2014 Fall Edition - Tennessee Association of Professional Surveyors
FA L L 2 0 1 4 T H E O F F I C I A L P U B L I C AT I O N O F T H E T E N N E S S E E A S S O C I AT I O N O F P R O F E S S I O N A L S U R V E Y O R S YOU ARE THE EXPERT… SPREAD THE WORD Inside This Issue TENNESSEE ASSOCIATION OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS FALL 2014 Tennessee Association of Professional Surveyors 607 W. Due West Avenue, Suite 96 Madison, TN 37115 615-860-9311 Fax: 615-860-7177 E-mail [email protected] www.taps-inc.com THE TENNESSEE SURVEYOR is published four times a year: January, April, July and October, by the Tennessee Association of Professional Surveyors (TAPS). Opinions expressed by individual authors are not necessarily endorsed by the officers or Board of TAPS or the editors of this publication. Articles may be reprinted with due credit given to the author unless otherwise indicated at the beginning or end of the article. ADDRESS CHANGES AND GENERAL BUSINESS All notification for editorial matters, changes of address, membership inquiries and general TAPS business correspondence should be directed to Lori Medley, Executive Secretary, at the above address. CONTRIBUTIONS OF MATERIAL The Tennessee Surveyor welcomes contributions of articles and comments for publication. The editors would appreciate submittals to be typewritten, double spaced, and preferably only seven paragraphs long (each paragraph should have a maximum of five or six sentences). The editors of The Tennessee Surveyor reserve the right to edit (after author notification) each article. DEADLINES Advertising and article copy deadlines are December 15, March 15, June 15 and September 15. From the President...........................................................................................................................................................3 Outgoing President’s Report: State of the Association........................................................................................5 Top Gun Award................................................................................................................................................................5 Coming Events..................................................................................................................................................................5 2014/2015 TAPS Board of Directors.........................................................................................................................7 TAPS 47th Annual Conference and Exhibition.................................................................................................... 10 New Members............................................................................................................................................................... 10 Surveyors Historical Society Rendezvous 2014: A Report.............................................................................. 12 ETSU Surveying and Mapping Science Welcomes New Dean Dr. Dennis Depew.................................. 14 Advertisers Crow Friedman Group................................................................................................................................................ 15 Earl Dudley, Inc..................................................................................................................................................................4 Hayes Instrument Co.................................................................................................................................................... 13 Holman’s USA................................................................................................................................................................. 11 Niles Surveying Co., Inc..................................................................................................................................................5 Precision Products....................................................................................................................................................... 8, 9 That CAD Girl...................................................................................................................................................................6 Business Members Crow Friedman Group........................................................................................................................ 800-595-6526 Holmans USA.......................................................................................................................................... 505-550-8928 Precision Products................................................................................................................................. 502-572-7747 Smart Vent............................................................................................................................................... 877-441-8368 Trimble..................................................................................................................................................... 303-635-8419 More information available at www.taps-inc.com Business Member link 2014 Executive Committee President President-Elect VP/Conference Chair 2015 Secretary/Treasurer Past President Andrew Stokes - Clarksburg Jimmy Cleveland - Brighton Aaron Sams - Strawberry Plains Brennon Garrett - Gatlinburg Jimmy Cleveland - Brighton [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] ADVERTISING POLICY Ads should be camera-ready, black and white POSITIVE PRINT required—ad enclosed in a boxed line with line included in dimensions. 1/4 page - 5” x 3 1/2” - $80 per issue 1/2 page - 5” x 7 1/2” - $120 per issue Full page - 11” x 7 1/2” $200 per issue Stay Informed! Check out the latest reports on TAPS website at www.taps-inc.com. Business Card - $25 per issue The Tennessee Association of Professional Surveyors (TAPS) is dedicated to preserve and promote the education and advancement of the profession. 2 From the President BY ANDREW STOKES W hat’s your favorite automobile? Are you a Ford or a Chevy past few months, I have seen at least person? Do you prefer Dodge or one of those foreign a few short videos prepared by uninmodels? Which brand of equipment do you trust? Do you like formed people trying to advise their Sokkia or Nikon or Topcon? When you sit down at the restaurant, viewers on methods to avoid a survey. would you prefer a Coca-Cola product or Pepsi? These prodI believe it is time that we organize an ucts and many others, too many to mention, are all vying for your effort to combat this message with a preference and your dollars. They each have unique qualities that campaign of positive and informative messages to demonstrate suit your needs, but they also spend incredible amounts of money the benefits of a survey and cause the public to see the truth. trying to get your attention and draw you in as a customer. There are many technical and legislative issues that TAPS con We, as professional surveyors, are not marketing a product tinues to handle to protect our profession and encourage the best but a very skilled and very beneficial service to the public. While of our members. I am not asking that we take any focus away from our airwaves are flooded with commercials urging the public to these tasks. The work of our organization is varied and important buy the latest product or upgrade to the latest device, I spend a at every level. I am only asking that we pledge as a group to dedgood portion of my week on the phone icate as much time as possible to reach explaining the benefits of a good surout to the public and improve our image. We, as professional surveyors, vey and defending the expense as a I am thankful to be a part of our organizaare not marketing a product worthwhile investment. We work in an tion and honored to be allowed to serve ancient profession and our commodity this year in the position of President. I but a very skilled and very is of the highest benefit to the public. am grateful for all the hard work and We all have limited resources of money beneficial service to the public. dedication that has been given to our and time, but we can’t afford to miss an profession in past years. That hard work opportunity to work on our public image and dedication continues to be given at and show that we provide a service that should be desired rather present and is certain to continue by the next generation of prothan avoided. A great deal of progress has been made over the fessionals becoming active in local chapters and our state board. years to prove our worth. There have been a number of successes There is not a finer group of professionals in all the 50 states. I am that we can be proud of for our profession. However, I am conproud to be a Tennessee surveyor and I am ready for everyone on cerned that there are still too many groups and individuals trying the street to know and understand why. Throughout my year of to avoid our services because of misinformation or plain old lack service, I am calling on each of you to work together to find ways of understanding. to promote our profession and reach the public with the message We don’t have the budget of Ford Motor Co., Coca-Cola or that they need a survey. It is my belief that we can see the day even Topcon for marketing. Fortunately, though, we do have each that the majority of the public will desire to have their property other. TAPS as an organization, especially with our national partprofessionally surveyed rather than passing along a “bounded by” nership with NSPS, has a unique ability to reach out to our comdescription just to avoid having to deal with one of us or pay us munities and neighbors with an informative and positive campaign what we’re worth. We all know that a survey is worth every penny. on behalf of professional surveying services. We live in a day and Let’s do all we can to convey that truth to our neighbors. time where a YouTube video can be viewed by millions of peo I am the only surveyor in my office. My time is as limited as ple without costing a dime to produce or distribute. Facebook most of yours. I know how precious every minute is and how necposts can be shared by a network of friends that can quickly touch essary every project is to the bottom line. I will do all I can with thousands of people without requiring very much time or effort my time and resources to serve our organization. If there’s ever to prepare and distribute. These methods certainly don’t comanything I can do for you, please don’t hesitate to contact me. pare to the type of ad campaigns by the above mentioned name Together, I know we can continue the best of our traditions and brands. However, with the right talent, good timing and group move us successfully into the future. l effort of our members we can make a real impact on the feelings and thoughts of Tennessee citizens towards our profession. In the You are the expert…spread the word! 3 OUTGOING PRESIDENT’S REPORT State of the Association W BY JIMMY CLEVELAND here has the time gone? It seems like it was just yesterday that we were sitting here and were being installed as the 2013-2014 TAPS Board of Directors. This past year has proved to be a challenging one. This year’s legislative session was the busiest I have seen in my 13 years of being involved with TAPS. We as an organization have faced many issues, and I believe we are in a better position overall. As we wrap up this year and move into the next year, I would like to leave you with a few thoughts. A few of the issues last year caused much passionate debate. A great deal of time and effort went into dealing with these issues, and many things came to my attention during this year. I encourage every member of the Board of Directors to read the Constitution and By-Laws between now and the January meeting. These documents are the guidelines by which our organization operates. A working knowledge of these documents will help our Board operate efficiently. I also encourage open dialog between the Chapters, Directors at Large, and the Executive Com- mittee. With email, text messaging, etc., we can work together to inform each other and address issues that arise. I ask each of you to help remind our members that while we may have to agree to disagree on particular issues, we are all professionals, and we need to look at the good of the profession as a whole. I honestly believe that we can reach compromises, and we can accomplish more working together than we can working against one another. Serving as your president this past year has been an honor and a privilege. I have been afforded the opportunity to represent this organization in many different capacities, and I have tried my very best to do so in a professional manner. No decision I have made as president has been taken lightly, and I have tried my very best to fulfill the duties of this position to the best of my ability. I thank each and every one of you for your service and dedication to this organization. l Top Gun Award Board of Directors/Orientation Meeting Coming Events January 10, 2015 The Guest House Inn Opryland • Nashville, TN Middle East Shootout TAPS 47th Annual Conference and Exhibition March 12-14, 2015 Embassy Suites • Murfreesboro, TN Tennessee Association of Professional Surveyors is now on Facebook! "Like" us! Stephen Ward Ward Land Surveying Knoxville, TN 5 2014/2015 TAPS Board of Directors PRESIDENT Andrew Stokes PRESIDENT ELECT Jimmy Cleveland SECRETARY/TREASURER Brennon Garrett VICE PRESIDENT Aaron Sams PAST PRESIDENT Jimmy Cleveland DAL WEST Vacant DAL EAST Benny Moorman DAL MIDDLE Mike Roberts Outgoing President Jimmy Cleveland passes the gavel to Incoming President Andrew Stokes. DAL OUT OF STATE Mike Frye DIRECTORS NE Brian Bartlett Jerry Taylor DIRECTORS ME Stephen Ward Danny Worley DIRECTORS SE Scott Carter Don Vanhook DIRECTORS UC Bart Lay Mike Stump DIRECTORS SM Doug Vaught Mike Dial DIRECTORS M Jeff Clark Jackie Dillehay DIRECTORS W Brent Dean Henry Willliams DIRECTORS NW Craig Barron Bob Nichols DIRECTORS SW Lynn Spencer Jack McAdoo Swearing in of incoming board Jimmy Cleveland receives recognition for a job well done. 7 TAPS 47th Annual Conference and Exhibition T BY AARON SAMS, TAPS CONFERENCE CHAIR his upcoming year’s TAPS Conference is geared towards meet We are attempting this year to ing everyone’s expectations for an amazing conference. The have three routes or paths for the original idea for the conference is to consider everyone’s interests conference which will allow for a from historical to modern surveying topics. To accomplish this, “choose your own adventure” for we are attempting this year to have three routes or paths for the your conference. The conference will include topics which conference which will allow for a “choose your own adventure” will allow for an individual with historic surveying interests for your conference. The conference will include topics which to engage in topics related to history, while also allowing will allow for an individual with historic surveying interests to for another attendee to participate in a topic related to the engage in topics related to history, while also allowing for another future of surveying. attendee to participate in a topic related to the future of surveyThe 2015 TAPS conference will be an exciting one, where suring. TAPS takes everyone’s opinion into veyors across the state and other states consideration for topics, along with concan meet to fellowship with one another MARK YOUR CALENDARS to discuss project woes and successes. sideration for suggested improvements for the conference as a whole. TAPS is eager and excited this year “Choose Your Own Path” This 2015 TAPS conference will once to pursue every attendee’s interests in March 12-14, 2015 again be held at the luxurious Embassy contributing to the Political Action ComSuites in Murfreesboro, TN. The conmittee. This year’s PAC will once again Embassy Suites ference center for Embassy Suites has engage everyone to urge contributing to Murfreesboro, TN well accommodated TAPS and the size the PAC fund by offering a drawing for an of TAPS for a number of years now. This exceptional array of door prizes! The PAC conference hotel offers a comfortable, this past year along with the TAPS lobbyist enjoyable, and convenient place for getting all the continuing eduhas done an absolutely amazing job greasing the interworkings cation credit hours you need. of the political scene; they are to be congratulated for a job well This year’s conference will have vendors from all your favorite done. equipment providers. Vendors will have and demonstrate the We urge everyone to once again participate in attending the latest innovations in surveying equipment, software and gadgets. full conference; we will be enticing you with an exciting giveaway New robotic instruments will be available to look over and to to all the early full conference attendees. This makes for an interdemonstrate. Also, a multitude of vendors providing informaesting conference and was started about four years ago with the tion for all your business and surveying needs will be present to giveaway of a four-wheeler. This upcoming year we are going to answer any questions about products, services, insurance and change it up just a little bit by offering something different. This equipment. should be an exciting time for everyone to attend the TAPS conference, as well as getting involved with TAPS. l Welcome New Members Make A Donation Joseph Ahler Trevor Gorman Tonya Howington Dennis McClure Travis Robertson Bryan Sauceman Wes Shanks Mark Young Make check payable to the Land Surveyors PAC to the TAPS Land Surveyors Political Action Committee Spring Hill, TN Whites Creek, TN Chattanooga, TN Dandridge, TN Knoxville, TN Mt. Carmel, TN Mail to: TAPS 607 W. Due West Ave., Suite 96 Madison, TN 37115 Cookeville, TN Maryville, TN 10 Surveyors Historical Society Rendezvous 2014: A Report BY C. BARTON CRATTIE, LS, CFM, CHAIRMAN TAPS HISTORICAL COMMITTEE 1795 A treaty between the new United States and Spain was signed resolving, among other things, the boundary between the two countries. You see, Spain owned what is now Florida. President Washington appointed the rock star surveyor, Andrew Ellicott, to run the line (on behalf of the U.S.) along the 31st parallel of latitude from the Mississippi River at the west to the Atlantic Ocean at the east. the biographer of Andrew Ellicott, Dr. William Morton, MD, JD (Georgia). Dr. Morton cited little known facts garnered through his extensive travels not just in the U.S. but in many European cities conducting first source research for his upcoming book about Ellicott’s survey of the 31st parallel. The next day found the group deep in the heart of the deltas of five major rivers, the Blakely Conference Center. All were surprised when Ellicott burst into the room flailing a party member with his cane for being accused of mutiny on the survey (a true occurrence). Ellicott (Milton Denny-Alabama) then explained the hardships, both physical and emotional, while spending nearly six years away from his family. He left a pregnant wife and lost an infant child while surveying. Dr. Larry Crowley, PE (Alabama) then gave a thoughtful presentation on the nuts and bolts of running the line. Denny then returned to explain the art of finding mounds. During the course of the survey, a mound estimated to be about 10 feet in diameter and 5 feet in height was erected approximately at every mile. Denny and Crowley, through Auburn University, along with numbers of volunteers over the years, have located the remains of many of these mounds, many of the 200-year-old relics still marking boundaries between neighbors, counties and states. While out in the delta, we were all shown some southern hospitality with a spread of catfish, hushpuppies and fixings by the local Alabama surveyor’s association. Rendezvous always have the greatest food. Following Civil War and swamp tours, the group returned to the Admiral Semmes (Captain, CSS Alabama) Hotel for the annual Rendezvous Banquet, this year being a Mardi Gras affair. A fellow with a trumpet and one with a saxophone and two more, one on drums and one with a tuba, within 15 minutes had this stodgy old bunch of historians marching all over two 2014 Surveyors from across the country rendezvoused in Mobile, Alabama to study and celebrate Ellicott’s remarkable achievement of running a line some 600 miles mostly through low-lying swampy terrain constantly threatened while encroaching upon a native peoples’ private property. Mobile is a great place for a meeting, just up the road from Biloxi and casinos, yet right in the heart of purportedly the second largest and most diverse ecosystem in the country. Mobile held the first Mardi Gras, many years before New Orleans. And then, the first day of our study was aboard the WW II battleship USS Alabama in Mobile Bay, about the most unique venue for a meeting I’ve ever attended. In the Officer’s Wardroom, Mike and Ann Besch (Ohio) began by telling the story of the many flags that have flown over Mobile, beginning with the natives, then the Spanish, French, British, Confederates and finally, the United States. Each had its own surveying, title and land records systems. Bart Crattie (Tennessee) then presented a non-surveying topic but one related to local history. The Confederate ship CSS Alabama, a commerce raider, was at the center of one of the first international arbitrations that resulted in the chambers where the Geneva Convention was signed, being renamed the Salon d’Alabama. Archeologist/Surveyor Greg Spies (Alabama) spoke on colonial title and the Ellicott stone’s role in the Public Land Surveys of Alabama. Roffie Burt (Mississippi) detailed some of the more technical aspects of the Ellicott survey. The day was wrapped up with an eye-opening talk presented by continued on p. 14 12 Rendezvous, cont. from p. 12 floors of the hotel dancing and clapping hands to the strains of “Oh When the Saints Go Marchin’ In.” It’s hard to look foolish when everyone around you is playing the fool. Ellicott set only one stone (known) on the line. It still resides just north of Mobile and was used to triangulate across the extensive river deltas earlier mentioned. Traversing was out of the question. It was later used as a basis point for the Mobile meridian as part of the U.S. rectangular survey for the State of Alabama. Two busloads of folks traveled out to visit the 1799 stone, still intact, while Spies and Denny presented the specifics behind the stone’s existence. The stone, a little worse for wear having been the victim of timbering, now is enclosed within a metal decorative fence beneath an open canopy. Afterward, a small group of us traveled east and located the remains of the first mound into Florida from Alabama, near Florida’s northwest corner in a river. As usual, it was a fantastic and, in all ways, important meeting recognizing Andrew Ellicott for his monumental task completing the survey of the international boundary between Spain and the United States. Make plans next fall to travel to Bellingham, Washington. We’ll be looking at another international boundary, the one between our friends Canada and our great land. l ETSU Surveying and Mapping Science Welcomes New Dean Dr. Dennis Depew E ast Tennessee State University’s Surveying and Mapping Science Advisory Committee met recently to welcome Dr. Dennis Depew as the new dean of the College of Business and Technology. During the meeting, Depew received donations to assist the surveying and mapping program. The gifts included $5,000 from the Tennessee Surveying Education Foundation presented by Jeff Miller; $3,000 from the Virginia Surveyors Foundation offered by David Ingram; $1,000 presented by John Sehl, president of the Virginia Association of Surveyors; and $500 by Jessica Nash, president of the Western Chapter of the Virginia Association of Surveyors. Also in attendance were Curt Sumner, executive director of the National Society of Professional Surveyors, and Galyon Northcutt and Timothy Lingerfelt of the Tennessee Board of Examiners for Land Surveyors. For further information, contact Jerry Taylor, coordinator of the ETSU Surveying and Mapping Science program, at 423-439-7701 or taylorjd@ etsu.edu. l Jeff Miller and Dean Depew Contribute George Crouch/Harry Fulton/TAPS Scholarship Fund Make check payable to the Crouch/Fulton/TAPS Surveying Scholarship Fund. Note which account you want to contribute to: Endowment or Operating. Mail to ETSU, PO Box 70721, Johnson City, TN 37614 Tennessee Surveying Education Foundation, Inc. Make check payable to the Tennessee Surveying Education Foundation. Mail to Jeff Miller, Miller Land Surveying, 905 Tusculum Blvd., Greeneville, TN 37745 14 Update Your Online Company Directory Listing at www.taps-inc.com Click Link - Find a Surveyor ES S NA OC OF PROF RS TE NN L SUR VEYO ESSEE ASS ON IO TI IA Tennessee Association of Professional Surveyors PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID Nashville, TN Permit No. 3149 607 W. Due West Avenue, Suite 96 Madison, TN 37115-4420 615-860-9311 Fax: 615-860-7177 E-mail: [email protected] www.taps-inc.com 1968 Sustaining Member – National Society of Professional Surveyors www.nspsmo.org Affiliate – American Congress on Surveying and Mapping www.acsm.net Lifetime Member – Surveyors Historical Society www.surveyorshistoricalsociety.com Tennessee Board of Examiners for Land Surveyors www.state.tn/us.commerce/boards/surveyors move?ss. o t g e in plann r new addr u o y Are now you k Let us on the past year. ing ect fl re es elv rs ou d fin we , er ev an th re s the Holiday Season is upon us, mo progress possible and r ou de ma ve ha o wh e os th to y ll efu at gr rn Our thoughts tu nificant way. sig st mo a in ion at niz ga or r ou e ap sh to ed help relationship r ou es lu va rs yo ve ur S al ion ess of Pr of The Tennessee Association e year to come. and looks forward to working with you in th A , In this spirit we say, simply but sincerely support and we wish you a thank you for your as… ng…a blessed christm vi gi ks an th l fu ti un bo ar! and peaceful new ye us ro pe os pr y, th al and a he
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