8 Thursday, May 22, 2014
8 Thursday, May 22, 2014
Greetings Colleagues: Welcome to the Maryland Association of Housing and Redevelopment Agencies’ (MAHRA) 2014 Annual Conference. This is an exciting and important time for Maryland’s affordable housing industry as we are faced with both unprecedented challenges and opportunities. The MAHRA Conference brings inspired and innovative people together to solve these challenges, identify opportunities and discuss innovative approaches. Last year, our conference theme concerned investing in our future. The theme of this year’s conference is Capitalizing on Our Investments. Accordingly, our program content and session tracks will focus on opportunities such as the Rental Assistance Demonstration, Maryland’s Rental Housing Works Program and development opportunities for small and mid-sized PHAs. Our goals for the Conference are to: • Expand awareness of the state’s existing and emerging affordable housing needs; • Identify Proven and Innovative Solutions to the Nation’s Housing Challenges; • Promote Understanding of the Role Housing Plays in Individual, Family and Community WellBeing; and • Connect Housing Research to Practitioners, Policymakers and the Public. These goals are critically important because our industry stands at a crossroads. Faced with diminishing public funding and greater public need, the onus is on us to create, innovate and lead. Our Conference attendees represent the best and brightest minds in affordable housing and redevelopment in Maryland. The 2014 MAHRA Conference is an opportunity to chart the course ahead. Over the next few days, I ask that each of you fully invest in this conversation. Your contributions and ideas are the driving force behind our industry success. Each of you, as organizational leaders, are positioned to make a positive impact on the lives of hundreds of thousands of Marylanders who rely on the collective quality of our work. Sincerely, Jim Evans MAHRA President MAHRA’s Executive Board Jim Evans President Regina Stone-Mitchell Past President Andrew Oxendine Senior Vice-President Cynthia Osborne Vice-President, Public Housing Floryne Howard Vice-President, Rental Assistance Eric Brown Vice-President, Community Development Carolyn Jaffe Vice-President, Commissioners Marsha Parham Treasurer Sherrill Ruley-Carr Secretary MAHRA’s Board of Directors Stacy Brooks Lisa Coleman Diane Dressler Neil Gaffney David Kump Julianne O’Connor Carlene Phoenix Tina Scheib Stacy L. Spann Caroline Ensey Ruth O’Sullivan Richard B. Willson 3 2014 Conference Agenda Tuesday, May 20, 2014 Pre-Conference Training Part 1: Key Concepts and Processes – Building Blocks for a Successful EPC Speaker: Dick Santangelo, President/CEO, Apollo Engineering Solutions, LLC Conference Room 5 1:00pm - 5:00pm This eight hour Workshop course is designed to assist PHAs seriously considering an Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) and needing training specific to understanding the necessary process steps to procure, evaluate and select an Energy Services Company or undertake a self-developed project. Topics include: HUD incentives and requirements; EPC project planning components and HUD approval process; Section 3 – resident opportunities; Section 30 – HUD security interest approval; performance measures; measurement and verification approaches; Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) overview; project economics; the RFP process; eligible ECMs; financing; and, HUD reporting forms. Wednesday, May 21, 2014 8:00am - 8:30am Pre- Conference Training – Continental Breakfast Terrace Level Pre-Conference Training Part 2: 8:30am - 11:30am Key Concepts and Processes – Building Blocks for a Successful EPC Speaker: Dick Santangelo, President/CEO, Apollo Engineering Solutions, LLC Conference Room 5 4 9:00am - 12:00pm Registration Open and Exhibitor Set-Up Terrace Level Opening Lunch and Welcome to Ocean City Crystal Ballroom Welcome: Jim Evans, MAHRA President; Richard Meehan, Mayor, Ocean City, Maryland Opening Plenary Session 12:00pm - 1:30pm NAHRO Update: Jeff Falcusan, Director, Policy and Program Development, NAHRO Maryland DHCD Update: Raymond Skinner, Secretary, Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development HUD Update: William Tamburrino, Director, HUD Baltimore Public Housing Hub Vendor Introductions and MAHRA Board Nomination Process: Jim Evans, MAHRA President 1:30pm - 2:00pm Visit Exhibitor Hall and Technology Center Terrace Level 5 Wednesday, May 21, 2014 2:00pm - 3:15pm Breakout Sessions Wednesday, May 21, 2014 Executive Leadership Caucus Executive Directors Speakers: William Tamburrino, Director, HUD Baltimore Public Housing Hub; Raymond Skinner, Secretary, MD Department of Housing and Community Development This session is for management only. Conference Room 1 The MAHRA Leadership Caucus provides a unique opportunity for housing authority leaders to meet and informally discuss topics of the day with each other and Federal and State officials. Overview of the HUD Physical Needs Assessment Initiative Speaker: Bruce Rieder, Project Manager, Office of Public Housing Investments, HUD Public Housing Conference Room 4 A representative from HUD will provide an overview of the HUD Physical Needs Assessment (PNA) initiative and the new energy audit requirements that are included in the proposed rule-what is HUD doing, how will the changes will affect PHAs and how to prepare. This is of general interest to directors as well as staff. Strategies for Connecting Transportation and Affordable Housing CR&D Speakers: Eric Brown, Director, Prince George’s County DHCD; Richard Hanks, Housing Acquisitions Manager, Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County; Tamara Woods, Senior Planner, Baltimore City Department of Planning Conference Room 3 This session is intended to discuss connecting affordable housing to transit oriented developments in Maryland. 6 HUD User Group Meeting HCV Speakers: Pam Paramore, Public Housing Revitalization Specialist, HUD; Carol Weber, Public Housing Revitalization Specialist, HUD Conference Room 2 This session will deal with current issues impacting the HCV and planning for the future. Beverage Break Housing Opportunities for Ex-Offenders Moderator: Carol Payne, Director, HUD Baltimore Field Office Panelists: Nicholas Calace, Associate Deputy Director, Housing Authority of Baltimore City; David Kirk, Ph.D., Professor, University of Texas General Session Crystal Ballroom Each year more than half a million people are released from prisons in the United States and an additional seven million are released from jails. Research shows that ex-offenders who do not find stable housing in the community are more likely to recidivate than those who do. Ex-offenders often face significant barriers to obtaining housing, including access to public and assisted housing either as the head of household or a family member. Research and innovative housing solutions that are in place today will be presented during this session. 6:30pm - 8:00pm Commissioner’s Dinner (Pre-Paid Registrants Only) 7 Thursday, May 22, 2014 7:00am - 8:30am Continental Breakfast and Visit Exhibits, Technology Center and Vendors Terrace Level 8:30am – 9:45am Breakout Sessions Ethics Speaker: Dr. Larry Cobb, Board of Ethics and Credentialing Trustees, NAHRO and Executive Director, Ethicsworks, Inc. (Please Note This All Day Session will begin at 8:00am) This session is for Commissioners only. Commissioners Conference Room 6 Ethics plays a significant role in the life of a commissioner. It increases the commissioner’s understanding of professional conduct guidelines, and the ability to recognize and appropriately address ethicsrelated issues and problems that may occur. During this seminar you will learn about industry laws and regulations impacting ethical conduct and build your capacity as a board member. This course, intended for the new commissioner and a refresher for the veteran, uses practical applications and skills assessment exercises to reinforce ethical concepts. GPNA Tool and Demonstration Public Housing Speaker: Bruce Rieder, Housing Capital Improvement Specialist, Office of Public Housing Investments, HUD Conference Room 1 HUD will present a demonstration of the use of the GPNA tool which will be the instrument PHAs will use to enter PNA data and report to HUD. This session is generally of more interest to the staff that would be working directly with the tool during implementation. 8 HCV HCV Hot Topics - Part 1 Speaker: Jonathan Zimmerman Policy Analyst, Public Housing Authorities Directors Association (PHADA) Conference Room 2 This session will discuss managing an effective Housing Choice Voucher Program. The Changing Face of Public Housing CR&D Panelists: Eric Brown, Director, Prince George’s County DHCD; Clif Martin, Chief Executive Officer, Housing Commission of Anne Arundel County; Stacy L. Spann, Executive Director, Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County Conference Room 3 The affordable housing world has endured a great change. The industry experienced significant budget cuts, as well as statutory and regulatory changes. This panel will cover some of the externalities associated with the changes, their effects on Public Housing Authorities and in the affordable housing community in general. Nuts and Bolts of Multifamily Housing Finance CR&D Speaker: Patricia Sylvester, Director, Multi-Family Housing, DHCD; Brien O’Toole, Deputy Director, Maryland CDA Conference Room 4 This session is intended to compare and contrast currently existing Rental Assistance Programs in Maryland. 9:45am - 10:00am Beverage Break 9 Thursday, May 22, 2014 10:00am – 11:15am Breakout Session Housekeeping Issues, Clutter, and Hoarding: Differentiation and Interventions Speaker: Susan Smith, Program Coordinator, Resident Services, Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County Conference Room 1 All PHAs have clients who exhibit hoarding behaviors which are observed during annual inspections and visits by the maintenance teams. This session will enable participants to understand the complex reasons for housekeeping violations, differentiate the degrees of violations and choose an appropriate intervention; connect with community agencies for assistance and begin the collaborative process of preemptive work through early identification of persons who hoard. Public Housing RAD: Who’s in, Who’s on the Waitlist & Who’s out - Where do we go from here? Speaker: William Lavy, RAD Policy Advisor, HUD Conference Room 4 Ethics Commissioners Speaker: Dr. Larry Cobb Executive Director, Ethicsworks, Inc. and Board of Ethics and Credentialing Trustees, NAHRO This session is for Commissioners only. Conference Room 6 10 HCV Hot Topics - Part 2 Speaker: Jonathan Zimmerman Policy Analyst, Public Housing Authorities Directors Association (PHADA) HCV Conference Room 2 This session will continue discussion regarding managing an effective Housing Choice Voucher Program. Development Efforts for Small & Mid-Sized PHAs CR&D Panelists: Ivy Dench-Carter, Vice President, Pennrose Properties, LLC; Tom Carbo, Executive Director, Howard County Housing Commission Conference Room 3 This session is intended to discuss the changes occurring in public housing and possible subsequent regulatory adjustments in Maryland. 11:15am - 11:45am Raffle Drawings - Vendors Terrace Level 11: 45am - 12:15pm: Lunch Crystal Ballroom 11:45am - 1:30pm 12:15pm - 12:30pm: Rose Marie Coughlin Scholarship Presentation/Announcements: Floryne Howard, Rental Services Coordinator, Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development 12:30pm - 1:25pm: Housing America Campaign: Clif Martin, Chief Executive Officer, Housing Commission of Anne Arundel County President, Middle Atlantic Regional Council of NAHRO Chair, Housing America Campaign 1:25pm - 1:30pm: Open MAHRA Elections From The Floor 1:30pm - 1:45pm Break and Visit Vendors Board Nomination Elections Ballots Can Be Turned In At the Registration Desk from 1:30pm - 5:00pm 11 Thursday, May 22, 2014 1:45pm – 3:00pm Breakout Sessions Ethics Commissioners Speaker: Dr. Larry Cobb, Board of Ethics and Credentialing Trustees, NAHRO and Executive Director, Ethicsworks, Inc. This session is for Commissioners only. Conference Room 6 RAD Transactions in Real Time CR&D Moderator: Eric Brown, Director, Prince George’s County DHCD Panelists: Christopher Donald, Real Estate Development, Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County; Ned Howe, Director of Development and New Business, Enterprise; William Lavy, RAD Policy Advisor, HUD; Christopher LoPiano, Senior Vice President Real Estates Development and Asset Management, CPDC Conference Room 3 This session is intended to compare and contrast currently approved Rental Assistance Demonstration developments in Maryland. Family Self-Sufficiency: How to Achieve Success and Self-Sufficiency for Assisted Families HCV Moderator: Tina Scheib, Section 8 Manager, Housing Authority of Washington County Speakers: Deborah Jackson, FSS Coordinator, Housing Commission of Anne Arundel County; Crystal Kirby, Director of Outreach and Region Support, Socialserve.com Conference Room 2 This session will review how that three digit number, aka credit score, affects interest rates and how clients can improve their futures and financial well-being by increasing their scores. Socialserve.com will present tools related to housing opportunities and mobility. 12 Changes to Maryland’s Service System: What’s the Impact on Tenants with Disabilities? Speakers: John Brennan, Chief of Staff, Maryland Department of Disabilities; Jennifer Miles, MFP Housing Director, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH); Michelle Haile, Health Policy Analyst/MFP Housing Specialist, Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH). Conference Room 1 Many changes are underway within the State’s Disability Service System. Representatives from the State of Maryland will provide an overview of the recent changes to the State’s package of Medicaid funded services and describe the specific functions performed by State funded Supports Planners. In addition, time will be provided for a discussion to explore the State’s Service System’s role in supporting Housing Authorities’ efforts to meet the housing needs of people with disabilities. 3:00pm - 3:15pm Beverage Break General Session Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing - Maryland Update 3:15pm – 4:30pm Speakers: Michael Lyles, Esq., Executive Director, Prince George’s County Human Relations Commission Debra M. McGhee, Director, Baltimore Fair Housing Program Center; Amy Wilkinson, Associate Executive Director, Fair Housing & Equal Opportunity Enforcement, Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) Crystal Ballroom Ethics Commissioners Speaker: Dr. Larry Cobb, Board of Ethics and Credentialing Trustees, NAHRO and Executive Director, Ethicsworks, Inc. Commissioners Only Conference Room 6 4:30pm - 6:30pm Reception Appetizers and Cash Bar Raffle Pool Bar 13 Thursday, May 22, 2014 Seafood Buffet Dinner 7:00pm - 10:00pm Horizons Restaurant Friday, May 23, 2014 Continental Breakfast 8:30am - 9:15am 8:30am - 9:30am MAHRA Annual Meeting Crystal Ballroom Disaster Preparedness 9:30am - 11:00am Moderator: Sherrill Ruley-Carr, Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Coordinator, Baltimore County Housing Authority Speakers: Bethany Brown, Planner, Maryland Department of Human Resources, Office of Emergency Operations; Thea Chimento, Finance Officer, Maryland Department of Human Resources, Office of Emergency Operations Crystal Ballroom Do you think you are prepared for a disaster? Do you think your program participants are ready? Join this session and find out what you need to do so that you know you are prepared. 14 2014 Conference Sponsors Presenting Gold Bronze 15 John Brennan John Brennan is the Chief of Staff and Director of Housing Policy and Programs at the Maryland Department of Disabilities. Since 2003, Mr. Brennan has worked to advance the rights and opportunities of people with disabilities, and is responsible for interagency collaboration and policy development to increase housing opportunities for people with disabilities. Mr. Brennan oversees the referral process, wait list registry and education and outreach activities for the Weinberg Initiative and the State of Maryland Affordable Housing for People with Disabilities Initiative. Bethany Brown Bethany Brown is the Planner for the Department of Human Resources (DHR) – Office of Emergency Operations. Ms. Brown joined the Department of Human Resources, Office of Emergency Operations in 2012, a few weeks before Hurricane Sandy hit Maryland. Since then, she has traveled across the State assisting with resource delivery and long-term recovery efforts for communities impacted by disasters. Prior to her time at DHR, Bethany was a Disaster Responder at the American Red Cross, where she spent seven years responding to food, clothing and shelter needs during disasters of all sizes. Bethany is a certified trainer in First Aid and CPR, and has conducted disaster trainings at the local and state levels, and for non-governmental partner agencies. Eric Brown Eric C. Brown is currently the Director of the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) for Prince George’s County, Maryland. DHCD is comprised of three governmental agencies: the Department of Housing and Community Development, the Housing Authority (HA) and the Redevelopment Authority (RA). Mr. Brown has over 30 years of experience working with various governmental entities. He has over 25 years of senior level administrative and supervisory experience in the affordable multi-family housing arena and has served as Executive Director of the Meridian (Mississippi) Housing Authority and the Annapolis 16 (Maryland) Housing Authority. He has served as Deputy Executive Director of housing agencies in New Orleans, Philadelphia and Baltimore. In his positions as Executive Director and Deputy Executive Director, Mr. Brown has supervised staffs up to 1,600 and managed budgets up to $250 million. Nicholas Calace Nick Calace is the Associate Deputy Executive Director at the Housing Authority of the City of Baltimore. Previously, from 2005 to 2013, Mr. Calace was Executive Director at the Bridgeport Housing Authority. He is credited with leading that organization from “troubled”’ to being the recipient of national awards. Thomas Carbo Tom Carbo’s 27-year career has been spent entirely in public service. An attorney by trade, Tom has served in a variety of governmental roles – agency counsel, hearing officer, labor negotiator, and program administrator – and in a variety of fields, including zoning, economic development, public administration, and human resources. The majority of his career, however, has been spent developing and implementing affordable housing programs. Tom began his career as an Assistant Attorney General for the State of Maryland’s Department of Housing and Community Development, where he closed numerous multi-family rental housing development transactions. Then, as a Howard County Assistant Solicitor for 13 years, Tom helped to create the County’s public housing authority, the Howard County Housing Commission; drafted legislation, rules, procedures, and documents for various new loan and grant programs; closed numerous housing development transactions; and advised the agency on its Section 8, public housing, CDBG, homeownership, and other housing-related programs. From 2006-2012, Tom served as Deputy Director of the County’s housing agencies. He was instrumental in developing a strategic housing plan for the County that emphasizes high quality, inclusive, mixed income, mixed finance, green, sustainable, and financially sensible affordable housing development. During his tenure, Tom helped developed the nation’s first affordable, green, and universally designed single-family for-sale community. As Director of Howard County Housing, Tom will continue the vision of providing quality, inclusive, sustainable housing opportunities for all of those who live and work in Howard County. Sherrill Ruley-Carr Sherrill Ruley-Carr is secretary for the MAHRA Board and is the Family Self-Sufficiency Program Coordinator for the Baltimore County Office of Housing. She has worked with Baltimore County since 1996. Ms. Ruley-Carr holds a degree in Psychology and Education. She worked in the area of Psychiatry and Education until 1992. When HUD created the Family Self-Sufficiency Program, Ms. Ruley-Carr went to work for Cecil County Housing and Community Development as the Family Self-Sufficiency Program Coordinator. Ivy Dench-Carter Ivy Dench-Carter is the Vice President of Pennrose Properties, LLC. With over 20 years of management and real estate development experience, Ms. Dench-Carter heads Pennrose Properties’ Baltimore Regional office. She oversees all phases of development projects, from sourcing deals to securing financing to overseeing the successful transition to operations and management. Her extensive experience ranges from stand-alone affordable housing development deals to complex mixed-income, mixed finance and multi-phase redevelopment projects. Mrs. Dench-Carter started her career with Pennrose at Pennrose Management Company in 1990 as a Site Manager for two developments before earning a promotion to Regional Property Manager, which gave her oversight of 21 affordable housing developments. In 1995, Mrs. Carter joined Pennrose Properties, beginning her career in the arena of affordable housing development. She brings with her extensive knowledge of HOPE VI development, mixed-income and mixed finance projects, and has extensive knowledge in the arena of affordable housing preservation. Currently, Mrs. Carter has oversight for projects in Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina and the District of Columbia. Mrs. Carter attended Spelman College in Atlanta, GA. Her civic involvement encompasses working with non-profit organizations, community organizations and religious affiliations. Thea Chimento Thea Chimento is the Finance Officer for the Department of Human Resources – Office of Emergency Operations. Ms. Chimento joined the Department of Human Resources in 2013 in the wake of Hurricane Sandy. Interested in disaster work as a career since 2011 when she volunteered in the response effort for the Alabama tornadoes, Ms. Chimento manages the unit’s finances, oversees financial operations during disasters and talks to anyone willing to listen about financial literacy and financial recovery after a disaster. Thea has been extensively involved in the oversight of the Hurricane Sandy Supplemental Social Services Block Grant. She conducts training in emergency financial preparedness and shelter operations. She has been instrumental in working with the Maryland Emergency Management Agency in obtaining reimbursements after Presidential disaster declarations. Larry Cobb Larry Cobb serves as a Trustee on the NAHRO Board of Ethics and Credentialing Trustees. The Board is responsible for the NAHRO’s Code of Professional Conduct and for oversight of its Professional Development System. His decade of service includes six years as vice chair and chair. Larry also served on the NAHRO Board of Governors for over six years. Mr. Cobb is currently the executive director of Ethicsworks, Inc., a consulting non-profit corporation, 17 founded in 1999, to advance the practice of ethical leadership in organizations. Since the late 1980s, Larry served NAHRO at agency, chapter, regional, and national levels, including NAHRO’s Vice President – International (2003-05) and Co-chair for the Quality Assurance sub-committee of the Professional Development Committee (2007-09). In 2008, he was inducted into the inaugural class of NAHRO Fellows. County built garage. Finally, Mr. Donald was responsible for the acquisition and financing of Marbella Apartments, a 134-unit garden apartment complex in Rosslyn. Marbella Apartments was a Year 13 LIHTC being sold by the general partner. The 3.5 acre site ideally located in the Rosslyn corridor of Arlington presented a unique opportunity for future high density redevelopment and an immediate long-term preservation of a valuable asset. For 10 years, Mr. Cobb served as a Commissioner on the Butler County (PA) Housing and Redevelopment Agencies. As an ethicist, he combined the academic and the practical by serving on NAHRO’s Task Force on Evaluation and Credentialing. He continues to serve as a plenary speaker at national and international conferences on housing, community development and ethical leadership. Mr. Donald received his Bachelors degree from Stanford University in Political Science. He has also won two national oratorical competitions. He served in a number of leadership positions in the National Society for Black Engineers (NSBE) on both the local and national level. Christopher Donald Mr. Christopher Donald has twelve years of experience in affordable housing development in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. For the last 12 months, Mr. Donald has been a member of the Housing Opportunities Commission (HOC) Real Estate Development team working on the RAD disposition of HOC’s entire public housing portfolio. In addition, to the RAD portfolio, Mr. Donald has also been working on the acquisition of other assets to either preserve affordability or create accretive opportunities that forward the mission of the agency. From 2009 to 2012, Mr. Donald led the development team at Arlington Partnership for Affordable housing. During his tenure there, he led the redevelopment of Buchanan Gardens, a $30MM complete renovation of a 3.5 acre garden apartment complex in Arlington, VA. The redevelopment included a Use Permit and the award of $12MM in 9% LIHTC. The timing of project required bridge financing obtained from Virginia Community Capital and Arlington County. Mr. Donald was also the lead on the organization’s successful response to an Arlington County RFP for the Arlington Mill Apartment site, which yielded 145 garden apartments on top of a 18 Jim Evans Jim Evans has served on the MAHRA Board since 2007 and was elected as President in 2012. Mr. Evans is the Managing Director of Metropolitan Baltimore Quadel Consulting, LLC (MBQ), an affiliate of the Quadel Consulting Corporation. MBQ operates the largest and most successful regional mobility counseling program in the nation. The program provides housing choice and economic opportunities to eligible participants throughout the greater Baltimore area. Prior to joining MBQ, he managed housing programs in Houston (TX), Indianapolis (IN), Fort Wayne (IN), and Carroll County (MD). He is a regular presenter at conferences and has been retained as an expert witness because of his knowledge and understanding of the affordable housing programs. Jeff Falcusan Jeff Falcusan is the Director of Policy and Program Development for the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO). In this role, he is responsible for coordinating all aspects of policy and program development for NAHRO and serves as the association’s principal liaison to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Mr. Falcusan joined the NAHRO staff in 2004. Mr. Falcusan previously served as Legislative Counsel for the National Community Development Association and as a Senior Program Officer for Partners for Livable Communities. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in sociology from Central Michigan University and a Master of Public Policy degree from the Ford School of Public Policy at the University of Michigan. Michelle Haile Michelle Haile is the Health Policy Analyst Associate/ Housing Specialist for the Money Follows the Person Demonstration (MFP) at the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. She is responsible for locating housing opportunities for MFP participants who choose to leave the nursing facility and receive Home and Community Based waiver services in their own home. Prior to her position, she worked for Catholic Charities as a Program Manager for the Fortitude Permanent Supportive Housing Program located in Washington, DC. She has worked 10 years in public service. Ms. Haile has an MBA in Healthcare Administration from Wilmington University and a BS in Human Services, Education and Public Policy from the University of Delaware. Richard Hanks Mr. Hanks has 10 years of real estate development experience working on affordable housing projects in the Washington, DC area. Mr. Hanks is currently serving as a Housing Acquisitions Manager for the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County (HOC). Mr. Hanks is the project manager for renovation or construction of over 1,800 units totaling over $350 million in total development costs. He most recently served as a development project manager for The Community Builders, Inc. (TCB) where he oversaw the construction of a 100-unit tax-credit development done in partnership with Matthews Memorial Baptist Church. The $22 million development included senior, public housing, and general low-income units. In addition, Mr. Hanks led TCB’s successful application to become the master planner / developer of an 11 acre site in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Mr. Hanks is also a co-founding managing member of RenDev, LLC (d/b/a Renaissance Development). At RenDev, LLC, a Washington, DC based real estate development firm, Mr. Hanks focused on the rehab and renovation of single and multi-family properties. Most of the firm’s projects were developed at a price point to provide working class individuals and families with a high quality starter home. Over the course of six years the firm developed 40 units and nearly $7 million of real estate. At RenDev, LLC, Mr. Hanks was responsible for project identification, conceptualization, and implementation. He led or participated in all aspects of the firm’s finance, development and operation decisionmaking. Mr. Hanks received his MBA from the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business with concentrations in finance and strategy. He received his undergraduate accounting degree from Florida A&M University. Floryne Howard Floryne Howard is employed by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development. She has 30 years of experience with Rental Assistance Programs. She serves on the MAHRA and MARC-NAHRO Boards of Directors. She is a graduate of the University of Maryland and the Johns Hopkins University. Ned Howe Ned Howe is director of development and new business for Enterprise Homes, Inc. He manages and supports development staff through the entitlement process, and pursues new business opportunities for affordable rental and homeownership projects throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. Prior to joining Enterprise, Mr. Howe was the vice president of land development for the Maryland 19 division of Beazer Homes Corp., a national homebuilder. As vice president, he managed the land development department with an annual budget of $18 to 36 million and annual revenues totaling $200 to 330 million from the sales of 400 to 600+ units. Two of Mr. Howe’s projects earned land development awards of achievement from the Homebuilders Association of Maryland. Mr. Howe’s experience also includes over 16 years of site planning, civil engineering and environmental engineering for municipal, residential, commercial, institutional and industrial development projects throughout the metropolitan Baltimore and Mid-Atlantic regions, as a consulting engineer with KCW Engineering Technologies, Inc. He is a licensed professional engineer with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, a master’s degree in environmental engineering from Johns Hopkins University, and an executive M.B.A. from Loyola University. Mr. Howe also serves on the board of directors of Habitat for Humanity of the Chesapeake which operates in the Baltimore/ Annapolis metropolitan area. Deborah Jackson Deborah Jackson is employed by the Housing Commission of Anne Arundel County. Ms. Jackson has worked for four years with the Family Self-Sufficiency Program (FSS). She has served on the FSS Round table since 2012. Ms. Jackson is a graduate of the University of Maryland Baltimore County. Crystal Kirby Crystal Kirby is the Director of Outreach and Region Support at Socialserve.com, a Charlotte-based nonprofit with a mission of increasing access to information about housing and related resources. Since 2006, Ms. Kirby has worked with housing agencies and property providers to generate awareness 20 of Socialserve.com services, including free-to-use, customized housing locators, now available in 34 states. Ms. Kirby works directly with housing authorities across the country to customize Socialserve.com services for their specific needs providing free tools and supportive services that Socialserve.com can offer your agency to save hours of staff time and agency resources. David Kirk, Ph.D. David S. Kirk (Ph.D., Sociology, University of Chicago) is Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and a Faculty Research Associate of the Population Research Center at The University of Texas at Austin. Kirk’s research agenda is primarily organized around three inter-related themes: first, the legitimacy of the law and the effects of illegitimacy on crime and the willingness of residents to cooperate with the police; second, the effect of neighborhood culture and conditions on criminal and delinquent behavior; and third, prisoner reentry and the consequences of housing and parole policies for offender reintegration. One recent study examined the detrimental consequences of punitive enforcement of immigration laws on public cooperation with the police in immigrant communities. Kirk’s recent research has appeared in American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Criminology, and The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. William Lavy Will Lavy has worked with HUD for over 4 years, primarily in the development and implementation of the Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD). As RAD Policy Advisor, he supports the creation and modification of ongoing RAD policy, provides program assistance to PHAs, consultants, lenders, investors, and other partners, and develops policy and procedures related to subsidy. Christopher LoPiano Christopher LoPiano manages CPDC’s real estate and asset management departments and is responsible for all property development activities from project conception through construction completion and property operations. Prior to joining CPDC, Mr. LoPiano was the Director of Development at CityInterests where he managed the development of a 15-acre planned unit development in the Parkside Promise neighborhood that included residential, office, educational, and health care uses. Mr. LoPiano’s career in real estate development spans more than 25 years with prominent organizations primarily in the Washington, DC and Baltimore, MD regions. He specializes in urban development and community revitalization, and works closely with community leaders and neighborhood organizations to achieve their goals. Mr. LoPiano has extensive experience in developing affordable housing, including renovation and new construction in both the rental and for-sale sides of the business. He has led several large urban mixed-use projects, from project entitlement through construction and lease-up. Mr. LoPiano began his community development career at the Marshall Heights Community Development Organization where he helped grow a small housing counseling agency into a nationally-recognized community development organization emphasizing home ownership and economic development. He then opened and led the Washington, DC and the Baltimore, MD offices of the Bank of America Community Development Corporation (BACDC). His 11-year tenure at BACDC was highlighted by developing more than 2,000 units of affordable rental housing and managing the new construction of one high-rise and two midrise residential buildings. In addition, Mr. LoPiano led the development a $100 million downtown, mixed-use development that included the historic preservation and of eight 19th century buildings which were converted into lofts over retail. Mr. LoPiano was a long-time member of the Washington, DC Local Advisory Committee of the Local Initiatives Support Corporation and served on the Washington, DC Loan Committee of the Nonprofit Finance Fund. He is a past President of the Baltimore Neighborhood Design Center and has served on the Urban Land Institute study panels for Norfolk, VA and Rochester, NY. Mr. LoPiano graduated from Georgetown University with degrees in Government and Economics. Michael Lyles Michael Lyles currently serves as the Executive Director for the Prince George’s County Human Relations Commission. In this position, he manages the Commission’s staff and brings enforcement action against violators of the County’s laws prohibiting unlawful discrimination in the areas of Housing, Law Enforcement, Education, Employment, Real Estate Transactions, Financial Lending, and Public Accommodations. Since taking the helm as Executive Director in June of 2011, he has rebranded the agency, improved access to a large Latino population and reconstituted investigations from top to bottom, and developed a Civil Rights Fellowship Program to leverage talent from across the D.C. region interested in working in the civil rights arena. Mr. Lyles also leads the agency’s outreach efforts developing and presenting seminars on the agency’s mission, civil rights and human relations. In July 2013, the County Council established a Task Force focused on combatting Human Trafficking locally, naming Lyles as its Co-Chair. From 2006 to 2011 he served as a trial attorney with the Department of Defense, representing the interests of the Department in Industrial Security Clearance cases. Prior to that he served in the Prince George’s County Office of Law as a Senior Associate County Attorney in the major litigation section and from 1996 to 1998 and served a stint as Deputy General Counsel for the District of Columbia Child and Family Services Agency. Mr. Lyles sits on numerous boards and community advisory 21 groups, including currently serving as Chairman of the Bowie State University Board of Visitors, legal advisor to the Prince George’s African American Museum Transition Board, and member of the Ernest Everett Just Foundation, promoting science careers for minority youth. He was twice overwhelmingly elected to serve his community as a City Councilman representing District 4 in the City of Bowie, Maryland from 2004 through 2007 where, along with his colleagues, he oversaw the City’s 30 Million dollar budget. Michael attended Iowa State University and the University of the District of Columbia, where he received his Bachelors in Business. He received his J.D. from the Columbus School of Law at the Catholic University of America. He is licensed to practice in all courts of the District of Columbia and Maryland and before the Supreme Court of the United States. He is also a talented jazz guitarist in his spare time. Clifton Martin Clifton Martin is the Chief Executive Officer of the Housing Commission of Anne Arundel County. He currently oversees a portfolio that consists of 1,065 residences and commercial offices; and manages over 1,800 rental subsidies. Mr. Martin has been employed at the Housing Commission for 21 years. During his tenure he has been successful in working with a dedicated team that has added new programs and services for the county’s disabled and continues Head Start and Youth Programs for low income children. Mr. Martin currently serves nationally on several important committees that advocate and educate Congress for more housing and family services that are affordable. He is currently the National Housing America Chairman and President of the Middle Atlantic Regional Conference of the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials. He is a graduate of McDaniel College in Westminster and graduated from Severna Park High School. 22 Debra M. McGhee Debra McGhee is the Director of the Baltimore Fair Housing Program Center. The Baltimore Program Center oversees investigation of alleged housing discrimination in Maryland, DC and Virginia. In this role and among other duties, Ms. McGhee serves as a member of the Baltimore Regional Working Group (BRWG). The BRWG is responsible for court-ordered civil rights reviews of eight Maryland jurisdictions. Prior to becoming Director of the Baltimore Center, Ms. McGhee served as the Center’s Enforcement Branch Chief in for nine years. Ms. McGhee began her fair housing career at HUD Headquarters where she served in a variety of positions, including Special Assistant to the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Enforcement, public affairs specialist, and case reviewer. She is one of the authors of the Title VIII Handbook. Before coming to HUD, Ms. McGhee worked for the Department of Labor, enforcing civil rights laws related to employment. From 1986 – 88 she was a Peace Corps teacher in Niger, in West Africa. Ms. McGhee has also worked as an editor with a small newspaper and radio show host among other jobs. Ms. McGhee is married and has two sons. Jennifer Miles Ms. Miles’ career began 10 years ago in property management, where she gained experience in managing Multi-family properties (MFP), including targeted populations. Ms. Miles is the Money Follows the Person Housing Director where she is responsible for: supervising Health Policy Analyst Associates (Housing Specialist); providing direct housing assistance to MFP applicants including locating and securing communitybased affordable housing and providing related case management support, including assistance with the moving process; reviewing and developing policies related to the provision of housing assistance as part of comprehensive case management services; serving as a liaison with interested groups/agencies, and other divisions and departments regarding the MFP demonstration and qualified residences in the community. Ms. Miles provides direct training and support to case managers, staff of Maryland Access Point sites, public housing authorities, and other stakeholders on the development of policies and procedures that increase housing opportunities for recipients of longterm care services; and performing other duties. Ms. Miles has a MS in Management with a concentration in Health Care Administration from the UMD University College and a BS in Business Administration from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. Brien O’Toole Brien O’Toole is the Maryland CDA Deputy Director responsible for multifamily rental lending. Since moving to Maryland in 2007, he has concentrated on multifamily affordable development, working with Homes for America, the Montgomery Housing Partnership, and the Maryland CDA. His projects have involved LIHTC, HUDinsured, soft-debt and energy-related investment tools. Before that he worked on a broad range of lending, technical assistance and development initiatives with the Enterprise Foundation’s New York office and the Housing and Community Development Network of NJ. For the first decade of his career, following a tour in Morocco with the U.S. Peace Corps, he worked on affordable housing and community revitalization efforts associated with the NW Bronx Community and Clergy Coalition. Mr. O’Toole has a BA in Philosophy from Union College and a MS Social Research Hunter College, CUNY. Pam Paramore Pamela Paramore (Pam) is a Public Housing Revitalization Specialist in the Baltimore HUD Office and is responsible for ensuring the successful operations of several housing authorities in Maryland and West Virginia. Prior to joining HUD in 2007, Ms. Paramore spent a combined 20 years with Detroit Housing Commission (Detroit, MI) and Tallahassee Housing Authority (Tallahassee, FL). Ms. Paramore was born and raised in Detroit MI. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Development and a Master of Science degree (Public Administration Concentration) from Central MI University. Ms. Paramore describes her career in the housing industry as extremely rewarding and boasts that at the end of the day she knows her work has made a difference in someone’s life. Carol Payne Carol Payne is the Director of the HUD Baltimore Field Office. Ms. Payne’s expertise includes convening diverse groups in solution-oriented dialogue to promote community empowerment and engagement and build public trust. As the Director of the Baltimore Field Office of the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development she coordinates the delivery of HUD’s program in Maryland with a special interest in affordable housing, economic development, neighborhood revitalization, housing needs of special populations and the integration of health and housing policy. Ms. Payne represents Region III as the Sustainability Officer in the Office of Sustainable Housing and Communities, Office of the Deputy Secretary and is responsible for providing education, building partnerships and articulating HUD’s goals and agenda for sustainable and livable communities. Her past roles include leadership positions in nursing administration and research at The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, legislative leadership in organizing a coalition to ensure passage of the Maryland Maternal and Infant Security Act which established revised statewide standards, inpatient obstetrical care and newborn hereditary disorders screening and was a 23 model for national policy signed into law by President William Clinton in 1996. She was a Salzburg Fellow and studied the Social and Economic Determinants of the World’s Public Health in Salzburg, Austria; was named a 2005 Maryland’s Top 100 Women by the Maryland Daily Record for her public policy and social justice activism in the areas of health, education and housing and is an inaugural member of the Baltimore City Place Matters Collaborative for Health Equity. A 2009 recipient of the Excellence in Government Fellowship jointly sponsored by the Federal Government and the National Partnership for Public Service, Ms. Payne is a graduate of the Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government Executive Training Program in the area of Housing and Community Development and holds a master’s degree in nursing from Johns Hopkins University. Bruce Rieder Bruce Rieder dedicated his career to real estate development, primarily residential development in the private sector, until joining HUD in 2009. At HUD, he serves as project manager for the development of a new Green Physical Needs Assessment (GPNA) format and the establishment of new standards for Physical Needs Assessment and Energy Audits for public housing. Bruce has worked for more than 30 years in project management roles for new residential development and renovation/rehabilitation projects. He has served in the full spectrum of housing development project management roles including feasibility study, acquisition, entitlement, project financing, marketing, design, construction, community organization, property management, executive leadership, and customer service. Bruce earned a Bachelor of City Planning degree from the University Of Virginia School Of Architecture. 24 Dick Santangelo Dick Santangelo, P.E, is President/CEO of Apollo Engineering Solutions, LLC. AES is an energy solutionsdriven engineering firm specializing in establishing the long term viability of affordable housing. As the former HUD-PIH Energy Program Manager, Mr. Santangelo was a champion in HUD’s efforts to reduce energy consumption in 3,200 Public Housing Authorities (PHAs), representing 1.2M units of low-income housing. Utility costs of $1.5B approximated for 20% of PHAs’ $7.5B annual operating expenditures (2008). Energy and water conservation was paramount in controlling operational costs. Under Mr. Santangelo’s leadership, energy investment rose from $170.5M in 2002 to over $1.1B in 2011. Before his energy tenure, Mr. Santangelo was the Program Manager for HUD’s physical inspection program. Mr. Santangelo led HUD’s efforts to inspect subsidized housing to ensure decent, safe, and sanitary housing for over 4 million families, 44,000 multifamily and public housing properties. He stood up the physical inspection production operations in less than 16 months, carrying out over 86,000 inspections in less than three years. Prior to HUD, Mr. Santangelo designed and implemented Navy-wide aircraft manufacturing and repair procedures. As a recognized forensics expert in failure analyses, he directed the Navy’s aircraft mishap investigation program in Jacksonville, Florida. Before working with the Navy, Mr. Santangelo was part of the Launch Vehicle Operations team at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. As an engineering technician, he was part of the Apollo Program team that participated in the Apollo 11 launch, putting the first man on the moon. Mr. Santangelo retired from Federal Service in January 2010 with 42 years of Federal Service. Through Mr. Santangelo’s leadership, the Department of Housing and Urban Development - Office of Public and Indian Housing received the Alliance to Save Energy – 2009 Galaxy Star Award of Energy Efficiency; Environmental Protection Agency 2009 Energy Star Award- Special Recognition; and, the Department of Energy’s 2008 Presidential Federal Energy Management Award. Prior to his retirement, Mr. Santangelo received the Association of Energy Engineers 2009 Leadership in Federal Energy Management Award. Mr. Santangelo was also recognized by the National Society of Professional Engineers as the “2009 Professional Engineer” Agency Winner. In December, Mr. Santangelo was also recognized by the Partnership for Public Service in the Washington Post’s Federal Page as a “Federal Player” for his energy policy initiatives in Public Housing. Mr. Santangelo earned his Materials Engineering (MSE) degree from the University of Florida and a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of North Florida. Mr. Santangelo is a licensed, professional engineer (PE) in Florida and Virginia. Tina Schieb Tina Schieb is employed by the Housing Authority of Washington County. She has 18 years of experience with the rental assistance programs and Family SelfSufficiency Program. Ms. Schieb has served on the MAHRA board since 2010. Raymond Skinner Raymond A. Skinner was appointed by Governor Martin O’Malley as Secretary of the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development in February 2007. In this position, which he also held under Governor Parris Glendenning from 1998 to 2003, he manages the states’ housing finance, mortgage insurance, community development, and building code programs. Prior to his appointment he was President and CEO of The Skinner Group LLC, a consulting firm providing services in affordable housing finance, community and economic development, and government relations. Mr. Skinner has more than 35 years of professional experience in affordable housing and community revitalization and has been an active leader in the field. Previously he served as Director of the Prince George’s County Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development and as Executive Director of the DC Office of Business and Economic Development. Mr. Skinner holds a BS degree from the Pennsylvania State University and a Master of City Planning from the University of Pennsylvania. He has also completed the Program for Senior Executives in State and Local Government at Harvard University. Susan Smith Ms. Smith has been the Program Coordinator for Disability Services at the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County (HOC) for the past 18 years. During this time she has worked with staff from all Divisions to develop strategies that will assist clients and residents with disabilities to maintain their housing in the most independent setting possible. She provides on-going staff development in all facets of interacting with persons with disabilities throughout HOC. Ms. Smith has collaborated with other HOC staff and Divisions in developing and implementing policies for HOC’s Hoarding Intervention Tactical (HIT) Team. Prior to working at HOC, Ms. Smith worked for 20 years at several non-profit and state agencies providing residential services to persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She has her MSW from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA. 25 Stacy L. Spann Stacy Spann is the Executive Director of the Housing Opportunities Commission of Montgomery County (HOC). Prior to joining HOC, Mr. Spann was the Executive Director of Howard County Housing (which includes the housing commission and the county’s Department of Housing and Community Development.) Mr. Spann drafted and implemented the county’s Affordable Housing Strategic Plan, doubled the size of the housing unit portfolio and engineered the county’s first mixed income development. In addition to overseeing the Department of Housing and Community Development and Housing Commission in Howard County, Mr. Spann’s background includes serving as the assistant commissioner of development finance in Baltimore from 2004 – 2006, where he managed and oversaw five offices, including Community Development Block Grant, the Office of Home Ownership, and Office of Project Finance. Mr. Spann was named in October 2010 as Affordable Housing Finance magazine’s “Young Leader” award recipient. Mr. Spann is currently an adjunct professor of the Capstone Course Masters Program in Real Estate at the University of Maryland at College Park in the School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation. He also is a member of the Professional Development Faculty at the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Organizations (NAHRO), where he teaches “Introduction to Mixed Finance for Public Housing Authorities,” a course he designed for housing authorities, non-profits and local and federal governmental entities throughout the U.S. Patricia Rynn Sylvester Patricia Rynn Sylvester is the Director of Multifamily Housing for the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development. Appointed to the position in 2003, Ms. Sylvester leads a 60-person staff with responsibility for the Department’s rental-housing finance programs, federal Low Income Housing Tax Credits, 26 and state and federal rental assistance programs. Ms. Sylvester has also served as the Department’s Director of Single Family Housing and legislative liaison. Before joining the Department, she worked for the Maryland General Assembly and as a Maryland administrative law judge. Ms. Sylvester holds a J.D. from the University Of Maryland School Of Law and a B.A. from the Johns Hopkins University. William Tamburrino Bill Tamburrino is the Director, Baltimore Public Housing Program Hub, and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Mr. Tamburrino earned his B.A. in urban studies from the Johns Hopkins University. He was initially hired by the Maryland State Office of the Department in September 1979. He served as a Housing Management Specialist until 1985, when he accepted a position with the National Center for Housing Management (NCHM). While employed by NCHM, he became Vice President for Public Housing Improvements and developed improvement strategies for public housing authorities throughout the country. In 1987 Mr. Tamburrino returned to HUD and became the Chief of the Assisted Housing Management Branch in the Maryland Office in 1990. He has remained the supervisor of that unit as it has evolved, most recently taking the form of the Baltimore Public Housing Program Hub. The Baltimore Hub has jurisdiction in the states of Maryland and West Virginia. This jurisdiction has an inventory of over 40,000 units of Public Housing and Housing Choice Vouchers. More recently, Mr. Tamburrino also serves as a Team Lead for recovery activities of troubled agencies throughout the Northeast area. Since 2013, Mr. Tamburrino has been serving as the Interim Coordinator of HUD’s District of Columbia Public Housing Program Center. Carol Weber Carol Weber is a Public Housing Revitalization Specialist in the Public Housing Division of the Baltimore HUD Office. Her entire Federal career has been with the Baltimore HUD Office, and for the last 29 years Ms. Weber has been employed in the Public Housing Division. Prior to that Ms. Weber spent three years in Loan Management (now Asset Management) and 3 years in Real Estate and Evaluation (singlefamily appraisals). She currently services and provides technical assistance in the administration of both the Public Housing and Housing Choice Voucher programs to PHAs in Maryland and West Virginia. Ms. Weber has acted as the coordinator in various Baltimore Public Housing Division functions such as the Public Housing Assessment System (PHAS) and the Section Eight Management Assessment Program (SEMAP). She is currently the coordinator for the PHA Plan process. Amy Wilkinson Amy Wilkinson is the Associate Executive Director for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Enforcement of the Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC), a position she assumed in 2001. Before joining HABC, she served at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development from July 1999 through January 2001, first as the Deputy General Counsel for Equal Opportunity and Administrative Law and then as the General Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. Ms. Wilkinson also worked at the City of Philadelphia Law Department, first as a Chief Deputy City Solicitor and then as the First Deputy City Solicitor, and as an associate and then partner with the law firm, Duane Morris and Heckscher. Ms. Wilkinson received a J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School and Bachelor of Arts degree from Dartmouth College. Tamara Woods Tamara Woods is senior planner with the City of Baltimore Department of Planning and has been with the Department for 11 years. She currently serves as both a Land Use Planner and Comprehensive Planner. As a Comprehensive Planner, Ms. Woods provides neighborhood planning services and technical assistance to communities and other City Agencies. She works closely with Baltimore Housing by helping to develop neighborhood revitalization strategies, sitting on various review panels for both funding and development proposals. She is currently working as the Housing and Land Use workgroup leader for the Casino Area Master Plan, which encompasses 18 neighborhoods/ industrial areas. As a Land Use Planner, she is responsible for development project management and review. This includes not only reviewing private and City supported development projects, but land use policy and legislation. She has worked on projects such as the Oliver and Barclay neighborhood redevelopment and Lillian Jones apartments. She is currently project manager for the New East Baltimore Community, an 88 acre project and has worked on large projects such as the Harbor Pointe redevelopment, a 3 million square feet project. In her policy work, Ms. Woods was part of the core team responsible for organizing Transform Baltimore; the City’s zoning code rewrite effort. Ms. Woods holds a Bachelors of Arts in Architectural Studies from the University of Kansas and a Masters of Urban and Regional Design from Alabama A&M University. In addition, she is a certified Housing Development Finance Professional from The National Development Council. 27 Jonathan Zimmerman Mr. Zimmerman joined the Public Housing Authorities Directors Association (PHADA) as a Policy Analyst in 2014. Prior to joining PHADA has worked in federally funded rental housing assistance programs for twenty three years. Mr. Zimmerman works on regulatory and administrative matters relating primarily to the Section 8 tenant-based voucher programs including: HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH), Non-Elderly Disabled (NED), Family Unification Program (FUP), HCV Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS), Section 8 Project-Based Voucher programs and to some extent Project-Based Section 8 Multi-family Rental Assistance programs. His work also includes a support role to PHADA’s education and advocacy on appropriations and authorizing legislation related to these programs. Mr. Zimmerman works on comments letters to proposed regulations, and helps agency members implement program changes through PIH notices and final regulations. 28 YARDI VOYAGER ™ Fully Integrated Solution for Public Housing Authorities hh Comprehensive Management of Public Housing and Housing Choice Vouchers hh Integrated accounting and real-time reporting hh Centralized case management hh Compliance for all federal programs hh Flexible wait lists and online applications Call Harvey Dickerson at 1-800-866-1144 ext. 6819 Visit us online at www.yardi.com/pha THE SPRINGS ARLINGTON, VA w w w. k g d a rc h i t e c t u re . c o m COLUMBIA GROVE ARLINGTON, VA KGD has designed 1,000s of quality affordable housing units throughout the DC metro area. We specialize in creating tailored solutions to demanding and complex projects. SILVER SPRING SENIOR HOUSING SILVER SPRING, MD ARLINGTON MILL RESIDENCES ARLINGTON, VA 2014 Conference Vendors Community Preservation and Development Corporation (CPDC) CPDC is a Nonprofit Affordable Housing Developer. www.cpdc.org Emphasys Software Emphasys builds and supports mission-critical operational and accounting software applications to help your PHA improve accuracy, maintain compliance, and increase staff productivity. www.emphasysPHA.com Maryland Energy Administration The Maryland Energy Administration is the State’s Energy Office. ww.energy.maryland.gov Park Rug Company Park Rug serves the Property Management Market with timely and cost effective flooring solutions: ongoing Rental Turnover; carpet, vinyl & tile replacement; indoor and outdoor common areas; and, hallways and stairwells. www.parkrugcompany.com Paul Davis Restoration Paul Davis Restorations provides emergency and restoration services to Properties Damaged by fire, water and weather. www.pdrmontgomery.com Socialserve.com Socialserve.com is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization that combines technology with award-winning customer service to provide customized housing locators and much more. ww.MDHousingSearch.org Notes Notes