2016 Summer Guidebook - Allegheny Center Alliance Church


2016 Summer Guidebook - Allegheny Center Alliance Church
Summer Guidebook
Our Mission: Following Jesus in Diverse Community
Our Vision: God has appointed us to be an ethnic, socio/economic,
and generationally diverse Christian congregation drawn from the
Greater Pittsburgh region and located on Pittsburgh’s North Side.
We Are Called: To communicate God’s life-changing truth in word
and deed; influence our neighbors toward faith in Jesus; advance
God’s worldwide mission; cultivate spiritual maturity through worship,
growth, service, and sharing; model authentic unity in Christ; seek
God’s renewal of the North Side community; and collaborate with
other Christian ministries as God directs.
Our Values: The Glory of God; The Lordship of Christ; The
Authority of Scripture; Prayer; Dependence upon the Spirit;
Expressive Worship; Diversity; Holistic Ministry; Grace
Core Values:
 Lost people matter to God. He wants them found. Luke 19:10
 Prayer is the primary work of the people of God. Philippians 4:6-7
 Everything we have belongs to God. We are only His stewards.
1 Chronicles 29:14
 Knowing and obeying God’s Word is fundamental to all true
success. Joshua 1:8
 Completing the Great Commission requires mobilizing disciples.
Matthew 28:19
 Without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we can do nothing.
1 Corinthians 2:4-5
 Achieving God’s purposes involves taking faith-filled risks; this
always involves change. Hebrews 11:6
There is no set formula for following Jesus, but there are certain key components that position us for transformation.
Our hope is that you who call ACAC your church home will engage in all four of these each week.
Main Sanctuary
Main Sanctuary
Main Sanctuary
Union Place Chapel
Main Sanctuary
Main Sanctuary
For more information, stop by the Connection Hub or visit
us online at www.acac.net/worship.
The ministries within our church, as well
as many community and mission opportunities, provide ample areas for you to
participate and serve.
To find a place to use the gifts God has
placed in you to serve in significant and
meaningful ways, stop by the Connection Hub to pick up a
copy of the serving opportunities booklet or visit us online
at www.acac.net/serve.
Sermon-based Growth Groups meet
following each service, providing a place
where you can connect with fellowbelievers as you discuss the biblical text
and life application of the message,
share your lives, and pray together.
Bible and topical book studies are also available.
For more information, stop by the Connection Hub or visit
us online at www.acac.net/grow.
As believers, we are called to influence
others toward faith in Jesus and to advance God’s worldwide mission.
We encourage you to take the opportunity to share the gospel in your home,
workplace, and community.
For more information, stop by the Connection Hub or visit
us online at www.acac.net/share.
Nathan Boersma
Communications Director
Welcoming New Staff to ACAC
Ross Owens
Administrative Pastor
Ross Owens recently joined the
Leadership Department to serve
as an Administrative Pastor,
alongside Pastor Blaine and
Pastor Sheldon. Ross is a native
of Pittsburgh, PA and was born
and raised in the Hill District. He
graduated from Robert Morris College with a Bachelor’s degree in
Business Administration and a
minor in Computer Programming.
He currently lives in the North Hills
with his beautiful wife Lisa, and
their two children, Lani and Ross Jr (RJ).
Growing in the Grace of Giving 1 2 3
“...see also that you excel in the grace of giving.”—2 Corinthians. 8:7
1 Local Church — Our first priority in giving is to help
support and expand the ministry of the local church.
2 Missions — Financially supporting God’s mission in the
world follows closely behind giving to the local church as a
biblical giving priority. He has a role for every believer in
taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to all the nations.
3 Other Kingdom Opportunities — Beyond faithfulness
to these top giving priorities (local church and missions), God’s
heart is to see us grow in Christ-likeness as generous, cheerful,
grace-givers. As God has blessed and prospered you, prayerfully support one or more special kingdom initiatives.
ACAC offering envelopes make weekly or monthly giving easy
using the “1-2-3 guidelines.”
Local Church
Other Kingdom
Or give online at www.acac.net/giving.
In addition to offerings taken during services, ACAC
provides online giving for your convenience. It’s safe
and secure.
Nate Boersma joins ACAC as
Communications Director after
serving as Communications
Leader at Alcoa Technical Center. Prior to Alcoa, Nate held
roles at GlaxoSmithKline and
Edelman Public Relations in
New York. He attained a Master
of Music degree from Manhattan School of Music and a
Bachelor of Arts from Luther
College in Iowa, his home state. Nate and his wife, Lee
Ann, reside in Allison Park with their children, Nicholas
(5) and Sadie (3).
Expanded Influence
ACAC in 2015—A Story of Kingdom Influence
ACAC in 2016—A Vision for Expanded Influence
Several weeks ago this colorful booklet was distributed to
the congregation. If you didn’t receive one, please be
sure to request a copy at the Connection Hub and learn
more about what God has in store for ACAC as the first
five of nine expressions of Expanded Influence are highlighted.
Who to Contact
Rock Dillaman
Lead Pastor
[email protected]
Blaine Workman
Administrative Pastor
[email protected] |
Sheldon Williams
Administrative Pastor
[email protected] |
Ross Owens
Administrative Pastor
[email protected]
Sheran White
Administrative Assistant
to Pastors Rock and Blaine
[email protected]
Sheila Edmunds
Administrative Assistant
to Pastors Sheldon and Ross
[email protected] |
Bible Quizzing
(grades 3 - 5)
Sunday (June - April), 9:50am
Quizzing is a Sunday School elective where kids memorize God’s Word through intense study while in a competitive environment. This challenging opportunity provides
fun, builds good study habits, and helps kids make new
friends all around the study of Scripture.
Divorce Care 4 Kids
(kindergarten - grade 5)
Weekly Ministries
Saturday (newborn - age 3)
Sunday (newborn - age 2 as of June 1)
Nursery care is available during all
Weekend Services. We have a welltrained staff to attend to each child’s
individual needs. Infants and toddlers
play in one of three age-appropriate
rooms, according to their developmental ability.
(age 4 - grade 5)
Children accompany their parents to the worship service.
They are dismissed before the sermon to classes on the
lower level.
(age 2 - grade 5)
Children’s Ministries encourages
children to stay for two services where
they can engage in Sunday School
and a time of praise and worship.
This allows parents to worship and to
have additional time to join a Growth
Group or serve. Children attend
classes where they interact with children their own age
and learn about Jesus through Bible and real-life stories,
games, drama, crafts, and music.
Sunday, 11:15am (September - June)
This ministry uses the Divorce Care for Kids (DC4K)
Bible-based curriculum to help children recover from the
hurt of separation and divorce. If you are currently experiencing a crisis in your marriage, or are now separated or
divorced, your children will learn tools to help them deal
with their feelings. (In order to attend, your child must be
enrolled in Children’s Ministries.)
We believe all children are a gift from God and
want them to begin a personal relationship with
their Savior Jesus Christ at a young age.
At age two we begin teaching Bible words,
stories, and songs of praise. As they grow older,
the curriculum develops with them to also
include age appropriate crafts, games, and
worship time.
We have over 400 background-checked
volunteers who serve on a weekly basis.
It is a blessing to partner with you as we provide
a safe place where children can learn to walk with
Jesus in diverse community.
Promotion Weekend
(age 2 - grade 5)
June 11 / 12
(children with special needs)
On Promotion Weekend all children
move up to the next grade level.
Children who are age 2 by June 1
move to 4 Allegheny Center (4AC)
and children entering grade 6 move
over to Student Ministries (SM)
located off the sanctuary in the
Whiteside building. All children
must be enrolled to attend this
9:50am (preschool: age 2 - kindergarten)
11:15am (elementary: grades 1 - 5)
This ministry provides a positive experience for any child
with a disability, special needs, or who may need a little
extra attention. An individualized program is provided to
address the needs of each child and provide them and
their parents with the best church experience possible.
Parents must meet with the Special Needs Coordinator
before a child is placed in a class.
Summer Day Camp
(grades 1 - 5)
June 20 - July 29
Registration for this year’s
Summer Day Camp is full!
Throughout this six-week
summer day camp we
provide a safe environment for children to progress
academically, play creatively, and be enthusiastic
about a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Volunteer tutors are needed from 9:00 - 11:30am
each day of camp to help children with academics.
Email Hilary Nelson for more details.
Parent Meeting for Summer Day Camp
(All Parents of Registered Campers)
June 17, 6:00 - 7:00pm, Sanctuary
This mandatory informational meeting is for all
parents who have registered children to attend
Summer Day Camp. Parking and parent passes will
be given out at the meeting. All camp fee balances
are due by Friday, June 3.
Kid’s Campout
(going into grades 3 - 5)
July 31 - August 5 (overnight)
If your child has been active in Children’s Ministries for
the past three months or attended our 6-week summer
day camp, he or she is eligible to attend Pine Valley Bible
Camp, located 45 minutes north of Pittsburgh, just off I-79
in Ellwood City. Space is limited and is first-come, first
served. Fee is income-based and guidelines are on the
website. For details visit www.acac.net/campout.
Register by filling out paperwork at the CM Info Desk.
Parent Workdays
June 7 / 8, 10:00am - 2:00pm (Register for childcare.)
A great time to help if you are unable to serve weekly!
Come help clean, decorate, and restock classrooms
as we get ready for Promotion Weekend! Everyone is
welcome! If you have the gifts of cleaning or organizing, please join us for as much time as you are able.
Summer Day Camp Closing Celebration
July 29, 1:00 - 3:00pm, Sanctuary
Come join our camp family as we celebrate our summer. This event will be an opportunity to see our kids
celebrate the closing of an awesome summer by performing songs, dances, and skits.
Weekend Services
For details visit: www.acac.net/kidscamp.
(June 2016 - June 2017)
250 volunteers are needed to offer Weekend Services
for children throughout the year.
Kid’s Club
(September 14, 2016 - May 17, 2017)
Child Dedications
July 9, Sat@Six, Sanctuary
If you are a regular attendee and would like to dedicate
your child, register online at www.acac.net/calendar, at
the Connection Hub, or contact Sheran White (page 2) for
more information.
Grade School Well-Versed Kid’s Pool Party
(by invitation only)
July 20, 6:00 - 7:30pm
We minister to over 350 children during our mid-week
program. Many opportunities are available.
Church in the Park
Wednesdays (Aug 3 - Oct 12), Northview Heights
Thursdays (Aug 4 - Oct 13), East Commons
13 week sessions are held each fall and spring. Help
us take CM into the community to share the love of
Jesus and build relationships with children. For
details visit www.acac.net/cm.
This fun in the water party is for all grade school kids
who’ve memorized this year’s memory verses. We rent a
community pool just for our kids who celebrate with all the
cotton candy, hot dogs, and ice cream they can eat!
After School Place
(Note: Awards will be presented July 16 during Sat@Six.)
For information or to sign up please contact
[email protected], x259.
(September 6, 2016 - June 2, 2017)
Tutor kids in K - grade 5, helping with homework, etc.
Who to Contact:
Gwen Kelley
CM Director
[email protected]
412-586-3681 x258
After School Place Staff Recruiting
Kids Campout Enrollment
Church in the Park Volunteer Recruiting
Kid’s Club Volunteer Recruiting
Tracy Grondziowski
Assistant CM Director
[email protected]
412-586-3681 X259
June 1
June 3
Weekend Volunteer Kick-Off Training (6 - 8:30pm)
Last Day of ASP
Make-up Weekend Volunteer Training (6:30pm)
June 7 / 8
Parent Workdays (10am - 2pm)
June 11
Mandatory Youth Training (6 - 8:30pm)
June 11 / 12
Promotion Weekend
June 13 - 17
Summer Day Camp Staff Training
June 17
Summer Day Camp Parent Meeting (6 - 7pm)
June 20 - July 29 Summer Day Camp
Leslie Rich
Nursery Director
[email protected]
412-586-3681 x256
Krista Mueller
Outreach Director
[email protected]
412-586-3681 x253
July 10
July 16
July 18
July 20
July 23 - 24
July 28
July 29
July 31 - Aug 5
Kid’s Club Enrollment Begins
Memory Verse Awards (Sat@Six)
ASP Returning Student Enrollment Begins
Memory Verse Pool Party (6 - 7:30pm)
Summer Day Camp Leading Worship
Church in the Park (CHIP) Training (6pm)
Summer Day Camp Parent Celebration (1 - 3pm)
Kid’s Campout at Pine Valley
Sean Meyercheck
Kid’s Club Coordinator
[email protected]
412-586-3681 x254
August 1
August 3
August 4
August 5 - 7
Aug 29 - Sept 2
ASP Open Enrollment Begins
Church in the Park begins (NVH)
Church in the Park begins (EC)
Single Parent Family Camp
After School Place Staff Training
For more information
check out our website:
September 6
September 7
September 14
First Day of ASP
Kid’s Club Kick-Off Training (7 - 8:30pm)
First Night Kids Club
Hilary Nelson
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
412-586-3681 x257
Kid’s Club
After School Place (ASP)
(age 2 - grade 5)
(kindergarten - grade 5)
Enrollment: Begins July 10, 4AC
$20 per child
Join our fast-paced, exciting Christian
club, which is similar to a scouting program. Children wear their Kid’s Club
t-shirt as they connect with other boys
and girls to learn more about Jesus
through Bible stories, crafts, and gym.
Returning Students - begins July 25
New Students - begins August 1
$40 per month
Begins September 6, 3:00 - 6:00pm
(Follows the Pittsburgh Public Schools’ calendar.)
Does your child need homework help? Are you looking
for structure for after school time? Our After School
Place provides a caring, safe environment for children to
excel academically and spiritually while learning how
much Jesus loves them.
For details visit: www.acac.net/kidsclub.
For details visit: www.acac.net/asp
September 14, 2016 - May 17, 2017
Wednesdays, 6:55 - 8:30pm
Mud Mania!
June 4, 1:00 - 7:00pm
Cost: $5
Mud Mania is a mud-drenched outdoor obstacle adventure race fueled
by excessive and unreasonable enthusiasm. Whether competing alone
or on a team, ultimately it is a challenge. Join us for a fun afternoon in
the mud! Sign up online!
MS Summer Blast: Wave Pool
June 29, 12:00 - 5:00pm
Cost: $5
Grades 6-8
MS Weekly Ministries
MS Weekend
Sundays, 8:30, 9:50, and 11:15am, Whiteside, 2nd floor
Ever wonder how the Old Testament and New Testament
fit together? How our stories fit into God’s Story? Wanted to see how the Bible is much more than memory verses and moral lessons? Join us Sunday mornings as we
prepare to experience all these things through The Story,
an overview of the entire Bible that tells God’s grand story
of rescuing and restoring the world for His purposes.
MS Special Events
MS Grade 8 Graduation
May 25, 6:30 - 8:30pm
Students completing grade 8 will be leaving middle
school ministry in June and we want to spend the night
celebrating what God did over the years in MS. Eighth
graders will join us Wednesday night for food, fun, and
games as they prepare to graduate into HS ministry.
Rising 6th Grade to MS
Parent/Student Orientation
June 5, 1:00 - 2:30pm, Whiteside - 2nd Floor
We are inviting all 5th graders and their parents to join the
SM staff for lunch. This is an opportunity to hear a
presentation about SM, meet our staff, and receive answers to any questions you may have.
Promotion Sunday — June 12
Students entering grade 6 move up to attend MS classes.
Students entering grade 9 move up to attend HS classes.
The summer has begun. There is
no better way to cool off from the
heat than by going to the pool.
Invite your friends to this fun afternoon of swimming, laughter, and
memories! We’ll see who is brave
enough to jump off the high dives!
Bring extra money for food and if
you want to rent a tube.
Sign up online!
MS All Nighter
July 22-23, 10:00pm - 7:00am
Cost: $25
Get ready for an awesome night of
amazing fun. We will be going to
Fun Fore All for unlimited go karts,
batting cages, bumper boats, mini
golf, and arcade games. This night
is going to be full of craziness and
fun. Invite your friends!
Sign up online.
Summer Blast: Sky Zone
August 3, 5:00 - 8:30pm
Cost: $18
If you have never experienced Sky
Zone - a trampoline park in
Leetsdale, PA - now is your
chance. We will meet at church and
travel to Sky Zone for a great night
of community, fellowship, and fun.
We only have so many spots so
reserve yours today!
Sign up online.
MS Summer Camp
August 21-24, 1:00pm (Sunday) - 2:00pm (Wednesday)
Join us for 4 amazing days at Summer’s Best 2 Weeks
(SB2W) the Que, where we will canoe, rock climb, zip
line, swim, and be challenged by God’s Word. Our theme
this year is Voices: Who’s speaking into your life? This is
the highlight of the summer. Bring some friends!
Sign up online.
HS Wave Pool
June 21, 12:00 - 5:00pm
Cost: $5
The summer has begun. There
is no better way to cool off from
the heat than by going to the
pool. Bring your friends to this
fun afternoon of swimming,
laughter and good times at the
pool! If you want to rent a tube
or buy food, bring extra money.
Pirates Game
July 27, 5:30 - 10:30pm
Cost: $15
Let’s Go BUCS! Join us for a
fun evening of food at the
church and then head over to
PNC Park for fun with great
people at a baseball game as
we cheer on our home town
Pittsburgh Pirates. You don’t
want miss this event!
Grades 9-12
HS Weekly Ministries
HS Weekend
Sundays, 9:50 and 11:15am, Whiteside, 2nd floor
Ever wonder how the Old Testament and New Testament
fit together? How our stories fit into God’s Story? Wanted to see how the Bible is much more than memory verses and moral lessons? Join us Sunday mornings as we
prepare to experience all these things through The Story,
an overview of the entire Bible that tells God’s grand story
of rescuing and restoring the world for His purposes.
HS Special Events
Mud Mania!
June 4, 1:00 - 7:00pm
Cost: $5
Mud Mania is a mud-drenched
outdoor obstacle adventure
race fueled by excessive and
unreasonable enthusiasm.
Whether competing alone or on
a team, ultimately it is a challenge. Join us for a fun afternoon of fun in the mud!
Senior Celebration
TBA, 5:00 - 8:00pm
Congratulations are in order! High School is now over. To
celebrate and honor you, come and join us for an evening
of dinner and dessert just for you. It is a time we can
bless and celebrate with you for all the hard work you put
into completing high school.
Summer Ignite
August 9, 6:30 - 8:30pm
HS students joining together to
develop community and understand how Jesus and Scripture
Ignite real life.
HS Summer Camp
August 25-28, 12:00pm (Thursday) - 2:00pm (Sunday)
Cost: $75
To cap off a great summer, there is always fun to be had
at Summer’s Best 2 Weeks (SB2W). Join us as we put
together a great getaway. You don’t want to miss the zipline, climbing wall, high ropes course, and so much more.
Who to Contact
Joe Oliver, High School Pastor
[email protected]
| x215
Joel Matonak, Middle School Pastor
[email protected]
| x216
Emily Zeh, Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
| x213
For more information:
Bible Quizzing
Sundays, 9:50am
Quizzing provides an opportunity for
teens to be involved in the systematic study of God’s Word. Students
memorize and study portions of
Scripture and compete against students from other churches—three
teams match knowledge, memory,
and response speed. This year’s
teams are studying Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians.
Summer Missions Opportunities 2016
This summer we will be taking 100 students and leaders on missions trips!
SMO: Charleston, WV
SMO: Kansas City, MO—LIFE 2016
June 19-24
July 5-13
A team of twelve 7 graders and leaders will be traveling to Charleston to
serve for the week. Pray that God
would use us in amazing ways to expand His Kingdom.
We will be taking a
group of 90 HS students and leaders
to Kansas City as we join the Alliance
youth for the LIFE Conference. We
will spend half the week being challenged by great speakers in God’s
Word. We will end our trip serving 3
days in Indianapolis.
For information contact:
Scott and Kristin Bailey
[email protected]
MS/HS Baptism Class
August 14, 11:15am, SM Department
SMO Concert of Prayer
Wednesday June 15, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Before our students and leaders leave for their respective mission trips, we
would like to pray for and over them. This evening is set up for parents and
student to come together for a time of worship and prayer. We look forward to
having all of the Summer Mission Trip students and parents in attendance for
this time with God.
If you are interested in being baptized at Turnbull Lake on August 28,
please register to attend this mandatory baptism class.
Register at www.acac.net/calendar.
Summer SM Volunteers Needed
MS Sunday School - Substitute Teachers
HS Sunday Morning - Leaders
MS / HS Special Events
Fall SM Volunteers Needed
Leader Picnic
July 17, 3:30 - 8:00pm
For all the hard work our SM Leaders have put in for the year, we
have set aside a day to celebrate
them for all they have done. So, SM
Leaders join us for an evening of
great food, games and wonderful people that want to
honor you for all you have done and continue to do.
MS Sunday School Teachers
MS Wednesday Night Blast Leaders
HS Sunday Morning Leaders
HS Growth Group Leaders
HS Tuesday Night Ignite Leaders
Be thinking about how you would like
to get involved and if interested connect with us in early August for fall—
or now for summer! If you want to invest in the lives of MS students contact Pastor Joel Matonak or to invest
in the lives of HS students, contact
Pastor Joe Oliver.
June 11, 8-10pm
A diverse group of students:
Seeking to know God and make Him known
Weekly Ministries
Sunday School Services
Sundays, June 5 - August 14, 11:15am Heritage Room
Enjoy some quality time
with others around a big
nighttime fire! We will
have s’mores and other
snacks to enjoy as we sit
around a bonfire, toss a
ball or just have great
Come take a look at
Francis Chan’s book,
Forgotten God, and discuss how important the
Holy Spirit is in and to
our lives.
Sunday Night Aletheia Services
Pool and Movie Nights
Sundays, May 15 - August 14, 6:30pm, Cathedral G8
June 25 and August 13, 7:00 - 10:30pm, Holt’s Home
Come enjoy an evening
church service in the
Cathedral of Learning
where we will continue
to walk through the book
of 1 Corinthians!
Pirates Game and Tailgate
July 9, 5:30 - 10:30pm
Contact Pastor Marv for tickets. Cost: $12.
July 15, 7:00 - 9:00pm, TBD
Enjoy time shooting hoops with all your Aletheia friends.
Play or simply watch! Free cold pop and water!
Worship Nights
Common Ground with Cornerstone
Wednesdays, (June / July), 6:30 - 8:30pm
Church of the Ascension, Oakland
6:30pm, July 24, Cathedral G8 and August 21, Outside
On these nights we are making our Sunday service a
night of worship. Come enjoy some great music and
times of contemplative prayer!
There is always good food and good fellowship
involved, so come on out!
Ultimate Frisbee
Who to Contact
June 3, 5:00 - 8:00pm
Marvin Nelson
Campus Pastor
[email protected] | x177
We will play Ultimate Frisbee together in Schenley Park.
Come hang out and eat some pizza as we play and chill
on the huge lawn of Schenley!
Next Gen Meeting
June 5, 6:00pm, Sanctuary
We will be meeting with Pastor Rock and the Administrative Pastors of ACAC. Email Pastor Marv for more details.
Joseph Wimer
Director of Worship
[email protected]
Women’s Ministries
Summer Bible Studies
Anointed, Transformed, Redeemed: A Study of
David by Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore, and Kay Arthur
Thursdays, 6:30 - 8:00pm (begins June 2), UP307
Thursdays, 9:30 - 11:30am* (begins June 16), UP307
Summer Growth Groups
Growth Groups provide a place for you to grow and connect with others in
significant relationships around the
Word of God. Stop
by the Connection
Hub and grab our
Summer Quick
Guide to join a
group this summer.
Tailgate Party and Pirates Game
July 8, 5:30pm, UP Deck; 7:05pm, PNC Park
Be sure to get your tickets ($25) and plan to join us for a
potluck before the game! Bring a side dish or dessert to
share (disposable containers). Hamburgers, hotdogs,
and beverages provided.
Single Parent Family Camp
August 5-7, Beulah Beach
A unique camping experience
for single parent families at
Beulah Beach in Vermillion, OH.
The weekend includes seminars for parents and programs
for children in a relaxing atmosphere where single parents and
their children can spend time together and grow in their
relationship with Jesus. Don’t miss this great weekend
getaway with your kids!
Membership Classes
August 13, 8:00am - 12:00pm, Whiteside
Register online at www.acac.net/calendar or at the
Connection Hub.
New members will be received at Sat@Six July 30.
Three women explore the life of David at
a different stage of his life: as a young
man (Priscilla Shirer), as a middle-aged
man (Beth Moore), and as a man facing
the final third of his life (Kay Arthur).
Book: $17 at the Connection Hub.
Living the Cross Centered Life: Keeping the Gospel
the Main Thing by C.J. Mahaney
Thursdays, 9:30 - 11:30am* (begins June 16), UP305
“Never lay it aside. Never move on.” says
C.J. Mahaney who shows how to center
every day around the life-giving reality of
the gospel and escape the pitfalls of legalism, condemnation, and feelings-driven
faith. Book: $12 at the Connection Hub.
*Childcare available during morning sessions only.
Registration forms are available at the Connection Hub
or online, www.acac.net/women.
Widows’ Luncheon
June 11, 11:30am, Heritage Room
Enjoy a delightful luncheon. Seating is limited so be sure
to RSVP early. Tickets: $5 at the Connection Hub.
Great Commission Women’s Day
July 28, Mahaffey Camp
Please join us as we travel to attend a Mission’s Rally
and encourage our Alliance International Workers.
We are collecting electronic items to distribute to International Workers. If you'd like to donate memory sticks,
flash drives, external hard drives, ear buds, blue tooth
speakers—or anything else you think might be a blessing
to these faithful servants, please drop items off at the
Connection Hub through July 24.
Register for Women’s Bible Study (WBS)
Registration for 2016-2017 WBS will the first
weekend in August. See your bulletin for
details or stop by the Connection Hub for info
and to register.
Baptism Class
Women’s Bible Study Kick-off Picnic
August 14, 11:15am - 1:00pm, UP Chapel
Thursday, September 1, 6:30pm, UP Deck
If you want to be baptized at Turnbull Lake on Sunday,
August 28 at 6:00pm, please register to attend this
mandatory baptism class at www.acac.net/calendar or
the Connection Hub. For more information contact
[email protected], x142.
Please join us for an old-fashioned potluck picnic as we
get ready for another transforming year of Bible study.
Please bring a dish to share according to the first letter of
your name: (A-H) Main; (I-P) Salad/Side; (Q-Z) Dessert.
Couples to Couples: Premarital Counseling
“G1” Creativity Group
We offer premarital counseling to couples that call ACAC
their church home. The first step is to request an interview with an assigned pastor. To set up your initial interview, please call the church at 412-321-4333 and ask for
the wedding voicemail, vm926.
June 25, July 30, August 27; 1:00pm, UP 206
PrimeTime (40+)
Sports and Games Nights
Dr. John Stanko hosts a monthly Saturday
afternoon gathering of creative people at
ACAC. The purpose of the meeting is simple: to encourage creative people
involved in any type of creative expression.
If you are interested in the group, please
contact Dr. John Stanko at [email protected].
1st and 3rd Fridays, 7:30 - 11:00pm, UP 2nd Floor
Volleyball, ping-pong, and board games. All welcome.
Bible Discussion
2nd and 4th Fridays; 7:30 - 9:30pm, Heritage Room
Study God’s Word. All welcome.
Confirm their Summer Schedule via the PrimeTime blog
at www.primetimejoy.blogspot.com and sign up to receive
email updates—or email [email protected].
ACAC has a Facebook group specifically for singles here
at ACAC. Contact Sheran White, x142 to request to join.
Seniors (55+)
Keenagers Luncheons
2nd Fridays, 11:45am - 1:45pm, 4AC - 3rd floor, Room 10
Come enjoy an enriching time of fellowship over a meal.
Cost: $10. Reservations: Call 724-274-4955.
June 10 (Must RSVP by June 3)
Feature: Joe Lege will play polkas, waltzes, and
old tyme favorites on his accordion.
July 8 (Must RSVP by July 1)
Feature: Picnic on the UP Deck.
August 12 (Must RSVP by August 5)
Feature: Sheran White
September 9 (Must RSVP by September 2)
Feature: Ed and Tammy Glover - UIF
All who attend ACAC may gain access to this free
Bible Study resource which includes video discipleship
content for every age group and every life situation, as
well as the content on rightnow media kids.
If you are not already enjoying this resource, request an invitation to
register for your free account by contacting Lydia at x101.
 Click the “Accept Invite” button to link to the registration page.
 Fill out the information page, create a password and click “go.”
 Next time you log in, enter your e-mail address and password.
Bible Studies
Sundays, 11:15am, UP206—Sermon-based
Tuesdays, 10:30am, UP120—91 Weeks with Jesus
Pastor Andy leads these studies. All are welcome.
Senior News
Those 55+ receive the Senior News sent
via email or bulk mail to those without
email. If you would like to join the editorial team, write an article, or subscribe to
receive this quarterly publication, contact
Julie Federer.
Crocheting/Knitting Classes
Crochet/Knit—Saturdays, 10:00am - 12:00pm, UP 307
No matter your skill level, all are welcome. Enjoy fellowship as you learn and work together.
Who to Contact
George Furman
Pastor of Adult Life Ministries
[email protected]
| x104
Elizabeth Daigle
Director of Women’s Ministries
[email protected]
| x103
Andy Antoninka
Pastor of Seniors
[email protected]
| vm903
Lydia Burger
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
| x101
Julie Federer
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
| x102
Extravagant Worship Weekend
June 25-26
Worship Service
Dessert & Discussion
5:00-6:00pm, Simpson Hall Café
6:00-7:15pm, Sanctuary
7:30-8:00pm, Simpson Hall
Our Sat@Six service features an extended service time
allowing us to incorporate a variety of special features.
Please note the following dates:
Come and be a part of these special services focused on
worship. There will be a short message with more time
given to singing praises to our God and King. We will
address themes of true worship, repentance, freedom
and healing. Come and be encouraged.
Worship Volunteers Needed
June 11 — Quizzing
Worship Ministries is always looking for volunteers to
serve in the following roles. Do you have any of these
abilities? Are you looking to use them for His glory?
June 18 — Tribute to Fathers
Media Team:
June 24 — Extravagant Worship Weekend
July 9 — Child Dedications
July 16 — Kids’ Awards
Video director, robotic camera operator, graphics operator, technical director, lighting operator.
Time Commitment: Just one service every other week.
July 23 — Summer Day Camp Leading Worship
July 30 — Receiving New Members
August 13 — Ted Mock Scholarship Award
August 20 — Transforming Conversations
Union Praise
Sundays, 9:50am, Union Place Chapel
Join us for a service mirroring worship in our main sanctuary in a smaller, more intimate setting.
Join our community of over 100 men and women who
together with the Worship Team and Worship Leader,
lead the congregation in expressing worship in song by
using their voices in humble and skillful service.
Time Commitment: Attendance at weekly rehearsals on
Wednesdays, 6:45-8:30pm (September – May) and Sundays, 15-20 minutes before each service. Sing in two
services per Sunday, except Communion Sunday.
Participation in occasional training sessions.
A group of experienced musicians who love God and are
open to playing in diverse styles leading the congregation
in worship.
Time Commitment: Attend weekly rehearsals, minister at
weekend services per rotating schedule (currently 1-2
times per month) and attend occasional training sessions.
Fall Preview
June 18 at Sat@Six
June 19 AT all SUNDAY services
Main Sanctuary
Here are some dates to mark on your calendars now!
September 7
— Worship Ministries Picnic
September 10 — Choir Camp
9:00am - 1:00pm
September 17 — Worship Team Camp
11:00am - 3:00pm
Media Resources
Watch ACAC worship
services on Pittsburgh’s
Faith and Family Channel
(40.2 PGHFF). Each weekly program includes music
from our services and Pastor Rock’s message.
Broadcast Schedule:
 Sundays at 8pm
 Wednesdays at 12pm
 Fridays at 12am
You can also stream this
weekly program online:
1) Go to www.ctvn.org/pff
2) Click “watch online”
Transforming Conversations
Knowledge of God's Word will transform your thinking and that, in turn,
will transform your life. But not if you
interpret it incorrectly! Far too often
we assume we understand a concept
or passage simply because we're familiar with it. And that can lead to confusion. In these
informal, unrehearsed conversations Pastor Rock attempts to bring clarity to our understanding of key biblical words and concepts. He also addresses challenging
issues from a biblical stance.
Check back weekly for another transforming conversation with Pastor Rock — www.acac.net/tc.
Social Media
Like us on Facebook for inspiring quotes,
ACAC event updates, and more.
Follow Us on Twitter for important reminders,
and quick encouragements.
Subscribe to weekly messages available via
podcast using using Apple’s iTunes or another
RSS feed service. Listen & Share weekly
sermon. www.acac.net/sermons.
Subscribe to the ACAC Blog to participate in
the conversation.
Listen live to ACACThreads Radio or download
and listen later:
terms of use: ACAC wifi is provided “as is”
without warranties of any kind. By accessing it,
you agree not to use it for any unlawful or prohibited purpose. You are fully responsible for
your use. Access has content filtering enabled.
Photography / Video Recording
Photography and video recording may be in progress
while you’re on campus at ACAC. Your presence signifies your consent to your image being used by Allegheny
Center Alliance Church without payment or other consideration. If you don’t want your image to be used, stop by
the Connection Hub to sign the “Do Not Photograph” list.
Photographers Needed: We are looking for additional
volunteer photographers to take pictures at various
special events—Family Fun Night, child dedications, and
baptisms. If you would like to use your love for photography, please contact [email protected], x142, to
discuss the details.
Prayer Threads
This weekly publication featuring prayer
needs of our congregation, ministries,
and missionaries is available in the
narthex, main lobby, and UP desk.
If you have a prayer need, write it on the
“Please Pray” card found in the seatback
pocket and return to the Connection Hub.
Baptisms at Turnbull Lake
August 28
Each summer we hold a
special baptism service at
Turnbull Lake. All are invited
to come. Bring a blanket or
lawn chair and plan to join us
as we celebrate with those being baptized. If you would like
to be baptized, you must attend a baptism class scheduled for August 14. Register online at www.acac.net/
calendar or contact Sheran White, x142. (See CM, SM,
or ALM pages for details.)
Who to Contact
Alton Merrell
Director of Worship
[email protected]
| x233
Stephanie Childers (Begins July 5)
Assistant Director of Worship
[email protected] | x232
Becky Wimer
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
| x234
Mark Bowers
Director of Worship Technology
[email protected]
| x236
Gregg Hughes
Creative Media Director
[email protected]
| x235
Welcome Center Hosts/Hostesses
Our Welcome Center is for first-time guests. Meet and
welcome our guests before and after services. Keep the
counter clear and supplies refreshed while offering them
a cup of coffee or tea. Must wear a welcoming smile,
show a genuine love for people and have a servant heart.
Join a Team and Serve
Pastoral Care is looking for men
and women volunteers to serve
on our teams. The most important requirement is a love for
serve. Please contact Pastor
Donnie at x181 for further details
if you are interested in serving in any of the following areas. Your gifts of caring and serving, as well as donating
your time, are always welcome.
Make sure each individual who attends a worship service
or event is welcomed, receives a bulletin, and has directions to various ministries and service locations. Serve
as scheduled for worship times and ministry events.
addition, ushers also assist with seating attendees and
guests, as well as collecting the offering.
Funeral Team
Help families at a time when they need it the most and
gives them freedom from the details of planning a funeral
or memorial service to be held at ACAC.
Visitation Team
Encourage shut-ins and those in the hospital with a personal visit and prayer. Training provided.
Parking Attendants
Who to Contact
Welcome guests with directions and parking information.
Assist and facilitate those with special parking needs.
Donald Tucker
Pastor of Congregation / Visitor Care
[email protected]
| x188
Prayer Room
Our prayer room is open for those wanting someone to
pray with them before, during, and following each service.
Volunteer training is provided .
Andy Antoninka
Pastor of Visitation
[email protected]
| vm903
Union Place Café
Tuesday - Thursday, 11:30am - 2:00pm, Union Place
This café offers make your own sandwich and salad bars,
various beverage selections, and more.
Summer Day Camp Kitchen
June 14 - August 4
Includes food service, construction and maintenance,
service attendants, security, and other behind-the-scenes
departments that bring support and stability to the day-today operations of ACAC.
Café and Food Ministry
Simpson Hall Café
Saturdays, 5:00-6:00pm
Sundays, 7:30-11:30am (breakfast) 12:00-2:00pm (lunch)
This café features dinner on Saturday evenings and
breakfast and lunch selections on Sundays.
Kitchen volunteers are needed to assist
preparing food, serving meals, and
cleaning up after 400+ breakfasts and
lunches are served to children participating in both the ACAC and UIF Summer
Day Camps.
If interested, contact Joe Grondziowski.
Who to Contact
Ken Turnbull
Pastor of Advancement / Operations
[email protected]
| x154
Joe Grondziowski
Food Ministry Director
[email protected]
| x112
AfterCare Pirates Game
June 6, 7:05pm
Weekly Ministries
Care Connections Ministry Office
Sundays, 9:00am - 1:30pm, UP 1st Floor
Monday - Thursday, 11:00am - 3:00pm, UP 1st Floor
Friday - Saturday, Closed
Available to persons who call, email, or walk in with their
needs. A team of volunteers is available to assess the
current situation and find the appropriate resource(s)
available to meet the need. We strongly depend on our
community partnerships for support to meet the variety of
needs. For more information contact x124.
Young Professionals Mentoring Program
YPMP Parent / Student Orientation
June 25, 9:00am-12:00noon
YPMP Students Official Start Date
June 27, 9:00am-4:00pm
YPMP Program Final Day and Banquet
August 11
Dollar Energy pre-screening and applications are available. For information or to
schedule an appointment contact x128.
Deacon’s Ministry
Meet 2nd and 4th Sundays, UP 120
The Deacon’s Ministry is based on Acts 6:2-4. Their
primary role is to care for those who can’t care for
themselves. They are also greatly concerned about the
spiritual growth and relationship of those in need.
AfterCare Jail and Prison Ministry
Mondays, 6:00 - 7:15pm, UP 120
This support group is designed to minister to anyone
impacted by incarceration. We invite those with criminal
history, as well as family and friends, to join us every
Monday evening. For information contact x127.
This summer program provides adolescents, ages 13-15,
with the opportunity to grow academically, spiritually, socially, vocationally, etc. Each young person is paired with
a mentor, and is given the opportunity to explore career
paths and learn various life skills.
Prison Ministry
1st Sundays
We visit inmates every month and minister through sharing God’s Word and worship. For info contact x124.
Job Connection
Who to Contact
Post your resume or job listing here and connect with
a potential employer or employee. Follow the instructions to register and login at www.acac.net/jobs.
Loleda Moman
Care Connections Director
[email protected]
| x124
Christian Legal Aid
Mondays, 6:00 - 8:00pm
No appointment necessary; first come first serve. For
more information call 412-622-0232.
Michael Gregory
Aftercare Coordinator
[email protected] | x127
We all have times of brokenness and struggle in our lives.
During these difficult times, it may be hard to admit that
we need help — but it is in our brokenness that we can
encounter the loving grace and healing power of Jesus
Christ. Our God is ‘the Father of all compassion and the
God of all comfort…’ (2 Corinthians 1:3).
Weekly Support Groups
Participating in a support group helps us be in community
with each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. It
provides an opportunity to give and receive support and
accountability to one another, keeping our hearts and
minds aligned with Christ and His teaching. It also
provides a place where we can be transparent and “real”
with others, who are struggling with similar issues. In
essence, we can be Christ to each other in support
groups and encounter His grace and healing! All phone
inquiries are confidential.
By His Grace
Mondays, 6:00 - 7:30pm, UP 206
A Christian 12-step recovery program for all addictions.
Christians in Recovery from Codependence
Tuesdays, 7:00 - 8:30pm, UP 203, No pre-registration.
A confidential, women’s only, support group for those
struggling in painful relationships and interested in exploring personal healing from their codependent behavior.
We meet weekly and welcome new women year round.
Every Man’s Battle
Sundays,11:15 - 12:20 or Thursdays, 7:00 - 8:30pm
Please call vm965 to register.
This is a support group for men who struggle with sexual
integrity and emotional compromise in relationships.
Women in the Battle
Thursdays, 7:00 - 8:30pm
Please call vm966 to register.
For women who are impacted by a spouse who struggles
with sexual integrity such as pornography, adultery, and
sexual addiction.
We have professional therapists available through the
Christian Counselors Collaborative, and a variety of support groups to help you navigate through challenging
times. We encourage you to reach out to receive comfort
in your distress. You will grow in knowledge and understanding and will be blessed by God’s love and the direction of the Holy Spirit.
This nonprofit organization grew out of the Counseling
Department at ACAC and provides professional counseling for couples, families, children, and individuals —
with the opportunity to apply your faith-walk in the counseling process. This is available to anyone in the ACAC
church family and to anyone in the Pittsburgh area,
even those who do not attend ACAC.
“Your Word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path.”
- Psalms 119:105 Who to Contact
Tom Laird, MABC
Director of Counseling Ministries
[email protected]
| x121
Priscilla Ortlip, MSW, LCSW
Founder and Executive Director
Christian Counselors Collaborative
[email protected]
| x122
Arlene Flowers
Administrative Assistant
[email protected]
| x123
Carol Landfried
Intake Coordinator
[email protected]
| x912
If you would like to inquire about counseling,
please contact the Intake Coordinator at
For more details about our Counseling Ministries
go to www.acac.net/counseling.
Short-Term Mission Trips
Russia (Kiev) — July
Contact [email protected]
France (Young Adults) — August 6 - 16
Contact [email protected]
France (Paris) — June 18 - 28
Contact [email protected]
Guatemala — December 3 - 12
Contact [email protected]
2015-16 Prayer Guide
If you don’t already have a copy, be
sure to pick up this booklet designed to
assist you in being more personally
aware and able to more effectively
pray for those from ACAC serving
around the world.
ACAC Partnerships
Through partnerships we establish long-term relationships with International Workers on the field. We learn
of their work and develop a means of helping them
fulfill their mission. We grow in our love for them, as
well as the people to whom they minister.
For more info check out www.acac.net/missions.
Team Leader:
Team Leader:
Team Leader:
Alan Williams
[email protected]
Pastor Sheldon Williams
[email protected]
Dr. John Stanko
[email protected]
Team Leader:
Pastor Glenn Hanna
[email protected]
Rick Cotter
[email protected]
Pastor Glenn Hanna
[email protected]
Team Leaders:
Team Leader:
Team Leader:
Team Leaders:
Pastor Glenn Hanna
[email protected]
Pastor Glenn Hanna
[email protected]
Deb Lantz
[email protected]
Lori Hornack
[email protected]
Information Meeting for Guatamala Trip
June 12, 1:00pm, UP308
This mission trip is open to all. If interested, please plan
to attend this meeting. Contact Ali Ziegler for more info.
Giving to Support our Missionaries
In addition to our giving to the Great Commission Fund
(GCF), which supports more than 700 International Workers serving with the Christian and Missionary Alliance
(C&MA) in 70 countries around the globe, ACAC also
supports 20 individuals and/or families who have gone
out from ACAC seeking to make disciples in our community, nation, and world.
is part of a Christ-centered
global movement more than
6 million strong. Our Acts 1:8 family—inspired by Jesus’
love and empowered by His Spirit—is passionate to
bring the good news about Him to our neighborhoods
and world. There are plenty of ways to connect and stay
current with everything happening—go to
Alliance Life is your connection to
God’s work through the Alliance family as they “...proclaim good news to
the poor...and recovery of sight for
the blind, to set the oppressed free,
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s
favor.” And it’s all free in print or
online! Stop by the Connection Hub
to pick up a free subscription card or
check out their website at www.alliancelife.org.
Who to Contact
Glenn Hanna
Pastor of Missions
[email protected]
Emily Quinn
Missions Mobilizer
[email protected]
acac missions
Monday Nights
June - July, 6:00-9:00pm
On Monday nights in the summertime, youth gather for
a time of food, fellowship, elective activities, musical
worship, and relevant Bible teaching. The program
introduces students to the importance of having a faith
community and challenges them to grow as disciples of
Christ. Elective activities include dance, drama, music,
dodgeball, soccer, basketball, and flag football.
Volunteers are needed to build relationships with
students, supervise sports, games, and arts activities,
and worship alongside middle and high school age
students. Meal providers are also needed to prepare and
serve dinner for students participating in this program.
Contact Crystal White for more information.
“A Midsummer Night’s Dream”
August 18 - 20, Evenings, New Hazlett Theater
August 21, 2:00pm, New Hazlett Theater
June 4, 8:00am - 3:30pm, Victory Family Church
Join Steelers Coach Mike Tomlin, Urban Impact and over
one thousand men for a dynamic day of worship, fellowship, coaching, and breakout sessions and great food!
This event sold out last year! Register today!
Register online at www.ManUpPittsburgh.org.
Urban Impact Shakes will present evening performances
of this classic on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and a
matinee performance on Sunday afternoon. Contact Erik
Anderson for ticket information.
Gospel Brunches at Atria’s PNC Park
Seatings at12pm & 2pm; Reservations: 412-322-1850
Join Urban Impact on the following Sundays:
June 19
Father’s Day featuring James Ziegler
July 17
Urban Impact Singers
August 14 Urban Impact Jazz Band
UIF also needs volunteers to help with its many athletic,
education, and performing arts programs this fall. If you
would like more information about how to get connected
and volunteer please contact them!
Who to Contact
Summer Day Camp
Monday - Friday, June 14 - August 4, 8:30am - 4:00pm
This 8-week camp includes daily math, literacy, and
Christian Education lessons, as well as field trips, skills
(i.e. sewing, football, electronics), worship, swimming and
other fun activities. Breakfast and lunch are provided
each day.
This program is looking for
volunteers to assist with various
camp elements - including tutoring or games and activities.
Please contact Julie Gohn for
more information.
Seth Reichart (Director)
Andrew Churchill (Assistant Director)
Crystal White (Sr. Program Assistant) x122
Olivia Skal (Executive Assistant) x105
Sara Van Kirk (Director)
Amanda Wagner (Assistant Director)
Susan Smith (Executive Assistant)
Julie Gohn (Program Assistant)
Performing Arts
Tammy Glover (Director)
Eric Anderson (Assistant Director)
Matthew Mason (Assistant Director)
Karli Rabold (Program Assistant)
National Refugee Weekend
June 4-5
Mike Sohm has served as President of
CAMA Services, the relief and development branch of the C&MA since 2013. He
will be with us and speak in our services
as we join other congregations around the
nation in focus on refugees around the
world. We will also take a special offering
to help aid the refugee outreach through the C&MA.
June 18 at Sat@Six
June 19 AT all SUNDAY services
Main Sanctuary
Send Me Now Conference
June 11, 9:00am - 3:00pm, UP Chapel
Pastors and parents of attendees are encouraged to
attend too. High school juniors and older are eligible to
Register online by June 6. Cost: $10, includes lunch;
Walk-ins welcome, but lunch is not included.
Questions? Contact Denise Howard, 814-443-4702
Marquis Laughlin is dedicated to enabling audiences to
hear, see, and feel the God of the Bible, through the
words of the Bible. His live performances include 7
compelling dramatic solo Scripture presentation highlighting the epic story of God’s relationship with man;
Genesis, Exodus, Ecclesiastes, Daniel, John’s Gospel,
Acts of the Apostles, and Revelation which have been
presented all over the world. He maintains an active
touring schedule at theaters, conferences, and houses
of worship.
Marquis and his wife, Theresa reside in the Pittsburgh
area with their three young children. They are attend
and are members of ACAC.
Tailgate Party and Pirates Game
July 8, 5:30pm, UP Deck, 7:05pm, PNC Park
Be sure to get your tickets and plan to join us for a
potluck tailgate party before the game! Bring a side dish
or dessert to share (disposable containers). Hamburgers, hotdogs, and beverages will be provided.
Tickets: $25 each, will be available at the Connection
Hub in June.