March 2013


March 2013
Westminster Aero Modelers
April 2nd
7:30 P.M.
Volume 29 Issue 3
The Friendly Flying Club
We Love New Pilots...
AMA Chartered Club # 336
Jim Christensen’s
Greetings from
Formed 1955
Mark Your Calendars!
4/13—tentative field
work date.
4/20—tentative field
work date.
5/5— Spiegel Fun Fly
6/9— Baugher Fun Fly
6/23—Fun Floats
7/10-14—Warbird Over
7/15— Spiegel Fun Fly
8/2-4—Wings Over Pipe
8/25—Fun Float
8/24-25—Bethel Fly-In
Golden Age Museum
9/21— Baugher Fun Fly
This is a nice place to fly. It’s out in the desert so
they don't have to worry about noise, the runway is
blacktop, which is great for takeoff but you need to
leave enough room for run-out...Jim
Flying season is fast coming,
The AMA insurance protects
You and it protects the Club.
President: Jim Hodges 410-596-3052
Treasurer: Lou Omansky 410-602-1042
Vice President: Jim Christensen 410-775-2085
Secretary: Dan Reardon 202-288-7002
Member At Large Ron Bowen 410-833-4391
Membership: Dave Sherwin 410-259-5440
AMA Liaison: Jim Hodges
Field Marshalls : Spiegle Field - Ron Bowen 410-833-4391
Baughers Field - Hoyt Bishop 410-861-6139
 The Talespinner
 March 2013 
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Fellow Fliers:
March is almost over, believe it or not, and the flying season will be in full swing soon. Keeping this in
mind, it is time to give all your equipment and planes a thorough check out. Don’t lose one of your favorite
planes because you thought the battery was still in good shape.
There is not much going on in March, but in April things will start to happen. We have two days set for work
days, April 13th at Baugher Field, and April 20th at Spiegel Field. If you wonder why Spiegel is second, it is
because we will need to do some painting and the warmer the better. Wendell Richards is going to roll the
fields when he feels the time is right, most likely not during either of the work days. Wendell also told me he
is going to bring chili to the work day(s), depending on how hungry we are. For those coming to Baugher,
please bring any pruning tools that you have, as that will be the primary work, cutting back the overhanging
branches and the encroaching brush.
That is all for now. The next meeting is April 2nd, please try to attend. Remember that dues are due and
there are still about a dozen members who are not current. On the same line, make sure your AMA dues are
See you at the fields,
We Love to Help Pilots Solo!!
We know that the most Difficult part of this Wonderful hobby is
Learning to fly and to Solo with confidence. We are here to help you.
The Westminsters’s Aeromodeler Monthly
meeting at the Westminster’s VFW—we
enjoy the friendship, camaraderie,
Conversation and flying.
A great BS Club that
Uses Flying as
An Excuse….!
"Happiness is time spent with a friend and
looking forward to sharing time with them
again." ...L. Wilkonsin
The Talespinner
 March 2013 
Page 2
I’ve always been interested in what really makes
Individuals tick and what are their real passions in
Life. Walt Craig “volunteered” to be the featured
Pilot for this month’s “Pilot’s Corner”, but after
meeting him in his home with his extraordinary
collection of model engines, I decided that for Walt,
the corner would need to be a full page. I hope you
all enjoy this short piece as much as I did in putting
it together.
Above, Walt is pointing to a replica of the first
plane that he ever flew at age 8 in 1954. Next to
this, he is holding a 1935 Brown model engine—
this is the engine that changed model aircraft and
made flying possible on a large scale. Note the
hand-carved prop..!
Below he is holding a 1946 racer with a McCoy 60
spark-ignition engine. On one side of its body cover it has “Los Angeles 1946 Racing Association”,
and on the other it has written, “British Tethered
Car Association”. In the middle below, Walt’s air
force is lined up ready for the new flying season.
Below also is his work bench, where he restores old
model engines with his faithful assistant, Bud Pud,
at the ready for the next assignment…!
The Talespinner
 March 2013 
Page 3
More Flea Market Stuff—the deep Pocket Members
Of the Westminster Aeromodelers Take on
The Lebanon Flea Market.
(Large Print for Ron…!)
The Gang of Five—Steve & Cathy , Paul & Carol
Schnaffer of Schnaffer Aviation and Ron Oktavec
Dutch is helping his “grandfather” - Ron Bowen
get around the exhibits….
Here are more pictures of club members and members with their wives. (My wife, Jutta, gave me $60.00
and bribed her way out of tagging behind me as I was looking at each of the 600 tables!) On the left is
Mickey, in the middle is Richard and Shirley, and on the left is Carol Schaffner off by herself as Paul and
the other boys are out looking for more toys to buy and bring home to play with…!
The Talespinner
 March 2013 
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Secretary’s Report
Minutes of the Club’s Meeting
March 5, 2013
President’s Report:
V.P. Report:
Treasurer’s Report:
Field Marshalls:
Carroll County:
Club Events:
Old Business:
New Business:
Member Commnets:
New Products:
Next Meeting:
50/50 Drawing:
The Talespinner
Previous minutes from the February 5th meeting read and apAs read.
Not much to report. Had a good flea market, took care of property tax report – there is no property, thus no taxes. Thanked
for the changes in the Newsletter.
None – Jim in Arizona
Lou reported that the club is still solvent. Good opening balance
And we are now at the high point of the bank balance. Good
Return on the Flea Market and 33 paid members.
Jim asked me to put that not only are club dues to be paid, but
also the annual dues to the AMA. This is very, very important
because of insurance reasons.
Baugher – Hoyt reported basically the same old problems from
Last year – road needs to be repaired and will cost between $400
& $600. Will discuss at the next month’s meeting.
Spiegel – Ron said that he hasn’t been up there as of yet; Pat
Cullison said that the field looked good.
Dave Sherwin – Robert Rhodes previous member rejoined and
paid dues. Voted in.
Mark Eastman not present – nothing to report
There were incorrect e-mails, will correct these. Enjoying doing
This for the club.
No flying – nothing to report
Nothing to report – March is a slow month.
Nothing to report
March – nothing
Future – will verify in April which fields will be done and confirm work days.
Wendell will take care of rolling the fields after the frosts have
Discussed Future Flying Events:
War Birds over Delaware
July 10 – 14
Wings over Piper
August 2-4
Bethel Fly-in @ Golden Age Air Museum
August 24 & 25
Bealton – DCRC Fly-in Sept 6th through the 8th
Will be repairing the motor on the lawnmower ?
Paul’s Ultimate Bi-Plane will be up for sale – contact him.
April 2nd
Harry Pundt, but not present. $ to Club
 March 2013 
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Newsletter of the
Westminster Aero Modelers
c/o Dan Reardon
P.O. Box 65
Glyndon, Md. 21071
To Submit Material For The TaleSpinner— Use
Regular Mail To The Address Above Or Via Email
meet on the First Tuesday
of every month, unless otherwise noted, at 7:30 p.m.
in the VFW HALL on Poole Road in
Come join us, the meetings are
Fun and there is great camaraderie and friendship….!
[email protected]
We’re on the web at: : .
For the attorneys out there—Materials and opinions published in The Tailspinner are from the deminted mind of the editor and do not necessarily reflect
those of the Westminster Aero Modelers. Every attempt is made to assure that the information contained herein is accurate, but the Westminster Aero
Modelers and the Editor are not responsible for errors or omissions. No responsibility is assumed, expressed, or implied as to the suitability, safety, or
approval of ANY material in this Newsletter. Any party using ANYTHING expressed herein does so at his/her own risk and discretion without recourse
against anyone. Contributions to The Tailspinner are welcome! Credit will be noted and given when due. The Editor reserves the right to reject or edit material submitted for publication. Permission for reprinting or quoting items in The Tailspinner is granted providing that credit is given to both the author
and to The Tailspinner. ----- Editor
Westminster AeroModelers
P.O. Box 65
Glyndon, Md. 21071
The Latest member roster is
available on the web site in the
Members Only area.