Here - Friends of Connect Buncombe
Here - Friends of Connect Buncombe
Fall 2015 The Connector SURGEON GENERAL SAYS “TAKE A HIKE” (or BIKE) With half of Americans suffering from chronic disease, and two thirds overweight, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy is “asking communities across America to reclaim the culture of physical activity that we once had” as he released a call to action. Here are some of the things that Friends of Connect Buncombe has been doing to help support the concept of making our community more walkable (and bike-able). Brewing for Greenways Brewing for Greenways is an ongoing, multi-brewery effort to raise money and awareness for the planned public greenway and trail network that will connect Buncombe County. Proceeds from the collaborations will benefit Friends of Connect Buncombe and go back into the community to help “make greenways happen”. Highland Brewing Co. and New Belgium Brewing, working collaboratively, kicked off this fundraising initiative on June 8. Highland Brewing hosted the first Brewing for Greenways event and inaugural tapping of a connector beer, Footpath Belgian Session Ale. “We envision a day when we can walk or bike to great areas of Asheville, giving residents and guests access to healthy lifestyles and safe passage to jobs and local businesses. It’s a long process but we can start it in this special way”, said Leah Wong Ashburn, Highland president. From individuals to non-profits to government to businesses, we all play a role in making our community a place where we can safely live, work, and brew," said Susanne Hackett, New Belgium's Community Relations Specialist. Wicked Weed and Riverbend Malt House followed with their collaborative release, New Direction, on August 14. The next release is planned for October 2. Burial Beer is teaming up with the Wedge and will tap the keg at 5:00. The address for Burial Beer is 40 Collier Ave. in downtown Asheville GRILLING ON GREENWAYS Friends of Connect Buncombe participated in the City’s “Grilling on Greenways” on June 27 at the Carrier Park Pavilion. The public drop-in meeting (hotdogs and lemonade provided) showcased the five city greenway projects that are currently being designed and prepared for construction: The Clingman Forest Greenway, The Townbranch Greenway, the Beaucatcher Greenway, the French Broad River Westbank’s Greenway (2 segments) and the French Broad River Eastbank Greenway. Construction of these projects will take place from 2016-2019. When completed, the greenway system of the River Arts District will have 11 miles of continuous greenways. The completion of Beaucatcher Greenway will provide another 1.5 miles. The combined greenway network, the “River to Ridge”, will connect the River Arts District to the South Slope neighborhood, downtown and Beaucatcher Mountain. Board Positions Available We currently have three vacant positions available on our board. If you are interested in applying, applications are due by October 15th. Please send to [email protected] or mail to P.O. Box 16100, Asheville, NC 28816 . We are a working board and are looking for colleagues to join our active board. For more information and an application click on the following link Board Application. FEASIBILITY STUDY (PHASE I) COMPLETED With the 20% local match provided by Friends of Connect Buncombe, the County was able to secure funding to study and analyze segments of greenway alternatives for portions of the Bent Creek corridor and the Lake Julian corridor, going from I-26 on the northern end of Brevard Rd. to Lake Julian Park, just off of Long Shoals Rd. The results of the feasibility study and a map of the preferred alignment can be found on the Buncombe County Parks and Recreation website: common/parks/Bent-Creek-Lake-JulianFeasability-Study.pdf The study team considered cost, constructability, safety, environmental and social impacts in addition to taking public comments regarding the optimal route. The estimated cost came in at $9,532,795 or $1,316,700 per mile. At this time, there is no plan to fund final design or construction of this greenway. However, Friends of Connect Buncombe will continue to challenge elected officials to explore feasible mechanisms for greenway funding. The County will soon hire a consultant to do a feasibility study on the second Phase of the Brevard Rd. corridor. This section will begin at I-26 and run north to the WNC Farmers Market. From that point, 2 alignments will be explored: the first goes from the Farmers Market down the hill behind it, crossing Hominy Creek and connecting to the Wilma Dykeman Greenway at Hominy Creek Park. The second possibility will run from the Farmers Market to Hominy Creek Greenway via Brevard Rd. and the old bridge over Hominy Creek. The study should take 4 to 6 months to complete. CONNECT ENKA RECEIVES GRANT FOR FEASIBILITY STUDY Connect Enka is proud to announce that New Belgium Brewing Company has awarded a $3,000 grant to fund a feasibility study at the intersection of Jacob Holm Way and Sand Hill Road to make sure it safely accommodates people walking, biking and driving in cars. This will allow access from that intersection to the new baseball/softball park, the new Intermediate School, all the businesses including the New Belgium Distribution Center, and later, after a bike pedestrian bridge is added, the Buncombe Sports Park. Friends of Connect Buncombe serves as a fiscal agent for Connect Enka and collaborated with them on this grant application. Building Safe Routes to School and making sports parks and other businesses more accessible has been a true community effort for Enka/Candler. Kari Fletcher and Susanne Hackett at New Belgium Brewing Company were key to the success of this application. CRAGGY MOUNTAIN RAILROAD RIDE On September 16, our board rode the Craggy Mountain Line from the Woodfin depot out to the French Broad River and down to the site of the new, proposed park on the river. Woodfin Mayor Jerry Vehaun gave us an overview of his vision for parks and greenways in Woodfin and the possibility of a bond referendum to fund the construction. Part of the Hwy. 251 greenway corridor (see feasibility study on County website) will be included in those plans. If you have not ridden the Craggy Mountain Line, check it out at Rocky Hollifield will lead you on an interesting and scenic ride. From Our President Crowd funding for the local match paid off! Buncombe County got the grant for a feasibility study and and the work for Phase I Brevard Rd. greenway corridor has been completed. Please check it out at: Bent-Creek-Lake-Julian-Feasibility-Study.pdf The alignment for this section will go from Asheville Outlets to Lake Julian, connecting to the NC Arboretum along the way. The county is now asking for proposals to do a feasibility study for the section from Hominy Creek Park (end of the Wilma Dykeman greenway) and the Hominy Creek Greenway (Waller tract) up to the WNC Farmers Market, continuing to I-26. Friends of Connect Buncombe has provided the 20% local match for both studies. Thank you greenway supporters! convince our elected officials that these and other greenway projects should be funded for construction! We have been busy on another project too. Friends of Connect Buncombe hired a marketing and branding company, Arnett & Muldrow, to gather input on how to best present our vision of a county-wide connected system of greenways to the citizens and leaders of our county. We held 13 focus group sessions over a period of 2 months to gather regional input as well as thematic (wellness, tourism, economic development, transportation, etc.) The results have been presented to selected staff of the county and municipalities and has been well received so far. We will release the brand and marketing ideas to the public in early November. It is going to be a very dynamic and meaningful brand! The County will also soon be hiring a consultant to provide a Design and Engineering Study for a portion of Hwy. 251 along the French Broad River, from the intersection of Broadway up to the intersection of Elk Mountain Rd. at the MSD plant. This alignment will (eventually) connect Woodfin to the downtown Asheville riverfront. We are now soliciting applications for our Board of Directors, which will begin the new term in January, 2016. If you have ideas, passion, energy and the time to serve, please check out the application on our website. The slate of officers and board nominees will be presented and voted on at our annual meeting on November 18. All of this is let you know that PLANNING progress is being made. Now we must Happy Trails! Ann Babcock Annual Meeting Wednesday, November 18th The annual meeting of Friends of Connect Buncombe will be on Wednesday, November 18th at the Comfort Inn and Suites on Brevard Road. Kate Dixon, Executive Director of Friends of the Mountains to Sea Trail, will be our featured speaker.
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