Vesele Vianoce A Stastny Novy Rok Merry Christmas
Vesele Vianoce A Stastny Novy Rok Merry Christmas
(USPS 500-660) DECEMBER 8, 2011 PUBLICATION FOSTERING FRATERNAL, CULTURAL & PHYSICAL EDUCATION ACTIVITIES SINCE JULY 14, 1905 Entered as Second-Class Matter, February 7, 1980 at East Orange, New Jersey under the act of August 24, 1912, provided in Sec. 1103, Act of October 3, 1918 authorized July 3, 1918 Vesele Vianoce A Stastny Novy Rok Merry Christmas And Happy New Year! To All Our Members From the Supreme Lodge of Sokol USA 12-08-11 Page 2 SOKOL TIMES DECEMBER 8, 2011 Upcoming Sokol Event at Lodge 32 Boonton, NJ official organ of the SLOVAK GYMNASTIC UNION SOKOL OF THE USA January 13 – Slovak Dinner Seatings at 4 or 6 PM Adults $12, Children $6 Featuring Homemade Pierogies, Stuffed Cabbage, Chicken Paprikash, Kielbasa & Kraut, Salad, Rolls, Dessert, Coffee And Tea. Eat in or take out. Snow date: Saturday January 14. Reservations Required. For reservations, call Alison at 973-361-5325 Published monthly on the 2nd Thursday of the month. SOKOL OFFICE: Telephone: (973) 676-0280 Toll Free: (888) 253-0362 FAX (973) 676-3348 E-mail: [email protected] All communication for publication should be sent to Editor at P.O. Box 189, East Orange, NJ 07019 by the 22nd of the previous month. Second Class postage paid in East Orange, NJ Annual Subscription for non-members is $10.00 Bring your friends !!! FROM THE SUPREME SECRETARY Got Insurance? To Members and Lodge & District Officers, As we fast approach the end of another year, many Lodges will hold annual meetings to elect the officers for the coming year. Please remember to complete the form listing the Lodge Officers and address information. The form was sent with the previous assessment. If there are no changes in Lodge leadership, the form should still be completed and forwarded to Headquarters. I thank you for your attention to this detail. At this time of the year, many lodges will provide monetary support to local and national charities. We encourage this support. As Sister Jennifer Moulton has advised, a food pantry contribution, adoptions of a family in need for the holidays are a means of bringing Sokol to the public eye. It also demonstrates our fraternal spirit of assisting people within our community. By the same token, we remind each lodge, if able, to not forget their “shut in” Sokol members. Sometimes a simple greeting or holiday card will brighten someone’s day. I certainly would be remiss if I did not mention the need to support our own National Gymnastic Fund and the Milan Getting Scholarship Fund. Donations to these funds are always graciously accepted. I wish everyone a Very Happy Thanksgiving and ask that we remember our Men and Women serving our Nation throughout the world. Their dedication and sacrifice allow us to celebrate and be thankful for what we have received. Milan S. Kovac Supreme Secretary Introducing Sokol USA’s Single Premium Insurance Coverage Affordable Rates Excellent Coverage Different Rates for Men and Women Simplified Application Process You will not be turned down because of age Pay Once, Have Coverage for Life Minimum Policy is $3,000 $3,000 Policy $5,000 Policy_____________ Newborns: Newborns: Age 5: Age 18: Age 21: Age 30: Age 40: Age 65: $213 for males $180 for females $252 for males $213 for females $399 for males $342 for females $432 for males $372 for females $567 for males $504 for females $792 for males $705 for females $1,695 for males $1,512 for females Age 5: Age 18: Age 21: Age 30: Age 40: Age 65: $355 for males $300 for females $420 for males $355 for females $665 for males $570 for females $720 for males $620 for females $945 for males $840 for females $1,320 for males $1,175 for females $2,825 for males $2,520 for females $10,000 Policy WHO NEEDS MONEY FOR COLLEGE? High School Seniors planning to attend college or current college students, Sokol USA’s Milan Getting Scholarship is available to Sokol USA members! Education is never something that should take a back seat. Improve your financial ability to attend college by applying for the Milan Getting Scholarship. Each year, Sokol USA is proud to award the Milan Getting Scholarship to Sokol USA members who are furthering their education. Contact Sokol USA Headquarters by phone or e-mail (1-888-253-0362 or [email protected]) and obtain an application and get ready to enjoy one of the benefits of being a Sokol USA member. Newborns: Age 5: Age 18: Age 21: Age 30: Age 40: Age 65: $710 for males $600 for females $840 for males $710 for females $1,330 for males $1,140 for females $1,440 for males $1,240for females $1,890 for males $1,680 for females $2,640 for males $2,350 for females $5,650 for males $5,040 for females Applications for the 2012-2013 academic year must be received at Sokol USA by April 1, 2012. New scholarship recipients will be announced by June 1, 2012. Reminder: All current Milan Getting Scholarship recipients must submit a scholarship renewal application each year by th June 29 . Please contact Sokol USA headquarters with any questions. For a complete list of rates by age, please contact your local Lodge or Sokol USA Headquarters at 888-253-0362 or [email protected] SOKOL TIMES DECEMBER 8, 2011 Page 3 From the President’s View “Fast away the old year passes…” is one of the verses from a popular holiday carol. How true they are! The year 2011 has literally flown by so quickly! There has been a great deal of Sokol activity. Our Supreme Lodge committees have had many meetings and discussions regarding important issues facing our society. In July, Sokol USA hosted the Sokol Fest in Independence, Ohio. It brought together many lodges and members from all over the United States, Canada and Europe. The result was several days of great gymnastic competitions and sporting events, camaraderie, reunions, social events and fun for all! Our lodges have been busy with their athletic, social and fraternal activities. Braddock th celebrated its 110 anniversary by doing 110 fraternal acts of kindness. Leechburg reactivated its gymnastics program. Other lodges have been engaged in sports as well as fraternal activities and are vibrant. The 150th anniversary of the founding of the Sokol movement by Dr. Miroslav Tyrs will be celebrated in Prague in 2012 with an all Sokol worldwide gathering. There will be huge mass scale rhythmic gymnastic events, performances and a host of interesting activities. I encourage our members to mark this anniversary by doing something special in their local lodges and districts. It is a major milestone anniversary and is a perfect opportunity to promote Sokol and Sokol values! I urge our lodges to be active in the New Year 2012, to hold meetings, to come together and to experience the great benefits of fraternalism! Sokol has a great deal to offer. Our society offers physical fitness. It offers friendship and fraternalism. It offers financial security for our members and their families through Sokol insurance and annuity products. It has something for everyone. Let us resolve to celebrate Sokol in 2012! In conclusion, on behalf of the Supreme Lodge and myself, I send to each and everyone of our Sokol USA members warm wishes for a happy and joyful holiday season and much health, wealth and happiness in the New Year 2012! NAZDAR! Joe Bielecki President-Sokol USA Milan Getting Scholarship Recipient Bethany Moffit During my freshman year at the University of Pittsburgh, I volunteered with Big Brothers/Big Sisters. I was able to work with a special needs boy each week and found it to be a very fulfilling experience. As my second year in school resumes, I was informed that his parents and his teacher requested that I work with him again this year. I was thrilled to return to volunteering with him and I was also asked to take on a second child each week, which I did. So, every Tuesday and Thursday, I volunteer with these wonderful two young boys in the community. I am also involved with the SPSEA, Student Pennsylvania State Education Association on campus. I was inducted into this organization last fall. This group coordinates various activities each month for children in our community. I actively participate with all monthly group activities. Over the past summer and on my holiday breaks from school, I continue to work and volunteer at our Lodge 47 Monessen. I continue to teach and coach the children at the gym and continue to have a passion for gymnastics. I want to thank the Milan Getting Scholarship Committee for renewing my scholarship this year. This will help me continue on my path to becoming a Visual Therapist. I am truly grateful and appreciative of the selection committee and this scholarship. Thank you. Joseph Bielecki Reflections NOTICE TO LODGE AND DISTRICT SECRETARIES Recently Headquarters mailed to each Lodge and District a form to list the names of the Lodge and District Officers’ names, address and telephone number. It is requested that these forms be completed and returned to Headquarters as promptly as possible. This information will be used in the event we need to contact or communicate with officers through means other than the Sokol Times. Your cooperation is extremely appreciated. Thank You. Milan S. Kovac Supreme Secretary Winter is finally here! This is the best time of year to stay inside and keep bundled up by the fire. While you are doing this, we can start to take the time to reflect on the year that has just past. There have been many good events throughout the year for the lodges and Sokol USA. Many lodges completed the New Year’s resolution that I prorposed. Examples of our accomplishments: --Braddock Lodge finished celebrating their 110-year anniversary. They celebrated an entire year by doing 110 acts of charity. --MCT District held a meeting and collected food to be donated to the local food bank. --Bethlehem Lodge hosted a bowling tournament for Relay For Life bowling tournament. --At the end of June, Sokol USA hosted the Cleveland Slet 2011. --The Healthy Heart Club hosted its first mile walk together at the Slet. --On September 17th, our Chicago Lodge 306 and Monessen Lodge 47 participated in setting the new world record for simultaneous handstands. I am sure there are even more accomplishments that happened this year. Please try and communicate your Lodge’s positive accomplishments. You could inspire more people to participate and get involved. After reflecting on all of our accomplishments, we now can look to the future and where we want to be next year. Now is the time to learn from the past and to set the goals to get us to the future that we all want for Sokol USA. Nazdar Jennifer Moulton ATTENTION BOWLERS & GOLFERS Slezak family and friends who are all Sokol Farrell members were in attendance at Brother Melvin Slezak’s 80th birthday celebration. Farrell President Brother Slezak Celebrates 80th Birthday Saturday, October 22, 2011, was a time for a milestone celebration. It was a festive evening from the beginning to end as friends and family of our Sokol USA Farrell President, Brother Melvin Slezak, gathered at Jess’s Steak House in Hermitage, Pa., to celebrate his th 80 birthday. Approximately 70 people were in attendance. Brother Slezak introduced many of those present and explained how they were connected to his life and the roles they have played in it. One thing Brother Slezak made a point to do was to have a picture taken of those in his family who were Sokol Farrell members along with other Sokol Farrell members in attendance. In the accompanying photo are (from left) Ellie Slezak, Dorothy Slezak, Alex Banjak, Jacob and Derek Konopski, Kaitlyn Slezak, Sasha Banjak, Martin Banjak, Elmer Slezak, Rick Benka, Daniel Konopski, Betty Banjak, Stephen Banjak and Mel Slezak. Brother Slezak is also Chairperson of the Steve Banjak Memorial Scholarship Fund which to date has given six $1,000 university scholarships to deserving Sokol Farrell members. He thanked the many friends, Sokol members, and relatives who have generously contributed to the scholarship fund. Wishing Brother Slezak, Nazdar and birthday!! Melvin happy The National Directors would like to better communicate with our Sokol Bowlers and Golfers. We would like a contact person from each lodge with whom we can communicate. Individuals who would like to share ideas and brainstorm about how to increase participation in our national tournaments are also encouraged to forward their contact information. We hope to communicate by e-mail and schedule a conference call discussion in the future. Please send your name, address, phone number and email address to: Todd Yatchyshyn 341 Old Allentown Road Wind Gap, PA 18091 [email protected] Page 4 SOKOL TIMES The Development Conference opened with a session that focused on the importance of mentoring to develop future Sokol leaders. DECEMBER 8, 2011 Sokol Fort Worth hosted the American Sokol Development Conference held October 22-23. Directors Attend American Sokol BOI Meeting and Development Conference By Chris Yatchyshyn Directors Todd Yatchyshyn and Chris Yatchyshyn accepted an invitation to attend the annual American Sokol BOI meeting on st in Fort Worth, October 21 Texas. Attendees included the American Sokol National Staff and their District Directors. The meeting lasted into the evening and included a detailed agenda and many committee reports. Some of the topics covered were Attendance Reporting, Tournament Rules, Handbooks, Resource List and Fundraising. There were also discussions and updates on their National Programs, including one on Nutrition and Wellness. The upcoming Slet in Milwaukee in 2013 was discussed and it began with a review of Sokolfest 2011. Director Maryann Fiordelis suggested that Sokol USA’s revised Team Marching rules that allowed for more creativity be in utilized 2013 and possibly the field events competition that was offered during the Slet rehearsals could also be repeated. A new idea that will be tested at the Slet in Milwaukee will be to open some of the competitions to non-Sokol groups in the area. This will help promote Sokol and hopefully increase the number of participants in the competitions. A report was given by the National School Board and a discussion was held regarding changes to the bid process and the responsibilities of the school’s host. A location for the 2012 school has not yet been decided since the bid forms are being revised. The National Gymnastics Skills Program was reviewed and the invitation to participate was extended to Sokol USA. There are Tots, Boys, Girls, and Senior II skill cards. December is earmarked as Skills Month. Last summer a three-day weekend National Sokol Summer Camp was held in place of the traditional week-long camp. Plans for 2012 include a change of focus, placing more emphasis on leadership skills, though it was recommended that many of the fun activities that seem to attract kids to the program be retained. A discussion about how to encourage more units and districts to utilize the Traveling Summer Camp was also held. Participants were urged to participate in the World Sokol Federation (WSF) Show Competition, but it was decided that the WSF Fitness Test skills did not fit as well with the American Sokol Program, so they will utilize their own Fitness Skills Program this year. Sokol USA was again extended the invitation to participate in this program. There is a small fee per participant. The upcoming XV All-Sokol Slet was discussed. American Sokol is hosting a tour to the th Anniversary Slet and 150 presently there is room if anyone would like to join them. Information can be obtained from the American Sokol website at The well-run meeting was very informative. American Sokol has many excellent programs in place and their willingness to include Sokol USA offers many opportunities. Interested lodges can contact the Sokol USA National Directors for more information on these programs. The two-day Development Conference held on October 22 and 23 at Sokol Fort Worth was another worthwhile experience. Following an orientation, everyone participated in the first session entitled Leadership – Mentoring Process. American Sokol has developed an excellent set of guidelines and is encouraging utilization of the mentoring process to ensure there will be Sokol leaders in the future. There were three choices offered during all of the rest of the sessions. There were two strands of sessions that were offered in the gyms and the third strand offered lectures on some very interesting topics including Social Media, Week-long Summer Camps, Paving the Way for Tomorrow, The Private Party (keeping Sokol a secret), Family Fun Nights, Starting a Wheel Program, Unit Growth Programs, Instructor/Student Relationships, and the upcoming 2012 and 2013 Slets. The sessions in the gyms offered demonstrations on routines, spotting variations, coaching techniques for specific skills, fun warm ups, games and activities, creative ways to do circuits, jazzercise, wheels skills, adult class activities and the Group II Prague Cal taught by Ellie Babka. The other sessions were taught by Sokol instructors and local coaches who enthusiastically shared their expertise. Barb Vondra also offered a neat session entitled Tips and Tricks I learned at Congress (USA Gymnastics). The final session “Motivational Surprise” was a great presentation by Mark Sherman, a close friend of Rome Milan. “Applying Psychology in the Gym” was brought to life with Sherman’s hand-on examples and humorous yet pointed stories about passion and goal setting. The entire conference was jammed packed with great ideas and strong instruction. The final session was a great surprise and certainly ended the weekend event on a high note. The American Sokol Development Conference is an excellent opportunity for personal growth and professional development, offered at a reasonable cost. All Sokol instructors should attend whenever possible. Instructor Kandi Pager (left) explains the basics of beginner wheels skills. More photographs on Page 5 5.5% Annuity Rate The Single Premium and Flexible Premium Annuities offered by the Slovak Gymnastic Union Sokol earn a 5.50% rate of interest. Annuities are a very sound investment for your retirement years. For information and an application, write to the home office at 276 Prospect Street, P.O. Box 189, East Orange, NJ 07019 or call our toll free number at 1-888-253-0362. Everything is bigger in Texas, including the falcon! DECEMBER 8, 2011 Page 5 SOKOL TIMES From the Supreme Secretary… AMERICAN SOKOL BOI MEETING – Directors Todd Yatchyshyn and Chris Yatchyshyn attended the annual American Sokol BOI meeting on October 21st in Fort Worth, Texas. The conference was very Above left, informative. Sister Ellie Babka demonstrates the Group II Prague Cal. Above right, Attendees attentively watch a demonstration of lead up skills in a session entitled Development of Handspring Vault. At left, Though gymnastics was never Director Todd Yatchyshyn’s preferred sport, he decided to give the low p-bars a try. Story and more photographs on Page 4. 90th Birthday Wishes to Sister Anna Sopoci On October 28th, a milestone birthday was celebrated by a special lady, as well as a special “Sokolka.” Sister Anna Sopoci of Brookfield, Ill., was able to th celebrate her 90 birthday with her husband Jan and three children, son Jan Andrew, and daughters Elena and Anne Marie. Because Sister Sopoci has had various health issues, especially over these last few years, she was not up to being a celebrant at a large gathering of family or friends. However, her children and their spouses as well as 11 grandchildren, two great-grandchildren with a third on the way, and various nieces and nephews enjoyed sending photos, cards and messages to be included in a special birthday album the family compiled, and which Sister Sopoci continues to enjoy! Sister Sopoci was born in the village of Mosovce, in what is now Slovakia. When she was only 16, she traveled to America by herself. There, she joined her much older sister who had married and come to America when Anna was only a young girl. At the time, they lived in the village of Stickney, just outside of Chicago. Although Anna at first was sad to leave her homeland, she quickly embraced her new homeland, as many other Sister Anna Sopoci, with her husband Jan, celebrated her 90th birthday on October 28th. immigrants did as well. She became active in many organizations, including Sokol, the Slovak-American Charitable Association, and the United Lutheran Society. In all of these organizations, she took on leadership roles. She was the Financial Secretary of Lodge 40W in Chicago (now Berwyn) for many years and was known as a most persuasive “ad book” collector, Chicago area by bus getting business owners to put their advertisements in the many program books printed over the years. Sokol USA was the organization that meant the most to her, and she has always been very proud that she was a member of Sokol as a child in Europe, and that she and Brother Sopoci enrolled all their family members in Sokol USA. In 1971, she moved to East Orange, N.J. when her husband, Brother Sopoci, was elected Supreme Secretary of Sokol USA. There she eventually became the Editor of the Sokol Times, work which she enjoyed a great deal. Two pastimes Anna enjoyed for many years when her health allowed were sewing and baking. She made many krojs over the years, and helped many a Bes(Continued on Page 6) It is now December, and again the year has gone by so quickly. I was reminded that last year I had made a “Thank You” list and thought it appropriate that I express my thanks to everyone again. But let me make a few general comments. Your Society still maintains a very high solvency ratio (190.0%+) and continues to have gains (profits) from operations. Though we still have a month to complete the year, we do not anticipate any major economic event that would deter our having positive results for the full year 2011. We are able to have positive results primarily due to our investment income. I believe that everyone is aware that investment income is declining, particularly due to the low interest rates for CDs, bonds and other investment vehicles. As bonds with coupons or interest rates of 6, 7 or 8% mature or are called, we are finding we cannot re-invest at those high rates any longer. The markets for investment grade securities now only offer coupons of 5% or less. So, declining investment income has a direct effect on our bottom line. What can we do to offset this decline? We must sell more insurance certificates. And, thankfully, we are doing that. Our premium income for 2011 is greater than it was in 2010. Now, I don’t want folks to sit on their duffs and think that we have done enough. We must continue to sign up those family members, neighbors and friends. As a member, the most important task you can perform for Sokol USA is to get your friends or relatives to become members and purchase an insurance certificate. How about getting the grandchild or grandchildren a Sokol benefit certificate? Do you have money for your “final expenses?” A Sokol Single Premium certificate would be appropriate. There are many things that go on in the course of Sokol life and we take many for granted. There are many “Thank You” notes that never get mailed, so here is my list of “Thank Yous” for 2011. Thank you to the Lodge and District Officers for your involvement, leadership and dedication. Thank you to the Lodges, Districts and individual donors to the Milan Getting Scholarship Fund. The grants provided by the scholarship fund are provided solely from donations. No organizational funds are utilized. A special thank you to Lodge 36, Binghamton, N.Y., Barbara Fronko Froehlich, and “Anonymous” for their very substantial contributions to the Scholarship Fund this year. The total donations for 2011 exceeded all previous records. Thank you to the contributors to the Sokol Times of articles, lodge activities, announcements, social news, etc. Thank you if you signed up a new member this year. Do it again, and again, next year! Thank you to the leaders and members of our Gymnastic Department for keeping our programs humming. The National Directors, their assistants, and local lodge leaders deserve our thanks and (Continued on Page 6) Page 6 SOKOL TIMES FROM THE SUPREME SECRETARY (Continued from Page 5) gratitude for organizing and implementing a wonderful Sokolfest 2011. A great venue, a great program and a wonderful time for all those that attended or participated. Thank you to the Supreme Lodge Officers and members for their conscientious efforts in leading and managing this Society. Thank you to the Lodges that have demonstrated their fraternalism beyond Sokol, by conducting food drives, raising funds for charitable causes and collecting clothing or other items for the less fortunate in their communities. I believe that there are more lodges that participate in these type efforts, however, we don’t hear from them. Please don’t be afraid to blow your own horn in doing “random acts of kindness.” Here is a list of lodges that have conducted community service activities, from my memory: Lodge 16, Braddock, Pa., Lodge 2, Bridgeport, Conn., Lodge 32, Boonton, N.J., Lodge 47, Monessen, Pa., Lodge 306, Chicago, Ill., and Lodge 39/40W, Berwyn, Ill. Thank you to the Headquarters staff of Alba and Evelyn who put up with me. Thank you to Anthony Puglisi, our Sokol Times Editor, for laying out this paper even though we deluge him with material on the very last day of deadline, or in my case, a day or two later. Thank you all for having confidence, trust and faith in me as your Supreme Secretary. Thank you to all the women and men in service for this our United States of America. I wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Joyous, Healthy and Happy New Year! Nazdar! Milan S. Kovac Supreme Secretary 90th Birthday for Anna Sopoci (Continued from Page 5) eda circle be appropriately dressed. She enjoyed hosting the Supreme Lodge officers when they would come to East Orange for their meetings, and they especially enjoyed her delicious baking. Upon Brother Sopoci’s retirement, they moved back to their home in Brookfield, where for a short while she was able to resume some of her activities, including briefly serving as the Lodge 40W Financial Secretary again. Her greatest joy now is her family, and so it was very special for her to receive such loving wishes from her loved ones from all around the country. Her Sokol friends also join in wishing Sister Sopoci a Happy 90th Birthday, with many blessings in the coming year! DECEMBER 8, 2011 PITTSBURGH LODGE 276 SENDS HOLIDAY GREETINGS The November 2011 meeting of Lodge 276 was opened by President Carolyn Coleman. The pledge of allegiance to the Flag and a moment of silence in memory of deceased members were conducted. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Secretary Patricia Blistan and approved as read. Lodge delegates to the District M.C.T. meeting of October 30, 2011 presented their reports. Plans were made for the upcoming yearly Holiday outings as follows: A social and dinner was held December 4th in the Grant Bar & Restaurent in Millvale, Pa. The Yearly Meeting will be held December 11th at 2 p.m. in the Church Auditorium – North Shore. A luncheon will be held at Silvionis Restaurant. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Brother Melvin Slezak, President of Sokol USA Farrell and Chairman of the “Steve Banjak Memorial Scholarship,” presents a check for $1,000 to Bibiana Murcko, the sixth recipient of the award. Murcko Awarded Banjak Memorial Scholarship The 2011 recipient of the 6th Annual “Steve Banjak Memorial th Scholarship” was announced at the 105 Anniversary Celebration th of Sokol USA Farrell Lodge 103 on May 14 of this year at Oak Tree Country Club. Bibiana Murcko, or Bibi, as she is known by her parents and friends, was born in Slovakia and immigrated with her parents Zuzana and Marian and her two sisters to the United States in 2000. Almost immediately she, her mother and her sisters Suzie and Lucia, also a 2009 recipient of the award who is transferring to Slippery Rock University this winter semester, became members of Sokol and began participating in their respective classes each week. Bibi is currently teaching children’s classes in the Sokol Farrell gym. As a member of Sokol Farrell groups, she participated in the II Sokol na Slovensku Slet in Skalica Slovakia in 2004, in the XIV Pan Sokol Slet in Prague in 2006 and is preparing to participate in the XV Pan Sokol Slet in Prague next summer. Bibiana was a 2010 graduate at West Middlesex, Pa., High School and is currently attending Youngstown State University, where she is majoring in pre-pharmacy. DISTRICT M.C.T. MEETS IN OCTOBER The meeting of District M.C.T was held October 30, 2011, with President Matt Milan Blistan presiding. Brother Blistan welcomed the delegates and expressed his appreciation for the large number of delegates in attendance. The minutes of the April 2011 District meeting were presented by Secretary Patricia Blistan and were approved. In addition, reports were presented by the Treasurer and District Trustees and all reports were approved. There were comments and discussion concerning all reports. Brother Joseph Bielecki, Supreme President, was in attendance and again indicated the Supreme Lodge and Gymnastic Department were very appreciative of the large monetary donation District M.C.T. gave to the 2011 Sokolfest. The funds greatly assisted in presenting a very successful Slet. Brother Bielecki also reminded everyone of the importance of obtaining new members as each day we lose a member. In order for the Society to survive into the future, it is imperative that we talk to our family and friends into joining our ranks. Lodge reports were presented. Various lodges support activities in their communities, such as food pantries and after school youth physical fitness programs. Upon the conclusion of the meeting, all enjoyed a very “tasty” luncheon buffet as usual in the Clarion dining room. NAZDAR ! Amelia S. Blistan Reporter for District M.C.T. IS YOUR FAMILY COVERED? Insurance coverage for all family members is an essential part of personal financial planning. Don’t put off taking care of this responsibility. See your lodge Financial Secretary or call Sokol Headquarters toll free at 1-888-253-0362 for additional information or membership applications. Nazdar! Amelia Blistan Lodge 276 Reporter DONATIONS GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGED To the Sokol USA Gymnastic Fund . From Sokol Lodge 74, Plymouth, Pa. $50.00 Best Wishes for the Holidays and the Coming Year From Sokol Lodge 17, Perth Amboy, N.J. $50.00 May your Holidays be Filled with Joy and Laughter And May you have a Happy New Year From Deborah J. Golden, Woodstock, Ill. To all my Sokol Friends, Merry Christmas And Best Wishes for 2012. Nazdar! From Milan Kovac, Supreme Secretary Wishing All a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year $100.00 $50.00 To the Sokol USA Milan Getting Scholarship Fund From Sokol Lodge 74, Plymouth, Pa. Wishing All a Very Merry Christmas $50.00 From Deborah J. Golden, Woodstock, Ill. $100.00 To all my Sokol Friends, Merry Christmas And Best Wishes for 2012. Nazdar! . From Sokol Lodge 39/40W, Berwyn, Chicago, Ill. $100.00 To our members and Sokol Friends, “Vesele Vianoce a Stastny Novy Rok” and in Memory of our deceased members, Brother Stephen Kovicky and Sister Blanche Stvrtecky From Sokol Lodge 12, Newark, N.J. Happy Holidays and a Peaceful New Year $50.00 From Milan Kovac, Supreme Secretary $50.00 In lieu of cards, Best Wishes for this Holiday Season From Brandi Kovac, New York, N.Y. $50.00 Wishing Everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year From Andrew W. Zachar, Sr.. In Memory of Andrew and Ludmilla Zachar $100.00 Sponsor a Gymnast Anonymous donation $425.00 Editor’s Note: Donations for the Sokol USA Gymnastic Fund, the Milan Getting Scholarship Fund and Sponsor a Gymnast with “Holiday Greetings” will also be published in the January issue. Thank you for your support. DECEMBER 8, 2011 SOKOL TIMES Page 7 Sokol Social News HAPPY BIRTHDAY Happy 90th Birthday Joan Kubanik, a member of Sokol Lodge 26 in Guttenberg, N.J., and resident of Cliffside Park, N.J., celebrates her 90th birthday on December 23rd. Sending birthday wishes to Mom, Babka and Great-Grandma are Elaine and Hank O’Brien; Ken, Kim, Shannon and Liam O’Brien; and Judy, John, Tyler and Aydan Sorrentino. With Joan are her husband Steve, also a member of Sokol Lodge 26, and their four great-grandchildren Tyler, 8, Liam, 4, Aydan, 5, and Shannon, 6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY The officers and members of Berwyn, Ill., Lodge 39-40W extend warm birthday wishes to two of our members. Sister Emily Brower, former long-time Recording Secretary of Lodge 40W, and Sister Anna Sopoci, former long-time Financial Secretary of Lodge 40W. They both celebrated their 90th birthdays in October! Happy birthday wishes to them both! Stephen Horecky, a member of Sokol USA Lodge 114 and a resident of Elmsford, N.Y., celebrates his 70th birthday on December 25th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Josef Lukacovic, a member of Sokol USA Lodge 114 and a resident of Ossining, N.Y., celebrated his 66th birthday on November 20th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Martin Kavicky, a member of Sokol USA Lodge 114 and a resident of Sleepy Hollow, N.Y., celebrated his 86th birthday in November. HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ed Cusack, a member of Sokol USA Lodge 114 and a resident of Lagrange, N.Y., celebrates his 41st birthday in December. Sister Josephine “Zabby” Zabadal Tomik LODGE 15W - BINGHAMTON, NY I am happy to announce that our Sister Josephine Zabadal Tomik, known to most of us as "Zabby," celebrated her 85th birthday on September 17th. The "Sokol Way of Life" has been with her for 72 years and still continues. At present, Sister Tomik is Vice President of Ladies Lodge 15W. She also holds the office of Financial Secretary of Lodge 15W. Sister Tomik is a member of Sokol's Healthy Heart Walking Club. She remembers Leva Prava as she does her walking. Panbicek has blessed her! At 85, Sister Tomik is still very active. She mows and trims her lawn, maintains her own home and is an active member of John Hus Presbyterian Church. I mustn't forget to mention that Zabby is the best zazvornicky baker, also known as Zazzys – or Slovak Ginger Cookies. th Happy belated 85 Birthday, Zabby. From the officers of Ladies Lodge 15W. Spejme Dal! Nazdar Anne Perham, Secretary SHARE YOUR FAMILY EVENTS WITH YOUR “SOKOL FAMILY” The Sokol Times Social Page is a new way to keep up with your old and new friends! Share your families’ events with your Sokol family. We want to hear from you. Only news regarding members of our lodges will be printed. Complete one of the attached forms and mail the information and a photograph of clear quality to Sokol USA, 276 Prospect Street, P.O. Box 189, East Orange, NJ 07109-0189. Information and photographs also may be e-mailed to: [email protected] ENGAGEMENTS, WEDDINGS & ANNIVERSARIES BIRTHDAYS PROMOTIONS, HONOR ROLLS & OTHER EVENTS NAMES: _____________________ NAME: _____________________ NAME: _____________________ _____________________ BIRTH DATE: _________________ PHONE #: ___________________ PHONE #: ___________________ AGE: _______________________ HOMETOWN: _________________ HOMETOWN: _________________ PHONE #: ___________________ SOKOL LODGE: ________________ SOKOL LODGE: ________________ HOMETOWN: _________________ EVENT: _____________________ YEARS MARRIED (IF APPLICABLE): ___ SOKOL LODGE: ________________ _____________________ Photographs are not required, but they do add to the presentation. Please include a self addressed, stamped envelope if you would like your photograph returned. Page 8 SOKOL TIMES DECEMBER 8, 2011 National Museum & Library rebuilds while planning for the future The National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library has been delivered from a disaster. The epic Flood of 2008 and an economic slump were not enough to take the museum off course, and the new Museum and Library is expected to open in Summer 2012. Perhaps you have seen media coverage of the successful move and raising of the 1,400-ton flood affected building, which now sits above the 2008 flood line atop its new foundation. You can read more information and see videos of the Monumental Move at For over 35 years, the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library has collected, preserved an interpreted the stories of Czechs and Slovaks. Did you know that the NCSML is preserving our history, in particular? The museum’s collection contains about 200 Sokol artifacts from around the United States, including photos, exercise equipment, pennants, uniforms and more. No other museum dedicated to Czech and Slovak history and culture has the scope or reach of the NCSML – or the ability to bring this preciouis history and culture to so many people around the world. When the new Museum and Library opens, it will serve as a place where visitors of any age and from any location can connect with the stories of Czechs and Slovaks. In learning about others, they will learn about themselves. They will be inspired to question: Who am I? Where did I come from? What makes me unique? What do we have in common? What do I stand for? The universal nature of these questions, and the themes of freedom and identity, family and community, and human rights and dignity, will make the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library an important , relevant and viable institution for many years to come. Do you want to get involved? Making financial and artifact donations or becoming a member are great ways to forward the mission of the NCSML. Through the end of December 2011, all Sokol members receive $10 off an annual individual or family membership (regularly $35 and $45, respectively). Memberships include admission to all exhibits, as well as a subscription to the NCSML’s biannual Slovo journal and more. To take advantage of this membership offer, simply visit the NCSML’s Online Museum Store at and click “Memberships” in the top left corner. During check out, enter the coupon code “SOKOL” and your $10 discount will be automatically applied. You can also call Lindsey Buchheit at 319-362-8500 to learn more or join by phone. An exciting future lies ahead for the National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library. You can stay informed on construction progress, as well as learn more about donation or visit planning, at Stay tuned for news of the 2012 grand opening date! Looking for a fun way to burn off calories? Join Sokol USA’s Healthy Heart Walking Club Benefits include: Reducing your stress level Controlling your weight Lowering your risk of heart disease Controlling your blood pressure Sign up for Sokol’s Healthy Heart Walking Club by sending your name, mailing address and home lodge to: Brandi Kovac 280 East 2nd Street, Apt. 9A New York, NY 10009 OR email: [email protected] You will receive a free Sokol pedometer and a Healthy Heart mileage chart. You are responsible for recording your mileage. Walk with fellow Sokol members, or on your own. Contact Brandi when you reach a milestone and get a reward! SPONSOR A GYMNAST 150 YEARS 2012 is the 150th anniversary for Sokol. All of Sokol is celebrating by having a seven-day Slet in Prague from July 1 to July 6, 2012. This will be a landmark celebration and we want to be a part of it. I would like to put a scrapbook together of well wishes, pictures and short letters of good memories. I encourage everyone to participate. I would love to get at least 150 or more entries into the scrapbook. Please take your time now while we are reflecting on the past year to share your memory about Sokol. Send your memory to me by May 15th. (Jennifer Moulton, 4521 Emerald View Court, Eureka, MO 63025 or e-mail me at [email protected]) th Help me put a scrapbook together to honor the 150 Anniversary of Sokol and I will make sure that it will get to Prague in time for the celebration. Nazdar! Jennifer Moulton IN MEMORY Of our deceased Brother and Sister Sokols with a sincere expression of sympathy to their families from the Supreme Officers of Sokol U.S.A. VILMA SCHENEMAN – (1910-2011) A member of Lodge 33/500 Newark, N.J. She is survived by her niece. MARY J. GILLETTE – (1923-2011) A member of Lodge 130/45 New Kensington, Pa. She is survived by her son and daughter. MARTIN SLABEY – (1931-2011) A member of Lodge 30, Danbury, Conn. He is survived by his four daughters. JOHN KRALOVENEC JR. – (1914-2011) A member of Lodge 7, Byram, Conn. He is survived by his son. ROSEMARY APARICIO – (1955-2011) A member of Lodge 26, Guttenberg, N.J. She is survived by her children, brothers and sisters. JULIA PLACKO – (1916-2011) A member of Lodge 306, Chicago, Ill. She is survived by her children. FRANCES KOSCILLA – (1912-2011) A member of Lodge 114, Sleepy Hollow, N.Y. She is survived by her daughter. Sponsor a Gymnast is a new program designed to encourage parents to enroll their children in Sokol USA by purchasing a Single Premium Life Insurance Policy. Since this type of insurance policy is a significant financial investment, the goal of the program is to provide a one-time sponsorship for the yearly gymnastics fee, which is an added expense in excess of the cost of the policy. In the past, all you needed to participate in Sokol gymnastics classes was to be a member of a Sokol lodge. With the rising costs of gymnastics equipment, liability insurance, facility maintenance or rental, our gym programs have to charge an additional yearly gymnastics fee, on average about $85.00 per gymnast. Selling a Single Premium Life Insurance Policy is a great advantage for Sokol USA. It makes the child a member for life, whether or not the child continues to participate in the gymnastics program. It also allows Sokol USA to invest funds more quickly when the total payment is made at the time of purchase. This program is the perfect opportunity for you to show your Sokol Spirit by welcoming a new lifelong Sokol member to our family by making a contribution of $85.00 to the Sokol USA “Sponsor a Gymnast” Fund. As funds become available, gymnastically active lodges will be notified and sponsorships will be divided equally among gyms with candidates interested in purchasing Single Premium Life Insurance Policies. For more information about this program, please contact the National Directors or Sokol USA Headquarters. While $85 is the recommended sponsorship level, sponsorships in any amount are welcome. Checks are payable to Sokol USA; include “Sponsor a Gymnast” in the memo line. Checks can be mailed to: Sponsor a Gymnast Sokol USA P.O. Box 189 East Orange, New Jersey 07019-0189 Sponsor a Gymnast today - Nazdar! Directors: Chris Yatchyshyn, [email protected] and Todd Yatchyshyn, [email protected] Sokol USA Secretary: Milan Kovac, [email protected]
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