PLASTICIDAD Capacidad de los circuitos neuronales de experimentar modificaciones funcionales que se traducen en una diferencia en el procesamiento de la información (relación Input Output) ANTES input A DESPUES output B input A output C PLASTICIDAD SINAPTICA Cambios transitorios o permanentes en la eficacia de la transmisión sinaptica subumbral eficacia sináptica supra + Mecanismos involucrados en aprendizaje y memoria (hipocampo y corteza) Inducción de potenciación sináptica respuesta Estímulo (baja frecuencia) Tren de alta frecuencia (100 Hz x 1s) Estímulo (baja frecuencia) Hay un cambio de estado La sinapsis "recuerda" que fue hiperestimulada Modificación de circuitos por plasticidad sináptica Input A output B Plasticidad sináptica Input A output C La plasticidad sinaptica es uno de los mecanismos celulares involucrados en memoria +MK‐801 El LTP se bloquea mediante antagonistas del receptor de NMDA La plasticidad sináptica produce cambios a nivel fisiológico y morfológico (anatómico) Las sinapsis pueden potenciarse o deprimirse Nivel fisiológico cambios en las propiedades de la transmisión sináptica Nivel anatómico cambios en la estructura de la conectividad neuronal Modificación de circuitos neuronales por neurogénesis Input A output B output D ESTO OCURRE EN EL CEREBRO ADULTO Early evidence on adult neurogenesis Altman, 1962-1967: adult rats injected with 3H-thymidine to assess cell proliferation in response to cerebral lesions. Find labeled granule neurons in the dentate gyrus and olfactory bulb Thymidine analog Altman; Science 1962 Kaplan and Hinds,1977: find 3H-thymidine in hippocampal and OB neurons without lesion Science, 1977 Nottebohm, 1983 -: neurogenesis in the adult canary HVC high vocal center Cerebral nucleus involved in song learning Sexual dimorfism Males sing many songs, complex songs, and have a big HVC Females sing few simple songs, small HVC Male HVC size changes depending on the season Females treated with testosterone display enlarged HVC and complex songs Goldman and Nottebohm: changes in HVC size are due to neurogenesis or to increased number of synaptic connections? Female canaries injected with con 3H-thymidine 2 groups: with and w/o testosterone RESULTS All adult females show labeled HVC neurons Testosterone increases cell proliferation and also survival of new neurons There is a continuous production of new neurons, probably for functional replacement Are labeled cells real neurons? Patton & Nottebohm, 1983 -Canaries treated with H3-thymidine -Electrophysiological recordings of several dozens of neurons in HVC in vivo - Electrical activity in response to sounds -HRP filling and colabeling - Find new neurons with appropriate electrical properties: NEURONS BORN IN THE ADULT BRAIN CAN PROCESS SENSORY INFORMATION Science, 1992 Striatal cells isolated and grown in vitro Capable of proliferation May give rise to neurons and astrocytes in vitro NSE BrdU NF-168 GFAP GABA Substance P PNAS 1993 3H-thymidine injection in adult rats Subventricular cells dissociated and proliferated in culture Give rise to labeled neurons and astrocytes MAP2ab J Neurosci 1993 PSA-NCAM in DG Labels immature neurons Colocalization of BrdU and PSA-NCAM: Young neurons born in the adult hippocampus Electronic micrograph of immature neuron in the adult DG Seki and Arai, 1993 Nature Medicine, 1998 Postmortem brains of adult patients that received BrdU for tumor diagnose Neuronas BrdU+ en el Giro Dentado Exp Neurol 1999 Progenitor cells from adult human brain generate neurons in vitro Ultrastructural characterization of adult SVZ cells: Type A: migrating neuronal precursors (PSA-NCAM, Tuj1, Nestin) Type B: Astrocytic type (GFAP, Vimentin, Nestin) Type C: Actively dividing cells E: Ependymal cells (enpithelial separate SVZ from ventricle) Doetsch & Alvarez Buylla 1997 Only GFAP+ type B cells and ependymal cells remain in the SVZ after ARAC treatment GFAP immunogold 12 h after ARAC: type B cells (astrocytes) only 48 h after ARAC: type C cells 30 days after BrdU they find B cells: C cells divide too fast and Brdu label gets diluted A cells (neuroblasts) migrate away from SVZ Retroviral infection of AP in mice expressing the avian leukosis virus receptor (Tva R) under the GFAP promoter Infects GFAP+ cells undergoing mitosis Cell progeny expresses AP Demonstrates that GFAP cells generate OB neurons Current model of neurogenesis in the adult SVZ Doetsch & Alvarez Buylla 1999 NEUROGENIC REGIONS OF THE ADULT MAMMALIAN BRAIN Lateral Ventricles Subventricular Zone (SVZ) Dentate Gyrus of the Hippocampus Subgranular Zone (SGZ) OB Ming & Song 2011 METHODS TO IDENTIFY ADULT-BORN NEURONS IT MUST BE DETERMINED THAT A CELL: 1. WAS BORN IN THE ADULT BRAIN 2. IS A NEURON BROMODEOXYURIDINE RETROVIRUS TRANSGENIC MICE Ming and Song, 2005 NEUROGENIC REGIONS ARE PRIMARILY DETERMINED BY THE ENVIRONMENT RATHER THAN THE NEURAL PROGENITOR CELLS (NPCs) NPCs isolated from brain areas can generate neurons In vitro Ex vivo (grafting to neurogenic environments) Specific lesions Cortex (Magavi, 2000) CA1 (Nakatomi, 2002) Striatum (Arvidsson, 2002; Parent, 2002) Lie et al., 2004 vs Models for NPC potential: A. one progenitor type produces different neurons; B. different progenitors for different neurons Different types of OB interneurons subtypes produced postnatally Viral targetting of NPCs from different areas of the ventricular wall Cortical Dorsal Medial Ventral Eje AP: i ii iii iv v vi Different types of interneurons subtypes produced postnatally Different areas produce deep or superficial GCs The pattern is maintained in adult animals CalB+ CalR+ TH+ Determinants for neuronal phenotype are in the cells and not in the niche CalB+ CalR+ TH+ BIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE OF ADULT HIPPOCAMPAL NEUROGENESIS? HIPPOCAMPAL FUNCTION NEUROGENESIS AND BEHAVIOR • ADULT NEUROGENESIS HAS BEEN DESCRIBED FROM INVERTEBRATES TO HUMANS • THE ADULT HIPPOCAMPUS PRODUCES A SUBSTANTIAL AMOUNT OF NEW NEURONS • THE RATE OF NEUROGENESIS IS ALTERED BY PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS • IMPAIRED ADULT NEUROGENESIS HAS CONSEQUENCES IN BEHAVIOR, LEARNING AND MEMORY • NEW NEURONS ARE FUNCTIONAL THE HIPPOCAMPUS IS INVOLVED IN LEARNING AND MEMORY INVOLVED IN DECLARATIVE MEMORY (FACTS AND EVENTS), H.M. CRITICAL ROLE IN SPATIAL MEMORY HIGH DEGREE OF LONG-LASTING SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY (LTP/LTD) SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY IS INVOLVED IN MEMORY-RELATED FUNCTIONS (increasing evidence) THE MORRIS WATER MAZE: A PARADIGM FOR STUDYING SPATIAL LEARNING RANDOM NAVIGATION USE OF SPATIAL CUES MICE USE CONTEXTUAL CUES TO FIND THE PLATFORM. STORAGE OF PLATFORM/CUES RELATIONSHIPS LEARNING IN THE HIDDEN PLATFORM PARADIGM IS IMPAIRED BY NMDAR BLOCKADE control DL-AP5 (blocks NMDAR) TIME SWIMMING IN QUADRANT MORRIS AND COLLEAGUES, 1986 KNOWN HIPPOCAMPAL MECHANISMS TO PROCESS SPATIAL INFORMATION PLACE CELLS: SPACE CAN BE ENCODED IN THE FIRING PATTERN OF HIPPOCAMPAL NEURONS RESPONSES RECORDED FROM 4 NEURONS DURING EXPLORATION OF A LINEAR CAGE RESPONSES RECORDED FROM 80 NEURONS DURING EXPLORATION OF A SQUARE CAGE FROM NAKAZAWA ET AL. 2004 (O’KEFFEE AND DOSTROVSKY ’70s, WILSON AND MCNAUGHTON 90´s) THE RATE OF NEUROGENESIS IS REGULATED BY PHYSIOLOGICAL AND PATHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS THE HIPPOCAMPUS OF A YOUNG ADULT RAT PRODUCES ABOUT 6% OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF DENTATE GRANULE CELLS PER MONTH THIS RATE IS INCREASED BY: ENRICHED ENVIRONMENT, VOLUNTARY EXERCISE LEARNING PARADIGMS PATHOLOGICAL CONDITIONS: ISCHEMIA OR SEIZURES … AND DECREASED BY: AGING STRESS, DEPRESSION INFLAMMATION enriched environment running NEUROGENESIS IS REGULATED BY PHYSIOLOGICAL CONDITIONS housing BrdU injections Time (days) 0 12 “1 day” group (assess proliferation) 1day control runner enriched 4 wk “4 wk” group (survival) NeuN + BrdU NEUROGENESIS IS REGULATED BY PHYSIOLOGICAL CONDITIONS RUNNING INCREASAES PROLIFERATION OF PROGENITOR CELLS ENRICHMENT INCREASES SURVIVAL OF NEW NEURONS van Praag et al 1999 HIPPOCAMPUS-DEPENDENT TASKS CAN ACTIVATE ADULT-BORN NEURONS BrdU injections Exploration remove brain 30 min later 5 months 6 mo rats ARC: immediate early gene, expression induced by neuronal activity NeuN BrdU Arc Time (days) IMPAIRED ADULT NEUROGENESIS PRODUCES BEHAVIORAL EFFECTS Induction: Gancyclovir TK facilitates incorporation of gancyclovir into DNA during replication Induction: Doxicyclin Bax expression induces apoptosis Induction: Tamoxifen DTA expression induces apoptosis Deng et al NRN 2010 PloS ONE 2008