Santa Clara County


Santa Clara County
May Day Labor Film Festival
Voluntary donation
@ the door (except where noted)
S a n ta C r u z, M o n t e r e y &
S a n ta C l a r a C o u n t i e s
A p r i l 24– M ay 8, 2014
w w
[email protected]
santa clara county events
T h u r s day, A p r i l 24
T h u r s day, M ay 1 International Workers’ Day
6:30 PM - San Jose City College, Theater, Drama Building
2100 Moorpark Avenue near Leland Avenue entrance
6:30 PM - San Jose City College, Student Center Community Room 204
2100 Moorpark Avenue near Leland Avenue entrancee
SCHOOLIDARITY: Reading. Writing. Revolution.
(Tia Lessin & Carl Deal, 2014, 90 min)
(Andrew Friend, 2014, 110 min)
The Supreme Court’s landmark Citizens United
ruling marked a seismic shift in how America’s
elections are fought and financed.
Speakers: Tia Lessin & Carl Deal, filmmakers
sponsor: SJCC Labor Studies Program
Lessons of Madison and the Chicago teachers strike. Special
presentation of the film in pre-release rough cut form.
Speaker: Andrew Friend, filmmaker
sponsor: SJCC Labor Studies Program
F r i day, A p r i l 25
7 PM - San José Peace and Justice Center, 48 South 7th Street, Suite #101, San Jose
(Heather Courtney, 2011, 92 min)
A chronicle of four years in the lives of childhood friends
as they enter a faraway war.
sponsor: Economic Justice Film Series
TUE S DAY, A p r i l 29
12:30 PM - San Jose City College, Student Center Community Room 204
2100 Moorpark Avenue near Leland Avenue entrance
(Sean Fine & Andrea Nix Fine, Directors, 2012, 40 min)
Inocente refuses to let her dream of becoming an artist be
caged by being an undocumented immigrant forced to live
homeless for the last nine years.
sponsor: SJCC Labor Studies Program
W EDNE S DAY, A p r i l 30
6:30 PM - San Jose City College, Student Center Community Room 204
2100 Moorpark Avenue near Leland Avenue entrance
COINTELPRO 101 (Andres Alegria, 2010, 56 min)
Exposé of the FBI’s counter intelligence program which infiltrated
the Black Panthers and the peace movement.
Speaker: Claude Marks, Freedom Archive
sponsor: SJCC Labor Studies Program
S at u r day, M ay 3
7 PM - San José Peace and Justice Center, 48 South 7th Street, Suite #101, San Jose
SHIFT CHANGE (Mark Dworkin & Melissa Young, 2012, 70 min)
Secure, dignified jobs in employee-owned workplaces in the U.S. and
Spain help stabilize the local economy.
sponsor: South Bay IWW
W EDNE S DAY, M ay 7
12:15 PM - San Jose City College, Student Center Community Room 204
2100 Moorpark Avenue near Leland Avenue entrance
DEFAULT: the Student Loan Documentary
(Aurora Meneghello, 2011, 27 min)
Stories of borrowers from different backgrounds affected by the
student lending industry and their struggles to change the system.
Speaker: Chirag Bhakta, organizer with US Students Association
sponsor: SJCC Labor Studies Program
T h u r s day, M ay 8
6:30 PM - San Jose City College, Student Center Community Room 204
(Kristy Jacobson & Lori Silverbush, 2012, 84 min)
There’s hunger right here in the U.S.A.
Please bring a canned good item for the
Letter Carriers’ Food Drive.
sponsor: SJCC Labor Studies Program
w w w. re e lwor k . o rg • i n fo @ re e l wo r k .o rg

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