the Halloween Shepherds Crown Event


the Halloween Shepherds Crown Event
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05/08/2015 17:34
Decoration Ideas
There are so many Discworld themes you could try out – here are a few ideas based around
Tiffany Aching and the Witches in general. Don’t forget to decorate inside the store and in
the window!
Classic Witch paraphernalia:
• Broomstick – any traditional broom with a wooden handle and long bristles tied to the
end would work well.
• Witches hats – Black pointy hats are standard for a Discworld witch. Buy some from a
fancy dress shop or make your own from black card.
• Cauldron / kettle / teapot – every witch needs a good cup of strong tea now and then,
but she won’t be seen with a fancy china teapot, it’s plain black iron, just like the kettle
that hangs over the fire!
• Shambles – make your own shambles from string and any random objects you have to
hand. See the extract on pages 47-48 of Wintersmith for a description of one.
Boffo Goods to ramp up the Witchy-ness:
• Skulls are great to add atmosphere to any party! Add black candles to the top for extra
• Cobwebs work wonders – get a can to spray on (you can find them online) and add a few
fake spiders too!
• Crystal balls aren’t every witch’s cup of tea but some swear by them and they do look the
business when you’re trying to impress.
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The Shepherd’s Crown by Terry Pratchett
05/08/2015 17:35
Costume ideas
Classic Witch:
• Black hat (from fancy dress shop or online)
• Black dress
• Black boots
• Black cape
• Accessorise with broomstick, cat, and as much or as little occult jewellery as you wish
Granny Weatherwax:
As classic witch but no jewellery (she doesn’t hold with shoppin’) – add some hat pins and a
stern expression instead.
Nanny Ogg:
As classic but add a huge grey cat draped over your shoulders, a pipe and a twinkle in your
eye suggesting you’ve just heard a very dirty joke…
Tiffany Aching:
Swap your black dress for something softer – pale blue or green is good – but keep the big
black boots, they’re essential. Tiffany has a silver necklace with a horse pendant and is often
followed by a horde of Nac Mac Feegle… but that could be harder to recreate for yourself!
Try pinning a bit of sheep’s wool to your cape or dress instead to remind you of the Chalk.
Miss Treason:
If you really want to go to town with the witch theme try Miss Treason – she’s very old,
with long white hair. She’s blind but uses two ravens to see for her, they sit on a perch
across her shoulders. She also wears a huge iron clock on her belt which ticks loudly like a
heartbeat. And she walks with two sticks. See Wintersmith page 29 for a description and the
cover for an illustration…
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The Shepherd’s Crown by Terry Pratchett
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The Wee Free Men/Nac Mac Feegle:
See The Wee Free Men page 81 for a description. Any or all of the following would
work well:
• Blue skin – can be tattooed
• Red Hair – on face and head – often roughly plaited
• Kilt (and waistcoat if you’re feeling chilly)
• Sporran (or spog if we’re being accurate)
• Weapons of the sword variety (just be careful not to actually hurt anyone!)
The fairies are Tiff ’s enemies in The Wee Free Men and they reappear in The Shepherd’s
Crown. You can get really creative with a fairy costume and customise it to your
heart’s desire. Here are some ideas:
• Velvet and brocade
• Ruffle shirts, tight britches, riding boots
• Ball gowns
• Tons of jewellery
• Wild accessories like feathers
• Glitter – anywhere and everywhere
• Pointy ears!
• Intricate hair styles and decorations
• Crowns/tiaras
• Wings
Always a fun one! Often seen accompanied by Binky, his white horse, and a tiny
skeleton Rat of Death… Try the following for Death himself:
• Black robes with large hood
• Skeletal body (try a fancy dress shop or online for skeleton costumes)
• Scythe
• Hourglasses filled with the sands of time
• Voice like the shutting of coffin lids
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The Shepherd’s Crown by Terry Pratchett
05/08/2015 17:35
Being a witch is more than wearing a black pointy hat and knowing how to do a little magic.
No, a witch knows things that other people don’t. A witch is another kind of person, someone that
perhaps you should not anger. There are as many different witches on the Discworld® as you could
imagine – and dealing with witches all together is like carrying a tray full of marbles . . .
Yes → Of course!
Are you nosy?
A witch needs to notice everything.
No → Well then, you can stop right here –
life as a witch is not for you!
All witches are nosy – it’s part of what being a witch is.
Do people think you are bossy?
Yes, if you mean they usually do what I tell them to. Mind, it mightn’t be
No, I just get on with what needs doing, or give a bit of
bossiness, it might just be the fear of a reckoning that gets them doing
what I tells them, but someone has to decide what needs doing.
advice when I go round the houses or talk to people.
Do you believe that it’s important
to look like a witch to get respect?
Yes. People want their witch to
look the part so I try to give ’em
what they want to see, show ’em
what they think should be there.
Do you think a witch
can do her work in a big,
teeming city?
Yes, the rocks
No – a real witch
beneath your feet
can give a witch a
lot of strength.
needs a proper cottage
(preferably in the
woods) and a steading
of her own. I don’t
think I could work
in a city.
Do you believe a good singsong and a drop of
scumble can help sort out many a problem?
No, it’s not what you look like that matters,
it’s what you’ve got inside – sometimes, in fact,
it’s a good idea not to look like a witch unless
you like swimming in ponds.
Oh, yes, there’s nothing like the stamp
of a boot on the floor, a toast and a song
to hammer laughter into any problem.
And when your guard is down, well, that’s
when the secrets come out . . .
Would you be comfortable helping
a soul take the path through to the
land of the Dead?
Yes. A witch
No. We all know it
sometimes has to
show a soul the Way.
I know this path,
have trod it often . . .
Do you enjoy spending time
helping animals as part
of your work as a witch?
Yes. Animals have souls
No; a witch’s work
might sometimes be
necessary, but I’d rather
leave that to other
witches. I like my role
to be more focused
on the everyday.
Do you find that using Boffo goods can give you
confidence that people will listen to you?
Oh, yes, I don’t have the natural
No, of course not. Everyone
evil witch look so a few warts
and a false nose mean that I feel
much more confident. Everyone
listens to me then!
You are most like . . .
You are most like . . .
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You are most like . . .
just like people and I don’t
see why a sheep or a pig
struggling to give birth, for
instance, is any different
from a young woman doing
the same. It’s all new life!
Do you feel a strong connection to
the land where you live?
Yes, definitely. This
No. Oh, I love to
is my land and my
duty. Surely that’s
what being a witch
is all about.
listens to me when I speak
anyway. A nice pointy hat is
all I need!
You are most like . . .
No. Oh, I just think it’s better to
listen to people – a drop of scumble
only sorts ’em out for the evening!
You are most like . . .
You are most like . . .
work on land that
is familiar, but I
could do my work
anywhere really –
anywhere there are
animals needing
my help.
You are most like . . .
You are most like . . .
is with people – they
are the ones who
come knocking at
the door or sidle up
wanting ‘a bit of
a word’.
Are you a strong believer in the
power of herbal remedies?
Yes. Absolutely. I
No. Oh, I’m sure
can’t imagine doing
my work without
knowing what to do
with Forget-me-Lots
and Ginny-ComeLately and all the
other so useful herbs
Nature provides.
You are most like . . .
they have their
uses, but I’ve found
simple things like
teddy bears work
just as well to make
someone feel better!
You are most like . . .
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You are a witch who
loves to feel the buzz of a
city around you. Vibrant,
full of life and people,
throbbing with energy,
you can’t imagine being a
witch anywhere else and
would hate a traditional
cottage in the woods. You
also love the immediate
respect you get when
people recognize you for
what you are – standing
out in the city takes effort
but everyone notices you.
Tip: for maximum impact,
work at developing a truly
witchy voice that makes
people think of pretty
cottages and oven
doors slamming!
You simply love
everything about training
in the higher MagiK – all
the little rituals, the spells,
the fabulous arcane books.
As long as you don’t have
to be some kind of village
witch, curing boils in
return for a cup of tea in
a grubby mug, then this
life is for you. No one
can sing a birthing chant
as melodiously as you do,
for instance. Deep down,
sometimes, you aren’t
quite so sure you are
doing things right . . .
but you’re certainly
not going to let anyone
else see that!
You know you have
power at your fingertips.
That you are skilled at
the Higher Magik. But
it never hurts to make
it clear to everybody
else, and you glory in
dressing in rich, deep
black clothes, with plenty
of silver accessories,
charms, amulets and all
the fabulous paraphernalia
of the modern witch.
With a good command of
language, you also delight
in writing books. Yes, you
are a very clever witch,
and you like everyone to
recognize you as such.
You are most like . . .
You are most like . . .
You are most like . . .
Being a witch is so much
part of who you are it
might as well be nailed
to your backbone. You
don’t want the world, just
a small part of it, which
you can keep safe, where
you can guard the edges,
and you feel a fierce
responsibility towards
those who ask you for
help. Not one to push
yourself forward – and
definitely not liable to
prance about with charms
and occult books. No,
magic is far more serious
than that. And if there’s a
real threat or attack, any
incursion would have to
get past you first. And that
wouldn’t be easy.
Whereas most witches
would like nothing more
than their own steading –
a place to work where
they can make their mark
– you have itchy feet and
like nothing more than
hitching up a mule to a
cart and heading out into
the wide world, travelling
and . . . noticing. You
may also have a tendency
to lecture at times, but
have a definite interest
in helping to nurture
talent in younger witches
and, after all, no one said
that teachers have to be
particularly nice.
You like to be a witch
who is also rooted firmly
in everyday life – a big
family, a man (or two),
a good party now and
then. But although people
might think of you as a
jolly soul with a big warm
hug, there is a lot more to
you than that. Behind the
welcoming exterior is real
power – power that makes
you one of the strongest
witches around.
You sometimes feel as
though you are still
just a young witch,
inexperienced, not quite
sure what to do . . . but
when it really matters, you
seem to have an instinctive
sense that draws power
from what is around you
– especially from your
own land, your turf, your
family . . . and then you
can be simply AMAZING.
You are most like . . .
You are most like . . .
Happiest up to your knees
in a bit of muck (with a
good pair of wellies on!),
you also like to show your
witchy credentials with
a bit of occult jewellery
(even if you do get it
caught on door handles
sometimes). But your
main focus, what you
really like and are good at,
is working with animals.
Why should people get all
the benefits of a witch’s
skills? You just sometimes
wish other witches valued
your work as much as
the animals do . . .
You are most like . . .
You are most like . . .
You love to float about in
an ethereal way, especially
outdoors, communing
with nature and tending
your herbs – you believe
strongly in natural
remedies – and you know
that you are a good healer.
A life that combines being
a witch with being a wife
and mother is a good,
gentle way of following
the Craft that totally suits
you. But if anyone should
threaten you or your
land, well, they had better
watch out, for you have
inner strength that can
You are most like . . .
‘Petulia had got it all
worked out . . . she had
rolled up her sleeves and
made it happen, up to
her knees in ‘oink’
if necessary’
I Shall Wear Midnight
‘She travels with an air
of vague good-natured
hopefulness. There are
flowers in her hair, but
they’re wilting slightly,
just like her . . .’
Lords and Ladies
A good friend to Tiffany
Aching, Petulia combines
being a witch with
marriage to a pig farmer
– and, in fact, specializes
in treating pigs, with
a particular talent for
pig-boring. She always
likes to think the best
of everybody (which is
worrying if the person
she is trying to think nice
thoughts about is you),
and hates disagreements
between witches.
With years of experience
of making the tea for
Nanny Ogg and Granny
Weatherwax, Magrat is
now semi-retired from
witchery after marrying
King Verence of Lancre
and becoming a Queen.
Yet when called upon,
Magrat is ready to
bestride the broomstick
once again and gird up
her loins (literally, in
the armour of Queen
Ynci) to defend her land.
She’s a strong believer in
the goodness of Nature,
especially the value of
herbs, and is keen to be
a good role model to
her young daughter who
should see her mother as
a working woman in her
own right.
You are most like . . .
You don’t really believe
you are anything special.
Surely a few simple spells
out of a book bought
through the post don’t
really count . . . do they?
And why on earth should
you be frightened if you
see a ghost? It’s all rather
confusing, since other
people seem to think you
could be a witch, whereas
you thought witches had
to be nasty evil creatures.
You are most like . . .
‘When Mrs Proust gave
orders they tended to
be obeyed.’
I Shall Wear Midnight
A city witch in the mean
streets of Ankh-Morpork,
Mrs Proust enjoys the
respect she can command
by looking exactly like a
storybook evil witch. Her
shop, indeed, is stuffed
with the very accessories
that can help a witch look
exactly the way people
expect them to look:
fearsome and grotesque!
But Mrs Proust herself
needs no accessories and
her powers are strong,
helping her navigate the
choppy waters of a city
teeming with superstition
and troublemakers.
Likely to say: ‘Imagine
how it feels to lie down
on an ancient flagstone
and feel the power of
the rock buoying you
up against the tug of the
world? And it’s mine
to use, all of it,
every stone of it . . .
I’m part of it.’
I Shall Wear Midnight
‘Annagramma could tell
herself stories that she
literally believed. And
she could bounce back
like a ball . . .’
With the aid of a bit
of Boffo, Annagramma
Hawkin is a young witch
with her own steading.
And that suits her fine,
for Annagrama knows
she is destined for Great
Things, especially where
the Higher MagiK is
concerned (she’d rather
leave the messy bits of
birthing to a village
midwife for instance,
whilst she sets the
calming runes and does
the special chants).
Likely to say: ‘We must
distinguish the higher
MagiK from the everyday
sort . . . none of that
mumbling in hedgerows
for us.’
A Hat Full Of Sky
‘She didn’t just have rings
on her fingers. Some
fingers had sort of silver
finger gloves, designed
to look like claws.
She gleamed like the
night sky . . .’
A Hat Full Of Sky
Letice Earwig – a force of
nature – is a witch who
believes in advertising her
trade – occult jewellery,
curse-nets, crystals, silver
stars, black plumes, a hat
so tall doorways have to
be adapted and all the
other trappings. Arrogant,
bossy, hating to back
down on anything, Mrs
Earwig nevertheless has
a core of steel and is
highly resistant to any
attempt to influence or
manipulate her.
Likely to say: ‘It’s
pronounced Ah-wij!’
A Hat Full Of Sky
‘Everyone in the
mountains had heard of
Granny Weatherwax. If
you didn’t have respect,
she said, you didn’t have
anything . . .’
A Hat Full Of Sky
Everyone knows that
witches don’t have leaders,
but Granny Weatherwax is
the best leader they don’t
have, generally considered
(including by herself)
as the best witch on
the Discworld. A witch
through and through,
stern and sharp-tongued,
Granny doesn’t do nice –
she does what is needed.
And she believes in using
hard work rather than
magic wherever possible
– though she isn’t averse
to moving herself into the
body of a bird or animal
when she wants a different
view of what is going on.
Likely to say: ‘Do you
know what a part of
being a witch is? It’s
making the choices that
have to be made. The
hard choices . . .’
A Hat Full Of Sky
‘She was generally
thought of as a jolly old
soul, but there was a lot
more to the old woman.
Nanny knew all the old
dark, stuff – old magic,
magic that didn’t need
witches, magic that was
built into people and
the landscape.’
I Shall Wear Midnight
‘Oh, I wish I had
a blackboard . . .’
A peripatetic witch who
travels the country looking
for girls with talent who
might be trained in the
craft, Miss Tick is a firm
believer in Education as
a Good Thing. She’s also
highly skilled in the useful
arts of untying knots and
swimming underwater,
since her work often
brings her into contact
with the superstitious.
She also always has useful
things in her pockets –
often something like a
small cheese, since you
can’t do good magic
without a decent snack.
Likely to say: ‘If you trust
in yourself and believe in
your dreams and follow
your star . . . you’ll still
get beaten by people who
spent their time working
hard and learning things
and weren’t so lazy.’
The Wee Free Men
The matriarch of a huge
family, fond of a drop or
two of scumble, a bawdy
joke and a good singsong
– yet beneath the warm,
comforting appearance,
Nanny is a witch with
huge natural ability and
the willingness to stand
strong and kick into touch
any threats or enemies.
If you need help with an
affair of the heart, Nanny
is your witch – she has
been there, done it (worn
out several husbands, some
of which were even her
own), and got the . . .
commemorative cushion
stitched by a doting
Likely to say: ‘Human
being first, witch second;
hard to remember,
easy to do.’
I Shall Wear Midnight
‘This land is in
my bones . . .’
The Wee Free Men
Born on the Chalk,
a witch who gets her
strength from her home
turf, Tiffany is a hard
worker who fears letting
other people down. Proud
of her skills, glad of the
help she gets from the
Nac Mac Feegle, Tiffany
is a witch with immense
natural power who can
draw on the very elements
to help her do what is
needed. For if there is a
problem to face, Tiffany
will always walk towards
the problem, accept the
duty that comes with
being the witch of
the Chalk.
Likely to say: ‘This is my
problem. I will sort it out.’
I Shall Wear Midnight
Likely to say: ‘Um . . .’
(unless talking to a pig)
A Hat Full Of Sky
‘Girls of the princess
persuasion don’t normally
help out distressed
headless ghosts by
giving them a pumpkin
to carry . . .’
– Tiffany Aching.
I Shall Wear Midnight
Letitia doesn’t really
believe she is a witch.
After all, surely everyone
can wave a stick about
and create a little magic,
or would give a teddy
bear to a sad phantom?
Married to the Baron
of the Chalk, Letitia is
anxious to do a good job
as a Baroness, visiting new
babies and tenant farmers,
painting watercolours,
supporting her husband . . .
but the witchy talent
is within her, and with
training Letitia could
be formidable.
Likely to say: ‘This
is where I do my little
bits of magic.’
I Shall Wear Midnight
Likely to say: ‘That arm
looks bad. Let’s get down
to the kitchen and I’ll
splint it . . .’
Lords and Ladies
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Colouring sheet
Line art adapted from original illustrations by Paul Kidby
shepherdscrown_eventpack.indd 19
The Shepherd’s Crown by Terry Pratchett
05/08/2015 17:35
Colouring sheet
Line art adapted from original illustrations by Paul Kidby
shepherdscrown_eventpack.indd 20
The Shepherd’s Crown by Terry Pratchett
05/08/2015 17:35
Colouring sheet
Line art adapted from original illustrations by Paul Kidby
shepherdscrown_eventpack.indd 22
The Shepherd’s Crown by Terry Pratchett
05/08/2015 17:35
Colouring sheet
Line art adapted from original illustrations by Paul Kidby
shepherdscrown_eventpack.indd 23
The Shepherd’s Crown by Terry Pratchett
05/08/2015 17:35