and robot dynamics - IIT - Universidad Pontificia Comillas
and robot dynamics - IIT - Universidad Pontificia Comillas
Autorizada la entrega del proyecto a la alumna: Irene Ruano de Pablo EL DIRECTOR DEL PROYECTO Timothy Bretl / Álvaro Sánchez Miralles Fdo.: Fecha: VºBº del coordinador de proyectos Álvaro Sánchez Miralles Fdo.: Fecha: UNIVERSIDAD PONTIFICIA COMILLAS ESCUELA TÉCNICA SUPERIOR DE INGENIERÍA (ICAI) INGENIERA EN AUTOMÁTICA Y ELECTRÓNICA INDUSTRIAL PROYECTO FIN DE CARRERA AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE SEARCH AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO LINEAR THE LINEAR PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT DYNAMICS SEARCH PROBLEM FORWITH A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS AUTORA: Irene Ruano de Pablo MADRID, junio de 2010 AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS RESUMEN Día a día los robots se introducen más en la vida de las personas y llevan a cabo tareas con una destreza y precisión que cada vez distan más de las capacidades humanas. Constantemente surgen nuevas necesidades que requieren la ayuda de la tecnología artificial, y ello obliga a un estudio y desarrollo constante de su potencial. El mundo de la robótica puede descomponerse en infinidad de campos; es de especial relevancia para multitud de aplicaciones la faceta de los robots de interactuar con el medio físico en el que se encuentran y obtener información del mismo de una manera suficientemente precisa. Es en esta línea en la que se encuadra el proyecto que se presenta a continuación. La capacidad de encontrar un objeto de la manera más rápida posible puede constituir un gran avance para muchas y diversas aplicaciones: actividades de rescate (helicóptero que sobrevuela un incendio buscando supervivientes, o una tormenta en el océano), máquinas interfaz del cerebro (para realizar tareas de coger y posicionar objetos localizándolos rápidamente), actividades de carga y descarga llevadas a cabo por un robot, o incluso visión artificial (emulando el movimiento del ojo humano). Todo esto justifica el volumen de trabajos existentes relacionados con esta materia a lo largo de los años, así como el interés por desarrollar un algoritmo óptimo de búsqueda. Este proyecto implementa una nueva estrategia de control que optimiza el proceso de búsqueda de un objeto que está distribuido uniformemente en un intervalo unitario. Su localización es desconocida por el buscador hasta que éste sobrepasa el objeto. Este algoritmo está basado en el problema de búsqueda lineal introducido originalmente por Richard E. Bellman y constituye una variante del mismo en la que el I AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS RESUMEN buscador puede cambiar su velocidad pero está sujeto a límites de aceleración. Una vez encontrado y pasado el objeto, es necesario que dicho buscador retorne a la posición en la que fue hallado. Este algoritmo minimiza el tiempo total que le lleva a un dispositivo sujeto a las condiciones previamente mencionadas encontrar un objeto, contando desde que empieza en el origen parado hasta que se posiciona sobre el mismo tras la búsqueda. La implementación ha sido realizada en un robot plano de dos grados de libertad que buscaba monedas de metal utilizando para la detección un sensor inductivo de proximidad insensible a objetos no metálicos. Figura 1: Brazo robótico utilizado en el proyecto II AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS RESUMEN Las no linealidades del brazo robótico (fricción, inercia, etc.) han sido compensadas para así poder ejecutar un movimiento más suave y tener un control más preciso del artefacto. Como extensión de este trabajo, se demuestra en este proyecto que la solución óptima del algoritmo puede también extenderse a una búsqueda óptima a lo largo de curvas, como barridos ascendentes sucesivos de lado a lado de una superficie. Figura 2: Ejemplo de búsqueda con curvas mediante un barrido ascendente Esto significa que el problema de búsqueda lineal no está confinado sólo a líneas rectas, lo cual abre enormemente el abanico de posibilidades y aplicaciones a las que este algoritmo puede ser aplicado. III AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS SUMMARY Currently, robots are becoming more and more present in people’s lives every day and they can perform tasks that are beyond human’s capacities. New needs that require artificial technology continue to arise and this entails a constant study and development of its potential. The world of robotics has a wide variety of different fields; robots’ interaction with their environment and obtaining accurate information from it is of special interest for many applications. The project that is presented here has focused on this area of study. The ability to find a target quickly can involve great improvements and be a step forward for many different real applications: life-rescue activities (helicopter flying over a fire, or a storm in the sea), brain machine interfaces (pick and place tasks), load and unload activities (performed by a robot) or even artificial vision (emulate human eyes’ movement). Therefore, this encourages finding an optimal search algorithm and there has been a long string of papers on this over the past years. This project implements a new control policy that optimizes the process of searching a target that is distributed uniformly over the unit interval and its location is unknown by the searcher until it passes over it. This algorithm minimizes the total time it takes a point mass with bounded acceleration to find an object, starting from the origin at rest, and then return to its position. The implementation was made on proof-of-concept hardware with a two-link planar robot arm that searched for metal coins using an inductive proximity sensor that did not respond to nonmetallic objects. The dynamics of the manipulator were taken IV AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS SUMMARY into account in order to compensate for them and therefore be able to perform a smoother movement and have a more accurate control. Figure 1: Robot arm used to work on the implementation Particularly, as an extension of this work, it is demonstrated on this project that the optimal solution approach can also be extended to optimal search along arbitrary curves such as raster-scan patterns, meaning that the linear search problem is not only confined to straight lines. This can be of high interest to many other different applications. Figure 2: Raster- scan path performed in a 2-D search V AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS by Irene Ruano de Pablo Advisor: Timothy Bretl ECE 497/499 May/8/2010 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS To my parents, for their unconditional love and support. To my sister Laura, because I could not think of a better one. To Alberto, for being by my side everyday during this year. So far and yet so close. AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to express my gratitude to my advisor, Timothy Bretl. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be part of this project and for your guidance throughout it. I want to give very special thanks to Aaron Becker for his constant mentoring and teaching. It has been a pleasure to work with you and I have learned a lot. I would not have been able to do this project without your help. I would also like to mention the people in the 18C Lab of Talbot for helping me when I needed it. Also thanks to all my friends in Urbana-Champaign, and especially my friends Lindsey, for her long lasting friendship, and Karen, for her company every day. They have all made this year of exchange so enjoyable. AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................1 2. LITERATURE REVIEW: PRIOR WORK............................................................................4 3. RESEARCH RESULTS ....................................................................................................6 3.1. Problem statement........................................................................................7 3.2. Robot implementation ..................................................................................8 3.3. Acceleration and velocity profiles ...............................................................10 3.4. Raster-scan search path ..............................................................................14 3.5. Second order linear controller: Task Inverse Dynamics ..............................16 3.6. Inner-loop (computed torque) and robot dynamics ...................................18 3.7. Trajectory planning: path motion................................................................21 3.8. Kinematics ...................................................................................................22 3.9. Simulation results ........................................................................................25 3.9.1. Straight line path .........................................................................25 3.9.2. Summary table of straight line path results ................................30 3.9.3. Raster scan path ..........................................................................30 3.10. Experimental results ..................................................................................36 3.10.1. Overview ....................................................................................36 3.10.2. Block diagrams of experimental implementation .....................39 3.11. Further improvements ..............................................................................40 3.11.1. New inner-controller .................................................................40 3.11.2. Friction compensation ...............................................................46 4. CONCLUSIONS ...........................................................................................................47 APPENDIX A. EXPERIMENTAL HARDWARE ...................................................................50 APPENDIX B. PARAMETER iDENTIFICATION .................................................................55 APPENDIX C. BLOCK DIAGRAMS ...................................................................................56 APPENDIX D. CONTROL OF THE ROBOT: C++ CODE ...................................................61 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................98 AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS 1 INTRODUCTION ~1~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS 1. INTRODUCTION The classical linear search problem concerns an object which is the subject of a search and was originally posed by Bellman [1] and Beck [2]. It is stated as follows: A target is placed somewhere on the real line probability distribution according to a known . A searcher, which is assumed to be able to change the direction of his motion without any loss of time and whose maximal velocity is one, starts from the origin and wishes to discover the target in minimal expected time. It is also assumed that the searcher cannot see the target until it reaches the point where the target is at. The elapsed time until that moment is the duration of the search. This brings up the problem: what policy minimizes this expected time? This project focuses on a variant of this original problem in which the searcher is a point mass that can change its velocity and it is subject to bounded acceleration. Now the objective is to, after finding and passing the target, return to its location in order to be able to perform, for example, a pick and place task afterwards. The goal is to do this in minimum expected time, and this presents a tradeoff: to find the target as fast as possible it seems intuitive that the faster the searcher goes the better. But going fast implies that it will take the point mass longer to be able to stop and then return to the target, so thinking about the problem this way, one would say that it is a better option to go slow. So, what should be done? A solution to this problem has been derived [3], and the main purpose of this thesis is to demonstrate that said solution approach works – it is able to find a target uniformly distributed and return to its position in minimal expected time. In section 2 there is an overview of prior published work related to the problem addressed here, and section 3 constitutes the main body of this thesis, where after posing the structure of the algorithm, we present its implementation and testing in hardware. Section 3 includes experimental data collected to support this work. Section 4 offers the conclusions drawn from the results and gives some ideas for future work. ~2~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS This variant of the linear search problem is of particular relevance to robotics, where the point mass could be any kind of unmanned manipulator performing pick and place tasks of all sorts, or looking for objects on a surface. ~3~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS 2 LITERATURE REVIEW: PRIOR WORK ~4~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS 2. LITERATURE REVIEW: PRIOR WORK The linear search problem has encouraged a long string of papers over the past years ([4] - [8]) to try to find a solution for it, and some of them have considered extensions like achieving rendezvous with two searchers [9] or doing linear search on a network [10]. Linear search falls within a broader class of search problems that [11] and [12] go over. Nevertheless, for this particular project the variant of this problem that has been mentioned before has been considered. This variant has also received some previous attention. The work of Demaine et al. [13] and earlier of Lopez-Ortiz [14] considered the linear search problem with an additional cost for turning, but still assumed unit speed between turns. Much more general search problems than the one addressed in this thesis have been considered over the past decade by the robotics community. This work tends to focus on pursuit-evasion games [15], where both the searcher and the target are moving. It addresses complications like probabilistic motion models, probabilistic sensor models, multiple searchers or targets, and visibility constraints ([16] - [18]). [19] is closely related both to the problem of coverage and to the problem of exploration. For work classified more broadly as planning under uncertainty, there exist solution approaches (e.g., POMDP solvers [20] - [22]). However, these approaches rarely lead to exact solutions, and are often computationally prohibitive. Common heuristics include finite horizon policies and policies based on the certainty equivalence principle (i.e., on an assumed decoupling between optimal estimation and optimal control). ~5~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS 3 RESEARCH RESULTS ~6~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS 3. RESEARCH RESULTS 3.1. Problem statement The optimal algorithm has been derived in [3], but a general explanation is the following: Let us consider a unit mass with position with dynamics being driven by a force . The target is some point . All possible target positions are equally likely. The mass starts at . A sensor indicates when the target has been passed, in other words, when . The goal is to stop at the target in minim expected time, in other words to reach The state is defined as the instant where at which the mass passes the target, so the velocity of the mass at this instant is denoted by . and . Consider . For convenience, . After this instant, the time-optimal policy is clear – it is a classical bang-bang solution of the form (1) for some . It is known that and 2=0 must be reached. An optimal policy must satisfy (2) where . Solving some equations that are presented in more detail in [3], it turns out that an optimal policy is a finite sequence of inputs (3) ~7~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS The structure of the optimal policy can be expressed as (4) or equivalently as (5) which means that during the first 17.16% of the total distance of the interval it is necessary to accelerate at a maximum rate, and from that point until the end of the interval a lower but still constant rate of deceleration of must be applied. 3.2. Robot implementation To validate the solution approach, the results were applied to hardware experiments with the robot arm shown in Figure 3. Each link was powered by a directdrive brushless DC servo motor with encoder feedback. Planning and control were done on an external PC with a 1 kHz control loop. The end-effector carried an inductive proximity sensor that detected metal objects within a radius of 15 mm but did not respond to nonmetallic objects. In the experiments a US $1 coin was placed at random locations, determined by rolling two 10-sided dice, trying to emulate a uniform target distribution with all possible target positions equally likely. ~8~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 3: Two-link planar arm used in the hardware experiments. The overall system can be modeled by an inner-loop/outer-loop control architecture as mentioned in [23] and that is illustrated in Figure 4. Figure 4: Inner-loop/outer-loop control architecture that illustrates the system. In real life, coupling effects among the joints cannot be regarded as disturbances to individual systems. The dynamic equations of a robot manipulator form a complex, nonlinear and multivariable system. Therefore, the robot control problem has to be treated in the context of nonlinear, multivariable control. Taking this into account, in the so-called inner-loop/outer-loop control the first one computes the vector u of input torques as a function of the measured joint positions and velocities and the given by the outer-loop control in order to compensate for the nonlinearities ~9~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS in the plant model. The outer-loop control is designed to track a given reference trajectory and is in line with the notion of a feedback control in the sense of being error-driven. The design of the outer-loop feedback control is very simplified since it is designed for a linear system, which is represented by the dotted box in Figure 4. 3.3. Acceleration and velocity profiles To prove that the computed optimal solution approach is correct, two alternative control strategies that may at first seem reasonable (“bang-bang” policy and an application of a certainty-equivalence principle that will be now explained) were implemented and compared with the optimal. For this comparative experiment, a straight line search path of length 1 m was considered. As has been previously stated, the optimal control policy has the form of (5), with dynamics (6) In other words, (5) defines the acceleration profile that the end-effector follows when the optimal policy is being applied. The bang-bang alternative crosses the interval and returns to rest in minimum time by accelerating and decelerating at a maximum rate. The third policy is a certainty equivalence strategy (i.e. decouple the optimal estimation and optimal control problems) that continues to accelerate across the entire path. The explanation of this “equivalence” is the following [3]: having moved a distance d along the straight line, the target is to be known uniformly distributed in the remaining interval [d, 1]. The common best estimate of the location of the target is at the position (7) ~ 10 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS The time-optimal control policy to reach this position would be the bang-bang strategy, which accelerates at a maximum rate during half of the distance. However, as the end-effector moves, the target position keeps moving away to the next position estimate in the new interval. Thus, by applying the certainty equivalence principle of assuming that the target position estimate is correct, the robot would be accelerating nonstop. In Figure 5 the three end-effector acceleration profiles for the different control alternatives are shown with respect to distance. Figure 5: Acceleration profiles of the three different control strategies. Distance is measured in m and acceleration is measured in . The unlike position points where the acceleration is switched depend on which strategy is being applied. This difference can be observed in the graphs. The acceleration profiles that have been previously declared yield specific velocity profiles for each one of the strategies. These are illustrated in Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8 respectively. ~ 11 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 6: Velocity profile with respect to distance for optimal control policy. Distance in measured in m and velocity is measured in m/s. Figure 7: Velocity profile with respect to distance for bang-bang control policy. Distance in measured in m and velocity is measured in m/s. ~ 12 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 8: Velocity profile with respect to distance for decoupled control policy. Distance in measured in m and velocity is measured in m/s. ~ 13 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS 3.4. Raster-scan search path A natural extension of the straight-line search path is use space filling curves to search a two-dimensional area. As an example of this, the raster-scan path that is shown in Figure 9 was considered. Figure 9: Raster scan search path used to perform a 2-dimensional search. Each straight line was 50 cm long and the radius of turn was 2.5 cm. Although now the search path is a smooth curve, the result is still a linear problem; therefore, it can be addressed the same way as a straight line, with the optimal solution approach. In order to do this, the real path was treated as if it were a straight line. To emulate the curve, velocity constraints were imposed in that position interval. Figure 10 shows the velocity profile for this new type of trajectory. ~ 14 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 10: Velocity profile with respect to distance in a raster-scan path. The grey patch indicates the velocity constraint (limits velocity to a maximum of 0.3 m/s). Distance is measured in m and velocity is measured in m/s. As can be seen in Figure 10, the total length of the trajectory is now larger than 1 m since the switch-back turn adds to the two 50 cm long straight lines. An optimal control strategy is being applied in the background, but due to the velocity constraints the velocity profile diverts from the original optimal one from points a to d. From b to c the velocity is limited to a maximum value, determined by the velocity constraint. The time-optimal trajectory from origin to end is the curve that maximizes the motion constraints while remaining on their boundaries [24]. Figure 11 illustrates the end-effector x-y-coordinates acceleration profile. ~ 15 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 11: End-effector x-y-coordinates acceleration profile with respect to distance. Distance is measured in m and acceleration is measured in . 3.5. Second order linear controller: Task Inverse Dynamics As can be seen in Figure 4 and was previously mentioned, the outer-loop controller operates as a conventional linear feedback one. It feeds the inner-loop with task space coordinates accelerations, leaving the inner-loop control unchanged [23]. Let X represent the end-effector pose in the plane. Since X is a function of the joint variables q, (8) (9) where J is the manipulator analytical Jacobian. Given the double integrator system in (10), (10) ~ 16 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS (it is called like that because it represents n uncoupled double integrators) in joint space, using (9) and (10) and choosing to be (11) the result is then another double integrator system but in task space coordinates (12) which have the advantage of being joint non-dependant Since a set of desired accelerations is known, equation (12) is very convenient and perfectly suitable for the needed control. Given a task space trajectory denoted as , the outer-loop control may then be chosen as (13) so that the task space tracking error defined as satisfies (14) This implies that the outer-loop control achieves a linear and decoupled system that is directly in task space coordinates, without needing to compute any joint space trajectory and without changing the inner-loop. The tracking error goes to zero, which means that the controller follows the desired trajectory. ~ 17 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS 3.6. Inner-loop (computed torque) and robot dynamics The robot arm that was used for this project had already been used before. Consequently, an inner-loop controller had already been designed for the purpose of computing desired reference output torques as a function of the measured joint positions and velocities and the given set of joint accelerations ( ) given by the outer-loop control. This aims to compensate for the nonlinearities in the plant model, and also takes into account the dynamics of the manipulator. This controller was based on the one developed in [25] and it is known as the passivity-based adaptive control [23]. Figure 12 illustrates the block diagram used for this task. Figure 12: Block diagram of the inner-loop controller. Its outputs (torques) are directly connected to the robot. Among others, the desired accelerations given by the outer-loop (Aq) are input. Figure 13 is a zoomed in view of the inner-loop control in Figure 12, and Figure 14 shows what is inside Figure 13. ~ 18 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 13: Zoom in on the inner-loop controller in Figure 10. ~ 19 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 14: Zoom in on the block in Figure 11. The values for the gains and the different parameters are listed in Appendix B. ~ 20 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS 3.7. Trajectory planning: path motion Robot control algorithms can be divided into two sections: path or trajectory planning and path tracking. Multiple algorithms are developed in order to achieve the different requirements that each problem may have. Optimal trajectory of an arbitrary manipulator that has to follow a specified path in a one degree of freedom (1-DOF) motion [26], time optimal motions of robotic manipulators along specified paths that accounts for dynamic singularities [27], minimum-time control algorithm for robotic manipulators with geometric constraints, given a specified path [28] or minimum-time manipulator control problem for the case when a path is specified and actuator torque limitations are known [29] are algorithm examples for trajectory planning. In the case of this thesis, specific paths were given - a straight line or a raster scan – and the velocity profiles that were previously addressed determine the trajectory needed for each control strategy. It is obvious that the implemented equations for the movement along the straight line were those of a uniformly accelerated linear motion (15) where the acceleration term is the double integrator variable in task space coordinates that the outer-loop controller controls. This is the way the acceleration interacts with position. In the raster-scan path, there is an extra uniformly accelerated rotational motion that works with rotational coordinates (16) where is the angular velocity and the angular acceleration. ~ 21 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS 3.8. Kinematics The outer-loop controller (see Figure 4) needs to convert from joint coordinates to x-y end-effector coordinates, which will be fed into the inner-loop controller. This is the problem of the inverse kinematics [23]. Given the two-link planar arm seen in Figure 15 there may be two solutions for one x-y desired position of the end-effector, the so-called elbow up and elbow down configurations. In this experiment the elbow down configuration was used. Figure 15: Two-link planar arm used for this project. ~ 22 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 16: Robot arm diagram for inverse kinematics. Considering Figure 16 it is known by the law of cosines that (17) and therefore the sine is given by (18) Hence, is determined by (19) and is now given by (20) ~ 23 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS The same way, whenever it was necessary to convert from x-y end-effector coordinates to joint coordinates, forward kinematics was used, which is the inverse process of the inverse. Following this line, in order to follow a velocity profile it is necessary to know the relationship between the end-effector velocity and the joint velocities. There is a matrix that relates these two, called the Jacobian [23], and it is fundamental. Therefore, (21) (22) For the two-link planar arm used the Jacobian is (23) The Jacobian also allows determining the singular configurations that the manipulator may have. These are important since for those configurations there are several unachievable motions, and they also separate the multiple solutions of the inverse kinematics (i.e. elbow up and down in this case), meaning that the manipulator cannot go from one to another without going through one of this singular configurations. ~ 24 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS 3.9. Simulation results Simulations were done using MATLAB. Two different kinds of experiments were made. 3.9.1. Straight line path First, a 1 m straight line path was considered. For this first simulation experiment, an object (yellow marker) was randomly placed at a certain location along the line. This location was the same for the three control strategies so that results could be comparable (see Figure 17). Figure 17: Straight line path with an object located at 55 cm from origin of line. Axes are in cm. Origin is in the bottom point. The three control strategies that were applied are the ones that were previously mentioned: decoupled, bang-bang and optimal. The base of the robot is considered the origin of coordinates. For the three of them, the end-effector was initialized at the origin of the path and started the search process. Simulations were dynamic, showing the movement of the robot arm, and a picture of the end of the process (i.e. when the end-effector had returned to the position where the object was ~ 25 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS located at) for each one of the control alternatives can be seen in Figure 18, Figure 19 and Figure 20. Figure 18: Object found using decoupled control strategy. Axes are measured in cm. Time to reach target is shown on top of graph. As can be observed in Figure 18, the decoupled control overshoots and exceeds the end of the path. This is because the velocity it had when it passed over the object was very high due to the constant acceleration at maximum rate. When it comes to a stop, it uses a bang-bang control to return to the object. The purple and cyan lines indicate the movement of the two joints during the search process. From these lines it is possible to get a hint of the motion: the more separated they are from each other, the faster the arm was moving. Figure 21 shows the acceleration profile for this trajectory. ~ 26 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 19: Object found using bang-bang control strategy. Axes are measured in cm. Time to reach target is shown on top of graph. The position of the target is indicated in the graph in Figure 21. The movement is ended whenever the manipulator comes to a stop at the position where the target is. ~ 27 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 20: Object found using the optimal strategy. Axes are measured in cm. Time to reach target is shown on top of graph. The bang-bang control decelerates at a maximum rate whenever it passes over the object, and when it comes to a stop it uses another bang-bang control to return to it. As before, Figure 22 shows the acceleration profile that this control followed to find the object. ~ 28 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 21: Acceleration profile with respect to distance for the decoupled control used to find an object placed at 55 cm from the origin. Distance is measured in cm and acceleration is measured in . Figure 22: Acceleration profile with respect to distance for the bang-bang control used to find an object placed at 55 cm from the origin. Distance is measured in cm and acceleration is measured in . The optimal strategy also decelerates at a maximum rate whenever it passes over the object, but due to its velocity profile, it was not going as fast as the bang-bang or the decoupled alternatives when that happened. That is why it was able to stop ~ 29 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS shorter than the other two strategies. It also uses a bang-bang control to return to the object once the manipulator has come to a stop. 3.9.2. Summary table of straight line path results In Table 1 there is a comparative table of the results of the three experiments. It mainly shows the total time to find the object for each one of the experiments. Table 1: Times to achieve target for each control strategy. Time is not measured in real-time seconds since in the simulation there were pauses to allow a better optical view of the motion of the arm. Decoupled control Bang-bang Optimal control control Time 3.6 3.34 3.05 It matches what was expected: the optimal strategy is the fastest one to find the object. 3.9.3. Raster scan path The second type of experiment considered a raster scan path. Each line segment is 50 cm long and the radius of turn is 5 cm long (i.e. total covered distance is 1.1 m). In Figure 23 the raster scan path has been stretched out and converted into a straight line. This shows how the robot arm follows the velocity profile described in Figure 10 along the path. The two blue dots in the middle of the line indicate the interval where the turn is, and therefore the velocity is constant. ~ 30 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 23: Raster scan path stretched out in a line. Axes are measured in m. For the search problem, an object was randomly placed at some point of the path. The optimal control was applied in all the cases, with a maximum acceleration rate of 1 and a maximum velocity constraint of 0.3 m/s in the turn (see Figure 10). In the first experiment, the target was placed at 0.3 m from the origin of the path. In Figure 24 the entire movement can be seen, and Figure 25 shows a zoomed view of the part where the object is. ~ 31 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 24: Object in first line segment when doing a raster scan experiment. Axes are measured in m. ~ 32 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 25: Zoom in on the target zone. Axes are measured in m. As can be seen in Figure 25, when the manipulator comes to a stop, it goes back to the target in a straight line and using a bang-bang control strategy. This is the fastest way to reach the target, and we assume that the workspace is collision free (i.e. there are no other obstacles). In a second experiment, the target was placed in a random location in the curve. Figure 26 illustrates this, and there is a zoomed in view of the target zone in Figure 27. ~ 33 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 26: Object in curve when using a raster scan path. Axes are measured in m. Figure 27: Zoom in on the target zone. Axes are measured in m. ~ 34 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS The same policy is applied for this case: whenever the robot arm passes over the target, it decelerates until it stops, and then uses a bang-bang control policy to return to the object’s location. ~ 35 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS 3.10. Experimental results 3.10.1. Overview The details of the experimental hardware are discussed in Appendix A. The program used to interact with the robot was Simulink (application of Matlab) and the block diagrams that were programmed will be shown later on. Three experiments were done, using the control policies that were used in the simulations in the previous section: an optimal control and a bang-bang for a straight line path and an optimal control for a raster scan path. For the straight line experiment, the target was located in the middle of the linear space. Normalized path position is plotted against path velocity for the optimal policy and for a reasonable alternative policy (i.e. bang-bang control). Both controllers switch to maximum deceleration when they detect the target, just as has previously been discussed. Given that the optimal policy has a lower velocity at the point where the object is found, it needs a shorter distance to come to a stop, which also results in a shorter return time. Negative velocities correspond with the robot returning to the target. Spikes in the velocity are experimental artifacts caused by switching accelerations. Plots have been made with real data collected from the manipulator’s feedback information. Figure 28 shows the velocity profile for a bang-bang control policy, whereas in Figure 29 an optimal strategy can be seen. ~ 36 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 28: Bang-bang velocity profile with respect to distance. Speed is measured in m/s and distance is measured in m. Figure 29: Velocity profile for an optimal control with respect to distance. Speed is measured in m/s and distance is measured in m. ~ 37 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 30 shows the third experiment, where a two-line raster scan path was considered. The grey rectangle represents the velocity constraint of 0.3 m/s (already mentioned in previous sections) when turning corners. The target was located at from the origin. Figure 30: Optimal velocity profile for a two line raster scan search. Distance is measured in m and speed is measured in m/s. To summarize results and prove that the experimental data matches the theory developed in 3.1, Figure 31 shows aggregate results for the optimal policy and both of the alternatives considered in previous sections. The graph represents the total time to reach the target (i.e. both find and return to it) in seconds for a maximum acceleration of 0.2 on a search path on length 0.5 m, as a function of the target position. It can be seen that if the target is placed on the first fraction of the interval, it takes the three control policies more or less the same amount of time to find it, but after one point, the optimal policy is a lot faster than the other two. It is only at the very end of ~ 38 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS the interval that the bang-bang policy becomes better than the optimal, but this is only because at that point the robot arm is already going so slow that it is very easy to stop. Figure 31: Total time elapsed until the object is found with respect to its position along the path. Each data point represents the average of five trials. Time is measured in seconds, and distance is measured in m. 3.10.2. Block diagrams of experimental implementation The block diagrams of the final implementations for both the straight line and the raster scan search problem are included in Appendix C. ~ 39 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS 3.11. Further improvements 3.11.1. New inner-controller In order to collect less noisy data and be able to obtain more clear plots, a new inner-controller was derived to take account of the nonlinearities of the system. This new controller is based on the one discussed in [23]. Let us consider the planar manipulator shown in Figure 32. Figure 32: Dynamic parameters in the two-link revolute joint arm. The rotational joint motion introduces dynamic coupling between the joints. It is known that the dynamic equations of an n-link rigid robot in matrix form are [23], [30] (24) where is the inertia matrix, and velocities and accelerations, respectively. The matrix ~ 40 ~ and are the joint angles, is defined as AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS (25) where are Christoffel symbols (of the first kind). The term g(q) is a vector of torques due to gravitational forces, and is the vector of applied joint torques. The inertia matrix has the form (26) where (27) (28) (29) (30) Values for the masses, lengths and moments of inertia are listed in Appendix B. The Christoffel values are defined by (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) ~ 41 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS (37) yielding matrix C as (38) The total potential energy is given by (39) (39) and therefore the gravitational functions become (40) (41) Finally, the dynamical equations of the system are (42) (43) and and are the input torques to the motors. ~ 42 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Experimental data collection New experiments were tested on the robot with this new inner-controller implemented. The old inner-controller in charge of computing the output reference torques for the motors was eliminated and substituted by the new one. The new block diagram can be seen in Appendix C. For the first experiment, the target was placed in the middle of a 1 m straight line like in the experiment that has previously been mentioned, to be able to compare the performance of the manipulator with both controllers. Figure 33 shows the velocity profile for a bang-bang control policy and Figure 34 shows the optimal control for this experiment. Figure 33: Velocity of the manipulator with respect to distance for a bang-bang controller with object placed at the middle of the interval. Speed is measured in m/s and position is measured in m. ~ 43 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 34: Velocity of manipulator with respect to position for an optimal controller with object placed in the middle of the interval. Speed is measured in m/s and position is measured in m. If Figure 33 and Figure 34 are compared to Figure 28 and Figure 29 respectively, it can be seen that the first ones are less noisy than the others, thus the performance of the robot arm was improved with the new inner-controller. The red cross corresponds to the moment when the object was found and the robot had come to a complete stop. For a second experiment, the object was placed at ¾ of the distance this time (in the same 1 m long straight line), and the same control policies were applied: bangbang and optimal. Figure 35 and Figure 36 show the experimental velocity profile plots for this experiment. ~ 44 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 35: velocity of the end-effector with respect to position for a bang-bang control policy and target located at 75 cm. Speed is measured in m/s and position is measured in m. ~ 45 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 36: Velocity of the manipulator with respect to position for an optimal control policy and target located at 75 cm. Speed is measured in m/s and position is measured in m. 3.11.2. Friction compensation For the control of the raster scan it was found that the use of friction compensation helped get a smoother movement. The basic friction compensation takes into account the Coulomb friction and the viscous. Viscous friction concerns a fluid's internal resistance to flow. Since there is no fluid involved in the case of this project it was ignored. Coulomb friction resists relative lateral motion of two solid surfaces in contact and the idea is that it opposes motion, its magnitude is independent of velocity and contact area and it is constant. In order to compensate for it, its value has to be added to the computed desired torque to cancel its effect. Friction compensation can be seen in Appendix C block diagrams for the raster scan as two blocks, one for each joint. Friction values were initially set by inputting different control signals and measuring the output velocity. This was done for different positive and negative input voltages for each link, and then fit a straight line to the velocity. ~ 46 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS 4 CONCLUSIONS ~ 47 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS 4. CONCLUSIONS The experimental results have verified what was expected: the solution approach for the linear search problem stated at the beginning minimizes the total time to find and return to an object that is under a uniform probability distribution. Intuitively, it may seem reasonable at first that the quickest way to find a target is to go as fast as possible while searching for it. However, the faster the searcher is going when it reaches the target, the longer it will take it to stop, and the later it will start returning to the object. The solution approach takes this into account and finds the equilibrium for this tradeoff; if the object is placed at the very end of the interval, it will take longer to find it than with a bang-bang control policy, but other than that, the optimal algorithm is more prompt in finding the object than any other policy. In non-technical words, it is like the optimal algorithm is “cautious” and does not go very fast so that in case it finds the target, it has enough time to stop. The key part of these results is that they demonstrate that the linear search problem is not confined to straight lines, but can also be applied to search paths with arbitrary curves such as raster scans, and consequently they can be addressed with the same solution approach. The only difference is that configuration-dependent velocity constraints have to be added for the switch-back when turning corners to limit the maximum end-effector velocity. At last, it must be mentioned that all real trajectories have velocity constraints; this algorithm is only optimal if working with short distances so that the velocity limit is not reached shortly and then maintained for a long period of time. This would change the velocity profile into a trapezoidal shape, which would result in another control policy that is not the one being presented here. Opportunities for future work include handling configuration-dependent velocity and acceleration constraints to handle target distributions that are non-uniform and to handle sensor uncertainty – situations where, depending on the configuration, the performance of a sensor may vary. ~ 48 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS APPENDICES ~ 49 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS APPENDIX A. EXPERIMENTAL HARDWARE A.1. Servos The motors used for the experimental arm are model DM1015-B brushless direct drive servos from Parker Compumotor. The following data are provided by [30] and the manufacturer [31]. Peak torque 15 N-m Max. speed 2.0 r/s Encoder resolution 655360 lines Rotor inertia 0.012 – Servo mass 5.5 kg Rotor mass 2.552 kg Axial load: Compression 6600 lb Tension 2200 lb Overhung load 148 ft – lb Torque ripple 5% For this application the servos are operated in “torque mode”; a signal range of applied to the driver corresponds to the desired torque output. A.2. Robot links The robot links are made of 6061 T651 aluminum. Both links are 30 cm long (axis to axis for the first link, axis to tip for the second). Diagrams of the links are shown in the plans attached. In [30] rudimentary stress analysis was used in designing the first link to ensure sufficient rigidity. The link was approximated as a uniform cantilevered beam of length 30 cm, width 10 cm and thickness 2.4 cm, loaded at the tip with a 100 N discrete ~ 50 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS force. The resultant maximum stress was 312 kPa, which is far below yield stress for the material. Tip deflection was also negligible. In this project, a wooden extension was added, but the extra stress that it applied didn’t become a problem for the robot arm to well behave. The second link carries a wooden part that was attached and designed specifically for this project. Figure 35 and Figure 36 show a detailed description of each of the links, and Figure 37 illustrates the wooden extension. ~ 51 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 37: Link 1 of robot arm. ~ 52 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 38: Link 2 of robot arm. ~ 53 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 39: Wooden extension of robot arm. ~ 54 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS APPENDIX B. PARAMETER IDENTIFICATION Physical parameters for the links were determined by direct measurement. Note that moments of inertia are about an axis perpendicular to the plane in which the robot operates (the z axis). Centroids are measured from the servo axis. Original values were taken from [30] where the moments of inertia for the composite links (link, servo rotor, bolts, etc.) were determined by summing the inertias of the components about the servo axis and applying the parallel axis theorem. The new values are shown in Table 2 and Table 3 and they take the wooden extension into account. Table 2: Parameters of link 1 Measured Mass Moment of inertia 0.176 Centroid Table 3: Parameters of link 2 Measured ( Mass is the mass of the wooden extension) Moment of inertia 1.7032 Centroid ~ 55 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS APPENDIX C. BLOCK DIAGRAMS Figures 38 and 39 illustrate how the control of the robot was implemented and Figures 40 and 41 show the improved controller once the new inner controller was designed. The program received data from the encoders on the motors that allowed knowing position, velocity and acceleration at all times and also received feedback from the proximity sensor. The interface connection between the motors (analog) and the external PC (digital) was made through a board that had already been installed for previous projects. The magenta block in the diagrams includes all the programming that was made for trajectory planning and the second order controller, task inverse dynamics, kinematic equations, torque reference generation (inner-loop controller) and mainly all the control for the robot. It can be seen that there is friction compensation for the raster scan control, as it was mentioned in section 3.11.2. ~ 56 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 40: Block diagram to move the robot along a straight line. ~ 57 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 41: Block diagram to move the robot on a raster scan path. ~ 58 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 42: Block diagram to move the robot along a straight line with the improved inner-controller. ~ 59 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Figure 43: Block diagram to move the robot on a raster scan path with the new inner-controller. ~ 60 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS APPENDIX D. CONTROL OF THE ROBOT: C++ CODE In this appendix the code for the control of the robot is included. D.1. contains the functions that generate the trajectory for the robot when it is moving along a straight line, and D.2. is for the trajectory generation of the raster scan. D.1. Functions for a straight line movement. /* * MoveRobot.c: * THis function computes desired XY accelerations and joint accelerations * Basic 'C' template for a level 2 S-function. * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------* | See matlabroot/simulink/src/sfuntmpl_doc.c for a more detailed template | * -----------------------------------------------------------------------* * Copyright 1990-2001 The MathWorks, Inc. * $Revision: 1.26 $ */ /* * You must specify the S_FUNCTION_NAME as the name of your Sfunction * (i.e. replace sfuntmpl_basic with the name of your Sfunction). */ #define S_FUNCTION_NAME MoveRobot #define S_FUNCTION_LEVEL 2 /* * Need to include simstruc.h for SimStruct and * its associated macro definitions. */ #include "simstruc.h" #include "stdio.h" the definition //constants: Parameter of Inertia and C Matrices: const real_T m1 = 7.848; const real_T m2 = 4.604075 + 1.1341; // % mass of arm extension const real_T lc1 = .1554; ~ 61 ~ of the 1.1341kg is AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS const real_T lc2 = 0.0839; //%was .0275; %= (.0275*4.604075 + 0.3127*1.1341)/m2 //const real_T l1 = .3; //const real_T l2 = .3 + .15; //%don't care const real_T I1 = .176; const real_T I2 = .03 + 1.6732; //%AutoCAD says the extension's Iyy around the the axis of rotation is 1.6732 kg/m^2 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// // LOCAL FUNCTIONS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////// void SlowDown(real_T xy_Pos_des[2], real_T xy_Vel_des[2], real_T xy_Acc_des[2], const real_T current_time, const real_T Xstart[2], const real_T Xend[2], const real_T Vs[2], const real_T maxAccel ); int Inv_Kin(real_T th[2], real_T X[2], real_T a1, real_T a2); void DesiredJointAccel(real_T joint_out_acc[], const real_T xy_pos[], const real_T xy_des_pos[], real_T xy_des_vel[], real_T xy_des_acc[], const real_T joint_pos[], const real_T joint_vel[], const real_T kGains[], const real_T a[], real_T xy_vel[], real_T thdot[] ); void DesiredValues(real_T xy_Pos_des[2], real_T xy_Vel_des[2], real_T xy_Acc_des[2], const real_T current_time, const real_T Xstart[2], const real_T Xend[2], const real_T maxAccel, const real_T minAccel); //\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /* Error handling * -------------* * You should use the following technique to report errors encountered within * an S-function: * * ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Error encountered due to ..."); * return; * * Note that the 2nd argument to ssSetErrorStatus must be persistent memory. * It cannot be a local variable. For example the following will cause * unpredictable errors: * * mdlOutputs() ~ 62 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS * { * char msg[256]; {ILLEGAL: to fix use "static char msg[256];"} * sprintf(msg,"Error due to %s", string); * ssSetErrorStatus(S,msg); * return; * } * * See matlabroot/simulink/src/sfuntmpl_doc.c for more details. */ /*====================* * S-function methods * *====================*/ /* Function: mdlInitializeSizes =============================================== * Abstract: * The sizes information is used by Simulink to determine the S-function * block's characteristics (number of inputs, outputs, states, etc.). */ static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S) { /* See sfuntmpl_doc.c for more details on the macros below */ ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, 0); /* Number of expected parameters */ if (ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) != ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) { /* Return if number of expected != number of actual parameters */ return; } ssSetNumContStates(S, 0); ssSetNumDiscStates(S, 0); if (!ssSetNumInputPorts(S, 10)) return; ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 0, 1); //object_detected ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 1, 1); //init ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 2, 1); //time ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 3, 2); //Xstart ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 4, 2); //Xend ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 5, 2); //linkLen ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 6, 2); //pAccels ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 7, 2); //Gains (K0,K1) ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 8, 2); //Q ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 9, 2); //Q_dot ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 0, input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 1, input signal access*/ ~ 63 ~ true); true); /*direct /*direct AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 2, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 3, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 4, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 5, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 6, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 7, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 8, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 9, true); /*direct input signal access*/ /* * Set direct feedthrough flag (1=yes, 0=no). * A port has direct feedthrough if the input is used in either * the mdlOutputs or mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit functions. * See matlabroot/simulink/src/sfuntmpl_directfeed.txt. */ ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 0, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 1, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 2, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 3, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 4, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 5, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 6, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 7, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 8, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 9, 1); if (!ssSetNumOutputPorts(S, 9)) return; ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 0, 2); //xy_curr_vel ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 1, 2); //xy_curr_pos ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 2, 2); //xy_Pos_des ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 3, 1); //pParamError ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 4, 1); //pState ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 5, 2); //Joint Accelerations (rad/s^2) ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 6, 2); //xy_arm_position ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 7, 1); //FinishingTime ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 8, 2); //output torques ssSetNumSampleTimes(S, 1); ssSetNumRWork(S, 0); ssSetNumIWork(S, 0); ssSetNumPWork(S, 0); ssSetNumModes(S, 0); ssSetNumNonsampledZCs(S, 0); ssSetOptions(S, 0); ~ 64 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS } /* Function: mdlInitializeSampleTimes ========================================= * Abstract: * This function is used to specify the sample time(s) for your * S-function. You must register the same number of sample times as * specified in ssSetNumSampleTimes. */ static void mdlInitializeSampleTimes(SimStruct *S) { ssSetSampleTime(S, 0, CONTINUOUS_SAMPLE_TIME); ssSetOffsetTime(S, 0, 0.0); } #undef MDL_INITIALIZE_CONDITIONS /* Change to #undef to remove function */ #if defined(MDL_INITIALIZE_CONDITIONS) /* Function: mdlInitializeConditions ======================================== * Abstract: * In this function, you should initialize the continuous and discrete * states for your S-function block. The initial states are placed * in the state vector, ssGetContStates(S) or ssGetRealDiscStates(S). * You can also perform any other initialization activities that your * S-function may require. Note, this routine will be called at the * start of simulation and if it is present in an enabled subsystem * configured to reset states, it will be call when the enabled subsystem * restarts execution to reset the states. */ static void mdlInitializeConditions(SimStruct *S) { } #endif /* MDL_INITIALIZE_CONDITIONS */ #undef MDL_START /* Change to #undef to remove function */ #if defined(MDL_START) /* Function: mdlStart ======================================================= * Abstract: ~ 65 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS * This function is called once at start of model execution. If you * have states that should be initialized once, this is the place * to do it. */ static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S) { } #endif /* MDL_START */ //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%ANGLES ARE IN RADIANS%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%DISTANCES ARE IN CM%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% int Inv_Kin(real_T th[2], real_T X[2], real_T a1, real_T a2){ real_T D = (X[0]*X[0] a2*a2)/(2*a1*a2); if (fabs(D) > 1){ return 1; } + X[1]*X[1] - //% elbow up: sqrt(1-D^2), elbow down:-sqrt(1-D^2) th[1] = atan2(sqrt(1-D*D),D); //%angle1 th[0] = atan2(X[1],X[0]) atan2(a2*sin(th[1]),a1+a2*cos(th[1])); //%angle2 return 0; } a1*a1- - /** function ComputeTorques * given the current position and velocity and desired joint acceleration, determines the necessary motor torque * taking into consideration intertia and centrifugal forces. * q = Joint Position * q_d = Joint Velocity * q_dd = Joins Acceleration */ void ComputeTorques( const real_T a[], const real_T q[], const real_T q_d[], const real_T q_dd[], real_T joint_trq[] ){ // inertia and christoffel symbols real_T d11 = m1*lc1*lc1 m2*(a[0]*a[0]+lc2*lc2+2*a[0]*lc2*cos(q[1])) + I1 +I2; real_T d12 = m2*(lc2*lc2+a[0]*lc2*cos(q[1])) + I2; real_T d21 = d12; real_T d22 = m2*lc2*lc2 + I2; //CONSTANT real_T c121 = -m2*a[0]*lc2*sin(q[1]); real_T c112 = -c121; real_T c211 = c121; real_T c221 = c121; //%The torques joint_trq[0] = d11*q_dd[0]+ d12*q_dd[1] (c121+c211)*q_d[0]*q_d[1] +c221*(q_d[1])*(q_d[1]); ~ 66 ~ + + AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS joint_trq[1] = c112*(q_d[0])*(q_d[0]); return; } d21*q_dd[0]+ d22*q_dd[1] + /** function SlowDown * Inputs: xy_Pos_des desired (x,y) coordinate of End effector * Description: computes (x,y) accelerations, velocities and positions desired to stop the arm */ void SlowDown(real_T xy_Pos_des[2], real_T xy_Vel_des[2], real_T xy_Acc_des[2], const real_T current_time, const real_T Xstart[2], const real_T Xend[2], const real_T Vs[2], const real_T maxAccel ) { real_T unit_vector[2]; real_T Dist = sqrt(pow(Xend[0]-Xstart[0],2) + pow(Xend[1]-Xstart[1],2)); unit_vector[0] = (Xend[0]-Xstart[0])/Dist; unit_vector[1] = (Xend[1]-Xstart[1])/Dist; xy_Acc_des[0] = maxAccel*unit_vector[0]; xy_Acc_des[1] = maxAccel*unit_vector[1]; xy_Vel_des[0] = Vs[0] + xy_Acc_des[0]*current_time; xy_Vel_des[1] = Vs[1] + xy_Acc_des[1]*current_time; xy_Pos_des[0] = Xstart[0] + Vs[0]*current_time 0.5*current_time*current_time*xy_Acc_des[0]; xy_Pos_des[1] = Xstart[1] + Vs[1]*current_time 0.5*current_time*current_time*xy_Acc_des[1]; + + return; } void DesiredJointAccel(real_T joint_out_acc[], const real_T xy_pos[], const real_T xy_des_pos[], real_T xy_des_vel[], real_T xy_des_acc[], const real_T joint_pos[], const real_T joint_vel[], const real_T kGains[], const real_T a[], real_T xy_vel[], real_T thdot[] ){ real_T xy_out_accel[2]; real_T Jinv[2][2], Jdot[2][2], Jdet;//, th1dot,th2dot; real_T k0 = kGains[0]; real_T k1 = kGains[1]; // convert q and q_dot to Vel (velocity kinematics) xy_vel[0] = (-a[0]*sin(joint_pos[0]) a[1]*sin(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])) * joint_vel[0] //Vel Jacobian +(-a[1]*sin(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])) * joint_vel[1]; ~ 67 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS xy_vel[1] = ( a[0]*cos(joint_pos[0]) +a[1]*cos(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])) * joint_vel[0] +( a[1]*cos(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])) * joint_vel[1]; // output xy acceleration in end effector coordinates xy_out_accel[0] = xy_des_acc[0]-k0*(xy_pos[0]xy_des_pos[0])-k1*(xy_vel[0]-xy_des_vel[0]); //eq 8.37, page 298 xy_out_accel[1] = xy_des_acc[1]-k0*(xy_pos[1]xy_des_pos[1])-k1*(xy_vel[1]-xy_des_vel[1]); //GTH //invKin(des_joint_pos, xy_pos, a); // page 24, eq 1.10 if( joint_pos[1] == 0){ if( xy_des_pos[1] > 0 ){ //to avoid the singularity joint_out_acc[0] = 0.2; joint_out_acc[1] = 0.2; } else if( xy_des_pos[1] < 0 ) { joint_out_acc[0] = -0.2; joint_out_acc[1] = -0.2; } else{ //we are in an ok place joint_out_acc[0] = 0; joint_out_acc[1] = 0; } return; } else{ Jdet = 1/(a[0]*a[1]*sin(joint_pos[1])); } Jinv[0][0] = Jdet*a[1]*cos(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1]); Jinv[0][1] = Jdet*a[1]*sin(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1]); Jinv[1][0] = Jdet*(-a[0]*cos(joint_pos[0])a[1]*cos(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])); Jinv[1][1] = Jdet*(-a[0]*sin(joint_pos[0])a[1]*sin(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])); thdot[0] Jinv[0][0]*xy_des_vel[0]+Jinv[0][1]*xy_des_vel[1]; thdot[1] Jinv[1][0]*xy_des_vel[0]+Jinv[1][1]*xy_des_vel[1]; = = Jdot[0][0] = -a[0]*cos(joint_pos[0])a[1]*cos(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])*(thdot[0]+thdot[1]); Jdot[0][1] = a[1]*cos(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])*(thdot[0]+thdot[1]); Jdot[1][0] = -a[0]*sin(joint_pos[0])a[1]*sin(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])*(thdot[0]+thdot[1]); Jdot[1][1] = a[1]*sin(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])*(thdot[0]+thdot[1]); // desired acceleration in joint coordinates ~ 68 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS //eq 8.35, page 298 joint_out_acc[0] = Jinv[0][0]*(xy_out_accel[0](Jdot[0][0]*thdot[0]+Jdot[0][1]*thdot[1])) +Jinv[0][1]*(xy_out_accel[1](Jdot[1][0]*thdot[0]+Jdot[1][1]*thdot[1])); joint_out_acc[1] = Jinv[1][0]*(xy_out_accel[0](Jdot[0][0]*thdot[0]+Jdot[0][1]*thdot[1])) +Jinv[1][1]*(xy_out_accel[1](Jdot[1][0]*thdot[0]+Jdot[1][1]*thdot[1])); return; } void DesiredValues(real_T xy_Pos_des[2], real_T xy_Vel_des[2], real_T xy_Acc_des[2], const real_T current_time, const real_T Xstart[2], const real_T Xend[2], const real_T maxAccel, const real_T minAccel){ real_T V0[2]; real_T unit_vector[2],interpoint[2]; real_T dt, Dist,t0,t1; //compute t0; Dist = sqrt( pow(Xend[0]-Xstart[0],2) + Xstart[1],2) ); pow(Xend[1]- t0 = sqrt(fabs(Dist/(0.5* maxAccel maxAccel*maxAccel/minAccel + 0.5*maxAccel*maxAccel/minAccel))); t1 = -maxAccel*t0/minAccel; unit_vector[0] = Xstart[0])/Dist*maxAccel/fabs(maxAccel); unit_vector[1] = Xstart[1])/Dist*maxAccel/fabs(maxAccel); interpoint[0] = 0.5*maxAccel*t0*t0*unit_vector[0]; interpoint[1] = 0.5*maxAccel*t0*t0*unit_vector[1]; (Xend[0](Xend[1]Xstart[0] + Xstart[1] + if ((current_time <= t0) && (current_time != 0)){ //Equations for first fraction of distance xy_Acc_des[0] = maxAccel*unit_vector[0]; xy_Acc_des[1] = maxAccel*unit_vector[1]; xy_Vel_des[0] = xy_Acc_des[0]*current_time; xy_Vel_des[1] = xy_Acc_des[1]*current_time; xy_Pos_des[0] = Xstart[0] + 0.5*current_time*xy_Vel_des[0]; xy_Pos_des[1] = Xstart[1] + 0.5*current_time*xy_Vel_des[1]; } else if( current_time <= t0+t1){ //Equations for second fraction of distance ~ 69 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS V0[0] = maxAccel*t0*unit_vector[0]; V0[1] = maxAccel*t0*unit_vector[1]; dt = (current_time-t0); xy_Acc_des[0] = minAccel*unit_vector[0]; xy_Acc_des[1] = minAccel*unit_vector[1]; xy_Vel_des[0] = V0[0] + xy_Acc_des[0]*dt; xy_Vel_des[1] = V0[1] + xy_Acc_des[1]*dt; xy_Pos_des[0] = interpoint[0] + V0[0]*dt + 0.5*dt*dt*xy_Acc_des[0]; xy_Pos_des[1] = interpoint[1] + V0[1]*dt + 0.5*dt*dt*xy_Acc_des[1]; } else{ xy_Pos_des[0] = Xend[0]; xy_Pos_des[1] = Xend[1]; xy_Vel_des[0] = 0; xy_Vel_des[1] = 0; xy_Acc_des[0]= 0; xy_Acc_des[1]= 0; } return; } /* Function: mdlOutputs ======================================================= * Abstract: * In this function, you compute the outputs of your Sfunction * block. Generally outputs are placed in the output vector, ssGetY(S). */ real_T xy_Pos_obj[2]; real_T xy_Pos_zero[2]; real_T xy_Vel_obj[2]; static real_T xy_Vel[2]; static int state = 0; real_T timeObj = 0; real_T timeStop= 0; static int finished = 0; //set flag to false static real_T finishingTime = 0; static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) { //inputs const real_T *pObj_detected = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,0); // 1 = object detected, 0 = no object const real_T *pinit = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,1); // 0= initing, 1 = run ~ 70 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS const real_T *ptime = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,2); //time (seconds) const real_T *Xs = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,3); // xy starting state (meters) const real_T *Xe = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,4); // xy ending state (meters) const real_T *linkLen = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,5); // length of links in m const real_T *pAccel = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,6); // maximum/min allowed acceleration (m/s^2) const real_T *kGains = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,7); // gains K0 and K1 (position and derivative) const real_T *Q = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,8); //joint position (radians) const real_T *Q_dot = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,9); //joint velocity (radians/s) real_T maxAccel real_T minAccel = pAccel[0]; = pAccel[1]; real_T time = *ptime; real_T init = *pinit; real_T object_detected = *pObj_detected; //outputs real_T *xy_curr_vel = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,0); // current real velocity of joints real_T *xy_curr_pos = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,1); // current real position of joints real_T *xy_Pos_des = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,2); // desired position (m) real_T *pParamError = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,3); // error signal 1= err, 0 = OK real_T *pState = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,4); // state of system real_T *joint_out_acc = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,5); // desired joint accel (rad/s^2) real_T *X = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,6); // current xy arm position real_T *FinishTime = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,7); // total time to reach object real_T *joint_trq = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,8); // output torques real_T xy_Vel_des[2]; real_T thdot[2]; // variables //real_T X[2]; //current position of the end effector real_T d, xy_Acc_des[2]; real_T Dist, unit_vector[2]; real_T X0[2]; X[0] = linkLen[0]*cos(Q[0]) + linkLen[1]*cos(Q[0]+Q[1]); //Forward Kinematics ~ 71 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS X[1] = linkLen[0]*sin(Q[0]) + linkLen[1]*sin(Q[0]+Q[1]); if(init == 0){ //the robot needs to be sent to the initialization setting X0[0] = 0; X0[1] = 0; //check for error *pParamError = 0; //ensures that the line segment between Xs and Xe is in the workspace of the robot d = fabs( ((Xe[0]-Xs[0])*(Xs[1]-X0[1])-(Xs[0]X0[0])*(Xe[1]-Xs[1]))/sqrt(pow(Xs[0]-Xe[0],2)+pow(Xs[1]Xe[1],2))); if(d < fabs(linkLen[0]-linkLen[1])){ //strErr='The line is unreachable for the robot'; *pParamError = 1; return; } else if (sqrt( pow(Xs[0]-X0[0],2)+pow(Xs[1]X0[1],2) )>(linkLen[0]+linkLen[1]) || (sqrt( pow(Xe[0]X0[0],2)+pow(Xe[1]-X0[1],2) )>(linkLen[0]+linkLen[1])) ){ //strErr='The line is not within the robot workspace'; *pParamError = 2; return; } xy_Acc_des[0] xy_Acc_des[1] xy_Vel_des[0] xy_Vel_des[1] xy_Pos_des[0] xy_Pos_des[1] Dist X[1],2) = sqrt( = = = = = = 0; 0; 0; 0; Xs[0]; Xs[1]; pow(Xs[0]-X[0],2) + pow(Xs[1]- ); unit_vector[0] = (Xs[0]-X[0])/Dist; unit_vector[1] = (Xs[1]-X[1])/Dist; if(Dist > 0.05) //limit the distance we try to go { xy_Pos_des[0] = X[0] + 0.05*unit_vector[0]; xy_Pos_des[1] = X[1] + 0.05*unit_vector[1]; } state = 0; timeObj = 0; timeStop= 0; finishingTime = 0; finished = 0; } else{//move to the goal // %have we seen the object? if( state == 0 && object_detected){ state = 1; ~ 72 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS xy_Vel_obj[0] = xy_Vel[0]; // in XY coordinates xy_Vel_obj[1] = xy_Vel[1]; xy_Pos_obj[0] = X[0]; xy_Pos_obj[1] = X[1]; timeObj = time; } //dot product of Vel and the unit vector from start to end. If it is positive, we are moving along unit vector. else if (state == 1 && ((Xe[0]-Xs[0])*xy_Vel[0] + (Xe[1]-Xs[1])*xy_Vel[1])<=0 ){ xy_Pos_zero[0] = X[0]; xy_Pos_zero[1] = X[1]; state = 2; timeStop = time; } //compute desired acceleration if( state == 0){ //%search for object DesiredValues(xy_Pos_des, xy_Vel_des, xy_Acc_des, time, Xs, Xe, maxAccel, minAccel); } else if (state == 1){ // %slow down arm SlowDown(xy_Pos_des, xy_Vel_des, xy_Acc_des, time-timeObj, xy_Pos_obj,Xe, xy_Vel_obj, -maxAccel ); } else if (state == 2){ // % go to object DesiredValues(xy_Pos_des, xy_Vel_des, xy_Acc_des,time-timeStop, xy_Pos_zero, xy_Pos_obj, -maxAccel, maxAccel); if( xy_Acc_des[1]== 0) { finished == 0 && xy_Acc_des[0] == 0 && finished = 1; //set flag to true finishingTime = time; //record finishing time } } }//end big else on <init> *FinishTime =finishingTime; //Inv_Kin(th_des, xy_Pos_des, linkLen[0], linkLen[1]); *pState = (real_T) state; xy_Vel[0] = xy_Vel_des[0]; //save previous velocity xy_Vel[1] = xy_Vel_des[1]; DesiredJointAccel(joint_out_acc, X, xy_Pos_des, xy_Acc_des, Q, Q_dot, kGains,linkLen, xy_curr_vel,thdot); // compute the torques for each link ~ 73 ~ xy_Vel_des, AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS //ComputeTorques( linkLen, Q, Q_dot, joint_trq ); ComputeTorques( linkLen, Q, thdot, joint_trq ); return; } joint_out_acc, joint_out_acc, #define MDL_UPDATE /* Change to #undef to remove function */ #if defined(MDL_UPDATE) /* Function: mdlUpdate ====================================================== * Abstract: * This function is called once for every major integration time step. * Discrete states are typically updated here, but this function is useful * for performing any tasks that should only take place once per * integration step. */ static void mdlUpdate(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) { } #endif /* MDL_UPDATE */ #define MDL_DERIVATIVES /* Change to #undef to remove function */ #if defined(MDL_DERIVATIVES) /* Function: mdlDerivatives ================================================= * Abstract: * In this function, you compute the S-function block's derivatives. * The derivatives are placed in the derivative vector, ssGetdX(S). */ static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S) { } #endif /* MDL_DERIVATIVES */ /* Function: mdlTerminate ===================================================== * Abstract: * In this function, you should perform any actions that are necessary * at the termination of a simulation. For example, if memory was * allocated in mdlStart, this is the place to free it. */ static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S) ~ 74 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS { } /*======================================================* * See sfuntmpl_doc.c for the optional S-function methods * *======================================================*/ /*=============================* * Required S-function trailer * *=============================*/ #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE MEX-file? */ #include "simulink.c" #else #include "cg_sfun.h" function */ #endif /* Is this file being compiled as a /* MEX-file interface mechanism */ /* Code generation registration D.2. Functions for a raster scan movement. /* * MoveRobot.c: * This function computes desired XY accelerations and joint accelerations * for a 2-link robot implementing a raster scan search for an object. * Irene Ruano and Aaron Becker * Basic 'C' template for a level 2 S-function. * * -----------------------------------------------------------------------* | See matlabroot/simulink/src/sfuntmpl_doc.c for a more detailed template | * -----------------------------------------------------------------------* * */ /* * You must specify the S_FUNCTION_NAME as the name of your Sfunction * (i.e. replace sfuntmpl_basic with the name of your Sfunction). */ #define S_FUNCTION_NAME MoveRobot #define S_FUNCTION_LEVEL 2 #define m_pi 3.141592653589793 /* ~ 75 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS * Need to include simstruc.h for the definition of the SimStruct and * its associated macro definitions. */ #include "simstruc.h" #include "stdio.h" //constants: Parameter of Inertia and C Matrices: const real_T m1 = 7.848; const real_T m2 = 4.604075 + 1.1341; // % 1.1341kg is mass of arm extension const real_T lc1 = .1554; const real_T lc2 = 0.0839; //%was .0275; %= (.0275*4.604075 + 0.3127*1.1341)/m2 //const real_T l1 = .3; //const real_T l2 = .3 + .15; //%don't care const real_T I1 = .176; const real_T I2 = .03 + 1.6732; //%AutoCAD says the extension's Iyy around the the axis of rotation is 1.6732 kg/m^2 /* Error handling * -------------* * You should use the following technique to report errors encountered within * an S-function: * * ssSetErrorStatus(S,"Error encountered due to ..."); * return; * * Note that the 2nd argument to ssSetErrorStatus must be persistent memory. * It cannot be a local variable. For example the following will cause * unpredictable errors: * * mdlOutputs() * { * char msg[256]; {ILLEGAL: to fix use "static char msg[256];"} * sprintf(msg,"Error due to %s", string); * ssSetErrorStatus(S,msg); * return; * } * * See matlabroot/simulink/src/sfuntmpl_doc.c for more details. */ /*====================* * S-function methods * *====================*/ ~ 76 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS /* Function: mdlInitializeSizes =============================================== * Abstract: * The sizes information is used by Simulink to determine the S-function * block's characteristics (number of inputs, outputs, states, etc.). */ static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S) { /* See sfuntmpl_doc.c for more details on the macros below */ ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, 0); /* Number of expected parameters */ if (ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) != ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) { /* Return if number of expected != number of actual parameters */ return; } ssSetNumContStates(S, 0); ssSetNumDiscStates(S, 0); if (!ssSetNumInputPorts(S, 12)) return; ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 0, 1); //object_detected ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 1, 1); //init ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 2, 1); //time ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 3, 2); //Xstart ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 4, 2); //Xend ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 5, 2); //linkLen ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 6, 1); //radious ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 7, 2); //pAccel(max and min for bang bang) ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 8, 1); //minVel ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 9, 2); //Gains (K0,K1) ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 10, 2); //Q ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 11, 2); //Q_dot ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 0, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 1, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 2, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 3, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 4, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 5, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 6, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 7, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ~ 77 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 8, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 9, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 10, true); /*direct input signal access*/ ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 11, true); /*direct input signal access*/ /* * Set direct feedthrough flag (1=yes, 0=no). * A port has direct feedthrough if the input is used in either * the mdlOutputs or mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit functions. * See matlabroot/simulink/src/sfuntmpl_directfeed.txt. */ ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 0, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 1, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 2, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 3, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 4, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 5, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 6, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 7, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 8, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 9, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 10, 1); ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, 11, 1); if (!ssSetNumOutputPorts(S, 7)) return; ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 0, 2); //xy_Curr_vel ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 1, 2); //xy_Curr_pos ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 2, 2); //xy_Pos_des ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 3, 1); //pParamError ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 4, 1); //pState ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 5, 2); //Joint Accelerations (rad/s^2) ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 6, 2); //output torques ssSetNumSampleTimes(S, 1); ssSetNumRWork(S, 0); ssSetNumIWork(S, 0); ssSetNumPWork(S, 0); ssSetNumModes(S, 0); ssSetNumNonsampledZCs(S, 0); ssSetOptions(S, 0); } /* Function: mdlInitializeSampleTimes ========================================= * Abstract: * This function is used to specify the sample time(s) for your ~ 78 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS * S-function. You must register the same number of sample times as * specified in ssSetNumSampleTimes. */ static void mdlInitializeSampleTimes(SimStruct *S) { ssSetSampleTime(S, 0, CONTINUOUS_SAMPLE_TIME); ssSetOffsetTime(S, 0, 0.0); } #undef MDL_INITIALIZE_CONDITIONS /* Change to #undef to remove function */ #if defined(MDL_INITIALIZE_CONDITIONS) /* Function: mdlInitializeConditions ======================================== * Abstract: * In this function, you should initialize the continuous and discrete * states for your S-function block. The initial states are placed * in the state vector, ssGetContStates(S) or ssGetRealDiscStates(S). * You can also perform any other initialization activities that your * S-function may require. Note, this routine will be called at the * start of simulation and if it is present in an enabled subsystem * configured to reset states, it will be call when the enabled subsystem * restarts execution to reset the states. */ static void mdlInitializeConditions(SimStruct *S) { } #endif /* MDL_INITIALIZE_CONDITIONS */ #undef MDL_START /* Change to #undef to remove function */ #if defined(MDL_START) /* Function: mdlStart ======================================================= * Abstract: * This function is called once at start of model execution. If you * have states that should be initialized once, this is the place * to do it. */ static void mdlStart(SimStruct *S) { } #endif /* MDL_START */ ~ 79 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS /** function ComputeTorques * given the current position and velocity and desired joint acceleration, determines the necessary motor torque * taking into consideration intertia and centrifugal forces. * q = Joint Position * q_d = Joint Velocity * q_dd = Joins Acceleration */ void ComputeTorques( const real_T a[], const real_T q[], const real_T q_d[], const real_T q_dd[], real_T joint_trq[] ){ // inertia and christoffel symbols real_T d11 = m1*lc1*lc1 + m2*(a[0]*a[0]+lc2*lc2+2*a[0]*lc2*cos(q[1])) + I1 +I2; real_T d12 = m2*(lc2*lc2+a[0]*lc2*cos(q[1])) + I2; real_T d21 = d12; real_T d22 = m2*lc2*lc2 + I2; //CONSTANT real_T c121 = -m2*a[0]*lc2*sin(q[1]); real_T c112 = -c121; real_T c211 = c121; real_T c221 = c121; //%The torques joint_trq[0] = d11*q_dd[0]+ d12*q_dd[1] + (c121+c211)*q_d[0]*q_d[1] +c221*(q_d[1])*(q_d[1]); joint_trq[1] = d21*q_dd[0]+ d22*q_dd[1] + c112*(q_d[0])*(q_d[0]); return; } /** function Inv_Kin * Description: Inverse Kinematics. Returns angle of joints given an end effector position * Characteristics: ANGLES IN RADIANS. DISTANCES IN M */ int Inv_Kin(real_T th[2], real_T X[2], real_T a1, real_T a2) { real_T D = (X[0]*X[0] + X[1]*X[1] - a1*a1a2*a2)/(2*a1*a2); if (fabs(D) > 1){ return 1; } //% elbow up: sqrt(1-D^2), elbow down:-sqrt(1-D^2) th[1] = atan2(sqrt(1-D*D),D); //%angle1 th[0] = atan2(X[1],X[0]) atan2(a2*sin(th[1]),a1+a2*cos(th[1])); //%angle2 return 0; } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ~ 80 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS /** function SlowDown * --flag indicates where the object was found. Xend is where the end of the first line is. * -- time_incr is the time elapsed since we found the object * Vel_o and Pos_o are the velocity and position of the robot when it found the object * Description: computes (x,y) accelerations, velocities and positions desired to stop the arm after having found the object * Characteristics: MaxAccel HAS TO BE POSITIVE WHEN FED IN!!!!!!!!!!!!! */ static real_T t_aux, Vel_aux[2]; // t_aux is the time when we move from one type of line segment onto another, Vel_aux is the corresponding XY velocity void SlowDown(real_T flag, real_T radious, real_T leg, const real_T *Xstart, const real_T *Xend, real_T maxAccel, real_T Vel_o[2], real_T Pos_o[2], real_T X_des[2], real_T Vel_des[2], real_T Accel_des[2], real_T time_incr, int *state) { real_T unit_vector_line[2], Vel_mag; real_T theta, theta_dot, theta_dot_dot; real_T dt; //printf("Flag = %f, Vel_o: %f,%f\n", (float)flag, (float)Vel_o[0], (float)Vel_o[1]); unit_vector_line[0] = 0; unit_vector_line[1] = 1; if (flag == 1) //object found in first line { X_des[0] = Pos_o[0]; X_des[1] = Pos_o[1] + Vel_o[1]*time_incr 0.5*maxAccel*pow(time_incr,2); Vel_des[0] = Vel_o[0] time_incr*maxAccel*unit_vector_line[0]; Vel_des[1] = Vel_o[1] time_incr*maxAccel*unit_vector_line[1]; Accel_des[0] = -maxAccel*unit_vector_line[0]; Accel_des[1] = -maxAccel*unit_vector_line[1]; if (X_des[1] <= (Xstart[1] + leg)) // We are still on the first leg { t_aux = time_incr; Vel_aux[0] = Vel_des[0]; Vel_aux[1] = Vel_des[1]; } if ((Vel_des[1] <= 0) && (X_des[1] <= Xstart[1] + leg)) //if y coord. velocity is 0 and we have stopped in the line ~ 81 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS { *state = 2; return; } if (X_des[1] > Xstart[1] + leg) //we went past the leg into the curve { dt = time_incr - t_aux; theta_dot_dot = -maxAccel/radious; theta_dot = Vel_aux[1]/radious + theta_dot_dot*dt; theta = Vel_aux[1]/radious*dt + 0.5*theta_dot_dot*pow(dt,2); X_des[0] = Xstart[0] - radious + radious*cos(theta); X_des[1] = Xstart[1] + leg + radious* sin(theta); Vel_des[0] = -radious*sin(theta)*theta_dot; Vel_des[1] = Vel_aux[1] + radious*cos(theta)*theta_dot; Accel_des[0] = radious*cos(theta)*pow(theta_dot,2) radious*sin(theta)*theta_dot_dot; Accel_des[1] = radious*sin(theta)*pow(theta_dot,2) + radious*cos(theta)*theta_dot_dot; if (theta_dot <= 0) //we have stopped { *state = 2; return; } //if object is found in b, it comes to a stop before getting to point c AS LONG AS //THE RADIOUS IS NOT DECREASED TOO MUCH TO CHANGE THE VELOCITY CONSTRAINT WIDTH SIGNIFICANTLY } } //closes curly brackets on else if flag1 else if (flag == 2) //object found in curve { theta_dot_dot = -maxAccel/radious; //constant deceleration Vel_mag = sqrt(pow(Vel_o[0],2) + pow(Vel_o[1],2)); theta_dot = Vel_mag/radious + theta_dot_dot*time_incr; theta = atan2(Pos_o[1]-leg-Xstart[1], Pos_o[0]-Xstart[0]+radious) + Vel_mag/radious*time_incr + 0.5*theta_dot_dot*pow(time_incr,2); X_des[0] = Xstart[0] - radious + radious*cos(theta); X_des[1] = Xstart[1] + leg + radious*sin(theta); Vel_des[0] = -radious*sin(theta)*theta_dot; Vel_des[1] = radious*cos(theta)*theta_dot; Accel_des[0] = -radious*cos(theta)*pow(theta_dot,2)radious*sin(theta)*theta_dot_dot; ~ 82 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Accel_des[1] = radious*sin(theta)*pow(theta_dot,2)+radious*cos(theta)*theta_do t_dot; if (theta < m_pi) //we are still on the curve { t_aux = time_incr; Vel_aux[0] = Vel_des[0]; Vel_aux[1] = Vel_des[1]; if (theta_dot <= 0) //we stopped on the curve { *state = 2; return; } } if (theta > m_pi) //we have passed the curve { dt = time_incr - t_aux; X_des[0] = Xstart[0] - 2.0*radious; X_des[1] = Xend[1] + Vel_aux[1]*dt + 0.5*pow(dt,2)*maxAccel; Vel_des[0] = Vel_aux[0] + dt*maxAccel*unit_vector_line[0]; Vel_des[1] = Vel_aux[1] + dt*maxAccel*unit_vector_line[1]; Accel_des[0] = maxAccel*unit_vector_line[0]; Accel_des[1] = maxAccel*unit_vector_line[1]; if (Vel_des[1] >= 0) //we start going upwards { *state = 2; return; } } } //closes curly brackets of else if flag2 else if (flag == 3) //object found in second line { X_des[0] = Xstart[0] - 2*radious; X_des[1] = Pos_o[1] + Vel_o[1]*time_incr + 0.5*pow(time_incr,2)*maxAccel; Vel_des[0] = 0; Vel_des[1] = Vel_o[1] + time_incr*maxAccel*unit_vector_line[1]; Accel_des[0] = 0; Accel_des[1] = -maxAccel*unit_vector_line[1]; if (Vel_des[1] >= 0) { *state = 2; return; } } return; } //closes curly brackets of function ~ 83 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /** function DesiredJointAccel * Description: Outputs the desired acceleration for each joint, having applied a controller, given xy values * Characteristics: ANGLES IN RADIANS. DISTANCES IN M */ void DesiredJointAccel(real_T joint_out_acc[], const real_T xy_pos[], const real_T xy_des_pos[], real_T xy_des_vel[], real_T xy_des_acc[], const real_T joint_pos[], const real_T joint_vel[], const real_T kGains[], const real_T a[] , real_T xy_vel[], real_T thdot[] ) { real_T xy_out_accel[2]; real_T Jinv[2][2], Jdot[2][2], Jdet; real_T k0 = kGains[0]; real_T k1 = kGains[1]; // convert q and q_dot to Vel (inverse velocity kinematics) xy_vel[0] = (-a[0]*sin(joint_pos[0]) a[1]*sin(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])) * joint_vel[0] //Vel Jacobian +(-a[1]*sin(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])) * joint_vel[1]; xy_vel[1] = ( a[0]*cos(joint_pos[0]) +a[1]*cos(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])) * joint_vel[0] +( a[1]*cos(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])) * joint_vel[1]; // output xy acceleration in end effector coordinates xy_out_accel[0] = xy_des_acc[0]-k0*(xy_pos[0]xy_des_pos[0])-k1*(xy_vel[0]-xy_des_vel[0]); //eq 8.37, page 298 xy_out_accel[1] = xy_des_acc[1]-k0*(xy_pos[1]xy_des_pos[1])-k1*(xy_vel[1]-xy_des_vel[1]); // ONLY USE POSITION INFO! // xy_out_accel[0] = -k0*(xy_pos[0]-xy_des_pos[0]); 8.37, page 298 // xy_out_accel[1] = -k0*(xy_pos[1]-xy_des_pos[1]); //invKin(des_joint_pos, xy_pos, a); // page 24, eq 1.10 if( joint_pos[1] == 0){ if( xy_des_pos[1] > 0 ){ //avoid singularity joint_out_acc[0] = 0.2; joint_out_acc[1] = 0.2; } else if( xy_des_pos[1] < 0 ) { ~ 84 ~ //eq AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS joint_out_acc[0] = -0.2; joint_out_acc[1] = -0.2; } else{ //we are in an ok place joint_out_acc[0] = 0; joint_out_acc[1] = 0; } return; } else{ Jdet = 1/(a[0]*a[1]*sin(joint_pos[1])); } Jinv[0][0] = Jdet*a[1]*cos(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1]); Jinv[0][1] = Jdet*a[1]*sin(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1]); Jinv[1][0] = Jdet*(-a[0]*cos(joint_pos[0])a[1]*cos(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])); Jinv[1][1] = Jdet*(-a[0]*sin(joint_pos[0])a[1]*sin(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])); thdot[0] = Jinv[0][0]*xy_des_vel[0]+Jinv[0][1]*xy_des_vel[1]; thdot[1] = Jinv[1][0]*xy_des_vel[0]+Jinv[1][1]*xy_des_vel[1]; Jdot[0][0] = -a[0]*cos(joint_pos[0])a[1]*cos(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])*(thdot[0]+thdot[1]); Jdot[0][1] = a[1]*cos(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])*(thdot[0]+thdot[1]); Jdot[1][0] = -a[0]*sin(joint_pos[0])a[1]*sin(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])*(thdot[0]+thdot[1]); Jdot[1][1] = a[1]*sin(joint_pos[0]+joint_pos[1])*(thdot[0]+thdot[1]); // desired acceleration in joint coordinates //eq 8.35, page 298 joint_out_acc[0] = Jinv[0][0]*(xy_out_accel[0](Jdot[0][0]*thdot[0]+Jdot[0][1]*thdot[1])) +Jinv[0][1]*(xy_out_accel[1](Jdot[1][0]*thdot[0]+Jdot[1][1]*thdot[1])); joint_out_acc[1] = Jinv[1][0]*(xy_out_accel[0](Jdot[0][0]*thdot[0]+Jdot[0][1]*thdot[1])) +Jinv[1][1]*(xy_out_accel[1](Jdot[1][0]*thdot[0]+Jdot[1][1]*thdot[1])); return; } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /** function TrajectoryValues * Description: Computes the position and velocities values for only certain specific times and parts of the trajectory of interest.(t0,a,b,c,d,e) ~ 85 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS * Characteristics: ANGLES IN RADIANS. DISTANCES IN M */ void TrajectoryValues (real_T Times[6], real_T Points[2][6], real_T leg, const real_T radious, const real_T Xstart[2], const real_T Xend[2], const real_T maxAccel, real_T minAccel, const real_T minVel) { ////////////////// REMEMBER: MaxAccel ALWAYS HAS TO BE 1! /////////////////// Xend is where te first straight line ends, before the turn ///////////////// real_T a, Dist, pos_a, vel_a, pos_d, vel_d, s0[400], sd0[400]; real_T t0, t1, T0[400], timetoa, timetob, timetoc, timetod, timetostop; real_T x0, v0, v1, x1, x02, v02, x12; int i; a = 1+sqrt(2); Dist = 2.0*leg + m_pi*radious; //Distance from origin to end plus the turn and the come back // times in bang-bang control t0 = sqrt(fabs(Dist/(0.5*maxAccel 0.5*pow(maxAccel,2)/minAccel))); //time applying maxAccel from beggining until switch t1 = -maxAccel*t0/minAccel; //time to come to a stop going at minAccel //Position and velocity profiles in the bang-bang control T0[0] = 0; s0[0] = 0; sd0[0] = 0; for (i=1 ;i<400 ; i++) { T0[i] = T0[i-1] + t0/400.0; // creating time vector s0[i] = 0.5*maxAccel*pow(T0[i],2); //position profile sd0[i] = T0[i]*maxAccel; //velocity profile } //Position and velocity of point a, first intersection. x0 = s0[399]; v0 = sd0[399]; v1 = minVel; x1 = leg; pos_a = //position of vel_a = a timetoa t0 to a timetob to b ((pow(v0,2)-pow(v1,2)-2*(x1-x0))/(1/a-2))+ x0; point a sqrt(pow(v0,2)-(pos_a-x0)/a); //velocity of point = (vel_a - sd0[399])/minAccel; //time to go from = (vel_a - minVel)/maxAccel; //time to go from a ~ 86 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS timetoc = radious*m_pi/minVel; //time to go from b to c //Position and velocity of point d, second intersection x02 = leg + m_pi*radious; v02 = minVel; x12 = Dist; //v12 = 0; pos_d = (x12-x02-pow(v02,2)*a)/(2*a+1)+x02; //position of point d vel_d = sqrt(pow(v02,2)+2*(pos_d-x02)); //velocity of point d timetod = (vel_d - minVel)/maxAccel; //time to go from c to d timetostop = -vel_d/minAccel; //time to come to a stop from d //points coordinates. points t0, a,b,c,d. First row is position, second is velocity Points[0][0] Points[1][0] Points[0][1] Points[1][1] Points[0][2] Points[1][2] Points[0][3] Points[1][3] Points[0][4] Points[1][4] Points[0][5] Points[1][5] = = = = = = = = = = = = s0[399]; sd0[399]; pos_a; vel_a; leg; minVel; leg + radious*m_pi; minVel; pos_d; vel_d; Dist; 0; //Precomputed times to reach each location (t0, a, b, c, d) Times[0] Times[1] Times[2] Times[3] Times[4] Times[5] = = = = = = t0; timetoa + Times[0]; timetob + Times[1]; timetoc + Times[2]; timetod + Times[3]; timetostop + Times[4]; } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /** function DesiredValues * Description: Computes the desired values for acceleration, velocity and position along the trajectory (without object) * Characteristics: minAccel is given, but it is the optimal one, not the bang bang */ void DesiredValues(real_T xy_Pos_des[2], real_T xy_Vel_des[2], real_T xy_Acc_des[2], real_T leg, ~ 87 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS real_T current_time, const real_T Xstart[2], const real_T Xend[2], const real_T radious, const real_T maxAccel, const real_T minVel, real_T minAccel, real_T Times_val[6], real_T Points_val[2][6]) { ////////////////// REMEMBER: MaxAccel ALWAYS HAS TO BE 1 /////////////////// Xend is where the first straight line ends, before the turn ///////////////// real_T dt; real_T unit_vector_line[2], theta, theta_dot; unit_vector_line[0] = Xstart[0])/sqrt(pow(Xend[0] Xstart[1],2)); unit_vector_line[1] = Xstart[1])/sqrt(pow(Xend[0] Xstart[1],2)); (Xend[0] - Xstart[0],2) + pow(Xend[1] (Xend[1] - Xstart[0],2) + pow(Xend[1] - if (current_time == 0){ //TODO: this is unecessary since the init state is ok xy_Acc_des[0] = 0; xy_Acc_des[1] = 0; xy_Vel_des[0] = 0; xy_Vel_des[1] = 0; xy_Pos_des[0] = Xstart[0]; xy_Pos_des[1] = Xstart[1]; } else if (current_time <= Times_val[0]){ //Equations for first fraction of distance, from origin to point t0 xy_Acc_des[0] = maxAccel*unit_vector_line[0]; xy_Acc_des[1] = maxAccel*unit_vector_line[1]; xy_Vel_des[0] = current_time*maxAccel*unit_vector_line[0]; xy_Vel_des[1] = current_time*maxAccel*unit_vector_line[1]; xy_Pos_des[0] = Xstart[0]; xy_Pos_des[1] = Xstart[1] + 0.5*pow(current_time,2)*maxAccel; } else if(current_time <= Times_val[1]){ //Equations for second fraction of distance, from point t0 to point a dt = (current_time-Times_val[0]); xy_Acc_des[0] = minAccel*unit_vector_line[0]; xy_Acc_des[1] = minAccel*unit_vector_line[1]; xy_Vel_des[0] = (Points_val[1][0] + dt*minAccel)*unit_vector_line[0]; xy_Vel_des[1] = (Points_val[1][0] + dt*minAccel)*unit_vector_line[1]; xy_Pos_des[0] = Xstart[0]; xy_Pos_des[1] = Xstart[1] + Points_val[0][0] + Points_val[1][0]*dt + 0.5*pow(dt,2)*minAccel; } ~ 88 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS else if(current_time <= Times_val[2]){ //Equations for third fraction of distance, from point a to point b dt = (current_time-Times_val[1]); xy_Acc_des[0] = -maxAccel*unit_vector_line[0]; xy_Acc_des[1] = -maxAccel*unit_vector_line[1]; xy_Vel_des[0] = (Points_val[1][1] dt*maxAccel)*unit_vector_line[0]; xy_Vel_des[1] = (Points_val[1][1] dt*maxAccel)*unit_vector_line[1]; xy_Pos_des[0] = Xstart[0]; xy_Pos_des[1] = Xstart[1] + Points_val[0][1] + Points_val[1][1]*dt - 0.5*pow(dt,2)*maxAccel; } else if(current_time <= Times_val[3]){ //Equations for fourth fraction of distance, from point b to point c dt = (current_time-Times_val[2]); theta = minVel/radious*dt; theta_dot = minVel/radious; xy_Acc_des[0] = radious*cos(theta)*pow(theta_dot,2); xy_Acc_des[1] = radious*sin(theta)*pow(theta_dot,2); xy_Vel_des[0] = -radious*sin(theta)*theta_dot; xy_Vel_des[1] = radious*cos(theta)*theta_dot; xy_Pos_des[0] = Xstart[0] - radious + radious*cos(theta); xy_Pos_des[1] = Xstart[1] + leg + radious*sin(theta); //printf(" Pos at end of curve: x: %f y: %f \n", (float) xy_Pos_des[0], (float)xy_Pos_des[1]); } else if(current_time <= Times_val[4]){ //Equations for fifth fraction of distance, from point c to point d dt = (current_time-Times_val[3]); xy_Acc_des[0] = maxAccel*unit_vector_line[0]; xy_Acc_des[1] = maxAccel*unit_vector_line[1]; xy_Vel_des[0] = dt*maxAccel*unit_vector_line[0]; xy_Vel_des[1] = minVel + dt*maxAccel*unit_vector_line[1]; xy_Pos_des[0] = Xstart[0] - 2*radious; xy_Pos_des[1] = Xend[1] - minVel*dt 0.5*pow(dt,2)*maxAccel; } else if(current_time <= Times_val[5]){ //Equations for sixth fraction of distance, from point d to point end dt = (current_time-Times_val[4]); xy_Acc_des[0] = 0;//minAccel*unit_vector_line[0]; xy_Acc_des[1] = -minAccel*unit_vector_line[1]; xy_Vel_des[0] = 0;//dt*minAccel*unit_vector_line[0]; xy_Vel_des[1] = -Points_val[1][4] dt*minAccel*unit_vector_line[1]; xy_Pos_des[0] = Xstart[0] - 2*radious; xy_Pos_des[1] = Xstart[1] + (2*leg+m_pi*radiousPoints_val[0][4]) - Points_val[1][4]*dt .5*minAccel*dt*dt;//Xend[1] - (Points_val[0][4] - ~ 89 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS Points_val[0][3]) - Points_val[1][4]*dt + 0.5*pow(dt,2)*minAccel; //printf(" unitvector: %f,%f, minAccel: Velocity: %f\n", (float) unit_vector_line[0], (float)unit_vector_line[1], (float) minAccel, (float)Points_val[1][4]); } else{ xy_Pos_des[0] = Xstart[0] - 2.0*radious; xy_Pos_des[1] = Xstart[1]; xy_Vel_des[0] = 0.0; xy_Vel_des[1] = 0.0; xy_Acc_des[0] = 0.0; xy_Acc_des[1] = 0.0; %f, } return; } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% /** function DesiredValues_bangbang * Description: Computes the desired values for acceleration, velocity and position for the bang bang control, * to go in a straight line from where the robot has stopped to where the object is * Characteristics: minAccel is given, it's a different one than the optimal. * IMPORTANT: Xstart IS WHEN THE ROBOT STOPPED, Xend IS WHERE THE OBJECT IS * --time_incr is the time elapsed since we stopped * --MaxAccel DOESN'T HAVE TO BE 1 IN HERE * maxAcc has to be positive, and minAcc has to be negative */ void DesiredValues_bangbang(real_T time_incr, const real_T Xstart[2], const real_T Xend[2], const real_T maxAccel, const real_T minAccel_bangbang, real_T X_des[2], real_T Vel_des[2], real_T Accel_des[2]) { real_T Dist, unit_vec[2], interpoint[2], V0[2]; real_T t0, t1; //Computation of interpoint Dist = sqrt(pow(Xend[0]-Xstart[0],2) + pow(Xend[1]Xstart[1],2)); //Distance to object in a straight line // Computation of times t0 = sqrt(Dist/(0.5*maxAccel + maxAccel*(maxAccel/minAccel_bangbang) + 0.5*minAccel_bangbang*pow((maxAccel/minAccel_bangbang),2))); //time to interpoint t1 = (-maxAccel*t0/minAccel_bangbang); //time to end from interpoint //unit vector of straight line from stop to object ~ 90 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS unit_vec[0] = (Xend[0]-Xstart[0])/sqrt(pow(Xend[0]Xstart[0],2) + pow(Xend[1]-Xstart[1],2)); unit_vec[1] = (Xend[1]-Xstart[1])/sqrt(pow(Xend[0]Xstart[0],2) + pow(Xend[1]-Xstart[1],2)); interpoint[0] = 0.5*maxAccel*pow(t0,2)*unit_vec[0] + Xstart[0]; interpoint[1] = 0.5*maxAccel*pow(t0,2)*unit_vec[1] + Xstart[1]; if (time_incr < t0) { //Equations for first fraction of distance X_des[0] = Xstart[0] + 0.5*maxAccel*pow(time_incr,2)*unit_vec[0]; X_des[1] = Xstart[1] + 0.5*maxAccel*pow(time_incr,2)*unit_vec[1]; Vel_des[0] = maxAccel*time_incr*unit_vec[0]; Vel_des[1] = maxAccel*time_incr*unit_vec[1]; Accel_des[0] = maxAccel*unit_vec[0]; Accel_des[1] = maxAccel*unit_vec[1]; } else if (time_incr > t0) { //Equations for second fraction of distance V0[0] = maxAccel*t0*unit_vec[0]; V0[1] = maxAccel*t0*unit_vec[1]; if (time_incr < t0+t1) { X_des[0] = interpoint[0] + V0[0]*(time_incrt0)+0.5*minAccel_bangbang*pow((time_incr-t0),2)*unit_vec[0]; X_des[1] = interpoint[1] + V0[1]*(time_incr-t0)+0.5*minAccel_bangbang*pow((time_incrt0),2)*unit_vec[1]; Vel_des[0] = V0[0] + minAccel_bangbang*(time_incr-t0)*unit_vec[0]; Vel_des[1] = V0[1] + minAccel_bangbang*(time_incr-t0)*unit_vec[1]; Accel_des[0] = minAccel_bangbang*unit_vec[0]; Accel_des[1] = minAccel_bangbang*unit_vec[1]; } else { X_des[0] = Xend[0]; X_des[1] = Xend[1]; Vel_des[0] = 0; Vel_des[1] = 0; Accel_des[0] = 0; Accel_des[1] = 0; } } } ~ 91 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS /* Function: mdlOutputs ======================================================= * Abstract: * In this function, you compute the outputs of your Sfunction * block. Generally outputs are placed in the output vector, ssGetY(S). */ static int state = 0; // 0 is init/starting search, 1 means we saw the object 2 is bang-bang to object, 3 is finished static real_T flag = 0; static real_T timeObj = 0; static real_T timeStop= 0; static real_T xy_Vel[2] = {0,0}; //the desired velocity from the previous step static real_T xy_Pos_obj[2]; static real_T xy_Vel_obj[2]; static real_T xy_stop_Pos[2]; static real_T xy_prev_Pos[2] = {0,0}; static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) { //inputs const real_T *pObj_detected = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,0); // 1 = object detected, 0 = no object const real_T *pinit = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,1); // 0= initing, 1 = run const real_T *ptime = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,2); //time (seconds) const real_T *Xs = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,3); // xy starting state (meters) const real_T *Xe = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,4); // xy ending state (meters) const real_T *linkLen = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,5); // length of links in m const real_T *pradious = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,6); // radious of turn in m const real_T *pAccel = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,7); // maximum acceleration and min (for bang bang)(m/s^2) const real_T *pminVel = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,8); // minimum velocity (m/s) const real_T *kGains = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,9); // gains K0 and K1 (position and derivative) const real_T *Q = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,10); //joint position (radians) const real_T *Q_dot = (const real_T*) ssGetInputPortSignal(S,11); //joint velocity (radians/s) real_T maxAccel first element (POSITIVE) = pAccel[0]; //maxAccel is the ~ 92 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS real_T bang control SIMULINK) real_T real_T minAccel_bang = pAccel[1]; //minAccel for bang (not optimal) is the second element (POSITIVE IN minVel radious = *pminVel; = *pradious; real_T time = *ptime; real_T init = *pinit; real_T object_detected = *pObj_detected; //outputs real_T *xy_curr_vel desired acceleration (m/s^2) real_T *xy_curr_pos desired velocity (m/s) real_T *xy_Pos_des desired position (m) real_T *pParamError error signal 1= err, 0 = OK real_T *pState state of system real_T *joint_out_acc desired joint accel (rad/s^2) real_T *joint_trq ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,6); real_T thdot[2]; = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,0); // = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,1); // = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,2); // = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,3); // = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,4); // = ssGetOutputPortSignal(S,5); // = // output torques real_T xy_Acc_des[2], xy_Vel_des[2]; // temporary variables real_T X[2]; //current position of the end effector //real_T d; real_T Dist, unit_vector[2]; real_T X0[2]; real_T leg; real_T minAccel_opt, a; real_T Times[6], Points[2][6]; a = 1+sqrt(2); // this is the optimal slow down acceleration minAccel_opt = -maxAccel/(2*a); //fed to DesiredValues and TrajectoryValues X0[0] = 0; X0[1] = 0; leg = sqrt(pow(Xe[0] - Xs[0],2) + pow(Xe[1] - Xs[1],2) ); //How long is the straight line // the current xy_position X[0] = linkLen[0]*cos(Q[0]) + linkLen[1]*cos(Q[0]+Q[1]); //Forward Kinematics X[1] = linkLen[0]*sin(Q[0]) + linkLen[1]*sin(Q[0]+Q[1]); xy_curr_pos[0] = X[0]; xy_curr_pos[1] = X[1]; ~ 93 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS TrajectoryValues (Times, Points, leg, radious, Xs, Xe, maxAccel, minAccel_opt, minVel); //minAccel is negative if(init == 0) //move the arm to Xs, the starting configuration { xy_Acc_des[0] = 0; xy_Acc_des[1] = 0; xy_Vel_des[0] = 0; xy_Vel_des[1] = 0; xy_Pos_des[0] = Xs[0]; xy_Pos_des[1] = Xs[1]; Dist = sqrt( X[1],2) pow(Xs[0]-X[0],2) + pow(Xs[1]- ); unit_vector[0] = (Xs[0]-X[0])/Dist; unit_vector[1] = (Xs[1]-X[1])/Dist; if(Dist > 0.5) //limit the distance we try to go { xy_Pos_des[0] = X[0] + 0.5*unit_vector[0]; xy_Pos_des[1] = X[1] + 0.5*unit_vector[1]; } state = 0; timeObj = 0; timeStop = 0; } else { //search for the object // %have we seen the object? if( state == 0 && object_detected) { state = 1; //Save the Velocity and position of robot when found object // this takes the previous desired velocity value instead of the real one that the robot xy_Vel_obj[0] = xy_Vel[0]; // in XY coordinates xy_Vel_obj[1] = xy_Vel[1]; xy_Pos_obj[0] = xy_prev_Pos[0]; xy_Pos_obj[1] = xy_prev_Pos[1]; // time at which object was found timeObj = time; if (timeObj <= Times[2]) // we found the object in the first line { flag = 1; } else if (timeObj <= Times[3]) //we found the object in the curve { flag = 2; } else //we found the object in the second line ~ 94 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS { flag = 3; } } //compute desired acceleration if( state == 0)//search for object { DesiredValues(xy_Pos_des, xy_Vel_des, xy_Acc_des, leg, time, Xs, Xe, radious, maxAccel, minVel, minAccel_opt, Times, Points); } else if (state == 1) // slow down arm { SlowDown(flag, radious, leg, Xs, Xe, maxAccel, xy_Vel_obj, xy_Pos_obj, xy_Pos_des, xy_Vel_des, xy_Acc_des, time-timeObj, &state); if (state == 2) //we have slowed the arm to zero velocity { timeStop = time; xy_stop_Pos[0] = xy_prev_Pos[0]; xy_stop_Pos[1] = xy_prev_Pos[1]; } } else if (state == 2) // go to object { DesiredValues_bangbang(time-timeStop, xy_stop_Pos, xy_Pos_obj, maxAccel, -minAccel_bang, xy_Pos_des, xy_Vel_des, xy_Acc_des); } }//end big else on <init> //Inv_Kin(th_des, xy_Pos_des, linkLen[0], linkLen[1]); *pState = (real_T) state; xy_Vel[0] = xy_Vel_des[0]; //save previous velocity xy_Vel[1] = xy_Vel_des[1]; xy_prev_Pos[0] = xy_Pos_des[0]; //save previous position xy_prev_Pos[1] = xy_Pos_des[1]; DesiredJointAccel(joint_out_acc, X, xy_Pos_des, xy_Vel_des, xy_Acc_des, Q, Q_dot, kGains,linkLen, xy_curr_vel,thdot); // compute the torques for each link ComputeTorques( linkLen, Q, thdot, joint_trq ); joint_out_acc, return; } #define MDL_UPDATE /* Change to #undef to remove function */ #if defined(MDL_UPDATE) ~ 95 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS /* Function: mdlUpdate ====================================================== * Abstract: * This function is called once for every major integration time step. * Discrete states are typically updated here, but this function is useful * for performing any tasks that should only take place once per * integration step. */ static void mdlUpdate(SimStruct *S, int_T tid) { } #endif /* MDL_UPDATE */ #define MDL_DERIVATIVES /* Change to #undef to remove function */ #if defined(MDL_DERIVATIVES) /* Function: mdlDerivatives ================================================= * Abstract: * In this function, you compute the S-function block's derivatives. * The derivatives are placed in the derivative vector, ssGetdX(S). */ static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S) { } #endif /* MDL_DERIVATIVES */ /* Function: mdlTerminate ===================================================== * Abstract: * In this function, you should perform any actions that are necessary * at the termination of a simulation. For example, if memory was * allocated in mdlStart, this is the place to free it. */ static void mdlTerminate(SimStruct *S) { } /*======================================================* * See sfuntmpl_doc.c for the optional S-function methods * *======================================================*/ /*=============================* * Required S-function trailer * ~ 96 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS *=============================*/ #ifdef MATLAB_MEX_FILE MEX-file? */ #include "simulink.c" #else #include "cg_sfun.h" function */ #endif /* Is this file being compiled as a /* MEX-file interface mechanism */ /* Code generation registration ~ 97 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS REFERENCES ~ 98 ~ AN OPTIMAL SOLUTION TO THE LINEAR SEARCH PROBLEM FOR A ROBOT WITH DYNAMICS REFERENCES [1] R. Bellman, “Problem 63-9, an optimal search,” SIAM Review Journal, vol. 5, no. 3, p.274, Jul. 1963. [2] A. 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