1 Capacity and interfaces 3.1.1 Service processing capability ZXCTN 6110 service processing capability includes switching capability and service access capability. Switching capability ZXCTN 6110 supports the packet-based service switching. ZXCTN 6110 service processing capability is shown in Table 3-1. Table 3-1 ZXCTN 6110 service processing capability Service processing ZXCTN 6110 Backboard capacity NA Switching capacity 3Gbps (Uni-directional) Packet forwarding rate 4.46Mpps Maximum access capability ZXCTN 6110 service interface type and number are shown in Table 3-2. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 13 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Table 3-2 ZXCTN 6110 maximum access Interface Type GE (Optical) (on SMC) FE (Optical) (on SMC) Ethernet Board port Overall port number number 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4 4 8 4/8 4/8 FE(Optical) (on the extension board, optional) FE (Electrical) (on SMC) 3.1.2 PDH TDM E1 16 32 (on the extension IMA E1 16 32 board, optional) ML-PPP E1 16 32 Interface type ZXCTN 6110 supports multiple interfaces, as shown in Table 3-3. Table 3-3 ZXCTN 6110 service interface Type GE interface FE interface Description Remark Optical interface: UNI/NNI 1000BASE-SX,1000BASE-LX,1000BASE-ZX Electrical interface:10/100BASE-TX UNI/NNI Optical interface:100BASE-FX UNI(TDME1, E1interface Electrical interface:E1 interface IMAE1) / NNI( ML-PPP E1) ZXCTN 6110 also supports NM interface, clock interface and alarm interface, as shown in Table 3-4. 14 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Table 3-4 ZXCTN 6110 auxiliary interface type and number Auxiliary Port Number Parameter interface External 2 alarm interface NM interface LCT 1 1 interface 1 Support 4×external alarm RJ45 physical input+2× alarm output interface Support 1×Qx NM interface Support 1×LCT input Support 1×2M BITS interface (Hz or Bit/s, on SMC) 1 Support 1×2M BITS interface (Hz or Bit/s, on GPC) 2 Clock interface Remark RJ45 physical interface RJ45 physical interface 2M interface is 75ohm copper roller interface. Interface is 75ohm copper roller interface. Support 1×PPS+TOD Interface is RS422 interface interface (RJ45 (input or output, on SMC) physical interface) 1 Interface is Support 1PPS+TOD interface TTL/RS232/RS422 (input or output, on GPC) interface (RJ45 physical interface) 1 Support 1×FE 1588 processing interface (on GPC) 1 Support 1×GPS antenna interface (on GPC) 8-cell 2mm socket Note: GPC is an assistance board to provide the time/clock source function, and supports multiple time/clock interfaces, replacing BITS and time synchronous source in engineering tests and deployment. 3.2 Multiservice bearing capability ZXCTN 6110 bears TDM/ATM/ETH services through PWE3. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 15 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description PWE3 (Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge) provides a transparent transport channel for various services in PSN (Packet Switching Network). In the channel user services are isolated from each other and service attributes keep unchanged in the transport. PWE3 integrates the original access modes and the existing IP backbone network to reduce CAPEX and OPEX. 3.2.1 TDM service ZXCTN 6110 supports TDM service via TDM E1 interface and supports Structure-aware and Structure-agnostic Emulation of TDM service. Structure-aware Emulation has the following functions: The equipment is aware of frame structure, framing mode and timeslot information in TDM circuit. The equipment processes TDM frame overheads, extracts payloads and put the timeslots into packet message payloads in a certain sequence, so each service in the message is fixed. Its latency is longer than Structure-agnostic Emulation, as TDM service need to be processed in PE (Provider Edge) node, but Structure-aware Emulation saves the bandwidth of backbone network. Structure-agnostic Emulation has the following functions: The equipment is agnostic about any structure in TDM signal. It treats TDM signal as constant-rate bit stream and emulates the TDM signal. Overheads and payloads in TDM signal are transmitted transparently. Its latency is shorter than Structure-aware Emulation, but it needs larger bandwidth of backbone network than Structure-aware Emulation. ZXCTN 6110 supports flexibly configuration of TDM CES. Each E1 interface can be configured as Structure-aware or Structure-agnostic independently. 16 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 3.2.2 ATM service ZXCTN 6110 supports ATM service via IMA E1 interface. The equipment accesses ATM service via ATM interface at PE node, extracts ATM cell from IMA, conducts PWE3 encapsulation of ATM cell, maps it to the tunnel for transmission and forwards it to destination node through external tunnel label. The above process is the transparent transmission of ATM service. ZXCTN 6110 encapsulates ATM cell to PW in One-to-One Cell or N-to-one Cell mode. IMA E1 transfers high-speed ATM cell message via several low-speed E1 physical-layer interfaces. Several IMA E1 links transferring ATM cell are called an E1 group. Each IMA board of ZXCTN 6110 has at most 16 IMA E1 interface and supports 1~16 E1 groups. 3.2.3 Ethernet service ZXCTN 6110 supports access and transmission of Ethernet service via Fast Ethernet interfaces, Gigabit Ethernet interface, etc. ZXCTN 6110 offers the following three types of Ethernet services that are compliant with ITU-T, MEF6. Table 3-5 EVC (Ethernet Virtual Connection) service supported by ZXCTN 6110 Service Type Port-Based(All to one bundling) VLAN-Based(Service multiplexed) E-Line EPL EVPL E-LAN EP-LAN EVP-LAN E-Tree EP-Tree EVP-Tree E-Line E-Line is the point-to-point (PTP) service which is only between two nodes. E-Line consists of EPLine and EVPLine. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 17 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Figure 3-1 ZXCTN 6000 E-LINE service model E-LAN E-LAN is the multipoint-to-multipoint service which is between two or more nodes. E-LAN consists of EPLAN and EVPLAN. Figure 3-2 ZXCTN 6000 E-LAN service model E-Tree E-Tree is the point-to-multipoint service which is between two or more nodes. 18 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description E-Tree consists of EPTree and EVPTree. Figure 3-3 ZXCTN 6000 E-Tree service model 3.3 Basic L2 Service 3.3.1 Basic Ethernet Service ZXCTN6110 supports the following basic Ethernet functions: Support full-duplex working mode of the port. Support 10/100/1000M automatic negotiation of the port (e). Support the following L2 Switch functions: MAC address learning MAC address binding MAC address filtering Support the following port traffic control functions based on full-duplex IEEE 802.3x Pause frame mechanism Support mirroring function based on port ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 19 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Support storm suppression of broadcast/multicast/unknown unicast packets, including 3.3.2 Based on port Control by percentage or specified rate. Support at most 9K-byte Jumbo frame. Support LLDP based on 802.1ab VLAN and VLAN Extension Features ZXCTN 6110 supports powerful VLAN function to divide virtual working groups. Table 3-6 VLAN feature Attribute VLAN Description Support VLAN based on port and MAC address. Support QinQ-based forwarding. Support ordinary QinQ and port-based external label. VLAN Features Support Selective QinQ and flow-based external QinQ label. Support Selective QinQ internal priority mapping Support TPID modification Support 1:1, 1:2 and 2:1 QinQ functions. ZXCTN 6110 can divide VLAN based on port and provide multiple interfaces according to encapsulated VLAN Tag of the message received by ports. ZXCTN 6110 is connected to user host via Access interface, to other ZXCTN equipment via Trunk interface, and to user host or other ZXCTN or Ethernet switch via Hybrid interface. ZXCTN 6110 equipments connected via Trunk interface form VLAN Trunk connection bearing data stream of several VLANs, so as to implement VLAN interconnection in the whole metro network. In 802.1Q VLAN protocol 12-bit VLAN ID will limit VLAN number to 4096. In order to extend VLAN ID address space and improve security, ZXCTN 6110 extends VLAN on 20 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description the basis of IEEE802.1Q, that is, QinQ. QinQ is also called Stacked VLAN or Double VLAN, which encapsulates VLAN Tag of private network into VLAN Tag of public network so that the packets go through backbone network (public network) of the carriers with two layers of VLAN Tag. Because it has two layers of tag, it extends VLAN range of metro backbone network. 3.3.3 Link aggregation function ZXCTN 6110 supports link aggregation which binds a group of physical interfaces, thus the interfaces logically look like a link. Link aggregation is an approach to increase bandwidth and improve reliability by binding physical links. It increases remarkably the bandwidth of peer physical links between different devices. Therefore, it is an important technology to create link transmission resilience and redundancy. Meanwhile, link aggregation has good protection. When a fault occurs, some links in a group of aggregation links will switch quickly to normal links, thus service transport will not be broken. Link aggregation can be divided into manual aggregation and static aggregation according to implementation mode. Manual aggregation does not need LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol), but static aggregation does. Link aggregation can also be divided into two categories: load-sharing and non-load-sharing. After link aggregation group is set, if load-sharing mode is adopted, the equipment automatically shares the traffic load among several physical ports of the group. When a fault occurs to one physical port, its traffic will be shared by other ports. After the fault is resolved, the traffic will be reallocated so that the ports share the traffic load. If non-load-sharing mode is adopted, only active link has traffic and standby link is in the standby status, which is actually a backup mechanism. When active link fails, standby link will work as active link to shield link failure. ZXCTN 6110 supports manual load-sharing link aggregation and LACP defined by IEEE 802.3ad. It can bind FE and GE interfaces and support link aggregation across service boards based on MAC, VLAN and IP load balancing. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 21 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 3.3.4 STP function ZXCTN 6110 supports STP complying with IEEE802.1D, RSTP complying with IEEE802.1w, and MSTP complying with IEEE802.1s. As it has no authentication mechanism, STP cannot authenticate and limit new switch and BPDU packets, which will affect network topology. If the network is attacked, it will not provide good service. ZXCTN 6110 uses BPDU protection, Root protection and ring protection to stabilize L2 switching network topology. When STP simple network (e.g., small network composed of several switches) or special port (e.g., port connected to PC), is not needed, STP can be closed manually to meet the network and management requirements. ZXCTN 6110 provides the function based on port and MSTP closing protocols. 3.3.5 DHCP Relay function DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) automatically allocates IP address to the host using TCP/IP to log in the server. After getting the IP address, the host initiates IP communication via IP address. It is required in the LTE stage that DHCP dynamically allocates the address to eNB to enhance network automatization. ZXCTN 6110 supports DHCP Relay. DHCP Server is usually deployed in user convergence layer or core layer equipment, thus it is required that DHCP packet of user host can penetrate different subnets to reach DHCP Server. In order to support the penetration, ZXCTN 6110 needs to snoop and relay DHCP packet, which is the function of DHCP Relay. 3.3.6 802.1x NAC authentication ZXCTN 6110 supports 802.1x NAC authentications. As the network is added with automatic deployment, it is required in the LTE stage to carry out NAC authentication to eNB access bearer network port to prevent eNB from illegal access. The commonly used authentication method is to use 802.1x authentication protocol to control access port. 22 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 802.1X module has the following functions: Forwarding plane can control port-based 802.1x authentication. Support transparent transport of EAP packet to implement EAP between equipment and authentication server. 3.3.7 Multicast IGMP proxy/snooping is the L2 multicast restriction mechanism managing and controlling multicast group. The equipment running IGMP proxy/snooping analyzes the received IGMP packet to set up the mapping relation between ports and MAC multicast addresses and forward multicast data according to the relation. IGMP proxy/snooping uses L2 multicast to forward the information only to the receiver that needs it. The practice has the following advantages: Reduce the broadcast messages in L2 network and save network bandwidth. Enhance the security of multicast information. Facilitate independent charging of each host. IGMP proxy/snooping Figure 3-4 IGMP proxy/snooping ZXCTN 6110 support the following IGMP proxy/snooping functions: Support IGMPv2/v3 protocol. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 23 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Support static multicast table configuration. Create multicast table based on IGMP proxy/snooping and forward multicast services according to service ports in multicast table. When IGMP proxy/snooping are available, the multicast table is transmitted according to the specified ports, but the unknown multicast service may be discarded or broadcasted according to the configuration. Dynamically create, delete and maintain multicast table based on VPLS/E-LAN services and query the multicast. Figure 3-5 24 VPLS-based multicast service model ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 3.4 L3 function 3.4.1 L3 basic function L3 interface ZXCTN 6110 supports the following L3 interface: VLAN-based L3 interface ML-PPP-based L3 interface VCG-based L3 interface Qx-based L3 interface Qx interface is the Ethernet interface of outband NM. It forwards NM packets from outband to inband. ARP protocol ZXCTN 6110 support ARP (Address Resolution Protocol). ARP basic function is to query MAC address of target equipment according to its IP address to assure smooth communication. Support dynamic ARP request. Support ARP answer. Support dynamic ARP aging. ARP refreshing is sectional instead of centralized, preventing CPU from abrupt change of utilization rate. Support static ARP configuration. IPv4 unicast route forwarding ZXCTN 6110 supports IPv4 unicast route forwarding. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 25 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Support IPv4 basic unicast route forwarding. Support IPv4 unicast route full-rate forwarding. Support the best matching of hardware route table. Static route ZXCTN 6110 support static route. Static route is manually configured by the administrator. Static route alone can be configured to make simple network run normally. Static route can be set and used properly to improve network performance and assure important networks of sufficient bandwidth. Route forwarding load sharing (ECMP) ZXCTN 6110 supports route forwarding load sharing (Equal Cost of Multi-path). When IP network uses route protocol or static configuration to reach a destination network, multiple equivalent next hops share the load in IP route forwarding. ECMP can share the load of IP packets for services and NM to increase the forwarding capability. Each ECMP group supports 8 routes. ICMP protocol ZXCTN 6110 follows ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) and has the following functions in the network. 26 Host probe Route maintenance Route selection Traffic control ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description UDP protocol ZXCTN 6110 follows UDP (User Datagram Protocol). As basic connectionless transport protocol, UDP is the transports means of many protocols. For example, it is used by such protocols as OSPF and LDP to transmit Hello protocol packets. Its basic function follows RFC 768 User Datagram Protocol. TCP protocol ZXCTN 6110 follows TCP (Transmission Control Protocol). As basic connection transport protocol, UDP is the transports means of many upper-level protocols. For example, it is used by such protocols as BGP, LDP and Telnet to transmit datagram packets. Its basic function follows RFC 793 - Transmission Control Protocol. IP FRR ZXCTN 6110 supports BFD-based fast IP rerouting to converge routes rapidly in the Native IP networking. 3.4.2 L3 route protocol OSPF protocol OSPF, an Internal Gateway Protocol (IGP), releases route information between routers in one Autonomous System (AS). OSPF supports large networks and fast route convergence and occupies few network resources. It plays a very important role in current route protocols. OSPF is a typical route link status protocol. It adopts OSPF routers to exchange and save link information of the entire network, grasping network topology and calculating routes independently. ZXCTN 6110 supports the following OSPF functions: Support OSPF basic functions and follow OSPF Version 2 (RFC 2328): ZTE Confidential & Proprietary Support neighbor discovery. 27 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Select Designated Route (DR) and Backup Designated Route (BDR) through Hello protocol. Table 3-7 Support various OSPF packets. For details, refer to Table 8. Support LSA broadcast mechanism. Support inter-neighbor LSDB synchronization mechanism. Support OSPF layered route calculation. Support OSPF DEBUG. OSPF packet types Type Packet name Protocol function Neighbor relation 1 Hello 2 Database Description (DD) Database content collection 3 Link State Request (LSR) Database download 4 Link State Update (LSU) Database update 5 Link State Ack (LSAck) Broadcast acknowledge discovery/maintenance Support different OSPF link types: Broadcast: When link-layer protocol is Ethernet and FDDI, OSPF thinks by default that network type is broadcast. This type of network transmits protocol packets in the form of multicast ( and P2P: When link-layer protocol is PPP, HDLC, DCC link, VCG link and GRE tunnel, OSPF thinks by default that network type is P2P. This type of network transmits protocol packets in the form of multicast ( . 28 Support Virtual Link and provide virtual connection between Area and Backbone. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Figure 3-6 Virtual Link Support Stub area and follow OSPF Stub Router Advertisement (RFC 3137). Support NSSA (Not-So-Stubby Area) and follow OSPF Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA) Option (RFC 3101). Support OSPF-TE extension functions. Add link parameters in OSPF notification and employ opaque LSA header as standard OSPF LSA header. OSPF-TE extends the information transferred through the protocol to build an extension link status database which is called Traffic Engineering (TE) database. The database has additional link attributes. According to the traditional link status database and traffic engineering database, the equipment uses CSPF (Constraint-based SPF) to calculate the best ETE path. OSPF-TE extension functions comply with the following recommendations: Traffic Engineering (TE) Extensions to OSPF Version 2 (RFC 3630) The OSPF Opaque LSA Option (RFC 5250) Support OSPF GR functions and provide Graceful OSPF Restart (RFC 3623): Support GR negotiation in neighbor creation. After restart, restart node relearns the pre-restart route from neighbors and ages the forwarding table items of forwarding plane and the neighbors of restart nodes can resend the route which was sent to neighbors before. When control plane restarts, forwarding plane is not affected. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 29 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Support OSPF-TE GR functions and meet GR requirements of the entire TE. Support OSPF plain-code authentication: Start or close plain-code authentication according to interfaces. Set the password for plain-code authentication at the interfaces. Discard the received packets after interface authentication failure. Support OSPF MD-5 authentication. Start or close cipher-code authentication according to interfaces. Set the password for cipher -code authentication at the interfaces. Support MD-5 authentication. Discard the received packets after interface authentication failure. ISIS protocol IS-IS is a dynamic route protocol designed by ISO for CLNP (Connectionless Network Protocol). In order to support IP routes, IETF extends and modifies IS-IS in RFC 1195 to apply it to TCP/IP and OSI at the same time. IS-IS, an Internal Gateway Protocol (IGP), is used in Autonomous System (AS). IS-IS is a link status protocol using SPF algorithm to calculate the routes. ZXCTN 6110 supports the following ISIS functions: Support IS-IS basic functions and follow RFC 1195: Support area hierarchical management. In IS-IS the area is divided into Level1 and Level2. Support Hello protocol. Discover neighbors through Hello protocol select DIS and create neighbor relations between DIS and all devices . 30 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Support broadcast link, e.g., Ethernet and Token-Ring, and P2P link, e.g., PPP and HDLC. Exchange LSP (Link State PDU) packets to transmit routes and synchronize LSDB (LSP database). Support ISIS protocol Debug. Support IS-IS TE extension functions. Exchange link information to build an extension link status database or TE database to calculate the display path meeting constraint conditions. Configure and manage TE resource attributes of local link, including TE Router-id, link attribute/appetency, ipv4 interface address, ipv4 neighbor address, maximum link bandwidth, reserved link bandwidth, unused link bandwidth and TE metric. Distribute link TE resource information. Calculate TE CSPF path with CSPF algorithm . Support IS-IS plain-code authentication. Support IS-IS GR functions: Support GR negotiation in neighbor creation. After restart, restart node relearns the pre-restart route from neighbors and ages the forwarding table items of forwarding plane and the neighbors of restart nodes can resend the route which was sent to neighbors before . When control plane restarts, forwarding plane is not affected. Support IS-IS TE GR functions and meet GR requirements of the entire TE. BGP protocol BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) is a dynamic route protocol between ASs. Different from IGP such as OSPF and RIP, BGP focuses on control route transmission and best route ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 31 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description selection instead of route discovery and calculation. BGP runs in routers in two ways: It is called IBGP when it runs in one AS and EBGP between different ASs. As the actual Internet external route protocol standard, BGP-4 is widely used between ISPs (Internet Service Provider). ZXCTN 6110 is able to release L3 VPN route information through BGP in MPLS network. It supports the following BGP functions: Support BGP-4 basic functions and follow A Border Gateway Protocol 4 (RFC 4271): Support BGP message type: Open, Update, Notification and Keepalive. Negotiate, create and maintain the parameters of BGP neighbors . Support IBGP and EBGP and follow their route release rules . Support BGP path attributes, including ORIGIN, AS path, NEXTHOP, MED and LOCALPREFERENCE. Support route attribute control and policy. Support route aggregation. Support reflector functions and BGP full-connection, and follow RFC 4556. Support BGP MD-5 authentication and independent password configuration for each neighbor, and follow Protection of BGP Sessions via the TCP MD5 Signature Option (RFC 2385). Support BGP MP extension (L3 VPN) and follow Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4 (RFC 4760). ZXCTN 6110 supports MP-BGP. It uses MP-BGP as signaling protocol in BGP/MPLS L3 VPN to transmit packets via L3 VPN route in backbone network and transmit VPN member information and VPN-IPV4 table items between L3 VPN PEs. Support BGP to transfer IPv4 label route and follow Carrying Label Information in BGP-4 (RFC 3107). When creating cross-domain LSP, the equipment transfers 32 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description public network routes in AS or between ASs through BGP, while carrying labels to work with LDP or RSVP so as to create ETE cross-domain LSP. Figure 3-7 IPv4 label route release Support BGP GR functions and provide Graceful Restart Mechanism for BGP (RFC4724): Support GR negotiation in neighbor creation. After restart, restart node relearns the pre-restart route from neighbors and ages the forwarding table items of forwarding plane and the neighbors of restart nodes can resend the route which was sent to neighbors before . Support BGP FRR and backup route selection. Support BGP route aggregation to aggregate several routes into one route according to aggregation policy and release it to remote end. 3.5 MPLS 3.5.1 MPLS Overview Multi-protocol label switching (MPLS) was proposed first to increase the forwarding speed of router. Currently MPLS is developing towards backbone router and VPN solution. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 33 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description MPLS combines powerful L3 routing function of IP network and efficient forwarding mechanism of traditional L2 network and adopts connection-oriented mode in the forwarding plane, which is similar to existent L2 forwarding mode. This enables MPLS to easily realize seamless convergence of IP and L2 network, such as ATM and Ethernet. MPLS can also provide better solutions for Traffic Engineering (TE), Virtual Private Network (VPN) and Quality of Service (QoS). Therefore, MPLS has become an important standard for data network scale expansion and operability improvement. 3.5.2 MPLS Network Architecture The typical MPLS network architecture is as shown in Figure 3-8. The basic element of MPLS network is Label Switching Router (LSR) ZXCTN 6110 equipment. The network domain formed by LSR is called MPLS Domain. The LSR located at the edge of MPLS domain and connecting other networks is called Label Edge Router (LER); the LSR inside MPLS domain is called Core LSR. Is an LSR has one or more adjacent nodes that do not run MPLS, this LSR is LER. If all the adjacent nodes of an LSR run MSLS, this LSR is a core LSR. ZXCTN 6110 equipment can work as LSR and LER equipment. Figure 3-8 34 MPLS network architecture ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 3.5.3 MPLS Basic Functions The MPLS system architecture of ZXCTN 6110 complies with the standard: Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture (RFC 3031). The label stack architecture of ZXCTN 6110 complies with the standard: MPLS Label Stack Encoding (RFC 3032). ZXCTN 6110 equipment supports the following MPLS functions: Per-platform label space management function Per-platform label management function includes creation and deletion of label space, and distribution and advertisement of dynamic labels. Distribution and advertisement of labels support the following label types: LSP label of RSVP-TE PW label distributed by LDP Distribution of network management label Distribution of VRF label of L3VPN Domain management of static/dynamic labels Dynamic and static labels are distributed in unified label space, but they can be managed in different domains. Inlet node service and label processing function In the inlet node of LSP, perform Push operation for data messages by service binding or layered LSP binding. Outlet node service and label processing function In the outlet node of LSP, perform label Pop operation for messages. Intermediate node label processing function ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 35 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description In the intermediate node of LSP, perform label SWAP operation for messages. 3.5.4 LDP MPLS system has multiple label distribution protocols. LDP (Label Distribution Protocol) is one of the basic signaling of MPLS, mainly completing establishment and maintenance of LSP/PW. It is the most commonly used LSP/PW signaling protocol in the current network. In case of hybrid network of the equipment and traditional IP/MPLS router, the LSP of LDP is established by interconnection of LDP and IP/MPLS router in the current network. LDP specifies various messages and related processing procedure during label distribution. It is mainly used for LSR to negotiate session parameters and distribute labels and established label switching path (LSP). LSR connects the incoming label, next-hop node and outgoing label corresponding to a certain FEC in the local forwarding table together and thus forms the label switching path that crosses the whole MPLS domain. LDP LSP Label Advertisement and Management After LDP session is established, LDP protocol begins to switch information such as label mapping to establish LSP. RFC5036 defines label advertisement mode, label distribution control mode and label retention mode to decide how LSR advertise and management labels. For ZXCTN 6110, we recommend the following combination: Downstream Unsolicited (DU) + Independent label control mode + Liberal label retention mode. LDP LSP Label Advertisement Mode In MPLS system, the downstream LSR distributes the labels to specific FEC and then notifies the upstream LSR. That is, the label is designated by the downstream LSR and is distributed in the direction from downstream to upstream. Label Advertisement Mode can be divided into two types: 36 Downstream Unsolicited ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description DU (Downstream Unsolicited) means for a specific FEC, LSR performs label distribution without getting label request message from upstream. Figure 3-9 Downstream Unsolicited Downstream on Demand DoD (Downstream on Demand) means for a specific FEC, LSR performs label distribution after getting label request message from upstream. Figure 3-10 Downstream on Demand When the downstream LSR feed back label mapping message depends on the label control mode used by this LSR. When ordered mode is adopted, only when receiving label mapping message returned from the downstream, or when this LSR is the outlet node of this FEC, it will sends label mapping message to the upstream. When Independent mode is adopted, whether receiving label mapping message returned from the downstream or not, it will send label mapping message to the upstream immediately. LDP LSP Label Distribution Control Mode Label Distribution Control Mode refers to the processing mode when LSR distributes labels during the establishment of LSP. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 37 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Label Distribution Control Mode can be divided into two types: Independent Label Distribution Control Independent Label Distribution Control means the local LSR can distribute a label to bind with an FEC freely and notify it to the upstream LSR, without waiting for downstream label. Ordered Label Distribution Control Ordered Label Distribution Control means for the label mapping of an FEC on an LSR, only when this LSR has the next-hop label mapping message of this FEC, or when this LSR is the outlet node of this FEC, this LSR can send label mapping of this FEC to the upstream. LDP LSP Label Retention Mode Label Retention Mode refers to the processing mode for label mapping received by LSR that will not be used for the time being. Label Retention Mode can be divided into two types: Liberal Label Retention Mode Liberal Label Retention Mode means the LSR will retain the label mapping received from the adjacent LSR no matter whether this adjacent LSR is its next-hop. Figure 3-11 38 Liberal Label Retention Mode Conservative Label Retention Mode ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Conservative Label Retention Mode means the LSR will retain the label mapping received from the adjacent LSR only when this adjacent LSR is its next-hop. Figure 3-12 Conservative Label Retention Mode LDP LSP Establishment The procedure of establishing LSP on ZXCTN 6110 equipment is to bind FEC and label and notify this binding to the adjacent LSR on LSP. This procedure is realized by LDP. Below is a description of the major procedure for Downstream Unsolicited Advertisement Mode and Ordered Label Distribution Control Mode: When the network route changes, if an edge node finds a new destination address in its route table, and this address does not belong to any existing FEC, this edge node needs to establish a new FEC for this destination address. If the outlet node of MPLS network has labels to be distributed, it distributes a label to the FEC and sends label mapping message to the upstream initiatively. The label mapping message includes the label distributed and the bound FEC. The LSR receiving label mapping message adds a corresponding item in its label forwarding table and sends label mapping message of the specified FEC to the upstream LSR initiatively. When the LSR in the inlet node receives label mapping message, it also needs to add a corresponding item in its label forwarding table. At this time, LSP establishment is completed. Next the data packet corresponding to this FEC can be forwarded. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 39 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description LDP MD-5 Certification To increase the safety of LDP protocol, some safety measures should be taken for it. One of the measures is MD-5 certification. MD-5 certification is encryption certification. A key and a key ID are configured on each piece of equipment. LDP transmits messages using TCP protocol which calculates the digest by MD-5 algorithm and adds the digest to the end of the message. TCP protocol at the receiving end also calculates digest by MD-5 algorithm and them compares it with the digest calculated at the transmit end. If the two are consistent, LDP passes the certification, otherwise, it fails. The control plane configures TCP MD-5 configuration options separately for each LDP peer. The options include: Whether support TCP MD-5 encryption; If TCP MD-5 encryption is supported, configure encryption password. Support separate password configuration by each neighbor. LDP TCP MD-5 encryption design of ZXCTN 6110 should comply with the requirements of RFC 3036. LDP GR Function For the label data forwarding problems caused by restart of LSR control plane, especially those caused by restart of LDP control plane, ZXCTN 6110 solves them by LDP Graceful Restart mechanism. Configuration mechanism: The user can enable and disable LDP GR (disabled by default) and relevant timer. LSR can remain forwarding state upon session restart, node restart or LDP signaling restart. 40 Other non-LDP faults such as board reset and interface down will not trigger GR. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 3.5.5 RSVP-TE Resource ReSerVation Protocol (RSVP) is designed for integrated service model, used for resource reservation on the nodes of an LSP. RSVP works on the transport layer but does not participate in application data transport. It is a network control protocol, similar to ICMP. Simply speaking, RSVP has the following major features: receiver-oriented; the receiver originates the request for resource reservation and maintains resource reservation state; “soft state” mechanism is used to maintain resource reservation information. The extended contents of RSVP-TE from RSVP include: Introduce Label Request object in the PATH message of RSVP to support originating label request; introduce Label object in RSVP Resv message to support label distribution. In this way, CR-LSP can be established. The extended message can not only carry label binding information but also limitation information, so as to support the constrained routing function of CR-LSP. Besides, RSVP-TE supports related attributes of MPLS-TE by extending object to enable it to have resource reservation function. RSVP of ZXCTN 6110, after extension, can support distribution of MPLS labels and carry resource reservation information while transporting label binding information. The extended RSVP is called RSVP-TE, used to establish LSP tunnel as a signaling protocol. It can implement: Establishment and maintenance of TE LSP Removal of TE LSP Error notification For basic functions of RSVP-TE, the following functions defined in relevant standard should be supported: ZTE Confidential & Proprietary Support soft state mechanism of RSVP 41 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Support FF (Fixed-Filter style) and SE (Shared-Explicit style) resource reservation types of RSVP-TE, among which, SE is mainly used for MBB (Make Before Break) function Support MBB (Make Before Break) mechanism Support basic messages and processing mechanisms of RSVP Support messages and processing mechanisms defined by RSVP-TE for RSVP extension to establish TE LSP Support establishment of TE LSP via RSV-TE Support LSP maintenance and digest refresh Explicit Path Function RSVP –TE message supports designation function of LSP node and can establish explicit path. By explicit path technology, it can specify the paths that must be passed and those that are not passed to arrive at a destination. The LSP paths planned can be calculated dynamically by taking explicit path as a constraint. For explicit path function, ZXCTN 6110 supports the following modes: Strict explicit path: the next hop and the previous hop are connected directly. Loose explicit path: loose mode can specify which node the path must pass, but there can be other nodes between this node and the previous hop. Combination of strict mode and loose mode RSVP MD5 Certification Function The interface with RSVP-TE enabled supports multiple message digest algorithms. The major ones are hmac-md5 and hmac sha-1, which can be selected by the administrator. The default one is md5. The certification is only directed for the interface and not for the neighbour. Each interface supports one key. 42 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Constrained Path Calculation Function IGP extension (OSPF-TE/ISIS-TE) can collect interface bandwidth resource information of the whole network, form TE link database, calculate CSPF by constrained path and calculate LSP path information required by the customer so as to drive RSVP-TE to establish corresponding LSP. ZXCTN 6110 supports the following constrained path calculation functions: Support constraint: ordinary bandwidth, prioritized bandwidth, classified bandwidth, explicit path, destination address Support path exclusion calculation. Support path bandwidth shared calculation Interface TE Bandwidth Management Function The interface bandwidth resource can be partly or fully distributed to TE for LSP establishment. This information need be managed and spread in the network via OSPF-TE/ISIS-TE. ZXCTN 6110 supports the following functions: For interface type, only ordinary physical interface supports this function. Interface TE bandwidth management is not required for VLAN sub-interface and bound interface. Basic management on ordinary bandwidth and prioritized bandwidth of TE interface Provide interface for OSPF-TE and ISIS-TE to enable them to get bandwidth information of TE interface and perform flooding. Bidirectional LSP To improve the network performance and protection capability, it need support establishment of bidirectional LSP, support bidirectional same routing and support bidirectional LSP management in NMS as one entity. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 43 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Support establishment of bidirectional LSP via Associated mode Support establishment of bidirectional LSP via Co-Routed mode Cross-Domain RSVP-TE In the application of ZXCTN 6110, in some case, cross-domain (AS) service dispatching may be needed. For example, if the service of NodeB needs to be transported to the remote RNC via the core layer router network, and if the core layer network also supports cross-domain RSVP-TE, RSVP-TE can be used to establish cross-domain (AS) E2E LSP. Figure 3-13 Cross-domain RSVP-TE When the service of NB1 needs to be dispatched to the remote RNC2, E2E RSVP-TE LSP need be established, the path is PE1->PE3->SR1->SR2->PE4. RSVP-TE can specify cross-domain edge node and define loose ER-Hop, and calculate path using CSPF in the domain, and establish an E2E cross-domain LSP in this way and thereby provide PW service between PE1 and PE4. 44 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description RSVP-TE GR Restart of RSVP-TE control plane will cause LSR restart and data flow interruption of its neighbour. RSVP-TE Graceful Restart mechanism can be used to reduce the impact of RSVP-TE control plane restart. ZXCTN 6110 supports the following functions: Configuration mechanism: The user can enable and disable RSVP-TE GR and relevant timer. LSR can remain forwarding state when RSVP-TE control plane is restarted. When the number of messages loss detected exceed the limit, RSVP-TE GR will also be triggered. Other non-LDP faults such as board reset and interface down will not trigger GR. The head node, intermediate node and end node of the link established by RSVP-TE all support RSVP-TE GR. In case of co-networking of GR and FRR, make clear of the operation sequence when restarting nodes and auxiliary nodes to avoid irrecoverable faults. 3.6 MPLS L2 VPN MPLS L2 VPN is divided to VPLS and VPWS. VPWS is applicable to point-to-point networking mode; VPLS can realize point-to-multipoint and multipoint-to-multipoint networking mode. From the angle of the user, the whole MPLS network is a L2 switching network through which L2 connection can be established between different sites. ZXCTN 6110 equipment supports complete VPWS and VPLS functions. 3.6.1 VPWS VPWS (Virtual Private Wire Service) is a L2 tunnel technology under MPLS technology, used to provide point-to-point virtual private wire service. The PE equipment at the edge of operator’s network and P equipment inside the operator’s network are all equipment to be maintained and managed by the operator. The customer edge (CE) equipment is ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 45 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description accessed to the system via Ethernet link. VPWS transmits user L2 data transparently point to point on MPLS network. Figure 3-14 VPWS basic model ZXCTN 6110 product supports VPWS, including: Access AC types supported include: port, port + VLAN, port + QinQ, AC access of ATM service and TDM service is supported. For VPWS NNI-side interfaces, all NNI interfaces including Ethernet, ML-PPP and GRE should be supported. PW establishment and maintenance: Support static configuration, establishment and maintenance of PW Support dynamic establishment and maintenance of PW using LDP extended signaling via Martini mode, in compliance with RFC 4447(Packet PW) and RFC 5287 (TDM PW). Extended LDP protocol also supports the following functions besides the original functions: Support TLV that extends standard LDP to carry PW ID, including 128 types PW ID FEC TLV and 129 type general PW ID FEC TLV. For label distribution sequence when establishing PW, use DU (downstream unsolicited) mode; for label retention mode, use liberal label retention. 46 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Support negotiation of PW data interface parameters, including negotiation of MTU, maximal number of ATM cascade cells and fragmentation capability. 3.6.2 Support control word negotiation capability Support PW connectivity test mechanism and method (VCCV) Support PW state notification VPWS tunnel technology can base on static LSP, LDP LSP or RSVP-TE LSP. VPLS VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Service), integrating the advantages of Ethernet and MPLS technology, is a multipoint-to-multipoint L2 VPN technology. VPLS emulates all functions of traditional LAN, with a purpose to connect multiple Ethernet sites that is scattered in area via the operator’s IP/MPLS backbone network and make them work like a LAN. Figure 3-15 VPLS basic model ZXCTN 6110 product supports VPLS, including: ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 47 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Comply with LDP extension protocol RFC 4762 to support establishment and maintenance of different types of PW and so support VPLS service. Access AC types supported include: port, port +VLAN and port +QinQ. AC Filter modes include: traffic be filtered based on unicast packet on ACs traffic be filtering based on broadcast packet on ACs traffic be filtering based on multicast packet on ACs traffic be filtered based on unknown packet on ACs Support establishing managment instances for VPLS on PE Support MAC address learning Support broadcasting of broadcast messages on PW VPLS tunnel technology can base on static LSP, LDP LSP or RSVP-TE LSP. Support VPLS forwarding plane encapsulation technology Support MAC address aging function Support controlling the number of MAC address tables under each VPN Support static MAC; whether to enable MAC address learning function is configurable. 48 Support TAG/RAW mode ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 3.7 QoS feature 3.7.1 QoS function ZXCTN 6110 provides standard-based support for DiffServ, including traffic classification, policing, shaping, congestion control, queue scheduling, etc. Network carrier sets different QoS for access services to provide DiffServ. The equipment supports 8 PHBs (Per-hop Behavior) defined in the standards, e.g., BE, AF1, AF2, AF3, AF4, EF, CS6 and CS7, to enable network carrier to provide DiffServ for users and bear data, voice and video services at the same time. If QoS or traffic classification is not needed or there is no matched rule for the message in traffic classification, the message will be processed in the BE (Best-Effort) way. Traffic classification ZXCTN 6110 supports the classification based on port, L2, L3 and L4 packet head, e.g., physical interface, source address, destination address, MAC address, IP or applications port No. Policing ZXCTN 6110 supports traffic policing and CAR (Committed Access Rate), uses ACL to control service access, and implement traffic-based CIR, CBS, EIR and EBS. Certain message can be discarded or colored under some conditions. It also supports ingress and egress policing. Congestion avoidance and control Congestion control can discard few packets in network congestion: ZXCTN 6110 congestion avoidance and control: Support WRED (Weighted Random Early Detection) and queue congestion control ZTE Confidential & Proprietary Support TD (Tail Drop) cache policing. 49 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Queue scheduling ZXCTN 6000 employs mixed queue scheduling which has the following functions: Each port supports at least 8 priority queues. Each queue supports the minimum/maximum bandwidth management. Support WRR (Weighted Round Robin) scheduling. Support SP (Strict Priority) scheduling. Support SP+WRR mixed scheduling Shaping Traffic shaping limits the traffic and burst of a connection out of a network so that the messages are transmitted at a much even rate. ZXCTN 6110 supports priority-queue-based and port-based traffic shaping. 3.7.2 MPLS QoS feature ZXCTN 6110 supports the MPLS QoS based on DiffServ model. MPLS QoS fulfills priority mapping among MPLS, IP and Ethernet messages and differentiates data flows of different services according to EXP value in the label to provide DiffServ and assure QoS of voice, video, etc. ZXCTN 6110 supports two types of carrier MPLS QoS tunnels: Uniform Tunnel Pipe Tunnel MPLS QoS based on DiffServ model supports good scalability and implements ETE QoS via tunnel. The congestion certainly leads to delay and packet loss, which will affect QoS of some services sensitive to delay and packet loss. MPLS-TE efficiently manages bandwidth resources to improve network QoS, so as to prevent out-tunnel congestion from affecting in-tunnel service. But the bandwidth management and MPLS-TE tunnel can implement the scheduling based on CoS. For example, when EF, AF and BE services are in one MPLS-TE tunnel, EF and AF services will be affected seriously. 50 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description ZXCTN 6110 combines MPLS-TE and DiffServ to enable IP/MPLS core network to identify different services and create tunnels accordingly, so as to assure the bandwidth of high-priority service. ZXCTN 6110 supports the QoS scheduling in MPLS VPN and the Diff-Serv scheduling in VPN, so as to forward VPN key services in priority. ZXCTN 6110 maps user service to PW and PW to the corresponding MPLS tunnel to implement service-based ETE QoS. It supports simple and easy deployment and bandwidth planning & management to offer differentiated multiservice management and operation. 3.7.3 Ethernet QoS feature As metro network provides Ethernet-based service, DiffServ is needed. ZXCTN 6110 dispatches service and controls congestion according to VLAN frame priority. It can map IP message priority or MPLS message EXP priority to Ethernet message VLAN priority for unified service scheduling. 3.8 OAM Features ZXCTN 6110 provides multiple OAM mechanisms. It supports MPLS/MPLS-TP, Ethernet OAM, Ethernet link OAM, BFD. It can implement fast failure detection to trigger protection switching and guarantee carrier-class service quality of service in packet transport network. 3.8.1 MPLS OAM Tunnel OAM MPLS Tunnel OAM provides MPLS network with complete failure detection and positioning mechanism and network performance monitoring at Tunnel layer. MPLS Tunnel OAM mechanism can effectively detect, confirm and position the defects and network performance monitoring within MPLS layer. The equipment can use OAM detection status to trigger protection switching and realize fast failure detection and service protection. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 51 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description PTN series equipment supports MPLS Tunnel OAM functions such as Ping and Traceroute etc. LSP BFD LSP Ping expands the checkout of data layer. While BFD defines a light-load checkout measure of data layer (the fixed frame length of BFD suits implementation by hardware). BFD for LSP carries BFD packets on the detected LSP tunnel. The gone-through BFD packets data must be exactly the same with that for LSP path. When it goes out at the LSP egress, submit BFD packets to the upper layer module for checkout. When we use BFD to detect LSP, if LSP adopts FRR to implement protection, BFD detection period should be set larger than FRR protection speed. When FRR protects LSP, it may cause BFD packet jitter or even loss, and now that FRR completes LSP protection, so it’s not necessary for the upper layer to detect LSP failure. Otherwise it may leads to frequent switching between upper and lower layers. If BFD for LSP is not used with LSP Ping, parameters in BFD setup process should be manually specified. PW OAM PW OAM provides complete failure detection, positioning mechanism and network performance monitoring at PW layer. PW OAM mechanism can effectively detect, confirm and position the defects and network performance monitoring within PW layer network. The equipment can use OAM detecting status to trigger protection switching and implement fast failure detecting and service protection. PTN series equipment supports PW OAM functions such as Ping, and Traceroute. 52 PW BFD ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description The specific requirements and processing process of BFD for PW is similar to BFD for LSP. The major difference lies in the fact that BFD is encapsulated under PW. 3.8.2 MPLS-TP OAM Function OAM functions implemented by TMS, TMP and TMC of MPLS-TP are shown in the following table. Please refer to IETF draft-bhh-mpls-tp-oam-y1731-04.txt needs for OAM functions. MPLS-TP failure management functions are shown in Table 3-8: Table 3-8 MPLS-TP OAM failure management functions Function type Description Loss Of Continuity (LOC) check Continuity and connectivity (CC) Merger Mistakes (MMG) check Abnormal MEP(UNM) check Abnormal perios (UNP) check Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) Alarm Indication Signal (AIS) check Remote Defect Indication (RDI) Remote Defect Indication (RDI) check Unicast loopback – bidirectional LoopBack (LB) connectivity confirmation Lock (LCK) Lock (LCK) packet transport ZXCTN 6110 MPLS-TP performance management functions are shown in Table 3-9: Table 3-9 MPLS-TP performance management functions Function type Description Local/remote frame loss check Frame loss rate check Loss Measurement (LM) Dual ends Local/remote errored second, severely errored second and unavailable second check. Delay Measurement ZTE Confidential & Proprietary Dual Dual process frame delay check 53 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Function type (DM) Description processes Dual process delay change Y.1731-based MPLS-TP OAM function of each hierarchy of MPLS-TP is based on Y.1731 PDU expanded format. PTN network adopts MPLS-TP and its OAM packets are composed of Y.1731 OAM PDU and outer layer forwarding label stack. The label stack carried by forwarding label stack is the same with that of the data packets to make sure that OAM packets are correctly forwarded on MPLS-TP paths of different layers. Based on IETF GACH coding format, referring to OAM PDU format definition of ITU-T Y.1731 Ethernet service, OAM PDU coding format in PTN network is shown in Figure 3-16: Figure 3-16 Table 3-10 OAM PDU coding format OAM types that ZXCTN 6110 supports: Type Function Virtual Virtual Virtual Section Path (VP) Channel (VS) OAM OAM (VC) OAM Continuity check and connectivity Active Failure verification OAM management (CC/CV) Remote Defect Indication (RDI) 54 Support Support Support Support Support Support ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Type Function Alarm suppression (FDI/AIS) Lock (LCK) Customer Signal Failure (CSF) Performance monitoring management and positioning OAM on demand Virtual Virtual Section Path (VP) Channel (VS) OAM OAM (VC) OAM NA Support NA Loss Measurement Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Support (LM) LoopBack (LB) Failure Virtual (OAM packets) Support Trace(LT) NA Support Support Test (TST) Support Support Support Lock (LCK) Support Support Support Loss Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Support Measurement Performance (LM) monitoring Delay Measurement (DM) Others Automatic protection switching Notes: NA represents Not Adaptive 3.8.3 Ethernet OAM Ethernet OAM is implemented hierarchically. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 55 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Figure 3-17 Ethernet OAM implementation in hierarchy As shown in the above figure, Ethernet OAM is divided into the following two levels: Link-level Ethernet OAM: mainly applied between PE – CE – user equipment (also called last mile) Ethernet physical link to monitor the link status between user network and operator’s network. The typical protocol is EFM OAM. Network-level Ethernet OAM: mainly applied in access aggregation layer of the network to monitor the connectivity of the whole network and to position the connectivity fault. The typical protocol is CFD. The typical Ethernet OAM protocol for each level is shown in the following table: Table 3-11 Typical Ethernet OAM protocol Protocol name Application Protocol level standard Description Providing link performance monitoring, failure detecting, EFM OAM Link level IEEE 802.3ah alarm, and loopback test for the link directly connecting two equipment 56 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Protocol name Application Protocol level standard Description Mainly applied in L2 network to CFD Network level IEEE 802.1ag/ check link connectivity and to ITU-T Y.1731 confirm the location of the failure This section gives an introduction to ZXCTN 6110 network-level Ethernet OAM functions. The next section will shed light on link-level OAM functions. ZXCTN 6110 supports IEEE 802.1ag and ITU-T Y.1731 at the same time to realize fault management and performance monitoring of Ethernet services, as shown in Table 3-12: Table 3-12 ZXCTN 6110 Ethernet OAM functions Function Description CCM Connectivity check RDI Remote Defect Indication LB Unicast loopback LT Link Track ETH-CC Connectivity check ETH-LB Loopback ETH-LT Ethernet link track ETH-AIS Alarm Indication Signal ETH-RDI Remote Defect Indication Conforms to IEEE 802.1ag Bi-directional packet Bi-directional LM dropping ratio measurement ITU-T Y.1731 Single directional packet Single directional LM dropping ratio measurement Bi-directional DM Single directional DM ZTE Confidential & Proprietary Bi-directional delay measureent Single directional delay measurement 57 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 3.8.4 Ethernet Link OAM ZXCTN 6110 supports 802.3ah-based Ethernet link layer OAM functions to realize loopback and link monitoring of Ethernet access link. Table 3-13 Ethernet Link OAM Functions Description Conforms to Near end OAM entity discovers far end OAM OAM discovery entity, and sets up stable session with it, supporting active and passive mode. OAM packet delivery OAM packets receiving and sending Monitoring link event, sending notifying packet OAM link monitoring IEEE 802.3ah and reporting it to the network management system OAM remote loopback Loopback command sending and responding OAM variable request MIB Query request sending query and responding 3.9 Protection Features 3.9.1 Equipment-level protection Power Supply Redundancy Protection ZXCTN 6110 product supports DC power supply input 1+1 redundancy protection. When main module fails, the power supply input will be switched to the standby module. 58 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 3.9.2 MPLS Network-level protection MPLS Tunnel Protection Linear protection based on MPLS single directional path is implemented by hot-standby. Hot-standby LSP initiates set-up after main tunnel LSP is created. When main tunnel LSP failure message is delivered to ingress router, the traffic will be switched to Hot-standby path LSP. When main tunnel LSP recovers, the traffic will be switched back. The protection process is shown in Figure 3-18: Figure 3-18 MPLS Tunnel 1:1 protection Owing to permanent Merge dual-receiving at destination end for path protection based on single directional MPLS tunnel, it’s unnecessary to implement APS protocol switching. Sending from which port is determined at source end based on the failure status of work path and protection path. Checking methods: Delivery and delete of manual switching command Link failure in physical layer or path service layer Path OAM check failure ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 59 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description FRR Protection FRR (Fast Reroute) is a protection implemented by reserving extra resource. Its feature is fast local protection. It’s usually deployed in network with high reliability requirement. When there’s local failure in network, FRR can quickly switch the traffic to Bypass Tunnel with little impact on data service. Basic concept of FRR Bypass: Facility Backup. Using one protection path to protect multiple LSP. The protection path is called Bypass LSP. PLR: Point of Local Repair. Head node of Bypass LSP. It must be on the main LSP path, not the tail node. MP: Merge Point. Tail node of Bypass LSP. It must be on the main LSP path, not the head node. Link protection: there’s a link directly connecting PLR and MP. Main LSP goes through this link. When the link fails, traffic can be switched to Bypass LSP. Node protection: PLR and MP are connected by a node. When main Tunnel goes through this node, traffic can be switched to Bypass LSP. FRR protection conforms to RFC 4090 protocol. FRR protection mode FRR is a kind of protection for local. It protects the link or node connected to PLR between PLR and MP. The basic principle of FRR is to use a pre-setup Tunnel to protect one or multiple Tunnel. The equipment supports Bypass mode. Bypass Tunnel is a Tunnel without FRR attribute. When the tunnel is designated to protect other Tunnels go through a physical interface, the Tunnel becomes Bypass Tunnel. Bypass Tunnel setup is triggered by manual configuration on PLR. That is to say, Tunnel cannot be embedded and protected by FRR. 60 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Figure 3-19 FRR protection Bypass is shown in the above figure. The blue one is main LSP and the red one is Bypass Tunnel. FRR protects link and node connecting to PLR. When the link or node fails, data on main Tunnel will be switched to Bypass Tunnel. After the switching, the original LSP path information will be deleted. FRR protection parameters ZXCTN 6110 supports FRR at the following interface types: 100M Ethernet interface, GE interface, 10GE interface and CPOS interface. Supporting node protection and link protection Providing protocol layer and physical layer failure detection Performance indexes: when the protected LSP fails, user traffic is switched to backup tunnel within 50ms. Head node can configure multiple optional paths for protection LSP and permit re-optimization of LSP. The principle of path optimization is less hops, more available resource, and smaller metric. Supporting two types of backup bandwidth: finite backup bandwidth, and infinite backup bandwidth. With finite backup bandwidth, backup tunnel provides bandwidth protection and the sum of required bandwidth for all protected LSP using this backup tunnel should not exceed backup bandwidth. While with infinite backup bandwidth, backup tunnel doesn’t provide bandwidth guarantee. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 61 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description By expanding FAST-REROUTE object, users can select whether to take backup path control at the head node. Configuration interface information (bandwidth, link attribute, and hop limit) will be provided when it’s necessary. 3.9.3 MPLS-TP Network-Level Protection MPLS-TP Tunnel/PW 1+1 and 1:1 Protection In Tunnel 1+1 protection, services are transmitted simultaneously in both working and protection channels and received selectively. When a fault occurs to working channel, the receiving end selectively receives the services from protection channel for service switching. Figure 3-20 Unidirectional 1+1 protection switching In 1+1 architecture, the protection tunnel is private for each working tunnel. The working tunnel bridges the protection tunnel at the source end of the protection domain. 1+1 tunnel protection is a kind of unidirectional switchover, which means only the links under affection switches over to the protection tunnel. To avoid single-point fault, the working tunnel and protection tunnel should use independent route. 62 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Figure 3-21 Unidirectional 1+1 Tunnel Protection Switching (Working Link Fault) Tunnel 1:1 protection reserves unidirectional service sending and receiving. Extension APS protocol is transferred via the protection tunnel, sending mutual protocol status and switchover status. Devices of both sides implement service switchover as per protocol and switchover status. Figure 3-22 Bidirectional 1: 1 Tunnel Protection Switching Architecture) In 1:1 architecture, the protection tunnel is private for each working tunnel. The switchover of 1:1 path protection is bidirectional switchover. In other woods, the affected connections and unaffected connections are switched over to the protection tunnel. To avoid single-point, the working tunnel and the protection tunnel should follow independent routes. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 63 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Figure 3-23 Bidirectional 1:1 Tunnel Protection Switching (Working Connection Z-A Fails) When ZXCTN 6110 configures PW 1+1/1:1 protection, it supports services with the sink source but different sinks. According to customer service failure signal, it implements protection switchover. When ZXCTN 6110 configures 1:1 protection, it usually allows the protection tunnel to bear services. Ring Protection Ring protection saves fiber and network resource, and fulfills protection switching within 50ms in compliance with strict requirements for protection time of transport network. ZXCTN 6110 supports Wrapping and Steering ring protection Wrapping Protection When network node is found failed, the neighbor node of the fault will send switchover request to the neighbor node via APS protocol. When one node inspects fault or switchover request, common services sent to the invalid node will be switched over to another direction (far from the invalid node). When the network recovers or APS protocol request disappears, services will go back to the original path. The protection principle is as shown in Figure 3-24. 64 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Figure 3-24 Wrapping Protection Steering Protection When network node detects network failure, it will send switchover request to all nodes on the ring via APS protocol. All source nodes in end-to-end connection will implements the switchover. All MPLS-TP that are influenced by invalid network will be switched over from the working direction to the protection direction. When the network recovers or APS protocol request disappears, all affected services will go back to their original paths. The protection principle is as shown in Figure 3-25 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 65 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Figure 3-25 Steering Protection Dual-Homing Protection Dual homing is such a network topology in which base station services go through the bearer network and then terminate at two service access point equipments, both of which connect the RNC. Based on this network topology, dual homing protection is implemented by employing some related technique to provide protection for the service access point equipments and access links. And in this protection when failures occur in the main access point equipment or access link, service frames can be transported to the RNC through the redundant access point device or access link. 66 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Figure 3-26 Dual-Homing Protection As shown above, bearer networks connect to the main and redundant GE/STM-1 interfaces of the RNC through two access devices, of which one is working (device B here) and the other is redundant (device C here). In normal state, the working path is shown as red real line by NodeB-A-B-RNC. When a failure occurs at device B or on the access link between device B and the RNC, related OAM frames will sent to device A , dual homing protection works and switchover happens at device A. Meanwhile the RNC detects the failure and switches to device C for transmitting and receiving service frames. The working path now is shown as the red dashed line. DNI (Dual Node Interconnection) Protection In the case bearer networks employ ring protection mechanisms, two architectures can be deployed when two rings interwork with each other, one of which is single node interconnection and the other one is dual-node interconnection. There is only one interworking node in the single node interconnection case, so this architecture is fragile and the interconnection services will interrupt when the interworking node fails. Therefore dual-node interconnection (DNI) is more deployed to enhance the reliability of the interconnection services, and in this architecture two rings interwork through dual nodes, one working and the other redundant, ensuring that the interconnection services between the two rings be transported through the redundant interconnection node in case the working one fails. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 67 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Figure 3-27 DNI Protection ZXCTN 6110 supports DNI protection of two architecture models shown as above, and provides protection against interconnection node defect, link defects and multi-node failures. 3.9.4 Other Protection Manners Ethernet LAG Protection Link Aggregation binds a group of same-rate physical Ethernet interfaces as a logic interface (link aggregation group) to increase the bandwidth and provide link protection. ZXCTN 6110 supports LAG protection of UNI-side Ethernet port Ethernet LAG protection will or will not share port load. In load sharing mode, the device will share services to multiple physical ports of the aggregation group automatically. When one physical port goes wrong, services on the port will go to other physical ports automatically. When the failure recovers, traffic will be redistributed to make sure the load shared by all aggregated ports. In non-load sharing manner, services only exist in the active link in the aggregation group. Actually it is a backup mechanism. As when the active link fails in the aggregation, the system will activate the standby link to shield the invalid link. 68 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Ethernet Spanning Tree Protection STP (Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol) can eliminate network loop. STP blocks some redundant paths with certain algorithms and tailors loop network into no-loop tree network to prevent messages from growing and unlimitedly recycling in loop network, so as to avoid broadcast storm. What is MSTP different from STP and RSTP is that MSTP can carry out the forwarding according to VLAN message and balance VLAN load. IMA Protection IMA (Inverse Multiplexing for ATM) distributes ATM cell flow to several low-rate links and combines the links at remote end to recover the cell flow in the original order, so as to multiplex several low-rate links flexibly and easily. IMA is often employed to transmit ATM cell on E1 interfaces and a transparent channel is provided for ATM layers which ignores service types and other high-level information. The mechanism if shown as follows: Figure 3-28 IMA Transmission ML-PPP Protection Multilink PPP bids multiple PPP channels to one logical interface, which accordingly increases bandwidth, reduces latency, shares load and enables backup. ML-PPP follows RFC1990 (The PPP Multilink Protocol (MP) strictly. Focusing on the interconnection between E1, STM-1 boards to mobile devices, ML-PPP enables network-side services to be transferred in multiple bound PPP channels, which realizes load sharing and protection over the port of the board at the network side. E1 ML-PPP protection is as shown in Figure 3-29: ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 69 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Figure 3-29 ML-PPP Protection Principle After arriving at the service processing module via switching module, service signals will be transferred through multiple bound links. This mechanism on one hand realizes load sharing and protection over the port of network-side board, on the other hand eliminates active/standby links. Inspection method: Physical layer inspection, it inspects signal loss LOS, port link status. The inspection is based upon ns. Link layer inspection. By using ML-PPP protocol message, it inspects link layer status. The inspection is based upon millisecond. Switchover: The receiving end selects services as per link status. 3.10 Synchronization feature 3.10.1 System clock function ZXCTN 6110, the network-level clock synchronization Multi-Service Bearer platform, has multiple synchronous clock sources as system clock for the network clock synchronization. ZXCTN 6110 has the following system clock function: 70 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Provide BITS external clock input and output interfaces. ZXCTN 6110 has 1×external clock input/output interface (2.048 Mbit/s or 2.048 MHz). Support time synchronization interface and provide 1PPS+TOD signal. ZXCTN 6110 has one 1PPS+TOD input/output interface. Support GPS interface function, and provide one GPS antenna interface to connect GPS receiver, providing the system clock and distributing clock for other systems. Support synchronous Ethernet interface and synchronous Ethernet clock source setting. Support network clock synchronization via E1 interface and provide clock signal compliant with ITU-T G.813. Transfer SSM. Clock unit implements clock synchronization according to SSM, supports automatic selection of high-priority clock and avoids timing loop. 3.10.2 Support such working modes as trace, hold-on and free-run. Monitor and report system and board clock alarm. Synchronization Ethernet clock ZXCTN 6110 supports synchronization Ethernet clock at physical layer in compliance with G.8261. Synchronization Ethernet extracts clock from physical-layer serial bit stream to obtain SDH-like clock precision for network clock synchronization rather than precise time synchronization. Synchronization Ethernet clock precision is related to physical layer, but unrelated to Ethernet link-layer load and packet forwarding delay. 3.10.3 IEEE 1588 v2 clock ZXCTN 6110 supports IEEE 1588 v2 protocol for clock and time synchronization. IEEE 1588v2 is a precise time synchronization protocol (PTP protocol for short). It is a master/slave synchronization system. In system synchronization, master clock ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 71 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description periodically releases PTP protocol and time information and slave clock port receives the time stamp information from master clock port. Accordingly the system calculates master/slave line time delay and master/slave time difference and adjusts local time according to the difference so that slave equipment time is consistent with master equipment time in the frequency and phase. 3.10.4 Time synchronization Ethernet function Most vendors in the industry use IEEE 1588v2 for time synchronization. With deep research into clock and data networks, ZTE experts think that after going through complex data network, 1588 message has uncontrolled jitter and asymmetry, which causes some difficulties in restoring clock and time precision. Combining several packet synchronization technologies, ZTE proposes unique “time synchronization Ethernet” solution, that is, carry out 1588V2 time synchronization over synchronization Ethernet and insertion & extraction of 1588 protocol precise time stamp over hardware so as to improve time synchronization precision. 3.10.5 1588 frequency recovery ZXCTN 6110 supports 1588v2-based frequency recovery function, and implements the clock synchronization via frequency recovery of the 1588v2 protocol frames. Employing this function, the clock synchronization reference can be transported through the asynchronous switch networks to implement clock synchronization. 3.10.6 Clock protection function ZXCTN 6110 employs SSM/BMC-based protocol to fulfill automatic protection switching of clock link and reliable transmission of synchronization. Calculate the optimal synchronization information path according to clock path selection algorithm to avoid clock loop. Make protection switching of clock information according to clock path algorithm in the case of network fault. 72 Provide synchronous locking, hold-on and free-run of clock information. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 3.10.7 Clock/time source function ZXCTN 6110 supports to be configured as a clock/time source, distributing clock for the system or other network equipments. In the packet transmission network applications, due to lack of time source, there is much inconvenience in field tests and project deploying. Meanwhile, difficult to synchronizing to GPS, frequency synchronization equipments, such as Rubidium clock or BITS, are needed to achieve external clock signal reference. In some scenarios, these limits make the deployment of packet transmission equipments difficult. To facilitate the project deploying and field tests, clock/time source is needed to integrate on the transmission equipment. ZXCTN 6110 supports clock/time source function through GPS PTP 1588 time board: Provide 1 GPS interface, accessing time reference from the GPS through antenna. Provide 1 1PPS+TOD clock synchronization interface. Provide 1 1588 protocol interface, support out-of-band transceiver 1588 for network time distribution of other equipment; Provide 1 BITS input and output clock interface, and the clock quality is compliant with ITU-T G.812 3.10.8 Clock synchronization way for CES service To ensure the performance of CES operations, ZXCTN 6110 supports the following CES clock restoring mechanisms: Adaptive mode Retiming mode ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 73 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 3.11 Security 3.11.1 AAA ID verification ZXCTN 6110 supports AAA (Authentication, Authorization and Accounting) mechanism to authenticate and authorize login users in cooperation with command-line hierarchical protection mechanism and to verify NM users in the network management. AAA-based ZXCTN 6110 can prevent the login of illegal users. The equipment offers different AAA functions for different user authentication policies. The user configurations of access authentication policy vary with demands to provide different authentication and authorization functions for different users. AAA supports three types of user authentications: Local account authentication RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service) authentication TACACS+ (Terminal Access Controller Access Control System) authentication AAA supports four types of authorizations: Direct trust authorization: Direct authorization made due to the trust in users, without account. Local account authorization: Authorization made according to local user account. TACACS+ authorization: TACACS+ detachable authentication & authorization. TACACS+ server authorize the users. Authorization after successful RADIUS authentication: RADIUS protocol authentication & authorization are not detachable. 74 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Command-line hierarchical protection ZXCTN 6110 enables a user to make Telnet login via Ethernet interface. The equipment needs to authenticate login users for the consideration of security. Only authenticated users can log in and perform configuration and maintenance. ZXCTN 6110 has hierarchical protection for operation and maintenance command lines. Command lines have 4 levels: visit, supervision, configuration and administration, and login users have the corresponding levels. After logging in ZXCTN 6000, the user cannot use higher-level commands to control user authority. ZXCTN 6110 can extend command levels and user levels (level mapping) to map 4 levels to 16 levels, so as to make fine management of user levels. Protocol security authentication ZXCTN 6110 has different protocol security authentication functions for SSH, PPP, routing protocol, SNMP, etc. SSH protocol security authentication Support MD5 authentication. Support SHA1 authentication. Routing protocol security authentication OSPF support message authentication. OSPF support MD5-based authentication SNMP security authentication ZTE Confidential & Proprietary Support SNMPv3 encryption and authentication. 75 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 3.11.2 Network security VPN isolation ZXCTN 6110 isolates interfaces with VLAN and extension technologies such as PVLAN and QINQ to shield client network from carrier network for the security of client service network. And it can control unnecessary broadcast to increase network throughput. IP VPN based on IP/MPLS MPLS-TP can isolate services very well with good QoS, scalability and manageability. Against Ethernet VLAN/MAC spoofing and attack ZXCTN 6110 filters illegal messages with “VLAN+MAC” to improve network security. The administrator adds static table item to MAC address table and binds a specific MAC address to an interface to prevent the attack based on MAC address spoofing. ZXCTN 6110 can filter illegal MAC. When the maintenance staff is aware of the possibility of the attack by the message of a MAC address, the MAC will be configured manually to illegal MAC. When the equipment receives a message, it will compare the source or destination MAC address of the message with the items in the MAC address. If the MAC is illegal MAC in the table, the message will be discarded and the source will not be notified. In addition, ZXCTN 6110 applies ACL to port. By analyzing such information as VLAN, IP address, port number and protocol number, it can automatically filter illegal messages to prevent network attack. Other measures against attack ZXCTN 6110 also supports the following check and measures against attack: 76 Source Address spoofing LAND SYN Flood (TCP SYN) ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Smurf Ping Flood (ICMP Echo) Teardrop Ping of Death 4 System structure 4.1 System hardware 4.1.1 Hardware architecture ZXCTN 6110 hardware system comprises chassis, SMC, power module, SCCU and LIC. ZXCTN 6110 size: 480mm (width) * 43.6mm (height) * 255mm (depth). Subrack Structure and slot: ZXCTN 6110 is the compact PTN equipment. Its horizontal-insertion subrack consists of SMC, insertion boards (2 slots) and air filter and chassis. The subrack structure is as shown in Figure 4-1: Figure 4-1 ZXCTN 6110 subrack structure Slot allocation ZXCTN 6110 subrack consists of SMC, insertion boards (2 slots), power board and fan, as shown in Figure 4-2. The subrack has two different versions. One version ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 77 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description (ZXCTN6110) is fanless designed and has a very low noise performance, and another one (ZXCTN6110F) with embedded fan module can work in a wide temperature range. Figure 4-2 ZXCTN 6110 subrack slot Boards ZXCTN 6110 subrack has 2 insertion board slots: 1 for power board and 1 for fan. ZXCTN 6110 has the following boards: Table 4-1 ZXCTN 6110 boards Board name SMC E1×16-75 E1×16-120 Board description System Main board E1 unbalanced 75Ω electrical tributary board E1 balanced 120Ω electrical tributary board Slot Remark Fixed slot 1, 2 1, 2 FE×4 4-port FE optical board 1, 2 PWA -48V power board Power slot Power slot is inserted PWB 110V/220V power board Power slot only with PWA or PWB. Provide GPC GPS PTP 1588 time board 1,2 multiple clock interfaces 78 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 4.1.2 Working principle of hardware system ZXCTN 6110 adopts the centralized switching structure. For ordinary service flow, after processed by physical-layer chip, packets are directly sent to the switching chip of SCCU and then to the corresponding board ports via the switching network. For some special service messages, e.g., 1588 PTP message or OAM message, before sent to the switching network, packets are pre-processed by the boards and then sent to the switching chip of SCCU for termination or forwarding. ZXCTN 6110 hardware system consists of boards and SMC. Board function involves UNI unit, Ethernet service processing module (Ethernet board), protocol processing module (E1 board) and service processing module (E1 board). SMC function involves packet switching unit, Ethernet OAM unit, Ethernet processing unit, clock unit, CPU unit, power module, auxiliary interface unit and NNI unit. It can work independent of NMS. 4.2 System boards 4.2.1 Overview Multi-service transport processing system main board SMC This section introduces SMC’s version, function, principle, panel, slot, etc. 1. Version description Table 4-2 SMC version list Board version 10 Ethernet 2M clock interface multi-service transport processing system main board 2. Board name SMC Function and feature SMC provides 2/4 GE interfaces, 6/8 FE interfaces, Qx interface, LCT interface, clock interfaces and external alarm interface, and integrates such basic functions as ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 79 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description service awareness, encapsulation, switching, clock and main control, and offers processing capability of 3Gbps. On basis of functionality, ZXCTN 6110 SMC comprises following functional units: i. CPU unit CPU unit is the control core of ZXCTN 6110, offering following functions: a) Provide Qx interface via which NM software implements NE configuration and management; b) Provide local maintenance terminal interface LCT; c) Provide RS232 system debugging port; d) Enable intercommunication of NM information between NEs; e) Send configuration command to optical interface units, tributary functional units and Ethernet interface units, and select their performance and alarms; f) Offer environment monitoring for the system; g) Support online download and upgrade of board software; h) Support board-in-position detection function; i) Support hard reset for main board and sub-board; j) Provide four external alarm input interfaces (Boolean value input); k) Provide two alarm output interfaces (on-off output); l) Provide real-time clock; m) Provide buzzer and alarm cutoff switch. ii. Packet switched unit Packet switched unit serves as the control core of ZXCTN 6110, providing following functions: 80 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description a) Provide service processing capability of up to 3G; b) Integrate MAC address functions; iii. Ethernet processing unit Ethernet processing unit has following functions: a) Provide 2/4 GE and 6/8 FE interfaces, capable of handling 10 Ethernet signals; b) GE interface employs pluggable SFP optical module, FE interface employs RJ-45 electrical interface and SFP optical module; c) Support synchronous Ethernet clock function; d) Support Jumbo frame function. When Jumbo frame is enabled, GE/FE interface supports frame size from 64 to 9k bytes; e) Agile VLAN processing mode enables to add, remove and modify VLANs, with VLAN ID able to be identified and supported by port ranging from 1 to 4094; f) Support port link aggregation function; g) Support Ethernet service model defined by MEF and ITU-T; h) Offer alarm performance detection and query of Ethernet interface; i) Offer operation status query of Ethernet interface; j) Support loopback test, making it easy for engineering application. iv. Ethernet OAM unit Descriptions for Ethernet OAM unit functions: a) Support OAM function at MPLS-TP transport layer; b) Support slow and fast OAM functions according to OAM message transmit cycle: slow OAM supports over 100ms of message transmit cycle; and fast OAM supports less than 100ms of message transmit cycle; ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 81 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description c) Support to enable/disable Ethernet OAM function for specific port; d) Provide auto-discovery of OAM protocol; e) Display the OAM discovery status of specific port; f) Support remote fault indication; g) Support link monitoring and display link event information of relevant port; h) Support MIB processing and operation; i) Provide OAM function extension for vendors. v. Clock unit Description of clock unit functions: a) Provide system clock signals and system frame head signals for all units in ZXCTN 6110; b) Perform four clock working modes: fast acquisition, normal trace, holdover and free run; c) Provide BITS interface to enable 1× external clock output interface and 1× clock input interface (2.048 Mbit/s or 2.048 MHz for option) d) Support configuring up to 10 clock sources originating from GE, FE, E1, 2 MHz/2 Mbit/s interfaces, GPS; e) Support 1588 protocol serving as system clock reference source; f) Select the timing reference of NE from effective timing sources input, and distribute the timing reference to units of NE; g) Perform protection switching for clock reference based on alarm information from all frequency reference and clock Synchronization Status Message (SSM); h) Support synchronous Ethernet networking application to synchronize all network clocks. 82 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 3. Working principle and signal flow ZXCTN 6110 SMC functional principle is as shown in Figure 4-3: Figure 4-3 4. ZXCTN 6110 SMC functional principle Panel Schematic diagram of ZXCTN 6110 main panel is as shown in Figure 4-4, descriptions of panel units are listed in Table 4-3. Figure 4-4 Table 4-3 S/N ZXCTN 6110 SMC panel ZXCTN 6110 SMC panel description Name ZTE Confidential & Proprietary Panel ID Description 83 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description S/N Name Panel ID Description (1) Press the alarm cutoff button less than 2 seconds to stop current alarm ringing when equipment alarm rings. The equipment will ring in case of occurrence of new alarm. (2) When equipment alarm rings, press the alarm cutoff button longer than 2 seconds to enter permanent alarm cutoff state. When new alarm occurs, the equipment will not ring, and board alarm 1 Alarm cutoff button indicator flashes 10 seconds in every 1 minute. If no B.OFF alarm occurs, the board alarm indicator maintains its original state. (3) After performing (2), press alarm cutoff button again to release equipment from permanent alarm cutoff state. (4) During resetting SMC, long press the alarm cutoff switch until the indicator RUNS on the right side of the alarm cutoff switch is off, and MAJ/MIN becomes always orange, enabling the SMC to enter Download state. 2 Reset button N.RST 3 alarm off to indicate that the board is in normal operation; it MAJ/MIN alarm. NE control 4 operation lights red steadily to indicate critical alarm, and it lights yellow steadily to indicate major or minor indicator processor processor. The indicator is red-yellow twin color indicator, it is NE control processor Press this button to reset SMC NE control The indicator is green. It flashes in every one RUN second to indicate that the SMC NE control processor is in normal operation. indicator The SMC provides two GE optical transmitting/receiving interfaces, with connector 5 GE optical GEn types as LC/PC. They are marked on the panel from interface (n=1, 2) left to right as “GE1” and “GE2”. GE optical interfaces employ 1000Base-SX and 1000Base-LX SFP optical modules. 84 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description S/N Name GE/FE 6 optical interface Panel ID GE/FEn (n=1, 2) 9 10 interface switch panel IDs of “GE/FE1”, “GE/FE2” from left to right. Connector type is LC/PC. Ethernet FEn switch panel IDs of “FE3”, “FE4” from left to right. optical (n=3, 4) Connector type is LC/PC. interface 8 The main board provides 2 GE/FE Ethernet optical The main board provides 2 FE optical interface Fast 7 Description BITS interface BITS interface FE interface use 100Base-FX SFP optical module Rx Tx USB Clock input interface, 1.0/2.3 bent PCB soldering (with bolt) socket (female) Clock output interface, 1.0/2.3 bent PCB soldering (with bolt) socket (female) USB access interface Connector type is RJ45. It is used to connect NM computers; there are two green indicators on left/right side under the interface. (1) The left indicator is connection indicator with 11 NM interface panel ID of “LA”. The light is always on if the Qx interface is connected correctly. (2) The right indicator is rate indicator with panel ID of “SP”. It lights to indicate the rate of 100 Mbit/s, and is off to indicate the rate of 10 Mbit/s; as the interface rate of system is forced to be 10 Mbit/s, it is always off. Local Craft 12 Terminal LCT interface Alarm 13 output 14 15 interface GPS interface ZTE Confidential & Proprietary local maintenance terminal equipments. Interface type is RJ45. It uses relay isolated output OUT interface Alarm input The interface type is RJ45. It is use for access of mode to provide two alarm outputs. The output alarm includes critical alarm and major/minor alarm. Interface type is RJ45. It supports four external IN/GPS alarms (Boolean value) to input external alarm (smog, door alarm, fire alarm, temperature) signals. GPS Interface type is RJ45. It enables access of GPS clock source. 85 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description S/N Name Panel ID Description The main board provides 4 10M/100M fast Ethernet electrical interface switch panel IDs of “FE5”, “FE6”, “FE7”, “FE8” from left to right. They are RJ45 interfaces, and each has a green indicator on the left/right side over it. Fast Ethernet 16 FEn electrical (n:5~8) interface (1) The left indicator is LINK/ACTIVE indicator. The light is always on if the interface is connected; it is off if the connection is incorrect; and it is flashing to indicate packet transmitting/receiving. (2) The right indicator is rate indicator. It lights to indicate the rate of 100 Mbit/s, and is off to indicate the rate of 10 Mbit/s. Equipment protection 17 ground It connects to the ground copper bar of cabinet or - equipment room to ensure good electric performance of the equipment. terminal Antistatic wrist strap 18 ESD It is used to connect antistatic wrist strap. jack 5. Board slot Table 4-4 ZXCTN 6110 SMC slot Equipment 6110 Slot No. Remark Fixed slot E1 electrical tributary emulation board E1×16 This section introduces E1×16’s version, function, principle, panel, slot, etc. 1. Version description In terms of function, electrical tributary board is classified into three versions: E1 non-balanced 75 Ω electrical tributary emulation board (with interface matching impedance of 75 Ω), E1 balanced 120 Ω electrical tributary emulation board (with interface matching impedance of 120 Ω) and T1 electrical tributary emulation board 86 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description (with interface matching impedance of 100 Ω). Boards of the three versions have the same operating principle and panel appearances. It is as shown in Table 4-5. Table 4-5 Correspondence of electrical tributary emulation board versions and their panel IDs Board version E1×16 electrical tributary emulation board (with interface matching impedance of 75 Ω) E1×16 electrical tributary emulation board (with interface matching impedance of 120 Ω) 2. Panel ID E1×16 E1×16 Function and feature E1×16 electrical tributary emulation board can handle 16 channels of E1 services. It can be used to extend main board services. Functions of E1 electrical tributary emulation board E1 E1×16 are described as follows: Provide sixteen E1 physical interfaces. The service operating mode of each E1 interface can be configured as CES, IMA, or ML-PPP. When E1 interface service operates in CES mode, it supports structural and non-structural TDM E1 services. As for structural services, it supports E1 framing processing and timeslot suppression functions. Support performance analysis and alarm detection for E1 signal, and report related information. Support encapsulation and de-encapsulation from CES service and IMA service to PWE3. Support self-adaptive clock recovery. All sixteen E1 tributaries support re-timing function. Support clock extraction in two E1 interfaces (1st and 2nd), and transfer the extracted timing clock to the clock module of main board. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 87 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 3. Working principle and signal flow E1 × 16 functional principles are as shown in Figure 4-5: Figure 4-5 Table 4-6 E1×16 functional principle E1×16 functional modules Unit name E1 interface module Protocol processing module Service processing module Function Perform code conversion between E1 analog signal and digital signal, clock extraction in E1 tributary, insertion of re-timing clock and elimination of jitter and attenuation. Enable encapsulation and de-encapsulation from E1 payload to ATM cell. Perform encapsulation and de-encapsulation from CES service and IMA service to PWE3. Distribute the clock required from system clock to the board, and Clock module transfer the clock extracted by E1 tributary to the main board clock module. Power module 88 Receive the power input of system backplane, and perform conversion of power required by the board. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 4. Panel E1 non-balanced 75 Ω electrical tributary emulation board and E1 balanced 120 Ω electrical tributary emulation boards have the same panels with panel ID of E1x16. E1 x 16 board panel is as shown in Figure 4-6. Its schematic is Error! Reference source not found., and the description of the panel units are as shown in Table 4-7. Figure 4-6 E1 x 16 panel Figure 4-7 E1×16 panel schematic Table 4-7 E1×16 panel description S/N 1 Name Installation hole Description It is used to fix the board at the subrack. No. 1 to No. 8 El electrical interfaces are located at the panel from left to right, interface socket type is 50 2 E1 electrical interface pin bent PCB soldering socket (female); each E1 (from No.1 to No. 8) signal occupies four pins, which are defined orderly as Rx+, Tx+, Rx-, Tx-, where, R represents receive, T represents transmit, x takes values of 1, 2, 3...8. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 89 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description S/N Name Description “RUN” is green indicator indicating board running Board operating 3 status indicator (RUN, ALM) status. It flashes periodically (1 time per second) to indicate that the board is in normal operation; “ALM” is red indicator board alarm. It is always off to indicate that the board is in normal operation, and it lights steadily to indicate board alarm. No. 9 to No. 16 El electrical interfaces are located at the panel from left to right, interface socket type is 50 4 E1 electrical interface pin bent PCB soldering socket (female); each E1 (No. 9 to No. 16) signal occupies four pins, which are defined orderly as Rx+, Tx+, Rx-, Tx-, where, R represents receive, T represents transmit, x takes values of 9, 10, 11…16. 5. Board slot Table 4-8 ZXCTN 6110 E1×16 slot Equipment Slot No. 6110 Remark 1, 2 Fast Ethernet interface board FE×4 This section introduces FE×4 version, function, principle, panel, slot, etc. 1. Version description Table 4-9 Version Description of FE × 4 Ethernet tributary board Board version FE x 4 optical-interface Ethernet board 2. Panel ID FE x 4 Function and feature Fast Ethernet interface board FE×4 can handle four channels of Ethernet services. It can be used to extend main board services. Functions of Fast Ethernet interface board FE × 4 are described as follows: 90 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Provide 4 FE optical Ethernet interfaces and deal with 4 Ethernet signal. Pluggable SFP optical module. Support synchronous Ethernet clock function. Support Jumbo frame function. When Jumbo frame is enabled, supports frame size from 64 to 9k bytes. Agile VLAN processing mode enables to add, remove and modify VLANs, with VLAN ID able to be identified and supported by port ranging from 1 to 4094; 3. Support Ethernet service models defined by MEF and ITU-T; Offer operation status query of Ethernet interface; Support loopback test, making it easy for engineering application Panel FEx4 panel is as shown in . Figure 4-8 4. FEx4 panel Board slot Table 4-10 ZXCTN 6110 FEx4 Board slot Equipment FE×4 Slot No. Remark 1, 2 GPC board This section introduces GPC (GPS PTP Clock) version, function, principle, panel, slot, etc. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 91 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 1. Version description Table 4-11 GPC board description Board version Panel ID GPS PTP Clock board 2. GPC Function and feature Provide 1 port GPS antenna interface which can be directly connected to GPS antenna feed cable to achieve frequency synchronization and time synchronization. Provide 1 port 1PPS+TOD time synchronization interface, which can be configured as TTL/RS422/RS232; Provide 1 port FE used for IEEE 1588V2 packet transmitting/receiving, and distributing clock reference for other equipments. 3. Provide 1 port 2M sync output, compliant to SSU requirements. Board slot Table 4-12 CPS PTP 1588 Board slot Equipment GPS PTP 1588 Slot No. Remark 1,2 sync board 4.2.2 Power boards PWA This section introduces PWA version, function, principle, panel, slot, etc. 1. 92 Function and feature ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Power board offers the working power (i.e. the secondary power) for all boards. Power board provides DC power required by ZXCTN 6110 boards for their operation. PWA board provides A/B dual inputs, in which, A implements access of master power supply, and B implements access of slave power supply (e.g. storage battery). A and B are standby for each other. It switches hitlessly to B if A input fails (over-/under-voltage, no input); it switches to A if A recovers normal. 2. Working principle and signal flow The operating principle of PWA board is shown as follow: Figure 4-9 3. PWA working principle Panel PWA board panel is as shown in Figure 4-10, its schematic is as shown in Figure 4-11. Panel units are described in Table 4-13. Figure 4-10 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary PWA panel 93 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Figure 4-11 PWA panel schematic Table 4-13 PWA panel description S/N 1 2 3 Name Installation hole It is green indicator. It is always on to indicate that the board is power running at A input; it is off to indicate that power board Channel indicator A has no input or is in over-/under-voltage state. Channel B It is green indicator. It is always on to indicate that the board is power running at B input; it is off to indicate that power board Channel indicator B has no input or is in over-/under-voltage state. power socket Channel A 5 DC power socket 6 Power switch Board working 7 status indicator (RUN, ALM) 94 It is used to fix the power board in subrack. Channel A Channel B 4 Description It is used to access slave external power (e.g. storage battery). The interface type is Type D 3-pin bent PCB power soldering socket (pin-hole-pin), socket signals are defined as -48 VGND, PGND, -48 V from left to right. It is used to access master external power. The interface type is Type D 3-pin bent PCB power soldering socket (pin-hole-pin), socket signals are defined as -48 VGND, PGND, -48 V from left to right. Switch on secondary power output when the power switch is switched to “I”, and switch off secondary power output when the power switch is switched to “O”. “RUN” is green indicator indicating board running status. It is always on to indicate that the board is in normal operation; “ALM” is red indicator board alarm. It is always off to indicate that the board is in normal operation, and it is always off to indicate board alarm. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 4. Board slot Table 4-14 ZXCTN 6110 PWA slot Equipment 6110 Slot No. Remark Power board slot PWB This section introduces PWB version, function, principle, panel, slot, etc. 1. Function and feature Power board (PWB) offers the working power (i.e. the secondary power) for all boards. Power module provides DC power required by ZXCTN 6110 boards for their operation. ZXCTN 6110 provides AC power module PWB to adapt to different power supply environment. It is applicable to primary power of AC 110 V/220 V. The allowable fluctuation range of input voltage is 90 V AC~290 V AC. Note: 1. When input voltage is larger than 300V AC, the board initiates power protection to disable start of the equipment. 2. Use of PWB necessitates configuring additional AC stabilized power (UPS), and a Class B lightning arrestor with nominal discharge current of 60 kA . PWB indices comply with IEC 60950:1999, EN 60950:2000 and GB 4943:2001 standards. 2. Working principle and signal flow The operating principle of PWB board is shown in Figure 4-12. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 95 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Figure 4-12 3. PWB working principle Panel PWB board panel is shown in . Panel units are described in Table 4-15. Figure 4-13 Table 4-15 PWB panel PWB panel description S/N Name 1 Installation hole 2 AC power socket Description It is used to fix the power board in subrack. It is used to access 110/220 V power. The interface type is Type D 3-pin socket. Switch on secondary power output when the power 3 Power switch switch is switched to “I”, and switch off secondary power output when the power switch is switched to “O”. “RUN” is green indicator indicating board running Board working 4 status indicator (RUN, ALM) status. It is always on to indicate that the board is in normal operation; “ALM” is red indicator board alarm. It is always off to indicate that the board is in normal operation, and it is always off to indicate board alarm. 4. 96 Board slot ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Table 4-16 ZXCTN 6110 PWB slot Equipment 6110 4.3 Slot No. Remark Power board slot Software architecture ZXCTN 6110 system software structure comprises three planes which are management plane, control plane and data plane. Board software runs on various planes based on functions, and implements management and control of boards, NEs and the whole network. ZXCTN 6110 software is designed with a hierarchical architecture as shown in Figure 4-14. Each layer performs specific functions and serves its upper layer. Figure 4-14 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary Software architecture 97 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 4.3.1 EMS software The EMS software NetNumen U31 is used to manage and monitor ZXCTN 6110 NEs. It provides the functions of configuration management, fault management, performance management, maintenance management, end-to-end circuit management, security management, system management and report management. The following figure illustrates the architecture of NetNumen U31 EMS software. Figure 4-15 1. EMS software architecture Manager Also called “Server”, Manager acts as the service of GUI. It exchanges information with Agent via Qx interface. Manager provides the following fucntions: Receive requests from GUI, analyze the requests and forward related information to Agent or just send the information to Database. Receive processed information from the Database, analyze the information and forward it to GUI Receive information from Agent, analyze the information and then forward it to Database or GUI. 2. GUI Also called “Client”, GUI has following functions: 98 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Provide graphic user interface for users. Provide service management, interface performance for configuration management, management, security fault management, maintenance management, system management and online help. Support user security control. 3. Database Database is mainly responsible for the query of information of interface and management functional modules, saving configuration and alarm information, and processing of data consistency. 4.3.2 Communication protocols and interfaces Interfaces in the software system of ZXCTN 6110 and corresponding communication protocols used by them are introduced in Table 4-17. Table 4-17 ZXCTN 6110 software system interface description Name Description S interface S interface is the communication interface between the Agent on the NE control processor board and other boards, it communicate via HDLC bus. Qx interface Qx interface is the interface between Agent and Manager, that is, the interface between the NE control processor board and the computer where the EMS server is running. As to ZXCTN 6110, it is located on the system interface board. It complies with TCP/IP, ITU-T Q.811 and ITU-T Q.812. f interface f interface is the interface between Agent and a Local Craft Terminal (LCT). It is an Ethernet interface compliant with TCP/IP. ECC interface ECC interface is the communication interface between NEs. It complies with TCP/IP. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 99 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 4.3.3 Brief introduction to ZXROS platform ZXCTN 6110 leverages on ZXROS (Router Operation System) platform to offer varieties service functions and performances required by metro Ethernet switch. Its software architecture as shown in Figure 4-16. Figure 4-16 Software architecture Diagnosis and debugging Alarm log VPWS VPLS ACL QOS Monitoring and maintenance S NMP PBB - TE MPLS - TP Routing tunnel IP VPN Equipment management Remote logon IPTV ETHoTDM TDMoE File management Command line MAC ZESR System management System service Cluster management VLAN L2L3 multicast Business & service Operation system support platform Hardware & drive Function of each component is described as below: Hardware & drive: provide software drive for main control board, line card, backplane, fan and power supply; Operation system support platform: provide real-time operation system. It is the core of ZXCTN 6000 software architecture; it downwards is responsible for managing the hardware architecture of the whole routing switch, and uPWArds provides a unified running platform for the applications of the software system; it features high reliability, real-time, self-healing ability, maintainability and encapsulation; System management: provide file management, equipment management (power supply fan module), monitoring & maintenance and diagnosis & debugging, ensuring the equipment in reliable operation state; 100 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description System service: provide command line CLI, remote logon (telnet and ssh), SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) and alarm log; diversified system service offerings ease equipment operation and maintenance; Business and service: provide varieties of Ethernet-based business and services, which include VLAN, MAC, ZESR, L2/L3 multicast, cluster management, L3 routing and tunnel, IPTV, TDMoE, MPLS-TP, L2 VPN (VPWS&VPLS), L3 VPN (IP VPN), ACL and QOS data services. ZXROS is a multi-task and fully distributed real-time network operation system. It provides unified IP protocol support to all ZTE equipments. With mature and stable architecture, ZXROS has been widely deployed by various operators in recent years. Current ZXROS platform is enhancement and extension to original platform. It bases on customers’ service demands, whilst considering the requirements more on user operation & maintenance cost, service scalability and application, as listed below: Good encapsulation Support multiple operation systems, and smooth upgrade of these operation systems. All product configurations are in consistent style, easing operation & maintenance for users. Strong monitoring function Monitor exceptions of proceeding, memory. Monitor power supply operating/exceptions, fan rpm/failure, voltage, current and environment temperature. Provide fast fault localization; fully ensure the high stability of product version. Agile modular assembly mode All ZXROS-based software functions are easy to scale or remove, and help speed development of new functions based on original architecture. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 101 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Enable flexible customization on users demand and quick response to customers’ requirements. Extension of new carrier Ethernet services based on unified platform. Support MPLS-TP, flexibly implement various connection modes like E-LINE, E-LAN, E-TREE, and enable safe and agile deployment of multi-branch network. Support L2/L3 VPN and H-VPLS to address the requirement for hierarchical deployment of services. Support multicast function within VPN, implement fast deployment of VPN via unified NM, and enable rapid delivery of multicast services such as user video, IPTV. Support IEEE 1588 v2 and synchronous Ethernet clock modes, handling the stringent requirements of mobile network for service latency and jitter. Good interoperability, comply with protocols and standards listed below: 1. L2 protocol and standard: L2 protocol and standard IEEE 802.1d Bridging IEEE802.1x Port Based Network Access EEE 802.1s IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation Multple Spanning Tree IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree IEEE 802.3ag Service Layer OAM IEEE 802.1Q VLAN tagging IEEE 802.3ah 9216 bytes jumbo frame forward on IEEE 802.1ab LLDP(Link Layer Discovery Ethernet and pos interface Protocol) IEEE 802.1ad VLAN stacking, Select QinQ, VLAN translate Provider Backbone B IGMP v1/v2 snooping/proxy IEEE 802.3 10BaseT IEEE 802.3ae 10Gpbs Ethernet IEEE802.3ah Ethernet OAM IEEE 802.3x Flow Control IEEE 802.3 100BaseT IEEE 802.3z 1000BaseSX/LX IEEE 802.3u 100BaseTx IEEE ESRP Ethernet smart Ring Protocol ZESS ZTE Ethernet smart switch 802.3ae 10Gbps Ethernet IEEE 802.1p VLAN Priority 2. 102 TCP/IP protocol and standard: ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description TCP protocol and standard RFC 768 UDP RFC 791 IP RFC 792 ICMP RFC 793 TCP RFC 826 ARP RFC 854 Telnet RFC 951 BootP RFC 1350 TFTP RFC 1812 Requirements for IPv4 RFC 1519 CIDR Routers RFC 2328 TFTP Blocksize Option RFC 2347 TFTP option Extension RFC2349TFTPTimeoutIntervaland RFC 2401 Security Architecture for TransferSize option Internet Protocol draft-ietf-bfd-mib-00.txt Bidirectional Forwarding Detection Management Information Base draft-ietf-bfd-base-02.txt Bidirectional Forwarding Detection draft-ietf-bfd-v4v6-1hop-02.txt BFD IPv4 and IPv6(Single Hop) 3. RIP protocol and standard: RIP protocol and standard RFC 1058 RIP Version1 RFC 2453 RIP Version2 RFC 2082 RIP-2 MD5 Authentication 4. OSPF protocol and standard: OSPF protocol and standard RFC 1765 OSPF Database Overflow RFC 2328 OSPF Version 2 RFC 2370 Opaque LSA Support RFC 2740 OSPF for RFC 3101 OSPF NSSA Option IPv6(OSPFv3) RFC 3137 OSPF Stub Router Advertisement RFC 3623 Graceful OSPF Restart–GR helper 5. BGP protocol and standard: BGP protocol and standard RFC 1397 BGP Default Route RFC 1772 Application of BGP in the Advertisement Internet RFC 1965 Confederations for BGP RFC 1997 BGP Attribute Communities ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 103 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description BGP protocol and standard RFC 2385 Protection of BGP Sessions via MD5 RFC 2439 BGP Route-Flap Dampening RFC 2547bis BGP/MPLS VPNs RFC 2796 BGP Route Reflection draft-ietf-idr-rfc2796bis-02.txt draft-ietf-idr-rfc2858bis-09.txt RFC 2918 Route Refresh Capability for BGP4 RFC 3065 Confederations for BGP RFC 3392 Capabilities Advertisement draft-ietf-idr-rfc3065bis-05.txt with BGP4 RFC 4271 BGP-4 (previously RFC 1771) RFC 4364 BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) RFC 4360 BGP Extended Communities Attribute RFC 2547bis BGP/MPLS VPNs RFC 4724 Graceful Restart Mechanism RFC 4760 Multi-protocol Extensions for for BGP–GR helper BGP RFC 4203 for Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG) sub-TLV 6. ISIS standard: ISIS standard RFC 1142 OSI IS-IS Intra-domain Routing RFC 1195 Use of OSI Protocol (ISO 10589) routing in TCP/IP&dual environments RFC 2763 Dynamic Hostname Exchange for IS-IS RFC 3373 Three-Way Handshake for Intermediate System to Inter-mediate System (IS-IS) Point-to-Point Adjacencies RFC 3567 Intermediate System to Intermediate System(IS-IS) IS-IS for RFC 2973 IS-IS Mesh Groups RFC 2966 Domain-wide Prefix Distribution with Two-Level IS-IS Cryptographic Authentication RFC 3719 recommendations for RFC 3784 Intermediate System to Interoperable Networks using IS-IS Intermediate System(IS-IS) Extensions for Traffic RFC 3787 Recommendations for Engineering (TE) Interoperable IP Networks RFC 3847 Restart Signaling for IS-IS–GR RFC 4205 for Shared Risk Link Group helper (SRLG) TLV draft-ietf-isis-igp-p2p-over-lan-05.txt 104 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 7. VRRP standard: VRRP standard RFC 2787 Definitions of Managed RFC 3768 Virtual Router Redundancy Objects for the Virtual Router Protocol Redundancy Protocol 8. LDP standard: LDP standard RFC 3036 LDP Specification draft-jork-ldp-igp-sync-03 RFC 3478 Graceful Restart Mechanism for RFC 3037 LDP Applicability 9. LDP–GR helper IPV6 standard IPV6 standard RFC 1981 Path MTU Discovery for IPv6 RFC 2460 Internet Protocol Version 6(IPv6) Specification RFC 2462 IPv6 Stateless Address Auto configuration RFC 2375 IPv6 Multicast Address Assignments RFC 2461 Neighbor Discovery for IPv6 RFC 2463 Internet Control Message Protocol(ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6 Specification RFC 2464 Transmission of IPv6 Packets RFC 2529 Transmission of IPv6 over IPv4 over Ethernet Networks Domains without Explicit Tunnels RFC 2545 Use of BGP-4 Multi-protocol RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery Extension for IPv6 Inter-Domain Routing (MLD) for IPv6 RFC 2740 OSPF for IPv6 RFC 3315 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 RFC 3590 Source Address Selection for the Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) Protocol RFC 3306 Unicast-Prefix-based IPv6 Multicast Addresses RFC 3587 IPv6 Global Unicast Address Format RFC 3810 Multicast Listener Discovery Version 2 (MLDv2) for IPv6 RFC 4007 IPv6 Scoped Address RFC 4193 Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Architecture Addresses ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 105 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description IPV6 standard RFC 4291 IPv6 Addressing Architecture RFC 4659 BGP-MPLS IP Virtual Private Network(VPN) Extension for IPv6 VPN RFC 5072 IP Version 6 over PPP 10. Multicast standard: Multicast standard RFC 1112 Host Extensions for IP RFC 2236 Internet Group Man-agement Multicasting(Snooping) Protocol RFC 2362 Protocol Independent RFC 3376Internet Group Management Multicast-Sparse Mode(PIM-SM) Protocol Version3 RFC 3446 Anycast Rendezvous Point(RP) mechanism using Protocol Independent Multicast(PIM) and RFC 3618 Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) Multicast Source Discovery Protocol(MSDP) RFC 4601 Protocol Independent RFC 4604 Using IGMPv3 and MLDv2 for Multicast-Sparse Mode(PIM-SM) Source-Specific Multicast RFC 4607 Source-Specific Multicast for RFC 4608 Source-Specific Protocol IP Independent Multicast in 232/8 RFC 4610 Anycast-RP Using Protocol Independent Multicast(PIM) draft-rosen-vpn-mcast-08.txt draft-ietf-pim-sm-bsr-06.txt draft-ietf-mboned-msdp-mib-01.txt 11. MPLS standard: MPLS standard RFC 3031 MPLS Architecture RFC 3032 MPLS Label Stack RFC 4182 Removing a Restriction on the RFC 4379 Detecting Multi-Protocol Label use of MPLS Explicit NULL Switched (MPLS) Data Plane Failures 12. RSVP-TE standard: RSVP-TE standard 106 RFC 2430 A Provider Architecture RFC 3209 Extensions to RSVP for DiffServ&TE Tunnels RFC 2747 RSVP Cryptographic RFC 3097 RSVP Authentication Authentication Cryptographic ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description RSVP-TE standard RFC 2702 Requirements for Traffic RFC 4090 Fast reroute Extensions to Engineering over MPLS RSVP-TE for LSP Tunnels 13. Differentiated Services standard: Differentiated Services standard RFC 2474 Definition of the DS Field the IPv4 and IPv6 Headers(Rev) RFC 2598 An Expedited Forwarding PHB RFC 2597 Assured Forwarding PHB RFC 3140 Per-Hop Behavior Group (rev3260) Identification Codes 14. PPP standard: PPP standard RFC 1332 PPP IPCP RFC 1377 PPP OSINLCP RFC 1662 PPP in HDLC-like Framing RFC 1638/2878 PPP BCP RFC 1661 PPP RFC 1989 PPP Link Quality Monitoring RFC 1990 The PPP Multilink RFC 2516 A Method for Transmitting Protocol(MP) PPP Over Ethernet RFC 2615 PPP over SONET/SDH 15. ATM standard: ATM standard RFC 2514 Definitions of Textual Conventions and OBJECT_IDENTI-TIES for ATM Management RFC 2515 Definition of Managed Objects for ATM Management ITU-T Recommendation I.610– B-ISDN ITU-T Recommendation I.432.1–BISDN Operation and Maintenance Principles and user-network interface–Physical layer Functions version 11/95 specification: General characteristics GR-1248-CORE-Generic Requirements for Operations of ATM Network Elements(NEs),Issue 3 AF-TM-0121.000 Traffic Management Specification Version 4.1 RFC 1626 Default IP MTU for use over RFC2684 Multi-Protocol Encapsulation ATM AAL5 over ATM Adaptation Layer 5 GR-1113-CORE-Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) and ATM Adaptation AF-ILMI-0065.000 Integrated Local Layer(AAL) Protocols Generic Management Interface(ILMI) Version4.0 equirements,IssuE1 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 107 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description ATM standard AF-TM-0150.00 Addendum to Traffic Management v4.1 optional minimum desired cell rate indication for UBR 16. DHCP standard: DHCP standard RFC 2131 DynamicHost-Configuration RFC 3046DHCP Relay Agent Protocol(REV) Information Option(Option 82) 17. VPLS standard: VPLS standard RFC 4762 Virtual Private LAN Services Using LDP(previously draft-ietf-l2vpn-vpls-mcast-reqts-04.txt draft-ietf-l2vpn-vpls-ldp-08.txt) 18. PW standard: PW standard RFC 3985 Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge(PWE3) RFC 3916 Requirements for PWE3 RFC 4447 Pseudowire Setup and Maintenance Using LDP(draft-ietf-pwe3-control-protocol-17.txt) Edge-to-Edge(PWE3) Control Word for Use over an MPLS PSN RFC 4446 IANA Allocations for PWE3 RFC 4448 Encapsulation Methods for Transport of Ethernet over MPLS Networks(draft-ietf-pwe3-ethernet-enca p-11.txt) RFC 4619 Encapsulation Methods for RFC 4717 Encapsulation Methods for Transport of Frame Relay over MPLS Transport ATM over MPLS Networks Networks(draft-ietf-pwe3-frame-relay-07.txt) (draft-ietf-pwe3-atm-encap-10.txt) RFC 4816 PWE3 ATM Transparent Cell RFC 5085,Pseudowire Virtual Circuit Transport Connectivity Verification (VCCV):A Service(draft-ietf-pwe3-cell-transport-04.txt) Control Channel for Pseudowires draft-ietf-l2vpn-vpws-iw-oam-02.txt draft-ietf-pwe3-oam-msg-map-05-txt draft-ietf-l2vpn-arp-mediation-04.txt draft-ietf-pwe3-ms-pw-arch-02.txt draft-ietf-pwe3-segme nted-pw-05.txt 108 RFC 4385 Pseudo Wire Emulation draft-hart-pwe3-segmented-pw-vccv-0 2.txt ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description PW standard RFC 4385 Pseudo Wire Emulation RFC 3985 Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge-to-Edge(PWE3) Control Word for Edge-to-Edge(PWE3) Use over an MPLS PSN draft-muley-dutta-pwe3-redundancy-bit-02.t xt MFA Forum 9.0.0 The Use of Virtual trunks for ATM/MPLS Control Plane draft-muley-pwe3-redundancy-02.txt MFA Forum 12.0.0 Multiservice Interworking–Ethernet over MPLS Interworking MFA Forum 13.0.0–Fault Management for MFA Forum 16.0.0–Multiservice Multiservice Interworking v1.0 Interworking–IP over MPLS 19. NM standard: NM standard ITU-T M.3000, Overview of TMN recommendations ITU-T M.3016, TMN security overview ITU-T M.3100 Generic Network Information Model ITU-T M.3200, TMN management services and telecommunications managed areas: overview ITU-T M.3400, TMN Management Function ITU-T M.3010, PrincIPles for a Telecommunications management network ITU-T M.3020, TMN Interface Specification Methodology ITU-T M.3101, Managed Object Conformance Statements for the Generic Network Information Model ITU-T M.3300, TMN F interface requirements ITU-T Temporary Document 69 (IP Experts): Revised draft document on IP access network architecture ITU-T X.701-X.709, Systems ITU-T X.710-X.719, Management Management framework and architecture Communication Service and Protocol ITU-T X.720-X.729, Structure of ITU-T X.730-X.799, Management Management Information functions RFC1157, Simple Network Management Protocol ZTE Confidential & Proprietary RFC1213, Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP based internets: MIB-II 109 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description NM standard RFC1902, Structure of Management RFC1901, Introduction to Information for Version 2 of the Simple Community-based SNMPv2 Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) RFC1903, Textual Conventions for RFC1905, Protocol Operations for Version 2 of the Simple Network Version 2 of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) Management Protocol (SNMPv2) RFC2037, Entity MIB using SMIv2 RFC2233, The Interface Group MIB using SMIv2 RFC1558, A String Representation of RFC1558, A String Representation of LDAP Search Filters LDAP Search Filters RFC1777, Lightweight Directory Access RFC1778, The String Representation of Protocol Standard Attribute Syntaxes RFC1959, An LDAP URL Format RFC2251, Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3) RFC1493, Definitions of Managed GB901, A Service management Business Objects for Bridges Process Model GB909,Generic Requirements for GB910,Telecom Operations Map Telecommunications Management Building Blocks RFC1757, Remote Network Monitoring GB908,Network Management Detailed Management Information Base Operations Map RFC1757, Remote Network Monitoring Management Information Base 110 GB914,System Integration Map GB917, SLA Management Handbook NMF038, Bandwidth Management V1.5 Ensemble V1.0 TMF508, Connection and Service TMF801, Plug and Play Service Management Information Model Business Fulfillment Phase 2 Validation Agreement Specification V1.0 TMF605, Connection and Service NMF037, Sub-System Alarm Management Information Model Surveillance Ensemble V1.0 TMF053, NGOSS Architecture TMF053A, NGOSS Architecture Technology Neutral Specification V1.5 Technology Neutral Specification V1.5 TMF053B, NGOSS Architecture TMF821, IP VPN Management Interface Technology Neutral Specification V1.5 Implementation Specification V1.5 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description NM standard TMF816, B2B Managed Service for DSL Interface Implementation Specification V1.5 Interworking Between CORBA and TMN System Specification V1.0 YD/T 852-1996 TMN General Design YD/T 871-1996 TMN Generic Information Principle model YD/T XXXX-2001 General Technical YD/T XXXX-2001 IP Network Technical Requirements of Broadband Metro Requirements – Network Performance Network Indexes and Availability YD/T XXXX-2000 IP Network Technical YDN 075-1998 China Public Multimedia Requirements – General Network Telecommunication Network Structure Management Specifications YDN 075-1998 China Public Multimedia Telecommunication Network Management Specifications RFC 1215 A Convention for Defining Traps for use with the SNMP RFC 1657 BGP4-MIB RFC 1724 RIPv2-MIB RFC 1850 OSPF-MIB RFC 1907 SNMPv2-MIB RFC 2096 IP-FORWARD-MIB RFC 2011 IP-MIB RFC 2012 TCP-MIB RFC 2013 UDP-MIB RFC 2138 RADIUS RFC 2206 RSVP-MIB RFC 2452 IPv6 Management Information Base for the Transmission Control Protocol RFC 2987 VRRP-MIB RFC 2454 IPv6 Management Information Base for the User Datagram Protocol RFC 3014 NOTIFICATION-LOGMIB RFC 3019 IP Version 6 Management Information Base for The Multicast RFC 3164 Syslog Listener Discovery Protocol draft-ietf-disman-alarm-mib-04.txt draft-ietf-ospf-mib-update-04.txt draft-ietf-isis-wg-mib-05.txt draft-ietf-mpls-lsr-mib-06.txt draft-ietf-mpls-te-mib-04.txt draft-ietf-mpls-ldp-mib-07.txt ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 111 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 5 Technical indices and specifications 5.1 Physical performance Table 5-1 Equipment physical performance list Attribute Description Equipment physical Subrack mm (width × height × depth) 480mm*43.6mm*225mm Weight <2.5kg Total slot number 3 Service slot (SMC+1/2 subcard) 3 dimensions Parameters Slot number Power supply condition (AC) Power supply condition (DC) Power supply Maximal power consumption in full configuration 50Hz -48V +/-20% <45W Maximum Current 1.2A fuse 2A Operating environment temperature -5°C ~+50°C Storage environment temperature -40°C ~+70°C Environment Relative humidity 5%~95%, non-congealing requirements Noise <55dB Earthquake-resistance Equipment reliability Heat dissipation 112 (110~240V) +/-10%, Resist earthquake of magnitude 9 MTBF >543636.33hours MTTR <0.5 hours Reliability ≥99.999% Redundancy backup for power Redundancy backup for supply power supply(DC 1:1) Heat load with full capacity (BTU/h) 102.4 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 5.2 Interface indices Table 5-2 E1 interface electric performance Electric performance Index Nominal rate 2.048Mbit/s Code pattern HDB3 (High Density Bipolar 3 code) Allowable attenuation of input interface (attenuation in square root pattern) 0dB~6dB, 1024kHz Allowable frequency deviation of input interface >±50ppm Bit rate error tolerance of output interface <±50ppm Compliant with the Table 1/Figure 1 Output interface jitter in ITU-T G823 Compliant with the template Output signal waveform specified in ITU-T G.703 Anti-interference capability of input interface (S/N) Input jitter and wander tolerance 18dB Compliant with the Figure 13 in ITU-T G823 Compliant with Chapter 9.3 of Reflection attenuation ITU-T G.703 Table 5-3 10/100Base-TX interface electric performance Type Performance Standard compliance IEEE 802.3z Nominal rate 10/100Mbit/s Pattern 10Mbit/s Manchester Encoding 100Mbit/s MLT-3 Encoding Interface Maximum transmission distance Transmission medium ZTE Confidential & Proprietary RJ45 100m Use CAT 5 unshielded twisted pair (UTP) 113 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Table 5-4 GE interface Optical interface performance Type Performance Nominal rate Interface type Connector type Fiber type wavelength(n m) 1000 Mbit/s 1000BASE 1000BASE- 1000BASE 1000BASE- 1000BASE -SX LX -LH ZX -EZX (0.5km) (10km) (40km) (80km) (800km) LC LC LC LC LC multimode single mode single single mode single fiber fiber mode fiber fiber mode fiber 850 1310 1310 1550 1550 -9.5~-4 -9~-3 -4~5 0~5 0~5 ≤-17 ≤-20 ≤-22 ≤-22 ≤-30 Transmitting power range(dBm) receiving sensitivity(dB m) Table 5-5 BITS clock interface performance Type Output waveform and parameters Physical and Input interface electrical reflection characteristics attenuation Performance 2048kbit/s, compliant with the ITU-T G.703 Figure 15; 2048kHz, compliant with Figure 20/G.703 Compliant with the ITU-T G.703 Allowable attenuation of input 0dB~6dB,1024kHz interface Wander in locked mode Clock performance Frequency accuracy Compliant with the ITU-T G.813 Wander in holdover state 114 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Type Performance Jitter tolerance Wander tolerance Output jitter Noise transfer characteristics Pull-in, hold-in, and pull-out range Short-term phase transient response 5.3 System Function List 5.3.1 Service Parameters Table 5-6 List of Service Parameter Attribute L2 Functions MAC address table size 16K MAC address learning speed 1500/s MAC address filtering 1K VLAN number 4094 LAG group 8 L2 multicast table 512 L2 multicast member number 8k L2 multicast add-in and time L3 Functions ZTE Confidential & Proprietary Description leave-off 50ms, 10ms MSTP entity number 16 ARP table 1K ARP learning speed 200/s IPv4 host routing table 4K Static route number 128 L3 interface table 32 115 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Attribute OSPF neighbor per node 8 OSPF area number per node 4 Maximum external route imported by OSPF QoS VPN Performance 1k IS-IS neighbor per node 8 BGP neighbor number per node 8 VRRP group number 128 Speed control granularity 64K Traffic classification number 2K Queue number 8/port CAR entity >512 Traffic performance statistics 512 METER under traffic policing 1K Maximum abrupt packet size ≥2Mbyte Minimum device forwarding latency ≤20us Ingress ACL item 1K Egress ACL item 128 MPLS label range 16~1048575 VPWS 128 VPLS entity number 64 VPLS MAC 16K LSP number 1K PW number 1K LDP neighbor number 8 LDP LSP number 1K RSVP-TE LSP number 1K Ethernet OAM entity number 32/128 BFD link number 128 MPLS-TP OAM entity number (TMC/TMP/TMS) MPLS-TP linear protection group 116 Description TMP: 128/1K TMC: 128/1K TMS: 8/8 64 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Attribute Description IMA E1 protocol processing (E1 number, IMA group number and 32/16/16 member number) ML-PPP E1 protocol processing (ML-PPP group and member 16/16 number) Compensation for the latency of the member in ML-PPP virtual cascading ≥40ms group 5.3.2 NM telnet user number 4 Performance Command operating log buffer 50K L2 Feature Table 5-7 L2 Feature Attribute VLAN Description Support port-based VLAN Support VLAN translation (1:1, 1:2, 2:1 and 2:2) Support MAC address learning and aging Support static MAC address setting Support MAC address add, deletion, display, search MAC and count Support MAC address number restriction Support MAC address attack protection Support SVL address learning L2 Feature Support broadcasting packet suppression Support multicast packet suppression Storm suppression Support unknown packet suppression Support unknown unicast/multicast discard Support unknown unicast/multicast broadcast Support unknown unicast/multicast designating forwarding port ARP ZTE Confidential & Proprietary Support configuration of static ARP Support dynamic ARP learning 117 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Attribute Description Support dynamic ARP entry aging Support STP, RSTP and MSTP STP Shut down spanning tree protocol on the basis of port and entity Support ingress mirroring, egress mirroring and CPU Port mirroring Support port traffic control service 5.3.3 L3 Feature Table 5-8 L3 Feature Attribute Description Support VLAN L3 interface Support ML-PPP-based L3 interface L3 interface Support VCG-based L3 interface Support L3 interface based upon GRE tunnel Support L3 interface based upon Qx port Support L3 interface based upon DCC tunnel Support ARP protocol Support ICMP protocol Support UDP protocol L3 feature Support TCP protocol Support VRRP protocol Protocol and service Support GRE protocol Support IP FRR Support IPv4 unicast route forwarding Support static route Support OSPF routing protocol Support IS-IS routing protocol Support BGP routing protocol Support ECMP 118 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 5.3.4 QoS Feature Table 5-9 QOS Feature Attribute Description Traffic Support physical-port traffic classification classification Support Message relabeling ACL-based traffic classification Support 802.1priority, IP Precedence, IP DSCP, IP TOS, MPLS EXP relabeling Support dual-layer label mapping Support inward port CAR Support flow-based CAR Traffic policing Support ingress/egress traffic policing. Support two token buckets. Support QoS feature the relabeling after traffic policing Support flow-based bandwidth control Congestion Support WRED control Support CAC Support Tail Drop Each port supports at least 8 priority queues. Each Queue queue supports the minimum/maximum bandwidth scheduling management. Support WRR, SP scheduling Traffic shaping 5.3.5 Support outward port-based shaping Support outward queue-based shaping Service Management Table 5-10 Service Management Attribute Service management ZTE Confidential & Proprietary Description Support AAA authentication 119 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 5.3.6 Reliability Table 5-11 Reliability Object Under Protection MPLS Protection Type Linear protection Linear protection MPLS-TP Ring protection STM-1 interface dual-homing Dual-homing protection protection GE interface dual-homing protection Dual-node interconnection protection Ring and linear superposition Protection Mode (Spanning Tree Protocol) protection Ethernet link Time 1:1 Tunnel protection < 50ms FRR < 50ms 1+1 Tunnel protection < 50ms 1:1 Tunnel protection < 50ms 1+1 PW protection < 50ms 1:1 PW protection < 50ms Wrapping protection < 50ms Steering protection < 50ms 1:1/1+1, return/non-return 1:1/1+1, return/non-return / < 50ms < 50ms < 50ms SSTP(Simple STP) STP Protection protection RSTP(Rapid STP) protection MSTP (Multi STP) protection 15-18s < 250ms < 250ms Intra-board Ethernet port LAG protection LAG protection Inter-board Ethernet port < 200ms LAG protection E1 (PDH) link IMA E1 protection ML-PPP E1 120 Intra-board E1 port IMA group protection Load sharing, intra-board < 200ms < 50ms ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Object Under Protection Type Protection protection Protection Mode Protection Time E1 port MLPPP protection group 5.3.7 Clock Synchronization Table 5-12 Clock Synchronization Attribute Description Support port-based clock recovery Support entire clock dispatch Synchronous Support clock extraction (line, external 2Mbit/s Ethernet clock, GPS clock) Support SSM processing service Support SyncE over MW Clock Support protocol-based clock recovery synchronization Support clock transparent transmission Support precise time synchronization IEEE 1588 Support multiple sessions Support BMC algorithm Support 1588v2 over MW Impulse phase synchronization 5.3.8 Support 1PPS impulse interface Tunnel Feature Table 5-13 Tunnel Feature Attribute Description PWE3 circuit SupportE1 and Ethernet FE/GE interface PWE3 PWE3 emulation circuit emulation. feature TDM circuit Support self-adaptive clock recovery timeslot Support E1 retiming ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 121 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Attribute Description Support MPLS-TP tunnel MPLS-TP tunnel Support 1+1 and 1:1 linear protection Support 1+1 and 1:1 SNC linear protection Support steering/swapping ring protection Support APS switchover 5.3.9 Security Feature Table 5-14 Security Feature Attribute Description Support anti-DOS attack Support anti-BPDU attack Support CPU protection Support ARP attack Support IPv4 uRPF Support hierarchical command protection Support malformed message and error message protection Support anti-IP fragment Anti-attack Support anti-LAND attack protection Support anti-SMURF attack Security Support anti-SYN FLOOD attack feature Support anti-PING FLOOD attack Support anti-Teardrop attack Support anti-Ping of Death attack Support RFC2267 interface filtration Support unidirectional session control Support Packet header logging Support Session hi jacking Support anti-fake source IP address attack Support protocol priority processing switch service CPU security Support protocol packet protection service protection Support upstreaming CPU message matching filtration service 122 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Attribute Description Support data log monitoring Advanced Support broadcasting storm automatic suppression security Support control/signaling MD3 encryption and feature authentication Support DPI, FIREWALL, 5.3.10 Operation and Maintenance Table 5-15 Operation and Maintenance Attribute Description Support command line service Support hierarchical management authority Support password aging and confirmation service Support console management service Support user access service management service Support SSH, TELNET, WEB, SNMP and SSL remote access service. Support multiple sorts of alarm (audio and light alarm platform) Operation Operation and Support unified network management and maintenance Support CLI to support hierarchical network maintenance management service Support user access control service Support configuration storage recovery service Support operation log record service Support alarm log management service Support basic MIB service Support traffic statistics service Support Ping Support Trace Cluster management ZTE Confidential & Proprietary LLDP 123 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Attribute Description Support MPLS-TP OAM Support Ethernet link OAM OAM Support Ethernet OAM Support MPLS OAM 5.4 Weight and power consumption of Boards Table 5-16 Weight and power consumption of Boards Board 5.5 Weight (kg) Power Consumption (W) SMC 0.5 17 E1TE x 16 0.2 6.6 GE x 1 0.3 6.0 FE x 4 0.3 6.0 GPC 0.3 6.0 PWA 0.3 5.7 PWB 0.4 9.3 Subrack 2.5 — Reliability index of component Reliability of spare components is shown as follows: Table 5-17 Reliability index of component FIT/ λ(10-9/h) Component 124 MTBF(h) MTTR(h) SMC 1806.49 553559.67 0.5 PWA 253.5 3944773.2 0.5 E1TE 1004 996015.94 0.5 FE x 4 864.3 1157005.7 0.5 GE x 1 823.1 1214919.2 0.5 PWB 211.1 4735182 0.5 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Component GPC 6 FIT/ λ(10-9/h) 219.07 MTBF(h) 4564750.9 MTTR(h) 0.5 Integrated networking application of the products 6.1 ZXCTN’s application in mobile backhaul network Figure 6-1 ZXCTN backhaul solution ZXCTN Backhaul bearing solution is applicable to the evolving mobile network. The solution takes universal packet switching as the core, targets multi-service support and highly efficient transport, fully addressing the bearing requirements in backhaul. The solution is described as following: Backhaul network mainly comprises access and aggregation layers. The nodes can be configured according to different capacities of 6000 and 9000 series. Ring-centric networking is recommended as it helps operators save fiber link resources. Dual-homing networking can be adopted based on requirements. In LTE stage, the network becomes flat and service bandwidth between base stations increases, WDM-based logic MESH networking can be used as a result. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 125 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description ZXCTN can emulate a wide variety of end-to-end services like TDM E1/IMA E1/ML-PPP E1/FE/GE of 2G/3G/LTE in the Backhaul network via PWE3, supports highly efficient statistic multiplexing feature, fits ideally for carrying 2G/3G hybrid applications and high bandwidth services in mid-to-late stage of 3G, and ensures smooth evolution of network. Backhaul services feature high ARPU. ZXCTN provides sub-50ms carrier-class network protection, with IMA, LAG protections available for the base station side; it is recommended to use end-to-end-based MPLS-TP1+1, 1:1 and ring protection in the network; at the connection point of network egress with RNC, if it firstly connects with CE router, it can configure VRRP protection; furthermore, IPTN provides redundancy backup for critical components, offers end-to-end and hierarchical OAM, ensuring high reliability for backhaul services. It deploys end-to-end QoS by means of classification of service, priority label, queue scheduling and TE techniques, accommodating various transport requirements (jitter, wander) of different classes of services in Backhaul. ZTE’s synchronous Ethernet and IEEE1588V2 clock synchronization technologies completely tackle the problem of end-to-end clock synchronization in Backhaul network. The highly scalable system unified platform supports diversified technologies such as IP MPLS/MPLS-TP/GMPLS, H-VPLS/VPWS/L3 VPN, adapts to the latest development of technologies and standards, help operators reduce the risk in technology selection, enables upgrade on services’ demand and keeps pace with network evolution. Designed with large capacity and high level of integration, IPTN saves equipment room space, effectively increase the equipment capacity of volume unit, and allows operators to cut the cost in leasing equipment room. Feature the industry’s lowest power consumption among competitive products. IPTN is a power-saving and eco-friendly product, boosting green telecom network builds for operators. 126 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 6.2 ZXCTN’s application in Metro-E As the new generation multi-service bearing equipment, CMPP has SDH-like QoS guarantee and OAM capability, as well as packet equipment’s statistic multiplexing feature. It allows operators to use different technologies flexibly based on different requirements of various services in metro network, thus implementing real unified carriage and greatly driving down the TCO of carrier networks. Figure 6-2 ZXCTN’s application in metro network The approach is described as following: ZXCTN offer varieties of interfaces to carry HIS, IPTV, VoIP, and key account VPN services via the same platform. Use of ZESR (ESRP+) ring protection, ZESS link protection, MPLS-TE FRR, MPLS-TP linear and ring protection technologies to achieve sub-50ms carrier-class network protection. Use of traffic classification, priority label, queue scheduling, H-QoS and TE technologies to deploy end-to-end QoS, handling the transport requirements of various services in metro network. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 127 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Support end-to-end QoS, ensuring the transport requirements of various services under Metro-E scenario. 7 Operation and maintenance 7.1 Unified NM platform ZXCTN 6110 employs NetNumen U31 to perform unified management and monitoring for all NEs, offering configuration management, fault management, performance management, Maintenance management, ETE circuit management, security management, system management and report management functions. NetNumen U31 is the network management system based on distributed and plug-in design, serving as the unified management platform for all ZTE optical transmission series. With multiple network management techniques, the system is designed and developed in line with ITU-T TMN concept, enabling management and control of NE and regional network on basis of ensuring transmission equipment functions. It offers robust NE management function, end-to-end management function and flexible networking capability. 7.2 Maintenance and management 7.2.1 Equipment management Support maintenance and management interface running in command line, and perform NE management and configuration. Support console management. Common user or privileged user logs in to the console to configure NE parameters and monitor the running state. Support remote access via SSH. Support remote access via SSH V1/V2, and allow NM server to communicate with the equipment. 128 Support Telnet management. ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description The equipment allows up to four Telnet users to log in to NE for configuration management; Support ACL access control of Telnet access users. Support SNMP protocol. Enable query of NE parameter setting and running state via GET/SET operations in SNMP protocol; Support ACL access control of SNMP access users. Provide NM interface management. Enable access of NE via this interface to implement NE management and configuration. Provide FTP/Telnet interface. The equipment has FTP/Telnet server and client functions. 7.2.2 NE communication management. Intercommunication of in-band management control information; Intercommunication of out-of-band management control information; Network management interoperability; Routing and forwarding of NM information; Unified NM function. Supervision and maintenance ZXCTN 6150 can perform equipment monitoring, management and maintenance via multiple options, enable the equipment to perform corresponding exception handling in case of the occurrence of various exceptions, and offer user with all running parameters during equipment operation. Offer four external alarm input/output interfaces, to ease equipment operation and maintenance ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 129 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Running, alarm state indicators are available at power supply, fan, main control and all service boards, helping network administrator localize and handle failures in time Support automatic online optical power detection and automatic shutdown of laser for optical interface The system monitors the software running state, and performs line card restart or master-slave switching of main control board in case of the equipment's normal operation affected by the occurrence of exceptions Command line offers agile online help for network management Support online backup and loading of database, restore system configuration based on database Provide hierarchical user authority management and hierarchical command Support query of operation log, enable trace back of maintenance operations to localize fault reason and demarcate the liability of fault; Support packet loading and remote loading of board and host software, and provide mis-loading prevention and segmented download functions. 7.2.3 Diagnosis and debugging ZXCTN 6000 provides multiple diagnosis and debug measures, allowing users to have a wider variety of methods and acquire more debug information during equipment debug. Ping and TraceRoute: check whether network connection is reachable; record the transmission route of packet online, serving as reference for fault localization. Debugging: provide rich debug commands targeting each software feature, each debug command supports multiple debug parameters under flexible control. Debug command can be used to output in details the processing, message transmitting/receiving and error checking information during running of the feature. Mirror function: support port-based mirror function, the messages from input, output or both directions of observed interface are copied intact to the observing interface. 130 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 7.2.4 Software upgrade ZXCTN 6150 supports local or remote FTP online upgrade. Main control board can be upgrade with main control unit redundant protection to avoid disconnecting services during upgrade. When upgrading other boards (in addition to main control board) with redundant protection, the services will not be disconnected typically, or the disconnection time is less than 50ms. Support mis-loading prevention for software, rollback when upgrade fails, and the reversible upgrade process. 8 Environment indices 8.1 Storage 8.1.1 Climate environment The climate requirements for equipment storage are described in Table 8-1. Table 8-1 Requirements for climate (storage environment) Item Index Altitude ≤5000 m Air pressure 70 kPa ~ 106kPa Temperature -40°C ~+70°C Temperature variance ratio ≤1°C /min Relative humidity 10% ~ 100% Solar radiation ≤1120 W/s2 Heat radiation ≤600 W/s2 Wind speed ≤20 m/s ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 131 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description 8.1.2 Water-proof requirement Storage requirements for on-site equipments: keep the equipments indoor. There must be no water on the storage room floor, so that the water will not leak on the packing container of the equipment. Furthermore, the storage position should be far away from the leaking places of the firefighting equipment and heating system. If the equipment has to be stored outside, the requirements are listed as follows: Ensure that the packing of the equipment is in good condition without any damages. Rainwater-proof measures should be taken, so that the rainwater can not damage the pack of the equipment. Ensure no water in the storage place, so that the packing container of the equipment will not be leaked. Keep the packing container out of direct sunlight. 8.2 Transportation 8.2.1 Climate environment The climate requirements for equipment transportation are described in Table 8-2. Table 8-2 Requirements for climate (transportation environment) Item 132 Index Altitude ≤5000 m Air pressure 70 kPa ~ 106kPa Temperature -50°C ~ +70°C Temperature variance ratio ≤1°C /min Relative humidity 10% ~ 100% Solar radiation ≤1120 W/s2 Heat radiation ≤600 W/s2 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Item Wind speed 8.2.2 Index ≤20 m/s Water-proof requirements Storage requirements for equipments transportation : keep the equipments indoor. There must be no water on the floor during the transportation so that the water will not leak on the packing container of the equipment. Furthermore, the storage position should be far away from the leaking places of the firefighting equipment and heating system. If the equipment has to be stored outdoor, requirements are listed as follows: Ensure that the packing of the equipment is in good condition without any damages. Rainwater-proof transportation tools should be provided, so that the rainwater can not damage the pack of the equipment. 8.3 Ensure that no water in transportation tools. Running The environment temperature and relative humidity requirements for equipment running are described inTable 8-3, other climate environment requirements are described inTable 8-4. Table 8-3 Temperature and humidity requirements (running environment) Item Environment temperature Relative humidity ZTE Confidential & Proprietary Long term running Short term running Specifications ZXCTN6110 -10°C ~+45°C ZXCTN6110F -10°C ~+50°C ZXCTN6110 -10°C ~+50°C ZXCTN6110F -10°C ~+55°C Long term running 10%~90% Short term running 5%~95% 133 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Note: temperature and humidity are measured 1.5m above the floor and 0.4m in front of the equipment. Short term running means that the equipment works continuously for no more than 96 hours and works for no more than 15 days in one year. Table 8-4 Other climate environment requirements (running environment) Item 8.4 Index Altitude ≤5000 m Air pressure 70 kPa ~ 106kPa Temperature variance ratio ≤30°C /h Solar radiation ≤700 W/s2 Heat radiation ≤600 W/s2 Wind speed ≤5 m /s Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) EMC include anti-interference and interference. 8.4.1 Criteria The following four criteria for test results should be determined before describing the requirements for electromagnetic compatibility, as shown in the following table. Table 8-5 Criteria for test results Criteria Description Digital signal port: The equipment runs normally in the test. The bit error quantity does not exceed the maximum limit of the normal requirement after every electromagnetic interference (The Performance A maximum is 0 here). Analog audio signal port: The connection is always normal in the test. The noise signal of the test equipment (EUT), measured with 600Ω impedance, does not exceed -40 dBm. 134 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Criteria Description Digital signal port: The electromagnetic interference temporarily lowers the functions of the equipment which will automatically return to normal after the interference disappears. There is no Performance B frame loss, synchronization loss and alarm between interferences. Analog audio signal port: The connection is always normal, but the disconnection is allowed in the surge test. The test equipment (EUT) will return to normal after the interference disappears. The electromagnetic interference temporarily lowers the functions Performance C of the equipment which will return to normal automatically or manually after the interference disappears. The equipment has no loss or fault (e.g., software damage and wrong operation of protection equipment), and runs properly in the Performance R defined range after Transient EMC phenomenon disappears. The interference may affect the fuse or other defined equipment. The fuse can be replaced or the equipment can be reset before normal operation. 8.4.2 Anti-interference 1. Electronic Static Discharge (ESD) immunity ESD immunity index is shown in the following table. Table 8-6 ESD immunity Contact discharge Air discharge Criterion for test results 6 kV 8 kV Performance B 8 kV 15 kV Performance R Note: It is compliant with IEC61000-4-2 and GB/T 17626.2-1998. 2. RF electromagnetic field radiation immunity (RS) RF electromagnetic field radiation immunity index is shown in the following table. Table 8-7 RF electromagnetic field radiation immunity Resistance Test frequency 80 MHz ~2 GHz ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 135 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Test frequency 80 MHz ~2 GHz Electric field intensity Amplitude modulation Criterion for test results 10 V/m 80%AM (1 kHz) Performance A Note: It is compliant with IEC61000-4-3, GB/T 17626.3-1998, 73/23/EEC and 89/336/EEC. 3. Electric Fast Transient (EFT) immunity i. DC port immunity (direct coupling) DC port immunity is shown in the following table. Table 8-8 DC port immunity Generator waveform 5 ns/50 ns Test voltage ±1 kV Repetition Criterion for test frequency results 5 kHz Performance B Note: It is compliant with IEC61000-4-4 and GB/T 17626.4-1998. AC port immunity (direct coupling) ii. Table 8-9 AC port immunity index is shown inTable 8-9 . AC port immunity Generator waveform 5 ns/50 ns Test voltage ±2 kV Repetition Criterion for test frequency results 5 kHz Performance B Note: It is compliant with IEC61000-4-4 and GB/T 17626.4-1998. iii. Signal line and control line port immunity (using capacitor coupling pliers) Signal line and control line port immunity index is shown in following table 136 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Table 8-10 Signal line and control line port immunity Generator Test voltage waveform 5 ns/50 ns ±1 kV Repetition Criterion for test frequency results 5 kHz Performance B Note: It is compliant with IEC61000-4-4 and GB/T 17626.4-1998. 4. Lightning surge immunity DC lightning surge immunity index is shown in the following table. Table 8-11 DC lightning surge immunity Generator waveform:1.2 μs/50 μs (8 μs/20 μs) Internal Test mode resistance Test voltage Criterion for test results Line-to-line 2Ω ±1 kV Performance B Line-to-ground 12 Ω ±2 kV Performance B Note: It is compliant with IEC61000-4-5 and GB/T 17626.5-1998. AC lightning surge immunity index is shown as follow: Table 8-12 AC lightning surge immunity Generator waveform:1.2 μs/50 μs (8 μs/20 μs) Test mode Internal resistance Test voltage Criterion for test results Line-to-line 2Ω ±4 kV Performance B Line-to-ground 12 Ω ±6 kV Performance B Note: It is compliant with IEC61000-4-5 and GB/T 17626.5-1998. Outdoor signal line surge immunity index is shown in following table. Table 8-13 Outdoor signal line surge immunity Generator waveform:10 μs/700 μs ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 137 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Generator waveform:10 μs/700 μs Internal Test mode resistance Line-to-ground 40 Ω Test voltage Criterion for test results ±2 kV Performance B Signal line (>10m) surge immunity index is shown in the following table. Table 8-14 Signal line (>10m) surge immunity Generator waveform:1.2 μs/50 μs (8 μs/20 μs) Internal Test mode resistance Line-to-ground 5. 42 Ω Test voltage Criterion for test results ±1 kV Performance B RF field conductivity immunity (CS) RF field conductivity immunity index is shown in following table. Table 8-15 RF field conductivity immunity Test frequency: 0.15 MHz~80 MHz Test intensity Amplitude modulation Criterion for test results 3V 80%AM (1 kHz) Performance A Note: It is compliant with IEC61000-4-6 and GB/T 17626.6-1998. 6. Transient voltage dip and short interruption immunity AC transient voltage dip and short interruption immunity index are shown in the following table. Table 8-16 AC transient voltage dip and short interruption immunity Voltage reduction rate 138 Duration (ms) Criterion for test results >95% 50 Performance B 30% 500 Performance C >95% 5000 Performance C ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Note: The index is only applied to AC power supply (PWB board). It is compliant with IEC61000-4-11 and GB/T 17626.11-1999. DC transient voltage dip and short interruption immunity index are shown in following table. Table 8-17 DC transient voltage dip and short interruption immunity Index Voltage variation rate 70% Voltage dip 40% Duration (ms) Additional Criterion for condition test results 0.01 - Performance B 1 - Performance C 0.01 - Performance B 1 - Performance C 0.001 High Performance B impendence 0 (Trial 5 generator Performance C outputs the impedance) Short interruption 0.001 High Performance B impendence 0 (Trial 5 generator Performance C outputs the impedance) Voltage variation 80% 120% 0.1 - Performance A 10 - Performance A 0.1 - Performance A 10 - Performance A Note: The index is only applied to DC power supply (PWA board). It is compliant with IEC61000-4-11 and GB/T 17626.11-1999. 7. Voltage fluctuation and flicker immunity AC port voltage fluctuation immunity index is shown as follow: ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 139 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Table 8-18 AC port voltage fluctuation immunity Voltage reduction rate 8.4.3 Duration (ms) Criterion for test results 95% 10 Performance B 30% 500 Performance C 95% 5000 Performance C Interference The interference consists of conducted emission and radiated emission. The indexes are compliant with CISPR 22 and GB 9254 Class A. 1. Conducted emission DC/AC port conducted emission index is shown in the following table. Table 8-19 DC/AC port conducted emission Voltage limit value (dBμV) Test frequency (MHz) Quasi-peak value Average value 0.15~0.50 79 66 0.50~30.00 73 60 Ethernet/E1 port conducted emission index is shown in the following table. Table 8-20 Ethernet/E1 port conducted emission Voltage limit value (dBμV) Test frequency (MHz) Quasi-peak value Average value 0.15~0.50 97~87 84~74 0.50~30.00 87 74 20. Radiated emission Radiated emission strength index is shown in following table. 140 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Table 8-21 Radiated emission strength Quasi-peak limit value (dBμV/m) Test frequency (MHz) 9 Test distance 10m Test distance 3m 30~230 40 50 230~1000 47 57 Abbreviation Abbreviation Full name ACL Access Control List AG Access Gateway APC Automatic Power Control APS Automatic Protect Switch ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit ARPU Average Revenue Per User ATCA Advanced Telecom Computing Architecture ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode BCB Backbone Core Bridge BEB Backbone Edge Bridge, BFD Bidirectional BGP Border Gateway Protocol B-MAC Backbone MAC BPDU Bridge PDU CAC Connection Access Control CAM Content-addressable Memory CAN Controller-area Network CAPEX Capital Expenditures CDN Content Distribution Network CDR Call Detail Record CE Carrier Ethernet CESoPSN Circuit Emulation Services over PSN CMS Center Media Server ZTE Confidential & Proprietary Forwarding Detection 141 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Abbreviation 142 Full name CV Connectivity Verification DoS Denial of Service DPI Deep Packet Inspection DVMRP Distance vector Multicast Routing Protocol EAPS Ethernet Automatic ECMP Equal Cost of Multi-path E-LAN Ethernet LAN E-LINE Ethernet EMS Edge Media Server ESRP Ethernet standby Routing Protocol E-TREE Ethernet TREE FDDI Fiber Distributed Digital Interface FFD Fast Failure Detection FR Frame-relay Protocol FRR Fast Reroute GFP General Format Protocol GPS Global Position System GR Graceful restart HDLC High Level H-VPLS Hierarchical Virtual Private Lan Servie IAD Integrated Access Device ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol IGMP Internet Group IMA Inverse Multiplexing for ATM IPMS Intelligent Platform Message sub-system IPMC Intelligent Platform Message control IPOE IP over Ethernet IPS Intrusion Detection Systems IPMB Intelligent Platform Message Bus ISIS Intermediate System-Intermediate System LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol Protection Switching LINE Data Link Control Management Protocol ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Abbreviation Full name LIC Line Interface Card LPC Line Process Card LSP Label Switch Path MCE Multi-instance Customer Edge MPLS Multi-Protocol Label Swtiching MSG Media Service Gateway MSTP Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol MTU Maximum Transmission Unit MVR Multicast VLAN Registration NE Network Element NGN Next Generation Network OAM Operations Administration and Maintenance OPEX Operation Expense OSPF Open Shortest Path First PIM Protocol Independent Multicast PIM-DM Protocol Independent Multicast-Dense Mode PIM-SM Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse PIM-SSM Protocol Independent Multicast-Source Specific Multicast PMD Physical Medium Dependent POS Packet over SDH PPP Point to Point Protocol PPPoE PPP over Ethernet PRV Preview PSN Packet Switch Network PUPSPV Per User Per Service Per VLAN PVLAN Private VLAN PW Pseudo-wire PWE3 PW Emulation End to End RED Random Early Detection RIP Routing Information Protocol RNC Radio Network Controller ZTE Confidential & Proprietary Mode 143 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Abbreviation 144 Full name ROS Routing Operation System RP Rendezvous Point RPR Resilient Packet Ring RSTP Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol SAToP Structure-Agnostic TDM over PSN SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy SLA Service Level Agreement SMS Service Management System SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol SSM Source Specific Multicast STP Spanning Tree Protocol SyncE Synchronization Ethernet SVLAN Select VLAN TCO Total Cost of Ownership TCP Transport Control Protocol TDM Time Division Multiplex and Multiplexer TL1 Transaction Language 1 TM Traffic Manager UDP User Datagram Protocol URPF Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding VLL Virtual Leased Line VOIP Voice over IP VPLS Virtual Private LAN Service VPN Virtual Private Network VPWS Virtual Private Wire Service VRF Virtual Routing and Forwarding VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol WRED Weighted Random Early Detection WFQ Weighted Fair Queuing ZESR ZTE Ethernet Smart Ring ZESS ZTE Ethernet Smart Switching ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description Abbreviation Full name ZGMP ZTE Group Management Protocol ZGMS ZTE General Multicast System ZTP ZTE Topology Discovery Protocol 10 Standards and recommendations 10.1 IETF RFC 1661 Point-to-Point Protocol RFC 1990 PPP Multilink Protocol RFC 2475 Architecture for Differentiated Services RFC 2686 Multi-Class Extension to Multi-Link PPP RFC 2858 Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4 RFC 2974 Session Announcement Protocol RFC 2961 RSVP Refresh Overhead Reduction Extensions RFC 3086 Definition of Differentiated Services Per Domain Behaviors and Rules for their Specification RFC 3246 An Expedited Forwarding PHB (Per-Hop Behavior) RFC 3247 Supplemental Information for the New Definition of the EF PHB (Expedited Forwarding Per-Hop Behavior) RFC 3260 New Terminology and Clarifications for Diffserv RFC 3916 PWE3 requirements ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 145 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description RFC 3965 PWE3 structure RFC 4026 Provider Provisioned Virtual Private Network (VPN) Terminology RFC 4127 Russian Dolls Bandwidth Constrains Model for Diffserv-aware MPLS Traffic Engineering. RFC 4446 IANA Allocations for PWE3 RFC 4448 Encapsulation of Ethernet over MPLS RFC 4553 Structure-Agnostic TDM over Packet RFC 4664 L2VPN structure RFC 4665 L2VPN requirements RFC 4717 Encapsulation for ATM over MPLS RFC 4816 ATM Transparent Cell Transport Service RFC 4950 ICMP Extensions for Multiprotocol Label Switching RFC 5086 Structure-aware TDM Circuit Emulation Service over Packet Switched Network (CESoPSN) 10.2 ITU-T G.703 Physical/electrical characteristics of hierarchical digital interfaces G.704 Synchronous frame structures used at 1544, 6312, 2048, 8448 and 44 736 kbit/s hierarchical levels G.706 Frame alignment and cyclic redundancy check (CRC) procedures relating to basic frame structures defined in Recommendation G.704 G.707 Network Node Interface for the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) (V2003) 146 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description G.774 Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) - Management Information Model G.774.01 Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) performance monitoring for the network element view G.774.02 Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) configuration of the payload structure for the network element view G.774.03 Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) management of multiplex-section protection for the network element view G.774.05 Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) management of connection supervision functionality (HCS/LCS) for the network element view G.774.06 Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) unidirectional performance monitoring for the network element view G.774.07 Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) management of lower order path trace and interface labeling for the network element view G.7041 Generic framing procedure (GFP) G.7042 Link capacity adjustment scheme (LCAS) for virtual concatenated signals G.780 Terms and definitions for SDH networks G.783 Characteristics of SDH equipment functional blocks G.784 Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) management G.803 Architecture of transport networks based on the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) G.805 Generic functional architecture of transport networks G.810 Definitions and terminology for synchronization networks G.811 Timing characteristics of primary reference clocks ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 147 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description G.812 Timing requirements of slave clocks suitable for use as node clocks in synchronization networks G.813 Timing characteristics of SDH equipment slave clocks (SEC) G.823 Control of Jitter and Wander within Digital Networks Which Are Based on the 2048 KBIT/S Hierarchy Series G.824 Control of Jitter and Wander within Digital Networks Which are Based on the 1544 kbit/s Hierarchy G.825 The control of jitter and wander within digital networks which are based on the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) G.826 Error performance parameters and objectives for international, constant bit rate digital paths at or above the primary rate G.831 Management capabilities of transport networks based on the synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) G.832 Transport of SDH elements on PDH networks - Frame and multiplexing structures G.841 Types and characteristics of SDH network protection architectures G.842 Interworking of SDH network protection architectures G.957 Optical interfaces for equipments and systems relating to the synchronous digital hierarchy G.958 Digital line systems based on the synchronous digital hierarchy for use on optical fiber cables G.8101 G.8110.1 148 Terms and Definitions for Transport MPLS Architecture of Transport MPLS (T-MPLS) Layer Network G.8112 Interfaces for the Transport MPLS (T-MPLS) Hierarchy G.8113 Requirements for OAM function in T-MPLS based networks ZTE Confidential & Proprietary ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description G.8114 Mechanism for OAM function in T-MPLS based networks G.8121 Characteristics of T-MPLS equipment functional blocks G.8131 T-MPLS Linear Protection Switching G.8132 T-MPLS shared protection ring I.361 B-ISDN ATM layer specification K.41 Resistibility of internal interfaces of telecommunication centers to surge overvoltage M.20 Maintenance principle of telecommunications network M.2100 Performance limits for bringing-into-service and maintenance of international PDH paths, sections and transmission systems M.2101 Performance limits for bringing-into-service and maintenance of international SDH paths and multiplex sections M.2120 International multi-operator paths, sections and transmission systems fault detection and localization procedures M.3010 Principles for a Telecommunications management network M.3400 TMN management functions Q.811 Lower layer protocol profiles for the Q3 and X interfaces Q.812 Upper layer protocol profiles for the Q3 and X interfaces Y.1413 TDM-MPLS network interworking - User plane interworking Y.1731 OAM functions and mechanisms for Ethernet based networks I.432.2 B-ISDN user-network interface -155520kbit/s and 622080kbit/s physical layer specification I.432.3 B-ISDN user-network interface -1544kbit/s and 2048kbit/s physical layer specification ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 149 ZXCTN 6110 V2.0 Product Description I.761 10.3 Inverse multiplexing for ATM (IMA) IEEE IEEE 802.3 Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) Access Method and Physical IEEE 802.1ad Virtual bridged local area networks IEEE 802.1ag Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks - Connectivity Fault Management IEEE 802.3ah Media Access Control (MAC) Parameters, Physical Layers and Management Parameters for Subscriber Access Networks 10.4 MEF MEF 4 Metro network structure frame part 1 - Generic frame MEF 6 Metro Ethernet service definition stage 1 MEF 8 PDH circuit emulation service transport specification over Metro Ethernet 150 MEF 10.1 Ethernet service attributes stage 2 MEF 11 UNI requirement and frame ZTE Confidential & Proprietary