Graduation Issue
Graduation Issue
Boulder HighLights G R A D U A T I O N A N D A W A R D S 2014 ~ N U M B E R 9 BOULDER HIGH SCHOOL 2014 GRADUATES Erin Nicole Adams__ River Franklin Ashante Addison Zoe Rachael Adler•ß Brayan Alemá Davila Estephanie Alvarado-Argumedo Dekker Alan Anderson Ethan Wade Anderson•ß Bryce Kirsten Anderson-Gregson ¥s Remi Conner Arata Pablo Cesar Arellano Molina Jose Miguel Arias Jaime Vamshi Mithra Arugonda Dmitri Ilya Ascarrunz ß Samadhi Rachel Asnes__ Zachary Nathan Auerbach Brode Josue Aviña Chandler Marie Baker Zayra Judith Barrera Pérez Tarquin Azaelius Crow Bartell Willson Taylor Beach ß Corina Beccera Alyssa Jane Holladay Beeman Brian Michael Beitner Jr. Lindley Elise Bellian__• Colton Mikulas Belochi_ John Russell Benson ß Kali Danae Berry Dylan Williams Bialek• Genevieve Caye Bieber Jacob Zane Blackmer G R A D U A T I O N Colorado State University Pueblo Lewis & Clark College Rhode Island School of Design University of Denver Metropolitan State University of Denver University of Colorado at Boulder Colorado State University University of Colorado at Boulder Wheaton College, MA University of Oregon The University of Tampa Colorado College University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder Dakota State University University of Miami Congratulations Boulder High Parents’ Newsletter California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 1 BOULDER HIGH SCHOOL 2014 GRADUATES Darwin Noah Boersma William Ezekiel Bogusky ß Cooper Harris Bohm Sean Ryan Bower Liam Miles Bowman Jackson T. Randall Boynton Nicholas Gard Bozik Joshua Bowen Branum__ Arian Brazenwood ß Christopher Charles Bridges Rose Elizabeth Briggs__• Charles Schuyler Britton Genia LiYun Brody Sydni Virginia Brooks ß Alaina Leslie Brown__• Mireille Gangemi Brown Parker Stanton Brown Sarah Ruth Brown Marycruz Bueno Luke James Bukowski Finnian James Bunta_• Yamilexs Burciaga Rachel Lee Burd ß Tristan Dylan Burger Ellis Greer Burgin Joelle Marie Burkhardt ¥• Galen Darrel Burr_ß Ryan Patrick Butler David Cabral Jr. Johana Campos Gonzalez Tian Rose Carabello Callie Mae Carlucci•ß Sarah Elizabeth Carpenter Marcus LeVar Carter II Isaac Thomas Cartin Jenneka Mary Cason Jose Carlos Castañeda Zoe Hazael Castillo-Perez Daniel Guadalupe Castillo Javier Antonio Castruita José C. Cerceda Martinez 2 G R A D U A T I O N & University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder The University of Montana, Missoula University of Colorado at Boulder Colorado State University University of Colorado at Boulder Colorado College Red Rocks Community College - Arvada Campus Lewis & Clark College Stanford University Western Washington University University of Colorado at Boulder Community College of Denver Lake Forest College Front Range Community College, Boulder County The Art Institute of Colorado University of Vermont University of Southern California Colorado State University University of Colorado at Boulder University of Utah Loyola Marymount University University of Denver Northern Arizona University University of Colorado at Boulder Front Range Community College, Boulder County Metropolitan State University of Denver A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S BOULDER HIGH SCHOOL 2014 GRADUATES Saul Cerceda-Castro Christian Chaires Juan Carlos Chairez-Martinez Levi Graves Chandler Gabriel Christopher Chavez Sarah Ciel Xiaona Chicoine ß Addison Douglas Chrisman Helaina Marie Christie Ginalorena Cianflone•ß Kenai Jie Class ß Breanna Nicole Clements Carin Jeanne Cleveland Daniel George Cleveland Cody James Cloman-Moran Dylan Joseph Connell Lindsey Ewen Cooney• Eliza Helen Cornell ¥• Julia Dana Coulson Mallory Layne Craft Hayleigh Olivia Criss ß Montana Mesognon Cross Joshua Isaak Curtis Anna Alpiner Cutler Annie Emilia Szczurek Davis ¥• Danielle Jean Davis• Haley Kirstine Davis Hanna Lynn Davis Isabelle Anna Davis ¥•ß Joshua Alexander Davis Sandra De Santiago Guajardo Matthew Randall DeBerry Matthew David Denton ß Chantal DeRoos Michael Li Dessau ¥• Erica Lauren Dettmer-Radtke ¥• James Henry Dietrich Max William Dings Grant William Dinkel• Kelsea Virginia Dionne ß Laura Emily Dissly•ß Caleb Malden Cox Donovan Front Range Community College Front Range Community College, Boulder County Lincoln College of Technology Denison University Colorado State University Colorado State University Regis University University of Colorado at Boulder University of Redlands Humboldt State University University of Colorado at Boulder Saint Mary’s College of California University of Southern California Stanford University Colorado State University Front Range Community College, Boulder County Westminster College Miami University, Ohio University of Colorado at Boulder Colorado State University Colorado State University Washington University in St. Louis University of Colorado at Boulder Northern Arizona University Duke University Colorado School of Mines University of Oregon California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Cornish College of the Arts University of Vermont University of Vermont G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 3 BOULDER HIGH SCHOOL 2014 GRADUATES Shea Cameron Donovan ß Ian Manuel Dorado Mason Dakota Roger Wilkins Douillard Naiche Cimarron Desert Sky Downey Ethan Patrick Doyle Saige Marie Draeger-Arries Lindsay Jane Drapkin Brylan Battan Droddy Zoe Carolyn Dulchinos Taylor Morgan Dunbar ß Laura Borough Dunlap Joseph D. Eberle Rachel Marie Edson Joshua Ewomazino Efe ß India Lotus Ehrhardt ß Sarah Jane Ellsworth__ William Grant Ellwood Tania Lucia Elmore Trishtian Thalia Espinosa Marisha Dina Evans__•ß Olivia Hill Feeney ¥•ß Ariana Leigh Feist ß Jackson Mead Feld Jason Patrick Fether Alexandra Sanae Figel ¥•ß Jack H. FitzGerrells Kathryn Ellis Fitzpatrick Stefanie Eve Flint_ Olivia Brooke Folsom Forrest Stanley Freeman Isaiah Preston Khalis Freeman ß Rosa Karen Galindo Juan Carlos Garcia Altamira Emily Anne Gill Garrison__• Nola Renon Ines Gehring Garrett F. Gerchar Palpasa Ghimire Toshal Ghimire Sheila Maryam Ghorbani-Elizeh•ß Maya Zoe Gilady ß Adrienne Paige Goldberg 4 G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S University of Colorado at Boulder Metropolitan State University of Denver Western State Colorado University University of Colorado at Boulder Colorado State University University of Colorado at Denver Occidental College Tulane University Santa Clara University The University of Arizona Colorado State University University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder University of Toronto, St. George, Canada University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder Front Range Community College, Boulder County Macalester College Pitzer College Colorado State University University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder Rice University University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder University of San Francisco Colorado State University University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder Rollins College University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder IDC Herzliya- Raphael Recanati International School, Israel University of Colorado at Denver 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S BOULDER HIGH SCHOOL 2014 GRADUATES Benjamin Morris Goodbody Cristen Mae Goodrich ß Alma Rosa Gordillo Villa Jamie McKinley Gordon ¥• Victoria Nelly Gorgemans Caroline Goussetis Marin Kira Govett__ß Baylor Harrison Graves Stephen Walter Grazier Deric Clayton Green Grace Marie Green Willson Taylor Green-Beach ß Heather Hadar Greenstein Isabella Mari Greer__ Genevieve Benford Gregorich__• Zachary Tyler Groenwald Jordan David Groth ß Joseph Scott Gunter Alegandro Gutierrez Ismael Gutierrez Yaire Iveth Gutierrez Erin Kathleen Haas Taylor Rhea Haas Eleanor Baird Hacker Gabrielle Marie Hagemark William Elliot Hamilton Hailey Elise Hampson__ Emma Hampsten ß Brandon Calvin Hansen Michael Daniel Hansen__ Joshua Michael Harrison Hannah Elizabeth Hart Kara Ann Hartig ¥• Maxx C. Harvey_ Willettes Wayne Hauge-Aldridge Atticus Luke Hauser AmberRain Hawk Andrea Eponine Haynes Nina Joyce Hedberg Nelson C. Hegg• Robert Linden Heiberger G R A D U A T I O N Hampshire College University of Northern Colorado University of Colorado at Colorado Springs University of Virginia Colorado State University University of Colorado at Boulder University of North Dakota University of Colorado at Boulder Santa Barbara City College DigiPen Institute of Technology University of Colorado at Boulder Claremont McKenna College Macalester College Colorado School of Mines University of Colorado at Boulder Front Range Community College, Boulder County University of Colorado at Boulder Colorado State University Western Washington University Binghamton University Colby College University of Colorado at Boulder Colorado State University Brown University Northern Arizona University Colorado Mountain College, Alpine Front Range Community College - Larimer Campus Colorado State University Santa Fe University of Art and Design University of Colorado at Boulder Colorado State University & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 5 BOULDER HIGH SCHOOL 2014 GRADUATES Cesar Hernandez Ashley Herrera Isabelle Bailey Herz Brooke Amber Lynn Hicks ß Daniel P. Hicks Morgan Ernest Hitz Eris Elizabeth Hollingshead Olivia Anne Holmes• Kari Teresa Holum ß Edward Ames Hooton Fiona Brackett Horne Zachary Albert Horwitch Samir Hotic-Alicic Henry Joseph Huettel Daniel Graham Indermill ß Rachel Ann Jackson Alexis Symone Jacobs Brandon Conrad Jacobs__ Michael Scott Jacobs Benjamin Sydney Jacobson Rawan Saib Jarrar ß Ronnie Apollo Jensen Xiang Ning Jie William Shevis Johnson America Jocelyn Juarez Michael Stuart Kahn Nina Anne Kahn ß Adama Joy Shahida Kargbo Lauren Grace Kempton ¥•ß Christopher Robert Kiley ß August Daniel King__ß Kevin William Kiser Sayaka Kitabatake John Stewart Kittelman Rachel Elaine Klein Emma Jade Lily Koltun-Baker ¥• Andrew Joseph Kopel Gillian Baron Kopp ¥•ß Peter Noah Koukov Reed Andrew Haggerty Kraus ¥• Calyx Alaina Kreloff 6 G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S University of Northern Colorado Fort Lewis College University of Colorado at Boulder Northern Arizona University Rhodes College Colorado State University University of Colorado at Boulder Colorado State University Montana State University, Bozeman Front Range Community College, Boulder County University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder University of Oregon Colorado State University University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder Chapman University Front Range Community College, Boulder County Cornell College Metropolitan State University of Denver Carleton College University of Puget Sound Trondertun Folkehogskole, Norway Oregon State University Regis University Duke University Colorado College California Institute of Technology University of Colorado at Boulder Stanford University Front Range Community College, Boulder County 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S BOULDER HIGH SCHOOL 2014 GRADUATES Keile Marie Kropf__• Jenna Danielle Kube Maya Coupard LaLiberté__ß Alex T. Lam Gabriel Joseph Rene Lambert Katherine Marie Lancaster-Cavallo Kelse Rose Lane Aidan Morris Lang Eli Merritt Langston Francis Lanzano Derek Kirchner Lapp Jelani James Lauer Vito-Antonio David McCormick Leccese Wyeth James Pendleton Leemon Noël Helena Leifer__• Sergio Sanoja Lemos Kyle Kaleookalani Lewis Brendon Lacer L’Heureux Yarrow Selbe Linden Christopher John Lingelbach__• Brian Sheldon Long ¥• Justin Bradford Long Samuel Eric Long_ Francisco Javier Longoria Leidy Kasandra Longoria Rolando Ernesto Longoria Sandra Janeht Lopez Fernando Jimenez Lopez Dacy Ncuti Luneburg Kent Luong Christopher Miller Mahon Devin Edward Malone Charles Max Mandel Hayden Topandas Mans Rachel Rose Marshall_ Victor Emmanuel Martinez Jamelex Mata Galindo Madison Jane Mayfield Camron Jamison McCormack Torin Dierauf McDonald ¥• Cullen Michael McDorman__ G R A D U A T I O N University of Vermont University of Portland University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder Colorado Mesa University University of Colorado at Boulder Eckerd College University of Denver University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder University of Washington Brown University Cornell University University of Colorado at Denver University of Washington Front Range Community College Front Range Community College, Boulder County The Art Institute of Colorado Universal Technical Institute Fort Lewis College University of Oregon University of Vermont Montana State University, Bozeman University of Puget Sound Redstone College of Aviation Technology - Denver University of Wyoming Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute University of Utah University of British Columbia, Canada & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 7 BOULDER HIGH SCHOOL 2014 GRADUATES Hannah Haber McIntosh Emerson Todd McKee Erin Maureen McLaughlin ¥• Jessie Leigh McLaughlin Kelley Grace McQuillen Elizabeth Medina-Perez Christel Genevieve Mensing ß Emma Tallmadge Merryman Austin Joseph Metz Stephanie Miles Lana Vivienne Milijasevic Joshua Jacob Miller Nathan Russell Mitchell Christina Molina Dylan Patrick Moore Madeleine Pickett Moore_ Rio Griffin Moore Andrew Riker Morss Joshua Paul Mundinger ¥s Isabelle Rose Nathanson__• Joshua Walter Neiman__ Cierra Nicole Newell Miriam Nissan ß Sarai Nissan_ß Caique William Duarte O’Brien Ian Cassidy Oden Edwin Olguin Angel Mizraim Olivan Chavez Elmedin Omerovic Ryan Stern Orbuch Alejandra Ordaz Murillo Cori Alana Orr Christian David Ortega Rosamaria Ortiz Connor James Owen Charlotte Carol Pahler Josephine Grace Paladino Michaela Catherine Mary Parent •ß Annemarie Parsons__• Benjamin Ross Parsons Karl Douglas Parsons ß 8 G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder Cornell University University of Dayton University of Kansas Northern Arizona University Loyola Marymount University University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder Colorado State University Front Range Community College, Boulder County Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - AZ The University of Iowa Montana State University, Bozeman University of Colorado at Boulder Swarthmore College Colorado College California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Colorado State University University of Colorado at Denver Arizona State University University of Colorado at Boulder Front Range Community College, Boulder County Northern Arizona University Front Range Community College, Boulder County California State University, Fresno University of Colorado at Boulder Fort Lewis College University of Colorado at Boulder Boston University University of Colorado at Boulder 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S BOULDER HIGH SCHOOL 2014 GRADUATES Leah Caroline Pascal__• Molly Louise Patten ß Hannah Claire Peck Leah Pei-Han Perletz Aldo Taban Peter Miles Mitchell Peterson Sarah Ann Petzke Zoe Ilea Plait__ Douglas Chalmers Platt Natalie Broan Platt__• Tamara Ophelia Pletzer ¥• John Maxwell Brock Pommer Matthew Wood Powell Sarah Jane Powell Raven Popescu Ramon Puentes Gallegos Amela Purgic Axel Hudson Quartarone Cristopher Ray Quesada ß Flora Alice Powers Quinby Carmen Marie Quintana ß Sarah Pao Radzihovsky ¥• Spencer Cyrus Rafii Rosalie Clare Reuss ¥• Jaqueline Reyes-Altamirano Amanda Barrett Richey Bradley Tucker Riley Paige Victoria Riley Kiana Min Ripoll-Bunn David Michael Ritzwoller_ Carson Charles Rivard__ Raul Eduardo Rivera Ordaz Malik James Robinson Mayra Yadira Robles Lopez Olivia Grace Rock Maria Tobias Rocken__ Rachel Rae Roderick ß Allen Joaquin Rodriguez Whitney Mariana Rodriguez Landon Matthew Rolfe Maritza Román Vazquez University of San Francisco Montana State University, Bozeman Miami University, Ohio University of Redlands Colorado State University University of Nebraska at Lincoln University of Southern California California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Macalester College University of Edinburgh, Scotland Montana State University, Bozeman University of Colorado at Boulder Front Range Community College Boise State University University of Colorado at Boulder Colorado State University Lawrence University Stanford University University of Colorado at Boulder University of Virginia University of California at Santa Cruz Brandeis University Purdue University Front Range Community College, Boulder County University of Redlands University of Colorado at Boulder Colorado State University Metropolitan State University of Denver Front Range Community College, Boulder County Warren Wilson College Community College of Denver G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 9 BOULDER HIGH SCHOOL 2014 GRADUATES Brenda Itzel Romero Herrera Noah Henry Rosen Johnathan Sanford Rosol Edith Indigo Rudnick Rodrigo Fraire Ruedas Demarree Faith Ruthrauff Merritt Houston Ruthrauff Vincel Santoyo Rodriguez Jonah Mannis Scher Amy Catherine Schneider Jake Schwab Kara Tryphena Scott Lisa Eve Sczechowski__•ß Tate Robert Seastedt Emily Tess Sefcik Devon Rose Seiler Quinn Edward Sepeda-Miller ß Laura Caroline Severson•ß Josiah H. Shafroth Emily Rebecca Shaul Emi Chiyo Shaw-Colorado Laura Christine Shearer Cooper_ Emma Blaire Shetter ß Pradibya Shrestha Sami Shrestha Sumana Shrestha Jesus Alejandro Silva Caballero Holly Jeanne Simmering Maid Sirovina Leete Tietjen Skinner_ Margrét Thorgerdur Skowronski ß Walter Davis Skypeck Haley Katharine Slaugh•ß Jessica Marie Smith McCauley Hunter Smith Amber Nicole Smokowski Savannah Katherine Snody_ Isaac Tipton Snyder Benjamin Ezra Spitz_• Matthew Thomas Sredojevic Kori Lee Steele 10 G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S University of Colorado at Boulder Smith College Westminster College Fort Lewis College University of Colorado at Boulder University of New Mexico Kalamazoo College Front Range Community College, Boulder County Portland State University School of the Art Institute of Chicago California Maritime Academy Seattle University Colorado State University American University University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder Metropolitan State University of Denver Front Range Community College, Boulder County University of Oregon The University of Alabama Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, Irvine University of Colorado at Boulder University of Alaska Fairbanks - Fairbanks Campus Fort Lewis College University of Oregon Colorado State University Santa Fe University of Art and Design University of California at Santa Barbara University of Colorado at Boulder 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S BOULDER HIGH SCHOOL 2014 GRADUATES Bryce Ann Steffek Robert William Stevens ¥• Maxwell Dieter Stickel ß Aaron Stirk Morgan Jon Stirling Lindsay Brimm Stoner ß Connor Harris Stowe Erin Elizabeth Sullivan__• Sarah Jean Sutherburg Jacqueline Rose Szarmach Joseph Maclean Szarmach Jonathan Tari__• Thomas Mark Taylor Alix Tearney Serena Utah Tenenbaum__•ß Chloe Jin Teraslinna Samichhya Thapa John Morgan Thompson__ MacKenzee Ashlii Lenn Thompson Naat’áanii Blue Todea Ivan Pierce Tomich David Torres Brianna Elizabeth Treppeda Gena Marie Treppeda Michael Thomas Trezek Wesley Thomas Turner Aidenn Elise Vaillancourt Marisol Valle Rodriguez Allison Lynn Van Court Adrianna Marie Van Hansen ß Kevin J. Van Lieshout__ Keegan Alexander Velasquez• Emma Elizabeth Vigers__ß Wendy Yanette Villa Veronica Villalobos Vasquez Zachary Montana Vivas ß Matthew Scott Walsh Katherina Amelia Ward Max Alden Bida Water•ß William Payne Weathersby Mariana Jordan Webb ¥• G R A D U A T I O N University University University University of of of of Colorado Colorado Colorado Colorado at at at at Boulder Boulder Boulder Boulder Kenyon College Augustana College University of Denver Santa Barbara City College Santa Barbara City College Vanderbilt University Spelman College St. Olaf College University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder Colorado School of Mines University of Colorado at Boulder Metropolitan State University of Denver Metropolitan State University of Denver Johnson & Wales University (Providence) Colorado State University University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder Cornell College University of St. Thomas University of Colorado at Boulder Montana State University, Bozeman Colorado State University University of Northern Colorado University of Vermont Dartmouth College & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 11 BOULDER HIGH SCHOOL 2014 GRADUATES Amanda Nian Weber• Kayli Kimura Weiss• Bradley Morgan Werner Andrew Chase Westfall Tia Leigh Whitehouse Nevin Coulter Whittemore Laurel Wolcott Whittingham_• Jack Michael Wichlacz Hayden D’Erchia Widener_ Matteo Alexander Wilczak__• Deaydrah Shanté Williams Sterling Thomas Williams Moyium Camee Willomon Morgan Elizabeth Winter Elatia Loam WinterSquash Nikolai William-Rossby Wold Teodor Wessman Wolter Patcharapol Wongyai Matthew Eason Wood Kylee Ashton Worthington Christopher Scott Wright Victoria Wu__• Nikola Katrina Yager ¥• Ethan Blake Yarbrough Alex Daniel Ybarra Leah Frances An-Yang Yee_•ß Alex Berkeley Young Kayla Rae Young University of Colorado at Boulder Bowdoin College Colorado State University Pueblo University of Utah University of Northern Colorado University of Colorado at Boulder Cornell College University of Colorado at Boulder University of California at Santa Barbara Montana State University, Bozeman Gonzaga University University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder Montana State University, Bozeman University of Colorado at Boulder University of Colorado at Boulder Wake Forest University Northeastern Junior College The Ohio State University Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - AZ ¥ Summa cum laude __ Magna cum laude _ cum laude • AP Diploma ß Boulder Arts Focus Pathway 12 G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S BOULDER HIGH SCHOOL 2014 AWARDS INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Philip Beneke Flavio Cirillo Camille Gaudron Carlos Eduardo Guerra Curado Germany Italy France Brazil Henriette Hagen Andreas Lackner Karen Alejandra Medina Luisa Vasconcelos Norway Germany Ecuador Brazil UNITY COUNCIL HONORS Sydni Brooks Joshua Efe Isabelle Nathanson Leah Perletz STUDENT GOVERNMENT 2013-2014 STUDENT BODY OFFICERS President Keegan Velasquez Vice President Anna Cutler Flora Quinby Secretary/Treasurer SENIOR CLASS OFFICER President Jamie Gordon DEPARTMENTAL AWARDS ART Scholastic Art Awards Gold Keys: Zach Baumann, Willson Beach, Emery Bradlina, Peyton Hoffmaster, Zoe Plait, Eve Sczechowski Silver Key Portfolios Gabriel Chavez, Eve Sczechowski Zoe Auerbach Brode, Willson Beach, Silver Keys: Jill Miller, Langley Rick, Amy Sumerfield Honorable Mention: Emma Hampsten, Quinn Sepeda-Miller, Nikolai Wold Denver Art Museum Show: Zachary Baumann, Willson Beach, Zoe Plait, Langley Rick BVSD Food Service Cafeteria Posters: Marin Govett, Sarah Kennedy, Karina Martinez G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 13 BHS Planner Cover: Melissa Pollich BMOCA Interns: Zeke Bogusky, Kate Brackley, Olivia Feeney, Benjamin Gasta, Jessica Milavitz, Flora Rotner, Laura Severson, Eve Szchechowski, Madeleine Veneziano Emma Wernsdorfer, Stephanie Wong Boulder Potters Guild Show Winners: Natalie Stucka-1st Place nd rd Jack Hooson-2 Place, Willson Beach-3 Place Artist’s Studio Presidents: Majaraha – Zoe Adler Pirate Treasurer – Zeke Bogusky Jambalaya Magazine: Madeleine Veneziano-1st,Emma Hampsten-2nd, Isabelle Davis-3rd, Kelley McQuillen-Honorable Mention, Jessie Milavitz-Direct Observation Jared Polis 2nd Congressional District Art Show: rd Sierra Furie – Grand Prize, John Hale – 3 Place Marie Walsh Sharpe Summer Art Seminar: John Hale, Madeleine Veneziano Boulder Potters Guild Show Winners: Natalie Stucka-1st Place nd rd Jack Hooson-2 Place, Willson Beach-3 Place Plinth Gallery Metro Pottery Show: Willson Beach, Hayden Mans, Emma Vigers Top Drawing/Painting Seniors: Zoe Adler, Ethan Anderson, Hayleigh Criss, Isabelle Davis, Emma Hampsten, Sarai Nissan, Zoe Plait, Eve Sczechowski, Laura Severson Top Senior Photographers: Sydni Brooks, Ginalorena Cianflone, James Dietrich, Emma Koltun-Baker, Charles Mandel, Karl Parsons, Emma Shetter, Lindsay Stoner Top Ceramic Artists: Abby Bacardi, Willson Beach, Jack Hooson, Derek Lapp, Hayden Mans, Henry Mans, Natalie Stucka, Emma Vigers Rick Sinner Award: Willson Beach AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Graduate with Distinction Sumana Shrestha BUSINESS Outstanding Business Student Michael Hansen 14 G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S CTE Outstanding Welding Student Josiah Shafroth DESIGN TECH Outstanding Design Tech Students Asher Blackburn Amela Purgic Erica Dettmer-Radtke ELD Outstanding Academic Achievement Palpasa Ghimire Maritza Roman Vazquez Crystal (Xiang Ning) Jie Pradibya Shrestha Aldo Peter LANGUAGE ARTS Boulder High School Creative Writing Award Lauren Kempton Jambalaya Literary Magazine Production Award Laura Severson Paddock Award Danielle Davis Hannah McIntosh Boulder Daily Camera Award for Excellence in Journalism Chandler Baker Keile Kropf Boulder Bookstore Expository Writing Award Robert Stevens The Jean Hoelscher Award Kara Hartig The Donna Copeland Award Rose Briggs G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 15 MATHEMATICS Glen Gilbert Award Jean Cutter American High School Mathematics Contest 12th Grade – Leigha Amick Natalie Stucka th 10 Grade – Radon Rosborough Steven Weiner Colorado Council of Teachers of Mathematics Award Joelle Burkhardt, Erica Dettmer-Radtke Kara Hartig, Brian Long Special Recognition Joshua Mundinger MUSIC Louis Armstrong Outstanding Jazz Award August King National School Orchestra Association Award Haley Slaugh Jean Bonelli Band Award Max Waters John Philip Sousa Award Joshua Mundinger Director’s Awards for High Altitude Alaina Brown Isaac Tipton Snyder 16 G R A D U A T I O N & David J. Nelson Orchestra Awards Marisha Evans Lauren Kempton Carmen Quintana Serena Tenenbaum Spotlight on Music Award Christopher Kiley A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S SCIENCE Outstanding Biology Student Michelle Anderson Outstanding Physics Student Univ. of Colorado Physics Dept. Radon Rosborough Outstanding Chemistry Student American Chemical Society Elizabeth Marics Outstanding Junior Science Student Bausch and Lomb Samuel Alipour-Fard Outstanding Senior Science Student Sigma Xi Gillian Kopp Joshua Mundinger SOCIAL STUDIES Outstanding Freshman Students Annie Chen (AP) Evan Laugen (AP) Jackson Curry Andrea Gustke Outstanding Sophomore Students Kyra Svoboda (AP) Emilia Van Buskirk (AP) Allison Baker Georgia Brown Outstanding Junior Students Elizabeth Marics (AP) Colton Stevens (AP) Lilia Meyers Luisa Vasconcelos Outstanding Senior Students Brian Long (AP) Tamara Pletzer (AP) Lana Milijasevic Tia Whitehouse Model United Nations Team Members of the Year Bryce Anderson-Gregson Kara Hartig G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 17 2014 National High School Model United Nations Delegate Award Winner Samuel Alipour-Fard THEATER 18 G R A D U A T I O N & Armstrong Award Margret Skowronski Honor Thespians Eliza Cornell Andrew Riker Morss Margret Skowronski Katherina “Yuki” Ward Double Honor Thespians Kelsea Dionne Brooke Hicks Isaac Tipton Snyder Thespians of the Year Kelsea Dionne Brooke Hicks Isaac Tipton Snyder A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S WORLD LANGUAGES GERMAN Outstanding Performance National German Exams Karly Kampe (Gold) Level 2 Kari (Elizabeth) Miller (Gold), Level 3 Nicholas Mundinger (Gold),Alexander Pieken (Gold) Joshua Mundinger (Gold), Stephanie Wong (Gold) Level 4 JAPANESE Outstanding Japanese 3 Students Astitwa Ghimire, Anastasia Hanson, John Thompson LATIN Outstanding Performance National Latin Exams Omnibus bene factum! SUMMA CUM LAUDE - Gold Medal Latin 3 Aidan Mulligan, Peter Vellandi, Emma Worden-Sapper MAXIMA CUM LAUDE – Silver Medal Latin 3 James Faughnan Latin 4 Marisha Evans, Carly Forest, Sarah Jane Powell MAGNA CUM LAUDE Latin 3 Zoe Adler, Flavio Cirillo, Peyton Hoffmaster Latin 4 Alexa Bottura, Christopher Kiley FRENCH Outstanding Performance National French Exams Level 1 Ayla Lieberman, Kelvin Martinez-Arreola Isaac Copeland, Josiane Valette Level 2 Emma Auerbach Brode, Andrew McCarthy Level 3 Mitchell Davis, Jacqueline Urdang Level 4 Grant Lurie, Anna Pasnau Level 5 G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 19 SPANISH SPANISH Excellence Excellence in in Spanish Spanish Awards Awards 1 Bijou Macdonald, Level Bijou Macdonald, Clay Clay Macdonald Macdonald Level 1 Level 2 Marshall Jones, Lilia Meyers Level 2 Marshall Jones, Lilia Meyers 3 Hannah Level Hannah Anderson, Anderson, Jacob Jacob Reagan, Reagan, Leah Leah Waltrip Waltrip Level 3 Level 4 Jean Cutter, Natalie Stucka Level 4 Jean Cutter, Natalie Stucka Level Level 5 5 Samuel Samuel Alipour-Fard, Alipour-Fard, Mariam Mariam Carson, Carson, Marley Loveman, Christopher Marley Loveman, Christopher Nicholson, Nicholson, Josiane Valette Josiane Valette LA Leigh LA Leigh Amick, Amick, Evan Evan Laugen Laugen OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING WORLD WORLD LANGUAGE LANGUAGE STUDENTS STUDENTS Annemarie Annemarie Parsons Parsons Nina Hedberg Nina Hedberg Jamie Jamie Tucker Tucker Foltz Foltz Marisha Evans Marisha Evans Lauren Lauren Kempton Kempton French French German German Japanese Japanese Latin Latin SSpanish panish OUTSTANDING OUTSTANDING LINGUIST LINGUIST AWARD AWARD 2014 2014 Annemarie Parsons Annemarie P Parsons 20 G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S OUTSTANDING STUDENT AWARDS MINES MEDAL FOR MATH AND SCIENCE Natalie Stucka OUTSTANDING FRESHMEN Andrea Gustke Evan Laugen OUTSTANDING SOPHOMORES Emma Auerbach Brode Brenn Anderson-Gregson MASONIC AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING JUNIORS Elsy Segovia-Zavala Zachary Zancanelli BHS LEADERSHIP AWARDS PRIDE Leadership Award Sarah Carpenter Body Positive Founders Sydni Brooks, Olivia Feeney Lana Milijasevic, Mariana Webb OUTSTANDING SCHOLAR-ATHLETE AWARDS CHRISTIAN F. RECHT AWARD Erin McLaughlin OPDYCKE AWARD Satchel Caldwell Erin McLaughlin PAT PATTEN AWARD Alyssa Beeman Devin Malone TENNYSON MCCARTY AWARD Michael Hansen G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 21 OUTSTANDING ACADEMIC AWARDS NATIONAL MERIT FINALISTS Bryce Anderson-Gregson Lauren Kempton Rose Briggs Gillian Kopp Eliza Cornell Joshua Mundinger Kara Hartig NATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Christopher Lingelbach AP DIPLOMA RECIPIENTS Zoe Adler Ethan Anderson Bryce Anderson-Gregson Lindley Bellian Dylan Bialek Rose Briggs Alaina Brown Finnian Bunta Joelle Burkhardt Callie Carlucci Ginalorena Cianflone Lindsey Cooney Eliza Cornell Annie Davis Danielle Davis Isabelle Davis Michael Dessau Erica Dettmer-Radtke Laura Dissly Marisha Evans Olivia Feeney Alexandra Figel 22 G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 Emily Garrison Sheila Ghorbani-Elizeh Jamie Gordon Genevieve Gregorich Kara Hartig Nelson Hegg Olivia Holmes Lauren Kempton Emma Koltun-Baker Gillian Kopp Reed Kraus Keile Kropf Noel Leifer Christopher Lingelbach Brian Long Torin McDonald Erin McLaughlin Joshua Mundinger Isabelle Nathanson Michaela Parent Annemarie Parsons Leah Pascal ~ B O U L D E R Natalie Platt Tamara Pletzer Sarah Radzihovsky Rosalie Reuss Lisa Eve Sczechowski Laura Severson Haley Slaugh Benjamin Spitz Robert Stevens Erin Sullivan Jonathan Tari Serena Tenenbaum John Thompson Keegan Velasquez Mariana Webb Amanda Weber Kayli Weiss Laurel Whittingham Matteo Wilczak Victoria Wu Nikola Yager Leah Frances Yee H I G H L I G H T S ADDITIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS AP SCHOLARS Zoe Adler Brieanna Alexander Vamshi Arugonda Colton Belochi Kevin Bruhwiler Callie Carlucci Sarah Carpenter Merrick Chely Ginalorena Cianflone Lindsey Cooney Gabriel Cutter Owen Davis Julia DeBell James Dietrich Lindsay Drapkin Jason Friedman Ryan Friedman Otis Fuqua Delaney Gardner-Sweeney Sheila Ghorbani-Elizeh John Glynn Stephen Grazier Faun Gulland Maxx Harvey Keenan Hursh Keola Jamieson Joseph Kaplan August King Alexi Lainis Noel Leifer Yunyu Lin Devin Malone Elizabeth Marics John Maruyama Jessie McLaughlin Kari Miller Aidan Mulligan Christopher Nicholson Michael O’Hearne Michael O’Herron Piotr Owczarek Benjamin Parsons Andrew Pettit Kirk Pierce Jasper Pont Raven Popescu Malik Robinson Tristan Santos Laura Severson Margret Skowronski Isaac Snyder Connor Stowe Natalie Stucka Nicholas Tennis Michael Trezek Keegan Velasquez Emma Vigers Rainer Wasinger Amanda Weber Kayli Weiss Tia Whitehouse Kevin Winseck Teodor Wolter Stephanie Wong Matthew Wood Victoria Wu AP SCHOLARS WITH HONOR Michelle Anderson Samadhi Asnes Lindley Bellian Darwin Boersma Zachary Brode Shannon Bull Nicholas Campbell-Kruger Laura Dissly Zoe Dulchinos Jack Fitzgerrell Emily Garrison Grace Green Isabella Greer G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S Michael Hansen Nelson Hegg Keile Kropf Samuel Long Camron McCormack Ryan Orbuch Colton Stevens Lindsay Stoner Erin Sullivan Serena Tenenbaum Laurel Whittingham Morgan Winter 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 23 AP SCHOLARS WITH DISTINCTION Nathan Lazarus Christopher Lingelbach Brian Long Charles Mandel Torin McDonald Erin McLaughlin Andrew Morss Joshua Mundinger Isabelle Nathanson Annemarie Parsons Leah Pascal Tamara Pletzer Sarah Radzihovsky Rosalie Reuss David Rieder Paige Riley David Ritzwoller Carson Rivard Lisa Eve Sczechowski Laura Shearer-Cooper Haley Slaugh Benjamin Spitz Robert Stevens Jonathan Tari Jamie Tucker Foltz Mariana Webb Matteo Wilczak Nikola Yager Samuel Alipour-Fard Bryce Anderson-Gregson Brian Beitner Dylan Bialek Rose Briggs Alaina Brown Finnian Bunta Joelle Burkhardt Eliza Cornell Annie Davis Isabelle Davis Michael Dessau Erica Dettmer-Radtke Brylan Droddy Joshua Efe Sarah Ellsworth Marisha Evans Olivia Feeney Alexandra Figel Jamie Gordon Genevieve Gregorich Emma Hampsten Kara Hartig Lauren Kempton Emma Koltun-Baker Andrew Kopel Gillian Kopp Reed Kraus Maya Laliberte AP NATIONAL SCHOLAR Bryce Anderson-Gregson Eliza Cornell Gillian Kopp Brian Long Torin McDonald Joshua Mundinger Nikola Yager 24 G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S BOULDER HIGH SUMMA CUM LAUDE GRADUATES Bryce Anderson-Gregson Joelle Burkhardt Eliza Cornell Annie Davis Isabelle Davis Michael Dessau Erica Dettmer-Radtke Olivia Feeney Alexandra Figel Jamie Gordon Kara Hartig Lauren Kempton Emma Koltun-Baker Gillian Kopp Reed Kraus Brian Long Torin McDonald Erin McLaughlin Joshua Mundinger Tamara Pletzer Sarah Radzihovsky Rosalie Reuss Robert Stevens Marianna Webb Nikola Yager J. PERRY BARTLETT STEM SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Joelle Burkhardt Danielle Davis Reed Kraus Brian Long Joshua Mundinger Carson Rivard J. PERRY BARTLETT ECONOMICS SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS Genevieve Gregorich Nikola Yager ROBERT S. HAMILTON AWARD Aldo Peter PHOENIX AWARD Arian Brazenwood MARY TAYLOR AWARD Richard Trinkner 2013-2014 CASEY AWARD Bryce Anderson-Gregson G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 25 SCHOLARSHIPS ERICA DETTMER-RADTKE CSM Merit Scholarship Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO BRYCE ANDERSON-GREGSON Boetcher Scholarship National Merit Scholar University of Denver Denver, CO LINDLEY BELLIAN President Horace M. Hale Award University of Colorado Boulder, CO DYLAN BIALEK President’s Scholarship University of Miami Miami, FL ELLIS BURGIN Presidential Scholarship University of Vermont Burlington, VT JOELLE BURKHARDT J. Perry Bartlett STEM Scholarship University of Southern California Los Angeles, CA ANNIE DAVIS Boulder Elks Lodge Scholarship Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Foothills Kiwanis Scholarship Honors Program University Academic Scholarship Miami University Oxford, OH DANIELLE DAVIS Esteemed Scholars Scholarship J. Perry Bartlett STEM Scholarship University of Colorado Boulder, CO G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ARIANA FEIST Colorado Merit Scholarship Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO GENEVIEVE “VIVI” GREGORICH Boulder Valley Credit Union Scholarship Foothills Kiwanis Scholarship J. Perry Bartlett Economics Scholarship Joyce C. Hall Scholarship Ruby Miller Scholarship Macalester College St. Paul, MN SYDNI BROOKS Lewis & Clark Grant Lewis & Clark College Portland, OR 26 OLIVIA FEENEY Trustee Community Scholarship Pitzer College Claremont, CA ~ NINA KAHN Academic Award Music Scholarship Cornell College Mount Vernon, IA CHRISTOPHER KILEY Sally Smyth Memorial Scholarship Boulder Luncheon Optimists Club Scholarship Dean’s Scholarship University of Puget Sound Tacoma, WA EMMA KOLTUN-BAKER Perfect 36 Student Presidential Scholarship Nominee National Merit Semifinalist Duke University Durham, NC B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S DYLAN MOORE Presidential Scholarship Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott, AZ GILLIAN KOPP California Institute of Technology Grant California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA REED KRAUS J. Perry Bartlett STEM Scholarship Stanford University Palo Alto, CA JOSHUA MUNDINGER J. Perry Bartlett STEM Scholarship Swarthmore College Scholarship Swarthmore College Swarthmore, PA KEILE KROPF Presidential Scholarship University of Vermont Burlington, VT LEAH PASCAL University Scholar University of San Francisco San Francisco, CA VITOANTONIO LECCESE BHS Vintage Panthers Scholarship LEAH PERLETZ BHS Vintage Panthers Scholarship Boulder Valley Credit Union Scholarship University of Redlands Redlands, CA University of Colorado Boulder, CO WYETH LEEMON Academic Scholarship Athletic Scholarship Eckerd College St. Petersburg, FL CARSON RIVARD J. Perry Bartlett STEM Scholarship Purdue University West Lafayette, IN BRIAN LONG J. Perry Bartlett STEM Scholarship Cornell University Ithaca, NY LISA EVE SCZECHOWSKI Esteemed Scholar Award Kalamazoo College Kalamazoo, MI CHARLES MANDEL Presidential Scholarship Honors College University of Vermont Burlington, VT LAURA SEVERSON SAIC Recognition Merit Scholarship School of the Art Institute of Chicago Chicago, IL LAURA SHEARER COOPER Green & Gold Scholarship Honors Scholarship Colorado Aspirations in Computing Award Runner-Up Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO JESSIE McLAUGHLIN Leadership In Service Scholarship President’s Merit Scholarship University of Dayton Dayton, OH G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 27 SAVANNAH SNODY Boulder Rotary Scholarship Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO ROBERT STEVENS Norlin Scholarship President Joseph A. Sewall Scholarship University of Colorado Boulder, CO ERIN SULLIVAN Chancellor Scholarship Pioneer Leadership Program University of Denver Denver, CO SERENA TENENBAUM Christiansen Music Scholarship Dean’s Scholarship St. Olaf College Northfield, MN CHLOE TERASLINNA President James H. Baker Scholarship University of Colorado Boulder, CO JOHN THOMPSON President’s Scholarship Golden, CO A W A R D S LAUREL WHITTINGHAM M. R. Hellie Scholarship Presidential Scholarship Cornell College Mount Vernon, IA HAYDEN WIDENER President James H. Baker Scholarship University of Colorado Boulder, CO MATTHEW WOOD W.U.E. Award Montana State University Bozeman, MT University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, NC KEVIN VAN LIESHOUT St. Thomas Academic Scholarship University of St. Thomas St. Paul, MN & Colorado State National Assoc. of Letter Carriers Scholarship UNC Legacy Scholarship Provost Freshman Scholarship University of Northern Colorado Greeley, CO NIKOLA YAGER J. Perry Bartlett Economics Scholarship Colorado School of Mines G R A D U A T I O N EMMA VIGERS Achievement Award Montana State University Bozeman, MT TIA WHITEHOUSE JONATHAN TARI Chancellor’s Scholarship Curb Scholarship in Creative Enterprise Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN 28 KEEGAN VELASQUEZ Comcast Leaders and Achievers Scholarship President James H. Baker Scholarship University of Colorado Boulder, CO 2014 ~ LEAH FRANCES YEE National Buckeye Scholarship Trustees Scholarship The Ohio State University Columbus, OH B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S AWARDS IN HONOR OF FORMER EDUCATORS AT BOULDER HIGH SCHOOL JEAN BONELLI Physics Teacher/Administrator Outstanding Senior Band Member DR. W. V. CASEY District Superintendent Casey Medal - Outstanding Senior DONNA COPELAND English Teacher Demonstrates a love for English GLEN GILBERT Math Teacher Outstanding Geometry Student JEAN HOELSCHER English Teacher Outstanding English Student LEROY OPDYCKE Teacher/Coach Outstanding Scholar/Athlete CHRISTIAN F. RECHT Chemistry Teacher/Administrator Outstanding Chemistry Senior/ Athlete MARY TAYLOR AWARD French Teacher Outstanding Teaching Award G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 29 AWARDS AND SCHOLARSHIPS Advanced Placement (AP) Scholar Program AP National Scholar Granted to students who achieve grades of 4 or higher on eight or more AP exams on full-year college-level courses with an exam average of 4.0. AP Scholar with Distinction Granted to students who achieve a 3 or higher on five or more AP exams on full-year college level courses with an exam average of 3.5. AP Scholar with Honor Granted to students who achieve grades of 3 or higher on four or more AP exams on full-year college level courses with an exam average of 3.25. AP Scholar Granted to students who achieve grades of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams on full-year college level courses. AP Diploma Boulder High School is an AP Focus School and offers the Boulder High AP Diploma. To qualify, a student must take five year-long AP courses in four different content areas from the following departments: Art, Music, Computer Science, Math, Science, Language Arts, Social Studies and World Languages. A minimum grade of “B” must be earned and the AP test must be taken for each class. Jean Bonelli Award Awarded to the outstanding senior member of the Boulder High Band. The recipient is recognized for exceptional musicianship, leadership, dependability, cooperation, and overall solid contribution to the instrumental program at Boulder High School. The award is given in honor of former principal and teacher Jean Bonelli. Boulder Kiwanis Club, Boulder Rotary Club, and Boulder Valley Rotary Club Scholarships Scholarships are presented by these organizations each year to selected qualifying students who will attend colleges in Colorado. 30 G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S Casey Medal Most prestigious Boulder High award given to the outstanding senior, based on service to the school, community leadership, academic excellence and overall character. Nominated and selected by faculty and given since 1936. This award is named in honor of Dr. W. V. Casey, former Superintendent of Schools. Donna Copeland Award This award is given in honor of Donna Copeland, a much respected past Boulder High English teacher. The recipient is chosen for his or her knowledge of and love for all things literary and a winning sense of humor. Eaton Scholarship Awarded to a graduating senior attending the University of Colorado who has a solid record of leadership and community involvement. Glen Gilbert Award Given to the outstanding geometry student in memory of a former Boulder High School mathematics teacher. International Student Recognition Annual recognition given to students from foreign countries who have been on our campus during the past year. These students will return to their home countries in the coming year. Jean Hoelscher Award Presented in appreciation of a former Boulder High English teacher. It honors the outstanding senior who has demonstrated overall excellence in English courses for four years. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Boulder Lodge #9 Scholarship A $1,000 award for senior scholars from BVSD who demonstrate a strong commitment to their community and personal excellence. Special consideration is given to those who intend to return to their community after college. Masonic Awards to Outstanding Juniors Most prestigious award given to a junior male and female. Nominated and selected by faculty based on outstanding scholarship, leadership and service, and character. G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 31 Tennyson McCarty Award Given in memory of Tennyson McCarty, former BHS student. This scholarship is given to an outstanding senior who has participated in athletics and demonstrated scholarship and community service. National Merit Finalists Finalists represent the top half of one percent of graduating seniors in the nation. These students have had to meet high academic standards that result in rigorous competition for scholarships. Opdycke Award The most prestigious award given to an outstanding senior studentathlete in memory of former teacher/coach, LeRoy Opdycke. Voted on by head coaches, students must have a minimum 3.0 grade point average and have lettered in two sports for two years. Outstanding Freshman Award Given each year to the outstanding male and female freshman as determined by faculty vote based on scholarship, leadership, character and service. Outstanding Sophomore Award Given each year to the outstanding sophomore as determined by faculty vote based on scholarship, leadership, character and service. Pat Patten Award A scholarship given each year in honor of Pat Patten, former Boulder High wrestling coach and Athletic Director. Presidential Scholar One hundred and forty-one scholars are selected each year from over 2,500 applicants who have demonstrated exceptional accomplishments in academics, the arts, and public service. Christian F. Recht Award Award given in memory of chemistry teacher and principal, Christian F. Recht, to a student-athlete who excels in both athletics and chemistry. Sally Smyth Memorial Scholarship This scholarship is awarded to a Boulder High School senior who has been accepted to a four-year liberal arts college. 32 G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S Mary Taylor Award Mary Taylor was an outstanding French teacher at Boulder High School for many years. Each year students, faculty and community members are invited to nominate teachers for this award. Criteria include knowledge and enthusiasm in the content area, creativity in instruction, concern for students and colleagues, professionalism and length of service. Dorothy Trujillo Scholarship Scholarship provides financial assistance to Latina college-bound seniors. Vintage Panthers Scholarship A one-year scholarship granted to two graduating seniors who have made a difference at BHS or in the community. Vintage Panthers are fifty year alumni of BHS. Phoenix Award Nominated by the faculty and selected by the Counseling Office. This award goes to a student who has overcome personal obstacles on the path to graduation. Spotlight on Music Award This award is to honor the life of Joe Cahill, a Boulder concert lighting designer whose passion for music and love for the music community continues to inspire. This award is designed to shine the spotlight on a Boulder High music student who shares this passion. This grant is awarded to a collegebound Boulder High senior who demonstrates passion and enthusiasm for music and appreciates its role in bringing people together. Robert S. Hamilton Award This award is given in honor of Robert S. Hamilton, a teacher at Boulder High School for about 30 years. It was Mr. Hamilton’s wish to establish a scholarship fund for a minority student at Boulder High School. G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 33 Boulder High School Odaroloc Senior Photo/Quote Guidelines The Odaroloc yearbook invites seniors to submit inspirational quotes to accompany their senior portraits. Please keep the following guidelines in mind when submitting your senior portrait and senior quote: � Only digital files will be accepted. Senior portraits and quotes MUST be submitted TOGETHER via e-mail to [email protected]. ���No glossies or photos submitted on disc will be accepted. � Photos must be submitted by the student or student’s family. No third-party submissions (such as those by professional photographers) will be accepted. � Color images are preferred. Label file “Lastname, Firstname.” Format file as a .jpg. Image size should be 2 inches X 3 inches with a resolution of 300 ppi. � Head and shoulder shots are preferred. The Odaroloc staff reserves the right to reject photos that include inappropriate dress, props, poses, etc. We will not accept drawings, baby photos, etc. � Please limit the length of your senior quote to 25 words or fewer (quotes will be edited if too long). ��Foreign-language quotes will be accepted only if they are accompanied by an English-translation version. � The Odaroloc staff reserves the right to reject quotes that contain objectionable material such as profanity and references to sex, drugs, alcohol, illegal activities, etc. � Deadline: Friday, Sept. 12, 2014. No late quotes/photos will be accepted. 34 G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S 35 BACK TO SCHOOL CHECK-IN FOR 2014 - 2015 BHS STUDENTS Back to School Check- In – August 12th & 13th: Sophomores: Tuesday, August 12, 8 – 11 am A-L: 8-9:30 am & M-Z: 9:30 – 11 am Juniors: Tuesday, August 12, 12 – 3 pm A–L: 12 – 1:30 pm & M-Z: 1:30 – 3:00 pm Freshmen: Wednesday, August 13, 8 – 11 am A-L: 8-9:30 am & M-Z: 9:30 – 11 am Seniors: Wednesday, August 13, 12 – 3 pm A–L: 12 – 1:30 pm & M-Z: 1:30 – 3:00 pm Lifetouch will be here on these dates for School IDs and pictures. Look for more information this summer via mail, email and the BHS website regarding Back to School Check-In directions and locations. Students are strongly encouraged to attend the above listed dates and times. We will have volunteers on hand to make this process quick and efficient. Athletic Registration: Registration for Fall Sports will be held Aug 4-Aug 11. Fall Sports are Football, Boys Soccer, Boys Golf, Boys Tennis, Cross Country, Girls Softball, & Girls Volleyball. All Athletic Registration is online (no paper forms). Athletic fees must also be paid online at the Boulder High School website. A receipt must be printed and brought to Athletic Registration. This form with a copy of a current physical is required to be turned into the Athletic Secretary in order to finalize the process. Late registration will be held Thursday, August 21stas follows: Freshman Only! 8 - 9 AM SO, JR, SR: 9 - 10:30 AM The Boulder High Back to School Check-In (auto-fill) forms will be available online through the Boulder High School website ( after July 1. All Back to School Check-In forms and fees must be completed online. Paper forms will not be available! Call 720-561-5713 if you have any questions or need additional information. Please check the BHS website for updates through the summer! First Day for Freshman- Thursday, August 21 – 9 AM Help Wanted: To volunteer, please contact Theresa van Zante at: [email protected] 36 G R A D U A T I O N & A W A R D S 2014 ~ B O U L D E R H I G H L I G H T S PARENT ADVISORY COUNCIL A big thanks to all of those who contributed to PAC this year! PAC supports several initiatives, both ongoing and new, that BHS’s budget is not able to fund. fund Here are a few -- made possible this year with your donations: o o o o o o new sound system for the BHS Auditorium (ready for the fall), faculty collaboration room, 2 very popular new filtered water fountains, TeachBolder Foundation, and charging and storage carts for dozens of Chromebooks …and and just this week the licensing and roll out of, video tutorials for all faculty and students, for professional development and incorporation into next school year’s lesson planning – a new tool for teaching and learning! And… ongoing programs that BHS counts on annually: o o o o o o staff appreciation – meals for conferences and special events, panel discussions for parents, TCAP snacks, After Prom, Beautify Boulder High – grounds maintenance and, new as of last week(!), xeriscaping, and of course … Make A Difference!– teacher requests for technology, reading materials and supplies for the classroom. Enjoy your summer! Carolyn Colman and Carla Graubard PAC Co-Chairs BHS junior Sierra Furie won the Grand Prize in the 2nd Congressional District Art Show for Deep Breaths. She wins a trip for two to Washington, DC where her art will hang in the US Capitol for a year. Celeste Landry and Susan Davis Churches, Co-Editors ~ [email protected] Boulder High School is an equal opportunity educational institution and will not tolerate discrimination, harassment, or violence against anyone based on race, ethnicity, creed, color, sex, gender identity/expression, sexual orientation, disability, national origin, or religion in its activities, programs, or employment practices. For information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, contact an Assistant Principal at Boulder High School, 1604 Arapahoe Avenue, Boulder, Colorado 80302, 720-561-2200 or the Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, Region VIII, Federal Office Building, 1244 North Speer Blvd., Suite 310, Denver, Colorado 80204, 303-844-5695.
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